#taki × mc
hellocupie · 1 year
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regulum-plays · 30 days
Assignment due: Project blue
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Cute visual novel with a smart boi. <3
The game is avaliable to download to a Windows, Android and Mac and it’s completly free.
There is only one love instrest and he is one of the sweetest boys in the entire world (you are gonna to hear that a lot form me!). Asher is a smartest person in your class and now he is your partner to do and assignment for a class.
The game is voiced, yes, quiet Asher isn’t really that quiet in game, and I must say – I love his voice (I’m really weak for games with voice acting).
We don’t see how MC looks like for a whole game, the game is wrote in gender neutral language and we can name them!
There are skip and save options, which makes playing this game easier. I really reccommend trying all of the options, even when they don’t change anything they give a little unique flavor to the text.
This game has two endings, that will warm and then break your heart (or in the other direction, depends on what ending will you get first). Unfortunetly that’s all, so only two hours of having this cutie close to you, but the memories of this game are forever!
Trigger warning are listed on the page, this time they aren’t as severe, but it’s still better to look at them.
Asher will make your life blue, because blue is the best color! (Maybe that’s why I love him so much? Hmmmm…)
Urocza powieść wizualna z mądralą. <3
Gra jest dostępna do pobrania na Windows, Android i Mac oraz jest całkowicie darmowa.
W grze dostępny jest tylko jeden wybranek serca i jest on najsłodszym chłopcem na całym świecie (będziecie często słyszeć to ode mnie!). Asher jest najmądrzejszą osobą w Twojej klasie, a teraz został Twoim partnerem do prezentacji na zajęcia.
Postać Ashera dostała aktora głosowego, tak cichutki Asher wcale nie jest taki cichy w grze, i muszę powiedzieć – kocham jego głos (mam ogromną słabość do gier z grą głosową).
Nie widzimy protagoniszcze w jenu własnej osobie przez całą grę, treść gry jest też napisania w jak najbardziej neutralnym płciowo języku oraz możemy nadać jenu imię!
Opcje pominięcia i zapisu są dostępne, co sprawia, że granie jest nieco prostsze. Zdecydowanie polecam wypróbowanie wszystkich opcji, newet jeżeli nic nie zmienią w zakończeniu, każda z nich dodaje nieco wyjątkowego smaku tekstowi.
Gra ma dwa zakończenia, które ogrzeją a potem złamią Twoje serduszko (lub na odwrót, w zależności jakie zakończenie otrzymasz pierwsze). Niestety to wszystko, tylko dwie godziny bycia blisko tego słodziaka, ale wspomnienia z gry pozostają na zawsze!
Ostrzeżenia są zapisane na stronie gry, tym razem nie są aż tak ostre jak ostatnio, ale nadal lepiej jest na nie spojrzeć.
Asher sprawi, że Twoje życie będzie niebieskie, ponieważ niebieski to najlepszy kolor! (Może dlatego kocham go aż tak bardzo? Hmmm….)
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pozartaa · 2 months
Post specjalny ED w życiu dorosłym i dojrzałym.
Długo już zwlekałam ale obiecałam, więc bez przedłużania! (choć post jest długi)
Post jest głównie oparty na moich osobistych doświadczeniach i paru uwagach, które podsunely mi inne konta #edadult i #ed18+
O 4nor€ks1 mówi się że to choroba nastolatek i oczywiście w większości przypadków wtedy się to wszystko zaczyna. Bl1mi4 i BED częściej dotyczą osób w starszym wieku, choć te dwa ostatnie częściej są wynikiem tej pierwszej i wcześniejszej historii lat restrykcji.
News flash - 3D nie przemija wraz z wiekiem. Jeśli nigdy nie podjeliscie żadnej próby terapii są dwie drogi:
A) jesteście dorosłymi, którzy siedzą na karku swoim rodzicom i nigdy nie rozwijają skrzydeł. Wasze życie składa się z powrotów do szpitala nieudanych terapii. Pewnego dnia stwierdzają, że 3D zabrało wam 10 najlepszych lat życia.
B) z wiekiem i rozwijający i się możliwościami "motylkoV@nie" przechodzi na dalszy plan, ale zawsze jesteście z siebie niezadowoleni, wiecznie jest to temat który was męczy i w wielu przypadkach ogranicza. Ciągle gonicie swoją "4n@ honeymoon phase". Albo jedne obsesję zastępujecie innymi - pracoholizm, sprzątanie, przesadne dbanie o wygląd, nadmierne uprawianie sportu... Do wyboru do koloru.
C) opcja (w której zawieram się ja) - Poszliście na terapię i zrobiliście z tym porządek, ale zostały blizny.
"Nie mogę się doczekać gdy będę dorosłą i wyprowadzę się z domu - będę się wtedy głodzić"
No cóż wedle statystyk dorosłe życie zaczyna się teraz koło 30-stki. Jeśli myślicie, że po ukończeniu 18-nastki. Magicznie stać was na wyprowadzkę i decydowanie o sobie - to gratulacje. Ale większość z was jeszcze długo będzie potrzebowało wsparcia rodziny i zanim się tam na prawdę usamodzielni i znajdzie swoją drogę. Przekonacie się szybko, że nie ma specjalnego traktowania bo dziś masz dzień fasta, a wasz brak sił i niemożność skupienia się na pewno nie pomoże w sprawach finansowych.
Sporo ludzi na szczęście wtedy właśnie zaczyna szukac pomocy, bo świat się przed nimi otwiera, widzą że ludzie dokoła coś robią, wchodzą w związki, planują przyszłość, a ty stoisz w miejscu że swoją tabela ka1oryczną i wag@
"jak osiągnę moje UGW to kończę z tym"
No i jak myślicie tak z doświadczenia wielu osób które rozpoczęły swoją wątpliwa znajomość z 4n4 - kończy się to czy nie kończy? Zaręczam wam, że nigdy już nie spojrzycie na jedzenie tak samo jak wtedy zanim wiedzieliście co to kalor1@. Nawet po latach zostały mi takie przyzwyczajenia które teraz w dojrzałym życiu bywają dla mnie źródłem totalnego krindżu...
Więc tak wygląda życie osoby dorosłej/dojrzałej z 3D (w moim przypadku po przejściach).
- niczego nie słodzę cukrem (noszę że sobą słodzik, kiedy idę na kawę do koleżanki)
- nie używam masła
- nie używam tłuszczu jeśli to tylko mozliwe
-od lat pije mleko 0.5 max 1.5. Nie znoszę kawy bez mleka, ale jeśli nie ma innej opcji biorę czarną
-panierka budzi we mnie niepokój. Chleb też. Prawdopodobnie dyskretnie zdejmę panierkę z kotleta na proszonym obiedzie.
-unikam rzeczy które trudno obliczyć albo które przygotował ktoś inny (wszelkie jedzenie na imprezach - choć oczywiście nie na tyle by kogoś urazić. To znaczy, że się częstuje, ale z umiarem)
-unikam słodyczy i rzeczy które są zbyt smaczne (czekolada, chipsy, lody inne rzeczy "do chrupania", fastfood - to ostatnie akurat nigdy nie było jakoś czeste po prostu nie lubię ani MC ani KFC ani innych takich) Boję się, że mogłabym nie moc przestać ich jeść - wolę nie zaczynać. Chyba że mam to zaplanowane ( Cheat Day)
-nikt mnie niczym nie częstuje bo zawsze odmawiam. Dosłownie - nawet już mi nikt nic nie podsuwa ani nie namawia.
-boję się tycia i utraty kontroli (mam za sobą historie z bul1m1@ więc wiem jak się traci kontrolę na całego).
- w jakimś stopniu nadal towarzyszą mi jedzeniowe rytuały.
-literalnie porównywanie się do dzieci. Wiecie, że nie jesteście już nastolatkami, a wasze body-goals to jakaś nieletnia "modelka" z insta.
- brak żywieniowej spontaniczności. Raczej nie zdarza mi się bym nie wiedziała co zjem w ciągu najbliższych 2-3 dni. Odpadają nagle wypady, niespodziewane obiadki w knajpie. A jeśli już gdzieś idę to na pewno zamówię coś co wyda mi się najbezpieczniejsze (tak, często sprawdzam wcześniej menu danej restauracji żebym nie musiała robić lipy i zastanawiać się godzinę)
- czytanie etykiet na zakupach (a nawet sprawdzanie z Fitatu). Zastanawianie się dłuuuugo czy czegoś chce i czy mogę to chcieć. Zabawa w "do koszyka, a za moment spowrotem na półkę".
- Jeśli nie ma dokładnie tego co chce w danym sklepie potrafię iść na drugi koniec miasta by to znaleźć. Ciężko idzie z nowymi rzeczami do jedzenia.
- prawie zawsze opcja light i "zero"
- jestem na tyle szczupła by ludzie zwracali na to uwagę. Słyszę często "ale pani to jest chudziutka" a jeszcze gorsze są komentarze od ludzi, którzy dawno mnie nie widzieli i pamiętają mnie grubą. Często muszę odpowiadać na różne dziwne pytania - jak schudłam, czy jem, czy nie jestem aby chora. Budzi to u mnie ogromne zażenowania bo mam czasami wrażenie, że zrobiłam coś złego. Nie wspomnę nawet o tym jak uważnie obserwuję mnie własna matka, która pamięta o moim dawnym 3D.
- nie wypowiadam tego na głos, ale miewam fatfobiczne myślenie i zdarza mi się kogoś oceniać pod względem tuszy i stylu życia. Nienawidzę tego w sobie!
- decyzja o tym by nie mieć dzieci. Nigdy nie czułam że jestem na tyle stabilna by dać komuś życie i go dobrze wprowadzić w ten świat. Sama czuje się nie raz jak dziecko. Lęk przed tym, że mogę moje wadliwe geny przekazać lub być "almond mum" (proszę was - to nie jedyny powód i nie przekonujcie mnie, bo decyzja zapadła lata temu. Nigdy nie widziałam siebie w roli matki, a dzieci nie budzą we mnie żadnych emocji. Jestem na półmetku życia i nigdy nie żałowałam)
- odpowiedzialność za dom i druga osobę. Jako dorośli będziecie mieli najprawdopodobniej stałego partnera/partnerkę. Kogoś trochę na innym poziomie niż chłopak czy dziewczyna. Będą wspólne rachunki, a wasze gacie będą razem w koszu na pranie. Zawsze musicie pamiętać, że to związek jest najważniejszy i to, co jest między wami. 3D często pcha się na trzeciego. Wiele rzeczy funkcjonuje u mnie tak jak funkcjonuje bo mam pewne przyzwyczajenia - najprostszy przykład - gotujemy sobie oddzielnie. Samo tak wyszło. Mój S. nie chce jeść "mojej trawy", a ja nie bardzo gustuje w talerzach ociekajacych tłuszczem i porcjach dla górnika. Nikt nikomu nie wytyka sposobu żywienia, choć czasami sobie żartujemy.
- patner/partnerka widzi was na codzień i jeśli macie trochę oleju w głowie nie pozwolicie by 3D niszczyło związek. Mój S. wie o moich dawnych problemach i wie też o tym z czym zmagam się do dziś. Wszystko szanuje i do niczego się nie wtrynia dopóki nie robię sobie krzywdy, a ja wychodzę z założenia, że za bardzo go kocham by sprawiać mu przykrość a przede wszystkim coś ukrywać. To zawsze jest myśl przewodnia i czerwone światło w mojej głowie - kiedy nie daj Bosze pomyślę o jakichś głupotach.
-praca i odpowiedzialność - oczywiście jeden z najważniejszych aspektów tego dorosłego życia. Wspomniałam wcześniej, że nie ma specjalnego traktowania i na prawdę ludzi nie interesuje, że chcesz żyć na 500 kc@l - masz obowiązki i na głodniaka raczej nie będziesz ani użyteczny ani produktywny. Jeśli zrobisz sobie krzywdę - to sam/a poniesiesz ich konsekwencje. Teraz tego nie doceniacie, ale rodzice którzy widzą wasz problem i wysyłają was na terapię, i chcą wam pomoc - to skarb! Korzystajcie póki możecie. Terapia i lekarze - to nie są tanie rzeczy. (Teraz jestem wdzięczna, że moi ofiarowali mi tę dozę "twardej miłości")
- zmarnowany czas. To ostatni aspekt który chciałam poruszyć. Moje 3D i alkoholizm zeżarły mi 10 lat życia! Nic mi tych lat nie zwróci. Czasami mam wrażenie, że wszystko musiałam nadrabiać z dużym opóźnieniem. Odkrywałam radość życia i nowe rzeczy, które moi rówieśnicy rocznikowi mieli już lata temu ogarnięte. I czasami czuje ogromny żal do siebie.
-myśl o własnej śmiertelności. To taki ogólny aspekt zdrowia psychicznego. Cóż, myślałam, że nie ma przede mną przyszłości i po prostu kiedyś ze sobą skończę, więc nie warto się starać (piszę o tym bo, często widuje takie podejście na blogch młodych osób) Cóż za niespodzianka!! Jednak żyje i mam się dobrze, i nadal jestem w szoku, że w sumie to nie chcę umierać. A im dłużej żyję, tym mniej mi się podoba to, że prędzej czy później trzeba będzie odejść 🙁. A zaburzeni@ odżyw1ania niestety często mają taki finał.
Mam nadzieję, że się nie zanudziłiście czytając. Mam też nadzieję, że nie wystraszyłam za bardzo młodzieży... Wiecie, też kiedyś byłam gówniarą i mówię to z sentymentem a nie z pogardą i taki post pominęła bym z wzruszenie ramion - co tam mi stara baba będzie gadać... A teraz jestem stara baba i gadam 😆.
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idolcandy · 3 months
Ok so I played the beta and really enjoyed it. Amanda had my highest l'om after I played, so it was a sucess for me. I only managed to unlock Amanda and Thomas' illustrations during my first playthrough though.
Things I liked
There is a dialogue history so you can go back and see if you missed something
Dialogues indicate how important that choice is, so if you mess up, you'll know where you messed up. The dialogue have little warning signs above them, one green warning sign, two yellow warning signs, or for the most critical choices, three red warning signs
Maintains a fairy-like mechanic (I won't spoil the details)
Great backgrounds and character design
The minigames are good and you can win clothing items and home decor items through one
Little easter eggs to the original game
MC is unlike Candy and has her own distinct personality
You can change your name and Taki's name. For me Taki will remain Taki though
The game has daily sign in gifts
Things I didn't like
I can tell this game is going to be expensive. Action points are used for movements, dialogue choices, and clothes.
You can't turn off animations. This won't bother some people, but as a person who collects sprites for the wiki, I don't think I can do that here
There is a skip button for replays, which is great! But it's only for VIP players
The extra gem scene I paid for was really short. I don't know if it's because it's the first episode, but I hope they're not always that short
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romanceclub-lovers · 3 months
Romance Club news recap...
Song of the Crimson Nile
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❓Reader: Why did Amen invite Eva to the capital? If everyone understood that this would not happen...
✅Remy: Amen wants to believe that the situation can be resolved, he fell in love with a woman for the first time in 30 years, he is not the most clever in these matters and wants to find a way out, the fact that he cannot see in Eva what he sees in other dark magicians gives him hope.
Source: Song of the Red Nile
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Wincy shared with us the age and height of the favorites and the main character of the story Soulless...
Age: 30 years old in human form; 500+ incubus age.
Height: 190cm
Age: 30 years old in human form; 500+ age of succubus.
Height: 175cm
Age: 25 years
Height: 195cm
Age: 25 years
Height: 170cm
Age: 30 years
Height: 185cm
Age: 35 years
Height: 187cm
Age: 25 years
Height: 168cm
Vyxaria/ MC
Age: 26 years old in human form; 200+ age of succubus
Height: 180cm
Source: rc_hot
Heart of Trespia
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📣 List of bugs fixed
Heart of Trespia
In episode 15:
1. The development for relationships with Gisella and Wyatt has been lowered. You can see whether your relationship is sufficiently developed during the scene at the castle in Rajahili, if your branch is not with the characters who are present in the scene. If you have a love story with Reinhold, Delia or Vanora, if your relationship with Wyatt and Gisella is sufficiently leveled, you will get a friendly scene with them.
If Gisella and Taki die anyway, it means you didn't improve your relationship with them enough as you progressed through the story.
Correction of errors in episode 16:
1. Fixed an error in the branch with Wyatt if the MC is pregnant and the player selects “Trust his decision.” Wyatt will not disappear now and will be present until the end of the story.
2. The paid scene of a conversation with Wyatt about the wedding is now available only if the required development of a relationship with him has been reached.
3. Fixed a couple of minor errors that do not affect the course of the story.
Visual errors have also been fixed.
1. Sprite of animals along the branch with Reinhold;
2. Lack of smiles from guests;
3. The absence of a hand reaching forward in the cutscene of Wyatt’s death;
4. Reinhold has no scar;
5. Wyatt's ending with the kids. If they are not married, then there will be no crown now.
1. In the paid scene with the drunk man, we now get 2 mastery stats and added dialogue that is otherwise missing;
2. Now for choosing an illusion we will also receive 2 mastery stats instead of 1.
Source: rc_hot
Alexander Jester "Psi" 🧬
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Answers a few questions on his VK platform...
❔ How are you?
✅- Thank you, as usual.
❔ I would like to ask if you plan to develop the world of PSI in future stories? With other characters, characters and plot, but within the framework of this universe?
✅- There are no plans for this yet.
❔ Ivo to some extent admires and would even say deifies Lou. Is his special interest due to the fact that the main character is psionic or does he like her as a person?
✅- The perception of such moments is always very subjective, and I prefer to give the player the opportunity to form their own vision and assessment.
❔ One question still haunts me. In the episode 2x8 route with Jonas, who ended up paying for the cocktails?
✅- History is silent about this.
PS: Did they pay? 🙃
❔ How do you feel about The Hunger Games? Are you familiar with films or books?
✅- Familiar with films. The first part is interesting. Light, bright.
❔ I remembered the scene with Claude in season 1, tell me, will there be consequences for those who took it?
✅- I don't give spoilers.
❔ About Alexander’s (Jester) personality: sometimes I even doubt whether it’s a girl hiding under a nickname.
✅- What caused the doubts?
❔ I’m lying there, reading the answers and the only question is why everyone is talking so formally... well, like, hello in every message 🤔 I don’t know, probably it’s just unusual, as if I’m writing in those. support...
✅- Hello, thank you, goodbye, please, excuse me - it’s not difficult, and not simple, not official. This is just politeness to strangers. There are many guests, everyone has different personal boundaries.
❔ Alexander, you also have a fairly large audience, quite worthy of being called a fandom. What would you call it? Okay, what would you call us?)
✅- I think this should happen somehow differently, more naturally.
❔ I have a question: what do you think of the style of Dune?
✅- Beautiful, atmospheric.
Source: Jester VK page
Art: вересковый мёд
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if-mirrormine · 9 months
i'll always be there
summary: alex comforts grayson after mc is brought to the hospital.
pairing: gralex x mc
word count: 1050
(mostly) based on the request: is it possible to have a continuation of the i will always save you drabble that you did for grayson? but this time is the reaction of alex at the hospital, where they see the mc getting wheeled in to the emergency room with grayson at the mc's side.
**unedited\\this is kinda rushed so i hope it as good as the first part**
request a drabble here!
alex is just leaving the paediatric ward when they're interrupted by their pager buzzing at their hip. glancing down at it, they see they're needed in the waiting room, and they arch up an eyebrow at the device as if it holds more answers.
they consider ignoring it for a moment; with their shift ending not ten minutes ago and a long, hot shower waiting for them at home, they're champing at the bit to leave. but then they sigh, hanging their head as they turn on their heels and let their sense of duty guide them back to the waiting room.
the first thing they notice is grayson and the incomprehensible look of sadness on his face, tears building in his blue eyes. the second thing they notice when he throws his arms around them, hugging them so tight it's almost impossible to breathe, is that he's... sopping wet?
“gray,” they squeak out, patting his back in hopes that it'll prompt him to let them go sooner. “what's wrong? tell me what happened.”
he doesn’t speak for a long moment, simply embracing them until his breathing returns to normal and then he slowly pulls away. with red eyes and a face streaked with tears, he utters the words that alex has always dread to hear.
“mc was in a car accident.”
forcing every fibre in their body to keep calm, they take a deep breath and settle their hands on his shoulders to keep him grounded. “how bad is it?”
“i don’t know,” he mumbles, a fresh batch of tears brewing in his eyes. “there were so many doctors and they just- they took them away somewhere and i don’t know what to do -”
“grayson,” they say, interrupting him before he can spiral further. “it’s okay; i'll go see what i can find out. have you called nora?”
at the mention of mc’s mother, his eyes widen and he buries his face in his hands as chastises himself. “merde... jestem taki głupi!”
though taken aback by his mix of languages, they don’t ask any questions, choosing instead to direct him towards a chair. “you call nora and I'll go find them, okay?”
he nods his head, staring vacantly at the smart phone in his hand and after a moment of hesitation, glancing over him in concern, they turn on their feet and rush towards the nurse's station.
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it didn’t take long to find mc, especially not when jessie seeks them out. they keep their face as neutral as possible as they listen to the man describe their condition but, on the inside, a storm is raging.
near-drowning. blunt trauma. internal bleeding. pneumothorax. hypothermia.
jessie explains that he’d been able to put in a chest tube before they were whisked off into surgery by the chief general surgeon. as far as he knew, everything was going according to plan so now it was just a matter of waiting.
they find themself sitting next grayson in the waiting room, changed out of their scrubs and into the sweatpants and tank top they had in their locker. nora and callie have yet to arrive but according to the man next to them, they’re on their way.
they look over at him now. he sits slouched over, with his elbows on his knees and his face buried in his hands. he's still sopping wet and they wonder momentarily if they should’ve grabbed him a towel.
“they’ll be okay, gray,” they say softly, hoping that if they say it with enough conviction that it’ll make it true.
he glances at them with blood shot eyes and heart break written across his face. “you don’t know that,” he mumbles as he looks away from them and down at his hands, twisting his fingers like they remember him doing in school before a big exam. his anxiety is getting the better of him and they wish they knew how to put his mind at ease.
“of course i do,” they tell and they reach over to take his hand, intertwining their fingers, forcing him to look at them once more. “dr. dumont is the best general surgeon in the city; if anyone can save them, it’s her.”
“you’re the only doctor i trust to take care of them,” he grumbles in response, his thumb stroking the back of their hand and even though they think that he does it unconsciously, they can’t help the feeling of warmth that blooms in their chest.
“my, oh my... was that a genuine compliment from grayson donohue?”
he smiles despite himself, shaking his head softly as he glances down at their joined hands. “don’t get to used to it. we don’t like each other, remember?”
they hum and tilt their head to the side, watching him with an amused smile. “and remind me again; why is that?”
he leans back in his seat, seemingly more relaxed than he was moments ago, and rests his head against the wall before looking back at them. “simple,” he says. “you stole the love of my life.”
“excuse you, that’s the love of our life,” they reply. “this is a communist relationship, sir.”
laughing, he squeezes their hand. “right... how could i forget?” silence settles between them and alex can’t help but think, despite the circumstances that brought them here, it feels comfortable sitting next to him. it feels right, as if this what they were always meant to do. the only thing missing is mc.
“you know,” grayson says suddenly, breaking the silence and looking at them with a certain clarity in his eyes. “i don’t not like you.”
they blink in surprise before letting themself smile again. “as soon as mc wakes up, you need to say that again because they’ll never believe me otherwise.”
“głupi,” he mutters as he rolls his eyes playfully. “i’m trying to be real here, lex.”
“sorry, i’ll be nice. start over.”
“nope, the moment's gone. you ruined it; i hope you’re happy.”
“oh, i’m just ecstatic, gray.”
he smiles then, more to himself than them, before it wavers slightly. “and you’re sure they gonna be okay?”
they nod, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze as they shift closer to him to rest their head on his shoulder. “more sure than i’ve ever been .”
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tetrakys · 3 months
Hey Tetra, so how is the beta? What do you think of the game so far?
Sorry anon, I know I've been silent here, every time I think I want to make a post I never have enough time to make it as detailed as I used to, but never mind I'm going to give my quick opinion and then write something more in depth later.
So, first of all, I agree with everyone that the way the AP system is at the moment is too expensive. We pay 2AP for line of dialogue and many APs for choices. We get more free APs than in the past with the daily login, so that's a plus, but the choices are way too costly, especially the very basic ones (here called neutral choices), I shouldn't have to spend 40 APs to say I want a cup of tea! All that being said, I'm not too worried about it because I know that Chino has already reported this issue to management, and while these decisions are not up to her I know she sees the player's perspective and will do everything she can to make our voices heard.
Now, AP system aside, there are some things I really love!
Firstly, the website looks amazing, in the end it was worth the wait. It works super smoothly, and it's very pretty to look at.
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And the closet/shop part is really easy to navigate, it's pretty much like the Sims so I'm used to it.
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Also, the millennial in me who can't afford to buy her own home is really into the room decoration feature
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I also enjoy the minigames. One is just like the explorations in Eldarya, but with no pet to feed, so it's a win to me. The other is outfit contests, we receive a theme and we can dress up our Candy and enrol in it. I am TERRIBLE at it, but even if you don't make it top3 you still win some APs and diamonds just for participating. You can also win stuff just by voting in the contest.
Now, to the story. The first episode was mostly an introduction so nothing much really happens, we just meet 4 of the LIs. It was cute, the mechanic is a bit tricky because we can't see immediately if the LoM increases or not, we find out at the end of the episode, but it's not nearly as bad as in ML, so I can deal with it. It's also possible to understand if the LI liked the interaction from their reactions. I think I'm starting to understand their personalities so I hope I'll get the hang of it when the game releases. I'm going to make a separate post about my impressions on the LIs, but I'm quite happy so far.
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Something else I want to mention before ending this is a final pro and cons.
Cons, I don't like the "fairy". It's MC's godfather which is a cool character, apparently he is Agatha's cousin, that's nice. But he only brings gifts to Taki which I really don't care about, my duck will remain naked as nature intended. Or, anyway, I won't spend APs on it. I'm gonna try hard to avoid this guy, also because we have a choice to make with him and we can't skip it once we run into him.
The pro is instead the VIP system. From what I've seen, it looks very convenient. We get extra APs and diamonds every day, especially the diamonds it's a really good amount, which we can then exchange for more APs or cumulate to buy extra scenes (which are longer scenes with the LI). We also get some extra perks like an outfit, skip button for the replays, and extra jokers, which are little useful features that can be used in game. We don't know yet how much the VIP subscription costs, but if they stuck to the same prices as other game companies, it shouldn't be more than 10-15$.
And you anon, did you play the beta? Let me guys know what you think. People seem to be happy about most things except the AP system.
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urfavana2 · 1 month
hejkaa wracamy oficjalnie do podsumowan. Jestem bardzo zadowolona z siebie pierwszy raz od 2 tygodni. Byl to dla mnie bardzo ciezki czas, ale czuje ze wracam do gry i dam rade osiagnac swoj cel. Jestem na wiekszych limitach aktualnie, ale powoli bede schodzic co 100 kcal. Dzisiaj zjadlam 900 kcal i spalilam troche, bo zrobilam z kolezanka 8 k krokow. Nie powiem bylo ciezko bo zabrala mnie ona do kfc i chciala zebym cos zjadla ale odmowilam (czuje satysfakcje). Musze jeszcze pozbyc sie tych glupic nachosow z szafki bo tak mjie kusza. Ogolnie to wpaslam na taki pomysl zeby zrobic sobie mc n cheese albo taka real carbonare, ale uznalam ze chyba mn pojebalo bo to ma z 900 kcal na porcje. Zaplanowalam sobie posilki na jutro i wyszlo mi 800 kcal bede jesc moja ukochana pizze na wrapie i kanapki z mozzarella lighy na sniadanie 😍😍😍. Chce juz schudnac bo n moge na siebie patrzec. To chyba tyle na dzisiaj. Wstawiam makro z fitatu
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Chudej nocy motylki 🦋🎀
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motylekk8367 · 8 days
Ogólnie ostatnio kurwa to jest jakiś hit . Parę dni temu jedna przyjaciółka znalazla to moje konto a dzisiaj jak byłam z drugą w mc(wzięłam tylko kawe beż cukru ofc) to wypadł mi telefon z ręki a z pod etui żyletka XDD NO KURWA TYLKO JA MAM TAKIE SZCZESCIE
Zapierdole sie
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mikoo00 · 3 months
We wtorek miałem ostatni raz terapie leczenia uzależnień Nie spóźniłem się na grupową Mialem dość dobry nastrój w przeciwieństwie do piątku Nieco się pogodziłem z moim odejsciem
Dałem terapeutce czekoladki
Tez bylem ciekaw czy taa druga powiesiła jedną z moich ulotek gdzie są meetingi Aa Usłyszałem na przerwie jak terapeutka zachęcała resztę do zapoznania się z różnymi ulotkami jakie tam są Wtedy właśnie sobie przypomniałem o mojej ulotce Faktycznie Na tablicy korkowej widniała jedna z kopii Nikt z nich nie wiedział o tym, że ja ją przyniosłem Ucieszyłem się widząc tam ją Dobrze zrobiłem :3 Mam nadzieję, że ktoś skorzysta z informacji jakie podałem
Terapeutka na pożegnanie powiedziała, że wręcz jest dumna że mnie i widzi, że cała praca nie poszła na marne Wierzy, że nie będę miał problemów z utrzymaniem abstynencji Strasznie miło mi się zrobiło 🥹 Razie gdybym miał jakieś trudności to mogę przyjść z nią porozmawiać 🖤 Mogę też podjąć się terapii pogłębionej leczenia uzależnień jak skończę terapie w poradni zdrowia psychicznego Szczerze bardzo chce Ale najpierw muszę uporać się z innymi moimi problemami, które dalej w mojej głowie są
Napady... Cuż czuje pustkę i takie jakieś mam wrażenie chaosu w moim życiu mimo, że po za tym nic takiego się nie dzieje Znaczy no jakieś klutnie w moim otoczeniu, spory ruch w pracy Chujowa atmosfera klienci To się przełożyło napewno na to jak się czuje teraz Jakies obawy mi się pojawiły, że wyrzuca mnie z pracy bo nie jestem wystarczająco miły dla klientów.. Muszę jeszcze iść do lekarza bo badania do pracy tracą ważność, co z dalsza terapią? Muszę iść też do dentysty bo moje żeby cierpią
Nienawidze tego jak wyglądam Teraz jak przytylem to znowu gender dysphoria mi się mocno odpala Nie jestem wystarczająco płaski, a moje biodra są za szerokie Niemoge na siebie patrzeć dWstydze się uśmiechać ze względu na dziurę w 2 zembie z przodu Włosy muszę podciąć bo nawet dla mnie są za długie Cera tragiczna przez to ile cukru wpierdalam Buty nowe muszę kupić i spodnie dresowe nowe
Naszczescie dziś dzień w pracy był przeciwieństwem ostatnich tygodni Nic się prawie nie działo Atmosfera luźniejsza Kierowniczka przyniosła nam walentynkowe ciastka Były też moje ulubione osoby z pracy a nawet ta jedna kierowniczka, której nie trawie była jakaś taka miła pomimo, że mieliśmy kontrolę Już tak bezpieczniej się czułem w pracy Dawałem z siebie dużo
Nie było co robić Wysłali mnie na mycie okien Nie była to ciężka robota ale mocno frustrująca Bo jak miałem je umyć tak by nie zostawi smug? 😭MYŁEM PO KILKA RAZY zcieralem potem wodę kilka krotnie az do momentu gdy były suche Jak wchodziłem na salę to widziałem że efekty mojej pracy są nie zadowalające Tyle, że ciężko mi stwierdzić czy te smugi są po zewnętrznej strony gdzie myłem czy wewnętrznej gdzie ktoś inny mył
Ale długo się z tym nie babrałem Po 17 już się robiło ciemno więc wróciłem na serwis Sprzątałem na mc Cafe, coś tam jeszcze na serwisie
Dałem mojej mamie żelki na walentynki i babci czekolade Babcia dała mi pieniądze na nowe buty Źle się z tym czulem przyjmując od niej te pieniądze, bo zarabiam i stać mnie na to ale widziałem, że babcia chciała zrobić coś dobrego i jakoś ostatnio czuje się bezużyteczna w domu... A ja po prostu chciałbym by się nie martwiła ani nie przemęczała Ostatnio się mnie pytała czy mam na dojazdy :( To ona dawała mi kieszonkowe jak nie pracowałem i czulem się jak pasożyt Teraz mam i niepokoi mnie myśl, że ona wciąż się obawia o to, że mogę nie mieć pieniedzy
Ona zaś nie chciała przyjąć ode mnie czekoladki
Moj napad mnie wkurwił bo to jest takie automatyczne już u mnie, że muszę się nażreć i więcej negatywnych emocji generuje przed jedzeniem i po Ta ulga wgl nie jest tego warta Mógłbym nie potrzebować tej natychmiastowej ulgi Nic mi się nie chce Taki wkurwiony jestem nawet na to, że muszę się umyć lub pochować garnki,, Jestem w domu i chce się nazrec" Zauważyłem że więcej myślę o negatywnych aspektach dnia Troche jakbym szukał powodu by się nażreć Wzasadzie to tak xddd Nalug tak działa
Potem wieczorem z mamą oglondaliśmy nasz ulubiony serial na ratunek 112 xd Pośmialiśmy się Chcialem sobie jeszcze z przyjaciółką zagrać w msp Czasu nie starczyło :((
Lubię tu pisać o tym jak mi dzień minoł bo wtedy też widzę dobre strony dnia i przypominam sobie co sprawiło mi radość Łatwiej jest mi narzekać i wpadać w depresyjne stany Nie chciałbym znów czuc się jak gówno
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hollyhomburg · 3 months
Thoughts on hobi and pregnant mc being total menaces with her cravings and jin giving into each and every one while namjoons terrified
(Im desperately craving takis and seaweed and i felt the need to share that 😓)
Namjoon frantically typing into the search bar at 3am “can pickles and peanut butter hurt a pup?” And blinking too sleepy to make sense of the results.
Meanwhile hobi and her have half the fridge unpacked and she’s trying to figure out what condiment she likes the best (it’s salad dressing and pickles with a handful of chocolate chips between every other bite) (hoseok is a little disgusted and a lot impressed when she starts dipping watermellon chunks in hot fudge)
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tricitymonsters · 14 days
How would the ros react if someone told mc who had already low self-esteem that they were fat in front of them.
AH it's gonna be hard to separate myself the writer from this particular answer lol
Fat isn't a bad, disgusting, negative word. It's just another humble adjective. People can be fat AND beautiful AND healthy just like people who are skinny can be ugly and unhealthy. It's really hard and unfair that fat's been conflated with a bunch of awful signifiers- including morality- and that's just bullshit. SO with that being said/the context of how i created and developed these characters.
I don't think any of them would give you the "oooh you're not fat" because 1) its a bit simpery and 2) so what if you're fat.
All the ROs are into fat people, Akello and Kazu are probably leading in preference there (especially Akello), though I don't think Mori and Raath are far behind.
Amir loves Big Boys and Tall often comes with Fat and he doesn't treat that as anything other than a bonus. (Also don't let him lie to you he has the slightest of feeder kinks and a little extra weight would just delight him). ALSO expect him to whip out his phone and show you examples of fat celebrities/athletes he thinks are crazy beautiful.
Marcel is a manslut and his preferences aren't super strong but he will loudly talk about how much he loves fupa, jiggly asses, and big-ass thighs.
SPEAKING of Marcel, he's also fairly highly inclined to manage his health pretty carefully- a lot like Kazu- and if I'm being honest with you, you being fat wouldn't get them grossed out or judgemental either. Kazu's really good about regimented training and if it helped he'd probably be able to get you started on a good weights or cardio schedule to build strength and UNLIKE Marcel, Kazu can meal plan too if your health's got you feeling anxious and insecure. Marcel's got like... sheepherder dog energy and he loves working out with a buddy. He gets bored fast though and will probably want to take you to a rock gym or wave pool to get some variation in activity going.
Not into working out? That's ALSO cool because Akello and Mori are definitely chiller about calories get burned and more into how to enjoy the calories you DO eat. (Though, Mori's kinda suspect when he's snorting Takis dust and chasing it with Monster so idk man)
Raath would be excited that you have more Blood in you
Mori doesn't care he just wants to slap your ass and/or tits (gnc) as much as humanly possible and scent you like a stinky garbage cat. Also hands down he's the worst person to talk about long term health with so i don't recommend that.
NOT THE MOST ORGANIZED RESPONSE IN THE WORLD but i want to be clear that all bodies are worthy of respect and love and even if all I am is a silly porn writer I feel very strongly that fat bodies deserve to be seen as sexy just the way they are without it being sidelined as some kind of Unwholesome and Kooky Fetish. To that end all my characters would what you to find your confidence cause they sure think ur fuckin hot.
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allforbones · 1 year
Mam taką jedną dziewczynę w klasie, fakt jest bardzo chuda waży chyba 40 kg a ma 164 cm (?) Cóż niektórzy po prostu mają taką budowę. Na przerwach normalnie je, codziennie jakieś batony, kanapki, czekolada itp, po prostu bardzo dużo kcal. Na początku była tylko pick me, mówiła rzeczy typu "no bo ja jestem taka malutka i już nie dam rady więcej zjeść 🥹🥹" (zjadła pół opakowania małych frytek w mc) Albo jak byliśmy na kręglach to typiara nie wiadomo po co zdjęła buty za które zapłaciła (🤨) i powiedziała takie "tylko uważajcie na moje malusie nóżki 🥰🥰🥰". Ale ostatnio jest na innym levelu. Co przerwa mówi że ma anoreksję itp jedząc przy tym paczkę chipsów. I tak codziennie. Już trochę powoli mam jej dość, no ale córka nauczycielki od niemca więc czego się spodziewać 🤷‍♀️
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2af-afterdark · 3 months
Ooh ooh, spice tolerance. Despite being Asian...I uh...am very bad at eating spicy food... take your time with this long thought 😂
No doubt Tartaros devils would be able to eat really spicy food, but since devils have higher pain tolerance, the spiciest earth pepper wouldn't even affect them, but they'd have spicy food that would be dangerous for humans to consume, one bite and MC would be sent to the hell hospital immediately regardless of their ability to handle spice.
Besides Tartaros devils, Abyssos devils would probably have decently high spice tolerance as well. Except Naberius, idk why but I wanna see someone who seems so lowkey trying not to tear up even though their face is red because of the spice from the shared dish. That would take off some attention from Stolas being a "child," by having both Amon and Stolas noticing that Naberius' face is red, and he looks like he's about to cry. Or double down and bully Stolas even more with him being weak to spice. (Note: Weak spice tolerance MCs should tell Bael not to make anything spicy, cause some food might not taste spicy to him but it could strip the skin off of your human tongue)
With Gehenna, they have varying low to mid spice tolerance but I think Paimon would weirdly be the one who can handle the spiciest out of all of them. Zagan would look really cute with his face blush with heat tho, he won't be tearing up but would still struggle a bit at mid spice level. I feel like Astaroth would be the weakest, with his snake being the reason, since he possibly have the snake on him at all times, he would most likely avoid food that could irritate the little one's respiratory system. Satan would probably seconds to Paimon, since in the past Mammon pissed Satan off by teasing him for being weak at eating spicy food that he had to get better. Leraye would most likely be weak to spice, idk why but I just feel it, since he's so puppy, I can't see him eating really spicy food at all. Then Sitri and Belial, I have a feeling they would avoid spicy food, not because they can't handle it, it's just that they don't take pleasure in eating spicy foods as much as others. Ppyong and Jjyu would most likely be able to handle between low and mid spice level? Not too sure about the little ones, since they're little.
Leviathan seems to be someone who doesn't care for spicy food? But then seeing people being able to enjoy more variety of food than him, he gets jealous and started eating spicy foods just because of that. Foras would be comfortable at mid spice level I think, all my brain could think of is him eating his food with a slight blush to his cheek from the heat. I would say Barbatos doesn't like spicy food, it's because of his plant vibes, and pepper isn't even an option to fertilize plants with from my knowledge. Glass can probably eat really spicy food, just so he could have a stance when trying to start a fight between other devils about spice tolerance.
I'm stopping there since I don't know much about the other devils just yet. But I hope I'm not forgetting anyone from the specified countries 💦 I'd feel bad if I did
P.S. heaven probably wouldn't have spicy foods, since uh idk maybe because it doesn't taste pleasant, and because they're so "prestige" that I can't imagine the horrible fate await some peeps after eating spicy food. And OH MY GOD, I just found out Gabriel have the same zodiac sign as me-
Fuck having a high spice tolerance. Give me the devil that thinks vinegar is a nightmare seasoning. The devil that always wants it hotter but their stomach suffers for it later. Give me the devil that eats their equivalent of takis for fun. I want devils with bad decision making in regards to their own spice tolerance. It's no fun if all of them just... gobble down a Carolina Reaper like it's nothing. I need at least one that it a wimp when it comes to spice and heat.
Amon, Eligos, Stolas... are definitely team high spice tolerance. I think Beelzebub tries to eat spice, but doesn't even notice it at all. Meanwhile, I kind of want to say that Bael likes spice, but his stomach does not. Naberius is dying inside. Dogs may actually be more affected by the heat that humans, so... hell hound cries about it. Leraye also cries, because the man is a metaphorical puppy. Jjyu won't admit that it hurts and tries to maintain a brave face while Belial is enjoying the burn. Bimet is not foolish enough to eat such intense spices when he could make a pretty penhy of them instead (one chip challenge, hell edition).
No one in Paradise Lost is eating that shit because they are too busy dealing with all the other idiots that tried.
Damn. There are just... so many of them...
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yuunemi · 1 year
Miss Me, Miss Me, Now You Gotta Kiss Me
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LIBRARIAN'S NOTE/S : an entry for the Voltage Fandom Content Creation Challenge hosted by @voltagefandomproject. I sincerely apologize for posting very late. this is written in 2nd pov and I apologize in advance for grammatical errors and if some characterizations are off since all insights are based on ms1 stories, snippets, and other fanfics/thoughts from others. if other LIs are not here then that means I am too uncertain about their personality. other than that, enjoyy~~
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Wherein MC impulsively sings “Miss me, miss me, now you gotta ki—” once he returned home after a long trip but you stop yourself from finishing it upon realizing what the next words were. Your face flushed red from the embarrassment. (This can also apply if you just start singing it out in the blue).
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1. He will tease you and say "Now I gotta what?" He knows full well what the next words are, and he will not stop teasing you about it, not until you say the next words
Miyabi, KYOGA, Ayato Hidaka, Ichiya Misono, KYOHEI RIKUDOH, Nagito Aoshima, Eisuke Ichinomiya, Ota Kisaki, MITSUNARI BABA, Leon, Teorus, ICHYTHYS, Tauxolouve, Yosuke Sagara, SHUN RANDOH, Yuma Akagi, TAKAMASA SAEKI, FENN LUXURE, Roy Invidia, and Jasper Lane
No doubt that they would tease you to death, you missed him and he knows it
It is an ego boost for them
I put Leon in both 1 and 2 knowing that he would possibly do it in that order, like you say it > he kisses you > he says number 2
Saeki might even go "Awww, my honey missed meee~~"
I personally think that Fenn would be the biggest tease among everyone. He finds it so amusing that he'll laugh and he won't even try to hide it.
Roy and Jasper will feign cluelessness while teasing you into saying it
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2. Much like number one but instead of waiting for you to say it, he will just kiss you and then say "If you wanted a kiss, all you had to do was ask" bro will be smirking at you
Shinra, HIROKI ENIWA, IORI ENJO, Kota Igarashi, EISUKE ICHINOMIYA, Mamoru Kishi, Leon, Scorpio, PARTHENO, Kiyohito Shirakami, Yamato Kougami, and GUY AVARI
I put Eisuke in both numbers knowing that it is possible because I feel like he would do 1 and 2 in that order
Shinra, Kota, and Kiyohito might even blush about it, especially Shinra who would act cocky about it all the while he is blushing
You know Hiroki's princely-like pose where he raises his head with a subtle smirk, that's what he would look like while saying it
Okay, Kota is not the type to smirk but like do his expression where he puts his hand over his face and blush
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3. He knows what the next words are, he is amused. He found it cute and kissed you
Chikage, SAMON, MAKOTO MORIMACHI, Ryo Chibana, Soryu Oh, HUEDHAUT, Dui, KARNO, Zyglavis, Taki Kozaki, Takao Maruyama, Kenshi Inagaki, Toa Qelsum, TINO VALENTINE, and Lou
Samon, Makoto, and Karno would probably even pat your head after giving you the kiss
You know the soft doting look that Makoto has, yes that's what he would look like
Tino might even blush about it and I think that he probably chose to stay quiet so as to not embarrass you any further because he is considerate like that
Huedhaut and Lou would definitely chuckle at your behavior
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4. "Yeah? Now I gotta what?" He is genuinely clueless, so you gotta tell him and finish the sentence if you really want that kiss
Chikage, Yukinojo, Takamune Kitami, RIKU MORIMACHI, Takashi Ninagawa, Soryu Oh, Rhion Hatter, AIGONORUS, Yonghua, REN SHIBASAKI, LYNT AKEDIA, Toa Qelsum, and Grayson Hotz
Chikage, Soryu, and Toa are literally so similar because of how cool and distant they are. Moreover, knowing these three, I feel like they are in between 3 and 4 because those three are also like so smart, no shot, they are unaware, but they're quite dense sometimes so-
Riku, Aigonorus, and Lynt are quite the airheads so you literally have to spell it out to them, but I wouldn't put it past Riku to feign cluelessness just to tease you
In the case, that Soryu is in a good and he knows what the next words are but you aren't saying them then he will probably say, "You might wanna say it unless you want me to misunderstand and think I want to kill you." but we all know that he wouldn't do that because he even refuses to point a gun at a woman. He is respectful and principled like that
Nah cause even though half of these men are smart-asses, you sometimes just have to spell it out because of how absorbed they can get from their passions; like Takamune with soccer, Takashi with music, etc.
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5. Another one who is genuinely clueless but will still kiss you nonetheless because they missed you too
Yukinojo, Rhion Hatter, KRIOFF, and RIO VOLERI
Okay, so I put Yukinojo here as well cause I really feel like he might be clueless but whether he'd push you to say it or not is something I'm not sure cause he does not seem to be the forceful type either and would be the type to think/reason "If you wanted to tell me, you would, but if you didn't then you must have your reasons".
For Rhion, same reason as Yukinojo, but I think he also leans more toward the curious type. Depending on the topic, he might press for answers, but he doesn't seem that pushy either.
Krioff is a gentleman, and I don't think he would push you to say it either unless he senses something amiss or bad about it.
Rio would definitely let out a hearty laugh since he sees you lightly blushing. He'll say, "Hahaha! Whatever that is, you're right, I missed you." or somewhere along those lines before kissing you.
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6. "Ha? You're only saying that because you're the one who misses me." He missed you but won't admit it
Okay, hear me out, I put this specifically for them because of how Tsundere they can get. (Again, this is all according to what I've observed from them, and I haven't read Knight's route yet, but he literally gives me Tsun-Tsun vibes).
There is no way that those two are not blushing while or after saying that
Mention that he is blushing, and he will blush twice as much
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voltageapps · 8 months
The first volume of "Kings of Paradise" manga adaptation book is released today! 🥂
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You can buy the digital and paper version of this manga adaptation book from today, September 13. This manga features Taki and the name of the MC is Yuka. As you have guessed, the story is a little different with the game stories, but the premise is still the same!
Second image is drawn by Sasa Okaeri, the illustrator for Kings for Paradise, to celebrate the first volume release.
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