violetclan · 1 year
dead blog?
atm. i've had some issues on updating to the newest versions- apparently on linux you can't edit save files, so the color clans have some dust on them. i did contact the dev team, and they worked with me for a while trying to figure out a way to let me edit my files, but nothing worked. eventually i was told they'd continue working on the issue privately (i assume atp it's a code issue but i can't be 100%) and i'd be contacted when they managed to resolve it.
so.... dead blog right now, but hopefully not forever!
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violetclan · 1 year
Lilac - Moon 20 - The Death of Siltstar
Siltstar rests her muzzle on top of Ashspost’s head and declares her a full member of LilacClan, honoring her initiative.  +Trait; Thoughtful  +Skill; Good teacher
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With the stars shining brightly above them, Slatepelt gives Asterblaze his full name.  +Trait; Loving  +Skill; Good teacher
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Leopardpaw touches noses with Coyotelight, her new mentor.  +Trait; Strange
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Rookpaw touches noses with Tiptail and hopes that they’ll go hunting first thing!  +Trait; Strict
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Flowerkit was grabbed by a hawk!  Bluebellpelt saved him, but he’s still injured from the ordeal.
Siltstar is found dead in her den.  Slatepelt examines her body and determines that she’s lost her last life from old age during the night.
Coyotelight leaves the camp, heading to the highest point of LilacClan territory so she can speak with StarClan.  She closes her eyes, and opens them surrounded by cats with stars in their pelts, their eyes warm.  A molly steps forward and introduces herself as Cloverrunner of VioletClan, touching her nose softly to Coyotelight’s head and giving her a life for duty.  Snookfin stirs from where she’s sitting beside her daughter Galepaw and walks up next, her eyes glittering with joy.  She gives Coyotelight a life for acceptance, and says she’s certain LilacClan will do well under her leadership.  As Snookfin steps back, a tiny kitten bounces up, announcing that his name is Bearkit of VioletClan and he’s giving Coyotelight a life for protection.  Coyotelight’s heart aches, and she silently vows to protect all the young cats she can in his honor.  Runningpath approaches, giving Coyotelight a life for endurance.  Pain washes over her, and she grits her teeth and bears it.  When she recovers, Galepaw is before her, already giving her a life for honesty.  Next comes a cat who calls herself Sunnybracken.  Coyotelight remembers that this was the name of the cat who guided Siltstar to create LilacClan and opens her mouth to say something, but Sunnybracken has already given her a life for empathy and is gone.  Bogtooth steps forward and gives a life for strength, and Splashhaze gives a life for faith, quietly asking Coyotelight to take care of Fallendusk for her.  Finally, Siltstar approaches.  There is pride in her eyes as she gazes down at Coyotelight, and she seems stronger and healthier than Coyotelight had ever seen her in life.  Siltstar gives her a life for tireless energy and hails her by her new name, Coyotestar.
Coyotestar has chosen Stoatears as her deputy.
Coyotestar feels unsure about how her Clan thinks of her.
Slatepelt and Asterblaze tend to herbs.
Fallendusk is fond of Bluffkit
Brushkit feels sad that he couldn’t spend time with his mother
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violetclan · 1 year
Lilac - Moon 18
Baylight gives Beampaw a friendly nudge, and he steps forward to get his full name.  He’s renamed Beamfin and honored for his responsibility. (-FIN AFTER HIS MOTHER AWHHH)  +Trait; Righteous  +Skill; Good speaker
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Tabbyfreckle puffs his chest out with pride as Bluebellpelt gets her full name and is honored for her commitment.  +Trait; Loyal  +Skill; Fantastic teacher
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Bitternpaw is ready to have her full name, and is given Bitternfreckle and honored for her insight.  +Trait; Thoughtful  +Skill; Extremely smart
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Siltstar fell from a tree and lost a life.
Snowstone has healed, but has lost his tail.
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Ashpaw feels very lucky to have Asterpaw as a brother.
Siltstar feels a sense of dread
A patrol comes across a kittypet, who asks to join the Clan with her kits.
+Tempestwind - A black molly with hazel eyes.  Wise, smart. +Leopardkit - A brown and white tabby tom with blue eyes.  Inquisitive. +Rookkit - A white and brown tabby tom with pale yellow eyes.  Bossy.
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Moon 19
Ashpaw finds bluejay feathers and starts wearing them
Brightfur is caught outside of Clan territory
Brightfur brings a kitten back to camp, but refuses to talk about where they came from
+Brushkit - A long-furred white tabby point tom with hazel eyes.  Charming.
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Siltstar loses a life from old age.  Her body is slowly becoming more and more frail.
Bitternfreckle thinks about love
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violetclan · 1 year
Lilac - Moon 17
Beampaw and Fallendusk have begun to recover from their grief.
Siltstar said something that rubbed Mapletail the wrong way.
Mapletail caught Siltstar complaining about him behind his back.
Siltstar has been hearing the voices of StarClan…
Bluebellpaw gets stuck in a tree…
Slatepelt hears whispers on the wind.  Following them, he finds the body of a dead molly, her kitten clinging to her side.  Slatepaw wraps himself around the kit and orders Asterpaw back to camp for help.
+Flowerkit - A long-furred ginger and white tom with cyan eyes.  Charming.
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violetclan · 1 year
Lavender - Moon 35 - Allegiances
Leader; Olivestar - A light brown tabby tom with green eyes.  Thoughtful, good fighter.
Deputy; Pikemoth - A silver tabby tom with yellow eyes.  Patient, excellent fighter.       Apprentice, Sloepaw.
Healer; Flaxseed - A golden molly with heather blue eyes.  Righteous, good teacher       Apprentice, Sweetpaw.
Hazelseed - A long-furred cream and black molly with greenish-yellow eyes.  Strange, strong connection to StarClan.
Warriors; Wolfheart - A long-furred white torbie molly with sage eyes.  Compassionate, good fighter.
Lakesnow - A white and grey tom with heather blue eyes.  Thoughtful, fantastic hunter.
Boughlight - A long-furred grey speckled tom with blue eyes.  Lonesome, good speaker.
Roachclaw - A white and black sokoke molly with grey eyes.  Wise, excellent fighter.
Snakefern - A pale ginger and white tabby tom with sage eyes.  Careful, great speaker.       Apprentice, Elmpaw.
Rainfoot - A ginger speckled tom with cyan eyes.  Bloodthirsty, good hunter.
Weeddusk - A long-furred cream molly with vitiligo and emerald eyes.  Confident, excellent speaker.
Moorleaves - A grey tom with hazel eyes.  Compassionate, great fighter.       Apprentice, Sparrowpaw.
Cloverstrike - A long-furred golden bengal tom with sage eyes.  Strange, great fighter.
Brindlemask - A pale grey and white tom with heather blue eyes.  Ambitious, good fighter.       Apprentice, Strikepaw.
Briarleaf - A white and silver sokoke tabby molly with heather blue eyes.  Empathetic, good hunter.
Leopardleap - A white bengal tom with blue eyes.  Calm, extremely smart.
Beech - A long-furred cream and black molly with pale green eyes.  Calm, excellent speaker.
Mottlednose - A brown and white speckled tom with pale blue eyes.  Thoughtful, great hunter.
Apprentices; Sweetpaw - A long-furred ginger tom with heather blue eyes.  Lonesome.
Elmpaw - A long-furred ginger tortie molly with copper eyes.  Loving.
Strikepaw - A dark brown ticked molly with yellow-green eyes.  Empathetic.
Sloepaw - A brown and white tabby tom with green eyes.  Daring.
Sparrowpaw - A dark grey and white marbled tabby tom with green eyes.  Sneaky.
Elders; Weeddusk - A long-furred cream molly with vitiligo and emerald eyes.  Confident, excellent speaker.
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violetclan · 1 year
Lavender - Moon 35
A loner approaches the border, asking to join the Clan.
+Beech - A long-furred cream and black molly with pale green eyes.  Calm, excellent speaker.
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Strikepaw touches noses with her new mentor, Brindlemask.  She starts wearing cardinal feathers!  +Trait; Empathetic
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Sloepaw can’t keep still as he bounds up to Pikemoth, swearing that he’ll be the bestest warrior ever!  +Trait; Daring
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Sparrowpaw tentatively presses noses with Moorleaves, trembling slightly.  +Trait; Sneaky
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Antlerstreak wandered out into the territory and was found dead.  Flaxseed and Roachclaw mourn together.
Beamkit dies of yellowcough
Flaxseed and Hazelseed bicker over something trivial
Roachclaw asks Flaxseed if there’s an herb she should look out for while on patrol
Flaxseed eavesdrops on Hazelseed
A patrol finds an injured cat on the side of a thunderpath and brings him back to camp to treat him.  Grateful, the rogue joins LavenderClan.
+Mottlednose - A brown and white speckled tom with pale blue eyes.  Thoughtful, great hunter.
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violetclan · 1 year
Lavender - Moon 33
Pikemoth’s injury has healed so well, you can’t even tell it happened!
Briarleaf has finally gotten rid of those fleas, and her pelt has recovered.
Olivestar plucks feathers from a bird so the kits can play with them
A patrol comes across a dog chasing a kittypet and leap into action.  The dog, alarmed, takes off, and the kittypet is amazed and asks to join LavenderClan
+Leopardleap - A white bengal tom with blue eyes.  Calm, extremely smart.
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Moon 34
Flaxseed stands before LavenderClan and announces that she’s ready to take on an apprentice.  Sweetpaw steps up, eyes shining excitedly.  +Trait; Lonesome
Elmpaw has reached six moons of age and has been apprenticed to Snakefern  +Trait; Loving
Leopardleap brings one of his kittypet friends to LavenderClan.  Hazelseed starts speaking of cats with stars in their fur, and Flaxseed asks her to become a healer for the Clan.
+Hazelseed - A long-furred cream and black molly with greenish-yellow eyes.  Strange, strong connection to StarClan.
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Olivestar lost a life to a badger
Beamkit has yellowcough
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violetclan · 1 year
Lavender - Moon 30
A rogue drops their kitten off at the border, claiming they can’t care for it anymore
+Beamkit - A long-furred dark grey and white tabby tom with blue eyes.  Sweet.
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Despite enforced bedrest and medicine, Pikemoth’s injury is started to get worse, and Flaxseed starts planning for if infection sets in
Rainfoot slips and sprains his paw
Pikemoth imagines what a family might look like
Flaxseed thinks Roachclaw is really charming
Moon 31
Wolfheart and Boughlight have recovered from their sprains
Brindlepaw has tripped and sprained his paw
Rainfoot has started disappearing often..
Briarpaw has fleas
Moon 32
Boughlight gives Wolfheart a rye stalk, and she wears it proudly
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Olivestar stands before the Clan and proclaims that Brindlepaw and Briarpaw shall now be known as Brindlemask, for his passion (+Trait; Ambitious  +Skill; Good fighter), and Briarleaf, for her thoughtfulness (+Trait; Empathetic  +Skill; Good hunter).
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Roachclaw considers herself lucky to have trained Briarleaf, and knows her former apprentice will become an incredible warrior
The infection in Pikemoth’s wound has gone away!
Flaxseed and Roachclaw, after doing some talking, have become mates!
Rainfoot’s and Brindlepaw’s sprains have healed
Briarleaf can’t stop scratching, irritated by her fleas.  Her scratching has begun to tear at her fur, leaving raw patches of skin exposed.
Flaxseed says something that rubs Olivestar the wrong way
Briarleaf gossips
Weeddusk gives Olivestar attitude
Boughlight and Wolfheart head out together.  The sun feels so nice, the two of them find a place to lay down and bask in it.  Boughlight stretches and Wolfheart’s whiskers twitch with interest before she looks away.
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violetclan · 1 year
Lavender - Moon 27
Olivestar’s nightmares have finally calmed
Flaxseed has finally healed well enough to go back to work!
Snakefern has returned to his warrior duties
Brindlepaw tripped and sprained his paw
Boughlight caught Briarpaw in a lie
Weeddusk brushes against Antlerstreak and looks away with a purr
Wolfheart and Boughlight race through LavenderClan’s territory, and Boughlight feels like he may burst with happiness.  He turns and pounces on Wolfheart, and the two begin playfighting.
Moon 28
Antlerstreak, Pikemoth, Olivestar, Roachclaw, and Moorleaves have begun to heal from their grief
Weeddusk misstepped and tripped, dislocating a joint
Brindlepaw’s sprain has healed
Flaxseed inspects the herb stores and finds that all the horsetail has gone bad.  She’ll need to collect more…
Olivestar and Flaxseed bicker
Cloverstrike barks like a dog- somehow.
Weeddusk has a crush on Antlerstreak!
Antlerstreak platonically loves and feels secure with Flaxseed and Roachclaw, and has a crush on Weeddusk!
Rainfoot is not fond of his younger brother, Brindlepaw
Roachclaw platonically loves Antlerstreak, and feels secure with Antlerstreak and Pikemoth!
Wolfheart is deeply in love with Boughlight!
Boughlight is deeply in love with Wolfheart!
Cloverstrike has a crush on Lakesnow!
Flaxseed has a crush on Olivestar!
Olivestar has a crush on Flaxseed!
Moon 29
Olivestar brought a litter of three kits back to camp and refuses to talk about where they came from
+Strikekit - A dark brown ticked molly with yellow-green eyes.  Noisy. +Sloekit - A brown and white tabby tom with green eyes.  Polite. +Sparrowkit - A dark grey and white marbled tabby tom with green eyes.  Impulsive.
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A loner leaves their kittens at the border, and Snakefern decides to adopt them as his own
+Sweetkit - A long-furred ginger tom with heather blue eyes.  Sweet. +Elmkit - A long-furred ginger tortie molly with copper eyes.  Polite.
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Wolfheart and Boughlight tripped and sprained their paws
Weeddusk’s dislocated joint has been popped back into place and he’s feeling much better
Lakesnow offered to fetch more herbs for Flaxseed
Cloverstrike was walking on his forelegs for a bit
Wolfheart thinks about kits
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violetclan · 1 year
Lavender- Moon 24
Moorleaves asks how Flaxseed is doing and she appreciates his effort
Moorleaves playfully teases Buckstripe for missing a catch
Olivestar helps gather herbs
Buckstripe wants to go on patrol with Moorleaves
Buckstripe and Moorleaves head out on patrol together and hear a strange noise.  Buckstripe heads over to investigate and comes face-to-face with a wolverine.  They let out a yowl, but Moorleaves isn’t close enough to help, and the wolverine kills Buckstripe.
Moorleaves is grief stricken and in shock, and cannot work.
Moon 25
Pikemoth was grabbed by an eagle, but survived
Flaxseed’s leg is no longer infected.  It will always be weaker than her other limbs, a consequence of the amount of damage the infection and twoleg trap did.
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Roachclaw gently smooths down Buckstripe’s fur, hiding the wounds that killed them.  She searches for other tasks to do, as a distraction for the hole in her heart.
Moorleaves’s voice cracks as he speaks at Buckstripe’s vigil.  Things will never be the same.  Moorleaves doesn’t know how he’s supposed to continue.  He refuses to leave his nest the next morning.
Brindlekit heard an ugly rumor about Briarkit
Briarkit chomps down on Brindlekit’s ear
Wolfheart helps Flaxseed and Snakefern organize the herb stores
Roachclaw helps gather herbs
Moon 26
Brindlepaw (+Trait; Bloodthirsty) and Briarpaw (+Trait; Compassionate) have reaches six moons and have been made apprentices, with Cloverstrike and Roachclaw as their mentors
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Olivestar wakes from a nightmare, certain that he’s being haunted by Bitterblossom’s ghost
Moorleaves drops by the medicine den to see if Snakefern and Flaxseed have eaten yet
Cloverstrike thinks that Lakesnow is super charming
Moorleaves spends some time grieving
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violetclan · 1 year
Lavender - Moon 22
Olivestar caught Quillfur breaking the warrior code
Briarkit was caught sneaking out of camp
Flaxseed’s leg got caught in a twoleg trap.  She escaped, but is badly injured and is unable to work.
Bitterblossom is feeling much better, and all his wounds have healed
Lakesnow leapt from a rock, but didn’t land quite right and sprained his paw
Roachclaw and Buckstripe bicker over something trivial
Lakesnow shares the latest gossip that he heard from over the border
Rainfoot tells Briarkit a story
Flaxseed stares off into space
Buckstripe was found napping in Moorleaves’s nest
A patrol hears the sound of something moving through LavenderClan’s territory and goes to investigate.  Bitterblossom comes face-to-face with a wolverine and yowls for help, but the rest of the patrol is too slow, and the wolverine kills Bitterblossom with a single swipe of its claws.
Moon 23
Pikemoth stares down at Bitterblossom’s body blankly, waiting for this nightmare to end.
Olivestar’s voice cracks with grief while speaking at Bitterblossom’s vigil.  When he has some time alone, he breaks down, wailing uncontrollably and cursing the world for taking Bitterblossom and not him.
Quillfur was standing on ice when it cracked and she fell through.
Antlerstreak can’t process the sight of Quillfur’s body before them.  It feels like the world has suddenly become so much colder.  As the days pass, Antlerstreak becomes angry and withdrawn, furious that everyone is just moving on from Quillfur’s death.
Flaxseed wonders how the Clan will cope with Quillfur gone.  She can’t be bothered to get out of her nest the next day, and refuses to speak a single word to anyone.
As if her injury wasn’t already bad enough, the skin around Flaxseed’s mangled leg has become swollen and hot.
Lakesnow recovered from his sprain
Antlerstreak wants to spend more time with Flaxseed
Flaxseed admires Snakefern from afar…
Snakefern shares a joke with Flaxseed
Snakefern becomes a temporary healer while Flaxseed recovers
Boughlight is struck by how good Wolfheart is at fighting
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violetclan · 1 year
Lavender - Moon 20
Lakesnow brings back a litter of two kits and refuses to talk about their origins.
+Brindlekit - A pale grey and white tom with heather blue eyes.  Attention-seeker. +Briarkit - A white and silver sokoke tabby molly with heather blue eyes.  Inquisitive.
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Weeddusk wants to join the elders.  The Clan honors her and her service.
Roachclaw slipped on some rocks and twisted her paw
Lakesnow helps gather herbs
Cloverstrike watches over the kits
Bitterblossom thinks about love
Wolfheart listens to Bitterblossom’s struggles with love
Moon 21
Bitterblossom fought a fox, but was barely hurt
Roachclaw’s twisted paw has healed
Moorleaves and Buckstripe see each other in a different light and have become mates
Wolfheart confesses her love to Boughlight, and the two become mates
Antlerstreak defends Flaxseed from rude remarks
Quillfur and Pikemoth are frustrated that Bitterblossom hasn’t been taking his job very seriously
Buckstripe tells Moorleaves a story
Lakesnow called Briarkit the wrong name
Moorleaves greets Buckstripe warmly as they leave the warrior den
Briarkit pretends to be leader
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violetclan · 1 year
Lavender - Moon 19 - Allegiances
Leader; Olivestar - A young light brown tabby tom with green eyes.  Thoughtful, good fighter.
Deputy; Pikemoth - A silver tabby tom with yellow eyes.  Patient, excellent fighter.
Healer; Flaxseed - A golden molly with heather blue eyes.  Righteous, good teacher
Warriors; Buckstripe - A black striped tolly with golden eyes.  Shameless, very smart.
Bitterblossom - A pale grey bengal tom with golden eyes.  Ambitious, excellent fighter.
Wolfheart - A long-furred white torbie molly with sage eyes.  Compassionate, good fighter.
Lakesnow - A white and grey tom with heather blue eyes.  Thoughtful, fantastic hunter.
Boughlight - A long-furred grey speckled tom with blue eyes.  Lonesome, good speaker.
Roachclaw - A white and black sokoke molly with grey eyes.  Wise, excellent fighter.
Snakefern - A pale ginger and white tabby tom with sage eyes.  Careful, great speaker.
Rainfoot - A ginger speckled tom with cyan eyes.  Bloodthirsty, good hunter.
Weeddusk - A long-furred cream molly with vitiligo and emerald eyes.  Confident, excellent speaker.
Moorleaves - A grey tom with hazel eyes.  Compassionate, great fighter.
Cloverstrike - A long-furred golden bengal tom with sage eyes.  Strange, great fighter.
Elders; Quillfur - A white and brown tabby molly with grey eyes.  Cold, great mediator.
Antlerstreak - A brown and white tolly with golden eyes.  Calm, good hunter.
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violetclan · 1 year
Lavender - Moon 18
Antlerstreak wishes to join the elders, and the Clan honors them and their service.
Wolfheart has recovered from heat exhaustion
Bitterblossom has healed from all his scrapes
Buckstripe smirks as they insult a Clanmate
Roachclaw gossips
Moon 19
Lakesnow brings back a kittypet who’s interested in joining LavenderClan.  The kittypet is renamed to Weeddusk.
+Weeddusk - A long-furred cream molly with vitiligo and emerald eyes.  Confident, excellent speaker.
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Olivestar calls a Clan meeting and declares Moorpaw to be a warrior.  He’s named Moorleaves, and the Clan honors his kindness.  +Trait; Compassionate  +Skill; Great fighter
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Olivestar was bit by a venomous spider and lost a life
Snakefern’s wounds have healed
Wolfheart wants to have kits
A patrol sees an injured cat along the side of a thunderpath.  Alarmed, they bring them back to camp and nurse them back to health.
+Cloverstrike - A long-furred golden bengal tom with sage eyes.  Strange, great fighter.
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violetclan · 1 year
Lavender - Moon 17
Antlerstreak has realized that molly doesn’t describe how they feel anymore, and has come out as non-binary
Olivestar calls a Clan meeting, declaring that Rainpaw is ready to be a warrior.  He’s named Rainfoot and honored for his ferocity.  +Trait; Bloodthirsty  +Skill; Good hunter
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Bitterblossom fought a rogue, but wasn’t hurt all that much
Wolfheart has gotten heat exhaustion
Pikemoth considers Bitterblossom his best friend
Pikemoth thinks about love
Olivestar has a crush on Bitterblossom, and has a strong platonic love for Bitterblossom and Roachclaw!
Pikemoth has strong platonic love for Flaxseed and Bitterblossom, and feels secure and like he can rely on Bitterblossom!
Flaxseed has strong platonic love for Quillfur and Wolfheart, and feels secure with Quillfur, Pikemoth, and Bitterblossom!
Antlerstreak feels secure with Quillfur and strong platonic love for Flaxseed!
Buckstripe feels strong platonic love for Flaxseed and Roachclaw!
Boughlight has a crush on Wolfheart!
Bitterblossom has a crush on Antlerstreak, has strong platonic love for Pikemoth and Flaxseed, and feels secure and like he can rely on Pikemoth!
Wolfheart feels strong platonic love for Flaxseed, and has a crush on Boughlight, Flaxseed, and Buckstripe!
Roachclaw feels strong platonic love for Buckstripe!
Quillfur feels secure with Antlerstreak, Pikemoth, Flaxseed, and Wolfheart, and platonically loves Flaxseed!
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violetclan · 1 year
Lavender - Moon 11
Rainpaw sits up straight and touches noses with Antlerstreak excitedly  +Trait; Calm
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Lakesnow no longer has whitecough
Boughlight has healed well
Olivestar escorts Flaxseed while gathering herbs
Antlerstreak daydreams
Moon 12
Lakesnow misstepped and slipped from a rock, spraining his paw
Moon 13
Moorpaw can’t sit still as he touches noses with Wolfheart, swearing that he’ll be the best warrior the Clan has ever seen  +Trait; Bold
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Wolfheart was running over the hills when she tripped and hit the ground hard
Lakesnow’s sprain has healed
Olivestar and Roachclaw escort Flaxseed while gathering herbs
Moorpaw wants to show Wolfheart that he’s smart, skilled, and talented
Moon 14
Wolfheart’s sprain is healed
Boughlight saves a mouse for Wolfheart because he knows its her favourite
Roachclaw wants to have kits
Moon 15
Pikemoth feels unlike himself
Wolfheart helps Flaxseed gather herbs
Moon 16
Quillfur has sprained her paw
Lakesnow spends some time helping out Flaxseed
A patrol is out along the border when they find an injured loner.  Olivestar brings them back to camp, and they join LavenderClan.
+Snakefern - A pale ginger and white tabby tom with sage eyes.  Careful, great speaker.
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violetclan · 1 year
Lavender - Moon 9
Roachpaw’s whitecough is gone!
Lakesnow fell on some rocks and twisted his paw
Lakesnow has gotten whitecough
Antlerstreak is suddenly struck by how much Flaxseed does to keep the Clan healthy
Flaxseed is hearing the voices of StarClan…
A patrol along the border startles when they hear a hiss.  They discover a loner, badly injured and hiding in the bushes.  The patrol approaches cautiously, and the loner draws himself up with another hiss.  Pikemoth offers to bring him back to camp to heal, and though he seems hesitant, the loner agrees.
+Boughlight - A long-furred grey speckled tom with blue eyes.  Lonesome, good speaker.
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Moon 10
Olivestar calls the Clan into a meeting and declares that Roachpaw is ready to be a warrior.  She’s named Roachclaw, and honored for her observation skills.  +Trait; Wise  +Skill; Excellent fighter
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Bitterblossom’s snake bite has healed so well, you can’t even tell it happened
Lakesnow’s sprain has healed
Buckstripe lies through their teeth
Boughlight isn’t sure if its his fault that he’s always alone
Bitterblossom finds an abandoned kit, its parents nowhere to be found.  He rushes the kit back to camp and nurses it back to health.
+Moorkit - A grey tom with hazel eyes.  Daring.
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