#tanner jackson
grimbunnies · 1 year
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Johnny: "Oh great... you're here..."
Tank: "It's a public pool, green... bean. Do you understand that concept or is it too alien for you? Plus, I have to make sure my brothers aren't in trouble."
Johnny: "Sure. You definitely aren't here to narc on them!"
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Johnny: "Wait a second, Tank. No joke, you've got something on your shirt."
Tank: "Huh? What?"
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Tank: "Ow!"
Johnny: "I can't believe you fell for that!"
Tank: "Touch me again! See what happens..."
Johnny: "Okay!"
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Johnny: "Really showed me!"
Tank: "Fuck you! You got lucky!"
Johnny: "Say what you like, but we both know the truth: I may be the green one, but you're the one that's envious."
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Scott: "Hey, you okay?"
Tank: "Come to mock me for losing the fight?"
Scott: "Um, no? That guy seemed to be giving you a hard time and getting in your face, and then that fight seemed pretty rough. I just wanted to check you weren't hurt..."
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aondaneedles · 1 year
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hazelpuff · 2 years
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Tanner Jackson
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robbinggoodfellows · 1 year
I made Russel's boyfriend !!
Meet Tanner Jackson, The Stupidest Boy in Town
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Tanner Jackson:
Born- August 2, Leo, the stubborn nature
Catchphrase: "Can you repeat that? I wasn't listening"
Favorite ride: The Pirate Ship (idk if thats what its called but its the swingy pirate ship thing)
Tanner was born into a hard working family of scholars who moved to Uranium to study the mental health of small town communities. Tanner always suspected they were adopted seeing as their parents were always much smarter than they were. Once they got to St. Cassians and saw that even the smartest kids made the dumbest choices, Tanner decided they were at peace with not being academically gifted. They at least had the brains not to be a complete dick so what did it matter if they cant do trigonometry? This is how Tanner became The Stupidest Boy in Town
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zeropointfortyseven · 4 months
My dream fancast for Will Solace is Walker Scobell’s brother, Tanner Scobell, because:
First of all, Walker looks like Will. Second of all, since Tanner looks like Walker (because they’re brothers, obviously), Tanner would be perfect for the “your not my type” scene!! And third of all: he is already casted as one of the campers in the show!!
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jocelynscrazyideas · 13 days
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next stop on the map,
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whumprecs · 4 months
I've been telling friends about one of my favorite shows, Magnificent Seven, from late 90's, which was also probably my first foray into fandom. I don't even know why I or even how I found fanfic back in 1998 - but I did, and I have loved them ever since. But it's not just the show that I love, it is the fandom. Maybe because it was almost all older women, or maybe people were just nicer back then - there were no ship wars. None. Not even a thing. 99% of the fandom is genfic A++++ Found Family, but the ones who did ship characters together Shipped and Let Ship. Nobody bothered anybody. And there were like 7 or 8 widespread AU's that everyone agreed on - there was the OG Old West where the show was set, but then there was the WILDLY popular (to the point I thought THAT was the actual premise for the show, and 10 year old me was very shocked to find it was a western) ATF AU where the characters were federal agents. There was Lil Britches, which had several of the characters are children and the rest are adults, there's Star Trek and Star Wars, and them as private detectives, WWII soldiers, etc. The lists are endless. And none of them are bad.
And almost every single one of them is whumpy as fuck.
So I'm going to recommend my favorites:
The South Wind Series by Beth aka Midge
Replaced by Heather F
Pied Piper by Kelly A
Rough Beginnings by Shawna
The Devil's Bargain by Sue Necessary
Aftermath by BMP
Black and White by Violette
Abandoned by Jean
Ezra, In Between by MAC
Tuesday's Child: Lessons of Grace by Joy K
Run Like Hell by Beth aka Midge
Don't Know From Adam by Jordan Mckenzie
Bearing the Pain by Angela B (crossover with Big Valley)
All Things Considered by Nilah H
I could list pretty much every one I've ever read - I don't actually know that I read an M7 fic I didn't care for. However, almost all of these listed authors have more than one fic (some have a LOT more). So if you like them, more are easier to find. I haven't actually looked to see what's available on Ao3 or even ffn.net - because neither site existed when the fandom was in its heyday and everyone had their own web page for posting.
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dcrkcrwns · 5 months
✧˚ · . this is who i'd cast for teen wolf if it came out today
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↳ michael cimino as scott mccall
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↳ anthony turpel as stiles stilinski
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↳ brandon larracuente as derek hale
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↳ tanner buchanan as isaac lahey
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↳ zack nelson as jackson whittemore
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↳ alex aiono as danny mahealani
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↳ kedar williams-stirling as vernon boyd
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↳ patrick wilson as sheriff noah stilinski
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↳ chris evans as peter hale
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↳ pedro pascal as chris argent
the alpha pack
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↳ frank grillo as deucalion
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↳ rainer dawn as ethan
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↳ rainer dawn as aiden
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↳ joe manganiello as ennis
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7men · 6 months
Space AU
Good news! I have done space AUs before. Star Wars. Boys are bad Jedi. Star Trek Mirror universe. General SF/Space. Aaaannd Poor Nathan.
However, I am never going to be done talking about the boys.
JD stows away on a ship. He may or may not have bothered to check what kind of ship, where it's going, or anything. He reasons once he's in space he's their problem. This logic is very, very flawed.
Buck, on the ship legitimately, is the one to find JD tucked into a vent or broom closet. He's not impressed. He is however instantly attached. This child needs an adult, and he's going to be it.
JD protesting that he's a grown man damnit!!! does nothing. Sorry kid, you're adopted.
Nathan has to give him a once over to makes sure the kid isn't carrying some disease that will kill them all, and give him his Space Shots(tm), which JD is not thrilled about but Nathan is NOT letting you wander around without your vaccinations kid! Suck it up!
Buck introduces JD to Chris after the poking. His reasoning is that he's already been cleared so Chris can't yell at him. His reasoning is just as flawed as JDs, and Chris Sighs Heavily. They're a pair of peas in a pod. He's already resigned to the shenanigans that will happen.
Vin appears behind Chris partway through this conversation, continues chewing whatever he's eating, says nothing, and leaves.
Vin absolutely sleeps in a hammock. Possibly in a super weird place that is very much not designed for people.
Josiah is the first designated Stowaway Babysitter, which he finds very amusing. JD less so. Josiah is talking about cultural relativity JD is So Confused.
Ezra is very amused that the first chance he got Buck acquired another duckling. And then he's saddened by JDs horrible lying skills, which he intends to remedy immediately. This kid is going to get a poker face one way or another.
The Judge recieves a report that they are carrying 'extra cargo' and the increase in life signs. He's genuinely not sure if he wants this to be a stowaway or someone getting pregnant. He decides it's best not to ask.
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massiveladycat · 19 days
you're probably reading this blog to hear about part 2 of tanner starling. if you haven't read it yet go to part 1!! TANNER STARLING - THE SON OF HERMES - DESCENDANT OF DIOMEDES - SCORN OF APHRODITE AND ARES Ever since Tanner was young, his mother was hauling him from neighborhood to neighborhood, from city to city, occasionally state to state. He never understood why, and he always had many questions; Where was his father? Why were they moving so much? Eventually, Tanner's mother caved and told Tanner that he was a demigod early on. Yes, that put them in much more danger, but she'd decided it may be better to tell him now why his father was absent. Tanner's mother was a descendant of Diomedes, the Greek hero that so famously split Aphrodite's wrist open and sliced Ares's stomach with his spear. Aphrodite and Ares, furious, had taken matters into their own hands and cursed Diomedes's future kids, grandkids, descendants. The Aphrodite curse made it so every relationship they had romantically would end terribly. The Ares curse? Much more intense. The Ares Curse sent both Deimos and Phobos after them. The two brother gods had quite a bit of free-time, so they'd spend that chasing after Diomedes's descendants. Everytime Tanner's mother got even a hint about the two gods approaching, she packed up and left. That means Tanner's mom often had to haul him to another place, ranging from a hotel several blocks away or across the state. Tanner sometimes resented her for it because he never got to stay in the same district long enough to make friends, but he understands why she does it to protect him. Tanner's mom was in middle class, so she did worry about money a lot and having to move constantly did almost put her in bankruptcy, so she was always shocked when she found money in her bank account whenever she needed it. She didn't know that it was Hermes's doing, trying to take care of his lover and son from afar. neither of the Starlings knew, but Hermes was protecting them in many ways; sometimes, Hermes would come down from Olympus and ward off Phobos and Deimos and tell them to fuck off. Speaking of Hermes . . . Tanner and him aren't on speaking terms. They're very awkward with each other when they try to communicate, and Tanner still resents his father for never answering him. Hermes never responded whenever Tanner tried praying to his dad in his youth, such as, "Help me," or, "Please come back, Mom misses you, I miss you." Hermes never came, and it lowered his affection and respect for Hermes majorly. Every time Tanner had a soccer or basketball or football game (in middle school and elementary school, he was knee-deep in all sorts of athletics), Hermes was there, disguised as a regular mortal and screaming extra loud when Tanner scored, though Tanner never knew who the guy who showed up at his games repeatedly was.  Tanner tried to approach him and thank him for cheering so much for him, but the man always suddenly vanished in the crowd when Tanner looked at him. Tanner didn't go to Camp Half-Blood with much of an issue; he already knew he was a demigod and he was elated he'd always have somewhere to stay. However, his mother got into a car crash, and she needed to stay in the hospital as she couldn't be discharged, so Chiron took custody of Tanner and let Tanner stay in Camp Half-Blood as Cabin 11's Co-Counselor. And Tanner's happy there. Would love to hear about your PJO OCs; maybe Tanner and them would get along if they met!!
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poeticamethyst · 2 months
Damn be my bad boy be my man vibes. But also Michael Jackson bad vibes. Just overall baddie 😎💅🏼💁🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️💯🚬
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It’s giving omw to steal your man Sam. 😌 not me now thinking of that scenario..
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grimbunnies · 1 year
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Johnny: How am I supposed to be his lab partner tomorrow? Are we acting like it didn't happen? Do I want to? Do I want to do it again? Should I—"
Polli: "Johnny, your partner is calling."
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Polli: I sense guilt... I should invite a discussion about what troubles him tomorrow.
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aondaneedles · 1 year
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Tanner brings over his girlfriend to meet his parents.
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locitapurplepink · 5 months
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Taglist : @laughingphoenixleader , @kanerallels , and anyone else who wants to vote.
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kellymagovern · 1 year
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Locke & Key Season 2
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 6 months
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I am not immune to the pjo regression guys
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