#star trek strange new worlds season 3
abitunexpected · 10 months
This article "quotes"? Akiva goldman in saying that if you didn't like season 2 you're going to hate season 3, the article paints this as a terrible thing because of course, musical episode bad, I however cannot see this as anything but good, season 2 was all bangers and if season 3 is anything like it I look forward to it.
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afaimscorner · 10 months
Just a heads up that if the strikes and Paramount pulling shits lead to us not getting Season 3 after all and we will never see that Cliffhangar get resolved I will be very very mad. (and probably really give up on watching new tv shows all together because there is no point to it anymore nowadays).
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affixjoy · 3 months
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pinazee · 11 months
I support Jim Kirk being everyones manic pixie dream girl
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ansonmountdaily · 11 months
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Captain Pike having less screentime at the beginning of Strange New Worlds Season 2
Anson Mount and Rebecca Romijn talk about why there is less focus on Captain Pike at the start of the new season of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.
Source: The Upcoming interview, June 28 2023
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Random things I want in SNW Se3
Diplomatic Function with shenanigans
Una and Pike centered episode. Potentially being kidnapped à la T'Pol and Archer in Shadows of P'Jem. Maybe even throw in some flashbacks to Una and Pikes' early career/first meeting etc. Or just go with that and have the entire episode just be baby Ensigns Chin-Riley and Pike on an adventure...shenanigans ensured.
An actual conversation between Una and Chris recognizing the hardship of her having had to hide her true self for so long but not having to do so anymore
Una facing discrimination from others in SF/Federation...some recognition at least that her plight didn't end just by her being granted asylum. Chris going bezerk over this.
An Una and Illyrians centered episode. Maybe even her finally getting to contact her parents again, maybe an episode where she gets to actually see them/go back home. Maybe just an episode akin to The Illyrian Enigma (comic) where the Enterprise meets other Illyrians in space.
Una out of uniform!!! Anything will do, but please let the woman relax without the SF dress code! Preferably tie this in with the diplomatic function and have her in a fancy ball gown (please!)
Reconciliation/At least addressing the tension now between Admiral April and Una/Chris, given April's less than kind words at her trial!
Captain dinner!
Post-dinner Pike and Una discussing the crew/missions maybe even having a drink or two
Crew night off, some karaoke, a movie or something, maybe some dancing on or off the Enterprise
Spock & Una friendship episode...maybe they get stuck on a planet and have to figure things out together. Anything that really centers their friendship/mentoring relationship with one another. Maybe Spock can confide in Una his relationship issues etc. Maybe Una can admit she has little experience with relationships because she's always pushed people away for fear they'll get too close. Spock notes that she's never pushed Chris away. They'll be heavy implications, she'll go to respond and maybe Chris interrupts over comms and bam they're rescued...implications still heavy in the air.
Girls night!!!! La'an, Uhura, Erica, Christine, Una....give me the girl love here!!
Things I'd rather not have
Captain Batel/Chris' romantic entanglements generally
Kirk...please this is not a TOS prequel...get you're own reboot
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some Sharpie Sillies i scribbled to cope with the compulsory heterosexuality i was just forced to watch. it was painful
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mai-komagata · 10 months
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so i was reading memory-alpha casually (as one does)... and was reading the Kirk article and noticed that Kirk and Spock were not let into a command conference in the 2360s so they went to a dive bar. But ok if Kirk was captain of the Enterprise (i.e. the flagship) they would not have kicked him out. So this must be before 2365. Which hopefully means Spock is good friends with Jim before then, and we see more of their friendship evolve in SNW, to the point where they would feel close enough for these shenanigans (and maybe we'll even see this event, but that would probably not make for good storytelling).
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celestialvoyeur · 6 months
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Strange New Worlds Spirk, because I NEED more of them!
Ok this is my favourite thing I’ve drawn so far. It was inspired by the fic ‘I won’t make that mistake again’ by the wonderful @jennelikejennay. I adored the tenderness and fierce love she captured between them. If you haven’t checked it out already then give it a read 🥰
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waitingintheskyyy · 6 months
My season 3 bingo card
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If you're interested in making your own, the template is under the cut^^
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Free to use!
Tag me if you post it cuz I'm curious to see y'all's bingo cards (if you want ofc)
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tinderbox210 · 2 months
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Murder mystery? Sign me up.
Fingers crossed it'll be Spock and La’an teaming up like Holmes and Watson to crack the case. They've already shown they know to ask to right questions.
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nepobabyjimkirk · 10 months
The end of strange new worlds season 2 is just the end of TNG season 3 for those of us who got lucky enough to just click next episode on that one. I finally understand how fans watching it in the 90s felt. I’m going to suffer.
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spatulahat · 1 year
Starting the workweek versus finishing it.
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ansonmountdaily · 11 months
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Anson Mount and Rebecca Romijn's fashion style at Mission Impossible UK premiere
While in London making press appearances for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2, Anson and Rebecca attended and walked the red carpet for the Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One UK premiere at Odeon Leicester Square, June 22 2023.
Anson's suit, shirt and boots are all by JOHN VARVATOS. Styling by Anson and John Tan Styling. Rebecca's dress is by Missoni, jewelry by Effy Jewelry, shoes by Kachorovska, clutch by TIZIANO COLASANTE, hair by Paul Jones, makeup by Kenneth Soh.
Source: Paramount+ UK Official Tiktok [2], GoFugYourself, t24.com.tr, pauljoneshair, rebeccaromijn, NY Daily News
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anewstartrekfan · 3 months
Subspace Rhapsody 2: Electric Boogaloo where Jim Kirk is forced to sing about his love for Carol Marcus:
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quasi-normalcy · 2 years
Worst Episodes of Star Trek by season (Revised and Expanded).
"The Alternative Factor" - I've tried to watch this episode many times, but I don't think I've ever managed to sit all of the way through it. It's just a bunch of boring, nonsensical bullshit for an hour.
"The Omega Glory" - This is the reason why I object to framing Gene Roddenberry as some kind of visionary auteur, because this one, beyond simply having a ridiculous premise, is also really racist.
"Turnabout Intruder" - Turns out body-swaps aren't always good. Like the above, but sexist rather than racist.
"The Lorelei Signal" - An episode where Uhura finally takes command should be good, but again, more sexism (and a pointless rapid aging plot)
"Justice" - The first season is mostly just kind of generically weak, but...ugh, those costumes.
"Shades of Gray" - Clipshow.
"The Price" - None of this season's episodes are actually bad, but I really don't like Troi's boytoy
"The Host" - Odan isn't interesting, and the bit where Beverly has sex with Riker's body is just gross.
"Violations" - Lots of bad episodes about rape on this list.
"Man of the People" - See number 5.
"Sub Rosa" - See number 6. Also, ludicrous premise.
"The Passenger" - Did Siddig-el-Fadil just kind of forget how to act this week?
"The Alternate" - Probably the worst instance of Trek demanding reconciliation with shitty, abusive parents.
"Meridian" - Brigadoon in Space. Also featuring yet another chemistry-devoid romance for a female crew member.
"Sons of Mogh" - So the 'solution' is just to surgically alter him and delete his memory without his consent? And Julian went along with this?
"Let He Who Is Without Sin..." - Jadzia seems like a complete doormat for not dumping Worf's ass after this one.
"Profit and Lace" - I can't even be offended by the transphobia or the misogyny because of how stupid this one is. I love it.
"The Emperor's New Cloak" - The mirror universe had already been kinda run into the ground by this point.
"Time and Again" - So boring. So pointless.
"Tattoo" - White Man's Burden. In Space!
"Favourite Son" - I don't even want to get into it, it's just bad.
"Demon" - This one could have been good if it actually paid attention to its own plot points. And the silly "needing to go to a hell planet to get deuterium" thing.
"The Disease" - Alas, Harry Kim's love life
"Fury" - Character assassination wrapped in the series' worst time travel plot.
"Endgame" - What a lousy way to end the series. No payoffs; no follow up; and the time travel thing wipes out trillions of people's lives for no compellingly good reason, and it's never discussed. The Borg are also presented as completely unthreatening villains, but this had been the way for several seasons. And it's even worse when you compare the deleted version of the early 25th century with the canonical version we see on "Picard."
"Dear Doctor" - The 'moral' obligation to commit genocide. Fuck off.
"Cogenitor" - The 'moral' obligation to give a sex slave back to their masters. Fuck off.
"Rajiin" - Some pointless T&A; a little bad acting; and it becomes clear that there is no plan to the Xindi arc.
"These Are the Voyages..." - What a terrible insult to the series that it's supposedly the finale of.
"Vaulting Ambition" - There's thos one scene where Emperor Georgiou murders all of her aristocratic in slo-mo cinematic detail and it just never comes up again. I hate this sort of pornographic, cavalier treatment of violence. It offends me to see human life treated in this manner.
"Point of Light" - Brings back Ash Tyler and Emperor Georgiou for an utterly un-thought-out 'intrigue' plot.
"Die Trying" - The idea that Starfleet has been using the same seed vault for a thousand years, that this seed vault is in Space, where it's vastly more vulnerable than it would be on (or inside) a planet, and that it contains seeds from *every plant in the galaxy* is so ridiculous that it undermines everything else in the episode for me.
"The Galactic Barrier" - Where it becomes most apparent that they're trying to fit ten episodes of plot into thirteen episodes.
"Broken Pieces" - This one gets points off for completely wasting the XB plot, but it's still good because I like the bits with Rios's holograms and the character work for Jurati.
"Monsters" - There's a lot wrong with the second season, but two things that worked were Q and the Jurati/Borg Queen arc. Both of them were largely absent from this episode, and the stuff with Picard's expansion pack Victorian childhood trauma is just dreadful.
"The Last Generation" - Themes? Weight? Meaning? Non-violent solutions? Continuity? Nah. Let's just bash TNG action figures together for an hour. Also featuring the hit single 'Found Family Ain't Shit, You Need a Biological Son'
"Temporal Edict" - This one has a generic workplace sitcom plot that doesn't really work in the Star Trek universe and also makes Freeman look like a complete idiot right out the gate.
"Mugato Gumato" - I don't think that Shaxs tasting Mugato dung was as funny as the episode seemed to think it was, and I really didn't like seeing Mariner beat the shit out of Boimler and Rutherford in the before-credits scene.
"Room for Growth" - Not bad, just kind of...meh.
"Twovix" - Again, not bad, just weakest of the season.
"All Those Who Wander" - Ruining the Gorn and wasting Hemmer, all in one episode.
"The Broken Circle" - We really, badly needed to have this ten minute sequence of our medical personnel getting fucked-up on Green Goblin juice and beating up a hundred Klingons, eh?
"Kobayashi" - Again, this one isn't actually bad, but it's just nostalgia for the sake of nostalgia; and I think that Dal's character growth should be earned through interaction with his friends, rather than with stock audio of Leonard Nimoy.
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