#sue me for having eyes
juuheizou · 4 months
i'm in desperate need of funny/cute/wholesome tooru or suzumutsu headcanons please😖🙏 i made a terrible mistake and started rereading :re, i just got to rushima today and i'm NOT handling it well at all💀 i love reading your rambles so please just go on about whatever you have in mind<3
I hope you know this is a bood for every time I pick a section to reread and get in the same situation, anon. So, obviously, at this point I have a hoard of fluffy Mutsuki things to share with you. ANYWAY here are some of my favorites!
Mutsuki likes to wear cute, quirky socks when he's relaxing at home. Like the novelty ones that have cats with moustaches and stuff like that on them. (Suzumutsu addition: Mutsuki has a giraffe-patterned pair that he wears a lot because he loves how happy Suzuya gets every time he notices there's giraffes on his socks)
We know Mutsuki is one of two Quinx Squad members who can cook, but he is a big time stress-baker as well. Best not to even step in the kitchen when he's agonizing unless you're Suzuya and you're here to idly decorate while listening to his problems.
He is a plant dad 100%. Unlike Suzuya's revolving door of messed up foster cats, he seems like the type to have one plant that he is very attached to and passionate about taking care of for a long time.
He loves a rainy/gloomy day. Even walking down the street under his umbrella on the way to work is pleasant for him, not that he doesn't also like to spend the time curled up with a good book/movie and a cup of sugarless coffee.
As much as he cannot handle horror, especially the gory zombies and slashers Suzuya likes, he does read and watch a lot of mysteries! Even a light murder mystery from time to time. (Not that he wants Suzuya to be proud of him when he gets through the latter, except maybe he does a little bit)
They have to be written to exacting specifications to win his ace heart over and he is super picky, but he also has a slight guilty pleasure for romance novels. His other guilty pleasure is being sucked into basic nerd-adjacent millennial TV (think Grey's Anatomy, Criminal Minds, Vampire Diaries, shows like that)
He is a nutty professor drunk and his approaching Nutcracker in canon is actually on the tame side of his reactions to alcohol. This boy would break into shirtless karaoke if he was left to his own devices under the influence. (Yuri!!! on Ice AU anyone? definitely not soft-launching my new writing obsession)
He actually tells really funny stories and jokes when he wants to. They're just reserved for people he feels safe to let go around. Sometimes he can't get through them without making himself laugh.
He seldom swears and unless he's doing it because he's overcome with vehement anger or similar emotion, he stammers as soon as he decides he's going to hesitantly drop an f-bomb
Suzuya starts giving him little sticky notes with cute doodles and kind words when he realizes words actually do speak to some people, and Mutsuki is one of those people.
His favorite kinds of kisses are cheek and nose kisses. They turn him into a blushing, fidgeting puddle every time.
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hakusins · 2 months
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tw // scars, blood, bruises, piercings, cigarettes, a bit of ooc?
man, i love whitney
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septemberlilies · 11 months
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soldiers of the garrison are renowned for their weaponry
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garlculean · 7 months
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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐆𝐔𝐘𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊 He's got the SMOOTH MOVES it takes to win her over?
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convolutedblasphemy · 1 month
Most of the people who unironically dub themselves a "fandom elder" go right on my blocklist because it's almost always followed by a complete and utter refusal to critically examine one's own habits and biases sold as wisdom and sprinkled with badly disguised ageism.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
hii yugioh people i have a tag game for you :^) tell me in the tags about your favorite yugioh card archetypes!! tell me why you like them!!! my favorites are red-eyes, D/D/Ds, and Meklords
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owlf45 · 5 months
Ragghhh I’m gonna miss my twin
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ruvviks · 8 months
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arom-antix · 5 months
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My feral little man
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adhd-merlin · 9 months
I think this is a mega unpopular opinion among arwen enjoyers but I love the banishment scene in 4x09 actually. yes it's tragic, yes it's painful, but it's precisely because of how much they loved each other. its greatly written and bradley and angel are both incredible in it. I haven't managed to find a proper gif set of that scene yet which is a crime
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koroart · 1 year
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Fellas — is it gay to realize how beautiful your best friend is while he’s staring at the sunset ? 🤔 ( WIP )
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flynnarts · 4 months
Happy Valentino’s Day!!!
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(Click For Better Quality) Happy Valentino’s Day Broshimiskies!!! I love you all, and I appreciate all my Aromantics/Ace-sexual beans out there <3 Hope you all stay safe, and enjoy your favorite hyperfixations. Indulge a bit today, love yourself and who you are, because there is only one of you, and you’re special and amazing <3
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alovesreading · 4 months
happy valentine’s day everyone!!! love you all, sending yous lots of hugs and kisses 😚😚🤍🤍
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gumnut-logic · 1 year
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What do we see here? Yet another sleepy Virgil fic?
Yeah, that’s all I had energy for. Gordy, you’re a champ.
Hope you enjoy these first words in ages, there not much, so don’t expect much, but they are something at least ::hugs the lot of you::
Virgil groaned as he sat down on the lounge. He should be in bed. It had been a long day…or days, he wasn’t really sure what the time was.
He’d settled Two in her hangar. If she had been horse, she would be lame, limping home with a leak in her hydraulic system messing with her flight. She was barely safe.
Not that he was going to tell Scott that. She wouldn’t be going out before some serious TLC, but she got him home.
She always gets him home.
He closed his eyes and let himself relax back into the cushions. The sigh that hissed between his teeth was involuntary but truly expressive.
Every muscle was tired, but none more than those in his feet. Specialised footwear or not, he’d spent the entire day on running, jumping, and working the exosuit. You could put all the padding in the world in those boots and his feet would still ache.
Plus he needed to cut at least one of the toenails on his left foot. Time was a thing that he had been short recently and it was a job that had been too low a priority…until those nails started digging into his other toes.
Maybe he could fall asleep here. Just doze and worry about debrief later.
The breeze blowing in from the open doors tousled his damp hair and poked at the t-shirt and trackpants he’d thrown on after his post-mission shower.
He really could just let himself go and not worry-
He kept his eyes closed. If he couldn’t see Gordon, Gordon couldn’t see him.
“You okay?”
His shoulders dropped just a little as he let out an apologetic grunt. His brother was only expressing concern.
The couch cushions dipped to his left as his fish brother sat down beside him.
Virgil kept his eyes closed. He really didn’t have the energy to open them.
“Caught your last rescue. You sure you’re okay? John was worried.”
Another sigh and Virgil let out some words. “I’ll live.” Then that last bit clicked.
Virgil opened his eyes and stared at his brother. “I’m fine. John has nothing to worry about.”
But the concern on Gordon’s face was sincere. “John had every right to worry. That was a thirty-six hour stint and just look at you.”
Virgil blinked. “What?” He wasn’t injured.
But honestly, he was too tired to care. “Got debrief, then bed. Problem solved.” He lay back again and closed his eyes.
Really, he was considering sleeping right there. Getting up was too much effort.
“There is no debrief. Grandma ordered Scott to bed.”
Virgil frowned. “Huh?”
“Yeah, he was exhausted as you.”
He barely grunted at that.
“So, I’m dragging you to bed.”
Gordon had muscle and lots of it, but Virgil was big and the thought of his little brother attempting to manhandle him… “You and what army?”
“Me and my silver tongue, big bro.”
Virgil groaned. He was too tired for all that sudden sunshine.
“So, you gonna go to bed, or what?”
Virgil still had his eyes closed, but he didn’t need them to see that smirk on the Fish’s face.
“M’feet hurt.” The thought of standing was just ugh.
“Your feet hurt?” The weight beside him shifted as Gordon stood up.
A moment later, Virgil would have flinched away as his left foot was lifted with gentle but strong hands…but it required too much energy.
“You need to cut your toenails, bro.”
Virgil didn’t even bother to grunt.
But then gentle circles were being rubbed into the sole of his foot.
Oh god. “What are you doing?” Virgil sat up straighter, attempting to pull his foot away.
But Gordon tugged back. “Hey, relax. I got this.”
“Lie back a minute and I’ll pay you back for one of those post swim meet rub downs.” He held Virgil’s ankle tightly, but only enough to keep it in place. The Fish was stronger than he looked.
“Relax! That’s an order!”
What? But Gordon obviously had enough knowledge of foot anatomy because a knuckle pushed gently into Virgil’s sole and whatever he had been going to say melted away as that knuckle did good things.
There was silence a moment as strong fingers rubbed away ache.
“There…you see? All you need is a little TLC.”
Virgil didn’t answer, his eyes slipping closed again.
Those fingers gently lifted his other foot, letting it join in the magic.
His next sigh was one of blessed gratitude.
At some point Gordon started humming, but Virgil was beyond caring.
Time passed and muscles unwound.
Quiet words whispered near his ear. “You ready for bed?”
Umm…he rolled over. “Bed.”
Strong hands grabbed him and levered him upright, his arm was thrown over a shoulder, and he was moving. Several doors, whispered muttering, and he was lowered gently onto cool and soft sheets.
“Sleep, big bro.” A barely heard sigh. “You’ve earned it.”
He rolled over, curling into the bed covers carefully place over him.
And let slumber take him away.
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saint-saturniidae · 5 months
funniest thing about the shadow and bone show is in the first episode (i think? it might've been the second idk) when kaz is interrogating that ravkan lady about being from the east and he says "BUT THE PEOPLE WHO WORK THE MINES IN SIKURSK-" and points to the permafrost. which is on the opposite fucking side of ravka from sikursk.
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mindsmade · 7 months
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