keuwibloom · 7 months
(Slight TW/CW for injury)
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With how their whole positivity/negativity thing works (and that they're the only ones who can mortally wound each other), what if Dream and Nightmare aren't able to physically touch anymore?
Imagine, in the past, the brothers' main love language was physical touch (hugs, play fighting, etc). But after they ate the apples, the negativity and positivity act like poison to the other as a defense mechanism.
Any prolonged contact will burn Dream and make Nightmare's corruption boil and melt. It is extremely painful for both of them.
Imagine how this affects them in Parallel Synthesis.
When after all the fighting, after they've settled on a truce, after they've found peace and are able to actually be brothers again,
there will always be that one thing they can never have back.
Btw this takes place during the lunch meeting mentioned here! The stars and the gang decided to have an outdoors lunch :]
Dream and Nightmare belong to Jokublog
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comradekatara · 3 months
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meanwhile, somewhere in oregon…
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trilobitepunch · 1 month
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This is where you find stuff.
RP-Related sketches
Bound By the Light of the Moon - RotTMNT Edo AU
S Y N T H E S I S - A RotTMNT x Star Wars AU Story
General RotTMNT sketches and stuff
I'll take requests so long as they're not nsfw or shippy but I get final say. Just drop 'em in ye olde box.
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minkx3 · 7 months
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both fandoms would probably not get this au but whatever BoBoiBoy ori trio as Celestials from My Singing Monsters!! ⛰️⚡🌪️
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agent-bee · 2 months
I been cooking up an au where Kirito doesn't get that badly hurt at the end of the battle with Quinella so he is actually awake those 6 months alone with Alice.
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Because i want them to form a heathly relationship and this man to GRIEVE?!
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townslore · 1 year
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shuake doodles! + my nitw au<3
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teecupangel · 1 year
I searched far and wide hoping to quench my insatiable need to read, but none of the books in an archive of our own have satisfied me. In an effort to read more I traveled all around the world be it by land to visit the vast city of Wattpad, but I was not satisfied. I traveled by water to visit the islands of Nets, famous for their so called "Fanfictions" but I was not satisfied. I traveled by air to visit a place called Tumblr and began losing hope until I heard it, whispers of an author who takes requests and being on my last string I searched for them. I searched for clues on who it could be, only hearing the name Angel who likes Teacups, and vague as it may be I did not give up until the day I had found you, I cried in joy as I write this and hand you my request,
"Desmond but with fangs and claws like a cat, harem with maybe Haytham"
(Sorry for being long and unnecessary)
(Please don’t apologize, I enjoy getting asks and comments no matter what length they are)
Dear traveler, it appears that the rumors of my capabilities have been greatly exaggerated. I can only assume that it is due to the praises of my followers both here and in the archives of which I am also a weekly peddler of my wares. I am but a humble alchemist forever learning the ways of the legends and old ones. My alchemic priority will always be the wares I freely give to the archives and I am chained to my capricious mind which dictates what I shall synthesize to its full completion next.
What I can offer you, my dear traveler, is a small gift, synthesized from the ingredients I have that I believe you would enjoy.
And with that…
Let’s give Desmond fangs and claws like a goddamn cat.
Since this is meant to be a harem and I haven’t made any modern-day setup for a harem for a while now, we’re going full-on modern-day setting.
(not gonna lie, if you had requested cat ears as well, this would have been more like a kept pet kind of scenario)
Let’s say that Desmond lives on the Farm where it is common for people to have small fangs. Not that noticeable but certainly something that most humans do not have. When Desmond was born, they noticed his fangs were much longer than the rest, more cat-like, yet they weren’t worried about it. Maybe it was a quirk in their genes, who knows?
Then Desmond gets old enough to start crawling around.
He reached the sofa and… an urge takes over.
By the time his parents found him, he had been scratching the sofa with his suddenly sharp curved nails.
They had him checked out by the Farm’s doctor, of course, and they learn that the claws were retractable. With enough practice, Desmond learned how to bring out his claws at will.
Most of the time, he only showed his nails.
It has been drilled into his mind to hide his claws. To never show his fangs.
It was stifling. The claws gave him an advantage in training. Sometimes, he would lose himself and try to claw his own father.
He was told it was a dangerous weapon.
But Desmond simply saw it as a part of himself.
For it to be called a weapon…
It made Desmond feel like he was the one being called the weapon himself.
Or maybe it would be more accurate to use the word ‘itself’?
Did… did his father even see him as a person?
Years passed and his training continued. He grew older and, with age, comes more duties. More responsibilities.
The fear of the outside world has been drilled into his mind for so long. The Templars became background noise. He was told to fear humans in general.
They wouldn’t understand you.
They would fear you.
They will hurt you.
Desmond knew that.
All of his sparring partners, both the adults and the kids, would always have fear in their eyes whenever Desmond would use his hands during their spars. Even if he had clenched them into fists…
So he learned to use his legs more often yet the fear remained in their eyes.
They fear him.
And so… Desmond used their fear to take them down.
Sparring became boring after that.
He hated sparring.
He hated the fear in the eyes of the people that were supposed to be on the same side as him.
That was when he appeared.
He was perhaps a year or two older than Desmond.
Bill whispered to him who he was.
An orphan born and raised by the Brotherhood, given the name of the legendary Master Assassin and mentor: Altaïr, the supposed best of the current children of the Brotherhood.
Not that they were still children… they were already teenagers yet the adults still liked to group them up as ‘children’.
He had an impressive blank expression that Desmond was quite jealous of. Bill always told him that he needed to work on his expressions.
They sparred and Desmond was caught off guard by how fast he was. He could see why Bill had brought him here to spar with Desmond.
He was faster than any of the adults Desmond had sparred with.
And ruthless with his strikes.
He aimed to take Desmond down as quickly as possible.
Without a hint of hesitation or fear in his eyes.
His mind seemed just as quick as his strikes, immediately realizing that Desmond primarily used his legs to attack.
So he kept closing the distance between them, not giving Desmond any time or distance for his kicks.
It was bound to happen.
He had been pushed into a corner.
A corner he didn’t even know existed until now.
Instincts and the thrill of finally having a sparring partner that didn’t look at him with fear in his eyes made his claws make an appearance before he knew what was happening.
Altaïr’s eyes widened for a moment before…
He slapped Desmond’s hand before it could scratch his face.
He jumped back, creating distance between them for the first time since he notice Desmond’s heavy reliance on his legs.
Desmond’s heart began to beat faster as he felt a coldness wrap around him when he saw Altaïr lower his head to stare at his claws.
The sting of his slap didn't even hurt. It was a quick move meant to stop Desmond. It was not meant to hurt him.
Yet... Desmond bit his bottom lip.
He didn’t want to see it.
He didn’t want to see those golden eyes turn fearful.
Altaïr raised his head and…
Desmond’s eyes widened as he saw the most beautiful smile he had ever seen in his entire life.
His own lips curved into a wide smile, showing his fangs.
Yet Altaïr’s smile didn’t falter.
And that was the day…
Desmond fell in love with Altaïr.
Unorganized Notes (and set up for the Harem):
The beautiful smile Altaïr gave Desmond is seen as creepy by pretty much everybody else. It’s more on the side of feral and unnerving.
Altaïr and Desmond grow close because Altaïr regularly visits. The excuse is to spar with Desmond but they usually just hang out afterwards and talk. Altaïr would bring Desmond books whenever he visits after Desmond admits how bored he was on the Farm.
Desmond didn’t have the heart to tell Altaïr that the books he kept giving were a bit hard to understand and he kept reading them anyway, even going as far as talking to another kid (Shaun) that was the smartest kid on the Farm to ask help for the words that he couldn’t understand.
When Altaïr learned about it, instead of giving Desmond easier books to read, he made Desmond promise that he’d ask him instead for help and Desmond agreed because it means Altaïr would get closer to see which part Desmond has a hard trouble getting and he likes Altaïr’s warmth.
When they became Assassins, Altaïr and Desmond were put on the same team together with Malik and Kadar. Mostly, Altaïr and Desmond are the ones on the field, with Malik acting as backup, distraction, or additional ‘backend’ support. Kadar is their tech guy.
Malik and Kadar came from the same orphanage as Altaïr and they’re not scared of Desmond’s claws and fangs because “Altaïr waxes poetry about you whenever he returns from visiting you… very bad poetry” “I think it’s sweet.” “It paints you less as a monster and more as a cat.” “A very beautiful cat.” “Malik… Kadar… shut up.”
You can add Malik and Kadar to the harem if you want. If they’re not, Malik is forever suffering from the fluff and Kadar is 100% AltDes shipper only until it’s clear that Altaïr is okay with sharing Desmond and then he became 100% on board with shipping everyone with Desmond… even his own brother. (“I stop trying to make him stop. Ignoring him is better for my health.”)
Ezio gets transferred into their team later (if you want angst, the Auditore execution still happens but it’s with guns now, if you don’t want angst, Ezio got transferred because Giovanni thinks it would be better if he learns how it’s like to have non-family team members). Regardless, Ezio and Altaïr get competitive.
Desmond and Ezio start out as friends and Ezio know Desmond and Altaïr have a thing going on. It doesn’t stop him from falling for Desmond but he doesn’t do anything about it because he knows Altaïr is Desmond’s most important person.
Desmond does feel some attraction to Ezio but he ignores it. It actually takes Altaïr out right stating that he knows Desmond is falling in love with Ezio for him to acknowledge it. Desmond promises that he’ll love Altaïr the most and Altaïr just goes “Okay. I’m fine with that.”
Of course, this confuses Desmond so Altaïr had to explain that he was fine if Desmond wants to be with Ezio too, as long as he remains Desmond’s number one. (“Like… you’re at first place and Ezio is the runner-up?” “… I’m not using your love for us to compete against Ezio.” “You sure…?” “As long as you love me the most, I’m fine with you loving other people.” “Oh.”)
Ezio’s a bit reluctant at the beginning but seeing Altaïr okay with it, he does start to pursue Desmond.
They do end up competing for Desmond’s affection at times and it does get very competitive. Malik has to suffer thru it as the referee because Desmond is useless during these times, simply too happy with all the attention.
One of their competitions ends up with them talking about how much they love feeling Desmond’s fangs on their skin. Malik suffers listening to the many ways Desmond has used his fangs to pleasure these two idiots just to make sure they don’t start throwing punches (or suddenly telling Desmond to use his fangs on them). Kadar has been roped into judging them with the criteria: use of words, how vivid the picture they make in their speech, passion, and overall structure of the speech. Desmond is too embarrassed to even function at that point.
Ratonhnhaké:ton would join their team the last and he’s a year or two younger than Desmond. He’s been trained by an old Assassin veteran named Achilles and his grandfather without any other kids so he was transferred to the so-called ‘misfit’ team after initiation.
Ezio tends to go all big brother on him which Ratonhnhaké:ton appreciates but, sometimes, he feels that Ezio’s actions could be interpreted as babying him.
Ratonhnhaké:ton knows that Desmond is with both Altaïr and Ezio and Kadar had made it perfectly clear that “you can fall in love with Desmond too!”, much to Malik’s continuous suffering and embarrassment.
Unlike Ezio’s which has a bit of angst sprinkled in the ‘I’m falling in love with him and I know I shouldn’t’ miniplot, Ratonhnhaké:ton knows it’s okay to fall in love with Desmond. He falls in love quite quickly because… it’s Desmond… and he tells Altaïr and Ezio first.
Altaïr just tells him that it’s Desmond’s choice if he would love him back. And… that he’ll always be the one that Desmond loves the most. Ezio just sighs and tells Ratonhnhaké:ton to not be discouraged by those words. If Desmond loves him back, they’d accept him as well.
Desmond does fall in love with Ratonhnhaké:ton as well.
And everyone’s happy… except Malik who now has to deal with four people in love and his brother living vicariously thru Desmond.
As for adding Haytham to the harem, we can go three different routes: (1) Haytham remains a Templar and he becomes sorta like their archnemesis and he’s that polite flirting type to Desmond (with maybe a bit of questionable touching), (2) Haytham remains a Templar but they captured him and try to ‘unconvert’ him from his Templar indoctrination (“This is a stupid idea” “Maybe but it’s not a bad idea” “No, it is. The fact that I’m just letting you do this is a testament to how far I’ve fallen.” “Relax, Malik. It’ll be fine”) and they notice he’s attracted to Desmond and… stuff happens???, and (3) Haytham is an Assassin in this one and is part of a different team and much much older than them because he is Ratonhnhaké:ton’s dad so… sugar daddy tiimmmeeeee!
(btw, all the characters that speak with a Welsh accent have cat ears in Xenoblade so my parting gift to you: Edward Kenway with cat ears)
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m0e-ru · 1 year
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hey-hamlet · 1 year
Information warfare au: does snitch only work with heroes through nighteye? Does he develop other contacts within the hero industry (with or without nighteye’s help)? Does he ever get information sources that are (significantly) more illegal than ‘hacking a cheap security system’ or ‘overhearing some quiet guys in the bar’? Does he snitch have a source of income of his own?
He works primarily through Nighteye! He becomes almost an unofficial member of the agency. But, Nighteye does give him some direct lines of contact to a few other agencies he trusts and Izuku himself has his own line to the Underground Network that he uses from time to time.
Izuku's best hacking method is actually social engineering! Put on a press badge or carry a tray of coffees and most places will let you right in without asking any questions. He has a collection of USBs configured to download all local files and some others that will upload key loggers among other things. He also managed to get a few email addresses to just straight up forward every email they receive to him. He's crying at Endeavors lack of a specialized network security agent. Like, he's benefiting! But Christ man, it shouldn't be this easy!
He sometimes sells villains information about other villains, but he wont take money from heroes.
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lokh · 17 days
yall i just found a star trek!ygo fic outline. i KNOW im not gonna write it. should i post it somewhere
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the-sky-queen · 10 months
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**Evil Laugh** This! This boy is amazing! Introducing Oleander the Synthesis. He was the first Shatter-verse Shadow I drew and I love him so much!!
Oleander is an interesting case in that he's one of the only Shadows in existence that's actually a real natural hedgehog. He wasn't created by Gerald. Oleander lived in the Bosscage Maze fifty years ago, before it had completely taken over the planet. I'd tell you what his life was like . . . But he doesn't remember it at all.
One day, Gerald went out into the jungle and discovered Oleander, mortally injured and dying. He took the hedgehog back to the village and set to work saving his life. Gerald had been working on a plant based treatment to try to cure Maria’s NIDS, so he attempted to use it on Oleander as a short of test run. It did indeed save his life, but it also resulted in the plants invading his body and becoming one with him. Gerald saw Oleander as a failure, but Maria took him in as a friend. Eventually though, she succumbed to her illness and passed away. Having no more reason to stay in the village, Oleander wandered into the Bosscage and wasn't seen again for many years.
Oleander has some control over plants, but only ones in his immediate surroundings. He can use them to attack if angered, but if you can actually get him that angry, you better run because he's about to eat you like a carnivorous plant. Mostly, Oleander uses vibes to keep himself upright. He's a little limp noodle, lol.
Oleander had found that his emotions have been clouded thanks to the plants. He doesn't feel much anymore. However, he has been sensing something recently. The closer he gets to it, the more clear his emotions become. So now, he's trying to get to it. He has to get to it.
Oleander was kinda inspired by the Plant-Posessed Shadow @son1c made. Except this Shadow isn't being controlled by plants. They're a part of him.
Love this boy so much!!! 💚💚💚
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keuwibloom · 6 months
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Its been a while since ive posted anything Parasynth, so I thought id make these polaroid-inspired drawings to make up for it!
As an added bonus-- I have nicknames for the guys! I actually made these a while back, but I figured id post them here for organization purposes, and so its easier to differentiate when talking about Parasynth.
The nicknames + my reasons behind choosing them listed below the cut!
Blue "Polaris" - Also known as the "north star", polaris is the only stationary star in the night sky, commonly used as a compass for navigation. A star that symbolizes stability when you've lost your way.
Dream "Apollo/Pol" - Named after the Greek god of the sun, music, medicine, and archery, twin brother to Artemis. Went with this because of the twin thing and sun symbolism, plus the healer and archery association.
Ink "Opal" - Opal is a gemstone that shines with rainbow colors. A true opal gem also has a base color of white, which fits with Ink's whole thing. Ink also calls others "pal" so I thought the name would be a nice reference to that.
Axe "Condor/Kon" - A large scavenger bird, related to the vulture. One species of it is the largest flying bird in the world. A condor's head also has no feathers, which kinda reminds me of Axe's skull.
Nightmare "Artemis/Arte" - Named after the Greek goddess of the moon and the hunt, twin sister to Apollo. Chosen for the same reasoning as Dream's nickname. Artemis is also the goddess of wilderness and wild animals, which fits with the gang (in a "they're a group and they are dangerous" way).
Killer "Shrike" - A cute little passerine bird that is known to impale its prey on sharp things, usually thorns. Shrikes are also known as "butcher birds". I think it fits with his vibe, plus shrikes have these black markings over their eyes that remind me of Killer's eyes.
Dust "Owl" - A nocturnal bird that has eerily silent flight and large eyes that reflect light in the dark so it looks like its glowing. I was in between this one and "Kestrel", but I feel like Owl fits Dust's general vibe better.
Cross "Cypress/Cy" - A tree that symbolizes longevity and endurance, but also mourning. It's also associated with protection and strength. I was looking for stuff that was associated with the goddess Artemis and the cypress tree was one (also the gang as birds and Cross as the tree they rest on).
Error "Oregano" - An herb that has a very strong bitter/peppery taste and smell. It's known to have antiviral properties and other benefits, but it is best used in small amounts. I also chose this name to parallel Opal (rock VS plant).
Swap/Blue belongs to the AU Community
Dream and Nightmare belong to Jokublog
Ink belongs to Comyet
Horror/Axe belongs to Sour-Apple-Studios
Killer belongs to Rahafwabas
Dust belongs to Ask-Dusttale
Cross belongs to Jakei95
Error belongs to Loverofpiggies
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comradekatara · 7 months
i was recently admiring sokka's acting skills in return to omashu (when katara invents pentapox), so if the modern gaang (and others) were all to be cast in a shakespeare play, which play would it be and who would play who?
okay you really don’t know what you’ve unleashed by asking me this (but thank you for enabling me)
aang would obviously be typecast as ariel or puck, but i also think he’d make a great prince hal, a really lovable horatio, or even angelo (not a reflection on his character, i just think he could pull it off!)
katara would be typecast as beatrice, emilia, rosalind and/or celia, cordelia, viola, ophelia, juliet, etc etc. you get the gist. so she’d probably be typecast as lavinia too, but i think she’d kill it as tamora. maybe even gertrude.
sokka is obviously best suited to any kind of robert armin fool (think lear’s fool, think feste) but i think he’d also kill it as richard iii, he’d bring the necessary humor (and self-loathing) for the role. he’d make a great jacques too. or even a really compelling cassio.
suki would kill as beatrice (opposite sokka’s benedick). she could also definitely pull off a more grounded and sensitive olivia. and even though the play kind of sucks she’d be a great jeanne d’arc. i also think she’d love playing one of the witches.
toph would love to play any crossdressing role, especially rosalind. i could also see her playing a witty fool. she’d kill as the gravedigger, for example. she’d also play a fairy or a rude mechanical, but not a principle one. maybe starveling, or mustardseed, or peter quince.
zuko was born to play edgar fyi. he’d also be a great macbeth. i think he’d make a better laertes than hamlet tbh, but it also depends on how buff he is in the moment (if he’s in his skinny era he could also play hamlet). also richard ii. and he’d be a really good antonio (12n), frankly.
saying azula would be a great lady m is almost laughably obvious. she would be though. and she wouldn’t play goneril, she’d play regan, so THERE. but also she would kill it as edmund if she wasn’t too traditional to refuse it. same goes for iago.
mai could play every single role in hamlet and pull it off flawlessly. also im picturing her and ty lee as rosencrantz and guildenstern, but also in the stoppard (ie, “are dead”). she’d love to play a witch. she’d also be a great banquo.
ty lee could literally play any role she could be desdemona she could be falstaff she could be prospero she is truly that bitch darling she has the range. she’d probably get typecast as fair maidens though because she’s so pretty. alas. she’d kill as lear.
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trilobitepunch · 10 days
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Here we go! Collecting things in one place! This is for all things RotTMNT x SW-related, specifically this little AU story @colibrie and I accidentally cooked up. Story is ongoing, updates happen when they happen!
Several years after the Clone Wars and the Purge of the Jedi, the paths of brothers thought long lost, cross...
Main Story - S Y N T H E S I S
Mikey and Leo
Meetings - Reunion and additional images
Meetings - Familiar Strangers
Meetings - Resonance Part I
Meetings - Resonance Part II & III
Meetings - Resonance Part IV
Meetings - Resonance Part V
Reflections Part I
Reflections Part II
Confrontations - Double Down Part I
Confrontations - Doubling Down Part II
Confrontations - Doubling Down Part III
May the 4th
The Inquisition
Concept Sketches
Omake - Helicopter Blades
Grand Inquisitor Krang
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carrymelikeimcute · 3 months
Robot sex...now that I have your attention...more robot sex.
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agent-bee · 2 months
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"Comming home"
Part 1 - Part 2
I made a comic bc im crazy.
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