#stanley marsh x reader
legoflowrs · 9 months
flowers can you some Stan headcanons🤭🤭🤭
Stan Marsh
cw: drinking, smoking, drugs, abuse, slight nsfw, addiction
a/n: hehe i hope u like this ruby!!! also this is for anon and @wonyoungies-world that also requested stan head cannons <3
also again same with kyle in the regular head cannons style are together but in the relationship ones he’s with reader!
- Ok I have like two versions of Stan in my head. football Stan and emo loser Stan. I love both versions a lot lmao.
- Stan has a shitty relationship with his Dad. He loathes him for moving him away from his friends to tegridy farms. His Dad was very absent in his life so Stan has always felt extremely neglected.
- He absolutely adores Sharon . He’s such a mummas boy. He goes to her for everything.
- Stan is THE bisexual queen lol!
- His closet is just oversized sports tees and baggy jeans.
- I think his family is catholic but he isn’t a religious person at all.
- He had a weird relationship with Shelly growing up but as teenagers Shelly took Stan under her wing because she saw how Randy’s neglect affected him.
- He’s absolutely petrified of turning into Randy.
- Bleaches his hair at 3am drunk one night with Kyle so he looks less like his Dad.
- Bro has been in LOVE with Kyle forever.
- Thinks he’s super slick with it (he’s not).
- Didn’t wanna ruin the friendship.
- They kissed once at a party but didn’t speak about it.
- After they moved to the farm he stopped smoking weed cause it made him angry.
- Has a mullet for a while because Kenny influenced him.
- Saved up his pocket money for a shitty electric guitar and it his pride and joy.
- Loves playing music it’s an escape for him.
- Like I said in the Kenny head cannons, Stan forms a band for the second half of high school.
- Some of his favourite memories are with the band.
- Doesn’t hate coffee but doesn’t love it. Wendy put him onto chai lattes.
- Has a really good friendship with Kenny.
- Really struggled with alcohol abuse throughout high school. I think he didn’t wanna admit he needed help it made him feel weak.
- Loves blueberry muffins.
- Spends heaps of time playing minecraft with Kyle and Kenny.
- My guy is greasy, starts looking after himself when he hits 16.
- If he played sports he plays football and ice hockey.
- He’s really good at both but it’s not where his passion is.
- Soooo fond of animals. I think he’d volunteer at the same shelter karen does.
- Did not get out of bed for days when Sparky died.
- Kyle surprised him with a puppy after about a year of dating.
- Deftones enjoyer 😭
- Really struggled with depression. Didn’t go on meds until Kyle literally begged him.
- His guilty pleasure is painting (HERE ME OUT ON THIS ONE).
- Sets up a little corner of his garage with an easel and spends a lot of time there.
- Always has headphones in.
- Went to rehab right before college.
- Really struggled to figure out what his direction in life should be.
- I think he went into veterinary work!! Switched to animal and plant conservation after he realised he couldn’t deal with putting pets down.
- Worked at the library for a while, he liked the peace and quiet.
- Started helping Heidi and Kyle with the community garden.
- Quarterback obviously lol.
- His favourite breakfast food is pancakes.
- Loves the ocean. Isn’t a great swimmer but Kenny taught him to surf.
- After working at the library he really got into reading books.
- Listens to brown noise to get to sleep.
- Still wears his ratty ass beanie everywhere.
- Hates summer, loves spring.
- The day him and Kyle started dating was one of the best days of his life.
- Him and Kyle share his wired headphones on long road trips 🥹
- Can’t do laundry to save his damn life.
- Gets in weird cleaning moods and power scrubs his house.
- Him and Kyle get an apartment together.
- Loves hearing Kyle play piano.
- Can’t eat vegetables without dip (same).
- Marjorine does his eyeliner before gigs.
- That boy can sleep just about anywhere.
Stan in a relationship
- So clingy like SO CLINGY.
- When he’s in a relationship he adores his significant other.
- Loves to lay his head on your chest while your fingers thread through his hair.
- Will make you put your feet on his and slow dances with you.
- Always touching you even if it’s lowkey, linking pinkies, bumping shoulders.
- Is so scared he’s not good enough for you, will require a lot of reassurance.
- When he goes through his depressive episodes he becomes very withdrawn. Will take him a while to open up.
- You will push his towards seeking professional help but he’ll only do it when he acknowledges he actually needs it.
- Always calls and texts you when he’s drunk.
- When y’all had sex for the first time he was a nervous wreck. So scared of doing something wrong and embarrassing himself.
- After a while he learnt what you like really well and knows how to make you feel good.
- Such a switch.
- Hear me out he’s such a thigh guy!
- His love language is quality time 100%
- Prefers nights in over going out! Y’all watch bad movies for shits and gigs.
- Supports whatever you do, number one cheerleader type beat.
- You’re at all of his gigs in the front row screaming your heart out. He always melts at the sight of it.
- You paint his nails black.
- He likes to braid your hair for fun.
- He sleeps over at yours a lot because being around his dad is hard.
- Struggles to sleep so y’all go on 3am drives for donuts.
- Long late night drives together!
- You guys swim in Starks Pond over the summer and ice skate there in winter.
- There’s no such thing as a quick kiss with stan, he always kisses you very passionately.
- He’s so tender with you when you guys are in bed and he wakes up first.
- Had made you so many playlists and sends you new music recommendations all the time.
- Wrote a song for your anniversary and sung it to you. You cried for hours.
- When he was struggling with his sense of direction in life you guys made a bucket list together.
- One of his bucket list items was to go to Europe so y’all did exactly that.
- You surprised him with a puppy one year after you moved in together. He cried.
- Sunday brunch is a weekly thing, he always gets pancakes.
- Y’all nap in the sun together in your hammock.
- He reads you his favourite books before bed 😭😭
- You will do drunk karaoke together.
- Matching bracelets!
- He likes to kiss your neck and shoulders while he stands behind you.
- Likes to peck your nose and see your face scrunch up.
- Calls you beautiful at least 50 times a day.
- Has a polaroid picture of you in his phone case.
- You wear his clothes and it turns him on LOL.
- Was terrified of marriage until he met you. It completely changed his perspective.
- Will propose to you on a walk you guys do in Lake Como. You both cry.
- I think Stan will try so hard to be the best version of himself around you and it makes your heart melt.
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Friends w/ Benefits !!
- with the South Park Boys / x Reader
Author’s Note ;
Sup, so I decided on making multiple little scenarios and ideas of what I think would happen if you were in a FWB relationship with these dudes. Trust me, it’s going to get spicy and interesting. And if you’re looking for that, you’ve come to the right place. Keep in mind, the characters are all going to be in their college years so they will be 18+. Not trying to have them in elementary. And if you’re near that age, get out of here kid, this is definitely not for you.
Before I make this too long, I’m going to end this here. Enjoy, tread carefully, I’ll add warnings about what’s in there and details so check that out before you dive too far in. Unless you’re a veteran. HAHAHA
P.S, I didn’t add in Cartman because I’m an AVID hater, I’m sorry in advance! But, I did add somebody I adore: Craig! Although, it’s kinda gay, but that’s for the boys or transmascs. Y’know, I gotta provide!
Point of View : First P.O.V.
Character’s in here : Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Kenny McCormick, and Craig Tucker.
#1 ; Stan Marsh
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The song that I thought fit this best :
Sexual Dynamic : Fem!Dom | Masc!Sub
What’s in here : Mentions of throwing-up (obviously), dom fem reader, edging, and drunk oral sex.
- Phew, this dude will take FOREVER before he comes around to this idea.
- I feel like this would be the case of not trying to move too fast into a relationship because let’s be honest, he’s going to want to end up being with you.
- He’ll have met you during class when assigned a project with you. A bit cliché, but do you think he’d really have the guts to randomly walk up to you?
- You’d end up in conversations with him because of the constant pairing together and this helped the both of you find out you had similar interests. He loved the same genre of music, had the same sense of humor, and made you laugh half of the time because of his stupid jokes.
- Eventually, Stan tried to see you whenever he was free and his friends weren’t tagging behind. A lot of this was during your walk to classes.
- He’d have to race to his right after and sometimes even arrived late because of you.
- Wendy was the first to get suspicious of the behavior because it’s her ex after all and she wasn’t done with her constant off-and-on relationship with him.
- They got into a huge fight about it and that ended up putting the idea in Stan’s head instead. (Poor Wendy. Happens to the best of us.)
- Might’ve caused a complete break-up between them.
- First time he didn’t go goth because of it! (Really, it’s because of you.)
- But, that didn’t mean he didn’t drink.
- And that also didn’t include the fact he was beginning to think of you in that way which in turn made him began to avoid you.
- His races to his classes turned into him racing out of the classes he had with you to the bathroom.
- After a couple of weeks of him doing this, you concluded it had to do something with Wendy, but you thought he was distancing himself to get her back.
- The depression hit hard. Despite you having an attraction towards him, you tried to convince yourself you were okay.
- You WEREN’T.
- Neither was he. He had to choose between telling you about his feelings or being an asshole by ditching you to get himself plastered enough so he could forget about it. Mind you, he thought he was deep in the friendzone. To him, telling you the truth was setting himself up for rejection.
- You were both oblivious to each other’s suffering until the two of you were invited to the same party.
- Because you were having such a hard time dealing with the random drift from Stan, you decided to go and feel your best by getting dressed up.
- Alcohol was another convincing factor. Ironic considering that was the same reason why he was going.
- When you arrived at the party, you navigated around and talked with a couple of friends before asking where the drinks were. That’s where you would stumble upon the drunk raven-haired boy with a vodka bottle that had been chugged by him to the very middle.
┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✧ Start of Scenario ✧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
Stan laid back against the wall of the kitchen, taking another swig of the vodka he had, and reaching up to slap a hand against the counter when his eyes locked with yours. He slowly lifted himself up, swaying like he was about to collapse any second. “Oh fuck, why’d you have to be here? I think I’m going to be sick,” he covered his mouth while loudly exclaiming that, turning to the side as if he was retching.
You automatically looked offended, your face scrunching up before you reared a hand back and slapped him across the cheek. HARD. That knocked the sense back into him because his eyes went wide and he quickly went to explaining himself, “Ow! OW! Hey, wait! No- *gag* It’s not because you’re terrible or anything! It’s cause-”
He couldn’t finish as once he looked down at your outfit, he sprawled straight for the sink, and puked his brains out. That’s when it clicked in your head. Stan threw up whenever he liked someone.
You stared at the bottle he held, freaking out in your thoughts about the situation, and going for it anyway. It wasn’t hard to take it out of his hold as he was focused on getting all the sick out of himself.
Taking a huge chug of the vodka, you coughed and sputtered when swallowing, wiping the sides of your mouth before grabbing the back of Stan’s shirt. He was dragged upstairs while you were finishing the rest of what was left, throwing the bottle on the floor afterward.
He slurred out what he was trying to say earlier as you both ascended to the next floor, “I’m not disgusted by you.! I like-” But, once again, he was cut off by another rise of bile up his throat. Right when you passed by the bathroom, he pulled away from you, making you follow with him before he toppled over the side of the tub to let it out.
“Jesus Christ, Stan. What is wrong with you?” You asked, concerned for his well-being at this point. He leaned his head to the side, spitting the rest, and turning on the shower to wash it away. Then he got up with a wobble. For the third time, he continued to try and explain, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m just trying to tell you that I don’t get sick because I think you’re nasty. I’ve been trying to tell you that I think you’re-”
His face began to scrunch up and that’s when you stepped in, saying it for him with a yell, “I KNOW! I know, Marsh! I know you like me! I like you just as much, you don’t have to say it, you don’t have to acknowledge anything about this! Just stop and go back to Wendy like you have been!” Backing away, you put your hands up and closed your eyes, worried about the inevitable stream of disgusting stomach acid. But, nothing happened.
Instead, the sound of water met your ears and you opened your eyes to see the boy washing his mouth out. His blue eyes met yours, turning off the faucet, and standing back up to clear his throat, “I’ve been trying to say that for weeks now.” It was like a light switch had flipped in his demeanor and he was all of a sudden fine.
Stan continued, sounding a bit raspy because of how much he threw up, “I haven’t talked to Wendy ever since I had walked you to your house. That was the day I realized I… like you.” He hesitated but he managed to say it, looking surprised himself. You paused. It made sense. Around that time, his avoiding started.
There were no words you could give in the moment. You thought this entire time he had been chasing her while in reality, he was hooked on you. Nothing came out and no idea of what to say came to mind. He had officially broke you.
Moving forward slowly, his gaze flickered down to your lips, giving you the signal before leaning into a kiss due to his compulsive and drunk desires. If you weren’t going to tell him anything, he’d get you to respond in another way. Your lips were turning numb along with the rest of your body as you could feel yourself falling down the rabbit hole of a stupor. A part of you was slightly repulsed by the fact he was kissing you after all that happened, but he mostly tasted like the disgusting vodka rather than puke. Which was surprising to say the least.
It didn’t lead to a make-out as you moved to your knees instead, closing the bathroom door behind you, and hearing him lock it with a shaky voice following after, “Fuck, wait, I don’t want to end up getting sick on you. I’ve barely been able to get past a kiss, let alone a touch there. I don’t know if I could handle this.” He rambled and rambled while you unbuttoned his jeans, feeling his dick progressively getting hard already.
A sharp gasp left him when your fingers brushed passed it through his boxers, causing him to hold his breath while still trying to get through to you, “Seriously, [Y/N], I might throw up again!” You sighed and stood back up after his second warning, placing your hand on his chest to ease him down onto the toilet seat. He sat upright, his eyebrows knitted together as you finally responded, “If you do, aim for the tub or sink. I get horny when drunk and I don’t think I want to stop any time soon, Stanley.”
You went right back to getting on your knees in front of him and wrapped your hand around his shaft to jerk it off through the fabric, seeing a small dot of pre-cum began to form around where his tip was. He could feel the warm nauseating feeling travel up his esophagus, making him panic, and move his head to the side to avoid getting it on her while you traveled to get his underwear off of him. Wendy had never done something like this to him before. As soon as he vomited around her, she was quick to lose her appetite for it.
This was different. He felt himself bare and exposed after you succeeded in getting his lower clothes down to his knees. And this was the point where he was feeling it fill his cheeks, he tried to suppress it as much as he could, swallowing it and enduring it. It was like his body was going through an anxiety attack and all it was doing was constantly sending him in this cycle of emptying his stomach because of simple things he should be allowed to do as a man.
He didn’t have an answer to what was wrong with him, but what he did know was that it pissed him the fuck off. Regaining his strength, his hand reached up to your head and he requested something directly to you for the first time without one slightest hesitation, “Please, just keep encouraging me beautiful… and can you keep calling me by my- uh- full name?”
You gave his flushed pink tip kisses, swiping your tongue slowly across it before obliging to his ask while pumping his dick with one hand, “You’re doing an amazing job, Stanley. I’m so proud of you… Is that what you wanted? Does that make you feel good, my handsome boy?” A sly smirk spread onto her face as she looked up to see his shocked expression, wrapping her entire mouth around him and hollowing her cheeks.
Never in a million years would he think that a girl would hit dead on the spot of what he needed, jolts of pleasure running through his legs and lower stomach at the comments. Butterflies plagued him rather than nausea. And what he had been waiting for was happening, he was relaxing into a blowjob.
His hands went for her hair immediately to lace his fingers in between whatever he could, gripping it gently while the relief showed through his half-lidded eyes and his happy pants. Stan let out a choked moan along with an excited but still cracking voice, “I don’t feel.. it! God, this is.. actually amazing… Please, please don’t stop… Keep going, [Y/N]!”
Bobbing your head up and down patiently, you picked up your pace minute by minute, watching as the boy lost it at the feeling. You were too good to him. Your suction on him was tight and you made sure your cheeks were pressed up against your teeth just enough to create the best possible experience for him.
Stan’s chin tilted up to the ceiling while curses spilled, “Fuck, fuck, why do you… have to feel so good?” You could see veins popping around his neck and his Adam’s apple moving up and down from the noises escaping him. His legs were starting to move inward towards themselves, knees about to touch, and his dick was beginning to throb in your mouth. You knew what this meant right away.
“I’m not going to be able to make it for that long if you feel this amazing, god damn it,” he choked out, his fingers digging into your scalp, but not on purpose. To solve this, you popped your mouth off of him and decided to use the time for his cool down to catch your breath.
He looked at you, confused and flustered, his dick inches away from your face. It was twitching and the pre-cum kept leaking because of how pent up he was. You snickered, “I thought you were going to get sick on me? Am I the first one you haven’t vomited on?”
Staring at you for a moment while catching his breath too, he fixed his messy hair, and shakily replied, “Yeah, technically.” You raised your eyebrows before smiling bashfully like that was a compliment. And maybe it was. But, you shouldn’t get too ahead of yourself.
Returning back to the activity at hand, you littered the sides of him with kisses, turning your focus to the veins wrapping around it which received a lot of feedback from him. “Woah, woah! Straight to it, huh?” His groans were amplified. It was like he got ten times more sensitive because you edged him.
It didn’t take much of you going back to sucking him to cause his orgasm rushing back. He was teetering on the edge, using the counter and anything else that he could grab on to vent by digging his fingernails into them.
Tears brimmed his eyes and he didn’t want to tell you that he was near, but he also didn’t want you to have a risk of choking. So, he confessed again, “I’m going to! I’m going to, you can stop…” He didn’t know why you were teasing him like this. But, for some reason, he enjoyed it too.
This time, you didn’t pull away. You picked up your pace instead. And that made him nearly knock off everything on the counter. He instinctively stood up, grabbing your head, and in the last final minute he had your mouth wrapped around him; he fucked hard into your throat and let out the cum he had been penting up since the last time he got to interact with you.
The groans that left him were loud and breathy, his eyes almost closing from how tired he got because of the amount of alcohol that was in his system. You were swallowing as much as you could to keep yourself from possibly throwing up yourself due to choking.
Eventually, every bit was dumped out of him and he pulled you off to let you breathe. You gasped for air and glared at him. Stan realizing what he did then and apologizing right away, “Oh crap, I didn’t mean to do that! I was trying to be careful, I’m so sorry!”
Proceeding to apologize to you for the rest of the night after that, the two of you had returned to walking each other home, feeling a long in your heart to remain by each other’s sides when you had to return to your separate dorm rooms. One thing was for certain though. You and Stan were going to have a lot of secrets that the title friends could only cover.
┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✧ End of Scenario ✧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
#2 ; Kyle Broflovski
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The song that I thought fit this best :
Sexual Dynamic : Vanilla-esque.
What's in here : Slow sex, slightly experienced Kyle, and facial ejaculation.
- Oh no. Here we go. Now, Kyle, he’s a different story when it comes to getting into a friendship like this.
- He’d probably be easier to convince than Stan, but that’s if you were direct and honest with him.
- You’d have to be somewhat close with him enough to get to that conversation so I would say about five months into meeting him through mutual friends at the lunch tables. At some point, both of you would come across each other and have an in-depth conversation.
- He’s a sucker for intellectual people so once you’re bringing up your collections of books and the fact you make regular visits to the library, this guy’s interest shoots through the roof.
- Eventually, you’re the only thing he starts talking about with his friends and they all start to notice him drifting off in daydreams during class.
- This was about a couple of weeks into the friendship.
- The nerd just couldn’t stop eyeballing you. It didn’t help that he really admired your style and the way you dressed as well.
- Stan pulled him to the side one day to have a talk with him about you and he managed to convince the curly redhead to ask you to hangout at his place.
- The idea was that he was going to watch a whole marathon of Harry Potter movies with you considering the two of you were huge fans of the series.
- You were immediately down as soon as he asked. If anything, you were cheering to yourself about it.
- Now, you could put your plan in action.
- The truth was that you had thought of the Broflovski in many ways that would be considered beyond unholy.
- And the fact his parents were going out for the weekend you were coming over too did not help the ideas popping up in your head.
- When it came upon the day you were coming over, you decided to put on your sexiest outfit yet.
- A short tennis skirt, a laced spaghetti-strapped crop top, and a pair of thigh highs was enough to do the trick.
- You arrived at his place a couple of minutes early but just enough to where you didn’t look crazy, secretly wearing nothing underneath on purpose for him.
- He had paid Stan to babysit Ike for him that day too.
- You were not the only one plagued with not-so-innocent thoughts the entire week leading up to it. Kyle had some things planned out in his head as well. Technically, a mutual agreement without saying a word.
- Kyle was fast in opening the door for you and once he saw what you were in, the red on his face was more than visible.
- Obviously, he couldn’t hide the fact he was staring and definitely interested in the sight you were giving him.
- He locked every lock on that door as soon as you got inside.
┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✧ Start of Scenario ✧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
You hopped onto his couch the moment the warmth of the house enveloped you, causing you to sigh in content. The freezing temperatures of South Park made it impossible for a girl to get pretty but you weren’t letting that stop you. Your eyes landed back on Kyle who was dressed in a green long sleeve and brown pants.
His outfit was super cute, less risqué than yours, however, that did not matter. He still looked like a snack to you. And you were already willing to lunge for him. But, you kept your distance. For now.
The boy sat next to you and relaxed into the cushions along with, being the one to break the silence by complimenting what you were wearing, “I swear, you choose outfits that fit you too well sometimes.” Benefits of talking to a guy with brains was the way they word things. “You’re not helping my barely growing teenage brain here,” he added on as a joke. A part of you knew that he wasn’t entirely bluffing though.
This was proven when you glanced down at his lap to check if there was a sign and sure enough, a rising tent had appeared.
Kyle, quick to notice things, saw that you had peeked and grabbed for a pillow to sit it over his crotch. Embarrassed that he didn’t think of doing that as soon as his mind went south.
But, you weren’t going to ignore that. You couldn’t. Your eagerness was too much for you and the heat between your legs was screaming for you to get to moving. So, you huffed out, “I don’t think I want to help. I’m here for encouragement…” While scooting yourself to replace the pillow on his lap with your ass instead.
He tensed up, sucking a breath in, and using his hands to grip your hips. You could feel his boner poking your inner thigh, about to brush the spot you wanted it to the most which got you even more excited.
Kyle was just as excited, jabbering on as soon as you pressed down into him, “I was hoping you would say that. I didn’t think I could just be friends with you as much as I wouldn’t like to admit that…” His hips bucked upward into you repeatedly, rocking himself into a position where his hard-on could rub against you perfectly. Your eyes widened and a moan slipped out.
The front of his pants was starting to get wet from grinding up into your bare pussy, causing him to notice, and ask, “Are you wearing anything under that?” You shook your head no while biting your lip, moving one of your hands to grab your breast and the other to lift up your skirt.
He watched what you were doing with an aroused look to his green eyes, staring at your chest often. This gave you the idea to strip off your top and throw it to the floor.
What a good idea it was because it made Kyle leap to tug his pants off. His boxers followed with and out sprang his dick, hitting his chest from how hard it got. The freckled boy panted, a blush everywhere on his body, matching the color of his hair. He was unbelievably attractive like this.
You leaned down next to his ear to whisper while grabbing his shaft, “I’ve been wanting you inside me ever since Sophomore year.” Before pushing it inside of you and lowering yourself all the way down until you were sitting right on his v-line.
He shuddered and gripped onto you tightly, digging his head back into the couch from the pleasure that rushed through him at the warm, wet feeling wrapping around.
“You should’ve said something because I would’ve made that come true,” he said. That was the last thing that was spoken as the two of you got lost in sex. You began to bounce on him and he guided you to grind during the process. Your eyes drifting everywhere, going from dazing off at the wall, to looking at him without a single thought in the world other than how good he was making you feel.
Kyle was in the same state. Admiring you by skimming his hands across your sides and using his fingers to play with your nipples. After riding him for a couple of minutes and starting to sweat from the workout it was giving you, he flipped you to rest back onto the armrest.
He slowly rocked his dick into you, pushing into your walls, and digging for spots that made you gasp. His groans ended up being muffled into your neck as he buried himself in the crook of it, kissing against your skin, and creating hickies once he traveled enough.
During his slow fucking, he drifted his thumb over to your clit and rubbed it at a good pace that matched his thrusts. It had you constricting yourself around him until you were a shaking mess, cumming underneath his figure, and riding out the high with him.
The green-eyed boy pulled out when you finished, jerking himself off at a fast speed, and asking politely, “Can you open your mouth and level with it please?” Without hesitation, you lowered yourself to his dick and let him release all over your face.
You stuck your tongue out, feeling the sticky liquid decorate most of it before you swallowed the bit that landed there, looking up at him with a smile.
Both of you had to clean up more than watch movies after that, but that did not matter to you, whatsoever. The only thing that mattered from that point was the next weekend you had to plan with the Broflovski.
┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✧ End of Scenario ✧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
#3 ; Kenny McCormick
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The song that I thought fit this best :
Sexual Dynamic : Masc!Dom | Fem!Sub
What’s in here : Praise/ degrading kink, lots and lots of positions, public sex, and a creampie.
- Well, well, well. What most of you’ve been waiting for. The guy that obviously will take no time in making you his fuck buddy!
- It’s pretty obvious that right away he made his intentions clear and he communicated them with no problem.
- And that’s exactly why you were into him.
- Kenny has an eye for girls that like to have a fun time and you happened to be one with a big reputation of rebellion.
- You loved ditching class, hating the kids, the work being too stressful, and all of the above was the reason why.
- And he was often caught back there as well. So, sooner or later, you came across each other on one of your breaks from the shitty school environment and took it together.
- Might have ended up in the mutual agreement of being FWB’s right then and there which lead to you giving the boy his first non-std infected blowjob.
- The thing that had gotten in your way, however, was the fact you had strict parents and this meant you had no way of getting out of the house to meet up with him.
- To make things worse and add the cherry on top, this started around the end of the school year and the both of you ended up having no way to contact each other because of this.
- Those two months for both you and Kenny were perhaps one of the most depressing periods of time in your life.
- After dealing with this, College had started and your parents began to let you have more freedom because you were becoming an adult.
- You were frustrated at the timing, the blonde-haired boy on the back of your mind the entire time they spoke to you about it. And the more you had longed to see him again.
- The first day of College arrived some time later and you had no idea what to expect.
- There was an uneasy feeling. You knew that Kenny wasn’t financially well off and you didn’t know if he was good grade-wise so it left you with the weight of finding out whether or not he was attending.
- Throughout the whole school day, you looked for him, high and low, low and high. Everywhere.
- He wasn’t in any single one of your classes. None of his friends were too. It seemed like all hope was lost and that the inevitable had happened.
- But, before you could end up back in that same pit of sadness, during the walk out of one of your classes to go to another; you passed by the stairs and someone grabbed you.
- Not knowing who it was, you put up a bit of a fight, losing pretty badly considering the person was quite strong, ending up behind the crevice of the stairs anyway.
- When you came face-to-face with the man that dragged you away, you squealed for joy.
- It was, of course, the McCormick.
- Both of you collided into a huge hug and stayed there for a while, cherishing each other’s warmth and smell.
- He’ll always have that faint smell of weed on him, but, it made him hotter in a way.
- It didn’t take long for the hug to turn into an elated talk.
┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✧ Start of Scenario ✧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
“Where have you been? How has life been treating you, Ken?” You asked while shoving his arm playfully, tilting your head to the side. He smirked at your behavior, finding it cute, before responding casually, “Honestly, it could be better. But, I’ve been doing okay. Now, that I’m getting to see my smokin’ hot babe again though, I think it’s more than great!” His nickname that he gave you made you crack up and blush at the same time.
Laughing along with you, he repeated the question, aiming it toward you this time. Your expression quickly dropped for a minute and when you remembered that he could pick up on that, you tried to play it off, “Oh, yeah! Uh, I’ve been okay too. Just been working my ass off in keeping my room clean so my parents won’t take my phone for the millionth time.”
A sigh left him hearing that and he clicked his tongue in disappointment, shaking his head side to side while leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. “Still dealing with them? Damn, I’m all for parents making sure their kids are doing what they’re supposed to and actually taking care of em’, but, when you’re practically shoving your nose in their ass, that’s a problem,” he complained.
You agreed, “Tell me about it.” Rolling your eyes, you copied his body language by leaning too. Having dealt with them being this way since twelve, he didn’t even know half of it.
Silence began to fall onto your ears as Kenny opted for staring at you other than continue the conversation, his blue eyes scanning down your body, ultimately going for his perverted tendencies by lingering on your breasts a little too long. You snickered in response to this, “Really? You’re going to stare? You know you have hands, right pretty boy?”
Teasing him was just what you needed to do to make him budge as the McCormick turned to pin you to the wall, leaning down to get to your eye level. He gave you a small, soft kiss on the lips before pulling away to began lifting your shirt up above your head with a retort, “You should watch what you’re saying or else you’re going to end up being humiliated in front of a whole bunch of people, [Y/N].” So, he was saying your name now?
You decided you wanted to see if he would go that far by testing him, snaking your hand up to his waistband before shoving it inside of his pants without any struggle. Starting to rub him through his boxers right away, Kenny let out a grunt and pressed his forehead against yours while his brows furrowed.
Your voice lowered only for him to hear what you were telling him, “Do it. Fuck me so hard that everybody will know who’s screwing me that good.” His breath got shaky at that and you felt his cock throb in your hold.
He started tugging at his pants, bringing them down to his ankles along with his underwear from how eager he was after hearing what you said. A feeling of regret haunted you for a second when you glanced at the size of him, forgetting how huge he was until you got to see it in front of you.
But, that was overshadowed by how horny it also made you. Your own shorts were being thrown to the ground with the rest of the clothes. Eventually, leaving you both naked in front of each other.
Kenny was the quickest into getting in action, massaging your tits with both of his hands while moving his mouth to latch onto your neck. He made a couple of hickies working his way to your collarbone, running his fingers from your nipple to what’s in between your legs to rub your clit in circles for a minute.
Getting bored with this, he switched it up by continuously kissing lower and lower. Still sucking on certain spots to get it to bruise. He was marking you up and you were enjoying every single one. You moaned softly, trying to keep quiet, but loud enough for him to hear. After all, you didn’t want to actually get spotted doing this with him and end up expelled.
When he got to your pussy, his arms slid into the crevices of your thighs before he lifted both of them, spreading them across the wall. Then his mouth put all of the attention onto it.
Kenny licked your folds repeatedly at first to get a taste of your juices, gliding his tongue over your sensitive bud, and swirling it in a pattern to get you to make more noises for him. You were restless, grinding up into his face, and tugging onto his hair the moment he got to flicking side-to-side.
He went at it for a couple, causing you to cover your mouth midway through because of how much your voice was raising. It felt amazing. Like you were floating from how good his technique was.
Covering you with his spit from how messy he ate you out, you jutted your hips up and began to grind on his face. Around his mouth was a mess, spreading to his nose, and cheeks. He looked deep into your eyes the whole time he did it and switched to sucking your clit for the finale.
The blonde-haired boy got you to cum from that alone. Letting you roll on him like he was your new personal chair and smother his head with your thighs until pure bliss was the one thing showing in his expression.
Your juices spilled onto him, some landing where his dick was which worked out for lubrication in the long run. He stood back up, glistening in the sun from all the wetness, telling you with a smooth tone, “Turn around for me and put that ass up, baby.”
With shaky legs from the orgasm you had, you did what he said and bent over, your cheek pressed up on the cold bumpy surface. “Look at that… You’re being such a good little whore for your best friend,” Kenny cooed while grabbing your head and pushing you up against it; positioning himself with your entrance and sliding in easily. The both of you moaned out in satisfaction.
You had been waiting for him to do this to you for so long. And it didn’t hurt as bad as you thought it would. In fact, the big size and girth gave you the feeling of being full.
He sent loud slaps through the wall once he rammed his first set of thrusts into you, being fucked aggressively in doggy style despite you not being far from your peers and a death sentence from your parents.
The wet sounds mixing along with it didn’t help. And you were so sensitive that it made it impossible for you to hold your breath. The whining, yelps, and panting all at a high enough pitch that it was beginning to echo. You were going to get caught if he didn’t finish soon. Both of you would. But, for some reason, that didn’t sound as threatening as it should.
Your sense of danger was dulled from how hard he was railing you. And how turned on you were from it. Like he had molded you into being stupid for the time being.
You raked your nails on the wall and arched your back more, pleading out to him, “Faster, Kenny! Please, hurry up… I don’t want to get in trouble!” He paused as if he wasn’t expecting to hear that, but responded once it registered, “Okay, though you asked for this…”
Quickening his pace, your eyes shut and you used your hand to muffle yourself by biting onto it, crying out from his dick practically reaching into your stomach. He groaned, watching the display for himself to memorize, and slightly impressed at how dirty this hook-up was. You were going to be his favorite, for sure.
His end began to near around the time the bell was about to ring again, people about to fill the halls any second now while you’re being pummeled by the biggest pervert in school. You murmured curses quietly, feeling him grab both of your wrists while chasing his high as fast as he could. Tears left your eyes when Kenny finally reached it.
He didn’t pull out. Instead, he fucked his jizz inside of you and pumped every last drop he could. “Fuck! Fuck, that’s right… Take as much as you fucking can.” His dirty words were like music to your ears and the way his cum filled you to the brim made you hum. Drool dripping down the side of your mouth from how out of it you were.
Although, he was put in a tricky situation considering you could no longer walk and he possibly could’ve got you pregnant, a huge derpy smile stayed on Kenny’s face for the rest of the time he was with you. No one had seen him that happy ever. So, there was a lot of questions you had to answer when the boy ended up confessing that it was because of you. Who knew it was so hard to keep a secret with the McCormick.
┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✧ End of Scenario ✧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
#4 ; Craig Tucker
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The song that I thought fit this best :
Sexual Dynamic : Masc!Sub | Masc!Dom
What’s in here : Yandere Craig (doing it cause I felt like it), mentions of murder, rough/painful sex, and a cumshot with a creampie.
- Well fuck, this guy had known you for so long that he could barely remember when he first met you.
- But, that didn’t mean you two were close.
- You were simply friends from afar before ending up complete nobodies to each other around the time college came about.
- Or that’s what you thought.
- Craig had only stopped talking to you, he didn’t completely stop from hanging around you.
- Meaning that he would often drop by the places he knew you were hanging around to sit nearby and watch what you would do.
- This wouldn’t be creepy if it weren’t for the fact that the only place you liked to be inside was your dorm room. So, he was watching you from your window.
- It was easy for him considering the two of you were neighbors and whenever he wasn’t occupied with his love life, he’d be lost in staring at you playing the guitar or even go as far as watching you change.
- At some point, his infatuation with you peaked after coming across a late night masturbation session you were having, forgetting to close the blinds which let him have access to the scene.
- You had no shirt on, your pants barely above your knees, watching something on your computer screen. And his body was quick to react when he looked down.
- He got an idea to bring out his camera and record you, taking the moment to have fun himself.
- After jerking off and cumming around the same time with you, muttering your name in the middle of it, he knew he wasn’t going to be able to sit beside and just watch you forever.
- With an entire month of constantly recording you, breaking into your room and taking some of your clothes. Even stealing pencils that you broke out of boredom from the trash to keep in his drawer and watching you get drunk until you hooked up with random woman. Craig spiraled downward into an unhealthy obsession.
- He couldn’t stand it when seeing you flirt with girls despite knowing that you had no knowledge of his existence.
- If you took them home or went home with them, they would end up missing the next day.
- Craig didn’t know why he did it. He just simply felt the motive. Maybe it was because they were girls and he was a boy or maybe because he was in love with you. Honestly, he didn’t want to think on it.
- It got out that some of these woman were disappearing around your area and you ended up finding out it was the ones you hooked up with when the police were at your door.
- You were questioned and put as the number one suspect because you were the last person seen with them. And this confused and scared you badly.
- The police were convinced you were telling the truth by the way you reacted to the interrogation. Answering all of their questions sincerely, even telling them details of that night you had with them but not going too far to where it was weird.
- Also, the devastation on your face was easy to see. So they left you alone.
- However, this haunted you and you became desperate on trying to find out more about what happened to the girls by asking around. As well as waiting for more information from the investigation.
- The black-haired boy had to keep a low profile after and thanked himself for dumping the bodies in the lake further ahead of time.
- He was oddly disappointed in himself because of what he had done. Not because he had taken the lives away from innocent girls, but because he made your life become so hectic and had you go through so much stress.
- After the ordeal was dying down and the cops were coming to a dead end, the cases went cold and Craig went about his daily life of stalking you once again.
- You did not come back from this okay. Actually, it lead you to distancing from people romantically and sexually because you were afraid they would disappear.
- Landing you in therapy to get over the traumatic experience and depression that was swallowing you whole. Making you lose all of your friends and end up alone.
- And who would’ve known that Craig happened to need to go to the same therapist too? After his parents had found him talking to a wall and carving an initial into himself, your initial.
- He was admitted out of self harm. But, really, he was coping with the fact he couldn’t follow you during the search for the kidnapper of your flings.
- This gave him an opportunity to get to know you though as you crossed paths often when waiting in the lobby for appointments.
- One day, he told himself he was going to try and greet you. It should be easy because you both used to know each other, right?
- But this lead to him dodging it as soon as he got near you.
- You could be thirty feet away and Craig was standing there, panicking in his head, his face the exact opposite with barely any emotion present. Contradicting his stoicism, his heartbeat was racing.
- Your eyes had glanced over and ended up locking with his, raising a brow like you were questioning him.
- Then he saw you get up and began to head over to him.
- He became extremely nervous and excited all at the same time, clearing his throat and taking a deep breath to ready himself before you were right in front of him.
- His blue eyes were intense and burrowed themselves into your head as you got to finally talk to the guy you’d been seeing around.
- Might have been an socializing assignment your therapist gave you so you can repair your relationship with people. Fucked up considering he’s the one that ruined it in the first place.
┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✧ Start of Scenario ✧ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
“I remember you! You’re the guy that lived in my neighborhood! Your name’s Craig, right?” You gave him a chipper smile, taking off your headphones to rest them on your shoulders. Craig had froze and stared at you blankly before rushing to find something to respond with, “Uh, yeah, I happen to be that guy.” It came out more awkward than he had wanted it to but who could blame him? He was talking to the boy he had been immensely infatuated with for months now who was acting extremely casual.
You laughed in victory at the correct guess and placed out a hand for him to shake, telling him why you approached, “That’s great! I had been looking for some more friends actually as I’ve went through something a little while ago and it’s left me a bit lonely. You think you could be my friend?”
He didn’t know how to register what you were saying but he wasn’t upset about it in the slightest. Although, his mind wasn’t concluding this as you two being ‘friends’. Grabbing your hand, he shook it and forgot to not put so much force, ending up yanking you a little too forward.
Your face collided with his chest due to losing your balance, making him catch you, and help you regain it by making you hug him. It didn’t help that you were at his height too because as soon as you pulled back, your nose was almost touching his. His eyes were back to burning themselves into yours, an electric feeling running through you at the moment. ‘Why did he look at me like that?’ you wondered, ‘Like I’m the most interesting thing in the world.’
Craig had to hold himself back from doing anything stupid and last minute, tensing up and slowly getting you to move back to where you were by grabbing both of your shoulders. You blinked rapidly and muttered out an apology, “My bad, I didn’t mean to fall into you and stay there, you just got really pretty eyes man.” That wasn’t a lie, you did think the color was super nice to look at.
But this compliment hit him way harder than it should’ve. And he found himself beginning to blush, blurting out a compliment back before he could think, “So are yours.”
The both of you were becoming flustered, looking at each other for a minute until you thought of another topic to talk about, trying to save yourself from spawning a crush on the guy. “So, what do you like to do in your spare time?” you went for that. And instead of answering, he asked you another question, “Do you smoke?”
Your eyes went wide as you watched him reach into his pocket and pull out a blunt the size of a finger, staring at it in disbelief. This was the weirdest interaction you’ve had yet. And how did he know that you were okay with that? And smoked weed? Did you smell like it? All these questions ran through your head but at some point, you had to answer him, and free drugs were a hard thing to come by, so you were honest, “Yeah, I do.”
A part of you felt pumped about it while another was a bit weirded out. However, you forgot about it quickly as soon as the blue-eyed man started walking away. You began to follow behind him, keeping up enough to watch his back the entire way, and admiring the trees every second or so when you got bored.
It was quiet. Not a word exchanged between them. That was because Craig was over his head. He was piecing something together in his thoughts, forming a plan, one that wasn’t what you would call sane. But, that was because he simply wasn’t. He couldn’t pretend like he hadn’t been thinking of you in a certain way for a long time. Like he hadn’t killed for you because of it.
As he lead you to a nearby alleyway he went to when he wanted to watch you in private, his back turned and he was facing you again. This place was damp and dark, the smell not the best, but it was away from society. And that was perfect for this.
The ravenette rested against the wall and lifted the blunt in between his fingers to rest right on his lips before reaching into his pocket to pull out a lighter. He lit the end of it, resting the flame on the tip for a couple of seconds as he sucked in a huge cloud that left his mouth the second he blew it out.
Holding it out to you afterward, a trail of smoke drifted from the cherry while you took it in your own two fingers. You took a hit from it just like he did, knowing that this was a really good kind as soon as you tasted how smooth the bud was. Your eyes closed and you held it in for five seconds before letting it out until all the air escaped your lungs so you didn’t die from coughing.
Hissing through your teeth, you ended up still letting out a grunt and cleared your throat to ease the burn in the back of your throat. “Shit, that’s a pretty good strain, what is it?” you asked in the middle of your struggle.
Craig took another drag and doubled it while responding nonchalantly like it was nothing, “It’s called Azul. I grew it.” He glanced down at the blunt to check on its burning status and decided it needed another light.
After getting it bright again, he handed it back to you and let you take a couple more puffs, putting his hands in his pockets. An impressed look crossed your face and what he said piqued your curiosity, you asked like you didn’t believe him, “Really?? You’re a grower? Don’t you go to my school and dorms?” It seemed you were going to get along with this guy way more than you thought you would.
More time passed as the two of you progressively got higher and higher each pass, ending up with you laughing contagiously at a joke he had made about a lady that passed by. You would’ve normally quietly chuckled and try to contain it because of how mean it was as you didn’t want to feel bad. But, the state you were in was more than relaxed.
A small smile appeared on Craig while he watched you lose it, “Dude! That’s so messed up… Come on!” You hit his arm and rested your head on his shoulder from being out of it, mumbling into his sweater. He put out the blunt then because he knew that any more would be way too much. Once you got to lift your head and rest your chin on him, he turned his toward you.
He looked down, so close that you could feel his breath brushing against you, and that made your heart stop. Muttering quietly, his questions took a turn that you didn’t expect, “Have you ever kissed a guy before?” Almost instantly, you could feel your dick starting to rise, causing you to cover it with your hand while responding in an unsure tone, “No…”
When your eyes flickered down to his lips after the mention of it though, he was fast to press them against yours. You didn’t resist but you didn’t return it either. Letting him softly kiss you before he pulled away to conclude, “Now you have. How did it feel?”
It was like the oxygen had left you. You couldn’t wrap your mind around why you liked that so much. And the fact he tasted like raspberries was not helping. Was a guy really going to be the one that gave you the best kiss of your life?
He frowned when you took forever to answer, sighing through his nose, and pulling away with a rejected tone, “Fuck, well, sorry I made you question your sexuality, [Y/N].” Before he could get far, you grabbed his collar and made him go back to where he was but ended up overestimating how far you were tugging him. He stumbled forward and pushed you up against the wall, both of his hands landing on both sides of your head to catch himself while your noses touched.
Craig held a glare with you, confused. He didn’t understand why you weren’t saying anything but also refusing to kiss him back as well. Were you into it? Did you want to? You still couldn’t open your mouth to put it into words, in denial about what was happening. But, you gave him something to let him know that it wasn’t bad by returning the kiss gently.
You were barely brushing up into him like you were shy of the action. And he understood that it was because you hadn’t done it in a while so he savored what he could. You were kissing him. Finally, he had gotten what he wanted. He was the one locking lips with you. Not anybody else.
His hands drifted to your sides, slowly moving to your waist so he could hook his fingers at the bottom of your shirt. Knowing where this was going, a knot formed in your throat and you placed your hands on his chest to push him away. “I don’t know if I can go that far,” you finally said something. It wasn’t because you didn’t want to. It was because you couldn’t stop worrying about his safety. All that you could think about was his name in the news headlines and pictures of his chullo hat covered in blood laying in some bushes.
Your breathing went out of control and he could tell you were about to go into a panic attack, wrapping his arms around you as soon as he saw the signs, remembering them from the times you were in your dorm room crying about the interrogation months ago.
There was that guilty feeling in his chest. It made his heart heavy. He didn’t want you to feel like this. Especially when all this worry was for nothing. So, he decided to mumble out the best reassurance he could think of, “I don’t know what’s going on with you. I have no idea what had happened to that friendship we had for a minute back then too. You’ve been out of the loop for quite a while, [Y/N].” He moved back to stare directly at you with sincerity in his voice, “All I know is that kissing someone has never felt so right and if I could, can I make you feel safe enough to trust me with your body for tonight?”
That was the most convincing someone has ever been. And this high helped you calm yourself while using the breathing techniques your therapist gave. You bit your bottom lip before sighing out in frustration, looking around at where you were, and then exclaiming, “Fine! But, can we please do it somewhere else other than a fucking disgusting alleyway?”
Craig stared at you like you were crazy until his face twisted from holding back laughter, ending up bursting at the seams anyway as it sputtered out of him. “You’re right. This isn’t the place to be screwing a pretty boy like you,” he slyly said as he began to head out of the alleyway. You ran after him, trying to brush off what he said but still feeling the butterflies flutter in your stomach.
Eventually, the two of you made it inside of your dorm room, the Tucker locking the door behind you with a snide remark, “So, are you going to answer my question from earlier? How was kissing a boy for the first time?”
You forgot about that. Your mind flashing back to the memory of the kiss, vividly remember how soft his lips were, and how patient he was in his pace. He was aggressive but soft. A perfect mixture. Snapping out of it, you stammered out, “I hadn’t kissed someone in quite a while… Or well, a girl. And it was always quick-paced like they were in a rush to get to the good parts. But with you… Well, with a boy, it was like you couldn’t get enough. That, I think, made it practically impassable.”
What you said made Craig sit in your computer chair and stare at you in awe, reaching his hand up to pull off his hat, and placing it down on your desk. He reached out his hand for yours now and murmured, “Come over here and sit.” You walked over to him and took it, about to actually prop yourself down onto his lap before he stopped you right as you were. “Wait. I need to fix something,” he said as he went to unbutton your pants.
Taking in a sharp inhale through your nose , his hands wasted no time in tugging them off along with your boxers. “Fuck, you move fast. Hold on, let me prepare myself at least,” you sounded embarrassed and you were because your hard-on was so visible. He chuckled at that, “Okay then. I’ll get myself undressed while you can work on getting those off.”
Your eyes couldn’t help but get a look at Craig starting to take his jacket and shirt off, automatically checking him out, and to your surprise, he was pretty built. He noticed you staring and teased, “If you want to see all of it, get to moving, I want to see you too.” That was a bargain you couldn’t say no to, holding your breath as you gripped around the hem of your boxers.
Then you pulled them off, letting them fall to your ankles, tugging your shirt off afterward to get it out of the way. The only thing left on you was your socks and the same was for him a couple of seconds later.
He eyed you up and down with his blue orbs, reaching for your wrist, and pulling you back into touching your knees with his. Both of his hands placed onto your shoulders and began lowering you down until you were coming face-to-face with his huge dick, watching it twitch with a slightly ajar mouth.
“You’re going to have to get it wet if you want to go any further, pretty boy,” he whispered, grabbing your chin to guide your mouth toward him. You couldn’t believe you were doing this, opening wide before taking the tip and wrapping your lips around it. Craig grunted and put a hand on your head, gripping onto your hair to deal with the pleasure.
The texture was different than you expected to feel on your tongue but it was also satisfying in a way. And it didn’t take long for you to get into swallowing most of his length, easing it into your throat, and tasting the saltiness of his pre-cum the more you sucked.
Grabbing harder onto you, he moved his hips upward and made all of his dick go down into your mouth. This caused you to gag and jolt backward, coughing and making a face at him. “What the fuck, man,” you angrily said and got back up onto your feet.
However, Craig was extremely impatient by this point and he could no longer hold up the soft facade he had with you anymore. He stood up with you and within seconds, you were slammed down into your bed while his hand dug into your neck, tightening around your throat to make you choke more than you had on him.
Noises squeaked out of you while the air was leaving you, his other hand positioning himself to your ass and spitting on it to get you ready. He rubbed it around and made you shudder, having never been touched there which caused it to feel super sensitive.
He made both of your legs wrap around his waist once his tip began to push inside, slowly stretching your hole out as you grabbed his wrist to try and pull his hand off of you. It hurt so bad. His size bigger than most so it made it almost numbing the more he slid into you. Your eyes were struggling to stay open as you were close to passing out from the loss of oxygen.
That’s what made him stop. He removed his hand from your neck and balled up both of them into fists, punching them into the pillow your head was resting on while rearing his hips back. He made his entire dick slide out before forcing it back in, making it feel like he was tearing your ass apart from the roughness. You screamed out, “FUCK! CRAIG! WAIT! WAIT, IT HURTS!”
Slapping a hand to cover your mouth, he continued to ram himself over and over into you, watching you take him with several groans slipping out. He was frantic in his movements and made your bed sound like it was about to give up underneath the strength he put into fucking you.
He made you forget about the anxiety alright. Letting you know why you didn’t have to be afraid of him being taken away but rather be afraid of him altogether. At the same time, you were being fucked into liking it. The sweat, slapping from the colliding of skin, and the shaking of your legs set up the perfect scenery for him. He got to see you fucked out underneath him, because of him, all for him. And that was all he needed.
Leaning into your neck, he finally came to a slow pace and rocked up into your walls, gliding his fingers down your chest to play with your tip and the pre-cum on it. Craig was giving you a break, wrapping his palm around the base of your dick until he was pumping it up and down at the exact pace he was thrusting into you. The combined pleasure was enough to get you to moan out in relief, “Much better… Oh, god, that’s much better…”
Another rare smile lifted the corners of his mouth as he moaned with you, burying all of his length for a moment before pulling back again to quicken his speed. “That’s what happens when you’re being a good fuck toy,” he praised. Jerking you off faster and faster as well.
You buried your head into the pillow and felt him start to kiss around your Adam’s apple, littering them around until his teeth brushed around a spot that made you jump. When he found it, he bit into the sensitive area and that caused everything in you to unravel. Your cum shot out on your chest and landed in between his fingers, spreading across his hand, and some even getting on his lower stomach.
He continued to rail himself in you for another long minute before reaching his end alongside you, the warm fluid escaping him with a loud growl, “[Y/N]! Shit… You’re so.. fucking… perfect.” Once he was finished completely and everything had emptied out into your hole, he slid his dick out. Letting the cum spill out onto your sheets while collapsing next to you to rest. The both of you stared at each other in a daze for the last moments you managed to stay awake and as you were about to pass out, Craig had confessed to you, “I think I love you…”
Sorry for any errors or misspellings! I had tried to rush through this little thing when I saw it was getting too long so progressively, it might’ve got worse. But, this is overall what I’ve been working on for a couple and I hope you enjoyed!
Stick around for some more if you want! I got plenty where that came from. And if you like the other fandoms I’m interested in, you would definitely want to follow. I’ll be releasing a lot of those soon!
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wintaswan · 9 months
⟣┄─ ˑ 𝐈𝐈𝐈. ✧ ──ㅤ THE LOSERS CLUB.
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୨୧ 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗅𝗈𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗌 𝖼𝗅𝗎𝖻: 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖿𝗂𝗋𝗌𝗍 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝗌𝖺𝗐 𝗒𝗈𝗎.
୨ pairings: (the losers club minus mike x fem!reader)
୨ summary: how they acted, felt and looked the first time they saw you.
୨ warnings: blood, injuries, homophobia, slut-shaming.
୨ disclaimer: i use (name) instead of ‘y/n’.
୨ content: (preference, romance, fluff)
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— 𝗐𝗂𝗅𝗅𝗂𝖺𝗆 𝖽𝖾𝗇𝖻𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗀𝗁.
bill first laid his eyes on you in the school cafeteria as you walked past him with a friend. he only saw the back of your head as you walked away, yet that was enough to keep him looking. as you turned around, your beauty took him aback. he quickly flashed his eyebrows, and began to feel overwhelmed. he looked away and stared down at the table where he was sat, mouth agape, eyes wide, cheeks pink. “oh.. oh my god..” he’d think to himself.
bill was snapped out of his daze when richie noticed his peculiar state. “the fuck’s got your knickers in a twist, bill?” he’d laugh.
bill, still half deep in his daze, makes eye contact with richie. he tries unusually hard to form a response, but can’t seem to choke out any words or sounds. the losers share looks of confusion before bill squeezes his eyes shut for a moment, releasing a deep sigh. “bill, are you okay?” stanley would question bill’s sudden breakdown with concern filling his voice. bill would nod as he relaxed his face and body, sneaking what was supposed to be a glance at you, but turned into a stare. suspicious, stanley followed bill’s gaze and eventually figured it out.
“richie, the line”, eddie would gently nudge richie’s shoulder. “what? what line?” “the lunch line, dipshit! everyone’s gone, hurry up” eddie irritatedly explained, standing up to walk over with richie who followed close behind. “are you staring at a girl?” stanley began his interrogation, a smirk tugging at his lips. bill stuttered frantically, seeking denial, but surrendering. “y-yes” he admitted sheepishly, beginning to fidget with his jean pocket. “no, it’s not a bad thing. who is she?” “i d-don’t know. i-i’ve-i’ve never seen her be-before” he said, breaking his stare at you to look at stan. before stan could respond, eddie and richie sat back down, defeated looks on both of their faces. “i-i take it they-they’re out of jolly r-ranchers” bill released a small laugh, amused at their expressions. “yeah and it’s all eddie’s fault - he made me wait until the line was smaller when we could’ve easily gotten to them if we went in line!” richie complained particularly loudly. this sparked a small argument between eddie and richie.
using their distracted friends to their advantage, bill discreetly pointed you out to stanley, and he smirked as he gave bill a small nod in approval as he checked you out for himself. stan observed your mannerisms and behaviours to decipher the sort of person you are, and with his summary, he decided on a personalised plan to help bill.
bill found it hard to tear his eyes away from you, he couldn’t believe his own eyes. he believed ‘pretty’ was an insulting understatement for your kind of beauty. bill’s stomach was filled with butterflies, and his hands fiddled with each other as he took quick glances at you every few seconds, being careful not to stare out of concern of you noticing. although, part of him longed for the moment your eyes would lock with his.
— 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗇𝗅𝖾𝗒 𝗎𝗋𝗂𝗌.
stanley saw you for the first time in an art class. your name was called for attendance by the teacher, and the name was unfamiliar to him - you were a new student. as he heard you confirm of your presence, his heart skipped a beat at the lovely sound that was your voice. his eyes searched for you around the classroom, and when he finally saw you, he could not pull his eyes away from you. he was so lost in you that he didn’t hear his name get called by the teacher. bill nudged him out of his daze.
he shook away his thoughts and apologised before awkwardly muttering something, confirming of his presence. he smiled and looked down, before quickly glancing at you again. he felt butterflies go crazy in his stomach as his mind was racing at the thought of you. he felt eager to introduce himself.
when art class started, he went to retrieve an apron, when he saw you struggling to tie your apron up on the small of your back. he laughed quietly at your attempt to tie a knot without looking, and blushed. he thought you looked adorable. something came over him, and he decided to go in for it.
“need some help?” he spoke softly as he gestured to your apron. “m-maybe..” you sheepishly replied, attempting to avoid eye contact with him. stanley simply laughed as he walked behind you and began tying your apron up, trying desperately to ignore his shaking hands. a blush crept onto both of your cheeks. “thank you” you quietly muttered as you began to fidget with your fingers. “it’s okay. i-it was funny though, watching you trying to t-tie it up” his voice was soft as he laughed, and his hands lingered for a few seconds more than they should’ve. his smile widened at the sound of your laugh, his heart racing in his chest.
you felt his hands withdraw from your lower back, so you turned around to face him. as you looked up at him, you both realised how close your bodies both were to each other. “th-thank you, again” you whispered as your stomach did flips. “your- your welcome” stanley replied, attempting to ignore the feeling of his face and body burning up. you looked back across the room for your canvas, and made eye contact with him one last time before smiling awkwardly and walking back to it. he smiled to himself as he observed your every move. stanley was aware that he was about to get himself into a feeling of deep obsession, and he wasn’t objecting it.
— richard tozier.
richie first saw you in the hallway at school. you were a new student and you weren’t expecting the hallway to become anywhere near as crowded as it became after class. you were walking through the crowd by yourself with your head down, a beautiful small rose wedged above your ear.
he saw you when you were all the way at the opposite end of the hallway, and when he first laid his eyes on you, his eyebrows raised. richie’s jaw slightly dropped and he quickly reached his hand up to fix his glasses. as he saw you up close, he sharply exhaled through his mouth as the blood in his body rushed to his cheeks. if only you would have looked up to meet his eyes, and maybe you would have seen the pure adoration present in his gaze. however, you didn’t look up. which is likely why you walked into him.
your bodies quickly collided, however it wasn’t forceful enough to push you over. you looked up at him and saw his mouth agape, and his cheeks pink. you couldn’t decipher whether he was trying to form any words or whether his mouth was just hung open for.. whatever reason. you quickly mumbled an apology as you began walking up the hallway again. richie immediately turned around and watched as you walked away, his heart fluttering as he recalled the small interaction you both so recently shared.
“she dropped her flower” stanley pointed out as he bent down to pick it up. richie took the flower from stanley and began chasing after you - he thought it was a perfect excuse to see and interact with you again. finally, right outside of the door, he caught up to you. he gently tapped you on the shoulder, and you turned around to face him. richie presented you with the flower. “you- uh- y-you dropped this” richie’s voice was shaky with nerves, and he cursed himself for sounding so nervous. “oh, thank you..” you’d smile sheepishly to yourself, gently taking the rose from his hand. your hand slightly brushed against his, and his breath hitched in his throat. he looked at his hand, then back at you. his hand was still extended the way it was when he held the rose.
richie snapped out of it before forming a response. “oh, i-it’s okay …. w-what’s your name?” he attempted to keep talking with you, dreading the end of this moment. “(name)” you quietly responded as you tucked the rose behind your ear again. richie took a moment to respond, your voice giving him butterflies. “um, cool. i-i’m richie” the boy stuttered out, fixing his glasses. you smiled and nodded at him, wanting to continue the conversation but far too nervous to form words. “i- i’m gonna- i’ll see you around” he gestures towards the door before turning around and rushing back into the building.
the losers walked quickly back up the hallway when they saw richie. “r-r-richie, where-where’d you go?” bill questioned as he looked at the direction richie came from. “u-uh.. let’s go” richie rushed back up the opposite end of the hallway, and the losers shared the same bewildered expression. the losers caught up to him outside, and richie turned to face them, wide-eyed. “dude, i just saw the prettiest fuckin’ girl i’ve ever seen in my entire fuckin’ life”
— 𝖾𝖽𝗐𝖺𝗋𝖽 𝗄𝖺𝗌𝗉𝖻𝗋𝖺𝗄.
eddie winced at the large cut on his arm as it stung him, almost bringing tears to his eyes. he swiftly made his way to the school infirmary. the stinging pain mixed with the worrisome thoughts of infections taking over his mind greatly overwhelmed him. finally, he arrived, and checked himself in. the school nurse escorted him to the resting room, where a girl his age was sat on one of the chairs. he froze in his tracks and his eyes widened, and suddenly he found himself experiencing trouble breathing. a peculiar feeling crept into eddie’s body, and he frowned at the unfamiliar sensation. “i’ll be right back, i just need to retrieve some supplies, darling” the nurse spoke frantically to eddie as she rushed out of the room.
eddie stood frozen for a few seconds before finally breaking eye contact and taking a seat across from you. he pretended to examine the room, sneaking a few glances at you in the process, his leg starting to bounce the more he registered your appearance. he couldn’t believe how pretty you were, and it only made him feel more nervous. he frantically unzipped his fanny pack and took a puff from his inhaler. it was then, he noticed your red, teary eyes and suddenly he felt a lump in his throat. it felt as if his thoughts were itching at him to ask the reason or cause of your situation, but that question was quickly answered when he noticed the red outline and bruising visible on your neck when you removed the ice you were holding up to your neck. he quickly frowned and opened his mouth to say something, but felt too shy to draw your attention towards him. eddie’s inner thoughts cursed whoever would do such a thing, especially to someone as cute as you.
the nurse rushed back in to the room, more ice in one hand with quite the amount of bandages and disinfectant alcohol in the other. she offered a small smile as she quickly handed the ice to you, before kneeling down to attend to eddie’s bleeding arm. “now, tell me, sweetheart. how did this happen?” the nurse questioned worriedly as she began to disinfect his cut. “u-um, i- some boys in my class- they- uh- were messing around with some knives in home ec. and one quickly turned around a-and uh.. slashed me” he explained frantically as he harshly shut his eyes in attempt to bear with the increased pain from the disinfectant. “ugh. what is it with boys today? first choking, and now cutting children with knives! keep some pressure on it, nice and firm. yes, like that,” the nurse scoffed as she wrapped the bandage around his arm. “yes, choking. i know, unbelievable. (name) just in front of you was choked by one of the older boys, patrick hockstetter, i believe, as she was on the way to class. revolting, i tell you. i wonder why kids do such things”
the moment your eyes met, eddie internally freaked out. he was glad, though, since the nurse mentioned you, he now had good reason for looking at you. eddie’s face heated up as you gave a little, embarrassed sort of smile at him. he returned a small smile, his blush becoming more apparent as his eyes darted around the room before looking down at his shoes. eddie felt beyond nervous, he was extremely restless, making small movements every few seconds - touching his nose, itching his head, adjusting his posture.. the only thing he could think about was the girl in front of him. at some point he considered that he had actually died and gone to heaven, and was presented with an angel. or, the amount of pain he felt was making him hallucinate to distract him from his injury - creating an illusion of beauty he considered impossible.
his smile had yet to falter as he looked back up at you. simply being in your presence made him feel as if he was floating. “(name), are you ready to go back to class?” the nurse asked, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. you nodded before standing up and putting your backpack on, looking at eddie as he looked a little disappointed. he dreaded your absence. you walked out of the room, taking one last look at eddie, smiling bashfully to yourself as your eyes met. eddie watched as you walked out, looking down at the floor again. “that was your girlfriend, i’m guessing?” the nurse had a mischevious, playful tone in her voice despite the fact that she was serious. “uhh, what- no, no, i don’t- know her” eddie frantically responded, his face turning a darker shade of pink. “well, let’s hope you get to know her. you looked mesmerised, sweetheart”
— 𝖻𝖾𝗇𝗃𝖺𝗆𝗂𝗇 𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗌𝖼𝗈𝗆.
ben spent his first few days in derry all alone in the library, beginning heavy research about the small town he had so recently moved to. he couldn’t deny that he felt slightly embarrassed, embarrassed that he had yet to see anyone anywhere near his age in the library yet. he had only seen people of an older age, and it made him feel quite outcasted that he was the only teenager that would pay visits to the library in their free time. that was until he laid his eyes on the first teenager he had seen in derry, and most beautiful person he had ever seen in his entire lifetime. ben was sat down, scanning the library for anyone approximately younger than fifty, and his eyes almost missed you. ben did a double take and froze, staring directly at you for a good minute, mouth agape. he felt particularly excited that he had finally seen someone his age, and slightly intimidated that you were so beautiful. he began thinking of a good excuse to talk to you, or should he just introduce himself? you suddenly looked away from your book, and began looking around the room, clearly bored. you made eye contact with ben, and he shared a soft smile. you returned it, and shyly looked away. you and ben kept sharing quick glances at each other and repeatedly making eye contact and smiling, in which built an innocent, playful sort of tension.
the librarian suddenly dropped a book onto ben’s desk, causing his eyes to quickly dart up to her. “here’s the book you were looking for” she spoke quietly. ben muttered a quick thank you before returning to his book, only for the librarian to speak again. “you know, i think if you spoke to her, you’d get along rather well” she bent down as she whispered in ben’s ear, before she gave a mischevious expression. “wha- how did you-” ben’s utterly confused expression amused her. “i always notice when people eye each other in the library, darling. i may be old, but my eyesight isn’t failing yet” the librarian joked, giving him a light nudge on the shoulder before walking away.
as ben glanced back up at you, you stood up and walked into the section of the library where the books were - walking past him with an adorable little smile on your face. he watched closely and decided to go there as well. ben watched as you went exactly where he was going to go, and smiled to himself at how perfect it was, and how perfect you were. he suddenly felt nervous and went into an aisle in front of where you were. you read the titles of most the books before taking your pick, ‘History of Derry, 1889-1934’. as you pulled the book from the shelf, you met ben’s gaze through the bookshelf. you both shared an embarrassed smile before quietly laughing and looking away, before ben spoke.
“that book, it’s a pretty good one” he motioned towards the book, his smile almost audible. “you’ve read it?” you quietly asked, your eyebrows slightly raising in surprise. “yeah, i just read it, actually. now i’ve started reading the new one, ‘History of Derry, 1935-1988’” ben explained, a hand reaching up to scratch his head. “could- could i maybe borrow it after you’ve read it?” you asked, tilting your head to the side as you tucked some of your hair behind your ears. “yeah, of course! if- if you want you could come and read it with me now?” ben was hesitant, nervous about your response - afraid of rejection. even if it wasn’t a bold offer, he was still about to break out in a sweat “really?” “yeah, of course”
there was a comfortable silence as you sat next to ben, who you had no idea was internally freaking out. he was ecstatic that you took up his offer, and he kept taking discreet glances at you. his heart was beating abnormally fast - and he’d been blushing ever since he first laid his eyes on you. it certainly was not any help that your bodies were in such close proximity that your legs were brushing together, it made him force himself to hide the smile that was so forcefully tugging at his lips. eventually, conversations were started about the peculiar things you had both noticed about derry, and you bonded over your interest in research about it - even though you were only studying it for a school project. ben assisted you with your history assignment, and for once, you enjoyed doing school work.
— 𝖻𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗅𝗒 𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗌𝗁.
as class ended, you rushed into the bathroom in attempt to arrive and lock yourself in a stall before gretta could find you. however, to your misfortune, she had beaten you to it. as you walked in to the bathroom, you froze in your tracks as your eyes laid on greta - leaning against one of the cubicle doors. “were you gonna hide from me (name)? are you scared of me? aww..” gretta teased with a fake sympathetic expression plastered on her face. you sighed. it wasn’t her you were scared of, you just didn’t want any new injuries. gretta’s constant expression of hatred towards you was only annoying, it was far from scary. if anything, you felt rather apologetic towards her that she would feel the need to inflict pain on others in order to make up for her own.
your eyes rolled back for a moment before you turned around to leave, before one of gretta’s friends blocked the doorway, her arms either side of the doorframe. “going somewhere?” she spoke mischeviously as she walked closer to you, causing you to walk backwards. you bumped in to gretta, who took harsh hold of you by your hair. she slammed you into what she would have preferred as a closed cubicle door, but to both of your surprise - it had been unlocked, causing you to fall into the cubicle and on to someone behind you. the person behind you quickly locked the cubicle door, leaving you both together in a particularly tight, small space. you turned around and were met with one of the most beautiful faces you have ever seen.
internally, beverly was extremely astonished by how beautiful you were - externally, her eyes widening for a moment. a smile tugged at her lips as she moved in front of you, both of you now facing each other, the only sound being the echo of both of your heavy breathing. beverly was feeling a little giddy, and she couldn’t do anything to hide her wide smile, or the blush on her cheeks without making it obvious that she was hiding the fact that she was in fact, blushing. “gross, i bet they’re making out right now. beaverly’s such a slut, it makes sense that she’d even try it with a girl” gretta teased, causing her small group of girl-friends to laugh. you squinted your eyes in pure disgust at gretta’s cruel remark, and beverly decided to respond. “and what if we are? why would you be so upset if it weren’t jealousy?” beverly smirked, amusement evident in her voice. “jealousy? you’re out of your mind. obviously, you’re done fucking guys, so you’re going after the girls next” gretta scoffed, harshly kicking the door with her foot. “do you enjoy living in a fantasy world, gretta? if you think i’ve slept with anyone at all, maybe you should take some of the medication at your daddy’s pharmacy to bring you back to reality” beverly snapped, suddenly feeling a little aggressive. “you and i both know that’s a lie-” “greta! leave them alone. go home” a mature female voice ordered, obviously a teacher. gretta quickly muttered something before footsteps were heard growing further and further away, before there was silence in the girl’s bathroom.
“th-thank you. for- unlocking the door..” you broke the silence, quietly thanking her. beverly was instantly snapped out of whatever anger she felt towards gretta, and her attention was completely dedicated to you. “oh- it’s- it’s okay” she blushed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she averted her gaze from you. there was a moment of silence before beverly spoke up again. “i’m beverly marsh” she offered a smile, hoping for it to be returned. “i’m (name) (last name)” your smile only summoned butterflies in her stomach, as did your melodic voice. “nice to meet you. you have a- nice name” beverly immediately regretted the compliment after the remembered it was possible you could misunderstand her intentions due to gretta’s (secretly, true) accusation of beverly wishing to be with a girl. beverly noticed as you were quick to present a bashful smile at the compliment, a blush creeping onto your cheeks. “thank you, you do as-as w-well” your voice was breathy due to how shy she’d made you feel, your breathing pattern becoming irregular. “well, i have to go. i-i’ll see you around, (name)” beverly smirked as she put out her cigarette, unlocked the door, and left you alone - blushing and smiling to yourself back in the bathroom.
- send requests please!
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regulusblackslut · 8 months
i have 2 (maybeee 3) things coming out this week 👀👀 thanks for being patient! school is.. school 😐
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399 notes · View notes
reareaotaku · 8 months
Hello it's me Rachel. Listen um sorry for the bother you but can you make a yandere losers club headcanon movie it 2017 ?
It's no bother! Of course I can!
Yandere Losers Club Headcanons
Characters: Bill Denbrough, Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Stanley Uris, Beverly Marsh, Mike Hanlon, Ben Hanscom [Also, I looked up the Jewish stuff for Stanley, so if I got anything wrong lmk]
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Bill Denbrough
He gets really shy around you
Stutters a lot and he never really gets over it, no matter how he tries
You're way out of his league and he's surprised when you ask him out
But oh my god, you really want to date him
"Do you want to go out with me?"
He looks at you shocked, his mouth on the floor. At first, he thinks you're trying to pull a prank on him or making fun of him, but you're dead serious
"Oh- W-w-what?"
"Do you want to go out with.... me?" You gesture to yourself at the end, your confidence quickly fading in fear you were about to be rejected
"Uh-uh-uh, um...y-ye-yeah. I'd l-l-l-love to."
Now it's your turn to blush and you smile, "Great. That's great. So what now?"
"I don't know..."
It's a little awkward at first, but you both eventually get over it
His friends tease him, but Bill always brings up about how they're all single [It usually ends the teasing]
He always dresses up whenever he's going to see you
He just wants to look his best
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Eddie Kaspbrak
You meet at his favorite place, the pharmacy
He knew who you were and you vaguely knew who he was
He had a huge crush on you and when he saw you, he nearly shit bricks
He quickly put the stuff he was holding back on the shelf, while accidentally knocking stuff down
"Uh, you're Eddie, right?"
He awkwardly laughs, his face turning a light red, "Uh, yeah. Y/n?"
"Yeah. What are you doing?"
"Nothing!" He's quick and nearly yells it at you, causing you to flinch back. He instantly felt bad about it
You only knew two things about Eddie; He's a germaphobe and his mom is crazy
"You're that germaphobe, right?"
His eyes widen and he quickly shakes his head, "No! I'm not scared of germs. That's crazy," He laughs it off, moving his hand back and forth. He blushes when hearing you laugh and he looks away from you
"You're really cute. Do you want to hang out?"
"Hang out? You and me?"
"Yeah, there's actually a diner close by-"
"Of course. I mean yeah, that'd be cool"
You start hanging out more after that and Eddie is secretly losing his mind
You're hanging out with him
Wow- He feels like he's dreaming
When you ask him to be your boyfriend, he's sure that he's dead and in heaven
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Richie Tozier
You both fucking hate each other when you first met
You bully the hell out of each other, trying to get the last word
"Why are you late?"
"Sorry, I was fucking your mom."
"Well, I'm glad you could enjoy someone's mom since you don't have one"
He rolls his eyes, mocking you, because he has no insult to throw back without sounding like he was offended
Things change when he gets older and he realizes that he likes you
it started when he'd see things in his everyday life that reminded him of you
At first he was irritated and he wanted to destroy those things [Flowers, rocks, tree bark, a cloud, the way his food is placed, a game/game character, etc]
But then, he realized these things made him happy. You made him happy, even when he tried to fight it
He began to cherish these things and anything he could preserve and keep, he would
He has a shrine dedicated to those things. Nothing ever directly linked to you, but just things that make his mind go to you
Neither of you will ask the other out, because you two are two prideful- Actually, it'll be an accident when one of you confesses
You two will be fighting and one of you will comment about how the other is pretty/handsome as an insult and the other turns around and is like "You like me?" You'll be blushing and the person who insulted the other will deny it, but whoever was insulted will be like "I like you two."
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Stanley Uris
Stan is very mature for a boy his age and that's what attracts you to him
He doesn't really notice you at first, because he doesn't have time for dating and he's more worried about keeping his things in order
You try approaching him multiple times, but you usually get shrugged off
You can go to the temple and wait until after Prayer hall, Shacharit, or the morning blessings, but he'll probably spot you and avoid you. If you're not Jewish, you'll approach his father, the Rabbi, telling him about your interest in the culture
"You can't just be Jewish. You know that right? It's a long progress-"
"I'm okay with that. I'm interested in the culture, language, and history"
He's impressed with your knowledge and interest that he's willing to take you under his wing
Stanley then becomes jealous, because you're becoming closer with his father than he ever was
You get progressively better at speaking from The Torah
"There's this girl who keeps coming to the Temple. I've been avoiding-"
"Wait, there's a girl who's actively seeking you out and you're avoiding her??? Because???"
Stanley rolls his eyes, "It-"
"Is she ugly?"
"Are you gay?"
"What? No-"
"Then why are you avoiding her?"
"It's stupid-"
"Spit it out."
"Well, she's not even Jewish, but my dad treats her like she's been going to the Temple her whole life. So, she learns a little Hebrew so what? Anyone can do that."
"Oh, you're jealous and have daddy issues. Got it"
His father acts kind of like your dad. Tries setting you up with a good guy so you'd be set for later in life. Get you incredible connections
When you'll finally get him alone, he busts. He yells at you and he realizes all his anger about his father out on you
Though, when he sees you cry, he quickly stops and he feels so bad
He didn't mean to make you cry. God he felt so bad
He quickly apologizes and this creates a friendship between you both
You can tell him any secret. He'll never tell a soul
You can depend on him for anything. You're the only thing his father likes about him
"Why can't you have Y/n's dedication? She wasn't even born into a Jewish family."
He complains to you about his father, and you're always open to listen to him
Though, he's scared of nearly everything, so you usually are the braver one in the relationship
You have to beg him to go anywhere with you, because he doesn't like being around people
He just sticks with you the entire time
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Beverly Marsh
She was very confident when approaching you, but it was fake
She's the type of person to lean on some boxes and then they fall over
She loves brushing and playing with your hair
She thinks it [your hair] is so pretty
She'll hum to you while she brushes it/plays with it
She asked you out. She was very bold about it
She goes after what she wants and she wants you
She'll make sure the moment is perfect
You're alone and the night is beautiful [Though nothing like you]. The wind is blowing just right and the light from one of the post is shinning your face like a halo
If you ever get into a fight with her, she'll avoid you for days/weeks
She doesn't want to, but it's a tactic she knows will get you crawling back
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Mike Hanlon
He puts your needs before his own
He's sweet and whenever you have a problem he's always there to listen
He's a smart kid and will always help you with your homework
And by help, I mean he'll do it for you
Hope you like band music, because that's his favorite type of music
He does have a tiny little issue where he lies to make you happy. He's scared of losing you and just wants to keep you close
He doesn't do it on purpose, it kind of just happens
When you find out, you're livid and he understands, but he doesn't apologize. He think he's doing the right thing
You can be mad at him, but you'll always get over it, because you can never be mad at him for long
He doesn't gaslight you on purpose, but he does do it sometimes
"So what, you don't love me anymore?"
"Of course I love you!"
"Well, you're sure not acting like it-"
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Ben Hanscom
He's really insecure about himself and his weight, thankfully you make him not feel like he's a pig
In fact, you don't mention it all; It's not something you notice
You always pick up when he's sad and always do whatever it takes to cheer him up
You try and help him cope with it healthy
Though, as he gets older, he starts to work out and you go with him. You don't want him to feel like everyone's staring at him or something
Whenever he's feeling like people are judging or staring you'll always divert attention to yourself, whether it's wearing something crazy or just making yourself look different and wild, you're willing to have people judge you as long as he doesn't feel judged [Does that make sense?]
He never judges you. In fact, he thinks you're way to good for him
Everything you do for him just makes him realize you're to good for him
If you're ever insecure, he's surprised
"What? You're like the prettiest person in the world! " He's absolutely flabbergasted
Absolutely adores you and follows you like a puppy
Practically attached to your hip
Bro's a little dependent on you ngl
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𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐔𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐃𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟖𝟎'𝐬 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ warnings: mention of one slur, (that is reclaimable don't come for me twitter), homophobia, death, etc
↳ song: american pie—don mclean
• Compared to the old giants that were London and Rome, Derry was an infant in terms of age
• But it didn't feel that way. The whole town had this sort of tint to it, like the stain of coffee on white paper—or the quality of an old polaroid that had been stuffed away and forgotten
• You had lived there most of your life. Gone to Derry Elementary, Derry Middle, would go on to attend Derry High, and would probably travel on to the closest college you could find to the area—unless something drastically changed that, of course
• It was almost like the whole place had a grip on its residents. And it wasn't like the comforting grip of your mother's hand as she led you through the grocery store. It was a harsher one. A cold and clamy grip, holding you tightly in place until you rotted away working a minimum wage job with no future in sight
• So thank god you had stumbled across the losers in your last year of middle school and changed just about everything
• It had been the last week of school when you had stupidly picked a fight with the biggest knothead in school and his gang of pimple faced idiots, figuring that if you were going to die anyway, might as well do it young
• Your school books had gone sprawling across the freshly waxed school hallway one fateful afternoon in May, the disaster courtesy of Derrys biggest doucuebag Henry Bowers
• In fact, you had told him he was such a thing to his face, which would be the reason you were currently being subjected to the pleasure of watching as Henry and his goons ripped up all of your school papers in front of everyone
• Math homework, eat your heart out
• You didn't, however, expect a stuttering voice to speak up from your left not long after watching the science paper you had worked so hard on get ripped to shreds
• "Guh-guh-guh-get fu-fucked Bowers!" A lanky kid spat out from your left, drawing most people's attention over to his blazing brown eyes instead of Henry's ugly mud colored ones
• You recognized your knight in shining armor, so to speak, as the infamous stuttering Bill Denbrough. He wasn't an unfamiliar face to you—in fact, you were pretty sure the two of you had homeroom together. But until that moment you'd never given him a second thought beyond asking to borrow a pencil
• Bill wasn't alone, either. Three more kids stood idly behind him, each one looking more anxious than the last. You'd later learn all their names to be Stan, Eddie, and Richie "Trashmouth" Tozier—the man of a hundered voices as he'd introduce himself. But right then, they were just more people to add to this already overcrowded shitshow
• "Muh-my buh-buh-bad Billy." Henry mocked Bill's stutter poorly, crossing his eyes crudely while he did it. "Duh-did I mess with one of yuh-your fag fruh-fruh-fruh-friends?"
• The shrill chorus of giggles that his friends let out at his words were like nails on a chalkboard to you
• "Takes one to know one." Richie had mummbled under his breath sourly, pushing the thick glasses he wore up his nose anxiously. The only people who heard him couldn't help but break up into a fit of sudden giggles—who of which just so happened to be you and Bill
• Both of you were found sporting black eyes the next day
• Ever since that odd school day, you had found yourself spending more and more time with each of them
• Riding bikes with Bill in his street as you got left in the dust by him and Silver, listening as Eddie rambled on nervously about all of the weird sicknesses he had gotten, furiously smashing buttons on arcade games in an attempt to beat Richie at least once, helping Stan organize all of his comics by color and alphabetical order—all became a part of your summer routine
• You quickly became a part of the losers club. Another peice to the odd puzzle you all made together. And you'd be lying if you didn't say it felt damn good
• It was only after Ben and the others showed up that things began to get both better and worse
• For starters, you had begun to see red balloons and dead kids everywhere—a detail that would later become a much bigger issue
• But you also found yourself making three entire new friends, which including Stan, Eddie, Richie and Bill, was the most you'd ever had
• Hot summer evenings down in the barrens and, eventually, the clubhouse now had a new sense of comradery to it
• You enjoyed talking with Beverly about certain book series the both of you kept up with and what songs she could play on the piano. Asking Mike about all the adventures he had gone on after hard days of farm work became a highlight of your Saturdays. Pouring over books in the library with Ben quickly became one of your favorite activities, the two of you sharing recommendations with each other. Even the librarian eventually got old of the two of you whispering excitedly to each other about story lines and character development
• Occasionally Bill or Richie would bring another kid down to the barrens to play with. It would be fun, but you all were thinking the same thing throught it all—that they were not a part of the club. That title was reserved for only the eight of you. And it would stay that way
• Together, all of you would eventually have to beat a common enemy together, sacrificing parts of yourself with it. But for now, you were content to watch as sticky syrup from popsicle sticks dripped down into your hands while you all walked to the movies, laughing about god knows what, feeling like nothing else in the world mattered but each other
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glitchy576 · 7 months
Dating Stanley Uris (Head-cannons)
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-When you guys started dating he was so nervous!
-He protest against you telling his and your friends, like he would stand outside your house with signs
-Such a sweetheart, will by you gifts whenever
-If you are ever sad Stan will show up at your house with a tub of ice cream and two spoons
-Of course he will cry with you
-Richie will always bully him
-"I could so pull Y/n if I wanted to."
-"Yeah, no"
-You kiss in front of the Losers?
-The losers will pretend to wash their eyes out with soap and vomit
-He absolutely loves calling you darling, honey, little miss sassy, and pumpkin
-You on the other hand betch, sweet cheeks, little jew, and babe
-You always go one dates at parks
-You enjoy the silence and he likes the birds
-He tries his hardest to draw you and they turn out beautiful
-He says they never capture your beauty but you think there to pretty
-If you get hurt Stan will be the first by your side
-He is the most protective thing ever
-Someone hits you to hard with a dodgeball?
-He will smack them right back until they bleed
-He will send glares their way until you tell him to stop
-He is a complete golden retriever boyfriend
-Stan dies when you wear light blue
-Doesn't matter what it is as long as its blue
-Want to annoy him?
-Pineapple on pizza
-Insult his favorite games
-Call him a stupid jew
-You think bird watching is his favorite?
-You watching is
-Not in a creepy way but sometimes he gets lost in your beauty
-The bowers gang will never be able to touch you
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snivellusslunchbox · 2 years
Loser’s club types
Losers club x reader (separate)
Warnings/Notes: Gender neutral reader, poc friendly, mentions of bullying, mentions to Georgie’s death
Requested: Yes/No
Let me know if you want a pet two with Beverly, Ben, Mike, and maybe Henry! I’m also accepting requests for it chapter 1 (2017).
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Bill would prefer a carefree, understanding s/o, someone who would sit in silence holding him when he needed comfort. Someone who would help him know when to take breaks and to focus on himself sometimes. He would need someone to hold him close and reassure him it wasn’t his fault and comfort him when he’s missing Georgie.
As far as looks goes, I think he would prefer someone shorter than him— even if it’s just barely— he would love to have a sense of protection. He loves feeling like he needs to keep you safe and care for you (when he’s the one who needs to be cared for).
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Richie would love an s/o who is gentle and responsible, he needs a figure in his life to talk him out of his stupid ideas and to remember to take care of himself. He would not only love, but benefit, from having an s/o who would let him sneak into their room through their window at night and cuddle close to them in bed when he needs refuge from the neglect at home. He would love feeling doted on and loved.
If you asked him what he wanted in an s/o, he would say smoking hot— probably having a large chest or a nice ass— but he truly couldn’t care less. No matter what you look like, he would adore you, he would think everything about you is perfect. I think he would like a taller s/o, he had a large growth spurt in high school and would love someone close to his height or taller.
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Eddie would love a patient and caring s/o, someone who could calm his paranoid thoughts about germs or some overwhelming non-existent danger his mind conjured up. He would need someone to watch his body language closely when out to know when he was getting uncomfortable or nervous. He would need someone to be slow with him in affection, it took weeks after the confession for him to feel comfortable holding your hand— a month or two after that before he even considered letting you kiss his face.
Out of all the losers, I see him having the most preference, he would love someone smaller than him. He’s been bullied quite a lot by his friends and bullies about his size (particularly his height) and he’s very self conscious about it. He doesn’t like feeling fragile or weak, and he would love the feeling of caring for a smaller s/o, he would treat them like glass.
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Stanley would be a firm believer in opposites attract and his taste in people proves it. He would thrive in a relationship with an s/o who is bubbly and outgoing, it would compliment his introverted and calm personality. He would appreciate and admire their ability to approach anybody and make new friends. He would also love if his s/o was fearless, someone who would stand up for him and his friends— he hates confrontation. Not that he wouldn’t stand up for you if needed.
Stan the Man would love it if his s/o had nice hair, he takes great care of his hair and would love it if his s/o cherished their hair too. He feels it looks gorgeous on them and would love to run his hands through it (or pat your head if your hair wasn’t straight/wavy) and help you care for it if you had a complex hair care routine. Other than that, he doesn’t have much preference.
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firefly-sky · 9 months
I saw that you are still taking requests sooo begging on my knees for Stan or Kyle (whichever one you prefer/want to write abt) x t!reader. I’m so touch starved so anything with physical affection would be perfect I just need some type of comfort rn hhhh. If you don’t want to write this that’s okay I completely understand!! (^_^)
Ask and you shall receive!
I’ll do both
Stan and Kyle with a TINY!S/O
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Stan Marsh
He’s honestly very gentle with you
He doesn’t wanna go around and show you off, he kinda just wants you to be safe with him
Because he knows with Shelley and Randy around you probably won’t be safe
But anyway
He probably found you in Shelley’s room tbh
You were borrowing some of her stuff and Stan walked in on you
Randy ended up seeing you too, so Stan kinda just hid you behind his back and managed to get out
Randy thought Stan was stealing Shelley’s old dolls
At first he was absolutely flabbergasted
He probably just came home one day to find Sparky chasing you around
So he ended up picking you up with a single hand and kinda just took you to his room?
He’s like, twenty times your height
So seeing his eyes that were basically the size of your head looking down at you was…scary
At first he didn’t even think you were real
Hr probably just kept telling himself it was Randy’s pot farm, or that he was imagining shit
But eventually, he came to terms that you were real
And soon you grow to develop feelings for each other
He makes sure that you’re safe all the time
He probably throws up on you a lot but he tries not to
Hr gives you a bath after so don’t worry
If he finds you crying, he kinda just picks you up in his palms and holds you gently
The only one who knows about you is Kyle
Probably because one day he walked in on Stan cleaning you off after vomiting on you due to his crush on you
But Stan made him swear to not tell anyone
He doesn’t let you sleep in the bed with him because he’s scared he’ll roll over in his sleep and crush you
But sometimes he’ll put you on his chest over his heartbeat until you fall asleep, to which he’ll probably put you in a little washcloth burrito
Overall v good :)
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Kyle Broflovski
He probably found you in Cartman’s bourse
(just pretend you were a borrower at his house)
So one day, while you were ‘borrowing’, Kyle happened to walk in on you
At the same time Cartman did
Kyle dashed for you so Cartman wouldn’t get to you because who knew the tortures you would endure with him
Kyle insisted you were just a bug, so hr kinda managed to get away with you while stuffing you in a jar
And when he managed to get back to his house, he realized being stuck in a jar with a giant person looking at you through the glass couldn’t have been pleasant
So he began working at making you a living space
He honestly isn’t shocked by you
Hes seen some shit in South Park
So, he probably interrogated you while making you a matchbox bed or something
And eventually he decides to keep you in his house
He’s very gentle with you
And protective
Like if anyone so much as touches you he’s about to beat the shit out of them
He, like Stan, doesn’t let you sleep in the same bed as him
But he’ll stroke your hair sometimes when you’re falling asleep
He probably scares you sometimes with his angry outbursts
But in the end he’ll make up for it in hugs and such
(he’s not much of a kisser)
Hes a sweet kid, but he’s just very angry, lol
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legoflowrs · 9 months
screenshots from my instagram for you page that exude south park character energy
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southparktegreity · 1 year
gen. dating headcannons! + short stories
[ SOUTH PARK x reader ]
[ stanley marsh x reader + clyde donovan x reader ]
kyle, kenny and butters part is here !
gender : neutral cws : none! requested : yes ! thank you anon & jae ! i added in clyde for fun since him and butters are my favorite characters to write :))) i hope that was okay!
NOTICE : these characters are aged up, and intended to be 19/20+!
a/n : my requests are still open as always :) ! if requested i'll do other characters as well !!!
stan :
out of everyone i’ve written, i think stanley is the least likely to ask you out on a date. ignoring the vomit aside (since i’m sure he grows out of it eventually), i’m sure his stomach would be tied in knots and he wouldn’t have the courage to really ask you out. which leads him to the idea of letting you know you have a secret admirer. he’ll leave notes in your locker or in your bag, a nice compliment or two to get you through the day. though one day if you ever get curious enough i’m sure you’ll be able to figure out he’s your secret admirer, admiring you from afar, (he probably isn’t trying too hard to hide his identity). if you confront him he’ll spill the beans and probably be a total nervous wreck doing it, but will end by asking you out <3
KARAOKE AND DINER DATES. omg i totally can see you dragging him to karaoke with you as a second or third date. he would take you to his favorite diner around, then you'd order both of you a milkshake with two straws. i can totally see you guys sharing a booth together and giggling about it. his face would be sooo red once the waiter comes back with the milkshake.
definitely does not handle jealousy in the most healthy ways, i think if he was jealous you'd have to kind of ask him what's wrong - i don't think he'd come out and tell you that he has a problem with you hanging out with the new kid / new kid flirting with you etc. once you reassured him nothing was going on there and you wouldn't leave him, he'd probably gain his confidence back and feel a bit more secure in your guys relationship. he'd ask you beforehand if he could be a bit more open with pda when it came to dudes flirting with you, and if you say yes he'll start holding your hand around more and calling you babe around the guys who are tryna hit on you.
i think he likes being the big spoon at first, then prefers to quietly move to cuddling you as the small spoon. he definitely wants to protect you but i've always seen stan as someone who also needs a lot of comfort and comforting, though i don't think he'd be open or honest about any of it. he really wouldn't want to come across as weak or lame to you especially, so he would definitely hope you and him would have a silent agreement while cuddling that he can be the little spoon :,)
i think he prefers 'babe' or 'baby' the most to call you, i get the impression he's not too big on pet names or anything like that. especially around his friends, he'd be a bit upset with you if you used any silly or especially romantic pet names around his friends. mostly because you know what his friends are like. i get the feeling he'd LOVE them in private though, like while you're cuddling him and softly playing with his hair. slide in a little, "hey sweetheart - you're so beautiful". i can totally see him melting into you in that moment.
"Hey babe." Stan walked over to you and the new kid, rubbing the back of his palm against yours, before grabbing your hand properly, but gently. He made sure that the new kid was able to see your hands, holding your hand up to his lips and kissing the back of it gently before returning back to your hands natural state together.
The new kid looked between you both, realizing there wasn't really much getting in between you two, before waving to you both goodbye.
"What was that about, Stan?" You looked at him, smiling a little to yourself and him at the new public display of affection.
Stan shook his head. "Nothing, just missed you." He said watching the new kid walk away, before looking back at you and gazing into your eyes, then giving you a kiss on the forehead.
✧─── 《☆》 ───✧
clyde :
definitey talked to tolkien and craig before trying to ask you out. he really wants to come off as genuine to you, instead of just trying to get into your pants like he may have done previously to other people. again, wants to come off as genuine instead of just flirty. tolkien would probably be super encouraging and craig would probably be like “if you don’t tell them i will” or something like that. i think in the end though clyde asking you out would go something like; “hey you should come to my football game, y/n.” “it’s winter? it’s not football season..?” cue to him wiping the sweat off his forehead, “y-yeah.. what i meant was… you can play foot with my… no wait - wait..”
clyde definitely would take you to an amusement park, he's not super into rollercoasters since they're a bit scary but if you beg him he'll totally go with you. though be warned, he'll be holding onto your hand the entire time. i also get the impression he would LOVVEEE to take you into a haunted house of some kind, totally not using the fear as an excuse for you to hold onto him, but he ends up holding onto you out of fear - maybe crying a little. he doesn't want to seem like a baby around you but you can't fault him for being scared - right?
honestly? i think clyde is similar to kyle in that he gets a bit more territorial (again as seen in that one episode with bebe and kyle). though he definitely isn't as possessive as kyle. clyde's the type of person to throw your arm around you and say something like "what's up, honey! who's this guy?", as if the other guy isn't trying to flirt with you. if you were spending too much time with tolkien or stan (or any other boy really) he'd probably get genuinely upset and would communicate this of course, throughout a very teary night. he always wants to be your #1 and is probably a little afraid of you leaving him for someone else (especially if it's his fault (cough) his mom (cough)).
i can definitely see the sun barely coming up and shining on him and yourself glistening on yours and his skins. he would definitely be hugging your waist and pressed in between your chest. his legs would wrap around yours. you playing with his hair as he whispers sweet nothings to you. he's definitely a big ol' cuddle bug, and i can see him and you during the summer deciding not to cuddle since it's too hot, and then waking up in each others very, very sweaty arms.
he’s so hit or miss with sweet names, i feel like he probably calls you “sweetheart” or “honeyy” but i could also see him saying something like “mx/mr/ms. y/n donovan” all the time. especially around his friends or anyone who might try to hit on you. i feel like he’s all lovey dovey and tries to act like a married couple to get people away from you. plus, he loves the idea of getting married to you. and if you play along (calling him “mr. clyde l/n”) he’ll lose his MIIIND practically cries tears of joy hearing that :,)
You and your lovely boyfriend Clyde were laying in his king size bed (since of course, he had to buy a bed fit for a king), as the sun began to set. It was summertime, the wind was nowhere to be found and the air was humid. Clyde's room was hot, since there was little to no ventilation. You turned to Clyde, his face slightly covered in sweat as he wiped it off with a nearby towel. His face was glistening from the sun setting, as the purple-y pink sun shined on his face.
"What's wrong honey?" You snapped out of your thoughts, shaking your head and looking back at him - your face subtly flushed. Partially from the heat, but also from him.
"You just looked really pretty... even with all that sweat on your face, hehe." You grinned at him.
Clyde looked back at you with the biggest toothy smile on his face, tackling you down onto the bed and peppering you with kisses. You both were too hot (literally and figuratively) to be holding each other like this, your arms wrapped around him as he smooched you.
✧─── 《☆》 ───✧
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tht0nesimp · 6 months
Yandere Losers Club Headcanons
tw; kidnapping but like...less organized and only mentioned a little bit, manipulation, violence, drugging, hypochondria, forced religion,
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-he is much to his dismay like his mom
-He's like a constant nurse, even when you promise your fine! Hitting your knee on a rock hurt for sure, but its not like your going to die..well hopefully not, maybe he's right? thoughts like those will become common as he worms his worries into your mind
-He's willing to share, but only with the club, he continues to promise that its what's best for you when he gives you a prescription of Cyclobenzaprine, just enough to not give you too much serotonin syndrome, but a little extra joy is normal! Not being able to get up just means he needs to get you another prescription or eight! You trust him, dont you?
-Eventually when you try to distance yourself, all the drugs hes been giving you, all the prescriptions you now dont take will come crashing down on you. Hes not going to necessarily mock you when the kidnapping happens and you go through extreme stress and withdrawl...but this wouldn't have happened if you!-
-He gets along best with stan and mike, since all three want what's best for you
-He has his problems with, surprisingly, bev. She got you hurt once and he still hasn't completely forgiven her though he will back her up when you try and vent to him about her manipulating you
-Your overreacting! hes hurt you think she would ever spread rumors about you when she was bullied herself. shame, shame, shame on you
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-Manipulation to the max, she will make you want to spend time with her. There is no other option
-She's one of the more patient of the group though, when you finally start to distance yourself she will calmly help create a plan to help bring you home. You will inevitably be back after all whether its due to drug dependency or the loser club knocking you out on your way back from a party, is up to the universe
-She wouldnt hurt you to a certain point, if she believes its for the greater good then your tough out of luck. But she prefers to just make you feel guilty and dependent
-she gets along best with stan and ben, as the other two are too scared to stop her
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-Its not that he doesnt want you to not be a tad scared of him, but you make it so difficult! I mean, hes the worst at hiding his tendencies about you
-He doesnt fully get why you get bothered when he curses out your crush? What could possibly be wrong?
-Dont worry, he would never hurt you EVER. Well, not on purpose, a few scrapes on an adventure is different!
-He gets along best with mike and bill, as they both enjoy going on adventures with you as well
-Eddie and him clash sometimes, mainly just because of eddies naturally overprotective nature around you getting hurt
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-Mike is a bit more gentle, hes one of the few who feels guilt about what hes doing
-Hes also very jealous of the others at times, and although hed never take it out on you..sometimes he gets clingy when he thinks you might be prefering the others over him in any capacity of the sense
-It goes without saying that he wouldn't hurt you, but he cant bring himself to rat on the others when the kidnapping happens. He locks the guilt even further back in his mind at that point and refuses to acknowledge when you call them crazy
-He gets along best with eddie and bill, all three are deeply concerned for your safety just about constantly
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-Pomegranate??? When he's especially feeling in debt to god for giving you to him, he encourages you to pray! before bed...when you wake up...before eating....whenever you feel like leaving him...yknow when you should be grateful for things!
-If your not super religious he's...ok with that. Sometimes he may wish you were willing to engage with that stuff but he tries not to bring it up too much
-Besides that, hes somewhat tame. But he doesn't feel guilty
-He goes with the vibe of the group so if you do something wrong or when the kidnapping comes around and they feel you need repercussions he's not going to stand up for you but he wont be cruel to you
-He gets along well with bill and mike, theyre all pretty chill with you
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-You wont know hes a yandere unless they kidnap you, he's a scrawny little guy with a stutter who is barely keeping on after georgie's death...do your really think hed ever do stuff like that?!
-You help him with his stutter, your one of the big reason he tries to overcome it when hes a bit older
-Theres not much he does besides a bit of manipulation about him feeling guilty for what happened to his brother, after all, who wouldn't feel bad for this poor guy!
-He gets along best with bev, they both like each other...and you so it works out for them to share you
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defaultczx · 4 months
The losers being losers..
Eddie: richie your a mother fucker
Richie : you know eddie being a mother fucker is a good thing since-
Eddie : okay yeah no just shut up
Bill and bev: *cassually making out*
Ben: damn.. * heart broken , hes now emo 😭🙃👿👾🌛🖤🩶🦴💀🌑*
Mike : is okay lil bro you'll get her soon
Stan: *reading a book*
Richie : daddy issues
Stan : trash mouth
Richie: as long as i dont have daddy issues i will be happy
Stan : go fuck your self richie
Richie: already did
Stan: 😨
Bill : bev...are you gay?
Bev : i dont know? Why?
Bill : you've been looking at that girls ass for a while now...
Bev : bill...you did that too
Mike: can't believe richie has a girlfriend
Stan: i know right Like how can he pull someone with that mouth of his
mike: ITS A DUDE‼️
richie : no...
richie : what no...
Mike : then..that means...
Richie: yeah no i dont have no one...
Stan : *laughing to death*
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alyssaswrld999 · 9 months
You Have A Cute Face/ Bill Denbrough x Reader:
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I was riding my bike around Derry bored out of my mind. I really didn't want to go to the movies because the movies weren't really interesting. I didn't wanna go to the library because the librarians creep me out. And I sure as hell didn't want to go anywhere around the Bowers Gang.
I honestly don't feel like getting myself killed today so I'm just playing it safe. I really didn't know what Bill or any of the Losers were doing so I finally decided to go to the quarry for a swim. As I got there and was sitting down I seen the Losers Club. They were down near the creek at the bottom where you swim to after jumping off the cliff.
I was at the top of the cliff getting ready to look down at the water and rest. "Hey Losers" I shouted down at them. They all look up and seen me. I waved at them and they all waved at me. I then walk back from the cliff and remove my shirt and pants. I was now just in my bra and underwear. I didn't really have anything on me besides my bike. Which the losers left up here as well so I just put my bike near theirs.
I then run and jump off the cliff doing a flip on the way down. "WHAT THE FUCK" I heard Richie scream. I then hit the water and go under. I come back up and swim towards them. "How was that" I asked the Losers. "That was Awesome Y/n" Richie said smiling.
"Thank you Richie" I said laughing. I go and sit down beside Beverly. "So what are you all doing" I asked. "We actually are just hiding from Bowers as usual" Eddie said being sarcastic. I laughed at the joke. "Same here actually that's the amazing thing about being in the Losers Club" I said.
They all laughed with me at that joke. I smile and lay down resting in the shade. "It's so peaceful today" I whispered. Beverly layed down beside me resting as well. "Yeah it feels nice" Beverly added.
After having a nice time at the creek with the Losers we all decided to go home. Me and Bill live three houses down from eachother so he walked me home. "You look really pretty today Y/n you have nice style" Bill said. I smiled at Bill and giggled.
"Has anyone told you that you have a cute face Bill" I said. Bill blushed at what I said and started to stutter. "I-I-I no one has a-act-actually told me t-t-that Y/n" Bill said. I smiled and then kissed his lips. Bill kissed me back and froze.
"Well you do and by the way your a really good kisser" I said. I started to walk away to go inside until Bill grabbed my hand. He pulled me towards him and he kissed me again. "I th-think your face is c-c-cute too" Bill whispered smiling.
I put my head into his neck as I blush at what he said. "Th-thank you for walking me home" I said to Bill stuttering a bit since I was nervous. Bill walked me to my front door and looked at me. "Are you doing anything tommorow" Bill asked.
I smiled and looked at him. "No I'm not actually" I said. Bill nodded and then smiled. "D-Do you wanna h-h-hangout tommorow" Bill asked. I nodded my head yes. I mean Bill is cute and I have had a crush on him awhile. "Yeah sure" I said.
Bill nodded his head and smiled more. "Alright I will come by tomorrow and pick you up." Bill said. Then Bill walks down the porch and walks home with his bike. "Bye Y/n" Bill said. I smiled and watched him walk away. "Bye Bill" I said.
I turn around and walk into my house. I actually was really happy about tommorow and I could tell that Bill was as well. I mean he didn't even stutter when he told me he would be here tommorow.
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milalovesmatt · 9 months
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warnings: smut, getting caught, male oral
paring: stan marsh x reader
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“sorry we couldn’t finish” i say as you walk into stans house “thats why we can finish here” stan says with a smirk “isn’t shelly home?” “yeah but like-“ “no way we aren’t doing that when she could maybe walk jn” “ugh u worry too much” “🙄” “can u at-least help me” “fineeeee”
you two walk jnto stans room and he spread onto his bed and starts to take off his sweatpants “no let me” “awe am i your princess?” “yes🤭” you say as you kiss his nose and then go down on him “mhmm y/n don’t stop don’t stop” “shut up ner-“ “Shelly get out😡” “ew” “I TOLD U” “can u at-least finush😁” “no😡” “ugh i don’t get anything j want”
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def-livv · 7 months
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