#star wars insider 170
jeronandor · 1 month
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Star Wars Insider #170 (December 2016)
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spacefinch · 1 year
Warning: here be Star Wars fanfic:
I wrote this for a school assignment a few years ago….
Star Wars: Sato's Story
By Finch
[Atollon. Phoenix Squadron’s base of operations.]
Sand. Dust. That was all that my nephew Mart and I could see outside the ship’s viewport.. The entire base was on lockdown thanks to this blasted sandstorm.
"How much longer until the storm lets up?" Mart grumbled. "I hate being stuck inside."
"I am not sure. But in the meantime, I have a story I would like to tell you," I said.
"A story, huh? Is it about the ‘glory days’ you and the older pilots talk about?”
"Not exactly," I replied. "Do you remember me telling you that I used to be in the Republic Navy before you were born?"
He nodded.
"For years, I thought I knew who I was: Commander Jun Sato, one of the best Republic military tacticians to hail from the Outer Rim," I began. "But nothing could prepare me for the day my career— and my life— changed forever…"
It happened during the last days of the Clone Wars, more than sixteen years ago. The Separatists were invading Mykapo, our home planet. But there was no way I was going to let that happen.
At the time, I commanded the 719th Battalion alongside Jedi General Quon-Li and Admiral Styan Haringer, an old friend of mine. We had plenty of resources: hundreds of clone troopers, a fleet of Venator-class cruisers, and state-of-the-art starfighters and bombers. To say I was confident in our ability to win would be an understatement.
Before the battle could begin, though, we had to devise a plan of attack...
"Since time is of the essence, I will make this short," Haringer said as we all stood around the holotable in the Firebrand's (the command cruiser's) war room. He began all his mission briefings this way, even the excruciatingly long ones that bored me to death when I was a cadet. Thankfully, this one was on the short side.
The plan we discussed was as follows: Our Venators and light cruisers would move to outflank the Separatist ships and open fire, cutting off escape. At the same time, a squadron of bombers would attack the Separatist command ship, with a fighter squadron serving as escort. The battle in space would keep the enemies distracted long enough for our gunships to deliver our ground troops to the planet’s surface and take care of the battle droids there. Not much different from the other battles we had fought. Except this time, I would be flying alongside my pilots, rather than giving orders from the relative safety of the cruiser's bridge.
"You don't have to do this, Commander. I am certain the general can lead our squadrons on his own," said Haringer, with a familiar look of concern in his eyes. It reminded me of the old days, when I was still learning to command. He’s still looking out for me, I thought. I can take care of myself, though.
"It's not that,” I replied. “Mykapo might just be another planet to you, but it is my home, and I will do everything I can to defend it.”
“And I will do everything I can to defend the Republic,” he responded.
A few minutes later, our two fighter groups— Dragon Squadron (composed of six-winged ARC-170s) and Nighthawk Squadron (composed of Y-wings)— were ready for battle.
"This is Dragon Leader," Quon-Li said. "All wings, report in." He spoke with a deep, gravelly voice that was a characteristic of his species, the Mon Calamari. His fishlike features made it seem as though he was most comfortable underwater— which was true— but he was also a gifted pilot.
I listened through my flight headset as the Dragon pilots called in. After that, it was my turn. "This is Nighthawk Leader, standing by," I said, from the cockpit of my YT-2400, the Sato’s Hammer.
“Hey, that’s the freighter we’re in now!” Mart exclaimed, interrupting my story. “That is so cool! Was R3 there, too?”
Hearing his name mentioned, Mart’s old astromech droid turned his conical head to look at us.
“Yes, he was,” I said. “Now, let us continue the story.”
"Nighthawk Two, standing by!" That was Lieutenant Galt. By far one of the most enthusiastic clones in the 719th. And another good friend of mine, as well. No matter what mission we were on, he always kept everyone’s spirits up— often by starting a friendly competition to see who could shoot down the most droid starfighters.
One by one, the rest of my pilots called in.
I had commanded and fought beside these men for three years. Following Quon-Li's example, I had taken time to get to know them, not just as soldiers, but as friends. Which meant I trusted them with my life.
"All right, men, you know what to do," I said. "Attack speed!"
Even with Dragon Squadron covering for us, the other bomber pilots and I had our hands full. Vulture droids came at us from every direction— like a swarm of angry hornets, only much larger and angrier.
Fortunately, we all made it through the first wave of enemy fighters in one piece. I wasn't planning on letting my guard down, though.
That soon proved to be a wise decision. Compared to the rest of the Separatists' defenses, that first wave was just the practice round.
We succeeded in destroying the Separatist’s flagship, but not everyone survived the attack run. Many good men were lost— including several from my own squadron. In spite of the losses, though the battle was a victory for both the Republic and the people of Mykapo.
As cleanup dogfights concluded, the rest of my squadron suddenly changed course. That's strange. I never ordered them to do that.
I spoke into my comm: "Nighthawk Squadron, this is your commander speaking. Get back here AT ONCE!"
I expected to hear at least one "Yes, sir!" or other acknowledgement over the radio. But there was no response. This doesn't make sense. The comms are working perfectly. And it's not like the clones to ignore a direct order.
Two seconds later, I saw where the Y-wings were headed. Toward the ARC-170s, all of which were chasing a small starfighter.
Not just any starfighter. Master Quon-Li’s ship. And unlike the Hammer, Jedi starfighters weren’t designed to sustain heavy damage.
I tried contacting the fighters again. “All units, break off your pursuit, now. This is your only warning.”
This time, I did get a reply. “Negative. We have orders to terminate the Jedi,” came Galt’s voice.
This can’t be. These men would never do such a thing.
“What? Why?” I could barely contain my shock.
“He’s a traitor. They’re all traitors.”
I had only known Quon-Li— and a small number of other Jedi— for a few years. I didn’t consider myself an expert on their ways. But I had seen them in action. I had seen their dedication and loyalty to clone troopers and civilians alike. They would never betray all those people.
The next several moments felt like an eternity. Before, my goal had been clear. Lead my squadron into battle, defeat the Separatist invaders, and liberate my home.
Now, though… Now I was faced with a choice. I could choose to go along with the clones. Remain loyal to them. But then, I would be letting them kill Master Quon-Li. Did I really want that?
Or I could save the general. But that would mean turning on my own men, and by extension, the Republic. By doing so, I would be dishonoring the commitment I had made when I joined the Navy.
This was not just any decision. Not like deciding what to eat for breakfast or what to do when I was off duty. This was a matter of life and death.
I weighed the options in my mind once again. Side with the clone troopers— who were loyal to the end— or side with the general, who always did what he believed to be right. Time is of the essence, Jun, I told myself.
I made my decision.
“R3, raise deflector shields to maximum level,” I said. The droid immediately did as he was told. At least he still listened to me.
I gripped the controls of the freighter and banked hard, heading straight for the Republic starfighters. Most of the fighters remained focused on the Jedi starfighter, but a few broke off from the group and began to chase me.
If they thought that would drive me away, their assumptions were soon proven incorrect. I stayed on course, tilting my ship to dodge the incoming laser fire. For three years, these pilots had regarded me as their friend, and now they treated me as the opposite. What happened to them? How could they do this?
I opened a comm channel to Quon-Li’s fighter. “This is Commander Sato. You need to get out of here, General,” I said, trying to hide the growing fear in my voice. As if I could hide something like that from a Jedi.
“I’m trying. But my fighter doesn’t have a hyperdrive. I won’t be able to get far,” Quon-Li answered.
Blast it! How could I have forgotten about that? I scolded myself. Out loud, I said, “My ship does have a hyperdrive. If I can get close enough, you can dock with it.”
“It’s risky, but it might work,” the general replied. “Just make it quick, Commander.”
A laser blast from one of the clone fighters scored a direct hit. Warning lights flashed across the Hammer’s control panel. The deflector shields had been compromised. At this rate, it was only a matter of time before the hull was breached.
I didn’t want to fire on my own squadron, but I had no other choice if I wanted to stay alive long enough to help Quon-Li get to safety. I aimed both of the Hammer’s turret guns and fired. The repeated blasts vaporized two of the pursuing fighters and sent three others spiraling out of control. I blocked out the thought of the lives ended. The lives I had ended.
I pulled my ship up alongside the Jedi starfighter. “Stand by on the docking port, R3,” I ordered. “I will handle the rest.”
Quon-Li moved into position, turning his fighter on its side so it could attach to the docking port.
R3 beeped questioningly at me.
“Not yet,” I said. “We have to get closer.”
And the sooner, the better. I closed the gap between the two ships.
“Get the docking port open, now!”
But before R3 could get it open, two proton torpedoes hit Quon-Li’s starfighter. One second, it was flying next to mine. The next, harsh light filled my cockpit viewport as the fighter burst into flame.
“NO!” I shouted.
The fighter was gone. Master Quon-Li was gone. I’ve failed.
I felt anger boiling inside me. Anger at myself for not being able to save the general. And anger at the pilot who had shot him down. Part of me wanted to make the clones pay for what they had done. Make them regret the day they turned on their own leader.
No. The clones wouldn’t just betray the Jedi. They were bred to be loyal— both to the Jedi and officers like myself. Something is amiss.
R3 turned to look at me and whistled. His one camera-eye remained as always expressionless, but I could tell what he was probably thinking in that computer brain of his. And I appreciated his concern.
“I’m fine,” I said, partly answering R3, but mostly trying to convince myself.
A light on the Hammer’s communications panel began flashing, signaling an incoming transmission from the Firebrand.
“Put it through, R3,” I said,
Immediately, a blue-tinted hologram of Admiral Haringer materialized over the panel’s projector.
“Commander,” he addressed me.
“Admiral, what is going on?” I demanded. “Why have the clones turned on their own general?”
“Actually, it is Quon-Li who was the traitor,” Haringer replied. “And the same can be said for all the other Jedi.”
This was almost exactly what Lieutenant Galt had said just minutes earlier. And it still didn’t make sense.
“You’ve known the Jedi for much longer than I have,” I said. “You know they would never betray the Republic.”
Haringer didn’t answer, but narrowed his eyes.
“At least tell the pilots to cease firing at me,” I said. “I tried telling them myself, but they don’t seem to be listening.”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
“Why not?” It was a completely reasonable request.
“By order of the Emperor himself, all traitors to the Galactic Empire must be punished. That includes you, Sato,” the admiral said.
The Emperor? This was worse than I had thought. Much worse. Ever since the war began, I had started to see that the Republic was beginning to fall from its former glory. I just hadn’t realized how far it had fallen.
“Now see here, Admiral,” I said in a tone I rarely used when talking to a superior officer. “I am not a traitor. If anyone deserves to be called a traitor, it is you.”
Up until this point, I had respected Haringer. I had admired his loyalty to the Navy. Loyalty at any cost. Now, though… Now I realized that loyalty at any cost came with a price. A price that meant sacrificing one’s integrity and morals— sometimes even one’s own friends. Haringer was willing to pay that price, but I was not.
“I have my orders,” Haringer replied. “And it is not my place to question them.”
“Then we are enemies now. So be it,” I said, and ended the transmission.
The clone pilots were fast fliers. They followed my every move, trying to cut off my escape. But their attempt was in vain. They may have been skilled, but I was more so, having more flying experience than they.
Earlier this day, I had been flying alongside these men. Now I was flying away from them. Away from my battalion. Away from my homeworld. Away from everything I had known.
The question is, where do I go from here?
Then it dawned on me. I no longer had friends here, but I did have friends elsewhere in the galaxy.
“R3, set a course for the Alderaan system,” I said. “Quickly, if possible.”
Minutes later, the Hammer made the jump to hyperspace. There was no turning back.
Epilogue: Atollon.
For a few moments, neither one of us spoke.
Then, Mart broke the silence. “I’m sorry about your friend, Uncle,” he said. “It must have been hard for you to lose him.”
“Yes, it was. But I’m over it now. Mostly,” I said, looking at the red-orange sky outside the cockpit window. The sky. The sandstorm’s finally died down, I realized. Which reminds me…
“Why don’t we go outside and watch the sunset?” I suggested. “I know where we can find a good view.”
“Good idea,” said Mart, following me to the Hammer’s boarding ramp. “Come on, R3. You need some fresh air, too,”
Sixteen years ago, I thought I had lost everything. My career, my home, one of my closest friends. But in the time since, I had met new friends— a new family— during my path as a member of the Rebellion. A path that I never would have taken if I had chosen differently during that battle.
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strangerrthings · 2 years
All the movies that inspired Stranger Things 4 (According to the Stranger Things Writers)
1. 300 2. 12 Monkeys 3. 13th Warrior 4. 2001: a Space Odyssey 5. 28 Days Later 6. 47 Meters Down: Uncaged 7. Ace Ventura Pet Detective 8. Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls 9. Almost Famous 10. Altered States (Unavailable) 11. Amalie 12. American Sniper (TNT) 13. Analyze This 14. Annihilation 15. Aristocats 16. Armageddon 17. Arrival 18. Assassin’s Creed Movie 19. Avengers: Age of Ultron 20. Babe: Pig in the City 21. Back Draft (Peacock) 22. Basketcase 23. Batman Begins 24. Batman vs. Superman 25. Battle of Big Rock 26. Beauty and the Beast 27. Beetlejuice 28. Behind Enemy Lines 29. Beverly Hills Cop 30. Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey 31. Billy Madison 32. Black Cauldron 33. Black Swan 34. Blade Runner: 2049 35. Blair Witch Project 36. Boondock Saints 37. Borat 38. Bram Stoker’s Dracula 39. Broken Arrow 40. Burn After Reading 41. C.H.U.D. 42. Cabin in the Woods 43. Carrie 44. Casablanca 45. Castaway 46. Children of Men 47. Cider House Rules 48. Clueless 49. Con Air 50. Congo 51. Constantine 52. Crank 53. Crimson Tide 54. Dances With Wolves 55. Dark Knight 56. Death to Smoochy 57. Deep Blue Sea 58. Die Hard 1 2 & 3 59. Dogma (YouTube) 60. Don’s Plum 61. Don’t Breathe (Nope) 62. Doom 63. Dreamcatcher 64. Drop Dead Fred 65. Dukes of Hazzard 66. Dumb & Dumber 67. Edward Scissorhands 68. Emma 69. Enter the Void 70. Event Horizon 71. Ex Machina 72. Fallen 73. Fargo 74. Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift 75. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off 76. Final Destination 77. Fisher King 78. Forrest Gump 79. Fugitive 80. Full Metal Jacket 81. Get Out 82. Ghost 83. Ghostbusters 84. Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 85. Girl, Interrupted 86. Gladiator (?) 87. Godzilla: King of the Monsters 88. Good Fellas 89. Good Will Hunting 90. Hackers 91. Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets 92. Heat 93. Hell or High Water 94. Hellraiser (I + II) 95. Hidden 96. High Fidelity 97. High School Musical 98. Highlander 99. Home Alone 100. Hunger Games 101. Hurt Locker 102. I Am a Fugitive From a Chain Gang 103. I Am Legend 104. In Cold Blood 105. Inception 106. Independence Day 107. Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark 108. Indiana Jones: Temple of Doom 109. Innerspace 110. Inside Out 111. Interview with a Vampire 112. Into the Spiderverse 113. Island of Dr. Moreau 114. It Follows 115. It’s a Wonderful Life 116. Italian Job 117. James Bond (all) 118. James Bond: Skyfall 119. John Carter of Mars 120. JP (= Jurassic Park?) 121. Jupiter Ascending 122. Jurassic World 2: Fallen Kingdom 123. Karate Kid 124. Kingsmen 125. Knives Out 126. Labyrinth 127. Leon: the Professional 128. Let The Right One In 129. Little Miss Sunshine 130. Long Kiss Goodnight 131. Lord of the Rings: Trilogy 132. Lord of the Rings: Two Towers 133. Lost Boys 134. Mad Max: Fury Road 135. Magnolia 136. Mask of Zorro 137. Men in Black 138. Mimic 139. Minority Report 140. Misery 141. Mr. & Mrs. Smith 142. My Cousin Vinny 143. Mystic River 144. Never Been Kissed 145. Nightmare 3: Dream Warriors 146. No Country for Old Men 147. North By Northwest 148. Ocean’s 11 + 12 149. Ocean’s 8 150. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest 151. Open Water 152. Orange County 153. Ordinary People 154. Paddington: 2 155. Pan’s Labyrinth 156. Papillon 157. Paradise Lost 158. Peter Jackson’s King Kong 159. Peter Pan 160. Pineapple Express 161. Platoon 162. Predator 163. Primal Fears 164. Princess Bride 165. Prisoners 166. Pulp Fiction 167. Ravenous 168. Reality Bites 169. Red Dragon 170. Reservoir Dogs 171. Robocop 172. Rushmore 173. Saving Private Ryan 174. Scrooged 175. Se7en 176. Shape of Water 177. Shooter 178. Sicario 179. Silence of the Lambs 180. Silver Bullet 181. Sky High 182. Society 183. Source Code 184. Speed 185. Splash! 186. Splice 187. Spy Kids 188. Star Wars 189. Star Wars: Rogue One 190. Starship Troopers 191. Step Up 2: Step Up 2 Tha Streets 192. Stoker 193. Superbad 194. Swept Away 195. Swingers 196. Sword in the Stone 197. Swordfish 198. Tangled 199. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 200. Terminator 2 201. Terminator: Dark Fate 202. The A-Team 203. The Birdcage 204. The Birds 205. The Book of Henry 206. The Cell 207. The Craft 208. The Crazies 209. The Crow 210. The Descent 211. The Devil’s Advocate 212. The Fifth Element 213. The Fly 214. The Good Son 215. The Goofy Movie 216. The Graduate 217. The Green Mile 218. The Guardian 219. The Guest 220. The Hobbit: I, II, II 221. The Lighthouse 222. The Matrix 223. The Mist 224. The Mummy 225. The Natural 226. The Neverending Story 227. The Orphan 228. The Peanut Butter Solution 229. The Perfect Storm 230. The Prestige 231. The Raid 232. The Revenant 233. The Ring 234. The Rock 235. The Shining 236. The Terminal 237. The Visit 238. Thor: Ragnarok 239. Timeline 240. Titanic 241. To Kill a Mockingbird 242. Tombstone 243. Total Recall 244. Toy Story 4 245. True Lies 246. True Romance 247. Truman Show 248. Twister 249. Unbreakable 250. Unforgiven 251. Unleashed 252. Very Bad Things 253. Wanted 254. War Dogs 255. War Games 256. Wayne’s World 257. Wedding Crashers 258. Weird Science 259. Welcome to Marwen 260. Welcome to the Dollhouse 261. Wet Hot American Summer 262. What Dreams May Come 263. What Lies Beneath 264. What Women Want 265. What’s Eating Gilbert Grape? 266. Who Framed Roger Rabbit 267. Willow 268. Wizard of Oz 269. You’ve Got Mail 270. Young Sherlock Holmes 271. Zodiac 272. Zoolander
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
And bja took our son's idea and ran with it she's up there screwing around and he took a it's like a PT 109 they're twice as big today it it's the size of a regular battleship from world war II and they put some pretty good size tracks on it and the ones in front go down when you slow down and if they touch it just spin so like being on plane they're about 170 ft long and it went 300 miles an hour on land he changed it over to the electric automatic HVAC motor and it really this one was huge it was a little bit big and it went about 500 miles an hour and that's pretty fast so he decided to try to use it on turbines and it worked much better and we know it because it's much higher RPM and he tried it on a turbine they wanted to put it on the boat and the sun said you could put turbines on the boat and you're talking about running the treads that's fine but another idea is to make it fly in the max want that because they want to take all the ships and put them on board to bring them to Saturn and the satellites and he said wow that's cool so they're watching it's kind of a game and he goes ahead and he starts mounting the turbine to run the tracks from the electric motor to the turbine and in about 1200 miles an hour it wasn't very happy and it said why is it slow you said your tracks are probably low tech let's hope the ship can hold together not really designed to go 1200 miles an hour. So I put skis on the front and just started going about 4,000 mph he said that's good enough so they did testing and goes 8,000 miles an hour it's a new ship and it's built well and that's what they have to use he went out to your idea and he made a bunch of chips it was star Blazer ships from regular ships and he put the outriggers on the thing went like 10,000 miles an hour you thought that was pretty fast because it's fine so he put the main engine in it 18,000 and it slowed down cuz it's trying to get hot in their outfitting a lot of ships and they keep the engines inside the outrig is pulling in and he is going to make these and star laser chips and he's doing it now he's doing because he has to but you got excited when the sun tried to help and really he's not thinking of treating him as a prisoner but everybody is saying it now son can't stand it there's people are huge assholes. And our daughter is having nightmares now but it's hard to it's hard to endure. And he made a few other things some people be interested in it and Trump he decided to make the other side and our son says it's not bad and oh there's mom's car and because if that's what you got to do rather than punch yourself in the nuts and now he's protecting himself because the girl might get the idea. So he's going ahead and doing that and there's some kind of class of ship and they're pretty tough and more suited for space they have a whole bunch of them underground and they're building a bunch now so you get the idea right now he's in r&d and he's testing the electric it's a different drive and of course the jet engines use fuel but they don't use as much. But you have to use it no sunset I wonder what it's like in space they almost took the ship right up there this is probably safer to retrofit something one of the better ones and I did that they're almost done you're going ahead with it and it's going to try and make a cadmium system and he knows how and he gets it you have to manage the current you have to expel it and all sorts of stuff so he's going to try and do that he says it shouldn't be too bad cuz you're not really generating it that's true. We're over there finally doing something and it started tonight no but Brian has been better and they're all working and getting something done so they feel better that was hell
Thor Freya
We need to try and give him a break while he's trying to eat and it's tough because these guys want him to have all sorts of problems but we have to work on those we need to now
Thor Freya
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mmotrust · 2 years
Jedi knight jedi academy walkthru
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Use the lever to open a door behind you that leads to an elevator. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Walkthrough - Star Wars-Jedi-Knight-Jedi-Academy 183 Move around the hallway and eleminate the Imperials until you reach the far side. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Walkthrough - Star Wars-Jedi-Knight-Jedi-Academy 182įollowing the path you walk inside a building and get a checkpoint. Use the weapon to take care of the hunter again, shoot him a bit to make him run away. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Walkthrough - Star Wars-Jedi-Knight-Jedi-Academy 181 Now going around the path you will find a door and stairs that lead up to the next part. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Walkthrough - Star Wars-Jedi-Knight-Jedi-Academy 180 You can take the AT-ST, take it outside and kill everything including the other AT-ST, then go back inside, park it and jump back onto the catwalk you dropped off. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Walkthrough - Star Wars-Jedi-Knight-Jedi-Academy 179 More explosions, shoot this and go through the window to activate a lever unlocking more doors. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Walkthrough - Star Wars-Jedi-Knight-Jedi-Academy 178 We are outside, shoot the explosive crate next to the window to blow it up and go through it. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Walkthrough - Star Wars-Jedi-Knight-Jedi-Academy 177 Use the lever on the right to turn off the force field and shoot the wall down. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Walkthrough - Star Wars-Jedi-Knight-Jedi-Academy 176 There's one door we have missed, go through it and you'll end up on a shooting range. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Walkthrough - Star Wars-Jedi-Knight-Jedi-Academy 175 Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Walkthrough - Star Wars-Jedi-Knight-Jedi-Academy 174 Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Walkthrough - Star Wars-Jedi-Knight-Jedi-Academy 173įight off enemies and you will see a barrier protected room, destroy it and there will be medkits and a lot of ammo in there. Go back to the first floor, now the doors are unlocked, go through the double doored one, without a security key. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Walkthrough - Star Wars-Jedi-Knight-Jedi-Academy 172 Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Walkthrough - Star Wars-Jedi-Knight-Jedi-Academy 171 Use the console here and you will unlock all doors. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Walkthrough - Star Wars-Jedi-Knight-Jedi-Academy 170 Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Walkthrough - Star Wars-Jedi-Knight-Jedi-Academy 169 This switch will turn off the defense system and you will be able to use the doors again. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Walkthrough - Star Wars-Jedi-Knight-Jedi-Academy 167Ī lot of enemies to shoot here, but there's an equal amount of medkits, so no worries Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Walkthrough - Star Wars-Jedi-Knight-Jedi-Academy 168 Kill this guy that's hiding in the corner to grab the security key for the locked room you saw. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Walkthrough - Star Wars-Jedi-Knight-Jedi-Academy 166 Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Walkthrough - Star Wars-Jedi-Knight-Jedi-Academy 165Įverything's locked, you ned to find the console to turn the defense off. Next building, careful for the lasers, take care of everyone in the hallway. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Walkthrough - Star Wars-Jedi-Knight-Jedi-Academy 164 Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Walkthrough - Star Wars-Jedi-Knight-Jedi-Academy 163įirst enemies and you don't have a lightsaber! Shoot them down. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Walkthrough - Star Wars-Jedi-Knight-Jedi-Academy 162įirst thing you see once you're out is a door, go through and pick up a weapon. You are immediately captured and imprisoned, but you can jump over this. Cult Investigation- Dosuun Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy Walkthrough - Star Wars-Jedi-Knight-Jedi-Academy 161 You can jump to nearby pages of the game using the links above.
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animusrox · 2 years
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1.   The Green Knight 2.   The Suicide Squad 3.   Boiling Point 4.   Red Rocket 5.   Pig 6.   CODA 7.   Nightmare Alley 8.   The Card Counter 9.   Psycho Goreman 10. Zola
Grade A
11.   Flee 12.   The Mitchells vs. The Machines 13.   The Novice 14.   The Humans 15.   Mass 16.   Drive My Car 17.   King Richard 18.   Blue Bayou 19.   Summertime 20.   Dune 21.   The Worst Person in the World 22.   Summer of Soul 23.   A Hero 24.   Parallel Mothers 25.   Spencer 26.   Lamb 27.   A Quiet Place Part II 28.   Werewolves Within 29.   The French Dispatch 30.   The Nowhere Inn 31.   V/H/S 94 32.   Candyman 33.   Shiva Baby 34.   New York Ninja 35.   Copshop 36.   The Lost Daughter 37.   Malignant 38.   Last Night in Soho 39.   No Sudden Move 40.   The Harder They Fall 41.   In the Earth 42.   The Tragedy of Macbeth 43.   No Time to Die 44.   Coming Home in the Dark 45.   Belfast 46.   Censor 47.   Pleasure 48.   The Power of the Dog 49.   A Classic Horror Story 50.   Licorice Pizza 51.   Riders of Justice 52.   West Side Story 53.   Spider-Man: No Way Home 54.   Nobody 55.   Finch 56.   Together Together
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191.   The Woman in the Window 192.   Thunder Force 193.   Tom & Jerry 194.   Space Jam: A New Legacy 195.   Zack Snyder’s Justice League 196.   Dear Evan Hansen 197.   Red Notice 198.   The Addams Family 2 199.   Habit 200.   The Boss Baby: Family Business
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calciopics · 2 years
The Boxing Day game that changed women’s football
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It was Boxing Day, 1920 and 53,000 spectators were packed inside Goodison Park for the big game of the festive football calendar. There was so much fervour surrounding the match, as hordes of fans flocked across Stanley Park, that as many as 15,000 more people were said to have been turned away outside.
But they were not there to watch 22 men kick a leather ball around. In fact, this was a women’s football match.
The stars of the show were Dick, Kerr Ladies FC, a team made up of World War One munitions factory workers from Preston, who had started playing football in 1917 to raise money for hospitalised soldiers.
They had played their first game on Christmas Day, 1917, when 10,000 spectators watched them at Preston’s Deepdale. They wore black and white striped jerseys, sky blue shorts and black and white socks, plus hats – deemed compulsory at the time because of their long hair.
By 1920, after enjoying an unbeaten tour in France that boosted their publicity and popularity, they were used to attracting much larger audiences.
Speaking to The Game Changers podcast, Gail Newsham, the author of ‘In a League of their Own’ which tells the story Dick, Kerr Ladies, said: “Women’s football was growing up and down the country during the [First World] war, with the male league program suspended. Women were playing football as part of the war effort to raise money for people affected by the war.
“Dick, Kerr Ladies [initially] raised money for the soldiers of the local hospital, Preston’s Moor Park Military Hospital. The team grew from strength to strength, playing most of the home games at Preston North End.”
Newsham, 67, was a two-time Women’s FA Cup semi-finalist in her own playing career with Preston Rangers, who are now known as AFC Fylde Women. Her love affair with the story of Dick, Kerr Ladies began with a 1992 reunion and she has dedicated much of her life to their story ever since. The more information she gathered regarding the team, the clearer it became that they had raised a remarkable amount of money for charity.
“It would be in excess of £10 million in today’s money,” Newsham added. “Some of the girls lost their own brothers [in the war]. It must have been so hard for them and they wanted to give something back in any way that they could.”
Yet Dick, Kerr Ladies were not merely fundraisers. By all accounts, they were exceptional footballers, playing at a time when the women’s game was thriving.
Winger Lily Parr became an icon. Described as a chain-smoker with a lethal left foot and a “kick like a mule”, she had been just 14 years old when she began playing for the team. She would become one of the sport’s top goal-scorers and was credited with scoring five times in a single international game against France in a 5-1 win in 1921.
She is estimated by Fifa to have scored over 900 goals before she retired, aged 45, while other reports state she netted more than 1,000 times. The National Football Museum in Manchester is set to open a gallery dedicated to her life in spring 2021.
Of course, Parr was not the only star name. Defender Alice Kell, Dick, Kerr Ladies’ first captain, also developed a fine reputation across the sport. Centre-forward Florrie Redford scored a reported 170 goals for the club, with Redford and 4ft 10in Jenny Harris scoring in England’s first recorded international against France.
Dick, Kerr Ladies, whose name related to the business that owned that factory in which the players worked – Dick, Kerr and company – were said by their manager, Alfred Frankland, in 1937, to have played 437 matches, winning 424 and losing just seven, while scoring 2,863 goals.
Their attendance of 53,000 for their Boxing Day fixture at Goodison – which saw them win 4-0 against St Helens Ladies – would make a significant mark in the history books, setting a British record for a women’s football crowd. It remained the largest crowd for a women’s game in England for nearly 92 years, not being eclipsed on UK soil until 70,584 people saw Great Britain beat Brazil 1-0 at Wembley during the London 2012 Olympics.
In the modern era, Women’s FA Cup finals at England’s national stadium are used to large turnouts, but even the cup’s competition-record crowd of 45,423, from Chelsea’s victory over Arsenal in May, 2018, is no match for the masses that gathered on Merseyside to see Dick, Kerr Ladies.
Similarly, no Women’s Super League crowd has yet come close – the WSL’s best single attendance so far saw 38,262 watch a north London derby last year.
That begs the question: How did Dick, Kerr Ladies bring in such large crowds 100 years ago, with the kind of fanbase that most clubs in the modern, professional era – male or female – can only dream of?
Most critically, a monumental turning point came in the following December, when a decision was taken by the Football Association that would change the course of women’s football forever.
Just under a year after that famous match on Merseyside, the FA banned women’s football matches from being played on FA pitches.
It was a ban that would last 50 years until 1971 and undoubtedly stunted the growth of the sport, to say the least. Those behind the decision claimed that football was “quite unsuitable for females”. They cited potential impacts to women’s fertility if they were injured during play.
Dick, Kerr Ladies and many other women’s team’s played on, defying the ban, but landmark games at grounds like Goodison had been outlawed and, playing predominantly at more recreational facilities, crowds did not return on anywhere near the same scale.
“For 50 years women’s football was then in the wilderness,” Newsham continued. “In my opinion, the Goodison match was the turning point, really. Throughout 1921, there was trouble brewing and there were people questioning it [women’s football] and all the money involved. ‘Was it going to the right places?’ The FA made it increasingly more difficult for clubs to let them use the grounds.
“They couldn’t have all these spectators going to watch women’s football because they needed them to populate the men’s games. [Now] we’ve still got a bit of catching up to do.”
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kingmaker-a · 2 years
To Fall | Siyeon Star Wars AU
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Sequel to Temptation Warnings: Brief depictions of death, war, fire, injury and vomiting. Mentions of refugees, blood, character death and scars. Brief mention of lightsaber forms But is mostly replaced with vehicle nerdiness. Angst warning, though it can be avoided if you stop reading after they sleep for the night.
Genre: Star Wars AU - Padawan! Siyeon X Skilled! Gender Neutral Reader.
Wordcount: 5551
Average read time: 22 minutes
"How good is your piloting Siyeon?" You asked as you approached her starfighter. The plan was to punch a hole in the Separatist offence to allow the transporter to reach hyperspace.
"Better than yours y/n," she said as she entered the cockpit. You noticed it was a customised variant of ARC-170. Typically a starfighter piloted by a trio of clone troopers, you noticed a lack of a third seat for a tail gunner. "Don't think I forgot about your dad trying to teach you."
Your father was a kind and patient man but you could tell even he was reaching his limit with you. "You were his favoured student in that regard," you said with a smile.
She notices your eyes scan over the seat behind her almost hesitantly. "Oh, right. I ripped out the tail gunner seat and replaced the co-pilot seat with a swivel seat," she explained excitedly, her face alight with radiance. Her hand rotated the seat behind her before she locked it in place with a lever on its right side. "The co-pilot controls also swivel so you can adjust shielding while using the gunner controls, which I moved closer to the co-pilot seat. I wanted to just put a camera in the back instead of putting everything on a swivel, but I couldn't find any decent displays or cameras when I was last on Tatooine. Regardless the swivel was cheaper."
You couldn't help but smile as she got last in her excitement. You knew she always loved tinkering with things. You remember when your dad would tinker with his project ship and how he struggled to get it to work. Siyeon hesitantly approached him at the age of six and suggested recalibrating the foils so it wouldn't over-heat. Your father was at his wit's end so he accepted the idea eagerly. The pure excitement on her face as the ship surged to life was a happy memory.
"How come you did all that?" You asked curiously, though part of you knew that'd just be happy to talk more about her ship. 
"So I could make it faster, duh." She said with a laugh. It also had the bonus of being surprisingly spacious for an ARC170. "I also removed the old astromech socket since it was fried to shit. Not to mention it'd make it super hard to see the tail gun. You'd be shooting blind. It made plenty of room for an auxiliary engine and some hyperdrive mods."
You jumped in the cockpit noting that it was surprisingly well finished on the inside. There weren't wires everywhere like her earlier projects. You did notice a small astromech peer up at you from its spot on the floor. 
"That's R3K5, don't mind him. He's really friendly once you get to know him," she said with a smile.
The mech beeped in response, when you were younger you knew a decent amount of binary. But, that knowledge had faded with time in the Jedi temple. Though you could tell he was giving Siyeon shit about something. What exactly you didn't know.
You watched as she turned to glare at him slightly. Probably in an attempt to get him to shut up. "You better be quiet Wreck or I'll fuse you to the ship," she said with a half-defeated sigh. 
"What was that about?" you asked cocking an eyebrow.
"We just have the sort of relationship, where we talk shit." She said noticing your lack of understanding. "You really forgot binary huh? I mean I'm not surprised, the only reason I didn't was early on in my training with Master Castor I was isolated from other people. I found Wreck in a destroyed starfighter and fixed him up."
Despite their dynamic, you could tell by the fixtures around Wreck that she cared about him immensely. No part of the astromech was exposed outside and the metal surrounding his domed head was probably the thickest part of the ship. No doubt if you asked her she'd say something about it being a weak point to have your astromech on the outside or the thick plating was to protect the mods she made. "How fast can this thing go?"
"120 MGLT, though in theory, I could probably push it to 130." Without even seeing her you could tell she was smiling as the starfighter began its lift-off sequence.
"Jesus christ Singni, that's faster than even the newest Jedi Starfighter," you say in shock as you feel pride emanate off of her.
"Your dad taught me well, though I don't know if I can actually drive it at that speed," she quickly adds as you leave the hangar bay. "Do you think you could switch on comms?"
She passes you a headset as you switch on comms. 
"Wolf-1 reporting for duty," she called out through comms as you noticed the fighting happening around you. "Any surviving pilots I need you to form on my six."
However, before she even gets a response she's already bursting into action. You were lucky your seat had a lock otherwise you'd have no doubt thrown up. You heard Wreck beep at you from below, before Siyeon could even attempt to translate, you understood.
You quickly unlocked your chair and swivelled to the gun controls. You saw a squadron of droid fighters staring you down. Well as much as droids could at least. As you began taking shots you felt your view flip upside down as Siyeon took evasive action.
This was gonna be harder than you thought.
You watched as your shots veered too wide to hit their marks. As you attempted to compensate you could hear Siyeon speaking under her breath.
"6....7....8..9...10." It took you a little to realise those were the number of droids she'd destroyed. Despite her hard work, clone ships were falling around you. Even as you tried to reach out to the force to assist you, you failed to hit your marks. However, as you tempted the idea of digging deeper as explosions rippled around you and corpses of clone troopers filled your view.
You felt something, the embrace of fresh air shrouded in moonlight, the embrace of home.
The embrace of Kashyyyk.
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You tossed cans in the air as Siyeon tried her best to hit them with arrows. Every time she was about to hit her mark you nudged it slightly with the force. She couldn't notice at the time as her own force potential was in its infancy.
Honestly, you figured she didn't have the potential. 
You could hear her frustration before she steeled her concentration, a look of determination crossing her face. 
You did as you usually did and tossed the can in the air. However, as you nudged the can to the side it landed with a thud.
Arrow, dead centre.
Being the child of your parents you decided to experiment. After all, it could've been a lucky shot. However, no matter how much you altered the parameters she'd always hit her mark. 
Even if you nudged it as hard as you could last minute.
As you felt the smell of wroshyr trees embrace your soul, you saw through her eyes. 
You saw rivers of light in the night sky. The stars are the destination and the journey. You traced the art of the galaxy with your eyes before snapping back to reality.
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You watched as your shots landed mid-barrel roll. Flowing like stones down a river. "You're welcome," you heard behind you.
"Thanks, Singni." You said as you fired a couple more shots picking off some stragglers.
"This is Wolf-1, we've punched a hole in the separatist blockade. So you're free to move Grave Squadron." She points out. "We'll cover your exit, though beers are on you back at Coruscant, Grave-1."
You hear a laugh through comms. "Sure thing Commander Lee."
You watch as the transporter holding the refugees left the hangar bay with a squadron at its rear.   
it was oddly quiet, which unsettled you as you watched the transporter's hyperdrive power up.
Something was off.
You felt it before you could see it. You felt your thrusters kick into action as Siyeon surged her starfighter forward. You watched as Siyeon fired her entire complement of proton torpedos into open space. 
If you didn't feel it yourself, you'd think she finally lost it. "Grave Squadron initiate your hyperdrives now," she commanded desperately.
"Yes, commander," you heard as a separatist frigate boomed into view.  Though you noticed her torpedos had slipped behind their shields due to their sudden appearance.
You watch the transporter and Grave squadron blip away as an explosion rippled through the frigate.
"Be a dear and engage the hyperdrive," she said sweetly but you could feel the nervous energy emanating off of her. 
You hastily engaged the hyperdrive letting Wreck choose the destination but, just as you were about to take off into hyperspace a stray laser connected with one of your thrusters.
You felt a sudden jolt as entered hyperspace.
You heard a collection of clicks and beeps from below your feet.
 You hear Siyeon sigh, "what's the news?"
A pause and then another collection of clicks and beeps.
You hear Siyeon take a deep breath. "Alright, just pull us out of hyperspace near a hospitable planet and I'll release you from the socket."
Wreck beeps.
"What do you mean you can-" She says as her starfighter is violently ripped out of hyperspace.
Before you stood a sulfuric yellow nebula as you floated slowly towards it. "I'm gonna need your help with this one since Wreck doesn't know where we are," Siyeon pointed out grabbing the controls.
You quickly looked over the controls deciding to pump most of the power into the shields just in case. "What'd you need me to do?" you asked.
"I'm gonna need to connect to you through the force to help guide me through here. I'm a bit drained from earlier," she said as you felt the smell of the wroshyr trees of Kashyyyk fill your soul. You extend your connection forward to her.
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"You can't play with y/n, little one," your master said. You open your eyes to see you're on Kachirho beach. Your master crouched beside a toddler Siyeon. "They're your greatest friend aren't they?"
She nods me meekly at the giant Wookiee. 
"They are very sick and we don't know what will happen to them." He inspects Siyeon closely, "Does that scare you?"
She nods her head again once again. "Then believe young one, believe in the force to guide you through life. Then fight with the strength of your ancestors at your back," he smiles as he pats her. You felt no fear in his heart at his words. They were not whispered lies meant to assage a child's fears.
He meant them.
You felt flashes of memories through your brain. The ghost of a coughing fit leaves your lips as you stare back into young yellow eyes. You can see the weakness in the small child, most of all you can feel it in your chest.
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You snap back to as Siyeon lands in what looked like a ruined city. If you had to guess by all the overgrown vegetation this city probably was abandoned thousands of years ago. As the cockpit opened up you felt a rush of something come over you as you scrambled to get out.
As your feet hit hard concrete your body purges itself of your recent food. Siyeon quickly rushes over and checks on you. "Is your vision okay?" worry audible in her voice.
The whole place just feels off as you wobble for a second before settling. "Yeah, I'm fine. Probably all the Gs catching up with me," you suggest.
"Alright, y/n. Just try to take it easy okay?" She asks rubbing your back slowly.
"Where are we anyway?" You asked as you wiped your mouth with the edge of your robe sleeve. 
"I dunno, navcom and Wreck had no data on this place," she said pressing a button to disengage Wreck.
"Well, that's odd considering people lived here at some point." You pointed out. A piece of stone covered in vegetation caught your attention.
"How long will repairs take Wreck?" she asked the small purple astromech. The boom of thunder in the distance meant the planet wasn't going to do you any favours.
You heard a succession of clicks and beeps as you brushed away the vegetation. You were greeted by a symbol, a hexagon with six arrows extending outwards contained within a slightly bigger hexagon.
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It meant nothing to you.
"12 hours?" she says astonished, he beeps in response. "No, I don't wanna help you in the pouring rain."
Almost right on queue, the sky begins to flood with rain as Wreck can only watch on as Siyeon grins as she skips over to you. "I think it's time we found some shelter don't you think?"
You couldn't agree more as water slowly seeped into your robes. "Lead the way commander Lee."
You're able to find a suitable source of shelter in the form of an old hotel. Though you originally planned to find your own room Siyeon was able to convince you to share a room for security reasons. 
After all, if something did happen to either of you. It would stand to reason that'd be easier to react as a duo. Though it didn't calm either of your nerves.
Despite the lack of power, you manage to safely start a controlled fire while Siyeon made a makeshift chimney shaft. 
Still wearing your soaked robes was doing you no favours. So you slowly removed your outer robes and accompanying armour pieces. Though you take some time to look over your gauntlets. They had the same finish as Grave's armour, a gift from him for your birthday. You would later learn from some of his troops that he'd spent days forging them himself to afford the best protection for you.
You vaguely remember the material being extremely important.
As you're left in an undershirt, which was nothing but a glorified singlet, pants and boots you could feel Siyeon's nerves spike. You turn around to see her avert her eyes with a gulp. "Everything okay?" You ask as she looked back towards you.
"..Uh, yeah I was just building up the courage to do the same," she said her eyes scanning over you. You'd definitely developed a lot more muscle since the last time she'd seen you on Kashyyyk. Her eyes traced your muscles until she noticed the small scars and burns on your arms. 
You watched her slowly disrobe her upper half leaving her in an undershirt much like your own. "When did you get those?" She said looking at your arms.
"The older ones were from temple training from years ago. The newer ones? Geonosis." You said solemnly, Geonosis was your first real foray into combat. All the other times had been controlled situations. You still did better than most padawans that were drafted. You had Master Droll to thank for that one, he did his best to shield you from it as best as he could.
You peered over at her seeing if she had scars. She lacked any you could see. "I'm glad you did well on Geonosis," you say quietly.
"I wasn't on Geonosis," she whispers back. "I didn't become a padawan until a week after Geonosis."
"That's good, Geonosis was a mess. One minute, me and Master Droll were on a diplomacy mission on Naboo, the next minute we were on Geonosis fighting for our lives," you remember watching Padawan and Jedi Master alike falling around before spotting someone you hadn't seen since your initiate days. A Mandalorian girl who had been relegated to the service corps after her Master turned to the dark side. She shouldn't have been there.
You remember an explosion knocking her off-kilter sending her lightsaber flying. You dove in front of her calling her lightsaber to you as you attempted Jar'kai Shien for the first time. After all, you never really needed more than one lightsaber at the temple. Her lightsaber ignited into a golden-hued yellow. You held both in a reverse grip to defend a wider area behind you.
She sat there reeling from the explosion, her ears ringing the entire time as you defended her position. However, for every bolt deflected back there was five more. For every droid, you successfully destroyed with Shien another one would take its place. 
Their march was endless and unceasing. Eventually, a shot nicked your knee causing your form to falter as you slipped onto one knee. Yet, you still did your best to deflect shots as you attempted to stand back up. Unsuccessfully at first, you could feel the whisper to embrace the pain to push through. But you remembered your Master's teachings and trusted the force to guide you.
"Grave, I'm gonna need a gunship or something to save a downed padawan," you asked, not exactly sure on what you were allowed to ask for.
"Right Commander, I'll send a detachment as soon as I can. Where is the location?" He asked over his transponder. You could hear the howl of combat roaring fiercely on his end. 
"On me, I don't know how long I can last," you pointed out as shot skimmed your elbow. While you tried your best not to scream out in pain. Grave no doubt heard as you heard him politely requisition the biggest gun he could find.
"My commander needs me and unless you wanna be on the other side of this gun I suggest you get me on next gunship asap," he grunted before turning off his transponder. You realised he'd been quieter in the subsequent months after Geonosis. Though you were told he did get in trouble after Geonosis.
You fought through the pain as you deflected another three shots before you were hit in the thigh of the opposite leg. Then another in the shoulder, yet you still fought as your vision blurred slightly from the pain. Your movements get slowly by the moment.
Even when you were close to blacking out, you continued to fight. You attempted to dig into the force remembering your times with Minji. Hoping you could pull off something with half her power as you just tried to push forward.
A gust of wind is summoned from behind you. It was nowhere near as strong you wanted. However, as you watched a familiar Wookiee jump overhead lightsaber as blaster fire rained down from above. 
Back up had arrived.
You were surprised to see only Grave bringing down absolute hell down on the droids. The rest of the detachment were medics looking over the Mandalorian girl. "Thank you, Commander, we may only be clones of a Mandalorian. But, we respect you looking out for one of our own."
You smile as you stumble over before getting caught by Grave. "There's no rush kid, she'll be alright. Ah, General Droll."
It would see your Master had fended off the assault. "What's the plan Master?"
"You're getting exfilled," he said as he gestured towards the gunship. 
"I can still fight," you said attempting to stand without Grave's assistance. Only to faint.
"You've got a good kid on your hands."
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Siyeon frowns at your words, which surprises you slightly. You were used to her having some sort of front, even when she nearly died she held it up. "I passed my initiate trials the day Geonosis happened. I remember hearing about Geonosis, I begged any Master to let me be their Padawan."
"Well that's certainly one way to become a Padawan," you teased with a smile. She quickly hit you in the knee and not softly.
"I'm being serious here," she said staring you in the eye. "I wasn't thirsty for battle like other initiates. I was... just. I was just."
She takes a deep breath as her eyes flutter rapidly. Her eyes clamp shut. "I was just so worried about you y/n." You see her try her best to fight it off but the tears flow anyway. She does her best to try and hide it. 
You reach out with your hand which eagerly clasps with her own. She turns back to you. "I thought I'd lost you," her voice cracks as she speaks. Yet she continues, "I was finally catching up to you and then you get drafted into a war. I was so scared you were dead in a ditch somewhere. I'd already lost you once."
You pull her closer as she begins to sob into your chest. 
Slowly her sobs lessen as you lie down on the floor. Her head resting on your chest as you rake your fingers through her hair. The rain brought you comfort as the fire embraced you with warmth. You closed your eyes and imagined you were still on Kashyyyk. You were with Siyeon embracing life without war or the force.
You feel Siyeon's hand caress your cheek, you open your eyes finding yourself back in the hotel. She looks up at you, the warmth of the fire highlighting every beautiful feature on her face. She smiles sweetly at you, "sorry for waking you." She whispers.
"It's okay, everything alright?" You ask softly, her eyes entrancing your own. 
You watch as her smile falters. Replaced with a rarely seen seriousness. "I'm not losing you again."
Your hand caresses her cheek, you watch as she smiles tenderly at your touch. "You won't," you promised her eyes scanning your lips. 
She seals your promise with a deep kiss. Her luscious lips met yours in a moment you'd dreamed of. Elation spikes through your blood as she runs her hands through your hair. 
Your lips part begrudgingly. 
"I've been wanting to do that for so long," she said with a smile.
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You're awoken by a feeling not so much as a noise. You quickly rush to the bathroom as your body tries to purge itself once again. Thankfully nothing comes up as you wash your face in the sink. However, as your gaze shifts to the mirror, you notice your eyes are yellow.
You blink and it's gone.
Before you can even rack your brain you feel a disturbance enter the vicinity. You quickly rush to the bedroom summoning your lightsaber to you. However, as you notice Siyeon's sleeping form and how peaceful she looked you couldn't bring yourself to stir her. 
Hopefully, the problem wasn't too bad. You don your robes and armour as quietly as possible.
You find the disturbance drawing you to what you assumed was the city square. The rain pelted down harshly as you scanned around the rubble.
"Welcome to Dromund Kaas, capital to the old Sith Empire," Someone cackled from behind a plume of smoke. Footsteps indicating their approach. A red blade cackling to life through the smoke. "As well as the birthplace of the Conspiratorum." 
You watched as the figure left the smoke revealing Master Castor. Though the Echani looked vastly different than when you last saw him. Gone was his refined appearance and his stoicism, replaced with a manic look in his silver eyes and what you hoped was red paint marring his face. His silver hair unruly and messy. 
It seemed his whole personality had been a facade as you noticed even noticed his double-sided lightsaber had been replaced for a single saber.
"Now then, who should I take on as my apprentice?" He said, his smile making you grimace. You ignite your lightsaber watching as steam flows off your blade.
"I'd never be your apprentice," you scowl as you entered a defensive Djem So stance. You hear him tut his mouth at your words.
"You have no choice in the matter y/n," he points out with a laugh. "It's either you or Siyeon. Her attachment to you will lead to her fall."
You hated hearing him speak. You could tell he was taunting, the worst part was that it was working.
"But, to think the attachment went both ways," he laughed yet again, it was grated your ears. "So now I get my pick of the juiciest fruit for the Darkside." 
You were sick of hearing him talk, your legs dug into the ground as you pounced at the former master.
He deflected your blow with the greatest of ease. "You have no chance against me young l/n. I'm an Enchani, combat is the language of my people. Don't think I didn't study your movements. I know what move you're gonna make before you do."
You can't help but scowl as you feel frustration building within you. You took a deep breath as you adjust your form. Form II otherwise known as Makashi or the Contention Form. You disliked using it after finding out Count Dooku was leading the Separatists.
But as a result, this would no doubt through Master Castor off. "How about this Master Castor?" You said with a smirk.
However, he only smiles in turn. "Yes, yes! You have surprises that definitely puts you ahead of Siyeon. But, Master Castor I am no longer. I'm known now as Darth Atrocitus of the Conspiratorum," he said with a gleeful look in his eye. He was almost boasting to you. You could feel waves of pride coming off of him.
Taking that as a signal to attack you dashed deftly to his weak side and attempted a jab with your blade. However, as Atrocitus when to parry your strike, you danced backwards before engaging once again. You were relying on Makashi's footwork to see you through this fight. 
Or at the very least to allow you to survive long enough for help to arrive. Though you disliked the idea of Siyeon being around for this. Though you hoped your Master was still hot on Atrocitus' trail.
"Thinking of your master in a moment like this?" Atrocitus teased blocking your strike before pushing you back slightly with the force. "Your Master won't be coming Padawan."
His hand gathered a drop of blood off his face. Before tasting it. "Wookiee blood does taste so good."
You feel your rage flare to life remembering the small moments with your Master. He looked after you like he was your older sibling. You remember when rations were tight on Geonosis and he sacrificed his rations to make sure you were well fed.
The day he proudly returned to Kashyyyk his eyes alight with pride as he showed off to his parents. He promised that he'd take you back to see your parents when you became a knight.
A promise you were eager to keep.
A promise, now unfulfilled.
You quickly reverted to Djem So as you assaulted Atrocitus with an unending barrage. Each blow was stronger than the last, each strike slowly casting aside his guard.
Yet his laugh howled in your ears. "Yes, get angry. Hate me! Kill me!" He taunted, "Give into the Darkside."
You hated every fibre of his being. You wouldn't let him anywhere near Siyeon even if it was the last thing you did.
You could the dark clouds of the Darkside slowly infest your mind. You only needed to embrace it for a moment longer as you tossed Atrocitus' guard aside.
"Strike me down," he commanded.
A decisive blow was all you needed. However, you could feel your mind corrupting under the influence. The moments in the hotel flashed back to your mind. 
Her sweet doe-eyed smile as you shared in an embrace. 
Destroy him.
The tender embrace of her lips.
Leave nothing behind.
How could you bring yourself to be with her if you crossed that line?
You hesitate as you feel the embrace of the light side. 
"Weak," Atrocitus utters as he shocks you with Sith lightning. Sending you reeling backwards as he launches you away. Your head connects awkwardly with rubble and your vision goes blurry.
"You fall before Darth Atrocitus the Conspiratorum's Wrath," he utters with glee. "Siyeon will serve me well as an apprentice."
However, you hear the ignition of a lightsaber behind you. Your skin basking in its crimson glow as a black-clad figure steps over you. Their armour was ancient and worn. You feel like you're caught in a storm of pure malevolence. Yet you feel oddly safe like being in the eye of a hurricane.
"A pretender wishes to take up the title of Wrath and my name," You hear the figure state calmly. You still hear the makings of an imperial accent even through the rasp of the helmet. "A facsimile of a Jedi. A mere runt in the ways of the force. I'll show you the true power of the Darkside."
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Siyeon peered over the pyramid in her hand. The Holocron of one Darth Nox. No doubt a wealth of knowledge and power. It was at most an insurance policy, something to dig into if your life was in danger.
She still tossed over the idea of just destroying it now to avoid temptation.  Your scars came to mind and she knew she wouldn't have the heart to destroy it.
She's brought out of her thoughts by an explosion of Darkside energy. She quickly activates her transponder. "Hey is y/n with you Wreck?" she asked worryingly.
"They're not with me lover girl," the droid quickly responds. "Your ship is ready to go though."
She doesn't respond instantly knowing you're in the thick of it. She hastily puts her gear on and races towards the city square.
Her eyes catch you and a man that looked like Master Castor. However, his movements were slightly off, they didn't have years of experience like Master Castor. Those small differences told her that he wasn't Master Castor. 
A clone, she reasoned.
She was thankful for teaching her to recognise people like an Enchani. A skill that had come in useful many times.
That's also how she knew you weren't the one in control. Your movements had too much experience and practice. Like someone who had gone through decades of war. Not to mention the change in favoured lightsaber form.
Juyo, the seventh form otherwise known as Ferocity Form. A form that had been banned in recent times due to it tempting many to the Darkside.
She watched as you effortlessly fended him back, you were toying with him. "You're not even a real Jedi and you pretend to be Sith?" You laugh slightly, the accent unrecognisable to Siyeon. But it was foreign. 
"I will lead a New Sith Empire," Atrocitus barks back even as his strikes get bounced back against your pure ferocity.
You deflect another blow before sending him careening into a wall with tremendous pressure. The wall begins to crack as you express more power in the force. "Dromund Kaas does not welcome you, would-be Atrocitus. You have no Sith blood in you."
She notices your yellow eyes look at her and she feels the fear surge in her heart. Scared she'd have to fight you under the influence of some other thing. She didn't want to hurt her y/n.
However, its influence over you falters as your feelings surface.
Atrocitus makes his counterattack as the external influence fights you again for control. "You really had me going there for a second runt."
His boot connects with your chest, you stumble backwards fighting the influence begging for control. Atrocitus knocks your lightsaber out of your hand with a smack.
Siyeon can only watch on in horror. Her legs carried her as fast they can but she knows she won't be fast enough. 
"Y/N!" She screams as Atrocitus only smiles as he swings at your head.
She watches as your body slumps over like a ragdoll. Sorrow surged through her veins as she stabs Atrocitus through the heart as he smiles. 
Pain brings your mind back to the front. You feel pain sear into your soul across the bridge of your nose, just below your eyes. 
Nothing breaks you more as you watch the yellow fade from her eyes.
You feel Kashyyyk burn around you as you feel her heartache as she looks at you.
She knew something was off about Master Castor, she knew that she should've said something when he first started acting strange. When he first started asking about you instead of worrying about her sense of attachment.
But instead, she viewed it as an easier way to find you again.
She was supposed to protect you, not send more harm your way.
You tried to say something, anything as shock began to grip her heart. But the pain gripping your body prevented you. You were barely still awake as it was.
"I'm so sorry," she whispered as cinder and ash filled your lungs. The flames roared to life as she pulled out a knife.
All you could do was watch as she severed her Padawan braid and placed it into your hand. Tears streamed down her face as she kissed your forehead. You felt the sorrow overwhelming her as she spoke. "I'm so sorry y/n."
You watch as she slowly gets up and grasps her former master's lightsaber. You push yourself to do anything, however, all you can do is reach out and croak out a single word. "Sin..gni."
Darkness accepts your consciousness.
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Author notes: Sooooo there’s an antagonist group now. Things are now spiraling into me having to make more things up. Anyway I hope this interesting enough that you’ll keep reading. At the very least to see what I bring to the table in terms of flavour.
I hope the angst wasn’t too bad and the character arc set up was at least worth the potential pain. At the very least I like the direction I’m taking Siyeon’s character in this AU. I did originally plan to just make Siyeon a Dark Jedi out the gate. Not that I typically plan things out too much. That was just the vibe I was going for.
Anyway Dami is definitely up next for a chapter this time. Even if you see a teaser in response to this chapter for anything else.
I’m interested to see anyone’s thoughts on what I should do with some of the other members because I’m hesitant to make many more of them force sensitive. Not because I dislike the other members it’s just it feels like a waste to not explore some of the other ideas that are available in an AU like Star Wars
Anyway I hope you have a good start, rest of or end of your day.
Arohanui everyone.
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cardest · 3 years
Tennessee playlist
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I’m going to Memphis! This is the mighty Tennessee - Memphis & Nashville playlist. You can’t tell the story of rock n roll without mentioning Memphis. Mississippi and Nashville, such a great history of music in this region. Chuck D hits things off with the ultimate introduction. Hit play here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1_X9nesbW37-9FNLiJWOQ1f
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This playlist has it all. Soul, blues and rock n roll. We take a journey back to the beginning of country as well, with Nashville and finish up at Dollywood. Hope you dig it.
Tennessee - Mississippi - Arkansas
001 Henry Rollins & Chuck D - Rise Above 002 Clutch -  Devil & Me 003 Paul Simon - Graceland 004 Isaac Hayes - Memphis Trax 005 Scott Walker - Thats How I Got to Memphis 006 AC/DC - let there be rock 007 Johnny Cash -  Country Boy 008 Chuck Berry -  Back To Memphis 009 Jay Reatard - Gree, Money, Useless Children 010 Lukah - Black Dragon 011 King Curtis - Memphis Soul Stew 012 Rosetta Howard & the Harlem Hamfats - Delta Bound 013 Nots - In Glass 014 Pere Ubu - Memphis 015 Loretta Lynn - The Pill 016 Howlin Wolf - Smokestack Lightnin 017 Rory Gallagher - The Mississippi Sheiks 018 Crime and the City Solution - Streets Of West Memphis 019 River City Tanlines - Met You Before 020 Johnny Cash - Going To Memphis 021 Al Green - Get Back Baby 022 Kim Salmon & The Surrealists - The Zipper 023 Booker T & the MG - Melting Pot 024 Pussycat - Mississippi 025 Boswell Sisters - Roll On, Mississippi, Roll On 026 Aretha Franklin   - Muddy Water 027 The Cramps - Garbageman 028 HASH REDACTOR - Good Sense 029 Optic Sink - Personified 030 Angry Angles - Blockhead 031 Big Star - Thirteen 032 Memphis Jug Band -  Going Back to Memphis 033 North Mississippi AllStars - K.C. Jones (On The Road Again) 034 Bass Drum Of Death -  Bad Reputation 035 Today Is the Day -  The Devil's Blood 036 Walk the Line Soundtrack- Get Rhythm 037 Jack White -  Temporary Ground 038 Jerry Lee Lewis - A Damn Good Country Song 039 The Homemade Jamz Blues Band - Rumors 040 Saving Abel - Pine Mountain (The Dance of the Poor Proud Man) 041 The Oxford Circle - Foolish Woman 042 Bobbie Gentry - Greyhound Goin' Somewhere 043 Reigning Sound - A Little More Time 044 NINA SIMONE - MISSISSIPPI GODDAM! 045 Laurie Anderson - Hiawatha 046 Glen Campbell - Burning Bridges 047 Dolly Parton - Hillbilly Willy 048 Elvis Presley - Guitar Man 049 Blue Oyster Cult - Divine Wind 050 Sammy Hagar - Halfway To Memphis 051 Izzy Stradlin   - Memphis                       052 Johnny Cash -  Run Softly, Blue River 053 Iron Horse - Unchained 054 The Cramps - Human Fly 055 Faces - Memphis 056 Jack Oblivian - Rat City 057 The Cooters - Bustin' Loose 058 Mott the Hoople - All The Way From Memphis 059 Dusty Springfield -  Breakfast in Bed 060 Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Tupelo 061 Chicago - Blues In The Night             062 Crossin Dixon - Guitar Slinger 063 Strummin' With The Devil - And the Cradle Will Rock 064 Stray Cats -  Can't Go Back to Memphis 065 Elvis Presley - Suspicious Minds 066 Suzi Quatro - Can't Trust Love 067 Lost Sounds - There's Nothing   068 Ike & Tina Turner ~ River Deep, Mountain High 069 Neil Diamond - Memphis Flyer 070 Julien Baker - hardline 071 The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - Memphis Soul Typecast 072 Isaac Hayes  - Groove-A-Thon 073 Otis Clay - Trying To Live My Life Without You 074 Tim McGraw - Don't Mention Memphis 075 Eric Burdon & War - Blues For Memphis Slim 076 Homemade Jamz Blues Band - Blues Train 077 Sweet Knives - I DON'T WANNA DIE 078 Cream - Four Until Late 079 Grateful Dead - Golden Road 080 Huey Lewis and the  NEWS - Function At The Junction 081 The Cramps - I Was A Teenage Werewolf 082 Jesse Winchester_ The Brand New Tennessee Waltz 083 Dorsey Burnette - Tall Oak Tree 084 Field Music - Time In Joy 085 Jay Reatard -  Blood Visions 086 The Rolling Stones - Honky Tonk Women 087 Quintron & Miss Pussycat  - Block the comet 088 Al Green - Let's Stay Together 089 The Mountain Goats - Getting Into Knives 090 Johnny Cash -  Tennessee Flat Top Box 091 Robert Pete Williams & Robert “Guitar" J. Welch - Mississippi Heavy Water Blues 092 MARY JAMES - MAKE THE DEVIL LEAVE ME ALONE 093 Ministry - Mississippi Queen 094 U.S. Bombs - Rocks in Memphis 095 Nazareth - Jet Lag 096 The Bar-Kays - Holy Ghost 097 Ty Segall - Despoiler Of Cadaver 098 His Hero Is Gone - Like Weeds 099 Jerry Lee Lewis - Memphis Beat 100 Generation X =  King Rocker 101 The Doobie Brothers - Wild Ride 102 Bad Company - Whiskey Bottle 103 Black Stone Cherry - When The Weight Comes Down 104 Buddy Miles - Memphis Train 105 Memphis Slim - Rockin' The House (Beer Drinkin' Woman) 106 David Clayton Thomas  - Wish The World Would Come to Memphis 107 Lost Sounds - Better Than Somethings 108 Alice Cooper - Ubangi Stomp 109 Tom Waits -  Don't Go Into The Barn 110 Hank Snow - Music Makin' Mama From Memphis 111 Phil Ochs - Heres to the State of Misssippi 112 Reigning Sound  - Your Love Is A Fine Thing 113 Pixies -  Letter to Memphis 114 Bob Dylan - Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again 115 The Colorblind James Experience - Considering A Move To Memphis 116 B.B.King - Rock Me Baby 117 Carla Thomas - B-A-B-Y 118 Aquarian Blood - A Love That Leads To War 119 Nights Like These - Scavenger's Daughter 120 Rufus Thomas - Walking the Dog 121 Clutch -  The House That Peterbilt 122 Lyal Strickland - O Arkansas 123 Don Bryant - How Do I Get There 124 The Sensational Barnes Brothers - Trying To Go Home 125 Squirrel Nut Zippers - Memphis Exorcism 126 Faster Pussycat - Tattoo 127 The Rolling Stones - Memphis Tennessee 128 Alcatrazz -  Sons And Lovers 129 Evil Army - Violence And War 130 Deep Purple - Somebody Stole My Guitar (Purpendicular 11) 131 Dwight Yoakam - Guitars, Cadillacs 132 UFO - Natural Thing 133 Thunderbridge Bluegrass Boys - Tennessee 134 Confederate Railroad - Queen of Memphis 135 The Box Tops - The Letter 136 Jerry Lee Lewis - Night Train To Memphis 137 Reverend John Wilkins - Trouble 138 Phil Lynott - Kings Call (feat. Mark Knopfler) 139 Old Crow Medicine Show - Motel in Memphis 140 Candy Lee- Here in Arkansas 141 Pharoah Sanders - You've Got To Have Freedom 142 Molly Hatchet - Mississippi Moon Dog 143 Rwake - Crooked Rivers 144 CARL PERKINS & PAUL SIMON - A Mile Out Of Memphis 145 Eddie Floyd - Knock On Wood 146 Al Green - Talk to me 147 Mush - Eat the Etiquette 148 PJ Harvey - Memphis 149 EX-CULT  - Clinical Study 150 Isaac Hayes  - Mans Temptation 151 Lil’ Jon & Eastside Boyz - Rep Yo City 152 Rufus Wainwright - Memphis Skyline 153 Stray Cats - 18 Miles to Memphis 154 Amasa Hines - Earth and Sky 155 Joe Henderson -  Back Road 156 Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash - Memphis Woman 157 Norma Jean - Memphis Will Be Laid To Waste 158 Fess Parker - Ballad of Davy Crockett 159 Assjack -  Redneck Ride 160 Brother Andy & His Big Damn Mouth - Social Lube 161 The Replacements - Alex Chilton 162 Ann Peebles - The handwriting is on the wall 163 The Highwaymen -  Big River 164 The Cult - Memphis Hip Shake 165 STEVE EARLE -  Hillbilly Highway 166 The BO-KEYS featuring OTIS CLAY -Got To Get Back 167 Rush - Tom Sawyer 168 Class Of '55: Memphis Rock & Roll Homecoming - Birth Of Rock And Roll 169 Hank Williams Jr - Memphis Belle 170 Sam Moore & Dave Prater - Soul Man 171 Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark - Bloc Bloc Bloc 172 Kenny Rogers & The First Edition  - Just Dropped In 173 Linda Heck - pictures of dead people 174 Carla Thomas - Sugar 175 Three Mafia 6 - Mystic Stylez 176 Osborne Brothers- Rocky Top 177 The Beverly Hillbillies Theme Song 178 Wilson Pickett - Barefootin' 179 Dolly Parton - Jolene 180 Charlie Daniels - long haired country boy 181 The Civil Wars - From This Valley 182 Jill Jack - Gettin' On In Memphis (The Elvis Song) 183 Huckleberry Finn and His Friends - Opening title 184 Dead Cross -  Skin of a Redneck 185 Johnny Cash - I Never Picked Cotton 186 Old Crow Medicine Show -  Wagon Wheel 187 Isaac Hayes  - That love feeling 188 Aretha Franklin - I say a little prayer 189 Little Milton - What Do You Do When You Love Somebody 190 Howlin' Wolf - Spoonful 191 Weird Al" Yankovic - Money For Nothing / Beverly Hillbillies 192 The Oblivians - I'll Be Gone 193 OT Sykes - Stone crush on you 194 The Mad Lads  - Come closer to me 195 The Box Tops - Choo Choo train 196 Bobby Blue Bland - dreamer 197 Wanda Jackson - Rip It Up 198 Junior Parker - Love Ain't Nothin' but a Business Goin' On 199 The Nightingales ft. Tommy Tate - Just a Little Overcome 200  The Louvin Brothers - Satan is real 201 Overture "Big River" - (1985 Original Broadway Cast) 202 Ike & Tina Turner - Shake 203 Playa Fly - fly shit 204 Adia Victoria - Different Kind Of Love 205 Grateful Dead - Tennessee Jed 206 Red Hot Chili Peppers - Backwoods 207 Otis Redding - Tennessee Waltz 208 Nashville Pussy - The Late Great USA 209 The Paperhead - The true poet 210 Tomahawk - South Paw 211 Night Beats - Her Cold Cold Heart 212 Forest of Tygers - human monster 213 LOSS - All Grows on Tears 214 Charlie McCoy - Wayfaring Stranger 215 Dick Stusso - Modern Music 216 Eddie Noack - Aint the Reaping Ever Done 217 Jason & the Scorchers - Greetings From Nashville   218 Jasmin Kaset and Quichenight - A Single Right Word 219  Gospel Keynotes - Give Me My Flowers 220   WEEN - Scrape the Mucus off My Brain 221 Shannon Shaw - Broke My Own 222 The Jesus Lizard - Blue Shot 223 Eddy Arnold    - Tennessee Stud 224 Clutch - Pure Rock Fury 225 Today Is The Day -  Who Is The Black Angel? 226 Hank Williams Jnr - Tennessee River 227 The Dead Weather -  Bone House 228  Every Mother's Nightmare - Long Haired Country Boy 229 Motley Crue - She goes down 230 Waylon Jennings - Tennessee 231 Dolly Parton - Down On Music Row 232 Jello Biafra & Mojo Nixon - Lets Go Burn Ole Nashville Down 233 The Byrds - Nashville West 234 Sharon Van Etten - Every Time the Sun Comes Up 235 Bill Anderson ~ More Than A Bedroom Thing 236 Dottie West - Route 65 To Nashville 237 Intruder - The Martyr 238 Johnny Cash - Smiling Bill McCall 239 Lynard Skynyrd - Workin For MCA 240 The Everly Brothers  - Nashville Blues 241 Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood - Elusive Dreams 242 Nashville Bluegrass Band - Im Gonna Love You 243 Ringo Starr - No-No Song 244 Hank Williams - Hey, Good Lookin' 245 The Lovin Spoonful - Nashville Cats 246 They Might Be Giants - James K. Polk 247 Commander Cody  -  Back To Tennessee 248 Wanda Jackson - Shakin' All Over 249 Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - Grand Ole Opry Song 250 Tomahawk - Flashback 251 Megadeth -  Dystopia 252 Dolly Parton -  Train, Train 253 The Clovers - One Mint Julep 254 Trampled By Turtles - Whiskey 255 Tom T. Hall - Nashville is a Groovy Little Town 256 Muddy Waters - I am the blues 257 Foo Fighters - Congregation 258 Pavement - Strings Of Nashville 259 Joe Ely - Tennessees Not The State Im In 260 Waylon Jennings - Nashville Bum 261 The Charmels - As Long As I Got You 262 Eve Maret - Do my thing 263 SABATON - 82nd All the Way 264 Halfway To Hazard - Welcome To Nashville 265 Nashville Pussy - Go Motherfucker Go 266 Indigo Girls - Nashville 267 Snarls - Walk In The Woods 268 Steeler - Cold Day in Hell 269 Strummin' With The Devil  - Jamies Cryin' 270 spazz gummo love theme 271 The Cramps - Cornfed Dames 272 Saxon -  Solid Ball Of Rock 273 Al Green - Tired of Being Alone 274 Soul Friction - It's Out Of My Hands 275 Today Is the Day - Wheelin' 276 Jackie Lynn - Odessa 277 The Jesus Lizard - Nub 278 Bully - Where To Start 279 Sonny Boy Williamson II - Lonesome Cabin 280 Tomahawk - God hates a coward 281 The Louvin Brothers - Knoxville Girl 282 Tom Waits - Jitterbug Boys 283 The Evil Dead Soundtrack  - Bridge Out 284 Wanda Jackson - Thunder On The Mountain 285 Elvis Presley - Where Do I Go From Here 286 Booker T & the MGs - Back Home 287 Ezra Furman & the Harpoons - American Highway 288 Joe Ely - dream camera 289 Assjack - Tennessee Driver 290 Nashville Pussy  - We Want A War 291 Dwight Yoakam - A Thousand Miles From Nowhere 292 Hank Williams, Jr. - Knoxville Courthouse Blues 293 ZZ Top - My Head's in Mississippi 294 Nitty Gritty Dirt Band -  Honky Tonkin' 295 Dead Weather - Die by the Drop 296 The Black Belles - What can I do 297 Dolly Parton  - Cowgirl And The Dandy 298 The Secret Sisters  - I've Got a Feeling 299 Justin Townes Earle - Aint Got No Money 300 Tomahawk - M.E.A.T 301 Jex Thoth - The Places You Walk 302 Bill Carter - Road To Nowhere 303 Bill Dees (Roy Orbison back vocals) - Tennesse Owns My Soul 304 Karen Elson  - The Ghost Who Walks 305 The Who - Whiskey Man 306 Hank Williams III - Crazed Country Rebel 307 The Lost Sounds - I Get Nervous 308 Big Star - September Gurls 309 ZZ Top - Whiskey n Mama 310 Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down 666 Isaac Hayes - Hyperbolicsyllablecsesquedalymistic
Hit play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC1_X9nesbW37-9FNLiJWOQ1f
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ladywren7 · 2 years
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I posted 775 times in 2021
420 posts created (54%)
355 posts reblogged (46%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.8 posts.
I added 2,684 tags in 2021
#star wars - 403 posts
#star wars rebels - 397 posts
#swr - 352 posts
#incorrect quotes - 235 posts
#incorrect star wars quotes - 227 posts
#swr incorrect quotes - 227 posts
#star wars incorrect quotes - 226 posts
#star wars rebels incorrect quotes - 225 posts
#incorrect star wars rebels quotes - 223 posts
#ezra bridger - 169 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#im also into tcw/ the mandalorian/all the sw movies and shows/amphibia/the owl house/elena of avalor/disney/hazbin hotel and helluva boss!!
My Top Posts in 2021
Sabine, talking about Ezra: "Ugh, I just want to slap his hidious beautiful face!"
Hera: "Uh...Don't you mean kiss?"
Sabine: "No, I meant slap."
148 notes • Posted 2021-01-05 20:22:01 GMT
Hera: Orrelios!
Alexandr(aka Kallus): *turns around* What?
Sabine and Ezra: OOOOOHHHH!!!
Zeb dying in the background: BABE STOP WE'RE NOT MARRIED-
Chopper: YET!
158 notes • Posted 2021-07-01 23:53:01 GMT
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170 notes • Posted 2021-05-09 05:12:50 GMT
*Thrawn has the whole crew captured and is interrogating them*
Thrawn: "So...does anybody want to tell me where the rebels base is? Or am I going to have to torture you all?"
Ezra: "We do have something to tell..."
Thrawn: "Intriguing, please do."
Ezra: *smirks* "Yo listen up, here's the story..."
Sabine: "About a little guy that lives in a blue world."
Thrawn: "What?"
Zeb: "And all day and all night and everything he sees..."
Chopper: "Is just blue, like him, inside and outside"
Thrawn: "karablast I think I know where this is going..."
Kanan: "Blue his house, with the blue little window..."
Hera: "And a blue corvette, and everything is blue for him"
Ezra: "And himself"
Sabine: "And everybody around"
Zeb: "Cause he ain't got nobody to listen to..."
Thrawn: "STOP!"
*Chopper hacks into the star destroyer, causing the song to start playing at full blast throughout the whole ship*
The crew: "I'M BLUE DA BA DEE-AHHH!!"
*the whole crew gets violently shocked and the music stops*
Ezra: "...Worth it"
176 notes • Posted 2021-01-15 18:45:30 GMT
Zeb: Do you want to know your gay name?
Kallus: My... my gay name?
Zeb: Yeah, it's your first name-
Kallus: Haha. Very funny Zeb-
Zeb: *gets down on one knee* And my last name.
Kallus: Oh- oh my god.
251 notes • Posted 2021-06-03 16:24:21 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
There's a massive number of firings yesterday and thinking of just firing everybody they don't do any work anyways and they don't really care and they take it lightly all the stuff. Then they asked them and they decided to keep them on cuz they're in fighting and some of them said it.
-the neighborhood has been cut down to about 170 households of warlock and out of 300 that were here. They're not very happy about it but they don't think it's so big enough loss to be concerned
-the general populace percentage off island of morlock is now dropping rapidly it was 7.3 this morning it's now 7.1%, and that is before the evacuation and before major maneuvers occur that are planned for today some of them involv many trillions of people and they are going to fail as they always do add to that the fact that Star wars is beginning and they are going to wipe out their bases and those are the ones that are remaining and after that they will start swarming on the independent basis what's your mix and which rmx and Stan will have to defend them and right now Stan is mobilizing his fleets in positioning them to intercept it is. So these two are saying we're going to get wiped out and we're going to go after you so he sent this offspring after him both of them and they're dead.. and they tried to say stuff but they died too quick and we killed them all out there for saying that they're going to do that. Is now hitting the idiots they're trying to get there anything she can hit them coming and going eventually just be his. The starting is approach there are 10 very large bases overseas and 200 small he's going to wipe out half the small ones and is going to concentrate on the big ones and right now it's working and his people are cleaning out the idiots from inside. This is the beginning of the Star wars saga and it is a New Hope which is the first movie. And he plays Obi-Wan Kenobi but it's really running that portion of the empire fleet and bja goes up and starts hitting his own people and they kill him and it's because the stand went into the museum and at that time Biden begins running the empire fleet and it's under scrutiny and suspect of being the museum curator eventually they figure out his role and it's not as bad it's because Tommy f is doing the museum
-and yes it is the beginning of Star wars the space symphonic orchestra and it is a massive massive genre there's so many people wearing it and running around as it it's not even funny Queen have a Dollar too and they're saying it's Hera and it's really Sarah it is a massive massive movement it has started it's well past the morlock well past it. Huge numbers of Star wars cosplay coming out they want a son at the Tampa Bay one coming up and he doesn't have any money to go there and he doesn't have any cosplay money and it doesn't have any transportation money and you have to pay for entrance fee transportation cosplay food probably a room and has none of that it's like 500 bucks or 700 and there's nothing I can tell you this is so hot and he's got cosplay and he looks up he's got a rebel suit on for some reason he looks up and he sees Ken and he's got the Han Solo costume on but as Frankie the Pena.
We published now this is huge and several famous battles are coming up today we can see it happening in Star wars the motion picture and the series and the TV series and the cartoons series all of them are forming up it is a humongous day
Thor Freya
The true empire has a massive fleet and this fleet is gigantic too because of its firepower eventually they combine but only under Mac and that's the problem they have in the future and we have in the future this is going to be a war with the max everybody is getting their footing for it
Olympus we approve this message to go out
I'm okay and I see what you're saying it's going to work
0 notes
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Hello Everyone! 
A day like today 20 years ago the first novel of our beloved series was published in November 2000. This is an incredible anniversary and that’s why we’ll celebrate the whole month with events! 
I hope you can join this special occasion and contribute a little bit by sharing your posts and art here in tumblr.  
This is not the first event run by this blog, if you want to see what we did in previous years you can visit my tags MA Event,  MA Event 2017 and MA Event 2018.
The dynamic of the events is to have some deliver themes and inspiration divided in different sections. This event will run weekly, except for the last week of the month when we’ll have daily content shared to inspire you even more. 
Please save the date around the last weekend of November for our Live Chat! I’ll post more information about the exact date and time along the next weekly posts.
Update: Live Chat Sunday 29 at 1am Buenos Aires timezone GTM-3 You can check online comparing with your time zone here. We’ll meet and chat, share opinions, and play some games or draw together!
20th Anniversary MA Event - First Week Activity Share your MAlove, share your MArt! From November 1 to November 8
This week we’ll draw fanarts, write fanfics or make any other kind of media to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the series. We have list of 365 prompts in case you need a little bit of extra inspiration, please check under the cut and try to mix anything you pick with a festive mood to make it really special ;D
Remember to tag your posts with #MAnniversary 2020 and #MA Event
Links to the weekly event’s posts:
First Week (in this post) Second Week  Third Week Fourth Week | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday
01. Introduction
02. Love
03. Light
04. Dark
05. Seeking Solace
06. Break Away
07. Heaven
08. Innocence
09. Drive
10. Breathe Again
11. Memory
12. Insanity
13. Misfortune
14. Smile
15. Silence
16. Questioning
17. Blood
18. Rainbow
19. Gray
20. Fortitude
21. Vacation
22. Mother Nature
23. Cat
24. No Time
25. Trouble Lurking
26. Tears
27. Foreign
28. Sorrow
29. Happiness
30. Under the Rain
31. Flowers
32. Night
33. Expectations
34. Stars
35. Hold my Hand
36. Precious Treasure
37. Eyes
38. Abandoned
39. Dreams
40. Rated
41. Teamwork
42. Standing Still
43. Dying
44. Two Roads
45. Illusion
46. Family
47. Creation
48. Childhood
49. Stripes
50. Breaking the Rules
51. Fanart
52. Deep in Thought
53. Keeping a Secret
54. Tower
55. Waiting
56. Danger Ahead
57. Sacrifice
58. Kick in the Head
59. No Way Out
60. Rejection
61. Fairy Tale
62. Magic
63. Do Not Disturb
64. Multitasking
65. Horror
66. Traps
67. Playing the Melody
68. Hero
69. Annoyance
70. 67%
71. Obsession
72. Mischief Managed
73. I Can’t
74. Are You Challenging Me?
75. Mirror
76. Broken Pieces
77. Test
78. Drink
79. Starvation
80. Words
81. Pen and Paper
82. Can You Hear Me?
83. Heal
84. Out Cold
85. Spiral
86. Seeing Red
87. Food
88. Pain
89. Through the Fire
90. Triangle
91. Drowning
92. All That I Have
93. Give Up
94. Last Hope
95. Advertisement
96. In the Storm
97. Safety First
98. Puzzle
99. Solitude
100. Relaxation
101. Hello World
102. Fear
103. Anger
104. Regret
105. Happiness
106. Love
107. Family
108. Friendship
109. Home
110. Childhood
111. Adulthood
112. Birth
113. Death
114. Me
115. You
116. Thoughts
117. Emotion
118. Sun
119. Rain
120. Thunder
121. Noon
122. Midnight
123. Twilight
124. Rooms
125. Window to the Soul
126. Games
127. Halo
128. Serenity
129. Firefly
130. Phone
131. Movie
132. Television
133. Plants
134. Freedom
135. Forgetfulness
136. Remembrance
137. Memorial
138. War
139. Fight
140. Loss
141. Winning
142. Losing
143. Nature
144. Hurricane
145. Storms are brewing
146. Lightning
147. Colors
148. Bravo
149. Punishment
150. Picture
151. Another Wolfs
153. The Life You Dream Of
154. Dreams
155. Tears
157. Smiling
158. Laughing
159. Crying
160. Looking in the Mirror
161. Steam
162. Candy
163. Cats
164. Dogs
165. Glasses
166. Orbit
167. Satellite
168. Stars
169. Jade
170. Emerald
171. Gems
172. Dreaming Out Loud
173. Insomnia
174. Rabbits
175. Snake
176. Borders
177. The Year
178. This Time
179. Last Time
180. Forever and a Day
181. Sometimes
182. Always
183. Power
184. Weakness
185. Green
186. Purple
187. Blue
188. Sight
189. Blindness
190. Hurtful
191. Stages of grief
192. Arguments
193. Country
194. Frog
195. Forest
196. River
197. Flying
198. Mountains
199. Snow
200. Goodbye
201. Heart of Glass
202. My Life
203. Me In a Nutshell
204. Forever Yours
205. True Colors
206. My best friend’s girl
207. Impossible Love
208. Forgiveness
209. Fibers of Our Lives
210. Challenging Dream
211. Living My Dream
212. Forgetting Myself
213. Saving Grace
214. Lonely
215. Unbalanced
216. See-saw
217. Math
218. Match Making
219. Beyond Good and Evil
220. Second Sight
221. Double Take
223. Upon Review
224. Losing You
225. Baseball
226. Shouting
227. Farmland
228. Heartland
229. Brick Wall
230. Glass Houses
231. Eyes
231. Ring
233. Circle
234. Square
235. Boxes
236. Moving
237. Well Being
238. Insanity
239. Repetition
240. Learning
241. Class
242. Flowers
243. Special
244. Snowflakes
245. The Man They Call Jayne
246. Malicious
247. Pretty on the Outside
248. The Outside
249. Thankful
250. Neglect
251. Remorse
252. Embracement
253. Reflecting on My Life
254. Space
255. Constellation
256. Collection
257. Magic
258. Thrill
259. Attack
260. 20 Seconds to Mars
261. Unable
262. Foolish
263. Science
264. Sign of Life
265. Motto
266. Me
267. Balloon
268. Self Esteem
269. Narcissism
270. Ideology
271. Pageantry
272. Keeping Up With the Jones’s
273. Crack in Your Armor
274. Spilling Your Guts
275. Lean on Me
276. Crippling Emotion
277. Biggest Fear
278. Prejudices
279. Fresh
280. Corn
281. Sugar
282. Ice Cream
283. Accents
284. Speech
285. Writing
286. Doom
287. Shape
288. The Real You
289. My Name Is ____
290. Who are You on the Inside
291. Hidden Hatred
292. Hanging
293. Jacket
294. Jail
295. Stepping Up to the Plate
296. Star Player
297. My Hero
298. Castle
299. Losing Yourself
300. Finding Hope
301. Pirates
302. Fallen Angel
303. Drowning Lessons
304. Ghosts in the snow
305. Rawr.
306. Pidgeons… Birdy
307. Broken Hearts Parade
308. Paranoid
309. Vampires
310. Betrayal
311. Emmi&Rumura
312. The three friends
313. Horror
314. Mirror
315. Candlelight
316. Spider moneky
317. Devil
318. Flowers
319. Teddy Bear
320. Mist
321. Kingdom Hearts
322. Ferret
323. Vanilla
324. Thunder
325. Pinto Pony
326. M&Ms
327. Killer
328. Grass
329. Peace
330. Chibi
331. Mr. Klaw, polite Lion
332. Eternal
333. Star girl
334. Hats
335. Calvin & Hobbes
336. Misery (A cup full of something… unknown )
337. Hot chocolate
338. My Chemical Romance
339. Light in the darkness
340. Laughter
341. Nightmares
342. Necklace
343. Fire
344. Clorotaint and Treegirl
345. Swirls
346. Pokemon
347. Friends
348. Double Trouble
349. Do not cross
350. Unknowing
351. Chocolate
352. Time
353. A phone
354. Little kids on a playground
355. Darkness
356. A purple lady
357. Writer’s block
358. The dark corner in my room that I go to cry at (and a unicorn)
359. Sunglasses
360. The sun relaxing by an air conditioner
361. A girl fleeing from her nightmares
362. A girl staring at a blank canvas
363. A visual representation of poetry
364. Trolls
365. A hat
51 notes · View notes
tyuiopsd · 3 years
Instead we are giving them pills
Instead we are giving them pills as if somehow that is going to solve everything. The nike air max 102 essential white re engined 737 Max and A320neo jets offer a 15 per cent fuel saving meant to cut costs on the shortest inter city services. Including the $75 million in savings announced in February, annual savings from this Transformation Plan are currently expected to total more than $350 million by the end of Fiscal 2018, with approximately $170 million anticipated to be realized during this fiscal year. Thompson residence the evening of Friday, March 2, 2012, was unconventional and awkward. So as to hear a child’s voice . Will you hear my friends? There are seven of them as well.” He brought them forth one by one. Siarnicki at last month's Annual Valor Awards honoring the finest public safety personnel in the county. He expressed his regret that the slave had died, and especially as he had ascertained that he was innocent of the accusation for which he had suffered. Bryan Ohning. In his section of North Carolina there are very many nike air vortex desert sand anti-slavery men, and the leon papucs győr majority of the people have no interest in what is called folie samsung j6 2018 pt tot telegonil slave property. Lord Ramsay sat beside his bride, slid his hand along her inner thigh, then jammed two fingers up inside her. “His Grace named Ser Robert to the Kingsguard,” Ser Kevan reminded him, “and Qyburn vouches for the man as well. This roll contains ten thousand roubles. I believe a time will come when an opportunity will be offered to abolish this lamentable evil. "They help to balance and stabilize your body," says Tammy Strunk, an Emmaus, PA, fitness instructor. Next came a tender interlude, the Intermezzo from Granados' "Goyescas." This is such lyrical music, beginning with the violin's sensuous lines, played over cello pizzicato. This engine propels the four door car from rest to 200 km/h (124 mph) in just 9.1 seconds. At the very moment when he disclosed to her that evening that he could not love her, that duty and another love catalog cercei aur turcia forbade it — the girl suddenly displayed such nobility of character, such sympathy for him and for her rival, such spontaneous forgiveness, that though he had believed in her beauty, he only realized then how splendid she was. This room can be used as long as the minimum safeguards described herein are applied. But that will be presently. Her face was still fresh, and in her first youth she must have been very beautiful. A little boy dies of an illness and his body is taken over by a Breed, causing his mother to think that he had recovered. She loves glitter nike air max 102 essential white and glam, but she's also going to rock her Nike kicks in a flash. To that end, Vauxhall will be assessing a handful of Ampera e models in the UK, with a view to a next generation electric car for the UK market."'The technology which underpins the new Ampera e is of great interest to us, and we will be evaluating LHD cars from next spring and demonstrating them to clients. But her mother's boyfriendwas violent, she said, beating her mother repeatedly. “Leave me. Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun howled again and gave Ser Patrek’s other arm a twist and pull. He only seems calm around Justin; he senses the boy is Kyle's brother. You know that tale? I do. No suspension was given to Johnson on that hit, and I can find a lot of cazadora vaquera tommy hilfiger difference in that hit than the one done by Chara save for the puck being further away from Pacioretty than it was Smyth, in which case Chara indeed deserved an interference penalty.. Turned on, it creates a vacuum under the car that holds it to the track surface at any speed.. Ah, Natasha, everyone loves you, everyone. disco duro externo pita For cool fall nights, the theater floor is equipped with vistas along the bay of Green Bay. One Eye. What brother man and brother Christian must suffer, cannot be told us, even in our secret chamber, it so harrows up the soul. For some time, astronomers have been confounded by this process, never knowing where or when a neutron star might make this final transformation. Indeed, the very fact that Masloboev had taken it into his head to come that evening at all was strange. Crashed before everyone else got back, slept exhausted and happy in a seriously comfortable bunk bed. One kind prowls where they please and will tear your dogs to pieces. An old wisewoman revered by the peoples of the Milkwater. The rest are not essentials.. So you a coward, and instead of me why I not good enough, I went back to tell you that no we are not still friends. They encountered no one on the long descent. Behind one stack he glimpsed three sailors throwing dice. Curiosity to know what sort of men the legislators of North Carolina might be, led the writer to examine with some attention the proceedings and debates of the convention of that state, called to amend its constitution, which assembled at Raleigh, June 4th, 1835.. Can any one think of this without compassion? Poor souls! willing to bear with so much for simply this slight acknowledgment of their common humanity. Then Skinner and Sour Alyn seized his arms and legs and tossed him from the wall to the ground eighty feet below. I believe a time will come when an opportunity will be offered to abolish this lamentable evil. The Wooden who led his Martinsville High School team to the Indiana state title in 1927. The two countries were still technically at war and the interview led to a peace treaty.Walter Leland Cronkite, Jr. "About 60 percent of my performances include about 60 percent Eagles songs, many of which I wrote or cowrote, but the reaction to the new songs has been positive. The first increase, which will go into effect January 1, 2014, will be 5.2% (based on inflation data from 2010 2012). Benefiting Dorsett from joined Studio10 along with camper Emma Smith and Richard True from the Royal Scam. The 2.5" drive cage is covered by the top panel, while the 3.5" cage is protected by a hatch at the rear of the case. It tasted of fruit. The captains and commanders argued over the maps like fishwives over a bucket of crabs. He should never have come. Now I only pay 1.2% SS tax and you little people pay 6.2%. The dragon does not weep. Everything in the space is patina ed with age and use. Sellswords, Tyrion knew. Both men lost their swords as they rolled on the hard ground. Wait, I say. President and CEO, Mark Parker, followed by Charlie air jordan aj4 Denson, President of the Nike brand and finally you will hear from our Chief Financial Officer, Don Blair, who will give you an in depth review of fekete táska női our financial results. The poor child had grown much thinner during the four days of her illness. Seven save me, that’s got to be three times the size of the Great Sept of Baelor. A few years back he played good defense and occassionally contributed offensively. "There were, probably, seven or eight hundred people congregated on the hundred yards square over which these missiles of death were scattered," theNational Intelligencer reported.. To noon Saturday. On offense, sophomore attackman Sean Wilkinson dominated three goals against the Catamounts. With the ability to enter up to 20 details about a child and her family and friends (as well as traditions like trips to her family's fave beach, local park and zoo), the book reads distinctly about her life.
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Name: Lilian Marie Le’Reau
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Birth Date: February 23, 1973
Species: Human
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Sexuality: Gay
Alignment: Neutral
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: French/English (dual citizenship)
Residence: London, England
Myer Briggs Personality Type: INFJ-T The Advocate
1st Wand: 
Alder Wood 12 3/4 Slightly springy flexibility Unicorn Hair core Alder is an unyielding wood, yet often its ideal owner is not stubborn or obstinate, rather helpful, considerate and most likable. Whereas most wand woods seek similarity in the characters of those they will best serve, alder is unusual in that it seems to desire a nature that is, if not precisely opposite to its own, then certainly of a markedly different type. When an alder wand is happily placed, it becomes a magnificent, loyal helpmate. Of all wand types, alder is best suited to non-verbal spell work, whence comes its reputation for being suitable only for the most advanced witches and wizards.
2nd Wand:
Acacia Wood 13 Supple flexibility Horned Serpent Horn core A very unusual wand wood, which I have found creates tricky wands that often refuse to produce magic for any but their owner, and also withhold their best effects from all but those most gifted. This sensitivity renders them difficult to place, and I keep only a small stock for those witches or wizards of sufficient subtlety, for acacia is not suited to what is commonly known as ‘bangs-and-smells’ magic. When well-matched, an acacia wand matches any for power, though it is often underrated due to the peculiarity of its temperament.
Animagus: Black Ragdoll with curved white marks under the eyes and on the paws
Misc Magical Abilities: Naturally adept at most forms of transfiguration and animation charms, wandless spell casting, silent spell casting
Boggart Form: Death Eater from her past
Riddikulus Form: Darth Vader saying “Lilian, I am your father”
Amortentia (others): A kitchen cooking a full meal; generally steak, green beans, baked potatoes, buttered rolls and brownies
Amortentia (Lilian): (before dating) Machine shop oil, the smell of grease and degreaser (after dating/ married) The smell of an old book and the fragrance of Merula’s perfume
Patronus: Multiple Wolves (average 2-3, more depending on the need)
Patronus Memory: The memory of all her friends, family and loved ones attending the unveiling of her first golem
Mirror of Erised: Herself, living life without fear of persecution by muggles or pureblood wizards.
Specialized/Favourite Spells: 
Piertotum Locomotor
Baubillious (for offense and creation)
Permanent Sticking Charm (It’s easier than weeks of welding)
Aguamenti (you wouldn’t believe how many fires are started near Lilian)
Incendio (speaking of fire…)
In game
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Height: 6’3” (190.5 cm)
Weight: 170 lbs (77 kg)
Physique: Toned/ Lean build
Eye Colour: Purple/ Amethyst
Hair Colour: Snow White (originally chestnut)
Skin Tone: Porcelain
Body Modifications: Single Purple streak of Dyed hair
Scarring: After the battle of Hogwarts in the second wizarding war, Lilian loses her left arm and right leg below the joints. She later develops prosthetics nearly identical to her original limbs, but stronger than steel
Inventory: On her person she will have a charm bracelet of several shrunken items including:
-a table -a cooler -a medical cabinet (with everything inside secured) -three Tiny Golems (for easy transport when not in use)
As well as a satchel with several books, pencils and sketch pads for when she has an idea or observes something inspiring. She owns a car and a Thunderbolt broomstick.
Fashion: Lilian normally dresses in black slacks, a white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a black vest over the white shirt. She also owns several pairs of boots, most in the style of buckle up platforms with steel toes.  She will also wear various dresses to accentuate her figure, muscles or the dresses design as well as several pop culture t-shirts (her favorites are often science fiction based such as Star Wars and Halo)
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
The Order of the Phoenix
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
The Constitutional Republic of France
The Royal Crown of England
Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office (consultant)
Department of Magical Equipment Control 
Freelance Craftswoman (magical prosthetics)
Freelance Craftswoman (miscellaneous items)
Freelance Craftswoman (Animated Objects)
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ (E) Charms: ★★★★★★★★★★ (O) DADA: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ (O) Flying: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ (A) Herbology: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆ (E) History of Magic: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ (A) Potions: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ (O) Transfiguration: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ (O)
Electives:  Study of Ancient Runes Ancient Runes Alchemy Arithmancy Advanced Arithmancy
Extra Curricular: 
Dungeons and Dragons club Potions Club Magic TheoryAncient Runes Club Education of Muggle Items Group (unofficial president)
Favourite Professors: 
Professor McGonagall: While not typically the first choice of Ravenclaws, Lilian respects Professor McGonagall for her cool and decisive temperament, her rational thought processes and her ability to make the correct call in stressful situations. She is also partial due to the shared Animagus attribute as well as the professor’s forgiving nature towards Lilian’s Experimentation with magical creations.
Least Favourite Professors:
Professor Trelawney:  While Lilian respects every form of knowledge, she never understood why this class was a core requirement and not an elective. Surely if someone was that desperate to know their ‘future’ they could use their own time instead of forcing an entire class to follow suit. Lilian is a firm believer in ‘you make your own fate’ and views Professor Trelawney as overly superstitious, even by wizarding world standards.
Father: Daniel Le’Reau Muggle English Professor Attended University of Cambridge, England Short, Chestnut brown hair with matching Goatee. Tall, slightly scrawny 38 years old.
Daniel is soft-spoken and amicable, often seeking the least confrontational methods. Polite and poised, as expected of a respected University professor
Upper Middle Class 
Professor of Literature and English Studies at the University of Cambridge 
Daniel is a very well known professor, often sited in many English studies papers for his ideas on early literature such as Shakespeare and Anglo-Saxton ballads, noting their implications in modern art and culture as well as their historic significance. He is also known to be quite supportive of his students, often treating them like family members and helping them achieve their dreams. 
Known the McKinley family since Lilian was 5 (the day she was almost kidnapped)
Mother: Amelie Nicole Le’Reau Muggle Long straight Black hair, Amethyst eyes, Average height, toned muscles, rugged beauty. Mechanic (military contracted) 37 years old.
Amelie is an outspoken, avid thinker who spends just as much time as her husband educating people.
Amelie originally served in the Royal Engineering Corps in her early years until she met and fell in love with a rather awkward yet lovable man named Daniel. Shortly before her Exit date, she married him and had Lilian. Since then, she’s been a military contractor for the Royal Engineering Corps. Assisting with various mechanical jobs from basic transportation to armored troop transports to Tanks and Mobile Weapons Systems.
Nearly traumatized when a dark wizard kidnapped Lilian after killing several bystanders with magic and curses. Almost forbade Lilian from attending Hogwarts when she received the acceptance letter. Remains in good standing with Shamus McKinley.
Love Interest: Merula
While they only officially started dating during the Sixth year, their relationship started in the Fourth year.
During the Celestial ball, Lilian noticed that Merula didn’t have anyone to dance with and offered to dance with her.  After the Celestial Ball, Merula’s Attitude softened to a degree. While Lilian was still being teased about how tall she was, she was no  longer harassed for being a muggle, nor was she mocked for her passions. While Merula wouldn’t outright ask for help from Lilian, She would never deny Lilian helping her.
Generally the attitude of the two was always Lilian genuinely trying to learn about Merula while Merula made an effort to understand Lilian and where she was from. Eventually Mistrust and Resentment would make way to curiosity and intrigue. 
Only when Lilian had saved Merula’s life from Dementors had she finally figured out her mixed feelings for Lilian, realizing that she had fallen in love with the quiet muggle born witch, eccentricities and all.
Best Friends:
Rowan Hubei Khanna (Female Khanna) Rowan Harrow Khanna (Male Khanna) Ben Copper Penny Haywood Badeea Ali Ismelda Murk Rival: None
Patricia Rakepick
Rowan Hubei Khanna Badeea Ali Tulip Karasu
Eleanor is an american shorthair that Lilian rescued from the street during her trip to Diagon Alley. Eleanor had been a kitten at the time, thus Lilian was given special permission to have her familiar with her during all classes to make sure she didn’t go hungry.
Due to outstanding Circumstance, Lilian has also (legally) adopted an Acromantula that refers to himself as Cain. While technically intelligent enough to take care of himself, he does allow her to give pets and scratch his carapace in the right areas. In exchange, Lilian is given a supply of webbing to refine into silk as she needs.
Closest Canon Friends:
Ismelda Murk Rowan Hubei Khanna
Closest MC Friends:
Helene Adler @heleneplays​
Skylar Morningstar @angrynar​
Ada Corcoran @ask-bincopper-archive​
Neon Welkin @neonbluewaves​
Ethren Whitecross @hogwartsmysterystory​
[The following is an excerpt from the book The Craftswoman, a biography on the Life and Philosophies of Lilian Le’Reau]
Interviewer: What do you know of Mrs. Le’Reau? Headmistress Rowan Hubei Khanna: Lilian? Wow, where do I begin… She was always quiet. It was almost as if she were watching everything that happened for the sake of safety and precautions. Like she was always expecting the worst to happen to her no matter what. But given her history I wouldn’t put it past her. 
I: Could you please elaborate on that? Headmistress Khanna: Well, I suppose so. When Lilian was around the age of five, she and her mother were attacked by a rogue Death Eater, one of the remnants of the first wizarding war. A lot of people died that day, several more had to have their memory erased. 
I: With the Memory Erasing Charm, yes. The report of ‘The Market Massacre’ were in the papers for weeks after the incident, if I recall. Headmistress Khanna: Right. Well, This death eater had a particular goal in mind. I was told that he kept on rambling about how he was gonna make  new army, one to combat the remnants of the Order of Phoenix. He had planned on kidnapping Children with magical talent in order to build this order. 
I: Fortunately, the Auror Shamus McKinley was nearby to save her. He not only saved her, but dispatched the dark wizard as well, yes? Headmistress Khanna: While this is true, it still had its ramifications. No one goes through that sort of experience the same. Lilian didn’t like to talk about where she came from or about her childhood.
I: Well, how about her years alongside you at Hogwarts? How would you describe that? Headmistress Khana: Our time at Hogwarts was actually rather mundane compared to the adventures of our other classmates. Lilian and I were generally the part of the plan that collected information and helped solve the riddles of the vaults, rather than actually fighting any of the curses there. Otherwise, much of her time was spent studying, trying to figure out new ways to apply spells and context of said spells, and honing her own personal abilities.  Like I said, a rather average Hogwarts tenure for the both of us.
I: Alright. How about during the battle of Hogwarts? Or perhaps anything during then and your graduation of Hogwarts? Headmistress Khanna: The time before the battle of Hogwarts, I can't testify for. For a while, most of us fell out of contact as we moved on with our lives, trying to make a name for ourselves in our own fields. But… 
I: It’s okay if you would like to avoid this subject. Headmistress Khanna: No no, it needs to be said. During the battle of Hogwarts, a lot of us were scared. None of us had been in this sort of conflict before, and those of us that had weren't ready for what we faced. Yet there Lilian was, setting up perimeters and directing people to the best suited jobs to help defend. She even brought in nearly a dozen golems to assist in the defense. We were lucky too, since those were the only things stopping the main host of trolls from climbing up the bridge. The battle itself is a blur, but when the dust settled, we all saw Lilian slumped against a wall, babbling on about equations and how many litres of blood she felt she had lost. She was missing her arm and leg, surrounded by a dozen or so dark wizards. 
I: Thank you, Headmistress. I think that’ll be all for now. Headmistress Khanna: I appreciate the need to document Lilian’s life. She’d be too busy to actually sit down and write it herself, believe it or not.
Lilian is a very open minded individual. Creative and Intelligent, She will always see projects through to the end, even if she already knows that the result will be failure. Despite the innumerable amount of failures that she’s had, Lilian always finds a way to take joy from any situation. While she mainly focuses on her work, she is a rather quiet and shy woman despite her imposing stature and very apparent abilities. She doesn’t like to brag, nor is she prone to any outwardly negative emotions. 
She does have several flaws though, first and foremost being her inability to cope with overly strong negative stimuli as well as a tendency to hyper fixate on a project at hand, often forgetting to eat and rest until her body physically forces her to sustain itself. (most common being her collapsing from exhaustion and sleep deprivation.)
Lives in the muggle world (London specifically)
Has family in both France and England
While not typically a fighter, Lilian has mastered the Patronus charm to astonishing success, manifesting three or more Wolf patroni with one casting.
While she is missing her left arm and right leg from the joints down, Lilian has since made prosthetic arms that are not only nearly identical to the previous limbs, they are far stronger than steel and well crafted enough to fool Muggles unless they closely inspect the hand in question.
Lilian married Merula nearly a year after the Battle of Hogwarts
In order to maintain hold of her tools while working and simultaneously casting spells, Lilian has mastered both the art of wandless and silent spellcasting.
Lilian owns a machine shop in London, making both Muggle and Magical items for multiple clients. She is allowed to do this through the employment of Squibs. This also allows her to take Auror Interns, teaching them how muggle technology works.
Lilian attempts to pioneer Golemancy, even attempting to have it recognized as an official practice of magic.
After Much convincing and reassuring, Lilian managed to get Merula to move to the Muggle world. Even then, this was only after several charms had been cast to help hide their magical nature from Ordinary Muggles. (Merula is particularly keen on cell phones.)
After several letters, Lilian agrees to teach several Magic Theory classes at Beauxbatons, much to the joy of several students and faculty. Lilian even demonstrates the magic and technology behind her prosthetics, inspiring the next generation of magic craftsmen and women.
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neverheardnothing · 4 years
hello. over my tumblr break a few months ago i got bored enough to count the frequencies of every word in joe iconis songs and i don’t know what else to do with this info so here y’all go. every word in joe iconis songs with 10+ occurrences in descending order but i also factored out the 250 most common words in the english language badly (warning, this is a 484 item long list).
1 ('i', 2375) 2 ("i'm", 708) 3 ("it's", 366) 4 ('oh', 312) 5 ('gonna', 204) 6 ('yeah', 175) 7 ('got', 163) 8 ("you're", 160) 9 ('am', 160) 10 ('na', 149) 11 ('wanna', 130) 12 ('hey', 129) 13 ('love', 127) 14 ('feel', 122) 15 ("i'll", 117) 16 ('things', 111) 17 ('really', 97) 18 ("i'd", 97) 19 ('bang', 93) 20 ('girl', 87) 21 ('ever', 86) 22 ("can't", 84) 23 ('better', 78) 24 ("there's", 78) 25 ("she's", 78) 26 ("i've", 75) 27 ('whoa', 74) 28 ('baby', 73) 29 ("that's", 70) 30 ('gotta', 69) 31 ("we're", 68) 32 ("ain't", 63) 33 ("won't", 63) 34 ('cool', 61) 35 ('song', 58) 36 ('away', 57) 37 ('anymore', 56) 38 ('because', 55) 39 ('ya', 55) 40 ('always', 54) 41 ('remember', 54) 42 ('gone', 51) 43 ('guess', 51) 44 ('person', 51) 45 ('woman', 49) 46 ('sing', 49) 47 ('blood', 49) 48 ('stay', 48) 49 ('care', 48) 50 ('into', 47) 51 ('mind', 46) 52 ('whatever', 46) 53 ('jeremy', 45) 54 ("didn't", 45) 55 ('wish', 45) 56 ('feeling', 43) 57 ('ooh', 43) 58 ('cuz', 43) 59 ("you'll", 43) 60 ('ribbit', 43) 61 ('everything', 42) 62 ("you've", 42) 63 ('done', 41) 64 ('nothing', 41) 65 ('fine', 41) 66 ('girls', 41) 67 ('something', 40) 68 ('please', 40) 69 ('hate', 40) 70 ('walk', 40) 71 ('nanana', 40) 72 ('going', 39) 73 ('maybe', 39) 74 ('hear', 39) 75 ('used', 39) 76 ('fall', 39) 77 ('wrong', 38) 78 ('fire', 37) 79 ('rather', 37) 80 ('around', 36) 81 ('shit', 36) 82 ('ba', 36) 83 ('heart', 36) 84 ('leave', 36) 85 ('ah', 36) 86 ('being', 36) 87 ('oh-h', 36) 88 ("he's", 35) 89 ('till', 35) 90 ('fight', 35) 91 ('face', 35) 92 ('la-la-la', 35) 93 ('da', 35) 94 ("let's", 34) 95 ('sure', 34) 96 ('hope', 34) 97 ('nana', 34) 98 ('guy', 33) 99 ('knew', 33) 100 ('wanted', 33) 101 ('shoot', 33) 102 ('em', 32) 103 ('rich', 32) 104 ('together', 32) 105 ('looking', 32) 106 ('myself', 32) 107 ('knock', 32) 108 ('chop', 32) 109 ('makes', 31) 110 ('since', 31) 111 ('whiskey', 31) 112 ('uh', 30) 113 ("they're", 30) 114 ('gimme', 30) 115 ('rick', 30) 116 ('somebody', 29) 117 ('those', 29) 118 ("doesn't", 29) 119 ('red', 29) 120 ('totally', 29) 121 ('hell', 29) 122 ("what's", 29) 123 ('hall', 29) 124 ('die', 29) 125 ('annie', 29) 126 ('bad', 28) 127 ('stop', 28) 128 ("you'd", 28) 129 ('listen', 28) 130 ('mamma', 28) 131 ('la-la-la-la', 28) 132 ('do-do', 28) 133 ('tonight', 27) 134 ('okay', 27) 135 ('hair', 27) 136 ("c'mon", 27) 137 ('roll', 27) 138 ('without', 27) 139 ('michael', 27) 140 ('christine', 27) 141 ('bounty', 27) 142 ('almost', 26) 143 ('another', 26) 144 ('kinda', 26) 145 ('mine', 26) 146 ('rock', 26) 147 ('records', 26) 148 ('music', 26) 149 ('lonely', 25) 150 ('words', 25) 151 ('heard', 25) 152 ('yo', 25) 153 ('madeline', 25) 154 ('says', 25) 155 ('band', 25) 156 ('lots', 25) 157 ('alive', 25) 158 ('god', 24) 159 ('times', 24) 160 ('battle', 24) 161 ('skin', 24) 162 ('dada', 24) 163 ('revolution', 24) 164 ('institution', 24) 165 ('broke', 23) 166 ('talk', 23) 167 ('eyes', 23) 168 ("who's", 23) 169 ('hold', 23) 170 ('burned', 23) 171 ('morning', 23) 172 ('chill', 23) 173 ('pretty', 23) 174 ('car', 23) 175 ('young', 23) 176 ('la-la', 23) 177 ('tired', 23) 178 ('nation', 23) 179 ('friend', 22) 180 ('everybody', 22) 181 ('rehearsal', 22) 182 ('true', 22) 183 ('inside', 22) 184 ('squip', 22) 185 ('ready', 21) 186 ('best', 21) 187 ('understand', 21) 188 ('else', 21) 189 ('lot', 21) 190 ('party', 21) 191 ('ignore', 21) 192 ('bit', 21) 193 ('cut', 21) 194 ('gets', 20) 195 ('sometimes', 20) 196 ("isn't", 20) 197 ('whole', 20) 198 ("everybody's", 20) 199 ('starts', 20) 200 ('feels', 20) 201 ('everyone', 20) 202 ('room', 20) 203 ('dry', 20) 204 ('nice', 20) 205 ('juvie', 20) 206 ('sleep', 20) 207 ('wonder', 20) 208 ('size', 20) 209 ('ass', 20) 210 ('welcome', 20) 211 ('seen', 19) 212 ('weird', 19) 213 ('soon', 19) 214 ('yourself', 19) 215 ('alone', 19) 216 ('flame', 19) 217 ('taking', 19) 218 ('friends', 19) 219 ('enough', 19) 220 ('born', 19) 221 ('lordy', 19) 222 ('hunter', 19) 223 ('relate', 19) 224 ('yai', 19) 225 ('today', 18) 226 ('loser', 18) 227 ('bitch', 18) 228 ('until', 18) 229 ('arm', 18) 230 ('comes', 18) 231 ('dead', 18) 232 ('told', 18) 233 ('ow', 18) 234 ('honey', 18) 235 ('years', 18) 236 ('whack', 18) 237 ("we'll", 18) 238 ('n', 18) 239 ('nerd', 18) 240 ('fell', 18) 241 ('dad', 17) 242 ('pants', 17) 243 ('huh', 17) 244 ('nobody', 17) 245 ('mad', 17) 246 ('getting', 17) 247 ("wasn't", 17) 248 ('scared', 17) 249 ('wait', 17) 250 ('body', 17) 251 ('quite', 17) 252 ('hands', 17) 253 ('ohh', 17) 254 ('hurt', 17) 255 ('deserve', 17) 256 ('ride', 17) 257 ('game', 17) 258 ('survive', 17) 259 ('upgrade', 17) 260 ('free', 17) 261 ('certain', 17) 262 ('wha-oh', 17) 263 ('cigarettes', 17) 264 ('writer', 17) 265 ('bands', 17) 266 ('hunters', 17) 267 ('hang', 16) 268 ("wouldn't", 16) 269 ('age', 16) 270 ('cry', 16) 271 ('sky', 16) 272 ('past', 16) 273 ('behind', 16) 274 ('someone', 16) 275 ('saying', 16) 276 ('black', 16) 277 ('job', 16) 278 ('la', 16) 279 ('fix', 16) 280 ('alright', 16) 281 ('shot', 16) 282 ('bar', 16) 283 ('deal', 16) 284 ('respect', 16) 285 ('dog', 16) 286 ('flicks', 16) 287 ('strong', 15) 288 ("haven't", 15) 289 ('glad', 15) 290 ('next', 15) 291 ('escape', 15) 292 ('fun', 15) 293 ('though', 15) 294 ('promise', 15) 295 ('hide', 15) 296 ('ammonia', 15) 297 ('likes', 15) 298 ('thinks', 15) 299 ('yes', 15) 300 ('nurse', 15) 301 ('looks', 15) 302 ('halloween', 15) 303 ('twice', 15) 304 ('bout', 15) 305 ('sight', 15) 306 ('along', 15) 307 ('forget', 15) 308 ('voices', 15) 309 ('bathroom', 15) 310 ('master', 15) 311 ("shiro's", 15) 312 ('badass', 15) 313 ('rosalie', 15) 314 ('setting', 15) 315 ('road', 14) 316 ('dude', 14) 317 ('brain', 14) 318 ('kid', 14) 319 ('drink', 14) 320 ('means', 14) 321 ('guys', 14) 322 ('bed', 14) 323 ('doing', 14) 324 ('breathe', 14) 325 ('happy', 14) 326 ('scream', 14) 327 ('mistakes', 14) 328 ('anything', 14) 329 ('goes', 14) 330 ('blue', 14) 331 ('pretend', 14) 332 ('social', 14) 333 ('shout', 14) 334 ('geek', 14) 335 ('buddy', 14) 336 ("everything's", 14) 337 ("helen's", 14) 338 ('golden', 14) 339 ('movin', 14) 340 ('st', 14) 341 ("anne's", 14) 342 ('finally', 13) 343 ('choose', 13) 344 ('smoke', 13) 345 ('voice', 13) 346 ('terrible', 13) 347 ('happened', 13) 348 ('pass', 13) 349 ('street', 13) 350 ("couldn't", 13) 351 ('wall', 13) 352 ('instead', 13) 353 ('clear', 13) 354 ('tight', 13) 355 ('damn', 13) 356 ('susannah', 13) 357 ('smile', 13) 358 ('waiting', 13) 359 ('ground', 13) 360 ('remind', 13) 361 ('coolness', 13) 362 ('sad', 13) 363 ("things'll", 13) 364 ('brother', 13) 365 ("it'll", 13) 366 ('somewhere', 13) 367 ('veins', 13) 368 ('cat', 12) 369 ('weather', 12) 370 ('children', 12) 371 ("weren't", 12) 372 ('fucking', 12) 373 ('sorry', 12) 374 ('clean', 12) 375 ('pour', 12) 376 ('different', 12) 377 ('singing', 12) 378 ('coming', 12) 379 ('thinking', 12) 380 ('trying', 12) 381 ('sick', 12) 382 ('bone', 12) 383 ('least', 12) 384 ('lisa', 12) 385 ('nothin', 12) 386 ('dear', 12) 387 ('white', 12) 388 ('hot', 12) 389 ('charlie', 12) 390 ('family', 12) 391 ('door', 12) 392 ('korean', 12) 393 ('dodo', 12) 394 ('c-c-c', 12) 395 ('yours', 12) 396 ('c-c-c-come', 12) 397 ('wants', 11) 398 ('bloody', 11) 399 ('called', 11) 400 ('forever', 11) 401 ('sweet', 11) 402 ('soul', 11) 403 ('swear', 11) 404 ('touch', 11) 405 ('easy', 11) 406 ('days', 11) 407 ('stage', 11) 408 ('across', 11) 409 ('woah', 11) 410 ('crazy', 11) 411 ('town', 11) 412 ('dress', 11) 413 ('top', 11) 414 ('loves', 11) 415 ('rage', 11) 416 ('phone', 11) 417 ('super', 11) 418 ('feet', 11) 419 ('mess', 11) 420 ('penny', 11) 421 ('stars', 11) 422 ('supposed', 11) 423 ('miss', 11) 424 ('college', 11) 425 ('hates', 11) 426 ('quit', 11) 427 ('history', 11) 428 ('cage', 11) 429 ('falling', 11) 430 ('mcfly', 11) 431 ("i'mma", 11) 432 ('played', 11) 433 ('touching', 11) 434 ('band-aids', 11) 435 ('fox', 11) 436 ('thank', 11) 437 ('pitiful', 11) 438 ('covered', 11) 439 ('open', 10) 440 ("they'll", 10) 441 ("we've", 10) 442 ('feelings', 10) 443 ('gun', 10) 444 ('living', 10) 445 ('wow', 10) 446 ('book', 10) 447 ('wonderful', 10) 448 ('blame', 10) 449 ('brooke', 10) 450 ('space', 10) 451 ('slow', 10) 452 ('longer', 10) 453 ('naked', 10) 454 ("he'd", 10) 455 ('star', 10) 456 ('shirt', 10) 457 ('looked', 10) 458 ('i’m', 10) 459 ('standing', 10) 460 ('break', 10) 461 ('lame', 10) 462 ('ten', 10) 463 ('york', 10) 464 ('met', 10) 465 ('dreadfuls', 10) 466 ('mountain', 10) 467 ('push', 10) 468 ('two-player', 10) 469 ('war', 10) 470 ('talkin', 10) 471 ('throw', 10) 472 ('normal', 10) 473 ('hat', 10) 474 ('christmas', 10) 475 ('silver', 10) 476 ('freak', 10) 477 ('mom', 10) 478 ('garage', 10) 479 ('become', 10) 480 ('flesh', 10) 481 ('bastard', 10) 482 ('broadway', 10) 483 ('amphibian', 10) 484 ('outlaw', 10)
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