jukeboxofjellycat · 2 years
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Goodnight sleep tight! ¡Buenas noches! 😴💤 Tápense porque hace fríjolito. ❄️
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welele · 1 month
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aricastmblr · 5 months
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[BANGTAN BOMB] Jimin’s Production Diary "SPECIAL TALK with. Jimin" Behind - BTS (방탄소년단)
bts_bighit X 30nov 2023 [#방탄밤] #Jimin #지민 과 ARMY가 함께한 특별한 시간 🎞️ #어떤말을해도재밌잖아💜 #ARMY와함께하는🐣 #찜크닉사전예약합니다📝 (https://youtu.be/0H40NNtSbPM) 
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polarhoid · 3 months
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Perrito con suéter.
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thousand-winters · 4 months
Comparing my translated copy of Clockwork Prince to the original and... damn, they've been giving me slightly different versions of the characters. See, this is why I'm so picky with translation, why are they telling me Jem laughed when the original said "spluttered" 😭
Also shout out to them translating "polka dots" as moles, as in the animal for some reason as well????
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erismaquiavella · 4 months
Error navideño.
Un Error navideño enojado y usando un feo suéter, si que si.
No hay suficiente presupuesto para unos brazos X'D
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qvetzalli · 1 year
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* 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐭𝐳𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢 asiste al festival de la cosecha ( @rvedit )
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2-kamikou-1 · 5 months
sometimes the slightest of things set off the most sickeningly nostalgic feelings in me
#feeling dry hands or a raised bump on my skin#how you told me that song you liked and I listened to it on loop until my tablet died#hearing about and watching zelda and pikmin get popular#roleplay or sitting in a colorful room in a weird position just reading things off on my chromebook#even if we may never see each other again#the smell of the library and all its books with elaborate covers#knowing by muscle memory where I'd go. and where you'd go. and where we'd sit across the table from one another#the library where we whispered in line when we werent supposed to be talking#the library where we'd go to learn Spanish#and you sat next to me and told me your favorite word was suéter and I told you mine was rapida#remembering the computer lab where we'd play on your brother's scratch account until the class ended#how we'd laugh at each other's handwriting#how you would talk me through it when I'd break down because of the bullying and say i wanted to disappear even though we were so young#saying I didn't understand and I didn't feel like there was a reason i should be alive and you told me I'd find it eventually#how we'd race across the playground to get in line when recess ended#how you told me that song you liked and i listened to it on my tablet til it died#how you broke your arm and i brought a sharpie to school the next day only to find you were in a sling not a cast#and we laughed and you said i should draw a mustache on our other friend instead#you trying to expose her diabolical plan to kiss the wall and we laughed at the lunch table til our stomachs hurt#you stood next to me in line so that he would quit hitting me#I've had many dreams about you#waking up very disappointed#i hope you're doing as well as you were in those dreams#even if you don't remember me#not a day goes by where i don't think of you#and not a second goes by where i don't miss you
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blairest · 9 months
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* . ´ 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐉𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐒 en : los espíritus del bosque.
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mantecol · 2 years
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jukeboxofjellycat · 6 months
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¡Buenas noches, dulces sueños, descansen! ¡Tápensen bien el frío está de la tiznada! 😴 ❄️🐈
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sekbless · 2 years
[ SHOP ] for receiver to help sender out with buying appropriate autumn attire.
Era levemente desesperador para Zaya ver todas aquelas roupas dispostas, já que, na opinião dela, nenhuma era interessante o suficiente. Contudo, tinha de ter em mente que estavam ali devido ao estilo da filha de Afrodite e era isso que importava. Não a forma como a filha de Sekhmet sentia-se confortável somente quando estava em roupas extremamente curtas ou frescas. "Olha só, esse suéter até que é bonito." Ponderou, refletindo por alguns instantes, antes de puxar a manga da peça na direção de uma porção da pele alheia a mostra. "Combina com você. Acho que ficaria ainda melhor com uma calça jeans de cor escura, mas... Olha ali! Uma minissaia!"
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aricastmblr · 1 year
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liankwn · 2 years
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Aunque esté molesta, sigues siendo mi hermano y te quiero, Feliz cumple!!! Haoran aportó dinero y escogió el suéter, así que te lo pones :P seguro te gusta porque es raro como tú JAJAJA y esos osos musculosos los aprendí a hacer en el taller de cocina, sabes que no soy buena pero si saben feos… igual te los comes porque los hice con amor. <3 
PD: si, lo envolví así para que sepas que el enojo aun sigue e_e
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bearbench-img · 24 days
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素材: セーターは通常、ウール、綿、アクリル、カシミアなどの素材で作られています。これらの素材は保温性が高く、肌触りが良いものが選ばれます。
編み方: セーターは様々な編み方で作られます。一般的な編み方には、平編み、ケーブル編み、リブ編みなどがあります。これらの編み方によって、セーターの質感やデザインが異なります。
デザイン: セーターにはVネック、クルーネック、タートルネックなど、首回りの形状が異なるものがあります。また、色や柄、装飾なども多様で、様々なスタイルに合わせて選ぶことができます。
プルオーバーセーター: 頭から被り着用するタイプのセーターで、前後に開口部がありません。クルーネックやVネックなどのデザインがあります。
カーディガン: ボタンやジッパーで前を開け閉めするタイプのセーターで、羽織ることができます。Vネックやショールカラーなどのデザインがあります。
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vendooquenaouso · 29 days
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[Suéter de Coruja] [Bastante Usado] - R$8 + frete Sem marca - P ~ M. Suéter de tricô maquinado. Já bem usado, com bolinhas no tecido. Tem uma trama bem aberta, o que deixa a estampa da camisa por baixo aparente sob o tecido do suéter. Bom para dias frescos, não esquenta o suficiente para o inverno. Estica bem. Medidas: Manga: 52cm Comprimento total: 56cm Barra: 48cm Ombro: 41cm
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