pastryland · 9 months
f1 completed fic recommendations
Lestappen | Landoscar | Maxiel | Dando | Charlos | Brocedes | Carlando | Piarles | Galex | Sebchal
F1 fics are the main reason I got into this fandom and I figured I should share some (or so so many) fics that I like. While I do primarily follow Lando/Oscar and Charles/Carlos, I do read fics from other ships especially if they're from an author I like or the concept is interesting.
I have way too many fics (100+ though not all are completed) bookmarked so I'll just share my absolute favorites on this post and link posts of individual ships on their own posts. Also, I will continually keep updating this post and the other ones as fics complete and I read more.
If any of the authors of the fics mentioned here or are tagged and don't want their fics to be here, please let me know and I'll remove it!
❤️ = favorite
⭐️ = I love fics by this author in general
❌ = triggering themes
🔥 = explicit
Absolute Favorite Fics:
the trials of 2022 - 33k - Charles Leclerc/Carlos Sainz Jr - ❤️ ⭐️ 🔥
A partial summary of the 2022 season, as told by Charles or Carlos, following each race.
This would be my all-time favorite F1 fic if I had to choose, only rivaled by its currently unfinished sequel and the second fic here. Charles's and Carlos's relationship in this fic is so organic and realistic and the chemistry is incredibly tangible. The angst, tension, the emotion in this fic is delectable, beautiful writing by @/f1-stuff. Even if you aren't into this ship, I implore you to try this fic out.
the end of the strain - 19k - Lewis Hamilton/Nico Rosberg, Lewis Hamilton/Sebastian Vettel - ❤️
They didn't end up together in the end, which he had already prepared for in his heart.   Lewis, in seven parts.
For the first time ever reading any fic of any fandom, I had to lie on the floor for a couple minutes to process the emotional damage this fic gave me. The characterizations of all the people are on point and the relationships are heartbreaking and devastating in all the right ways. If you want to cry or lie on the floor and contemplate love like I did, this is the fic for you.
Negative Splits - 10k - Lando Norris/Oscar Piastri - ❤️ ⭐️
So officially, Oscar Piastri, pretty good steepler and pretty bad pacer, was now a professional runner. They wanted him to steeple, mostly, though he’d be doing cross country in the fall, and Lando had pinky promised him, mid-distance guy to mid-distance guy, that if he wanted to get into the 3k flat indoor then he would get him in. Oscar didn’t really want to ask how he planned on doing that. Felt safer not to ask.
@/ocontraire is the queen of Sports AU's for the F1 boys (go check out her other fics too! They're also incredible). As an athlete myself, the mentalities of both Lando and Oscar are relatable to me, though I'm also fascinated by the differences in various sports. This fic is certainly on the more lighthearted side (emotionally at least) and I thoroughly enjoy Lando and Oscar's friendship/relationship and its development.
induction, consolidation, maintenance - 6k - Pierre Gasly/Charles Leclerc - ❤️ ❌
In which Charles is sick, Pierre is desperate, and he wishes he didn't have to do what he's doing to pay for Charles to have a chance.
Piarles is certainly not a ship that I read often, but this fic caught my eye and I'm certainly glad that I read it. Pierre's and Charles's relationship is quite cute, though I mainly love Pierre's desperation to save Charles no matter what. He is willing to do anything, the world could burn for all he cares, to make sure Charles is healthy again and it got me heavily in the feels.
glitch - 26k - Max Verstappen/Charles Leclerc - ❤️ ⭐️
Max hums. “Well, at least that means I won’t bump into Charles Leclerc again.” “Bummer, really,” Daniel says, moving back to his own seat and drinking the little bit of coffee that was still in the cup. “Could’ve been the start of a great love story.” Lando snorts. “Kids, it all started when I told your father, who had won two World Driver Championships at that point, that he sucked at driving.” Max sticks his middle finger up at them, and pulls his noise canceling headphones back over his ears. Only two hours left to go, he thinks, wistfully, and goes back to work.
I mainly read @/nyoomfruits's fics because of Landoscar, though this Lestappen fic took me completely by surprise. I adore the romcom vibes of this whole fic and Daniel and Lando are so hilarious and chaotic. Max's personality fits so well in this fic as an unbothered IT guy, but completely loses his composure when he meets Charles, his favorite F1 driver.
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nyoomfruits · 10 months
fics that are essential landoscar lore to you 3 2 1 go
[shoves the enitre contents of the ao3 landoscar tag at you] there you go :)
IN ALL SERIOUSNESS. this is so hard why would you ask this of me aaahhhh but OKAY.
(below a read more because uuuuh. this accidentally got really long)
how much can you fit (under your skin) by cloudcollector | E | 4,5k
Oscar has biteable thighs. Lando has teeth.
this one is self explanatory and what prompted you to send me this ask i think. anyway i've said this before but even if you dont like thighs you will come out of this a thigh lover. also 10/10 dynamic like everything is so!!! about this fic. introduced reading oscar to the world which i think should be a staple in all landoscar fics actually
Negative splits by leafmealone | T | 10k
So officially, Oscar Piastri, pretty good steepler and pretty bad pacer, was now a professional runner. They wanted him to steeple, mostly, though he’d be doing cross country in the fall, and Lando had pinky promised him, mid-distance guy to mid-distance guy, that if he wanted to get into the 3k flat indoor then he would get him in. Oscar didn’t really want to ask how he planned on doing that. Felt safer not to ask.
very important landoscar lore to me personally which if you've been following me a while you probably know why. anyway 10/10 and a must read makes me feel very insane every time. also leaf did put the sports boys in another sport as well which is also mandatory reading in my personal opinion.
only found by eisenberg | T | 7k
“Hey, well. No strings attached, right?” Oscar says, strategically. Lando smiles and says, “hell yeah. And now that that’s established, what’s your stance on aliens? Also, do you still want your cake?” -- cinderella soulmates au where whatever you lose, your soulmate finds. except: oscar has a soulmate and lando is a No-Match, a person who doesn't have a soulmate.
what is a mandatory reading list without a soulmate au truly. AND LET ME TELL YOU. 10/10. dynamic is of the charts fantastic, beautifully captures the differences between lando and oscar but why they work anyway and gaaahhh. sometimes i just stare at the ceiling for three hours and think about this fic no biggie
what would you do (if I went to touch you now)? by laceyamethyst | E | 30k
“Okay, so they both like each other. We need to get them together.” “How? Lando’s too freaked out to think straight and Oscar is the human embodiment of the standing man emoji.” Charles purses his lips for a moment before he snatches his boyfriend’s phone up from the other side of the table. “What are you doing?” “Initiating Mission Landoscar.” “Did you just make that up?” Charles waves at him dismissively as he begins texting, and Max lays his head down on the coffee table and prays for strength. *** In which Max tries to prove to an oblivious Charles how glaringly obvious it is that Lando is head over heels in love with Oscar. When Charles finally gets with the program, Lestappen go on A Mission™ to get the two idiots to admit their feelings for each-other, but it’s easier said than done.
first of all this fic is perfect, show stopping, laugh out loud funny. SECOND OF ALL this fic is the best way to bully your lestappen friends into shipping landoscar because it actually has a super sweet established relationship lestappen side plot. also this whole fic is from max's pov which means you get a beautiful outsider pov look at the complete chaos that is lando and oscar pining for each other. delightfull really.
Your Plans (And Those Slow Hands) by xxcelientje | E | 4k
He could probably fit both of Oscar’s hands in one of his own, he could for sure use one hand to hold both of Oscar’s wrist and an idea entered his mind. He smiled at Oscar. ‘You like my hands?’ Oscar’s cheeks reddened even more as he nodded, his eyes still on their joined fingers. ‘They fascinate me,’ he admitted, biting his lip. OR: Lando and Oscar have some fun (and share some feelings) after the Belgium GP
just like the thigh fic will give you a thing for oscar's thighs this will give you a thing for lando's hands. gaahhh their dynamic in this is just so!!!!!!!!! the way theyre so HORNY for each other 10/10
carried away by venerat | E | 22k
“Oscar,” Lando said. “Don’t hate me, alright, but I've—”
did you really think i was going to do a mandatory reading list without a venerat fic???? lmao. anyway all of venerat's stuff is mandatory but this one is my personal fave i think. TOP TIER dynamic truly, and its FAKE DATING. what more can a person want really
change the weather by sharls | E | 5k
Lando knows what a thong is, of course he does—but the team needs content, the team needs clicks, and he just so happens to be well-versed in the art of going viral.
is a mandatory landoscar reading list really complete without a thong fic??? i think not. and this is so!!!!!!!!! everything about this just Makes Sense. if you told me this had actually happened i would be like. yeah. that checks out. very incredibly in character and just !!!!!!! very hot and funny and perfect.
all right theres a lot more but??? i promised myself i would rec only 5 fics and this is already 7, so... i'll stop here. for now
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milla984 · 1 year
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Let’s take a moment to appreciate the body language in this scene: the rest of the team (minus Rossi) has an upright posture and their hands are placed on the desk in front of them. JJ, Emily and Hotch use a hand clasp gesture while Penelope and Derek opt for the ‘one hand over the other’ variation. These gestures generally display an attempt at self-restraint of some sort - mainly a reaction to frustration, anger or anxiety, and also indicate the intention of putting more distance between oneself and the other person(s) involved. Rossi uses what is known as the ‘steeple hands’ pose, an indication that he has a confident attitude or is very confident about the outcome of the situation and may also try to convey a feeling of superiority; the lowered steeple is usually observed when the steepler is listening, rather than speaking. But what about Spencer? His expression is defiant, he’s leaning back on his chair and he’s sitting in a ‘figure four leg lock’ stance... which, according to experts, is one of the most dominant positions someone can assume without manifesting openly aggressive intentions, since it also indicates that the subject feels both argumentative and defensive at the same time.
My man is basically throwing a tantrum during a Senate Committee hearing.
@matthew-gray-gubler-lover, @reidselle, @reidsbookclub, @thisiscalmanditsdoctorreid, @pretty-boys-book-club, @spookydrreid, @f-me-reid, @redwithjoon, @gublerpals, @foxy-eva, @hopefullawyerfishprofessor, @scorpiofangirl1109, @a-potato-wearing-plaid, @fangirlshrewt97​ 
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bright-and-burning · 6 months
ooh I'm curious about the runners au!!
oh my god ok so runners au is this sprawling magnum opus of multiple fics weaved into one universe bc i’m CRAZY. it’s college xctf so it’s like different sport au mixed w college au it’s the best of both world it’s a love letter to my college experience etc etc. you’re getting my rambling thoughts on this for now instead of a snippet bc the one bit i have like Truly written im saving to post for an ask someone sent me ages ago and im doing this on my phone akdjskjd
there are several thru lines involved bc that's how my college experience worked lol everyone had their own side quests and it all intermingled which was SO fun . daniel tears both labrums (based on a real and true thing that one of my siblings’ teammates did) and that makes a maxiel overarching thing go screwy (max has his #slutera when daniel disappears for a year to have hip surgery. bc what else is college for?? also like. in my experience college was Not a 'i found love freshman year and now we're gonna get married' (tho i DO know ppl like that) it was a 'date around fuck around have some really ill-advised friends-w-benefits and/or situationships' kinda thing. so im trying to express Both of those experiences. bc i feel like the date around thing doesn't get written a whole lot. and what is college xc without being on a team w someone you had a dramatic breakup with three years ago.)
pierreste are up to some Weird Shit competing for 10th on the team to be able to race at conferences. theyre getting into shouting matches in the locker room and then making out outside the parties.
sophomore year lando gets a freshman who’s in half of his classes AND IS GOOD AT THEM despite being a freshman . and who also runs the same events in track . (it’s oscar. obviously. also they’re steeplers bc all of the ppl i know who do steeple are goofy as hell)
there’s some roommate shenanigans as well . bc what team Doesn't all live on top of each other and then have Things Go Down as a result
BASICALLY. there is nothing like being on a team and competing with and against each other . and spending 24/7 together in meals and practice and the library and classes . and then getting completely fucking smashed on the weekends. all of your wires get crossed. it’s the greatest thing EVER but it’s also an insane cult
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dimalink · 1 year
Nes, Nes! I play Nes!
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Do you play? Yes, I do! In a system Nes 8 bit! 8 bit spring days again! Just like in childhood. It is cool, that some things never going away. For my case, it is system Nes. But now I have China clone Fc Compact 2. And in previous time, I had Dendy from Steepler. Dendy Junior, maybe. I don’t remember model.
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Road Blasters
I played in Road Blasters. Blasters don’t just exist on a sideroad, you know. I have a game on a standalone cartridge. So, I like, when game is on a standalone cartridge. But gamepacks are also good. As you can say. In this game you need to ride forward and shoot  enemies cars and obstacles. And collect fuel. And you can upgrade your gun. It is good to play game!
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Graphics is ok. Control is ok. So, it is a nice game in genre car combat. I know, that there is also a Sega MegaDrive version. But I don’t have it. I played in Nes, right now.
I like this game a lot. But maybe it don’t have a lot of content.
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Power Rangers
After that it goes into action cartridge Power Rangers. I was surprised by gfx in game. Very beautiful.  With big sprites for characters. And good gameplay. It is nice to shoot. And look what is going on. One interesting moment, that character is don’t react immediately, in my case. Just like he has some power to be slow. Maybe it seemed. I came to the boss of first level. So, this is my goal.
So, I first time to run this cartridge. And was surprised. How good it is. I have part 1. And how many part exists – I don’t know. But, I think several should exists.
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One minus - it is hieroglyph. So, there are some cinematics. You can read some text. And don’t know what it is about. But game has a genre - action game. So, it doesn’t react on game.
And I entered some door. And gain a sword. Instead of gun. And next go to boss. But I cannot defeat him yet.
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After that, I have cartridge Gunnac. I run it. It is a great theme. I know it for a long time.  And I played it, I can say. Cool graphics, killing gameplay. You are flying in a spaceship and shoot. And it is space shooter. 
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Enemies are sci fi and funny. There are some carrots that are shooting into you, for example. And there are serious enemies. So, it is powerful 8 bit sci fi action space shooter 8 bit videogame. And a lot of weapons and bonus are here! They are dropping all the time. And lasers and even flamethrower.
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 There are lots of lasers, beams, super weapon is on second button. In this terms game is very fast. Plus beautiful gfx. I can defeat now a first boss, only.
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So, I had a cool weekend!
EBLOG: https://dimalinkeng.blogspot.com/ DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/F24Kw7TaH4
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mo-n-ro · 1 month
The Dendy cartridge. The steepler. Lamport. Duck Tales 2. The original. In good condition (sticker, plastic, board - whole).
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capotodeski · 5 years
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Отличная уютная комната ретро геймера. #ретро #ретрогейминг #ретрогеймер #ретроигры #ретроколлекция #денди #сега #retro #черныйплащ #retrogame #retrogames #игры #игра #gaming #sega #dendy #steepler #90s #90е #nintendo #darkwingduck #collections #collection #8bit #16bit #8бит #16бит #ретрокомната #retrorum https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvb8nZ8HxJX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xpvu6ucy1z48
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oldfartgamer-blog · 6 years
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Вновь вернусь к теме простеньких игр на #денди и сегодня пройдёмся по легендарной игре всех времён и народов - #battlecity Выпущена она была в 1985 году компанией #namco и перекочевала на нашу любимую платформу #nes #famicom с аркадного автомата (прародитель - игра Tank Battalion 1980 года) У нас в 90% случаев эта игра встречалась на пиратских картриджах-многоигровках, поэтому смысла покупать отдельный карик с одной Battle City просто-напросто не было. В игре 35 уровней, которые при прохождении закольцовываются и начинают игру заново, но с более высокой сложностью. Уровни состоят из различных декораций - кирпичные стены, бетонные бронеблоки, вода, лес, лед. Противники также подразделяются на несколько классов - обычные танки, шустрые БТР и тяжелые танки, убиваемые лишь с нескольких выстрелов. Бонусы в игре - отдельная песня. Звезда увеличивает уровень нашего танка, Лопата дает временную защиту базы, Каска - неуязвимость... Да что я вам рассказываю?! Вы и сами без меня прекрасно знаете абсолютно всё про эту замечательную игру. Добавлю лишь, что играть вдвоём в тысячу раз веселее и интересней. А ещё можно долго экспериментировать с редактором уровней и наслаждаться игрой на своей карте... Вот же ж времена были!  #famiclone #dendy #steepler #retrogames #retrogaming #8bit #8бит #ретроигры #стиплер (at Nizhnevartovsk) https://www.instagram.com/p/BhlNI3ilwN2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1o0psmstqsgxg
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www-love80s-ru · 3 years
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#денди #дендиджуниор #dendyjunior #dendy #console #retrogaming #аркадныймальчик #видеоигры #8бит #мылюбим80е #8bit #nintendo #bootleg #bootlegconsole #steepler https://www.instagram.com/p/CRLtKXElSoQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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f-andrey · 5 years
“Steepler был первым дистрибьютором Hewlett-Packard в России“
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kinsie · 7 years
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“This New New Reality sucks. Can’t I go back to the Old New Reality?”
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nyoomfruits · 11 months
lovin the landoscar content recently are there any other blogs or fics u recommend for landoscar content? thank u!!
there's currently 44 fics in the landoscar ao3 tag and i would recommend all of them actually BUT these are my personal favorites <3
Negative splits by leafmealone | T | 10k
So officially, Oscar Piastri, pretty good steepler and pretty bad pacer, was now a professional runner. They wanted him to steeple, mostly, though he’d be doing cross country in the fall, and Lando had pinky promised him, mid-distance guy to mid-distance guy, that if he wanted to get into the 3k flat indoor then he would get him in. Oscar didn’t really want to ask how he planned on doing that. Felt safer not to ask.
listen. LISTEN. this is so. oh my god this is so good i'm OBSESSED with this one. my landoscar otp tag is literally a quote from this fic i'm so. it has a very slow build and then the ending hits and you're like oh. OH. beautiful beautiful beautiful.
i'll kiss you first by venerat | E | 3k
“Uh,” Oscar says, when they’re in the car on their way to the airport. “I think you’re—um. Going into heat, mate.”
god this one is so. their DYNAMIC in this. lando being like a confident little shit being so ENDEARED by oscar makes me feel all goey soft every time. delightful premise, works SO WELL for them and everything about this is just so. AAAHHH
break my rules by venerat | E | 4k
Lando makes a considering noise. “A flirt?” He glances at the cameras, and Oscar can’t tell if it’s one of those we’ll need to edit that out later glances, or what. He looks back at Oscar. “You think I’m a flirt?” “You’re just, like…” Oscar flounders, flushing. “You’re very friendly.”
i promise this entire list isn't going to be just venerat fics but GOD they write the landoscar dynamic SO WELL it makes me feel a little feral every single time. the whole shag marry kill scene is so. GOD it's my favorite. a+++ i love this fic so much
askin' six days into june by peargasly (jamb) | G | 354
Lando almost flinches in surprise when there’s a hesitant touch to his waist.
i read this this morning and it fundamentally changed me as a person this might be one of the BEST lando/oscar characterizations i've ever read the DYNAMIC in this is top tier
sense and velocity by vertueusement | T | 11k | wip
“Well, alright, I don’t know if you lived under a rock or something, but Lando Norris goes here.” Uh, literally who? Oscar wanted to prod further but he could at least read the room and tell the one he spoke to didn’t want anything to do with him.
this is a wip so it is not finished yet but GOD i'm so fascinated by this whole thing. the premise is AMAZING and the author makes FANTASTIC use of the switching pov to show how we perceive situations differently all the time i'm so !!!!!!! DELIGHTED to see where this story will take us
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haytamlove · 4 years
The Most Effective Therapy For Bleeding Piles The most effective therapy for internal bleeding piles : The choice for living in the top level in your life is throughout us, so it needs to be for the treatment of hemorrhaging piles dilemma as well. Therefore, you don’t have to be concerned, for the reason that […]
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party-of-rpg-muses · 5 years
Gaius: Tell me. I want to know your real name before I take your life.
WoL: Hmph...
WoL: It's Percival Ramteen Gregory Nikolai Jack Skozer Leonardo Gabriel Socrates Meanviktor Nostradamus Alistair Podisha Vladimir Steepler Rasputin Boromir Wallawalla Shidiga Alexander Oliver Abelard Arnesto Zippy Zappy Angel Eyes.
Gaius: Isn't that funny? My real name is Russel Daniel Paul Blake Joseph Alan Eri­c Fred Orsen Trevor Richard Charleton Christo­pher Benedict Garfield Polyurethane Nichol­as Robert Theodore Skeet Michael Alvin Carter Bryc­e Jeffrey Maragold Peter Ethan Arran Papp­al William Nathaniel Orville Chuck Slipp­y Slappy Zippy Zappy Angel Eyes.
Gaius: Now prepare to die, Percival Ramteen Gregory Nikolai Jack Skozer Leonardo Gabriel Socrates Meanviktor Nostradamus Alistair Podisha Vladimir Steepler Rasputin Boromir Wallawalla Shidiga Alexander Oliver Abelard Arnesto Zippy Zappy Angel Eyes!
WoL: Bring it, Russel Daniel Paul Blake Joseph Alan Eri­c Fred Orsen Trevor Richard Charleton Christo­pher Benedict Garfield Polyurethane Nichol­as Robert Theodore Skeet Michael Alvin Carter Bryc­e Jeffrey Maragold Peter Ethan Arran Papp­al William Nathaniel Orville Chuck Slipp­y Slappy Zippy Zappy--Ahh! I bit my tongue!
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thatatomcat · 5 years
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So here's another artifact to look over! What we have here is the Dendy Gaming Console, the Russian NES. Back in the 80's, Nintendo was on top of the gaming market... The western market that is... Viable western markets.
Nintendo only held a presence in markets that would yeid great profit. The Socialist economy of the Soviet Union, even after it's eventual conversion to Capitalism under the Russian Federation, was too small and closed off to bring Nintendo, let alone any other big gaming manufacturers, to sell consoles and games. Domestic producer, Steepler, filled the void by importing Chinese and Taiwanese clone systems and branding them under the Dendy name.
The Dendy was THE game console to own in 1990s Russia. Steepler was the only company bringing these clones to the Russian market and the popularity of the Dendy was strong. The library of games available was incredible as well. With the exception of games with battery saves, Dendy's line up consisted of bootleg Chinese made combination carts (those 1000 in 1 games) and ROM Hacks of more famous titles (Somari). Steepler even had a television program and magazine dedicated to the Dendy, with reviews of games, interviews with fans, and advertising the newest products.
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The Dendy had a few issues though. The name Dendy had become synonymous with video games, much like Atari or Nintendo had become in the US at the time, and clones of the clones became more prevalent. All of these clone systems caused massive confusion for consumers and headaches for Steepler.
At the end of the mid 90's, Dendy (now an independent company) made a distribution deal with Nintendo and SEGA, but could not make profit selling more expensive hardware and software. The "original" 8-Bit Dendy system lived on. Today, the entire world is wrapped up in nostalgia and Russia isn't able to escape the trend either. The Dendy name and 8-bit "fami-clone" system have been brought back to capitalize on the craze, with brand new mini consoles that have thousands of games built in.
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engineeringaz · 3 years
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Та самая ''оригинальная'' приставка SEGA Mega Drive в ''фирменной''  коробке от Steepler. ☎ +994558752072 (whatsapp) . #баку #pubgmobile #baku #28may #ремонтноутбуков #moscowcity #pubg #gaming #Azerbaycan #Azerbaijan #Азербайджан #kesfet #keşfet #kesvet #aztagram #sega #28mall #взаимныелайки #взаимнаяподписка ❤ #Xeber #pc #satilir #computers #gamers #Bakim #xeberler #komputerustasi #bakililar #bakuazerbaijan #baku🇦🇿 (at Баку - Это / Baku is / Azerbaijan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVQpgifj8pZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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