#putting only his duties as king and raising his son as his priorities
koroart · 1 year
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Fellas — is it gay to realize how beautiful your best friend is while he’s staring at the sunset ? 🤔 ( WIP )
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childofchrist1983 · 8 months
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God has always been faithful and He is the Truth. He has always existed, and He has done amazing things which we can hardly comprehend. When is the last time you praised God simply because He is God, Creator of Heaven and Earth all all things inbetween? We often thank Him for what He does for us, but we forget to praise Him for being God. We must remember to praise Him, because all of creation praises Him, and we should join in the song.
As true Christians, we are in awe of God and His power and the fact that we get to seek, speak to and walk with Him daily. We praise Him for who He is. And we know He is good, true, and almighty, the Creator of all things good. He created the birds in the air, the fish in the sea. He shaped the mountains as though He were shaping clay. He spoke and the universe was. Stars shine because He told them to. He made humans and decided to walk with them. He wants a relationship with us. He has no beginning or end, but He created time and stepped into it. When lighting strikes, it asks for His permission. There is no one greater than Him. And we thank Father God Almighty for sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, so that we can be saved and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. May we all remain faithful to Him and to this duty and purpose He has called us to. Seek and put your faith and trust in Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ and let Him do the rest. May He humble our hearts and help us focus on following and serving Him daily and helping others with joy and happiness. We lift our voices in praise to Him for His love, mercy, peace, faithfulness and grace. - For EVERYTHING!
It is vital that we remain rooted in Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ through prayer and His Holy Word and Spirit and that we live and walk as a beacon of His light and love and share and spread the Gospel Truth daily, so that the lost souls in this world can come to know Him and be saved. The more we focus on Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ, growing spiritually by building our relationship with Him, leaning on Him and His Holy Word and Spirit, the better off we will be. Thanks to this and our faith in Him, we know that everything will be alright. And we will forever be grateful to Him. As true and born-again Christians, we believe in Him and His Holy Word and we strive daily to walk in His Holy Spirit. We know though our mortal bodies should die, He will raise us up and into new and glorious bodies (The Rapture). We who are truly His and alive at His second coming will never die, and our bodies will be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and so shall we ever be with Him in His Kingdom of Heaven forevermore (1 Corinthians 15:51-52, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). This is one of many promises given to us by God Himself. Thank God for His strength and guidance when we are faced with sin and temptation. Thank Him for His mercy and grace. Through Bible study and prayer, God reveals His wisdom and guides us to see opportunities to grow closer to Him and grow spiritually. He gives us direction to live our lives daily according to His will.
Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven (John 3:5, 14:6), the ONLY way to salvation (Acts 4:12, Ephesians 2:8-9) and He is the resurrection and the life (John 11:25-26). Jesus Christ the LORD of lords, KING of kings, the GOD of gods (Deuteronomy 10:17, 1 Timothy 6:15, Revelation 17:14, Revelation 19:16) - He is the Living, Almighty and Everlasting God (Isaiah 9:6, Revelation 1:8, John 3:16, John 3:36, Jeremiah 10:10). There is no other God besides Him (Isaiah 45:5). We MUST humble ourselves before Him, turning our backs on false teachers, false gods and idols and our sinful ways. We MUST repent and turn back to God and recognize who He is and love Him in return for His great love for us. We MUST make God top priority everyday! May we be motivated to spread God's Holy Word and Gospel Truth to all the Earth, knowing that it is the only hope of all those lost in their sins. Let us not hold out a false hope for men to be saved without the Gospel, but instead, strive to do our part to get the Gospel out to a lost and dying world.
Leaning on Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ through prayer and His Holy Word and Spirit strengthens us and our knowledge and wisdom about God and His Gospel Truth, exposing these imposters. May God help us to seek and lean on Him daily to gain the strength, wisdom and spiritual discernment needed to expose Satan and his imposters who seek to destroy us and God's ultimate Truth. Everyday, we must remember to share Jesus Christ's Gospel Truth with the world and to thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for the grace that He poured out for us on the cross at Calvary. He has freed us from the burdens of sin and from the eternal damnation of Hell. In all we say and do, may all praise, honor and glory always be given to Him and His Kingdom of Heaven.
With renewed minds, hearts and wills, let us serve Him humbly and faithfully out of pure love and grateful rejoicing. May He remind us of His presence and to remain at peace, fully knowing that all will be well because He is always with us. Let us seek Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ today and everyday with all our heart and being, looking for His love, light and will for our lives with each step we take. Let us seek to please Him with our thoughts, words, and deeds and seek to advance His Kingdom of Heaven and His glory with our lives. Let us seek Him from a pure and humble heart, and when we so seek, we believe Him and His promise that we will find. May He help us all to be more sensitive to the teaching ministry of His Holy Word and Spirit, relying on Him and allowing Him to speak to us and guide us every step of our Christian journey.
God gave us the Holy Bible - His living and Holy Word - to let us know of Him and His abiding love and care as well as guide and prepare us for all our lives. May He help us encourage one another as we continue our walk with Him and our duty to Him daily. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for being present for all our new beginnings and all our lives. May He redirect any anxiety we feel as He provides countless opportunities for growth and change. May we humble ourselves before God always, asking Him to forgive our sins and make our hearts and lives anew through His Holy Word and Spirit. May He help us make Him and His Holy Word top priority, so we can grow spiritually and grow in our relationship with Him as we apply it to our daily lives. Thank God that we can focus on Him and everything about Him, for that is what keeps us sane and at peace. May our words and actions always be a reflection of Him and His Holy Word and Spirit and will.
May He help us to always walk in His grace and Holy Spirit, not by our own measure. May He give us the humble humility to know that our freedom and eternal salvation is found only in Him, so that His grace may sustain us, and we may never lose sight of His love and light and mercy. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for calling us to Him and to serve Him. May He equip us to do all that He has called us to do so that as He works through us, He may use us to produce fruit, to reach others, and to encourage all brothers and sisters in Christ. May He work all of these things in us and through us for His Kingdom and His glory. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all His creation, for His miraculous ways and for everything He does and has done for us! Keep the faith and keep moving forward in your walk with Jesus! He loves us and He knows what is best for us. Seek, follow and trust in Him - Always!
Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Word and for sending His Holy Spirit so that we might have His grace, not only to awaken us and transform our hearts in our spiritual rebirth and guarantee our eternity with Him, but to also call upon Him whenever we are in need. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all the reminders of His love and mercy and faithfulness within His Holy Word. He is bigger than any challenge or circumstance in our lives. Knowing this within our minds and our hearts, nothing can deter our faith in Him and His Truth. May we all accept Him and His eternal gift of salvation and ask that He would transform our hearts and lives according to His will and ways. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Spirit who saves, seals and leads us. May we always thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His almighty power and saving grace. For He is our strength, and He alone is able to save us, forgive our sins and gift us eternal salvation and entry into His Kingdom of Heaven.
May we make sure that we give our hearts and lives to God and take time to seek and praise Him and share His Truth with the world daily. May the LORD our God and Father in Heaven help us to stay diligent and obedient and help us to guard our hearts in Him and His Holy Word daily. May He help us to remain faithful and full of excitement to do our duty to Him and for His glorious return and our reunion in Heaven as well as all that awaits us there. May we never forget to thank the LORD our God and our Creator and Father in Heaven for all this and everything He does and has done for us! May we never forget who He is, nor forget who we are in Christ and that God is always with us! What a mighty God we serve! What a Savior this is! What a wonderful LORD, God, Savior and King we have in Jesus Christ! What a loving Father we have found in Almighty God! What a wonderful God we serve! His will be done!
Thanks and glory be to God! Blessed be the name of the LORD! Hallelujah and Amen!
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masterhandss · 3 years
I’m sorry you have to receive so much Geordo-hate asks!
I mean, we know he is not a perfect character and has many flaws, but that’s precisely that what makes him interesting, as it’s been shown that he himself wishes to change for the better for Katarina sake’s
And even if we are few, I am also team Geordo ✨! So I’d be delighted if you could share more headcanons about his relationship with the King and Queen? I personally find his family life very interesting, as his “fake” personality may be a result of being kind of ignored in comparison with his other brothers
Thank you :D -🐢
Haha, I think this question was sent around S2 EP3 or EP4, and episode 5 pretty much answers this question for me so I feel really bad for getting to this one so late into the series qwq I'm really sorry!! Don't worry about the hate-asks, I either just ignore or delete them these days anyways, and people have been favoring Geordo recently so it's really slowed down!! :DD
As Episode 5 shows us, it's true that his "perfect prince facade" is the outcome of not receiving much love and attention from his parents, especially when compared to Alan. He realized that wanting something or having expectations only leads to pain and suffering, so he decided to close off his emotions and just do what everyone tells him to do so that he wouldn't be faced with disappointments. He becomes all smiles and charm, the perfect guy who can do pretty much anything, since that is what is desired and expected of him. To some extent, maybe using all of his time honing himself and studying is a way for him to forget any desire and disappointments that he feels in the moment. He basically planned on turning himself into a robot or machine who can do anything and can read people easily so he would know their intentions immediately without forming any expectations of them. Maybe his "sadistic" side in Fortune Lover is the outcome of him wanting to see pain and disappointment in other people's faces, since it is something he loathe and fear of feeling himself (maybe, idk).
He isn't perfect, but the series is definitely going out of it's way to show us that there's more going on in Geordo's head than just being possessive and overly-confident in himself. I guess that's why he's one of the more interesting characters in my opinion, his problems didn't end in his childhood, it's still something he's actively trying to fix until now. I really suggest reading this comment on Geordo's psyche based on Episode 5, it's such a cool read!!
Not really a headcanon at this point, but Geordo actively wants to experience parental love, especially from his mother. Most kids are closest to their mothers so that's no surprise. Queen Stuart doesn't seem like she can balance the duties of a queen and caring for her children, so she might have just put all her attention onto Alan since he's the youngest and is sick. I often hear stories from my dad about how his mom only really visibly cared for the youngest child even though there was so many of them in the family, so I'm shocked but not surprised by the Queen's behavior.
For the King, I'm sure he loves his sons a lot but given his role in the kingdom, he doesn't see them often. I feel like the relationship between the King and his sons is similar to that to most korean historical fantasy(/villainess) manhwas where he can't or feels like he doesn't need to be an overly affectionate father because that's just how it is in the royal family. Maintaining order and raising competent rulers is the priority, so being loving and affectionate wouldn't be in his list of things to do. He still loves his sons of course but as of right now we don't really have an indication that he actively seeks them out beyond social gatherings and important events.
Maybe the queen is the same, I'm not sure. What does a queen do anyways? I thought the priority of women in the middle ages was to raise and care for children almost exclusively. We don't really know if she still visits and cares for Alan a lot after he got better, and I don't think she had begun to give more attention to her other sons after that point either. It's almost like she became as goal-oriented as the King after Alan got better, which I don't like thinking about since she seemed like such a nice lady in Episode 5. Alternatively, I can imagine a scenario similar to Pryde's from The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen where upon the realization that his sons are living a happy childhood without her, the Queen started actively reaching out to the sons behind the curtains and tries to be a more active mother to them when they were getting older. Maybe it's that kind of thing that we don't really see but does happen, and could be another great differentiator to the relationships of the Stuart family in the prevent vs in fortune lover.
I headcanon that the more the Princes finally become involved with work and politics, they are actually able to bond with their dad more because they can finally be in the same room. Things like talking about their fiancés or making fun of idiotic and narcissistic vassals are the kind of things I can imagine them talking about.
I also like headcanons in fanfics where they make Geordo a momma's boy, who would call his parents "mummy and daddy" in private like in @/SixthOctavarium's Flip the Script. I think it's really cute because it shows how much Geordo loves and cares for his parents.
I hope we get more insight on the relationships between the royal family, it's content that I didn't know I needed to be honest haha. Sorry if I couldn't give a lot, most of the stuff I could save has been confirmed and deconfirmed by Episode 5, and I haven't read fanfiction recently enough to mirror how they write the King and Queen qwq Anyone is free to add more headcanons here if you guys want :DD
Thank you for the ask^^
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heyitsdoe · 3 years
Dearly Devoted | Charlotte Katakuri x OC Chapter 1
Sacrifice for the sake of duty was a concept that Onegama Yuna, beloved Princess of Seiiki Kingdom, understood well. And the highest price she'd pay would come from securing protection against slaver raids that terrorized her people-Agreeing to marry the 2nd son of the Charlotte Family, a man she knew absolutely nothing about. Slow burn.
Words: 5.3k
Pairings: Charlotte Katakuri x OC
GENERAL WARNINGS: Eventual NSFW smut, violence
From her seat on the cushioned sofa in front of the hearth, barely able to fit comfortably due to her unusual height, Yuna looked up at the sound of steady footsteps. A familiar gait, and someone they'd both been anticipating since the alert that a hostile ship had been approaching their eastern coast only hours previously. She looked to her father expectantly, whose eyes held a deep worry that she'd come to expect in the past several months. They closed briefly, as if preparing himself for terrible news.
Captain of the Seiiki Kingdom's Navy, Daigon, appeared from the hallway outside. The older seaman was still dressed in his leather armor, sweat- and blood-stained, carrying the signature smell of salt that seemed to follow him wherever he went, no matter how much time he spent away from his ship. Upon seeing the father and daughter in the room, his arm rose in a salute. But it looked stiff. Forced, even. His weathered face took on a grim expression, but he tried his best to keep his composure. Yuna's eyes honed in on the bandage wrapped around his arm, and frowned severely.
"You're injured."
His eyes widened, but he shifted his arm closer to his body so as to hide the evidence. "It is nothing serious-"
She held out her hand, beckoning him closer with her long arm. "Then you should have no issue allowing me to heal you from it."
"I'll order you if I must."
His pinched expression became even tighter, and he dutifully stepped forward when the king input no disagreement, unwrapping the crude cloth that covered the wound where the leather did not protect. The 11-foot tall young woman leaned down and took a closer look at the cut on his arm. It was small, as he'd said, but still bled evenly. With a gentle touch, she placed her hand against his exposed skin and watched as the tips of her fingers began to glow a gentle white.
The mark slowly closed, before fading entirely, and the Captain's skin was once again unblemished. Yuna sat back against the couch, careful to keep her face schooled in a neutral expression, ignoring the stinging sensation of pain that accompanied the use of her power.
"You are too kind, Princess." He said in a mutter, guilt still evident in his expression. The King cleared his throat, drawing attention away from his daughter.
"I can see it in your face, Captain, that you wish you had better news to give me." Yuna's wearied father gestured patiently, already lowering his shoulders for whatever the man may have to say. "Spare this old man the pleasantries, and tell me your report."
"The slavers were successfully repelled, however, we lost...Hanto and Botan, 2 of my veterans." The navy captain said with a regretful bow of his head.
"My deepest condolences to you, Daigon." Came her father's rumbled reply, aware that Daigon took every lost life in his command as a burden on his shoulders, a wound to the heart that even Yuna could not help heal. "Please see to it that the families are notified, and should they require anything, they may see me directly."
"Of course." He replied, but still did not move. He dared to raise his head and face his monarch directly. "Your Majesty...I should apologize for being blunt but it needs to be said. We can't continue on at the rate we are. The past week alone has seen a loss of 6 men, with 17 more sustaining serious injuries. The raids are coming more frequently, and their arsenals increase each time. I'm afraid we'll be outmanned and outgunned in a matter of weeks."
"So many? And you didn't come to me? Let me see to your injured." Yuna said immediately, but Daigon turned to her with a serious expression.
"Please understand...My men have refused to see you, as they would feel shame relying on the Princess in such a way."
"Yuna," her father interjected, shaking his head slowly, "let it go. You cannot heal every wound this country sustains. Do not forget your ability has limits."
Chastised, the seafoam-haired woman closed her mouth resolutely, arms crossed in frustration. She loathed being able to do something but having to restrain herself for the sake of her own health.
"People are growing nervous, the former slaves especially." Daigon continued, head lowering sadly. "Many fear a day when these naval raids become ground assaults, myself included. We've seen evidence that several slaver groups have cooperated together, or at least shared intelligence about our numbers and tactics.
"I know your opinion on the matter, but..." Daigon looked at the King again. "We may have to consider conscription, Your Majesty."
A heavy sigh escaped her father, and Yuna winced as he reached up to take off his glasses, wiping them against his fur-trimmed cloak with a fatigue she tried harder and harder to ignore each day. The thought that her father was no longer a spry king in his prime was sobering. But now into his 60's, the signs of his age were more noticeable. The gray in his hair had overtaken the brown, and wrinkles had taken up residence under his eyes and on his forehead.
"We've gone so long without forcing the people into service. I have no desire to see them put their lives in danger again after enduring so much before their liberation." He said with a heavy heart, finally settling his glasses back into place. "'Seiiki.' Sanctuary. That is what we offer them, a place where they no longer have to expect hardship."
Daigon nodded slowly. Seiiki Kingdom was a place of freedom for those unfortunate souls who had experienced lives of hardship and brutality. Many slaves around the world sought to reach their shores, the promise of peace and happiness too great to ignore. And on rare occasions, even the Revolutionary Army had brought those they'd freed from the Celestial Dragons' clutches to them, knowing that the King would treat them fairly.
However, being a well-known hot-spot for former slaves, those in the business of profiting from their capture and sale saw Seiiki as prime hunting territory. Their reputation, in this case, was a hinderance to their ability to protect those who sought freedom.
They'd managed thus far to keep the slavers at bay, but each attack chipped away at their navy, picking off their men in ones and twos. Over time, a relatively small country like them would begin to buckle under the consistent losses.
Her father was unwilling to compromise on his people's freedom, even in times as desperate as this. If he had one flaw as a leader, Yuna supposed this would be it. Before, they'd always been able to seek other solutions to their problems, and so far have come out alright for it. However, in this circumstance, he was stumped as to what to do.
Yuna closed her eyes, having been formulating an idea for the past few weeks that she knew he would be wholly opposed to. She was his daughter, so she knew he would not accept what she had to say. However, she was tired of seeing him worry. She was tired of watching her people grow more afraid as each week their navy was attacked and weakened. And she believed this path offered them a chance to avoid the dreaded conscription. The Princess steeled her resolve and looked at the two men with a practiced calm.
"Father," his eyes drew to her, "there may be another way we can secure protection for the country, without having to force military service. We wouldn't have to sacrifice their safety in any way. I will accept it as my responsibility."
"Princess..." Daigon caught on after a moment, stiffening further where he stood.
The king frowned, before understanding soon followed by denial overtook his expression. "No. I will not subject you to such a fate. Your mother would not have wanted it for you either."
"We may not have another choice." She stated, eyes closing in acceptance. "Their safety is our priority, always, and if I should have to put my pride aside to ensure that, I will do so."
"It's not a matter of pride, Yuna, it's..." The King let out a breath, head shaking. "You are my daughter, and I could never condone taking away such an important choice from you. Who you marry should be decided out of love, not political necessity. What's more, there are many things to consider in a political marriage like this. Whether our nation retains it's independence is one thing. There are surely to be other stipulations they will demand. It's also extremely unlikely anyone would accept an offer of marriage from a bride with your extreme height-"
The King's words cut off, realizing how his words came across a moment too late to take them back. Yuna smiled sadly, masking the slight sting. She stamped down the feelings of being undesirable as he stuttered out an apology.
"I'm...sorry. I didn't mean it in such a way-"
"I know, Father."
A short pause permeated the room, and the King seemed to realize that his Naval Captain was still there with them. He cleared his throat, giving his man a small decline of his head. "Daigon, I believe the rest of this conversation should be kept between my daughter and I. Was there anything else you needed to report?"
"No, Your Majesty. I'll take my leave." He said with a respectful bow to them both, quickly turning in place and leaving the two royals alone again. The large wooden doors shut behind him, blocking anyone from overhearing their conversation.
For a time, they simply sat together in silence. The crackling of the fire in the hearth kept the atmosphere cozy, but she could feel an apprehension had settled on his shoulders in addition to his typical worry.
Her father sighed again, clasping his hands together. "Yuna...I can't allow this."
"No, you can allow it, but you won't. Which is completely unreasonable." She responded with a crossing of her arms. "We need to do something. Anything at all should be on the table right now. You heard Daigon, our people are desperate and afraid, and nothing is getting better. This isn't some wiling idea I've just come up with. This is something I've considered for several weeks now. I understand what it would mean if I go through with it."
"Are you sure you do? You will be whisked away to an unknown land. You will not be able to have a choice in who you spend the rest of your life with, something your mother and I always wanted you and your brothers to retain, no matter what."
"I know all of that."
"Then you understand why I do not agree with this decision."
"All the more reason why we need to consider it." She replied cooly, not backing down in the slightest. "I am the eldest of the children, it's expected I would marry first. In fact, I'm past the typical age of marriage already. If I haven't found a husband within my own country by now, I don't believe I ever will. This may be my only chance of finding someone at all."
"Father." She interrupted, leaning over the gap between the couches and grasping her father's much smaller hands in her own. "I've long accepted that my own freedoms may be sacrificed for the good of the people. And if this ensures that they never have to fear becoming a slave again, I will do it. Nor will I resent you for needing me to."
For a moment, his eyes lingered down to her long-sleeve covered arm. Her attire covered from just under her chin to the very edge of her palm, skin completely hidden away by the modest dress. He slipped one of his hands from between hers and laid it on her sleeve gently. "You take on too much in the sake of duty."
"Then I am certainly my father's daughter." She replied, a pleased smile settling on her lips as her met her gaze.
He matched the expression with a somber one of his own, acknowledging that his own passion for giving everything he could had been passed down to her. With a few pats on her large wrist, he gave a slow nod. "I make no promise to go through with your idea...but I will at the very least consider it."
Two weeks had passed since her conversation with her father. The waiting, wondering if he would actually enact it, made her itch. She didn't bother asking if he had made a decision yet, knowing that persistent questioning would decrease his willingness to pursue it.
But the longer they waited, the worse the situation would become. Merchant and trading vessels were also being targeted, beginning to take a toll on on their export profits. Slavers still regularly attacked their coast, the Navy never getting a moment's respite, for fear of missing one ship and having their citizens terrorized. She could see it in the seamen's faces, the constant worry, the pressure on their backs to protect the country raising as the odds stacked higher and higher against them.
One particularly bad incident saw Yuna down at the docks, where a merchant ship had managed to smuggle away a dozen or so liberated slaves. Slavers had attacked the vessel without mercy, knowing Seiiki's methods of hiding former slaves as inconspicuously as possible. The ship was in a bad state as it limped into the harbor, taking on water in it's lower decks. They'd had to resort to dragging in the ship for the last several hundred feet, keeping it afloat with a smattering of pulleys and ropes from their own escorting galleons.
Dressed in her modest long-sleeved gown, she hunched a ways back from where the navy were assisting the terrified slaves off of the merchant's ship, directing them to sit upon the various barrels and boxes that lined the wooden dock. She was careful to remain behind one of the buildings, not wanting to scare any of them with her imposing presence. It wouldn't have been the first time she'd made a person or two faint from shock. Their faces white from residual fear, no doubt the experience had shaken them, and there was no need to add to that until they were calmed.
The merchant spoke with Daigon for a moment, before shaking hands and boarding his damaged ship once more. The shipwrights would see to the repairs.
Daigon turned and addressed the slaves. "I'm sorry your arrival here was not a peaceful one, but rest assured, you are safe now. Welcome to Seiiki Kingdom."
"Sanctuary..." She heard several of the slaves mutter under their breaths. She smiled, always enjoying the moment of joy and relief that overcame their faces when they realized that they were finally in the clear.
After a short explanation of what this place was, and slowly easing them into a much less stressed state, he gestured to Yuna. She rose from her crouch behind one of the wooden dock buildings and began making her way towards the group.
"Princess Yuna of the Onegama royal family. She is here to assist with your injuries." He introduced with a bow, and all of the former slaves turned to regard her. Most couldn't contain their gasps of surprise, having to crane their necks upwards at the exceedingly tall princess. She smiled patiently, before kneeling on the wood of the dock so as not to come across as imposing as she knew she could be.
"I welcome you all to our island." She began, hands pressed together. "You will all be given food and shelter soon enough. We have plenty for all of you, so don't worry about having too much. And as Daigon explained, this is a sanctuary. Many of our people are former slaves like yourselves. You will be treated as an equal."
"Thank you..." A few of them sobbed, tears now streaking down their faces. The thought of peace and being considered equal was too much for them to contain.
"Before we send you on your way, I can heal you of your injuries with my devil fruit. Please come forward, one at a time."
They naturally formed a line in front of the large princess, several having sustained injuries in the final few leagues of their journey. The first, a broad-shouldered man with sandy-colored hair, looked up at her tiredly.
"I was lucky enough to not be harmed, Princess. There's no need to heal me." He said with a bow of his head, but she simply shook her head.
"Lend me your hand?" She asked, and he held out his limb as requested. She pulled back the sleeve of his tattered shirt, revealing many old marks. Scars, half-healed lesions and welts where the end of a whip had connected. The man winced at the sight, but she gave him a smile. "Fresh or scarred, it doesn't matter. I can heal them all."
His eyes widened just a fraction, before her fingers touched against the marred skin and began to glow. Before his eyes the signs of his past injuries began to fade. The darkened scar tissue lightened, the jaggedness smoothing and shrinking, until his flesh was left unmarked and free of past damage.
Yuna closed her eyes to hide the searing pain, and heard him gasp out an amazed breath. Behind him, several of the slaves did the same, no doubt watching with wonder as he was healed. When she opened them, the man's tearful eyes were staring up at her. His hand came to rest upon her own in a tight grip.
"Thank you...to be free of those marks is...I can only say thank you, from the bottom of my heart."
"Live here in peace, and forget the pain you have suffered." She told him, keeping her voice carefully neutral. With a squeeze of her hand, he gave a few stuttered nods, before stepping past her to join the guards that were waiting behind her to take them to their temporary shelter.
The former slaves behind him looked much more eager to approach her now, and one by one she freed them from the last reminders of their previous captivity. Each healing left her more fatigued, and only her strength of will kept her expression from displaying the pain she was in. Keeping the visible shaking from her own body was a much harder task, but seeing the truly liberated expressions of these people made it all worth it.
After healing the last person, who threw their arms around her arm in a tight hug to show their gratitude, Yuna stood-thankful that her long dress skirts hid the shaking of her legs-and gave them a smile.
"I hope Seiiki can provide you all with a long, fulfilling life. Please follow the guards, and they will take you to your temporary housing until we can find you a more permanent place to stay."
A smattering of 'Thank you's' and 'Princess' were directed her way, and before long the slaves had all been escorted towards the housing block for new arrivals. Yuna finally let out a shaky breath, wobbling a little on her feet and trying her best to dampen the intense stinging sensation throughout her body.
"Princess, you did too much." Daigon said with a severe frown. "Return to the castle so the nurses can take a look at you."
"I'll be quite alright, but thank you for your concern. I know my own limits." She said, steadying herself and ignoring the frustrated expression on the Captain's face. To soften his irritation, she gave him a playful smile. "I already have one father prone to worrying over everything I do, Daigon. I don't need a second."
"Tch, I have to disagree." He ended, before turning to his men. "Get the ships prepared for the next patrol. We don't have time to stand around relaxing. Hop to it!"
The raiders had managed to make it to shore, for the first time in Seiiki's long history.
The news shook the ruling family, King Kuzo most of all. Though softened by the fact that no one had been taken thanks to the swift actions of their ground-standing army, it was still a stark warning sign that could not be ignored. The threat was growing, and their strength was not rising to match it.
The King had secluded himself to his chambers for the past week after the incident, requesting solitude so he could figure out his next step. Yuna and her brothers, Denji and Genji, wondered what their father would do to ease the citizens' growing anxiety. The general feeling was that having broken through their navy once, the raiders would put bolstered effort into doing it again.
"We aren't a poverty-stricken country, perhaps we can simply hire out a mercenary group to bolster our forces." Denji suggested with a shrug. The chestnut-haired middle brother stabbed through one of the vegetables on his plate before bringing it to his mouth.
Dinner had been served in the large dining room, one of the only rooms in the castle that Yuna could comfortably stand straight in with it's high ceilings. The siblings were gathered around the long table, once again without their father in attendance.
"He is concerned they would do more harm than good in the long run." Yuna replied, a large bowl of various fruit set before the table that she knelt at. Her stature prevented her from comfortably sitting on the chairs at the average person-sized table. But after years of doing so, she no longer found it strange. "We've already made the suggestion to him, but he's refused it before."
"Then...we increase the weapons and armor output at the factory, or even convert some of the caramel factories to weapons production." Denji threw out there.
Genji, the youngest and least outgoing of the three siblings, gave a small sigh. He swiped a hand through his dark green hair. "More weapons aren't going to help if we don't have enough people to wield them. Manpower is the real issue."
"I don't see why father doesn't just instate the conscription. We could fill the missing numbers in a matter of a few weeks."
"You know why." Yuna gave him a glare. "They've already been forced into captivity and slavery before they came here. He won't force them into military service, too. It goes against what this country stands for-"
"We won't be a country for long if we do nothing." Denji bit back in frustration.
Their age-old argument was no closer to being resolved now than it ever had been. They went silent, then, realizing that continuing this conversation in that direction would only lead to unresolvable anger.
Yuna bit her tongue, wondering if she should bring up her idea of marriage to her brothers. She'd kept it between her father and herself for the moment, unsure of what her brothers would think of it. Until there was a real possibility of it working, she didn't want to jump the gun and cause more issues.
Truly, she honestly wasn't sure what they thought of her to a certain extent. They may hold some care for her, but being as unusually sized as she was, how far did that fondness run? Did they see her as the expendable sibling, or-
Just when she'd nearly convinced herself to speak up, the door to the dining room opened, and their father walked in. His tired eyes took in his three children. Clutched in his hand was a letter, already opened and presumably read.
"Father, you decided to join us." Denji said with a relieved smile. They'd all worried after him for the past week, and seeing him out and about now relieved some of their concerns. "The chefs prepared a delicious roast. You'd love it, so have a plate."
"I'm sure I would, but there is pressing business that I must discuss with all three of you." He stated seriously, drawing the rest of their attention if he hadn't already. He paced over to stand across the table from where Yuna was knelt. With a glance between all three of his children, he let out a weary sigh.
"You all know that I love you dearly and equally." He began, causing the princes and princess to exchange confused glances. "I would never purposefully put anything above the three of you, if I had a choice in the matter. But in this circumstance, I find that we have no other feasible options. Given the escalation of the attacks on our country, and considering that this came from your sister herself..."
With that, he turned to look at Yuna, holding up the letter in his hands. "Several weeks ago, Yuna came to me with a willingness to accept an arranged political marriage in exchange for protection from another country-"
"Marriage!?" Denji and Genji cried out in shock, gazes swinging over to look at their taller and older sister, who nodded slowly.
"Yuna, you can't do this." Genji said. Caught off guard by her Father's admission to her plan, she decided that there was definitely no use in hiding it now.
"Why not? None of us can see any other way to keep the people safe, but this won't require great sacrifice."
"Yes it does!" Denji exclaimed, arms coming up to display his outrage. "You think we would just sit back and watch our sister throw away her chance at marrying someone she actually loves? How is that not a sacrifice? You're going to spend the rest of your life with this person, and there's a good chance neither of you will ever love each other."
Their persistence in trying to change her mind warmed her heart, but she could not back down now. In her mind, this was the best solution to the growing problem. The princess crossed her arms. "It's a freedom I am ok with relinquishing. Better that than forcing conscription on our people."
"It's too much."
"Not from my perspective."
"Why didn't you tell us about this before?" Genji followed up, looking pained as he met her eyes. "You said this was several weeks ago?"
"I had a feeling you would react just like this, and it wasn't set in stone at the time anyway." She admitted, rubbing at her sleeve-covered arms. "I am serious, you know. Like Father said, this was my idea."
Denji scowled, pushing his chair back and standing to regard them. "It doesn't matter whose idea it was, I don't agree with it."
"Neither do I." Genji stood from his seat as well in an unusual display of outgoingness, both brothers facing their father with determined looks. "There has to be another way we can solve this."
"Unfortunately," their father interrupted with a clearing of his throat, waving the letter in his hand as a reminder, "whether you agree or not matters little at this point. I have received a reply from Totto Land, the territory ruled by the Yonko, Big Mom. They have already agreed to offer their protection in exchange for Yuna accepting a marriage to one of their sons."
Yuna's eyes widened alongside her brothers, not having expected such a swift reply. What's more, she hadn't even realize her father had gone forth with the idea. He hadn't said anything to her about writing the letters. A nervousness settled into her chest, having expected more time to truly get used to the idea of marrying someone she knew nothing about before it actually happened.
Not only that, but the fact that such a large and powerful country had given a small one such as them the time of day was a staggering revelation as well. Totto Land was well-known and feared for the ferocity of their fighting force. Yuna couldn't recall the details on the country's political structure or much else other than their feared reputation. With the goal being to stave off slavers, she supposed Totto Land was the best ally they could have asked for, given the circumstances.
"Father, you can't actually be thinking about going through with this." The youngest prince prompted. When he received no other reply than a pitying look, he shook his head. "She already gives too much of herself for the sake of this country. She cannot be expected to do any more."
"That is for me to decide." She huffed, though both brothers were now focused entirely on their father.
"Do they know about her...unusual height?" Denji asked, glancing her way at the mention of the touchy subject. Since she was a child and first showed signs of being abnormally sized, they'd been careful about bringing up the topic of her height.
"They do." The King nodded. "From their reply, it actually sounds like they are more inclined to agree to this arrangement because she is so uniquely tall. Of course, a monthly supply of a portion of our caramel exports may also have something to do with it."
"Who have they arranged for her to marry?" Genji questioned then, since that tidbit of information was definitely important.
The King referred back to the letter in his hand. "The 2nd son of Big Mom, Charlotte Katakuri. He is one of their military Commanders, and a minister of Komugi Island."
None of the siblings had an idea of who that might be, but her future husband's accolades made her swallow. With no idea of what he looked like or what sort of person he may be, Yuna was already intimidated.
But this had been her idea, and she'd resigned herself to whatever might happen after agreeing to following through with it. For the good of her country. For the good of her people. Yuna would accept this marriage, like it or not.
"The matter is settled. They have already accepted, and Yuna has agreed to go through with it. It is not the solution I prefer, but it is a solution, and as you all are aware, we have a duty to this country to keep these people safe. If this accomplishes that, then Yuna's efforts won't be for naught."
Denji and Genji could not come up with anything further to say, perhaps too stunned to voice further concerns. The King looked up at Yuna reaching out to take a hold of her hand. She wrapped her fingers around his hand, accepting the comfort he sought to provide her with.
Her future from here forward would be incredibly uncertain, but Yuna trampled down the ache in her chest at the thought that things weren't going to be as easy as she was hoping them to be.
Chapter 2 ->
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rachelbethhines · 3 years
Robin Hood and His Merry Band
list of characters for an original series I’m working on 
Alan-a-Dale - the gloomy and cynical bard, the grumpy voice of reason who doesn’t give a fuck, wonders why he hangs out with these crazies, knows it’s cause they’re family to him but won’t admit it out loud, besties with Friar Tuck even though they never agree on anything, is clearly a bi disaster 
The Archdeacon of Canterbury - The aging head cleric of the church of England. He supports King Richard but is becoming increasingly impotent because of his failing health. Still holds a lot of political power because of his title though.
The Azure Assassin - A deadly mercenary and rival to Robin Hood. Orphaned at a young age Azure had to steal to survive. She stowed away on a pirate ship at the age of ten and has spent the pass eight years studying fighting techniques the world over. They call her the Azure Assassin because her blue eyes are the last thing you’ll see before dying. She’s gained a modest fortune and fame as a spy and assassin, however she can never stay in one play too long due to her reputation getting out. Prince John has offered her a pardon and a place in high society if she brings in Robin Hood’s head. Shame she’s fallen in love with his brother Will Scarlet, as that complicates matters.  
The Bishop of Hereford - Conservative asshole who supports Prince John’s rule and shares his beliefs on ‘bringing order to the kingdom’. Wants to usurp the Archdeacon as the head of the church. Is Friar Tuck’s and Sister Clara’s arch nemesis.
Dame Brianna DuBois - Also known as the The Black Knight, DuBois is loyal to the throne of England and whoever sits upon it. She’s Prince John’s personal bodyguard and unbeknownst to all a double agent for King Richard who is in hiding. However she is conflicted when her duty places her lover Yua in jeopardy. Yes, she’s totally a butch lesbian.   
The Duke of Essex - Prince John’s adviser and right hand man. He only cares for power for power’s sake but is sneaky and conniving and willing to play the long game to get it. He prefers poison to swords, but is surprisingly good at hand to hand combat when cornered. Has a pet snake. It’s the only living thing that he loves.    
Elenore of England - Prince John and King Richard’s sister and Maid Marian’s mother. She died when negotiations during a worker dispute turned violent. Unable to quell the people’s rage, she was stuck down during a riot. Richard, blaming himself for losing his temper and causing things to escalate has since tried to follow in her footsteps and become peacemaker. Prince John went the opposite route and blamed the ungrateful peasants (criminals in his mind) and resented Richard for even bothering to negotiating in the first place.   
Friar Tuck - The jovial and optimistic heart of the team. He tries to keep everyone’s spirits up and believes that helping people is the ultimate expression of god’s love. Is a hopeless romantic and also very, very gay. He butts heads with more traditional leaders of the church often. He also has a not so secret crush on his best friend Alan. 
Guy of Gisbourne - From pauper to nobleman, Guy is Robin’s opposite in everyway. He crawled up from the bottom rung by using and stepping on others and he’s always looking for the opportunity to climb the ranks. Don’t let his foppish ways fool you though, he is both a cunning and ruthless foe and isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty. His latest scheme however is to marry Maid Maiden and become next in line for the throne as Prince John has no other heirs save his ward.  
King Richard - Good Richard the Lionhearted is no longer a bloodthirsty crusader in this alternate universe but a peacemaker. He wishes to end wars, not start them, however his more abrasive, uncouth, and impulsive nature can often clash with his loftier goals. Many feel the king would do better to stay at home and tend to domestic matters instead of concerning himself with the conflicts of other far off lands. At the start of the story he has disappeared on one of his diplomatic visits. In reality Prince John has stuck a deal with the king’s enemies and he is currently on the run. 
Lady Tiffany - Little John’s little wife and the daughter of the Sherriff of Nottingham. She acts as the gang’s ‘man on the inside’ helping Robin Hood sneak in and out of places and feeding the team needed information. She’s stubborn and spoiled but also very kind hearted. She usually can get her father to give into her demands with just a pout and when that doesn’t work a full on tantum will do. She a woman who knows what she wants and what she wants is her man. Unfortunately daddy dreariest would never approve of their union and so Friar Tuck marries them in secret.  
Little John - Robin’s best friend and right hand man. He’s a simple man who loves life’s simple pleasures, good food, good friends, and a good brawl from time to time. He adores his partner, Tiffany and would like nothing more than to marry her for real, in a real church, in front of the whole world. However their relationship must remained hidden from her father, the Sheriff, since the violent lawman would sooner see him hanged then have a thief for a son-in-law.  
Lord Locksley - Robin’s and Will’s father. He is arrested for ‘not paying taxes’ but in reality it’s for supporting King Richard and secretly helping the displaced monarch. His arrest leads to Robin and Will becoming outlaws and the series kicks off two years later.   
Maid Marian - Prince John’s ward and niece. Her mother died when she was young and her beloved uncle adopted her. Prince John is the only parent she’s ever known and she at first believes him to be a kind and just man. She’s completely oblivious of Prince’s John’s underhanded dealings and oppression of the poor and at first is skeptical of Robin Hood. However as the two grow closer, Marian learns how harsh the real world is and just how much her father figure has lied to her. 
Miss Yua - Maid Marian’s lady-in-waiting and best friend. She’s the daughter of Sir Ivanhoe and longs to be a knight as well. She’s a stickler for rules and doesn’t trust Robin Hood and his gang of thieves. At first anyways, over time she too learns of Prince John’s cruelty and even becomes a victim of the tyrant’s schemes. Which puts her in direct conflict with her love, Brianna DuBois.  
Much the Miller's Son - born as Midge the miller’s daughter, the young Much longs to be accepted as a boy. As such he’s ditched his dresses, cut his hair, and ran away to Sherwood Forrest in order to be free from society’s expectations. The rest of the merry band accepts Much for who he really is, but at only 13 won’t let him join their gang. He still winds up caught up in their misadventures anyways due to his refusal to listen to anybody, and his determination to get away from his overbearing mother. 
Nurse Agnes - Maid Marian’s wet nurse and the closest thing to a mother that she has. Agnes believes in the ‘old ways’ and is very superstitious. She’s also very critical of royalty in general, but is smart enough not to say so out loud. She’s tried to raise Marian into a better person than Prince John, but eventually was dismissed once Marian had come of age. Since leaving the court Agnes has become the witch of the woods and a healer for the poor. 
Prince John - The main antagonist. Prince John believes that he needs to bring order to the kingdom of England and feels like his brother King Richard has neglected his duties as ruler and placed the kingdom in danger. He'll do whatever it takes to protect the country including subjecting it’s undesirables.  
Robin Hood - Leader of the Merry Band and archer extraordinaire, Robin Hood had to go on the lam when his father was arrest for ‘treason’. While his first priority was to keep his baby brother, Will, safe, the two of them met other outcasts in need over the years have built up an underwound network of rebels who fight against Prince John’s rule. Seemingly suave and cool at first, Robin is actually a bundle of nerves as he tries desperately to keep his friends and family safe...even if it’s mostly from themselves. His world is turned upside down though when he meets the lovely Maid Marian. 
Sheriff of Nottingham - The spiteful and cruel sheriff tries to keep the small town of Nottingham under his thumb. He hates Robin Hood and his Merry Band with a passion and sees their continued exitance as a personal insult. The only thing that will deter him from his goal of putting those outlaws in their place is his devotion to his beloved daughters Tiffany. Who distracts him with her seemingly impulsive and shallow whims.   
Sir Ivanhoe - A respected knight who once served under King Richard has returned home only to find that his king has not made the journey back as planned. He suspects that Prince John is up to no good, but is afraid to make any risky moves so long as his daughter Yua lives among the court. Her safety is the most important thing in the world to him. 
Sister Clara - The resident nerd of Sherwood Forrest and the brains of the team. Clara had joined a convent in order to receive an education and to study science, however her experiments were frowned upon by more traditional leaders of the church, like the Bishop of Hereford. She’s since renounced her monastic vows and has joined Robin Hood’s Merry Band in the pursuit of science! She’s allowed free rein on the sole condition that she doesn’t blow up the camp.  She still manages to blow up the camp, at least once a month. Still her inventions are invaluable to the team and she’s absolutely feral with her chim-bombs.  
The Trapper - A mysterious hermit who sometimes visits the local pub. He’ll often corner patrons with crazy drunken ramblings and loves to give Robin cryptic prophecies and disjoined ‘clues’ whenever they run into each other. (turns out this is an act and he’s really a spy for King Richard)
Will Scarlett - Robin’s younger brother. Will was 15 when they lost their father and now at 17 wants revenge. He’s a hothead and is constantly picking fights with everyone and anyone. While he is dismissive of Robin’s overprotectiveness, he both loves and admires his brother. Even tries to emulate him in some ways. He also would like to think of himself as a smooth talking clever con artist and ladies man but more often then not his temper gets the better of him. Like most teens he’s obsessed with the latest fashion tends and loves to wear fancy clothes (that he’s usually stolen) He’s favorite article of clothing is his impractical red feathered hat. He’s in love with Azure and is best friends with Much. 
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Forever Mine
❦ summary — The time for Princess Riley to step into her role as queen fast approaches and finding the future king is Cordonia’s top priority. Commander Liam is aware of that, and plans to make sure the Princess ends up with someone suitable. 
➺ a/n: so i got this idea for an evil-Liam fic, where the roles between him and Riley are switched, but they don’t meet the same way & nothing besides the Social Season is similar to things that happen in canon. basically, Liam is one of the higher-ups in Cordonia’s military (i don’t know much about militaries in a monarchy, so bear with me and keep in mind this is fiction) and yeah, it all just goes from there :) this might end up being a mess, but I hope you all enjoy it!
❦ word count: (+/-) 1195
➺ catch up here!
*all characters belong to Pixelberry, except those unique to my story*
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Liam remembers his first audience with the royal family. He had become a General just a few weeks prior. The air had been tense, and the silence almost gave him a headache. The king had invited him to dinner with his family a week before — as Constantine’s declarations of war became more frequent, Liam’s superiors had confidently brought him to the table. The King was a witness to the crazy strategist who was willing to gamble everything on a whim. The king almost dismissed him from his presence, but again, the young General’s superiors were frighteningly confident with him. 
At the dinner, Princess Riley had quickly glanced between her father and her brother. Liam had heard that Prince Leo had come to the dinner reluctantly. Tired of the silence and aware that he had to impress the king, Liam effortlessly picked up a conversation with the young princess. The life in her eyes enraptured Liam. He had never been a lover of music, but her voice was a melody that only a goddess could create, and he wanted to listen to it nonstop.
But he told himself to not let his gaze linger on her for long. For one, he was there for the king, not the childish princess. The entire nation knew she was sheltered and unwise in the ways of governing. Many people spoke of her recklessness as well. 
Secondly, Liam knew the impression he made tonight could mean another promotion: in the past few days, the king had summoned Liam instead of the Commander that he had relied on most of his reign. Liam was not going to jeopardize this opportunity. 
And lastly, the difference between their statuses was too large for Liam to dream of any possibilities. No matter how hard he worked, in the eyes of society, he would never be good enough for her. More than that, they were from different worlds. She was expected to marry a well-known noble from one of the Great Houses, or perhaps her hand in marriage would be used as a peace treaty. 
So Liam turned his attention to His Majesty, and soon had Leo engaged in the conversation, too. He would accidentally glance in the princess’s direction a few times, and his heart would jump when he noticed her intense gaze on him. 
After that evening, Prince Leo always spoke comfortably with Liam, relying on him before having audiences with Constantine, and even inviting Liam out for an occasional drink. 
The next time he saw the princess was when he bumped into her and her childhood friends, Duchess Olivia of Lythikos and Drake the commoner. Riley had introduced Liam with words sweeter than candy, and he felt he would have died happy had those been the last words he heard. 
Liam and Drake already knew each other through Leo. Drake gave him a friendly pat on the back. Though the Duchess was polite, she had an edge to her tone. Riley asked if Liam would join them for dinner again. He was obligated to comply, but he wouldn’t have denied her for the world.
He slowly became close friends with Leo, Riley, and most of the people within their circle. He was only a bit older than them, but they shared common interests. Liam had never prioritized making or having friends, but not only was this group pleasantly sociable, but it also helped his public image. He maintained his focus on his duties as General, though, and always remembered to keep a distance from Riley. Though his heart longed for her love and attention, Liam had to convince himself that he was fine with a merely platonic relationship. 
Weeks later, when Prince Leo abdicated, Liam had been the one to hear Constantine curse his son while Leo packed his bags on the other side of the palace. Liam had seen the panic in Riley’s eyes. Liam had been the one to calm her, to tell her she would be the perfect queen, and he even offered to guide her through everything she was going to have to learn. 
Leo had believed that Liam sympathized with him, so the Prince had ranted about his father endlessly the night he left. Leo made Liam follow him out of the front door, and made him promise to watch after his sister. 
“Make sure she doesn’t get into trouble,” he had said with a smile. Liam knew that even though Leo had made such a request, he still had to keep his distance from her. “I wish I could stay and help her with the transition, but you know I just can’t be here.” 
“Of course,” Liam had stated, though he’d never be able to understand why a man would abandon his duty to his nation. Leo was also putting Riley in pain. He was going to leave her alone. Who could have the heart to leave such a precious soul? “We’ll all be here when you visit.” 
Leo had given Liam and brotherly hug, then got into a car and drove away. 
In the coming weeks, Riley had begun to see Liam as a useful source of knowledge and kept the young General on her side, even when the king demanded his presence. Liam taught her whatever she wished to know, and found her far more intelligent than people gave her credit for. Her presence was always a sweet blessing: her smile was enchanting, her focus never faltered from him, she was more optimistic and kind than anyone he had met. 
She never failed to make him happy and was always ready to cheer him up when a meeting with her father hadn’t gone as planned. He loved her, and he wanted her to love him. 
Becoming Commander had pushed Liam away from Riley further — it upset her, saying that she detested being pushed away from a close friend, and she constantly requested his presence during their free time. Even though most of his time was spent with the king or other advisors discussion Cordonian issues, he was eager to clear his schedule for her.
Liam joined the royal family for dinner almost every night, and he was practically living in the palace. He had noticed that the princess was making herself scarce after meals. This behavior of hers had lasted barely a week before Liam decided to investigate, Leo’s request to keep an eye on her echoing through his mind. 
Through the window, he sees her going into the garden. Liam found himself racing down the staircase and following in her direction.
Liam knew to stop when he heard a rough voice call out to her. “I’ve been waiting for you,” an unknown man says. 
The princess laughs, a sound which draws Liam to her, but he maintains a distance and hides himself from their view. He can’t hear what they say, but after a while the man walks away from the garden, passing by Liam’s hiding place. Formal clothing. A noble, Liam realizes. But who could it have been? 
He waits for an appropriate amount of time to pass before he comes out of his hiding place. 
“Riley?” he calls out to her. She always insisted the Commander call her by her first name. 
“Liam!” Her face lights up when she sees him. She pats the stone bench next to her, signaling him to sit. Though it would be improper, Liam knew that Riley wouldn’t stop insisting, and he hated to see her upset. 
“I’ve seen you come here often lately,” Liam says. He expects some kind of reaction from her, but she only smiles. 
“I like to think of my mother when I come here,” she states. “I’ve been thinking of her often as of late.” 
“May I ask why?” 
She doesn’t hesitate to continue on, and Liam’s heart swells at how comfortable she is around him. “I wish she would give me some advice about becoming queen.” After a pause, she continues, “But also...”
When she doesn’t continue, Liam prompts, “Also?” 
A gentle frown comes across her face. She lowers her voice. “There’s... this noble. From one of the lower houses. I... I think...” 
Another pause. Liam knows who she’s talking about. Is she in love with him? he wonders. What other reason would there be for her to mention him? 
“Your Social Season is about to begin soon,” Liam reminds her, partly hoping that would convince her to forget about that man. 
“Yes, but... say he was one of the contenders. Do you think maybe...” Her voice was as hopeful as a child’s. 
Liam stands from his seat next to her. He reaches for her delicate hands and raises it to his lips. “If he is worthy enough, then of course.” 
He leaves her in the garden and goes back to the palace. He knew that whoever that lesser noble was, he was in no shape or form worthy enough for his darling. 
Days before, Constantine had taken Liam’s advice when the king approached him and wondered if it was time to start his daughter’s Social Season. The only reason Liam agreed was because he knew he was in the perfect position to influence which man she would marry. Even if Riley felt that she was the one in control of her Social Season, she would be wrong; Liam was the one who knew who was good enough for her, and he planned to implement that knowledge during the season.
Liam thinks to himself for a while, and estimates that he can have that man gone by morning. Perhaps sooner, if he didn’t show up to dinner with his Majesty. 
Security footage provided Liam with the rooms he was occupying. He asked some servants for his name. After some research about the man and his reputation — something the princess clearly didn’t know about — Liam drafted a straightforward letter and had two of his inferiors deliver it, who were tasked with escorting him out of the palace. 
The next morning he found Riley crying in her quarters, a wrinkled letter in her hands. Liam’s heart gave a jolt, and he wondered if she had found Liam’s threatening letter. But as he entered her room, he saw that it was a different one. He wrote to tell her goodbye. He’s gone, Liam thinks to himself. 
He takes a seat next to her on the edge of her bed, Drake on the other side of her. Riley doesn’t hesitate to lean her head against Liam’s shoulder, and Drake goes to close the door. 
Once her crying slows down, Liam retrieves something from his back pocket, convinced it would make her feel better. He had been holding back his feelings, afraid that he would draw her away, but Liam still wanted to give her a token of his affection. 
A necklace. Immediately her tears subside. She turns her back to him, asking if he would help her put it on. 
Liam stops himself from caressing the smooth skin on the back of her neck, aware that Drake was still in the room. 
She walks towards her mirror and examines her new piece of jewelry. Liam stands behind her, and she gazes at him through the mirror. They make eye contact and, she quickly averts her eyes and blushes. 
The door opens. Riley’s handmaid, Maria, rushes towards her. Noticing tear stains on Riley’s face, the woman grabs a tissue. 
“The Masquerade Ball beings in a few hours,” Maria tells her. “It’d be best if we start getting ready.” 
“Of course,” Riley says. As Liam and Drake walk out the door, she offers the men a smile. 
“I feel like Constantine’s rushing the Social Season” Drake says to Liam when they leave her room. “Leo’s didn’t happen this quickly.”
“The King has his reasons,” Liam says, though he doesn’t know what they are. Maybe he’d ask His Majesty about it later. 
“Hm.” Drake gives Liam a pat on the back before walking off. Liam continues on his path towards the king’s office, itching to see the guest list and who exactly Riley’s suitors would be.
please let me know if you would like to be added or removed from the tags :)
tags: @twinkleallnight @gkittylove99 @sweatyrysconnoisseur​ 
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morwensteelsheen · 3 years
farawyn and borodred for the ship ask game thing?
thank you so much!! :)
okay i’ll start with borodred because for some unfathomable reason i actually got there first —
1. What made you ship it?
One of my favourite Types of ships is the Elder Statesmen Of War-type set-ups, where it’s less about people brought together through theatrical romantic gestures and more about the steadiness of people who are going through similar (immensely difficult) circumstances, who know that in their hearts they’re always going to put their duty to that cause first, but still seek out human comfort in other people who will understand what their priorities are and why.
I think there’s also a lot of similarities about the kind of helplessness they both face despite having this tremendous innate strength. Both of them still have to deal with family dynamics that are complex (made more complex by the war) and that can’t be fixed just by their own sheer will power; both of them die these utterly unnecessary deaths (not that death makes a ship but I think in this instance it actually points to the constant tragedy these guys face); and both of them are meant to be the principal figures of their families and people and are ultimately sidelined by the cruel mechanisations of war and the forward march of history or whatever wanky term there is for it — my apologies to ep thompson's ghost, dont haunt me bro.
Plus there’s obviously the interesting thread raised when Faramir starts bitching about Gondor and likens Gondor (and by very explicit extension, Boromir) to Rohan. That always made me go ‘Hmmmmmm, wonder what else Boromir liked about Rohan,’ lmao.
Anyways for me the ship is the equivalent of Star Wars’ Kanan and Hera or (my OTP to end all others) Luke and Wedge, just people getting by on love and duty and without big ol fancy romance.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
The fanon, I think, really makes it, as with so many other LOTR ships. battlefield manners, by themightypen is essentially the definitive take for me on them — these two guys who are just so fucking exhausted, man, but still overcome by defensive love for their families, even if their (foster-)siblings are naïve fools. That I just love, love, love. Plus I think they’re unique for their ability to pretty comfortable explore the relationship between Gondor & Rohan in advance of the Ring War without having to stray too far into AU, which I always appreciate.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Not really, tbh, except in that I don’t think Boromir is necessarily as laddy as people like to portray him. I’m happy to play into it in, say, my modern AUs because I think that’s a fun and sweet niche for him, but I am a bit 🤪 about Boromir as this kind of reckless, drunken playboy (not least because I think that’s a much funnier niche for Faramir to fill, at least when he’s younger). Chapter Four of Swaddledog’s Hearts and Minds gets my preferred Boromir characterisation absolutely spot on, I think.
And now, sigh, the ultimate OTP, Farawyn —
1. What made you ship it?
For starters, I think I am obsessed with Éowyn in a way I’ve never quite been obsessed with any other fictional character. I came to reading LOTR at this moment in my life where I was intensely frustrated about everything — trapped inside permanently (helplessly!) because of the pandemic, just starting a new political organisation that I truly believed in but that was still making me feel like shit, facing down an untenable about of work, and, fundamentally, really, really hating being a woman and what that means. And along comes Éowyn, who is bitter, who is cold, who is ANGRY, and who doesn’t perform joy or softness or gentleness just because people expect her to. She’s this seminal Woman Of War in so many ways, I think the kind of person a lot of us wish we could be. She’s got her emotional taps cut off at the source, she holds her head high and faces down unimaginable personal and political terrors, and at the end of it all still has this abiding love for her family that, I would argue, is almost unparalleled by anyone else in the book.
After all that, she gets this incredible moment of emotional catharsis (or what we expect to be emotional catharsis): “no living man am I!” She undertakes THE greatest martial act of the Ring War, and in that moment there’s this unbelievably sophisticated dialogue happening about gender (“Éowyn it was, and Dernhelm also”), and leadership (Merry finding his courage not because of the immediate scenario of the Witch-king, but because he’s spurred into it by Éowyn’s presence), and love and care.
And then we learn that no, actually, this glorious act of violence wasn’t the emotional catharsis we thought it would be. She gets to ride to war, she gets to throw herself headlong at death, and in the end that hopeless act of individualism isn’t really what does it for her. She’s still left desolate and despairing, and actually all of her problems haven’t gone away.
And then we need to rewind a bit, because along comes Faramir, who is gentle, and is kind, and does seem to believe in joy, but not because people expect it — actually it's made abundantly clear nobody expects it — but because it’s something quite innate to how he figures the world. And he’s a huge fucking nerd too. I have a lot of thoughts on Faramir’s flaws and why I find them endearing, which I won’t put here, but almost immediately you get this sense of a guy who’s quite melodramatic, good humoured, and very much not made to live in a time of war.
But he’s also clear-headed about war and what it requires (tactically, if not strategically, though that’s a post for another day), but who is kind of cynical and weary of it in his own unique way. And it’s a unique cynicism given his personal circumstances because he’s the second son of The great family of Gondor, he’s apparently — though with some big ol’ question marks hanging about the extent — very able to command some of the elite units in the realm, and what’s more than that, he’s got all these fantastical powers (the light mind reading to start, to say nothing of this apparently magical ability to command animals too. bruh.). By all accounts he should be this brazen hot mess, but he’s not. He’s desperate to claw his way out of this war-torn cage of expectation his people have for how a man should comport himself in time of war. Is it a little naïve? Sure. A little fussy? Absolutely. But does it point to that same desperation that Éowyn has? Yes! But also the practicality, like, neither of them are really enjoying the circumstances they live under, but good fucking god are they both able to Make It Work.
So finally we get to the Houses of Healing and what is the finest and most aggressively romantic writing of LOTR. Seriously, it’s so fucking much. It’s breathtaking. It reminds me quite viscerally of this fabulous quote from Les Mis:
The power of a glance has been so much abused in love stories, that it has come to be disbelieved in. Few people dare now to say that two beings have fallen in love because they have looked at each other. Yet it is in this way that love begins, and in this way only.
At some point I will devote more time to talking about the two reasons line, and the blissful Queen of Gondor speech, but I think to me that big, important line is: “And then her heart changed, or at least she understood it; and the winter passed, and the sun shone upon her.”
It’s not about Éowyn changing herself entirely (though, I think, it really does bear mentioning that she does change, and that’s every bit as important to understanding that scene as it is romantic), it’s about Éowyn coming to terms with how to live with herself as herself, and how to live in communion with someone else. She can’t just cut people out anymore, and she can’t just treat them as objects of infatuation as she did with Aragorn, she has to reckon with people as they are. And that’s sort of the moment where I knew I was about to plunge fully off the deep end with these two and never know a moments’ peace again, lmao.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Someone on here once called Farawyn a love letter to women and, by god, yes, exactly that. I love the capacity for emotional intimacy, that is beautiful in ways I can’t express. To me, though, my favourite thing is the promise of life they speak of. Not as in oh they shag loads and have babies (though not opposed to that, obviously), but in the sense that unlike Aragorn and Arwen, who are always going to be buried under/burdened with the crushing weight of history and tradition, Éowyn and Faramir are going out yonder those hills and they’re going to do some real cottagecore farming shit. Obviously with all the trappings of rank and nobility and whatnot, but they, unique to anybody else in the books, get to sow this new idea of what life should be. They are, outside of Aragorn, the single most powerful people in Gondor. Éowyn’s got the ear of a king, a steward (which is essentially a prime-ministerial deal here), and functionally her own prince (if the hobbits are to be believed when they refer to it as essentially hers). I suspect that, in life, there were remarkably few arguments she wasn’t winning, and that Ithilien probably trended towards the jumped up noble hippie camp Tolkien so desperately wanted Oxford to be (or, in other words — Cambridge, lol).
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Yeah, man, everybody stop treating Faramir like he’s a big fucking crybaby and Éowyn like she’s some kind of shrieking 2010-era tumblr girl.
One of the single most important lines defining Faramir’s character is when Denethor roasts his ass for always trying to appear noble and lordly, if you ignore every other piece of textual evidence we have about him, what part of that line makes you think Faramir’s some simpering daisy? And why would you want to link tremendous emotional intelligence and care with being too limp-wristed to function, lol??? Like I struggle loads with writing Faramir, because I have never once in my life tried to be noble or self-restrained, so find it hard to get into that mindset, but better, I think, to imagine him too closed off than to do this wilting flower song and dance lmao.
And stop making Éowyn out to be this over-emotional angst machine. She’s got problems, yes, and she’s sure as shit got a lot of angst, but at almost every point in the book where we’re overtly dealing with her emotions, she’s sublimating them into something else. One of the most serious times we see her cry is when she’s fighting with Aragorn about riding out, and after that moment she literally tries to kill herself. Those tears aren’t standard, man, that’s a real watershed (lol) moment for her. You have to read around what the text is saying to get a better feel why everybody’s constantly calling her cold and distant.
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carmichealroyals · 3 years
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(Warning: This post contains discussions circling around themes of homophobia/lack of family acceptance. If these themes are something that makes you uncomfortable, please feel free to send me a message and I’ll go over what happened in the scene with you do you don’t miss out. Your mental health comes first!)
Katie: Your Majesty, the Daily Post is asking for an update -- what should we tell them exactly? 
Maxwell: Press the statement that was released earlier today. That is the only sort of statement we should make right now until we know more details of the situation. 
Katie: And if they ask further questions?
Maxwell: We have no further comment on the issue.
Katie: Of course, sir. -curtseys, starts to leave, stops to curtsey again- Your Royal Highness. -leaves-
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Keep reading under the cut! 
Diana: Max, what the hell are you on about now?
Max: Diana! A pleasure. Tell me, has Ella made any more progress with that Melide prince she’s been on and off with for years? He’s returned from service, yes?
Diana: That’s not why I’m here and you know it.
Max: Forgive me, sister, but we never have been on the same page much. How am I to know what’s going through your mind? 
Diana: You should know exactly what’s on my mind, Maxwell -- he’s your nephew, and you dare be so cold and unfeeling in this moment of personal crisis for him?
Max: I fail to see what is so cold. It’s an honest enough statement. If he is… what he is--
Diana: Gay. He’s gay, Max. 
Max: --then his place in the line of succession and his ability to produce heirs should naturally be called into question.
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Diana: He’s had his entire character called into question! His entire life!
Max: He’s still a member of the Royal Family.
Diana: In the loosest sense of the word! He’s fifteenth in line, Maxwell, he’s not exactly high priority, and he’s only going to keep getting bumped down the more children our other nieces and nephews have.
Max: It does not mean he is absolved of his duty to this family.
Diana: Duty?! He has a duty to be himself above all else! I am here to support my son, but clearly all you care about is the continued expansion of this family to make more advantageous marriages and raise yourself up by proxy!
Max: Watch your tone! I am still your King!
Diana: And I am still your sister! That should mean something! You say you know about family, that you care about family, but when push comes to shove you pull out the Crown and are blind to everything else!
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Diana: Oliver is in love with this boy, Max. I recognize it as the same thing as when I met Nico. You objected to that because he was too common--
Max: Because I was worried he was taking advantage of you--
Diana: That’s a lie and we all know it. Either way, you came around. You came to your senses only when it meant possibly losing me, and if you don’t come to your senses now, you’re going to lose Oliver, too. 
Max: He is a member of this family, and it his duty to provide heirs for the Crown. It is the law. 
Diana: Then change the stupid law! 
Max: I am not about to change the laws of the Crown just for some silly teenage fling--
Diana: You don’t get it. It’s not a teenage fling. I can tell -- a mother knows these things, Max.
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Max: How are you to know? It’s possible that he might still have an interest in girls somewhere down the line and he’s experimenting. That would be fine, so long as we could cover it up somewhat, make it seem innocent--
Diana: Stop talking! For the love of all that is good, just stop talking! Do you hear yourself right now? “Cover it up”? This is his life! This is who he is! You can’t just put a blanket over it and pretend it isn’t happening! 
Max: We’re all in a state of shock right now, Diana. I don’t think this is the appropriate time to have this conversation--
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Diana: No, you’re in shock because he isn’t playing along with the perfect little script that you had planned out for him and the rest of our family! I’m not. I’ve known he was gay since he was ten years old, and I have loved him regardless. So has Nico. So do his siblings, and so do millions around the world now more than ever because they see themselves in us. They don’t see the Crown as something heteronormative and traditional, they see it as something that has a place for everyone, where everyone is valued and appreciated for who they are. This isn’t a conscious choice he made to be different. He just is. And all you’re concerned about is if he has any biological children?
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Diana: I’ve done my best to keep my nose out of your business, to do what is best for my family and make sure that they are all happy, healthy, and secure in who they are. I’m going to stand by my son, as will the husband you objected to me having all those years ago. I chose him, and this is who Oliver is choosing. 
Max: Diana, please, you’re over-reacting--
Diana: No, you are. What my son needs right now is support, and the only way that the support of our family is going to mean anything to anyone is if it comes directly from both you and the Crown. I am doing what a parent should be doing: trying to protect her son and make sure he’s happy. I’d suggest you put yourself in my shoes for two minutes. Would you do the same if William came out to you? Belle? 
Max: This is not the time for hypotheticals.
Diana: Answer the question.
Max: I… I would have questions, and concerns, but--
Diana: But you would ultimately do what was best for them, right? Stand by their decisions, respect their decisions, make sure the world knew that you still loved them regardless?
Max: ...yes.
Diana: Then extend my son the same courtesy. He may not be your son, but he is still your nephew. As you so like to remind me, he is part of this family, and he deserves your respect and approval as much as anyone else.
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Diana: I have to go - it’s a long drive back to Soburg, and my family needs me. Max: Diana, wait, please-- Diana: I thought you had learned from your mistakes before, but clearly I was wrong. My only hope for you now is that you learn now to avoid this in the future. Oliver likely isn’t the first one who’s had to go through this in this family, but he is the first to be open about it. He deserves better than what his ancestors would have gotten.    Max: Diana… I-- Diana: You almost lost me and my family once, Max. If you’re not careful, you won’t be getting a second chance. Support him. Support us. Then, if and when he marries, we can discuss next steps with him present. I will not let you ruin my son’s life for your own personal ambitions. Max: Diana! Diana: Goodbye, Maxwell.
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middleinthenight21 · 4 years
With the heart in his hands
Credits and dedicated to @deep-in-mind67  Thank you for your art and Malik! I hope you like it and @ravenfan1242 so beautiful and kind. 
Stay safe and fight for justice. 
He had heard stories about fatherhood, men looking with love at their children, feeling that they had gained a precious treasure, could change their lives forever. They promised that they would protect them, it was like a roar inside, something beautiful and unexpected and they would never be the same again. It marked a before and after.
Damian never had that. His mother was a murderer, a cold-eyed woman who was used to every day being a struggle. A part of him assumed that she had loved him in a twisted and dominant way. She loved him the same way you treat a valuable object, she worried when he strayed from the path they had carved out for his life, and his grandfather was a man who put himself in a high position, always forcing him to look up and disguising his dominance and control under discourses on belonging and devotion. Damian thought it was the best he had and if he ever faced the world it would be for Ra's Al Ghul, they both left him at some point in his childhood. Then, his father came, who is someone who dedicated his life to a city consumed by crime and corruption, lived in an eternal search for justice that consumed everything around him, including his own family. thought it was the best he had and if he ever faced the world it would be for Ra's Al Ghul, they both left him at some point in his childhood. Then, his father came, who is someone who dedicated his life to a city consumed by crime and corruption, lived in an eternal search for justice that consumed everything around him, including his own family. Bruce Wayne watches him with love and earns his appreciation, but he will never be his top priority, just as he was not for Talia and Ra’s Al Ghul.
He has never complained about his life. Complaining and lamenting is for the weak, and Damian Wayne would never be either, but he wants to have better references for his son, so he could hold him in his arms without feeling like an idiot.
Damian can maneuver all the weapons in the world, assemble and destroy any object using only his intellect, but his three-week-old baby was different.
He had been gone for two weeks. Just over five days after the birth of his son, as he had to train the new killers for the league, which involved intensive preparation before the new recruits joined the League of the Assassins and he trusted no one but himself, but that had separated him from his family. Two weeks might not be long, yet it was long enough for his son not to recognize him.
Damian knew it, but Raven insisted there were other reasons why he cried when he got close. Still amazed at her ability to do her homework and tend to their son, Raven is caring and dedicated, in a way that makes him envy her and wonder what would have happened if she stayed instead of attending to her duties as head of the League of Assassins.
Looking out the window, the snow falls, and that morning in the Himalayas the wind sounds like the roar of an angry leopard. Damian had had a quiet night. Since it was Raven who took care of the baby by letting him sleep after he appeared last night acknowledging his tiredness, secretly thanking her, since he would not know how to recognize the requests of his son.
He is sitting on the bed drinking tea with a slice of lemon and brown sugar, it is a family drink, but the situation is different. He would be missing fingers to count the times he has had tea looking at the landscape with Raven at his side. They would simply lean against each other in silence, he would be full of secrets and confessions. He had never felt that way with another person, but the space between the two now a new person fills it.
Titus sleeps near the fireplace. Alfred the cat who had been adopted a few months ago was lying a few meters from them, curled up with green eyes fixed on the couple and the baby, as if watching them.
The room is warm, the fireplace is lit with a low fire and looks like an island of warmth in the middle of winter. There is an intricately patterned rug in gold tones that they had chosen together a few years ago, and the bed was comfortable with no exorbitant luxuries. Different from what the Demon Head would be thought to have, but this room in Nanda Parbat was a corner of privacy; no one would disturb them here. There are little memories imprinted on these four walls, secret moments and reminiscent of the engagement ring that they keep in a drawer that they never used. They don't need it, they don't have to wait for white dresses, bouquets and altars.
I don't want a ceremony. Raven had confessed after his proposal and had felt the disappointment and pain hit her face as if a bucket of cold water had been thrown at her refusal. My father played the ceremonies with my mother and ended in evil. I don't need a ceremony, protocol and jewelry, just ... need you, Damian Wayne.
Damian had understood her, her reasons were clear and for a person like Raven with a tragic past involving rituals and ceremonies it was easy to understand her rejection of marriage, it was not a refusal to be together. It was at that moment when the lights were off, her eyes were illuminated by the faint moonlight that appeared from the window and he analyzed the features of his girlfriend and realized that they did not require names or labels. The curtains rose and the room was dark as night lit up, like a new dawn and he swore no one would make him feel this way.
Peril of hope, resonates in his head, but it is only the name of a poem, since this is very real and he would share his entire life with her. It is not an illusion, it is not a promise that was taken by a glow that would change the world, this is their future. They could be two stars that orbit around each other, finding some point in their lives.
There are more hopeless futures.
Damian had lived his entire life with third-party plans for his life. Promising that they would bring out the best for him and put out all his thoughts of having an everyday life. He accepted it and raised his head, like a winner, but everything that surrounded Raven was soft and his life was imprinted with small moments in which he was surprised of himself, of the words that come out of his mouth when they are talking and of the actions that he dedicates. He had become accustomed to being with Raven, now he needs to learn to take care of their child.
Damian wants to be a better father.
"You know I'm empathetic, right?"
Observes his girlfriend. His eyes are fixed on his son, the baby is lying on the bed, on top of a small cloth in a pastel tone and he is amazed at how small he is. He is wearing bluish clothes, a miniature hat that drops dark strands like the tar, his skin is of a golden tone very similar to his; He would like to see aspects of Raven, but he looks a lot like him.
It is puzzling.
Looking at his son leaves him stunned. He can't take his eyes off each time he meets him and wonders how he could conceive of something so beautiful, innocent and pure; It makes him feel like a dirty person when he touches him, because he has taken lives. His life was full of authoritarian figures, how could he be what he deserves?
"I can feel your emotions, Damian Wayne," Raven reminds him. She leans towards the baby; he watches him move his little hands. Squeezes her little finger, holding on as if his life depended on it, and it seems like such an alien scene, he feels like a spy. She makes it look so easy. "It's not easy for me either", she whispers, and Damian is surprised. "Some days I think I won't be able to, that I'm not enough for someone who watches me with so much love and devotion and a person like me doesn't deserve a family" Raven adjusts her clothes. Even if he doesn't need her and the baby moans, but he is silent when he hears her voice and watches her with his eyes wide open, as if something about his mother's face had surprised him greatly "but I have him".
He remains silent.
"I was born with a purpose. It would be a door to destroy worlds. There was no other future for me, and my mother sometimes observed me as a stranger realizing my powers… You know my relationship with my father" She looked away. The baby grimaced and clenched his hands into two perfect fists as if the mention of his maternal grandfather would displease him. She ran her fingers over his palms, relaxing her son's hands, just like she did when she thought he needed to relax. "I feared for many things, but not for this. Not from Malik. "
The name echoed in his head and its meaning could not fit better, his son could be the king of their hearts. Damian had inadvertently given him a part of his heart ever since he learned of his existence.
Raven strokes Malik's small foot covered in a woolen sock "You're afraid".
He crossed his arms. One part yelled at him that this was not the case, but it was no use arguing because it is the truth.
Instinctively he moved to be by her side as if to demonstrate with actions that this was not the case, but it was useless because as soon as his son saw him, he began to complain and his mouth twisted into a grimace that threatened to cry.
He was about to get up and leave, in order not to disturb his baby. All his theories about what he considered a stranger were confirmed, but Raven stopped him with a glance and he remained in his place on the bed as if supported by a rope on the edge of the precipice.
He clenched his fists on the blanket covering the bed and watched as she carried Malik who was crying. The boy twisted in her arms and continued to complain, but now he was silent because he was being breastfed.
Alfred the cat yawns and turns his back on them, falling into a deep sleep.
Damian grimaces, wants to be more helpful and not just sit around not knowing what to do. He brushes her hair away so that she could breastfeed more comfortably. Stroking her shoulders with a massage, and Raven sighs intently at her son when he decides he's had enough.
Malik is looking at him now.
"Hold him" He almost protested, but by then she had already put him in his arms.
His eyes fell on Malik, the baby was looking at him with a frown and he wonders how someone so small can do such a thing. His eyebrows are black and thick, it seems that he was analyzing him, checking if they had a similarity or not.
He's light, barely weighs in his arms, and let’s Raven guide his hands holding his head and back. His hands are big compared to his baby, he was full of calluses and he is afraid to break him from the pressure, he seems fragile and is so small ...
"Just relax".
He lets out a breath, and she abandons him completely, but is looking at him.
Malik is still frowning. For the first time in weeks they look into each other's eyes. His son has green eyes with purple specks, as if two jewels had fused inside his iris and he is giving it different meanings, he invents theories and processes.
This is a different kind of love, one that almost filled his eyes with tears and would travel the world if this being asked him, but he also feels impure, not worthy of his son.
He doesn't deserve it.
"He looks like you," Damian says, wanting to break the order of his thoughts. He concentrates on his slightly bluish hair, it catches the light and turns it into a bluish glow, he wants to think that something so beautiful belongs to Raven and not to him. "He has your features."
She lets out a snort that sounds like tongue-in-cheek laughter, gently runs a hand down the baby's chubby cheek and he tries to capture his fingers to hold on to them.
"You are kidding, right?" Damian does not stop observing the face of his son, but he is listening to her. Trying to find places that belonged to Raven, the shape of the eyes, the subtly upturned nose and the way she clung to someone. "He looks like you", Raven leans closer and leans her head against his shoulder. "Malik has your features and expressions, he frowns just like you, he clenches his fingers into a fist when he feels threatened, he usually growls when he is irritated. He is serious and he has your temperament", she enumerates" Someone help us", she jokes.
Damian smiles to himself, tries to find everything she had said about their baby.
He has his eyes, the elongated shape marked by the lashes is his. Damian recognizes the tan tone of his skin, the eyebrows widened in the middle and he almost seems to see traits of his father that have touched Malik. See’s how his lips twist into a grimace, he has a small mouth and with each babble a dimple is marked on his right cheek.
Raven has no dimples.
How can someone like him make something so beautiful?
"This is our life now." She kisses him on the chin, he almost leans towards the touch of her lips and wonders how he has been able to deprive himself of this for two weeks, he would never have enough. "We can do it" He smiles at her. "Even if we are wrong, we always try to make the best of each other".
His mouth drops open as he watches Malik yawn and close his eyes in his arms preparing to sleep. He fights against unconsciousness as if he doesn't want to miss this moment and almost rolls his eyes with grace to see how he insists on staying awake.
"You have to sleep" he whispers to him. His voice is in a tone that he never hoped to ever use, different from the voices of the authority figures who had ruled his life, it is charged with sweetness and brotherly love. He guides one of his fingers towards his small hands, he clings to his index finger and is strong "You must have had a long day".
Raven smiles placing a kiss on his shoulder.
"A tired day for a three-week-old baby."
He rolls his eyes, prefers to focus on his son who opens his eyes every time they are talking and babbles, as if he wants to participate in the conversation.
"You have to go to sleep, Malik."
The baby closes his eyes, allowing himself to be overcome by sleep, a thread of saliva comes out of his mouth and he smiles. Raven wipes the saliva with a piece of cloth and is laughing.
"I can't believe he has that about you, too."
"You also drool when you sleep. Don't worry, I haven't told anyone. "
 "Intelligent" he murmurs.
He gathers his son in his arms, he sleeps with his head resting against his shoulder and feels his breath against his neck. It reminds of someone.
"You do this."
Raven raises an eyebrow as she folds Malik's clothes down onto a piece of furniture. "What?" She asks absentmindedly.
He clears his throat "You hide your head on my neck when we are sleeping, Malik does the same".
A smile appears on Raven's lips and she feels that she is complete.
In his past he never imagined that he would have a partner. That he would be willing to wait for her and give in, fight against the whole world for Raven. He always thought that love is an idea in collective thought, it was a deal, that if he were with someone it would be to get resources or benefits of any kind. He thought that if he had children it would be so that his bloodline would remain.
Here he is years later wanting to share his life with someone beyond contracts. Wanting to burn formalities in front of institutions and authorities, accepting this force of gravity in the form of a person that she was, holding his son in his arms vowing to protect him and would do anything to keep a smile on his child's lips like a deity promise.
"We've had so many wounds and scars," Raven whispers. Their eyes are fixed on Malik and both join their hands, intertwining their fingers. "Sometimes I feel like I will open my eyes and it will be a disaster again."
Damian says nothing but understands her. He feels the same way.
He watches his son, who is sleeping, hiding his face in his neck. His breathing is the flapping of the wings of a bird. He is so small and fragile, his chest rises and he does think that in his life he has performed acts that he has never thought about doing much more now, he leans forward and places a kiss on his forehead. Presses his lips on his forehead, feels how he relaxes in his gesture and finds himself smiling.
Maybe he would live his whole life thinking he didn't deserve this, but he's willing to explore that kind of love that couldn't hurt and makes him feel like a better person. One who would build a family and swears he won't see the same thing that marked him, in his infancy. His Malik, his child in his arms, paints his future in green and purple, just like his eyes.
Raven leans in, sighs against his shoulder and wishes she was nowhere else but here.
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childofchrist1983 · 8 months
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This imperfect world hands us many struggles and hardships that leave us feeling empty and broken. Satan is always plotting and chooses these moments of weakness to steal our peace or destroy our happiness. Father God Almighty sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to be our salvation, hope, and righteous light in the world of sin and darkness. We have faith in God’s desire to reassure us when we struggle and grant us strength in moments of weakness and we thank Jesus for His selfless sacrifice. He is our light in the darkness and helps us maintain our strength when Satan plots against us. He is our fortress, and we are always safe in the arms of Him and His steadfast love, mercy and grace. May we all remain faithful to Him and to this duty and purpose He has called us to. Seek and put your faith and trust in Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ and let Him do the rest. May He humble our hearts and help us focus on following and serving Him daily and helping others with joy and happiness. We lift our voices in praise to Him for His love, mercy, peace, faithfulness and grace. - For EVERYTHING!
It is vital that we remain rooted in Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ through prayer and His Holy Word and Spirit and that we live and walk as a beacon of His light and love and share and spread the Gospel Truth daily, so that the lost souls in this world can come to know Him and be saved. The more we focus on Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ, growing spiritually by building our relationship with Him, leaning on Him and His Holy Word and Spirit, the better off we will be. Thanks to this and our faith in Him, we know that everything will be alright. And we will forever be grateful to Him. As true and born-again Christians, we believe in Him and His Holy Word and we strive daily to walk in His Holy Spirit. We know though our mortal bodies should die, He will raise us up and into new and glorious bodies (The Rapture). We who are truly His and alive at His second coming will never die, and our bodies will be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and so shall we ever be with Him in His Kingdom of Heaven forevermore (1 Corinthians 15:51-52, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). This is one of many promises given to us by God Himself. Thank God for His strength and guidance when we are faced with sin and temptation. Thank Him for His mercy and grace. Through Bible study and prayer, God reveals His wisdom and guides us to see opportunities to grow closer to Him and grow spiritually. He gives us direction to live our lives daily according to His will.
Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven (John 3:5, 14:6), the ONLY way to salvation (Acts 4:12, Ephesians 2:8-9) and He is the resurrection and the life (John 11:25-26). Jesus Christ the LORD of lords, KING of kings, the GOD of gods (Deuteronomy 10:17, 1 Timothy 6:15, Revelation 17:14, Revelation 19:16) - He is the Living, Almighty and Everlasting God (Isaiah 9:6, Revelation 1:8, John 3:16, John 3:36, Jeremiah 10:10). There is no other God besides Him (Isaiah 45:5). We MUST humble ourselves before Him, turning our backs on false teachers, false gods and idols and our sinful ways. We MUST repent and turn back to God and recognize who He is and love Him in return for His great love for us. We MUST make God top priority everyday! May we be motivated to spread God's Holy Word and Gospel Truth to all the Earth, knowing that it is the only hope of all those lost in their sins. Let us not hold out a false hope for men to be saved without the Gospel, but instead, strive to do our part to get the Gospel out to a lost and dying world.
Leaning on Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ through prayer and His Holy Word and Spirit strengthens us and our knowledge and wisdom about God and His Gospel Truth, exposing these imposters. May God help us to seek and lean on Him daily to gain the strength, wisdom and spiritual discernment needed to expose Satan and his imposters who seek to destroy us and God's ultimate Truth. Everyday, we must remember to share Jesus Christ's Gospel Truth with the world and to thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for the grace that He poured out for us on the cross at Calvary. He has freed us from the burdens of sin and from the eternal damnation of Hell. In all we say and do, may all praise, honor and glory always be given to Him and His Kingdom of Heaven.
With renewed minds, hearts and wills, let us serve Him humbly and faithfully out of pure love and grateful rejoicing. May He remind us of His presence and to remain at peace, fully knowing that all will be well because He is always with us. Let us seek Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ today and everyday with all our heart and being, looking for His love, light and will for our lives with each step we take. Let us seek to please Him with our thoughts, words, and deeds and seek to advance His Kingdom of Heaven and His glory with our lives. Let us seek Him from a pure and humble heart, and when we so seek, we believe Him and His promise that we will find. May He help us all to be more sensitive to the teaching ministry of His Holy Word and Spirit, relying on Him and allowing Him to speak to us and guide us every step of our Christian journey.
God gave us the Holy Bible - His living and Holy Word - to let us know of Him and His abiding love and care as well as guide and prepare us for all our lives. May He help us encourage one another as we continue our walk with Him and our duty to Him daily. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for being present for all our new beginnings and all our lives. May He redirect any anxiety we feel as He provides countless opportunities for growth and change. May we humble ourselves before God always, asking Him to forgive our sins and make our hearts and lives anew through His Holy Word and Spirit. May He help us make Him and His Holy Word top priority, so we can grow spiritually and grow in our relationship with Him as we apply it to our daily lives. Thank God that we can focus on Him and everything about Him, for that is what keeps us sane and at peace. May our words and actions always be a reflection of Him and His Holy Word and Spirit and will.
May He help us to always walk in His grace and Holy Spirit, not by our own measure. May He give us the humble humility to know that our freedom and eternal salvation is found only in Him, so that His grace may sustain us, and we may never lose sight of His love and light and mercy. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for calling us to Him and to serve Him. May He equip us to do all that He has called us to do so that as He works through us, He may use us to produce fruit, to reach others, and to encourage all brothers and sisters in Christ. May He work all of these things in us and through us for His Kingdom and His glory. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all His creation, for His miraculous ways and for everything He does and has done for us! Keep the faith and keep moving forward in your walk with Jesus! He loves us and He knows what is best for us. Seek, follow and trust in Him - Always!
Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Word and for sending His Holy Spirit so that we might have His grace, not only to awaken us and transform our hearts in our spiritual rebirth and guarantee our eternity with Him, but to also call upon Him whenever we are in need. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all the reminders of His love and mercy and faithfulness within His Holy Word. He is bigger than any challenge or circumstance in our lives. Knowing this within our minds and our hearts, nothing can deter our faith in Him and His Truth. May we all accept Him and His eternal gift of salvation and ask that He would transform our hearts and lives according to His will and ways. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Spirit who saves, seals and leads us. May we always thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His almighty power and saving grace. For He is our strength, and He alone is able to save us, forgive our sins and gift us eternal salvation and entry into His Kingdom of Heaven.
May we make sure that we give our hearts and lives to God and take time to seek and praise Him and share His Truth with the world daily. May the LORD our God and Father in Heaven help us to stay diligent and obedient and help us to guard our hearts in Him and His Holy Word daily. May He help us to remain faithful and full of excitement to do our duty to Him and for His glorious return and our reunion in Heaven as well as all that awaits us there. May we never forget to thank the LORD our God and our Creator and Father in Heaven for all this and everything He does and has done for us! May we never forget who He is, nor forget who we are in Christ and that God is always with us! What a mighty God we serve! What a Savior this is! What a wonderful LORD, God, Savior and King we have in Jesus Christ! What a loving Father we have found in Almighty God! What a wonderful God we serve! His will be done!
Thanks and glory be to God! Blessed be the name of the LORD! Hallelujah and Amen!
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Peace | Yule
Prompt: Peace Meme: PDR 12 Days of Christmas | On Roleplayer.me Setting: Edoras, Rohan
Definitions of Peace: 1. Freedom from disturbance; tranquillity. 2. A state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended. 
As a Ranger of the North and also their Commander, peace was not a word that Hal used often. It was subjective. Something that looked like it was happening on the surface. When below, there was nothing but worry, fear and terror. Danger was all around them, from mortals to Sauron and also the wild creatures which lived in the air and on the land. The Rangers worked from the shadows, protecting and helping whenever they were needed. 
“Mama! Snow!” 
For the Bree raised Dúnedan with a reputation of having no emotions, peace meant something else. It meant a small house inside of Edoras in Rohan. It meant the sounds of small running feet and a childish male voice that called her Mama. Peace was subjective, yes. But it meant her son could grow up with people who they both trusted. Even if her duties as a Ranger and Aragorn’s second in command often took her far from home and from Theo, her four year old little surprise. 
She laughed softly at the more insistent call and put her book down, before heading over to the dark haired little boy. Although always on guard, it was here in Edoras that Hal was able to lose some of the tension in her shoulders. Seeing Theo cheerful, happy and content as he played with the other children made her feel like everything she had gone through was worth it. And she trusted Theoden, his family and his guards to keep her son safe. “Are you ready?” 
 A pair of slate grey eyes stared up at her for a moment, before he eyed himself. Coat, one glove and shoes on the wrong feet. “I’m ready.” The four year old assured his mother.
Hal smiled, warmth in her gaze as she knelt to help put his shoes on the right feet. “And I think your missing… this.” She teased, pulling out his wayward glove from his coat pocket. “Now you’re ready, kiddo.” It took her a moment to pull her own coat on and soon followed him out into the snow, far too used to colder climates to be wearing gloves. Ever since the unexpected arrival of the little boy, her priorities had needed to change in order but that was the only difference. 
Only a few people outside of Edoras knew about Theo and her years of being known as closed off helped with that fact. Along with the Rangers being known as a secretive group, something that she was glad about. A soft smile formed as Hal kept an eye out on the playing kids, making sure none of them got hurt in anyway. Despite the peaceful scene, her senses instincts were still on alert so it was easy to recognise the footsteps of the King��s niece. “Eowyn.” 
“Hal. My uncle wanted me to ask if you and Theo would join us tonight for the Yule meal.”
It wasn’t unusual for the younger woman to come and search the gender-fluid Ranger out whenever she was in the city. In fact it was well known that if Hal was visiting, then the people got to see all of the King’s family far more often. And this particular visit had been no exception. At the question, she gave Eowyn a faintly amused glance. “Like Theo would allow us to miss one of his favourite meals of the year with some of his favourite people.” She snarked with a grin, shaking her head. 
The laughter that came from the White Lady of Rohan attracted the attention of the playing children and then warm grey eyes lit up at seeing her. Hal smiled as her son scrambled to his feet and promptly flung himself at Eowyn, who caught him in a hug easily. 
Peace was a word of novelty for the Esteldin Commander but she had found it here in Edoras, in the face of her son’s warmth and laughter. Yet the biggest hurdle was still to come for very few of her kin actually knew about Theo or the events surrounding his birth. That were thoughts for another time through. And now Hal was happy to push it to one side and just focus on being here at Yule-time.
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amarabliss · 4 years
Oaths and Hearts - 22 (Ignis Scientia/Reader)
You fell through a rift into the fade fighting the demons you swore to protect your world from. When you popped out you were no longer in the lands of Ferelden instead trapped in Insomnia. The gracious king allowed you to say recognizing power when he saw it. One thing led to another and now you were part of the procession of the prince to his wedding years later. Before the final battle, after years of fighting, losses, and love…your friend…your king…Noctis has asked you to change it all…
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11  Part 12  Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Part 19 Part 20  Part 21
Note: IT HAS BEEN FOREVER! But rereading everything I found my spark! I hope you all enjoy as this story continues! Much love!
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You twisted your hands together as you looked out at the gathering crowd. You absolutely hated being paraded in front of people. Even being the Inquisitor, you only did it if it was absolutely necessary.
“You’re going to be fine.” You looked over to Luna stepping over to you. She was the perfect image of grace and nobility in her long ivory dress, “You look beautiful…”
“Luna…” You took in a deep breath shaking your head, “I don’t know how to be a queen…I barely knew how to be a lady…”
She gave you a bright smile as she tried to be reassuring, “But from what I understand you led a people to victory. It’s just like that…but a little more glamorous.”
“Yeah...” You looked down to the dress you were in. You weren’t sure what to make of the rich multi colors. It felt more like a battle garment, “I’m not sure if I’m greeting the people or going to war.”
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“A bit of both honestly. You look amazing.” Luna took your hands in hers making you look to her face, “And you’re going to be fine.”
You sighed shutting your eyes, “There’s no going back after this, is there?”
“No…today everything changes for everyone.” Luna looked down taking in a deep breath, “Noctis and I will be by your side the whole way. We’re not going to abandon you.”
“I know Ignis will be relieved to hear it. He wants Noctis to rule…he desires to serve him.” You looked at her with concern, “I just hope the people understand why we’re doing this. Do you know what they’re doing right now?”
“I do…and all I can say it is something every king must do. It’s something the gods require for all in the Lucian…I promise it’s nothing to worry about.” She rubbed your arms frowning, “You’re so cold…”
“Ma’am…” You looked over seeing Tor approaching you, “his majesty, he’s requested your presence before everything gets started.”
Luna smiled at you when you looked at him, “You’re going to be fine. Go to him, reassure him that everything will be fine.”
You stepped forward giving her a hug, “Thank you, Luna.”
“Oh…Uh…” She smiled putting her arms around you, “Of course…we’re family after all.”
That’s right they were family. You kept reminding Ignis and Noctis that they were brothers…but it also connected you to Luna. It was strange how a year ago you barely had anyone to call family and now you were getting family left and right.
You stopped in the hall outside of the throne room leaning against the wall briefly. Tor was at your side instantly, “Ma’am?”
“I just got a little dizzy.” You put a hand to your head before giving him a smile, “I’m alright.”
“You’ll forgive me if I don’t necessarily believe you.” Tor smirked a little bit, “I do know how much of a pain in the ass you are…”
“Hey…” You pouted a little.
“And if I didn’t trust you…” You both looked over to Ignis walking down the hall. You felt your heart flutter seeing him in the royal uniform, smile planted firmly on his face, “I’d be warning you that you’re talking to your queen…”
“Forgive me sir…” Tor bowed slightly, “I just happen to know my charge very well.”
“As do I.” Ignis reached out taking your hands in his. His eyes twinkled as he looked into yours, “Tor, could you give us a moment…Ulric is looking for you, he’s inside with Noctis.”
“As it is my duty to protect and serve him, I will head that way…you have about five minutes…” Tor bowed again leaving you both in the hall alone.
You smiled hearing Ulric squeak with excitement that his favorite playmate was back just as the door shut, “He’s been alright?”
“Perfect. I’m sorry we had to go on alone for a moment.” You sighed feeling him scrutinize you, “Kingly duties…”
“I’m fine.” You squeezed his hands before pulling his arms around you before embracing him, “You have much more important things to worry about today.”
He rested his cheek against the top of your head, “You and Ulric will always be my first priority.”
You let out a heavy sigh shutting your eyes, “And I love you for that.”
“Are you sure you’re alright?” He whispered rubbing your back gently, “I’ve noticed you’ve been more tired lately.”
“We have a one year old who runs us both into the ground.” You murmured back to him, “And my husband is a king, who I am always worrying about. It’s a full-time job juggling you two.”
He pulled away looking into your eyes with the greatest affection, “Hmm…I suppose my guess is wrong then if you feel that strongly about it.”
“Guess?” You squinted at him confused.
“Never mind.” He smiled before he kissed you, “Are you ready?”
“Do I have a choice?” You reached up adjusting his cape before running your hands down his arms stopping when you saw the bracelet on his wrist, “I thought they said no…”
“If there is one thing Noctis has truly taught me…” He smirked a little happy that he was still able to surprise you before he laced his fingers with yours letting the bracelet he made for you gently rub against his, “I am the king…and I get what I want...to a point…”
“Your majesty…” You looked over to Tor holding Ulric in his arms as he stepped out from the throne. He winced a little as he pulled on a braid, “Ah…um…it’s time…”
“Ulric…” Your son looked over to you when you spoke. You smiled when his eyes got big and he reached for you and Ignis make soft mm-ing noises, “Come here…”
Tor handed him over to you with a smile, “Thank you ma’am…”
“It’s karma for that jab earlier.” You chuckled as Ulric grabbed your necklace amusing himself already. You glanced at Ignis who had paled a little bit, “Hey…”
He looked down to you as you both began walking into the throne room, “This is when it all begins…”
You didn’t get a chance to ask him what he meant as they announced you both. All eyes fell on your family as you approached the level below the throne. You looked out at the people who stared at you whispering to each other.
Ignis gained your attention as he squeezed your hand as Noct stood up from the throne to speak, “Thank you all for gathering with us today. It has been…a hell of a couple years.”
Laughter rippled through the crowd and you made eye contact with Gladio across the way with Luna. He smirked pushing Prompto with his elbow as the blonde began snapping pictures. The squabbled, but only for a second as Noctis continued.
“I cannot thank any of you enough. Each and everyone of Insomnia’s citizens…new and old…have put forth effort into making our city a home again.” Noct smiled a little, “We’re still fixing it…we’re still growing…I have no doubt that we will achieve everything and more.”
The crowd applauded and he raised his hands to silence them. His face became a little serious, “I now have some news that…well I’m not sure how everyone will take it, so I’ll tell you how I did.”
He looked over to Luna with such love and sadness, “Recently, it has come to my wife and I’s attention that we’re unable to have children…I was heartbroken. Devastated that I couldn’t fulfill the one thing I have dreamt about since I understood what becoming a king meant.”
Your eyes shifted from him to Luna who also looked crestfallen as Noct went on, “Though I suppose…I always knew even if I had children…my calling was to leave them, after all I’m supposed to rid the world of its darkness…it’s strange how fate works…”
“But then I found out I have a brother.” Noct looked out to the crowd, he chuckled, “At first I was hurt…My father, King Regis, how could he have done such a thing? He was a great man, sacrificed his life for his people, inspired others to do the same…Thankfully…he didn’t betray anyone, but instead followed an archaic rule to ensure the line of Lucis continued…”
“But he was only in the same position I am now. So, then I was excited by the prospect of having an older brother.” He smiled glancing over to Ignis, “Yet…in our own way we still developed that relationship with one another, and ironically my brother has been doing my job long before I was mature enough to care. Both jobs actually…He has always protected me, as older brothers do. He has guided me, offered me council when I didn’t know what to do, and single handedly ensured the Insomnia will prosper for the next thirty years.”
“I’ll have you know…” Noct began to step down the steps leading to Ignis, “He doesn’t want to be king. Even now he is loyal to me and would have me remain on the throne until I’m old and grey, despite the fact that it is his birthright to be where I am. Now, you’ll ask me, then why tell us? Why does it matter?”
“Lucis needs a king from the Lucian line to protect it’s borders. I can’t give you that, and I won’t subject any retainer to do what my father did.” He paused on the final step, “Instead, I am abdicating the throne to my brother Ignis Lucis Scientia.”
There is was. The people hummed excitedly at the news. You could feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up nervously as you scanned the crowd.
Noct stepped next to Ignis looking at him as an equal, “You all know him already. You know he is capable. You all know he has no other care then to see Insomnia prosper. I hope you will accept him as I have…”
You heard Ignis take in a sharp breath as Noctis took a step down from the level you were on before he dropped to one knee bowing his head. Soon Luna walked over to his side doing the same. Then Gladio and Prompto. Tor and Cor behind you, and soon the whole room. You had felt this before, back in Skyhold, and even that did not compare to the allegiance you felt in this place.
You squeezed his hand one final time before taking a small step back leaving him to the stage he needed stand on. You watched him taking in a deep breath before he raised his head, “Of all the things my father prepared me for, being king was not one of them. No Roderick Scientia, he raised me to be a man who worked for the king, at his side, with his people…”
He stepped forward offering his hand down to Noct and Luna as he spoke, “I would be a fool to change that now, despite having a crown.”
“Your majesty…” It was clear to you by the look on Noct’s face that this was not how it was planned.
He raised them both up to their feet before stepping past them looking out at the people, “I have given this a great deal of thought…I will wear the title king to protect these lands…as will my son, and his children, and so on and so on…I will teach this line of Lucis to be one with the people…not above it and we will work side by side with you as our former King Noctis has done so.”
“Traveling with you and watching you grow into the man you are was and still is my greatest honor and privilege.” Ignis turned to Noct smiling, “So, I hope you will stand by my side brother and work with me to make this city into a bright and brilliant star to shine in this world. Not as someone who is obligated to serve but as someone who would want to. As I wanted to be by your side.”
Noct smiled looking at Luna who beamed giving him a nod, “How do you say no to an offer like that?”
“I’m happy you see it my way…” He turned back to the crowd addressing them with confidence, “I know you have so many questions. I will answer them if I am able to…I cannot guarantee that nothing will change under my rule, but I can guarantee that my goals align with Noctis’. As he said we worked tirelessly to create a plan for Insomnia together. One that you all have already approved of.”
“I have taken the oath all the kings have before me.” He took a deep breath in taking a step forward to drive his point, “So let it be known now if the gods deem me unworthy…”
You felt your heart quicken as he pulled out the Ring of Lucis. He looked over to you giving you a nod and you felt yourself tense up. That ring made you feel uneasy. Like it was a curse. You wished he didn’t have to do this, but you knew there was no other way.
He turned away shutting his eyes he pushed the ring onto his middle finger. Brilliant light blinded you and you quickly covered Ulric’s eyes as you held your breath. Slowly the light began to fade and Ignis stood there his hand held out before him.
“Come to me…” His voice was a low whisper as he summoned forth the Sword of the Father. He took several large breaths as he held the sword in his hand. There could be no doubt to anyone that he was the heir to the throne.
Slowly the crowd erupted into thunderous applause. The rest of the ceremony was purely ceremonial. Passing of the crown…pictures…changing of the guard from one king to the other…more pictures…You found yourself felling dizzy again. You took in a deep breath turning to Tor, “I need to leave.”
He looked at you with concern nodding as he discreetly guided you out pressing his earpiece informing everyone of the change. As soon as you were out in the hall you handed Ulric to him before stepping away taking in several deep breaths.
“Ma’am…I think we should take you to the infirmary…” He watched you as you leaned against the wall. Ulric began to fuss pushing on Tor to get away.
You shook your head, “I’m alright…I think…I think it might be this dress. It just feels so…tight…”
You pulled at it trying to make it breath, but it didn’t seem to give. Finally, you felt hot bile rushing up your throat. You barely made it over to a planter before Tor started radioing for medical to come meet you in the hall.
It wasn’t long after they arrived that you saw Ignis rush out into the hall. You were finishing with Tor asking him to lay Ulric down for a nap before you saw him. You shook your head sitting on the windowsill drinking some water as they checked your blood pressure, “They shouldn’t have bothered you…go back, do what you need to do.”
“I am exactly where I need to be.” Ignis told you as he began rubbing you back in a soothing circular motion.
You looked up at him as the medic spoke, “Everything seems fine now, but I think you should see a doctor just in case. Get a full work up.”
“Of course…I��ll do that tomorrow and I’ll take it easy the rest of today.” You told them as they took their bag away packing it up, “I’m sure it’s just the dress.”
You looked up at Ignis as he let out a half laugh, “It’s not the dress…”
“Oh really?” You glared up at him, “If it’s not the dress…then what is it?”
He smiled at you before taking a seat once the medic moved away and he spoke softly, “You are…pregnant.”
You stared at him your mouth falling open and closing several times before you kept it shut looking away. You could feel his smile washing over you as you thought about it. Finally, you turned to him tearing up, “This is not how it’s supposed to work…I’m supposed to know, and you’re supposed to be the one surprised…”
His hands took your face wiping away the tears, “I have had my suspicions for a while…”
“Well…I didn’t…” You felt yourself getting more emotional by the moment, “What are we going to do?”
“I imagine there is some sort of guideline and announcement protocol…” He moved some loose hair behind your ear, “Let me worry about that. You just need to focus on you and Ellie…”
“Ellie…” You smiled at him, “What if it’s a boy?”
“Eli…” He smirked before he kissed you. You pushed him away, “What?”
“I just vomited and … it’s not really…” You paled a little.
“Oh dear…uh…” He stood up with you as you rushed once more to the planter, “Is this normal?”
“…uh…” You stood up slowly wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, “Yes…I’m assuming…I was in an airship for a majority of Ulric…”
“Well I can promise you two things…” He came to your side guiding you down the hall, “There will be no airships and I will be by your side the entire time.”
“I like the sound of that.” You smiled at him leaning into him, “I like the sound of that a lot.”
“At least one good thing happened today.” He sighed putting his arm around you, “I can remember all of it now with this news.”
“Don’t you need to alert the masses that you’ve gone missing?” You looked up to him.
“I have.” He looked down to you, “Gladio is informing everyone that I’m tending to the queen and will return once I’m done escorting you back to our room.”
“Already asserting yourself I see.” You took in a deep breath clearing your throat as another attack swelled on you.
“Oh my love…” He stopped you before scooping you up into his arms, “I am going to be so worried about you…”
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patandpran · 3 years
The Nuisance and the Handsome Prince - A Sarawatine Medieval AU - Chapter 21
Tine is an aspiring Squire who has been training his whole life to work alongside the Kingdom’s finest Knights. Sarawat is a Prince who, on the outside, seems fierce and unapproachable. He is disinterested in any of his royal duties, namely his Knight training. What happens when Tine is assigned to be the fierce and handsome prince’s Squire?
As the Moon hung high in the sky, the Queen watched the Ballroom descend into madness. Contrary to popular belief, she thrived in chaos and pulled out her own dagger that Sir Green had concealed in her dress. She kept it hidden behind her back as Phukong leapt from the platform. She needed to make sure that her Allies were where they were meant to be if they were going to succeed against the Head Knight.  
Fang quickly made her way across the ballroom to the Queen’s side, slinking through the crowd.  As soon as she got to the Queen she murmured, “We have the advantage of surprise, Your Highness.”
The Head Knight had been so surprised by his Son’s betrayal that the King had been able to escape into the middle of the ballroom. The crowd scattered to the outskirts of the room but because of the blocked doors, the members of the court were trapped amidst the fight, putting them in danger as most of them were weaponless.
“Fang, the doors.” The Queen ordered and Fang gave her a concerned look. “I will be fine. The People are our top priority, as always. Plus, you know I can handle myself. Go!”
Fang looked out into the crowd and caught Ohm and Sir Man’s eyes, as well as a few others loyal to the cause. She nodded toward the doors and they quickly revealed their concealed weapons before running toward the exits to take out the Guards blocking the way.
Sarawat had taken on as many Guards as he could manage and Mil was right on his heels. His goal was to reach the Head Knight but with so many members of the court in the way, the path was a difficult one. Sir Boss still had Tine in his grasp and when Sarawat noticed this he yelled out, “Mil! Free Tine!”
“Kind of occupied right now.” Mil muttered as he faced off against a large Guard.
Mil and Sarawat were back to back, both swords raised and using the training they had learned together. Thankfully, they were now a united front instead of working in opposition as they had been lately. When it came to fighting, the Bear and the Wolf were a force to be reckoned with.
“I’m not exactly a damsel in distress.” Tine cried out. “I can free myself, thank you very much!”
“Oh, can you?” Sir Boss asked, a dark amusement in his tone.
Tine struggled against Boss’s grasp to no avail but, a moment later, Boss collapsed to his knees and released Tine. From behind Boss, Lady Earn stepped out with a satisfied grin on her face. “I will try not to take offence to the fact that you said damsel in distress, Squire Tine.”
Tine had to keep his jaw from dropping open. “How did you…”
“Just a little trick I picked up in the library.” Lady Earn explained and revealed what appeared to be a quill with a dark liquid at the end. “Don’t worry, it’s not lethal but he will definitely be paralyzed for a few hours.”
Tine bowed his head in appreciation. “Thank you, Lady Earn. I apologize for making any comment that might suggest a woman is not capable of managing a fight.”
“Just don’t make the same mistake twice.” Lady Earn teased, dangling the quill in front of Tine’s nose threateningly.
“Tine, what a relief to see your handsome face again.” Sir Green appeared in front of them, his usually perfectly coiffed hair out of place. He seemed quite ruffled by the situation which, of course, was understandable.
Tine watched in fascination as Green reached into his cloak and pulled out the dagger that Tine’s father had given him. “I thought you might be wanting this back.”
Tine held the weapon in his hand and, within moments, he felt fully recharged. It was as if his Father had instilled some secret magic within the dagger to give Tine the push he needed to rise to the occasion, no matter how exhausted and terrified he felt.
Remember who you are.
“We will keep helping the members of the court to escape.” Sir Green explained, before gently pushing Tine into the crowd. “Go help the Prince.”
Tine followed Green’s order and as he ran toward Sarawat, he noticed that Fang had successfully defeated one of the Guards which meant one of the exits from the ballroom had been opened. A flood of people started to flee the scene so there was even more chaos to navigate.
It also made it much more difficult for Tine to reach his destination when he had to battle a sea of frenzied people on top of random Guards. A hand reached out to him and he grasped it, hoping that it belonged to someone he could trust.
“Good to see you again, Tine.” Sir Man greeted with a smile that seemed a bit out of place based on the dire situation they were in but for Man, it just made sense. “Any chance you could use a sword? I took one off of a Guard.”
Tine had always knows that Man was a skilled fighter but that the fact that he not only defeated but also disarmed a Guard that was likely much more experienced than him impressed Tine greatly. Tine nodded and Man passed him the sword as people continued to stream by them.
“Two doors open… that means we’ve still got two more to go.” Man surveyed the situation. “Fang and Ohm have that one covered. Shall we take on the other?”
As much as Tine wanted to get to Sarawat, he knew the present priority was to get people to safety. So, without thinking twice about it, he followed Man through the crowd. He was starting to understand why his brother had fallen for Man.
When they made it to the door, Man and Tine shared a look before charging with their swords raised at the Guards blocking the doors. Tine’s sword made contact with the Guard’s armour and the Goliath of a man shoved Tine back with a few feet with a simple push. This fight was going to harder than he had anticipated but Tine had quick thinking on his side.
Using the same method he had used the day of his Squire trial, Tine ducked down and dragged his sword along the floor of the ballroom and swept it toward the Guard’s feet. Due to his helmet, the Guard had a limited range of view so the contact swept his feet right out from under him. The Guard fell to the ground and Tine landed one booted foot down onto the Guard’s chest before driving the hilt of his sword onto the Guard’s head, rendering him unconscious.
Tine breathed out and looked over to Man. The Guard and Man had their swords locked together and were struggling against one another. Their strength seemed to be matched so Tine ran toward them to help in the effort. But, just as he was about to raise his sword, an arrow went whizzing through the air and made contact with the Guard’s shoulder.
Shocked by the development, Tine looked up to a window where Sir Chat was crouched, bow in hand, the moon lighting him from behind. Allies were everywhere, it seemed.
“Good work, Chat!” Man called up to marksman who simply nodded in response before returning to his work.
Tine and Man worked together to push another one of the doors open, freeing up another means of escape for the people trapped inside of the ballroom. It seemed like they had the upper hand for once.
Tine whirled around to see Fong, Fang and Ohm running toward him. As soon as they were close enough, Ohm crashed into Tine and enveloped his best friend in a tight hug. Tine couldn’t help but feel comforted by the contact.
“I don’t think Fong appreciates you hugging me like this.” Tine whispered to Ohm.
Fong rolled his eyes fondly before sandwiching himself between Ohm and Tine and commenting, “My two favourite people.”
“Enough of the nauseating adorableness.” Fang ordered and Ohm, Tine and Fang quickly untangled themselves. “We still have much to do if we’re going to stop the Head Knight. He still has most the Guard on his side and if we don’t act quickly, they’re going to overtake us. Spread out and disarm as many as you can or use other means to convince them to join us.
Tine breathed out and collected himself. This is what he had trained his whole life for: to defend the defenceless, to fight for justice and to take down those who want the world to continue on being unequal. Even if the system would not be entirely fixed if the Head Knight was removed from the playing field, it would be a step in the right direction.
“By the Moon!” Tine declared and raised his sword to demonstrated his allegiance to those inside and beyond the Castle Walls.
“By the Moon!” The rest of the Allies declared and quickly dispersed to fight for their cause.
Tine knew immediately where he was headed. He made his way to the centre of the Ballroom where Sarawat was fighting off a flurry of Guards as the Head Knight barked orders from afar. A few loyal Knights had gathered in front of the King to protect him from the Head Knight’s wrath and Tine saw that Fang had made her way back to the Queen on the throne platform.
The ballroom was slowly emptying of common folk which made it easier to tell who was on which side of the Fight. Tine go to the edge of a circle of Guards who were taking on Sarawat and Mil. Tine was somewhat torn about forgiving Mil so easily after the way he had attacked Sarawat so brutally and helped in his capture but Sarawat seemed to trust his friend with the world so Tine just had to have faith in Sarawat’s judgment. Plus, it was an undeniable fact that Mil and Sarawat fought well together.
The pair took down Guard after Guard but Mil seemed to be weakening slightly, likely due to the fact that he was still recovering from the injuries that the Prince had inflicted upon him. Mil wavered slightly but Tine charged forward and steadied the Lord. Mil looked at him with shocked eyes but that quickly changed to appreciation.
“I greatly misjudged you, Tine.” Mil expressed, wincing in pain as Tine helped him find his footing again. “I am sorry for that and while it doesn’t mean much, I know you understand the weight of a Father’s word. Even when they are in the wrong, it’s hard not to listen.”
The truth of Mil’s words rung true. If anyone understood devotion and family duty, Tine did. There was nothing more important to him than honouring his family and being true to who he was. Thanks to Mil’s condor, he now understood why Mil had so blindly followed his Father’s orders, despite how much chaos they caused. Mil had been trying to honour his family as well.
“Tine, get him out of here.” Sarawat ordered briskly. “He’s not fit for a fight.”
“I can handle it.” Mil gritted his teeth and tried to pull himself from Tine’s grasp with little success.
“Mil. You’ve done enough.”
Mil stilled in Tine’s arms as the younger Prince’s order hung in the air. Phukong held a sword in one hand and while he seemed to be holding it a bit awkwardly, the Prince had an air about him that made Mil swell with pride.
Phukong quickly ran toward Tine and Mil, slipping an arm under Mil. “Let’s take him to the platform. My mother and Fang will protect him.”
“Kong… I’m fine.” Mil protested. “Let me fight with Sarawat. I need to fight.”
“As the a member of the Royal Family, I forbid it.” Phukong practically growled. “That’s an order, Mil.”
Mil managed to let out a fond laugh which distracted him enough to get them on their way.  Tine and Phukong had to fight off a number of Guards as they made their way to the platform. All the while, Tine could hear the clanging of swords and the anguished cries of those who were become casualties of the Head Knight’s mutiny. Tine just hoped that Sarawat was not one of those fallen few.
As soon as they reached the edge of the platform, Chat appeared and helped Fang, Phukong and Tine bring Mil up onto the platform. Phukong leapt up after them and cradled Mil in his arms, looking worried as ever. Tine could see the love that the younger Prince had for the Lord and it reminded him of how he felt for Sarawat.
When the Queen saw Tine, he tore his gaze away from her immediately, scared of how she might look at him.The Queen knelt down and put one hand on the Squire’s chin, before whispering, “Go fight alongside my Son… that is where you belong.”
Without another word, the Queen rose to her full height and turned back toward Fang who seemed to be assessing Mil’s wound. While he did not exactly need the Queen’s approval, Tine was delighted to have it all the same.
“The Bear has awoken!” Ohm declared excitedly as he, Man and Fong ran over to where Tine was lingering.
“Hello to you too, Ohm.” Mil choked out, a tired smile on his lips.
“As much as I love a good reunion, we have a Kingdom to defend.” Fang blurted out, reminding them all that they were still in the midst of a battle. “Ohm, Man, Tine, and Chat…get out there. Fong, you will stay with us.”
They charged out again into the battle and when Tine spotted Sarawat, relief flooded him. He made his way toward Sarawat, wanting to honour the Queen’s words and fight alongside the Prince.
“Tine…” Sarawat paused momentarily and Tine quickly saw how exhausted the Prince was. “You’re here.”
“Of course.” Tine responded as if it was the simplest truth in the world. “I can’t exactly go against the Queen’s order, can I?”
Sarawat’s eyes lit up. “That means she approves.”
It was, of course, very diffiuclt to engage in a proper conversation when both people involved were also pre-occupied with weapons flying at them from every possible direction. Tine wasn’t quite sure he had heard Sarawat correctly but it was hardly the time to ask for clarification.
Just as quickly as they were united, Sarawat and Tine were separated again, lost in a sea of clashing iron. Crimson spattered the ballroom floor and gave Tine momentary pause. What did it have to come to this? Why couldn’t they settle things with words rather than bloodshed?
But, of course, his thinking cost him and when he refocused again, Tine saw someone running at him with full force, a sword that Tine noticed was his Father’s design in his grasp. The Head Knight.
Before Tine could even raise his sword, Sarawat stepped into his path and held his sword high, just as the Head Knight’s fell downward. The Prince struggled against the Head Knight’s brutal strength. Sarawat grit his teeth and yelled, “Tine. Run. Now.”
“I won’t leave you, Wat.” Tine objected, his words wavering as his nerves crumbled.
“Your Squire is quite devoted, isn’t he, Prince?” The Head Knight sneered, spit flying from his mouth as he and Sarawat’s swords struggled with one another. “Some might call your relationship… inappropriate in nature.”
“For someone who’s sense of love does not extend beyond himself, you have quite strong opinions on how others show it.” The Prince snapped at the Head Knight, his teeth bared, before turning his focus back to Tine and softly murmuring, “Tine. If you care about me at all, please, do as I say.”
Tine did not want to leave Sarawat’s side but he knew that he would be no more than a distraction if he remained in close proximity. He squeezed the Prince’s arm momentarily, hoping it was not the last time he would be able to touch Sarawat in such a way.
Once he moved away, Tine saw that the Queen’s Allies had taken down any Guards that had not been convinced to remain loyal to the Royal Family. It seemed that the Head Knight and Sarawat were the last two in battle and all the rest of them could do was watch and wait.
Unfortunately, though, someone else intervened. Tine watched in horror as Lord Mil leapt down from the platform, ran for the centre of the ballroom and used his own sword to disarm his Father. The action, however, caused Mil to collapse just as his Fathers sword clanged against the ballroom floor.
Sarawat immediately fell to his best friend’s side. Tine covered his mouth to quiet his gasp and noticed that Ohm had appeared beside him. Tine’s gaze darted from Tine and Sarawat to the Head Knight who was more still than Tine had ever seen him. The Head Knight seemed to be processing the image of his fallen son and the room was thick with silence.
“Mil, you’re going to be okay.” Sarawat murmured to his friend, taking Mil’s hand in his and cradling the Lord’s head.
“You are the rightful future King, not my Father.” Mil responded weakly. “It is my honour and duty to protect you, Your Highness. But, more importantly, it’s my honour to call you my friend.”
“It is my honour as well.” Sarawat agreed and tried to remain calm despite his friend’s worsening condition.
“You did this! You broke him and now you pretend to care for him.” The Head Knight hissed in accusation. “You’re the reason why he is lying there crumpled and defeated.”
Sarawat reeled back on the Knight. “You have pitted us against each other our entire lives. You created this. You orchestrated the insanity that made me hurt my best friend.”
“This is the problem with you Royals.” The Head Knight muttered as he circled Sarawat but the Prince turned his attention back to Mil which mean his back was to the Head Knight. “You never take responsibility for your own actions.”
“Father.” Mil wheezed through his pain. “Enough! Sarawat is my friend. I hurt him and he hurt me back. These actions were inspired by the hate and paranoia that you instilled in us. YOU must take responsibility for what you created.”
It was then that Tine saw where the Head Knight stood. The man quickly reached down and snatched up his sword. Without even a moment of hesitation, he closed the distance between him and the Prince.
Ohm held back Tine with all his might. The Squire wanted nothing more than to surge forward and seek the revenge that he had always dreamed about, especially considering the man he wanted dead was threatening the life of the man that he loved more than the Earth itself.
“Wat!” Tine cried out in agony and warning as the Head Knight raised his sword high in the air.
Suddenly, the King stepped in between the Head Knight and Sarawat. The Head Knight stilled mid-swing but his sword remained raised.
“Do not hurt my son.” The King bellowed, blocking the Prince from harm’s way.
An amused smirk appeared on the Head Knight’s face. And just like that, the Head Knight’s sword pierced through the King’s heart.
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chan-yolo · 4 years
Electric Kiss
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Pairing; Incubus!Yixing/ Reader
Genre: Princeau! angst, smut, slow burn, pining?
Word Count: 4585
Warnings:  Smut (it’s been so long since i’ve written a smut omg), touchy Yixing? blood, but like a drop. Demons. 
A/N:This fic is a part of an EXO collab! So excited to be a part of it, check out the 12 Days of Lust, masterlist for the other amazing fics! not quite sure if i did the Incubus thing right, but i think its okay for a first try haha I hope you like it!
Summary:  Professionalism was always something you prided yourself on, being the personal assistant to the Zhang family, you were at the top of your league. Until their son came back from Korea. The Prince was different, and he could sense your reluctance towards him. He thrived off of it. Dreams and nightmares become one and reality becomes disjointed. One kiss was all was needed. Obsession and submission was all you knew. Zhang Yixing was all you knew. 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  
Professionalism was always something you prided yourself on. You had been the personal assistant to the Zhang’s for a while, the King and Queen never leaving you far behind wherever they went. You seemed cold to other members of staff at the Palace, even the media had picked up on it. Though in your eyes you were only doing your job, and you were doing it better than anybody else. Being content as the King and Queen’s personal assistant, you  didn’t see anything changing anytime soon. That was until their son came back from Korea.
 You’d never met Yixing before, never knew why he was sent to Korea, you never cared to ask. It wasn’t in your job to know the personal reasons for the young Prince’s departure, nor did the King and Queen make it known. So, there was no need for you to ask.
 The Prince coming back was a celebration for everyone. The announcement was made a month before his arrival, though preparation were being made throughout the palace way beforehand. The members of the city were preparing themselves, getting the streets ready for his arrival. Flowers and banners decorated the streets, bringing colour and more life to the Kingdom. You had not met the Prince yourself, you had only seen pictures and paintings of him in the palace. His mother and father speaking of him fondly in conversations with friends and neighbouring Royals. What you didn’t expect was for his arrival to impact your life in a way you didn’t ask for. 
The eve before his arrival, the King and Queen asked to speak to you about a change in duties. You had thought it would be just a slight change, maybe more paperwork now that their son was returning. But that was far from what they had in store for you.
 “Ah Miss Y/L/N, I’m glad you could make it, five minutes early as usual.” The King looked up at the clock behind him, used to you being exactly five minutes on time for every meeting. Bowing at them both, you gave a polite smile waiting for what was to be said. 
“As you know, our son is coming back to us tomorrow, and with that, there will be some slight changes with the priority of our staff.” At this point you were wondering whether you would have to fire someone, not always your most favourite job, but what will be, will be.
 “Yixing is quite out of practice with the ways of this kingdom, he’s been gone for so long that we worry that his direction would be out of sorts.” Shuffling some papers, the King nodded to himself at his choice of words. “We need our most trusted staff around him, to settle him back in, so to speak.” Hands behind your back, you nodded along even though you were unaware of the direction. 
“Y/n dear, we have placed you as our son’s personal advisor.” The Queen spoke up, yet you could not hide the shock on your face. “We know its sudden, our apologies for the lack of preparation. But there is no one else in this Kingdom we trust with our son other than ourselves.” 
“It won’t be long of course, just until he is settled and we can find someone just as good to assist him. You have been a godsend to us, and we couldn’t afford to give you away for too long.” The king smiled at you, the warmth I his tone settling your shock lightly.
 After the details were finalised, with a time of 10am as his arrival, you were sent back to your private quarters on the grounds to ready through the documents given to you about your newly assigned job. As you slumped into the plush chair by your desk, you eyed the documents with disdain, wondering why it had to be you. But you were a professional. You could handle this, couldn’t you?
 * * *
Yixing was late. It was now 10:30, yet the Kingdom was still abuzz. You on the other hand, were angry. As a believer in being punctual, you didn’t appreciate the lateness, yet this was the Prince, and if he was late then that was the way it would be. Waiting in the foyer of the palace, you checked your watch, hoping that he wouldn’t make his parents and his people wait any longer. 
Trumpets and a band from the Kingdom started playing, notifying you of the Prince’s arrival. Brushing down the non-existent lint from your blazer. Poised and ready, you were waiting just behind the King and Queen, eyes locked on the door for the allusive Prince
.As soon as he walked through the door, you could hear the gasps from the female staff behind you, resisting the urge to roll your eyes at the unprofessionalism. Yixing strode towards his parents, dressed in a black suit you thought was quite simple for a Prince, though it certainly did something for the girls behind you. 
.Yixing bowed to his parents, greeting them politely. You could sense the happiness of his arrival from the staff surrounding you, most of them familiar with the Prince, having met him before. Though as this was your first time seeing him, you couldn’t help but judge on your first impression. It was only human nature. Respecting that he was widely loved by the people around him, being the only so and heir to the throne, you wanted to think that he was as good as the current King and Queen. But something about him unsettled you, as polite as he was to his Mother and Father, you could tell there was something else about him. something that was unlike anything you’d seen  before, the anonymity of that something made the pit of your stomach swirl. As Yixing looked up to meet your wondering eyes, you sensed he knew your thoughts, making the feeling even worse. 
* * *
Sitting I the royal conference room, the higher-ranking members of staff were introduced to Yixing, some he knew and some he didn’t. As each member left to continue their duties, you were left to last.
“This is Y/n y/l/n, she has been are personal advisor for a while now, and we trust her wholeheartedly. This is why we have decided she would be the best person for you to have by your side whilst you’re here with us.” The Queen introduced you.
“Welcome back Prince Zhang, I look forward to being of assistance.” You bowed to him, straightening to see a smile on his face.
“I look forward to receiving your assistance.” Yixing raised his eyebrow at you, you bowed again, not quite sure if this was the best decision, though it was asked of you, and you would never deny your King and Queen.
* * *
The first few days of working with the Prince consisted of familiarising him with the Kingdom, which meant a lot of public appearances I nearby establishments, hospitals and schools. Meaning you hadn’t been alone with him, which you were happy for as you still didn’t quite trust his character.
Though today you were to stay with him as he worked through documents and his dealings from his stay in Korea.
His study was a deep blue, velvet lining the walls and the furniture. You felt like you had been in this room for hours, looking at the moon through the window, it must have been at least three hours since you had come to the room. Looking over your own paper work, marking meetings and benefits Yixing was to attend in the coming weeks, you couldn’t help but feel tired, hoping to be dismissed for the night. Though the order never came.
You lost yourself in your own world, trying to get as much done as possible. In your peripheral your saw movement, thinking it was just the Prince picking up another book, you took no notice. Until a hand was placed down on the desk beside you. Your eyes trailed up the arm until you were met face to face with Yixing himself. Frankly too close to comfort for your liking.
“It’s getting late.” He looked down at you, his intense gaze piercing through your own eyes. “surely all these numbers and names get pretty tiring after a while, do you ever take a break?” He moved the papers out of the way, his fingertips tracing your wrist before trailing their way up your bare arm, to the edge of your shirt, teasing your collar.
“Your Highness, this is a bit intimate for our professional relationship.” You turned your head so not to take notice of his ministrations.
“You’re very tense.” His voice was low, almost a whisper.
“Considering the situation your Highness, I’m not surprised. We should really call it a night, we have a brunch with the Mayor at 10.” You moved away from him, stacking your papers together into a folder before shuffling your seat back and making your way to say your goodbyes.
“I’ll call someone to set your room for the night, I shall see you in the morning Prince Zhang.” Your turned around to bow, but before you could, you were pushed into the bookcase beside the door, making you let out a gasp, dropping your folder on the floor.  
“Don’t you want to stay for a bit? I’m quite tired yet.” Yixing’s wandering hands made their way back to your collar, sneaking under the fabric to graze your collar bone, before trailing down to take place on your waist.
“I don’t think that my company is needed anymore.” You could feel your legs shaking, never having been in this situation before, especially at work.
“Miss y/l/n, I think my Father may have put you here to tempt me, I think your company would be a lovely late-night treat.” You were speechless. Obviously the Prince had taken your position the wrong way, yet his eyes were holding you there, the feeling in your stomach from the first day coming back.
“The night itself can be very tempting. Don’t you agree?” Yixing moved closer to you, did you consent this? If you nodded then you didn’t remember the action. His lips were just a hair’s breadth away from your own, but you couldn’t move, couldn’t stop looking. Your mind was fighting with your body for control.
Soft. That’s what you thought when his lips pressed against your own. You should’ve been thinking about how wrong this was, yet it was as if you had left your own body. His tongue met your own, deepening the kiss for a fraction of a second before he pulled away from you completely. Setting you free.
“You’re right, it is getting late. Maybe you should go get some sleep.” Yixing had moved back to his desk, his eyes no longer on you, but looking back down to his papers. To say you were beyond confused was an understatement. Had that really happened? Maybe you imagined it all, after all you were tired. Picking up your folder, you hurriedly made your way out of the room trying to get back to your little home as quickly as possible.
As you settled for sleep, you grazed your own lips where you were sure Yixing’s had been only moments ago. But was it real? You’d never fantasized about someone you’d worked for before yet there was no way that could’ve been real, these things didn’t happen to you. Downing some water and some pain killers for the migraine you was sure was coming, you settled into sleep, hoping for some solace in your dreams.
* * *
Sleep didn’t come peacefully. Your dreams were senseless and dark, your dream self taking you to dark rooms you’d never seen before. Until you stumbled into one room, one that was eerily familiar to you. The smell of books and a candle burning filled your senses. The blue velvet confirming that this was indeed Yixing’s study.
“Hello?” You called out, not expecting an answer.
“I didn’t think you would be here to see me so soon Y/N.” Yixing emerged from behind you, two drinks in hand. “Take a seat.” Instantly you sat down on a sofa, you were pretty sure you had never seen before.
“I’m a little surprised that you’re here tonight, I thought you would hold off for a couple of nights, you’re quite stubborn you know?. Yet here you are.” Yixing sat beside you, sipping his whisky, intense eyes on you once again.
“Your Highness, I don’t quite understand.”
“No need to be so formal with me angel, call me Yixing.” His smirk was daring, you’d neve called him by his first name, was never allowed to, it was too personal. Yet here he was tempting it.
“Why so shy?” Placing his whisky down, his thigh met your own bare one, to your surprise. Squeezing at your flesh, his fingertips, oh so familiar to you, started trailing again. “No need to be so tense now darling, it’s just us two here, us and the demons in your closet.” He teased, fingers pushing up your skirt.
“Prince Zhang, this isn’t right.” Your eyes watched his hand.
“What did I say about formalities?” His face was once again close to your own, his lips grazing your own as he leant into you. “Say it, say my name, it’s all I need.” Closing your eyes, you could feel him, his fingers digging into your thigh, his nose brushing yours as his soft lips teased your own.
“Yixing.” One whisper was all it took and he was on you, his lips no longer soft but demanding, he took your breath away. Needy and possessive, his tongue searched for your own, yet this time he didn’t pull away. Deeper and deeper, you got lost in him, as if  you were giving apart of yourself to him. Yixing bit down on your bottom lip, eliciting a moan from you. Hissing you could feel the cut there, stinging as he licked at the small trickle of blood.
“You taste amazing.” Squeezing your thigh once again, he kissed you one last time before whispering in your ear. “I’ll see you next time.”
With that, your body shot up in bed. Gasping for breath, you coughed. Feeling as if someone had dunked you in water. Your lip was throbbing, making you rush to your bathroom. Lo and behold there was a cut, right where your dream self had experienced the bite.
“What the fuck…” needless to say, sleep didn’t meet you again that night. As you watched the sunrise, you wondered what had happened to you, what had possessed you last night?
You had been sitting in the palace kitchens for a while. Sipping your forth cup of coffee, you waited for the announcement that the Prince was ready to be collected. Though, to your surprise, he walked straight into the kitchen himself, pouring a cup of coffee and sitting across from you at the counter?
“Late night miss Y/l/n/?” Again with that eyebrow raise.
“No your Highness, just an early morning.” You bowed your head at him.
“Didn’t I tell you to call me Yixing?” You snapped your head up at him, incredulous to his statement. “Now, we have a brunch to get to yes?”
Throughout the day you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him. you still had an uneasy feeling about him, yet there was something more about him, you needed to find out what it was, and why it made you want to give more than was necessary to him. you had been quiet, not at all like yourself. This made you receive more than one questioning glance from your colleagues.
The ride back to the palace was stone cold silence, the partition in the car separating you from the driver, Yixing stared down at his phone, ignoring your presence.
“Your Highness, I think we should discuss what happened yesterday.” Your voice was meek, unsure whether addressing the issue was right.
“And what would that be?” He continued to type on his phone.
“Please excuse me for speaking out of turn your Highness, but I don’t think that kiss yesterday was very appropriate of you, and I would like for it to not happen again.“ Turning to him, you were hoping for his attention, an apology maybe. Yet what you got was not what you were expecting.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Y/n. there was no kiss yesterday. Maybe it was a dream or the amount of caffeine you have consumed today.” Finally turning to you, his eye grazed your slightly dishevelled form. “Maybe you should go home once we get back Angel, have an early night.”
“You have a dinner with your family…” Your mouth was dry, mind reeling from the pet name he had just spoken. The name fresh in you mind from your dream.
“Will you be dressing me, or undressing me miss Y/l/n?” You nearly choked on your gasp, confused and speechless by this man’s words. Sensing you were not going to answer, Yixing carried on.
“No? well such a pity, you’re dismissed for the evening. Please rest up, we have some busy days ahead of us.” Upon Yixing’s request, you were dropped off at your quarters, left with a goodnight before the drove off. Out of sorts, you stumbled to open the door. Once in, you dropped your stuff by the door, moving to make some ramen and pour a glass of wine. Sighing you massaged your temple, confused and clutching to determine what was real and what was fake. Sipping your wine you slumped against your counter.
“Maybe I do need an early night.” You spoke to the air. Inhaling your ramen, you readied your things for the morning before downing the rest of your wine and heading to bed. Sleep came to you quicker than the night before, praying you would not be disturbed until your alarm in the morning. For a few hours that was the case, but we don’t get everything we want, do we?
Your dream started out pleasant, just a boring dream, with no meaning. Until your dream self found herself in your house. Looking into the kitchen an empty wine glass was left on the side. You were sure you cleaned that up. Trailing into your room, the smell of smoke met your nose, as if someone had just blown out a candle. Turning on your lamp, you were shocked to once again find Yixing, back against your headboard, wine glass in hand.
“You know, you really shouldn’t drink on a school night.” He took another sip of the bitter substance, before placing it on your bead side table.
“I’m a grown woman, one drink doesn’t hurt Yixing.” You were surprised at your tone, but this was dream right? formalities weren’t needed.
“You sure are, aren’t you?” It wasn’t a question, but a statement. “Come here.” Without any sense of hesitation, you walked towards him, meeting him at the side of your bed. “Sit.” You kneeled on the bed beside him, awaiting his next order. As if dissatisfied with your position, he moved you himself, directly into his lap. “That’s better right?” Nodding, you didn’t dare to speak, unsure where this was  going, but not feeling the need to stop. Reaching over, Yixing picked up the wine glass, holding it to your lips.
“Drink.” Again you obeyed. Eyes not disconnecting from his as he watched you finish the glass. “Good girl,” Placing the glass back, Yixing pushed your hair away from your face.
“I’m going to need you to continue to be good for me, can you do that? Will you do what I want?” Nodding you agreed, still not speaking.
“I’m going to need you to use your words, you need to tell me you will do it.?
“Yes Yixing, I will do anything you want.” Smiling, he caressed your cheek, leaving a kiss on your lips. “Good girl.” Flipping the too of you over, he settled you into the bed. His fingers once again met your bare thigh, trailing higher and faster from the night before until they settled under your underwear, moving through the slickness behind them.
“This is what you wanted right/ this is  what you need to make the tension go away?” His fingers never stopped teasing, dipping in and out of your hole to tempt you. “Tell me you need it.” Closing your eyes you nodded.
“Yes,  please. I need it Yixing.” That was all he needed to slowly start working you open, stretching you on his fingers.
“I can feel your desire every day. Why do you push it down? Why do you never let yourself go? Were you just here waiting for me to take it? So easy.” You didn’t pay attention to his words, only to the feel of his finger inside you. Moving his mouth to your, his breath was hot, his body hard against your own.
“Tell me, you were here waiting for me to take you, weren’t you?” You agreed breathlessly, Yixing’s mouth once again hot and hard on yours. With every kiss he stole, it felt as if your soul was going along with it.
Ripping your skirt apart, Yixing spread your legs, looking down at his fingers moving in and out with you at a fast pace.
“I hope you’re ready for a long night, because there will be no going back after this angel.” Unbuckling his belt with one hand, Yixing pulled his jeans off, rubbing over his bulge. “You’re mine now.”
The next morning you awoke in a cold sweat, kicking your sheets off, you frantically looked around you, a knocking could be heard from your front door. Pulling on  jumper you opened the door to see an assistant there with a letter in her hand.
“Hello Y/n, I came here to tell you, you are not needed at the palace for a couple of days. The Prince has taken leave into the neighbouring Kingdom with the King.”
“Without me?”
“This particular trip is just for the King and his son, so you finally get a break. Here are the change of schedules for the Prince.” Thanking them you made your way into the kitchen, boiling the kettle for some tea.
Reading the letters, you saw that the Prince would be going back to Korea sooner than planned. Next week to be precise. You weren’t sure why, but you were sad and deflated at the fact. You knew it was unprofessional of you and that the dreams were accountable, but a sense of panic washed over you at his looming departure.
Running your hands through your hair, you decided to call your best friend, maybe she would help you make heads or tails of the situation.
“Hey, Jade?”
“What’s up workaholic? I haven’t heard from you in so long!” Her light-hearted tone made your tension dissipate slightly, she always helped you that way.
“Something happened with work and I need you to talk me out of my head.” You chuckled, sipping your tea.
“Okay, shoot, wait are you allowed to talk about this?”
“Well it’s not work directly, just something with me. I think.” Her pause signalled for you to carry on. “Well, recently I’ve been having these dreams, sex dreams…”
“We all have those, you shouldn’t be worried b.”
“I know, I know, but this is about my boss.”
“EW! The King?” Your friend asked in disgust.
“No, no you buffoon! Gross. His son.” You chewed your lip, laughing at her reaction.
“Ohhh. I’m not surprised. He’s so hot.”
“That’s so unlike me though, and its as if he knows I’m having these dreams. Like  he called me angel in my dream, then the next day called me the same thing.”
“Maybe he’s a sex demon.” You friend joked with you on the other end.
“A what now?” Your brow creased.
“A sex demon, like an Incubus.”
“I thought they were female/” You questioned.
“Nah that’s a succubus. Incubus is their male counterpart.”
“You gotta be kidding me.” You laughed at her.
“hey! I’m trying to help, you’re the one who’s sexually deprived!” After another hour on the phone, you decided you were overreacting and a nap was needed. Though you couldn’t help looking up Incubus, laughing at your friend’s suggestion. The nap was dreamless, as if you were on standby. When you woke up you couldn’t help but feel angry, sad and needy for Yixing’s touch even if it was in a dream world. All you  knew was this wasn’t normal.
The few days Yixing was gone, your dreams never ceased to be filled with the man. Though everyday you needed more, being far from him seemed to leave you exhausted and you couldn’t take it anymore. You were going insane.
10am, knocking could be heard again. Lethargically you moved to the door, thinking it was another letter. What you didn’t expect was Yixing, a day early.
“Come with me.”
“Sorry, what?”
“You need to come with me, put your shoes on.” Pulling some trainers on , you flowed Yixing to the Palace, he was emotionless, and you wondered what had happened. You wanted to touch him, ask him what he needed. But you couldn’t. Not in this setting.
You followed Yixing all the way to The King and Queen’s study, where they both sat behind their desk.
“Here they are. Sorry to pull you away from you break, but we have some things to settle. Yixing here, as you have been informed, will be going back to Korea, and he seems to think you would want to continue your position and go with him. we told him you value your job here, but he is persistent.” The King was light-hearted, yet you were shocked with Yixing’s want to take you with him. Looking over at the Prince, his gaze was on you again, waiting for your confirmation.
“Yes. I will go with you. Whatever you need your Highness.” You bowed at the Prince before looking to the shocked faces in front of you.
“I guess it’s settled. You shall stay with our son, we will get your things packed and sent over.” You nodded to the King, following the Prince out of the room. Just like the first time, you were pushed against the wall. Yixing didn’t care for any wandering eyes that could be around, and quite frankly you were just happy he was touching you.
“I told you, you’re mine. There’s no going back angel. Anything I need you will do and now there will be no leaving me. Not until I’m done with you.”
All you could do was agree as you let him kiss you. You would agree until he no longer asked of you. Professionalism out the window, Yixing was now the man you served. Obsession easily overcame you, and you would give every bit of your life to this man if he would ask. And he planned on taking it bit by bit.
What you didn’t notice was that the demon I your closet was now the man that held you in his arms. And you had just given your life to him.
You would never be coming back to the Kingdom. The King and Queen knew that. Yixing knew that. And maybe you knew that too. Zhang Yixing was all that mattered and you vowed to serve him until your very last breath.
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ruthoakenshield · 3 years
Thorin and the Gem Carver (part 16)
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You wake up and feel something cold against your back. You moan softly and feel strong broad hands slide under you and lift you just enough for the cold item to be removed. Then you are gently laid back down. Opening your eyes, you see Dwalin there with Oin beside him holding a bundle that is now dripping a bit.
You yawn and stretch, wincing at the ache in your back. “What time is it?” you ask. Dwalin chuckles and tells you it’s supper time. You sigh and look around. “Where is Adad and Thorin?” you ask, puzzled why they weren’t there.
Dwalin chuckles. “It’s gonna be funny hearing you call my big brother that for a while, Lass.” He tells you. “Thorin had some business he needed to tend to, then called for Balin to come meet him to discuss some things. I’m sure they’ll come see you after supper.” He says.
“Oh.” You say a little disappointed. You hear movement and see your Aunt Julia approaching the bed. “Hi, Sweetheart. Heard you had an eventful time after lunch.” She tells you. You nod, “I moved my legs a little with Kili and Fili helping hold me up!” you tell her, but now I am stuck in this bed for Mahal only knows how long.” You pout.
“I wish I wouldn’t have overheard you and Uncle planning on marrying me off to some rich dwarf!” you pout. “I never would’ve run into Mirkwood and wouldn’t have fallen and gotten hurt like this.” You grumble.
You don’t see the hurt flash across your Aunt’s face, but Dwalin does. “Hey now, that’s being a bit harsh, Jade.” He tells you. “Had you not heard them, we might not have been able to do something about the arranged marriage problem, and then you and Thorin would’ve both been stuck in unhappy marriages to other dwarves and would not have been able to be together.” He reminds you. “I know it’s been hard fer ya lass. But there’s been a lot of good things that have happened because of what you did!” he reminds you. “Mahal allowed this to happen for a reason, Sweetheart. Sometimes we have to have pain to grow as dwarrow and it’s a part of life. Painful times help us appreciate the good times even more. It helps to remind us of our blessings we have been granted from our creator.” He explains.
You sigh and tears trickle down your cheeks. He sighs and sits on the other side of the bed from your Aunt. “I know it’s frustratin’ fer ya lass. Being bed ridden is no fun for anyone. You should’ve seen what a grumpy bear Thorin was! Oin threatened to tie him to the bed if he didn’t lie still and do as he was told!” he tells you making you giggle picturing Thorin being bed ridden and Oin threatening to do that.
Oin comes over and says, “And don’t think I won’t do the same to you, little missy! You may be the future Queen of Erebor, but you’ll still do as I say if you want your happy ever after and be walking and carving again!” he tells you teasingly. You smile until you hear him say that then your face falls.
“What’s wrong, Sweetheart?” Julia asks seeing your sudden upset. “I don’t know if I want that title. I’m no queen. I’m no princess, I’m just a lowly cripple who can’t do anything for herself. What good is a crippled queen to such a kingdom as this?” You say quietly. “Why does Thorin even bother with me? I’m of no value to anyone.” You mumble, wishing you could just run away and hide or go back to Rohan and be with Eowyn.
Julia sighs quietly. “Honey, you’re of great value to me. Bunnanunê (My tiny treasure), you are all I have left of my beloved nadad (brother). I don’t know if you remember how close he and I were when you visited Rohan as a little girl with him. He was extremely upset with our Adad for arranging me into the marriage I was put into, especially when he found out my One was a soldier in Thror’s army. He tried for years to get Thror to annul my marriage to your Uncle so Rin and I could be together. It was at that time, and I suppose still is, very rare to find your One. Some, like Balin and Dwalin, wait an entire lifetime and never find them, others wait for half their life, like Thorin has and if they are lucky, they find him or her.
My One died after we found each other and were told we could not be together because of my arranged marriage. Thror had gone mad with the Gold Sickness and refused to change the law and allow us to be together. Rin died defending this mountain from Smaug. Sometimes I feel my One’s presence when I walk past the place where they say he died. Finding your One is a very special thing, Sweetheart and is never taken lightly. Because you heard your Uncle’s plans, and had the courage to do what I did not, you not only escaped the same fate as me, but your decision allowed Thorin to make the Edict that freed us all from those horrible arrangements! Not only us, but all future dwarrow, including your own!
I am very proud of you my nadadnathith (brother’s daughter). You are far braver than I am, and your Father would’ve been very proud of the nathithuh zê (first Daughter) he had worked so hard to raise from the time you were born until his death. He loved you more than anything. I am told the last thing he begged of Dis’ sons before he died, was that they watched over you and kept you safe. Even with his dying breath, his thoughts were only of you, Sweetheart!” she tells you with tears in her eyes.
You listen to her words and cry. “Oh, adadnamad (Father’s sister /Aunt), why is this all happening to me though?!?” you squeak out. “I don’t know, Sweetheart. All I know is that you are incredibly special and blessed by Mahal. I am told that there is no other record of a dwarf being born with white hair like yours, and that you were born the exact moment this mountain was lost to the dragon. The mountain pulses happily whenever you touch it’s stone. I felt it when you caressed the carving on the walls the one day when we went to eat in the dining hall. The mountain loves you and is happy you are here.” She tells you.
You’re quiet for a while and just play with your Aunt’s fingers and rings. “I still don’t understand why Thorin dotes on me so and why he wants to court me. I’m not fit to be a queen.” You say quietly.
Dwalin chuckles. “Gehyith (little Dove), Thorin has waited a very long time for you. He is excited he has FINALLY found you and he doesn’t see you as broken or a cripple. He sees you for the beautiful, spunky, teasing, little spitfire that you are. You have kept him on his toes trying to catch you just to be able to talk to you, and only caught you because of your tumble down the ravine. Though, I’m sure he never would’ve stopped pursuing you once he saw you in the market the day you arrived. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you until Kili finally yanked on his shirt to get his attention. When he turned back from talking to Kili, you were fleeing down the street!” he says with a chuckle. He insisted we follow you despite him having a council meeting he was supposed to be at that afternoon. He chose you over his duty as king in that moment. He was intent on finding out who you were and wanted to talk with you so badly. He knew from the moment he saw you that you were his One, Sweetheart, and he was determined to meet you and beg you to join us in the mountain and be his.
Lass he loves you with a passion and dedication he has shown for little else except keeping our people safe during exile, seeing that they were provided for and had a place to live temporarily until we could reclaim this, and the quest itself.” He says gesturing to the mountain.
You are his One and he will never stop loving you nor will he stop pursuing you. You will always be on his mind and in his heart. He is stubborn and can be pigheaded and has a temper, but he will never lay a hand on you to hurt you intentionally. You are his world now. Every decision he has had to make since finding you was always made with consideration for you.”
Dwalin chuckles and tells you, “You should have heard him thundering at the council the day after the announcement of that edict was made! It silenced them when they heard your Uncle’s plans to sell you to the highest bidder. Thorin bellowed at them, “MY ONE! MY ONE being SOLD like a slave?!? Is that what you wanted?!? YOUR FUTURE QUEEN, being sold to the highest bidder!!! Is that what YOU want?” Dwalin says mimicking Thorin, and making you giggle.
“Honey, he will do anything he possibly can to make you happy and comfortable, but your safety is his top priority especially right now. Honey, he would give his life to keep you safe, and he wishes he could take this pain from you and endure it for you.
This mountain was not built to be friendly for those who can not walk. There are too many stairs and narrow walkways to be using the wheeled chair with you in it to navigate it’s passages and hallways. That is why he is so concerned that you do exactly as you are told so you can walk on your own again.
He wants you to be able to explore and see all of the kingdom that he hopes you will want to rule with him at your side. He is eager to show you his favourite places, but he can’t until you are able to walk. That is why he insists you follow Lord Elrond’s and Oin’s orders. Because if you do not, and are never able to walk, then someone will have to carry you all the time. I don’t think you want that any more than we do. Though we don’t mind carrying you, right now as you recover.
If you want your independence back, then you have to be willing to do as you’re told for a little longer, Sweetheart.” Dwalin tells you as he reaches over and dries your tears. “I wish you could see how worried Thorin has been for you. It has been hard for him to see you so banged up, Jade. You are not the only one hating this cage. When you are deemed fully recovered, I’m sure a huge party will be thrown to celebrate it.” he says mischievously. My brother has been itching to dance with his new Nâthuê kurdu (daughter of his heart). Dwalin tells you with a wink and a twinkle in his eye. “Now, how about some supper? Are you hungry now that you slept all afternoon?” he teases.
You chuckle and nod. Oin gives you some options to eat and you tell him your choices, he goes to the wall, pulls on a cord and a few minutes later, a maid appears. He tells her to bring food for you and tells her what you want, then instructs her to bring food for himself, Dwalin and Julia as well. She nods and heads off to the kitchens. Oin goes and tells one of the guards to let Dis know that Julia and Dwalin and himself will be taking supper in your room for tonight. He nods and goes to find Dis.
Then Oin returns to your room. “Here, we can prop you up, but only a little bit, just enough for you to be able to eat and drink, then you’ll have to lie back down once your stomach settles.” He tells you. Dwalin and Julia help him prop you up into a more reclined position.
While you wait for the food to arrive, Julia tells you about the project she is helping Ori with and you listen, and are excited for her. She shows you one of the beginning readers he is lending her, and she reads a bit from it for you. You tell her you are proud of her for learning to read and for helping Ori. You ask her if she likes working in the library and she nods. Ori says I’m on my way to becoming a fine lib…lib... Dwalin, what’s the word he used?” she asks. “Librarian.” He says with a chuckle. “That’s what they are called in the world of men, apparently. And Ori liked the sound of it.” he chuckles.
A knock on the door gets everyone’s attention and Oin goes to see who it is. Bombur is standing there with a tray of food. Behind him are his two young daughters talking excitedly about the toys the King bought for them. They come in and ask where to put the trays. The youngest of the girls, comes up to Dwalin and looks up at him as he stands, towering over her, and looks down at her. You chuckle since she only reaches about mid-thigh on him. “Hi Dwal!” she chirps.
Dwalin tries to keep his neutral face but he can’t with her for some reason. He cracks a smile and says, “Hi pebble. Did ya bring us some supper?” “MmmmHmm. Here!” she says trying to lift it up for him. He chuckles and takes it from her and sets it at the foot of your bed.
He then grins and swoops down and picks her up, tickling her and making her giggle and squeal. “NOOOooooo don’t tickle! Hahahahahhahahaha!” She shrieks.” He laughs and holds her above his head. “And what will you do, little pebble, if I keep tickling you?” he asks tickling her again, then stops to let her answer, still holding her high above him. “I’ll tell Daddy on you and you won’t get fed for a week!” she shrieks as she shakes her tiny finger in his face.
He and Bombur laugh and Dwalin sets her down on the floor again. “Well now, we can’t be having that, now can we?” he says pretending to be all serious and folds his arms across his massive chest and frowns at her.
She matches his frown and grumpy face and crosses her little arms across her tiny chest like he has. “No, so you better be good and no more tickling!” she scolds shaking her finger at him again and puts her little hands on her chubby little hips.
Dwalin chuckles and says, “Fine, little pebble, no more tickling…for now. Thank you for bringing my supper with your Adad and Namad. (Father and Sister).” He tells her. She nods, hugs his leg and then trots back to her family. They chuckle and head out back to the kitchens.
Everyone has been trying to stifle their laughs lets them out after they hear the second set of doors close as Oin shuts the door to the room. “How old was she?” you ask chuckling as Dwalin sits on the end of the bed and starts to eat his supper. “Ten, I think. Her older sister is what, 14?” he asks Oin. Oin just laughs, “Something like that. I’ve lost count. Bombur has a prolific wife and quite the brood.” He chuckles.
You giggle. Julia helps you eat your supper as she munches on hers. “How long are dwarrowdams pregnant for, Oin?” you ask. “Three years, Lass.” He replies. You look at him shocked. “WHAT?!? Did you just say THREE YEARS?!?” you exclaim. He laughs. “Yes, Lass. I suppose that surprises you since you lived with other races for so long.” He says. You nod. “Humans are only preggo for like 9 months!!!” you exclaim. Dwalin about chokes. “Wait, What? Nine MONTHS?” You laugh and nod. “Um yeah. Though, I suppose they grow and age much faster than we do. I would’ve thought Bombur’s little one was like five or six! That’s about how old a human child looks and behaves at that age. A 10 year old is MUCH taller and talks more like an adult.” You tell them.
“Aye Lass. Humans age much faster than we do. It always throws us when we see Bard’s children because they have grown up so fast in the short amount of time we’ve known them. When we first met them, little Tilda was shorter than Thorin but now they are eye to eye. And Bain is now Taller than Thorin and almost the same height as Bard!” Oin says with a laugh.
“I miss Tilda and Sigrid. They were fun to talk to. Tilda was fascinated with my hair and my braided bun that I had my hair in when I met them. I gave them some of the hair pins that she had been admiring in my hair as a thank you for their help.” You say sadly.
“Honey, we can invite them to come and see you here.” Your Aunt tells you, “Since we will have to postpone our trip to Dale for a  while longer, I can send someone to inquire about if their Father will let them come see you this upcoming week.” She tells you. You smile and nod.
Once you finish your meal, Oin lets you lay reclined for about an hour to settle your stomach. Just as he got you laying back down, there is a knock on the door, and it opens. Balin peeks around the door and asks if they can enter. You nod and he opens the door and they both walk in. “We missed you at supper.” Thorin says. “How are you feeling?” he asks.
“Alright. Frustrated that I am stuck back in this bed, and can’t sit. Oin says I have to lay on my back or my side.” You say dejectedly. “I know, Gehyith, (little Dove) I remember how frustrating it is to be stuck like that. Oin threatened to tie me to my bed if I didn’t stop trying to get up and escape.” He says with a smirk.
“But you must listen to Oin and Elrond’s wishes, Gehyith. I saw Yavanna and Mahal again when I went to the heart of the mountain to think and try to put my feelings and thoughts into words. We talked and Mahal explained why you are having so much trouble. He said the spot where your spine is injured is weak, like a crack in a stone foundation. If it is not fixed and reinforced, it will continue to be weak and cause problems for the foundation. He said once Lord Elrond comes and heals whatever is causing the nerves to not be able to work properly, that Mahal himself will come and visit you and will fix the weak spot permanently and reinforce it so it will be as it was before you fell. He promised me it will no longer hinder your recovery after that.
He also said to give you this.” He says. “It is a gift from me, which he saw and blessed. There are a couple notes inside it from the wise old woman who made the book, and a message from Mahal and Yavanna themselves for you. He says gently sitting it on the side of the bed next to you. You look up at him in awe. “You spoke with Mahal and Yavanna?” you ask. He chuckles and nods. “I thought they had forgotten about me, or that I did something that angered them, and this was my punishment.” You say quietly.
Your words make Thorin’s heart ache and he understands the reason for Mahal’s note to you now. “Would you like to see the gift, Gehyith?” Thorin asks you. “Yes, please. I have not the strength to hold it yet.” You tell him. Thorin nods. “I will hold it, see if you can pull the cord to release the velvet.” He encourages.
You reach up and try to grasp the blue cord, you get it between your fingers, but it sips out when you try to pull it loose. You frown and just hook your finger over the tied part and manage to get it untied that way. The velvet falls down at the bottom and you reach up and push the velvet off the two sides and the top. Your eyes open wide when you see the beautiful leather work and gold and silver foil accents. “OH! It’s beautiful!” you exclaim as you caress the blue dyed leather. Thorin feels the book vibrate slightly at your gentle caress. It begins to glow, and you look at him surprised. “What are you doing with it?” you ask. He chuckles, “It’s not me, Gehyith, it is reacting to your touch. It knows it’s owner is near, and it wishes you to see what is in inside it.” he tells you. You look up at Thorin in awe.
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He turns the book so you can see the latch on the side. You nudge it with your fingers until it flops open, then Thorin opens it carefully so the notes do not fall out. The first page is blank, and you push it to the side and see two pieces of paper stuck into the seam. Thorin takes them out and holds the first one so you can see it and read it.
You read it out loud so everyone can hear. “May this book bless you as you fill it’s pages as it blessed me making it for you. May the Peace and blessings of Mahal and Yavanna, be forever with you.” Thorin flips the page back open to where the two notes were stuck into the seam, and you see it is written on. He holds the book up to you so you can read it out loud too. “To Prince Thorin and His Lovely One. I wish you all the happiness in the world and many blessings of Yavanna and Mahal. May the gods bless you both with peace and joy.” Sincerely, Miranda Goldenleaf daughter of Erebor, Royal book binder.
Dwalin’s and Balin’s eyes get huge. “Miranda FINALLY gave it to you!” they both say with HUGE grins. Thorin nods, knowingly wondering how many others knew of her crush and her gift for him. He sighs and sets the book down then picks up the last note. It is on what looks like hand-made paper with tiny gold flecks embedded in the fibers of the thick paper. The edges are gold leafed and the ink used glows brightly around the black letters. Thorin holds it up for you to read. You start, but you only get the first sentence out and can’t finish as you’re bawling. Thorin finishes reading it out loud for you in his quiet baritone voice:
“My dearest Jade, this book has been blessed by Yavanna and myself so that it and it’s contents never fade from memory, will never wear out, and will survive till the ending of the world. Use it to preserve the talents of the Mistress Gem Carver’s guild (the dwarrowdam’s new counterpart to the Master Gem Carver’s guild). You, My Dear Jade, are the first dwarrowdam we name as Mistress Gem Carver. Your skills and talents being honed by your Father from infancy. You carve better than any dwarrow I have ever created or ever will create. None will compare to you. Teach others what you have learned, you WILL carve again, both in wood and in gems and precious metals. Do not despair, my sweet Jade. You have not been forgotten by us. We are proud of you and all you have overcome.”
              ~Mahal and Yavanna.
There isn’t a dry eye in the room when Thorin finishes reading the note. Balin comes over to see it and his eyes open wide. “Jade, never before has Mahal given us his and Yavanna’s seals! Neither have they ever given us a written letter or note. This is extremely precious. Do not ever let this fall out of that book! I will make you a little place holder for it that will keep it securely in there. We can mount it to the inside cover, so it stays secured. He tells you. You nod. “Thank you Adad.” You say. He grins and Dwalin just laughs. “I’m sorry, it’s just so strange to hear those words associated with my brother!” he giggles.
You grin and look up at Thorin who’s eyes are twinkling and filled with laughter. He reaches out and caresses your face. Gehyith, I have informed Fili that he is to rule in my stead for a while. Mahal says I need to stay with you. He stressed with me that you MUST be on bed rest for a week after he and Lord Elrond heal your back to give the nerves time to regrow properly. Mahal warned me that if you do not follow these orders, you WILL NEVER walk again.” He tells you.
“Please, Uzfaku (my greatest joy), promise me you will tolerate the bed rest and behave for one more week. I can not bear the thought of you never walking again!” he begs, resting his forehead against yours, his hair forming a curtain around both your faces, giving you a bit of privacy. You feel a wetness drip onto your cheek and realize they are his tears. You reach up and touch his arms, feeling the strength in them, he raises his head just enough to gaze into your eyes clearly. “Please.” He says quietly. “Do this for me, I will stay with you and help you bear it. I will not leave you to go through this alone any longer.” He tells you quietly. You gaze into his glassy eyes and see how worried he is. You give him a slight nod. “I promise. I will do as you say.” You whisper.
The look on Thorin’s face breaks your heart. The intensity of his love for you almost overwhelms you. He leans forward again and rests his forehead against yours. His hair forming a curtain blocking out everything but his face. “I love you. Jade the Mistress Gem Carver, my One, my treasure. I am yours wholly and completely. I will choose no other. I will wait till the end of the world if I must for you. I will give you what ever time you need to make a decision about our future. I have one last gift to give you, but wish to wait until you feel you are ready to receive it, for it will be given in front of my kingdom so that everyone may know of our love for each other. Until then I will continue to court you. When you are ready to take the next step, tell me and we will take it together. Okay?” he tells you quietly, barely speaking.
His scent of sandalwood and cedar with the faint scent of pipeweed and his distinct musk invades your senses and engulfs you in comfort and love. His hands still cupping your face warm it as he holds you. You nod. “Okay.” You whisper.
He smiles and gives you a soft, gentle kiss. One of promises and security. He slowly sits up and runs his fingers through your snow white hair and along the side of your face. “We do this together then. As a team.” He says softly, taking your hand in his and entwining your fingers with his. You nod. “A team.” He brings his head down and kisses the top of your hand.
“Some of my subjects bid me today to give you their well wishes.” They were sorry to hear of your accident and injuries and wish you a full recovery and send their blessings to you. Two of my dear friends who were part of the company who helped me reclaim this kingdom are toy makers and tinkerers. They have fabulous imaginations and I have asked them to come up with a device that will allow you to draw as you lie here in the bed. It may take them a few tries to figure out what will work for you. Work with them and give them feedback as you try their creations.
Perhaps you can practice your drawings and try to remember some of the things you have carved over the years and draw them to practice and hopefully it will help strengthen your fingers, hands and arms.” He tells you. I have asked Celeborn to take some more of the healing crystals and make you a device to put your pencils into so you can hold them easier. I took one from the packet that came with your book so he might use it to gauge the size for fitting them properly into the crystal holders.” he tells you.
You look up at him and your entwined fingers. “Thank you, Kurdûn (man of my heart).” You say quietly.
Thorin smiles at you warmly his eyes crinkling at the corners. His heart soaring at you calling him that for the first time.” He kisses your hand once more. “My pleasure, Gehyith (little dove).” He tells you.
Balin, Dwalin, Julia and Oin step back and watch with amusement as Thorin presents his gift to you and the two of you talk. Once Thorin finishes reading the note from Mahal, Balin comes and takes the book and it’s notes after suggesting he make the place holder for the one from Mahal.
He steps back, holding the book and he and Dwalin admire the workmanship of Miranda. They quietly explain to Oin and Julia the importance of this gift to Thorin. Her eyes get wide. “Oh!” she says. “It is most exquisite!” she says. Balin tells them all of Thorin’s plan to honor Miranda and they all agree it is deserving of her skill and dedication and service to the line of Durin.
“I’ll take this with me. I need to head to the forges for a bit. I completely forgot about making the adoption beads for Jade’s and my hair and promised Thorin I’d make the beads for Miranda. I’ll make the holder for the note from Mahal as well now since I’ll be down there, working with the metal.” He tells them. “I’ll be back up after a while.” He says and heads out.
Dwalin and Julia stand off to the side, watching Thorin and you talk quietly and see him lean down and rest his forehead on yours for a while. Then they see him sit up and take your hand and entwine his fingers with yours. They hear him murmuring to you quietly and the two of you sit and talk.
Julia looks up at Dwalin and smiles. She wraps her arms around Dwalin’s middle and rests her head against his chest. He chuckles and wraps her in a hug. “Are ya still happy ya asked Thorin ta annul yer marriage?” he asks her. She nods. “Are ya happy here with me?” he asks. She nods again. He smiles and cups her face with his large hands. “I know we are not each other’s ones, Julia. But will you permit me to court you, proper like?” he asks softly. She chuckles.
“What if you find your One, my mighty Azaghâl (warrior)?” Julia asks.
“I won’t.” Dwalin says quietly and swallows hard. “How do you know that?” Julia asks with a puzzled look on her face. She looks up and sees pain in Dwalin’s eyes. “She died with Thorin’s mother and grandmother.” He says so quietly she almost didn’t hear it. Watching his face, she sees his eyes glaze up. He closes them and squeezes them tight, swallowing hard.
“Oh,. I’m sorry, Dwal.” She says and hugs him, rubbing his back gently. “I guess that is something else we have in common then… not being able to be with our ones, and losing them to Smaug.” She says quietly.
“I coulda been with her. But to do that I would’ve had to step down as Thorin’s bodyguard. I couldn’t do it. Not to him. Not like that.” He says. “Thror wouldn’t see reason and refused to change the edict.” He says. “What about now?” Julia asks, if you court me, won’t you have to give up your position?” she asks the big dwarf.
“No, Thorin and I talked about it after the edict was issued and you chose to accept Thorin’s offer to annul the marriage. I offered to step into the role of protector and provider, knowing my One was lost to me as well.” He tells Julia. “Thorin changed the Edict that stated I would’ve had to give up my position as his bodyguard. Now I won’t have to give it up. He trusts only the company who proved themselves loyal to keep him and his family safe. He didn’t want to lose me as his Bodyguard.”
We found my One when we were trying to escape Smaug before he attacked Laketown. He was chasing us through the kingdom, and we had hoped the western guard tower would’ve had a way out. But the entrance from outside had collapsed and trapped everyone in the room. Thorin’s Mother, Grandmother, my One who was their maid, and many others of the servants and infants had run there thinking the same as we had. They all died, unable to escape, and we found their bodies when we hoped to escape as they had hoped.
Thorin saw them all laying where they perished, huddled together, holding each other trying to comfort one another, and Thorin refused to let any more of us die like they did. We decided to split up and try to lead Smaug to the forges. I think Thorin hoped to get Smaug to light the forges for us and then hoped to kill the great beast and end his reign of terror. Unfortunately, our plan didn’t work as we hoped. He lit the forges for us, but we weren’t able to kill him like we had planned, and Smaug sacked Laketown.
Luckily, Bard had the remaining arrow from the windlance stores we had made for his ancestor, the ruler of Dale. Bard used a broken longbow, and Bain’s shoulder to fire the huge arrow into the beast as he passed over them; finding the one scale his ancestor had loosened when Dale and Erebor were sacked and lost 180 years ago now. Bard managed to hit Smaug with that last arrow in the one place on that dragon’s underside that could be pierced and was unprotected.
We heard Smaug’s roar of pain and watched him fall from the sky into the Lake, ending his reign of terror for us all. “Bard the Dragon Slayer, he was called for many months after that until he was elected by the people to be their next king of Dale. From then on, he has been simply referred to as ‘King Bard’. I think he prefers that title. He always seemed uncomfortable with the ‘Dragon Slayer’ title.” Dwalin explains.
Julia listens to his tale while she hugs him and rubs his back. Once he finishes his tale, she steps back and looks up into his face. She reaches up, caresses his cheek and says quietly, “It would be an honor to be courted by such a noble warrior of Thorin Oakenshield’s company. The loyal bodyguard to the King may court me if he so wishes.” She says with a mischievous grin.
Dwalin looks at her for a minute, blinks, and then embraces her in a tight hug. “Thank you, Gimlelul (my brightest star)!” he says happily and peppers her face with little kisses.”
The two of them fail to notice Thorin turn and see their little interaction. His chuckles bring them back to the present and Dwalin grins. “I guess we get to court together.” He teases.
Thorin laughs. “Fine, my friend, but no, you can not get married nor engaged on the same day that we do!” he teases back. I am happy for the both of you though.” He says and shakes Dwalin’s hand in congratulations and gives Julia a hug. “Jade is sleeping again.” He chuckles.
“I seem to remember someone else falling asleep all the time mid conversation when he was on bed rest too!” Dwalin teases. Thorin blushes. “I still maintain it was Oin’s teas that made me do it!” he teases back. “I heard that Thorin Oakenshield!” Oin joins in the banter, teasing the king.
Thorin and Dwalin just laugh. Any word on Elrond’s arrival?” Thorin asks. Dwalin shakes his head. Last we heard was he was trying to contact the great eagles to see if they would bring him and his daughter here.” Dwalin tells him. Thorin nods and looks around. “Where is Balin?” he asks realizing his advisor is not there.
“Went to go make the adoption beads for his and Jade’s hair and the beads for Miranda and the plate for the letter from Mahal for the book. He took the book with him so it’s safe. No worries, Thorin.” He tells the King.
Thorin nods and yawns. “ Have chambers for Lord Elrond and his daughter prepared so they are ready when they arrive. It’s getting late. I’m going to lie down on the sofa there.” He tells Dwalin. “Wake me if there’s any changes of if Jade needs me for anything.” He tells both Dwalin and Oin.” They both nod and let Thorin rest.
“If you wish to go to bed, Sweetheart, go. I’ll stay here with Thorin and Jade. If anything changes, I’ll come wake you.” Dwalin tells Julia. She nods, “Night Murkhûn. (shield man)” she teases and gives him a quick kiss on his lips. He groans quietly and swats her rear. “Night Kurkarukê (my tiny raven).” He says as she sways her hips and saunters out of the room, leaving the door open. He watches as she enters her room and shuts the door. Dwalin sighs and chuckles. Then turns and calls for a maid, giving her Thorin’s message about Elrond’s rooms and then Dwalin heads for the other sofa by the fireplace. He lies down and sees that Thorin is already out and snoring softly. He chuckles and gets comfy then he too, falls asleep.
Oin chuckles softly at the two of them and sits in the soft chair by the window where he can keep an eye on you and get to you quickly if you wake and need something.
More Chapters to come.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Pride and Prejudice
TITLE: Pride and Prejudice CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 39 AUTHOR: wolfpawn
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki was raised on Jotunheim as Laufey’s son after the war, but an agreement was then made that he would wed Odin’s daughter so Odin could secure the alliance of Jotunheim through the marriage. Loki, in turn, was raised to be king of Jotunheim, but how he views Asgard is far different from how Odin’s daughter is raised leading to a clash of cultures as well as uncertainty between the pair of betrothed youths.     RATING: Mature   NOTES/WARNINGS: Forced Marriage, not all fun and games. My first real step back into the Loki scene in over a year.
Tags - @skulliebythesea @asimovethroughthisworld @blackcherry26-blog @we-shadowhunter2901
Loki never wanted to leave Jotunheim again. He never wanted to see a battle again. He never in his life wanted to know the feeling of taking the life of another again. He hated it. He loathed it. He despised it. And behind it all, even with seeing some of those whose lives he took rushing to take the life of him and his own brothers, he felt incredible guilt in taking the life of another being.
Býleistr joined them after a time, bringing with him news from home. Loki could not help but smile as Býleistr growled how Ella had forced him back to the palace and the manner in which she spoke to him, as though she was of such standing she could not be ignored, how she threatened to use her seidr if he did not comply. When he tried to imply that Loki should not let his mate speak like that, Loki merely scoffed at him and stated that if the Allfather could not force Ella to do something with the forces he controlled, what power did his brother think he had over his mate. Hearing Býleistr speak of the manner in which Ella not only dealt with the situation but how she was perceived by the other Jotnar for doing so made him feel proud of his mate. She used Býleistr’s ego to her advantage. She recognised that he wanted people to think him to be the strength, the enforcer amongst the sons' of Laufey. It was known Loki was the brains, the tactician; so the older now overlooked older brother decided to carve out his own name as that of the protector of both the House of Laufey and the general Jotnar people. Ella had recognised that and used it to manipulate Býleistr into doing what she wished, with Býleistr never once realising what she was doing.
Looking and speaking with his brother hurt. Loki was still sore for the sheer manner in which the situation occurred. The more time that passed, the more he agreed with Ella’s statement that if they had been more honest, then he would not be so betrayed. But war left little time to dwell on something that seemed so menial. He was forced almost immediately to put his anger aside and prevent his older brother from being pierced by a spear which he had not seen be thrown.
“You look weary.”
Loki looked to the side to see Thor. “It does not seem like it will ever end.”
“All wars end, or stalemate at the least. The fighting becomes less severe, more like petty scuffles than anything, but they all end. There was once a war on Midgard, it lasted a hundred years but it too ended.” Thor stated.
Loki’s brow furrowed. “I thought Midgardians only live sixty to eighty years usually?”
“They do, when they are lucky.”
“So people fought in a war from before they were born? That is ridiculous. That is like a five thousand year war to us.”
“More like seven thousand.” Thor corrected.
“Aesir live longer than Jotnar, so there is a variation in that answer.”
Thor looked at him worriedly. “Long...how much longer?”
“A thousand years or so.”
“So what happens my sister when you inevitably die before her?”
“I may not live past this and you are worried for three thousand years time? You have your priorities skewed.”
“If you die here, my sister returns to Asgard as your widow to most likely try to never remarry if she were to get her way and live her life at our palace, safe under my protection since there is no child to keep her tied to Jotunheim.”
The emotionless manner in which Thor spoke told Loki that this was not up for debate, it was simply as it would be. “You would force her to remarry, as you call it? And what is a widow?”
“A widow is a woman who has lost her husband to death. As for forcing her to remarry? Wasn’t once in a lifetime enough to do that to her? My father struck a deal for her before she ever took a breath. I know it is normal in my realm, even expected but it does not make it right, not to me. I have a limited number of women that are deemed ‘acceptable’, but at least there is a choice for me. I can speak with them, see if we match in mind, see if they see me as someone they could learn to have affection for, like my parents. Ella was simply born and from the day she knew words was informed she would wed a Jotnar and live on Jotunheim. That was it. No getting to know you, nothing. I don’t want that, not for her or any other woman. And should I sire a daughter…Norns, I hope not. Not because I do not want one but because I do not want to be put in a position where it is expected that I do that to one.”
Loki eyed Thor in shock. Most of his interactions with the Aesir prince led him to believe that he and Thor shared little to no common ground but on this, they were aligned perfectly.
“You, of course, were little better treated. For you, it was ‘here, this is your mate, only because she is from somewhere entirely different, she is your wife, she looks different to everyone you have ever met in your life and to top that off, that tradition of even perhaps having her as just one of your mates then perhaps having one you actually enjoy the company of, yes, that’s gone. Good Luck’.”
Loki swallowed. It struck him how Thor seemed to see his point of view also. Seeing how the demands made in the pact by their fathers affected him, not as greatly as Ella in some respects, but he seemed to acknowledge it.
Loki was about to respond when Thor spoke again. “I was irate after what happened before, especially when Mother explained how Ella got so ill. I wanted to strike you with the full force of Mjolnir for that. She always made the best of her situation. She didn’t complain, she did not moan or fight it, and for her acceptance of her fate, she got so ill. I felt so angry. All her life, she has had one duty, don’t embarrass herself or our father’s house, then go to Jotunheim and have children, that is her role in this universe, have children.” Thor sighed and shook his head. “I do not like having to kill. I enjoy a good fight, I will not lie, but killing, I take no pleasure in that. But I do it for a reason. I do it to keep innocent people safe. It is my duty, as the future king of Asgard and as someone with the ability to do something, but Ella, to live to simply ensure you give sons, that is not living, not to me.”
“I never made that demand, my father did.” Loki felt the need to point that out.
“I gathered. The first time you looked at her, I could tell the last thing you wanted was to be in the same room as her, much less have children with her.” Thor commented. “But on Vanaheim, it was clear things were not so, dare I say it, frosty.” Loki gave him a bemused look. “Then when I came to ask you to join us with this, it was clear, you are more than simply tolerant of one another.”
“Time grows more than plants,” Loki stated. “She is a talented woman.”
“My father always stated that were she born male, I would have had to be worried. I thought only the eldest could take the throne, the arrangement on Jotunheim startled me somewhat. How does your brother feel regarding that?”
“The throne is not automatically based on age on Jotunheim, but ability. It has always been this way and my brothers have never been under any illusion as to the contrary. I am best suited, my brothers loathe diplomacy and the intricate nature of such, they prefer other aspects of our lives.”
“Understandable,” Thor nodded, having felt similarly himself over the years. “And you?”
“I knew since I was young I was best able to be my father’s successor. I suit the role best, diplomacy is my strongest suit.”
“And when you were informed about Ella?”
Loki inhaled. “I surmised that it would be used to cement the choice, even more, considering my own heritage is not strictly Jotnar.”
Thor nodded for a moment before frowning. “If I am not mistaken, doesn’t this mean your potential line is less Jotnar than Vanir should you ever have children with my sister? Which is not something I wish to discuss too greatly, I should add.”
“You think I would ever even contemplate such discussions with you?” Loki scoffed. “Yes, I am aware of such and argued that point with my father years ago, but Jotnar are the dominant genes and they would be raised to know Jotunheim as their home and raised as Jotnar, so with the added strength of seidr genes seemed to be seen as an acceptable way for my father’s line to go.”
“And you disagree?”
“I have seen Ella use her seidr to do things that I am unsure of the ethics behind. I truly think that if she were more malicious, she would be dangerous. As someone unable to fight such a force, I fear it. As one that knows that any children I sire will possess the ability to wield it, I find myself hoping such comes to pass and that they excel as greatly at the craft as their dam has.”
“Your terms for partners are so peculiar. Dam, Sire, Mate. I would be slapped clean across my face if I called an Aesir mother a ‘Dam’.”
“And to us, it is the word we use. There is no offence taken from it because it is simply the word for it.” Loki stated boredly.
Thor was about to say something more when he noticed a small glint behind them. In that nano-second, he realised what was about to occur and rushed forward. Startled, Loki went to defend himself from the Aesir lunged at him. Thor threw Loki out of the way just before a spear flew by where Loki had been standing just a moment before. Both princes looked at the tree line where the spear originated for a mere moment before Thor threw Mjolnir there. A sickening crunch and a pained death cry were all they heard from their would-be attacker before she fell to the ground dead.
“A woman?” Loki walked forward cautiously.
“Unknown women get through defensive lines quicker than any man,” Thor growled, kicking her corpse over to place her on her back. “It is why many realms use them as assassins. They usually poison you.”
Loki shuddered but found himself thinking of Ella and her ability to do so very easily if she ever considered such. As Thor called out for someone to come collect the body of the deceased woman, he felt a shiver down his spine. “Thank you, for what you did for me.”
“Ella made me swear to keep an eye on you. She cares for you, even after everything. When I needed to speak with her on the day I came to ask your help, she half rushed our conversation so she could speak to you before you left.” Thor pointed out.
Loki recalled the manner in which Ella double-checked the armour she had placed on him before he left, smiling slightly at her wanting to spend time with him and not another. Making him feel as though he mattered somewhat to her. He did not pretend to think they loved one another, not in the manner he knew one could love another, but there was clear mutual care and understanding. Which, after a tumultuous beginning to their time as mates, was something he was pleased with. While he thought of that, he noted a Dark Elf in the treeline behind Thor, eyeing them both with an arrow holding, ready to loose. He threw an ice dagger past the Aesir prince causing Thor to duck to the side before Loki heard rustling in the trees behind him and did the same again with three more. While facing the direction of the tree rustling, the arrow that had been loosed by the killing of the first assailant flew towards them, only for Loki to catch it without much thought.
“Why did my sister tell me to look after you?” Thor demanded, looking both at the dead archer and the dead others in the trees.
“I am not sure. Our position is compromised.” Loki looked around worriedly, knowing more could arrive at any moment. He became fearful, wishing to be home at that moment. He found himself thinking of sitting having dinner with Ella. he wished so greatly for that to be his reality instead of the current situation.
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