abbee-normal · 9 months
Arrrrrrt Maaaaail!!!!!!
I got art mail from our very own beloved Chaos! And, oH! I am smiling so big right now, you can't even imagine! Everything looks so much prettier in person, and I LOVE it!
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First of all, how cute is this envelope guys? And side note, I want your handwriting as a font for my computer, it's so fun and cute!
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Decorated on the back too, and the Alice sticker is my favorite!!!
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This stationery! ooooh it is so adorable, yes, I had to share this too
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My girls! and the woman who keeps them in line, Lana!
I just kept shuffling thru the cards looking at each one and smiling. I'm going to keep them in places where I can see them all the time.
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! @stars-ephemeral You are truly a sweet person, I'm glad I got to know you! 🥰
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commander-krios · 9 months
Since I am incapable of writing anything but Andromeda Six, here's another wip
“You really need to stop doing this.” Grey eyes searched the shadows of the ship for the telltale flash of a blade before Damon appeared, hiding his true thoughts behind a cold mask. He slipped the knife back into his coat, taking a step past June to glance out the viewport, stars blinking in the endless black space.
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chaos-corvus · 2 months
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swtorpadawan · 2 months
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b1adie · 1 month
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no surprise that he’s my main.. BUT HE’S MADE ME NEARLY 4 MILLION CREDITS IN SUPPORTS???
well good since at least 10,000 of these were for getting him PERFECT relics. i did nothing but that cavern for Months.
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aw :) he’s like a wild animal i’m gradually domesticating. we’re best friends ^_^
here’s my full stats, and here’s the link to see your own!
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flambo19 · 4 months
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~ A Night out in Penacony ~
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earlronove · 3 months
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I made a video game and it got a web novel sequel. Today, ten years after being posted, that web novel sequel is finally on itchio because every site it's on (including this fucking one) has decided to be shitty.
So, if you're a SSP fan and wanted a PDF or EPUB of Ephemeral Prince, now's your chance. I will be taking the web novel off tumblr and wordpress by next week, so itch.io plz don't do this same shit.
You can find the itch.io page here!
Anyway, I had fun returning to Snowe's design and coloring him again.
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little-soldiers · 1 year
team rancher is a two headed calf poem ass pairing
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Rainbow Butterfly ~Ethereal Poem~
These starlit hours have begun
Suddenly she appears in a dazzling glint
As the darkness gives way to the light
Her skin is in a very fair complexion, smooth and flawless
Her face is youthful and lovely
Wearing a glistening colorful diamond butterfly pendant around her delicate neck
Her hair is flowy and hip-length and in the color of crimson
With a full fringe concealing her forehead
Her eyes are sparkling and in a deep blue shade like a sapphire
Her lips are pillowy with a tinge of glimmer
Her dress was brilliant and glistening like a diamond in the rough
It's vividly colorful
Her heels are sparkly and match the theme of the dress
Accentuating her flawlessly
Her wings begin to brightly resonate
With a snap
Dozens of sparkly rainbow-colored butterflies appear
The sparkly rainbow-colored butterflies following her
Each butterfly embodied every dream that was granted through warmth desire
She has been recently reborn
Asks herself how she gets here?
From a wish? Or maybe from a promise?
Who knows but she's here
She knows the world is her oyster
She wants to see it and its entirety
Being mesmerized by its shimmery glint
Her wings twinkled in a sheer cloak of night
Concealed it in its colorful glimmer
Now, it's her chance to show herself
With a snap
Another dozen sparkly rainbow-colored butterflies appear
Dispersing and scattering
Spreading the word of the legend
Satisfied with her effort
With a snap
She dissolves herself into a million brightly lit rainbow-colored butterflies
Turning herself into lore as well
The lore of the Rainbow-colored butterfly
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rosulawrites · 18 days
How stars are made
I always wondered if our paths ever crossed.
Meeting on timelines that align.
With no what ifs and no what was because somehow, by a trick of fate
We collided just like the stars did. The act of how they met their end and made probabilities out of it.
I always thought that would be how our story started and ended. Like the explosion of a star. It needed to meet its demise before something could be made out of it. Like how we are now.
"Don't you ever fear that there are timelines and instances wherein our souls have never met?"
"What makes you think I don't fear it or relive it, for that matter?"
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ephemeralelise · 2 months
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hints of an eclipse [4-8-24]
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...there was an attempt...
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Behold, a gremlin demon boi.
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technicallyeldritch · 3 months
hey is the plastic thing that holds the liquid for like. tide pods n shit water soluble? where does the plastic thing go after you put it in the dishwasher
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astrxealis · 11 months
sorry again. anyway in tags uh
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robertjtiess · 1 year
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My poem "Elsewhere in the Universe"
for a six-line poetry challenge.
Poem text link: https://allpoetry.com/poem/17230109-Elsewhere-in-the-Universe-by-Robert-J.-Tiess
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claytonia · 1 year
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Satinflower (Olsynium douglasii) — blue-eyed mary (Collinsia spp., probably parvifolia, but they like to hybridize) — whole-leaved saxifrage (Micranthes integrifolia) — shootingstar (Primula hendersonii, formerly Dodecatheon, a much more righteous genus name imho) — spring gold (Lomatium utriculatum) & smallflower woodland star (Lithofragma parviflorum) oh my!!
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