#sunny kingsmen
Loser's Bracket 3, Round 1
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vexerartz · 1 year
Now taking Asks and Requests
Yandere Boy Squad Starring: Alan Orion, Sunny Day Jack, Peter King, and John Doe
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The Mystery Skulls Gang: Starring: Vivi Yukino, Lewis Pepper, and Arthur Kingsmen
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YouTube Squad: Starring: Legendary Gnome, Prince Andrew, Myself, Angela, and Angela’s space tiger Violet
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Others can join asks later
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viviskull · 2 years
@sunny-kingsmen​ : x
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Arthur breathes deeply but slowly, hands resting atop himself as he stares up at the ceiling. He’s exhausted, who knows the last time he’s been able to sleep— and it’s all the harder to stay awake with someone so comforting by his side. He doesn’t want to keep her up, but… he doesn’t want to let himself slip, either. He’s not ready for the nightmares.
“Hey, Vi—“
His soft voice crackles, and he clears it before trying again.
“Vivs..?” He doesn’t turn his head, her shifting in the bed next to him tells him well enough that she just might be awake still. He keeps his voice quiet, though, just in case. “Have you been feeling… weird, lately? Like something’s changed or different, but you just don’t know what it is..? It might just be me.” A soft sigh, he rubs at the side of his face with his prosthetic, hoping the cool metal would ease him just a bit.
The soft hisses of the light blanket swishing against the bedsheets quietly answered the mechanic’s faint whispers.  A low, squeaky groan of the bed’s old springs quickly followed suit, a brief creak of the bed springs protesting at the sudden shifting of weights.  Just from the corners of the fellow’s eyes, an eye straining tint of blue lingered and moved about from the edges of his view.  For a moment, only the silent ticking of the bedroom’s clock filled in the silence that hung about the wavering air.  Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick… What was exactly going on with his friend’s side of the bed?  Did he accidentally wake her, or was she just shifting in response to his feeble calls?
As if sensing the unnerving energy that was just starting to build up about this messy room, a tiny, cool hand lazily plopped itself upon his own; a familiar, comforting set of fingers already going to entangle itself about the mechanic’s in that moment.  Vivi, despite answering her companion’s words with an incomprehensible grumble, instinctively squeezed Arthur’s only fleshy hand without a second thought.  Squinting her eyes (being about as blind as a bat without her glasses) in the dark as she laid there upon her side, her hair messily spread out over her own borrowed pillow.  She shut her eyes for a moment before allowing a tired yawn to escape her.  Smacking her lips, she let out a light sigh.  “.. I’m up, Sunshine.”  She finally broke her own silent wall.
For another moment, she seemed to pause at her companion’s words.  Her hand was already starting to warm up against Arthur’s skin.  Still, even then, the linger cold felt like an old friend.
“.. Hmm.”  She hummed aloud.  “It kinda depends on what ya talkin about exactly, Artie.”    
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“We always got something weird happening, be it outta town or not.”  She promptly answered with another yawn.  “I’m guessing ya can’t exactly sleep tonight either.  Huh?”
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WKNR, Detroit, MI Survey for week ending Thursday November 21, 1963
1. Louie Louie Kingsmen
2. Since I Fell For You Lenny Welsh
3. Nitty Gritty Shirley Ellis
4. Can I Get A Witness Marvin Gaye
5. Dominique Singing Nun
6. Leaving It All Up To You Dale & Grace
7. Drip Drop Dion
8. Misery/I'm a Man Dynamics
9. As Long As I Know He's Mine Marvelettes
10. When the Lovelight Supremes
11. 24 Hours from Tulsa Gene Pitney
12. Boy Next Door Secrets
13. Midnight Mary Joey Powers
14. Need to Belong Jerry Butler
15. Forgot Him Bobby Rydell
16. Loddy Lo Chubby Checker
17. Tobacco Road Lou Rawls
18. Wives & Lovers Jack Jones
19. Watch Your Step Brooks O'Dell
20. Quicksand Martha & The Vandellas
21. Never Love a Robin Bobby Vee
22. Be True to Your School Beach Boys
23. Popsicles & Icicles Murmaids
24. You Dont Have to be a Baby Caravelles
25. Baby I Do Love You Galens
26. Have You Heard Duprees
27. Forget About Him Carolyn Crawford
28. Rags to Riches Sunny & The Sunliners
29. There I Said It Again Bobby Vinton
30. When Jimmy Comes Home Sandy Selsie
31. Tra La La Suzy Jean & Dean
(Key Song of the Week) Another Tear Must Fall - Chevells
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thatdemiboymess · 7 months
These are my headcanon names for the unnamed + unmentioned Mystery Skulls Animated characters and their meanings! Along with the meanings of the named cast's names just for funsies, lolol. Names under the cut:
Mrs.  Pepper: Carolina
(Named after the Carolina Reaper.
Carolina: Freeholder, song of joy, strong, beautiful.)
Mr. Pepper: Saffron
(Named after the herb.
Saffron: Yellow flower, gold leaves.)
Mrs. Yukino: Sharon (Nicknamed Sherry.
Sharon: Plain, a fertile plain, of the fertile plains. (Sherry: Darling.))
Mr. Yukino: Yukari
Yukari: 優華理 - "gentleness, kindness, superiority," "flower, splendor, brilliance," and "principle, logic, reason."
Grandma Yukino: Hanami
Hanami: 華心 - "flower, splendor, brilliance," and "heart, mind, spirit."
Arthur's Unmentioned Mother: Hazel Kingsmen
(After the meme where the little girl squirrel in the animated 'The Sword in the Stone' movie gets turned into a human girl and is named Hazel. Maiden surname is Kingsmen which she kept after marriage.
Hazel: Hazel tree, God has seen.
Kingsmen: One who commends their services to the king, adherent of the king, royal servitor, servant.)
Arthur's Unmentioned Father: Archimedes Kingsmen
(After Merlin's pet owl that is capable of speech from the animated 'The Sword in the Stone' movie. Nicknamed Archie which they much prefer people use rather than their full first name. Their maiden surname is Hamish as they decided to take their wife's family name after marriage.
Archimedes: Master thinker, planner, counsel, cunning, contemplating, pondering.
Hamish: Supplanter, holder of the heel, God protects.
Archie: Genuine, bold, brave.)
Lewis's birth mother: Alejandra Cortez (Nicknamed Ale, maiden surname Flores.)
(Alejandra/Ale: protector of mankind, defender of the people, to protect, to defend, to help. Spanish feminization of Alexander.
Flores: Flowers, lives near flowers.)
Lewis's birth father: Mano Cortez
(Mano: God be with us, passionate lover, shark, from or with the hand, lord of the manor.
Cortez: Polite, courteous, refined, accomplished.)
((Vivi, Vivienne: Alive, lively, life.
Arthur: Bear, strong as a bear.
Lewis: Renowned warrior, famed warrior.
Mystery: Unexplained, unknown, secret.
Lance: Land, territory, spearman, spear, lance, servant, god-like.
Galahad: Falcon of summer, son of Lancelot, pure, noble, chivalrous, selfless.
Shiromori: 白森 - "white," and "forest, woods."
Reverb: Reverberation, echo.
Duet: Music for two, of two, a pair, a couple, from the ford, son of Huet.
Chole: Blooming, green sprout, green shoot, fertility.
Rooster: Roosting bird, chicken, cock.
(Lil')Sunny: Sunshine, happy, of cheerful temperament.))
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yankbarry · 8 months
Iran’s Christians Flee to Unlikely Sanctuary in Bulgaria 
Iran's embattled Christian community fled from increasing religious persecution, with hundreds finding refugee in the unlikely sanctuary of Bulgaria. 
Omid Salehi, 21, who had converted to Christianity 12 years prior along with his family, was a representative example of the religious refugees escaping from the Islamic nation. His family, comprising five members, initially sought asylum in Turkey before making their way to Bulgaria – a former Soviet bloc country that now held European Union status. 
Salehi stated, "My family changed from Muslim to Christian and when you convert it is so hard to live [in Iran]." His introduction to Christianity occurred through a friend who had also converted and invited them to a prayer meeting at a Christian home. 
By July, Iran's regime had carried out another wave of arrests, primarily targeting Christians and leaders of the Home Church movement in the country. 
Nikolai Chirpanliev, president of Bulgaria’s State Agency for Refugees, reported the growing Iranian Christian community in Sofia, stating that "Now there are 100 to 200 people from Iran... They are running because of the existing regime in Iran, where they are being persecuted because of their religion." 
Underground and home churches became a common way for Iranian Christians, particularly converts, to practice their faith away from the repressive eye of Iran’s security apparatus. Since Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution, Muslims who converted to Christianity faced the threat of the death penalty for apostasy. A UN report in January revealed that at least 49 Christians were imprisoned in Iran for practicing their faith. 
American citizen Pastor Saeed Abedini was one such case, sentenced to eight years in prison for his Christian activities. 
Salehi revealed the constant fear his family lived with due to their Christian faith, sharing, "all the time we have to worry about police cars and going to prison." Even a friend of his was arrested and imprisoned for being a Christian. 
Omid's family, including his mother, Nilofar Porkali; father, Hasan Salehi; brothers Arian Salehi and Adian Salehi; and cousin Sayed Mahmud Ahmadi Organi, found refuge in a residence owned by the Global Village Champions Foundation, situated on the outskirts of the Bulgarian capital, Sofia. This family had escaped from the northeastern city of Esfarayen. 
The foundation, headed by businessman Yank Barry, formerly the lead singer of the 1960s band The Kingsmen, extended housing, medical care, and social services to refugees from Christian, Sunni, and Kurdish backgrounds fleeing Syria, Iraq, and Iran. Barry's efforts assisted nearly 800 refugees, securing housing for them in Bulgaria, a common European entry point for individuals escaping conflict and persecution in the Middle East. 
Barry, often referred to as the "Jewish Schindler," aimed to accommodate 1,200 refugees, mirroring Oskar Schindler's rescue of 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust. 
Despite Iranian President Hassan Rouhani's initial claims of moderation upon taking office, the persecution of Christians continued without abatement, according to Salehi. "All presidents of Iran only think of themselves, about money," he remarked. "Presidents change, but the politics stay the same." 
In July, the regime detained a prominent Iranian pastor, Pastor Matthias Haghnejad, along with church members Mohammad Roghangir and Surush Saraie. These individuals were linked to the home-based Church of Iran organization. The crackdown on Pastor Haghnejad involved the confiscation of his Bible by security forces. 
In conclusion, Omid Salehi's and his family's plight serves as an example of the severe religious persecution that Iranian Christians endure.As evidence of how urgently these refugees' rights and safety must be protected on a global scale, they were able to flee to Bulgaria and receive assistance from groups like the Global Village Champions Foundation. The ongoing difficulties faced by religious minorities in the area are highlighted by the fact that persecution of Christians continues in Iran despite a change in government. 
For more information about the article visit website : https://yankbarry.com/ 
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“Oh god... w...what ARE you?!” Arthur looks downright terrified of what he sees before him. A giant.. ghost? With a plate for a head?? What the FUCK, why was this happening when Vivi wasn’t around??
Salver platter simply opened the door, peered down to see who was brought to his doorstep. For a moment he was excited to see arthur, wanting to go on another date, but that excitement diminished instantly at the frightful tone.
And god, god he’s hungry. It must’ve been at least five days… his hand twitches, wanting to snatch him and bring him into his home and feed him until he at least put on a few pounds.
“My, that’s rather rude of you.” He says, hair flicking angrily, “you came to my home and insult me? Bringing your hunger and cursing me further? How dare you.” He rumbles, well - his stomach rumbled - and thus the rest of the of his home rumbled in turn.
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Arthur: How did this happen?
Vivi: *stuck in a trash can* How does anything happen? Move past it.
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tailedxscarfbeats · 2 years
@sunny-kingsmen​ replied from here:
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“Oh c’mon Vivs, you don’t have to keep acting like it’s the coolest thing in the world you know, it’s not that great.” Arthur rubs at the metal arm sheepishly, a small smile on his face. But that voice— he looks up, with all the same expression of a man who’s been shot directly through the heart. His eyes are wide and there’s hurt, and confusion, so so so so much confusion.
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“L...Lewis..?” He looks at Vivi, looking for that weird purple whatever to appear in her eyes, and then back up at Lewis. Is he dreaming? No, he doesn’t remember going to bed. Is it more micro-sleeping? Maybe, maybe it was just Vivi and he was dreaming again, seeing him, everywhere, all the time when he knows it’s not real. “How... where have you been?” His voice is quiet, hesitant, pained.
“Huh?” Vivi blinked at him, face entirely flummoxed. She blinked a few times, before looking up at Lewis as if expecting him to have some kind of answer for them both. It’d been weird he’d spoken to her so casually too, but the way he looked at Lewis was downright heart-wrenching.
Lewis meanwhile looked like a man who’d been called on by the teacher to give a surprise presentation on something he’s never studied a day in his life. His face went from shock to concern as he looked at this blond guy, who looked like he’d seen a ghost. The thought might’ve made him crack a tiny smile, if not for the current situation. “I’m.....sorry. That is my name but uh..... do I know you?”
Vivi elbowed him slightly. Of course he wouldn’t know what his alternate knew! Wherever he might be. He jolted at her nudge before rubbing at his neck. “Right. Um.” Oh but with that expression, it made his feet shuffle. “...I’m...”
He continued to flounder. “Uh. Can we get your name, cutie? Since it seems you know both of ours.”
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selkiedomus · 3 years
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Arthur Kingsmen - combo of Phoenix and Apollo Vivi: combo of Ema and Maya, spirit medium, she summons Mushi to help Lewis: combo of Godot and Edgeworth, wears a skull mask. Arthur became a lawyer to find him, but Lewis uses a different name Turnabout Eggshell: Defendant: Rooster Witness: Sunny the Chick Second Witness: Rando Victim: rando Guilty Party: second Witness Freebie case, like all first cases Turnabout Mystery (like turnabout sisters): Defendant: Kitsune/Mr. E (former lawyer) Witness: Vivi Yukino Second Witness: Shiromori Victim: Mushi Yukino Guilty Party: Shiromori But! Gasp!!! Mr. E forged the evidence to get Shiromori convicted!!! Shiromori is unable to be taken into custody, she disappears. Moments later, Mr. E/Kitsune disappears as well. Vivi finds a small puppy on the courthouse steps. Lewis is embarassed that he didn't see the forged evidence, believed it, and so he Chooses Death flashback case???: you play as Mr. E Turnabout Hellbent Defendant: Arthur Kingsmen Witness: Vivi Yukino Second Witness: Misty Dedbeet Victim: Lewis Pepper Guilty Party: similar to the Terry Fawles case. Arthur gets injured and is never convicted of anything when they retrial, because he.. lost his memory. Turnabout Future ?????? Idk man help Something to do with the demon probably
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vivzyyukino · 2 years
From this post
now for the ultimate test. go to this website. set it to randomly generate ONE pokemon. all generations. all types. whatever it generates? thats you as a pokemon forever. what you get is what you get. NO RE ROLLING. now. who are you? i got goomy :^)
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“Would you look at that im a Cute liddol monkey!”
Tagged by: @talesofnovembria
Tagging: @punsandfuturekingsmen @sunny-kingsmen
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(sorry for the graphic-design-is-my-passion level editing)
6 brackets! 192 characters! 96 pairs enter, 1 character leaves! (Well, it's weeded down to 6 characters, then we have some semi finals, and THEN 1 character leaves!)
The voting will begin Wednesday, March 15. First, Round 1 of Bracket 1 will be posted, then the next day, Round 1 of Bracket 2, and the day after, Round 1 of Bracket 3, and so on and so forth. They will be under #orange poll. Propaganda (if anyone chooses to make any) is under #propaganda. Each of the polls will be up for 3 days, so each round of voting follows each other.
Under the cut is all the pairs and their respective brackets. Get ready to vote!
Garfield (Garfield) VS Applejack (MLP)
Hinata Shouyou (Haikyuu!!) VS Kel (Omori)
Broken Vessel (Hollow Knight) VS Claus (Mother 3)
Cole Brookstone (Ninjago) VS Skylor Chen (Ninjago)
Rory the Builder (Club Penguin) VS Orange Puffle (Club Penguin)
Emma (The Promised Neverland) VS Ava Ire (Ava's Demon)
Raihan (Pokemon) VS Misty (Pokemon)
Dexter Grif (Red vs Blue) VS Felix Gates (Red vs Blue)
Zenitsu (Demon Slayer) VS Nami (One Piece)
Stella of Solaria (Winx Club) VS Amber the Orange Fairy (Rainbow Magic)
Orange Inkling Girl (Splatoon) VS Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot)
Ernie (Sesame Street) VS Pepe the King Prawn (The Muppets)
Jack (Candies 'n Curses) VS Jack Pumpkinhead (The Marvelous Land of Oz)
Tintin (The Adventures of Tintin) VS Toad (Frog & Toad are Friends)
Orange Blossom (Strawberry Shortcake) VS Jade Chan (Jackie Chan Adventures)
Leo Tsukinaga (Ensemble Stars) VS Ren Jinguji (Uta no Prince Sama)
Annoying Orange (Annoying Orange) VS Orange Side (Sanders Sides)
Davesprite (Homestuck) VS Tavros Nitram (Homestuck)
Merida (Brave) VS Scar (The Lion King)
Numbuh 4 (Code Name: Kids Next Door) VS Lazlo (Camp Lazlo)
Nemo (Finding Nemo) VS Marlin (Finding Nemo)
Sundrop (FNAF: Security Breach) VS Jack Kennedy (Day Shift at Freddy's)
Waai Fu (Arknights) VS Jodie Caldwell (Super Lesbian Animal RPG)
Shannon (OK-KO!) VS Penny Polendina (RWBY)
Panette (Fire Emblem: Engage) VS Pandreo (Fire Emblem: Engage)
Marine The Raccoon (Sonic franchise) VS Cream The Rabbit (Sonic franchise)
Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket) VS Asuka Langley Soryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Hagumi Kitazawa (BanG Dream!) VS Chika Takami (Love Live!)
Pump (Spooky Month) VS Pumpkin Pie Cookie (Cookie Run)
Scooter (The Muppets) VS Gobo Fraggle (Fraggle Rock)
Pukin (Magical Girl Raising Project) VS Top Speed (Magical Girl Raising Project)
Scootaloo (MLP) VS Sunburst (MLP)
Darwin Watterson (The Amazing World of Gumball) VS Wander (Wander Over Yonder)
Winnie (Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School) VS August (Cryptid Crush)
Grillby (Undertale) VS Seam (Deltarune)
Phineas Flynn (Phineas & Ferb) VS Candace Flynn (Phineas & Ferb)
Calcifer (Howl's Moving Castle) VS Ponyo (Ponyo)
Juri Arisugawa (Revolutionary Girl Utena) VS Sailor Venus/Minako Aino (Sailor Moon)
Gordon Freeman (HLVRAI) VS Darnold (HLVRAI)
Morshu (LOZ: The Faces of Evil) VS King Harkinian (LOZ: The Faces of Evil)
Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender) VS Starfire (Teen Titans)
Hamtaro (Hamtaro) VS Heathcliff (Heathcliff)
Cure Soleil (Star Twinkle Precure) VS Cure Sunny (Smile Precure)
Zora Salazar (Epithet Erased) VS Arthur Kingsmen (Mystery Skulls)
Oz (Monster Prom) VS Ritsuka Fujimaru (Fate/Grand Order)
Mo Guan Shan (19 Days) VS Beebi (Wonderlab)
Orange Bird (Disney) VS Peacock (Skullgirls)
Olette (Kingdom Hearts 2) VS Gumi (Vocaloid)
Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto Shippuden) VS Narancia Ghigira (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Tigger (Winnie the Pooh) VS Hobbes (Calvin & Hobbes)
Leon Kuwata (Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc) VS Hiyoko Saionji (Danganronpa: Goodbye Despair)
Puss in Boots (Shrek Universe) VS Firestar (Warrior Cats)
Torchic (Pokemon) VS Tepig (Pokemon)
Tangy (Animal Crossing) VS Orange Cookie (Cookie Run)
Gordon Freeman (Half Life) VS Chell (Portal)
Amanda O'Neill (Little Witch Academia) VS Lotte Jansson (Little Witch Academia)
Mothra (Mothra films) VS Timid Bookworm (Sky: Children of the Light)
Matt (Wii Sports) VS Daisy (Super Mario Bros)
Levy McGarden (Fairy Tail) VS Hazuki Fujiwara (Ojamajo Doremi)
Futaba Sakura (Persona 5) VS Yosuke Hanamura (Persona 4)
Tracy Reznik (Identity V) VS Andy (Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure)
Vee (The Owl House) VS Coran (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
Yoimiya (Genshin Impact) VS Edna (Tales of Zestiria)
Rena Rouge (Miraculous Ladybug) VS Takao Kazunari (Kuroko no Basket)
Tails (Sonic 2, 1992) VS Handy (Happy Tree Friends)
Padparadscha (Steven Universe) VS Jasper (Steven Universe)
Opened Can of Well Cheers (Lobotomy Corporation) VS SCP-999 (SCP Foundation)
The Second Coming (Animator vs Animation) VS King Orange (Animator vs Animation)
Giraffe Furby VS Witch Furby
Chester Cheetah VS Tony the Tiger
Tsukasa Tenma (Project SEKAI) VS Tsukasa Ebisu (Revue Starlight: Relive)
Kuruto Ryuki (AI: The Somnium Files) VS Roman Torchwik (RWBY)
Son Goku (Dragon Ball) VS Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)
Velma Dinkley (Scooby-Doo) VS Fry (Futurama)
Saki Nikaido (Zombieland Saga) VS Toralei Stripe (Monster High)
Beelzebub (Obey Me!) VS Tohri Nishikikouji (Hatoful Boyfriend)
Gaius (Fire Emblem Awakening) VS Hershel Layton (Professor Layton)
Retsuko (Aggretsuko) VS Flame Princess (Adventure Time)
Kiri Koshiba (Beauty Pop) VS Sakura Chiyo (Monthly Girl's Nozaki-kun)
Asano Gakushuu (Assassination Classroom) VS Akito Shinonome (Project SEKAI)
Mikey (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) VS Dirk Strider (Homestuck)
Troy Barnes (Community) VS Oluwande Boodhari (Our Flag Means Death)
Tigress (Kung Fu Panda) VS Tigress (Carmen Sandiego)
Kim Possible (Kim Possible) VS Tulip Olsen (infinity Train)
Waddle Dee (Kirby) VS Morpho Knight (Kirby)
Ace (Katamari Damacy) VS Shikao (Katamari Damacy)
Kim Possible (Kim Possible) VS Tulip Olsen (infinity Train)
Orange Juice (Inanimate Insanity) VS The Lorax (The Lorax)
Athena Cykes (Ace Attorney) VS Damon Gant (Ace Attorney)
Rio Ranger (Your Turn To Die) VS Gin Ibushi (Your Turn To Die)
Caleb Widogast (Critical Role) VS Neil Josten (All For The Game)
Tracer (Overwatch) VS Samus Aran (Metroid)
Portia (The Arcana) VS Navra (The Arcana)
Sphene (Houseki no Kuni) VS Zircon (Houseki no Kuni)
Penny (Big Top Burger) VS The Sorceress (He-Man)
Ahiru (Princess Tutu) VS Sara (Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch)
Kipper (Kipper the Dog) VS Ruff Ruffman (Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman)
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holy-honeybees · 4 years
Rating: T+ (for swearing)
Summary: Three friends and  their dog get lost in a snowstorm while investigating the paranormal. Amidst swirling flurries of white, some lose their way and get lost in their memories, others lose sight of their friends and loved ones, and an unforgiving winter quickly fills in the footprints one would follow to get back home.
A/N: I started this back in November but sadly never finished the work. I was thinking of holding off till it started to snow again, but figured now was as good a time as any to try and finish this.The title is taken from Snail's House song "[snowdrift]" which you can check out here!
Sorry, had to take a wee bit of hiatus for life stuff. I’ve got the next three chapters (very roughly) drafted, so hopefully I’ll be able to get back to a more regular posting schedule!
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Chapter One
Chapter Six
It was a beautiful, sunny day, and the field of flowers spread before Vivi welcomingly. Blossoms of every shape and color swayed in the gentle breeze as she walked along the winding path that cut through the meadow. It was pleasant, perfect even, but Vivi couldn’t help but feel that something was off. Normally, she was the one to look on the bright side of things, but now she was peering at the flowers surrounding her suspiciously, wondering how such an idyllic landscape had her so disturbed. She continued to walk through the flowers, passing purple rose bushes and blue orchids, her curiosity at where the path lead warring with her unease. She was just about to take a sharp turn along the trail when a lone sunflower caught her eye. Vivi stepped off the path, drawn towards the tall flower. Something about it was almost familiar. She traipsed through the florae, ignoring the stems and leaves that seemed to wrap around her ankles and hold her back. Finally making her way to the sunflower, she noticed it had begun to wither. As warm as it was, frost crept along its leaves, and a small crowd of orange daisies shivered at its roots. Even as she watched, the icy tendrils continued to spread, wrapping around the flower’s stem. She didn’t understand why, but it made her feel terribly sad. She reached out a hand, brushing delicately at the yellow petals. At her touch, the echo of a well-known laugh, awkward yet endearing, filled her head.
As soon as the name left her mouth, the gentle breeze turned into an cold gust of wind. The flowers all around her disappeared in a flurry of multicolored petals, sunny yellow slipping through her fingers, sucked away by the vortex that was blasting across the once peaceful meadow. Nothing remained. Even the path she was on had vanished along with the sun. Vivi was alone in the darkness. Lost, she wandered the void blindly, knowing she was missing something, someone. Their name was on the tip of her tongue, but she just couldn’t remember. Her sense of unease grew worse by the second as she stumbled through the inky blackness. The wind carried the sound of a familiar laugh, barely able to be heard over the howling gale, and she frantically chased after it. She recognized that sound, had known moments ago who made it, yet she still couldn’t place it. What she did know was that something was wrong and she had to find him. Even as she attempted to follow the sound back to it’s source, it morphed into a cold and bitter cackle she didn’t recognize. Another icy blast of air caused her to shiver and—
Vivi blinked awake in the dark interior of the van.
It took her a moment to remember where she was, groggier than usual for having woken up in the middle of the night. She breathed a sigh of relief as things finally clicked back into place: the road trip, the snow day, drifting off to sleep next to Arthur while the movie played. As she fondly recalled events from the past couple of days, the last unsettling remnants of her dream began to fade from memory. The bizarre nightmare was something she’d be glad to forget. While she could now scarcely remember what the dream was about, the feelings of dread it inspired lingered, and the chill from that dark place seemed to have invaded the waking world. She must have tossed the blankets off in her sleep, but the van had been a comfortable temperature before without them. Vivi shivered against the cold, curling in on herself tightly.
“Arthur, I think the heater’s out,” she groaned tiredly. She was loathe to wake the mechanic when he was catching up on some badly needed rest, but at this rate, they’d both be frozen solid by the time the sun came up. She waited for a response, but none came. Vivi reached out to where she’d last remembered her friend to be, but her searching hands fell on nothing but empty air and scrunched up blankets. She didn’t hear Arthur tinkering around or the familiar click of his laptop’s keyboard either, both tell-tale signs of another bout of insomnia. All she could hear was the wind moaning outside and a mechanical hum from nearby. Puzzled by the discordant noises she heard, she forced her drooping eyelids open to glance around her. She could just make out the shape of the space heater, working hard to keep up with the dropping temperatures, but failing nonetheless as a frigid draft seeped into the van.
“Artie?” She called. The only reply was a shrill whistle of wind through a crack in the doors. She was certain they’d been shut tight before the Mystery Skulls had settled in for the night, but as she shuffled closer, she found the doors unlatched. Peering out the back windows, Vivi hoped to catch a glimpse of the mechanic. There was nothing but a field of white snow stretching on for as far as the eye could see. She scrambled towards the front of the van, disappointed to see that the seats were empty as well. Craning her head to look out the windows on all sides, she checked for any sign of her missing friend, but all she could make out in the darkness was more snow. Her frantic search had awakened the other sleeping occupant of the van however. Mystery emerged from underneath the mound of blankets Vivi had woken up next to, shaking himself free of his cozy entrapment.
“Vivi? What’s going on?” The dog yawned.
“I can’t find Arthur!” Vivi exclaimed. Mystery was immediately alert at her admission, his ears standing up straight and his nose in the air.
“Have you tried his cell phone?” The dog asked, intently sniffing his surroundings. Cursing herself that she hadn’t already thought of that, Vivi quickly pulled out her phone and dialed her friend’s number. A responding buzz sounded from the corner of the van. Glancing over, she could see Arthur’s phone rattling along the floor as it vibrated, the screen brightly lit with a picture they’d taken together last summer.
“H-hey, you’ve reached the voicemail of Arthur Kingsmen. I can’t come to the phone right now—” Disheartened, Vivi hung up before the beep. There was no doubt left in her mind that something was very wrong, the feeling of dread she’d woken up with intensifying every minute she couldn’t find her friend.
“He must have forgotten it, but he wouldn’t just go wander off in the snow! Do you think something happened to him?” She asked worriedly.
“I have a barrier in place around the van as a safeguard, nothing could get by it, I…” Mystery’s tail drooped midsentence, a very human-looking worry crossing his features.
“…I can’t sense him,” the kitsune said after a moment. Vivi hadn’t seen him look that unsettled since Shiromori, and it made her panic increase tenfold.
“Lewis, we need you!” She called frantically. A coffin swiftly appeared in the middle of the van, displacing the two occupants in the already cramped space. The casket’s lid swung outwards violently as Lewis made a harried entrance.
“Vivi! I heard you summon me, what’s wrong?”
“We can’t find Arthur,” she said hurriedly, “Mystery even tried to use his ‘puppy powers’ to locate him, but he can’t sense Arthur at all!”
“Normally, I’d be able to track any of one of you from miles away,” Mystery elaborated, trying to regain his composure, “Right now, aside from us here in the van, everything else is just…blank.” The kitsune paused for a moment, his brow furrowed in thought, before he let loose a string of obscenities in Japanese.
“It’s the snow,” Mystery growled, “It has to be, it’s covering up his soul scent. This isn’t a normal snowstorm, there must be something supernatural causing it…I can’t believe I missed it!”
“Soul scent?” Lewis asked.
“Every soul vibrates at a different frequency,” the kitsune explained, “Like the waves of light that make up the color spectrum. I can smell them, the frequency your soul vibrates at, and any other spirit or monster that may be lurking in the shadows.”
“That makes sense,” Vivi said, nodding her head slowly.
“Does it?” Lewis asked, looking at her in surprise.
“No, but we don’t have time for it to, we have to find Arthur!” Vivi exclaimed, “If you can detect other spirits and monsters, why weren’t you able to sniff anything out?”
“That’s just it, I tried. Whatever is out there that’s causing this, its soul doesn’t have a color. It just blends in with the snow.”
“So it’s like white noise for your nose, blocking out whatever other colors you might…’sniff out’,” Lewis said.
“Exactly,” Mystery replied, “I thought my lack of ability to detect anything out there asides from us meant we were safe, but the nothing I detected was something.”
“Ugh, that’s too many mixed up senses,” Vivi said, pinching the bridge of her nose, “Any ideas on what we’re dealing with here? Is it some kind of cryptid, like the abominable snowman or something?”
“I have a theory,” Mystery said, shifting from paw to paw, “Yuki-onna.”
“Snow woman?” Vivi repeated back in English.
“Another kind of yōkai. It’s been many, many years since I’ve encountered one myself, but I remember those spirits had the same white non-scent. In all my hundreds of years, I’ve never heard of one existing outside of Japan though!” Mystery growled in frustration.
“Are they some kind of ghost then?” Lewis asked.
“In some stories, yes. There are legends that the yuki-onna was the spirit of a woman seeking vengeance after she was lured out into the snow and murdered…I suppose it’s possible a ghost that originated from similar circumstances could be likened to the yōkai of my homeland,” Mystery frowned, “Those aren’t the only stories though. The legends are as varied as her names, and the stories change from region to region. In some tales, she’s merely an ephemeral visitor in winter, completely harmless. In others, she lures her victims out into the cold and drains their life force as she freezes them to death. They’re fickle creatures, in my experience.”
“So there might be some sort of snow-ghost-vampire-thing out there with Arthur? Why are we still standing here!” Vivi said, already heading for the door. She was shoving her feet into her boots when a swatch of orange caught her eye.
“He doesn’t even have his hoodie with him…” she fretted, picking up the garment from where it lay on the van’s floor. She felt a hand rest lightly on her shoulder.
“We’ll find him,” Lewis said sympathetically, but he couldn’t hide the worry that painted his skull.
“I know, Lew,” she said, willing herself to believe it. The events from the past year had undeniably shaken her confidence. She was supposed to be the brave one, the one to rush into danger without thinking because she was so sure everything would turn out alright in the end. The one to lead them all through it unscathed on grit and determination alone. She knew there were risks and danger in what they were doing, but she’d still believed they’d all come out on top in the end. But no matter how charismatic, or optimistic, or foolhardy she was, things didn’t always turn out alright. She couldn’t help but feel that she was letting her friends down again. She hadn’t been there when her friends had needed her before, couldn’t remember enough of Lewis to even try and find him or help Arthur with his search. She was determined that this time would be different. Vivi quickly threw on her coat, picking up Arthur’s hoodie to take with her as well. Grabbing a flashlight, Vivi threw open the doors to the outside, recoiling at the sudden blast of wind and snow that assaulted her. Not to be deterred, she hopped out of the van, the snow swallowing her legs up to her knees. The wind whipped violently around her face, her blue tresses flying. The thick flurry of snow all around her made it difficult to see, but she could make out enough of her surroundings to tell that Arthur’s footprints were nowhere to be found. She could feel despair creeping in like the winter’s chill as Mystery bounded out next to her.
“How are we going to find him?” She asked the dog sadly, “Without you being able to track his soul scent, without his phone, his footprints…how are we going to find him?”
“We’ll just have to search on foot and hope for the best,” the kitsune replied solemnly.
“He could have gone in any direction,” Lewis reasoned as he came to float next to them, hovering inches above the snow, “How will we even know where to start?”
“We won’t,” Mystery said grimly, “All we can do is pick a direction and hope we get lucky.” Vivi swallowed thickly, already hating the words before they came out of her mouth.
“We’ll cover more ground if we split up,” she said. They’d split up on investigations plenty of times before, but that was before they’d lost Lewis. Before she remembered losing Lewis. Afterwards, she had vowed to herself they would never split up again, that they would always be there to look out for each other. She didn’t want to let her friends and her dog out of her sight ever again, worried they wouldn’t make it back this time. But with Arthur missing, she didn’t feel like they had a choice.
“Absolutely not!” Lewis said, whirling to face her, “We’ve already lost Arthur, I’m not going to—!”
“We can cover three times as much ground if we each pick a different direction, that’s three times more likely to find Arthur!” Vivi argued.
“I agree with Vivi,” Mystery cut in, intervening before the argument could escalate any further, “But Lewis has a point. It’s dangerous out here, and we’re not going to be able to keep in contact once we separate. Therefore, I’ll stay with Vivi.”
“I can handle myself!” Vivi argued.
“Your magic is still developing,” Mystery said bluntly, “You don’t have very good control over it yet, when you have any control at all. Plus, we have no idea what’s really out there. You’d be safer to have somebody with you…and I know I would feel better if you weren’t alone.”
“Fine,” Vivi conceded unhappily. She’d come a long way with the magic lessons Mystery had been giving her in their spare time, but she knew he was right. She’d been relying on spell tags to have some control over her developing magic, and so far the results without them ranged from pitiful to disastrous.
“Me and Mystery can stick together. Lewis, will you be okay by yourself?”
“Lewis is more than capable of taking care of himself,” Mystery huffed, cocking an eyebrow at the ghost in question, “We’ve all seen him in action.” The specter had the decency to look a little sheepish at that.
“I’ll be fine,” Lewis agreed, “And I should be able to travel fairly quickly on my own.”
“Then it’s settled,” Mystery said, his canine features beginning to lengthen into something more vulpine, more threatening looking, “Vivi, I suggest we take the tree line. I took a cursory glance in that direction earlier, it’ll be easier for me to track anybody who has passed through there.”
“I’ll take the open snow field then. Everything’s so flat and empty, Arthur should be easy enough to spot out there,” Lewis said. He gave a curt nod before he was racing off across the snow with supernatural speed, gliding over the surface without disturbing it, eager to begin the search. Vivi was already marching through the snow in the opposite direction, Mystery keeping pace with her as his nose keenly scented the wind hoping to catch a whiff of their missing friend. Even with the flashlight she’d grabbed helping to illuminate their surroundings, it felt as if the darkness was closing in on them. Vivi was struck with a feeling of déjà vu as she and Mystery struggled through the thick snowdrifts, reminded of the dream she had woken from only minutes ago. Once again, she was lost in the darkness.
She called out for Arthur as they trudged through the snow, pushing down her disappointment every time she received no response. Soon enough, they came to the edge of the forest. The trees loomed over them, reaching out with gnarled and twisted limbs, their branches hanging low, heavy with snow. She could hear them creaking under the weight. Under any other circumstances, she would have loved the spooky atmosphere, but tonight she only felt unsettled by it. Undaunted, she kept walking deeper into the woods, Mystery close behind her. The groaning of the trees mingled with the sound of the wind moaning as it wove between their trunks. Underneath it all, Vivi thought she heard someone cackling, the sound brittle as ice. She wondered if it was just her imagination, a remnant of her bad dream. But as she turned to ask Mystery if he’d heard it too, she saw his hackles raised and his ears twitching. Whatever was out there with them was more than just a nightmare.
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braveskyered · 5 years
Knights (Part 12)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
I’ll just keep biting my tongue,
‘Til all you want is done, alright!
Part 12: But I’m Afraid, Afraid of Losing You
- - - - - - -
“Vivi, please. You have to remember. You need to remember him!”
“Augh... Arthur, for the last time, I don't. Just, please stop.”
Arthur lowered the strip of photos from Vivi's sight with confusion and despair. Why is this happening? Lewis is missing, Vivi can't remember him or whatever happened that night, while Arthur himself lost his left arm and couldn't remember what happened, either.
It's rough. Vivi seemed content to go about on her own, but whenever an image of Lewis is seen, his name is heard, or even anything that could associated with her love, Arthur always saw that bit of purple haze forming over her eyes, preventing her from actually seeing or hearing.
Arthur would be lying if he said that he wasn't jealous of Vivi and Lewis. Before Lewis and Vivi started dating, it was the three of them. A trio of friends. A trio of adventurers like the Three Musketeers or something among those lines. Vivi, Lewis, and Arthur. A friendship of three was enough. Then the two got together, and before he knew it, he was left out from the pack without him realizing it at first, and when he did, he felt a tightening feeling in his chest. It felt wrong, it hurt, it caused him so much pain.
Why? Why does it hurt so much? Weren't they all friends?
Arthur wanted to ask to them about it, but he knew all it would do is bring discord. His pain didn't matter, he is just an extra. What is he supposed to feel? What is he supposed to do? He felt some happiness over the development, but at the same time, he felt so empty. They were going on like they forgot about him, as if his friendship with them never existed, and that hurt even more. The pain felt so bad that he considered leaving the Mystery Skulls after they handle one more case.
One last case for him, and he will leave. Maybe talk to his uncle and see if he might have some answers.
And then everything went wrong.
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He couldn't leave Vivi alone. Not after what happened. Lewis wouldn't want that. Until Lewis either comes home or is found, Arthur swore to take care of Vivi in his place. It was the least he could do for them. That's what friends do, no matter how one feels.
So Arthur tried, again and again, to get Vivi to remember. He would show her pictures in multiple albums, the many pictures they took while on their adventures, tell her stories. Tell her happy memories, sad ones, funny ones, strange ones, frightening ones, memories of Lewis in general. But no matter how often Arthur tells them, Vivi would always forget by the end of the day if not within the hour while suffering from migraine-like headaches.
Lewis would be devastated at being forgotten. Arthur couldn't allow that to happen, he wouldn't allow that to happen. It's not fair that he could remember him while Vivi could not, and Arthur saw how much it pained Vivi when she couldn't remember. She would look at the photos on her own at times, and even though she sees the many images of Lewis, she still cannot remember what Lewis even looked like.
It's just not fair.
There were moments where it seemed like even he was forgetting Lewis, and he hated it. He needed to find Lewis, he has to find him. He can't forget him. If he does, then Lewis will never be remembered, never be found, never get the closure he and everyone else so desperately need.
Even if it's only to make the pain in his chest finally go away at the very least.
The Yukino family is grateful that Arthur helped with Vivi's care in the many times they couldn't. Her mother, known for her sunny and bright demeanor, cried and cried upon seeing Vivi's lack of memory and the blank look she displayed. Her father, known for his no-nonsense approach, could only watch with muted despair when any attempts at getting his daughter to recall what happened result in failure. Her grandmother being unusually quiet instead of showing her usual crankiness and skepticism. They could only feel relieved yet guilty when Vivi could easily recall them once Lewis is out of the discussion.
The Pepper family. Oh, the wonderful family known for their sweet and spicy personalities. The father and mother that took in a lost child as one of their own, and in just over a decade to find their loved one gone and missing. They didn't know what to think upon realizing that Vivi couldn't remember, that their sweet son had been forgotten. They could only be grateful knowing that Arthur remembered, but it wasn't enough to ease their hearts. Their three little girls are too young to understand what happened, other than that their big brother is missing.
Uncle Lance broke down upon seeing Arthur in the hospital bed, the only time Arthur ever saw his uncle shed tears. Arthur was told that he would've died had he not received immediate treatment after the animal attack. Arthur remembered being in shock upon realizing that his arm is just gone, and went hysterical upon seeing Mystery and he didn't know why before being sedated.
The hospital was hell. Arthur hated it. Despised it. Loathed it. Felt undeserving of the services. Vivi needed it more than he did due to her unusual selective amnesia. Lewis needed it more than he did.
But Lewis isn't here.
Arthur screamed with wailing grief. Not wanting to accept it.
As soon as he got out of the hospital, he worked himself to the bone to make that prosthetic arm that soon became his trademark. A trademark he hated. He hated associating it with Mystery, who gave him a special strain of fear that would not go away.
During the time it took to go through the physical therapy, Arthur would help Mr. and Mrs. Pepper by watching over their three girls. Belle, Cayenne, and Paprika were all too young to fully understand what happened to Lewis, other than that he is not home for the time being. Belle seemed to have an idea what is truly going on, and the expression Arthur saw on the eldest girl’s face made his heart ache. A child like her shouldn't have to go through the loss of a loving big brother. He tried to distract her by showing her some simple toys that ran with gears, and taught her how to take them apart or put them together.
Cayenne didn't prank him at all when the first one she did after Arthur got out of the hospital nearly ended in disaster. Seeing Mystery's head covered with red sauce was enough to make Arthur pass out with terror, and Cayenne, realizing the severity before her parents could scold her for it, refrained from doing any pranks on him since. Under normal circumstances, Arthur would've welcomed it, but it didn't feel right without Lewis being there to scold and give the middle child attention like he usually does. He couldn't help but actually feel slightly disappointed when he found that Cayenne hadn't spiked his milkshake with hot sauce for once.
Paprika. Oh, sweet little Paprika. The youngest one who adored Lewis and Arthur, often asking the former for rides on his shoulders, the latter for help on fixing her toys. Arthur knew that out of all of them, Paprika took Lewis's disappearance the hardest. Who would be there for her the next time she has a scary dream when her parents, already in grief from the news regarding their son, would be exhausted from managing and cooking from seven in the morning to four in the late afternoon?
Arthur knew that he isn't anywhere as ideal as Lewis for the three little Peppers, but he tried to help fill the void for them until their brother is found.
Because that's what friends do.
As soon as he was able, he started his search. He had to look for Lewis. Vivi only went with him so he wouldn't crash and burn, and she is all for paranormal investigations. She made a cheerful comment saying she's eager to go on a mission that Arthur accepted for once.
They searched through so many places. Places they remember looking through, places they previously investigated, places they were going to investigate, areas that seemed out of place.
But they couldn't find the cave.
Arthur did his best to protect Vivi, who often went into things head on without considering the dangers, in Lewis's place. When the van mysteriously broke down in front of that haunted mansion, Arthur went along with Vivi and Mystery to see if any clues to Lewis's whereabouts might be in there or even if someone might be willing to help, but things started to spiral downwards from here on out.
When that ghost declared to it was Arthur it hated the most, Arthur knew he had to get Vivi out of here. If she were to get hurt by the ghost armed with fire and powers that defied all sense, he knew Lewis wouldn't forgive him if Vivi got hurt. That heart had to be a trap. There are ghosts and spirits and monsters out there that would tempt unwitting and desirable people with a “treasured” item to lure them to their doom, and Vivi just about had that heart in her grasp.
Arthur didn't think twice when he moved to grab Vivi's hand and take her away from the danger. It's what Lewis would've done, and Arthur knew Lewis wouldn't forgive him if he left Vivi to be taken by that ghost's trap.
Sure enough, that ghost wasn't happy when Arthur took away its prey. The resulting explosion only served to prove that the ghost is more dangerous than they can handle.
They barely managed to escape with their lives. Arthur shoved Vivi into the van and drove off with a high speed. How the van is working again in the spur of the moment, Arthur has no idea. He's pretty sure the transmission got chewed up because of it, but once they're in a safe area, he can pull over to fix it with the meager tools he has until they drive back to Kingsmen Mechanics.
He hoped Lewis is okay. He hoped Lewis will be okay with him for trying to hold the fort in his place. He hoped Lewis will be thankful that Vivi is safe.
He hoped that Lewis will be happy with his efforts to bring them all together again.
Still... maybe once they find Lewis, they might be able to come back for the ghost and hopefully help it. No matter what, a ghost should always be able to find rest.
Lewis always had a way with words, and he has been able to help convince more than a fair few ghosts into letting go and moving on. Maybe Lewis can help convince the ghost that Arthur isn't to blame for its hatred.
But then...
It burned.
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“I-I can't trust this. I don't trust this at all,” Arthur shook his head while holding a small business card with four logos with a shaking hand.
Arthur and Elaine were in the living room sitting on the sofa. He tried to keep his breath steady, but he can only do so much.
“But the letter's from your uncle, right?” Elaine rose a brow as she read the letter again, “The one you've been sending letters to all these years?”
“Well, yeah, but... It's just... why now? I haven't sent him a letter in almost four months. It's just...” Arthur let out a breath of resigned frustration and set the card on the counter, “I don't like this. I don't like this at all. It's just... the fact that they found me is--”
“Are you thinking of going?” Elaine thankfully cut him off.
He struggled to keep the tears from forming, “Are you? We never involved anyone from my side at all. I didn't want anyone from Tempo to know.”
Arthur could only stare, a feeling of dread bubbling up in his throat.
For over seventeen years, Arthur had been away from Tempo. For fifteen years, he has been married to Elaine. For fourteen years, he has been a father to boy and girl twins and a little girl. For over seventeen years has he been safe. For all that time with Elaine, he has been happy. Some problems here and there, sure, but it was happy.
So why? Why is someone from Tempo here? He looked down slightly with a glowered expression while trying to keep his nerves from betraying him.
“Arthur,” Mr. Yukino slowly shook his head and smiled while looking relieved, “It really is you. Is this where you've been all this time?”
“You need me to explain the program to you, 'Mr. Snowfield'?” Arthur narrowed his eyes, “For your 'grandson,' if memory serves me right?”
“N-nani?” He blinked, confusion spreading over his face, “Ah... What?”
Arthur took his cell phone out from his pocket, pulling up the university's app. While on the pretense of searching through the app, he made a move to try sending a text to Elaine, hoping that she can get Gwen and Percy out from the school before Mr. Yukino notices. He has to get the kids out of here. If anyone from Tempo finds out about them, who know what could happen?! He will not let those monsters take them!
“For starters, your grandson will need a transcript from--”
Mr. Yukino grabbed his shoulder and held up a yellow envelope, “Arthur, I'm not here for that! I finally found you, just hear me out! We need your help! Please!”
Who gave you the right to touch anyone?
Automatically, Arthur swatted Mr. Yukino's hand away. He wasn't allowed to be near Vivi, even when she was the one to reach out. No doubt it extended to Vivi's family, as well. It didn't matter if Mr. Yukino looked conflicted or hurt, Arthur didn't want to risk the wraith's wrath.
“What,” Arthur spoke through gritted teeth, “Are you doing. I am not going--”
“Then at least read this! Please!” the older man pleaded and held the envelope out to him again, “It's from your uncle!”
Mr. Yukino tried to make another grab at Arthur. Arthur's sight became distorted as that damned voice echoed with his heartbeat.
Who gave you the right to be near her?
“What's going on here?!”
Arthur is really glad that his boss had returned upon hearing the commotion at that time and allowed him to take a two week leave. He doesn't have to come back until finals week to recover. He had no idea what happened to Mr. Yukino after security escorted him out, but Arthur couldn't bring himself to care now that he has been found.
Why? After all this time, he has been happy living this life. Away from his toxic past. Why did someone from back then have to find him now? He had thrown it all away and left like they wanted! Even now, they still try to forcefully bring him back?
“Still, you trust your uncle, and he's asking that you come visit him for Thanksgiving,” Elaine said, “I don't think that's out of the ordinary. We don't have our reunions at Thanksgiving, anyway, so we can go to this. We can just visit him and no one else.”
“Elaine, even if I did consider going, I wouldn't dream of bringing you guys with me,” Arthur gripped at his sleeves and shivered, “I mean, what are they going to do if they see you all? I don't want to imagine what might happen if those monsters got a hold of the kids.”
He tried to blink back the tears, but soon they started falling. It's over. His life with the Knights family is all over now that someone from Tempo has found him. He didn't even know how Mr. Yukino did it. He thought he was so careful. Where, when, and how did he mess up? Whatever it is, it's the reason it's all over for him. Soon, he will never be able to hold Elaine again and see her smile, or encourage Gwen and Percy all the way, or be there for Vivian whenever she cries. Soon, he won't live to see another day, live to see the kids grow up, live to--
His thoughts were interrupted when Elaine took his hands to hers.
“Your uncle also requested in his letter that we bring the kids along,” Elaine shrugged, “Gwen and Percy are fourteen, and they've had about seven years to refine and control their power, so I'm not worried about them. We'll have to make some extra protection charms for Vivian so she doesn't hurt herself or others, but I can ask either Mom or Aunt Morgan to come with us as a safety precaution. I'd bring Eleanor, but she's still in Montana with her husband.”
“S-Shouldn't we just not go? And if we did, we can't take Vivian. She's only three, she's too young to control herself even with the charms if one of us isn't around.”
Because out of all three, Vivian is the most vulnerable.
Elaine gave him a look as if he stated something ridiculous, “Arthur, you know very well that Vivian gets antsy when you're away. Besides me, you're the only one who can truly calm her down when she's upset or loses control of herself. And who can say that she won't try to escape and follow us all the way to Tempo? She's done that once before while you were at the university, remember?”
“Well, yeah, but I don't have powers like you guys do. I can't protect you from the monsters that are there!”
She rose a brow, “Arthur, who do you think you're talking to?”
Arthur blinked, then slapped a hand against his forehead. He felt like an idiot. Did he seriously forget in his panic that Elaine comes from a family of monster hunters?! Now there's nothing that could convince her to stay away from Tempo! If he goes back, then it's only a matter of time before that wraith finds him to finish him off, or that kitsune that took his arm will come back for more.
“Elaine, you don't understand, I--”
“Arthur. Elaine.”
Both Arthur and Elaine looked to the side to see who called to them.
“Nana Niniane,” Elaine moved her hand away from Arthur's face as the old woman approached, “When did you get here?”
“I heard from your mother that Arthur is having some trouble, so I came here to see what the commotion is about.”
Arthur occasionally forgets that Niniane can basically come in and go as she pleases. No one seems to complain about it, though.
Elaine held out the letter to her relative, and Niniane took her time to read it. The old woman's brow slowly rose, but otherwise her typical frown didn't change.
* * *
I know that it has been many years since I have last seen you, and months since your last letter. I have long accepted that you will not come home, but I've heard you have a family over there now. Will you and your family come over for a Thanksgiving visit at the very least? Your kids should have a break from school by then, don't they? I just want to see that you're okay and meet the people that have made you happy with my own eyes.
There are so many things I want to ask, but over the years I have accepted that I will not get any answers. I do have an idea on why you left, and in the chance that it is true, I will not involve the Peppers into that matter. However, I do ask that you do not blame Nobuhiro Yukino for this, for he and his family will not involve themselves in this either if that is what you wish.
I'm not sure if Nobuhiro said anything, but we all need your help. You're the only one who can help us make things right. Although it may not solve everything, I do want everyone to obtain closure, including yourself. We all just want the sadness and misunderstandings to end.
Even if you don't consider Tempo your home anymore, know that you will always have a place to return to here at Kingsmen Mechanics.
I miss you, Arthur. I really do.
- Lance Kingsmen
* * *
“I see here that this letter isn't stamped,” Niniane viewed the letter with distaste before glancing at Arthur, “I take it it was hand delivered?”
Reluctantly, he nodded.
“And who is this 'Nobuhiro Yukino' that is mentioned in the letter?”
“The father of someone I used to know, and the one who found me,” he trembled, “I don't know how he did it.”
“I see,” Niniane set the letter aside and picked up the card, “And these four logos?”
As much as Arthur didn't want to answer, he knew that Niniane wouldn't accept his reasoning, “The wrench with the crown is the logo for Kingsmen Mechanics. It's the auto repair shop my uncle owns that doubles as his house, it's also where I used to live. The snowflake is,” he sighs, “The crest of the Yukino family. Nobuhiro is from that family.”
“And the half-black, half-white skull and the odd question mark?”
Arthur turned away while grasping his left forearm. He tried not to tremble, but the areas where he suffered those awful burns around his shoulders, chest, and neck began to ache. He tried to answer, but all that came out was a shaky breath.
“I see.”
He looked up and saw Niniane look at the card with disdain.
“So these two indicate the monsters that hurt you. Abused you, even. All for something you had no control over if memory recalls.”
Elaine gently tilted Arthur's head to her direction, and gave him a questioning look to him and his prosthetic. He knew what she was going to ask. He narrowed his eyes in hopes of avoiding her gaze, but soon nodded slowly. Elaine, to her credit, held a steady expression.
“Arthur, do you really not want to see your uncle again? This may be your only chance, and you've been hiding away from your past for all these years. You escaped from your abuse,” Elaine bit her lips, “But you had to deal with so many nightmares as a result. I feel that if we don't go and help confront your fear, you'll never be able to fully move on.”
He gritted his teeth. He couldn't deny it. He wanted to see Lance at least one more time.
“My star,” he felt Elaine's hand lift his chin to her line of sight, “I'm well aware that it was those monsters that hurt you, and I promise you that if they're still there, and if they try anything, I will do everything in my power to protect you. I just want you to heal. You've been here for me, so now I will be there for you.”
The tears started to fall again. He couldn't let Elaine or the kids go to Tempo. If that wraith is still around, and he's sure it is, he feared that it will only be a matter of time before he is taken prisoner by it for its own amusement like it was before. Percy heavily resembles him, and Arthur knew that the wraith will make his son suffer the same fate should it encounter him. Who knows what it could do to Gwen, who might also be tortured just for being his daughter. He definitely didn't want to imagine what would happen if the wraith ever gets it hands on Vivian, who is too young to properly defend herself.
And if that kitsune had any motives against the children, it might hurt them and then not regret it for a second like it did against him...
“Arthur, my knight, do you remember what we promised each other on the day we got married?”
He looked up at her.
“That no matter what obstacle comes in our way, we are to take them head on together,” she gave him a resolute nod, “So I will go with you to Tempo.”
Arthur was about to protest again before cutting himself off. He knew he ran out of arguments to present to Elaine and Niniane. Soon, he gave out a long breath he didn't realize he was holding.
“I'm,” he held a hand over his face before moving it away with a heavy breath to grasp at the wedding ring he wears as a necklace beneath his shirt, “I'm not fully on board with this, but you're right. We might as well just get this over with. We'll go. If anyone is to get hurt, it'll most likely be m--”
“I will not let anyone or anything harm my family,” Niniane spoke with a sharp tone, “If anyone tries to harm you, I will to see it that they will regret their actions.”
Elaine rose a brow, “All right, but I was planning on asking Mom or Aunt Morgan to come with us.”
“You may always ask if either of them wishes to come. However, the both of them are busy maintaining the family shop and taking care of your grandmother, who is not in a state to be traveling. Tom and Miles are also busy with their jobs, and they have already been signed up for plans that allow them to visit their side of the families for Thanksgiving. Besides,” Niniane leaned down to Elaine, “You will need help caring for little Vivian.”
Arthur and Elaine looked at each other.
Elaine shrugged, then conceded, “Very well. You have my thanks, Nana Niniane,” she turned to Arthur, “We do need to let the kids know about this sometime soon.”
“It may be better to tell them now,” Niniane looked up at the ceiling with a brow raised, which lead in the general direction to the bedrooms, “Provided they are still awake, that is.”
Arthur, with his heart already feeling heavy enough as it is, started to make his way up the stairs with Elaine following behind him while Niniane stayed behind. He heard some fast movements, but didn't think anything of it when he knocked on Gwen's bedroom door and opened it.
“Oh, you're all here,” Arthur smiled at the sight of Gwen and Percy playing with Vivian and her tinker toys, or at least looked like they were about to start, “We need to talk for a bit.”
The twins looked at each other and blinked, while Vivian stood up and slowly walked to Arthur, grabbing at his clothes. Smiling slightly, he picked her up, then sat down on Gwen's bed.
“What's going on, Dad?” Percy asked.
“It's been decided that we're leaving to meet with family on the Friday before Thanksgiving,” Arthur said, “But it won't be with your aunt Eleanor or uncle Nick or with everyone else you know. Instead, we'll be visiting...” He really didn't want to say it, but he gave out a deep sigh, then started talking again, “We'll be visiting your grand uncle Lance in Tempo, Texas.”
The reaction is immediate, both Gwen and Percy did a double take, while Vivian looked up at him.
“Wait, we have another grand uncle besides Miles?” Gwen asked, “How come he wasn't at the family reunions?”
“Those at the reunions are all from my side of the family,” Elaine explained with a patient grin, “The grand uncle we'll be visiting is from your father's side. In other words, we'll be visiting Arthur's uncle in a little over a week.”
“Grampa?” Vivian mumbled.
“No, Vivian, 'grand uncle,'” Arthur corrected, “I'd rather we do not involve my parents in this.”
“What happened to them?” Gwen asked.
“Let's just say... the less we talk about them, the better,” he looked away, “I haven't spoken to them ever since I was eighteen. I'd rather keep it that way.”
Arthur noticed that Elaine gave the twins a look that told them not to press further. Vivian, who is no doubt too young to properly understand what is going on, gripped at his shirt and looked up.
Arthur's chest ached at the sight. For a brief moment, he wished that Vivian wasn't born at all, since it would mean that she wouldn't be around to see all the horrors that he will face as soon as he reaches Tempo. He does agree with Elaine that the twins can handle themselves, but with Vivian at the tender age of three and having trouble controlling her power, he knew that's she's as helpless as a normal three-year-old could get.
“Tempo is about a fourteen hour drive away from here, so it will take us two days to drive over there. We'll have to stop by a motel on the halfway point,” Elaine explained to the kids, “Like I said, we'll be leaving the Friday before Thanksgiving, and be there by Saturday evening. We'll be spending a week there and leave on Saturday morning after Thanksgiving. Do you get what I'm saying so far?”
The twins nodded, as did Vivian, although Arthur figured she's just copying her siblings.
“So what I need the both of you to do is to get your laundry done by Thursday, and gradually pack some changes of clothes. I will be sure to find a hotel that has a laundromat nearby so we can wash them when needed. You're welcome to bring at least two of your projects in this trip to show your grand uncle, but I do ask that they're not to be too big to fit in the van. Do you understand?”
The twins nodded again.
Arthur then spoke up, “The desert surrounding Tempo is known to have paranormal elements. There may be more there ever since I left, so I don't know how strong they are,” he held his left hand out to the twins, “So when we get there, I want you to stay close to me and your mother. And if by some chance you can't, always stay close to each other, and help protect Vivian. Understand?”
Gwen and Percy looked at each other with a concerned look, then Gwen took his hand and nodded.
“We'll be careful, Daddy.”
“That's a promise we'll keep,” Percy added as he also took Arthur's hand, “We'll make sure Vivian stays safe.”
“Pom-ise. Pom-ise,” Vivian leaned closer against him.
Arthur gave a small breath of amusement at Vivian's attempts to speak a new word and smiled ruefully.
Gwen. Percy. Vivian.
How he wished they wouldn't become involved with anyone from Tempo.
It was at this moment that he knew, that he could only protect this happiness for so long.
It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts.
All because he said didn't want it.
It may have been something he wanted at one point, but didn't know for sure. He didn't understand why he felt so alone despite being with those he thought were his best friends.
No, he knew why, but that's not how it should work. It's all wrong.
The punishment from the vengeful wraith hurt so badly, for both his body and his soul. He knew he deserved it, since he is the one who killed his best friend while under the demon's influence, but he didn't want the pain anymore after so many times. He already knew what he did, the sin he will forever bear for the rest of his life and beyond. Falling victim to possession, unable to fight it off, unable to throw himself off to save his friend despite his efforts.
His heart ached painfully enough.
Why did everything go so wrong? Why did they have to ask that question?
He couldn't take it anymore.
There's no one who could help him.
For almost half a year, he could let them do whatever they wanted with him.
But he couldn't let them have the only thing he has left, not after all this.
With a heavy heart, before he could fully process what he was doing, he had gone to the bank and withdrew a decent amount of his savings, went to Kingsmen Mechanics to pack the tools, clothes, and other minor essentials that he could, put Galahad in a travel cage, bought a bus ticket, started to leave, and...
“Arthur, where are you going?”
Arthur saw his uncle give him a concerned look, which isn't something the older man is known for doing.
“Hey, I...”
“Where are you going?” Lance repeated, “You don't need to take a bus to get back home, I could just drive you back.”
“N-no, it's not that,” Arthur shook his head, “It's just... They're not expecting me back until Thursday, so I thought I could take the next two days to give myself some... time alone. To think.”
“Like a vacation?” Lance blinked, thrown off by his nephew's words, “I guess that could do you some good. Where at?”
Arthur didn't answer. He hoped he didn't have to say anything to his uncle, but he knew he had to leave soon, “Just anywhere but here, really.”
“Wait, Arthur,” Lance grabbed Arthur's arm, “What happened back at Lewis's place?”
Arthur is glad that Lance grabbed his left arm, or else Arthur would have cried out in pain and drop Galahad's cage. The bruises on his arm, chest, neck, and back hurt so much, and he knew that if Lance caught on, then Vivi's remaining happiness will shatter for good. It would be cruel to tear the Peppers apart again.
“We had a disagreement about some... future possibilities,” Arthur tried to answer as truthfully as he could without disclosing the actual reason. The best lies always have some truth mixed in, “I just need some time for myself to clear my head.”
“Lance, please,” he set Galahad's cage aside on a nearby table and looked at his uncle dead in the eye, “I need this. I just, I just want to be able to think about things without anyone saying anything. I just need some time away from here. I just...” His breath hitched, “I need a break, Lance. Please. I'll even call you once I reach my destination.”
Destination. Hah! Not even Arthur himself knew where he is going, and he already removed the SIM card from his phone. He just wanted to get away from Tempo before the Mystery Skulls catch on and not find him to drag him back like a prisoner. He won't let them take the only thing about him that's left.
His uncle looked like he wanted to ask more questions, but instead the older man took Arthur into his arms. Arthur stiffened and bit his tongue to stop himself from grunting in pain.
Lance isn't known for being directly affectionate, so why is he...?
“Call me if you ever need anything, Arthur. Okay?”
Arthur nodded, and with only last look at Lance, he left Kingsmen Mechanics with his backpack and Galahad in tow.
I have to hurry. Hurry. Before they notice.
Arthur turned to his uncle again, who held a set of keys.
“I'll drive you to the bus stop.”
Thankfully, Lance didn't ask any questions after that. With his uncle's help, Arthur made it to the bus stop with a few minutes to spare. Seeing Lance wave at him is the last thing Arthur saw before he turned away as the bus left with him inside.
I'm sorry, Lance. Arthur looked down at Galahad gnawing on a seed. But I can't ever come back here.
This is it. He made the final step of boarding the bus and riding on through. There is no turning back now. With this decision, he has abandoned everything he knew. His home, his only family, the van he spent so much time maintaining... and the ones he thought were his friends.
...No, he knew he is hated now. Hated for not handing it over when they asked for it. Hated by everyone when everything went wrong because he is so weak.
When the bus left the town border, Arthur started humming to himself. At first it was just random notes, but before he knew it, he started humming the tune that the Deadbeats would sing. His voice trembled as he hummed, trying to conceal the nervous yet relieved and gleeful laughter bubbling up in his throat, his breath hitching as tears of relief began to fall.
He is finally, finally out of the hell that was his so-called 'home.'
His humming stuttered.
T-this time I m-might just d-disap-p-pe-e-ear~
The next two days passed without incident, but Arthur knew that the day he would be returning to Tempo, and thus lose everything, is getting closer by the hour.
His nightmares returned with a vengeance once again. The wraith would torture him and attempt to take the children, all three being depicted as defenseless babies at different times, or he would have his throat bitten in half by the kitsune that took his arm, or he would be tormented by the sight of blackened green while hearing the screams of the Mystery Skulls.
He didn't want to wake Elaine every hour of the night for her to be there for him, so he tried to tough it out by staying awake all night to watch over Vivian as she slept. It didn't go as intended, of course, since Elaine soon caught him still awake and would coax him to bed. Arthur could only tremble as Elaine held on to him throughout the night before sleep finally claimed him.
Arthur went with Elaine to Four of a Kind Queens to give himself the opportunity to teach Vivian about the family trade. Elaine went into the front with her aunt and mother to do the main work, while Arthur remained in the always closed off fifth garage, showing Vivian various wrenches, screwdrivers, and other tools that were relatively safe to show to a three-year-old. The little girl took a liking to a small combination wrench, and Arthur made a mental note to look for a toy resembling it later before he leaves for Tempo.
It would be the last thing he could gift her. He wondered if Vivian will remember him once he dies, then made the sad conclusion based on her age: Probably not.
“What are you doing here?!”
Arthur and Vivian jumped and turned to the door.
“M-Mama?” Vivian sounded scared. It made sense, because Elaine isn't known to raise her voice around others. Even when angry, Elaine is usually the whole “tranquil fury” type of woman.
“Please, I just need to talk to Arthur! I--”
“We are not interested! You have already left the letter to us! Leave at once!”
Arthur's blood went cold upon hearing the foreign voice. Mr. Yukino found out about this place, too?! Why?! He left Tempo because they wanted him to! Why are they trying to contact him after so long?!
Not taking a chance to think twice, Arthur took Vivian inside Vivienne's home. The last thing Arthur wants is for Vivian to get scared, or expose his daughter to the man searching for him that is just inside the shop's lobby. He hoped that Vivi isn't with her father, otherwise that meant the wraith is with her, and that will mean that the wraith will take away his only reasons of living, and--
“Arthur? Is everything all right?”
He set Vivian down and saw Vivienne approach him with her wheelchair. The old woman that is his grandmother-in-law, nearly reaching ninety years of her life, gave Arthur a look of concern.
“Yeah, it's just,” He tried to answer her truthfully, but struggled to find the right words, “It looks like there's an unwelcome customer in the shop.”
Vivienne rose a brow and looked at the doorway.
“I see. I will go and look,” she started to wheel her way to the garage before stopping to give Vivian, her great-granddaughter, a gentle poke on her cheek as a sign of affection, then left to see the shop lobby. When the door opened, Arthur could hear the yelling persist.
“-- don't understand! My mother Fuyuko had--!”
Arthur picked up Vivian again and went into the living room, further away from the shop, and sat down on the sofa with Vivian in his lap. He's is glad that Gwen and Percy are at the university for a Saturday club activity, and that they won't be back for another few hours. The last thing any of the kids need is hearing the crazy drama going on.
...all because of him.
His chest ached, just like how it used to do so many years ago. Placing a hand over his face, Arthur tried to keep his emotion under control. He took slow breaths, knowing it wouldn't do if Vivian saw him break down.
Soon, in less than a week, Arthur's life will be  lost.
“I love you, Vivian. You know that, right?”
Vivian looked up at him with an unreadable expression. Smiling sadly, Arthur's brow furrowed as he held her close, rubbing the back of her head.
“Daddy?” Vivian reached up to touch his face, “Love Daddy?”
He put his hand over hers. Sometimes, it's easy forget that she's only three. He often wonders at just what goes through her mind at times.
“Yeah, Vivian. Love you, too.”
The timer keeps going down.
He looked up, seeing Elaine smile at him sadly.
“Mama,” Vivian reached out.
“My knight,” she said as she held her daughter's hand and look at him, “How are you holding up?”
“I'm... all right,” he nodded a little and released Vivian from his arms so Elaine could hold her, “I... What happened at the shop?”
“You remember that Nobuhiro Yukino guy that approached you at the school two days ago?”
He tensed, then nodded again.
“He really wanted to talk to you, but I know you have no intention of doing that. Once he got the hint, he did one thing that might throw a wrench in our plans of going to Tempo next week.”
“...What did he do?”
“He hired us for a job to... help someone, so to speak. There's a ghost in Tempo that's been sealed in an old mansion inside a forest within the Tempo outskirts. He wants us to help it find eternal rest.”
Wait, what?
“Arthur, I have to ask you something, and I need you to answer me honestly.”
Reluctantly, he answered, “What do you need to know?”
Elaine looked like she is struggling to speak, then took a deep breath and asked.
“Before you left Tempo, did you know anyone named Lewis Pepper?”
Why?! Why did this have to happen to us?
Why did everything have to go so wrong?!
Did we think that little of him?!
Why didn't we listen?
The danger was so obvious.
And yet...
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* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Maybe there’s no guarantee...
Part 13: How Unlucky...
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ficmesideways · 5 years
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And although I seem relaxed, I'm actually incredibly tense at all times.
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