#tagging that because i think they might try this in other animal based fandoms- they listed other xenofic books in their profile
angsttronaut · 10 months
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throwback to that one time a random guy requested warrior cats bondage from me, then proceeded to sent me hate and delete his account when I deleted his comments L;KSGHLAD;FHG anyhow if you see this user, block asap, especially if you're a minor (they appear to go by multifandomfanatic9 on tumblr now, but i believe their ao3 is the same still)
bonus profile:
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cursedvibes · 3 months
"I know why the fandom do it but I REALLY dislike to see these goddamn stitches on Kaori's head whenever she's represented in fanart. I know, it's Kenjaku! I know we never saw her without these stitches! I knoooow BUT I HATE IT she's Yuuji's mother and like what happened to her?! Was she pregnant with Yuuji before Kenjaku possess her body?! How did she get along with Jin? Is Kenjaku directly responsible to Jin being dead? And how Kenjaku found her? "
So what do you think about the post above? Do you think the og Kaori have CT all along? And, that Yuuji's personality is from Kaori not Jin?
I can understand the frustration to an extend. I rarely see it, but when Kaori is shown with stitches or Kenjaku without them it does rub me the wrong way. Kind of similar to people who tag posts who are solely about Kenjaku with "Geto", despite him having nothing to do with it.I can kind of understand it with fanart for a wider reach, but it unfortunately also means I can't block the Geto tag because that means I would miss out on over half of the posts in the Kenjaku tag (the anime caught up, why do people still call Kenjaku "Geto").
But at least one question of that post is easy to answer: Kaori wasn't pregnant with Yuuji before Kenjaku took over her body. Wasuke very clearly differentiates between Kaori and Kenjaku and he said Kaori couldn't get pregnant, that was only possible once Kenjaku took over.
Kaori always had a cursed technique, but it is unclear if she awakened it or if it was just lying dormant in her brain. Could go either way really, but the way Kenjaku worded it, it sounds more like she might have been able to use it, although I doubt she was an active sorcerer either way. I also think it would be more interesting and make her less of a passive participant who only got used for the dormant physical aspects of her body both by Kenjaku and Jin. I would like her to have had a little bit more agency and interesting background.
If Yuuji got some core personality traits from Kaori is impossible to say, since we know literally nothing about her as a person. Could be anyone's guess at this point. Yuuji got the humanity kanji 仁 from his father, but I don't think they have much in common personality-wise based on what we have seen of Jin so far. He is polite, sure, but he hasn't really shown that unconditional compassion Yuuji will give to people. He doesn't even seem like a particularly cheerful person. He was happy to have a child, but was ready to overlook over people's suffering in favour of his selfish goals. With how insistently Wasuke warned him and Kenjaku's bad acting skills I find it very unlikely that he didn't notice that something was wrong with "Kaori", but he went through with it anyway. He's also very cold to his father and we don't know how he acted around Kenjaku. I guess Yuuji is similar to him in that he also is distant towards his parent and family members, except for him Wasuke is the exception not the rule.
That also makes him quite similar to Kenjaku, who has shown trouble connecting with family members as well or people in general. They both have a very open and at times cheerful attitude towards others on the surface, but rarely allow themselves to make deep bonds with these people and over the course of their life have grown very hesitant (Kenjaku obviously moreso than Yuuji). The bonds they do form make them "weak", especially in the eyes of Sukuna and jujutsu society as a whole. They are both ready to sacrifice themselves and their body for the sake of a greater goal that is closely connected to a person they care about. Also they have a similar sense of humour. So I guess out of all his parents Yuuji is the most similar to Kenjaku in terms of core personality. I'd say he got Wasuke's stubbornness as well.
Also, another personal pet peeve related to Kaori is when people say Kenjaku calling Yuuji their son are subliminal feelings from Kaori coming through. That argument is already weak when people try it with Geto, but it makes even less sense with Kaori. She never met Yuuji, she might have never wanted to be pregnant for all we know and Yuuji was born at least a year after she was already dead. Where would those feelings come from? Not to mention that Kenjaku is very aware of their vessel (so far only Geto) influencing them and can differentiate between their own feelings and the ones coming from someone else. Not to mention that considering how Kenjaku treats the Death Paintings, suddenly developing parental feelings would definitely be something that would immediately trip Kenjaku up if it was coming from someone else.
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cf56 · 1 year
Ripping them a new one
What. The. HELL?! I can't even begin to describe the depth of my anger and sorrow right now.
The following profanity-laced rant represents only a fraction of my true feelings on this.
If you don't know what I'm referring to, I'm talking about the line to start episode 8, where Yakko and Dot say, in front of him, that Wakko is the worst sibling and they don't need him. Well, I thought it'd only be a line, but it turns out they did it MULTIPLE TIMES!!!
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And then the stupid fucking cop out that feels like it's mocking us for giving a shit.
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I was spoiled on this line over a month ago because someone talked about the storyboard leaks in the Animaniacs tag. Reading about it almost killed my fandom. Right there, instantly, my love for Animaniacs came this close to dying. It took me weeks before I felt anywhere close to where I was before in regards to loving this show. Why? Because the main and only reason I remain so attached to Animaniacs is the Warner Siblings' love for each other. What's the point in angst if there was never any love to test? What's the point in fluff if that love is hollow and empty, if it never really existed at all? Now, I'm glad I was spoiled and had time to recover. If I saw this bullshit raw, in the show for the first time, there's no telling what it would have done to me. I might have just stopped watching.
I don't care about Yakko's flimsy cop out. This is not what you say to someone you love. This is not something you say about someone you love, even if they didn't happen to be sitting right there. You realize what these words mean? They think they'd be better off without Wakko. THEIR BELOVED BROTHER. It's not so much that they joked about him dying and coming back. I can excuse that as sibling jabs, even if I would still hate it. It's that Yakko said he's always thought that their act would work better as just him and Dot. No, you didn't always think that. You BETTER not have always thought that.
Wakko has suffered emotional abuse before. He's been paraded around as the least popular sibling, as smelly and uncultured, as a gluttonous pig. Through all of that, what did he always have? His siblings, boosting him up, protecting him from the noise. Now the noise is coming from inside his family. That's unacceptable. There was one instance in the original that came close to this. When Yakko tried to sell Wakko in their Jack and the Beanstalk parody, because he gets less fan mail than Dot. That was still miles better than this. For one, it wasn't in their base reality. It was in a parody that would clearly be non-canonical. Second, Yakko didn't go out of his way to verbally abuse his little brother and try to make him feel less valued as a member of the group. It was just a hard necessity, as callous as it might have been.
Yakko would never say something like this. The thought would never even come close to crossing his mind. Dot would never agree to a statement like that. If she heard Yakko say it, she'd wonder what alien came in and replaced her older brother. Least of all would they say it right in front of Wakko, as if they're deliberately trying to hurt him.
It baffles me. It truly baffles me. Was this the writer's first day on the job? How do you go three fucking seasons and not know the first thing about the characters you're writing? The way Yakko and Dot are portrayed here is ten times more out of character than they've ever been written in any fanfic ever posted. Worse, this had to go through producers, storyboarders, animators, the showrunner, and they all looked at this and thought it was okay. I can't truly blame the voice actors, because they're under contract and have to do their jobs, but they should have known their characters well enough to know they would never say these lines. That they shouldn't say these lines.
I truly can't wrap my head around it. Where does this come from? What could possess anyone to think this is a good idea, even an acceptable idea, for even a single millisecond? Does it come from the Family Guy writing culture, where absolutely nothing is sincere, even relationships between friends and family? Do they just not know how to write sarcastic characters that also truly love their closest family members?
They had the audacity to claim they were listening to fan feedback for this season. Tell me, look at all the most popular fan compilations on YouTube about the reboot. Are they filled with moments of the siblings being cold and callous to each other, or are they filled with the opposite? How blind do you have to be to misunderstand the soul of your show and your fanbase so fucking badly? It almost feels malicious. Like someone on the writing staff had a bad experience with their own siblings and made it their personal mission to destroy and pervert the bond between the closest set of siblings on TV. I thought they were starting to get it right with season 2. Season 3, they had to look at what all the fans were saying and realize that they could go even further, right? Give us all the sibling fluff we could ever need? Instead they went the opposite direction. It's becoming clear to me that "listening to fan feedback" really meant listening to "Pinky and the Brain fan feedback." I don't mean to drive a wedge between certain parts of the fandom, but that's just how it seems to be. It's absolutely not the fault of any of the fans who talked about the show.
People will tell me to just forget about it, to consider it non-canon or as something the Warners had to do as part of the script. I literally cannot. Have you ever wondered why all my headcanons are so close to canon? I have freaking OCD. I need everything to be in order, I need there to be a way to make sense of everything together. I can't just ignore certain parts of the show and pretend like they never happened.
I can't even make angst out of this. I can't explain it away in a fanfic or with theorizing. This is the only thing in Animaniacs I can say that about. That's how unforgivably bad it is. It just goes so completely against everything about the characters of the Warners and the spirit of the show that it might as well be foreign to it.
This will affect me for a long time. Some might look at this rant and think I care too much. Yes, I care too fucking much. Look at my blog, for God's sake. Being aware of that doesn't change how I feel. Normally, I try to be courteous. I try to give the reboot the benefit of the doubt, because I truly do value many of the things it's added to Animaniacs. In this case, I don't care. Fuck whoever wrote these lines. Fuck every single person who saw them along the way and gave them their approval. Congratulations on a job well done. This hurts my heart and it will continue to do so for years to come, if not my entire life. I am devastated.
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pigamariofthestars · 23 days
Hello, World!
Hi there, Tumblr! Call me Allie. My pronouns are she/her. I am a sleep deprived gamer who enjoys making art and music based on my favorite things! I came here on Tumblr to share my ideas with the world!
Big tags:
Cor Caroli— The Big Marxolor Fanfiction! May create other fanfics later, but I don’t have others yet. Here’s the link!
Shadowlight— A story series created by me and a friend using our ocs. We haven’t really begun to write yet, but we have information! And soon enough I will make art regarding the story and characters!
Allie’s Braincells— Allie talks about normal stuff. Mostly.
Some notes for everyone:
This blog is a safe space for everyone! This means that if you are racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc, please leave. You can’t be welcomed here, sorry.
You can ask anything to me or my characters as long as it is appropriate! I will always try my best to respond quickly, though it might take a little while because my life is kind of busy. :)
Another thing about that! Sometimes I can be very slow making art. If I am, it might end up taking several days to finish. Please try to be patient! :)
If you hadn’t figured out already, I am into a lot of different fandoms! I have made a list of the most notable ones that will be coming up the most often.
Another note:
I am very particular about ships and headcanons and I try to always think about canon facts while I create for them! You don’t have to pay attention to me if you don’t enjoy what I’m doing.
The Big Fandom List!
Paper Mario
All the other Mario-related games
Kingdom Hearts
The Stanley Parable
Tomodachi series, Miitopia, and other games involving Miis! I love Miis! :)
Of course there’s more than just these!
Madoka Magica
Sailor Moon
I am reading lots of manga and getting into more anime!
Harry Potter
Emily Windsnap
Keeper of the Lost Cities (kinda)
Of course, there’s more I like than just this.
Thank you for reading about me! I hope you enjoy my stuff! :)
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ecogirl2759 · 6 months
It's time.
So, I have decided to formally retire from FireAlpaca and will not be revisiting any of my old works made on that app (just because of personal preference). SO, I've decided to share some of my favorite WIPs that I had hoped to finish once upon a time lol.
I'm gonna be tagging all the characters that show up btw, so sorry if this comes up as you're peacefully scrolling your fandom tags hehe.
Please check the tags for the characters/fandoms and decide if you wanna open this post.
So yeah, have a couple of old sketches from 2-5 years ago :D
[Uncolored blood in one of them jsyk]
This one felt appropriate to put first lol I was really liking the way it was turning out... and then I lost motivation lol. Think this is from 2 years ago-ish.
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Here's another of my OC. I was going to make a super cool battle illustration with super cool effects and super cool lighting and I gave up almost instantly lol. SHE HAS NO WRISTS!!
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This is one I made for Drawfest 2, like, 2 years ago now, I think. I thought it was coming along kinda nice except I couldn't get the perspective to look right so my character ended up looking huge lmao.
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Here's ANOTHER of my OC. This one is really old lol. I've redesigned her now and I don't use this shading style anymore, so I retired this profile picture really early on.
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Ok, last one of this OC. This was going to be one of many sprites that I was making to use in videos and stuff, but I, once again, lost my motivation hehe. Looks REALLY bad tho so idc.
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Now for some fandom junk!
Pico jumpscare I got really into Pico's school way back when and never saw any fanart for his death screen. So I wanted to try my hand at it. Got through the lineart before I decided I didn't like it and was not skilled enough to salvage it so I gave up. Might redraw this in the future though!
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Haha mind the huge empty space on this one.
This was going to be a picture of Gregory and Freddy from FNaF Security Breach (made this around the time the game came out), but I quickly realized I couldn't draw animatronics and quit lol. You can kinda see the stripe on Gregory's shirt, but my sketching abilities back then were awful so it's a little hard.
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ASJKFHSABFHJBF I ALMOST FORGOT I WAS DRAWING HIMMM!! This bean is a character from To Your Eternity, an anime I randomly found on Netflix once and fell in love with (I quit at the weird scene in the prison tho, remind me to finish it). HE WAS SO CUTE I JUST HAD TO DRAW HIM <3 Also this isn't the ball, this is the boy. I just didn't get to his eyes.
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So me and my sister were talking a few years ago, and I think one of us misspoke and said "Coffee shot" instead of "Coffee shop," so this AU was born.
It's a coffee shop called the Coffee Shot staffed by characters that love guns and have guns and shoot guns and I love them. The shop is frequented by characters from other franchises (in this case Danganronpa), and it's got the best coffee and the best theming you've ever seen >:)
Characters from left to right: Pico (FNF), Kiyotaka Ishimaru (DR1), Mondo Owada (DR1), Lance (EBF5)
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Here's another MultiFandom picture :D
This one was based on Pinterest lol. I have boards for both of these franchises, but they kept wanting to save these two characters to each other's boards lol. SO I wanted to make a style swap with them! Didn't end up finishing it, though, but I do want to come back to it!
Characters: Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Danganronpa), Ranma Saotome (Ranma 1/2)
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Aaaaand then just take some Danganronpa stuff.
This first one is actually the second piece of fanart I ever did for this game, but I quit really quick because I SCREWED UP TAKA'S HAIR AND DIDN'T WANNA REDO IT BECAUSE EVERY TIME I TRIED IT LOOKED FUNKY SO NOW HE'S JUST FUZZY. AND THE BACKGROUND EWWW I FORGOT IT LOOKED LIKE THIS
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And then this one is of the same two characters but based on a fanfic I read once. It was a Beauty and the Beast one. It was really fun to read. I liked it. It's on Wattpad if you're interested. I quit on this picture really quick tho. Made the sketch on Photoshop 2 years ago, transferred the sketch to FireAlpaca, then realized the sketch sucked and didn't bother trying again.
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There's all my sketches. The ones that I'm willing to share, that is.
Let this be a lesson that not all of your pictures are going to go the way you want to. Your sketches are going to be messy, your lineart isn't going to match up, your colors are going to look funky, and your shading is going to want to make you rip out your hair sometimes.
I think what's important is to make sure that all that stuff doesn't discourage you.
If you give up all together, you'll never know what you'd've been able to produce if you hadn't.
If a picture isn't working for you, find out why. Then quit that picture, practice, and come back. You'll be able to compare yourself to your own art instead of other people's, which will give you a clearer sense of how far you've come.
I think I'll shoot to redraw some of these next year. I definitely want to come back to that Pico one, the style swap one, the Coffee Shot, and the Christmas one.
Don't really have time for that now, but that's now on my New Year's Resolution list lol.
If you're reading this, thanks for looking at my old crappy art. It feels nice to share <3
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uozlulu · 11 months
50 questions for fic writers
@darkangel1791 asked that fic writing mutual answer these questions, and so here we go~
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?) I’d start with a oneshot. The one that’s been the most well-received is a SPN/Teen Wolf (MTV) crossover about Stiles having an unreciprocated crush on Dean called Crush. The oneshot I think represents my style as a writer the most would be my BnHA/MHA fic called …save…. about Shirakumo overcoming Kurogiri’s programing enough to ask Aizawa to help save Shigaraki. The oneshot I think I did my best work on to date would be my IwtV (AMC) fic May You Get What You Desire Is a Curse upon the Dead, that explores desire via Devil’s Minion. I think this is my best oneshot, if not overall fic, because I alternated between two POVs, one in the past and one in the present, and I don’t cringe when I reread it.
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits? Mine are 1) Originally posted to Fanfiction.net, 2) I Blame Tumblr, 3) Crossover, 4) Additional Warnings in Author’s Note, and 5) Other: See More Story Notes. I think that it does represent me as a writer because sometimes I wrote very long warnings lists and author’s notes because I always have something to say.
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics? I write a lot of stuff where someone’s not!straight because I myself am not straight. I also write quite a bit of romance because it does fascinate me, but I’m also drawn to platonic pairs with strong bonds too.
4. What detail in [insert fic] are you really proud of? I spent a lot of time researching stuff about Japan to make my Banana Fish manga AU where Ash joins Eiji on the plane to Japan called Best Laid Plans work. I looked up school schedules, cultural notes, train ride durations, flight durations, food, culture, 80’s history, Google street views, etc…etc… The ending ended up being a bit of a you love it or hate it ending unfortunately, but I am proud of the work I put in to make the fic happen.
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]? Answer it now! I don’t think I have any specific questions off the top of my head, but if anyone has some fic-specific questions, my inbox is always open for them
6. What’s one fact about the universe of [insert fic] that you didn’t get a chance to mention in the fic itself? I should have been more clear that in my Black Clover soulmate AU Names and Promises that Asta and Yuno are platonic soulmates and said their first words to each other.
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of? I’m really proud of my work on my BnHA/MHA soulmate AU Our Soulmate Academia because I fleshed so much out and had so much fun with things like quirk swapping and what life for an underground hero might entail, etc…It was also fun trying to guess what Horikoshi might do in the canon and try to avoid doing something too similar.
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)? I want to do my Vampire Chronicles (AMC) inspired playlist as a fic series, but I do not have that kind of free time unfortunately.
9. How do you find new fic to read? Most of the time it’s whatever shows up via my subs in my inbox. But sometimes I just pick a fandom I want to read from and see what new fics are around
10. How do you decide what to write? Sometimes it’s based on a Tumblr post I read like my IwtV (AMC) crack fic We Have Thieves based on some Night Island (AMC) posts I’ve seen. Sometimes I’m filling in some blanks from canon like my Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for Spirits fic Promises and Oaths where I hypothesized some things before the anime finished. Sometimes I watch something unrelated and it inspires a fic like the time I watched that Monuments Men movie and then wrote my Captain America Steve never becomes a super soldier AU called If No One Else Will. Sometimes I get inspired by other fics I’ve been reading like my Sherlock Holmes fic The Mystery in the Fog.
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is? I’m a perseverative person by nature. Sometimes I blink and have like a handful of Devil’s Minion fics because it gives me brain worms or when I was in high school I always had an Inuyasha fic in my fic rotation because I loved that series so much. There was also a time I wrote too many Thick of It fics because I kept using the characters as a way to take a break from the novel I was working on at the time and several Tumblr users were giving me attention for those fics.
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you? I started out pretty homophobic when I first started writing fanfic because I was very sheltered. Now I’m just very not straight and the characters I gravitate towards aren’t either. I also wasn’t into reading lemons but now I don’t mind them as long as there’s some sort of plot with it outside of the sexy times.
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore? I’m not sure. I’ve never really been big on searching out specific tropes, though sometimes I will go looking for stuff like those fics where someone swaps places with their younger self and the younger self gets to be in shock at their potential future.
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer? If the AO3 author I trust the most wrote something like omegaverse I don’t think I would follow because that might be a step too squick for me.
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written? I really like my Black Clover/Boruto crossover The Land Across the Sea where Boruto washes up on Clover’s beach, runs into the Black Bulls and Golden Dawn, and then some of both squads take him back to the Land of Fire, which is coincidentally the same country Yami came from. It was a speculation of what post-Spade Arc could be like written before the current Black Clover manga arc. (I wrote this because I think Yami and Naruto would have been friends growing up and they’re roughly about the same age if you take their ages at the start of their mangas in relation to publication year into account).
16. What’s an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)? I think we need more Claudia lived fics in the IwtV (AMC) fandom. I also want to see Present Mic be more students’ mentor in fics.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it? I want to write a BnHA/MHA AU where Class A has to travel back in time to save Yagi kind of inspired by Tenchi in Love. I’ve written a chunk of it but I hit a wall and I can’t seem to move forward with it.
18. If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it involve? I’m not sure. No one’s made any sequel requests in years.
19. If you wrote a spin-off of [insert fic], what would it involve? I want to take my IwtV (AMC) fic Dream a Memory of Me and remix it now that I have more memory and knowledge of what I should be doing with the characters. Louis also deserves to be utilized in a less haphazard way for the ending. Unfortunately I don’t have the time to do this so it’ll just have to be a testament to how much I was raring and ready to write Iwtv (AMC) fic that I didn’t take the time to refresh my memory properly before embarking on it.
20. If you wrote a prequel to [insert fic], what would it involve? I’m not sure but the novel I’m currently working on 100% could have a prequel but I think that might be too much for me because I’d have to delve deep into my time in middle and high school more so than I’m already doing for that novel.
21. If you wrote a “missing scene” in [insert fic], what would it be? Usually if a scene gets send to my dump file, there’s a good reason it’s not in the fic.
22. Who is your favorite character in [insert fic] and why? If it’s a Black Clover fic I’ve written, my favorite character is always Asta. He’s just so loud and friend shaped. I can’t help it. Like a little anime nephew.
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to? I’ve written so many. I think counting the fics lost to time and space, I’ve written probably close to or just over 300 fics since 2001. I think a lot of the ones I want to do I’ve already done maybe even twice over.
24. Are there any Easter eggs in [insert fic], and if so, what are they? Occasionally I make small references but frequently they small enough I can’t think of them off the top of my head.
25. What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write? I usually just use Word, Excel, and Google to find things.
26. Would you rather write a fic that had no dialogue or one that was only dialogue? No dialogue. Only dialogue can get confusing without being able to use said.
27. How long did it take to write [insert fic]? Describe the process. It took me a year and two months to get Our Soulmate Academia ready for posting. I wrote it as a giant first draft, edited it while breaking it into chapters, and then spot checked it before posting it. That’s the general way I do all my fics in the last few years. Makes it easy to finish chaptered fics.
28. Does anyone read your fics before you post them? If so, who? I used a beta way back in the 2000’s, who proceeded to steal my fic and post it as their own so I’m the only person who reads them before I post them with the exception of Kitty who has severed as my Britpicker many times.
29. What songs would be (or are) on a playlist for [insert fic]? Explain your choices if you want! We Have Thieves has its own little mini mix technically. The songs I reference in the fic are: “Every Breath You Take” by The Police, “Holy Diver” by Dio, “Little Red Corvette” by Prince, “Psycho Killer” by Talking Heads, and “Beat It” by Michael Jackson.
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter? I wrote some smut for Best Laid Plans since part of the plot was unpacking Ash’s sexual trauma and sexuality. I kept it kind of simple and tried not to make it a spectacle. I’ve written other smut in some orphaned fics. Recently I had the opportunity to write smut in a couple of my IwtV AMC fics but I chose to fade out of the scenes instead because I don’t want to write smut in a manner that feels exploitative (which is why I orphaned the fics I did. I thought they were kind of exploitative and that’s just not how I want to be remembered).
31. What’s your ideal fic length to write? I’m not sure. I ordered my fics by word count and found that the 1,000 word mark occurs roughly half way down the list, so I think I just write whatever word count suits what the fic ends up being unless it’s a drabble that’s to a specific word count.
32. What’s your ideal fic length to read? Usually I try to keep it to under 10,000 unless I’m feeling ambitious or the fic summary is too good to pass up.
33. If you write chaptered fics, what’s your ideal chapter length to write? Is it different from your ideal chapter length to read? When I was in high school and university I would cap my chapters around 5,000 words especially because I was writing drafts without editing them and then just posting them like a weirdo. Now I like to write the whole thing out and if it’s over about 15,000/20,000 or so words I break it into multiple chapters of usually 5,000 – 10,000 words in length.
34. What aspects of your writing are inspired by/taken from your real life? I 100% used my own mom as inspiration for how to flesh Bakugou’s mom out in Our Soulmate Academia.
35. What aspects of your writing are completely unlike your real life? I have never been kissed. I can’t drink and I can’t drive. So, naturally I’m drawn to having a bit of romance in a good chunk of my fics because it fascinates me in the way that space or dinosaurs, etc… fascinate me.
36. Do you visualize what you read/write? If I can’t see a little movie playing in my head then I’m not going to be able to write it. This is also why I get compliments on my action sequences. I can easily visually keep track of everyone involved at all times.
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it? I wrote a My Life in Film and BBC Sherlock crossover called Distortion that I think worked out fairly well. I think the fact My Life in Film is an obscure TV show didn’t help it in the popularity department. I chose the crossover because Andrew Scott is in both shows.
38. Did any of your fics get surprisingly popular (whatever that means to you)? Which ones? Why do you think they were so successful? Only two of my fics have made it into people’s collections. They’re both Black Clover fics. The first one is Rest Young Soldiers which speculated on how the Spade Arc might end, and All Fortune Plays End where I speculated about how Asta’s devil powers might take over his body. I think I did a good job writing both fics.
39. Is any aspect of your writing process inspired by other writers or people? If so, who? It is not. I just do what works for my brain.
40. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person? I do reread them. I like to reread my own as they come up on people’s bookmarks of my fics. I also have a trash memory so sometimes I reread fics when out looking for new ones and become that one Gandalf meme when I try to leave kudos.
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.” I have 28 recs out of 138 bookmarks and I feel this way about all of my recs.
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason? I got some flames back in my SPN days that graphically described how I should burn in hell for the fic I wrote. I also still think about the nice reviewer who complemented me on my Daniel characterization on my first IwtV AMC fic since that fic is pretty weak compared to my other ones in that fandom.
43. If you take/write prompts: what’s your favorite prompt fic that you’ve written? I’m not sure because I can’t remember which fics are prompt fics. But I always love writing them.
44. If you take/write prompts: do you prefer dialogue or scenario/narrative prompts? I don’t really have a preference. Though sometimes I’ll accidentally take it in a strange direction because that’s where inspiration took me.
45. What’s something you’ve improved on since you started writing fic? Editing hands down. I’ve gone from only running the spell check and immediately posting the first and only draft to doing a two round editing process.
46. Do you prefer writing on your phone or on a computer (or something else)? Do you think where you write affects the way you write? On my computer is preferred. Typing on my phone is obnoxious no matter what I’m doing.
47. If [insert fic] was a pair of shoes, what kind would it be? Describe the shoes. If my SPN fic Burn Mark were shoes, they’d have the mark of Michael branded into the toes and the soles would be made from metal like a cage. The leather would be well worn, possibly almost worn out and the shoe laces a little dirty.
48. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it? The last fic I read was the latest chapter of Only Human by bandedbulbussnarfblat. If human AUs for IwtV (AMC) aren’t your thing, then I highly recommend The Human Perspective by the same author.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it! I am currently working on my novel so no sharing.
50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about! I’m not really sure. I’ve been posting fic online since July of 2001. I have a lot of thoughts about it but not sure which to choose from. If people want to know more you all can always send me asks or messages about whatever questions you might have.
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deathisararemercy · 1 year
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About The Blog
This is a Puss in Boots side-blog (because it is currently consuming my entire life). Follows/likes are from @tempestimes.
I share little sketches and headcanons, and I write things too, wahoo.
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About Me
Death fan (surprise, surprise), but I also will hold all of the characters tenderly in my hand (Kitty, Perrito, and Goldi especially)
Artist - I'm slowly learning how to draw animals solely for this fandom.
Writer - I learning to write 'x reader's and have familiarity with other shippy things. I also have a big post-canon fic I'm working on that incorporates quite a few OCs.
Musician(?) - I improvise on piano and can come up with some tunes. I've done so for other fandoms, but never for PIB. It would be fun to try composing in this style of music though.
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Writing Request Guidelines/Notes
I take requests for any characters, pairings, and readers: platonic, romantic, etc etc. EXCEPT Jack Horner. Listen. I may have most of his lines memorized but I just don't think I could ever do him justice. He's too powerful.
All readers are written as gender-neutral.
Be specific please! Rather than just "fluff" or "angst," try "a situation where XX happens with [character A] and [character B]"
Though I might write suggestive things from time to time, I stay away from smut.
I usually write prose between 1000-2000 words, though I have written longer and shorter. I can also write in bullet-point headcanon style.
If you'd like a headcanon style post, please specify that in your ask! Otherwise, I'll choose based on the request.
Though it doesn't often happen, I can and will decline certain requests that don't follow these rules or make me too uncomfortable. Topics/themes that may result in a declined request involve yandere, SH, and ED.
Requests take time to post, depending on my ever-changing schedule. Please be patient. IRL things are complicated.
Have fun. :)
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Tagging System
#.txt - my text posts + chatterings
#.writing - my writing/fic posts
#.art - my art posts
#concept art - official concept art and other pre-production things
#other's art - other people's art
#other's writing - other people's writing
I usually follow the last two with blog names for when I want to look for a specific writer/post
#fave - art I think looks really cool, funny things, things I want to re-read, etc. etc.
#oc: [NAME] - My OCs include Fate, Lil' Red Riding Hood, Momo, Sextus Julius (Jules), Life, and some idiot named Kore (<3)
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| Writing Masterlist |
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Feel free to send in asks and shoot me a message. It might take me a while to respond, but I'd love to chat!
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scattered-winter · 1 year
ok ok i've been trying to think of a clever way to word this but it's thursday morning and my brain is usually scrambled eggs by this point of the week.
so basically. dc. batfam. jaykyle. i'm intrigued, and i'm curious about, like, starting points for beginners with terrible attention spans whose knowledge base is the first few seasons of the cw shows and young justice, your epic jaykyle post from whenever i asked about them, a handful of jaykyle fics, and the tags on your dc rbs.
(and OF COURSE i will inhale any other info you choose to share here bc i love a winter ramble <333)
I am SO GLAD you asked :]]]]] there's a great deal of info here but I'll try to keep it as organized as possible. I'll talk about movies/tv shows/other forms of media FIRST, since there's a lot less info to try and cram in. THEN I'll do comics because there's a lot of information about them, and lastly I'll do fandom stuff (blog and fic recs, and I also snuck in a bit about some of my favorite comic artists hehe) xox
the thing I love about dc is that there's so many characters and hero teams that there's something for everyone. my favorite characters might not be someone else's favorite, because there are literally hundreds to choose from and it can be overwhelming at first but it's so cool having such a wide variety of characters to love!!
that said, something to keep in mind is that almost every version of a character you see/read is gonna be a little different. there are changes across mediums (comics to movies) and even across universes, and sometimes the writers are just lazy and don't bother doing research on the character they're trying to write. many of these characters have been around since the 1930s, with literally thousands of appearances in different comics and tv shows, so they've been through a few hundred different writers and editors, each with a slightly different idea of who the character is. batman can be portrayed as a kind, caring father in one comic, but in another, he hits his kids and forces them to eat rats. those two facts are both technically canon, but since they're so contradictory to each other, the audience gets to choose which one is their canon*. it sounds really overwhelming at first, but it's actually one of my favorite things about dc, because it's almost like a sandbox. we can cherrypick our favorite things from canon to form our Better, Personal canon, and leave the rest out <3
*everyone you talk to in the fandom will also have a different preferred "canon." and technically most of them aren't even fanonizing things too much; they're just looking at a different side of canon.
unlike marvel, dc doesn't really have a coherent "cinematic universe," but not for lack of trying. if you're looking for comic book accuracy, generally the movies aren't a great place to go, but they're still enjoyable and can at least give you the starting information for a character!
the dark knight trilogy (batman begins, the dark knight, the dark knight rises)
this one is HARDLY comics-accurate, but overall they're very enjoyable (and the soundtrack is a whole VIBE btw). it's a good general intro to the basic lore of batman (his parents' deaths, alfred, lucius fox, etc) but it also leaves out a lot of the batman mythos (like robin).
the batman (2022)
in my opinion, this movie is the closest live action movie to what comics batman actually is. it was very definitely an adaptation that took liberties, but I really felt like it was a faithful adaptation of comics batman and what motivates him.
batman: under the red hood
this one is an animated adaptation of one of my FAVORITE comics of all time by the same name, and I love the movie almost as much as I love the comic :] there are a few things lost in translation from comic -> movie, and a few characters/events are left out, but overall it's one of my favorite batman movies of ALL time
some other movies that aren't super accurate but alright:*
wonder woman
*there's also movies like zack snyder's justice league and batman vs superman but the one thing comics fandom can agree on is that. they're bad. they're soooo bad. ofc you can watch them but just know that the characterizations are soooooo off base for pretty much everyone. and I know that I said that characterizations can be played with a little bit but the characters aren't even recognizable in those movies so like.....are they even the same character ?? anyway
unlike the movies, the dcau (dc animated universe) is REALLY good. some of the shows are interconnected and happen in the same continuity, but it's unclear if all of them are, but the shows have little influence on each other so it doesn't really matter anyway. there'll just be an easter egg here or there referencing another show.
young justice*
has a very large ensemble cast, and is a good intro to the younger heroes in dc!!
justice league unlimited*
another show with a large cast, but this one is about the older/adult heroes in the justice league.
green lantern: the animated series
one of my personal favorites out of these; highly recommended if you're at all interested in lanterns, because it's a very good introduction to lantern lore (which can be pretty complicated). it's also just very fun all around, and one of my favorite lantern characters of all time is in this show! unfortunately, he was created specifically for gl:tas, and so hasn't made any appearances in any comics/shows with the exception of a single episode of young justice. but I lomve him <3
teen titans
this was actually my "gateway" media that got me into dc in the first place!! it's very fun and dynamic, and is a good intro to the titans, a very popular superhero team**
batman: the animated series
I haven't seen very far into this one, but from what I've seen/heard, it's a very fun show!! from what I remember, it has quite a few batfam characters in it, as well, not just batman himself
batman beyond
I also haven't seen all of this, but I like it a lot! it's set 50ish(?) years in the future of b:tas (as far as I know you don't have to watch b:tas beforehand though) and is about the new batman, terry mcginnis. I really like it because terry's super funny and it's almost like spiderman in batman's suit!! (he made the joker cry once. it's glorious)
*for getting into comics, I'd recommend at least skimming a few eps of these shows with large casts to see if you have a character you really like/want to know more about, then you can ask for/find the specific comics that character is in. this is imo the easiest way to get into comics, and there are a LOT of people you can ask for comic recs. I'll give all the recs I have, but I've been in the dc fandom for a long time and I can find specific rec lists for you fairly easily if you want to read about a character I don't know much about. I have Connections (tm)
**I haven't read enough titans comics to know for sure, but I've heard that the team lineups are a little different than the show depending on what comics you read.
it's kind of shitty but by god it's OUR kinda shitty show <3 the casting for both koriand'r and dick grayson is PERFECT btw. I cannot tell you anything about plot. I've seen the first few seasons. I have no idea what happened. (I don't think it'd be too far off the mark to call this the "teen wolf" show of dc tbh)
ismahawk's nightwing series
this is a fanmade web series that has a few things I dislike (jason's characterization, mostly) but is overall fairly high quality and very fun!! dick grayson (nightwing) is the focus, but other characters also make appearances!
cw shows (yes these are their own category)
I haven't seen a lot of these in a long time so some of them don't have commentary
hoooooo boy,,,,,,this one's a doozy. the writers wanted to make a batman show I think. but they had green arrow instead. so arrow!oliver queen is actually closer to comics!bruce wayne than he is to comics!oliver queen. a lot of people don't want to get into comics ollie because they didn't like arrow ollie, but rest assured that comics ollie is sooooooooo much better godbless
legends of tomorrow
most of the characters here aren't in the comics that much but this is still probably my favorite cw show. it's funky it's fun it's ridiculously stupid it requires net zero braincells. I love it
the flash
I don't know enough about kate kane to tell you if this is comics-accurate or not but tbh it's fairly enjoyable regardless!
black lightning
there are a lot of dc-related games out there that I've never gotten into, but there is one that I know a good deal about because it's soooo <333
batman: arkham knight
this one is an alternate universe version of jason todd's death and resurrection. I think there are also some comics out there set in this same universe, but at the moment I don't know titles. but basically, instead of dying in a warehouse, jason was imprisoned and tortured for 2 years by the joker. the details are lost on me but he somehow ends up free, but by this point he's been tortured and brainwashed into working with the joker and trying to bring batman down. overall it's a very emotionally devastating game and I'm a known masochist <3 so <3
a lot of people are afraid to get into comics because of how overwhelming they are, but I highly encourage it to any new dc fan because they're so much fun!! the fandom is also filled with super nice people who are totally willing to help find comics to read for a specific character, and there are plenty of websites to read comics on for free! it's genuinely such a fun media to get into!
first of all, there's some vocab that'll be helpful to know in comics-land:
continuity - refers to a specific amount of time within the publishing record (ex: the new52 is a continuity spanning from about 2011 to 2016)
issue - a "chapter" of a comic book series (ex: green lantern #5 is the 5th chapter of that particular green lantern series)
volume - another word for "series"; also defined as a group of issues
mini-series - a comic with a set amount of issues (also known as a limited series)
one-shot - a big single-issue comic book
ongoing - a series that is currently being written/published (usually updates weekly or biweekly)
reboot - ends a continuity to recreate characters and plotlines from the very beginning (there are a few different reboots you might hear mentioned, including crisis on infinite earths, new52 [or n52], and rebirth)
retcon - when a past event is changed/written over without a reboot happening
run - a consecutive string of issues written by a single author
variant - an alternate cover of an issue
elseworld - a comic or story that takes place in an alternate universe; as such, the events of that story have no effect on the main timeline (dc vs vampires, a story where half the justice league is turned into evil vampires that took over the world and killed the other half of the justice league, is an elseworld). I like elseworlds because they're fun to explore and read without actually like. being concerned about long-term effects on the characters. it's like reading fanfiction with art
comics are also broken down into 4 main "eras" that aren't necessary for reading but can be good to know regardless:
Golden Age (1938-1956)
Silver Age (1956-1970)
Bronze Age (1970-1985)
Modern Age (1985-Present Day)
because comics are so convoluted with so many timelines and reboots and origins, you can really just jump in ANYWHERE, without worrying about chronological order (spoiler alert, it doesn't exist); and if you feel daunted and overwhelmed by the idea of just....jumping in there, don't worry!!! I felt the same exact way when I was just starting, and that's what the reading lists linked below are for!! they'll give you a place to start getting your feet wet :]
dc comics can also be grouped by which teams/families they're about. (as far as I know, the [hero]fam groups were coined by fandom as a means of grouping the literal crime fighting found families together, but groups like the titans and justice league actually exist in-universe as well). most (if not all) characters belong to at least ONE group, so if you like a character and want to get into someone similar, the groups that character is in might be a good place to start since they're usually grouped together by similar powers/origins. I listed the [hero]fam groups first, and the canon, in-universe teams last. I don't know much about some of them so I didn't add commentary on those, and each person's name will be formatted like this: given name/superhero name/additional superhero name (if applicable)
most main continuities include bruce wayne/batman, dick grayson/robin/nightwing, jason todd/robin/red hood, tim drake/red robin/robin, cassandra cain/black bat/orphan/batgirl, damian wayne/robin, alfred pennyworth, stephanie brown/batgirl/robin/spoiler, duke thomas/signal*, and barbara gordon/batgirl/oracle. however, some characters, such as luke fox, helena wayne, carrie kelley, and harper row, only exist in specific timelines/continuities/alternate universes. *duke thomas was created in the n52 reboot, so he didn't exist before about 2011, but is considered part of the batfam in most current timelines. the batfam is largely a pretty messy, dysfunctional superhero family, and I love that about them because it's sooo interesting to dig into. but if you want a wholesome superhero family, I suggest some of the others in dc (there's a large number of people in the dc fandom who have never read a single comic but write fic/blog about the batfam, but they make the batfam super sweet and wholesome [hugely ooc for the most part] when there are SO many canon superhero fams that have the exact vibes they're going for. basically: fanon batfam = canon arrowfam/flashfam/superfam)
most main continuities include clark kent/superman (kal el), lois lane, conner kent/superboy (kon el), bizarro, and jonathan kent/superboy (jon el). I don't know as much about the superfam but there are a handful of characters that only exist in certain continuities here, too.
most main continuities include barry allen/the flash, iris west-allen, wally west/kid flash/the flash, jay garrick, avery ho/the flash, bart allen/impulse, irey west, jesse quick/jesse chambers, and a few more.
most main continuities include oliver queen/green arrow, dinah lance/black canary, roy harper/speedy/red arrow/arsenal, connor hawke/green arrow, cissie king-jones, mia dearden/speedy, and emiko queen/red arrow. (if you've seen arrow, expect these characters to be WAY different than how they were portrayed in the show)
most main continuities include diana prince/wonder woman, nubia, donna troy/wonder girl/troia/wonder woman, cassie sandsmark/wonder girl, and artemis bana-mighdall. yara flor is wonder woman in the future state universe, but I don't know if she's part of the fam in the main continuity
this can technically refer to any number of lantern groups, since there are more than one faction or "corps" of lantern, but in this case it's green. in most continuities, the green lantern corps includes hal jordan/parallax/specter, kyle rayner/white lantern/ion, guy gardner, john stewart, alan scott, simon baz, jessica cruz, and jo mullein. (all of them go by green lantern by default, but some have additional names for one reason or another) there are a lot more nonhuman lanterns, since green lanterns operate in space, but that's already a pretty extensive list so I just left it at the humans lmao
justice league
one of the biggest teams in dc; it has the "trinity," batman, superman, and wonder woman, and also has a lot of lesser known characters like blue beetle, booster gold, and red tornado.
this team includes dick grayson/nightwing (batfam), wally west/kid flash/the flash (flashfam)*, garfield logan/beast boy, koriand'r/starfire, donna troy/wonder girl/wonder woman, roy harper/speedy/arsenal/red arrow, garth/aqualad etc. *the team lineup largely depends on which comic you read; wally isn't a titan very often compared to the others but some still consider him part of the core team
young justice*
this team includes tim drake/red robin/robin, cassie sandsmark/wonder girl, conner kent/superboy, and bart allen/impulse *not to be confused with the tv show young justice. they have the same title but are two completely different things
birds of prey
now onto some recs!!! I'm starting with what I know, but if there's ever a character you want to read more about, don't hesitate to ask me!!! I can usually find most rec/reading lists pretty easily and if not, I can refer you to someone who can!!
there's a handful of comics on webtoon, each focusing on a different character or group! I haven't read some of them, so only a few actually have commentary lol
vixen: nyc
zatanna & the ripper
wayne family adventures
funky and fun! if you want to learn more about the batfam both as a group and as individuals, this is a great place to start!* *this specific webtoon is in the "slice of life" genre and intended to be fun and lighthearted, so all the characters are highly fanonized/watered down to fit the comedy genre better. it's still enjoyable, but just know going in that if you read any actual comics with the batfam expecting it to be just as wholesome and fun, you'll be disappointed. and if you do enjoy the wholesome superhero family vibes, I recommend reading from the flashfam, arrowfam, or superfam comics, since those are all closer to the wfa batfam vibe than the canon comics batfam.
red hood: outlaws**
features jason todd/red hood, bizarro, and artemis bana-mighdall. as far as I know its tone is much closer to actual comics than wfa. the art is gorgeous, too
**I haven't read past the first few chapters of this one because I REALLY don't like jason's characterization. but he's my silly little guy and I'm SUPER picky about how he's written, so take my opinion for a grain lmao
now for some general recs!!!! there are reading lists out there that are much more coherent and legible than what I can make, so I linked a few for my personal favorite characters and some others :] some of them have a playlist that I made, and I'll also give a very brief overview of the character!!!
also note that these reading lists are in no way meant to be overwhelming and restrictive. if you're overwhelmed by the sheer amount of recs, there's no rule or Comic Book Overlord who will frown down upon you if you don't read them in order or even at all. comics are meant to be fun and they should be!! all the lists do is give you a few options/places to start, but they're just suggestions!! literally go wild go crazy
dick grayson (my playlist) (reading list 1 [robin])
he's the oldest son of bruce wayne! he was part of a traveling circus as a kid, but his parents were murdered when he was young and he was taken in by bruce wayne and became robin. he joined the titans, and eventually outgrew the robin mantle and took on the name nightwing. my current favorite comic with him is batman/superman: world's finest, which is on the reading list but it's pretty far down and I would have put it much higher if it were me because it's sooo <333 (dan mora's art is *chef's kiss*) I looked EVERYWHERE for a reading list about him as nightwing but unfortunately I couldn't find one. but there are a few "nightwing" series around which will probably be good places to start.
jason todd (my playlist) (reading list)
you already got the spiel about him <3 he's my most specialest blorbo bingus boy and if someone writes him wrong I shoot lasers from my eyes
cassandra cain (reading list)
she was raised by assassins but had such a strong moral compass that she ran away and became a superhero instead <3 she was batgirl, black bat, and orphan, and whatever name she currently goes by depends entirely on which comic you read lmao
damian wayne (my playlist)
the only one of bruce wayne's kids who is actually biologically related to him. he was raised in the league of assassins by talia al ghul* before being sent to gotham to live with bruce, where he became robin *talia was originally a good, kind character who was retconned into a manipulative, abusive bitch of a character which is SUCH a disservice to her but unfortunately a lot of current comics have jumped on the bandwagon of the retcon :( AGAIN, I couldn't find a rec list for the LIFE of me, but some good comics to start at are batman: batman and son, batman and robin 2006*, and supersons** *this comic takes place after bruce wayne temporarily "dies" during....final crisis, I think. you don't need to understand the crisis to read (I still don't understand any of the crises tbh) but all you need to know is that dick grayson has taken on the mantle of batman during this run; so dick was batman and damian was his robin. I love their relationship so much it makes me INSANE **this comic features a teamup between damian and jon kent (superboy). I looooooooove their friendship so much
duke thomas
<3333333 he's the only batfam character with powers, and he uses them for chaos only <3 again, I couldn't find a list, but here are some starters: we are robin, robin war, batman and the signal, and batman and the outsiders vol. 3
kyle rayner (my playlist) (reading list)
you've also heard his spiel <33333
connor hawke (reading list)
he's the biological son of oliver queen and takes up the mantle of green arrow after ollie dies (temporarily). he and kyle are bffs who I think should kiss once or twice. and he's also canonically asexual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wally west (reading list)
he started out as kid flash, and I think in current comics right now he's the flash
some comic reading websites!!!!!!!!
webtoon (everything in the webtoon category above can be found here; they're free to read unless you pay for early access to new chapters)
between those three, you should be able to find any comics you'd like to read; I highly recommend using an adblocker for them if you can.
there are quite a few awesome dc blogs out there!!!!!! some of them mostly post a certain character/group, and if so, I'll specify (mutuals will be marked with an * because I am kissing them all upon the cheek <3 they're all sooooo smart and brilliant and talented btw). if the blog is a content creator (artist, writer, edit-maker) I will specify (the dc fandom has SO much talent godbless <33)
@/moonlightbuckleys* (titans tv show; is also who got me into 911 so she has lots of content for that too; edit maker)
@/dick-nightwing-grayson (dick grayson, general batfam/dc)
@/aalghul (jason todd, damian wayne, talia al ghul)
@/ninalinovna (jaykyle, general dc; artist)
@/red-hood-redemption* (jason todd, general dc; artist)
@/collectingrobins (general batfam)
@/batshit-birds (damian wayne, general batfam; writer and artist)
@/bunnvoid* (general dc, artist)
@/daringyounggrayson (dick grayson, general dc; writer)
@/hood-ex (dick grayson, titans, general dc)
@/teeeentitaaans (general dc)
@/dauntingday* (general dc and 911 <3)
@/xandromedan* (general dc and 911 as well <333)
@/bi-bird37 (general dc)
@/sohotthateveryonedied (tim drake, general dc; writer)
@/river-bottom-nightmare (general dc; writer)
@/oifaaa (general batfam; artist)
@/junkoandthediamonds (tim drake, young justice [comics], general dc; artist)
@/desperatecheesecubes* (general dc)
@/a-sour-nectarine (young justice [comics], general dc; writer)
@/aloofwingbag (general dc; artist)
@/s-mscott (general dc, artist; is actually an official, professional dc comics artist on tumblr godbless)
@/sophieleeart (general dc; artist)
@/sully-s (general dc, artist)
@/autisticredhood (jason todd, general dc; makes edits)
@/allgremlinart (bruce wayne, general dc; artist [often nsfw])
@/broosepayne (bruce wayne, general batfam)
@/hangingoffence* (kyle rayner, jason todd, general lanterns; artist)
@/roshanina (general dc, artist)
@/wingedrobins* (jason todd, kyle rayner, general dc, artist)
@/salzundhonig* (jason todd, kyle rayner, general dc, writer)
@/mickidona* (general dc, artist)
@/bisexualgreenlanterns* (general lanterns, general dc)
@/ky-landfill (general batfam, artist)
@/rillette (general dc, artist)
@/finalgirljasontodd (general dc, artist)
@/minnow-doodle-doo* (general batfam, artist)
@/brutaliakhoa (bruce wayne, talia al ghul, general dc)
@/fantastic-nonsense (general dc, also six of crows and 911 lmao)
@/roseworth* (general arrowfam, general dc)
and here's a batfam fic rec list I made forever and a day ago <3
this doesn't have to do with anything but I just wanted to show off some of my favorite dc artists. the great thing about comics as a medium is that the art can add SOOOOO much to the experience (but unfortunately sometimes the art is ugly as FUCK so it's a 50/50 chance lmfao) but there are some artists who I would probably sell my soul to. btw.
travis moore
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dan mora
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belen ortega
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and that's everything for this monster of a post!!! genuinely i wish u the best in ur dc adventures!!!!!!!! if this is unclear/confusing in any way or if you have any follow-up questions I would love to clarify and answer for you :] this was a lot of info all at once and I typed it all up in one sitting so idk how coherent it is ajskldfjlskhg
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inkdemon-whore · 1 year
al/alex/alta | adult | he/him it/its (trying these out) | aspec multi fandom/fandom hopper | proship | atheistic satanist (the 7 tenets)
tw tag list: mostly for the batim/batdr au, but also includes most tw tags i use
archived blogs: @the-core-archive | @alta-2016-2018 | @alta-2018-2020 | @saved-as-jpeg (&lt;<< for REALLY old art, saved because i like looking at how much i've grown as an artist, maybe it'll inspire someone to start/keep drawin, idk. warning, cringe child art from 2005-ish)
active-ish blogs/sites: @inkdemonslament (ask/story telling blog) | @altadud (reblogs, nothing gets tagged. asked santa if i could have an "e" for x-mas, so url might change soon) | ao3 (not super active and don't really know how it works)
tumblr bday: may 15th, 2015
as an scp, i'm classed as safe. the foundation has locked me here for years. my art on the other hand, is keter and breaches containment constantly.
getting more blue checkmarks any time i see a post bitching about them naturally on my dash. i will not buy more just cuz you send an ask ragging on them. i'm stupid, but i ain't that stupid.
fandoms i'm in, or more accurately, stuff i like. red is what i'm makin art for at the moment/my current hyper fixation.
pokemon (drawn stuff for)
sonic (old art, can't be found anymore)
a monster in paris (old art, can't be found anymore)
undertale/deltarune (drawn stuff for)
BATIM/BATDR (drawn stuff for) [currently doin an au for this, tag is "daddy ink demon au". post to catch you up/tell ya what it is -1- -2-. or just bioshock big daddy but it's ink bendy and an early version of audrey] {making a master list}
steven universe (drawn stuff for)
dream smp (drawn stuff for)
fnaf (drawn stuff for)
fnf (drawn stuff for)
OFF by mortil ghost
yume niki
centaurworld (drawn stuff for)
encanto (drawn stuff for)
mystery skulls animated (drawn stuff for)
the girl from the other side (drawn stuff for)
spooky month (drawn stuff for)
the stanley parable/tspud
tiny faq:
can i make fanart/fanfics based on your stuff?
yes yes yes yes yes -grabby hands- please do, i love seein that stuff. you can @ me, send it as a gift on ao3, or put it in my sub box. also just be sure to link back to me in some way (such as an @ or linking my blog)
can i dub your comics?
oh FUCK YES!! go for it n send it to me, i wanna see!!
can i use your art as an icon?
yee sure, just link back to me.
you're proship?
yea, if i'm shipping the character's i'll tag it with "tw ship" or "proship". if ya don't see that tag, it's not a ship. i don't do discourse/fandom wank, i'm just the art guy. if ya wanna know more, read the carrd linked above, or go to @/sl-ug's blog as a starting point (they're workin on a paper, i think it's neat)
here? other than suggestive stuff and jokes, no, not really. i have things tagged for blacklist though, being #nsfw and #nude/#nudity. old post won't be put under the new filter thing unless it gets flagged (mostly cuz i'm lazy), but newer post will. if you're askin about an alt.... -coughs-
might update this every now and then.
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I think I need to do one of these but uhh, hey I’m Thorn, you can also call me Thorny! I’m a bit of a fandom elder in warriors I guess? Not in the sense that I’m old, but that I’ve been within the fandom since I was a wee whelp though comparatively I’d say I’m slightly older than the average fan.
I’m a young adult (saying this for clarities sake, I do not want anyone to be uncomfortable near me), and I try to be as clean as possible on my account, but I’d say rating wise, everything here is pg13 and if it notes of anything outside of that, it’ll be tagged of course to avoid those uncomfortable with said topics stumbling onto them! If I mistag something or forget a tag, please let me know, I’ll try to correct the error immediately! That being said, content on this blog will dip into darker topics, but mainly topics I’ve already seen in media targeted for all ages or younger ages. I will also cuss a fuck ton, nothing explicit of course, but I have a vocabulary that would likely make a sailor blush, so know that I’m trying to be inclusive and safe for younger fans whilst still keeping my own edge.
Some other bits about me, I’m afro-brazilian (live in the states), trans male and gay as all fuck! Hawkfrost (of course) is my favorite warriors character, my favorite arc is TPB, my favorite clan is WindClan and I write on the side of art. My favorite color is pink! Some other media I enjoy is RotTMNT, Gorillaz (2D kinnie-), The Portal Series, Watership down, Horror media, fnaf (guilty pleasure it’s brain numbing), The Hades games, Zelda games, anything based in studying animal, plant and human life, comics, monster hunter, Pokémon, anything mythology, yakuza like a dragon annnnnd honestly the list is far too long to fully count, I like a lot of weird stuff.
I don’t have any currently active blogs outside of this, b u t if you’re interested, you can check out my old au blog, @fireclawisexhausted for an old au idea that I might continue some day but likely not soon.
Some unique tags on this blog and what they mean are;
#thorn’s carvings = art/general art
#thorn’s wc designs = my designs for canon characters
#Embers of Revolution rewrite = rewrite tag
#kitty studies = random non au related character studies about warriors characters
#thorn loses his fucking mind = me being mad at Warrior cats
#EoRR char profiles/notes = information on a character in the rewrite, pages will be updated as the story is written
#EoRR Clan Lore = lore for the rewrite regarding the clans, optional read but recommended to do so AFTER reading in a few chapters, though I know people love lore so it’ll likely have no affect if you read it ahead of time
#EoRR Other Lore = lore outside of the clans
#EoRR updates = updates involving new chapters being uploaded, breaks, polls and feedback, warnings, etc
#EoRR artworks = art related to the au in events, though also applies to alternate designs for a character in the au
#other EoRR info = things that aren’t really lore but connect to EoRR
For some added context, EoRR is my currently planned rewrite of the series (mainly TNP and everything after, but I’ll be revising some of the first series too), focusing on better character development and implementation of better narrative focus, character consistency, improved and revised arcs, better representation of characters that closely parallel irl groups of people based on writing, added lore and cultural dynamics and improved relationships. I’ll be making an AO3 account for “books” in the rewrite and post updates on here whilst also ofc posting other stuff about it onto the blog!
Dni; basic things that I expect to be common sense, ofc no nsfw or explicit content blogs (not personal just uncomfortable with that based on the content I’m posting on here), anyone who claims and consistently surrounds themselves with proship and anti stuff because I do not want to be involved in those conversations.
Not really dni but something to be careful with around me, please avoid talk of homestuck I have some admittedly strange issues regarding it and how it’s connected to some bad experiences I’ve had. Ofc I won’t be mad at anyone who does, even if it’s not inherently a mistake, but it just makes me really uncomfortable.
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naughtibonbear · 1 year
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I posted 14 times in 2022
That's 14 more posts than 2021!
6 posts created (43%)
8 posts reblogged (57%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 7 of my posts in 2022
Only 50% of my posts had no tags
#namor x reader - 5 posts
#fanfic - 4 posts
#namor the sub mariner - 4 posts
#namor of talokan - 3 posts
#namor x y/n - 3 posts
#namor - 3 posts
#black panther - 3 posts
#n'amor - 2 posts
#writing - 2 posts
#namor isekai au - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 38 characters
#something is wrong with sunny day jack
My Top Posts in 2022:
14 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
As much as I want to write for N'amor of talokan, my brain is switching from him to a lot of comic!Namor, so I'mma start with comic/ animated Namor before, I work out the kinks for K'uk'ulkan fics. Especially some self/oc inserts and I might even mix the two for some fun AUs.
15 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
Decided to dust this old bad boy off especially since I forgot about this account time to make use of it, heck I need to make use of my ao3. Pretty much going to use this to put out as much self indulgent stuff as I can. Here are a list of fandom's plan on writing and feel comfortable writing or making little drabbles for, I will add more later.
Star wars
Some is wrong with Sunnyday Jack
Clive barker's nightbreed
The predators series if I can
Lupin the third
Some oc × reader
17 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
I'm already working on it I'm going to toss some ideas out there working on isekai'ed as a princess to fantasy world, and wakanda's oldest princess, older sister to shuri, younger siblings to king T'Challa.
22 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Namor fantasy isekai idea
Ok here we go fantasy Isekai au, I love OI novels and comics, and this idea has not left me since.
Here we go:
You are now the oldest daughter of the former king of Wakanda, your older Brother T'challa is now king after your father has passed, and you are the middle child between you, T'challa, and Shuri. Your brother wants to try to make peace with the neighboring countries, sadly some of the other leaders don't have the same mind. With an amazing older brother as king and an intelligent younger sister, the people don't see you as much, especially since you don't have any specialties yet. (Magic is definitely on the table for abilities besides don't a lot of OI leads or princesses have magic ;3) 
The kingdom as stated before doesn't care or really think much of you. You would make a great political bride for peace among the realms. After an attack at the world leaders meeting, you lost your father the king, and "Lost" some of your memories aka when you awoke into this world. It is a world based on a fantasy series you used to read, now the princess of Wakanda you get to see the characters in a whole new light. 
Now for our male lead this isekai Namor, I want to mix both Namor of the comics and MCU Namor for this. Making his kingdom is somewhat difficult depending on which way I want to go with the kingdom, I want to keep Talokan and figure out a way to mix both kingdoms into one for the story.
This Namor will be a mixture of both the comics and MCU. As I said, he does have long hair because I won't lie, the ponytail was pretty nice. He is a king well-loved by all except for some in his kingdom, being the half-human/ Talokan mutant he isn't well-liked by those who hate the surface dwellers and bigotry is still a problem in this fantasy world.
Things are a bit tense between both of your countries. Hopefully, you can ease that tension and make peace between them. He is an excellent king, as noted from all his appearances, he puts his kingdom first. He has a commanding presence, he is in charge and everyone can tell. He is absolutely charming to those he is interested in, and if he falls in love he's going to try to go all in.
I won't lie as I am mixing the comic with the MCU Namor, he is a bit on that possessive side and obsessive, he falls in love and he is passionate about it. Is he Arrogant yes but he can hold it in for a while, his pride is one of his many traits, at the same time MCU Namor has this sweet side to him, a kindness, a playfulness, but also a ruthlessness that he always has when it comes to protecting his people. Anyway, look forward to it becoming a fanfic on here after I work out the kinks in it.
56 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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proship-pokespe · 2 years
Hello and welcome to proship-pokespe, where we don't judge people based on their preferences in fiction. We think that this makes it more enjoyable to read and consume Pokemon Special (pokespe, PKSP, Pokemon Adventures) content.
Any and all Pokemon related discussion/content is acceptable, not only Pokemon Special, though we would like to not host any NSFW content due to the fact that one of the mods is uncomfortable with it, though we are all adults. Thank you for understanding!
Before interacting if you'd please read our BYF and introductions (both under the cut) that would be wonderful. 💟
Note: Suibaiting and threats will not be taken seriously and will be deleted.
Requests are currently closed! If you'd like a mood board with your ship or favorite pokemon character/pokemon, please ask and we will try to get it done for you. After requests are open again, that is.
five out of five slots taken
(To request, tell us the ship name, characters, what you don't want us to include, and what you do!)
Feel free to submit your own drabbles, fanart, headcanons, analysis, and so forth! If you want the post to be on anon but want to add images, just ask! We'll post it for you.
We are anti-harassment and anti-censorship, and these are opinions we apply to any person. Whether antiship, proship, neither, or somewhere in between, you do not deserve to be harassed.
If you suibait or bully others over fiction we ask that you do not interact.
DNI and BYFs don't really work against people who want to cause harm, but we would like to ask aphobes, panphobes, biphobes, transphobes, and other LGBT+ exclusionists not to interact.
Please do not involve us in MAP discourse or any other real life related discourse. Our stance is that MAP, as a label, is unacceptable because it can harm real people. This opinion will not change.
Thank you for respecting this.
Meet the team (we are not accepting new mods):
Mod 💞 (currently inactive)
hi ! I'm Mod 💞. my pronouns are they/he and I currently identify as asexual . I tend to type like this unless i am writing , but if you want me to avoid it i will try my best !! outside of pokemon, i'm also interested in hetalia , especially rus ame chu
Mod 🏒 (currently inactive)
It is I. Resident NHL obsesser, though I haven't played myself in quite a long time. I really don't know anything about pokespe, but my friends like it and I got dragged into modding LOL. If you want to talk about the gym leaders, though, I should be your go-to. Pronouns: he/him
Mod 👁️‍🗨️
If you have been wondering who likes purple and pink so much, yes, that is me. I am the one who originally came up with the idea for this blog, and Mods 🏒 and 💞 came along for the ride. I identify as saphic but am uncomfortable with nsfw content. Awkward for my girlfriend, I'd bet! Just kidding. Anyway, I hope you enjoy yourself!
"mod 👁️‍🗨️" "mod 🏒" and "mod 💞" all correspond with which mod made the post/answered the ask.
"long post" will be on posts that the mod who posted it considers long, block this tag to make scrolling easier!
"ask" will be on posts that are asks and not requests.
"fanfiction" will be on posts that are fanfiction, most often drabbles or otherwise short works.
"fanart" will be on posts that are fanart.
"discussion" goes with posts where ships or whatever else is talked about.
"mod shenanigans" applies to anything off-topic, like a joking string of reblogs between mods or a mod mentioning a side-project they are working on.
"completed requests" are our finished mood boards!
Tags that will be on every post that has to do with proship-pokespe:
"antis dni" "antishippers dni" "proship safe" "proshippers please interact"
The fandom will also be tagged! Often it will be "pokespe" and "pokemon special", but we also might have "pokemon anime" or "pokemon diamond and pearl adventure" or "pokemon ranger" or "pokemon games", and so forth. The ship(s) and character(s), if applicable, will be tagged as well.
Here is the current list of content warning tags, please request more if you need them:
"tw age gap ship" (We try to go with cannon ages, but some of the newer pokespe characters don't have official ages. We are trying our best! Send an ask if you think something should be changed and we'll see what we can do about it.)
"tw incest ship" (Canonical family only, not headcanon dynamics.)
"tw pseudo incest ship" (For ships like Pryce x Silver that, while not actual family, the 'family' part of their dynamic may be important to the ship.)
"tw abusive ship" (This tag will be applied when the ship is portrayed in that way in the fan content, no matter what they are like in canon.)
"tw whump" (This includes injured characters, blood, etc. that might be mentioned in a fan piece.)
"cw hurt wings" (This is a tag because mod 💞 knows some fans who requested it, in case anyone was curious. They were alright with us explaining it, since it's not very common.)
"flashing lights" (In the case of gifs that may cause eyestrain)
Happenings Of The Blog ~ A Guide
Shipping Saturdays: We post a description of a ship that has to do with pokemon!
Simply Platonic Sundays: Appreciation for a platonic brotp or pairing.
Moodboard Mondays: We post a moodboard, if any are requested. Sometimes one of us will get the urge to make one even without requests.
At the end of all this we would like to reiterate that we do not support any of these fictional things outside of what they belong in- fiction. If any of these things make you uncomfortable, please block their tags or block our blog in general so that you don't have to see them. /gen
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hessdalen-globe · 1 month
WIP Questionaire
thanks for tagging me @thetruearchmagos
1. What is the first part of your WIP that you created?
I made the map years ago with no story in mind, I just wanted to make my own world. That first map was very different from the current draft, I wasn't very experienced with map making then. But the countries and major locations are pretty much the same.
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
I tried really hard to find a song to fill this question, but after going through my spotify playlists and trying to think of one from memory, I just couldn't come up with one that fit.
So, here's the Duke's of Hazzard Intro. I was gonna use this just as a joke, but if you actually listen to the lyrics of the song it kind of fits with the general theme of my wip.
3. What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
I really like Cozar's backstory, his personality, and where I plan to take him. It took me a while to discover him and piece him together, but I'm really satisfied with what I've come up with. Oros is another character of mine, and while he might not be a main one I think he has potential to be entertaining.
4. What other pieces of media do you think your fan base would share?
I'm really not sure about that. I'm not really part of many current, big, or well known fandoms, so I'm not sure what attracts those fanbases to their media. I want to have a good number of characters that are thoroughly explored within an adventure/redemption story. So other pieces of media that share those traits would probably share fans with my wip.
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
Motivation and doubt. I doubt myself and my abilities, I wonder if people will like what I write or think that its weird, boring, or predictable. I'm afraid of mean criticism and its tough for me to share what I've written. I've also struggled with motivation because my courses are very writing intense and have sucked out the joy I used to get from writing.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
The only one that's important in my first book at least is the Wharzov. It is a large and dangerous feline predator that lives in the taiga of southern Norphendra. The easiest way to describe it is a gray sabertoothed mountain lion. It also preys on humans.
7. How do your characters get around? (Ex. Trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
Lots of different ways, the common everyday methods of transportation don't really differ from ones we use in our world. Throughout the first book alone they use cars, planes, and trains. At the end though, they get a new super secret way to travel that I won't talk about yet haha.
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
Like I touched on before, my school courses have ruined writing for me. It's turned into something I see as a chore because I hate all the things I've had to write for my classes. They're long, tedious, and boring, and so its become very hard for me to dedicate my free time to writing after being forced to spend hours typing something I hate. So I haven't worked on my wip in months.
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe) of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
The tough bad boy that just needs some love. If this was a popular anime, there'd definately be some wattpad fanfictions about Cozar lol.
10. What are your hopes for your WIP?
That its something that people see, and its something that makes people happy.
0 notes
mjrarcana · 2 months
topaz. he/they. 25+. multi-fandom multi-muse. makoto yuki blog.
This is a sideblog connected to the two above blogs.
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canon divergent: i only take the following things as canon:
persona 3 / fes / reload / anime (willing to interact with femc but i have never played p3p and do not know the dynamics. read a bit of the mangas. someday i might play it but there are things stopping me.) I mainly follow reload as i have just finished it. there are some things i vastly prefer in other versions of the story though so i can be a little choosy.
persona 4 / golden ( i have never played golden though i do want to. i haven't played persona 4 in over ten years so my memory isn't great on it. that is why i did not put any p4 muses until i do play it.)
persona 5 / royal. All my p5 muses are based on royal and I see it as more canon than the original. That being said, my Joker is called Akira Kurusu and he is MINE. I do not follow the anime as I did not enjoy their version of him.
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Meta Rules:
I am a disabled person. I go through bouts of being unable to be active or social. I have been struggling with this my entire life. I could list the things I think are important to talk about but I really don't think I have to justify things. If you want to know I will tell you. It greatly effects my ability to be social at times and my amount of energy. Please respect this. I try not to just vanish, but it can happen. I will always try to communicate when this happens. All I ask is to be treated with empathy and respect. I can say when this acts up, I can be prone to not great behaviors. I have been manipulated and hurt during these episodes. The best thing for me in these situations is to give me space. I need to protect myself during these times. I need to be alone. I am reluctant to be open because of past experiences. I know I cannot act rationally and can make stupid choices. I can become snippy or traumadump. I can allow people to walk on my boundaries during these periods. I have been manipulated multiple times to do and share things I am not comfortable with. I get incredibly anxious or hyper. The anxiety can turn into downright paranoia which is why I cannot handle vagueblogging and stuff during those times. I am not making excuses. I am just letting everyone know that I sometimes need space. I need patience. I may still write. But I will not be able to speak much ooc. It is not personal. But sometimes I just struggle. It is a struggle a lot of the time.
I try my best to tag triggers, so if you need something tagged let me know. By default I tag a lot of stuff but I can always miss things. Feel free to request.
Sexism and racism will not be tolerated, you will be blocked. If you post anything transphobic, homophobic, or biphobic, I will block YOU
I can and will block if people make me uncomfortable.
I will never write incest. EVER. If you ship adult/minor ships or condone that stuff, do not interact.
If you constantly delete/move your blogs, I might be hesitant to interact with you.
I'm queer. I am genderfluid with a masc lean. Assigned female at birth. I have a zero tolerance policy about about hate toward lgbt+ people and misogyny. I will say something to you if it seems unintentionally done. But yeah.
I am incredibly uncomfortable around much of the following fandoms: final fantasy xvi , danganronpa, and baldur's gate 3. Still willing to follow or interact but I may be hesitant.
If you are friends with Jay/JJ or interact with him at all, do not interact. In face, just block me. If you want details, you can DM me. I literally still scan every blog to see if i get even a whiff of him.
This isn't really relevant to this blog but it still needs to be said: due to personal reasons I am no longer comfortable doing smut rps.
Interaction Rules
Asks can ALWAYS be replied to. Answers are always the best way to start threads with me.
All muses are crossover friendly and OC friendly.
Do not force me to ship or smut.
I'm mutuals only.
If you are a multi-muse and send an ask or like a starter call without specifying what muse you are sending from, I won't answer. If you do not say what muse you want from me, I will probably message you to ask. I might not actually answer it though.
Shipping/Mains Rules
If you are a main or ship partner, I need to be able to kinda talk to you ooc. I only will be mains with someone who speaks with me ooc.
Mains and affiliates get priority.
If you become mains or start shipping with me and then never reply or talk to me, I'll remove you from my list. Shipping or being mains should be the start and not the end. That status is not a trophy to be put on your shelf. Exceptions can obviously be made and I'm always okay with low activity or extended breaks. I just ask for communication when possible.
I will typically not be exclusive.
0 notes
zaruba-needslove · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
Saw this post by @gekidasa and I thought I wanna do this thing too. Cos I rarely get sent or tagged with this kinda stuff XD
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 581 (including the ones posted anonymously)
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 1,649,635 as of currently
3. What fandoms do you write for? Saiyuki, Goblin Slayer, Code Geass, Yugioh, Yami no Matsuei, some other niche anime and manga titles, Toku series (Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, Ultraman, GARO and one very rare Cybercop fic, a whole bunch of KDramas, JDramas, BBC dramas which includes the Whoniverse and a few original writings. And oh... some game fandom too.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
"Wife" - A Beyond Evil fic... based on this ONE scene that seemed to be so gay lol
Unread - A Descendant of the Sun fic set around the moment priot to the main leads reunion after the guy supposed died/went MIA on a mission
Alstromeria - A Detroit: Become Human fic set on a happy end outcome of the game.
Che ricorda - A Vincenzo fic.
Rouge - A fic based on Tomorrow kdrama
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Sometimes. Usually when people ask me stuff in the comments I'll definitely give some replies. Or if there's a very enthusiastic one that I can't help responding. Or just to thank people for the comments.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Unh... this one was a very hard question lol, since I wrote plenty of angsty fic. Heck, my main genre had been angst. Though I guess some of my angstiest fic I've written would be the one I wrote for the Hidarime Tantei Eye jdrama. There's this one Anti Hope AU I did about a scenario where Ainosuke was so in denial about his older brother's death that he actually created a delusion that his brother was still alive.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hehehe. Another hard stuff, one because I wrote more angst than fluff... and another, I'm not sure that I'm the write person to have a proper opinion about this XD. But if talking about my recent works... I might say my TanuKitsune series. Which basically referring to Sleeping Tanuki.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I did used to get some, just because I mainly wrote LuluKallen pairing in the Code Geass fandom. But in terms of flames... I already forgot about it cos that's like so many years ago.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Hehe. Nowadays... yes. I wrote quite an amount, openly and anonymously. Mostly from the Geats fandom.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I used to. I wouldn't say any of them came close to being described as 'crazy'. Cos there's one on CCS/YGO and KR/SS multiverse project that revolves around Decade and Gokaiger. In terms of scale, I guess the Gokaiger one was crazy. Like imagine trying to add more inside lore to the one in series since Gokai barely delve too deep when doing all the episodes with the previous teams. Or if you count that tiny crossover I did in some of my Geats fic, yeah that's crazy. Like KR Geats and Team Batista series had NOTHING in common between them.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Has it happened before? I don't really remember.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Several times. I've got someone asking me if they could translate my fic into Russian, and several other requests asking to translate my fics into Mandarin. I forgot if there were any other requests for other languages besides those two.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? Kouga/Kaoru is still my all-time fav even if I don't write too much Garo fic. In that case, KeiAce probably fit the bill more now.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Passing the Torch - because it'll require me to rewatch the episodes and the corresponding tribute series that by know I don't think I'll have enough attention span and time to do and think up stuff.
16. What are your writing strengths? To be honest, half the time I'm not sure what's my real strength in anything. But depending on my level of hyper-focusing at a time I can be pretty good at keeping the voice of my characters... and sometimes people say that I could emulate the same writing style as the original writers, which had been one of the sweetest compliments I've ever received.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Dialogues... maybe, because sometimes I have harder time trying to voice out my characters thoughts on something... also I get distracted/derailed easily so half the time the plot just ran off on its own.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I usually avoid it unless I'm proficient in said language.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Gensoumaden Saiyuki, I think. Goku/Sanzo
20. Favorite fic you've written? I wrote so many it's hard to pick any favourites tbh But I guess my TanuKitsune series would be some of them. Also Atonement. Just because I love how the plot end up coming together nicely.
Tagging: Not sure if anyone would bother doing this... but feel free if you wanna do this
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justmoreocs-writing · 11 months
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Rules: Answer the 11 questions of the person who tagged you, make up 11 questions, then tag 11 people to answer them.
1) What’s the greatest feedback you’ve received so far, the one you carry in your heart and it still warms you? (If you haven’t published a piece of work yet, what would you like to hear the most?)
I’m awful with remembering feedback to be fair – especially the good ones! That being said, I did have a review of The Piccola Rossa Series, my Peaky Blinders fanfiction, that I really loved. Somebody who had never watched the show said that it really drew them into the world, which is always a nice thing to read.
2) Is there a trait that is a reappearing one in all your OCs? What is it? Why do you think that is?
Probably curiosity, but it comes in different forms. Some of them will read books to find things out, others ask too many questions, and a few will just go do something because they want to see what happens. I think curiosity is a trait that recurs though my OCs, but it shows itself in different ways depending on the character and the world that they’re living in.
3) Have you ever written fanfiction? If yes for which book/movie/series/anime/videogame, if not, if you had a chance to write for something, for which work would your write?
I write an awful lot of fanfiction to be fair. But I think the fandoms that I work with most are Peaky Blinders, Stranger Things, Harry Potter, DC things and Detroit: Become Human.
4) Is there a genre you can’t imagine writing under no circumstances? Why?
Probably romcoms. I couldn’t imagine creating an OC after watching one of them, but who knows. Maybe one day I’ll try my hand at it.
5) Do you snack during writing? How about during reading?
I don’t really snack while reading or writing. I’m more likely to while reading, but honestly I tend to get a bit too focused on the book or the writing to snack while doing it.
6) Do you re-read/edit your story before posting anywhere or hit the button and hope for the best?
Big fanfiction stories I probably over edit sometimes before I post them. With the smaller drabbles and one shot things, it all depends on my mood. Sometimes I’ll give them as many edits as the full fanfiction, but other times I’ll just post and hope for the best.
7) Who is the character closest to you from your own works/series/films/books? Why?
If I had to pick one, I’d probably say Teddy Kane from my Nightwing fanfiction. He’s very caring towards people, not just those that matter to him but also complete strangers. While the others are off being heroes in the eyes of the city, he’s more than ready to be the tech support and support in general; but that doesn’t mean he should be underestimated, he will act if he has to.
8) What is the smallest thing you appreciated in a character, that likely didn’t matter to others?
For some reason I really appreciate handedness. Most people assume characters are right-handed because that’s the dominant handedness generally, but I like it when it’s mentioned that a character is specifically left-handed, or at the very least implied.
9) Do your wips have a message, or are written simply as a form of reading entertainment (in other words, a story for someone to chill or get lost in a fantasy world and forget all their problems, etc.)?
Most of the time, my WIPs are written with the simple aim of entertaining myself. I hope that when I share them, they at least entertain one other person as well, but mostly they’re a form of amusement for myself. If there are any messages in them, they’re mostly accidental, but when I notice they’re there I try to do them justice.
10) Do you delete works you don’t like or pile everything?
Nope, I never delete works because I never know when even the simplest of lines might become important or interesting for something else.
11) Have you ever written anything based on a dream?
Not in fanfiction; fanfiction ideas tend to come as characters when I’m consuming the canon and then I can’t shake them until I’ve at least written down something for them.
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