#teenage bilbo and thorin right here
sunnyrosewritesstuff · 8 months
Pls the 4 first lines of Beneath the Oak tree!!
Of course! Thank you for the ask. I'm like halfway through this fic at this point so here's the first four lines of what I was just working on (plus one extra because I couldn't resist).
“Guess who?”
Thorin reacted on instinct to someone sneaking up on him, throwing their hands over his eyes. However, it was only after pulling his assailant over his shoulder that he was able to register Bilbo’s voice, and he awkwardly tried to abort his motion, somehow catching the hobbit by the knee. Bilbo hung upside down in front of him, giving a strained grin as Thorin used his other hand to hook under his back and right the hobbit in front of him. 
“Well that was quite the greeting. Hello, love.”
Pick a WIP for me to write.
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
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Fandom: The Hobbit
Pairings: Thorin Oakenshield x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Insecurity, fluff
Summary: You and Thorin are so deeply insecure about how you come across to each other and feel inadequacy. Will you finally be able to admit to each other how you feel?
Notes/comments: If you like this fic, please consider a reblog. My tag list is also open if you wish to be added. Please let me know if you want to be added to the Follow Forever list or a particular character/fandom list.
This is a request from an anonymous reader who has asked for a reader and Thorin fic where they both feel love, which is requited, but hold feelings of inadequacy. I've also said that I'm always happy to write for Thorin, as he's still my main love, but I'm worrying now that my fics are all sounding the same and my ideas for him are getting quite old.
It felt like an old teenage crush. You were constantly watching from a distance, listening in to every word he said, fantasising about sharing a heartfelt kiss. But it was all so ridiculous. Why on earth would Thorin Oakenshield, the rightful King of Erebor ever look at you in such a way? It kept you awake at night, the heartache of feeling unwanted. The Dwarves had happily welcomed you to their Company, and had proved delightful travelling companions for the most part. But the budding feelings you had for their leader was becoming all consuming now. Whenever he spoke and you felt butterflies in your gut, and most of the time, speaking became almost impossible when he was directly face to face with you.
Thorin sat across the camp, on the opposite side, his back perched against a large boulder. A fire was burning a few feet away, central to all of the Company who were scattered in a circle. He could make out your shape, huddled back to back with Bilbo. He felt envy at the halfling for being so close to you. You had fit in so well with everyone, finding a place where you could feel accepted. But somehow Thorin noticed how different you were in his company to everyone else. With the others and you laughed, played pranks, spoke of your former life. Whenever you were with him and you became distant, almost withdrawn. The longer you had spent with the Company and the deeper it pained him whenever you glanced away as he attempted to talk to you.
You woke in the middle of the night, your bladder close to bursting. You shuffled away from the camp, and stood behind a tree, stooping to relieve yourself.
Once you were done, you got to your feet and looked up at the stars overhead. They made you think of home, where everything that was familiar to you resided.
You heard footsteps behind you.
"My apologies. I did not realise you were out here," Thorin's voice came. Oh, that voice. It sent trails of electricity racing through you and conjured rather erotic mental images.
"I was just going back to the camp," you replied, ready to dart past him.
Thorin sighed in frustration. "Why do you find me so difficult to talk to?" he growled. "Am I repulsive to you?"
You stopped, shocked by his outburst. Then you turned slowly to face him. He was so handsome, and every time you looked upon that inner and outward beauty, it stunned you to silence. "I..."
Thorin could sense your discomfort and clenched his fist, shaking his head. "Good night!" He began to stamp away, but was caught off guard when he heard you speak his name. Hearing your voice utter his name was musical to his ears, so angelic.
"I've never meant to...offend you," you said, your voice still showing traces of your anxiety. "I'm sorry. Please don't hate me."
His bright blue eyes shone as he looked back over his shoulder to you, his gaze just above the fur of his pelt. "Hate?" Thorin chuckled. "That is what you feel for me."
"No, I don't hate you. Far from it. I never know how to be when I'm with you. Look at you," you said, finally allowing the dam to break. The words fell from your lips, beginning to highlight how you felt. "You're a king. And I'm...well, nothing."
Thorin turned to face you completely and stepped up to you. His eyes had grown warm, the ferocity of anger having left them. "Whenever I'm in your presence and I see you with the others, it's you who makes me feel like I'm nothing."
"How could I ever make you feel like that?"
"I wish you could see yourself through my eyes," Thorin said. "And that distance between us has only made me feel more beneath those I consider friends."
"No," you exclaimed. "Never." You shot to Thorin and took his hand in yours, holding it to your chest. "I'd never want you to feel that way. Never. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."
Thorin felt an array of emotions rage inside him, mixed with arousal. He wanted you in so many ways, and all of it was overwhelming him. "There is nothing to forgive. I was becoming a prisoner of my own thoughts. Would you walk with me?"
"Of course," you replied.
The two of you walked side by side, down a pathway towards a river. The sound of it flowing got louder, and gradually you found yourself the other side of a thicket and the river was there, open before you.
Thorin put his hand on the base of your back, urging you to go before him.
"I enjoy walking at night," he told you.
"I've noticed quite a few times that you've disappeared from the camp, and I always wondered where you'd gone," you replied.
Thorin chuckled. "You took more notice of me than I realised."
"I always tried to make it look like I wasn't watching," you said, beginning to giggle. "It looks like I at least acted that part well."
You felt Thorin take your hand, the two of you stood at the edge of the river. He lifted it to his lips and kissed it gently. You couldn't help but smile as his beard tickled your skin.
The two of you locked gazes, and this time your heart raced in anticipation, not nervousness.
It was finally happening, Thorin thought. He was about to kiss you, and as he did, he wound his arms around your middle. You smelled and tasted divine, so much better than all of his fantasies.
You smiled beneath his kisses and let him continue kissing you until the two of you lost your breaths.
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @i-did-not-mean-to @meganlpie @luna-xial @linasofia @guardianofrivendell @middleearthpixie @asgardianhobbit98 @eunoiaastralwings @knitastically @sunflwrnsunnieshine @rachel1959 @msjava1972 @spidergirla5 @xxbyimm @tschrist1 @quiall321
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green-fifteen · 5 months
Day 8: Callous
Fandom: The Hobbit
Relationship: fem!Bilbo Baggins/fem!Thorin Oakenshield
Word Count: too long already i'm tired
written for @fluffyfebruary
This AU draws heavily from the EXTREMELY inspiring work of @rutobuka2 (specifically, lumberjack!Thorin and Thorin's design in the Barricade AU (link to NSFW comic))
*i am publishing this in its current and incomplete form because i'm not going to finish it!*
Dis had said, This one is a Kindergarten teacher because I'm running out of friends.
Thorin had said, I wish you would run out faster, but she'd gone on the date anyway. Her sister had gotten married two summers before, and was now bound and determined to find someone for Thorin. Usually, they were people Dis barely knew, from her jewelry work or Vili's gym. On one truly unspeakable occasion, Thorin had gone out with someone Dis described to her as "unfortunately tall," and who turned out to be a wood elf. But they were not all bad. The last time Dis set her up, Dori had become a trusted friend (if not anything more). At the end of the day, she was willing to give some Kindergarten teacher at least one date, if only so Dis would back off for a few more weeks.
But her sister was right: Kindergarten was not her type. As she readied herself for the evening, she was imagining her date as a paint-spattered, bubbly blonde. In her imagination, she could see her talk to the waiter like they were best friends and eventually tell Thorin her entire life story. She'd have no boundaries and no real difficulty in her life.
Thorin sighed. She was being unfair, but she already didn't think they'd have anything in common. Thorin's own job was grueling, demanding, and isolating. She wasn't the kind of person who could sit down with someone and get cozy over appetizers-- the idea made her frown in discomfort. She needed something steady and lasting, rooted in the earth like the trees in her woods.
She pulled on her flannel and snapped the buttons all the way to her neck. At least she wouldn't have to talk about herself, if the teacher did decide to share her life story.
When she arrived at the restaurant at 6:30, Thorin parked her truck and headed straight to her preferred booth. The spotty teenager at the host stand had been working the last couple times she'd been here and gave her a smile. She kept her face to the ground, scowling.
Her seat was in the back, close to the kitchen and a little noisy. She had a great view of the front windows, where she could see anybody pulling up. When Dis had made the mistake of setting her up with the elf, Thorin had been able to slip away when she saw the creature crawl out of her car in the parking lot. Even having narrowly escaped what would have been the worst date of her life, she'd spent the rest of the evening thinking up insults for her sister.
Now, Thorin watched the parking lot idly and turned the table knife over in her hands. It was sturdy quality, if not very sharp. The wood of the handle was a little rotten from being soaked, but the metal was good. She heard a woman's voice from a table in front of her.
"Sorry, but could I get a refill? I'm afraid I'm still waiting." The waitress scurried off and Thorin saw the Hobbit woman sigh and shift in her seat. She felt a stab of sympathy and sipped at her own water. It seemed they were both stuck in date-limbo.
The Hobbit was cute, with mops of auburn curls on the top of her head and just below her ankles. She wore a deep burgundy dress and looked to be doing a crossword puzzle at the table. Thorin watched her in profile, forgetting about the cars in the parking lot.
[Bilbo, Kindy teacher, goes on a first and second date with Thorin, park ranger. She's half in love already and Thorin is on the exact same page. Actually, Thorin is fully in love by the second date and wants to start looking for rings so she never has to give her up. But that's not really something she's about to say.
Thorin takes her home in the car she borrowed from Dis and before Bilbo gets out, Thorin grabs her hand and pulls her so they're facing each other. She slowly brings their faces together, a hand on either side of Bilbo's bare neck. After a perfect first kiss, Thorin dives in for another and another, stopping when she hears Bilbo suddenly gasp. She keeps stroking her thumbs under her jaw as she leans back a little.
Bilbo is near speechless at the feeling of Thorin's calloused fingers dragging over the soft skin of her neck and jaw. She takes Thorin's mouth again a little roughly and bites at her lip, before recalling herself and pulling away. It's almost 11 on a weeknight (WHY did she agree to go out on a Monday again???) so, it's time for sensible teachers to go to sleep. Thorin asks what time school gets out and if she can pick her up for dinner. Again. The next day. She teaches half days so she gets out at 1:30. Thorin says they can have lunch, too.]
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lordoftherazzles · 1 year
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Happiest of birthdays to @the-girl-with-the-algebra-book​!! I am still so incredibly blown away with your love for this fic, so with your birthday here, I had to deliver! I hope you have a great day my friend, and that this update brings a smile to your face today, you soup fiend! 💜💜💜
Bookbinder // Songwriter by LordOfTheRazzles
“Now, you’re going to call as soon as you get there, yes?” Belladonna’s motherly voice practically echoed, the words (and the answer she wanted to hear), embedding itself into both Thorin and Bilbo’s brains. She was loving, but stern, even if her son was grown, as was his significant other. That didn’t stop Bilbo from sighing like a mildly inconvenienced teenager. “Yes, we will call,” he assured her with a roll of his eyes, but as those hazels landed on his shorter mother tugging on Thorin’s shoulder to get him to drop some while she did what she always did to Bilbo–pressed a kiss to his temple–he couldn’t help but grin. At least right up until she beckoned for her son to receive the same treatment. “Will I ever grow out of this?” “No,” Belladonna chided while being extra annoying with the kiss she placed on her son’s head. “It’s for good luck, and you’ll miss those kisses when I’m gone.” “Well, we need all the luck we can get,” Thorin readily agreed, his own grin was wide, and his enthusiasm had been skyrocketing to the moon as this day crept closer and closer. It was hard to not be excited, it was everything he had wanted. This moment should have happened long ago, but fate just hadn’t been kind to Durin’s Desolation at the time. Now, not only for themselves, but for Frerin and Thrain, they were going to do this.
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ukranianacearo · 1 year
"Maybe in the next lifetime, I will be able to love you the same you love me"
Type of fic: Angst
Legolas x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mention of war crimes/invasion, mention of death
Summary: After the ring is destroyed, you recall memories of your life before you appeared here, some of the journeys and adventures you went with Gandalf, the company of Thorin Oakenshield, the Fellowship of The Ring, etc... And suddenly your peaceful moment is disturbed by the elven prince that you knew for more years that you can remember.
P. S. I'm really sorry if this is messy, English isn't my first language 😭
You were standing at the edge of the platform, Gondor's palace and the tree of the Kings various meters behind you. It was the day of Aragorn's coronation. Even though the official part of "coronation" was done many hours ago.
You were looking to the stars, remembering all the things you've done and experienced before and after your death in your world. You remembered some of your childhood memories, teenager memories, when you got into the university of Technology and Science. You remembered your death. You remembered how surprised you were when you first got here, into this world. You wasn't that lucky that day, by the way you died and by the time you got here. You were shocked when instead of nothing you saw battlefield. You saw the army of orcs and the army of elves and humans. You were even more surprised when you discovered that you could create anything you know how worked or it's purpose with nothing needed. You remembered how Gandalf, your now old friend, invited you to assist a company of dwarves and a hobbit to reclaim Erebor, but you agreed. You didn't have something to do anyways. You remembered every visit to the Shire with Gandalf. You remembered every Bilbo's birthday. You remembered how the Fellowship of the Ring were formed and how you were surprised that you knew most of the members of the Fellowship personally. You remembered everything you could before hearing footsteps behind you.
After so many years in this world, you already knew who it was, but you couldn't understand why would he leave the party so early. You hoped that it wasn't for what you thought he came here.
"Legolas" You said calmly, not turning even your face to look at him. "What are you doing here?" You asked, turning your face to look at him when he was by your side. "I could ask you the same question, mellon nin" He answered looking at you. You turned your gaze back to the stars. "You know I hate being around so many people, even more if I don't know them" You heard him laugh softly at your answer. You couldn't hide your little smile. You loved moments of peace and you loved them even more if they were spent with dear to you people and Legolas definitely was one of them. Even though you were scared of ruining your friendship with him by rejecting him. You were really surprised when he didn't seem to be in love with Tauriel, witch was very weird to you since you knew that he's supposed to be in love with Tauriel, but instead he seemed to be in love with you. You hoped that you were wrong with your conclusions, but when even Pippin and Merry suspected something, you knew. You were right. And it scared you. You knew that you could never love him the same way, you were just born without that type of interest at anyone. You just hoped that he will forget about his love, but the way his eyes glowed just by looking at you told you that it will be impossible.
His voice was what brought you back to reality. "I know, mellon nin. You couldn't even stand being at the party after we won the battle for Rohan, so it was obvious that you will not be able to be at this party for more than 2 minutes" He said while looking at you with a warm smile and his blue eyes glowing bright. You giggled at his comment which made him smile even more. "Yeah, that's true, but... Why would our dear prince of Mirkwood leave the party? I thought you were going to have another drinking or even eating competition with Gimli" You said as you looked at him with curiosity in your eyes. He turned his gaze to look at the stars. "Actually, I wanted to be more with you and talk about something.." He said after some time of silence. You were quite, looking at him with curiosity, but at the same time with hope that it wasn't what you were thinking. After a minute or so, he talked again "... I wanted to ask you about something, if we specify... Could I braid you hair?" Shit. Your only thought. You knew perfectly what braiding hair mean to elves. There were no going back now. It will be very difficult to joke it off now.
You were looking at Legolas shocked. "Oh Legolas..." You said after a minute of silence. "I'm sorry, but... I cannot answer to you with the same feelings... I'm sorry" You said and you could perfectly see how his face that looked at you with love and adoration looked at you with the same love and adoration just that... There also was sadness in his eyes. You looked at him with the look that tried to say something like 'I'm really sorry for this, but it's better for both of us'. After some minutes of silence you saw that he wanted to say something, but before he could you spoke. "Maybe in the next lifetime, I will be able to love you the same way you love me" After you said that you hugged Legolas. And he hugged you back. After some minutes you pulled back and said "Please, do not waste you love, your tears, your time or anything so dear of you on me. It's not worth it. I'm sure you will find someone who will love you the way you deserve and you will love them too...". Before you could continue Legolas interrupted you by saying " No.. No, I will not be able to find someone who will be at least a little bit close to what you are and the way you make me feel." he said, but now, it was your time to interrupte him "Don't waste your time on me, don't waste your time trying to something, that will never be able to love, to love someone. Please... You will only burn out and fade away. You deserve much more than that.. " You said as you cupped his cheeks and kissed his forehead and then started walking away. You both needed time to recover and not fail to mask your feelings the next time you met. You hope that he will forget those feelings for you soon and find someone he deserves, someone who will love him. And you hoped that by the time you will meet at Valinor, after you will go there with the last board to there with Gandalf, Bilbo, Lady Galadriel and her husband, he will at least not love you so much.
Because you didn't want to hurt him that way. You hoped that in the next time, you will be able to answer his feelings equally.
Hii, I hope you liked this post of you have any question/request for me, you can write it at request or in the comments
Have a nice day❤💮
Mellon nin - My friend
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poedameronwifey · 4 months
A true home(The hobbit Fanfic)
Chapter 15
Author's Pov
Now let's get back to the book before Renee and Lilith get even more hangry. We need some Grumpy Thorin because who doesn't like Grumpy Thorin. If you don't, Your parents never loved you...Kidding. Or am I? Okay I'm really kidding but you really are uncultured. Now I think we should listen to what the grown ups have to say, aka, Lord Elrond and Gandalf and a childish dwarf but it's fine because we love him.
Third Pov
Lord Elrond was looking at the swords that Thorin and Gandalf found in the troll cave. He paid close attention to the runes on the swords.
"This is Orcrist, the Goblin Cleaver. A famous blade, forged by the High Elves of the West. My kin. May it serve you well" Thorin bowed his head in thanks before Lord Elrond turned his attention to Gandalf's sword.
"And this is Glamdring, The Foehammer. Sword of the King of Gondolin. These swords were made for the Goblin Wars..."
Bilbo was listening as Lord Elrond spoke. He wondered if maybe his sword was anything special. He unsheathed out a little and examined it, turning it over, Balin took note of this.
"I wouldn't bother laddie. Swords were named after the great deeds that they do in wars."
"What are you saying? My sword hasn't seen battle?"
"I'm not actually sure it is a sword. More of a letter opener really." Bilbo looked at his sword and then back at Balin. Unsure of what to think. Lord Elrond turned to Gandalf, returning the sword to him.
"How did you come by these?"
"We found them in a troll-hoard on the Great East Road, shortly before we were ambushed by orcs."
"And what were you doing on the Great East Road?"
Thorin then excused himself. Gandalf was trying to think of something. Lord Elrond just watched as Thorin walked away.
"Thirteen dwarves, A halfling and three women. Strange travelling companions Gandalf."
"These are the descendants of the House of Durin. They are noble, decent folk. They are surprisingly cultured. They've got a deep love of the arts."
"Change the tune, why don't you. I feel like I'm at a funeral."
"Did somebody die?"
"Alright lads and lassies there's only one thing for it."
Oh dear. Here we go. Get ready everyone.
The girls were clapping their hands for Bofur' s beautiful performance. He bowed and winked at them. The elves seemed to disagree but they didn't care. Lilith and Kate were cheering and shouting. Renee hugged him when he sat down again, making Kili frown.
"Bofur, that was absolutely amazing."
Aww thank you lass. I'm glad you enjoyed it."
Hell yea we did. Damn That was fucking brilliant. Right Kate, Lily?
The two nodded with wide grins. Bofur just laughed and gave them a wink.
"Why don't you lassies sing something for us? I seem to remember you singing a lot on our journey. Beautifully might I add."
Everyone's eyes were in them, even the elves. They just looked at them with wide eyes. The girls looked at each other.
"Hmmmmmm I mean sure but our music is very different from yours. You still want us to sing?
The dwarves just nodded with grins. Renee looked at her sisters. She wanted to make sure they were okay with it. They nodded at Renee, all of them turning to the dwarves.
"Sure we'll sing for you but just give us a moment. We need to change into something more comfortable."
They excused themselves and walked to their room, closing the door behind them. They helped each other with their dresses and changed into some spare clothes they had.
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"Okay so what song?"
"Hmmm, we should do something from the 2000s. It's the safest option."
Renee and Lilith nodded to Kate's statement. Renee got her phone and started looking for a song. Lilith put her hair up into a messy bun while Kate put hers in a low ponytail.
"What about Teenage Dream?"
"Not bad but I don't think that's the one."
"On the Floor?"
"Wait, I think I found the perfect song. Hall of Fame."
"Yes that's it."
Now that they had a song they got everything they needed and left the room to where the others were. On the way, Renee put her hair up into a ponytail. The tables were pushed back and there was a huge space for the girls to perform. The girls walked up the stairs, gaining the attention of everyone. They quickly walked over to Gandalf, asking if he could make the music louder. He did a quick spell and the girls got ready.
"Alright Sorry we were late boys. We were looking for the perfect song. Most of the music is... questionable but we managed to find something. So bare with us okay. If your ears end up bleeding, we warned you. Are you girls ready?
Kate and Renee nodded. Soon music filled the air. The girls hummed along to it. (It's Karaoke so they will be actually singing).
(All of them Renee Lilith Kate )   (This is so you know who's singing to avoid confusion)
Yeah, You could be the greatest
You could the best
You can be the King Kong
banging in your chest.
You can beat the world
You can beat the war
You can talk to God
Go banging on his door
You can throw your hands up
You can beat the clock
You can move a mountain,
You can break rocks
You can be a master,
Don't wait for luck
Dedicate yourself and
You gon find yourself
Standing in the Hall of Fame(Yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (Yeah)
Cause you burn with the brightest flame (Yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (Yeah)
And You'll be on the walls in the Hall of Fame
You can go the Distance
You can run the mile
You can walk straight
Through hell with a smile
You could be a hero
You can get the gold
Breaking all the records they
Thought never to be broke, yeah
Do it for your people
Do it for your pride
How are you ever gonna know
If you never even try?
Do it for your country
Do it for your name
Cause there's gonna be a day
When you're
Standing in the Hall of Fame(Yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (Yeah)
Cause you burn with the brightest flame (Yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (Yeah)
And You'll be on the walls in the Hall of Fame
Be a champion
Be a champion
Be a champion
And you'll be on the walls
In the Hall of Fame
Be students
Be teachers
Be politicians
Be preachers
Be believers
Be leaders
Be astronauts
Be Champions
Be truth-seekers
X 2
Standing in the Hall of Fame(Yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (Yeah)
Cause you burn with the brightest flame(Yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (Yeah)
And You'll be on the walls in the Hall of Fame
Yeah, You could be the greatest
You could the best
You can be the King Kong
banging in your chest.
You can beat the world
You can beat the war
You can talk to God
Go banging on his door
You can throw your hands up
You can beat the clock
You can move a mountain,
You can break rocks
You can be a master,
Don't wait for luck
Dedicate yourself and
You gon find yourself
Standing in the Hall of Fame
When they were done, there was a short silence. The dwarves and elves had never seen anything like that before. It was so unexpected. Bofur started clapping and it started to pick up , causing everyone to do the same. The dwarves were shouting and cheering. Kili was looking at Renee with so much love and admiration. He had never seen anything so enchanting like that before. He saw how she looked as she danced. Like she was in a trance and nothing else mattered. She looked so beautiful. He knew he liked her but now he didn't know if it was just like or if it blossomed into love.
Fili could not take his eyes off Kate. Her voice was so enchanting. It was like he was under her spell but he didn't care. He knew that he liked her but now she was certain it was more than that. He liked her-No he loved her. He found his One and he knew he had to tell her soon. He couldn't get her out of his mind since that night in Bag End. He tried to deny it but it was no use. He was in love with Katherine Baggins. He was scared. Not of his feelings but of what his uncle will say if he found out. For now he needed time to think and come up with a plan. All he knew was that he loved Katherine and he was determined to find out if she felt the same.
Thorin didn't know what to feel. Hearing Lilith sing brought back the memories of his past love. In fact everything about Lilith reminded him of her. He hated it. He didn't know how to feel. He thought that maybe this was punishment for not looking for her well enough. All he knew was that he was going to find out what this meant and why Lilith reminded him of Elenor, his past lover.
Everyone hugged them and gave compliments. Bilbo hugged his daughters, telling them how proud he was of them. Balin, Oin, Dori and Gloin gave them a pat on the shoulder with a smile. Bofur and Nori gave them hugs. Bifur signed something which Bombur translated for them and gave them each a hug. Ori came to them and complimented them shyly before walking back to Dori. Fili and Kili gave them each a hug and wouldn't stop complimenting them. Lilith laughed at them while Renee and Kate blushed. Thorin and Dwalin had yet to say something. The girls walked over to Gandalf and Lord Elrond. The two were extremely impressed.
"My dear girls, that was an amazing performance."
"Aww thanks Gandalf. We've been dancing and singing since we were kids. But we haven't really done it in a while. We're glad you liked it."
Renee smiled as she looked at them. She walked up to him and gave him a hug, causing Lord Elrond to smirk and Gandalf laughing as he returned it. As the girls leave, lord Elrond turns to Gandalf.
"They are bright young girls. Lilith reminds me so much of my daughter. It's almost nostalgic."
"I agree. Renee reminds me of my daughter, Aurora and even looks like her. It's like looking in a mirror. When I first saw her in Bag End, I thought it was her. My little Rory. She acts a lot like her. If Minerva were here, she'd agree."
As they silently looked back at the girls, they saw a glimpse of a young Elenor and Aurora. It made them miss them even more. The girls walked to Thorin and Dwalin, causing the two to look at them,
"Soooo what did you guys think? You haven't said anything yet. Wait, was it that bad? Damnit. Kate, Reni, we should have done Demons."
"Aye Lassies, it wasn't bad. It was actually very good. Didn't know yer can dance like that. I quite enjoyed it."
"He's right. It was a wonderful performance, girls. Probably one of the best I've seen in a long time."
Thorin gave a slight smile causing Dwalin to nod along to his statement. The girls gave them big smiles, received that they liked their performance.
"Thanks. It's been a while. But it sure was a lot of fun. Glad you guys enjoyed it. Who knows. Maybe we'll do another one some time. Right, Kate, Lilith?"
They nodded, causing Dwalin to win at them and Thorin to chuckle.
"We're holding yer to that, lassies,"
The girls winked back and excused themselves. They said goodnight to everyone and headed to bed. That tired them out so they quickly washed up and went to sleep.
At least they're not sleeping on the ground this time. Got to enjoy this relaxation before they have to leave again and before they go see the "great" white wizard.
This was going to be the best sleep they've had since Bag End.
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amxranthiine · 3 years
thorin's company x teenage!human!reader (platonic)
hi i had this idea and i cant get it out of my head so here we go:)
imagine being a young, human teenager in the company (literally a baby in the dwarves eyes) and them being absolutely outraged to find out that you *technically* should be married. (because early human culture am i right?)
she/her pronouns / fem!reader
- [ ] the dwarves were horrified when gandalf dragged you along with them
- [ ] because you looked like a child??? and you were a girl, a human girl????
- [ ] when you told them your age, somewhere between 13 and 17, they all immediately forgot that humans age differently, and were even more pissed because *oh mahal you were a baby*
- [ ] so when they found out from a lady in a passing village questioning "are any of these dwarves your husband?" and "why aren't you married yet?" their thoughts consisted of *WHAT THE FUCK*
- [ ] they questioned you about it, obviously, because you're literally baby... why did that woman ask if you were married yet?
- [ ] you were so nonchalant about it because it's all you've ever known, so you were like "yeah human woman are usually married off at 14, but obviously that didn't happen with me ahahaha."
- [ ] SO nonchalant. in your eyes it wasn't even an issue? just something that happens on a day to day basis where you come from
- [ ] the dwarves were absolutely DISGUSTED. even bilbo, where in the shire the women are at least 19 or 20 before they are married.
- [ ] you told them about how your parents had already picked a suitor for you, but gandalf came and whisked you away before the wedding.
- [ ] they hated humans even more after that, specifically human men. how dare they just take children as wives? and have no respect for them or their age? how dare men even look at women at all?
- [ ] as we all know, dwarves are very protective naturally, even more so towards their women since theyre so rare, you better bet that they would not let a man near you. at all. any and all men but be at least 20 feet away from you at all times.
- [ ] theyre so protective over you. will in fact chase away anyone who asks for your hand.
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nemhaine42 · 3 years
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21.11.2021 | So some real life shit happened and the best way I found to deal with it was to reread 'Nothing Gold Can Stay' by @perkynurples for what must be, and i am not exaggerating here, the tenth time... and revisit my fan art, including polishing up a Dwalin from 2018 that never got coloured. Some highlights for me [spoilers]:
Some of the characters in this Hobbit AU took on a life of their own, distinct from their book or movie counterparts. Which is one of the joys of AU fic. Others fitted into their canon role just as well in this universe as their original one that they just appeared as normal. So in my head Bilbo and Thorin take on new, slightly different forms and Dwalin is just movie!Dwalin stuffed into a suit. Both are good.
All the descriptions of Fili's golden curly hair... which is also the part that intimidated the shit out of me when it came to drawing it. I'm still not 100% happy with how I did it but here we are.
I also love how Fili is fully a teenager and yet Thorin still often has him in matchy-matchy outfits with Kili.
the reshaping of the dwarves taking shelter in Beorn's house into Beorn the groundskeeper at the old lodge, and the description of Beorn as reminding Bilbo 'of one of his Scottish grandfathers, all twinkling eyes and massive shoulders..." It felt like that line was written just for me, it gave me such a deep and visceral understanding of what Beorn was meant to look like.
Honestly, one of my favourite moments happens right at the end, when Fili just casually asks Thorin why he isn't going after the man he loves over maths homework and reveals that this is not news to him. Thorin's little "you knew this about me?" gets me in my stone cold heart, it does. At the beginning of the story, Fili is very much a child in Thorin's eyes and although he verbally conceeds that that is no longer the case relatively early on, this feels like the moment he really sees it, sees the man Fili is becoming. Their conversation inspires bravery in Thorin, it's the catalyst that sets the happy ending in motion, and I have a lot of love for it.
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pendragonfics · 3 years
Thief Stole Your Heart
Paring: Bilbo Baggins/Reader
Tags:  gender neutral reader, no pronouns for reader, alternate universe - bookstore, alternate universe - modern: no powers, actual thief Bilbo Baggins, bookstore clerk Reader, knitting, marriage proposal, awkward flirting
Summary: Bilbo met Reader at a bar, and years later, they're still going strong. What happens when he enters their bookstore and starts acting strange?
Word Count: 1,616
Current Date: 2020-12-22
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The first time that you met Bilbo, it was at a pub that both of you didn’t want to be in. With your cider in hand and his beer, you bumped into one another during a kerfuffle at the bar. Something to do with a drinking game between two young men, a tall blonde and a tattooed construction worker gone too far. Whatever it was, you were left wearing his brew, and he yours. Which led to introductions, apologies, and frankly was a tolerable exit from being the third wheel. When you explained you worked in a book store, he had introduced himself as an adventurer.
He didn’t appear to be the sort of man who was an adventurer. He had a trim haircut, clean face, and earnest smile. Wore an unembellished sweater, had a novel tucked under his arm and drank the same beer the whole night. Adventurer. It wasn’t until you realised he had come in the company of a notorious motorbike crew when it sunk in.
This man you had met, the kind-faced, soft, polite man was their…er…handyman. A man who was handy with his hands. In all honesty, didn’t bother you. You were quite the unadventurous type; you drank the same thing every time you visited the cafe, read the same magazines and lived a boring, safe life that kept you in a box. And Bilbo didn’t — and it was for that fact which made you intrigued.
Intrigued enough for the pair of you to remain in each others company for years. Three years and eight months of many a run-in and unplanned shenanigans, somehow, you and Bilbo were still together. You had seen each other in some strange places, too. He had cancelled plans to nurse you back to health (that time after food poisoning, or that time you had the flu or that time with that stomach bug), and you had been his plus one to his unpleasant and estranged extended family gatherings. But mostly, in all that time, you had worked your way from sales clerk to finally, the owner of Shire Softcovers & Hardback Bookstore.
Which led to where you were present. Sitting behind the register on a quilted soft stool, you perch with a ball of yarn between your feet, on the floor. It’s hidden to customers who enter the store, but to those who can hear the telltale cli-click, cli-click’s, you’re knitting. Usually, there were chores, but they were done. Usually, there were customers, but on account of the blustery mid-autumn Sunday afternoon, there were none. Usually, you would be on your phone, but it was flat — and you had forgotten the cord.
It was supposed to be a scarf, but no matter what you did, it wasn’t seeming to grow longer at all. If anything, you swore that the yarn was cursed. An artefact from a horrid hag from a long-gone era who hated knitting. But whatever it was, you kept at it; because it was better than staring out the window, and watching Doctor Peredhel chasing unruly teenagers from his clinic (although you knew you should agree with the older healthcare professional’s actions, it was amusing to watch aspiring graffiti artists misspell gonorrhoea).
It wasn’t until you realised the scarf was growing wider, not long when the little bell at the door tinkled. Glancing from your accursed craft, you met eyes with the newcomer to the store. But instead of it being a customer, it was none other than your boyfriend, and partner in crime.
“Bilbo, thank goodness you’re here,” you gasp, abandoning your knitting to rush to him. Dramatically, you kiss his cheek and pose like a starlet from the silent film era. “I don’t know what I would have done with myself if you hadn’t arrived.”
“Slow day?” He chuckled. Untying his scarf, Bilbo pecked at your cheek.
“The slowest, ” You agree. Straightening the already perfect display of political autobiographies, you add, “I honestly can’t believe it, Bilbo. Nobody at all today. Not even Mister Radagast or Tauriel.”
He raises an eyebrow and sheds his coat onto the desk. He’s wearing a dark green sweater underneath, and the collar of his shirt beneath is rumpled and not on the top. The pockets of his trousers seem full, with an outline of a phone and keys, but there are other lumpy shapes you don’t recognise. At the moment between your remark and the next to follow, he scratches at his left palm idly, his fingernails short and clean. Either his eczema is back, or he’s true to his word and truly has quit smoking.
“I don’t know about the old hippy,” Bilbo says. He takes your hand in his, and swings it somewhat awkwardly — to someone else, yes, but to the pair of you, it’s comforting — at his side. “But I saw Tauriel in the ’shop today. I think Kili invited her.”
You pause. “Tauri and Thorin’s nephew?” You bite your lip, mind full of unpinned threads working their way to conclusions. “I didn’t see that one coming.”
“They seem quite oblivious to it all, however,” Bilbo continues. “Maybe they’ll realise their feelings. Maybe not. They are young.”
“Is this your way of saying that we are not?” You inspect him, part curious, part suspicious.
He wasn’t always so clumsy with his words; Bilbo was a man of forethought, in both his private and work life. It paid off marvellously when he worked for the heist against the antisocial Mr Smaug (a rather awful venture capitalist whose hoard hurt the town for decades) and many other of the jobs carried out by the Oakenshield Thirteen.
“What?” He blinks. “N-no.”
You step around him, trying to see the side he’s favouring, but Bilbo reacts quick enough, circling you as you circle him. His left brow is raised as he watches you watching him, and you narrow your eyes, trying to read his face for clues.
But there are none.
“All right,” you hum, unsatisfied with the turn of events, “Keep your secrets.”
“I will,” he replies.
“Good.” You nod. “I’ll be over here,” you start walking toward the counter, back to the knitting you’d left, but all the while, your eyes never leave Bilbo’s. “…if you need me.”
“I’m not hiding anything,” he responds too fast, and too high a pitch. “But…if I do need you…”
“I’ll be here,” you finish his sentence.
You continue the row of stitches, not bothering to unpick the problematic extra lines of knots you had put there before. As you resume knitting, the wool on the floor rolling about the stool, you can’t help but notice Bilbo as he strolls down the otherwise empty aisles of the bookstore. His hands are in his pockets, pushed deep so you can’t see an outline of anything else that’s in there. He walks from the adventure novels, past the self-help section, and further into nonfiction. You’re trying to pearl the stitches, focusing all of your efforts onto it. But all you can think of is that he’s in the photography section, which borders onto the wedding planning—
You leave your knitting once more, rushing to find Bilbo. You dart around the shelves, trying to find him. You try to stand as tall as you can to see over the shelves, but as low as they are, you can’t seem to see the familiar honey brown head of hair that belongs to Bilbo. You stop, and turn around, hoping he hasn’t snuck behind you in an attempt at a prank, but he’s nowhere to be seen.
“Lost?” He says, behind you.
You turn once more, and standing as if he had been there the whole time, Bilbo tosses a small box in his hands, catching it with ease. His eyes are on you, but the box still falls and rises in his hands perfectly. If you didn’t know his occupation, you would be impressed by the hand-eye-coordination that goes into the party trick. But still, you are impressed, and slightly out of breath from the surprise of it, and you feel somewhat confused as to his behaviour.
“I can’t believe I messed up that segue,” Bilbo says under his breath, catching the box. He doesn’t throw it again; instead, he fiddles with it, single-handedly. “It was supposed to be —” He runs his empty hand through his hair, and slowly, sinks to his feet as if he’s to tie a shoelace.
“What are you doing?” Your voice is shaky.
He frowns, from his knees. “I suppose I’m just down here. You know. With a little box that I bought, and I thought of you and all that I love about you.”
“Bilbo…” you whisper. “I—”
He blinks, a furious blush coming across his face. He sighs and starts to stand up. But before he’s at his full height, you sink to your knees and take him in your arms. It was supposed to be something soft, something romantic; because it had taken you too long to realise what he had been alluding to, and disheartened, he was backing out of it. But instead of the gesture you wished to show, it came out somewhat…like a football tackle, or like a security guard to a thief.
“What was that for?” Bilbo asks, confused, from the floor.
You fumble for the box beside him, and awkwardly, atop him on the itchy carpet of the bookstore, you hover above him, wishing to not crush him. He laughs, softly, and you lay your forehead against his chest, the laughter consuming you too.
“I love you too,” you say, through the laughter. “And I’ll have you and your little box if that’s okay with you.”
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Sorry guys! I really was trying to post one of these each day. That’s real life I guess. I may try to get the other ones later, but we’ll see. I did not get to finish this one...or even really get to the Bagginshield part, but oh well. 😅
 Masterlist for these drabbles here. Check out the original post/prompt list. And feel free to send me requests if there are any specific combinations/pairings you want to see.
Secret Royal (Modern Middle Earth) + Interpreter + "I never meant to come between the two of you." + Fili & Kili & Bilbo Friendship (eventually 😆)
Italics indicate speech in Khuzdul.
When Bilbo made the decision to learn as many languages as he could get his hands on…this wasn’t what he had in mind. He had visualized himself translating poetry from Sindrian, or sitting in Free Peoples’ meetings whispering in the ear of an esteemed diplomat. Sitting in a high school class interpreting two teenage boys’ khuzdul was almost joke worthy. 
To be fair, he could see why the teachers were at their wits ends. Arda Prep was one of the best private schools in the country, but khuzdul was a hard language, and you had to get permission from the Dwarven High Council to even be allowed to learn it! Luckily, Bilbo’s godfather was in good enough standing with Erebor for the king to speak on his behalf. So there wasn’t a single teacher who spoke it at the school, hence why they called in an interpreter. Well, that…and Fili and Kili were meances. 
Bilbo was almost a hundred percent certain they actually could speak flawless Westron. They seemed to delight in pretending they didn't understand to get out of doing any work, and then spent the rest of the class devising new ways to entertain themselves. In a single day, Bilbo had sat through four paper football tournaments where the paper wads were the size of someone’s head, two almost fires, a food fight, and an incident involving getting the three largest boys at the school to almost squash Bilbo flat. Needless to say, he was about as done with them as they were with him. And the worst part was every time they did something, the teacher glared at Bilbo. As if he was there to be a babysitter. Bilbo’s temper was shot.
“This is a complete waste of time.” He grumbled as they walked to the limo waiting to pick Fili and Kili up.
“Now you understand how we feel.” Fili smirked.
“See you tomorrow, Mr. Boggins…or not.” Kili remarked cheerfully enough while rolling his eyes with his brother.
Bilbo was absolutely fuming now. He would not under any circumstances go through this again. His cell phone was in his hand and Gandalf’s number dialed before the boys’ ride even left the parking lot.
“I’m done. Quit. Will not be doing this again, thank you very much.”
“Bilbo, my dear hobbit, that doesn’t sound like you.”
“They’re a bloody nightmare, Gandalf! If I was allowed to call their guardian, I would be giving him a piece of my mind, but I keep getting his PA saying he’s ‘not available’. Just who does he think he is?! Hiring me for a job he probably knows is impossible, and then refusing to hear my complaints.”
“Thorin is a very busy individual. Don’t forget, I recommended you for the position out of respect for both of you.”
“I don’t feel very respected, Gandalf. And if Thorin is going to put up with these kinds of attitudes from his charges, then he very well can deal with them himself.”
Gandalf gave a long pause before finally speaking again. “There is political unrest in Erebor right now. Thorin had to leave with his sister and nephews in tow. The boys’ father along with Thorin and Dis’ brother were left behind. I’m not trying to excuse their actions, but you of all people know how ‘unruly’ grief makes teenagers.”
Bilbo heaved a deep sigh. Yes, ‘Madcap’ Baggins and his adventurous streak was how his own secondary teachers described his rebellious behavior to Gandalf after his parents died in a car wreck. He knew very well what that felt like.
“I know it’s not ideal. But you are the perfect hobbit for the job. If anyone can handle those boys, it’s you.”
The next day, Bilbo wasn’t going to put up with his wards' antics any longer. As soon as they sat down to start their first class of the day, he made sure to spin this in his favor.
“Kili knows the answer.” Bilbo stated as soon as the teacher started to look for a raised hand to call on.
“No, I don’t.” The dark haired boy scolded the interpreter with flushed cheeks.
Fili smacked Kili on the arm, as Bilbo smirked at their mistake.
“Answer her.” He demanded.
“Make me!”
“I’m going to count to three.” Bilbo warned.
The class including the teacher dropped their jaws at Kili’s perfect Westron. He looked mortified, while Fili found his feet glaring Bilbo down.
“You’ve messed up, Nanny. I’m calling our uncle, and he won’t be happy to hear about this.”
With that, the blonde got up and left the room, Kili running after him. Bilbo cleared his throat uncomfortably in the wake of their absence.
“I apologize. I never meant to come between the two of you…that is to say your lesson. I never meant to come between…please excuse me.”
Making his exit, Bilbo began to search the hallways for the brothers coming up short. That is until he turned a corner, nearly colliding into a row of dwarves in dark suits and sunglasses. From their center emerged a tall, dark haired dwarf with a furious, yet controlled expression.
“You must be Uncle Thorin.” Bilbo hummed.
“So this is the hobbit my father deemed worthy…and that delights in humiliating my nephews.” He grinned with no warmth whatsoever. “Tell me Mr. Baggins, do you usually make a habit of insulting your clients or do you make special exceptions for royalty?”
Bilbo’s world felt like it was tilting out from underneath him. What?!
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joisbishmyoga · 4 years
A friend has convinced me that the Arkenstone is a Silmaril.
- glowing rock
- similar sizes probably. fit on giant evil crowns and in hobbit pockets alike.
- ppl went war-crazy over them
- one of them was lost to a fiery pit
- a lone mountain is very likely to be a former volcano
- Middle-Earth's timeline is stupid in a geological sense anyway so SURE there's plenty of time between the First and Third Ages for a volcano to die and get turned into a dwarven city-state why the heck not ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)
This lends itself to a particular logical progression:
- the dwarven lords swore their obedience to the rock, not the line of Durin, after it was found
- this is why they could refuse to go with Thorin to retake Erebor
- this is also why it was so damn important for Thorin to get the Arkenstone specifically ASAP, instead of "eh we'll find it eventually while we're sorting through the treasury"
- they didn't originally intend to slay the dragon as a group of 14, they meant to get the Arkenstone, go back, and command all the dwarves to come attack Smaug
- ANYWAY a key feature of a silmaril is that it burns anyone who doesn't have the right to possess it
- so when Bilbo is like "here's the Arkenstone", Thranduil is like "what the fUCK that is a SILMARIL Gandalf WHAT" and Gandalf is like "WHAT THE FUCVK i mean MY AREN'T HOBBITS INTERESTING LITTLE FELLOWS what the fuck what the fuck"
- and then Thranduil is like "well it isn't burning him so that makes him the rightful owner"
- and then someone, probably one of the dwarves, it would be kind of hilarious if it was Fili or Kili but it could also be Nori (very savvy), Ori (a scribe) or... I think it was Balin who was responsible for teaching the princes things like history idk, ANYWAY one of the dwarves is like "wait doesn't that make Bilbo King of the Dwarves?"
- Thorin is shocked out of his gold madness by the fact that actually no he isn't King Under the Mountain
- "Maybe you can be Consort Under the Mountain if you apologize nicely enough."
- "... Apologizing nicely? Uncle Thorin?"
- "Good point. I guess we'll never be princes again, Kili."
And so Bilbo fixes everything with hobbity practicality and also offends tf out of Thranduil and Gandalf and the dwarves without them being able to do anything about it.
- The dwarves love that Bilbo told Thranduil, very loudly, in front of the entire elven army, that he can fuck right off though his elves are welcome to return to sell food, and he will get his stupid starlight pebbles AFTER all the ACTUAL priorities of feeding and housing everyone, and going through Erebor to assess the city's structural integrity, and washing and uncursing the hoard, and actually sorting through it for Laketown's money and paying the food merchants and dividing heirlooms from liquid assets and etc etc etc have been addressed. And every time Thranduil behaves like a sulky fauntling, his stupid rocks go down one slot on the very. very. long list of priorities.
- (The dwarves are much less pleased to have all the wealth of Erebor called "rocks" and "pebbles" and "mathoms".)
- so get this army off my doorstep NOW Thranduil, or do we have to send missives to all of Middle-Earth that you are an oathbreaker as should've been done a century ago.
- You know. When you broke your treaty of mutual aid to the kings of Erebor. And left thousands of innocent, traumatized survivors to starve to death. It's one thing to refuse to enter a lost battle. It's something entirely different to refuse to help the refugees. Children starved, Thranduil. CHILDREN.
- p.s. You have no idea how badly you, and by extension all of Mirkwood, have offended all of Bilbo's hobbity morals here, Thranduil.
- if Bilbo was even the slightest bit more vindictive, Thranduil would have to abdicate and Legolas would have to rebuild all of Mirkwood's diplomatic ties with a severe handicap. Oathbreaker is a SERIOUS THREAT given what we've seen of Middle Earth societies.
- so considering the Arkenstone just got revealed as a Silmaril, putting that memory right at the top of everyone's minds, there should be PLENTY of elves either old enough or educated enough right there to make the connection between "bloody war over the silmaril rocks" and "bloody war over the starlight rocks" and want NOTHING to do with it tyvm
- Bilbo like "we will NOT be housing anybody in the mountain but the original Company before we've inspected each space for structural safety, no even we aren't just wandering around the mountain willy-nilly, the dragon broke a lot of stuff and a big enough rock fall will break even a dwarf's thick head"
- Bilbo also like "for valar's sake, Bard, take your mob home, set them to salvaging what you can of Laketown and Dale, send messengers to your trading partners that there's a lack of food and enough money to pay for it up here, and bring the salvage up so we can build you all shelters for the winter"
- Bilbo like yes OBVIOUSLY i'm going to feed and house you all, how dare you have to ask
- Bilbo setting Gandalf to breaking rocks on the lee side of the mountain so they need less salvage to build with, oh I'm sorry did you want to help shovel dragon dung instead, ah yes that's what I thought
- idk what this does for the orc army but that's not the point
Bilbo: Seriously, Thranduil, what do you care if it takes another century or two to get some pretty rocks. You're an ELF. You're already fifty thousand years old or something ridiculous like that. Bilbo: You basically let thousands die and went to war over the equivalent of a one-month delay in shipping.
Now, if he'd had ANY sense, instead of being a Karen... Thror: Nope I'm keeping them MINE ALL MINE ALL THE GOLD IS MINE Thranduil: . . . Thranduil: Eh, you'll die off soon enough. I'll just call your descendents until one is sane enough to honor the contract.
Thranduil: We elves have songs longer than this shipping delay. Thranduil: I think I'll go listen to one.
But that did not happen! Instead it was more
Legolas like "dad could u stop being so horrible u are embarrassing our entire family"
Legolas like "dad stop screaming at the teenage cashier over your 25 cent coupon"
Fili and Kili: ooooh, he wants to speak to the manager~ Bilbo: I AM THE MANAGER
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nazghoulz · 3 years
GGCYD Character Playlists -- New and Improved!
Got manic for a bit and revamped/remade a bunch of playlists lol !! Nobody cares but me but it was fun. Will probably revise Bilbo's soon, and also make one for Ori and maybe Gandalf? The former so I can maybe dip my toes into kpop and the latter so I can truly wild out with my love for OG psychadelica and basically everything that came out of Laurel Canyon in the 60s and 70s. We'll see lmfao.
A Young Lion's Soundtrack to the Apocalypse - 57 songs, 3hr 54min.
Prince Fili Viliyevich Dzhemilev Durinul, 21 y/o heir apparent to the broken throne of Erebor, presents a number of tunes to express gender, get through hard times, and crash your motorcycle to. Dedicated to all the elder brothers of the world who were forced to grow up too fast. And also to catboys.
Heavy in haunted synth, indietronica, and nu-folk, with some heavier prog, punk, and acid/witch house thrown in there for good measure. The playlist of a guy who is absolutely chill and friendly to the point of enigmatic on the outside but has the constant internal monologue of, “Aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you just want to go Ape Shit?”
Kiss With a Crossbow - 63 songs, 3hr 41 min.
Prince Kili Viliyevich's power playlist for teenage archers who are full of a very specific type of repressed rage. Just steady drip of constant bangers to get through the day. Also, if asked, he'll say that West Coast hip hop is superior to East Coast, but also, why discriminate?
A love letter to EDM, experimental hyperpop, 90s hip-hop, hot girl rappers, and late aughts radio bangers. May also have a unexpected surprises scattered here and there as well. Look, his brain is the equivalent of a hamster on a wheel except the hamster is just mainlining Bang energy (Frose Rose flavor) and if the ambiance falls below 100 bpm he dies.
Not So English Beat - 55 songs, 3hr 23min.
Bops by Bofur. Born 1981 in East Berlin to an Ereborean mother and a half-Irish father, he grew up on his older brother's horde of new wave cassettes, his dad's love of the fiddle, and his Vietnamese grandmum's stories of the old country. Then he made an uneasy truce w/ Erebor's only hookup for American alt rock CDs [Thorin. It was Thorin.], and that was all she wrote.
The music taste of a man who never truly grew out of his 90s ska/alt rock stoner phase, but who is also fiercely proud of his quarter Irish heritage, has extreme nostalgia for the synthy new wave that populated the dying Deutsche Demokratische Republik of the 80s, and, above all else, loves a fucking banger.
Shield Brother - 60 songs, 3hr 51 min.
Dwalin Fundinovich would like for all you nosy cunts to disregard the (admittedly, piss-poor) optics of a current ruling monarch's right hand having so many anarchist liberation anthems on his mp3 player. You don't just enter the Moscow punk scene at 13 and not come out at least a little bit radicalized.
Soviet hard rock and punk, first wave Brit punk, heavy metal, songs that are on the slightly grungier side of grunge, and brawl-y Celtic rock to fist fight to, along with some more “acceptable” post punk and a butt rock banger or two thrown in for good measure. It may not be everything, but it’s everything that matters.
The Road Goes Ever On - 68 songs, 4hr 36 min.
Immaculate roadtrip beats curated by noted harpist, composer, vernacular music theorist, grunge head, banjo fancier, and turbogay Depeche Mode stan King-in-Exile Thorin Durinul II. From the Great American Roadtrip to a journey across the ruins of Europe to save the world, it's a playlist for all occasions.
A playlist that displays an obsession with vernacular-inspired folk fusion that truly boggles the mind, but which also clearly demonstrates that it’s obviously by a person who heard rock and roll for the first time circa 1996 at the tender age of 22, and subsequently fell in love with all the incredible sounds a guitar could make. (It was a college radio station, of course). A truly global music ramble, it also features unconventional arrangements, mellow gold, Americana, and a heavy dose of new wave and post punk--not the least of which is, of course, Depeche Mode. 
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centuryofdean · 4 years
When Lightning Strikes - Chapter 19
Author Note:: So sorry for such a long update! COVID depression is no joke.. I have had a lot of lows lately and I haven’t even been reading fanfiction let alone writing it. Or reading in general. Things are a little better the last few days, so I am hoping this is a good start to get things finished. 
Author Disclaimer:: The Hobbit, Middle Earth and its characters are not mine. I take no credit. The story line and even some dialogue–also not mine. Instead I claim my Original Character Laurel and the adjustments to the story line.
Summary:: From when Laurel Took was small she dreamed of a man. Every time she dreamed of him, he could not see or hear her. Over time they are able to communicate–but he’s been dreaming about her too. Finally after years of anticipation Laurel takes the leap and kisses him. Only for her to wake up and dread the real world. Then lightning strikes and she finds herself in a familiar place, with a familiar face.
Rated:: M for Mature. Please do not read this story unless you are 18+. NSFW.
Warnings:: Language, Violence and Scenes of Sexual Nature.
Pairing:: Kili x OC (Laurel)
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Bard led us through the house and into a small room. Singrid was the one to clear the bed and start to close all the blinds. At this point soft moans started to flee from Kili's throat. "Shhh," I murmured pushing his hair back to press my hand to his burning forehead, "it will be alright soon. I promise."
There were dark bags under his eyes in high contrast against his pale sheen skin. It was a terror to look at. His hair was already half soaked in the sweat. Fili was pressing his hands over various areas on his brother's body. "I need my bag," I shouted out to no one in particular. "There are herbs in there that could help."
Bard fled the room and slammed back in through it with a box full of different vials and sacks. "I have Elderberry and Burdock," he started to hand me the items. Bain stood in the corner watching fearfully as his father continued to sort through the box. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Kili twitching and grunting more loudly.
"Bain," I called softly. The teenager took a few steps towards me. "I need you to go to the Master's house and get Thorin Oakenshield. He is the Master Dwarf with blue eyes and loose black hair. Tell him that Kili is sick. Tell the hobbit Bilbo Baggins that I need my bag. Hurry, please!"
Immediately the boy turned and fled. If nothing was damaged in my bag I should still have a bulb of Kings Foil. "Bard, I need a pot ready. Do not put water in it, I have soaked water to use, I can't dilute it," I placed a hand on the man's arm. He stood tall once more and left the room. The two girls were huddled in the corner digging through laundry.
A pained scream echoed through the room as Kili trashed harshly. Fili clamped both of his hands over his brother's shoulders as he continued to convulse. I pulled my fingers through his hair as I brought our foreheads together, "Shh, fight through the pain. I'm here with you, I'm not going anywhere."
It only seemed to calm him a fraction, but not enough to stop his erratic movements.
Soon the heavy thudding of running feet bellowed all around us and shook the house. The first face to enter the doorway was Thorin. Electric blue eyes blazed as they narrowed in on his nephew. Kili choked, his body bending and twisting more viciously. In two steps Thorin was beside Fili putting his hands on Kili to keep him from moving too much. Bilbo pushed his way through all the dwarves to get to me, bag in hand. I took my eyes off my dwarven prince to receive the sack and tear through it. Wrapped tightly and still intact was the bulb of Kings Foil. I carefully handed it to my distant uncle or cousin, "Bilbo I need you to open this and pour all of it into the pot that Bard has prepared. Once it is bubbling bring me the entire pot."
Moments passed until the room was crowded with more than it could handle.
"Everyone who is not immediate family go wait in the other room," Balin thundered. His deep commanding voice sent shivers down my spine.
Did that include me? I hesitated before moving, slowly making my way to the door. Snarling and the sound of a scuffle bounced around the room. "No Laurel, you stay," Thorin boomed.
My body moved at the command so that I was before Kili again. Balin was holding both of Kili's feet, Fili was holding Kili's right arm, while Thorin was holding his left arm right next to me. I got to work by taking my knife and starting to cut out his pants where the wound was. Breath left me, leaving me gasping at the sight of the black purple bruising covered in thick black blood. It smelled of decay and death, like a deer that was out in the woods for weeks. Each of the veins around the wound were thick and black. It was the poison working its way through his body.
His skin was scorching now, so much that I could barely touch him without hissing myself.
"Are you having the hobbit boil weeds," Bard burst through the room confused.
My brows scrunched as I shook my head, "Its Kings Foil."
"We feed it to the pigs!"
"Tell one of the dwarves I need more," I shouted.
Even with his family watching I placed my knife at his chest and tore through the material of his shirt.
It revealed more horrors of black veins. How long was he letting this work up before he said something? Even if he didn't know the arrow was poisoned he didn't have to pretend it was nothing! Self-consciously I sent him a glare. Even then his eyes were wild and wide, teeth grit while he starred on at me.
A roar of a howl screamed through his lips as he writhed against the hands holding him down. As softly as I could I placed my ear against his burning chest and felt the erratic beat of his heart. If it was pumping so quickly in that way he was working the poison closer and closer to his heart without even knowing it. Again I looked to his face, only to feel my own heart beat erratically.
This is what death looked like.
With my chest in my stomach and no air to fill my lungs, I trembled for a moment. Kili was dying. The burn in my eyes started, I couldn't live in this world without him.
Bilbo burst through the door with a steaming pot. Once he sat it down on the table next to the bed I screamed as my hand met searing water. It didn't stop me as I scooped up the soggy weed and removed it. Without waiting or warning I shoved it into his wound.
He screamed inhumanly and vaulted off the bed. A few more dwarves popped their heads into the room and then entered to aid us in keeping Kili still. "Someone get me a mug and a rag," I screamed.
My chest actually hurt with how hard my heart was pounding, my hand throbbed with pain from the scalding water I put it into. Though without trying I was able to tune it out and become numb. Still my eyes were trained on his deep brown ones filled with pain.
Everything blurred until the only sharp image to focus on was him. Finally his eyes closed tight. I tore mine away, feeling the wetness of tears flowing down my face. It was as if my body was humming, I suddenly had adrenaline that I never felt before. I felt as if I could move mountains, but it was no use to me if I lost the love of my life. 
His body slowly started to stop moving, I could feel him growing weak. My fingers pressed the Kings Foil into his wound a little deeper as I hissed, my lips trembling as my heart broke. "Esta sinome," my voice quivered. "Amin mela lle. Amind mela lle.
"Mela en' coiamin. Poika tuulo' 'kshapsae. Tula sinome. Tula sinome, Mela en'coimin, Amind mela lle!"
Something snapped. Everything became cold at once, goosebumps erupted all over my skin, even the skin not exposed to the air. All the adrenaline I had evaporated causing me to fall to my knees equally as weak. Just as I fell, hands still buried in Kili's flesh, he gasped, torso flinging forward as he came to sit. In moments he fell back into the bed eyes closed and even breathing.
My hands slipped to the bed as I tried to pull myself up. The strong arm of Thorin wrapped under my own as he pulled me up and held me. I put my ear to Kili's chest to listen to his heart beat slow and even. Trembling fingers wiped at the black mess on his thigh, pulling the Kings Foil away.
Underneath was a soft pink scar, surrounded by flush peach skin. There was no trace of bruising or poison filled veins.
Laughter bubbled up inside my chest as I was able to breathe deeply for a moment. The weight that settled on my chest was lifted and I gasped, tears flowing freely over my cheeks as I touched his cheek covered in stubble. His eyes opened, blurry and unfocused. The beautiful brown orbs settled on my face, his mouth moving softly, "No… you cannot be her. She is far away, she is far, far away from me. She watches and dreams of flying in starlight. She is of another world. No… you cannot be her... It was just another dream."
His large palm grasped my face, his hand sliding into my hair to grasp and tug gently on the courting braid he had put in there just mere nights ago. I was memorized as his lips moved again, the sound of his voice like a melody, "Do you think she could have ever loved me?"
The crooked smile I saw on rare occasions took his lips for a few moments before he rolled his face away and promptly slept.
Soon Fili brought a chair into the room, helping me into it because my legs shook too much to do it myself. Eventually Balin and Oin left the room, leaving me with the King and Princes. None of us said anything for a while, we just stared at Kili as he slept peacefully. Bard brought me another pot of water and a rag in which I used to clean Kili's thigh and leg from the poison and blood. At one point I had Fili hold his brother while I coaxed his sleeping form to swallow the warm Kings Foil water from before. Bofur had returned a while ago with more Kings Foil, that I instructed someone to make tea with. If I could get Kili to drink that for at least a day then it will cleanse his blood of the poison.
"Thank you."
I was startled out of cleaning Kili of sweat on his chest. Never have I heard Thorin sound so soft and genuine. In seconds the King was kneeling before me. Taking each hand in my own and meeting my eyes, "I am forever indebted to you. I owe you my life, and the deepest of all apologies.
"From the moment my eyes landed on you, I judged and treated you unjustly. That was my folly. Time after time you have proven me wrong in all my assumptions. Not only did you save my life and the lives of all in the company on more than one occasion, but you saved Kili's."
Tears started to collect in the brilliant blue orbs while the hairs of his mustache bristled.
"Lady Laurel Took," he continued, pressing his lips to each of the back of my hands, "You are brave, courageous, loyal, a huntress, and most of all loving. In honor of your acts, I name thee, Lady Laurel Took, kin of Durin's sons."
Kin of Durin's sons? Kin meant family but who was Durin and his sons? The confusion was evident, because he rose and placed a hand on my shoulder chuckling. Slowly I leaned sideways in my chair to look at Fili to see if I could get an answer.
The blonde prince light blue eyes were wide, his eyebrows almost into his hair. Even his bottom jaw was hanging softly. "Erm, that sounds pretty nice an all, but what does that mean," I whispered, looking between the two.
At once Fili jumped up, wrapping me up in his arms while he laughed, tossing me and catching me again.
"It is the highest honor a dwarf could receive," he shouted. "Even a higher honor since you are not a dwarf!"
I tried my best to untangle myself from him, but he refused to release his grasp on me. Fili's form crushed me to himself, a warm tight hug. "Laurel, uncle is decreeing that you are a part of the royal family," he whispered, "you are not just a dear friend, you are family."
Once his arms fell away, Thorin opened his own and stepped towards me, eloping me in one of the most heartwarming hugs I had yet to receive in my life. As he pulled away he pressed his lips to my forehead, cupping my cheek all the while smiling, "Yes, you are family. I bless the courtship between Kili, son of Vili, and yourself. Once betrothed, I will perform the wedding ceremony myself."
After all this time I fought Kili. I finally accepted that I loved him, I accepted his courting braid. Still I grew weary all because of Thorin's wrath. Here and now he was telling me he approved. Giggles were leaving my lips softly. Joy like no other filled me to the brim until I could not stand still.
Soon I was holding hands will Fili and dancing around.
"I have a little sister," he bellowed before dancing away and out of the room. Thorin followed, closing the door behind him.
I settled down into the chair next to Kili again, barely containing my smile. Before I had never put thought into marriage with him if he asked, but it didn't sound like a horrible idea. From as far as I could remember it had always been Kili who captured my interest, it was Kili who I confessed my dreams and desires for eight years. The love I had for him would bring me to life without a soul if he were to perish. The only thing that waited for me in the future where I came from was my grandmother and mother. All of whom I never had time to see or speak to.
No I belonged here now, with Kili in Middle Earth.
The youngest girl of Bard entered the room hesitantly, offering me the tea I had requested they made. I accepted it and place it next to me, "Thank you. Do you happen to have hair ties? Maybe three or four of them?"
She returned in moments with a handful. I thanked her again and sighed, tracing Kili's side with my hand. Just an hour or so ago I almost lost him. Now I was ecstatic with Thorin's blessing. With shaky fingers I tied the top of the braid that Kili put in my hair. He said I couldn't undo the braid, but he never said I couldn't cut it.
It took about an hour, and surprisingly no one entered the room—which was a good thing because I feared the wrath I would receive for what I was doing. With painstaking precision and patience I tied off the braid in my hair, cut it half way down, and wove it into Kili's hair behind his ear.
Just while I was re-clasping the bead with his hair in it, he groaned and started to stir. Once more my hands smoothed the hair from his face. "How do you feel," I asked.
"Weak and tired," he muttered. Without even opening his eyes, his fingers wove into my hair again stroking my scalp. His fingers searched for my braid, but stopped short when it wasn't found. That's when he snapped his eyes open.
"Did you take out your braid," he whispered.
"I cut it out."
Anger filled his eyes for a moment, "Could not bear to be bound to me?"
My hands found his, guiding it to his own hair where I had just finished his own braid.
"Just the opposite actually," I whispered. "I almost lost you Kili. It is a miracle you're alive."
His large calloused hand lifted up the elegant braid. It was a sight to see, his dark brown hair blending in almost seamlessly into my vibrant red locks. Different emotions filtered across his face. First he was angered, then bewildered, and finally he was beaming up at me with love.
"Kili I love you," I whispered leaning in close and grasping his hand, "I have always loved you. At first I loved the idea of you, because I didn't believe you to be real. Once I got here I knew that it was real. You were real, my love for you was real—"
Chapped lips were bruising against my own. I had no idea how he moved so quickly. One moment he was laying on the bed, watching and listening, and the next he pulled me into his lap and was kissing me with earnest. On their own accord my hands traveled his bare chest, sliding into his hair while he kissed me with devotion.
Once he pulled away for breath, he touched our foreheads together to look me deeply in the eyes.
"I have waited so long to hear you say that," he murmured, brushing his nose against mine to lean in and kiss me again.
It was natural how his hands fit perfectly on my hips, pulling me closer and holding me there. His lips trailed to my neck, causing me to feel light and fluttery. "Uncle has to let you stay in Erebor with us," he whispered, "I will make him see reason."
"It was already decided earlier she was welcome to stay in the mountain," Thorin's laughing voice came from behind me. Not wanting to be caught in a compromising position with his nephew, I jumped slightly and off the bed. Kili still kept his hand in mine.
"It was? When," he asked confused.
Fili popped his head in the room, entering when he realized that his brother was awake. He bounded over and crushed Kili in a tight warm hug. "You are finally awake!"
"The arrow that hit you was poisoned," Fili continued muttering, "you collapsed in the snow. I heard you and Laurel fighting, once I got there she was trying to get you up. Bard's son went to get the company from the Master's house. Laurel used Kings Foil to heal your wound."
At his words I grasped the tea and urged Kili to drink it. He made a face of disgust but drank it none the less. Balin had popped into the room next, looking equally as pleased to see Kili awake.
"Yes, if it was not for the lass and her Elvish healing magic we would have lost ya lad," Balin sighed.
Elvish healing magic? What magic? Kili looked at me with astonishment, but I shrugged my shoulders, "I didn't use magic, I just did what I learned from the herb book I was given in Rivendell."
Thorin shook his head solemnly, "You did as Balin said. We all witnessed it. You spoke Elvish as well."
"No. I was just saying anything I could think of to get Kili to not die. I told him to rest, and to come back to me. That I loved him and to heal."
The others looked at me with odd eyes, those of disbelief. "They speak the truth," Fili urged, "you were speaking Elvish. Perhaps your instincts came to surface when faced with fear."
"You even collapsed afterwards and turned a little blue. Cold to touch," Thorin supplied.
Either way I took Kili's hand and held it tightly. All that mattered was that he was alive with me, no matter how. He pressed his lips to the back of my hand and squeezed back.
"Afterwards Uncle apologized to Laurel, and bestowed kinship," Fili urged excitedly. Kili appeared more surprised than his brother when he heard the words left Thorin's lips.
Soon all the company came in to see Kili and wish him well. I stayed firmly at his side, not wanting to leave him quite yet. Bilbo even hugged Kili and wished him well. His eyes narrowed in confusing as he pointed to Kili's shoulder.
"Is that Laurel's hair," he asked.
Thorin pushed his way forward and grabbed the braid, inspecting and muttering to himself in another language.
"Welcome to the family little sister," Fili hollered.
Previous Chapter << Chapter 18: Likeness of One is Not the Other
Next Chapter >> Chapter 20: Accepting Warmth
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idjitlili · 4 years
Legolas x reader
I am so tired I stayed up till 5 am last night reading so sorry if this shit. It is shit, Idont know what happened
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Imagine somehow being teleported into Tolkien’s ,the hobbit, and you end up meeting legolas and Thranduil. In which you insult thranduil, Thorin is sorta your daddy.
You have been travelling with the company since the trolls tried to eat everyone. You had quite literally came out of a floating , flame coloured line. Only to walk into the tree. A troll had picked you up and attempted to eat you as-well , but you really didn’t care, as you was focusing how your head hurt from the tree.
After explaining your situation to Gandalf , which he ended up believing that you weren’t from here, due to your clothing, and strange sayings. Plus the evidence that all the dwarves and a Hobbit had seen you magically appear.
Thorin didn’t like having a teenage girl , with barely any self defence skills , to come with on their adventure, mission, thing. Yet he felt like he had to protect you from harm, surprisingly since you saw how he treated Bilbo. Uh basically he’s your dad.
The first night with the company , they had all offered you blankets , food (lucky Bombur makes a lot.) , the princes had given you some of their extra tunics. Which they had a lot because dwarves likes to wear layers. Too bad they weren’t green.
Dori acted like a mother to you , he would make sure you ate , and even got Ori to make you knitted goods. The dwarves thought you you would freeze to death , as dwarves didn’t get as cold as humans. Something to do with their build or something, you recall Balin telling you.
You became quick friends with Bilbo, he was interested in where you were from, and what it was like there.
Kili and fili teased you for your weird obsession with potatoes, as you mostly ate them, and you even had gone far enough to make a potato ring. (I actually did)
Now you and the company are In Mirkwood forest , unaware to what is going to strike, soon.
Kili and fili ,stood either side of you in a protective manner. For hours the company had been walking through Mirkwood, Thorin denying any assumptions that they were lost.
You grunt , at the blisters that are forming on your feet , that are sweating in your trainers.
“My legs hurt.” You moan , quietly dragging out hurt.
Kili scoffs at you , “your legs are longer , imagine how mine feel.”
You look at Bilbo who is lagging behind,
“Well you can’t say anything , Bilbos legs are as long as my dick.”
“OI y/n, i dont have no legs.”
“I never said that , my dick is hugeeeeee.”
“You don’t have a dick .” Bofur responds loudly , with annoyed tone.
“How would you know if she had a dick. You haven’t seen it.” Kili responds sending you a wink.
“Yeah thank you , my dick is in my head.”
“How would it fit though?” Fili inquires , with a confused facial expression.
“I meant my personality you jensen Ackles , and John travolta blend!” You reply smirking to yourself .’Boom roasted’ not that he would get the joke.
Unknown the rest of the company Bilbo had climbed up a tree to look for a way out of mirkwood. The air felt limited in the poisoned forest , you felt chills go up your back, shivering slightly.
“Thorin...” you speak slowly, as you spot a eight legged spider, approach in the distance. It was bigger than a sheep, teeth like knives, beads for eyes.
Thorin grabs you and makes sure you are behind him, before you know it , all the dwarves plus you are surrounded. You unarmed, stay close with thorin , so you don’t die.
Suddenly the spiders are everything, no escape, the spiders are travelling down by webs and pulling up the dwarves , who don’t see it coming because they are too busy fighting the ones on the ground. When they are pulled up , they are wrapped into a webbed cocoon.
Thorin grabs a hold of you and pulls you into his jacket , then you are both slung up into the air, you become dizzy from being wrapped up in the webbing. Then you and thorin are in just stuck. For what it seems like forever.
Until , you feel yourself falling down slowly from the trees, the cocoon is ripped open by thorin. You get up looking around there are several, other cocoons with dwarves crawling out of them. You look around to see there are still spiders everywhere, you look to the floor and see thorins swords , picking up quickly you pass it to him. he nods with appreciation and passes you a dagger.
I guess you have no chance but try to help , otherwise the others will die because you were too scared to take a chance.
‘You miss 100% the shots you don’t take -Wayne Gretzky-Michael Scott -y/n l/n’
Before you can even look around for a target , you are rugby tackled to the ground, by a disgusting excuse of one of Morgan freeman’s creations.(I think he’s god uh)
You pull your arm out of its grasp, with your ,sorry thorins dagger in hand , before the poison from the spider can be injected. You stab it the face , its body goes stiff around you curling. You push it off gagging at its texture, you pull yourself off the floor only to be tackled again.
This time the dagger had been knocked out of your gasp , desperately you try to reach it buts in use, the creature pushes you down hard. You pull up your leg and kick as hard as you can, it lands on the left of you. You finally able to grab the dagger going to kill the spider, but someone beats you to it , FIring an arrow through its head.
You look up to see a blonde dude, why is he wearing leggings. Weirdo, your brother accidentally put your leggings on ,once and ripped the crotch how he didn’t notice
he doesn’t own leggings. I do not know.
Snapping you out of your thoughts , you are dragged up, dagger snatched out of your hand, and you are roughly pushed towards the group.
“Don’t you touch her again , or I’ll make sure your everlasting life does t last.” Thorin snaps at the ginger elf that had man handled you. What a bitch.
“Oh is this human your girlfriend?awwe.” The blond elf snickers at Thorin, kili and fili gag at the thought of their uncle being in a relationship.
“Uh princess , yeah you with the dance pants. Treat the king of erebor with a little respect. Assbutt.” You glare at the blond, who tended at your words. Haha loser.
“There is no king under the mountain not will there ever be.” He replies , scowling at you.
“Yes , there will be , princess.” He scoffs.
The blonde elf that you soon discover his name is legolas ,and he is the kings sOn.
Bilbo was missing , aand the company were led to the woodland realm. You could only hope that he would find a way for us to escape.
You and Thorin were spilt from the other dwarves, we were brought to the king. He stuck a deal with Thorin who declined. This king was as dickhead , and narcissistic. Legolas is stood next to you just in case you tried anything .
“Take him alway, ill take to his girlfriend now.” The woodland king states to his guard smoothly.
You scoff.
“ I am literally 18, you perv.”
You feel his ice eyes , stare at you , judging , your whole life, your clothing.
“You are not from here are you,child?” He must of noticed your keanu reeves shirt.
“tell me why you travel with these dwarves.”
“Why, I like them.”
He scoffs “they are scum, pigs , thieves.” He growls at you , circling you.
“Oi princess , this is your daddy?” You ask legolas who refuses to meet your eye.
“ all I can say is, at least thorin actually loves me and he’s not even my real dad.” Thranduils jaw clenched so hard that he probably could bite your head off.
“We are NOT talking about my son we are talking a bout you.”
“ okay listen here you self obsessed prick, I don’t give a shit about what you want, so cut the shit and get to the point.”
“ I want you to get my the gems of starlight,Thorin won’t expect it from you, I’ll let you all go.”
You feel bad for legolas his dad is soulless, makes him do everything while , he sits on his throne , acting like Gaston.
“No, I am not doing that to my friends, If you wasnt such an asshole and helped Thorin when Azog attacked them he probably would’ve given them to you. But you didn’t. So you suck”
Thranduils faces fled with red , he was angry he whipped his head to towards you.
“Get her to her cell now, legolas.”
“Just saying who risks their own sons life on a forest that clearly can’t be saved,”
“My sons well being doesn’t concern you. Human.”
“You clearly haven’t got love with son. You need to get yourself a girl mat-“
you are interrupted by a slap in the face.
“Well that was a girly move, who slaps , go punch me instead.”
Legolas pulls you out of the rooms quickly, not allowing things to worsen, walking you towards the cells.
“You shouldn’t have done that.”
He stops and looks at you,” because he will probably execute your friends.”
“Doubt it , he wants them gems , then he needs someone to kill the dragon.” You speak carefully walking down the stairs.
He hummed in response.
After you walked into your cell,you turned and smiled at him. You knew he wasn’t as mean as he portrayed himself as.
“Uh sorry for making fun of your trousers ,” you whispered so thorin didn’t hear , he would skin him.
He smiled lightly “sorry my Ada slapped you.”
“It was a bitch move not going to lie. “ you reach up to my face that still stung, You grin.
“I have no doubt you are going to escape.” He whispers.
“Yes sir. Stay safe princess,savvy?”
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh” you let out , as the water in the river splashed you hard in the face.
“Why is this so fun, yet we are still being hunted.” You throw up arms like you are on a ride in a theme park, until an arrow flies at yodu and almost hits you.
You turn to see legolas , you wave to him. He just keeps running after you and the dwarves , saying our butts , see he was a good dude.
Because of you distracting legolas , he couldn’t see an orc going to hit Tauriel. She got punched square in the nose , falling into legolas , whodidn’t see it coming and fell in the water.
For elves being graceful, that wasn’t ,but fortunately he landing in the water right near you. You reach in the water and some how pull him up so he’s holding onto the barrel. You lean back so it doesn’t tip his way. Still does. He’s stuck in the water with you. You offer him a smile.
“How was your fall?” You ask him.
“Into the water ? Amazing.” He replies grunting.
‘No falling from heaven”
“Oh.” He blushes
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i-did-not-mean-to · 3 years
Back to school - Chapter 3 - Kira
So, my first short AU has turned into a soap opera really fast...
Here's another Kira chapter...❤️👩🏻‍🏫
Fandom : The Hobbit
Characters : Oh everyone
Rating : Gen up to now
Warnings: Turns a bit dark, a tad of crying, histrionics and it's a dilettantish attempt at an AU
Kira watched them walk away, the new kid almost tripping over his own feet trying to catch up with that monstrosity of a teenager stomping away moodily.
She remembered vaguely what it had been like to be this young and to stumble upon a pretty face that hit one unawares like a right hook into the jaw; and, just as she had that thought, one of those faces appeared just above her.
“Miss Kira, I see you’re still hale.” That man had a voice like running rivers, cold and beautiful, Kira thought. As beautiful as her new colleague, Thranduil, was, she distrusted him instinctively. There seemed to be a lack of that kindness in him that she had come to expect in a teacher.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” She snapped, exhausted from this first day of work and troubled by all the secrets flitting around and nipping at her skin. “You’ve got the trash class.” He shrugged, his perfectly toned shoulders heaving with disgusting elegance and poise. Why could he not be as ugly as his words? It would make disliking him so much easier!
His freaking son was in that class, Kira thought, for crying out loud. How could anyone be that facetious?
“I’d be ever so grateful if you could refrain from making remarks such as these.” Her tone could grow just as cold and sharp as his, she decided. “Oh, you’ve warmed up to them, have you?”
There was a flash of something behind the obvious mockery; for a moment, Kira thought she had seen a hint of surprised joy, but the spark was gone before she could hold on to it or commit it to memory.
“They have been very nice. Your son has a rare talent for drawing.” She replied, carefully. “He’s a nitwit.”
Bitterness, Kira could taste it on her tongue as if that man in front of her was literally spewing acid. He was disappointed, but whether it was himself or that sweet-tempered boy of his who caused him such distress, Kira could not yet tell.
“He is not and you’re an asshole for saying so.” The words were out of her mouth before she could bite them back.
Wonderful, she had met exactly 3 other adults this far and she had managed to insult one of them to their face within the first day of her arriving at her new post. Kira deserved an award for hasty reactions that would lead to trouble and pain.
One thick eyebrow lifted with agonising slowness until it reached its zenith in a perfectly calm face.
“Strong words.” A drawling snarl, devoid of bite or anger; he seemed rather amused by her outburst that coloured her cheeks a flaming red and made her eyes shine with a ferocious fire. Kira liked to think that she looked intimidating or fierce, but she was old enough to be aware that she actually resembled a young girl running a fever when she got angry.
His eyes shifted into something that was now definitely mournful as he told her that there were many things she didn’t know and, with a sharp sadness, he added: “Maybe, someone with a soft heart like yours should not have come here.”
Bristling, she got up and pushed past him into the school building.
Who was he to tell her where she was to go or not? He knew nothing about her either, or about the things she had done and seen in her life. A soft heart, pfff, indeed.
Making her way through the halls and corridors, and getting turned around only twice, she finally entered the small administration office where a handsome woman with long, black hair was clacking away on her keyboard.
“I am…I have…I am new here and I’d like to see the files of the class I’ve been given.” Kira announced, rather badly, and the woman looked up with a disinterested face. “Which class would that be?”
Damn, she didn’t even know the name of the class, for she was sure that DD was not the official code. “Mister Gandalf’s class? I’ve taken over for Mister Smaug.” She mumbled, hoping that the lady would know which class she was talking about without her having to confess that she was a terrible teacher who had not done a rollcall or learned what the official denomination of her class was.
“You poor dear, how much time do you have?” The woman gave a wry chuckle. “Time?” Kira cocked her head.
“Go through to the library, I’ll bring you the files.” She patted Kira’s hand, lying cramped on the little counter before her. Those treacherous hands, she thought, always clenching without her knowledge, and betraying her inner turmoil.
As she sat in a corner of the library, she thought back on her first day: her colleague was like an ice-king from a fairy tale, cold and beautiful, and her class turned out to be a bunch of grumpy misfits.
Well no, only the two tall boys, the other ones seemed agreeable enough, but Kira was not used to scowling teenagers. It made her feel ill at ease and unwelcome; everything in this place made her feel unwelcome and she had half a mind to go home again and call it a day.
She had tried, but there was no place for her, not here, not anywhere else.
The door opened and the woman from before shoved a document cart piled high with folders in.
“You’re new to the town too, aren’t you?” The woman nodded slowly when Kira admitted that she was. “You and the curly boy, you don’t even know what mess you’ve gotten yourself into.”
Making a non-committal gesture, Kira encouraged her to go on. “You’ve met Dwalin and Thorin, I expect. They’re the local troublemakers. Hmmmm…” The woman pulled out a chair from under a deserted table and leant against it as if she couldn’t bear to sit down for this story.
“Their family, Thorin’s parents to be exact, they had a business. Beautiful it was. It burned down…some say, Smaug, the former teacher was behind it. We don’t know. There was some point of contention between them, but…”
“What about Thranduil?” Kira asked, the question falling from her numb lips.
“Oh…he…it was a beautiful business as I said and there have been important possessions of his lost in the fire. It…it is a time ago now. Thorin’s father has disappeared, you know, and Thranduil thinks he might have taken off with the most valuable parts. I don’t know if that’s true.”
The woman bit her lip, she knew she was gossiping, but she obviously thought that Kira had a right to know those things. Probably, she wanted to chase her away, but with every word, Kira’s faltering resoluteness firmed up again.
“Who is taking care of them? They’re kids.” Kira cried out, horrified by what she was hearing.
“Older cousins; they’re a strange clan. Secretive. Weird. Hostile. Thorin should have graduated, but he sticks around for his sister. Thranduil is her headteacher.” The woman sighed heavily. “We’re all one tangle of resentment and hate here.”
A fire, Kira thought, a future gone up in flames, a legacy fallen to ashes.
“What kind of person was this Smaug?” She then prodded on, curious about her predecessor.
“Smaug? Sly, charming, wickedly smart, very cunning…and dark. Oh, Kira, can I call you Kira? Leave girl, there is nothing here for you. Smaug and Thranduil? They survived here because their hearts have turned to stone a long time ago. The kids will hurt you; destruction is all they know.” She took a deep breath.
“Those children were raised on hatred, they absorbed distrust at their mother’s tit, they suckled on hostility. They will take everything from you if you let them.” The woman tapped the folders on the cart.
“I’m telling you, you don’t need to know. Leave this place. There’s too much death around here.”
Everything in Kira revolted.
“What made people that hard and bitter?” She asked, breathless with shock and pity.
“Loss. If you lose someone you love, you seek for culprits and there are more than enough potential candidates around here.”
Kira thought of young Bilbo’s flush, of Thorin’s shy smile and Legolas’ beautiful drawing, and grabbed the first one of the folders resolutely. “I have nothing to lose.” She whispered and plunged into the heart-breaking life story of one Tauriel; a girl who had impressed her with zealous interest and brave kindness.
The woman left and soon after, the door to the library was shoved open again and Gandalf strolled in, his grey wool cardigan stained with chalk and his beard hiding a sad smile.
“You’ve taken an interest in them, I see.” He said in a low voice, but his presence startled Kira so much that she uttered a frightened yelp. “Yes, yes, I wanted to know what all this talk of hate was about.”
Kira set aside the folder she had been browsing. “You have been crying.” Gandalf said softly, handing her a handkerchief and sitting down on the discarded chair the administrator had left pulled out.
She sniffed; she had just found out that the sweet-tempered blonde boy, son of the imperious colleague with the amazingly beautiful eyes, was semi-orphaned. His report cards said he was dumb, slow to understand and illiterate, but Kira had seen him read. All the notes about him betrayed a sense of impatience and exasperation that must have heightened the pressure on the poor kid, she thought. It was hard enough to be another teacher’s son, did people have to expect so much of a boy his age?
“Come, I’ll invite you to a milkshake, Miss Kira.” Gandalf extended his hand with the same natural friendliness as he had when handing her a handkerchief earlier. “Ah, you’ve kept the worst one for last.” He tapped on the thick folder bearing Thorin’s name.
Kira didn’t want to admit it, but she was frightened. The woman had been partly right and there was a lot of darkness in this town; shady things had happened, and Kira was unable to comprehend how people could burden mere children with past grievances they had not been a part of.
“There’s a little shop just down the main road.” Gandalf was chattering gently, shoving the last file into her satchel, and steering her out of the gloomy library carefully. “It will do you good to get out of this building.”
When she saw the blinking lights, her eyes burned and she wondered how long she had been sitting in the dark library, crying helplessly over the fate of children she had only met today.
“Miss Kira!” A honey-coloured mop of hair appeared in her blurry field of vision, and she was tempted to sling her arms around Bilbo. “Bilbo…” She sighed. “Oh, have you been crying?” Bilbo looked up, alarmed and worried.
“I’m okay, kiddo, it’s all fine.” She lied, she knew it and so did Bilbo.
“Oh, that girl over there, that’s Thorin’s sister.” Gandalf whispered into her ear. Kira looked up only to see the beautiful creature that had been with mopey Dwalin before class. She should have known, Kira thought, now that she saw them together, it was as clear as day that they were related.
“God, they’re such charming children.” Kira sighed under her breath. “Isn’t he just?” Bilbo sighed along, blushing a dark pink under Kira’s gaze that had snapped back to him. Kira didn’t know what this town’s ideas and beliefs were on that kind of crush; she had not been here long enough to gauge how people reacted to single women and same-sex couples, but it was clear that Bilbo himself felt terrible about his own words.
Kira wondered if there was no hairdresser in town, all the haircuts she had seen this far were exceptionally long and flowy, or awful like Ori’s, and the fact that half of all the people she had met this far were cramped into the small ice-cream shop reminded her of the woman’s words. They really were all packed one on top of another, all the time, no wonder there were frictions and animosities.
“Hello, are you the new teacher?” Kira snapped out of her reverie to be confronted with the fresh face of a young girl who looked up at her expectantly. “You sure are pretty.” She went on, which made Kira blush.
“I am Dís, I’ll introduce myself, old Thrandy interrupted me before and…my brother is useless.” She had the most dazzling smile, small dimples to either side of her generous mouth that was so unlike the grim line of her brother’s and eyes like a summer sky. She was the first happy person she had met, Kira realised, and her eyes flew to Thorin who observed them with meticulous sharpness.
His baby sister, of course, he’d throttle me on the spot if I threatened the girl in any way.
“I am…the new teacher. I’m not so sure about the pretty part.” Kira murmured, unsure how to proceed with Bilbo and the girl both now staring up at her as if she owed them some kind of explanation or answer to a question nobody had asked.
“Was Thorin very gruesome?” Dís asked with a mix of morbid pleasure and honest worry. Kira saw Bilbo flinch; so this was how they would handle things, she thought, Bilbo and her would be more or less mockingly warned so as to counteract every single potential disappointment…or expectation.
Squaring her shoulders, Kira lifted her chin and replied: “No, I expect great things of the young man.”
An eerie silence fell over the group and Kira could feel Gandalf stiffen just behind her; he was hovering in the door as if to keep her from retreating. Little did he know that Kira usually met her fears head-on, she would not back out of a shop because she happened upon a group of students; not even when it was obvious that she had been crying.
“Nothing ever happens here, so tell me, what did you think of old Thrandy? He was certainly flushed and a little grumpier than usual…” Dís had an infectious smile, Kira thought as she felt her own lips being pulled up by an unseen and unfathomable force. “Mister Thranduil was…very courteous.” She replied weakly, remembering with painful clarity how she had called him an asshole in the least civil display of discontentment possible, short of shoving him outright.
The idea of shoving someone that tall and strong made her giggle under her breath.
“He doesn’t like us much.” Dís said it off-handedly, but Kira had been a teacher for too long not to notice the tiny quiver that made her smile blur for a second. Once again, Kira wanted to protest and assuage the girl’s pain, but what did she really know? She had only arrived in this clusterfuck of a town.
“Do you think…could you like us? Please?” Her huge eyes shone like headlights. She looked so much like her brother, only softer, more open, and much more vulnerable. It was the age, Kira thought, it was the fact that he had always held his hand over her and, right now, he bulldozed towards them.
“Dís…leave the woman alone.” He gave her an apologetic smile; begging for affection was beneath his dignity apparently, so Kira turned her attention back to the girl and sighed: “I’m doing my utter best.”
“We’re not so bad, really. Don’t…don’t believe what people say.” She tapped her finger against the folder sticking out of Kira’s satchel. Her brother’s name was clearly visible and, unlike Kira, Dís seemed to know exactly what lay between the faded grey layers of cardboard.
“Dís, that is enough. Leave her be.” Thorin repeated, trying to pry his sister away. “Don’t mind her.” He said to Kira.
“Let go of me, you stupid oaf. How many times have you cornered old Thrandy in the hallway on my behalf? Can I not, for once, speak up for you?” Her eyes were flaming with blue fire now, reminding Kira of a copper flame.
“Don’t…don’t believe what people say, I can only ask you to make up your own mind. Both of you…” Dís then addressed both Bilbo and Kira who exchanged a puzzled look. “I don’t know anything about the idle tittle-tattle of the town.” Bilbo puffed up his chest and made a small gesture of dismissal.
Kira, on the other hand, did not know what to say. As a professional, she was bound to put at least some faith in the words of her colleagues and her predecessor; she knew teenagers to be manipulative, potentially mean-spirited, and profoundly selfish beings. It would have been more careful to heed the warnings others had given her.
“So…about your milkshake?” Gandalf prompted her from behind and Kira thought that she needed something stronger than a milkshake tonight to get settled into bed, but she would not get shit-faced in front of the students.
“The strawberry one is good.” Bilbo offered. Her eyes slid over the sign hanging on the wall.
“Chocolate-Mint?” She turned to Gandalf. “Unusual.” He commented. “Nobody likes that much.” He made a face.
“I am not everybody else…and I do.” Kira replied firmly and followed the man to the counter to escape the students.
The whole town seemed strangely informal to her and yet, there were so many things she could not quite understand, as if there was a deeper, darker truth hidden behind every brazen interaction.
“I see Thorin has taken a shine to the new kid.” Gandalf commented in a low voice when he returned with their drinks to the little booth Kira had taken in the meantime, far away from the kids, in a quiet corner. “At this time, he’s usually in the little hardware shop his family keeps.”
Kira could hear that Gandalf was trying to tell her something, but her head was still fuzzy with second-hand pain and first-rate confusion. “You’ll fit right in with us, I think.” Gandalf went on, nodding at her bare hands. No rings. For a woman her age, it was rare, and as her colleague and superior, he of course knew that she had come here alone.
No husband. No children. No emergency contact either.
“Young Bilbo is an orphan.” He murmured on. “There are too many orphans in this town.” Kira replied tonelessly.
“It wasn’t always like that…It won’t be like that forever.” Gandalf said and she had to believe in the faith vibrating strong in his voice. Of course, it wouldn’t stay like that, Kira thought, they would grow up and if this place was not right for them, they would find another one.
She drank her milkshake slowly, eager and reticent at the same time to take a look at that last file in her satchel. Her mind was full of what other people had told her: her colleagues, the administrator, that girl…
When she dared glance over, she saw Bilbo laughing at something Dís had said, and it seemed like the ghost of a smile danced on Thorin’s face. God, there were so many open scowls and just as many aborted smiles in this town.
“Are they…” Kira started to voice her concerns, but relapsed into silence, it was none of her business.
“Are they what, dear? Allowed to flirt? I’d hope so, these things come easier to the younger generation.” Gandalf tapped the side of his nose as if he knew that she was hopeless in the romantic department.
“I don’t need to know.” She said hastily, almost tipping over her empty glass as she got up and grabbed her satchel.
“Kira? You will soon learn that there is no escaping “knowing” in this town. I am so sorry, but you’ll eventually have to choose a side. Will you take the easy path?”
She froze.
“Here, take this. I’ll see you at work. Tomorrow.” He handed her yet another handkerchief, a beautiful, delicate thing that had no business being in the possession of a slightly scatter-brained, decidedly masculine headteacher.
“I bought it in the emporium that once was.” Gandalf said with a sad smile. “Before the fire.” Kira answered tonelessly.
“Thranduil said that someone with my soft heart should not be here.” She felt like telling on the colleague, but the recollection of his words cut deep, and she needed some kind of reassurance.
“Thranduil believes softness to be weakness. Do you have a strong heart, Kira?”
She did not know how to answer that question; it was novel to her, nobody had ever asked her anything remotely as confusing and irrelevant. She had never had any medical problems of the cardiovascular variety, but she doubted that this was the meaning he had been trying to convey.
“We’ll find out soon enough.” He grinned and when the door swung open, he sat back and waited.
“Miss Kira.” Already, she recognised the shy, quiet quality of the voice that reminded her of those wispy curtains her aunt Imelda used to have in her living room and that had ended up torn to shreds by her vicious Siamese cats.
“Legolas.” She turned around, satchel in hand, only to find her face almost pressed into the perfectly starched button-down of someone who has definitely not the nearly translucent boy.
“Mister…” – “If you can call me asshole, you can call me Thranduil.” His voice cut like a well-honed blade, slicing easily and elegantly through her defences…No jagged edges, no serrated indentations…Acid running like water and leaving nothing but burning pain behind.
She was tempted to call him asshole again, but she clenched her teeth before bowing her head slowly.
All the kids eyes were glued to her now; she could feel the prickling heat of their gaze on her neck. “Good evening. I’m on my way home.” She said courteously and tried to push past them.
“Legolas, go sit with your classmates, I’ll walk your teacher home.” Thranduil declared with icy determination.
“Why? What danger could lurk in the shadows for me when clearly, everyone is here?” Kira snapped.
“No, he’s right. It is not safe.” She had not noticed that the students had come up behind her, but she could hear that it pained Thorin to the core of his heart to admit that the hated teacher was, for once, not completely wrong.
“Stay with your classmates, Legolas, I will walk Miss Kira home.” Thranduil repeated and Legolas shuffled his feet for a moment before being pulled away by Bilbo. He didn’t get along with his classmates, Kira knew, but the fact that Thorin had not objected, told her that they all agreed to this plan.
Kira could not fathom what peril could hide in this sleepy, little town other than being smitten by a lightning bolt made of pure contempt and hatred, but when Thranduil held the door open for her, she moved outside readily enough.
For a while, they walked in resentful silence, each one thinking about the angry words that had been uttered between them. “I took…” She started, but he waved her words aside. “I know where you live.”
Of course, he knew. Everyone knew. Maybe, she’d be murdered in her sleep by the cloud of ominous darkness hovering over every square inch of this godforsaken place.
“Lock your door and say your prayers.” He mumbled, looking tired all of a sudden, as if the polish had worn away and washed off and all that was left was a middle-aged man who was alone in the world with a child he could not understand and a bunch of neighbours he didn’t like.
“If you see a fiery red sports car…” he started and waved her past her own building and towards a small corner shop.
“If ever anything feels amiss, you call Gandalf, the school, me…and you come here.” He went on insistently.
“Thranduil.” Another man stepped out, his eyes cautious and guarded as they fell on her tall companion. “Balin, this is Miss Kira. She’s your boys’ new teacher.”
The older cousin then, Kira thought, barely older. Where were the women in this town? Where were the mothers?
“It was mighty good of you to take her home.” Balin nodded slowly, giving Kira an appraising look.
“Now, look here lass, if anything happens, you come here.” – “What should happen?” Kira wanted to laugh, but she remembered: there had been a terrible fire, a man had disappeared, a car had been damaged, mothers had been lost. She was an outsider, and she knew nothing of the things that haunted these people.
“If he comes back.” Balin just replied and Kira was surprised at the grave nod Thranduil gave as a reply.
“Who? Smaug? What kind of guardians are you if you let someone that dangerous be alone with your little ones?” Kira exploded. “Little ones? Have you seen Thorin and Dwalin? They’re hardly little ones.” Balin laughed heartily.
“He held sway, let’s put it like that, and we could not dislodge him against his will.” Thranduil explained suavely.
“Not that you’ve tried really hard.” Balin mumbled into his beard.
“He was a fucking menace; he’s done terrible harm to those children!” Kira could not fathom how they could be so calm about that. “Aye, that’s a grief we all have to live with. I don’t think he’d come back, but if he does…well, we’ll know how to deal with him.” Balin said with pride in his voice.
“I’d rather let him tear me limb from limb than expose any of my students to that monster ever again!” Kira could feel the tears of anger and helpless indignation threaten to dash her brittle voice to pieces.
“You’re a fiery one, lass, I’ll give you that. Maybe, we all need more of this around here.” Balin chuckled and gave her a card. “Oi, Miss Kira, everything alright?” Dwalin came out, his hands covered in dark dust and his face glistening with sweat.
“Yes, I am fine. Suffocating on so much testosterone, but I am alright. One would think some evil power would send ghouls and dragons after me as soon as I step out alone.” She chuckled under her breath.
“Don’t wander around alone too much. I trust Thorin and Dís have taken care of the new kid?” Dwalin nodded when Kira’s eyes widened. They were being herded like sheep. With a tiny nod of the head, Dwalin and, what Kira surmised must have been his older brother, returned to their shop.
“They’re distasteful people, but they can protect you. We’re just up there.” Thranduil accompanied her back to her own suite of flats, pointing at a small rise where a beautiful white mansion peeked out from a patch of dark trees.
“Don’t call them distasteful.” Kira grumbled. “Lady, you call people assholes.” He reminded her.
“I’ll never live that one down.” She said through gritted teeth. “No, you won’t. We have a long memory when it comes to grievances and offenses.” It didn’t sound like a threat, there was no anger or even hurt in his voice; he was merely stating facts.
Rolling her eyes at him, she jangled her keys and made her way into the building. All of this was completely ludicrous, but she locked her door twice and fastened the bolt as well before taking off her shoes and cuddling up on the small sofa.
Kira wished she had someone to talk to, someone who would be interested in her first day at work and who would laugh and groan with her about that absurdly handsome, stuck-up, judgemental, overly sensitive colleague of hers whose eyes made her wish for summer and picnics outside.
Also, she yearned for someone to hold her as she opened the thick file and leafed through records of detentions and disciplinary procedures until she came to a clear line in Thorin’s academic career: he had been a good student, wild and impatient but also diligent and gifted, up to a certain point and only after that had he turned into a teacher’s nightmare.
Kira rubbed her eyes, she could barely believe that those words, “dangerous”, “vicious”, “devious”, “insane”, should be applied to a man that young. Thinking back, she saw a hunched-over youth, uncomfortable in his skin, wary, and definitely traumatised; she had never had the feeling that he had been threatening her in any way though.
One thing was for sure, Mister Smaug had hated the kid and he had not missed a single opportunity to make his life miserable, going as far as scribbling defamatory notes about Thorin’s family into the official records.
Piecing together what she could glimpse by reading between the lines, the family had built an emporium, but the grandfather’s megalomania had attracted the wrong kind of attention, and everything had literally gone up in flames. The father had disappeared, leaving the son to bear the burden of a reputation of being a greedy, thieving beggar – born and bred.
Nobody could see her now, so Kira lay down her head and cried.
It had been only one day, and already, she had no idea what to do and how to go on in this quagmire of secrets and lies.
Her mind wandered back to those fresh faces, to the willingness of Tauriel and Ori to work, to Bilbo’s calling out to her to give her opinion, to Legolas’ pride over a drawing, to Thorin’s and Dwalin’s surprising protectiveness, and she knew that even if Smaug came back and set her ravishing asshole of a colleague on fire in front of her eyes, what really mattered were the children. She would try her best to make a difference…at least for those who might change the fate of the world…in time.
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rattyoakenbitch · 4 years
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐰𝐧 ➳ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐯: 𝐟𝐚𝐫 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 . .
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— summary: the company fights the stormy weather while climbing their way through the misty mountains. when the weather gets too harsh, they seek refuge in a small cave.
— warnings: fic will include smut, language, angst, ptsd, depictions of gore.
— pairings: thorin oakenshield x female oc (oc info here) masterlist
The thunder boomed and rumbled around The Company, who were all drenched in heavy rain that poured down on them mercilessly. Deafening lightning flashed across the dark blue night sky, and Aramina thought to herself that if she was indoors and not struggling her way through the storm, she would very much enjoyed watching the raging tempest. But instead of enjoying a hot cup of tea indoors, Aramina and her companions fought their way through The Misty Mountains, some nearly getting completely blown off the narrow path and into the depths below them. And if that wasn’t already bad, two stone giants brawled beside them in the midst of the storm, making The Company’s climb even harder. 
“Look out!” Dwalin shouted over the blaring thunderstorm, as a boulder got hurled their way. The Company backed up into the wall, trying their best not to get pushed off the steep trail. The parts of their path cracked and fell, becoming narrower and narrower. Then, suddenly, 
“Grab my hand!” It was too late. “W-What’s happening?!” Aramina cried as the stone under her feet parted. She, along with Kili and half of The Company were divided, each group on either legs of the stone giants. Thorin watched as the brawl came to the end, one stone giant falling into the valley below and the other collapsing into the mountain, taking the other half of The Company with it. “No!” Thorin cried out. When he got the chance, he ran after The Company, hoping against hope that they hadn’t been harmed in the crash. “No! Kili, Aramina!” Thorin found them splayed against the rocks, coughing and catching their breath. A wave of relief crossed his face. The Company began helping each other, getting back up on their feet. Aramina searched among The Company, feeling something was off. Her suspicions were confirmed when Bofur shouted, “Where’s Bilbo?!” “He’s over here!” The Hobbit was found hanging on to the cliff for dear life, clear fright in his eyes. Bilbo’s grip began to slip. Just when he thought it would be the end for him, Thorin jumped onto a ledge beside Bilbo, throwing the smaller figure back onto the path, nearly falling himself until Dwalin stepped in and pulled his leader up.
“I thought we lost our burglar!” 
Thorin looked down at Bilbo in annoyance. “He’s been lost ever since he’s left home! He never should have come!” The Company, especially Aramina, were shocked by the harsh words, but it was Thorin after all. The arrogant, grumpy king, so they really couldn’t be surprised. Aramina frowned. She thought that Thorin could change, but was proven wrong. She knew that there was some softness under that brooding expression Thorin always wore. She got to see it that one night ago, but if Thorin chose to act like an angsty teenager, then Aramina figured she couldn’t do much to try and change his ways. After all, she was nobody special and had only just joined The Company. Though they wanted to defend Bilbo, they kept silent and followed after Thorin into the cave.
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Aramina tried to set up her bedroll as far away from Thorin as possible, but only ended up right across, practically facing him. 
“How long are you planning on keeping my pelt?” Thorin said lowly, gesturing to Aramina’s pack. She sent Thorin a cold glare, pulling the furs out of her pack and throwing it at him, the pelt landing on his face. “What is the matter with you?”
“What’s that matter with me?” Aramina scoffed, “What’s the matter with you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Maybe you should watch your words with Bilbo,” Aramina warned. Thorin returned her cold look with a threatening stare. 
“Who are you to tell me what to do with the Hobbit? He has no place amongst us. He should never have come, and you cannot deny that it is the truth! Do not be a fool, Aramina!” 
“Just because you’re the leader of this godforsaken traveling circus doesn’t mean you can talk down on anyone you deem to be lesser than you.” Aramina snarled, cursing in Khuzdul, “Makk an e ha'ak!“ [son of a she dog] Thorin’s eyes grew wide at the words. He lunged himself forward, pushing Aramina back against the wall, stopping only a few inches from her face.
“Itkit,” Thorin murmured angrily. [shut up] “You and that burglar better be gone by tomorrow, lest I throw you out myself. Gurnvos'comys!” [tree humper] Aramina pulled out her blade, pointing it at Thorin to back up.
“Say that again and you’re dead meat,” she threatened. 
“You wouldn’t kill me, wench.”
“Do you really want to find out?”
At that, Thorin wrapped his hand around Aramina’s wrist tightly, causing her to drop her dagger in shock. He leaned in intimidatingly closer to Aramina, practically breathing directly into her face. They stayed like this for seconds.. turned into minutes, looking deeply into each other’s eyes. 
“I want nothing more to do with you. Go back to your woods and get lost, for all I care.”
“Good. I’d rather die going home than following you to take back your stupid fucking mountain,” Aramina whispered, her voice cracking at the end. She pushed Thorin away with angry tears welling in her eyes. Thorin gasped lightly. Had he gone too far this time? Aramina gathered her things, getting ready to leave and take Bilbo with her, but the sound of sand sinking stopped her in her tracks. Aramina’s breath halted as she watched the ground begin to split, trapdoors collapsing and The Company falling after. Before the trapdoor below her could open, Thorin dived forward, protecting Aramina’s small frame in his arms as they fell into the depths below.
- - - ♡ taglist ♡ - - - @tschrist1​ a/n: i’d really appreciate some feedback and reblogs!
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