#surprise bitches bet you thought youd seen the last of me
raiden-brannigan · 2 months
I was reading the other day about how the Higgs field exists in a "false vacuum". About how the "God Particle" that gives our universe mass could suddenly stop working one day and implode on itself, traveling across the universe at light speed and destroying everything it touches.
And then I started thinking about Higgs Monaghan and how him and Fragile both had complete control over the west, outside Bridge's influence. How they were the particle holding those people together, and how Higgs' own violent explosion obliterated everything he once made thrive.
We're told a lot about the nuking of Middle Knot. Fragile is still rightfully angry about being so personally used and betrayed, meaning it's brought up often. But I don't think the game ever truly goes into the depth at which Higgs has destroyed. About how many people he's truly killed.
We know he merged with Fragile Express and maintained control of the western side of the continent, but when we get there it's nothing but a shell of a once healthy civilization. The buildings are destroyed much like the ones in Middle Knot. The entire coast itself is infested with BTs, of the ghosts of people that once trusted Higgs with their lives. There's no deliveries. You're only connecting to what's left of the abandoned terminals. The only living people there are Sam and Higgs himself.
The implication here is Higgs nuked the west, much like Middle Knot. That Amelie sweet talked him into tearing down everything he worked so hard to build. That Fragile and Higgs were threats to her own plans, that the west being empty wastelands was preferable to someone else having control.
But that's just it with Higgs, isn't it? Everything in his story is hidden, left to implications. We're not told how many people he's truly killed, we're told for sure he nuked Middle Knot, and made several attempts to do the same to other cities. But the true scale of the bloodshed hes accomplish is left up to us to find. Masks upon masks upon masks. The God Particle in his false vacuum.
Once there was an explosion, a bang which set a planet spinning in that space. Once there was an explosion, a bang which gave rise to life as we know it. Once there was an explosion, a bang that came tearing it all down.
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cant believe bruce abbott wasnt in beyond reanimator. all im asking for is a 10 minute scene of dan visiting herbert in prison and herbert being a total utter bitch the whole time.
"i hope you're finding ways to keep yourself busy"
"yes lately ive been performing experiments with RATS"
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acapelladitty · 2 years
Otto using his tentacles for some solo fun times?
Shame having long since abandoned him when it came to the assistance which his metal arms were determined to offer in his more indulgent moments, Otto was as much a victim to their whims as he encouraged it.
The two actuators on his chest, the very tips of their claws pressing into the soft flesh of his nipples, drew a short yelp of agonised pleasure from his throat as they tightened their unyielding grip.
Cool metal, the friction of it utterly maddening, continued to rub against his hard cock, the bumps and ridges on the heft of the actuator adding layers of sensation that had him writhing in position as his hips jerked off the bed, always seeking and demanding more.
Three actuators accounted for, the fourth proved itself to be one of the most difficult to ignore as it wrapped pointedly around his neck, alternating its pressure on his vulnerable throat to keep him in a heightened state of sensation and anxiety while the others ravaged him.
Yes, shame had long since abandoned him, but as his languid moans and desperate grunts filled the air in the small bedroom, he couldn't bring himself to care.
Send me a prompt and I'll write a five sentence nsfw ficlet about it.
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seaside-cave · 1 year
might go crazy and post some art tonight
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cupajoscafe · 2 years
somebody help i've rediscovered an old hyperfixation and im writing a fic that's currently 22k words and only just got to the smut with plans for more of it
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daevstroders · 7 months
Did you change your url recently?
i havent used tumbmr since 2019 ish and used to be daevstroder / brosephstriders way back when so i wouldnt say its been a recent change but if ur wondering why all of a sudden im on your dash w an unfamiliar url... surprise
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iindigenize · 1 year
how do you guys have regular emotions without like punishing yourself for feeling them
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ankhisms · 4 months
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handsomelyerin · 2 years
i honestly think in season 2 as reparation for emotional damages we deserve sams very first scene to be with modern 2022 lestat pre louis reunion going to a club taking a random guy home and then just killing him right in the middle of rawdogging full amy dunne from gone girl style and after looking into the camera like “surprise bitch i bet youd thought youd seen the last of me” asfdhgj also if the iwtv writers don’t give lestat a speech in season two after he finds out about louis/armand along the same lines of amys “im the cunt you married you think youd be happy with a nice midwestern girl no way baby im it” then what am i even watching for
the way this would go so hard omg
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richestindaworld · 2 years
surprise bitch. bet you thought youd seen the last of me
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salty--alien · 3 years
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[Criminal Minds 4x17, "Demonology"]
I'll never forgive CBS for trying to convince us shes not gay... anyway here have some art I made
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sandersgrey · 3 years
Meanwhile, in The Wicked Powers:
Jem: Can I ask why you sent that text to everyone in the New York and Los Angeles Institutes?
Kit: It was an important update
Jem: It said "Im back on my bullshit"
Kit: People needed to know
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egg-baby-official · 3 years
Egg baby resurrection
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Live footage of me rising from the dead
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parismemes · 4 years
“come, shall we dance?” “you will become my new wife.” “all the women who see me fall into a charm.” “we can never again return to reality.” “i want to forget that face.” “soon i won’t be human.” “in defiance of god i commit depravity.” “this is the night of insanity i wished for.” “i haven’t yet told you i love you.”
“come, eat without leaving anything.” “today, as well, the last supper begins.” “all of it exists for you.” “completely devour everything in this world.” “this dinner isn’t over by a long shot.” “good grief, you can’t do anything with these people, huh?” “what kind of taste do you have, i wonder?” “there’s still something to eat, isn’t there?”
“come, kneel to me.” “everything was hers.” “if there isn’t enough money, choke it from the innocent masses.” “oh, it’s teatime.” “although it’s a lovely flower, there are too many thorns to touch it.” “you insolent thug!” “she was certainly the daughter of evil.”
“come, sleep.” “you’ll sleep well with this gift.” “you’re an incompetent playboy wallowing in desire.” “i’m happy, nonetheless.” “it’s a present from me.” “everyone carries troubles.” “unpleasant reality, unrequited feelings... inside a dream, these things can be forgotten.” “with your eyes closed, abandon yourself.” “i was already broken long ago. i wanted to destroy everything.”
“come, let’s begin tailoring.” “though he has someone like me, he never returns home.” “but i have to keep at my work.” “the more you sharpen them, the better they cut.” “who is the woman next to him?” “it seems some scandal has occurred.” “you’re really indiscriminate, aren’t you?” “i’ve hit a stopping point in my work.” “if you won’t come to see me, i’ll go to meet you.” “aren’t i beautiful?”
“come, it’s time for the trial.” “i desire money more than justice.” “if you pay me, i’ll save you.” “money is the best lawyer in hell.” “your life depends on me.” “your sins are my consideration alone.” “the wicked laugh, the innocent cry.” “if we two are together, i have nothing to fear.” “i will never hand over my fortune to the likes of you.”
“come, repent.” “i’m aiming the muzzle of my gun at a man.” “he’s a son of a bitch who ruined many people.” “i even killed the one i loved.” “i shot myself too, but i couldn’t die.” “the time has come for my revenge.” “any scoundrel should be granted a chance for atonement, right?” “if you pay back the people from whom you stole everything, if you have just your life, i shall save you.” “you’re trash that can’t be helped, huh?��� “look at me too!” “why would you love such a man?” “let’s make everything end.”
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askdanphantom · 4 years
U alive?
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I am a ghost.
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gwyns · 3 years
omg... what is lucien's first love never died... and she had gwyn's parent/gwyn 😮
while i would absolutely be here for that drama, i'm fairly certain she was killed in front of him and that he mentioned to feyre in acomaf that he'd heard her heart stop. sjm really likes to stack on heaps of trauma 😭
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