#tbh im thinking i like their brotp better now that i think about it
lemonchikinstrogan · 9 months
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Ive never seen this before; ..this is actually kind of cute (steamlink ad)
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goatwithaplan · 2 months
something something ask game but it’s just roland
Roland is this one character me and my roomate keep joking about, and now he is Catalan, lives in my walls, amaizing at skating, and every time someone's says karma like at 20 km around me a " YOU KNOW THE FUNNY THING ABOUT KARMA..." is echoed. My point is absolutly none i just wanted to say that. Anyways roland ask game shit
favorite thing about them: the fucking memes, i dont think there is a singular character that has made me laugh so many times, its beyond insane how a dedicated person and my roomate have shaped this guy into my conciousness.
Least favorite thing about them: I wish he had some more screentime, and i just know it literally is worse in qds somehow poor guy tbh he deserved better. Favorite line: "....IS THAT IT GOES ROUND AND ROUND" hehehehe No for real i think thats like his only relevant line, and im sorry i tend to forget dialogue.
brOTP: Gale 10/10 this is probably comedic duo material, i need a side novel of these 2 doing stupid shit and having a polycule with Lupa. OTP: Argilla and while i am a very strong arginana shipper, I think they would make a good couple none the less. Like i think they have a lot of mutual growth they could give to each other and is a pairing that to me would be more interesting to see on screen. nOTP: Nyeh i dont think roland has bad pairings just more boring ones random headcanon: I'm not explaining the macho catalan thing.... Roland actually reached nirvana he just popped himself out of the samsara. Oh and also he is probably really greatful to the embryon for the chance to redeem himself and for the chance to join them like a group. The embryon is probably like a big family to him. unpopular opinion: Idk if its unpopular but i think his desing is fucking fire specially the demon one. song i associate with them: Listen i want to say a black sabbath song like a cool one, but i fucking can't, its 24 hours cinderalla because thats what i was listening when i drew the skating thing. favorite picture of them: Honestly this fucking thing, i carry it everywhere on my phone like a fucking charm, i even taped it so it doesn't get lost. And i dont even think its that good like to keep it around even tho i made it myself
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meibaestars · 9 months
for the sending a character thing, ashe? she’s so underappreciated and no one talks about her but she’s so interesting to me. in a chemistry experiment way, mildly terrifying as well as fascinating
or hanzo or cassidy because, yk, gotta ask bout my favs 💀
I'll do you one better and do all 3!
- Definitely lesbian, or at the very least has a large preference for women
- Cis woman (all of them are cis in my mind, I don't have much gender hc's)
- Ship: Ouihaw. I don't like HARDCORE ship it but it's pretty cute imo
- NOTP: Ashe and Bob. Seen some of it and was just like "... no." (Ashe & Cass would've been here if I didn't already decide for them to be brotp)
- BROTP: Ashe & Cass, easy- they got issues but. I still think they really care about each other PLATONICALLY
- HC: Bob braided her hair a lot when she was a kid, both for presentability and practicality. Even after she cut it, he still tried his best to do tiny braids whenever she let him or felt down.
- Opinion: Underrated character, I want to see her soft side more.
- I used to think he was gay gay, through and through. Now I see him as bi but still with a pretty strong male preference.
- Cis, as stated above
- NOTP: EASILY Cass & Reyes. That's a father-son relationship there.
- BROTP: Genji & Cass. Best bros for life.
- HC: OK HERE WE GO. Cassidy's mother (who I named Belle) had VERY long, light brown hair and taught him how to braid it. He's PHENOMENAL at braiding and can do it really fast too. He braids his own hair (or someone elses- usually the girls or Hanzo's with permission) a lot whenever he misses Belle.
- Opinion: I want to hug this man so bad, he's so fluffy and would give great hugs.
- Cis (again) but sometimes I entertain the idea of him being trans
- Ship: Ok NOW I can say Yeehan. Easily #1 mlm ship for me
- NOTP: Said this in a different post but Mei and Hanzo. I do see them as good friends though!
- BROTP: Tbh Widow and Hanzo. They aren't romantic obviously but I can see them working through trauma together and being comfortable since they both come from high-end households.
- HC: This poor man is the most touch starved person you'll ever meet. Might seem obvious but he also hates it in a way. He doesn't like people touching his back or neck bc it sends him into fight or flight... but if you give that man a big hug he is NOT letting go. Bonus: he'll be quietly trying to not cry if someone whispered kind things to him during the hug.
- Opinion: This man fucking NEEDS a hug. Desperately needs it. And I wanna give it to him (without him killing me)
And that's about it. Hope these suit you!
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joshuaalbert · 1 year
harry kim… ive missed your voyager posting but i want to hear your thoughts on dear harry boy…
favorite thing about them
he's my most favoritest guy. i love him. if like .03% of the things that had happened to him happened to me i'd be out there murdering bitches or something and he's still just out here being a nice friendly guy who tries his best for the ship and for other people. like sometimes they do a rly good job of making it clear that there's this very deep well of resolve to him and he is an incredibly hard person to break despite experiencing the horrors so so so often. BUT i also love it when he's unhinged like he absolutely deserves to get to go off the rails sometimes. and i like it when he's making little petty comments he deserves that too.
least favorite thing about them
i mean we all know this but he's SO fucked over by the writers/showrunners. there's literally no reason for the no promotion/left out of major storylines/frequently sidelined in favor of other characters deal except some like. racist bullshit. writers will be like "well we just don't think he's an interesting character" bitch then make him interesting lol that's your job.
harry and b'elanna literally the single most important dynamic in the show to me. every episode that they don't have a scene together i think about committing unfathomable acts of violence. i really enjoy that they genuinely feel like friends who care tremendously about each other (although i wish we saw them hanging out more off duty or in the mess hall or whatever).
also like idk if it's a brotp because they're not like Bros but the harry and janeway dynamic makes me feel uhh vaguely insane. now that you're here someone can understand what i mean when i say it's kind of the inverse of picard and wesley in a lot of ways lmao.
honestly i cannot deny the weird gay thing he and tom have going on. with tom and b'elanna i can be like yeah she deserves better but a) he's usually better to harry than b'elanna because the writers don't seem to know how to write romantic storylines without some bullshit and b) it lowkey doesn't matter if harry deserves better because regardless of my opinions they just Do Have a weird and compelling fucked up gay thing. the chute literally exists.
also my beloved friend @aberfaeth who was my source of voy knowledge before i started watching voy is a ptk enthusiast and i like. very much see that in some arrangement i like whatever they've all got going on
uhhh. hm. i dont know that i have one in terms of things that people actually ship? i am very not fond of the show's trend of giving him like tall blonde traditionally (western) beautiful women as like short term love interests that we're clearly supposed to assume he has absolutely no chance with because he's a lame nerd. in a vacuum him always going for like women that fit a specific mold of Hot Girl that he basically never actually has chemistry with would give comphet but i do think in this case it's far more representative of, again, the racist bullshit and it being very clear that they don't see him as being a viable romantic option.
random headcanon
i have not been rotating him in my mind long enough to have a ton of these but i do very much stand by my harry and b'elanna undefeatable battle bots build team headcanon
unpopular opinion
im not immersed enough in the voy ecosystem enough to know what opinions are popular tbh but i do think any headcanon that has harry like pining after tom is simply not a correct interpretation of events imo
favorite picture of them
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like I said. I like it when he’s unhinged and when he’s petty.
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viralvava · 1 year
The CV3 gang + Dracula for the meme? :>
FINALLY getting to this one, god im so sorry lmao ive been distracted by a certain funky new interest
okie dokie, first up: trevor!
favourite thing about them: uuh okay so basically everything but to pinpoint something specific: his personality? peak. hes a DISASTER. kind of an asshole prick. and i love that! its so good because get this: trevor is, in a way, the Quintessential Belmont, hes the blueprint as far as chronological goes (ignoring leon because he kind of doesnt exactly fit the dracula-stabbing mold im afraid) and he sets mad shit up, he literally befriends the series Big Good. and yet hes still a jerk. hes obviously flawed. hes the blueprint for a bloodline of noble heroes and yet hes so obviously human! hes a guy! hes kind of a bastard, prone to a stupid mistake or two, and of course even then hes still very much a Good Guy. hes loyal, has a strong moral compass, is generally friendly when hes not being a total bitch... you get it
least favourite thing about them: netflix. other than that there is nothing wrong with him. except he deserves better tbh i mean hes kind of underrated? for being the mc of the best classicvania and as i said, Quintessential Belmont, as well as kind of just seeming like the kind of character fandom would latch onto, hes not really talked about much unless its netflix!trevor. on one hand im glad he gets left alone mostly, but on the other its kind of a shame :(
favourite line: "INCINERATE!" but actually, im really fond of all his really bitchy lines to hector. "For one that served under Dracula, you seem much too weak." and "Be that as it may, I am the one who shall vanquish him, your meddling is unwelcome. Leave him to me!" (note, i love how he just Keeps Going when he talks, my man cannot end a sentence or take a pause for the life of him)
brOTP: so that i dont repeat the same thing too much, lets go with hector & trevor! i think they could be good friends :>. julia too, trevor has no qualms about hanging with witches considering he married one (but trevor & grant have my whole heart im sorry)
OTP: trevor/grant/sypha/alucard :D but if i had to pick just one, then i guess it would be trevor/sypha, since. its canon
nOTP: iiii cant really think of one? other than the complete obvious. there are some ships i dont really vibe with but nothing i dislike enough to go full on "fuck no" for.
random headcanon: a version of the events from each casino type game trevor is in did happen, because the idea that he kicked draculas teeth in that many times is really funny. angela from the pachinko or whatever is his friend who he has literally never mentioned to anyone ever because he forgor :)
unpopular opinion: i dont really know whatd be unpopular? lmao
song i associate with them: Belmont the Legend, pretty obviously, but moreso than that: Beginning! i think it fits the vibe of "silly whacky group of friends who may be kissing go on a magical adventure to knock draculas shit sideways". as for actual songs, uh, ummm. Hell's Comin' With Me by Poor Mans Poison :p
favourite picture of them: gotta be one of these
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now for best boy grant
favourite thing about them: his friendship with trevor!! very cute it makes my brain explode
least favourite thing about them: konami why did you put him in the basement? give him back now
favourite line: "I can help you a lot because I am very fast." he can help me a lot because he is very fast
brOTP: grant & trevor obviously! but grant & sypha is peak too, they bond over their shared stupid idiot. maybe he could befriend hector because of all the stealing hector does?
OTP: same as ever, trevor/grant/sypha/alucard, but to pick just one itd be grant/trevor
nOTP: havent got one lmao
random headcanon: hes a good cook! he made trevor the curry that you can steal from him in curse of darkness
unpopular opinion: more interesting than sypha tbh im sorry but he is
song i associate with them: i dont really have any :( but he can share beginning?
favourite picture of them: love the sotn fake grant sprite i really do
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and sypha time
favourite thing about them: i think its really cool how she serves as the template for a whole bunch of characters after her :D yoko, charlotte, juste, etc etc, lotsa magic users
least favourite thing about them: very underutilised, for someone whos basically trevors main partner as far as canon goes :( also most of her designs suck
favourite line: "I'm Sypha, the Vampire Hunter." awful translation aside, this implies she might have a reputation that trevor would know of. whats her rep goddamnit
brOTP: sypha & alucard! i think theyd be chill. netflix stay away from me
OTP: trevor/grant/sypha/alucard... and sypha/trevor, obviously
nOTP: yea ive got nothin
random headcanon: her and grant barged into julias cabin very soon after curse of darkness concluded demanding to know where trevor was, and the misunderstandings were glorious
unpopular opinion: shes kind of the least interesting to me of the cviii cast... which isnt actually saying much because shes still really interesting, but just less so than the other three. the cviii-ers have a lot of really interesting vague shit its funny
song i associate with them: none, again :(
favourite picture of them:
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and now we get to mr. popular, alucard
favourite thing about them: the existence of the secret boots is peak storytelling lets be real here
least favourite thing about them: as the only person in the world who sees alucard as more of a cviii character than a sotn or sorrow character, i wish we got more content of him with his original gang. that isnt netflix. and includes grant.
favourite line: can i go with an unused line? "Farewell, Father. Believe it or not I shall miss you." if not then uhhhh "I'm interested in this."
brOTP: alucard & sypha all day but tbh. arikado & yoko has such potential. arikado & hammer also
OTP: trevor/grant/sypha/alucard, but also just alucard/trevor
nOTP: i dont care if anyone else ships it but alucard with any belmont other than trevor just does Not do it for me for some reason, also mariacard because i just dont care lmao i prefer the sibling dynamic with richter for her
random headcanon: circa 2035 he just puts his neutron bombs in his sink he doesnt care anymore
unpopular opinion: in my heart he belongs with the cviii idiot group the most
song i associate with them: The Tragic Prince! and for not bgm, I'll Know by Red Vox
favourite picture of them:
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aaand finally, unexpected suggestion, draccy boy himself
favourite thing about them: hes so fucking stupid how on earth did he fumble leon belmont of all people THAT HARD
least favourite thing about them: half of his designs are peak and the other half kind of suck ass. case in point what the fuck is the crotch mouth on that one final form
favourite line: "Ah, sarcasm." bitch what the fuck are you on. im pretty sure thats just how alucard talks
brOTP: dracula & death friends till the end
OTP: uhhhhh i have no idea! maybe dracula/tomato juice
nOTP: once again i have no idea aside from the obvious
random headcanon: he had a nintendo switch in the year 1455
unpopular opinion: what the fuck is an unpopular opinion for dracula ermmm i guess that i think that his one form in cviii where hes just a mass of melted heads is really fucking cool
song i associate with them: A Toccata Into Blood Soaked Darkness!! peak dracula theme, sweeps Dance of Illusions tbh. Proof of Blood as well (i love Old Enemy but the wraith isnt really dracula to me)
favourite picture of them:
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boypussydilf · 1 year
How about Gina and Gregson for the ask game?
OOH FUN CHOICE. i havent thought about them much. theyre green
Sexuality Headcanon: she can be a lesbian
Gender Headcanon: trans girl !!!!!
A ship I have with said character: whats it called goulstrade? yeah i like that its cute
A BROTP I have with said character: It is a CRIME that gina doesnt get to be called iris’s sister. they ARE sisters. and i love them. i also wanna give a shoutout to her friendship w ryuu tbh like hes responsible for kinda changing her worldview and letting her finally trust adults more bc he believed in her so much,. and thats neat. and also she shoots him
A NOTP I have with said character: there are no gina ships i have strong opinions about
A random headcanon: i know i said it before but in DGS3 From My Brain the baker street irregulars are like half ginas idea and half her thing. round-up of kids she maybe even knows some of personally. in general i believe in post-dgs2 gina using everything she has available to her to try and make life better for Kids Like Her
General Opinion over said character: Gina Gina Gina shes sosososo good !!!!!! i love her arc i love her everything !!!!!! i wish the writers recognized more what a major character she is. she feels like a part of the Core Group but then gets left out of Core Group events. SHES part of the family too i know it. i love her
slut failure gregson
Sexuality Headcanon: i know in my heart that man is aroace. i just do
Gender Headcanon: Just Some Cis Guy
A ship I have with said character: I have never seen a Gregson ship in my life.
A BROTP I have with said character: this guy has a limited cast of friends and theyre all great 1 gina. obviously. congratulations bitch!! you are forced to have a daughter figure now!! incredible wonderful friendship all they do is yell at each other. 2 iris like their interactions always put their dynamic just in the context of how iris writes about him sometimes but like . Considering everything there is distinctly a nonzero chance that hes known iris her entire life? so idk. just something to consider. 3 he and sherlock are not friends but they are really funny. gregsons curse woe sherlock be upon ye
A NOTP I have with said character: Again, I have never seen a Gregson ship in my life. Shit, maybe yall should start pairing him with random people just to see what fucking happens. Wheres uhhhh *flips through files* gregson/drebber ohgod im laughing so hard
A random headcanon: HGMMMMMMMM . i honestlygot nothin thats actually properly about him . uhh. yeah idk. He exists in proximity to many other characters and has probably had interactions with them! i cant think of anything thats really about him and isnt Actually Canon though.
General Opinion over said character: Best character in the game. tbh. i know ive said this before and also i say it about every character. But they kind of went off with this guy. they made a deeply interesting and complicated character who does some really fucked up things but also cant entirely be called bad . and then had 90% of his screentime be him getting shunted off to get bullied by various people and suffer the agonies of putting up with annoying bullshit. and they were right for that, too. bc its funny.
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quiveringdeer · 3 months
sweet nat I would like ur thoughts on one toji fushiguro!!
Thanks for this Mar! I dunno why I originally saw the post as separate ask prompts when I sent you the Gojo one, instead of answering them all about a character, my bad!
If anyone else wants to send an ask for this feel free!
Why I like them:
I'm always a sucker for a powerful antagonist lol Especially when they have heaps of trauma built in too, and Toji has that for sure! The way he was outcast by his family but used his heavenly restriction to overcome so much and become a notorious assassin is just peak character to me
Why I don't:
There's not really anything I dislike about him tbh 🤷🏽‍♀️
Favorite scene: 
To thirst over- In the anime when he catches the fish in his mouth and then the way his tongue sticks out after releasing it??? 🥵🥵🥵 Mappa had NO RIGHT --plus the backflips in the air with his shirt riding up juuuust enough to give a peak at his back - Chefs's kiss /CINEMA/
In general- The moments of flashback where he recalls his first wife's words about taking care of Megumi and then ends up offing himself to protect Megumi from himself. 
Favorite season/movie:
Second season of the show and every single scene involving him if im truthful
Favorite line:
 “I don’t go by Zen’in anymore. I got married and took my wife’s name. I go by Fushiguro now." -mans loves his wife TO THIS DAY! 
Favorite outfit: 
The classic tight dark shirt white slouchy pants combo
Toji x Mamaguro OF COURSE! Gosh what I wouldnt give to have some slice of life info from Gege on how they met, fell in love and the little time they all spent together after Megumi was born 🥹 Their love story is so important to me, like she's the G.O.A.T. of "I can make him better" uuuuugh 
Uhhhh him and the worm lmao The fact the official fanbook says: "Toji was able to establish a friendly relationship with his inventory curse by earnestly training it like a pet." makes me giddy
I dunno what's canon, fanon or simply conjecture since i havent read the manga but- I dont believe Toji ever /actually/ forgot who Megumi was in part 1 of Hidden Inventory. I think he was playing it up to downplay Megumi's importance to him in order to keep him safe. I think nearly every decision he makes is to try and keep Megs safe. Naming him a traditionally girl's name to potentially keep the rest of the Zenin clan off their trail since they dont value women no matter their cursed techniques. Finding a wealthy second wife to link himself to so that Megs wouldn't grow up destitute with just him ((even tho i read Toji and Tsumiki's mom apparently "ran away together" and spent up all the inheritance? i dunno i still wanna believe okay)) The way he saw his first wife/first love tbh- in Megumi when they were fighting in the alley and he flashbacked to her telling him to keep Megs safe. I also think that regardless of if it turned out Megs had ended up with the Zenins and taken their clan name after his first death- or the current timeline of him remaining Fushiguro, that Toji would have killed himself to protect Megumi in that last moment. I think the fact that he still had the Fushiguro name let him at least die more peacefully this second time. 
Unpopular opinion:
It's hard for me to read certain Toji x Reader content because of how integral I view his relationship with Megumi's mom. I'm not a fan of erasing her from his story/life or having reader be that person for him. I dunno why this is a sticking point for me of all the things I read and write lmao Still love reading shameless smut and also sometimes fluff with him that doesnt dive too deep into things but for deeper dives I feel like any Toji x Reader should be mainly one sided, unrequited romantic feelings for him 
A wish: 
More backstory for him! There was a fan mockup of sequel focused on him as a kid and growing up and I wanted it to be true sooo bad! I mean we all know he's Gege's favorite so if Gege didnt hate us they'd make it happen, but alas 😩 For now I make do with the adorable art by DDub1618 on twitter!
An oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen:
5 Words to best describe them:
geeze this feels hard for some reason hmmm: The Greatest of All Time 😎
My nickname for them:
Daddy 😏
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yuridovewing · 8 months
hollyleaf and/or a wc oc of yours (if you want!!) :3c
OOO I have not thought about her in forever but I'll take the time to flesh out Silverleaf a bit cause I miss her.
Hollyleaf first though
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbian and i can see her being on the ace spectrum somewhere! dunno where exactly though.
Gender Headcanon: I like to think shes nonbinary, specifically agender especially in my au.
A ship I have with said character: hollywillow is one thats soo interesting to me and the one i go for in my au cause mannn the extra angst it adds to her storyline with leafpool (she is a medic in this au). like as you grow up alongside the code you grow disgusted towards yourself for loving another medic so you leave her, only to learn your mother has also broken two vows at once and it resulted in you. like. goddamn....
im also fond of hollycinder ofc! and i definitely like hollyheather a bit for similar reasons as hollywillow
WAIT WAIT. I GOT AN IDEA FOR RAZORVERSE i'll write this in a different post cause i dont wanna clog this one too much
A BROTP I have with said character: if not as a ship i like hollycinder as a brotp. i guess also fallen leaves buuuut tbh i dont really care about him, lol. but having a ghost friend is cool.
A NOTP I have with said character: hmm i dunno who comes to mind. does anyone actually ship hollyleaf with men other than fallen leaves? idk if its because i like her a lot but shes one of those characters i just cannot see with a man, like it just feels weird.
A random headcanon: if we're talking razorverse, as a part of the tunnel hivemind, she can take form outside of the tunnels as a shadow. she often followed dovewing and ivypool this way, though she was unable to actually talk to them.
General Opinion over said character: i love the version of her in my head but man I wish she was handled sooo much better in canon. what do you mean leafpool has to apologize to HER. no she fucking doesn't. hold my girl accountable, she ruined lives and tried to kill her own mom, dont just let her get off scot free? the end of her arc should not be "oh i should have followed the code Better", it should be "hey the code is sorta... bullshit actually"
And now Silverleaf
Sexuality Headcanon: lesbian ace ^^
Gender Headcanon: trans girl
A ship I have with said character: her with another oc named lightheart. their relationship happens after lightheart is exiled and silverleaf is nearly murdered (and subsequently fakes her death), they're from different clans. havent figured out their new story but they start off when lightheart takes refuge with Silverleaf and Fang (her rogue friend) and they can relate to each others' traumas a lot and things build from there ^^
A BROTP I have with said character: Like I said she has a rogue friend named Fang! they became friends when silverpaw was an apprentice and she ended up confiding in him a lot about her situation with applefrost (her mentor) and he was the only one who made her actually feel like a kid. hes the one who found her and helped fake her death.
A NOTP I have with said character: none really
A random headcanon: she becomes some sort of traveling bard! she creates some songs with lightheart and fang and they go around different territories to sing
General Opinion over said character: I really need to fix up her story and update it someday, im not sure what exactly to do cause as of right now, i don't know if her story is too generic or not. (applefrost, the deputy and her mentor, attempts to isolate her and make her loyal to only her for when she gets her nine lives, so silverleaf could be an enforcer or mole of sorts, only to discard of her when she feels silverleaf isn't up to the task.) but she's my first ever wc oc and im very fond of her
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summonhouse · 2 years
Thank you JOHN. imagine ive edited it to have ants on it but im on mobile. In bed. Because of the sickness
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For thiiiis ask game. I assume
Sexuality Headcanon: hes gay asf. I wrote him down as bi on my hidden beau x xephos reference page but tbh im eating kingdoms ep 9 up yum yum yum
Gender Headcanon: ik everyone likes gnc xephos but i like him better lame. Just your normal little cis guy. He doesnt understand anything abt gender he just tries to be supportive
A ship I have with said character: ermmmm. Me x him .
A BROTP I have with said character: honeydew :] and lalna. I love them as a trio theyre silly
A NOTP I have with said character: just about anything w him bc im defensive TBH. Lomadia x xephos feels way too awkward to me idk the fandom consensus on the morality of that though
A random headcanon: ive talked my head off already in your circles abt how i dont think the timeline is a line for him i think its circular in a nebulous "its always happening/its only now" kinda way. I wanted to sit down and write a think piece abt timeline bleed recently actually but im fail. L
General Opinion over said character: i love him so so so much he is my husband in real life like i love how he can be characterized really anyway depending on timeline. He takes on a lot of roles so he can appeal to anyone. Hes funny when lewis doesnt take playing him seriously, and i think hes very sweet when hes doing adventuring storytelling like in soi, and i just adore, as you know, the evil scientist xephos from yoglabs... ooh world domination ♡♡♡
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justjstuff · 3 years
bestieeeee for the salty asks: 1-5, 7, 16 for fdtd obvi (tbh or atla/zutara??? whatver floats ur boat bby)
astriferias <3
honeeeey why u anon??!! ily.
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
r: KATARA. AND. AANG. >:( the only reason they ended up together is because "Aang is The Nice Guy protagonist and they always get the girl" (COUGH. Ted Mosby. COUGH). I feel like I could write a whole essay about all of the things that's wrong with the pairing (I could. I really could. Don't tempt me) but I'll just leave it at: No 15yo MASTER who traveled the world and has slept next to ZUKO and seen Zuko training SHIRTLESS would ever go for a scrawny 12/13yo.
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
r: Z*kka? I think that's the name of the ship I don't remember. But yeahhh I just really really need them to be brothers, it's so cute :')
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
r: Yes. lol. But it was more bc I kept seeing it over and over again in my tl and it was starting to get on my nerves. No fight or anything like that.
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*
r: Kat*ang. Yes. Also M*iko. and I know it sounds like "oh I can't stand anything but my otp" but that's not it. I'm absolutely okay seeing them with other people but... these two no. (I also think Zuko should have married another Fire Nation noble just saying, I think him and Ty Lee would actually have made more sense)
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?*
r: Hmm... I dunno? I can't think of any tbh.
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?*
r: Not really. There are things that I couldn't stand but now I kinda like tho. OH. For FDTD. Mexican Honeymoon fics that don't change the outcome of it. Like, I read some that are really good but in the end I'm so unsatisfied with how things happened in the show that I'm just tired of reading any that fit in canon.
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
r: THE ENDING. >:( Also a few things from the time between the eclipse and the comet. ALSO. I would have given Aang proper development. I think he's the only protagonist who didn't have to overcome ANY hurdles. The massacre seemed to impact him just for a few episodes in the first season, he got to keep his childish disposition all throughout the series while others assumed leading/caring roles, he didn't have to change anything about his personality to Win (he put the entire world at risk by not stepping up and killing the Fire Lord bc of his beliefs and somehow it was all okay in the end) and honestly, despite thinking he's cute and adorable, I couldn't find a connection with the character? To me, the one who took the role of protagonist was Zuko tbh. And we got to connect to him on a deeper level because we watched him make mistakes, we watched him fall, then pick himself off the ground and get better, become someone better. Anyway, thanks for coming to my salty ted talk.
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yomiurinikei · 3 years
hmm hibiki for the ask meme?
!!!!! the girl!!!!! we love to see her <333
under the cut for length + (sympathetic) mentions of k4n4d3 + analysis/discussion of the twins childhood and resulting trauma
favorite thing about them - i rlly do like her personality!! she’s a fun girl and i think if she existed irl i would wanna be her friend/she’d be good for that. like she’s legitimately just doing her best and being a person,, hibiki v often feels like,, palatably realistic. ur friend whos traumatized bc everyones traumatized, but she’s coping with it in a way that’s normal and not. yk. setting an orphanage on fire or smthn weird like that
least favorite thing about them - i feel like her dynamic with kanade and their childhood was written as smthn really bad, but then linuj handled it so miserably. this goes more into things with kanade, but by insisting kanade was just inherently like that, it really took autonomy from both twins and diminished the blatant abuse they had gone through, so prolly that bit of her writing? then for her in and of herself. it just,,, really does not make sense for her to act the way she does to kanade, and looking at her interactions with others, it almost feels ooc the way she treats kanade. she's generally a sweet girl, she's just more childlike, which makes sense with her backstory!!! but then out of nowhere she's saying such horrible things,, its odd to me
favorite line - any line with hibiki giving someone a nickname/the resulting exchange tbh
brOTP - setsubiki!!! their interactions r fun and my fucking keyboard broke this is the last question i have to do (bc i answered them out of order) and im so so so tired of this so im sorry if my answers r short but. ya every scene they have together is nice- hibiki trusts setsuka and u can tell setsukas attempts to console and be there for hibiki are coming from a place of legitimate affection and care
OTP - mmm?? im not rlly prone to romantic hibiki ships. as we all prolly know by now, i hc hibiki as having DID, and view the alter we generally/frequently see as being a child, and either way, she's canonically not v grown mentally, so! yk yk
nOTP - for some reason. any ships with hibiki x guys make me feel so uncomfortable. idk what it is, but i havent seen one that doesn't set off alarm bells,, so! personally not my taste
random headcanon - uhhh other than the did thing? lemme think- her scalp is really sensitive and having it up in pigtails all day always leaves her head aching when she finally takes them out, but she doesn't like the way her hair looks any way else, so its. the constant irritation of that, or realizing "oh wow, my head hurts" when she takes her hair down.
unpopular opinion - she can... be the object of her parents affection..... and have been damaged by that differently than kande was,,,, and she can still be a victim...... she can have heard her parents mistreating kanade and internalized that, and have hurt kanades feelings by saying things that stuck with her.......... that doesn't change that shes a victim,, and she's not abusive for doing that,,, its just a thing that happened,,,,, acknowledging its impact on kanade is not a disservice on her character, so long as you acknowledge who taught hibiki that.
song i associate with them - la primavera - fake type or! sick beat - kero kero bonito or! better by myself - hey violet. ofc tho this is after .3 seconds of looking @ spotify so like. yk
favorite picture of them - i rlly like a lot of her sprites, bar the ones where her pupils r all small + the top half of her face has that black overlay, or the one where she's angry yelling, like w/the action lines? she looks like a chihuahua there but anyways, i especially like these two sprites <3 (ik formattings wack im on my laptop. may b ill fix it later. may b.
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dangdiggitydang · 3 years
rotbtd tag game
i was tagged by @hobie-brown :D
this could get long...
name/nickname? mags! my favourite one atm is magatron
how did you get into rotbtd? saw some fanart on google images while i was perusing through the httyd fanart as a ten year old and never looked back. deviant art and youtue amvs became my vices after that.
what made you stay/come back? httyd 3 actually! even though it's my least favourite of the trilogy, it made me so nostalgic for rotbtd. also the content now is so much better than it used to be imo.
out of the four movies, which one is your favourite? httyd1 definitely. i think its the most well written and constructed (tangled is a close second) and the soundtrack is amazing. while i think brave and rotg aren't as narratively strong, they have the same heart and loveable characters as the other two. tbh, i thoroughly enjoy watching all of them
dreamworks dragons or rapunzel’s tangled adventure? i ADORED rob and dob and i used to watch it episode by episode on abc3, but i haven't gotten around to watching all of rtte yet. tbh...i don't like the characterisation in rtte very much, something just feels off about it. character and plot wise, i don't have anything against rapunzel's tangled adventure, but some of it gets boring and repetitive after a while. this is a long winded way of saying i prefer dreamwork's dragons, but just rob and dob ig.
which one do you prefer to be made a sequel of, brave or rise of the guardians? like @hobie-brown said, disney should not be trusted with merida or any of her family. that being said! a rotg sequel would be a dream come true!! there's so much lore and world building that needs to be explored!! i have so many questions. how did the other guardians die? they mentioned the groundhog, are there other spirits?? are there different ones from other cultures?? and obviously there's will joyce's series to take inspiration from as well. imo, a series would work better to explore everything. (also give me a pitch black redemption arc. i LIVE for the villain-turned-awkward-relative trope)
otp/brotp(s)? my otp is hiccstrid and i think eugene and rapunzel is one of disney's most solid romances so there's that. jarida!! my beloved!! tbh, i was indifferent to jarida until like three months ago but now i cannot stop thinking abt them. in terms of brotps? all of them. literally any. the best thing abt the rotbtd revival is the lack of ship wars and the realisation that all of them have wonderful and distinct chemistry between any other member of the group.
favourite characters? httyd and brave were my gateways into this fandom, so i guess hiccup and merida?? but i actively kin rapunzel and jack has so many unexplored character traits beyond Ice Themed Bad Boy That Pulls Pranks. idk man, don't make me pick.
favourite au(s)? BAND AU. OMG i LOVE BAND AUs. @risoris made an awesome band au and a fic to go with it and i think i cried when i saw it. some of my other favourites are: office aus, superhero aus or camp counsellors aus (which @ven-finn has drawn art for ;))
pick one! favourite b4 house placement in hogwarts au? im not as into hp as i was before bc of reasons but my headcanons for house placements are: hiccup - ravenclaw, rapunzel - gryffindor, merida - slytherin, jack - hufflepuff
pick one! since this is 2021, any hot takes you want to give us? | what old fanon tropes that you still enjoyed to this day? hm. i think old fanon tropes were frustratingly heteronormative and surface-level. some hot takes... umm
when merida's old and her kingdom's passed onto her brothers or her heir (if she has one), her retirement plan is to go live in the woods and become the resident cryptid.
any aus that take away hiccup's disability is yuck.
i mentioned this in an earlier question, but jack has SO MUCH character beyond the basic bad boy arcetype everyone placed him in during early fandom. like, the boy needs therapy but not in the way wattpad boys need therapy y'know?
in general, i think old fandom lacked a lot of nuance when it came to the characters, especially when they were all together so im glad that's starting to change!
in a modern au, raps would DEFINITELY be on art tiktok. like those mirror painting trends and the cottagecore aesthetics remind me so much of her.
everyone thought that jack would play hockey bc he's ice themed and everything, when in fact 1) he uses his staff much more like a lacrosse stick than a hockey stick and 2) you think that twink isnt the resident smart ass who makes fun of the sports people at the risk of being punched in the face?
any fic recs? or if you couldn't think of any, what was the last rotbtd fanfiction that you read? the last one i think i read was @risoris 's 'Like A Fist In The Eye' which is a jarida soulmates au but with a twist that they hate eachother. it's only got one chapter and they haven't met yet, but im in love with it. a few i'd recommend are:
we cannot be friends (cannot pretend it makes sense) which is a platonic merida and hiccup fic with added hiccstrid and lesbian merida
Jack Frost and the Shadows of Van der Bor which is a jarida hogwarts fic!
im tagging @risoris and @therearedragonsindunbroch if they haven't already seen/done this!
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cloneslugs · 3 years
yayoi + shinada + saejima
saejima i did forever ago just bc ik if i answered yours firsy w all 3 this would be ill but it still got too long bc im a sicko but anyway thank you this made me smile to write (:
Lady Dojima 
Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual 
Gender Headcanon: 🙈 lady . this actually fluctuates depending on how indulgent i wanna be but usually i just go cis woman -_- just bc that's my mom who would love and support me 
A ship I have with said character: erm.. *blushes* kashiwagi >_>
A BROTP I have with said character: kashiwagi as well :) that's her best friend thats her buddy, she has a really good relationship w kiryu too but it's different it's like a different tier entirely it's more familial in a sense but it isnt but it is, i also would like to explore her relationship w nishiki (apart from kiryu) but that is just (:, her and haruka would be cute too just bc <3 extended family 
A NOTP I have with said character: sera just bc the theories around it get on my nerves, any other man people pair her w tbh besides my beloved <3
A random headcanon: shes kind of a weird girl outside of professional settings i think the blunt way she talks is kind of offputting outside of those and also she just doesnt censor herself not that shes crude but she wont stop herself from saying weird or mean things, she has a really sarcastic sense of humor she delivers everything really dryly so it's hard to tell if shes serious or not also she doesnt laugh a lot you'll probably only make her laugh if you are close w her and even then she is just ._., daigo picks up a lot of his mannerisms from her if you see them next to each other in the same situation they are very very close and similar, she likes strawberry shortcake but shes very particular about it her like former bff ran a bakery and it feels homey and nice to her so <3 fond memories but now shes particular, her favorite flower bouquets are roses + hydrangeas but she doesn't really like roses on their own, she likes cats, she doesnt like cooking but she isnt bad at it, shes very meticulous about how she presents/looks, she has a similar academic bg w daigo, shes self taught w a katana mostly + she practices w it to destress, shes not social but shes kind of chatty if you catch her at the right time but she mostly just asks a lot of questions and doesnt engage in convo well, she likes dresses/skirts but mostly dresses <3, very close w daigo i think he really was one of those kids who was like "my mommy is my best friend <3" but they're very close that's her baby shes very proud of him and they are still close now, shes otherwise not very good w kids i think kind of awkward daigo was her exception everyone else she is just kind of … … …, she likes to sing/hum (: but only when alone/doing menial tasks
General Opinion over said character: i looooove her shes my everything i just care so deeply about her i cant even call her my friend i respect her too much shes a little bit above me but <3 hi lady dojima ik ive said this before and its so embarrassing but i get like >///< *blushes irl* if i think about calling her yayoi or god forbid a milf or anything it feels too disrespectful im so >_> anyway hiii i love you 
Sexuality Headcanon: homosexual but hes so so repressed but he loves men 
Gender Headcanon: trans guy (: 
A ship I have with said character: 😏 daigo 
A BROTP I have with said character: not including daigo um akiyama (: the whole 5 party really saejima likes to look out for him and kiryu is also there and hed be a cute big bro to haruka 
A NOTP I have with said character: mine but its almost allowed bc of how laughable and mockable and ridiculous it is also any polyam ships that involve well.  you know.. 
A random headcanon: autism (: baseball special interest that started when he was like 7 and never went dormant ever, hes bad w time and remembering things he just loses track of everything, he sleeps a lot and can sleep anywhere but if hes not sleeping he has to be doing something like anything, he likes to paint his nails mostly green but sometimes he lets daigo do black, bad at math but he likes writing a lot just in general sometimes he writes little notes/poems/thoughts/stories on his scrap paper when hes procrastinating work they're nothing special so he doesnt even really acknowledge that he likes writing he usually just scraps them or forgets about them it's just for fun, he likes to impress people if someone mentions being into something he tries to get into it too i think hes just a people pleaser, he likes to sing (: also just for fun he doesnt care about being good he'll do it when walking around or when doing literally anything he doesnt care about being loud/obnoxious in public if hes in a good/energetic mood, he cant cook mostly bc he has trouble paying attention to things for a while he gets bored and forgets about stuff, he forgets to cut his hair a lot so it gets long sometimes and he just ties it up until he actually gets around to doing something about it, very friendly he says hi to everyone and is the kind of person to not disclude people ever hes just very kind, he doesnt hold his alcohol well he gets sick pretty fast, hes very good at talking baseball/batting specifically but not very good at teaching or hes not very practical about it at least hes actually better at giving pitching tips, he has weird volume control i think its actually the opposite of daigos, hes a hugger (:, kind of really bad w social cues hes really social but can be awkward he tends to talk too much, he procrastinates a lot but hes also just a "drop everything to come and help" kind of guy maybe he doesnt prioritize well but he just cares about people like he is kind of finicky for money but hes also the type to give up his jacket if someone needs it or lend things out when he can, hes not good at picking up hobbies sometimes girls/friends get him stuff like a plant or some kind of craft kir or something and it's not like he doesnt take care of it/do anything w it he just cant hold an interest he wanted to get into music/instruments once though but it's expensive and then he eventually stopped caring/forgot, he shares his food w street animals when he can, he can either sit through movies or he can't it's either like "if im idle too long ill die" or just intense focus, he smiles a lot it's like his default face but he also smiles/laughs when hes nervous, he takes lots of pictures hes the kind of person to just message out of the blue w a pic saying it reminded him if you even if you dont make the connection and maybe it's just bc he thinks about people when walking around and he'll see something pretty/nice/cute or that just makes him smile so he needs to share it w whoever was on his mind he does it w the rgg5 crew and akiyama doesnt get it but hell send like a thumbs up or some blingee bedazzled stupid pic back + kiryu usually ignores him but deep down he thinks its sweet and maybe says "thanks." but feels too awkward to send a pic of the kids or the beach back + saejima usually sends a cat picture back or just says "okay" or ignores it + haruka always sends something back and kind of does the same thing w shinada now where she'll send him things if she thinks of him bc he started it
General Opinion over said character: he makes me so happy i love him so much hes just sweet and <3 i love you you make my heart feel <3 nice and sweet and kind i love you you mean the world to me you make me so emo i wahhhh i love you <3
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feelitstillmp3 · 3 years
gwen cooper our beloved 4 the ask game
ahh her, thank you !! 
favorite thing about them
probably that shes super iconic ?? and md gwen supremacy,, i guess if i had to choose smth specific it would be early seasons gwen when shes always got those pretty eyes skdjskjd
least favorite thing about them
gwen bashers dni here btw. i dont like her retconning rhys obviously, and the whole gwen & owen thing was not something i enjoyed 
favorite line
”have you seen a blowfish driving a sports car?” even though its suuuper overused by now
gwen & ianto friendship supremacy <33
her n rhys tbh. also torchwood polycule rights. also gwentosh. i cant decide
hmmmmm gwen & owen were never rlly a thing i liked. also i dont know much abt andy but they seem more like best friends to me 
random headcanon
badd at headcanons but i like to think that she and rhys have little lasagne dinners in the house w/ a movie. they get interrupted when ianto lets myfanwe loose and the team needs her help tracking it down skdsjkd
unpopular opinion
i was gonna say im anti gwen bashing but thats become a popular thing now (as it should) so uh idk. i guess im somewhat of a gwack apologist 
song i associate with them
the first one that comes to mind is lucky by zeph. but i havent really thought about it so idk i might come up with something better. the night we met by lord huron is also an option but its literally such a versatile song i could use it for so many things
favorite picture of them
probablyyyy this one i took for the matching pfp photos set
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orrr that one small worlds shot that i cant find rn because my files r a complete mess
send me a character!
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xianglingslesbian · 4 years
ewbts - my top moments
no i will never stop laughing at that abbreviation it’s beautiful. buckle in because this is gonna be long, and probably don’t read it unless you’ve watched/read kuroko’s basketball and like izuki lmaoooo
chapter 1: hatchling, awaken
Izuki swallows. “Why do you all think I can do this?”
Then Kiyoshi turns to him with steel in his eyes (that must be how he got nicknamed Iron Heart - he seriously never backs down!) and asks him very clearly, “Why don’t you?”
Why don’t I think I can be captain?
“Because nobody thought I could be until now.”
aka “ceru is a masochist”, exhibit 1/???. anyway lets hear it for insecurities!!
chapter 2: liftoff
Predictably, Kuroko drags him aside at practice the next day and says, “I have something to tell you, Izuki-senpai.”
Izuki smiles at him. “Is it about your five evil exes?”
Kuroko looks horrified. “My what?!”
i think im funny
chapter 3: crash landing
As Izuki walks off the court, he looks for flashing glasses and grey eyes.
He curses himself for the heavy sadness that falls over him like a blanket when he doesn’t spot them.
yay for “ceru is a masochist” exhibit 2!
Oh, he [Izuki] watched videos of Aomine, came up with strategy after strategy to corner him, but videos and strategies can only go so far. Aomine in real life is something else entirely, a flash of lightning setting the court on fire with the sheer elegance of his crazy street basketball. All one can do is sit back and watch, awed beyond belief. Nothing can curb the wild madness that is Aomine Daiki – unrestrained, gleeful insanity dancing across the court like it’s his playground.
i also rlly like this line, it has some pretty imagery and we all know im a slut for pretty imagery~
chapter 4: a broken bone grows back stronger
“All right,” Koganei says to himself, moving to stand in front of the hoop. “One more time.”
He jumps, raising the ball to just above his face and releasing it. It misses, and he lets out a cry of frustration.
Can he even do this? Is it worth the time?
Koganei bites back the wave of guilt that washes over him at the thought. Izuki, Kiyoshi, Tsuchida, Rinnosuke, Kagami, Kuroko – he’d be letting them down if he didn’t give this his best shot. They’re all so dedicated to basketball that they each have a special skill honed from years of practice and love for the sport. If he can’t bring anything of his own to the table, what will he mean to this team? Seirin makes him want to be a team player, to add his skills to theirs rather than shining on his own. The change is good, yes, but he doesn’t want to stop there – he doesn’t want to be useless.
He will not be useless.
a bit of context: in this fic, since hyuuga did not return, koga became the SG for seirin :D i think my favorite character to develop, apart from izuki, was koganei - it was so fun to imagine all the ways he could have gone!
chapter 5: spreading new wings
All too soon, the day of judgment arrives, and Seirin convenes in the gym one last time before they head off to the Winter Cup building. No one says anything; not Kagami, fresh from his training trip to America, not Izuki, not Kiyoshi or Riko. They simply stand there, breathing in the scent of cleaner and leather and something else that’s so entirely Seirin, and knowing that no matter what happens this Winter Cup, they will return to the gym different people than they were before.
Different, and better.
Then they head out and off to the opening ceremony of the Winter Cup, not looking back once as they do.
yay for more pretty words!!!
“Oh, no worries. The actual motivational part is coming. Anyway, as I was saying – Tōō was just better than us that day. It’s hard to admit, I know: far easier to blame yourself, say you didn’t give it your all, but you know; we all know. It was their day to shine, not ours. But I think we’ve worked hard enough and are in a good enough mindset to change that, today. We aren’t scared or apprehensive about Tōō and Aomine, because we’ve faced them before. We know what attitude they’ll walk into our game with, and that’s what we’re going to exploit!”
“You’re going to exploit,” corrects Tsuchida. “Unlike you, the rest of us aren’t manipulative bastards.”
That raises a bunch of cackles, which quiet down when Izuki gives his team a glare. It doesn’t work on Riko, however, who sniggers under her breath and smirks at him.
izuki highkey sucks at pep talks lmao
chapter 6: ride the storm
Kagami and Aomine were made for each other. Made for this rivalry, this intense competition that will push them to their very limits and carry them onto a plane that no ordinary human can reach. Neither can defeat the other per se - they’re destined to stand neck and neck forever. However, one has a trump card on his side; and that trump card can make all the difference in the world.
Aomine Daiki may be strong, but Kagami Taiga is just as good. And damn him if the power of Kagami’s determination coupled with Kuroko’s unshakeable support won’t overwhelm the undisputed king of basketball.
Move aside, light bulb, Izuki thinks vindictively. The tube light is here to replace you.
pretty words. gay words. i love them (aokaga + izuki being a salt man lmao).
chapter 7: eagle versus aegis
“So bitter,” he [Izuki] reflects aloud, answering Himuro’s question.
That’s the emotion in his eyes. That’s what I might have become, if I had let my anger grow.
And suddenly he isn’t seeing Himuro Tatsuya anymore, but a version of himself, a version with darkened eyes and a mocking smile and pain and rage bubbling below the surface. Immensely talented, but not able to break the last barrier. Because he’s an ordinary man, and it’s as much as an ordinary man can do.
Strong, so strong. But also so terribly, heartbreakingly weak. Weak in a way that today’s Izuki Shun will never be.
GOD where do i even start w/this scene its literally everything i’ve ever wanted to write ksjfhsfj
chapter 8: clawing through mirages
Izuki’s taken aback for a millisecond before he continues his mad dash towards Murasakibara, letting out a war cry as the center makes to simply toss the ball into the hoop.
“It wasn’t their intention,” says a quiet but familiar voice. “But, this is the result of Kiyoshi-senpai and the other upperclassmen’s tenacity.”
Izuki grins, feeling new strength fill him up.
Together, huh? Okay. Together.
“This is where it ends for you!” shouts the voice, becoming stronger.
Not one, but two hands knock the ball out of Murasakibara’s hands and onto the ground. Kuroko shimmers into vision, smiling at Izuki with all the happiness in the world, just as the final buzzer rings.
i loved writing this match tbh, yousen is super underrated!
chapter 9: catch the updraft
21 - 22, in their favour at long last. Izuki grins at Kasamatsu, who shakes his head wearily.
“Using my own advice against me. What a terrible student you are,” he says, affecting an old man’s voice.
“The true student is the one who beats the master at his own game,” Izuki says quickly, sliding back into their familiar banter. “I swore to myself, my drive would beat your drive today, kitakore.”
“When did you get so wise?” asks Kasamatsu with a sigh, ignoring his pun and receiving the ball from Kobori, who was quick to grab it once Koga scored. Izuki just laughs, not bothering to reply and instead focusing carefully on Kasamatsu’s movements.
Kasamatsu shifts his weight right, left, then right again. Izuki narrows his eyes, trying to figure out what the hell his upperclassman is doing—
But it’s far too late, as Kasamatsu successfully passes through his defence in his moment of distraction, ball clutched tightly in hand. The sound of the scoring whistle is shrill and unpleasant to Izuki’s ears, and his chest stings at the loss.
“What was that about the main course?” Kasamatsu teases, wearing an enormous grin as he comes forward to guard Izuki once more. 
izuki + kasamatsu banter is so so fun to write y’all have no idea
chapter 10: headwinds
This is your fault. If you’d been a better captain, a better point guard, a better everything, none of this would’ve happened. Seirin would have been well in the lead and controlling the game—
Izuki shakes his head violently, trying to get rid of his intrusive thoughts. He knows he’s a good captain, and doing this to himself will do no good for the rest of the team. He has to be strong for them. He has to lead them to victory, he can’t be a weak person overwhelmed by emotion. But it’s so hard to breathe, suddenly, and Izuki’s about to sink when—
“Don’t worry, Captain. I’ll take care of this match today,” says a confident and familiar voice, and a hand claps down on Izuki’s shoulder. He turns, a little surprised by the sudden contact, to find Koganei’s cat mouth set in a determined frown. “You can rest your hopes on me. I’ll be Seirin’s wings for as long as you need me to.”
kogazuki brotp feels man. kogazuki brotp feels.
chapter 11: cliff edge
Riko nods, sobering up a little. “I do know. And… I have to admit, I was a little harsh on you in the early days… I kept comparing you to Hyūga-kun.” She looks at the ground briefly, then raises her head to continue, meeting Izuki’s eyes with no hint of doubt in her own brown irises. “But then I saw how different you were. How you were never willing to give up, even if you were the worst player in the world. That’s what… that’s what made me truly believe in you.” She swallows thickly, taking a deep breath, but not averting her gaze from his.
The honesty and trust in her eyes is what shatters Izuki’s calm.
He steps forward, and she rises too, opening her arms. Then he hugs her tightly, murmuring, “Thank you for having faith in me.”
The “Of course. You’re family,” that she whispers back fills Izuki’s already overflowing heart even further.
Eventually, he lets her go, and she drops lightly to the ground, straightening her sweater and skirt.
“We never speak of this,” Izuki warns her, moving towards the door of the room.
Riko nods, back to her usual haughty demeanour. “Of course. No one can know we’re actually big softies who care a lot for each other.”
“To them, we’re just sarcastic jerks,” Izuki agrees. “And that’s the way it stays.”
anyone said izuriko brotp???? this fic is just platonic feels tbh
chapter 12: overcast skies
What should I do? Someone tell me! the voice cries out in Izuki’s head, a voice he hasn’t heard since the loss to Tōō. It is the same voice that whispers all his insecurities in his ear in the dead of night when no one is around to reassure him, the same voice that gave rise to all his fears and worries. It is the voice of the vulnerable and weak part of Izuki, the one that needs someone to guide him with a gentle hand, and he hates it.
It is a voice that, frankly, he never thought he would hear again. Yet, here it is, crying out for attention, screaming for someone to help.
He thought he had left it behind. It turns out he was wrong.
Izuki shoves it deep into his heart with more effort than he’s exerted all game, breathing a heavy sigh when he succeeds in locking it behind the glass wall that keeps his emotions away.
let’s hear it for “ceru is a masochist” exhibit 3~
chapter 13: nosedive
“I don’t know who you are,” Koganei completes his little speech, anger brimming in every part of his being. “But I know that my captain is Izuki Shun, not Akashi Seijūrō. The coach can bench you if she likes; we can fight without our captain, because we know he wants us to win for his sake. We’ve been fighting without him all the match, and we can continue doing so. We don’t need a player that can’t play with the same passion as us!”
Izuki looks at the ground and doesn’t respond. Somewhere within, something is stirring at Koganei’s words. Something that cries out to fill the gap inside him.
Next to speak is Kiyoshi, standing up and executing much the same move as Koga had by yanking Izuki up by his collar. However, Kiyoshi pulls Izuki into a standing position so that Izuki is half-leaning against him.
Brown eyes meet black, and Kiyoshi simply states, “I didn’t expect this from you, Shun.”
Then he rears his fist backwards and punches Izuki in the jaw.
“ceru is a masochist” exhibit 4!
chapter 14: bird of prey
“I just… I didn’t think you’d give up so easily.”
Koganei’s head shoots up. There’s fury in his eyes, and his face is white. His hands are shaking.
Izuki continues, calm and careless as he always is, “Really… after you gave me all that talk at halftime? I don’t believe this is you.”
Koganei’s jaw clenches, and he cries, “But I have done everything I can! He’s just too good—”
“And when has that ever stopped you?” Izuki keeps his voice quiet and even, but it has the gravity he intended it to - Koga falls silent immediately, eyes wide and riveted on him. “When have you ever backed down from fighting? You don’t know the meaning of giving up. You’ve never cared about whether someone’s better than you. I knew a shooting guard once, just like you, and he had the potential to be the greatest in the world. He was held back because he cared that he was worse than others. But you? You never blinked at it, just practised and practised until you could do the impossible.”
His words are getting louder with pride; he’s unable to keep it steady with the outpouring of emotion in his speech.
“Tell me, who can master Ray Allen’s form in one and a half years? Who can be such a rookie at basketball, yet be able to fight an Uncrowned King and respond to a shot that has left all its previous victims unable to move?!” Izuki leans forward and jabs a finger into Koganei’s chest demandingly. “Tell me, who the hell was that?!”
“Me,” Koga whispers timidly, looking down.
ahhhh yay for more platonic comfort and bonding. *izuki voice* yelling is the way to get ur team to get their shit tgt
chapter 15: born to soar
Izuki finds himself moving, barely thinking as he grabs the ball and bawls for an attack. He’s running faster than he ever has, flying up the court like there are wings on his legs. No one follows at his pace - they’re all too far behind.
No one but Kiyoshi.
The rhythm beats louder than ever, a heavy pulse in Izuki’s head and heart. He can feel Akashi on his heels and knows he needs to do something.
One second left—
Izuki’s hands move on their own, passing the ball to the one person he knows that he will always find.
Kiyoshi catches it and jumps.
The ball leaves his hands.
The whistle blows to end the game. Kiyoshi’s shot hits the backboard and drops straight into the basket. Time stops as a shrill sound screeches into the air and the ref shouts, “124 to 123, Seirin High wins the Winter Cup!”
there we go. the most heartwrenching scene of this chapter ahhhhh
chapter 16: final flight
“We should go. Don’t want to keep them waiting too long,” Kiyoshi says, staring daggers at Hyūga, who to his credit doesn’t flinch but merely stares back.
“Let’s go, then,” Izuki agrees. He looks straight at Hyūga and allows a small, formal smile to play on his lips. Hyūga just nods, accepting the answer.
Izuki nods back, then turns around and starts walking away. But even as he moves toward the exit, something weighs heavily in his tired chest. For the first time in a long time, he isn’t confident in his decision.
Acting on impulse, he turns on his heel and yells out, “Call sometime, maybe!” before walking backwards out the door that Kiyoshi holds for him.
It’s an open-ended suggestion. Hyūga can choose to wallow and ignore it, or he can choose to pick up the phone. Izuki isn’t going to do so either way - he’ll be happy if Hyūga makes that call, but he won’t be terribly sad if he doesn't.
This time, he’s going to be the one that walks forward without looking back.
ahhh okay so this scene means a hella lot to me personally because... i had to grow, the way izuki grew. izuki’s now strong enough to sort of put the olive branch out and say, “take it or leave it,” and if it’s left he’s not gonna be upset. that’s something i really learned with a lot of difficulty and i think that that growth - in both me and him - is a lovely thing.
and there we have it! my favorite moments from each chapter of this story. *cries in a corner* god i can’t believe it’s over...
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bellamygateoldblog · 4 years
Legacies too?
i think i’m around half way through s1 so these answers are where i’m at right now.
the first character i ever fell in love with:
lizzie :’) love at first throwing plates.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:
i like MG well enough now but i have my worries about the position he’s stuck in.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:
my ultimate favorite character™:
hope and lizzie are sharing my heart between them.
prettiest character:
hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! obsessed with her eyebrows. i find MG pretty too.
my most hated character:
i don’t hate/dislike anyone yet :’) still warming up to characters for the most part. can’t say i care that much for penelope though and if she hogs my time at any point i might grow to resent her.
my OTP:
- i struggle to seperate my OTPs from my BROTPs lmaooo so my OTPs end up being any of my ‘i would die for them’ pairings but they aren’t necessarily romantic.
handon is my everythingggg (and one of my patterns in shipping is powerful woman x vulnerable/sensitive man... yes<3) im in love with how in love she is with him. i just feel like they were meant for me lol.
the saltzman sisters..perfect, flawless, showstopping
my NOTP: i doubt i’ll warm up to lizzie/MG, i just can’t see it...i also don’t want to see it XD
favorite episode:
saddest death:
favorite season:
least favorite season:
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: i haven’t looked into the fandom yet, tbh im kinda scared to LMAO.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: i desperately want to see josie shine like i feel like she’s this really nice girl who makes herself small and gets walked all over and i want to see her take up more space, maybe be a bitch about it idk (i feel like i’m constantly begging my favourite characters to act like assholes XD it’s funny because despite this i actively dislike the ‘mean girl’ types like penelope or ruby (sex education) or madison montgomery (ahs coven)).
and i feel bad about how landon is treated by the other characters right now :( like im always making fun of him but only i can do that 😂 it’s called ~~“affection.” but it kinda makes his interactions with hope more lovely so i’ll deal lol.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:
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