#take a wild guess what my hobbies are/my fave place is
mystybird · 11 months
hetalia yellowstone au but instead of it being the show yellowstone it’s just the characters as humans working at yellowstone national park
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yloiseconeillants · 1 year
15 Questions!~
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yes! My mother named both me and my sister after Very Popular Characters on her Very Popular Late 1980s Daytime Soap Opera. Then she named my brother after MacGyver.
2. When was the last time you cried?
bachelor party mushroom trip bath time last weekend (it was a joyous cry)
3. Do you have kids?
No, and no interest personally. I have two nieces and a nephew. My partner and I are considering fostering older kids/teens when we're in our 40s/50s but that remains to be seen.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not often, and when I do it's almost exclusively purposely meant to fall Very Flat (I have been told I have some sort of sense of humor by my friends but none of us can figure it out).
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
My grandfather was convinced that since I was tall for a preschooler that I would end up as a basketball player and tried to encourage me and my sister to take up basketball as children (taking us to college games, playing with us at the local park, etc) but I ended up more of a 'scrambling through creeks before spending hours being weird at the library' kind of kid. In high school, I did enjoy dance, badminton, and field hockey when forced to do so through p.e. classes, but I'm. not sports.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people?
Oh yikes, it depends on the circumstances? If I'm meeting someone new at a familiar place among familiar people, usually how they interact with people that I know? What their body language conveys about a relationship or acquaintanceship, I guess. If it's an entirely new person in a neutral environment, like at work, probably still body language, but I'd be checking more for like, how nervous they are to determine what kind of tone to take with them (I worked in a government office for Official Technical Stuff and there's a lot of people who are Very Unsure about what they ~should be doing).
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Oh, scary movies. Happy endings are great but I tend to prefer media that just coincidentally doesn't have them? (so when I *am* enjoying something that *does* have a happy ending, it's so much sweeter). However, I love being spooked and I am *very* easily spooked so like, you can find me watching horror movies from a distance in my kitchen with all the lights on, and the sound turned off during the really scary bits and I'll be like, making food to combat the terrors - having a fucking fantastic time actually.
8. Any special talents?
Good memory for things I have written down.
9. Where were you born?
California, baby!
10. What are your hobbies?
playing barbies and falling into research holes
11. Do you have any pets?
I have two cats :) They are Very Neurotic.
12. How tall are you?
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13. Fave subject in school?
I mean, I really enjoyed majoring in community development (focus on urban planning, but the public engagement bits of that were really fun), but if we're talking like, high school, definitely drama. Like, yes, it was mostly just my friends and I fucking around for an hour during school and however many hours after school, but I genuinely enjoyed the academic bits of it when my teacher still pretended to give at least somewhat of a fuck before she checked out entirely in my last two years in it. Language and literature classes were usually pretty fun, especially in community college (shout out to my Russian lit course for being Wild and to that time that I took a required English class that was taught by a teacher whose background was poetry). OH AND THIS INSTITUTIONAL ECON CLASS I TOOK-
14. Dream job?
Don't believe in 'dream' jobs but in a situation where I was still forced to rely on working to survive but I could do whatever I wanted, I'd love to like just wear a bright vest and hang out on public transportation and give people information on transit routes and destinations. Please let me help the tourists. They need help.
15. Eye colour?
that fucky 'grey' color which means I can't fucking see shit when it's bright out because i'm squinting too much
Tagged by @mirrim-the-moonfaerie and @sundered-souls
Tagging: whoever wants a tag!!
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silenceofthecookies · 3 years
Mistletoe - Yami Sukehiro x reader
Here’s my second entry for @quirkyseastone​‘s Naughty or Nice event! Since I went with one of my faves for the first entry, I went with one of her faves for the second. Fair deal, don’t you think? The prompt for this one is “Person A catches person B under the mistletoe that they “cleverly” placed, and gives them a surprise kiss”. Obviously I had to pick Yami. Reader is genderneutral! 
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Parties at the Black Bulls hideout were always fun, but this wasn’t just any party. This was Christmas, and the magic knights weren’t going to let it pass by without making it the biggest party of the year. You were currently in the process of decorating the base to the best of your abilities. Finral was using his spatial magic to let you reach high places to hang up the decorations, Charmy was preparing a buffet for dinner and Gauche was preparing the ornaments while waiting for Yami and Asta to come back with the tree. You noticed Gauche calling Gordon over and together they bent over the Christmas angel that would be placed at the top of the tree. You were pretty sure they were going to turn it into a Christmas Marie. Noelle was putting up the lights with Vanessa, and Magna and Luck were cleaning the place in the meantime. Zora left the base the moment the decorations were brought up, saying he couldn’t be bothered with them and Henry would join from a distance once everything was done.
The front door swung open and Yami and Asta walked in with the biggest Christmas tree you had ever seen and you guessed it was too big for the room. Once they tried to put it up, they noticed it really was. Yami simply yelled at Henry to ‘raise the ceiling’, which happened not too long after. Gauche complained about the tree being too damn big and not having enough Marie ornaments and Magna and Luck started complaining about all the dirt they brought inside, and how they had just cleaned the floor. It was a loud mess, but it brought a smile to your face. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
Everyone pitched in for the final adjustment and setting the table and finally, the base was ready for the best Christmas party the Black Bulls had ever had. Zora had come back a little earlier than he would’ve liked to so he was forced by Yami to help Gauche and Gordon with the Christmas tree, while he himself went to the toilet. Conveniently, he only came back once Charmy and her sheep began putting food on the table. Not that you expected any different from Yami, both from avoiding things he didn’t like and from his toilet habits. Once everyone was seated at the table and Vanessa had poured everyone a glass of bubbles, the party finally started.
After thoroughly enjoying the food and drinks, you decided to observe everyone. Magna and Luck were yelling at each other and were throwing food. Charmy got mad at them for wasting the food she worked so hard on. Asta was choking from eating too fast and Noelle was slapping his back to help him. Gordon and Grey were calmly talking at a corner of the table. Gauche was yelling at Zora, who had just mentioned something about there being too many Marie’s in the tree, and Finral was trying to get them to break it up. Henry sat at the other side of the room, watching everyone with a smile. And Yami, much like yourself, sat at the table and laughed at everyone’s antics. Honestly, it felt so much like a family and it made you a bit emotional. You decided to take a break before you started crying at the table and you went outside to get some fresh air.
Even outside, the yelling from inside the base could be heard. You wondered just how much trouble you would have gotten into if the base wasn’t in the middle of a forest. The wild animals weren’t going to complain about it. The winter air was cold and you wrapped your arms around yourself to stay a little warmer, but you didn’t want to go back inside just yet.
“You want to freeze to death on Christmas? You’ve got some weird hobbies.”
You turned around and saw Yami close the front door behind him. He smiled at you and lit a cigarette as he came to stand next to you.
“I’ll be back in soon enough, I just needed some fresh air.” “Are you ok?” “Yeah, I am. Sorry for worrying you.” Yami stared at you a little before nodding and answering. “Then it’s fine. Don’t push yourself though.” “I won’t, thanks captain.” “Don’t ‘captain’ me. Just Yami is fine.” “Alright. In that case, Yami, I’m heading back inside, I’m getting a little too cold for my liking.” Before you could take a step, Yami grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him with a grin. “Just a second, Y/N. You can’t leave a man standing under the mistletoe.” “What do you mean, mistletoe? We’re outside.”
Yami simply grinned wider and gestured up. Above your heads you saw Finral’s hand through one of his portals, holding mistletoe. You stared at Yami in disbelief. Before you could make a move, Yami leaned in and placed a quick kiss on your lips. After that he turned around and walked back inside.
“Hurry back inside, Y/N. I wouldn’t want you to freeze to death.”
You stared at his back as he walked inside, only to regain your ability to move once the door fell shut behind him.
“Yami Sukehiro! Get your ass over here!”
You quickly followed him, still unsure if you were going to hit him or kiss him properly.
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Survey #414
“mirror, mirror, tell me who you see  /  am i you or me?  /  i can never remember”
How many people have you kissed? Four. Ever kissed someone you weren’t dating at the time? No. Of the people you’ve kissed, how many do you regret kissing? Two. Ever been kissed by a legal adult when you were a minor (or vise-versa)? Yeah, with Jason, but it was only a two-year difference. Ever kissed someone on a dare/as part of a game? No. Where’s the most public place you’ve ever made out with someone? Nowhere public. I wouldn't do that. Can you snowboard? Never tried. Have you ever made a mixed cd for someone? No. Do you use recycle bins at your house? Yes. Do you own more than one bathing suit? No. Have you ever kissed someone who smokes weed? Jason did occasionally with his best friend, but he stopped for me. How are you right this second? I'm all right. Last night was pretty rough, so I'm just glad that's over. My body is just tired. Is there anything you disliked about your last birthday? Honestly, I barely remember what I did on my last birthday. I just remember it was fine. Oh wait, actually, on the way home from going out to eat, we had to call the cops while behind a car whose driver was obviously drunk or high OFF. HIS. ASS. He was swerving like crazy and almost hit SO many cars. I was having an absolute panic attack. I pray to God that guy was more than just found and fined. Do you keep a diary or journal (offline or online)? No, unless you count surveys, I guess. What were you like a year ago? I was the unhappily the same. Is someone on your mind right now? Fucking always. Having a warm dream about him last night didn't help. Who was the last person you sat next to? My mom. What do you currently hear right now? My screen is split so I can watch John Wolfe play some indie horror games. What’s something you need to go shopping for? I need to get new bras baaaadly because I'm tired of none fitting properly. What’s the last thing you ate? I had a donut 'cuz Mom stopped at Dunkin' for coffee. Do/did you do good in school? I did up to college. Then I just... sucked. Do you always get along with your siblings? I mean I don't see/talk to them every day or anything, not even very regularly even, but we generally get along fine now as adults. We disagree about shit for sure, but keep our mouths shut. Or probably talk to Mom about it while I'm not present. I don't even think they like me half of the time. Are you frustrated with anything? So much. Why did you fall for the last person romantically? There were/are a lot of factors. Just she as a person is phenomenal. What’s your younger sibling’s name? Nicole. Can you speak in a different language conversationally; if so, which language? A tiny bit of German. Do you ever fear of falling asleep? With my nightmares, I used to dread it. Now, thankfully, my APAP mask has prevented them from happening, mostly; I've only had two in the month that I've had it, and I ordinarily had them every single night. Do you have an idea of what kind of profession you’d like to have? I do, but I honestly doubt I'm going to succeed in even making it a part-time job by this damn point. Which beach would you say is your favorite? I don't have a favorite. I don't even like the beach very much. What kind of cookie is your favorite? Chocolate chip. Have you ever had a churro? Yes. Too crunchy and ridiculously sweet, not a fan. Truth be told, are you more into looks or personalities the most? A good personality beats good looks any day. How is/was your chemistry class in high school? I actually didn't take chemistry; my graduating year, physical science was offered as the alternative, which I took. How does alcohol affect you? I get hot, and my face flushes badly. It'll make me more talkative. Have you ever tried lemon brownies? No, and I don't want to. I don't like lemon-flavored stuff like that. What was the last type of meat you ate? Beef. Have you taken any medication today? I have prescriptions I take every day. Have you ever watched Parks and Recreation? I've seen some of it at Sara's house. What is your favourite kind of pasta? Just spaghetti with tomato sauce and meatballs, really. I've been on a major chicken pesto kick lately, though. Have you set an alarm today? No. Think of a random person, and give them a message here, no names: Literally just the chance to say "I'm sorry" would be fucking amazing. Just two fucking words. What if there were two of you? Would the world be in trouble? No. That'd be a waste of space, though. Not like I'm contributing much to society. Would you prefer an ice cream sundae or an ice cream cone? I dunno man, it depends on my mood and what I want in the moment. Do you watch movies with the subtitles on? No; I find it to be distracting. Is the last person you kissed yours? I hate this saying. She's her own person that belongs to nobody but herself. But to just go along with it and answer the question, no, we're not together. Do you think you will be married by the time you are 25? Welp, I'm halfway through 25, so. Do you have siblings over the age of 21? All of my siblings are. Do you have a hard time admitting you’re wrong? No. Especially as I've aged, I'd say I'm pretty quick to accept if I've fucked up. Who has the ability to hurt you the most emotionally? Jason will probably always have that power, even if he's not in my life. Would you ever be a stripper? God no, nobody wants to see that. What are your plans for tomorrow? Just get through the day, man. Do you owe anybody money? No. How would your parents describe you? Reserved, shy, a deep thinker, animal lover, uhhhh... What is the most you have ever weighed? Let's not. Would you ever work at McDonald's? No. I'm never working in food service. If you aren't already, would you go vegetarian or vegan? I want to be a vegetarian and being a vegan would be perfectly ideal for me, but I really don't think I can healthily accomplish either. I am FAR too picky to where I'd almost definitely become malnourished. To make it even worse I absolutely cannot "suck it up" if I don't like a food, so it's not like I could choke down stuff I don't like. Not to mention I'd be pretty sad without any yummy food to look forward to, aha. Coolest person you've ever met? Uhhhh I don't know. Do you wear boxers? No. Girls, how old were you when you first learned how to put in a tampon? I don't remember. Would you ever attend a gay pride parade or festival? I would absolutely love to. Did you see Paranormal Activity 2? I think I've seen all of the movies. I liked them, given paranormal horror films are probably my fave. What would you do if an old man grabbed your ass? Kick him in the fucking balls so goddamn fast and probably slap him across the face at the same time. Probably cry later from feeling violated and having my fear of men aggravated. Do you like moustaches? It depends on the person, but I'd say I generally prefer an attached beard and a mustache versus JUST a mustache. Could you hack into someone's computer if you tried hard enough? No. I have no idea how to do that. Have you ever smoked a cigar? No. Do you go out on Black Friday? Hell no. NOT worth fighting people for deals. Do you have curtains in your bedroom? No; I have those blinds that you can close upwards or downwards. Did you like the Spice Girls when you were little? Yeah, I did. Can you sing the entire Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme song? I think I can. Do you get heartburn? I'm literally on an antacid prescription, or else I get insane heartburn every day. Are you scared of elevators? To a moderate degree, yes. I'm terrified of it getting stuck. Have you ever seen a dead body in person? Yes, at an open-casket wake. Have you ever seen The Goonies? I have. If you're white, do you ever wish you were black? Or vice versa? I'm fine being Caucasian, but ultimately don't care. Do you bake cookies all the time around Christmas? I don't bake. Do you like your hair pulled? Uhhh... I'm assuming you mean this in a suggestive context, in which case no. Never pull my hair, actually. What kind of jeans do you like? Ripped skinny jeans. What do you think is overrated? Who really cares. Let people enjoy what they enjoy. And what are your goals for the remainder of this year? Lose lots of weight, find a job, get back into old hobbies and develop new ones... Name a city that starts with A in your state/province etc. Asheboro. Name a landmark that starts with M in your state/province etc. I'm blanking right now. When was the last time you gave a horse a carrot? Been years. I think I've only done that once, and I can't even remember where it was. Have you ever had to shovel snow? No. How many seasons is your favorite TV show in so far? MM was just revived for its fifth season! :') Where would you most like to go in your state, etc. that you haven’t been? NC actually has this really old Wizard of Oz theme park! It's on the other end of the state, though, and NC is one wiiiiiide state. What was the last bird you saw? A robin, I think. What color was the last thing you drank? Green. Has a wild animal ever been loose in your house? Besides insects, no. Well wait, scratch that, once or twice we had a small mice problem when we lived in the woods. What’s the name of the bookstores in your city? The only one I know off the top of my head is Books-a-Million. Where do your parents live? I live with my mom, and Dad lives in the same city as us. Have you ever seen or touched an iceberg? No, but that would be cool. What colour are your father’s eyes? Brown. If your ex turned up on your doorstep now, with nowhere else to go, would you let him/her stay? Well one, this isn't my house, so I can't make that decision. My mom being who she is though, she'd let pretty much anyone stay the night. If it was Sara, Mom would let her stay as long as she needed. The last time you cried, was it connected with someone of the opposite sex? Ugh, yes. My PTSD was BAD last night. Delicious warm brownies or a giant cookie? I'll take the brownie. Have you visited a haunted building or area before? No, but damn I'd love to. Have you been to North Carolina? Ayyyyeeeee that's my home.
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sozotohakai · 5 years
meet the mun
Repost do not reblog !!
Tagged by: @weiwuxiian (thank you!) Tagging: @xueyaang @shensheng-aoman @ask-cross-marian @avellaturortem @crowleiii @manadcampbellrpblog @crystallizecrimsonbutterfly @illusiive if you want to, and anyone else who wants to!
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LAYER ONE: THE OUTSIDE - Name: Chris - Eye Color:  Brown - Hair Style/color: Varies, I tend to prefer mid-length hair, with layered cut style, and they’re naturally dark brown, I’ve dyed them with strands of copper or strands of auburn in the past, I’ve felt like letting them be just their natural colour but I’m pretty sure it’s possible I’ll dye them in one of those again in the future. - Height: 5′7 (170 cm) - Clothing style: Uh. That is a good question :’) Casual I guess, I love most jeans/tight pants that are either blue or black, I love my tops to be fitting though not too tight but I have various kind of tops I like (from tank top to short sleeved shirt to long sleeve ones), I do have a weakness for button up shirts though. Boots are also my faves kind of shoes. - Best physical feature: I guess, my overall figure?
LAYER TWO: THE INSIDE - Your fears: I think my overall, big fear is the fear of physical pain, but it’s translate most in fear of drowning, of sharp objects pointed at me or near me in someone else’s hand, fear of heights, and fear of stingy insects. I think I do have a phobia of wasps and bees and the likes though, like, I used to be deathly afraid of every insects, even butterfly. I’m still a bit uneasy when anything insects gets close to me, but I only really fear afraid when I know it can sting (or if I don’t know if they can, like if I’m surprised by buzzing but can’t see it, or if I don’t know the insects). I tolerate bees? By that I mean I just freeze and repeat like a mantra it’ll die if it strings it won’t easily sting you. But wasps? Nah man, I’ll hide behind anyone I know or I flee. If you ever see me make a sudden, wide off-way from a straight line, you know I heard or saw a wasps or something insect-y. Like. At least you know i’m the best radar for them. At least, it is the fear of being stung by then, rather than of the insects themselves, so I’m okay with just seeing them and/or hearing them if they can’t access me. Although the sounds make me tense like BUZZING-oh its okay XD - Your guilty pleasure: I see a cat, I hope I can pet the cat, I won’t bother the cat but if there’s  cat and cat willing, I’ll pet cat. Same with dogs, though cats feel calmer so easier to be around. Also tbh food? I’m weak to good food, or just anything tasy enough for me, which is pretty much anything (that isnt overcooked or the very few tastes I wont like). - Ambitions for the future: In all honesty, being able to continue with the life i’ve created. Take care of mom, visit&see my brother every weekend, spend my way between writing and working on little things and my hobbies. I do wish to be able eventually to travel and meet my online friends (and/or welcome them here). And tbh I have zero wish to get known, if I get some fanbase and just enough to contribute at home, i’ll be the happiest. The only real dream for future I have is a shared one, mom and my bro (and I) kind of hope we’ll one day be able to live in a house together, either those houses that can be split in smaller houses (like three small flats making up a bigger house), or simply that it has enough rooms for each of us to have a personal space.
LAYER THREE: THOUGHTS - Your first thoughts waking up: Vary, half the time it can be some leftover dreams so it’s like, finishing a thought from a dream (including at times literally thinking oh i’m dreaming ohhhh i’m waking up), sometimes it’ll be the slow realization of a sound, most often there’s also hearing if mom is awake (or not). Then I can daydream a bit. - What you think about before bed: Most often, daydreaming to sleep.
LAYER FOUR: WHAT’S BETTER? - Single or group dates: Not sure tbh, I guess both depending on people and context? - To be loved or respected:  Respect. You can love without respect; but respect is a form of love in itself. Like I’d honestly much prefer someone who respect me but doesn’t feel much of anything, that someone who “loves” me but doesn’t have respect. Of course, if I’m loved and respected, that’s the best. - Beauty or brains: Either one or both. I honestly see people as whole, so I can see “details”, but I also see the whole. Probably both is the most correct reply, though beauty has a bit less impact on me than brains, but beauty is subjective so. - Dogs or cats: Both, though I do have a preference for cats, cat-energy is like... calm. I mean they can be no calm at all, but their overall energy feel calmer than dogs. But I love both.
LAYER FIVE: DO YOU. - Lie: I myself tend to be truthful, although I can also simply omit truths if voicing them has no real impact or need, mostly it’s like, if something doesnt feel important to share, I wouldn’t really think of it, but if asked or if the subject comes to it, it might pop into my head. So basically I don’t lie (unless I’d have a pretty good reason life safety), I’d mind my words with hurtful truth (if they have to be voiced), and I don’t really care if i’m lied to, as long as it’s not malicious. - Believe in yourself: I think? I’m secure in myself now, so yeah I guess there’s this implicit confidence I know myself enough. Like I can have insecurities, but I guess I believe in myself to handle it so. - Believe in love: I do, I believe in all forms of love, including at first sight, though I also believe it needs work to remain love, and the loves that don’t have a real label (like, there’s romantic, platonic, queerplatonic, and then those loves you can’t really place as any of the three but could be any of the three). And I believe friendship love and family love are just as strong as others, but I kind of believe more in family of the heart than of blood? And that its basically luck when you have a heart’s family that’s also blood family. Like they are part of your heart family, and the fact you’re blood related is just a secondary detail. - Want someone: I do feel like it would be nice to have a partner (or partners, I’m neutral about exclusivity), but I’m going out of my way to look for one. That’s why I also feel like if I ever have someone, it’ll be a friend, someone I know and we think okay we could be partners too. I’m not ruling out meeting someone that gets me doki-doki but yeah, I’d still want to know them better first. I easily crush, but I don’t easily fall (and I easily friendship crush too and confused crush sooOOO).
LAYER SIX: EVER? - Been on stage: Not really? Presentation yes, but nothing else. I mean one time a presentation took the form of a small sketch but. Yeah no real stage. - Done drugs: No. - Changed who you were to fit in: I don’t think so? I adapt, but that’s part of myself. But I don’t change the other parts? Like I’m quiet naturally, I can become chatty about cetain things (especially if I feel comfortable, which is harder in person), and I’m not going to shut up nor am I going to speak up if I don’t want to. If I can see people aren’t listening, i’m also not going to bother trying. The same kind of logic is applied to anything, I can notice what works and doesn’t work in a given setting, but I only adjust if I want to and if it’s not going against who I am.
LAYER SEVEN: FAVORITES - Favorite color: Blue, green, silver, gold, white, black. - Favorite animal: Foxes, cats, felines&canines in general, horses. I also blame WWX and LWJ from making me coo harder at bunnies now. EDIT: Yo I’m an idiot whose brain didn’t work, but I actuall love wolves as much as foxes, they need to be properly mentioned and I dont know why I forgot :’D - Favorite movie: I can’t say I have faves in movies? There are movies I enjoyed, but none I consider faves, unlike animes/mangas or games. - Favorite game: Tales of Symphonia, Fire Emblem Path of Radiance, Skyrim, Tales of Vesperia, Breath of the WIld, Pokemon games (X/Y so far my favourite with weakness for FR/LG).
LAYER EIGHT: AGE - Day your next birthday will be: July, 2nd - How old will you be: 27 (I still mind-freeze because part of me still feel like I’m, what, 24? Not quite anymore at the 20/21 stage, but not really past my mid-twenties) - Does age matter: Not really, it’s people personality and their ability to handle the world, as well as how they interact with it. In a sense, its the age you feel like that matters more, but to yourself. Like yeah you can care about the number ages of people around you, but its how they are and feel and act that end up mattering more.
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samoililja · 5 years
15 Questions 
Thanks for the tag! @brownskinliam - your blog always brightens up my dash 🌻🌞✨
1. Are you named after anyone?
some Finns think I named myself after the rapper (elastinen) but it’s actually a word for terebinth or oak tree in Hebrew, hazel tree in Turkish and earth in Sanskrit. my middle name means “a ray of sunshine”. both are fairly common in eastern europe
2. Last time you cried?
a few hours ago, i got emotional over my fave kdrama so happy tears
3. Do you want/have kids
i guess i do. because of my background i worry if i would be a good parent but there’s so many books that i want to read with my kids. i want to take them to the medieval castle i grew up near and teach them sword-fighting, archery and martial arts. if i ever move back to the saami areas maybe they could learn how to throw suopunki and take part in reindeer herding culture too. i’d teach them about living in harmony with nature and which forest plants are edible or have healing properties and which toxic and tell them stories of their greatgreatgreatgreatgrandparents. they’d learn wilting, woodwork and knitting in school and from my dad (... i don’t think that i’d allow them to become hunters though). obviously i’d be an lgbtqia+ positive parent and even when i’d want them to carry on our traditions, i’d also like them to know that they’re free to be themselves and that they're always loved unconditionally.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
only in a positive way
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
their eyes, hairstyle and manner of movement
6. What’s your eye colour?
dark green
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
hate scary movies (i have a very strong need to protect others so scary or violent movies just make me feel bad), love happy endings (especially if they’re gay)
8. Any special talent?
yes, i understand and know how to speak some languages i haven’t studied (in this lifetime)
9. Where were you born?
in a medieval town with silver willows and ancient sacred places
10. What are your hobbies?
rn i have to focus on university but sometimes i do bodyart, painting & drawing, listen to mostly finnish and korean music and try to get over my traumas about dancing and oh yeah i do read a lot and enjoy learning about history and different cultures. 
11. Do you have any pets?
i do! two doggos, noki & totoro
12. Play any sports?
idk if they’re considered sports but i’ve done boxing and archery before. skiing, skating and riding a snow mobile are kind of a must
13. How tall are you?
170 cm
14. Favourite subject in school?
biology, religion, finnish & english
15. Dream Job?
writer and artist
I tag @wisehokte @veranthia & @wild--mountain--thyme 🐾🐾🐾
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surveysonfleek · 6 years
Favorite day of Homecoming Week? we don’t celebrate that here. Which youtuber have you learned the most from? hmm. geography now lately lol. What is your favorite type of church that you’ve visited? my friends got married at a cathedral a couple months ago. i was in awe of how grand it was. it was amazing. What different types of churches have you visited? so far i’ve been to catholic churches, russian orthodox churches, buddhist temples and a hindu temple. What type of church do you hate or dislike? don’t really have a type that i hate.
Who would you want to be the flower girl at your wedding? no idea! depends when i get married and the girls that’ll be in my life around then. Do you want to be married within the next ten years? yeah for sure. Do you feel like your life is too fast-paced, or do you wish it were busier? life has been passing me by. Do you prefer to be busy or bored? i’d prefer a super busy day and then a day of complete peace after. What are your current favorite hobbies? eh, not sure. i’ve been doing a ton of diy party stuff for my sister’s upcoming 21st. i’ve tried making a huge cake, balloon garlands and a huge 3d 21 sign covered in tissue paper made to look like flowers. What are some hobbies which you want to pick up? not sure. i haven’t had much time to think up of new hobbies. Does anyone encourage you to go after your dreams? yes. What group are you most active in on facebook? probably the group i’m in for work. it’s the one i use most anyway. Are you ashamed of anything? yes. where i am in life. What were your favorite Disney rides as a kid? i only went to disney like twice as a kid. i always loved tower of terror. What were your favorite rides at Cedar Point? never been. What are some places you want to visit that you’ve never been? japan, the bahamas, bora bora, new zealand. What are some places that you’ve been that you’d like to go to again? amsterdam, san francisco, singapore. What kind of dog is your favorite? i love corgis. List five youtubers you love. jkparty, itsjudyslife, daily dose of internet, no idea what else. i’ve been getting over youtube lately. What DIY project do you want to do next? probably more party related stuff. When was the last time you wore a sweater? yesterday. What color was the last sweater you wore? brown. Have you ever owned a succulent? nope. Favorite type of tea to drink in the fall? chai. Do you support small businesses? i will when i can. lately i’ve been saving hard so i haven’t done much spending. If a brand were to sponsor you, which brand(s) would you prefer? dyson. i just want their new air styler thing. Have you read the entire Bible? nope. Do you make bucket lists for each season? no. What is the next hobby you want to start? cooking seriously i guess. What do you need to buy at the grocery store next? idk. How old were you when you first dyed your hair? umm. maybe 12? it didn’t work since my hair was so dark. i didn’t bleach it until when i was about 15. Do you dye your hair regularly? i haven’t dyed my hair in over 3 years. What is the most comfortable type of pants, in your opinion? leggings. oh and sweatpants. What makes you depressed? life. What magazine would you like to be in? none lol. magazines are pretty obsolete. Do you think you could ever be famous? no. Do you think you have what it takes to make it big in the entertainment biz? nope. What industry is it that you want to go into? no idea. maybe the travel industry. Do you have a job now? If so, what is it? yes. What are some jobs you’ve had in the past? i’ve worked in retail, food and bev and social media. What are some jobs you want to or would like to have? List five. idkkkk. What are some jobs you have considered? i’ve considered so many different paths. i’m in between applying jobs so we’ll see where that takes me. List 10 favorite girls’ names. i can’t even name two. List 10 favorite boys’ names. ^ Which stereotype do you fit the most? none. Are you thankful for social media, or do you wish it didn’t exist? i didn’t mind back in the myspace days where it didn’t take over our lives too much. now it’s everywhere. businesses rely on it, there’s ads scattered everywhere and it’s a damn popularity contest. Do you think social media is beneficial? Or is it destructive? it can be both. i don’t really delve into social media that much. i use it everyday but don’t share too much about my life so i’m cool with that. Have you ever been socially awkward? yes. Have you ever acted awkward in front of a crush? duh. How old were you when you started puberty? hmm. 11 or 12. Do you think of baby names you like often? not really. i’ve liked the same names since i was a kid. What health issues do you have? idk. What are some health problems you have had in the past? idk. What are some of the best medications you’ve ever had? birth control for obvious reasons. painkillers. What is your favorite Vitamin? idk lol. Do you swallow vitamins or chew them? i don’t take them. What is your favorite pizza topping? all meats! Do you shop at thrift stores? not really. i check them out every now and then. Who are your favorite small youtubers? idk. Have you ever made money off of youtuber? yeah i have actually! and then they changed their conditions. What color is the rim of your full-length mirror (if applicable)? i don’t have a full length mirror. What was a video you watched over and over as a kid? maybe disney movies? Have you ever dyed your hair a wild color? not all of it, i used to have fire engine red streaks though. Do you own a pair of fishnets? no. Sugar skulls or zombies? sugar skulls. Are you sore right now? no. Have you ever experienced depression as a side effect? i don’t think so. Have you ever been suicidal as a withdrawal symptom? no. How old were you when you got braces? never had braces. How old were you when you started wearing glasses (if applicable)? later in life. i had reading glasses at maybe 18 but didn’t start wearing them everyday until i was about 23. Have you ever been told you have an accent? yeah. What is your favorite accent? idk lol. i don’t have a fave. Do you know a lot of people who were loving, and then turned cold? sure. Do you own anything plaid? nope. What do the first pair of Lularoe leggings you got look like? never owned them. Do you think Lularoe is too expensive? - Do people think you look your age? yeah i guess. i still get carded though. Are you good at guessing people’s ages? not at all. Are you good at remembering names? not really. i’m better at remembering faces. Do you prefer common names or unique ones? don’t mind. unique names are easier for me to remember though. What does your name rhyme with? reese. 
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upwardeath · 6 years
k here’s some more words you’re not going to read. If you actually do you’re my hero. Thanks for tagging me @holy-panther. Also answering some I didn’t get to earlier.
@kishka questions:
1. Which language sounds the nicest to your ears?
2. Does your native language have any dialects you absolutely cannot stand? If yes, why?
Southern American is annoying. Particularly Southern Appalachian. But maybe just bc I grew up in the south.
3. Which is your favorite place you’ve ever been to?
Switzerland, maybe, or any place where I’m completely surrounded my mountains. There are some awesome places here in Colorado. Standing on top of a mountain I just summited is a fave. Sitting and talking with someone I love anywhere.
4. What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve seen an animal do?
My dog ate a giant ass toy giraffe, how in the hell he managed to choke that thing down, I don’t know, but he did and had to have surgery to get it removed.
5. How do you take your tea/coffee/preferred hot beverage? 
Espresso. Or Americano. But I prefer iced coffee tbh.
6. If you could cosplay any character, which one would you choose? Why?
Some badass femme fatale, I don’t know. Because hot.
7. What details in character designs catch your eye the most?
Oooohhhh, good fucking question. The eyes. Clean lines. Not overly complicated. And the thing that draws my eyes the most is emotion in the expression and dramatic movement in the body. But I guess that’s more what the character is doing and less about the design. I mean attractive character designs catch my eye, lol.
8. What is your least favorite art movement?
9. Moths or butterflies?
Why i gotta pick? Lol, moths?
10. What were you obsessed with as a child?
Collecting sports cards and rocks. My rock tumbler. LOL. Puzzles. My bike. Playing outside. Video games. Designing my dream home, I had a huge notebook and that thing was fucking amazing. Reading. Listening to music by myself in my room.
11. Do you have any houseplants? If yes, do you give them names?
I have some succulents and they’re the only thing I can keep alive. I had a palm that i liked but it died. I killed it. I don’t give them names. But i do talk to them. I just refer to them as little guys.
@holy-panther questions:
1. stupid things you did, whether recently or as a child
I used to “kamikaze” into the bayous on my bike and build forts, like I’d actually fortify it and build traps and weapons to keep people out, I made “bombs” in glass jars out of fireworks and set a vacant lot of fire.
2. do you like the place where you grew up?
In some ways yes, but mostly no I hate Houston.
3. favorite fiction genres
Already answered but I like fantasy too.
4. in what kind of place do you want to be right now?
Not in America I can tell you that.
5. musical recommendations?
I don’t feel like deciding on any right now but I post songs, you can check my music tag.
6. do you believe in eternal love?
7. ideal house/apartment?
Something with wide open space inside and/or out. Something with access to a big city. Or a cabin in the woods.
8. would you rather read a book or watch a movie?
Book, unless I’m very tired.
9. The movie, would you rather watch it at home or at the movie theater?
Home usually unless it’s action/adventure.
10. documentary or museum? why?
Museum, I love art, and while I dig documentaries to, I have more fun in a museum?
11. walk in town or in the wild?
12. would you let me draw on your arms without looking at what i'm doing ?
And here’s my questions again if anyone wants to answer them:
My questions (I’m yoinking some from others):
1. Names you find beautiful?
2. What’s a song that embodies you as a person best?
3. Do you have any weird/out-there theories? What are they if I may ask?
4. Do you have a favorite enneagram/mbti type?
5. What’s the thing that annoys you most?
6. Where would you live if you could choose one place in the world?
7. What are your hobbies?
8. What are your religious beliefs, if any?
9. Do you like pizza? Yes or no?
10. Do you have any vices and what are they?
11. What’s something random you were thinking about today?
Tagging: @syntheticalcomposure @descardess @de-nihilist @antisocieties @azenta @alverlind @new-born-1997 and anyone else who clicks on my stuff and I click on theirs.
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pinpuku · 6 years
Partner Request from justabirdbreezing
Zodiac: Scorpio (Nov)
Animals: I like any kind, but I particularly love birds (esp. corvids), foxes, and cats!
Colors: ‘Wintery’ or ‘ocean-like’ colors, such as blue and lavender and sea green!
Hobbies: Writing, watercolors, comic doodles, probably will take up gardening if it’s possible in the future
Aspirations: I dream of being in the United Nations and/or a diplomat, as well as a novelist in my spare time!
Fave area: Any peaceful place. I love the mountains, forests, wide open spaces with lots of sky and flowers and little pollution so you can see the stars at night
Good traits: I guess I’m empathetic and very ‘worldly.’ I’m passionate about making a difference, and I like to inspire others to too! I want others to dream big and soar high beyond what they think they’re capable of. I also won’t hesitate to fight for my friends and my ideals, and I can easily ‘reflect’ and turn inside myself to listen to my intuition.
Bad traits: I desire friends, but a lot of the times I push away people at the acquaintance level, then feel lonely afterwards. I’m really unrealistic as well, and can get overwhelmed by minor chores easily. Though I believe in living and being yourself, I dislike that I can’t ever seem to ‘grow up’ and prefer to daydream rather than do any action. Additionally, I worry too much on the inside about what society thinks!
Hello! I think I have quite a famous Pokemon as your new partner!
Tumblr media
♡ Articuno is a Legendary Pokemon! But it’s not one of a kind. Like many other legendaries, it is rare & strong, with heavy historical lore. There are suspected to be many Articuno families around the world. Breeding is unheard of in captivity, though. You will be a highly respected & admired trainer for having the capability of having such a great Partner! In the world of diplomacy, having this instant form of respect from your peers & audience can be a huge benefit. 
♡ Articuno naturally lives on cold mountain peaks. It has the ability to chill the area around it, even in the hottest conditions. It likes peaceful & quiet habitats. It might make the surrounding area colder, but it won’t necessarily cause a snowstorm or blizzard just by existing in a place, at least not on purpose. Having a garden with cold-hardy plants is a good idea. Also, it would be better to live in a more rural area with this Pokemon. It does not handle high-stress, loud environments well.
♡ Articuno is also known for its beautiful plumage. It sparkles & glimmers in flight. This would be a very flash Ride-Pokemon! 
♡ Articuno has a naturally introverted nature. It usually only lives with few others of its kind in the wild. It does not have a sour temperament, however. As long as it trusts its trainer & does not feel the need to protect itself, loved ones, or territory, it will be calm. It will enjoy spending time preening itself & flying with its trainer. 
Hope you like your new pal! ^~^
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skvtewitch · 6 years
Hmu with both circe and oli for both richie and eddie let's go ✪
@batteryacidfcknuts   // Send me ✪ and my muse will tell you what they’d like to do to/with yours. // accepting!
One  ✦ = They don’t want to do this at all.Five  ✦ = They would die to be doing this!(Zero  ✦  = “Wat?!”)CIRCE would like too...✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦   dance with your muse. - she’d def challenge him to a dance!✦ ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧  sing for your muse. - singing is her MIDDLE NAME✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧  ask your muse out on a date. - the good sis would def make the first move✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  take a bath with your muse. - if richie wanted death then i GUESS✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧  hold your muse tight. - omf if he needed a hug or almost fell off her skateboard? (PLOT IDEA!!!)✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  lean onto your muse. - mostly to annoy him or kindly point out how much better she is at something✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  kiss your muse. - is the grass green??✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧  sleep with your muse. - circe runs warm and probably drools in her sleep. is he ready for this? she also steals the blankets lmao✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  marry your muse. - marriage is overrated tbh!✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧  watch your muse sleep. - she’d love to see a day where he isn’t talking! but she’d also love to sketch him while he catches his beauty sleep✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  cuddle your muse. - circe is a cuddle BEAST. is richie ready for this? *are you ready for this.mp3 plays loudly in the background* ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  go to a party with your muse. - these two would be party MONSTERS lets be real here. they’d definitely take all the attention and make the party about themselves✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  watch a movie with your muse - is the grass green (x2)? these two gotta watch movies together or else! OR ELSE✦ ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧  play video games with your muse - circe isn’t big on electronics, but if he really wanted to play video games she’d be down! (esp if they involved shooting zombies lmao)✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  steal horses with your muse. - the two of them pretending the horses they stole being seabuiscit and having races? more likely than you THINK✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧  cook together with your muse. - there wouldn’t be food by the end of it since circe would 100% eat it all✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  support your muse’s hobbies. - what is this relationship if there isn’t SUPPORT? huh???? nothing at all!✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  get drunk with your muse. - our faves getting messy and wild? more likely than you think✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  watch your muse cry. ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  send your muse away.✦ ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧  make your muse trip.- okay, if she was mad at him she totally would✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  deny your muse’s existence.✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  slap your muse.✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  crush your muse’s dreams✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  set your muse’s home on fire.✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  kill your muse.
OLIVER would like too...✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  dance with your muse. - oh my god the two of them slow dancing to a nice punk band. goals✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧  sing for your muse. - while he isn’t robert smith, he would definitely try to serenade him with one of his favorite songs!✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧  ask your muse out on a date. - oliver is terrible at this stuff so it would be so awkward and be similar to that cookie scene in one day at a time lmao✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧  take a bath with your muse. - he likes to play up ROMANTICISM he def would bring it up... even if it was awkward. “your anxiety is high and so is mine! let us take a bath! i mean... do... you want... a bath??”✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ hold your muse tight. - he’d give up his leopard print coat to give eddie a tight hug tbh✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  lean onto your muse. - ok but concept: oliver leaning onto eddie to whisper things about music or the musicians performing into his ear✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  kiss your muse. - with eddie’s permission, obv✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  sleep with your muse. - if eddie can handle oliver’s long limbs that somehow don’t make sense with how he sleeps then YES!✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧  marry your muse. - oliver is a romantic AF and marriage is like, one of the things he fantasizes about tbh✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  watch your muse sleep. - oliver finds that creepy? unless eddie had issues breathing then 100% acceptable. otherwise, NAH✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  cuddle your muse. - the two of them, cuddling always. finding places to cuddle. the crate with all the band shirts? YES! the back of the van? DUH! oli’s house once eddie comes and gets his shirt? YOU BETCHA!!✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  go to a party with your muse. - lbr though given their anxieties they’d be out in like 5 min, only making an appearance, getting some drinks and food and having their OWN PARTY outside on the roof of someones car✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  watch a movie with your muse - the best way to get to know someone without having to use WORDS!  ✦ ✦ ✦  ✦ ✧  play video games with your muse - esp if they’re educational and puzzle games! if not, well, he’d still play anyway✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  steal horses with your muse. - that is a CRIME! oliver does not commit CRIMES! it will go on his permanent record and he’ll CRY for a pretty long time tbh✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ cook together with your muse. - um, YES! cook and talk with a nice record playing! talking about their days and their interests, etc!✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  support your muse’s hobbies. - oliver is ride or die for supporting others tbh!✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  get drunk with your muse. - SECRETS will be exposed! so would showing how WEIRD he is! he’d never in a million years put himself in that position!✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  watch your muse cry.✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  send your muse away.✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  make your muse trip.✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  deny your muse’s existence.✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  slap your muse.✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  crush your muse’s dreams✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  set your muse’s home on fire.✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  kill your muse.
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irailleth-archive · 6 years
Rules: Always post the rules. Answer 11 random questions posted for you. Create 11 new ones and tag 11 people. Let the person who tagged you know that you answered.
I was tagged by @pota-totoo (ily pots tysm for this uwu)
1. Favorite time in a day? why? - Uh I’d probably say early morning till noon or late at night because it’s either the most peaceful or the most calming time of the day for me.
2.Favorite series? - I’m currently rewatching FMAB and it’s great and I love it and anyone who watched it needs to rewatch it too or anyone who hasn’t needs to watch it (it’s on Netflix please watch it) but besides show if you mean literally any series (books,movies,tv,etc) The Adventure Zone is a wonderful podcast series go please listen to it. Now’s a marvelous time because we’re slowly trying to find a new campaign and there are mini arcs now! And Balance is SUCH a good (it’s like 69 eps? or something like that) and it’s about an hour long each ep but it’s so good!!!
3. Any character in particular that’s stuck to you? - Taako. I’m literally kin with the fuck lmfao. He just?? Resonates with me so much and helps me feel better. I just love him so much and loving him feels like I’m loving myself too so it’s a win-win uwu*
4. What’s your aesthetic? - *sweats nervously as my aesthetic is so scattered* but aside from that it can go from edgy to pastel aesthetic to vintage aesthetic and it’s really just all over the place I’m so sorry
5. Favorite hobby? - Can doing nothing count? I’m either doing work or on tumblr or doodling lmao. And my work DOES involve art so it is now both my work and hobby lol. Sleeping could be my fave hobby bc it’s so so nice
6. If you were in a zombie apocalypse, who would you wanna get stuck with? - Uuuhh my dnd group ig? I think we’d at the very least be SOMEWHAT capable to handle ourselves :”)
7. If you were to create a game of your own, what would the gameplay be and what would it be about? -  Something like Breath of the Wild if I’m honest? But perhaps something to do with my OCs and their universe or an entirely new thing? The gameplay would be a mix between Dark Souls and BOTW I guess? Some mechanics blending together and stuff and all that (I’m not sure which specific ones but if I really spent time thinking about it I could probably pinpoint it.) As to what it would be about? Not sure. But I’d want it to be completely worth getting and probably put a twist at the end to make people be like “WHAT THE FUCK”
8. A dream you most vividly remember? - I already talked about this but it’s the dream where I had Dark Souls-esque deaths meaning I’d die then be “resurrected” and go back into the zone that killed me (idk why. I talked about this in another ask I’m sure you can find if you go into the “Hawke answers” tag awendaw
9. Any mythical creature you’d wanna meet? - Dragon. Dragon dragon dragon. I want to literally talk to a dragon or at least SEE one yknow? Cool beasts my dude.
10. If you could end any character you didn’t like in particular, who would it be? - This doesn’t count because he’s fucken in jail in canon but Sazed from TaZ. He, in my opinion, is such an asshole and I just wanna straight up punch him in the face.
11. Cupcake or Muffin. - Is there..... a difference........ I can’t tell I’m sorry..... but Both bc I’m sure i’ve had both and liked both. You cannot stop me.
This was fun! I’ll be tagging @polichevs @adairable-dirks @oddchamp @breadsadist @piercingtrident
1. If you could do something with your ocs would you want to make a comic/novel/game/movie about them? Which one and why?
2. What universe would you want to live in? Whether it be from a book you read, game you played, movie/comic/etc.
3. Who are the people you want to meet most in the world?
4. If you had to take at least 5 items with you on a deserted island after a crash, what would they be?
5. QUICK! Look to either side of you and name the first item you see!! Those are your weapons in a fantasy/apocalyptic/cyberpunk world
6. What would you want to get the most in the world? In return what would you be willing to give up as well that would be of equivalent value? (Law of Equivalent Exchange uwu* )
7. If you have ocs, which 3 of those ocs would you want to meet and spend a day with?
8. Do you have a pet? if so please insert an image here and say what you love about them! If you don’t have one what kind of pet would you want?
9. Give a random fact about yourself and another random fact about anything!
10. Would you be willing to fight someone at a McDonalds parking lot at 3 am if it meant you could get free McDonalds for an entire week if you win? (Insert any other fast food place if you don’t like McDiddles)
11. QUICK!! Say a nice thing about a person you know!! Now that you’ve done that you have to tag them to do this thing! (If they want to ofc)
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chickenfetus · 7 years
ALL MY EGG (and for the four names: jae, killer kang, minhyuk (whichever one), and santa
deadass i did the 100 questions ask meme for this ask and almost posted it rip
🐰 what is one secret that you’ve never told anyone?
theres literally nothing i dont even know what to say ???? 
💗 if you could hug anyone, who would it be?
not 2 be delusional but i would give up my world to hug changkyun
🐹 what are some of your favourite Pokémon and why?
glaceon is UP THERE idk why honestly but the sinnoh games were my first and i just??? i was really into ice and snow and shit u know so glaceon... thakn u
another pkmn ill always have is lucario ????? its just so cool?????
🌠 if you were in charge of the world, what would the world look like?
hopefully forgiveness and like???? acknowledging mistakes and learning from those u know jst positive stuff and like?? water. god i love water
👀 what was the most recent vivid dream that you had?
hm okay i think this one was from last night or the night b4??? and like???? idk???? i dont even know how 2 start tbh?
so im like hanging over at this two kid’s im a kid 2 i think place and idk we just talk and shit??? idk whomst the boys were tho
and then we get to a scene where its like??? at a train station???? and i go to the washroom to shit or smth idk thankfully i didnt shit myself irl
then i have to get onto the train which isnt even a train its like a carousel with seats??? and its like on a train track boys this is 2 much and i forgot to get ready my train card thing so the guy (who i was p sure was evil) waited for me to remove it so i got onto the transportation device lmao
and then once im seated i remember i forgot my jacket so i make like hand movements 2 the creep and hes runnig 2 me with my jakcet but the ride’s way too fast so i yell and say ill come back for it even tho im p sure i wasnt going 2
after that i wke up wild
☀️ what do you like the most about your best friend?
i dont have a best friend and all of my friends have their own unique qualities if i went into a rant abt them rn this will b so long
😘 talk about your crush or partner
[minhyuk voice] theres none
💁 if someone was rude to you, would you be rude back?
ya bc im petty but it really depends on the person
🌟 what do you like about yourself? (must choose at least 3 things!)
my personality (the good parts)
my values
my taste in friends (my Big Friends are either geminis or scorpios good)
🐾 what are you scared of most? how will you overcome it?
the dark and bitch isnt gonna turn off her night light any time soon
🎁 what never fails to make you happy?
seeing my favourite happy, listening to the music i like 
💙 what annoys you about some people?
i jjust went into a full out rant abt this on the other reply so ill be quiet now
😤 do you get angry easily?
🐇 what do you always daydream about?
my faves tbh
🌻 if you could change 3 things about the world what would you change?
bad people , gone.
everybody only sends love and happy things on anon
i just want everyone 2 b nice & friendly wars of any sort dont exist and no one wants anybody dead
🍓 send me 4 names: kiss, befriend, kill or marry?
if u sent jae’s name earlier id have trouble so im glad
kiss: tihis is so fucking embarrassing wtf minhyku (mx) but only on the cheek basically everywhere except the lips or anyplace weird
befriend: brian :-0
kill: jae goodbye loser
marry: sanha we can yell every time we gotta turn the lights off
✈️ what is your dream city and why?
tokyo bc its NICE
☕️ talk about your ideal day
cant read
🌸 are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert?
i suddenly thought of the word ambivore which made me think of the word vore i wanna delete im a both? mayb idk
💧 when was the last time you cried?
nov 3 bc my heart hurts whenever i see ppl being a bad friend
🎵 name 5 songs you love at the moment
oh worm
all alone - day6
with you - astro
dramarama - mx (even though it isnt out yet lmao)
run - bts (the superior bts song)
hellevator - / (i was rly gonna make this mixed languages but rip)
⚡️ if you had any superpower, what would it be and why?
to fly bc im basic
💛 if you could talk to your younger self, what would you say?
dont do that
💚 who are you jealous of and why?
nobody in general????????? 
💎 which one would you rather have more of: intelligence, beauty, kindness, wealth or bravery? why?
intelligence i have 2 live somehow what if my money gets stolen
🙊 what are you ashamed of?
my humor
🌺 which languages do you know? which do you want to learn?
i (barely) know chinese despite having 2 take it all my life legends only
i know english but im bad at that 2 and its my first language once again legends only
i wanna learn japanese and korean 
🍀 if you could be any fictional character’s best friend/lover, which fictional character would you be?
the cow from voltron 
☁️ talk about your dream universe.
weve already discussed this
💜 which acts of kindness are you going to do today?
oh w-0rm ok so im a regular anon on this persons blog and i wanted to send an ask but never got arnd doing it so im gonna send her one. soon/
🐬 if you could transform into any animal/magical creature, what would you be and why?
let me live my life as a furry and cat
🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislike
are u ready 4 me to b the meanest person yet bc i sure am lets fucking go
so theres this girl. and i know her (unfortunately) and ive known her since like 4 years ago and back then she was already pretty shit tbh
she cried bc she had to sit in between the “weird” and “dirty” girls in our class and she headass cried in front of them and everyone just bc she didnt like the arrangement?? shes called the “dirty” girl disgusting before and has made fun of her in front of everybody its just bad :-/
now. fast forward 3 years and in addition to still being disrespectful and rude, she now vocalizes her weird fantasies for her “oppas”??? some examples: 
“when i go watch __ perform im gonna climb onto stage and then my mother and my future husband will fight for me” and she calls those kpop idols weird shit and basically sexualizes them/???? she says the weirdest fucking shit on her ig story and tags them??????? 
another thing. she went to korea nd took a picture of a complete stranger and posted it on her public ig and called him her “oppa” and said that they had a “fun day together” despite the guy not knowing her at all???? she posted the pic of him??? i still dont get it tbh 
she wasnt even being ironic at all??? she calls herself & classmates “autistic” whenever she/others do smth dumb or mess up and its just sososososo fucking wrong
being one of the people to see how shes basically grown from bad to worse is something i dont fucking enjoy and i jsut want to leave my class already lmao 
ok but there are times where i do appreciate her because sometimes the class will be rly quiet and the teacher is basically talking 2 themselves but she’ll always respond w/o fail so thats great but its only bc she talks so damn much 
i just got a flashback to when she “jokingly” said she wanted to be a trainee for the rest of her life how do i just. god
😣 talk about some things that have been making you depressed/angry/anxious lately
we’ve once again already discussed this
🍪 what did you want to be as a kid, and what do you want to be now?
i wanted to be various things honestly?? ranging from an astronaut to a vet to an editor to an animator to other stuff i get influenced pretty easily so if i watch smth and i think its cool ill want 2 be that i guess?? ive been trying 2 get rid of that habit so now i have no clue what i wanna be
🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods?
sweets and chocolate cake
🍑 what are you obsessed with?
drinking water and staying hydrated
making my friends laugh is great 2
💘 what happens to you when you’re stressed?
acne LMAO 
😪 what are you sick of?
the usual
🙀 are you an adrenaline seeker?
i love scouting on sif and bandori so yeah 
💥 what are some unpopular opinions that you have?
lets not 
☔️ would you consider yourself a good person?
to a certain extent
😊 what do you like to do as hobbies?
use my phone???? send nice anons and comment on art/fics 
🎤 what’s the last song you hummed or sang by yourself?
🐝 what’s your worst trait? how are you planning to improve it?
my tolerance for ppl’s shit is so low
🎨 what do you always doodle when you’re bored?
my ocs
🐻 what’s stopping you from chasing your dreams?
i dont have a dream hence myself
🌷 what’s your mbti personality and why do you think it suits you?
infpt i dont rmb shit but yeah
🐶 send me 3 fictional people and I’ll choose my favourite!
falen i dont rmb what u sent
👑 who are your favourite celebrities and why?
i dont follow any :-o zendaya has had my heart ever since shake it off tho
🐴 opinion on day6?
ur rly gonna do this 2m e?
all alone just started playng this is terrible lets get it
so day6. a band i only found out about in late june (thank u boxy) and before this i only ever listened to bts and mx bc my friends stan them so i thought i was gonna expect boys dancing, the usual. 
i clicked i smile and i lost my fucking shit as soon as i saw the instruments because prior to day6 i was a big 5sos fan so this was rly resonating to me tbh and i was just !!! so fukcng excited??? i never intended to even get into day6 honestly??? but after witnessing how good they are and watching about all of the available mvs at that point i was completely in awe so i caved a created a stan twitter for them.
now, this isnt even the most of it. after becoming a fan i realized how much more these 5 boys are. they compose (if im not wrong) and brian writes lyrics for the songs each month because of their everyday6 project and again, im wow-ed because??? the amount of dedication???? they went from releasing 2 title tracks in 2 years to releasing 12 title tracks and 12 bside tracks in a single year. they havent released the december song yet but haviing to work on 2 or more songs in 4 weeks is fucking amazing if you ask me. 
theyre really talented and theyre just so versatile (am i using that word correctly) and each month their songs sound different. this project has given them the opportunity to try new things and you can hear the steady improvement in each of their vocals (dowoonie not so much since he barely gets lines, but we all know hes working hard) and if you listen to their debut song - kongchu and compare it to the version they released along with sunrise it just???? the drumming has even changed from the original version nd its so noticeable that whenever i hear kongchu from 2015 i know its the old ver
to add to those, they do vlives every week and although those vlives are always scheduled it still makes my day seeing them and watching them do the usual. 
one thing im upset about is that how they barely promote themselves, they rarely get on variety shows (the most is individual schedules) and we, as mydays never really get to know the boys so its harder to fall for them as a whole. i dont know if its jyp or day6′s decision but if this is how they want to be known for - their music only, then so be it. we still have jae’s presence on youtube, music access and asc. thats the most we can get and it makes it difficult for us to learn about the rest but thats okay.
another thing. their concerts are something i always look forward to (even though my interest has died down a bit;) their concerts are just so fun to listen to?? there’ll always be mydays who stream the concert so everyone else can listen to them play and they sound so good live it drives me crazy. mydays are always so hyped and whenever mydays sing along it just gives me goosebumps??? bc theyre so???? good????? 
tldr; day6 deserve more, following wise and promotions wise because they work so hard and once this project ends i hope they’ll manage to rest but still remain as a presence that will be known instead of returning to jyp’s dungeon.
🍋 do you consider yourself an emotional person?
there are days where i am more emotional than usual 
📚 share 3 books that you love and your favourite quote from them.
this is tiring
😔 what do you always do when you feel sad? does it help?
i sleep and boy it really helps
😌 what thoughts keep you going when you’re sad?
🌍 which country do you live in?
🐧 describe yourself in 3 words
lame funny swag
🐵 which quotes changed you?
“rocky swag” - park minhyuk, 2017
💭 do you keep a diary?
💫 who inspires you?
brian kang 
👻 do you believe in ghosts and why?
yes bc i love losing sleep
🎀 what’s your fashion sense like?
🎬 what are some of your favourite films?
i watched spiderman homecoming and i have no idea why i didnt see the plot twist coming but its GOOD watch it
🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory?
theres none lads
🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?
all my internet buddies but sometimes i dont want to bc im kinda....gross
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carajay1317 · 7 years
DJ, Turn It Up! 50 Song Shuffle Meme
(This challenge originally belongs to FiretoIce on DeviantArt)
Tagged by @szeherezadaa​ -- thank you!
I’m challenging @gilrael​ @yallmight​ @negare-boshi​ @kevinkevinson​ @katsukiisyuurii​ @the---cc​ @ohprcr​ @rynezion​ and/or anyone else interested!
50 Song Shuffle Meme
[ I’m pulling all these songs from my “unsorted” playlist so they’ll be pretty random! ]
1. I have a fear of…
Be My Baby by Bea Miller
To be fair, I’d probably be a little weirded out if someone randomly told me that
2. I hate…
Du courage by Louane
Bravery...? If you go by the lyrics, though, I definitely do want to change the world. If I didn’t make any difference at all I’d probably hate that
3. I hate you because…
Australian Summer by Govs
the government I whisper (I’m imagining that meme where they pull off the paper and the guy goes “A CHILD”)
4. I love…
Drummer Boy by MisterWives
MisterWives’ latest album is awesome! Very summery ☀
Ironically I used to tell people I liked “invisible drummer boy” when they asked if I had a crush
5. I love you because…
Capsize by FRENSHIP and Emily Warren
too many feels? haha
6. She said…
Lo Que Quieras by Denver
"What you want” I can’t tell if this is more of a “whaddaya want” or “anything you want” vibe, hmm
7. He said…
Insecure by Shane
Well that’s as good of a response as anything 😂
8. We said…
Malibu 1992
A good time and place to be if we went time-travelling, I think!
9. I caught a disease from…
Parallel Lines (Live Acoustic) by Robby Hecht and Caroline Spence
my approximate feelings toward math
10. I would sing … as a love song.
IOU by Annabel Jones
The first lyric is “I make you so sad, I know that I do” so I don’t think that’d go over too well ahahaha
11. I found … in my room.
Hello by Allie X
A hello! Makes me think of that time I cleaned out my closet and I found 3 bags worth of handwritten letters from my first friend :’)
12. I would kill someone if they…
In The Wild by ROMES
This is literally the most chill song ever I would not kill someone to this tune and I don’t know if I’d be killing anyone anyway, haha. I guess in the wild is a good place to get away with a murder though? #strangerthings
13. I would marry someone if they…
Wild One by Lucky Rose, Tep No
If this song was our relationship dynamic I could definitely see why! 
14. I would kill for a…
Sheep In Wolves Clothes by little hurricane
... no comment?
15. Air is really made of…
See You Again, Love Me Like You Do, Sugar (Acoustic Mashup)
"mashup” is pretty accurate
16. I think about…
Move Together by James Bay
uhhhhhh good song, not usually on my mind?
17. I am…
No Average Angel by Tiffany Giardina
my dream future haha
18. The secret ingredient is…
productivity only happens in the wakeful hours! 💪
19. I will dance with my love to…
Cry Baby by The Neighbourhood
I’m not sure what kind of dance it is but clearly it’s quality 😂
20. I have a crush on…
Aeroplane by Holly Throsby
Plane flights are the best 💕
21. I got hurt because…
Vibe by JoJo
someone killed my vibe? true
22. My last words will be…
24K Magic by Bruno Mars
Oh my god, hahaha YES (esp about the intro)
23. The song at my funeral will be…
If This is Love by Ruth B.
Aww :’)
24. I died because…
Beautiful Mess by Kristian Kostov
If you ask @the-wayward-weeaboo​ what my reaction was during Eurovision this year that’s pretty accurate. Very accurate. Really accurate.
25. The story of your life is…
For You by Lucy Rose
26. I like to eat…
The Wave by Colouring
This reminds me of that saying “EAT DIRT” pffft but like 10x more chill?
27. I live because…
Chewing Gum by Nina Nesbitt
Literally in the last tag game I did I think I mentioned that I’m not a fan of gum hahahaha
28. I’m immortal because…
Someone To Stay by Vancouver Sleep Clinic
refer to #25 here for proof of this truth
29. My superpower is…
LÉON’s Lullaby by LÉON
The power of singing? Yesss
30. Tonight I will…
I was planning to watch a new TV show so that’s good news :D
31. They insulted my mother by…
Feel Good Inc. by filous, LissA
32. I will dream of…
I Can Only. (feat. Alessia Cara) by JoJo and Alessia Cara
33. I licked…
Hearts on Fire by Molehill
See this is why I never get a S.O. hahaha
34. My nickname is…
Clash (Slash Remix by Shiny Mob) by Caravan Palace
Oooooh a sICK nickname! I’m taking it
35. My best friend is…
Arrullo De Estrellas by Zoé
A lullaby of stars
36. I would remove … from the world.
Invincible by Two Door Cinema Club
e q u a l i t y GO
37. I wanted to be … as a kid.
Flashlight by Kasia Mos
I’m fairly certain it was ballerina/author/equestrian tho... 😂
38. I wish I could juggle…
Venus by Sleeping At Last
That would be a cool hobby
39. I would bring … with me to a desert island.
La Revolución Sexual by La Casa Azul
Typing this out was difficult because of my laughter OohMYgOsH
on a side note I actually have no idea what this song is about I just liked that it was catchy hahaha
40. In my underwear you will find…
Chambre 12 by Louane
Apparently it’s very roomy down there I’m so sorry
41. Your children are like…
Sweet Madness by Sons of maria, Angelika Vee
That’s a pretty accurate description of kids tho
42. I would trade my soul for…
Just A Little Bit by Kids of 88
Desperate times call for desperate means
43. I think the moon is made of…
Scar by Foxes
Man in the moon’s got it rough
44. I will bask in…
Into The Sunset by Mako
45. I lost THE GAME because…
Bigger Than Me by Katy Perry
a legitimate reason
46. I would lose a fight because…
Rewind by The Undercover Dream Lovers
Let’s not replay my mistakes hahaha it’s like a bad viral video
47. My deep dark secret is…
Move Me by Wet
48. My friends would describe me (as)…
Lost Boys Life by Computer Games and Darren Criss
49. My favorite song is…
Sophisticated Bad Girl by Colby O’Donis
Not my actual fave but a good jam haha
50. This meme was…
Purple Yellow Red and Blue by Portugal. The Man
Definitely pretty interesting! Haha
This was fun! Not the best songs tbh since it’s from my random-maybe-I-like-it playlist, so I’ll definitely have to do it again with a different playlist! Thanks @szeherezadaa for the tag! also Disco Pogo omg haha
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lady-nevermore · 7 years
Tagged by: @theamazingflyinglion (thanks for the tag my dear lion)! :D
Tagging: @angelotics @th3-d0rk-kn1ght-d0t-exe @hellfire47 @youko-fairy @nightjasmine10 and anyone else who feels like doing this. ^-^
you love hoodies.   you love shorts (only when I’m lounging around at home or if I’m sleeping, even during the Winter time...don’t judge me, I know I’m weird) lol xD dogs are better than cats.  it’s hilarious when people get hurt.   shopping is torture. (It can be, but if it’s like for nerdy stuff or grocery shopping, I don’t mind, anything else than that, then yeah, tis a pain). sad movies suck. you own a car racing game. you played with hot wheels cars as a kid.   at some point in time you wanted to be a fire fighter. you owned a ds, ps2, n64, or sega. (N64 and Gamecube, both of which I still have, and my beloved gamecube still works so yay)! ^-^ you used to be obsessed with power rangers. you have watched sports on tv. gory movies are cool. you go to your dad for advice. you own like a trillion baseball caps.   you used to collect hockey or baseball cards (football). baggy sweats are cool to wear. it’s kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people. (my social anxiety makes this concept hella uncomfortable to me, but idk). green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favourite colours. you love to go crazy and not care what people think. sports are fun.   you talk with food in your mouth (I move all my food in my mouth to like one cheek, like a squirrel/chipmunk, in order to talk, I try not to make this a habit, but yeah....I know I’m weird) lol ^^; you sleep with your socks on at night (most times, not all the times but most times, but in order to avoid the monsters under the bed, don’t judge me)! lol x) you have fished at least once (around 4 times with my cousins and uncle, I even caught like 2 fishes once, it was fun). 
you love to shop. you wear eyeliner (I used to a lot when was a teenage, I could still pull it off i guess, but I haven’t done it in a while, been sorta lazy). you wear the color pink. you go to your mom to talk. you consider cheerleading a sport. you hate wearing the color black. you like going to the mall. (meh sometimes I guess, but I don’t make a habit of it). meh idk you like getting manicures and/or pedicures.   you like wearing jewelry. (does my nerdy jewelry/pendants count?) lol x) you cried watching the notebook.   dresses are a big part of your wardrobe. shopping is one of your favorite hobbies (only when it comes to shopping for nerdy stuff). :D you don’t like the movie star wars.   you are/were in gymnastics. it takes you around one hour to shower, get dressed, and make-up. (listen I blame my wild hispanic/mexican, natural-born curly, black-colored untamable beast of mane, hair....see everyone on my dad’s side of the family has curly hair, and mine is so exception and i love it, don’t get me wrong......but it will frizz easily, it will get tangled easily, it will shed, and it’s such a massive bitch when it comes to untangling split-ends....need to use hair-conditioner constantly, and even then it still stubbornly misbehaves, Tis why i tend to wear a ponytail most often. *le sigh*  you smile a lot more than you should. you have more than 10 pairs of shoes. you care about what you look like. you like wearing dresses when you can. you like wearing high heel shoes. you used to play with dolls as little kid you like putting make-up on others. you like being the star of everything.
i am shorter than 5’5”. i have scars. (I have a a couple mostly cause I’m clumsy and I’d fall a lot when I Was playing as a kid), got a small one on the left side of my forehead, one on the left side of my inner palm, a couple on my fingers, porb one on my knee), but yeah mostly cuz I was such a clutz as a youngling. lol ^^; i tan easily. i wish my hair was a different color. i have friends who have never seen my natural hair color. i have a tattoo. i am self-conscious about my appearance. i’ve had/have braces. i’ve been told i’m attractive by a complete stranger. i have more than two piercings. i have/had piercings in places besides my ears.
i’ve gotten lost in my city (I have no fucking sense of direction and get disoriented easily whenever i get lost). heh ^^; i’ve seen a shooting star. i’ve wished on a shooting star. i’ve seen a meteor shower. i’ve gone out in public in my pajamas. i’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator. i’ve kicked a guy where it hurts. i’ve been to a casino. i’ve been skydiving. i’ve gone skinny-dipping. i’ve drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour. i’ve crashed a car. i’ve been skiing. i’ve been in a musical. i’ve caught a snowflake or snow on my tongue. i’ve seen the northern lights. i’ve sat on a rooftop at night. i’ve played a prank on someone. i’ve ridden in a taxi. i’ve seen the rocky horror picture show. i’ve eaten sushi. i’ve been snowboarding.
i’ve done something i promised someone else i wouldn’t. i’ve done something i promised myself i wouldn’t. i’ve snuck out. i’ve lied to my parents about where i am.   i’ve cheated while playing a game. i’ve ran a red light. i’ve witnessed a crime. i’ve been in a fist fight. i’ve been arrested.
i’m afraid of dying i hate funerals i’ve seen someone/something dying. someone close to me has attempted/committed suicide. i’ve written a eulogy for myself.
i can sing well. stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant. i open up to others easily (depends, it’s half and half for me......sometimes I open-up easily, sometimes I prefer to keep to myself for a bit, like i said it depends on how i’m feeling at the time). i watch the news. (yes and no, if it’s sometime’s i’ll catch myself watching the news, sometime I don’t bother). i don’t kill bugs. i sing in the shower. (I used to, but i haven't done that in ages). I hum nowadays....but maybe I should try to sing in the shower, it’s been a while after all. lol x) i am a morning person. (early mornings sure that or I’m a night owl) lol x) i paid for a cell phone ring tone. i am a sports fanatic. i twirl my hair. i care about grammar (it used bother the crap outta me when I was a teen, now i could sorta care less I guess). lol ^^; i have “?”’s in my screen name. i’ve copied more than 30 cds in a day. i bake well my favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red, blue, black, purple, or orange. i would wear pajamas to school. i like martha stewart. i know how to shoot a gun. i laugh at my own jokes (sometimes) lol xD i eat fast food weekly. i’ve not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class. i can’t sleep if there is a spider/cockroach in the room. (Christ, no - fuck that)!!!!! Nope Nope Nope Nope. D: i am ticklish. i love white chocolate (its good, but dark chocolate is my fave)! :D i bite my nails (tis why I tend to keep them trimmed/short). ^^; i’m good at remembering faces. i’m good at remembering names. i’m good at remembering dates. i honestly have no idea what i want to do for the rest of my life. (I mean my goal is to become a teacher, but what if that doesn’t work out, the uncertainty of not knowing scares me). 
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aurcls · 7 years
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001. name / age / pronouns
eve / 19 / she/her
002. which character(s) do you play?
kalla & olivier
003. nationality / ethnicity / timezone
finnish / gmt+3
004. tell us a bit about your home country
i guess the first thing that pops into my mind is nature! we’re really big on that, basically 70% of our area is just forests --- i’m not exaggerating. everyone basically here loves nature one way or another, some people like to go pick mushrooms in the fall and some people absolutely adore lakes during summer. ( i’m part of the latter group ). we invented saunas fyi, almost everyone has one in the house, though it’s a different story for apartments. but usually apartment buildings have one for the whole building to use and u have to reserve it. but most new apartment buildings have saunas in the apartments too! 
005.  favourite color / fruit / season
dark green maybe?? / raspberries & grapes / summer
006. favourite books + writer whose writing style you admire the most
east of eden & howl’s moving castle + i like lemony snicket’s style! it’s quite simple but i can’t get over the humorous style and his narration!
007. what kinda music do you listen to + any fave bands / musicians
i listen to a lot of stuff but mostly folk ( rock ), indie ( rock / electronic ) & but then again i listen to bubblegum pop too + mumford and sons, dog orchestra & white lies!
008. what are you doing for a living / what are you studying?
i’m just about to take my final final in high school! after wednesday i’m basically graduated! wish me luck!
009. what’s your dream occupation?
fashion designer
010. relationship status
011. coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
012. dream holiday destination?
atm i think i’d like to check out some huge city in east asia?? like tokio, hong kong, soul or singapore?
013. the thing you’re most proud about yourself?
idk about the most part but i’m proud of my academical achievements ( at least atm, i don’t wanna know how my finals went haha )
014. tell us a bit about your family!
pretty average tbh, mom, dad, big brother and big sister. i’m the only one still living at home. i’m pretty tight with my cousins too!
015. how long have you known your closest friend?
since we were in kindergarten, soo roughly 13/14 years!
016. superpower you’d like to have?
no need for seep probably, that would be handy
017. celebrity you’d like to meet?
olivier rousteing!
018. guilty pleasures
keeping up with the kardashians lmao
019. pet peeves
when people close doors by slamming or just pushing them?? like please use the knob?? so it doesn’t make a loud sound??
020. do you have any hobbies?
i did art school couple years back, i do archery atm but not very frequently
021. where would you like to live in the future?
i think in central europe like berlin, bern, vienna, or in stockholm or gothenburg. idk i like swedish haha
022. tell us a story about a thing that recently happened to you! it can be a funny, scary, sad story, your pick!
okay so i was in london a few weeks ago with my friend. and we decided to go to some club the first evening and my friend somehow got us onto some guest list. idk how it was through some website, idk. anyways idk how common they r in big cities?? but like in finland guest lists basically don’t exist or if they do no one really cares?? so my friend is added to this whatsapp group “jenni @ café” ( the club’s name was café de paris ) and like they ask us to meet the promoter around 10 pm at the door, and at this point i’m like “ok this is really weird but it’s in a public place so if there’s something shady let’s just fkn leave.” but anyways what happened was that we got in for free, got vip passes, got free drinks the whole night & honestly it was pretty awesome. i owe my friend a lot cause it was probably the best club experience i’ve had lmao. it was wild. but still kinda weird. the whole set up was so absurd lmao
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chill-happy-blog · 6 years
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i feel like this is the only space i really have for this shit so like here it goes!!!
ive come such a long way in my journey of self discovery. even though i have a rash on my chin i still feel pretty good about myself and my skin. it’s like. all just scars it’s not super broken out right now, and scars fade. i’m going to be better at putting on spf everyday and washing my face more consistently anD drink more water. this past year since my car was stolen in october of ‘17 has been one of many devastations but new great experiences.
i’ve driven to san diego by myself to pick up my mom, and then to and from LA (and in LA) by myself to visit emily. that’s something i don’t think i ever thought i’d do. i’ve grown so much and conquered so many of my anxieties. even if some days it’s still so hard for me to talk to people, it’s okay. i’m doing my best and challenging myself so much everyday to be better. also with my father passing away i conquered existing in show low. it’s something i can do and no one can hurt me. emily kitchin and i had a great time with her showing me around LA, and spending some nice quality time with her. i love her so much and miss her everyday. i’m glad she’s doing well though. she sent me a package with some really cute pjs, a magnet from maine, and my fave watermelon candies. emily and i went to echo park and just hung out for a long weekend. she took me to her favorite coffee shop and we went to donut friend evERYDAY and got vegan tacos. she made me dinner the other nights, it was so sweet. i drove to doomies vegan restaurant one day and ate a really good vegan dinner by myself lol. it was so dorky but it was fun. i saw the hollywood sign and parallel parked on a busy street!!! when emily and i were home we just hung out and listened to music and talked about life. she took me on a hike in the azusa mountains and it was so challenging but worth it. she continuously pushes me to be better too. i climb great heights with her.
before visiting emily in LA, i went to my first rave and rolled for the first time. it was a really fun experience that ignited interest in trying jew things, like raving. it’s been a really fun (and expensive) hobby/interest. it’s helped me to make more friends within my stand and make me more open minded to people being themselves. since then i had grown even more and more close with my friend patsy.. anyways i’m going off topic. raving is fun lol. i went to crush first and it was wild. i danced my heart out in a warehouse barn thing and got to live my little rave girl dream. patsy and nick went with me and showed me the ropes of raving. after crush we went to d*tsik and it was so much fun, but too bad d*tsik is a piece of shit. after that we went to phoenix lights and it was davis’ first festival things nd mine too, for raving. he had so much fun and i did too. i got too high my first day but the second day i tripped ac*d and had the time of my life. after phoenix lights we went to hard summer and that was fun even though it ended on a shitty note with nick and patsy.
i had been hanging out with patsy for a long time and we would hang out everyday until she started dating nick which happened about a month or so after crush. it’s okay though. it’s just a new thing i guess. there was some strife with her boyfriend nick, who i had considered a really close friend, but it’s whatever. patsy was who i needed most when she was my best friend but i don’t think she’s what i need most anymore. nick was one of my closest friends but just fucked me over. it’s fine though. i’ve dealt with it and made it clear he doesn’t care and that’s fine with me. some people aren’t meant to be in your life forever and that’s okay.
when tim died it stirred up so many traumas and bad anxieties and i regressed so much but it’s okay. i’m doing the best i can and making the best of what i can. i’m thankfully out of the darkest place i’d ever really been and i’m really thankful for em because she has been who i need every time i’ve needed her. she’s my best friend. she visited right at the perfect time and we went to sedona and had the time of our lives finding a waterfall in sedona and she encourages me to be brave. i climbed trees and accidentally trespassed a resort lol. we saw wild baby pigs and em screamed at the top of her lungs as we were sitting on top of a broken tree. “dude pigs can’t climb we’re fine dude” i said through tears and fits of laughter while also screaming. “THE PEGS” emily and i got matching pine cones and had such a good time spending quality time together. we don’t get that very often but it was so nice to have that opportunity with her too.
davis of course has been with me through all of this and done everything he can to help me. i’m so thankful to have someone so understanding and comforting as him. he literally does everything for me. i’m trying to work on relying more on myself because i’ve had everyone do everything for me my whole life. i’m a grown ass woman. i’m thankful that he’s been with me through everything. he’s doing so good too. i’m really proud of him. davis and i have been working a lot on communication and being better for ourselves for each other, and it’s been a long journey but it’s gotten so much easier in life. he’s the best dog dad for toronto. he takes him out almost every day and night and i’m so thankful that he makes these sacrifices for our little pup. i’ve been trying to be more aware of that and letting davis sleep or poop him for him.
our roommate kelly is really cool too. she’s 19 and has a lot of room for a lot of things but she’s doing the best she can and i’m proud of her for wanting to do better. she’s really sweet and tries to be the best roommate she can and she does a really good job. she has a new puppy and that’s been really stressful but it’ll get better over time.
my other best friend saucy is my always. she always knows when i need her and i do for her too. she’s always in my corner pushing me to be better at work and at home. if there’s anyone i can call crying it’s her. we’ve been through some weird shit this year, too. mostly just anxieties and weird things that happen in our lives. but i always have her with me. she’s who i can just go cry to and complain for 2 hours and she doesn’t judge she just helps me work through it. i love her so much. saucy is who i can always call to run errands with me too. i just love her so much.
kelley layton has been a bit help in my life too. when we had our horrible roommate, sarah, she hung out with me all the time and taught me a lot about spirituality and stuff. she’s great. i really misjudge her a lot of times because were so different but i’m glad that i have her to constantly teach and push me to be better.
so now to talk about my personal progress. i have been drinking more water and eating out less and making more food at home. it’s been a good habit for our wallets and i can buy more tangible things or just save my money and not spend it on material items. anyways i have been doing a lot better at taking care of my skin, too. it’s been a nice change of pace to see progress in my skin because it was really rough there for a bit. but now it’s mostly scarring and that fades and i haven skincare tools to use for it, too. i’m working on not picking at my skin too. it’s hard but i’m getting better. i have been writing in a journal, too but my handwritings awful and i can’t write for this long. i felt like i just needed to kind of lay it all out there to mark where i am in life as i continue forward. i’ve lived in arizona for almost 2 years, and been at my current job at dutch bros for almost 1.5 years. or about that long. it’s been a long journey that i’ve wanted to quit many times but i’ve stayed and its paid off and made me better. i could be making more money but money isn’t everything. i have flexible hours and coworkers i really enjoy and good management. harley my manager has been so invested in all of us and i absolutely adore her. she’s the best manager i’ve ever had andnim really glad i didn’t leave when she got there. i think she’s going to help me grow so much because she already has. i’ve been making more time for me and creating a healthier work/life balance. guad was everything to me and it’s still a huge part of my life but it’s not everything. and that’s okay. i don’t have to be 100% invested in everything in every second of my day. if i’m alone i’m invested in myself. if i’m with friends i’m invested in them. if i’m with davis i’m invested in him. it’s been a good journey as well. i’m so proud of myself for constantly pushing myself and thinking outside of myself. i am kind. i am generous. i am loving. i am honest. i am brave. i am strong. i am emotional. i am grounded. i am growing.
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