#tbg tarantula
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REALLY random and unorganized doodles cause i just been drawing whatever. translating nonhuman characters into human designs is smth that i find rly fun and good practice for character design, which has never been my strong suit; i still feel like i rarely hit the mark but i’d say i’m definitely improving ! i’m not at all satisfied with a couple of these designs either but i still feel like they’re much better at representing the og characters than most humanizations i’ve done in the past, and i don’t wanna get burned out on them either, so i’m callin it good for now LOL
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2deadkat · 1 year
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The Human Guyz.
You know for a human au these guys would be a band of rogue criminal operatives who are just really flashy thieves to the public. And their names in the movie would just be codenames.
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idledearest · 2 years
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He suddenly remembered who he’s working and dealing with…
minor spoilers ig? anyways, love this movie. i haven’t done a comic in years..
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kiingbiing · 2 years
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Webs gives them a little gift <3
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caazuela · 2 years
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I was practicing a little bit the anatomy of the bad guys (since there are different body strictures) and after making my reference of these for future drawings I started doodling and through that I established two important relationships with my Oc, Hyena.
The first one is that Mr. Wolf and Ms. Hyena have a sibling relationship, where Lobo would be the older brother and Hyena the younger one.
The second is that Hyena and Shark are a couple!💖 The idea came to me because Hyena is more angry, sarcastic and a bit annoying while Shark, although he is quite rude, is much nicer, so I don't know, I liked the theme and I decided to put them together (more doodles of the two of them soon💕).
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ms--galactic · 2 years
Mr. Shark: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time? Mr. Piranha: The car takes a screenshot. Mr. Snake: For the last time, get the f*ck out.
Mr. Wolf: Must be hard not being able to laugh Mr. Snake: I do have a sense of humor you know Mr. Wolf: I’ve never heard you laugh before Mr. Snake: I’ve never heard you say anything funny
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hyenjyn · 2 years
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pastelprince18 · 2 years
Do you have any head canons for the bad guy's childhoods?
In my HC I shared, wolf was actually a really good kid. He had a good family, good environment but had a bad look in the people’s view, I would say at first they consider him as a dog but once he corrects them the kids get a bit scared and move away from him maybe some teachers too but not all. It was a struggle for wolf seeing the looks he and probably his family gets cause they think there just scary, but wolf kept his chin up even if he got negative look and it did hurt him. I think he snapped in his late teen years where I like to think he met someone who basically just used him and set him a trap and jumped wolf who did fight back and left a lot of minor injury. it broke him and made him enrage, scared even. He didn't wanna go home so he ran off and hid for hurting others let alone NOT wanting his family in danger. He did slowly heal but it still haunts him for what had happen to him  Webs life wasn't the best since I feel she was in the closet and was a runaway teen. Her family not supporting her coding and what she wanted to do. So she try to show her family and others that she could do something. But being a tarantula people freaked out and would try to kill her, she had almost death experience and it freaked her out and scared to think one day she will die a horrible death, she couldn't trust nobody both at home or the real world, but wolf met her and took her in and lets her know she’ll be safe and nothing will happen (Id say she prob the youngest out of the group, probably 22-23 and wolf finding her maybe around 16-17 and this was after he met the guys <3) *and small fun fact webs wasn't transitioning yet till she met wolf and the others, once she did they fully supported her  Piranha being the younger batch of brothers let alone him being smaller than the others he was picked on quiet often, he was quite loud and bouncy but he was nice and never really wanted to hurt anybody! I HC that his family is a sort of gang and he had to grow up learning this stuff even tho he didn't want to, I notice in the movie he could be a bit aggressive when they tell him he cant do something and get mad fast. so when they force him its a no moment till he starts showing he was, it was more violent than the other brothers which I feel his dad would be proud to see this side of his son, but that's now what piranha wants, I felt he wanted to be a musician and make songs cause he adores to sing and has a beautiful voice (also in the movie he sang TWICE plus he wanted to sing to the cat on the tree) but one his family doesn't approve and two him getting more attention with how crazy powerful he is, his brothers treated him like shit and made him feel he was worthless or weak. Him being angry with all these emotions he too runs off and just trying to enjoy life but knowing what he is and where he came from people don't trust him till he met the gang  I HAVE NOT THOUGHT OF SNAKE AND SHARK YET!! BUT DID LIKE TO THINK THIS FOR THE TWO: Snake being a quiet kid but getting bullied easily or people get scared and run away from him. He prob did have some friends but they just left him or forget about him (having really bad trust issues and it stuck with him as he got older with being in different groups with other bad guys that wasn't wolf yet) Shark however I feel he was the gentle giant type of kid who was a social kid but really sensitive. I Gotta think more tho <3
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weirdboi · 11 months
These bitches gay
good for them
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Yes :>
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chaifootsteps · 2 years
Raunchy headcanon:
Diane and Tarantula like to roleplay a hokey, kinky scenario they call “I’ve Got You Now, Crimson Paw.” No matter what it entails, it always ends with Diane slipping away and escaping.
Her professional pride won’t allow for anything else.
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ottombak · 2 years
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Sra. Tarantula
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yes im still on my shit with these guys SORRY
(unfortunately i have to post that first redraw split up like that or else the post fucking breaks. idk why but its super annoying sowwy about that)
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2deadkat · 1 year
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Gang redraw
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aggimaginary · 2 years
What if someone kissed tarantula in front of the guys what would happen๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑
Honestly, Tarantula wasn't interested on romance, let alone someone was romantically interested on her.
But if someone forced her to like them, even when force kiss her, then, the boy would be so overprotective of their only sister.
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the-writer-nerd-ro · 2 years
Me going into this: I know this movie is gonna try to make me fall in love with the wolf so be it
My bi ass: *falls in love with the fucking tarantula*
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zoetheduckling · 2 years
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Happy birthday, Snake!
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