fernclans · 8 months
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here they are!! the current cast of our neighboring clan, CypressClan! more info about how everyone is doing and what they're up to below the cut!
Pondstar has had a rough go at it the past 6 moons; though having taken Storkpaw as his apprentice two moons ago, their training has been delayed twice -- first from an eagle which had grabbed the tom, taking one of his lives, and second from Storkpaw getting heat stroke. He doesn't seem to be the best with kits or apprentices.
Fernrose invited an abandoned kittypet into the clan, feeling sympathy for the situation he had been put in. Pondstar wasn't the happiest, but wasn't going to argue against a needed set of paws. He's settling in well into his role as deputy in spite of his young age, and the clan remains supportive of Pondstar's choice.
Bitterrumble took Bushpaw as an apprentice after the molly expressed interest in myths and stories from a young age, endeavoring to meet and converse with StarClan cats long gone. Though he was a bit unsure about taking an apprentice so young, he also missed having living company in the healer's den.
Bushpaw was almost held back a moon for sneaking out of camp as a kit, but it was decided against. Sometimes she feels uncertain if she's worthy of being a dedicated clan healer as her main interest was with prophecies and myths than medicine, but she does her best to meet Bitterrumble's standards.
Adam was a shipyard cat for most of his life, but after falling ill, the humans of the docks took him to the woods. Adam feels indebted to Fernrose and Springmallow, who found him and brought him to their camp. Shortly after being abandoned, he was taken again by different humans; after a 3 moon journey, Adam returned to CypressClan, feeling firm in his heart that it's his home.
Springmallow was with Fernrose when he found Adam on the thunderpath, and also with Bitterndrift when she found Cliffstripe after the wolf attack. His life has been pretty low-key so far, and he's started developing a crush on Bitterndrift.
Bitterndrift meanwhile, has had one hell of a half-year. The moon after Cliffstripe's brief stay, she was given Stumpypaw as an apprentice; unfortunately that very same moon, she got one of her legs caught in a human's trap which has prevented her from getting to do much training with him. On top of that, a moon ago she realized she was carrying kits! Very excited to see where this goes
Stumpypaw is honestly a little upset he hasn't been able to train with his assigned mentor, and even moreso after he was bit by a rogue while on a patrol with Springmallow. This moon made up for it slightly by giving him the opportunity to team up with Fernrose in driving a fox away from a small goat carcass.
Storkpaw is going through it internally. She KNOWS how big of an honor it is to be given the LEADER as her mentor, but she can't help but feel uncertainty in becoming a warrior. She worries that she'll let Pondstar down, and feels a heavy amount of weight on her shoulders.
Faithdance and Stemfish are enjoying their retirement; between all of the commotion with their clanmates and the twos inclination for prophecies and omens, they have much to chat about around camp. I love them both dearly.
next cypressclan update will be on moon 18! :3
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fledermaus-art · 6 days
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A slight redesign of an OC vs canon comparison I did in 2022 :)
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some context under the cut if anyone's interested ;;
For those that don't know, I have an OC named Naomi that I developed a while back. The basic gist of her character is that she was once an eleven year old human girl, but following the idea of the film A Whisker Away, she traded her human form away to be a cat. She thought that this would result in a better, easier life than the traumas and struggles of being in repeated foster care.
All in all, it was a lot harder being a cat than she expected. Living on the streets, she was barely surviving. No home, no resources, no friends — until Bluestar (as written by @blxestar) took her in.
This is an AU wherein Naomi (later renamed to Storkpaw) replaces the role of Rusty/Firepaw. She is mentored by Bluestar, who takes interest in her for the fact that she closely resembles the late and great Snowfur <3
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leafpoolstanblog · 9 months
Whitetail and Runningbrook become warriors. 
Gorsepaw, Storkpaw, and Quailpaw are apprenticed to Ryestalk, Onewhisker, and Wrenflight. 
Tallstar dies in a border dispute against ShadowClan. Ryestar becomes leader in his place, and elects Pigeonflight to step into the deputy position. 
Barkface dies from… something? Definitely something to do with ShadowClan. In an act of sympathy, and desperation to escape the ShadowClan that her son has created, Yellowfang volunteers to step in as medicine cat for the WindClan cats. They find this extremely suspicious, and she is treated as a willing prisoner, with a full understanding that she is to go home after she trains a WindClan cat. 
Redclaw passes this season as well.
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blxestar · 5 months
🎁 Storkpaw knows that she has to be creative in order to provide a gift, but she's doing her best. Outside of Bluestar's den, the apprentice has left a bundle of moss very skillfully bundled into the tight shape of a cat, with small feathers as its ears and pebbles as eyes. It's accompanied by Bluestar's favorite prey, left there for breakfast!
When Bluestar awoke the next morning, yawning and blinking the sleep from her eyes as she exited her den, one of her forepaws bumped against something.
Looking down, her once-tired eyes widened, and she stared at the gifts, totally frozen on the outside.
However, the longer she stared, the more her heart swelled with joy and love; the normally stoic leader smiled so brightly, whiskers trembling with emotion.
Bluestar bent her head and picked up the cat-like present first, carefully placing it in her nest. She next grabbed the prey and paused for a moment, shutting her eyes as tears gathered in them.
She knew exactly who had done this, and she knew for certain she would never forget it.
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fledermoved · 10 months
Storkpaw had settled into clan life well, all things considered. It was easy to recognize that she was the odd one out, but she still tried her very hardest, and was thriving under the pressure of a challenge. Today, she'd caught her second-ever prey — An old blackbird that had been a little too inattentive. The first catch, only done a day prior, had been a plump mouse, and had been a messy kill. This one held a clean bite, gone without a fuss.
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With a satisfied, triumphant purr, the she-cat lifted her catch, tail held high as she turned toward her mentor to show off the item.
"Blmfshtrr!" The apprentice called, voice muffled by her mouthful. She dropped the prey, "Bluestar!" She repeated.
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Twin Flames Rewrite: A Dangerous Path
Prologue: Thistleclaw is teaching a young Tigerpaw to hunt. He tells the young cat that you can often find prey near the plants they eat, and that you can even set up an ambush by laying a food trail if you have the time. Tigerpaw asks why you would lay a food trail instead of just catching the prey where it is. Thistleclaw gives a short speech about fear, strength, and control. 
At the Gathering, Tigerstar announces himself as leader of ShadowClan. In a fit of rage, Wildflame leaps up with the leaders and announces all of Tigerstar’s crimes to the gathered Clans. After she is done speaking she is removed from the rock, and Tigerstar coolly says “If all that were true, would StarClan have given me my nine lives?”
Bluestar announces she does not recognize Tigerstar as the ShadowClan leader regardless of StarClan’s will. Tallstar and Crookedstar say they are unhappy with him as leader and will be keeping an eye on him. The Gathering proceeds - Featherpaw and Stormpaw are announced as being apprenticed to Mistyfoot and Stonefur. 
After finding blood and getting reports of weird noises and smells, Wildflame determines there is something large living at Snakerocks, guessing that it is some kind of large dog. She reports it to Sandstorm, and the two get into an argument. Ultimately, cats are warned to stay away from Snakerocks until whatever is living there has moved on. 
Storkpaw is killed in a border skirmish with ShadowClan; Fireheart, Morningflower, and their kits all mourn together. Soon after, Fireheart’s kits are apprenticed; Leafpaw to Barkface, Squirrelpaw to Whitetail, and Darkpaw to Mudclaw. Fireheart is glad to return to warrior duties, and feels bittersweet about his kits growing up. 
A hawk appears over the ThunderClan camp, and the clearing is quickly evacuated. Bramblekit stumbles on his way to the nursery, and Snowkit leaves the nursery to help the younger tom get to safety. The hawk grabs and kills Snowkit before he can make it back to the nursery. Bramblekit is unfairly blamed by Speckletail, and defended by Wildflame; however, Wildflame and Bramblekit are shocked when Sandstorm doesn’t also stand up for him. Wildflame and Sandstorm argue again. 
Crookedstar loses his final life, and Leopardstar takes charge of RiverClan. She starts her reign by attempting to reclaim Sunningrocks. During the battle, Graystripe doesn’t attack Wildflame, instead choosing to attack Darkstripe. Additionally, when Mistyfoot and Stonefur attack Bluestar, Wildflame intervenes to reveal their true parentage in order to prevent them from hurting their mother. 
Later, Graystripe is brought to ThunderClan camp and asks to return to ThunderClan, as he has been kicked out of RiverClan. He explains that Blackclaw saw him not attack Wildflame when he had the opportunity, and told Leopardstar, who exiled him. While many ThunderClan cats are opposed, some cats believe he should return. When Wildflame consults Bluestar, she replies that it doesn’t matter, as he’s a traitor in a Clan of traitors. Sandstorm allows him to return, but must be on apprentice duties and cannot leave camp without being accompanied by another warrior. 
At the Gathering, Fireheart is excited to see Wildflame after being in the nursery for so long. He proudly introduces her to his kits; Darkpaw tells her she smells bad. She introduces her nephew to Swiftpaw, thinking that the two of them will get along well. 
About half a moon later, when Sandstorm is sending out the dawn patrol, Thornpaw approaches her. Wildflame, who is nearby, joins the conversation, to Sandstorm’s displeasure. Thornpaw reveals that Brightpaw and Swiftpaw went to chase off the intruder at Snakerocks. Without speaking, Sandstorm and Wildflame both race out of camp.
At Snakerocks, they are shocked to discover Fireheart and a scratched up Darkpaw tending to a gravely injured Brightpaw and Swiftpaw. Fireheart explains that Brightpaw, Swiftpaw, and Darkpaw hatched a plan at the Gathering to chase out the animal at Snakerocks. Squirrelpaw woke him this morning before dawn when she realized Darkpaw had been gone all night. He had followed Darkpaw’s trail to Snakerocks.
An additional patrol with Cinderpelt soon arrives, and she helps stabilize the apprentices before everyone - including Fireheart and Darkpaw - return to camp. She thanks Fireheart and Darkpaw for caring for Brightpaw and Swiftpaw before she arrived, as it was likely the reason they were both still alive when she got there. 
Darkpaw explains to Bluestar, Sandstorm, and the other cats gathered in the medicine den that the three apprentices were attacked by something large, and the older apprentices shoved him in a small crack in the rocks before trying to defend him from the attackers, which he was unable to see. He reports the beast was chanting ‘Pack, Pack, Kill, Kill’.
Bluestar gives the two dying apprentices warrior names: Lostleg and Scarface, a reference to Swiftpaw’s amputated leg and Brightpaw’s heavily scarred face. 
Bramblepaw and Tawnypaw are apprenticed: Tawnypaw to Wildflame and Bramblepaw to Sandstorm. While giving the two apprentices a tour of the territory, Sandstorm and Wildflame reminisce and talk to each other without arguing for the first time in a while. By the time they return to camp, Wildflame feels as though they are becoming close again. 
Longtail reports that he saw not only a pack of dogs at Snakerocks, but saw Tigerstar feeding them. Sandstorm and Wildflame begin planning on how to remove them from Snakerocks without endangering the Clan further. Wildflame wants to chase them out immediately before Tigerstar can do damage to ThunderClan with them. Sandstorm doesn’t want to risk injuring warriors attacking such a formidable opponent. The two are able to discuss and plan without arguing. 
Fireheart is on a dawn patrol when he is stopped by Littlecloud at the ShadowClan border. Littlecloud reports that Tigerstar was acting suspicious and Littlecloud saw him in ThunderClan territory; he knows Fireheart’s littermate is in ThunderClan, and Littlecloud is worried for Cinderpelt, and hopes Fireheart is able to do something. Knowing about the beast at Snakerocks, Fireheart immediately leaves for ThunderClan, worried for their safety. 
Wildflame is woken by screaming; Brindleface has been found dead outside of camp. Sandstorm takes charge of calming down the camp while Wildflame and Brackenfur realize there is a dead rabbit nearby. They follow the trail of rabbits from the ThunderClan camp to Snakerocks. When they return with this information, Wildflame is surprised to find Fireheart in the camp relaying Littlecloud’s message. 
Wildflame puts together Tigerstar’s plan. Fireheart suggests leading the dogs somewhere else, as in WindClan they often lead dogs back to their Twolegs when they’re causing problems. Sandstorm thinks of leading them to the gorge, and Wildflame suggests making it a relay so that no cat slows down when they get tired. 
Sandstorm chooses the relay cats, giving herself the first leg and Wildflame the last leg. Fireheart insists that he is also part of the relay. 
Fireheart is the POV for the evacuation of ThunderClan’s camp and the beginning of the relay; he notes how close Wildflame and Sandstorm are, as well as her friendship with Graystripe and Cinderpelt, and is glad that she has a family here.
Wildflame’s POV picks up just before her section of the relay; she picks it up from Graystripe, and nearly makes it to the gorge before she is attacked and held down by Tigerstar. She tells him that if he doesn’t get up they will both die here; he replies that he has lives to spare. Once the dogs catch up, Tigerstar disappears; the lead dog catches Wildflame and shakes her around. 
Bluestar bursts out of the treeline and attacks the lead dog, driving the leader off the top of the gorge. They fall into the water below together; the remaining dogs scatter. 
Wildflame rushes to Bluestar, working with Mistyfoot and Stonefur who happened to be nearby, to get Bluestar out of the water and onto shore. Bluestar and her kits have a moment; Bluestar then calls Wildflame over and reveals to her the wildfire prophecy, believing that it is about Wildflame and Fireheart. Bluestar then dies after making peace with her kits.
Wildflame is upset by Bluestar’s death; Sandstorm, Fireheart, and Graystripe soon find them and comfort her. Mistyfoot and Stonefur accompany ThunderClan back to their camp, helping to carry Bluestar. 
That evening, Wildflame and Sandstorm work together to clean the Leader’s Den, as Sandstorm will be leaving the next morning to go to the Moonstone and receive her nine lives; they chat while they work, and Wildflame comes to the realization that she is in love with Sandstorm. She panics and immediately confesses; Sandstorm happily returns her feelings. 
They fall asleep together in Sandstorm’s new den.
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One of Us is a Killer (part 2)
Continuation of: https://www.tumblr.com/residents-of-the-darkforest/738940160410058752/one-of-us-is-a-killer?source=share
Going solely on what kin say in Lifegen every six moons, we build a story, and, more importantly, a resident
Please feel free to comment your interpretations of what is happening or your thoughts on the characters!
Who are your suspects so far?
Main character: Burnetshriek -- Lonesome
Mother: Wetfish (deceased) -- Wise
Mom: Beaverspeckle -- Adventurous
Sister: Midgefreckle -- Calm
Brother: Yewstripe -- Strict
Brother: Privetdusk (deceased) -- Ambitious
Mate: Heathertree -- Loving
Daughter: Batkit -- Noisy -> Sneaky
Son: Yarrowkit -- Attention-seeker
Son: Rubblekit -- Troublesome
Son: Jaggedkit -- Honest -> Righteous
Side note: [....] in speech indicates that Burnetshriek has said something.
Bonus side note: orange highlights previously indicated that something was not directed at Burnetshriek or didn't have to do with her. Now, it's for text that is a repeated conversation.
MOON 60 (kits are 5):
Mom: *Cough* *Wheeze* [Breathing is short and staggered]
Midgefreckle: *Sigh*..."Hi, Burnetshriek. [....] Hm? I just got back from a hunting patrol....I utterly embarrassed myself. I had a mouse literally walk into my paws and I still failed to grab it. [....] Hm. Yes, that's true. I'm not going to always succeed, the best thing I can do is get back up and get back to it. You're right, Burnetshriek. You're always right. Thank you."
Yewstripe: [Having an outburst with Leafpaw]. "Seriously? Thorns in my nest, again? I swear to StarClan, you must be the most irritating, empty-headed apprentice--Oh, Burnetshriek, it's you. What is it? Do you need anything? [....] I'll be right there, just let me finish this first. [Burnetshriek holds back a laugh at the apprentice's shock at the sudden switch-up].
Heathertree: "Whenever you're feeling overwhelmed, find me. We can sit under the stars and watch Silverpelt. [....] I always find it helps. It's calming, knowing all of our ancestors watching over us."
Bat: "Jawswipe just told me the funniest joke ever! It went like -- heehee -- how did the *snrk* - how did the - AHAHAHA!!!!"
Yarrow: "Burnetshriek...I'm so...sleepy *yawns* It's still early.....I said I was gonna play with Breezekit at sunhigh, but that's so far away, and if I go to sleep now, I won't be able to play with him...Oh Burnetshriek, what will I do?" [Burnet promises to wake them]. "You will? Oh Burnetshriek, thank you, thank you, thank you! This is why we're the bestest of friends! [Yarrow dramatically falls into the nest, and later trips over his paws when running to his friend].
Rubble: "Burnetshriek!!!!" [Rubble sprints across camp and tackles Burnet with a squeal, clambering all over her fur].
Jagged: [Burnet likes making a game of counting all of Jagged's toes while he sleeps. Burnet thinks that he is a perfect, darling kit].
Bonus: Wetfish wants to talk to a medicine cat. Maybe her mate?
MOON 66:
Burnet's apprentice is Storkpaw.
Mom: "I met some kittypets on patrol today. StarClan, I gave them a scare! One look at my 'mean' face and they went mewling back home to their Twolegs like little kits running into the nursery! Bahahahahaha!"
Bonus: apprentice is Sappaw.
Midgefreckle: "Hey, Burnetshriek. How are you? [....] I'm absolutely okay, I'm not up to much here, just catwatching, as usual. [....] Huh? You think I should get to know the other cats, instead of watching? Oh, I'm just fine here! I don't talk to the others, it's just how it is....! [....] You'd think I'd get on with Birdstar? You think? [....]...Hm. I suppose I'll have to go and talk to them, at some point. You've never guided me wrong."
Bonus: apprentice is Chivepaw.
Yewstripe: "What's that? You want to know how I'm...feeling? [...] Hmph. You should know by now that I don't do the whole 'feeings' thing. But, if you want to know so badly, I guess I'm feeling...Worried. And tired. But also on edge. And hungry. But, I'm sort of full, too...hm...See, this is why I don't talk about my feelings. I'm not good at it."
Bonus: previously mentored Maplefern.
Heathertree: "Oh, hey, Burnetshriek, can I talk to you about something? [...] I saw a rogue out on patrol today. I managed to chase him off the territory, but then I got carried away, and...well, I kept following him. I don't know what I was trying to do. He just kept making me so angry! Calling me weak...calling me a failure...saying I was a disappointment to my Clan. Eventually, I realized what I was doing, and I let him go. But I couldn't stop thinking about those things he said...Sorry. What am I doing? I'm being such a downer today...Thanks for being here for me, Burnetshriek." [Heather presses their head into Burnet's shoulder and sighs into their fur].
Bat: [Accidently slips while walking across camp. Without missing a beat, Bat catches herself, spins on her paws, and continues walking with a flick of her tail. How does she manage to make falling look cool?]
Bonus: mentor is Hillstep.
Yarrow: Previously killed by a fox at 7 moons old.
Rubble: [Jagged and Rubble laugh together, talking about stories Burnetshriek used to tell them in the nursery. Burnet considers telling them stories they missed, but decides not to ruin the moment].
Bonus: mentor is Heathertree.
Jagged: "Oh, uhm, hello... [...] Oh, you wish to talk to me? [...] Err...sure, can do, I suppose....The wind is lovely, it always waves through our coats when were wandering through the territory. Maybe that's StarClan's way of telling us we're doing a good job."
Bonus: Mentor is Birdstar.
MOON 72:
Mom: "Hey, Burnetshriek, dare me to jump off the warriors' den! [...] No? Why in StarClan's name not?! [...] Because I could hurt myself...? But that's what's fun about it!"
Midgefreckle: "Hey, Burnetshriek, can I have your opinion on something? [...] I was having an argument with Chivespeckle a couple of days ago. I was giving them some advice on something, and they told me I talk like I'm better than everyone. Do you think...? [...] No? That's good. That's absolutely not my intention. I want to help, but not be more important than any other cat. [...] Thank you, Burnetshriek. I know that no matter what, you'll always tell me what I need to hear."
Yewstripe: [Running around the clearing, disheveled as they try to complete many tasks at once]. Burnetshriek, what's up? Do you need something too? I'd be happy to do it for you! [....] Working too hard? I'm not working too hard, don't worry! In fact, helping around camp is how I relax. Yup, definitely relaxing. Definitely."
Permanent Condition: weak leg
Heathertree: "Mm, Oh, watch out, Burnetshriek! Don't come any closer!" [Looking at a bee]. "It must have stung something...I think it's dying. Poor little thing." [Burnet asks why he doesn't just squish it. Heather recoils]. "It's a living thing, just like you or me! What crime has this bee committed? The crime of being small? No, it deserves a death with dignity, just like the rest of us..." [The bee falls very still]. "Oh...I think it just went...Ah, I'm sorry little bug...I hope, wherever you are, you find plenty of flowers, and even more mercy." [Gently scoops it up and lays it on moss].
Battumble: [Burnet compliments her on a shiny object she's playing with]. "Hm? Oh, why thank you. Isn't it pretty? I nabbed it off these Twolegs who were passing through the territory. I knew it would make just the perfect addition to my nest." [Burnet asks if isn't that stealing?]. "Tch, relax. Just think of it as a 'finders keepers' type of thing. Besides, those Twolegs weren't using it for anything important anyways."
Rubblenettle: "Hey, Burnetshriek! Get a load of this one! What happens when a tree falls into the mud? [...] It leafs an impression! Hahaha!....Hey, where are you going?"
Jaggeddusk: "Hello, Burnetshriek. What do you think of the weather? [...] If you want my opinion, I think it's been enjoyable. It's pleasantly warm, but not so hot that it makes today's jobs an unpleasant business. Not to mention, I haven't noticed a hint of rain, so if you're going out, you shouldn't get wet. Well...unless you fall into a pond. But other than that, StarClan has been good to us today."
Coniferkit (son, 2 moons): "Burnetshriek! Burnetshriek! I had the mosr funnest day ever today! First, I played feather-catch. It's this really cool game where I throw a feather into the air and then try to catch it. Then, I runned around in circles! I went a-round and a-round and a-round, but then I got sick and had to stop. And then....[Conifer continues on]
Continued on next part!
As for now, who are your suspicions on, and why do you suspect them?
And who is your favourite?
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warriors-reshuffled · 4 months
Switching up Barkface and Shrewclaw’s canon roles
Barkstep is a clam, reliable warrior. Not really outstanding but definitely a cat they can count on. He is the sire of Mudclaw and Tornear, but isn’t their father. That’s not to say he doesn’t have a good relationship with his kits, it’s just… complicated.
He and Tallstar were always close friends since kithood. He would have made a good deputy had the Stars not indicated they wanted Deadfoot instead.
Despite being a tunneler, Bark is often seen not far from Tallstar. They have a very Victorian-novel esque yearning with neither willing to make the first move. But they want to. Oh Starclan, they want to.
Shrewnose is watching all of this going down with a bowl of fried grasshoppers. He’s certainly not a stereotypical medic, loud and rude at times, but he’s a damned good healer. Also he’s the only one they got right now, so suck it up.
I love sassy healers and that’s what Shrewnose is. He and Yellowfang would get into petty arguments all the way to the Moonplace and back. Very vitriolic friendship those two. He definitely inherited his love of sharp remarks from Hawkheart.
Barkstep dies in the Windclan massacre, as does Shrew’s apprentice, while Shrewnose sticks around a but longer.
I like the idea of him taking on two apps at once this time. Less likely to lose them both that way. They’ll probably be Gorsepaw’s siblings; Quailpaw and Storkpaw. They get taken hostage by Moonclan to ensure Tallstar’s obedience.
Only Storkpaw makes it back home.
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another friendship map! this one of the current (ch.134) apprentice group
SPOILERS! mostly just for one minor plotpoint, which is why i left it in... oh and i guess there’s a more major-ish plotpoint but its a canon plotpoint so eh
characters in some kind of order: Feathercloud, Brackenfur, Cinderpelt, Thornpaw, Brightpaw, Bramblekit, Cliffpaw, Lizardflight, Cloudpaw, Swiftpaw, Tawnykit, Snowkit, Elderpaw, Fernpaw, Tulippaw, Mistlekit, Perchpaw, Ashpaw, Lynxpaw, Dustpelt, Rowanpaw, Lavenderpaw, Reedpaw, Primrosepaw, Swampfur, Turtlepaw, Dawnpaw, Pikepaw, Woodpaw, Blossomtail, Robinpaw, Badgerfang
alright! just like last time, here’s the “main groups” expanded:
Feathercloud’s Friend Group
Cricketheart (sister, deceased), Graystripe (former best friend, former crush), Ravenwing (former mates, crush), Gremlin (distant/former friend), Scraps (distant/former friend), Brackenfur (best friend, crush), Storkpaw (distant friend), Barley (close friend), Airleap (friend), Runningbrook (friend)
Lizardflight’s Friend Group
Cloudpaw (brother), Cliffpaw (adopted sister), Cinderpelt (best friend, crush), Perchpaw (best RiverClan friend), Primrosepaw (friend, crush), Reedpaw (distant friend), Dawnpaw (distant friend), Woodpaw (distant friend), Robinpaw (considers him a friend), Pikepaw (NOT a friend)
Cliffpaw’s Friend Group
Cloudpaw (adopted brother), Lizardflight (adopted sister), Storm (adopted  brother), Night (adopted sister, not close), Oat (adopted brother, not close), Elderpaw (best friend), Fernpaw (friend)
Night’s Friend Group (not on tree)
Storm (brother, former best friend), Cloudpaw (brother, annoyance), Cliffpaw (adopted sister, more tolerable annoyance), Oat (brother), Scourge (mentor, close), Claw (mentor), Gremlin (close friend), Scraps (best friend, crush)
Lynxpaw’s Friend Group
Swiftpaw (brother), Longtail (half-brother), Cherryfur (half-sister, not close), Bramblekit (half-brother, not close), Tawnykit (half-sister, not close), Dustpelt (one-sided best friend, crush), Swampfur (close friend)
notes: Lynxpaw hangs out with Swiftpaw’s friends too, but would consider herself “not really their friend” (she’s a “fake friend” type basically. Swift, Dust, and Swamp are the only ones she cares about)
Swiftpaw’s Friend Group
Lynxpaw (sister), Longtail (half-brother, mentor), Cherryfur (half-sister), Bramblekit (half-brother),  Tawnykit (half-sister), Dustpelt (friend), Brightpaw (best friend),  Ashpaw (close friend), Tulipaw (friend), Thornpaw (distant friend), Fernpaw (distant friend), Swampfur (mate)
Dustpelt’s Friend Group
Ravenwing (brother, not close), Frostfur (sister, formerly close starting to drift), Brindleface (sister), Longtail (half-brother, best friend), Cherryfur (half-sister, not close), Lynxpaw (former best friend, still close friend), Swiftpaw (friend), Darkstripe (mentor, best friend), Ashpaw (apprentice), Fernpaw (friend, crush), Fireheart (growing respect)
Tawnykit’s (future) Friend Group
Bramblekit (brother), Swiftpaw (half-brother), Lynxpaw (half-sister, not close),  Mistlekit (best friend), Snowkit (close friend), Sorrelkit (friend), Sootkit (friend), Rainkit (friend), Elderpaw (distant friend), Fernpaw (distant friend), Lavenderpaw (close friend), Turtlepaw (close friend), Rowanpaw (friend, crush)
She will also possibly be friends with: Rumblepaw, Quietpaw, Cedarpaw, Nightpaw, Wildpaw, Snakekit, Smokekit, Aspenkit, Fangkit
Robinpaw’s Friend Group
Dawnpaw (sister), Woodpaw (brother), Primrosepaw (former close friend, now distant), Perchpaw (close friend, trying to make distant), Reedpaw (former friend, now one-sided rivalry/hatred), Pikepaw (best friend, but not overly close), Lizardflight (hates, crush), Featherkit (jealous), Stormkit (future friend)
notes: Dawnpaw and Woodpaw are a “trouble duo” that stick together at the hip, which often leaves Robinpaw feeling left out. Dawnpaw has a very “silly” personality (hopeless romantic in a tame way, enjoys life for what it is, jokester) and Woodpaw is more mellow/duller (not the brightest bulb but also enjoys life for what it is). Dawnpaw and Woodpaw are both still prone to prejudice (ex.: against Lizardflight), though, like Robinpaw
Badgerfang’s Friend Group
Blossomtail (best friend, mate), Swampfur (friend), Oakfur (distant friend), Applefur (former friend, deceased), Littlecloud (friend)
notes: Badgerfang is very out-going and so is his mate, Blossomtail. The two of them are friends with most every cat in the clan, especially those of the younger generation (ex.: their app-group like Wetfoot, current apprentices like Turtlepaw, or in other clans, like Ravenwing, who Badgerfang met once but thought was cool/nice, or Gorsepaw as well)
Swampfur’s Friend Group
Blossomtail (brother), Oakfur (brother), Applefur (sister, deceased), Badgerfang (friend, growing distant), Lynxpaw (close friend), Swiftpaw (mate)
notes: Swampfur has always had an interest in the cats outside of her clan and their lifestyles, and finds it easier/more interesting to be friends with cats not from her clan (including that of Tigerclaw’s followers). This has also caused her to grow less closer to her family/formerly close friends, due to the secrets she keeps.
Oakfur’s Friend Group (not on tree)
Blossomtail (brother), Swampfur (sister), Applefur (sister, close, deceased), Badgerfang (distant friend), Littlecloud (best friend), Wetfoot (friend), Brownclaw (friend)
notes: Oakfur had been very close with Applefur until she left the clan (then died). He has always been more distant from his family (ex.: Blossomtail, Swampfur, Dawncloud, Copperleaf - of which he is closest to Swampfur) and more willing to get to know Finchflight. He gets along better with the “bad crowd,” and often hangs with Tigerclaw’s followers
Other Friend Groups
WindClan’s Youngest Generation: Gorsepaw, Storkpaw, Quailpaw, Tawnykit II, Robinkit II, Rushkit 
(Storkpaw has friends outside the clans, also close to her mentor’s friend group)
ShadowClan’s Youngest Generation: Turtlepaw, Rubblepaw, Quietpaw, Rowanpaw, Lavenderpaw, Cedarpaw, Nightpaw (formerly Niko), Wildpaw (formerly Wild), Aspenkit, Fangkit, Smokekit, Snakekit
(Turtlepaw is friends with Badgerfang’s friend group; Rowanpaw is more of a loner while Lavenderpaw is welcoming to the newcomers/younger cats)
Bubbles’s Situation: She is growing closer to Tallpoppy over time, and would so far only consider her a friend/ally.
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tumblypooclan · 1 year
Moon 61
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I hope you guys are ready for a parade of new apprentices, we still have at least two more coming, but the Primpad kits (Third edition) have been made apprentices this month!
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"Is really bonding with their mentor" Storkpaw, your mentor is your DAD.
Oh hey congrats on the gender!
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And... ah... Peakfur...
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And the health report!
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Not everyone is healed from the plague but at least no one NEW got infected.
.... good god Kinkflake are you... like... okay?
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What am I asking obviously not, you're in the medicine cat den.
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Starclan: hey kids just want you to know that you shouldn’t be working with the dark forest!
Storkpaw,Breezepaw,Raspberrypaw: our mentors told us not to talk too strangers
Bugwhisker to Storkpaw: bro I’m your fucking dad- *sobs in a corner, as Frecklefish (raspberryglides, great-grandmother) pats his back*
poor Bugwhisker </3
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Leader: Tinystar - small tabby ginger she-cat with gray splotches. Deputy: Smokewhisker - smoky gray tom who’s paws fade to a darker gray. Medicine cat: Echoshine - brown she-cat with white markings. (Apprentice: Silverpaw)
Warriors: Eaglepatch - white she-cat with distinctive brown wing shapes on both of her sides. (Apprentice: Dawnpaw) Duskstream - brown tabby tom with white splotches. Silentcrow - mute black she-cat with a single white patch on her forehead. Dappledturtle - tortoiseshell she-cat. Tallspirit - small tuxedo tom. (Apprentice: Applepaw) Bluerose - silver she-cat who looks blue in certain lighting. Twigbreeze - cream tom with light brown markings.
Apprentices: Silverpaw - silver she-cat with white speckles. Dawnpaw - orange tabby tom with a white flame pattern on his chest. Applepaw - brown tabby tom with a white tail-tip.
Queens: Beakfrost - brown she-cat with cream markings. (Kits: Hollykit - black she-kit Whalekit - blue-gray tom Snowkit - white she-kit )
Elders: Brownfeather - cream tom with brown markings. Speckleblaze - white she-cat with orange speckles.
Leader: Runningstar - large black tom with a distinctive white face. Deputy: Marigoldspot - white tom with orange splotches. Medicine cat: Slugfern - fluffy white and silver she-cat. Mosspoppy - orange tabby she-cat with white spots.
Warriors: Longwhisker - pale ginger tom with white and black markings who has unusually long whiskers. Rainsnout - gray tabby tom with a raindrop marking on his face. Riverleaf - unusually colored blue and green she-cat. Ashberry - dark gray almost black tom with a white muzzle. (Apprentice: Crystalpaw) Softflower - pale cream tabby she-cat. Rosethorn - fluffy white she-cat with brown points. Redclaw - reddish-brown tom with black markings. (Apprentice: Mudpaw) Thistlespike - black she-cat.
Apprentices: Crystalpaw - white she-cat. Mudpaw - cream tom with brown splotches.
Queens: Dawnriver - orange she-cat with white wave-like markings. (Kits: Honeykit, Stormkit) Dayshadow - black she-cat (Kits: Beetlekit, Spinkit)
Elders: Yellowfur - golden tom. Tangledwillow - longhaired gray she-cat. Firecloud - orange tabby tom with white patches.
Leader: Waspstar - yellow tom with black stripes. Deputy: Lilacfrost - gray she-cat who looks purple in some lighting. Medicine cat: Lighteningstripe - black tom with white stripes.
Warriors: Goldfoot - white she-cat with one gold color leg. Spiderfang - black tom. (Apprentice: Whiskerpaw) Dovefeather - fluffy white she-cat with gray markings. Stormstripe - gray tabby she-cat with a white belly. (Apprentice: Talonpaw) Poppystream - orange tabby she-cat with white paws. Bluecloud - White tom.
Daylight warriors: Summerleap - Golden tom with a distinctive orange face. (Apprentice: Storkpaw) Whiskerpaw - white and gray tom. Venusdapple - dilute tortoiseshell she-cat.
Apprentices: Talonpaw - brown tabby tom with a white belly and long claws. Storkpaw - white tom with black legs and tail.
Queens: Darklake - dark gray-blue she-cat. (Kits: Bouncekit)
Elders: Skysight - white tom with unusual light blue eyes.
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toast-com · 6 months
The only cats that know of Derek/Dawnmask's secret is his mentor, Mallowberry, and the other Clan medicine cats, who are:
Splashwhisker and Sweetspots of Riverclan.
Reedspark and Scorchpaw of Thunderclan.
And, although they weren't mentioned in the writing:
Whisperbird and Storkpaw of Windclan.
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violetclan · 1 year
Moon 52
Honeymoon and Goldbranch die of disease //SCREAMING AND WAILING NOOOOOO
Pantherstar and Crouchclaw fight
Palecreek and Rowantail visit the medicine den
Dawnbloom feels gloomy //well yeah your apprentice just died
Emberburr, Skypelt, and Wisteriaclaw dream about being leader
Fernseed gossips
Hootclaw caught the scent of an enemy warrior earler
Brownstrike thinks about how many cats die young //yeah..... :(((
Rockleg is nervous
Crouchclaw wants to go on hunting patrol
Quailblotch was sent an omen by Frogpaw //was so confused by this one until i remembered she's got the "strong connection to StarClan" trait
Volespot watches over the kits
Finchfoot and Shellmist fight
Roseclover spends a considerable amount of time grooming
Poppyclaw hopes to lead the next patrol
Conegorse decorates his nest
Shykit becomes interested in herbs
Burdockfur is developing a crush on Fernseed //she is... too old for you sir
Storkpaw and Ice join VioletClan!
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blxestar · 2 years
I imagine Bluestar would be- subconsciously- terrified of losing Storkpaw. At first, this fear would exist because of the possibility that Storkpaw is the prophesied cat in place of Rusty. If the clan were to lose their last chance at being saved, they’d fall into ruin.
At least… that’s what Bluestar thinks would happen if Storkpaw were to die.
However, once the leader became closer to the white she-cat, she’d feel protective of her… loving towards her, maybe, and that’s why she’d be afraid of losing her in the end.
Not just because of the prophecy, but because she truly cared for the young molly.
Bluestar certainly doesn’t expect to get very close with the apprentice now, but…
…she definitely would.
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fledermoved · 8 months
😶 + Naomi, will you ever tell Bluestar about previously being human?
Send 😶 + a really uncomfortable question and my muse has to answer it
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"Of course I will!" Storkpaw is quick to straighten, shifting uncomfortably on her paws. She sits down, tail wrapping tightly about herself.
"Just... Not yet. I've... I have to make sure I'll have somewhere to go if she wants to get rid of me. Besides... Bluestar seems so... sad sometimes. I can't tell her. Not right now."
She can't bear the thought of being ejected from her new clan. After all she's gone through, it's far too much. And with the way her clanmates speak about humans... She's under the impression she won't exactly be welcomed.
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