Smart and Serene: Discover the Steamist SMP Steam Bath Generator with 550 Digital Control, GPAD-240, and Built-in Wifi Connectivity
Take your steam bath experience to new heights of convenience and control with the Steamist SMP Steam Bath Generator equipped with the advanced 550 Digital Control, GPAD-240, and Wifi integration. This innovative steam bath system combines cutting-edge technology with luxurious relaxation, providing you with the ability to customize and monitor your steam bath settings remotely through the Wifi-connected control panel. With intuitive navigation, precise temperature control, and the added convenience of Wifi connectivity, the Steamist SMP Steam Bath Generator offers a seamless and personalized spa experience tailored to your preferences. Immerse yourself in the ultimate relaxation oasis and enjoy the freedom and flexibility of managing your steam bath effortlessly from your smart devices.
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Steammist mountains
~the group made out of Dessert Dunes and the road changed from gold to ruby as they entered Steammist mountains~
Rosie: So Wally, what’s your friends like?
Wally: They’re the best, we go on all kinds of adventures and learn a lot of things!
Lolly: That sounds wonderful!
~the ground begins shaking as large rocks began tumbling towards them, with the nightmare nurse cackling~
Nightmare Nurse: Enjoy your deaths by a rockslide!! *cackles again as a large rock was about to hit them*
Wally: AH! *the cuff activated, blocking the rock from the group with a golden shield*
Rosie: Wow! I didn’t know that cuff was a shield!
Wally: N-neither did I. *the more rocks that collided with the shield, the more cracks it got*
???: Hang tight folks! *three strangers came down, the first down grabbed Lolly, the second grabbed Rosie and third grabbed Wally, then ran before the rocks could get them*
Nightmare Nurse: NO!!
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sims4wcif · 4 years
can you please find very long hair, preferably alpha and floor length thank you 🖤
Here’s the closest I could find:
This hair
Needy hair
Newsea steammist by @jennisims
Nicki Minaj inches
I’m gonna go ahead and add it as a request! :)
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murfeelee · 6 years
TS4 to TS3 SteamMist Hair - Request
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This is a conversion of Newsea’s TS4 hair (x / x). It was so astronomically high poly (almost 40k!), so I shaved it down to around 10k. Not bad though!
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Curls of epic proportion -- that’s a lot of holding spray, I tell you!
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TS4 doesn’t have CASt, so I settled on using EA’s default RGB mask, which is much better than the all-red control y’all would’ve gotten otherwise, trust! :P 
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So other than the lackluster RGB control (as usual with me and hair, urgh! U_U), and a few crunchy joints, this didn’t turn out half bad! :D
Download (package file only) : SimFileShare
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dropcross · 4 years
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Steamist TSG Steam Bath Generator with 550 Digital Control and Spa Package
Experience the ultimate in relaxation and rejuvenation with the Steamist TSG Steam Bath Generator with 550 Digital Control and Spa Package. This state-of-the-art steam bath system offers a luxurious spa-like experience in the comfort of your own home. With advanced features, precise temperature control, and a comprehensive spa package, this generator is designed to enhance your well-being and transform your bathroom into a personal oasis of serenity. Discover the benefits of the Steamist TSG Steam Bath Generator and embark on a journey of unparalleled relaxation and wellness.
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Steamist SMP Steam Bath Generator with 550 Digital Control and GPAD-240 - Wifi Feature Included
Health Benefits of Steam Baths
​One of the main benefits of a steam room is that it provides respiratory therapy. Studies done by ​PubMed Central have shown that kids with respiratory infections recovered more quickly after steam therapy than those who did not use steam therapy. The warm and humid environment aids in warming the mucous membrane, thus breaking up congestion in the sinuses and lungs. Steam rooms also offer other health benefits such as improved circulation, lowering blood pressure, reducing stress, promoting skin health, prompt workout recovery, loosening joints and boosting the immune system.
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Embrace Smart Relaxation: Steamist SMP Steam Bath Generator with 550 Digital Control, GPAD-240, and WiFi Connectivity
The Steamist SMP Steam Bath Generator with 550 Digital Control, GPAD-240, and WiFi Connectivity represents the pinnacle of relaxation and smart technology integration. With its WiFi connectivity feature, you can control and personalize your steam bath experience from anywhere within your home. The GPAD-240 serves as a convenient touch-screen control panel, allowing seamless integration and intuitive control. Enjoy the flexibility of scheduling, remote monitoring, and personalized settings, all while ensuring the utmost security and privacy. Embrace the world of smart relaxation
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Here's Why The Steamist 250 Round Control Is The Perfect Budget Steam Room Control
The Steamist 250 Round Control stands out as an excellent budget-friendly choice for those seeking a reliable and feature-rich control system for their steam room. With its precise temperature control, programmable settings, user-friendly interface, durability, and affordability, the Steamist 250 Round Control ticks all the boxes for steam enthusiasts. Elevate your steam room experience without exceeding your budget by choosing the Steamist 250 Round Control as your steam room control system of choice.
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steam bath generator with 550 digital control the perfect upgrade for your home spa
the steam bath generator with the 550 digital control is the perfect upgrade for your home spa. With its advanced features and convenient operation, this system brings a new level of luxury and relaxation to your bathing experience. The 550 digital control allows for precise temperature and duration settings, ensuring that you can customize your steam bath to suit your preferences. Whether you seek deep relaxation, improved circulation, detoxification, or respiratory relief, this steam bath generator delivers exceptional results. Its user-friendly interface and intuitive controls make it easy to operate, while its durable construction ensures long-lasting performance. Additionally, the steam bath generator with the 550 digital control adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to your home spa, elevating its aesthetic appeal. The upgrade not only enhances your personal well-being but also adds value to your home. Prospective buyers will appreciate the luxurious feature and attention to detail that a steam bath generator brings, making it a desirable asset. Investing in the steam bath generator with the 550 digital control is an investment in your overall wellness and enjoyment. It offers a convenient and indulgent way to unwind, rejuvenate, and escape the stresses of daily life without leaving the comfort of your home. Transform your bathroom into a sanctuary of relaxation and take your home spa to the next level with this exceptional upgrade. Experience the benefits of steam therapy and embrace the luxury and convenience that the steam bath generator with the 550 digital control provides.
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The Ultimate Guide to Steam Bath Generators: Everything You Need to Know
Steam bath generators bring the rejuvenating power of steam into the comfort of your own home or commercial space. By understanding how these generators work, choosing the right one for your needs, and following proper installation, maintenance, and usage guidelines, you can enjoy the many benefits of steam baths. Remember to prioritize safety, personalize your steam bath experience through control panel features, and address any troubleshooting needs with professional assistance. Incorporating a steam bath generator into your lifestyle can provide you with a serene sanctuary for relaxation and well-being. So, why not immerse yourself in the world of steam and embark on a journey of rejuvenation today?
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The Ultimate Home Spa Experience with the Steamist TSG Steam Bath Generator and Spa Package.
the Steamist TSG Steam Bath Generator with 550 Digital Control and Spa Package is the ultimate addition to any home looking to create a spa-like experience. With its powerful generator, advanced digital control system, and spa package featuring a steam head, aroma pump, and audio system, it offers unparalleled luxury and relaxation. Whether you are looking to improve your overall wellness or simply want a way to unwind after a long day, the Steamist TSG Steam Bath Generator with 550 Digital Control and Spa Package is a wise investment that will provide endless benefits for years to come.
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