#staunch character
fayegonnaslay · 2 months
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Interview Magazine, April 1976.
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grey-gardens · 1 year
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Happy pride month!
Source: @weareflagrant Instagram
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danzafila · 5 months
relatedly, someone recently said to me how sweet they found Petra's "I'm the will of the Empire"' line bc it shows how strong her friendship with El actually is and I bit my tongue bc CF fans really don't take kindly to you pointing out anything bad about the Empire, but holy misread batman. how was that your takeaway from that line!!!!!!!
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
"average person creates 3 new AUs per year" factoid actually just statistical error. average person makes 0 AUs per year. Alternate Universes Catie, who lives in cave & makes over 2 each month, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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the-woman-upstairs · 4 months
I can’t sit around thinking about the Mission Impossible films for too long cause I’ll inevitably start connecting dots that make my brain explode. Like how Rogue Nation ends with Benji and Ilsa trapped by Lane, needing Ethan to come rescue them, but Fallout ends with them relying on each other to defeat Lane and save themselves since Ethan can’t be there for them.
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cupidskissx · 9 months
WIP tag game
Thanking the stunning, show stopping @xiaoluclair 💍❤️
“Where’d you finish?” Max swirles his glass.
“Third,” Arthur’s humble smile teeters on a grin.
Max’s lips twitch up too. He’s impressed, not only by the rookie’s result, but by his modesty not to lead with that.
“Well done, mate,” Max brings his glass to hang suspended between them, Arthur clinks it gently with his own.
“Merci, I did benefit from the bad luck of others.”
Ah, self-depreciation runs in the family then.
“You held your position when others didn’t.” Old habits die hard, or perhaps Max is destined to live a life encouraging and commending Leclercs.
Tagging anyone who hasn’t been tagged but would like to post, tag me so I can see 🥰
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aerithisms · 2 months
i still have so many questions about the ff7 remake story. why did aerith even have knowledge of the future in remake to begin with? from a watsonion perspective, why does she lose that knowledge after the end of remake when sephiroth doesn't? (i'm fully aware the doylist reason is that having a character who knows the future would totally break the plot but i'm still curious if there's more to what they were doing with aerith's remake character or if this is it). what was her motivation to encourage the party to fight the whispers in the original game when she knew the party would defeat sephiroth in the end if events followed fate? was it simply that she wanted the chance to live? because that makes me want to lie down and cry!!!!
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desultory-novice · 1 year
I don't really understand the thematic narrative of the Magolor Epilogue. Would you please explain or point to something or someone that has already explained decently?
I'm still catching up on everyone else's post on the topic, so someone may have already covered this and I missed it. And I'm not certain I myself am going to hit on everything or give it the proper weight. I'm sort of just going to hit the highlights.
I think this is one of those "everyone's got their own good contribution to make", but I will add my two cents...!
So, one of the mysteries to me in the original game was always "If Magolor was a wizard, and actually GOOD at magic, why did he make Kirby do everything for him?"
Epilogue Magolor ends up having to go through parallel versions of the main game bosses one by one, fighting them on much more uneven ground than Kirby (w their friends) did. So in a way, the epilogue is about not just about a generic form of repentance for his actions, but him having to make up for what he put everyone through by going through all that again himself.
There is also an unspoken sort of journey to purify the Master Crown. The Fruit Fragments he collects are of a green apple. An unripe one. We don't know what kind of tree will grow from it. Good? Bad? Dependent on Magolor's choices?
We also see through his skill tree dialogue that, initially he talks about ways to weaponize his skills to make himself more evil and more threatening. But when you max them out, when Magolor has truly obtained the power he desires (through hard work and persistence) he begins thinking about his skills in a more utilitarian way. Can he use Dimensional Vanish to get home/travel to other worlds? Will max Trickery let him built a better theme park? Etc.
(Tbh, I'm working on a comparison of his EN vs JP skill tree dialogue and was still playing in Japanese while I was maxing things out, so apologies if he's evil all the way through in EN. He isn't in JP though!)
This last one is maybe considered a bit of a stretch but... if Magolor is NOT from Halcandra, well... you can take the things he did and argue that makes him a bit of a grave robber! The fact that he disguises himself as a legitimate Ancient Halcandran when he's very much not? And he even dresses like them specifically for the sake of fooling others? Err, I really don't want to get any further into this issue outside of mentioning it for the sake of moving this conversation forward, so let's get to the point.
Even if his original intentions were just to create the galaxy's best amusement park, he USED Halcandra for his own convenience. And, assuming the fiery destruction we see in the opening of the fight with the Master Tree portrays the fall of Halcandra, then Magolor is basically made to "put up or shut up?" He "made his fakey-fake Halcandran bed and now he has to lay in it?" Or "If you're so Halcandran, then save it from the thing that destroyed it...?"
It works a little better and comes off a little nicer if we later find out he IS a very distant descendant of Halcandra, born from survivors of either the Jamba diaspora or escapees of the Galactic Nightmare. But there's something to be said about Magolor quite literally having to pick up the sword to fight for his "adopted" homeland.
I suppose what all that works out to is that the overarching narrative is not just repentance, but that making up for a lie takes serious effort. Magolor has to truly put in the (non-existent) legwork to redeem himself. And we see him show some real emotion (he's heavily implied to cry) after surviving the fight with the Tree Crown.
Speaking of the Tree Crown, you could also take some cues from its connection with the legendary version of Mistilteinn and the stuff with traveling down into the underworld!
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thenukacolachallenge · 9 months
watching people badmouth the live action with shitty analysis before it dropped: rage, seething blinding angry rage at people who don't understand what an adaptation is supposed to be or how it works or how film in general works tbh. watching them try to justify their opinions is like pulling teeth
watching those same people badmouth the live action with shitty analysis now that it's dropped, and watching those same people get mocked mercilessly for being pedantic dumbasses: pure zen. i have achieved samsara
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selfshipping-haven · 3 months
The art looked so professional
If you're out there, we see you ;;
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july-19th-club · 11 months
so far the best illustration of the main difference between bones and house for me is the fact that on house the large majority of the characters are agnostic, jewish, jewish agnostic, atheist, or some other flavor of non-christian, except for chase, who's the weird guy for being a semi-practicing catholic. on bones, brennan and zack are the only two atheists and everybody else is some flavor of christian (goodman's a deacon, booth is devout if not specific, even conspiracy guy has a vaguely defined belief in god) and if that doesnt say something about the different ethoses there idk what does
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starrynyxa · 6 months
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fstbmp-a · 11 months
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They have the same character motivation, your honor.
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yanlei-a · 1 year
honestly if shen isn't around to spray him with water and say no! no killing jhin! we're just going to capture! zed would absolutely just kill him he kills people all the time and he's tired he's traumatized the world would be a better place without jhin in it
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jupiterjunebug · 5 months
My mentol iwwness is a nightmare. If i dont know something instead of admitting i dont kno or half assing it or lowering my expectations i go time to spend 3 hrs on researching and develop new obsessions haha. I was supposed to get chores done
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Idk about you guys, but these video game developers selecting a moderately (or very) attractive model for their female character and then uglifying her in the finished version is nasty, mean-spirited and I'd even dare to say misogynistic.
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