thestupidhelmet · 4 months
💛 Yellow: Do you ever alter, highlight, or de-emphasize certain canonical traits in a character? If so, why and describe how.
For @70s-show-diary and @t7s-jessieverse, too.
Yes. I tend to lean into the insightfulness Jackie demonstrates with Donna and Hyde throughout the series (since season 1). I prefer the more self-aware, self-reflective version of her, although that doesn't mean she realizes All The Things immediately. She still has to work for it; otherwise, where's the story?
She also retains her egocentrism, among other aspects of her core personality, but it's mixed together with her insight as it is in the show.
I generally write Hyde according to a very specific, consistent characterization of him depicted in the show in many episodes. Quite a few episodes contradict this strongly established characterization, however (making other interpretations of him valid), but sometimes using those qualities adds an interesting element of internal and external conflict in a given fanfic.
Read my meta Hyde's Core Characterization for a detailed discussion of how I decided to write Hyde in my stories, including examples from specific T7S episodes.
I mostly write Fez as a combo of the season 1 and season 4 versions of him. Sometimes he's in a story providing mainly humor. But when he's a key part of a subplot or plot, I write his complexities and internal conflicts. He's a person, not a punchline/punchline-giver as the show begins to use him in season 5.
I often write Kelso in his canonical, varying states of awfulness mixed with his humorous narrative and dialogic voice. Some readers bristle at his antagonism in my stories, but stripped of AK's performance and likability in T7S, Kelso is not a sympathetic character except in rare moments.
What these readers are responding to, I believe, is seeing Kelso for who he truly is without the AK smokescreen obscuring him. It's understandably jarring and unpleasant for them.
In season 1, Kelso consistently disrespects Jackie. He lets Fez listen to their phone conversation so Kelso doesn't have to listen to her talk. He tells Jackie she's annoying. He cheats on her with Pam Macy. He doesn't call her for a week after they have sex the first time together. The list goes on.
In season 2, we learn Kelso relentlessly paws at and nags Jackie for sex when she is not in the mood, but she gives in to shut him up. This borders on, if not check the box of, nonconsensual sex.
Also in season 2, Kelso pleads with Jackie after she catches him cheating on her with Laurie. He claims he'll do everything he can, every day, to prove to Jackie how much he loves her if she takes him back.
When she doesn't forgive him and take him back immediately, he goes on the attack two weeks later. He becomes hostile toward her, flaunts Laurie -- the woman he cheated on Jackie with -- and their relationship in front of her. He takes pleasure in Laurie's bullying of Jackie about her heartbreak over Kelso that Laurie herself is fifty percent responsible for.
All of these behaviors prove the lie to Kelso's pleading words and promises to Jackie in "Kiss of Death" (season 2). He does nothing to earn her trust. Writing her a song in "Kelso's Serenade" is all about what he wants: "Jackie, please take me back-y."
He stalks Jackie in season 4 and obsesses about her one kiss with one guy who isn't him. Makes a false equivalence between his months of sex with other girls without any intention to tell Jackie about it and the one kiss that she tells him about within twenty-four hours. He punishes her for her minor transgression after she forgave him for his major ones.
In season 5, he does everything he can to sabotage Jackie's happiness (with Hyde). While Kelso's allowed to sleep with whoever he wants, Jackie isn't allowed -- by his self-entitled, hypocritical rules and possessiveness -- to move on and have a relationship with someone else. One tactic he uses is trying to make Hyde look as badly as possible in Jackie's eyes.
Kelso only "releases" Jackie in season 6 once he's finally had sex with a woman he also likes as a person.
Where Kelso loyalty to and treatment of his friends are concerned, he's little better. He does show loyalty to Eric in "Grandma's Dead" (1x23), and in season 4 he warns Eric that Casey is capable of hurting Donna badly. In seasons 5 and 6, he does give Fez genuine moments of friendship. Otherwise, he treats his friends as playthings for his gratification and amusement.
Kelso touches (and attempts to) touch Donna inappropriately against her wishes, whether she's dating Eric or single, multiple times throughout the series. He continually tries to see her breasts until she -- like Jackie -- gives in so that he'll stop. The supposed code Hyde breaks by dating (and fooling around with) a friend's ex doesn't apply to Kelso.
Kelso takes Eric and Donna's toys in season 6 and destroys them in experiments, and this is his best season character-wise.
All of that being said, in fanfic I most enjoy nurturing the potential for Kelso's growth and change the show provides glimpses of then erases. My favorite Kelso is the one capable of learning from his mistakes, recognizing his selfishness, and working to become a better person who cares about people other than himself.
Fanfic Ask Game
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tophsazulas · 7 months
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Shelley Long as Kitty Forman
(Inspired by @t7s-jessieverse @randomwriter23 and many other good replacement castings)
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chdmeeksmartins · 1 year
Just curious, but what was the scene that made you ship Jackie and Eric? Also I read quite a few good J/E fics that I can recommend if you want <3
okay, so, as early as season 4 i definitely was starting to see the parallels / similarities they had as characters and i’m 100% convinced if i didn’t have spoilers beforehand to know J/H ended up together, on a totally blind first watch i may have assumed J/E could’ve been a thing going into s5 with the way s4 ended things off for everyone lol
(just like how the first time i watched one tree hill, totally spoiler free, i thought brooke/peyton was going to be canon bc the vibes were THAT strong)
however i’d say the moment i started properly shipping them was definitely S6 EP18 — not only did it display the things about J/H and E/D that i never really clicked with, but it just reaffirmed the sense i had that J/E were really similar and could actually get along when left to their own devices.
after i finished the series i did some digging into the fandom, found @t7s-jessieverse’s blog (ily so much friendo!) and i’ve been on the J/E train ever since lmaoo! 💞
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einsteinsugly · 2 years
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Two Worlds Apart Verse. The Kiddehs, and the Parents. Side by Side.
Inspired by @t7s-jessieverse and her recent Lucas and Diana posts, so yeah.
Jackie and Hyde's Kiddehs:
Becca: Favors Hyde, to me, but has just enough Jackie in her to be able to tell that Jackie's her mom. Has a bit of Edna in her, too, unfortunately. The oval-shaped face, the general body shape (but she's blockier, like Hyde), and the teeth. Both she and Edna have a little gap between their teeth. Usually, Hyde would interfere when Jackie's all "get her braces" because of the gap, but it reminds Hyde of Edna, so he backs off.
James: A true mix (personality-wise, too). Has Jackie's browbone (but Jack's thicker brows), cheekbones, hair, and nose. Has Hyde's lips/smirk, coloring, and eyes (mostly; the browbone sets it off a bit). The jaw's more of a mix, with Hyde's general jawline but Jackie's chin. Oh, and he's tall like Pam. He's mostly built like Hyde, but is slightly less blocky because of his height. He's still a block, though, and is super athletic. Moreso than Hyde, and more like Jackie's father, Jack. Jackie inherited his skiing skills, though, and so did James.
Eric and Donna's Kiddehs:
Kate: Put Eric and Donna's physical traits in a blender, and you get Kate. She has major Lindsay Lohan vibes (before…you know) and Emma Stone vibes. And Laurie vibes, too (but Leah has Laurie vibes occasionally, personality-wise). Her jawline's a mix, like Donna's but more oval-shaped (like Eric and Laurie's). She definitely has Eric's eyes, cheekbones, and body shape. She has Donna's nose, browbone, coloring, smile (but Eric's lips?), and well…she was initially supposed to have Donna's height, too. But she stopped growing in seventh grade, at 5'6.
Leah: Somewhat favors Eric...kind of. Is athletic and built like her mother (but is a hella good shot like Red and Eric), though. But she's short, like Kitty and Bob. She essentially has Donna's hair color, but it's lighter, and sometimes comes off as a borderline strawberry blonde (especially as a baby, and sometimes in the summer). She has Eric's nose, lips, browbone, and strong jawline (but it's more angular, like Donna's). She has Donna's cheekbones, though, and generally more angular features. The eyes are a mix, in both color and shape, too. A blue-green, with Donna's shape but are wider like Eric's (if you know what I mean). She's a true mix of her parents, personality-wise (with a tinge of Laurie), and her eyes show that, in a weird way.
A/N: My verse goes all the way to 2022, so the kiddehs are adults now. There are younger pics of my FCs floating around, but only Kate has a true kid FC. So any suggestions for kid/teen FCs would be great!
Oh, and the grandkiddehs are running around, too! I'm so tempted to create a grandparent series, surrounding Leah and James's kids (E/D and J/H's shared grandkids).
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Inspired by @t7s-jessieverse and @einsteinsugly
Isabel & Scarlett Forman, from my “Stuck In The Middle With You” verse.
Isabel: Her eyes are mixed with brown and green. A perfect match between Jackie and Eric. However she has Eric’s light brown-ish hair, and her facial features resemble her father. But she’s still short like Jackie, and has the same mouth shape. The only thing that’s a bit different, is that Isabel has freckles. Jackie likes to think it comes from Kitty’s side of the family.
Scarlett: Has Jackie written all over her. The dark hair, smile, and is even short like her mother. Neither Isabel, or Scarlett inherited Eric’s height. Which is a good thing. We all know, Jackie isn’t a fan of tall girls. Not to say Scarlett doesn’t have any features that resemble her father. She has a little mole above her mouth, like Eric, and her nose resembles her dad, and has more of a lean body structure.
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Nobody does Christmas like Red and Kitty Forman
Merry Christmas Everyone! Hope you have a very happy one filled with all things that make you happy.
Stay safe and hugs and Christmas cookies to all! 💛
@those70scomics @scaponigifs @crimsinsky @queenbookbuff @einsteinsugly @mydearburkhart @springsteenicious @t7s-jessieverse @zeppelin-and-unicorns @kim1918 and many more!
(Sorry, traveling right now and deleted previous post when I tried editing to add names)
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springsteenicious · 3 years
Not really an ask but I saw this article and wanted to pass it on. Another explanation for the hideous idea to put Fez and Jackie together.
Man, what the fuck. That's... *deep sigh.*
First off, I loved the article, thank you for sending it to me! And anyone following me can pretty much consider my ask box their space to write whatever they want. I love getting asks. You can send an ask about my fic, give a fanfic recommendation, tell me how your day was, give me a prompt, a song rec, a movie or show rec, ask me questions about myself, anything at all you want to say.
Second, this if fucking pissing me off:
“We had done so much in, you know, 200 episodes. … We kind of ran out of everything — I was wearing funny outfits and all that stuff by the end of that season, so that’s why we’re like, ‘What would be the most random thing we could do? And I feel like that was it.”
You know what else would be a random thing to do? Having Jackie and Hyde be together! Dumabsses.
In 2019, Valderrama told TODAY he "wouldn't rule out" a "That '70s Show" movie amid the reboot craze in Hollywood.
I will only accept this movie if it is written by me, @those70scomics, @zeppelin-and-unicorns, @t7s-jessieverse and @that70sshowgoldencouple. And anyone else those people want to include (tag them please). I think the five of us could put together a fantastic and fan-pleasing T7S movie.
So, hey, Hollywood execs, I'm Ezra and I want to write a That 70s Show movie with my cool writer friends! And, of course, we will be recasting D*nny M*sterson.
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thestupidhelmet · 10 hours
🍓, 🏜️, and 🎨
🍓-- Already answered here. 😊
🏜️ -- What's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
When someone shares that my comics or stories have been healing or helped them in some way. I've been very moved more times than I can count, and I feel gratitude that I can help people through doing what brings me joy.
🎨 -- Link your favorite piece of fanart and explain why you like it.
@sup-honey's cover art for my @zenmastersanthology story The Understudy is among my favorites (I have a few faves -- and more in the process of being drawn by the supremely talented @t7s-jessieverse). @sup-honey captured perfectly the essence of a specific scene in my story, from the characters' emotions to setting details.
Seeing my words depicted in a visual medium is a joy of mine. ♥️
Writers Ask Game
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ao3feed-zenmasters · 4 years
How We Ended Up Here
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3bK12te
by CarouselUnique
Series of vignettes from the Jessieverse, a timeline where rather than ending up with Fez, Eric and Jackie ended up together, and stumble into having a child together. Of course, it isn't as simple as that.
Half Season 8 Fix-it / Half Future Fic
(Main Ship: Hyde/Jackie/Eric, not a poly ship here more of a presumed love triangle morphing into a loving and semi-reluctant family unit.)
Words: 2388, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of T7S: The Jessie Timeline
Fandoms: That '70s Show
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jackie Burkhart, Eric Forman, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Jackie Burkhart/Eric Forman, Jackie Burkhart/Steven Hyde
Additional Tags: Fix-It of Sorts, Alternate season 8, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Hurt/Comfort, OTP: Comfort Zones with Benefits (Eric x Jackie), OTP: Zenmasters (Hyde x Jackie), Out of Order
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3bK12te
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chdmeeksmartins · 2 years
Hey this is T7S-Jessieverse here welcoming you to the Jackie/Eric tumblr club which is just me and the friends I’ve forced into reluctantly liking it kicking and screaming!
omg hi !! i’m such a big fan of your verse :)) very glad to be officially welcomed to the jackie/eric club just bc i KNOW my friends are tired of my constants musings & ramblings about them 😅 (because i have forced some friends into liking them as well haha) thank you for this message though, it’s so sweet!
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einsteinsugly · 2 years
My Two Worlds Apart universe...aka, interacting with other second-gen universes (Jessie-verse; The Sweetest Gifts version will come, surely)...
Credit: @t7s-jessieverse, for her wonderful universe!
Leah looks at Diana and Lucas, upon being told they're Aunt Jackie and her father's children... Leah: I don't get it. Dad and Aunt Jackie got together in your universe, and you and Lucas are the result?
Diana: Yeah, isn't it great? *Leah aggressively sighs, trying to wrap her mind around the madness* Okay, you're technically my half-sister, so I should try to get along with you, right?
Leah (still appalled): Right. I'm just trying to wrap my mind around it all, because it's really, really weird. In my world, you wouldn't exist. Because Aunt Jackie wouldn't touch Dad with a ten-foot pole.
Two Worlds Apart Eric (equally appalled): Exactly!
Both Jackies: Shut up! Pan to, both Erics. Now firmly in view. TWA Eric (to Jessie-verse Eric): My...I guess...our daughter's right. I wouldn't touch Jackie with a ten-foot pole. How did you do that?
Jessie-verse Eric: Well, how did you work everything out with Donna, considering she's gay...
TWA Donna (confused, but a bit more receptive than Eric): I'm not gay...
TWA Jackie (to TWA Donna): Okay, no offense, but you dress like a lesbian. You're more feminine than Ellen DeGeneres, but that's not saying much...
Jessie-verse Jackie (loudly interrupting): Well, in my universe, she dresses like a lesbian, and is a lesbian. She didn't want a friendship or a relationship based on blackmail...and, Donna isn't even attracted to me. Isn't that crazy? Everybody loves me.
TWA Jackie: I know, right? All my lesbian fans are attracted to me, because I'm smart and beautiful. *Dramatically flips hair with a convincing pout*
TWA Donna and Jessie-verse Donna: *Annoyed sighs*
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those70scomics · 2 years
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I posted 509 times in 2022
458 posts created (90%)
51 posts reblogged (10%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 508 of my posts in 2022
#that 70s show - 502 posts
#that '70s show - 444 posts
#jackie x hyde - 200 posts
#jackie burkhart - 178 posts
#steven hyde - 172 posts
#season 7 - 165 posts
#eric forman - 153 posts
#michael kelso - 122 posts
#red forman - 110 posts
#kitty's questions - 95 posts
Longest Tag: 29 characters
#(i can't get no) satisfaction
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Those ‘70s Comics: 3145
Inspired by episode 703 -- “(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction"
29 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
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32 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
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Those ‘70s Comics: 3170
Inspired by episode 704 -- "Beast of Burden"
33 notes - Posted February 28, 2022
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See the full post
38 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Happy New Year!
2021 was a tough one for all of us, I think, for a variety of reasons. Without you -- and I mean my long-time friends, new friends I’ve made, people I’ve had fun interactions with, and the followers of @those70scomics, @thestupidhelmet, and @jackiestargazer -- this year would’ve been even tougher for me, so thank you from the depths of my heart. 🤗
Here’s hoping 2022 brings better things for us all, and some a lot of specific shout-outs to:
@mrstrinamills, @juiletburked, @t7s-jessieverse, @that70sshowgoldencouple, @bacandy, @springsteenicious, @zeppelin-and-unicorns, @queenbookbuff, @sup-honey, @rishik52, @(my friend Alex)
@moeby, @that-basket-case, @scaponigifs, @joesleftskeleton, @crimsinsky, @randomwriter23, @snookstheallmighty, @validatedstandby, @basure, @xgrapefantax, @glittermila, @maidenofthecancermo0n, @fangirling-4-ever, @melimelrockswell1204, @mlwni, @ironfirebagelknight, @silver-cyn, @sandalaris
@suzanaboss, @einsteinsugly, @kim1918, @samfox123, @secondearthling, @ymnfilter, @nocandnc, @bloom-later, @debbiejw1961, @janstt, @en-chi-la-da
Fire 1 by markopolio-stock
57 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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thestupidhelmet · 2 years
i dont know if anyone has ever asked you this but have you ever thought of collaborating with another author for a fic? ive always wondered if you'd ever thought about it!
The closest I've gotten to a T7S fanfic collab is a round robin or two (years ago), where one author writes a scene, and the other writes the next scene, etc. But those stories weren't finished or of any quality for posting beyond the message board we were wrote those stories on (it was a message board dedicated to T7S fanfic, where I first met the amazing @that70sshowgoldencouple).
I wouldn't be a good collaborator for fanfic because I'm too exacting where writing technique (substance, structure, grammar, and punctuation) is concerned for anything with my name (or username, lol) attached.
My writing process also isn't generally compatible with collaboration because the characters live -- in a creative way -- inside my head while I write. I follow where they lead, despite that I'm the one who comes up with the character arcs and plot. It's a matter of creative control and control of creativity (fully admitted).
The above points aren't set in stone, though. Exceptions exist, but the author-author match would have to be right for both of us.
Now with @those70scomics, collaboration is a different animal. I'm much more open with the story-developing process if I'm doing a one-off "episode" or story in comic form. I find it fun to draw joint story ideas (and for other authors to see their plots and words adapted to Those '70s Comics' form).
The eighteen-comic Jackie Moonlight is the result of fun collaboration with my friend @t7s-jessieverse. She had the initial spark, created by a fascinating item of clothing she'd found. We built a story out of the jokes we made about that outfit, dubbed the murder robe, and what Jackie might do were she the type to wear such clothing (which she totally is). We plotted the story together, and I wrote most of the dialogue and drew it.
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those70scomics · 3 years
S + T - also hi I love you!
I love you! ❤️
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
Um ... I'm not into writing tropes -- unless Jackie and Hyde pining for each other for a certain amount of time counts as one (which it probably does, lol).
I just answered T here. :D
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thestupidhelmet · 3 years
I wish you would write a fic where... (Jackie/Eric have a relationship again, now that I’ve made you more fond of them - where Jackie and Hyde have children - anything Jessieverse related because you’ve teased it and I’m self centered akdjskdjs) lol
Hiiii (and thank you)! :D
The first won't happen because Out of the Flames was me challenging myself to find a reason that an in-character Jackie and Eric, without any alterations to who they are at their cores -- or vilifying Donna and Hyde -- would fall in love. I found the only way I'd believe a canon-verse J/H could possibly become romantically involved was Hyde's death. And even then, it's a .0000001% chance. Any other J/E story I'd write would have to be a sequel to Out of the Flames, and I don't have the stomach for it. 😅
The second I tried twice: 1. Fourteen Autumns and 2. Jackie Is Missing. Reading other people's takes on Jackie and Hyde raising kids is fun. Writing them as parents together could be fun for me if the kids' stories were intertwined with the adults', and the character arcs and plot I come up with were intriguing enough for me (would have to be something innovative in T7S fic, not a well-trodden trope or plot).
The third is a possibility. 👀 The Jessieverse is so expansive, and there's a lot of characters and character material to explore. I'd want to be as true to the world you built, though, so I'd have to read through all your Jessieverse posts again about the characters.
Send me an anonymous ask completing the sentence "I wish you would write a fic where..."
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thestupidhelmet · 3 years
I’m glad my evil evil shipping powers are winning you over for Jackie/Eric, yeah they’re totally not a ship that could have happened on the show and I accept and acknowledge this as truth plus I love Jackie and Hyde together a lot so I’m fine with that truth, but I just think they’re neat (and would have cute kids together wink wink)
😂😂😂 Your shipping powers aren’t evil, just effective.
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