#surround yourself with content at your maturity level
agnisleftpec · 8 months
yknow, i think a lot of my annoyance with anti-aang discourse is that a lot of criticisms seem to act like they're marks against aang's character writing specifically, as opposed to the approach of the narrative as whole, which aang is uniquely representative of by being the main character. it just feels like some people are frustrated at the show for being reserved in its exploration of certain aspects of war, and they take that out on aang.
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kindasleepywriter · 4 months
Bird of Prey - Chapter 11: Light and Darkness
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Bird of Prey masterlist. Azriel x Reader.
Chapter summary: Azriel tries to teach you how to summon shadows of your own, but you both find yourself very distracted.
Story rating: Mature - Minors DNI
Warnings: Talks of emotional and psychological abuse, mention of past El.riel relationship. Some explicit content (grinding, kissing, biting)
Word count: 3.9k
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“If you think about it, one little flick of a dagger and my target is choking on their own blood. It’s all I need, really, I can just decide to not use my magic…”
Azriel scoffed. “And continue destroying every living room in Prythian? I think not.”
You rolled your eyes and leaned back, staring at the ceiling once more. You lay sprawled on a beat-up old couch, one that had taken the place of another costly one you’d seen upon arriving at Azriel’s discrete house. Mor’s orders, he had said when you asked him about it. She had ‘spent too long choosing his furniture to let it be turned into rubbish’, apparently. You really couldn’t blame her; you knew you had been racking up a large bill for repairs.
Azriel, sat at the other side of the relatively small couch with his wings draping over the backrest, gently squeezed one the calves resting in his lap.
“Look, if you only focus on the material aspect of the shadows, they’ll never come to you.” he said. “Yes, their purpose is to serve you, but they’re not mindless listening devices. They still have to deem you worthy on some level.”
As if in agreement, one of the shadows surrounding you both ran up your neck to curl behind your ear, before returning to its peers.
“Great,” you said, “the one thing I’d been craving this week was a little bit of extra judgment, just to keep me humble.”
Azriel tilted his head back in laughter. “Don’t see it that way, it’s more about respect.” he said, adding “Something that took me a bit too long to figure out.”
You rose to rest on your elbows, raising an eyebrow at him. He sighed, refusing to meet your eyes.
“When the war happened, I somehow got stuck on the idea that, since Rhys and Cass were mated to two of the Archeron sisters, Elain somehow had to be mine.”
“But isn’t she…”
“Mated to Lucien, yes. And we both knew it at the time, I was just holding on to the idea that I couldn’t be the one “left out”. Three sisters for three brothers, is what I think I said a couple of times.”
You frowned. “That’s… a good way to make sure your kids never date, that’s for sure.”
He shrugged with a chuckle, playfully pinching your ankle.
“You should’ve seen the crisis I had when Rhys ordered me away from her, I was furious in a way I’d rarely been before. When I was with her, my shadows would go away for some time, and I took it as a sign that she was the light I needed.”
“Wait,” you interjected, “they left completely?”
“Yes. I thought that was a good sign, but I realized after some time that they’d been hiding from her, from us. What she and I had was unhealthy, we were both desperate for control over our own lives. When we ended it, when I came to my senses, I encouraged her to seek out Lucien and to at least give him a chance. I promised her that, if she ever said the word, her mate wouldn’t ever be near her again. I think that security let her take that step.”
You nodded. That’s what Lucien had meant when he had mentioned that Azriel had played a role in Elain’s acceptance of the mating bond. The thought of the Vansera had your heart clenching. You still hadn’t talked to him since that night on the balcony when you’d compared him to his family. It was a low blow, especially from you. Gods, what a mess of things you had made.
Azriel stroked your calf with his thumb, snapping you out of your thoughts. His shadows remained draped over you like a cloak, less agitated than the ones around him. He looked at you carefully, a tight smile adorning his features. “He’ll get over it, you know. He asked about you, how you were. He cares.”
You sighed, fully sitting up and resting your head on your knees, shaking out your wings in the process. You tried to keep them from brushing against Azriel’s but, on a couch this small, it was almost impossible. Your feathers only brushed the very tip of the membranous surface, and you saw Azriel clench his fist, barely noticeable. “I think that might be the problem,” you said, “we went our own way shortly after escaping autumn, and I’ve changed over the centuries. I was broken then, and the things I’ve done since…”
He inclined his head in acknowledgement, full of understanding. He’d told you just enough about his role as spymaster that you knew his duty weighed heavily on his mind.
“I was still barely out of childhood and, despite all that had already happened, I think I still had some shreds of hope that what I had lived was the exception, not the rule. The further I travelled though, I just kept on seeing the cruelty of the world and I decided I wanted no part in it, that I was better on my own. Lucien… We haven’t talked in centuries. I preferred not to break his image of me.”
He lifted a hand and softly pressed circles onto your lower back. You shivered at the contact, glad that he wasn’t venturing any higher. “What happened in Autumn?” he asked softly.
You hesitated. You had never told a single soul other than Lucien about those details, and you knew he himself kept his life in Autumn relatively private. Shadows curled around your ears once more and, though you could not hear their song, you knew they were trying to comfort and anchor you or remind you that you were not alone.
“I… I don’t think my fiancé,” you spat the word like poison, “had much of a plan in mind. He wasn’t exactly a mastermind; Beron was always the one pulling the strings. Beron was- well, he was an enigma to me, albeit a vile and cruel one. He was great in the beginning of course, but he changed when I had lost most of myself and by then I had lost the will to fight back. I had no idea why he wanted to keep me there.”
Azriel didn’t pause his comforting movements but stiffened next to you, frowning, dread and anger shining in his eyes. Some of his shadows had drifted some distance away from the both of you, but you could see their erratic movements from the corner of your vision. You stayed quiet for a moment, giving him a moment to gather his thoughts. This side of him, the diplomatic spymaster who chose every word carefully, always fascinated you. It was a sight you hadn’t witnessed much since you’d made peace with each other. You hoped it was because he could let his guard down around you, but when it happened you nevertheless couldn’t take your eyes off of him. 
“Did any of them-” he hesitated, though you suspected it was more so in response to your stare than any doubt of his own, “Did any of them ever cross any boundaries?”
You had to bite back a scoff at the time it’d taken him to come up with that, but your chest warmed from his intent to be respectful. “That’s… a complicated question.” His hands stilled on your back and his eyes darkened. It wasn’t dread that they contained now, only pure fury. “The tactics they used tended to be very psychological, they didn’t need to harm me physically. Any word or action I did would be weaponized against me by Lucien’s brothers, but the one I was engaged to made me feel like I was losing my mind. He’d say something had never happened, that I was misremembering... I felt a lot of shame, even more so when I started to realize what was going on. I felt… I felt naïve.”
Azriel winced at the pointed way you spoke the last word.  ‘Naïve, pitiful girl, blind to the most basic of manipulations’ he had said, back then.
“Not my greatest moment,” he admitted sheepishly. “I need to apologize for those words, they were more hurtful than I’d planned, and I should’ve corrected myself. I never actually believed those things.”
You quirked an eyebrow at his admission. You couldn’t say you forgave him exactly, but it had happened centuries ago. You nodded at his words. “What had you ‘planned’, then?”
“I had only seen you once before saying that. One of the brothers, the one I assume you were engaged to, was ‘teaching’ you how to act in court, and you were hanging on his every word.”
You remembered that day. You’d failed to use the correct title to address some lord or other, and the Vansera had spent an entire day showing you the standards you were held to, in a way that subtly implied you didn’t have any say in the matter. ‘But that’s only when we have company, of course.’ He’d failed to mention then that, in the Autumn palace, there were a constant flux of guests, nobility and the like, as well as guards in practically every room. You always had company, so you always had to obey.
“Clearly, he was an asshole only pretending to care for you” Azriel continued, “but when he started explaining how to best hide your wings and even went so far as suggesting removing them, I was so shaken that I could barely think. When I saw you truly consider it, I felt like I couldn’t stand there and watch. Being the idiot that I am, I thought spelling it out when I knew you’d overhear would be a wake-up call, but when Cass reprimanded me afterwards and I realized I did nothing more than insult you, you were already gone. I couldn’t exactly start a war to get to you, not with Rhys’ still fragile rule at the time, so I had to let it go.”
You grimaced. You had indeed considered such a procedure. Your wings had brought you so much pain in your brief experience of life and you’d trusted the Vanseras completely at the time. If they said something was for the best, you just nodded and went along with it. Passing as High Fae would’ve been an added perk, especially since they already all thought you had lost the ability to fly.
It was Beron who’d pulled the plug on the idea, the fee for the healers a waste of gold. It might’ve been the only good decision that had been made in that palace concerning you. You were far more suspicious of his motivations now. Having a half-breed for a daughter-in-law wouldn’t be something he appreciated.
Gods, the idea of letting them take such an important part of yourself made you nauseous now. Your wings reflexively flexed at the thought, the urge to taste the sky stronger than ever. If only you weren’t in a populated city… maybe you could at least try to glide, for the first time in centuries.
You realized with a start that Azriel was under the same impression as the Vanseras: he thought you were clipped. You’d never told him otherwise, and you’d refused to fly when you had met him in that clearing. The thought made you panic. Was it too late now, would he see it as dishonesty?
You breathed in, attempting to speak, but the words were caught in your throat. You knew he disapproved of the barbaric practice, but you’d kept that side of you, the bird of prey, hidden since arriving in Velaris. You’d trained alone with Cassian, sure, you’d wrestled Nesta to the floor, but you had held back. The killer, the warrior with a need for vengeance, that was a secret you still held.
Seeing clipping in a negative light didn’t mean he would accept that.
You’d been silent too long; your breathing had gotten too fast. The hand Azriel held at your back raised to the nape of your neck to softly caress the skin right underneath your hair.
“Hey, stay with me, you’re okay.” He whispered, concerned eyes taking in your increasingly tense posture.
“There’s something- I just-”, you tried, avoiding his gaze, your voice strangled and unable to form the words.
His hand softly tightened where it rested, softly turning your head towards him, his other one coming up to stroke your arm. “You don’t have to say anything you don’t want to, Dove.”
That wasn’t quite true though, was it? He was still the spymaster, he needed to know things like these. You struggled some more, looking anywhere but at him and trying desperately to speak despite your fast breathing.
His hold on your neck tightened. “Look at me.” he said, louder, more an order than a comforting plea.
You couldn’t help but quickly meet his eyes, your years of trauma rearing up their ugly head.
“You’re free from them and they don’t hold any power over you anymore, no one does.” he asserted firmly. “Your story is yours to tell or keep.” You nodded as he talked, anchoring yourself to the hazel eyes that seemed to almost glow, to the shadows that surrounded the both of you tightly. “You don’t owe anything to me or anyone else.”
‘Breathe, breathe’ you could almost hear as your fluttering heart started to slow down to its usual beat. You gripped on to Azriel’s shirt, screwing your eyes shut for a moment as you focused on the resounding voices.
‘Safe, unharmed.’
“We… We’ve got company, Dove.”
You peeked through your lashes, not noticing anything, so you fully opened your eyes and examined the room. Nothing seemed amiss.
You snapped your head back to Azriel as his hand ran up your, a trailing finger brushing against the sensitive skin behind your ear and sending a shiver down your spine. He stayed still for a moment, now with a focus you’d never seen before, waiting for something that you couldn’t discern. A moment of silence, your almost-normal heartbeat still lowly drumming in your ears.
After a few seconds, he slowly removed his hand and brought his open palm between the two of you. You could have wept at what you saw, had you not been slightly distracted by the proximity his movement brought.
In his hand laid two shadows, one of them a shade of grey so light it was almost white and one as black as coal. They were intertwined in a swift dance, their colors merging in a shifting grey scale before they separated again. They ran circles around Azriel’s hand. He was absolutely entranced by the sight of your shadows, and a disbelieving grin stretched across his face. You’d never seen him look so unabashedly happy.
“They’re- They’re both mine?” you asked unsteadily, though you already knew the answer. You could hear their song clearly now, a soft breeze that floated up to your ears, comforting words turning more playful by the minute.
‘Finally,’ you heard them whisper in unison, and you couldn’t help yourself from letting out a sharp laugh. You hadn’t expected them to have an attitude. They slithered out of Azriel’s hands, still twirling together, before they darted away from the both of you, falling into a cycle of exploring the room for a few seconds followed by them rushing back to you, informing you of things you hadn’t even noticed. They curled behind your ears, exactly how Azriel’s shadows often greeted you.
You looked around, keeping track of their song. The books that seemed the most worn-down by frequent handling, the dwindling fire in need of a new log, the window that wasn’t quite latched… They saw it all. You could only watch in wonder, excitement taking over, as they proceeded to intertwine with Azriel’s shadows, playfully dancing with them before running over the man himself. Could they communicate?
‘Beautiful, strong, protective’ they sang as they reviewed Azriel and your cheeks heated at their whispers, even more so as they continued. ‘Kindred soul, loved.’
You looked up sharply at the man in front of you, mortified at the idea of him hearing their words, but he only looked awestruck. You almost startled at his stare; you were the object of his attention now, and he didn’t seem to react to your shadow’s words. You were the only one who could hear them, you remembered, and you let out a shaky but relieved sigh. Your shadows continued their stream of information as you struggled to keep up with them, still reeling at their existence. You had summoned them, you had succeeded!
“Can you hear them?” Azriel asked.
‘Care, fascination.’, you heard.
“I can!” you exclaimed, grabbing his hands in elation. All previous thoughts were already forgotten. You were practically vibrating with excitement, your wings spread wide behind you. One of the shadows, the light one, reported that Azriel had apparently missed a spot while shaving. In disbelief, you didn’t hesitate and grabbed his face, one hand splayed across one side of his jaw and the other gently tilting his head back to give you a better view. You didn’t remember the last time you felt so alive.
“Whoa,” you blurted with a grin, a thumb brushing over the barely noticeable stubble. “They really do see everything.”
He laughed, almost nervously. “They never stop,” he said, “better get used to it. They’ll learn to prioritize with time.” You looked up again and met his eyes. You realized the intimacy of your position; you were practically in his lap, as if he’d sat down while holding you in a cradle carry. You felt thighs clench when you shifted, and you instantly stilled at the sensation. He might be leaner than his brothers, but even sat down like this you felt the power those muscles held.
‘Vulnerability. Arousal.’
You snorted loudly, broken out of your thoughts. “Leave the poor man alone, come here.” you chastised softly, meeting Azriel’s eyes and instantly stiffening at the intensity they held. The shadows hurried back, and you laughed lightly as you felt them burrow between your ruffled feathers, probably blending in with their respective colors, singing words of annoyance in harmony.
You still hadn’t completely let go of Azriel, your hands now splayed across each side of his neck, but you remained locked in his stare, mesmerized by the gold speckles that reflected the fire’s low flickering light around his dilated pupils.
“Hi.” you whispered, wide eyed. He was so close, so close, and you were left dizzied by the delicious scent of cedar and mist that hung around you. You’d never considered if a person could be addicted to a smell but, if it was, this would be the one for you.
“Hi.” he answered, amused. His voice was lower than it had been moments earlier and you felt at your side every vibration that rumbled throughout his chest. His hand came up to rest between your shoulder blades, fingers brushing the light dawn feathers at the base of your wings that peeked through the back of your shirt as he pulled you closer. You instinctively arched at the innocent touch and your wings snapped open as best they could despite the couch. A low whimper escaped you.
With a smug smile, he hummed questioningly and repeated the gesture again, eliciting another strangled noise from you. “Interesting.”
“That,” you breathed, “is a sensitive area-ah!” You gasped as he dug his fingers in more, the texture of his fingers scrapping so perfectly against your soft skin and feathers. You felt the familiar throb of your core in response, arousal flooding you. Well, if that was how he wanted to play…
You released his neck and used his broad shoulders as support as you whipped around, straddling him in a single flourished move. He groaned through gritted teeth at the friction between you and grabbed your hips to keep you still. You softly ran your hands down his shoulders towards the expanse of his wings, teasing the leathery skin. They twitched at the contact, and he tensed, meeting your eyes again.
“What,” you purred, “can’t handle a taste of your own medicine, Shadowsinger?”
He laughed lowly. “You’re playing a dangerous game, Shadowsinger.”
You hummed at the mirrored title. You didn’t know you’d qualify yourself as one with a single pair of shadows by your side, but the sheer affection that seemed to drip from Azriel’s every word distracted you from your thoughts. “Tell me, then. Is the reward worth the risk?” you whispered, more vulnerable than you’d intended it to be.
“Oh, absolutely.”, he said, pulling you towards him and crashing his lips against yours. You clenched your hands instinctively at the contact, holding on for dear life, and Azriel nipped sharply at your lip when his wing became the victims of your fingernails. You let go, embarrassed, and managed to emit a soft Sorry somewhere between breaths and moans. He passed his tongue over the bruised skin in silent forgiveness.
You trailed your hands along the hem of the leathers, that he hadn’t taken the time to strip from when he’d arrived home. You expertly undid the clasps holding it together, and he tilted his body forward as he shucked it across the room.
‘2 feet from the fire’
You giggled against Azriel’s lips at the information your shadows provided, slightly entertained by the live commentary, but you sharply shook the wing they had taken residence, effectively flinging them off of it, and they took off into the next room. You had no doubt they’d return to list everything they found the second they got bored.
You explored the shape of Azriel’s body, softly feeling every inch of his chest as he brushed a finger up and down your spine. You sighed, melting like putty in his hands, and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue inside your mouth. You moaned as he slid it across yours and you deepened the kiss, almost crazed by your desire for him, for his taste. You grinded down on him, your wings brushing against his, and he let out a tortured groan as he bucked up towards you in response, burying his face in your neck. He sucked briefly at your pulse point, his teeth occasionally scrapping against your skin, and he soothingly ran his tongue over his handiwork. He repeated the process along your collarbone, no doubt making sure you’d remember this moment when you woke up the day after.
You leaned into his touch and tilted your head to expose more of your neck. You pressed soft kisses along his jaw up to his ear and whispered “Eager, are we?”. You half-yelped and half-moaned as he bit down on your shoulder in response, immediately replacing his teeth with the warmth of his tongue. You shuddered, an additional wave of arousal coursing through you, but a deep voice sent ice running through your veins.
“Well, if this is your idea of necessary training, Az, you have better watch out before I try finding new powers of my own.”
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Long time no see! I hope a bit of love might balances out reader's life trauma, oups
The only thing I could think of while writing the scene where Azriel reaches up to touch reader's shadows is the image of a magician going "hehehe look a penny behind your ear!". I am not well.
I beg you guys for some feedback, this is my first fic and i have no idea what I'm doing x) I hope y'all like it!!
Banner created by the amazing @saradika!
Taglist: @sapphenaa @minnieoo @weasleyreidstyles
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Title: Twice Seals The Fate***
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Title: Twice Seals The Fate ***
Pablo Schreiber x GF Reader
Warning: NSFW, SMUUT, Cursing, Male & Female Receiving, Mild Crude Language, Fluff, 18+ Mature Content, Unprotected Lovin, Implied Preggo Talk
Words: 4.2k
Summary:  While Pablo is on location filming the latest season of HALO, you pay him a visit after a nice chunk of time frees up on your calendar. One morning you wake to see him mid workout and laying eyes on this sight, there is only one possible outcome.
Note: I couldn’t resist this one. You’re welcome!
Thank you all for reading. I appreciate it. I hope you enjoy this.
If you enjoyed it, please, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!!!
***NOT Edited/Proofread***
 Chirp-Chirp, Chirp-Chirp.
 The sound was so soft you almost missed it. However, the bevy of animal sounds continued.
 Chirp-Chirp, Chirp-Chirp.
Squawk- Squawk, Squawk - Squawk.
 You groaned feeling as if you’d put yourself through a rigorous two-hour workout. You rolled to your right and your arm flopped onto a pillow—an empty pillow. It took a few moments but when your brain registered that and the sounds you were hearing your head flew up. The brightness around you felt unnatural as if it was artificial. Squinting, you looked around and immediately didn’t recognize your surroundings.
 “What the--.”
 It took nearly a minute for you to remember the last 24 hours. Your head was heavy and everything hazy. You got bits and pieces of your travels. You on the plane after agreeing to make a long-awaited visit to none other than the love of your life. It was a trip you’d both been unable to make but also reluctant to make.
 Your schedule was insane as was Pablo’s thanks to him being on location filming the second season of Halo. To make things worse you hated flying after the two scares you’d had. Flying was the bane of your existence, and you could never do it unless you drank your way through it. Not even Valium fully worked on you, so you incorporated some self-medication—liquor.
 You groaned again as it all came back. 4 valiums, 4 bottles of wine and an eight-hour flight took you all the way out. When you’d gotten off the plane you were more than tipsy. You cringed thinking you may have embarrassed yourself or Pablo when he and his assistant picked you up.
 “Oh god, Y/N,” you croaked as you flipped onto your back.
 You knew you’d gotten into the wrong career for the level of shambles you found yourself in whenever you had to fly. Nothing worked. Pablo knew this and had always been so supportive of you with working around it and it only made you love him even more. You replayed a memory from last night of Pablo putting you in the bathtub and giving you a bath like an actual toddler then tucking you in forehead kiss and all.
 “Oh god.”
 Guilt filled you. He’d probably had a long day on set and needed to be taken care of and loved on too, but you were so out of it he’d ended up taking care of you. Knowing him he was probably feeling guilty making you come all the way out. At the thought of him, you looked beside you and found his side empty. You sat up with the intention to go looking for him but the view out the sliding doors held you captivated.
 Thankfully your legs were in full working order now. You walked over to the doors and marveled at the view before you. As far as the eye could see it was white with peeks of greenery. The expansive field was so wide and free of clutter, litter, and people that you could not help but step outside onto the veranda. The crisp, fresh air hit you and it was clear you weren’t in LA anymore.
 Despite the strong chill in the air thanks to the freshly fallen snow, you couldn’t find one fault. This may actually be heaven, you thought to yourself. Off to the left you saw the responsible parties for the farmland orchestra. There were actual cows grazing in the pasture like they had not one care in the world and free roaming horses.
 “Must be nice.”
 A flock of birds passing overhead caught your eye and you watched them flit merrily in the air as their song echoed around. This view and atmosphere made up for the eight-hour nightmare. You took a few more moments to enjoy the view but when the cold got too much to bear in your state of undress, you then went back inside to brush your teeth before finding Pablo.
 When you made your way through the quiet house you wondered if he’d left to set already. Peeking into rooms you found them Pablo free. You thought to go back to the bedroom for your phone to call him but decided to look everywhere first. Turning the corner, you expected to be the only one there, but you stopped in your tracks as the most delicious sight laid before you that cleared any residual haze in your brain.
 Pablo was in the center of the large and minimalistic living room with his back braced on a rolling sit up wheel with his arms behind his head. His feet were firmly planted on the hardwood floors with a pair of brown sweats sitting dangerously low. From the angle you stood you could count each and every ab muscle that popped from his perfect form.
 Slowly, you raked your eyes over every inch of skin that was on display. Have mercy you thought. The pictures he’d been sending you over the last three months had not done an ounce of justice to what you were looking at now. From the pictures he looked good yes, and you’d wanted to run your hand along every inch of him, but in front of you now, you wanted so much more.
 You watched him use the contraption underneath him, no doubt a new torture device from Eddie. He rocked forward and brought himself into a crunch and if it was possible those abs popped even more. He held the position and the longer he did the more parched you became. Thanks to those low sitting sweats you could see those brain numbing indentations at his sides that disappeared inside those now annoying sweats. Your eyes lowered and caught sight of a half-asleep monster skimming the surface.
 Without thought you licked your lips. Pablo rolled backward releasing the position he’d been holding and arched himself back. Your eyes roamed up his sweat glistened body to see he wore headphones. He probably had no idea you were up much less ogling him like this. You slowly and carefully walked into the room taking care to not make a sound. Once you came around him and stood just between his legs you took the time to admire him some more.
 His usual fit and build were always impressive to you because he always kept himself in good shape no matter what. However, his Halo level of fit was insane, and you thanked the producers every day that they’d chosen him for the role and that he was so dedicated to portraying an authentic master chief. Needless to say, your sex life since had been at a whole new level of explosive. It was a level you didn’t think was possible since you were already at wildfire levels.
 Before he could move you dropped down onto your knees and hooked your fingers into the waistband of his sweats and pulled them down. As soon as they moved, Pablo flinched swinging his head up to land on you. Your attention was taken by the half soft meal you’d revealed.
 “Jesus! Y/N, you scared the shit out of me!”
 “Did I?”
 You looked at him without moving your head, so it was only your eyes that bored into him. You always knew this made him weak. Sure enough, Pablo groaned.
 “God, don’t look at me like that.”
 Smirking, you wrapped your hand around his length that was much firmer than seconds ago.
 “Mmm. Looks like you like being scared and the way I’m looking at you.”
 Pablo scoffed and made a move to get off the wheel, but you gently squeezed him.
 Groaning, he met your eyes again. “What’re you doing? You know that’s not a toy, right?”
 “No? I thought it was my toy?”
 His clear hazel eyes darkened as the tip of his tongue dipped out to wet his bottom lip.
 “No worries, I’m not looking for a toy right now…just a snack.”
 You tipped your tongue and licked from the base of his cock to the smooth tip. A deep moan that sounded like a big cat’s purr rumbled in Pablo’s chest and filled the room. You loved hearing him moan.
 “I’m—I’m sweaty. Let me--.”
 His words were cut off by another moan when you sucked his head into your mouth and moaned on it hoping that was answer enough for him.
 Pablo’s head dropped back to hang down as you swirled your tongue around him quite enjoying the slight saltiness to his skin. A wave of hunger hit you so hard that you couldn’t control yourself. Dipping your head lower, you took him into your mouth until he touched the back of your throat.
 Pablo hissed as his head flung back up to watch you. Using his hands, he bracketed your head holding you gently. His mouth fell open as if he’d planned to say something, but no sound came. Rotating your head from left to right you rolled your tongue along the underside of his shaft.
 Pablo’s grip tightened. It wasn’t enough to hurt you but just enough to let you know he was quickly losing control.
 “God baby,” he breathed keeping a close eye on your mouth.
 You slowly bobbed on him bringing your mouth all the way down so your top lip brushed against the spray of dark neatly trimmed hair there then up just until his swollen tip slipped out of your mouth. When it did, he grunted and thrusted upward showing his eagerness to be back inside your mouth.
 “Shit Y/N,” he muttered through trembling lips.
 That wasn’t the only thing that was trembling. From the way his body shook, you could tell he was quickly getting to the point where his muscles would give way. Increasing the power of your suck, you clamped onto his need and moaned. Suddenly Pablo jerked up sending his arousal down your throat tempting your gag. Suppressing it, you pulled back lifting your mouth off of him leaving a trail of thick saliva.
 “For fuck’s sake,” Pablo rasped before he yanked you to him. Your body crashed to his and it was at the last moment that you worried the wheel underneath him would break that Pablo smoothly held you to him, rolled to the right while cocooning you so you didn’t feel the impact of the wooden floors.
 “I’ve missed you so much, dollface.”
 You smiled and smoothed the back of your hand against his bristled cheek.
 “I missed you too. I’m sorry about--.”
 That was all you got out before Pablo’s lips pressed to yours for your first kiss in months. You both moaned against each other as your lips sweetly danced together reacquainting themselves with the feel of the other. When you felt Pablo readjust himself so he was perfectly nestled between your legs, you moaned at the heaviness of his length pressed against your core. His lips sped and the kiss turned desperate, urgent, and so much more sinful. He kissed you like a hungry man. A man who’d had to go months without sustenance and couldn’t get enough now with his first taste.
 Soon you both were wildly making out on the floor pawing at each other wherever you could. The t-shirt that you’d found yourself in when you awoke was now pushed to your hips exposing your lower half where you only wore one of Pablo’s boxers. His large hand snaked underneath the shirt to cup your bare breast. You arched thrusting it further out to him like a sacrificial offering. Pablo groaned then buried his head into your neck where he nipped, licked and sucked your skin.
 “Oh Pablo.”
 His roughened thumb swiped across your nipple once, then twice before he flicked the now hardened peak.
 “Yes,” you breathed.
 As one hand cupped your breast, the other dipped inside those boxers and found where you wanted him the most. A high-pitched gasp left your lips when Pablo’s fingers dipped between your folds.
 “Mmmmm,” Pablo rumbled finding you already wet for him.
 Pablo then pressed his forehead to yours as his fingers explored the slickness between your thighs.
 “Fuck dollface, you’re already wet for me?”
 You nodded unable to find your voice. He scissored your clit between his fingers and slid them up and down sending such powerful sparks of pleasure through you, you nearly came right then.
 Pablo must have sensed it because his body stiffened, then he slid one finger home into your core. You both groaned in unison. It wasn’t nearly enough but it was still so fucking good and so much more than you’d had all these months. When you opened your eyes, you found Pablo’s hazel ones locked on you. His mouth was slightly ajar as he continued dipping into your cavernous heat one centimeter at a time. When he’d finally sent that one digit as far as it could go, he curled it up making your eyes roll to the back of your head.
 “You’re so tight. It’s like I’ve never claimed this sweet little pussy as mine.”
 You whimpered when he hooked his finger deeper.
 “Fuck, I’m going to have to teach her again how to take me, huh?”
 You nodded.
 “I can’t hear you dollface.”
 Pablo added another finger rotating his wrist, so his fingers spiraled inside of you.
 “Ye—ye—yes, yes, yes!”
 As if on their own, his fingers pulled out of you only to slam back in again and again before Pablo pulled them out completely. You watched as he licked them clean like a man with his favorite flavored cone.
 “You taste as good as I remember. I want more.”
 Before you knew it, Pablo had flipped you so you were straddling him with his thick, hard cock pressing against your sex. The feel of him nestled between your legs but not inside of you was so tempting that you couldn’t resist ricking against him using your slickness to ease your glide.
 “Aah,” Pablo growled gripping your hips but not stopping you.
 You began slow but that didn’t last. After the second or third rock you were quickly rubbing yourself against his need half using him for your own pleasure and half teasing him. The only sounds in the living room were your combined panting and moaning. Pablo’s grip on your hips tightened and soon he was pulling you toward his face.
 When his mouth latched onto your clit you instinctively bucked against him swiping your pussy across his mouth and nose. Pablo moaned then locked his arms around your waist holding you right where he wanted. His tongue set the pace telling you that he planned on devouring you until you were breathless and trying to run away and even then, he wouldn’t let you.
 Before even three minutes had passed you were so close, and he knew it from the way your moans turned to mewls and mewls turned to pants then finally whines.
 “Ah, ah, ah, Pa—oh my god!”
 You tried to pull away, but his arms held you tighter and deciding to just lose yourself to the pleasure you rocked on him, riding his face. Your wail of pleasure echoed throughout the house as your orgasm crept up on you taking you by surprise. Pablo moaned as he lapped at your flesh taking every drop you gave him. Even then he didn’t releasee you, he kept on coaxing another.
 Trying to pry yourself from him was futile so you gave yourself to the wild, consuming feeling bubbling within you. A feeling that threatened complete destruction and rebirth, a feeling that wanted as much as it would give, a feeling that was almost terrifying in the way that it made you feel so utterly out of control, but you didn’t run from it. You found Pablo’s eyes on you, and you lost your shit. You came so hard you nearly fell back on him. If it weren’t for his strong arms holding you, you were sure you would have.
 The next thing you knew you were cocooned in Pablo’s arms with your head resting in the crook of his beauty mark speckled neck while straddling him. Your eyes met and your hearth thundered even more.
 “Hi,” Pablo whispered before kissing the tip of your nose.
 “I’m sorry, I took too much too soon,” Pablo said.
 Your brow crinkled. “Too much?”
 “After flying, now with jet lag, I should have--.”
 You cut him off with a kiss. When you felt his hardness lurch underneath you, you realized then you’d blacked out and he hadn’t come yet. This man was too good to you. Kissing him with renewed need, you shifted just a little so his cock was between your bodies throbbing against your belly. Then you shifted onto your knees and hovered just above his length. Every time your wet entrance grazed the tip of his need he flinched and stiffened.  He was barely hanging on.
 “You haven’t taken enough.”
 You then slid down taking him inside of you inch by slow inch. Pablo threw his head back and clenched his jaw. His Adam’s apple bobbed uncontrollably tempting you to nip him which you did. Biting down on his skin you marked him not caring who saw it. Pablo groaned, wrapped his arms around you and pulled you down onto him filling and stretching you to capacity.
 Pablo shook as he held you still. Every muscle in his back and chest jerked, then clenched and unclenched. He was right, he would have to teach you how to take him again. You were so impossibly full of him you were tethering on that fine line of pleasure and pain, and it drove you mad.
 “So tight, so fucking tight,” Pablo muttered allowing his vulnerability to shine through his voice.
 You slowly raised off of him allowing a few inches to slip from you before lowering yourself again. When you did, Pablo whimpered. Doing it again and again his reaction to you only intensified. By the time you’d picked up your speed both of your pleasure had synced. It felt as if you could feel his pleasure and he could feel yours. You were on the same seesaw ebbing back and forth, up and down on the way to the most powerful shared orgasm.
 “You’re so beautiful,” Pablo whispered into your ear before he bit your lobe.
 “Mmm. You feel incredible baby,” you countered.
 “Did you miss my cock dollface?”
 You nodded before you bit onto his bottom lip then sucked it into your mouth. Pablo squeezed your hips then began moving you on him. First, he rocked you back and forth then lifted you up and down slamming you down every time. By the time you were seeing stars behind your eyes, you pushed him back, so he laid down onto the floor, then lifted his t-shirt off of your body. Pablo’s eyes immediately dropped to your breasts and seconds later his hands cupped them.
 Using him as an anchor you planted your hands on this ripped torso then bounced on him. With every crash down onto him the goosebumps on your flesh beaded tighter and tighter, your telltale sign you were close.
 “I’m so close baby.”
 “Come for me dollface. Come all over this cock.”
 The man was an expert dirty talker. You didn’t stand a chance. As if on command, you did just that. As the sensation wrapped you up and took over you sat on top of him allowing yourself to fully let go after so many months apart. Pablo gripped your hips then jackhammered up into you inching your closer and closer to another release.
 “Ah, ah aahhaa, Pablo!”
 he grunted once, twice then you felt him filling you like a twinkie.
 “Ah, uh, uh, ah, uuuugh!”
 He held you so tightly against him ensuring that not even a drop escaped you and with every spurt he released inside of you, your body trembled. After several long moments, you both were a panting mess as you clung to one another.
 “Mmm, I love you, Y/N.”
 Your eyes met. “Yeah?”
 He looked so open, so vulnerable, so free for the taking.
 “I do. I love you so fucking much. Shit after today you just may be stuck with me for the rest of your life.”
 He kissed your collar then brought sloppy open-mouthed kisses to your breasts before wrapping his mouth around your nipple.
 “Mmm. What’s that supposed to mean?”
 He took his time licking and sucking your nipple reawakening that hungry, desperate need within you. Pulling his mouth from your flesh, he bit his bottom lip then brought one hand to your stomach.
 “I think I may have just planted Pablo Jr and Pabuela right here.”
 Your eyes bugged as you took in his words. Both of you snorted then laughed heartily.
 You playfully slapped his chest.
 “Is that what your goal was? Let’s trap her so she’ll stay?”
 You playfully pinched and poked him until he rolled onto you pinning your arms above your head.
 “Trap? That’s such an ugly word. I prefer locked down, wifed up.”
 Both of you stopped moving as your eyes lingered. This was not the first time ether of you had heard the W word in reference to your relationship. It was however the first time Pablo had used the W word in reference to your relationship. This was also the first time he’d joked about having kids with you. He hovered over you, searching your eyes. You didn’t know what to say so you remained silent as your heart raced uncontrollably.
 “What do you think?”
 “Pabuela is a hideous name. There is no way my—our daughter will be named that.”
 You knew what you’d said, and you’d said it on purpose. His eyes remained on yours, but they sparked with intensity.
 “But Pablo Jr?”
 “PJ, sounds good,” you whispered.
 It was as if you were having two conversations in one. This lighthearted hypothetical one with the real and much deeper one hidden between the words, a serious one, one that was heavy with promise and intent. Pablo bit his bottom lip as he readjusted himself between your legs.
 “It does. Maybe Y/N Jr for—our daughter?”
 Hearing how heartbreakingly soft his voice got when he said “our” made your heart skipped a beat. It was a horrible idea, no way would you want to make your daughter a Jr, but hearing those words from him took your breath away. Shit you were so gone--hook, line and sinker for this man.
 You widened your legs then wrapped them around his waist. “There’s room for improvement but—I think we should be sure they are planted properly. Once may be all it takes but twice—seals the fate.”
 Pablo slowly smiled until he was full on just teeth and gums. With one thrust of his hips, he connected you again, stealing your breath all over again. The whole time he thrust into you his eyes never left yours. You were having a full-on conversation with your eyes and the beating of your hearts. The intensity of the exchange made you overly sensitive. You could feel everything ten times more. Every rub of his skin against yours felt like sparks from fireworks landed on your flesh. Every collision of his hip bone into yours was the rake of nails along your skin. Every tap of his thighs against the backs of yours sent a frisson of fire through you. It all felt so incredible, so completely perfect.
 When you felt his movements lag becoming even less controlled, you knew the intensity of the moment, of your lovemaking was also making him more sensitive as well. He was close and neither of you wanted to stop it or slow down. Pablo quickly thrusted into you racing for his release and you held on to him never taking your eyes off of his. Suddenly he stopped moving leaving your body in heightened suspension. Your first thought was he’d changed his mind and was pulling away from you both physically and emotionally. The thought made your heart clench and eyes prick with tears.
 “I love you, Y/N. Forever and always.”
 His brow crinkled and just like that he’d made the conscious decision and deliberate choice to seal your fate and lives together. A tear rolled out the corner of your eye as you joined him in the sweetest orgasm you’d ever had together. When you felt Pablo’s thick digit swipe at the tear you saw the question, worry and fear in his eyes. Smiling, you cupped his bearded jaw and erased any doubt in him with three words.
 “Forever and always.”
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
God the amount of people on here I’ve, not just lost respect for, but become completely repulsed by in the last few days. People I share fandoms with who every so often would reblog those stupid “goblins are Jews so anybody who puts them in stories is antisemetic and should be shunned!!!” Which I usually just rolled my eyes and moved on. Those same damn people are on here justifying Jewish people getting slaughtered and kidnapped. And even if in their minds it’s truly just about “Israel vs Palestine”, not a fucking peep has been heard from any of them about the attacks now occurring to Jews around the world. “Punch Nazis! Listen to Jewish Voices! Be aware of antisemitism!” All goes out the window now I guess?
Gonna be setting everything to do with this situation to 'mature' and tagging "middle east mess" from here on in, this situation is far too much for lots of you and I get that I'm trying to balance things out best I can.
Go into your settings to the "content" filtering as well as "tag" filtering and punch in any terms you can think of to get most of this all off your dash.
Schrödinger's POC.
One thing I've come to realize in my observations over the years is the majority of the different activists, really loud ones at least, don't actually care about the causes they claim to care about, they don't actually want things to improve for people. Having perpetual victims while they themselves are not victims seems to let them look like they're trying to help and stand up for injustice and victimized people while still covertly looking down their noses at them.
Israel is a great example of that since they do a pretty good job mostly on their own surrounded by enemies on all sides, gotten a little less dangerous over the decades but they're still in the danger zone and generally still thriving.
That and they very rarely get involved in a difficult fight, much easier to virtue signal over a video game than it is when there's some fairly complex geopolitical forces at play. And hating Israel is the easier of the two routes to go in this one, you'll also be seeing the folks that say it's not Jews it's "Zionists" even if the overwhelming majority of Jewish people are Zionists.
Which hey, you're all entitled to your opinion but before you go and start bashing Israel on a hourly basis go ahead and look at all the other countries out there and see how you feel about them and decide if you honestly think you're judging them all by the same standard or if you're judging Israel (or any others) more harshly and then ask yourself why that is.
Amnesty went in to Ukraine at one point after several schools had been targeted by russia, amnesty pointed out all of the obvious signs that the ukrainian military had been using those schools as weapons cache's or staging grounds or any of a number of other military purposes and they declared that to be a big no no and properly laid the blame on the ukranian military and government. You made it a military target by putting troops there.
Oddly even though it's widely known that hamass does the same thing, somehow amnesty still goes after Israel who will "knock on the door" of places they're about to level that are legitimate military targets, if they're also civilian buildings. hamass using the roof of a building as a place for a communications array/radio tower they'll get a dummy bomb dropped in their lap and civilians have their 30 min notice to evacuate because it's going down in 30 min one way or the other, but somehow that's not good enough.
and Oh lord I was in the notes of a couple different post and people talking about the Jewish citizens of Israel not actually being the same people that are the indigenous population to that area, which dna tests have proven that wrong, but hey they're out there repeating talking points made up by goebels so remember that next time these people call someone else a nazi, granted they're stupid enough to call actual Jewish people nazis to their faces showing that they've really just turned that word into something that's on par with butthead at this point.
Circling back round, like I said most of these activists they don't want conditions to actually improve for anyone, because they won't be special little guys helping out the poor oppressed people, they'll just be ordinary.
Cancer researchers would be very happy if they got put out of a job, professional activists not so much.
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This is all beyond very tragic both for the people of Israel and the people of gaza who just want to live their lives free of fear and hate, it is interesting to see people doing 180's on their stances on things like rape and child murder/infanticide and such given who's doing it this time round, if I were Jewish I would be seriously reconsidering my position of I want everyone who wants to and can responsibly do so to own all the guns they like, but having one isn't for me.
I'd cut that last bit out, I'd be armed everywhere I go.
There's lots of issues on both sides of this conflict, but only one side went in to a music festival and murdered 260+ people and dragged off hostages to rape, torture, and maybe attempt to bargain with at some point if the mood strikes.
That's not something the good guys do.
Side note, I'm surprised I haven't seen a specific insult tossed out between members of the Jewish community who are on different sides of this issue, for the curious it's a german word and I'm not going to type it out.
Had someone throw that one at me once which confused me given my lack of being Jewish, loses all it's punch at that point.
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yeowangies · 1 year
Blood Stains
CHAPTER I: You swim in that?
PAIRING: Raditz/Reader RATING: Mature CONTENTS: Attempt at Humor, Canon Divergence AU, POV Alternating, Slow Burn. WARNINGS: None. WORDCOUNT: 2689
His line of thought gets interrupted when Raditz notices the human female walking out of the house. You’re just wearing a swimsuit after all, and he can’t help but stare for a solid minute, taking in your entire body wearing such flimsy clothes. You seem just as taken aback as he is, clearly more puzzled by his presence though. 
He feels his face get hot, he knows he must be blushing. 
Raditz understands now what Kakarot has been doing all this time on this goddamn planet.
This fic started with the funny premise on the summary and it grew long arms and long legs and it's now an incredibly long fic, with more or less 10 chapters. I also wrote this to be a contrast to my other fic Close Encounter, hence the slow burn tag.
I already wrote this up to chapter 8 or so, so I still have some things left to write, but I'm gonna update this regularly.
The contents and warnings will change for each chapter so look out for those!
“Is Goku coming then?” You ask, stepping down from Bulma’s hover car as you walk over to Kame House. 
“Master Roshi invited him so I’m guessing he is…” Bulma says, walking in front of you to get to the door.
“It’s been such a while since we last saw him…” You murmur to yourself.
Five years since the last Tournament and since Goku took off with his new bride. Sometimes it’s still hard to comprehend he got engaged so fast, you couldn’t wait to ask him about marriage life; he tied the knot so young, he was probably surprised by the experience.
You greet Krillin and Master Roshi after not seeing either one of them for years (and Roshi gets bonked in the head, courtesy of Bulma, because of an inappropriate joke). It’s easy to fall into the dynamic you always had; Bulma keeps complaining about Yamcha, like she always does, making you roll your eyes (the poor guy doesn’t deserve it), and Krillin silently judges her for being so dramatic, which makes you laugh. 
A sunny day is expected, and so far it has been like that, so you quickly excuse yourself to get changed into your pink swimsuit, wanting to take advantage of the weather and sunbathe a little.
Goku arrives immediately afterwards, and your mouth drops open when he brings his four year old son along with him.
Raditz could not believe the state of this planet. Kakarot was supposed to eliminate its population, wasn’t he?
If it wasn’t for his scouter signaling some high power levels around, he would have thought his brother was annihilated by these weaklings. But that couldn’t be it. He’s a Saiyan, even as a child, it should have been enough power for him to get rid of this plague in a month or so. He has already encountered that green man earlier, he doesn’t want to assume that such a weak bug would have eliminated him.
What happened then?!
“Fuck you, Kakarot, you had one simple mission…” He grumbles, flying at high speed towards the location his scouter is pointing him to.
The high power is moving rapidly, and Raditz smirks when it suddenly stops. Kakarot is going to get an earful and a beating too, for good measure, and he speeds up to get to his destination so he can finally know what’s happening. 
He lands roughly on a beach of a small island with a pink house. And there he is, his own brother, easy to recognize because he looks so much like their father, surrounded by three humans. Kakarot looks bewildered, staring at him with his mouth hanging open. Raditz frowns, extremely annoyed. He is willingly hanging out with this species?
“Kakarot! What’s with the condition of this planet?!” He practically yells, exasperated when Kakarot looks even more confused by his every word. “Your mission was to exterminate this species! What game have you been-”
His line of thought gets interrupted when Raditz notices the human female walking out of the house. You’re just wearing a swimsuit after all, and he can’t help but stare for a solid minute, taking in your entire body wearing such flimsy clothes. You seem just as taken aback as he is, clearly more puzzled by his presence though. 
He feels his face get hot, he knows he must be blushing. 
Raditz understands now what Kakarot has been doing all this time on this goddamn planet.
“What’s going on?” You ask, looking at Kakarot and the other humans. They seem just as intrigued by your presence and his reaction at your appearance, with the way they keep glancing back and forth. “Who’s that?”
“I would like to know that too!” Kakarot spits, still in a defensive stance.
But Raditz isn’t paying him any mind. He keeps staring at you, perplexed and stunned. Do all human females wear those clothes?! He hasn’t noticed it on his way here, and even the other woman on the island isn’t wearing anything that revealing. 
It isn’t just the attire, however. The clothes are distracting enough, but you are attractive. Enough to make him forget about why he’s there in the first place.
You blink a couple of times, clueless, before turning your eyes towards the other humans beside you.
“Can someone tell me what on Earth is happening?”
Raditz snaps out of his own head at your question, shaking his head slightly, just in time when the little bald Earthling approaches him. He has to focus, he’s there for a reason; to get Kakarot back so he joins their group. Distractions are not allowed; he can’t fail a mission this simple, it’s literally a piece of cake, and no female will distract him from it, no matter how alluring they are. 
It has been a shock to find out that Goku has a brother, but it’s even more startling that he’s an alien. It makes sense in retrospect, but it’s not like a lot of people would have gotten to that conclusion with certainty. 
Raditz stared at you the moment he saw you, and you figured it had a lot to do with the swimsuit you were wearing. Which was hilarious, but you were too concerned about Gohan being kidnapped and Goku going after him to laugh about it at that time. Only Bulma cracked a joke, and you rolled your eyes, blushing a bit but brushing off her comment. You did notice he’s attractive, but the fact that he was violent and threatening Goku and this planet preoccupied your mind. 
Now, however, you’re looking at his face as he lays unconscious on a very high-tech hospital bed at Bulma’s house, in one of its many rooms, connected by cables to computers and monitors. Goku insisted before dying that his brother stays alive, and no one refused him (Piccolo did try to talk him out of it, but it was futile). And if you were honest, you didn’t want him to die either, for reasons probably just as selfish as Goku’s. You’re glad everyone complied; Bulma knew you well enough to let you monitor him on your own without questions, so you got to see him everyday. Unconscious, but you count your blessings. You got to stare at his handsome face and even his toned chest too, even though most of his torso was covered in bandages; but now you want to hear him talk, even if he goes back to threatening the Earth or something. 
It has been a week since Raditz has been like that, he did lost a lot of blood after all. But even you know he’s healing abnormally fast. Any human could have died from that injury, but he hadn’t. And his superficial wounds are long gone. A Saiyan, that’s what Goku and Raditz were. You still can’t wrap your head around it.
You’re on the verge of dozing off one day when you hear the sheets shuffle slightly. You practically jump from your seat to approach his bed, staring at him to see if he wakes up. Raditz does wake up, sitting up abruptly as soon as he opens his eyes, making you yelp loudly. 
“You scared me!” You practically yell at him, clutching your chest.
He stares at you with wide eyes, panting, as he calms himself down slowly. You hope he remembers meeting you before, because he certainly seemed intrigued back then, and you hope that’s enough reason for him not to attack you. You’re just a human after all, even in his state, he could harm you if he wanted to.
“You’re that girl with the skimpy clothes…” He finally says, eyeing you up and down slowly.
“Huh?” You gape at him momentarily before you understand what he means. “Oh, my swimsuit you mean?”
“Your swimsuit? You swim in that?”
“Yes, that’s what it’s made-”
“Is all your species this indecent?”
“Woah, hey! You’re alive because of us, you know?”
Raditz groans, obviously in pain, and you immediately shut your mouth. 
“Are you in pain? You should lay back down.”
“Where am I?” He asks, ignoring your words.
“This is my friend’s house. We-”
“Why am I here?”
“And what are you doing here?”
“Maybe you should let me speak?” You ask, a little annoyed at this point. He stares at you, and you take his silence as a signal to go on. “You were bleeding pretty badly after your fight with Goku and Piccolo, so we brought you here. We did our best to help you heal, but it’s going to take a while until you’re better. I’ve been checking in on you every day, you’ve been passed out for a week.”
He doesn’t look pleased at all, but he doesn’t look like he’s going to strangle you either, so you take it as a win. He frowns deeply, inspecting all the bandages in his body, wincing when he twists his body in certain ways.
“Raditz, that’s your name, right?” 
You remember it perfectly, but maybe asking him about it would mellow him out a bit. He doesn’t reply, so you take the opportunity to introduce yourself. He only looks at you curiously, clearly in a defensive stance (or as defensive as he can be in his state). 
“You should rest. Are you hungry? I can have food brought in.”
“Aren’t you my brother’s ally?”
“Yeah, I am, why?”
“I could kill you right now.”
“Ok? Why are you telling me that?” You frown.
“Why are you helping me?” He practically growls. He does look menacing due to how big he is, but he also looks in pain. 
“Why not?” You shrug. “You don’t remember what happened before you passed out?”
Raditz doesn’t reply, but he continues to glare at you. He must not remember; it would make sense since he was bleeding a lot before he fainted. He wouldn’t remember that Goku asked you to keep him alive because he didn’t want to kill him. 
When Raditz woke up in that bed in what looked like some kind of hospital room and you were right in front of him, he didn’t know if it was a blessing or a curse. You were distracting enough, he didn’t have time to entertain himself with an earthling.
The second thing he felt once awake was pain. His entire torso ached, and that’s when he noticed the bandages. You told him that he was bleeding profoundly, but he barely remembers that. 
Why are you even helping him? He’s your enemy after all. He knows he’s weak in his current state, and without the healing tanks, he’s going to take a little longer to heal, but Saiyans still recover pretty fast compared to other species. He could wait a week, or even a month, and kill you then. Why are you taking the risk?
Raditz doesn’t remember what happened with that green guy and his brother. Is Kakarot dead? It would be safe to assume that he is, he does remember almost being hit directly by that powerful beam, but his brother did get hit. But even if he’s dead, he can’t deal with his companion in his current state. 
Which leads him again to the question of why he’s even alive. The memories of the last couple of minutes in that last fight are fuzzy. Surely that guy wouldn’t have let him go that easily, he is a threat to this planet after all. 
Raditz groans loudly, rubbing his temples. He might have to ask you about it, but he’s not sure he can trust you yet. As captivating as you are. 
“Are you in pain?” You ask him when you enter the room the next morning after he wakes up. “Since you’re not human, I’m not sure how many painkillers we can give you.”
“Tell me what happened before I passed out.” 
He ignores every word you said, and that seems to bother you by the twitch in your eyebrow and the slight pout on your lips. Which is rather cute, he has to admit. 
“Ask nicely and maybe I’ll tell you.”
“Do I have to remind you again that I can kill you?”
“Yeah well, do it then.”
Arching an eyebrow, Raditz scoffs. 
Threatening to kill you is a bad idea, simply because he knows he doesn’t want to. But since you’re daring him to do so… he should do it, right? Why would he care if you live or die, this planet is doomed anyway.
You smile at him, like you know he won’t lift a finger to touch you, and it pisses him off a little. A part of him, however, likes your attitude. He won’t ever say it out loud, though. 
“Don’t worry, I’m not withholding information from you on purpose. I just want you to be nice to me, that’s all.”
“I’m not nice.”
“I can tell.” You roll your eyes playfully. “But you can try. After all, I've been taking care of you from the beginning.”
“God knows why you’re stupid enough to do that.”
His words do make you angry this time, your face twisting in a way he hasn’t seen yet, and he smirks proudly. His provocation worked this time.
“We’re not all homicidal maniac aliens, okay?! I was hoping you’d wake up from your coma soon, but I didn’t think you’d be this rude!”
“You were hoping I’d wake up?” Raditz snorts loudly, not even containing his laughter. “Are you insane, girl?”
“Yes, I’m crazy enough to want to talk to you!” 
“Because I think you’re handsome, dumbass!”
Raditz balks, taken aback by your words, and he soon feels his face heat up. Just like that first time he saw you. You still stare at him with ire in your eyes, your first turned into balls by your sides. He’s not even sure what to say, but making you angry had been a terrible idea; not only did you confess to finding him attractive, but you also look incredibly more appealing than usual now that anger is adorning your features. And he doesn’t know what to do in this situation. 
“So I think the best thing you can do is be nice to me.” Luckily for him, you go on speaking after a beat, still clearly annoyed, but a little calmer. 
At a loss for words, Raditz looks elsewhere so you won’t notice the blush on his cheeks. When you turn to ask for breakfast through the phone, he briefly looks your way, and notices how red the tip of your ears are. At least he’s not the only one who's embarrassed. You usually hang around the room with him, even if he’s not necessarily a conversational wonder, but this situation must have made you feel embarrassed because you leave the room shortly after requesting for food. 
He dwells on your words now that he’s alone. You thought he was handsome, now what? He does find you attractive, it must have been obvious by the way he stared at you the moment you met, as embarrassing as it was. He never had to chase after a woman before, so he’s not sure what to do. What are Earth courting customs anyway? For what he vaguely remembers about his own people, courtship usually involved offering a trophy, like an animal hunted for solely that purpose. But that was a mating proposal. This isn’t mating. He just wants to fuck you.
The first thing he should do is get used to standing on his feet without twisting in pain before considering doing any other kind of straining activity. Saiyans heal fast, but getting to that point is going to take a while. 
Raditz grunts, sinking into the bed. How stupid is he? He shouldn’t even consider any of this. Nappa and Vegeta are coming to Earth. He remembers them sharing that information with him through his scouter…
Fuck, what even happened to his scouter? He’s going to have to ask you about it. 
For some reason, he remembers feeling intense fury before passing out, when Nappa and Vegeta were talking to him. But he doesn’t exactly remember the reason.
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fionaapplerocks · 1 year
I read I was dead on the Internet.
POP QUIZ -- Q & A With Fiona Apple Published 4:00 am PST, Sunday, Dec 7, 1997
Q: Was this a good year to be Fiona Apple?
A: This was the best year. For me, the best times are always going to be the most intense, the ones with the highest highs and the lowest lows. I was so pissed off that I was misunderstood on this whole worldwide level for a while that it discouraged me. Because I don't feel that way anymore, I can use those experiences and think they're wonderful. If I had the worst of times this year and I had the best times, that means I really kicked ass because I got past those worst times.
Q: Any reflections on your acceptance speech at the MTV Awards?
A: That was a big step for me, and it had nothing to do with the content of my speech, or lack thereof. It was the fact that I said what I wanted to say. If I can't show everybody out there that I'm willing to go up there and make an a-- out of myself and be inarticulate and be nervous and be angry, then I have no right speaking because I have nothing to offer that hasn't been seen before.
Q: Do you feel old now that you have turned 20?
A: I don't know how I would feel old or young. I don't understand how people can really answer questions like that. I have no basis of comparison. I've never been anyone else.
Q: Do you feel more mature?
A: I was just telling my sister yesterday that I feel like I'm 6 years old. Everything I do with my free time is absurdly kindergartenlike. All I do in hotel rooms is, I lay out the blanket on the floor and get a bunch of magazines and make collages. I had a day off yesterday and that's all I did.
Q: Are you worried your next album will lack the intimate quality of your debut?
A: A lot of times when you're surrounded by all these people it can be even lonelier than when you're by yourself. It can be a huge crowd, but if you don't feel like you can trust anybody or talk to anybody, then you feel like you're really alone. I have a very steadfast tendency to parent myself, to monitor my development into the person I want to be. I've tried to keep the corruption minimal. I try not to pay too much attention to what goes on around me. It's like when you see those horses pulling carriages in Central Park and they've got those blinders on so they don't get spooked by the traffic outside. I feel like I'm in a place where I don't feel too comfortable, so I'm just going to keep my eyes on the road ahead of me and not look around and not get spooked or brought down by anything.
Q: What's the best rumor you've heard about yourself?
A: I read I was dead on the Internet.
Q: How did you die?
A: I don't know. I just heard about it yesterday.
Q: It must be your a𝑛or𝑒xia.
A: Yeah, that's great. I dare anybody to look at me and I say I'm a𝑛or𝑒xic. I'm so totally not.
Q: Does it bother you that people make out to your music?
A: Hell, no. I don't care what people do. Honestly, I don't care how people remember my first album. I did it for my own reasons. I don't have a big thing with leaving my mark or being historic. It made me feel good. It made some other people feel good.
Q: What do you listen to when you make out?
A: What's really good is African drum music.
Q: Did your boyfriend (magician David Blaine) really get your name tattooed on his shoulder?
A: Yes. He did it as a surprise. He had talked about it, but I kept telling him not to do it. I would feel stupid if somebody had to get me removed. It's not like he'll ever have to get it removed, though, because we'll always stay best friends.
Q: What did you do to show your devotion to him?
A: I have a tattoo and part of it says "kin" on it, because I call him my kin. He's my best friend. I'm a writer so, of course, I'm going to find something a little more poetic than just somebody's name.
Q: Are you going drinking when you turn 21?
A: Come on. I got drunk when I was 5. Everybody gets drunk before they're 21.
Q: Do you really believe that you will die young, as you said in a recent Spin article?
A: I was being sarcastic, but the writer just didn't get it. I wasn't misquoted or anything. I don't think anyone had it out for me or anything, but I was just misunderstood. I had been fighting all day about what I was going to wear and how I was going to look at the photo shoot. I just got p -- off and was in a weird mood. I was being deadpan and the man didn't get it. I got into therapy in the fifth grade because I said I was going to kill myself in a sarcastic way and they didn't get it then. Nothing's changed.
By Aidin Vaziri
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lanadane1 · 1 year
About You
(Late November 1984) Chapter 1: The Car Ride
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Eddie Munson x female!harrington!reader
Chapter Summary:  In the weeks following the breakup, it’s been hard to not be in contact with Eddie.  You let your desires get the best of you. 
Word Count: 4.2k 
series masterlist here
Chapter warnings: Angst, smoking (reader), nightmare, mention of panic attack or sorts (just reader experiencing triggers), partying, +18 for general mature topics and content
You felt like you were suffocating.  It was a sensory deprivation and overload all at the same time.  
Your goggles were clouded from the particles that floated freely around your head.  You had no idea what that stuff was, and it scared you that it surrounded you like a cloud.  The makeshift mask covering your mouth, nose, and ears felt like it was preventing any kind of airflow to your lungs, making them burn.  It was dark all around you, no sense of direction, and the croaking from the hound like creatures seemed to echo around the tunnel making it impossible to tell where it was coming from.  
You screamed for somebody, anybody, to help you- but your voice was trapped in your throat.  
You leaned against the wall of the small tunnel and sank to the ground, squeezing your eyes shut. Hands clamped over your ears and head between your legs to try to stop the world from spinning.
Suddenly a hand settled on your shoulder blade and your head jerk up.  
There, in all his glory, was him.  Him with his halo of dark curls that framed his face perfectly.  Him with his worn leather jacket that was surprisingly soft and smelt like home.  Him with his snarky smile that made him seem like he always knew something you didn’t. Him with his heart full of love and head full of songs.
“It’s just a dream y/n.”
He knelt to your level and pulled your face into his hands.  He slid the goggles off your eyes and down to hang around your neck along with the bandana mask that was previously suffocating you.  His face was so close to your own that if you moved forward even an inch your lips would brush.  
“You’re perfectly safe. You can wake up.”
And with that command, your eyes drifted open and made contact with the soft light spilling into your room.  You smiled and shuffled down into your sheets as the memory of him was still firm in your mind.  You let yourself revel in the phantom sensation of his lips close to yours before reality hit you.  Like, it did every morning.
The reality that he was not yours anymore.  That he would not be driving you to school.  He would not kiss you at your locker before 1st period.  And since its Tuesday, he would not be driving you to watch a Corroded Coffin gig at the Hideout tonight.  
Ignoring the melancholy that had taken root in your bones for the past few weeks, you rise from your bed and begin another monotonous day.  
Steve and you made your way to school, arriving much earlier than usual.  Steve still hadn’t gotten use to not having to pick up Nancy on the way and this threw off your schedule a bit.  As you pulled into the lot- one of the first ones there for the umpteenth time this week month- Steve sighed to himself.  
“Well, this essay will not write itself.  Sure you don’t wanna keep me company in the library?”
“We both know that’s code for wanna fuck around so I can avoid my responsibilities, Stevie.”
You both chuckle as he swats your shoulder and reaches for his backpack in the back seat.
“Always a ray of sunshine y/n.  You’re still the one whose gonna proofread it for me out of the goodness of your heart.” He crooned to you while stepping out of the car.  
“The weathers nice so I think I’ll read on the bench till class.” You give him a half-hearted smile.
He gives you a small sad smile.  He is well aware that Eddie and you would frequent that bench before school almost daily.
“Old habits die hard.” You admitted and shrugged, the urge to defend your somewhat pathetic behavior bubbling up in your chest.  
You grab your backpack and exited the car in a fluid move that had you gliding towards the picnic bench towards the side of the parking lot.  Once arrived, you rifled through your bag to find your favorite book and Walkman.  A slow melody filled your ears as you dive in, forgetting your surroundings and circumstances.  A craving burrowed into your bones right alongside the melancholy, though.  
It’s a craving for him.  The craving for the comfort he brings.  A craving for home.  
An insatiable craving that cannot seem to be quenched.  You have unfortunately found comfort in smoking, however.  The smell of the cigarette envelopes you in the aroma of him- lulling the buzz in your body for him.  
Yet, of course, last night you had used your last smoke and not had time to buy another pack before school this morning.  So, you sat on the bench with your book clenched in your cold hands, bending the pages, as the craving consumed your body and left you with not a thing to do about it.
So, it was going to be one of those days.
Just as the buzzing settled to a low hum, a screeching broke through the music playing in your ears. The sound of Dio clashed unsettlingly with the Tears for Fears song in your ears and a rickety van pulled into its usual spot in the lot.  As he pulled into his usual spot in the lot.  The sight of his van brought thoughts of him like a tsunami in your brain. You clenched your book even harder, as if it were the only thing keeping you anchored to earth during this assault of memories on your psyche.
So, it was really going to be one of those days.
He put the vehicle in park and you watched the van as it thrummed with energy.  You felt akin to the car.  Thrumming with energy but unable to move anywhere.  
You knew you would regret the ultimate hurt the decision you were about to make was going to bring you, but you couldn’t find enough cons to out way the pros in your mind.  
I need a cigarette. I know he will have one.  I have been going mad not talking to him or seeing him.  Just one conversation will hold me over for a while.  Who cares if I have a breakdown afterwards- the high of the moment is going to feel so good.
Before you could even really decide, your legs were already moving you away from the bench and towards the van you know so well.  
Before you could even really decide, your hand was coming up to knock at the glass window of the driver’s side door.  
Before you could even really decide, you were jerking him awake from his cat nap in the driver’s seat before a long day at school.  
It took him a moment to calm down from the initial scare of the knock startling him awake.  Once he realized who was the perpetrator of the knock, his pulse picked up again.  
Eddies eyes widened and he blinked in disbelief at who was standing in front of him, and he frantically rolled his window down to destroy the barrier between you two.  
You both stared into each other’s eyes for a minute before daring to break to silence.  You found a frail voice in the back of your throat and whispered out a small hi to him.
He took in the sound of your voice, ringing like a bell and replenishing his frazzled mind before greeting you back.  You look down to your feet awkwardly before looking back up to him.
“I know this is weird but I- I was wondering if you didn’t mind me bumming a cigarette off of you?” you mumbled out.
“I- well- You smoke?” he stuttered out.
“Recently yea.” His eyes darkened understanding the implications of your words.
“Well, I- um yea. I’ve got one.”
He turned to his glove compartment and shuffled around for a moment.  The black shirt he worse stretched across the expanse of his back and highlighted his muscles moving under his luscious skin.  
You’d been practically drooling by the time he turned back around with a cigarette in hand.  He reached out to hand you the smoke stick as you extended your arm and met in the middle.  Your fingers brushed each other’s as you made the exchange- lighting your skin on fire.  Even the smallest amount of contact had you wanting to jump into the car right through the window and hold him so close that you would fuse together.  
“Thanks.” You mutter out as you hold it between your fingers, rolling it anxiously.
You slowly, and very awkwardly, began to turn around and back away from his van when it seemed that neither of you were going to say anything else.  
Make her stay, make her stay, make her stay His mind rattled.
“Well, um, do you need a light?” Eddie offered up as he sensed you about to leave.
“Oh I’m- actually I’m good I’ve got one in my bag.”
“Right cool.”
“Thanks though.”
“Yea no problem.”
You both stared again.
“So, um I guess how- “
“Don’t ask me how I’m doing Eds.  I think we both know the answer.”
“Then it’s good thing I was gonna ask how long you’d been smoking.” He halfheartedly chuckled out.
Your heart dropped into your stomach as tears welled up into your eyes.  Of course, he wasn’t asking you how you were.  He broke up with you, he doesn’t care.  
“Oh right. It’s been like- wow I don’t know this is so embarrassing I can’t think,” you chuckle to yourself while gazing down to the asphalt under your feet.  
Eddie could tell you were in distress; he could read you like a book.  Regret flooded his body over his snide comment that reduce you to this stuttering mess in front of him.  Desperately, he tried to backtrack.
“No but I want to know that too- I just figured you wouldn’t wanna talk about that.  I figured you wouldn’t wanna talk to me period.  I can’t believe you’re here and speaking to me.”
“Neither can I.  My feet just kind brought me here.”
“I miss talking to you. I mean it’s weird going from talking to you every single day to not at all.”
“I miss talking to you too.”
You both knew what you really meant.
Eddies hands toyed with the rings that adorned his fingers, twisting and fidgeting with them in an attempt to release the anxiety in his chest.  
After you walked out of his trailer that night, he knew he made a mistake.  He let his issues get the better of him and it finally messed up the best thing in his life- you.  He knew he shouldn’t have pushed you to tell him and trusted you to explain everything eventually.  It was evident that this was not something easy you could tell him.  They way you were pleading with him that it wasn’t safe for him to know yet and the look in your eye made it apparent to him, only after the fact, that this was serious.  Something major happened, and it messed you up.  This was bigger than you or him.  And rather than being there for you when you needed him to pick up the pieces, he broke you apart further.  
“Maybe we could… like… talk then? Sometime?”  
You sucked in a breath and pause.  Debating. Weighing your options.  Deciding if the heartbreak is worth it.  
“Eventually yea.  I’d really like to.” You give him a meek smile. A beam of hope.
“Good. Cool.  Whenever, no rush.” He means it.  You believe him.  
The week flew by uneventfully.  That’s how they seem to be as of late.  You wake up, you go to school, sometimes you’ll have cheer practice after, you go home and go to bed.  Rinse and repeat.  You’ve only just now finally found the will to start engaging with your friends again. Nancy was there for you as best as she could- but it was difficult when she couldn’t enter your house in fear of coming face to face with Steve.  
But this week seemed to be a little different.  After your encounter with Eddie, you could feel his eyes on you everywhere you went.
You could see his subtle glances towards you in English and you could feel his stare across the lunchroom. His watchful eye ignited something in you that you hadn’t felt for what seemed to be an eternity.  It was hope.  Hope that he would wave to you in the hallway.  Hope that he would pass you a note.  Hope that he would offer you a cigarette.  But it was also anxiety.  Anxiety that he would watch you silently until he graduated in the spring- assuming he finally graduates this time.  Anxiety that he was waiting for the perfect moment to tell you he had moved on and was letting you go.  But you would take the bittersweet emotions over the numbness that inhabited your body like a parasite.  
The end of the week drained you, however.  
You jogged the sidewalk of your neighborhood, an afternoon exercise ritual you tried to participate in as often as possible.  You found the adrenaline and endorphins of the activity helped to unfog your mind and raise your spirits.  
Every so often, the setting Sun would brush your eyes, momentarily blinding you.  As you rounded the corner of Shirley and Maplewood, the Sun obstructed your vision harshly, making your surroundings impossible to perceive.  It was in this instant that Mr. Berkley’s dog, Flash, decided it was the perfect moment to bark as loudly as he could at your movement.  
The sound of the growl startled you, and as your spotting vision flickered towards the black hound, your temporary blindness comprehended the dog and something it wasn’t.  A creature.  The kind the kids found in October.  The kind from the tunnels.  
For a split second you brain told you This is a demo-dog.  You are in danger.  If it’s this close to you, you’re already dead.
The scream that ripped from your chest was instinctual and piercing.  The tears that sprung from your eyes were involuntary and violent, just like your collapse to the ground.  
You registered what had happened, picked yourself up, and jogged off with tears in your eyes before Mr. Berkley or a neighbor could exit their houses to question you and your seemingly bizarre behavior.  
Maybe I’ll give running a break you decided.
And stay away from dogs.
The weekend brought better fortune.  You made an appearance at a party with your friend, Chrissy, but didn’t stay long.  
“I think I’m gonna head home Chris.” You muttered into her ear as you found her smushed against a wall in a pack of cheerleaders and basketball players, all rambling on overzealously about the typical gossip and trying not to puke on each other.
She looked into your eyes and understood.  Your social battery was drained.  You had no more energy left in you to pretend that you were okay.  You had no more energy left to pretend that you weren’t praying to every force in the universe that he would walk through that door and take you away.  But he didn’t and he wasn’t going to.  
She pulled away from the huddle of drunken teenagers and hugged you close.
“Hey, you did good.  A whole hour!  Now that’s what I call progress.” She gave you a radiant smile and you returned it with a limp one of your own.
You stalked out of the house with your head down as to avoid getting roped into any conversation. Once on the safety of the porch, you finally rose your head all the way up to the sky and breathed in the chilly night air.  You wrapped your jacket tighter around your body and reached into your pockets to put on your gloves.  As you reached in your hand was met with a crinkled cylindrical stick.  You removed it from your pocket and there in your palm rested the cigarette Eddie gave you.  
After the conversation that one morning, you completely forgot about the cigarette- leaving it unsmoked.  You put it in your mouth and reached into your purse to find your lighter.  A minute of hopelessly rummaging through it informed you that it was not on your person.  
“Dammit Stevie.” You muttered, taking the cigarette out of your mouth to have it lazily relax between your index and middle finger.  
You recalled just how your lighter was taken from you forcefully by your brother on the night of the tunnels.  They needed fire to ignite the gasoline and to complete the mission you involuntarily sacrificed it in the process.  A shudder passes through your body- not from the chilly night air.  You closed your eyes and leaned upon the banister of the porch to steady yourself.
A voice drifts towards you, carried out of the dark expanse of the night in front of you by the winter wind- rescuing you from the dark memory, “Finally need that light?”
Your eyes snap up. Emerging from his beat-up van was the man you’d been praying to see all night.  You heart skipped a beat, and it took you a moment to respond.  “Oh um, yea I guess I do, now.”  
He slinked towards you in that way in only Eddie did.  His body moved fluidly and confidently, almost feline like, as he approached your shivering figure on the doorstep.  He produced a metal lighter and ignited the cigarette you had placed back to your lips. You muttered a thank you and took the first inhale as he clinked the metal contraption shut and stuffed it back into the pocket of his leather jacket.  
He paused a moment and watched you.  Eddie always liked to watch you do trivial things like washing dishes, taking notes, or riffling through your bag.  He appreciated your existence and observed you like the most fascinating creature in the world.  His breath left his body at the sight of your lips wrapped around the smoke stick, a sight he’d never seen before, and tilt your head to the side to expel the air.  
After a beat you worked up the courage to break the silence.  “So, what brings you to this neck of the woods?”  He smiled at your question.  “My services were required.  Donnie promised me double for making a house call.” “I see I see.” You nodded your head awkwardly.  
“Are you leaving?”
“Yea I’m not really in the party mood.  I was just about to walk- “
“Walk?” He interrupted you. “Y/n you were not seriously about to walk home from here.”
Your eyes rolled, “It’s like a mile and a half.”
“Can’t Steve come get you?””
“He’s busy and I’m fine.  I’m a big girl and I walk home by myself.” You insisted laughing at his franticness.
“It’s pitch black out.” “It’s 7:30 Eds.”
His voice hitched in the back of his throat at the sound of his nickname.  He decides to potentially cross a boundary that exes shouldn’t cross.
“Let me drive you home. I’ll be 5 minutes just enough to drop off with Donnie, get my cash and get out.”
You hesitate.  “You really don’t have to do that.”  “I would sleep better tonight knowing I didn’t leave you trek across dangerous lands all by your lonesome.”
“This is Lock Nora Eddie. It’s more Hundred Acer Woods than Mirkwood.”  You chuckle out.
You both laugh at your remark.  Then the silence creeps back in.  But it’s not awkward this time.  Its comfortable like a warm blanket had been wrapped around the two of you.  You look into his eyes and discover the seriousness to his request.  
“Only if it’s not an inconvenience.”  
“You’re never an inconvenience y/n.”
“Wait here and finish up. I’ll be 5 minutes.”  
He enters the house and takes the warm blanket with him, leaving you alone again on the freezing porch with a half-burnt cigarette in your fingers.
The car ride brought on the strongest bout of déjà vu you’d ever experienced.  Apparently, nobody had been a passenger since the breakup because the seat was still in the perfect position for you.  The music he usually blasted was reduced to a low hum that drifted throughout the cavernous car and his driving was abnormally slow and safe- as it always was when you were present.  
The moment was a perfect replica of so many late-night car rides, except your thigh lacked his strong grip on it and his face was now replaced with an anxious grimace instead of a content grin.  
You swallowed the lump in your throat and willed yourself to speak.  “So, how’s Wayne?”  
Eddies body relaxed into his seat as your voice filled his ears.  As he basked in your presence, he reminded himself that he might not have another opportunity to talk to you in such an intimate setting ever again or at least for a long time- so he needed to man up and respond.  
“He’s good but tired. He picked up a bunch of late shifts for his buddy whose wife had a baby- but the extra cash is nice.”  
“He ever figure out where he left is tweedy bird mug?”
Eddie grinned at the memory of the three of you ransacking the slovenly trailer for any sign of his uncle’s precious yellow mug.  “Yea he brought it over to a neighbor while sharing a smoke and left it.  Damn near cried when they called saying they had it.” “That man and his mugs.” You giggle out.
“How’s Steve?  Heard Wheeler and him split.” Eddie cautiously inquired hoping to not drudge up any undesirable topics in the little time he had with you.  You closed your eyes and sighed at the thought of your brother’s pain.  “Yea it’s been difficult for him.  He just doesn’t know what to do.  He was sad about it and he still loves her, but he’s moved on from the initial heartbreak and he’s left in this sort of limbo right now. It’s stressing him out- and on top of that he’s trying to figure out colleges and what his plan for next year is.” You admitted to him in a word vomit- try to avoid the nitty gritty details of the breakup seeing as his situation mirrored yours and Eddies.  
“Man, that’s tough.  I can’t even think about my plan I just gotta see if I can make it through this semester let alone graduate or go to college.” Eddie chuckled out in a lighthearted jest.  “Eddie- “
“I know I know y/n the whole shpeal about my potential.  I get it and I really thank you for believing in me, but I’ve got bigger fish to fry than fucking high school right now.”
“What could be more important than trying to pass Eds?” You questioned him exasperatedly, gazing upon his profile- eyes transfixed on the road.  “I can think of a few things.” he snuck a glance at you out of the corner of his eye only to be met with the sight of your cheeks dusted in a red hue- like a polaroid developing in front of his eyes.  Your gaze returned to the road and you both stared at the inky night that stretched before you.  
“I just want the best for you Eds.  I get it’s not my place anymore, but I can’t just stop caring about you and being invested in your life like flipping a switch off.  That’s not how it works.”  You muttered defensively about your intrusion on his plans.  “You don’t have to be sorry for caring about me y/n and certainly don’t have to ever stop.”  
The car stopped moving. His statement shocked you so deeply you didn’t even realize you’d arrived home, his van parked at the edge of your lawn.  The lights illuminating the windows of your home we warm and inviting- beckoning you to come inside and escape the unpleasant car ride you’d endured if only to be in Eddie’s presence for a split second.  Your hand wrapped around the handle of the door, and you craned your neck around to peer at his face.  You were met with an expression you’d never seen cross Eddies face before- it was one of a thousand words all trapped within the confides of his body: chest, brain, mouth, lungs, tongue.  
You couldn’t discern a single thing he wanted to tell you, but you understood none the less.  You turned the corners of your mouth upward in a petite smile and thanked him for the ride.  He shook his head up and down wordlessly and tried to pin you to your seat in the van with his gaze.  Unfortunately, it didn’t work, and you exited the car- swiftly and quietly, leaving Eddie alone yet again.  
He couldn’t understand what brought him to this moment.  How he let his emotions get the better of him.  How he let you get away from him.  How he let you just walk out of his van without pleading for forgiveness and a second chance.  All he knew was that the world would not be right until you were back and his arms, and he vowed to himself that he would reconcile with you if you would have him; just as soon as he worked up the balls.  Which might take a while.
He sighed, rubbed his eyes in an irritated manner and put his van in drive, steering himself away from you and towards the isolation of his empty trailer.  
Alone again.
So excited for the next chapter (it’s truly so long get ready) :)))))
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astroangel23 · 2 years
𝕕𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕟𝕖 𝕞𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕫𝕠𝕕𝕚𝕒𝕔 𝕤𝕚𝕘𝕟𝕤 𝕡𝕥. 𝟚 ♑♒♓
enjoy these divinely guided messages to bring into your weekend ahead; i hope it's a lovely one 🪄☀️ - Astro Angel 💚
make sure to check your sun, moon, rising, & venus!
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Aquarius ♒: You may not be where you want to be on a physical, mental, and emotional level, in fact, you may feel a little fucked up right now by your surroundings, but remember that we are 100% more than our surroundings. True contentment, true happiness starts with our mind, with out perspective. You could have every dream you desire come true, but if you aren't happy with yourself, if you aren't the main source of your sanity, it can crumble at any second. Try meditating or using your body to get out of your mind and let your spirit find a level of peace. Don't shame yourself for wanting to let out a scream.
Channeled song:
I'm So Sick - Flyleaf
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Pisces ♓ pt. 1: I definitely don't think this will resonate with everyone but are you feeling self conscious about your body right now? You need to accept you are fucking beautiful in the body you're in, you're naturally stunning. I feel that you're missing out on opportunities and fun due to the self conscious doubts about your looks that pop up in your mind whenever you think about getting out there. People think you are bad as fuck. End of story. Now go to the mirror and tell yourself you're the mf baddest.
Channeled song:
Thick - O.T. Gemasis ft. 2 Chainz
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Pisces ♓ pt. 2: I felt called to do another reading for pisces. Are you torn between going back to explore an old love or exploring a new love option? Or maybe determing which energy you want to embrace at the moment? The king of cups is very sweet, very charming, chilvery but he also gets caught up in his emotions towards people which are forever changing and he is clairfied by the knight of wands; he moves with the passion of his emotions which doesn't offer much stability. The king of pentacles is the opposite, he may not be very daring or spontaneous, may even lack a sense of passion, but he brings in the energies of stability, maturity, and dependability. Clarified by the sun, I'm getting a sense of honesty and warmth from him. Whether you are deciding moves between two people or deciding on energies within yourself, it's up to you to choose which path is what you truly desire on a soul level.
Channeled song:
He Wasn't Man Enough - Toni Braxton
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gtrsimulator1 · 18 days
GTA Simulator: The Ultimate Open-World Experience
The Grand Theft Auto (GTA) series by Rockstar Games has long been celebrated for its expansive open-world gameplay, gripping narratives, and vibrant cityscapes. As gaming technology advances, the idea of a Gta simulater has sparked considerable excitement among enthusiasts. This concept not only amplifies the immersive experience but also brings the dynamic world of GTA closer to reality, offering unprecedented interactivity and engagement.
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A New Era of Immersion
A GTA simulator transcends the traditional gaming experience by integrating elements of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). Imagine donning a VR headset and finding yourself in the bustling streets of Los Santos or Vice City, with a 360-degree view of your surroundings. This level of immersion allows players to experience the game's world as never before, turning each mission and side quest into a lifelike adventure.
With advanced VR technology, players can interact with the environment in a more tactile manner. Picking up objects, engaging in hand-to-hand combat, or driving a car becomes a physically engaging activity, heightening the realism and excitement. The use of haptic feedback devices further enhances this experience by simulating the sensations of impacts and textures, making the virtual world feel tangible.
Expansive Open Worlds
The open-world design of GTA games has always been one of their strongest features. A GTA simulator would build upon this by offering even more detailed and interactive environments. Every corner of the city could be explored, with buildings accessible and NPCs (non-playable characters) exhibiting more realistic behaviors. Advanced AI could make these NPCs respond dynamically to the player's actions, creating a more vibrant and unpredictable world.
Furthermore, the integration of AR could transform how players interact with the game. Using AR glasses, players could see the game's elements overlaid onto the real world. This could enable unique gameplay scenarios, such as completing missions in real-world locations or seeing game-related information and markers in one's actual surroundings.
Enhanced Gameplay Mechanics
A GTA simulator would revolutionize gameplay mechanics by introducing more complex and realistic systems. For instance, driving mechanics could be improved to mimic real-life physics more accurately, offering a true-to-life driving experience. Weapons handling could also benefit from realistic reload and recoil patterns, providing a more authentic feel during combat.
Moreover, the multiplayer aspect of GTA Online could be significantly enhanced. Players could meet in virtual spaces that mimic real-world social interactions, fostering a sense of community and collaboration. The introduction of VR and AR could lead to new forms of gameplay, such as cooperative heists where players physically plan and execute complex strategies.
Challenges and Considerations
While the concept of a GTA simulator is thrilling, it comes with its set of challenges. The primary concern is the technological requirement. High-quality VR and AR equipment, along with powerful computing systems, are necessary to run such an immersive game smoothly. This could limit accessibility to only those with high-end setups.
Another consideration is the potential for motion sickness, a common issue in VR gaming. Developers would need to implement solutions to minimize discomfort, such as stabilizing camera movements and providing options for different locomotion methods.
Finally, the ethical implications of creating such a realistic and immersive game must be considered. GTA games are known for their mature content, and a Racing simulator chairs could intensify the impact of violent or inappropriate scenarios. Responsible content management and options for parental controls would be crucial in addressing these concerns.
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joelxaviermusic · 2 months
How Do I Choose The Right Crop For My Climate And Soil Conditions?
Are you a budding farmer looking to maximize your crop yield? Well, look no further! In this article, you’ll discover the key factors to consider when selecting the perfect crop for your specific climate and soil conditions. Whether you’re dealing with scorching summers or frosty winters, and whether your soil is sandy or clay-based, we’ve got you covered. By understanding how your climate and soil interact, you’ll be able to make the best decision for your farm and set yourself up for success. So let’s dive in and unlock the secrets to choosing the right crop for your unique circumstances!
Learn more.
Understanding Climate and Soil Conditions
Importance of Climate and Soil Conditions
When it comes to growing crops, understanding the climate and soil conditions in your area is crucial. Climate and soil conditions play a significant role in determining which crops will thrive and produce a bountiful harvest. By considering these factors, you can make informed decisions about crop selection and maximize your chances of success in farming or gardening endeavors.
Factors Affecting Crop Selection
Several factors come into play when selecting crops for a specific location. Climate factors such as temperature, precipitation, and frost dates can greatly influence which crops can be grown successfully. Similarly, soil conditions, including composition, pH levels, nutrient content, and drainage, are essential to consider when determining the suitability of crops. It is important to assess both climate and soil conditions to ensure that the crops you choose have the best chance of thriving and yielding optimal results.
Assessing Climate Conditions
Researching Climate Data
Before choosing crops, it is essential to research and gather climate data specific to your area. Local weather reports, historical climate data, and climate mapping tools can provide valuable insights into the weather patterns, temperature ranges, and precipitation levels experienced throughout the year. This information will help you gain a better understanding of the climate conditions in your region and guide your crop selection process.
Identifying Temperature and Precipitation Patterns
Temperature and precipitation are two key climate factors that greatly affect crop growth. Different crops have varying temperature requirements, known as the crop’s thermal niche. By identifying the average high and low temperatures throughout the growing season, you can determine which crops are best suited for your climate. Similarly, understanding the precipitation patterns in your area will enable you to choose crops that can thrive in the available moisture levels.
Analyzing Frost Dates
Frost dates are crucial to consider when selecting crops, especially in areas with shorter growing seasons. The last spring frost date and first fall frost date help determine when it is safe to plant certain crops outdoors. By researching frost dates for your region, you can choose crops that have appropriate maturation periods and can withstand potential frost damage. This knowledge will aid in maximizing your crop’s growth and minimizing losses due to frost.
Considering Microclimates
Microclimates are localized areas within a region that have slightly different climate conditions compared to the surrounding areas. Factors such as topography, proximity to bodies of water, and presence of structures or vegetation can create microclimates that provide unique opportunities for crop selection. By identifying microclimates in your area, you can take advantage of the variations in temperature, moisture, and sunlight to grow a wider range of crops that may not be suitable for the overall regional climate.
Evaluating Soil Conditions
Testing Soil Composition
Assessing the composition of your soil is crucial in understanding its fertility and structure. Conducting a soil test will provide insights into the soil’s organic matter content, nutrient levels, and pH balance. This information will help you determine which crops are better suited for your soil composition. Some crops thrive in sandy soils, while others prefer loamy or clay soils. Understanding your soil composition allows for more effective crop selection and enhances your gardening success.
Assessing Soil pH and Nutrient Levels
Soil pH and nutrient levels greatly influence plant growth and nutrient uptake. Different crops have varying pH preferences, with some preferring acidic soils and others thriving in alkaline conditions. Soil tests can help determine the pH of your soil and allow you to make necessary adjustments to optimize the pH level for your chosen crops. Additionally, evaluating soil nutrient levels will guide you in selecting crops that can benefit from the existing nutrients and help you decide on appropriate fertilizer applications.
Considering Soil Drainage and Texture
Soil drainage and texture are essential considerations when selecting crops. Some crops thrive in well-drained soils, while others can tolerate wet or poorly drained conditions. Understanding your soil’s drainage capabilities will help you choose crops that are well-suited for your soil’s water-holding capacity. Additionally, soil texture, including the relative proportions of sand, silt, and clay particles, affects nutrient and water availability to plants. Select crops that can adapt to your soil texture to ensure optimal growth and productivity.
Matching Crops to Climate and Soil
Choosing Crops Based on Temperature Requirements
Temperature requirements are a critical factor in determining the suitability of crops for your specific climate. Cool-season crops, such as lettuce and broccoli, thrive in cooler temperatures, while warm-season crops, like tomatoes and peppers, require higher temperatures to flourish. By matching the temperature requirements of crops to your local climate, you can ensure that they receive the necessary conditions for optimal growth and development.
Matching Crops with Precipitation Levels
Precipitation levels play a significant role in crop selection. Some crops, such as rice or cranberries, require high levels of moisture throughout the growing season, while others, like cacti or lavender, can withstand dry conditions. By choosing crops that are well-adapted to your region’s precipitation levels, you can minimize water stress and conserve resources while maximizing crop production.
Considering Crop Watering Needs
In addition to rainfall, it is crucial to consider the watering needs of different crops. Some crops are drought-tolerant and require less irrigation, while others, particularly those with shallow roots, may need more frequent watering. Evaluating your access to water and considering the irrigation requirements of various crops will help you make informed choices and optimize water usage in your farming or gardening practices.
Selecting Crops for Different Soil Types
Different crops have specific soil preferences and can thrive under various soil conditions. Some plants, such as blueberries or azaleas, prefer acidic soils, while others, like sunflowers or melons, can adapt to different soil types. By matching crops to your soil’s composition and characteristics, you can create an environment that promotes healthy root growth and maximizes nutrient absorption, resulting in better crop yields.
Exploring Crop Varieties and Adaptations
Researching Crop Varieties
Crop varieties within a specific type of plant can differ significantly in their characteristics, growth patterns, disease resistance, and nutritional content. Researching and understanding the different varieties available for a particular crop can help you identify those that are well-suited for your climate and soil conditions. This knowledge enables you to select crop varieties that have a higher chance of thriving and meeting your specific needs and preferences.
Identifying Drought-Tolerant or Heat-Tolerant Varieties
In regions prone to drought or excessive heat, it is essential to select crop varieties that are specifically bred or adapted to withstand these conditions. Drought-tolerant or heat-tolerant crop varieties have characteristics that allow them to survive and continue to produce even in challenging environmental conditions. By identifying and choosing such varieties, you can ensure crop resilience and improved productivity, even during periods of water scarcity or high temperatures.
Considering Native or Indigenous Crops
Native or indigenous crops are plants that have naturally evolved and adapted to the local environment over time. These crops are often well-adapted to the climate and soil conditions of a particular region and can offer numerous benefits, including increased pest and disease resistance, reduced water and fertilizer requirements, and preservation of cultural heritage. Considering native or indigenous crops in your crop selection process contributes to biodiversity conservation while also promoting sustainable and resilient agricultural practices.
Exploring Crop Adaptations
Crop adaptations refer to the ability of certain plants to modify their growth, development, or physiological processes in response to specific environmental conditions. Some crops have been bred or selected for specific adaptations, such as tolerance to flooding, resistance to pests or diseases, or the ability to grow in marginal soils. Exploring crop adaptations allows you to choose plants that can better cope with the existing climatic and soil conditions, ultimately leading to more successful and sustainable crop cultivation.
Considering Growing Seasons
Determining Length of Growing Season
The length of the growing season refers to the period in which the climate conditions are favorable for plant growth and production. Understanding the duration of your growing season is crucial in selecting crops that can complete their lifecycle within this timeframe. Short-season crops, such as radishes or spinach, mature quickly and are ideal for regions with shorter growing seasons. On the other hand, long-season crops, like pumpkins or sweet corn, require a longer growing season to reach maturity.
Matching Crop Maturation Periods with Season Length
Matching the maturation period of crops with your region’s growing season allows you to maximize your harvest. Some crops require a specific number of days or weeks to reach maturity, and selecting crops with maturation periods that align with your growing season ensures that you can harvest them at the optimal time. Furthermore, successive planting techniques can be employed to grow multiple crops in succession, extending your harvest window and increasing overall productivity.
Considering Multiple Crops or Succession Planting
To utilize your available space effectively and achieve continuous harvests, it is beneficial to consider growing multiple crops or employ succession planting strategies. By selecting crops with varying maturation periods, you can have a continual supply of fresh produce throughout the growing season. This approach not only maximizes the use of your resources but also ensures a diverse and varied harvest, catering to your own needs or potential market demands.
Considering Pest and Disease Resistance
Researching Local Pest and Disease Pressure
Understanding the pest and disease pressure in your area is essential when selecting crops. Different regions may have specific pests or diseases that are more prevalent, and these can vary depending on the climate conditions and the surrounding environment. Researching local pest and disease pressures enables you to choose crop varieties that have proven resistance or tolerance to prevalent pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical interventions and promoting ecological balance.
Selecting Resistant Crop Varieties
Crop varieties with inherent resistance to pests and diseases offer natural protection and can help minimize crop losses and the reliance on pesticides. When selecting crops, consider choosing varieties that are known to exhibit resistance to prevalent pests and diseases in your area. These resistant varieties have been specially bred or selected for their ability to withstand or tolerate damage from specific pests or diseases, ensuring a higher chance of successful crop production.
Implementing Crop Rotation and Companion Planting
To manage pests and diseases effectively, implementing crop rotation and companion planting techniques can be highly beneficial. Crop rotation involves alternating the types of crops planted in an area over successive growing seasons, reducing the buildup of pests and diseases that target specific plants. Companion planting involves strategically growing specific plants together to create a mutually beneficial relationship, such as repelling pests or enhancing nutrient availability. By incorporating these practices, you can naturally manage pests and diseases, promoting a healthier and more sustainable agricultural system.
Evaluating Management Requirements
Assessing Labor and Equipment Availability
Before selecting crops, it is essential to assess the availability of labor and equipment required for crop management. Some crops may demand extensive manual labor, such as planting, weeding, or harvesting, while others require specialized machinery or equipment. Evaluating your available resources and considering the labor and equipment demands of different crops will help you choose crops that align with your capabilities and optimize your efficiency in managing them.
Considering Organic or Conventional Farming Methods
The choice between organic or conventional farming methods is a crucial consideration when selecting crops. Organic farming focuses on using natural inputs and practices to promote soil health, biodiversity, and environmental sustainability. Conventional farming, on the other hand, utilizes synthetic inputs to maximize yields and manage pests and diseases. Depending on your farming philosophy, consumer demand, and market preferences, you can choose crops that are suited for either organic or conventional production methods.
Evaluating Fertilizer and Pesticide Usage
The amount of fertilizer and pesticide usage required for different crops can vary significantly. Some crops require higher fertilizer inputs to meet their nutrient requirements, while others, like legumes, can fix nitrogen naturally and reduce the need for external fertilizers. Similarly, certain crops may be more susceptible to pests and diseases, necessitating more frequent pesticide applications. Evaluating the fertilizer and pesticide usage associated with different crops will enable you to choose crops that align with your sustainable farming or gardening practices.
Being Mindful of Market Demand
Researching Local Market Demand and Prices
Considering market demand and prices is vital when selecting crops, especially if you intend to sell your harvest. Researching local market demand and prices provides insights into which crops are in high demand and can fetch favorable prices. Understanding market trends, consumer preferences, and the needs of local buyers allows you to make informed decisions about the crops you should grow. By aligning your crop selection with market demand, you increase the likelihood of a successful and profitable farming venture.
Considering Crop Viability for Local Economy
Beyond individual market demand, it is essential to consider the overall viability of certain crops for the local economy. This includes assessing the potential competition, available market channels, and the economic sustainability of growing specific crops. Some crops may have a high demand but may not be economically viable due to production costs or limited market access. By evaluating the crop’s viability within the local economy, you can ensure that your farming endeavors contribute to a sustainable and profitable agricultural sector.
Exploring Niche or Specialty Crop Opportunities
In addition to traditional crop options, exploring niche or specialty crop opportunities can offer unique advantages. Niche crops are typically grown in smaller quantities and cater to a specific market segment, such as organic produce or ethnic cuisines. Specialty crops, including unique fruits, herbs, or heirloom varieties, can command higher prices due to their distinct qualities or limited availability. Exploring such opportunities allows you to diversify your crop selection, tap into niche markets, and potentially generate higher profits.
Seeking Expert Advice
Consulting Agricultural Extension Offices
Agricultural extension offices, or similar institutions, provide valuable resources and expert guidance to farmers and gardeners. These offices have professionals who specialize in various aspects of agriculture and can offer advice on crop selection, pest management, soil health, and other related topics. Consulting agricultural extension offices and utilizing their services can help you make informed decisions, troubleshoot challenges, and access a wealth of knowledge and experience in agricultural practices.
Connecting with Local Farmers or Agronomists
Local farmers and agronomists are valuable sources of firsthand knowledge and experience when it comes to crop selection and farming practices. They are often familiar with the climate and soil conditions specific to your region and can offer insights into crops that have proven successful in the local area. Connecting with local farmers or agronomists through networking events, farmer’s markets, or agricultural associations can provide valuable guidance and mentorship, enabling you to make well-informed decisions in your crop selection process.
Attending Workshops or Training Programs
Workshops and training programs focused on agriculture and crop production provide an excellent opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills. These educational events often cover topics such as climate-specific crop selection, sustainable farming practices, and innovative techniques to maximize crop productivity. By attending these workshops or training programs, you can learn from experts in the field, gain practical insights, and stay updated with the latest advancements in crop production. This knowledge will empower you to make better-informed decisions when selecting crops for your specific climate and soil conditions.
In conclusion, choosing the right crop for your climate and soil conditions requires careful consideration of numerous factors. By understanding the importance of climate and soil conditions, evaluating these factors, matching crops accordingly, exploring crop varieties and adaptations, considering growing seasons, pest and disease resistance, management requirements, market demand, and seeking expert advice, you can make informed decisions that maximize your chances of success in agricultural or gardening pursuits. By taking the time to assess and understand your unique climate and soil conditions, you can select crops that are well-suited for your specific environment, leading to healthier plants, higher yields, and a more fulfilling farming or gardening experience.
More info.
The article How Do I Choose The Right Crop For My Climate And Soil Conditions? first appeared on https://www.66thlondon.org.
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happymodappstore · 3 months
Potion Permit Android APK
Embark on a magical journey of healing and adventure with Potion Permit for Android! This enchanting game invites you to step into the shoes of a skilled chemist tasked with curing the ailments of the residents in the quaint village of Moonbury. With your trusty cauldron and an array of mystical ingredients, you'll brew potent potions, forge new friendships, and uncover the secrets of this charming world.
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Discover Potion Permit for Android:
Potion Permit is a delightful blend of role-playing, crafting, and simulation elements in a beautifully crafted pixel-art world. As the town's chemist, you'll gather ingredients from the surrounding wilderness, diagnose patients' symptoms, and concoct remedies to restore their health. Your actions and decisions will shape the town's perception of you, opening up new opportunities and challenges as you progress.
Key Features:
Engaging Storyline: Unravel the mysteries of Moonbury and its inhabitants as you work to prove the worth of modern medicine.
Dynamic Brewing System: Experiment with various ingredients to create unique potions, each with its effects and uses.
Exploration and Adventure: Venture into the wild to gather rare materials, encounter exotic creatures, and uncover hidden secrets.
Relationship Building: Form bonds with the townsfolk through meaningful interactions, gifts, and by attending social events.
Customization and Upgrades: Personalize your home and laboratory, upgrade your equipment, and enhance your brewing abilities.
Downloading Potion Permit for Android:
To immerse yourself in the magical world of Potion Permit, visit the official website at https://www.potionpermitapk.com/ and download the app. Follow the instructions to install the game on your Android device, and you'll be ready to start your journey as Moonbury's most talented chemist.
Gameplay Mechanics:
Potion Permit offers a unique gameplay mechanics blend that keeps players engaged and entertained. From diagnosing patients using a mini-game system to exploring the vast environments for ingredients, every aspect of the game is designed to provide a fulfilling experience. The day-night cycle and weather conditions add depth to the gameplay, influencing the availability of certain ingredients and the behaviour of the townsfolk.
Tips for New Players:
Manage Your Time Wisely: Balance your time between brewing potions, exploring, and interacting with the villagers.
Experiment with Ingredients: Don't be afraid to try different combinations of ingredients to discover new potion recipes.
Pay Attention to Symptoms: Carefully diagnose each patient's symptoms to ensure you brew the correct potion.
Build Relationships: Engage with the villagers regularly to strengthen your bond and unlock special events.
Upgrade Your Equipment: Improve your cauldron and other tools to improve your potion-making efficiency.
Potion Permit for Android offers a captivating blend of adventure, crafting, and storytelling that will enchant players of all ages. With its charming pixel-art graphics, engaging gameplay mechanics, and heartwarming narrative, it's a must-play for fans of simulation and RPG games. Download the app today from potionpermitapk.com/ and step into a world where magic and medicine combine to create a truly unforgettable experience.
Is Potion Permit free to download?
The game may require a purchase. Please check the official website for pricing details.
Can I play Potion Permit offline?
Yes, once downloaded, Potion Permit can be played offline.
Is Potion Permit suitable for children?
Potion Permit is generally suitable for all ages, but parents should review the game's content to ensure it aligns with their child's maturity level.
How long does it take to complete the game?
The gameplay duration can vary, but on average, it takes around 20-30 hours to complete the main storyline, with additional hours for side quests and exploration.
Can I play Potion Permit on other platforms?
Potion Permit is available on various platforms, including PCs, consoles, and mobile devices. Check the official website for more details.
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henningsendowney · 2 years
Fascination About Best Dental Center in Turkey
This device, which also has studies to avoid the occurrence of orthodontic disorders, also supplies treatment companies below basic anesthesia problems for our hyperactive or uncooperative individuals. In search of Smile makeover in Turkey? To make dental center in turkey , take a look at the position of six smile makeover clinics and Health professionals based upon verified reviews, typically left by guests with the United states and also the British isles. Kilikya is a superb choice for All those searching for a non-public, catered knowledge. You won't ever discover their clinic brimming with people, because they opt for excellent above quantity to offer you the very best level of care and a focus. They provide oral analysis and radiology, pedodontics, periodontology, dental implants, restorative dentistry, prosthetic dentistry, and so much more.Just click here to learn more about Kilikya Dental Clinic. Browse down below to determine more about a lot of the best dentists, prosthodontists, and oral surgeons in Turkey. The dentists and authorities are really qualified. Dentistry schooling is kind of complicated in Turkey. By far the most successful candidates are preferred through examinations and go through intensive teaching. You can find great competition. So, we assure you to definitely help and seek advice from ahead of the procedure. At first, we get started our talk with an evidence of all phases from the process. It can help you to understand that you do not have to have to bother with nearly anything. This is often a Substantially simpler method than Bonding. Furthermore, composites will not be similar to ‘composite fillings, also called white again tooth fillings or dental crowns that deal with not only the obvious parts. The moment a tooth has a physical cavity (opening or hole) inside it, there is absolutely no feasible way that will help the enamel expand back again by yourself. As an alternative, the cavity will slowly worsen, as a result of bacterial an infection within the tooth structure.  Dental implant surgery is considered as a far better option to dentures or bridgework that does not match well. It also offers a fantastic selection for men and women when they don't have enough normal tooth roots still left to develop denture or bridgework replacements. Another issue that you should not pass up when taking care of the health and fitness within your enamel is that the toothbrushes match your tooth composition. It would be correct to have medium hardness. You'll want to stay away from utilizing a toothbrush for a very long time. They may be effectively applied within the practice surroundings underneath regional anesthesia in single or multiple missing teeth. Implant purposes might be executed underneath sedation or common anesthesia in clients who're concerned about dental strategies. It’s lovely benefit ample for me. In my perspective, if all Internet site house owners and bloggers built excellent written content as you did, the net are going to be a good deal much more useful than ever right before. Dental bonding – this treatment is used to repair decayed, chipped, discolored, or fractured enamel, and to scale back gaps amongst teeth. It can also be employed to develop up more mature tooth in an effort to make them seem younger. A normal dentist will examine with you your recent oral wellbeing, such as your possibility of gum sickness, tooth decay, and almost every other oral medical problems They might have found in the evaluation. If any potential issues are identified, your dentist provides you with their prevention tips.
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toddstreeservices · 2 years
How to Landscape My Front Yard
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Avoid the embarrassment of a poorly landscaped front yard. Knowing how to design and grow a hardy landscape will help you contribute to your neighborhood’s beauty and benefit the surrounding ecosystem.
toddsmariettatreeservices.com gathered the following information on landscape design, plant, shrub, and tree species to help you assemble a stunning and healthy front yard.
Front Yard Design
You can develop a rough preview of your front yard landscaping using the following:
Draw Your Front Yard – Your scale drawing should include measurements, garden and feature location, tree and shrub location, where you want walkways and driveways, and list any preferred grass, plant, shrub, and tree species.
Site analysis – Have soil tests performed to ensure that your yard contains the appropriate mineral content and pH level to help your selected plant and tree species thrive.
Tip: The most efficient way to test your soil is to send a sample to a Cooperative Extension Service (usually located at or affiliated with your state’s university) or a commercial soil laboratory (search online for commercial soil-testing labs near me).
Hardiness Zone Definition – The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is the recognized standard gardeners and growers use to determine which grass, plant, shrub, and tree species are most likely to thrive at a location. The map is defined and segmented by the average annual minimum winter temperature. To define your hardiness zone, use the interactive map at planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/
Prioritize Landscape Needs and Wants – You may “want” to have a lush green lawn with water features, but your neighborhood may require strict water usage policies leaving you “needing” a more water-conscious design.
Inform yourself about any water, land, or species restrictions by looking over your HOA agreement, city website, or municipal codes found at this interactive website library.municode.com/
Note: Some cities or municipalities will list preferred and/or banned trees and plants to help avoid planting any invasive or damaging species.
Consider Yard Maintenance Requirements – Each type of landscape you install will require different levels of attention and maintenance. The more trees you install, the more seasonal pruning will be necessary. The more grass you have, the more mowing and trimming you’ll have to do. If you don’t plan on hiring a landscaping and tree service to help you with your yard’s upkeep, you must ask how much work and devotion you are willing to commit to it.
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Determine a Budget – Your ideas for a spectacular front yard will come with a price tag. For each of your yard’s components, you should quote the required material, individual trees and plants, fertilizer, mulch, gravel, concrete, lighting, etc.
Tip: When your front yard design is complete, use it to quote landscapers and tree services installation and eventual maintenance charges.
Identify Patio, Porch, and Sitting Areas – Take the time to map out the area around the home that can be used for lounging, container gardening, etc.
Plant Native Species
When planning your front yard landscaping, include as many native grasses, plants, shrubs, and tree species as possible. Some native species benefits include:
Being Low Maintenance
Requiring Less Water
Attracting Local Pollinators
Producing Beautiful Flowers
Serving as Food and Shelter for Native Wildlife
Native species are more robust and well-adapted to your environment, lending to a more attractive and engaging landscape.
Best Front Yard Trees
When selecting a tree as your front yard’s center of attention or specimen, consider the species, size at maturity, and hardiness zone. The following are popular front yard and specimen trees:
Serviceberry (Amelanchier) This species reaches 15 to 25 feet high and has a spread of 15 to 25 feet. This tree thrives in zones 2 through 9.
Crabapple (Malus) This fruiting species reaches 6 to 10 feet high and has a spread of 6 to 12 feet. The species thrives in zones 3 through 8.
Chinese Dogwood (Cornus kousa) This beautiful tree species reaches 15 to 25 feet high and has a spread of 25 feet. This tree thrives in zones 3 through 8.
Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum) This species reaches 15 to 25 feet high and has a spread of 20 feet. This maple variety thrives in zones 5 through 8.
Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis) This stunning species reaches 20 to 30 feet high and has a spread of 25 to 35 feet. Redbud trees thrive in zones 5 through 9.
Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) This impressive species reaches 60 to 80 feet high and has a spread of 40 feet. This popular specimen tree thrives in zones 5 through 9.
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Lemon Trees (Citrus limon) This fruiting species reaches 10 to 20 feet high and has a spread of 8 to 12 feet. This magnificent tree thrives in zones 8 through 11.
Tip: Consult your local nursery or arborist for planting and specific tree variety recommendations. They will also have information regarding potential disease threats and insect infestation warnings.
Front Yard Landscaping
In this article, you discovered information to help you design your front yard landscape and determine which grass, plant, shrub, and tree species to plant.
Planning your front yard landscape will help you visualize the finished product and develop an eco-friendly environment that blends in with your neighbors’ yards while expressing your unique style and taste.
Leaving your front yard as it is (in disarray) will leave you embarrassed and potentially lower your home’s curb appeal and value.
Sources: extension.missouri.edu/publications/g6905 extension.psu.edu/why-use-native-plants hgic.clemson.edu/factsheet/serviceberry/ extension.colostate.edu/topic-areas/yard-garden/flowering-crabapple-trees-7-424/ plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/cornus-kousa/ edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/ST023 hort.extension.wisc.edu/articles/eastern-redbud-cercis-canadensis/ landscapeplants.oregonstate.edu/plants/magnolia-grandiflora hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/morton/lemon.html
Todd’s Marietta Tree Services
200 Cobb Pkwy N Ste 428 Marietta, GA 30062 (678) 505-0266
For the original version of this article visit: http://www.toddsmariettatreeservices.com/how-to-landscape-my-front-yard/
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uberstrainerusa · 2 years
What Are Schwann Cells And How To Isolate Them Efficiently?
Schwann cells surround neurons, keeping them alive and occasionally encasing them in a myelin sheath. To learn more about them, keep reading.
The neural crest is the embryological source of Schwann cells. They act as the primary glial cells of the peripheral nervous system (PNS), myelinating peripheral nerves and supplying axons with nutrients and insulation. 
Conduction velocity along the axon is accelerated by myelination, enabling saltatory conduction of impulses. Nonmyelinating Schwann cells still offer trophic support and cushioning to the unmyelinated axons even though they do not wrap axons to improve conduction.
When it comes to cell separation, stop losing your precious samples to outdated processes! Let’s find out about the innovative cell separation technology. 
Structure of Schwann Cells
Numerous Schwann cells are required to myelinate the length of an axon because each Schwann cell contributes to one myelin sheath on a peripheral axon, and a different Schwann cell creates each subsequent myelin sheath. The central nervous system's (CNS) myelinating cell, the oligodendrocyte, forms myelin sheaths for numerous surrounding axons, in contrast to this arrangement.
Unlike oligodendrocytes, Schwann cells are surrounded by a basal lamina. Nodes of Ranvier, or gaps of about 1 micrometer, exist between adjacent myelin sheaths. The node, the site of saltatory conduction, contains a concentration of voltage-gated sodium channels. In densely myelinated neurons, Schmidt-Lanterman incisures are cytoplasmic outpouchings that disrupt compact myelin.
The function of Schwann Cells
The PNS's myelinating cell and the peripheral neurons' support cells are both Schwann cells. By concentrically wrapping its plasma membrane around the inner axon, a Schwann cell creates a myelin sheath. The inner turn of the glial cell membrane spirals around the axon to add membrane layers, or lamellae, to the myelin sheath while the nucleus stays fixed. 
Extremely high levels of lipids can be found in the plasma membrane of Schwann cells, and cholesterol plays a crucial role in the construction of the myelin sheath. The axon segment is protected by the compact myelin sheath, which also increases conduction velocity and significantly lowers membrane capacitance. The survival and maturation of Schwann cell precursors depend on neuregulin-type III expression on axons, and the amount of neuregulin present on the axon surface determines the degree of myelination.
Axons are also given energy metabolites by Schwann cells, which shuttle them through monocarboxylate transports that are located on the axon's surface and inside the Schwann cell. In response to PNS axon damage and axon regeneration, Schwann cells are essential. 
Wallerian degeneration will happen away from the area of injury. When the distal axon segment dies, Schwann cells and then macrophages clear the contents of the dead cells and encourage axon regeneration.
Pluribeads For Schwann Cell Separation
Pluribead is one such cell separation technology that helps in the gentle and safe isolation of Schwann cells. Unusual cell separation technology called PluriBead operates devoid of any magnetic components. The process is easy: Your pluriBeads (which contain bound target cells) are sieved through a strainer; the pluriBeads containing your target cells remain on top while the unwanted cells pass through. You are prepared with your target cells after detaching.
You can find out more about us by going to our website. By using our products, you can see the difference for yourself. Order our cell separation products right away and don’t forget to check our Programs and Special Offers section!
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chestwealth94 · 2 years
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earpantry7 · 2 years
Types Of Hair Loss
It’s also one of many few supplement ingredients that’s truly confirmed to have some impact on the levels of DHT -- the hormone that’s liable for hair loss -- in human tissue. For more data on the most effective nutritional vitamins for hair progress, take a look at our Essential Vitamins for a Healthy Head of Hair guide. This doesn’t imply that taking a vitamin supplement is a bad concept -- from a common well being and wellbeing perspective, it’s normally a very good thought. Just don’t count on to reverse your receding hairline or different genetic hair loss by adding vitamins to your morning routine. Since Trichofol doesn’t block DHT, it isn’t thought-about effective as a long-term prevention agent for stopping male sample baldness. It is each the cortex and the medulla that holds the hair's pigment, giving it its colour. “Your hair will actually be shorter un-cut than it would be if you had been to get constant trims,” Townsend says. He suggests asking your stylist to take just an eighth of an inch off your hair each 10 to 12 weeks to stop split ends before they even begin. Byrdie takes each alternative to make use of high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed research, to assist the facts inside our articles. Read our editorial tips to be taught extra about how we keep our content accurate, reliable and reliable. We recommend this leave-in keratin spray to switch misplaced protein and create stronger, more healthy hair. Unlike finasteride, which stops hair loss by blocking the creation of DHT, minoxidil is a hair growth agent that’s designed to create the perfect conditions for hair progress in your scalp. Castor oil also can work miracles on your hair progress part. It lubricates the hairs, giving them the mandatory flexibility to develop unencumbered while lowering the chances of hair breakage. The oil's therapeutic properties make it simple to get your hair cycle back on monitor inside weeks. It is well-documented in many reports that some development elements are important for hair growth. The VEGF and VEGFR are essential proteins that assist proliferation of DPCs and angiogenesis round hair follicles throughout hair cycle . IGFBP2 can be of significance as a outcome of the transcription stage of VEGF household is controlled by binding affinity of IGFBP2 to its receptor . PDGF, which mainly supplied from adipocyte near DP, can additionally be expressed in DP and impacts the DP itself . In phrases of sustaining the dimensions of DP, PDGF-AA increases the DP size by modulating stem cells in hair follicle . EGF is well-known growth issue for maturation of hair follicles, especially selling proliferation of DP by way of notch signaling pathway . If you've thin or thinning hair, you might have found yourself researching products like biotin, vitamin E supplements, or Rogaine as potential answers. Unfortunately, many of those hair therapies are either costly or ineffective. Nevertheless, there are many effective, natural therapies to make your hair develop quicker that don’t involve utilizing chemical substances. Nutrafol dietary supplements are popular supplements for hair growth that include nutrients that assist assist metabolism, stress, hormones, irritation and diet. All of these areas are necessary for hair health, in accordance with the model. Campbell recommends the supplements, however notes they received't help with all forms of hair loss. Your hair grows about half of inch a month, so you would possibly aim for a 1/4-inch trim each three months or so. The hair follicle is a tunnel-like section of the dermis that extends down into the dermis. The construction incorporates a quantity of layers that every one have separate functions. At the base of the follicle is the papilla, which accommodates capillaries, or tiny blood vessels that nourish the cells. The living a half of the hair is the very bottom part surrounding the papilla, referred to as the bulb.
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