#stargazing anon
kithtaehyung · 2 years
3tan yoongi and reader hooking up in a bathroom at a party bc they haven’t seen eachother for a fat minute and taehyung walking in bc they didn’t lock the door and is just “:0” “pls use protection”
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“Tae, what the fuck!”
“…I’m gonna… Go get new eyes.”
“Also, nice tits, babe.”
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
I was at my wit's end with the SA joke on Pent, and the Lucifer v Alastor sing-off where Alastor claims he sees Charlie as a daughter figure. It doesn't make sense why Charlie is being babied so much in the series. I genuinely liked Pilot Charlie, this Charlie ain't my girl. Also since when was Al behaving like a parental figure to her - it literally came out of nowhere. Then I got a whiplash when I learnt the blonde, pale skinned dude was supposed to be St Peter. Viv...why? I was raised Catholic but no longer practising, and I'll say this: St Peter was a true brother, the type of man who'd throw hands to defend his friend. I always thought he was a cool disciple. How dare you, Viv, whitewash this man. Final straw was that, apparently, even Heaven doesn't know its own requirements.
... what? Look, I get if she's not fond of Christianity, but she borrows way too much from Abrahamic beliefs that even as someone who's disillusioned with religion, I feel offended by how cheap it is. The Good Place had a better portrayal of the unfair standards that can easily get you into hell than heaven.
In other news, the Lackadaisy vignette was adorable. I love Mordecai listing off random chess moves that I'm not even sure are real, and Viktor's "bro, let me play in peace" attitude. It's amazing how much one short can say about their characters. What cute kitties.
Stargazer Anon
In a sea of all this, the Lackadaisy vignette was an island in the middle of the ocean. Those precious cat men make everything a little more bearable.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 11 months
Aww, now I want to see more stuff with HC Wind and Four! 🥰
- 🛵
Four bit his lip as his confused patient yet again tried to climb out of the bed. Thankfully he had soft restraints to help him stay put, as he was so confused he had already torn all his clothes off and woke up in a frenzy at nearly five minute intervals at this point (thank heaven the shift was almost over). The man had meningitis, had no idea what the heck was happening, and was on blood thinners, so the instant he got out of bed, he would probably stumble a few steps and then immediately fall and get a head bleed.
So it was fairly important to ensure he didn't leave the bed.
"Hey Toru," he called loudly, as the elderly patient was partly deaf, placing a calming hand on the man's shoulder.
"Geuh buhb huh??" the patient slurred and grumbled, staring at him with wide, bewildered eyes.
"You're safe," Four explained, feeling his chest rumble in warning as he continued loudly, "You're in the hospital. You're in the ICU. I'm your nurse. You're very sick, so it's important that you stay in the bed, okay?"
The patient settled with another disjointed garbled set of words, allowing Four a moment to sniffle back some phlegm and stifle another cough. He only had the remains of a bad cold, and he was wearing a mask to ensure he didn't share the germs with anyone, but he was long overdue for a coughing fit and a box of tissues.
If he could leave the room long enough to do that.
The patient started to climb out of bed once more, and Four sighed, immediately walking back to him and trying to soothe him. "Toru. You're in the hospital. You're safe. I'm your nurse, I'm here to take care of you. You're very sick--"
His words choked off with a violent urge to cough, and he managed to step back enough to hack into his mask a few times.
Then he had to laugh. Yeah, he's sick and so am I. Feels like the blind leading the blind in here.
"Uh, Four? You good?"
Glancing back, Four saw Wind staring at him hesitantly in the doorway. When he looked back at his patient with a sigh, he saw that the man had once more stripped off his gown and blankets, and his legs were half over the side rail as he laid there in confusion.
"Yeah. You wanna help me get him resituated?"
Wind bit back a snort. "Sure. Maybe you should just hop in with him, you sound kind of rough."
"I'm not that bad," Four grumbled as the pair helped the man get back in bed. Four started to talk him through the steps before he had to step away to cough again.
Wind took pity on him, taking over and explaining to the patient. The younger man's louder voice helped, and within a few minutes the patient was appropriately dressed and covered and resting.
Four thanked Wind, who smiled cheerily. "No problem! Hey, do you work again tonight?"
"No, I'm off."
"Oh thank goodness," Wind sighed in relief. "I was about to say there's an open bed next door if you need it."
"Ha ha ha," Four deadpanned. "Guess that means we can't get together tonight with your telescope."
Wind gasped. "Hey, now! You're not that sick, and you promised to do some star charting with me when we were both off!"
Four laughed. "See? Even you're saying I'm not that sick."
Wind opened his mouth to protest and realized his mistake. Then he grumbled, "That was a trap."
"And you fell right into it."
Rolling his eyes, the respiratory therapist nodded towards Four's patient. "Well enjoy it for now, because he's crawling out of the bed again."
Four sighed heavily. Thirty more minutes to day shift.
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lover-of-skellies · 2 months
Star sans poly? (Or also stargaze poly as I've heard)
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Fun fact: I’ve never heard them be referred to as the stargaze poly until today
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merakiui · 10 months
🌧️ please!!
(ask game)
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP.
This is from a very old wip I was writing two years ago. It’s a story in which you and Venti (accompanied by Xiao and Zhongli) embark on a road trip to a summer festival. Venti has feelings for you, but you like Xiao and so it’s a messy tangle of a love triangle. Zhongli is there for moral support and also to share interesting facts during the ride. :D
The below excerpt isn’t super angsty, but it’s still sad to read because Venti’s so obviously attached to you and you don’t feel the same about him. >_<
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
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"Yes uhhh he was a rapist who mistreated all of his wives, three of which he widowed, but uhhh something something context clues????"
Anonymous asked: https://twitter.com/miqaelababa/status/1637303601931636737?s=20 i cringed so hard, team black are braindead. Now apparently it Maegor the Feminist
me when targnation:
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i am too tired to look for the thread but i hope OP got deservedly trashed in the comments. good lord.
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
hi, a while ago when you asked for people to send soft things I sent an anon about my best friend and I looking at the stars and thinking about each other and your reply to that was so kind, it really meant a lot to me after sharing a thing that’s so important to me but I didn’t know how it would be taken since I’m a stranger on anon. Like, I thought it’d be nice and knew it’s something I’d enjoy getting but beyond that I couldn’t say, like it’s hard to judge with things so close to you and you never know what’s just important to you and what other people might enjoy too right? But the reply was so heartfelt and validating and lovely and I would like you to know that now when I go and look at the stars I think of my friend and I also think of you. I think about you and the kindness of strangers, I think about you saying you were gonna go tell your best friend you loved her in the tags of your reply and how that made me all soft and how sharing your love and the beauty you see and find in life can be so good and important. So thank you for being kind and thank you for adding this extra thing to my stargazing <3
✨ the original ask mentioned (if anyone wants to feel really really soft)
hi 🥹 i’m. i genuinely teared up reading this, i’m so. i’m a little speechless i think. first and foremost i’m glad i could give you that notion of appreciation and like it was worth it, telling me this wonderful thing about yourself and your friend ✨ i get that this would feel very vulnerable telling a stranger — because i’m one to you just as much as you’re one to me — so i’m really really glad you felt validated and that it was worth it 🤍
but also 🥺😭 that is so!! i am so!! 😭😭 god. i don’t even have words. but i’m tearing up again. and i’m just gonna hold this very very close to my heart. i can’t see the stars right now because they’re a raging thunder storm outside but above the clouds, there they are, and here you are, and some things are good.
thank you for being good, and kind, and. stargazing. i’m. that’s. yeah. 🥺
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skyward-floored · 2 years
your opinion on groose and any groose related hcs, please. hand em over.
-🛴 :)
On my first sksw playthrough I wanted to punch him when I found out he basically kidnapped Link’s loftwing (Hello? Link could have died what the actual heck was he thinking)
I visited his room one (1) time over the course of the game, saw his link punching bag and combined with shortly after seeing him freak out about tiny birds and his AWESOME character development decided he was great. The groosenator is super fun too, so he’s like, top ten side characters for me
Uhhhhh I don’t know if I have any Groose headcanons um gimme a second—
- I really like the idea of him spearheading the efforts to build stuff on the Surface, I mean he makes the groosenator basically from scratch right? Building is totally his thing, he’s definitely got plans for Grooseland.
- he has lots of bird feathers and things in his room on skyloft and went crazy over the small surface birds, so bird nerd Groose is 100% canon to me. He collects feathers and geeks out when Link brings him one of those rare blue ones you can get
- super common but I really like him being the beginning of the Gerudo, like one of his kids or something decided the desert is cool and decides to live there, and that’s where they come from.
- I feel like even with his character development and all he maybe brushes over all the bullying he put Link through over the years, and he and him need to sit down and sort of work things out. maybe Zelda punches him or something.
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spiraling-eyes · 4 months
Cute & stargazer
I'll wear this badge with honour and pride. 🫠🥰😘
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celestial-sword-dance · 8 months
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Multimuse Honkai Star Rail Ask/RP Blog
indie | selective | oc/au/dup friendly
penned by cyber | tag list below
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
i offer:
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chaifootsteps · 18 days
Hi there, it's Stargazer Anon! It's been a while - I took a break from all the HH/HB drama for my own mental health. Came to check on this blog to see how it was doing, and man was it funny to see a discussion on Rio of all things XD As much as I liked the first film, I agree that the second was pretty meh.
I'm honestly so happy with the release of TADC's second episode, just because the quality was so good compared to HH & HB. Jax was perfect: a jerk-type of character who was absolutely a jerk, but still had a brief moment of emotion to humanise him.
All these Viv stans popping up - Doggysatan, Artsygum, Ayylmao, and more - are performing mental gymnastics that are giving me a headache. I'm glad you're not letting them get to you, Chai. You're honestly really strong and deserve better than to get harassed by them for speaking the undeniable truth.
Aww, glad to see you back! It's true, I don't think anyone was expecting the conversation to turn to Rio, but here we are!
The Crazy Bunch is literally getting crazier and more hypocritical by the day, but it's been nice to see that even Twitter is wising up to them.
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astraeanova · 2 years
✧ When Stars Collide ✧
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((Credit for the banner template, and also to my love for editing it for me!))
✧ 18+ Independent, Semi-Selective Star Platinum Over Heaven, otherwise known as Aster Joestar! Highly canon divergent.
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Played by River (@riverpuppy, they/them), with follows coming from @riverhubby. Please read my rules, and please feel free to read a bit about Aster!
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kiwikipedia · 11 months
I just came across those Star Wars x FGO works and i fell absolutely in love. They were so awesome!!!
It’s a big tragedy though. This is probably VERY long time after the Lostbelt and Gudako seems to have settled well into being an unhinged chill Master, but I can only imagine the sheer despair that consumed her when pruning all those Lostbelts and coming back to humanity eradicated. AAAAAAAAAA
I have never read or watched anything Star Wars, but it was an enjoyable read nonetheless. Since it focuses on Chaldea I could easily follow along the plot. It was awesome tbh, reading reactions and misconceptions in regards to Chaldea (just a “research facility” my ass right?) and how nothing quite prepared the Star Wars cast for the complex creatures known as “Servants”.
And honestly, while the ones they met weren’t probably “good” or super heroic, there are still more than enough Servants who are amoral, apathetic, joyfully bloodthirsty, and extremely malicious, and are only kept on a leash by virtue of Bond 10s. So yeah. Take example idk, Hessian Lobo would give zero shits about mauling someone and Shuten Doji is Shuten Doji. Not a Star Wars fan, is there anything equivalent to Shuten Doji or demons?
Well, on this point, Raikou is insane 24/7 mommy who loves her child to death, have seen many iterations of Raikou going on rampage and they are funny on paper but terrifying for the characters.
I'm really glad you like my crossover series lol and I'm glad that you could follow along since you don't really watch SW.
The dichotomy between the Republic and Chaldea is definitely something that I would like to get into if I continue writing for this series (currently on hold as I get my motivation back up to write at all) but Chaldea is definitely going to drag the war through a wild ride.
In terms of Shuten, as far as I know, there's nothing like the Oni or anything around her level of bloodthirsty and insane in SW - or at least not during the Clone Wars era.
But Shuten's the least of anyone's worries, considering what will happen when Raikou and the rest of Chaldea's Team Moms find out about how poorly the clones seem to be treated at times.
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deactivationincomplete · 11 months
what do you enjoy doing?
Searching through data, finding the most optim̶͎̿al route or phrasing for a si̴t̵u̶ation.
Essentially, performing the functions that I was designed for.
There's not muc̸̤̈́͘h else I can do.
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kkpwnall · 1 year
kk. hello...........i am here for the fanfic writer strength ask. i tried to do a rhyme but i ran out of thyme (for my soup, and i can't rhyme without soup). i could've used time, of course, for the rhyme, but then i realized that the passage of time is a great stength of yours and better highlighted through the mention of your perfect pacing and your ability to stretch scenes however you want them, short or long, they're always just right. your characterization never requires any notes (the duffers should put The Guys in your custody) and you have this great ability to capture feelings that are so hard to describe with grace and subtlety, like anticipation, of small-town ennui. your words feel like embarking in a canoe and letting yourself be swayed by the gentle current of the true blue lake. 💗
ahh!! my dear sweet anon, thank you so so much for your sweet words!! can i make you some soup some time?
you've highlighted some things i never would have thought were strengths of mine. seriously, pacing? something i struggle with so much!! capturing difficult to describe feelings? honestly goals.
i'm so honored my characterization hits just right!! i just love writing these guys, they've bewitched me body and soul. i can't thank you enough for this heartfelt message.
what can i say, it feels good to be known so well <333
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