#tamar zaken
cardinailed0 · 8 months
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some deceive inc art I've made over a while!! this is a very very fun game that is on sale rn iirc so 👀👀👀 if you like multiplayer shooters with stealth and style then do check it out please please pleasepleaseplease
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plant-guy-writes · 1 year
Deceive Inc x reader headcanons
This is my first time writing anything fic wise so sorry for any bad spelling or grammar. Feedback is appreciated, have a good one!!
Your job is a simple one, on paper anyway, you hunted down contracts for the spies that work with you and serve as a handler to all the agents employed by deceive inc. Over time you’ve built up a good relationship with them, kinda have to with your line of work anyway .
Squire (Rupert Reid)
Rupert was quite anxious when he first started working as a spy but with some help from the now unfortunately missing Knight and you he settled in easily enough to his role as an espionage expert.
The kindness that you gave out so freely had the poor English man a stuttering flustered mess when speaking to you. The smoothness of your voice often resulted in him tripping over himself to meet your standards without a moment of hesitation.
He often would grab some flowers or even chocolates for you on his way out after a successful heist before dutifully presenting them to you alongside the briefcase with his head held high much like a happy go lucky puppy.
Chaves (Ethan Chaves)
When Ethan first met you he was kind but distant not wanting to cross any professional boundaries, similarly he doesn’t want his daughter to think he was replacing her late mother with you.
Overtime however he would warm up to you as a result of your patience, cere and over all kindness. You would often check in on him, ask about his daughter and offer him time off whenever he may need it to care for her. He could feel himself falling and fast.
When on missions Ethan is laser focused to ensure he makes no mistakes and thus upset you. Gift wise he would offer sweet and savoury foods in exchange for nothing, but your continued support and joy.
Ace (Tamar Zaken)
The crack shot sniper was respectful but neutral to you in the beginning of your work relationship, Tamar was a mercenary before joining deceive inc she prioritises her prestige within the world of espionage more then her willingness to make friends.
Over time your endless patience and determination to have a bond with all agents that you work with finally got to the calculated sniper. It was a surprise to even herself. It seemed almost too sudden to her but she did not have the heart to stop this blossoming future.
While on the clock Zaken would watch out for things she believes you would like, food, drinks and flowers. She would not present such gifts to you in person, however, instead stashing them within your office so that she may maintain her aloof reputation among other agents.
Cavalière (Florence Jacques)
The globe trotting investigator met you with suspicion when she was first introduced to you, not out of malicious intent but simply habit. Florence has seen some of the world worst people that hid behind the kindest of masks.
Over time and with a bit of snooping that you totally didn’t know about she came to trust and appreciate you. You’re voice acting as a anchor in intense situations as you worked to guide her through missions, you’re patience, and willingness to listen to her rumblings and theories helped to solidify to her that there was something there that the pair of you could build on, with time.
As she would go about her missions around the world she would grab trinkets and take photos that she believes you would like as she knows you unfortunately can’t go out much with your work, being responsible for the other agents is a time consuming job after all.
Madame Xiu
The snake loving woman with so meany secrets that even deceive inc doesn’t know her whole story was on the defensive when she first met you, her fangs sharp and ready to kill should you step out of line.
However over time she came to appreciate just how much you actually do for both her and her fellow agents, no matter how much venom she spat out you, you met her with kindness but a firm stance, unwavering determination and a genuine smile.
Madame Xiu will die before she would let anyone think the serpent had been tamed by some simple office worker, but it was the case for one and only one person, you. Gift wise the lady in green offers you the finest jewels and gems she can find whilst out on missions, only for her to never give them to you publicly but instead place them delicately within your office along side some fine green and yellow flowers. A silent reminder that she is always there, working to keep you safe.
Larcin (Francois Claudet)
Francois upon first meeting you was painfully flirtatious, doing everything he could to distract you from his attempts at gaining some kind of advantage over you. However this stopped the moment you put your foot down, your unwavering and stern voice overcame your gentle tone leaving him on edge but impressed.
With time the french thief would come to realise just how much he actually cared for you, from your entertaining stories to help fill the void on slow missions to how you would without hesitation scold him for stealing when not on the clock, it showed him that you weren’t just some faceless pencil pusher sat behind a desk but instead a person with so much character, character he himself wants to grow with.
Francois would gift you the finest of garments and Jewels from across the world, that he totally didn’t steal from the target and them modifying to fit you don’t be ridicules! He would willingly present the gift to you with the same demeanour as a cat, elegant and so very showy, never the less it is genuine even if it’s hard to tell sometimes.
Red (Selena Ivaneko)
The master manipulator with a hunger for power stared off your profession relationship with bang. Playing up her seductress act and toning down her more abrasive attitudes in a bid to gain some leverage over you. This, unfortunately for her, failed. You got a bit of a laugh out of her attempts at a power grab before firmly telling her to not do that again as you are her handler, not pray.
Her opinion of you improved with time, you saw through the ruse,saw Selena not Red, you saw how hard she worked to complete her missions, how hard she worked to be the best of the best and how exhausting it was for her to play femme fatale all the time. Instead of capitalising on a potential weakness, you worked to make her job easier and less taxing were you could, off the clock you would invite her to relax with you and do something Selena wanted nor something Red needed, and because of that she fell hard.
She would scour mission sites for the finest gifts to give to you, clothes, flowers, jewels anything she thinks you would want she would get. Often using her manipulative abilities to convince others to assistance such things, all so she can present them to you with a tired smile and a request for some time off.
Hans (Hans Moritz)
The former super villain’s suave personality results in him, often flirting the you out of habit. It often resulted in the German becoming distracted during briefings but you put up with it, after all he wasn’t the worst to look at.
When Hans was first brought into deceive inc he experienced to be met with a indifferent, rude or cruel handler but instead he was met with a kind, gentle and patient handler that encouraged his eccentricities to a manageable degree.
He would often gather fancy Whiskey, Wines and Gins to give to you. If asked by anyone he says it’s to gain your trust so that he may escape and regain his criminal empire in actuality he just wants to be closer to you.
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What is the best way to usher in the Passover season? Not with handwringing and housecleaning, but with celebration, blessing and sweet joy!
On Rosh Hodesh, the first day of Nisan , the Jewish month during which we celebrate Passover, Jews from Tunisia and Libya partake in a ritual called “Bsisa” or “El Bsisa.” The ritual serves as a bridge between the holidays of Purim and Passover and takes place entirely in the home. The ritual is centered around a dish called the “Bsisa” which is made in a deep bowl and is filled wheat, barley, dried fruits, honey, olive oil and other sweets. Since in the biblical narrative, Rosh Hodesh Nisan is the culmination of the building of the Mishkan, the holy tabernacle in the desert, the dish is meant to replicate what Moses made in celebration of completing the building of the Mishkan.
The ritual differs from community to community in Tunisia and Libya, but according to those who remember celebrating the custom in those countries there are a number of important features. In all communities the focal point of the ritual was the turning of a key in the Bsisa mixture while a blessing in Arabic was recited (see translation below). In addition to the traditional formulaic blessing, it was common for the mother of the family to offer additional blessings. In some communities it was common to lock the doors of the home from sundown until the next morning and not allow any members of the house to leave. In others, women took off their gold necklaces and bracelets and placed them in the “Bsisa” to symbolize the gold that women donated to the building of the temple. (We have included a guide to performing the Bsisa below). What is clear throughout these various customs is the mirroring or replicating function that the Bsisa played in offering the celebration of the building of the Mishkan and the Temple to be understood on the level of each individual home.
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schraubd · 6 years
Post-Turkey Roundup
Back from seeing the family in Rhode Island. But what is Thanksgiving without leftovers? * * * Is Donald Trump boosting a conspiracy website arguing that Jews run the world still news? I think it's still news. Right-wing website hires a woman to pose as a survivor of sexual assault by Roy Moore in an attempt to embarrass the Washington Post. Unfortunately for them, the Post is a real newspaper that actually does fact-check, so they figured out her scheme. Maybe she should've called Bernie Bernstein? Tamar Zaken writes on Mizrahi Heritage Month (aka, November): "We cannot define the Mizrachi heritage in terms of expulsion or destruction." The New York Jewish deli owned by a Yemeni Muslim. Marty Lederman looks into the fun statutory issues governing who's actually running the Consumer Financial Protection Board right now. via The Debate Link http://ift.tt/2hWRTng
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janfranke · 7 years
SCOOP - Israël sloopt Nederlands ontwikkelingsproject
Gepubliceerd in het Algemeen Dagblad en de regionale dagbladen, 30 juni 2017. 
TEL AVIV - Israël heeft een Nederlands ontwikkelingsproject op de Westelijke Jordaanoever gesloopt. Het gaat om 96 zonnepanelen en andere apparatuur voor de elektriciteitsvoorziening van het Palestijnse dorp Jubbet adh Dhib. Vorig jaar betaalde Nederland ongeveer een half miljoen euro voor het project.
Het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken in Den Haag is woedend. ,,Wij hebben direct ernstig geprotesteerd bij de Israëlische autoriteiten en aangedrongen op teruggave van de goederen. We bekijken momenteel de precieze schade en welke volgende stappen genomen kunnen worden”, zegt woordvoerder Chris Bakker. Volgens COGAT, het Israëlische bestuur op de Westelijke Jordaanoever en de Gazastrook, waren de Nederlandse zonnepanelen illegaal. ,,De noodzakelijke vergunningen ontbraken. Er is nu ook een bouwverbod voor zonnepanelen in het dorp opgelegd. We benadrukken dat het dorp andere elektriciteitsbronnen heeft”, schrijft COGAT in een verklaring aan deze krant.
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Het Palestijnse dorp Jubbet adh Dhib
Woensdagochtend drongen Israëlische soldaten het dorp binnen. ,,De Israëlische soldaten probeerden ook de batterijen weg te slepen, maar die waren blijkbaar te zwaar. Ze zijn wel beschadigd”, zegt Tamar Cohen (40), uitvoerend manager van Comet-me, de organisatie aan wie Nederland het geld voor de zonnepanelen doneerde. Het Israëlische leger ontruimt regelmatig Palestijnse nederzettingen wegens het ontbreken van eigendomsaktes of bouwvergunningen. ,,Maar dat gaat altijd eerst via de rechtbank en dan kunnen wij procederen. Dit is de eerste keer dat de soldaten onaangekondigd spullen in beslag namen”, aldus Cohen.
Dit is de eerste keer dat de soldaten onaangekondigd spullen in beslag namen
Nederland doneert jaarlijks tientallen miljoenen euro’s aan projecten voor Palestijnen op de Westelijke Jordaanoever en in de Gazastrook. Vaak vragen de hulporganisaties geen bouwvergunningen aan bij het Israëlische militaire bestuur vanwege de lange wachttijden en de zeer lage slagingskansen. In de praktijk betekent dit dat de projecten afhankelijk zijn van de Israëlische welwillendheid. Elad Orian, oprichter en directeur van hulporganisatie van Comet-me, snapt niet waarom de soldaten het dorp binnenvielen. ,,De zonnepanelen werken al een half jaar. Ze bedreigen niemand. In de buurt van van het dorp zijn een aantal illegale Joodse nederzettingen. Daar wordt niets afgebroken of geconfisqueerd."
De internationale gemeenschap stelt dat Israël de Westelijke Jordaanoever illegaal bezet en streeft naar een onafhankelijke Palestijnse staat in delen van het gebied. Maar het Israëlisch-Palestijnse vredesproces zit al jaren muurvast. Het is niet voor het eerst dat Israël door Nederland gefinancierde projecten in de Palestijnse Gebieden op de korrel neemt. In 2015 legden Israëlische troepen beslag op door Nederland betaalde landbouwmachines voor Palestijnse boeren uit het dorp Kusra op de Westelijke Jordaanoever. De boetes die de boeren aan het Israëlische leger moesten betalen om de machines terug te krijgen, werden ook door Nederland betaald, omdat die ‘niet door de boeren zelf kunnen worden opgebracht’. En in 2000, tijdens de Tweede Intifada, beschoten Israëlische tanks een mede door Nederland gefinancierde haven in aanbouw in de Gazastrook. Daarbij ging de Nederlandse bijdrage van 23 miljoen euro in rook op.
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