#swinging monkeys
wayward-lotus 1 year
Heya 馃憢 The LU Main server had a birthday gift exchange, and my giftee was @froggtogs, and I really hope that you like your gift!
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t0bi44 2 years
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馃檲my little passenger 馃悞
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jennilah 2 months
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ottoslab 9 months
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cleaned up some stuff I started drawing while listening to the lackadaisy monkey wrench shop talk :]
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moonelnone 10 months
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alexturner2005 6 months
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Arctic Monkeys @ The Armory, Minneapolis 26th Aug. 2023, By elizabethhedyn
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hlkproductions 10 months
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good afternoon to dad! hiei only
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imminent-danger-came 4 months
I love Tang cause like, he was definitely suspicious that his name was Tang, and that he had a friend named Pigsy, who had a friend named Sandy, and then MK and Mei (who is a descendant of the dragon of the west) came along, and you know the entire time in the back of his head he was thinking "oh my god we're the pilgrims????", but at the same time, how could they be? He's just Tang, he's not comparable to the great Monk Tang Sanzang. And Pigsy isn't Zhu Bajie, he's just Pigsy. They're just them. And besides, he met Pigsy's parents. It make absolutely no sense! (Deep down he knows it's true)
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monkeykingdomblog2 23 days
Sun Wukong: "I've been around long enough to know that human ingenuity peaked at the tire swing."
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okay now that i've had some time to (slightly) emotionally and physically recover from yesterday, i need to flail about the highlights:
1) meeting one of my absolute favourite humans who i would never have got to know if it hadn't been for this little corner of tumblr - and then getting to share the excitement/nerves/elation/exhaustion rollercoaster of seeing am with them was just - there aren't even words for it. so special 馃挅
2) learning how to navigate rain ponchos
3) impulse buying too much merch (but also not regretting it. the glasgow tour poster is going to be the first thing going on my wall in my new flat)
4) the mirrorball starting to twirl just before they all came onstage and sending the colours of the afternoon sun everywhere
5) the sheer rush of the moment they all walked onstage together (also that was pretty much the only time i got to glimpse nick and matt at all 馃挃 from where i was standing i could mostly only see alex and jamie)
6) seeing alex a few metres away in real life after months of looking at his beautiful, dorky little expressions in photos/videos was surreal in the best possible way- there's just something so different about the way you get a sense of someone's energy when you're in the same space with them?? and as someone who's endlessly interested in people, i'm聽fascinated by how alex simultaneously gives off really reserved, self-contained vibes at the same time as being such a dynamic and captivating performer - like he鈥檚 so good at tapping into emotions without letting them be a door into how he鈥檚 actually feeling (if that makes any sense, my post-gig brain is not very articulate) i guess that all very much makes sense with all the stuff he's said about personas/performing, but it was still so interesting to get to really feel that sense of his presence in live time. he's definitely very much in control but in a very understated kind of way
7) a bunch of birds circling overhead on one side of the crowd, alex seeing them and dramatically declaring 'release the rest of the birds'聽
8) me and the lovely human i went with turning to each other with expressions of sheer joy when the opening bars of crying lightning were played (and don't sit down. and four stars. and arabella. and - you get the picture. getting to share the sheer delight of your favourite songs being played is just the loveliest feeling 馃挆)
9) alex doing a quirky little 'ha ha' laugh in the middle of body paint聽
10) mirrorball coinciding with the most beautiful pink dusk and half moon just above the stage, and getting to witness alex鈥檚 piano playing at the start of it
11) body paint. just. body paint. i think my soul left my body.
12) how much energy and enthusiasm alex seemed to have throughout the set - especially after the last week or so it was just the loveliest thing to see him messing about and having fun. and his voice sounded SO good. how anyone manages to sing like that (let alone sound like that less than a week after cancelling shows due to laryngitis) is an absolute mystery to me
13) alex's theatrical hand gestures for crying lightning (the one for gobstopper was a particular favourite)
14) hearing 505 when dusk has just fallen and you can see the smudged moon behind the deep indigo clouds is the only way anyone should ever hear 505聽
15) alex and matt having a giggle about something mid set
16) obviously i was aware of how stupidly talented they all are - but there's something about seeing it unfold in front of you in real time that makes it really hit you. the sound wasn't great where i was for some of the time so i don't feel like i got the best audio sense of everything, but i was just so struck in particular by matt on the drums and also alex with his guitar playing. i feel like when i'm just listening to their records i'm so busy listening to alex's voice that i forget how incredible a guitar player he is and - wow. just. yeah. it honestly took my breath away.
17) getting the distinct impression that it provides alex with a sense of amusement to deliberately do that thing where he sings the lyrics at slightly different speeds to trip the crowd up
18) even though i ended up being in significant pain for the second half of the set and had to go find somewhere a little further back where i could lean against the railings (chronic pain conditions and standing for 6+ hours apparently isn't the best mix), nothing could dull how magical it was hearing all the tracks from the car that they played closer to the end. standing there in the dusk and feeling so much about everything is something i'll never forget. it truly brought home to me so poignantly everything about why am's music means so much to me and how much love i have for them 馃挏
19) being in the exact line of direction alex blew kisses to at the end
20) the hazy post-gig walking in the dark under lit up green trees with the lovely human i went with and our conversations about am and creativity and the courage of sharing music 馃挅
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onlytibki 7 months
I can't tell what would be funnier
Ace grows to just under Roger's height, like 8'6".
Sabo stays at his (respectable in literally every world except OP) 6'2".
Luffy takes after fucking Garp and reaches 9'5" and holds it over his brothers forever.
Neither Ace nor Sabo ever recover from the psychological damage
Ace grows to just under Roger's height, like 8'6".
Sabo somehow absorbs Dragon's DNA just through sheer osmosis I guess because Outlook III was definitely not 8'6.5".
Luffy never hits 5'9".
They never let him forget it, but Luffy doesn't actually mind because that means his brothers' heads are the best lookout points.
Pray for Ace and Sabo y'all because when Luffy uses them as a crows nest he gets so excited over how far he can see that he ends up putting sandal-prints into their faces.
Also, when he becomes Pirate King Luffy has a bronze statue made and it's 10'1" because he heard Doflamingo was 10' and he wanted to beat Mingo one more time. In all cases it means he's tallest, suck it Ace'n'Sabo
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actuallycassidyiambusy 3 months
I love your art so much! Could you spare a little Bluffy fluff馃ズ馃ズ pretty please
I am actually currently working on a bigger request. However, luckily for you, I did a sweet little warm up sketch 鉂わ笍鉂わ笍
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Some fluffy Bluffy 馃ス
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happymiffy 1 year
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illiad-von-bun 3 months
here 馃げ
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lesbiantvfish 9 months
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Edited sprites from the srmthfg game that were uploaded by Yodakiller3000 on spriters-resource!
The game didn鈥檛 give Nova pink eyes, also, Antuari in silver form edits coz I might as well pay him respects
Bonus unrelated art coz I wanted a new icon again: (Edit: I鈥檓 sorry. I couldn鈥檛 commit to the icon. It looked so bad..)
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fangirlgathering 2 months
Dev Patel Trans Ally.
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