#tdp cartoon
katanasonata · 10 months
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...yet in those depths darkness shall creep.
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editswhite · 1 month
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chimpukampu · 10 months
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A few people approached me back in January con if I could sell a pin or a sticker version of my Dragang tote print, so here we go!
This is not the only TDP sticker that I'll be selling this weekend 😁
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quill-and-chalk · 11 months
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tinygayemo · 11 months
Some (slightly) rarer autistic Headcanons.
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Every version of the Riddler is autistic to me
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Do you ship it?
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reason: They mean the world to me, Amaya especially bc she’s deaf and queer and there aren’t many characters like that
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beanielesbian · 4 days
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0multifandomweirdo0 · 10 months
I need another season, but I don't want another season.
I need them to have their happy ending, but I don't want them to end.
I need it to end, but I don't want it to end.
They became my safe place
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raayllum · 11 months
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i am This Close to getting back on a CHET variant bullshit lemme tell you
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bananimations · 1 year
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✨🌸Among The Apple Blossoms🌸✨
How long has it been since Aaravos wandered through such a remarkable orchard? What beautiful memories do these delicate, sweet-scented blooms stir in that ancient, startouched mind?
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minebentobox · 9 months
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I made this ages ago and it made @cosmicpoutine laugh so I’m gonna share my bad jokes with the universe now
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my (other) wife's name is the Jailer
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from this Cartoon Universe interview
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I love it when people say animated shows include 'important topics and ideas' because it tells me nothing. What's the topic? Bullying? Mental health? Genocide?
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It's just me and the 2 different season 4s that destroyed me
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The Dragon Prince is one of the very few kids’ shows that tackles head-on the concept that very few people are wholly good or wholly evil, that both sides of a conflict typically commit atrocities, and that war truly is pointless in the end since there’s really no such thing as “the good guys versus the bad guys”…. and then people on Tumblr Dot Com harp on it for daring to suggest that nothing is black and white?
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t-n-c · 10 months
The sexual/sensual coding in Aaravos and Viren's interactions: The Sequel
Also known as "Why I don't like the revelation in s5."
Trigger warning--This discussion is going to mention manipulation/coercion, homophobic stereotypes, and sexually-charged abusive/invasive behavior under the read more so please proceed with caution.
Alrighty so before I start talking about tdp s5's major reveal in the Viren + Aaravos relationship I'd like to discuss the interactions they had with each other before and after the reveal and my thoughts on them. Here we go:
First thing I'd like to note is that Aaravos is still showing the creepy, invasive behavior that concerned me in my original post. Throughout the scene he and Viren share he:
Touches Viren
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Invades Viren's space
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And manipulates/controls Viren's body
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And in addition to controlling Viren's body, we've also find out that Aaravos can straight up move Viren's very soul if he wants.
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And like I addressed in my previous post, he does all of this without asking for Viren's permission and/or showing any care for Viren's wishes--hell, he explicitly ignores Viren when the latter says he doesn't want to be in the prison with him.
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That being said, these actions alone aren't the most concerning issue for me; that isn't to say that they're not concerning to me all, but it's nothing that hasn't been done before in their relationship--it's nothing new is what I'm trying to say.
However, the revelation about Sir Sparklepuff being their child is new--and imo it adds a whole new level of creepiness to the relationship.
Allow me to rehash what went down a bit:
Aaravos reveals to Viren that in order for his resurrection to be permanent, he needs to preform a spell that requires the "blood of his child"--Viren protests and claims that he'd never sacrifice his children.
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Aaravos responds that he never expected him to hurt Claudia or Soren and reveals that he has a third child he can use--
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Viren is confused and claims he doesn't have any other children--then Aaravos reveals that Sir Sparklepuff is his and Aaravos' child
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He tells Viren that Sir Sparklepuff is there for him to use for the spell and that he will teach Viren how to use his "living essence" to reclaim both his life and his "future."
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There's a lot (and I mean A LOT) of things about this scene/reveal that worry me; I'll try to sum it up neatly, but it's probably going to be pretty lengthy regardless. Here we go:
Concern 1) Viren had no idea that Sir Sparklepuff with his child, but Aaravos did
No matter how many angles I try to see it from, this feels violating to me; considering how Viren didn't know what the spell would do and how desperate he was at the time, his willingness to perform the original spell is dubious enough already--to then have it revealed that the spell produced a child that's biologically his really disturbs me. It might just be my opinion, but I feel that it adds a level of predatory to Aaravos that's unnecessary at best and horrifying at worst.
Concern 2) The lengths Aaravos has gone to keep Viren alive (and presumedly on his side).
This includes:
a) Telling Claudia the spell that would resurrect Viren.
b) Preserving Viren's body for 2 years while Claudia gathered everything necessary
c) When they first met, he chose a spell that would create a being that would not only allow them to communicate, but could also be used to resurrect Viren if the need arose.
Now assuming the writers planned this all from the beginning (I have my doubts, ngl) this shows a great deal of effort and premeditation on Aaravos's part to make sure Viren sticks around--whatever his plans may be, Viren must play a pretty big role in them or else he would have just moved on when Viren died the first time. (It's either that or he has some strange sort of fondness for Viren, which leads me to Concern # 3)
Concern 3) As of now, we have absolutely no info about how their relationship is going to be portrayed going forward
While Viren's fate is a bit ambiguous at the end of s5, I'm 90% confident that he's going to live through s6 in one way or another and assuming I'm right and that happens, there are a few paths the writers could take in how they depict the relationship
Option A) They sweep everything under the rug and pretend the sexual coding in the relationship never existed.
Option B) They portray Aaravos as a complete monster who was just using Viren for one thing or another and has now discarded him since he got what he wanted from him.
Option C) They portray Aaravos as having some dark sort of attachment to Viren--one that won't allow him to let Viren "leave him"
All these possibilities are iffy imho, but I'm honestly not sure which would be worse.
Going with Option A feels lazy--like the writers don't want to deal with the dark themes they chose to put in and decided to take the easy out.
(Granted, it wouldn't be the first time the show has dropped important plot points/developments--no one seems to have found out that Viren and Aaravos sent the assassins at the end of s2, for example--but it would still feel cowardly to me)
Going with Options B or C both feel gross--with Option B it feels like Aaravos would be the epitome of the Predatory Queer-Coded Villain--he would have effectively used and abused Viren in a violating way (i.e coerced/forced him to bear their child) and abandoned him once he was done with him. It would be pretty hard to make a case for him having a "kind side" after that.
That being said, Option C isn't really any better--Aarvos would still be following the "Predatory Villain" stereotype, the only difference would be that he'd fall more into the role of an abusive partner than the "pure evil" role that some older queer-coded villains were placed in.
TLDR: I don't like the revelation of Sir Sparklepuff being Viren and Aaravos' child because I feel it follows the reoccurring theme of possessive/violating actions from Aaravos toward Viren that I've worried about all the way back in s3.
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