#stand with victims
personal-blog243 · 17 days
I feel like we are more focused on the personal “morality” of those with wealth and power than addressing the systemic problems that make their lack of “morality” more influential.
What I’m trying to say is that people seem to be more interested in salacious stories of rich people throwing big parties or rich people being promiscuous or being on drugs when the truth is that poor people do all of these things too! Poor communities are the ones disproportionately affected by drug trafficking, sex trafficking, etc.
We need to more clearly address that the problem is that the wealthy and powerful have greater influence to do bad things, and that marginalized people are disproportionately impacted. I don’t care to hear about rich people having consenting adult sex parties or adults consensually using illicit substances.
I DO care about trafficking victims and abuse victims and people struggling with addiction. I just think it’s potentially dangerous to act like these are super secret things that only rich people do and act like your community can’t be impacted in a similar way.
No class of people are inherently more or less likely to do terrible things. The difference is the scope of impact and the power and influence. That is the difference between Jefferey Epstein and a lower class street pimp.
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a1-yn · 2 months
Just gonna put this out there. It is NOT okay to not side with victims of SA or DA because there isn’t proof. If your sister, daughter, brother, best friend, son, ect, came to you and told you they were assaulted, YOU WOULD STAND BY THEM. SA can be so fucking hard to prove, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Always stand with victims.
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drbtinglecannon · 1 year
In Knives Out Blanc wanted to do the murder mystery investigation with Marta so bad, but she was certain she was guilty so she spent a good amount of the movie avoiding/hiding stuff from him
Meanwhile in Glass Onion Helen was fucking carrying the investigation, even while accidentally getting drunk, and even went to investigation lengths Blanc was hesitant to do
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adskadrochilnya · 3 months
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"war victim privilege" oh I think it's time to put the phone down
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yourhighness6 · 3 months
I feel like people who dislike Zuko miss how important his character is, especially to IRL abuse victims. The journey from scared, angry, isolated and abused to confident, calm, loved and accepted while being handled almost perfectly in the context of his abuse is so underrated even while being hailed as one of the best redemption arcs of all time.
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dlanadhz · 4 months
It's hard to talk about the war in Israel.
It's hard because it seems that everyone I know who IS talking about it, is 300% on the side of Palestine and Hamas, and they're sharing articles that make Israel sound like a country of barbarians.
It's hard to talk about because I have a friend who lives in Israel, who's literal job is to study Jewish history and then teach it to others. And she's been updating me (and others on her Tumblr) about her experience during the war. She's been sharing articles and videos and first hand accounts, and it all sounds directly opposite to the propaganda I see everywhere else.
It's hard because it feels like everyone I know doesn't care that it's her job to know the history and the truth. They keep sharing the antisemitic articles and cheering for the downfall of any company that half-mentions support for Israel or doesn't outright support Palestine.
For some reason, people are looking at this war that doesn't effect 90% of them and seeing it in stark black and white. They're raging against a country that has never hurt them, in defense of known terrorists that have never done anything for them.
And it blows my mind that I can't even bring up the idea that I want my friend to be happy and healthy and safe and for her life to go back to some modicum of peace and stability in the country she loves, because too many people will accuse me of supporting genocide and colonization.
Honestly, wtf is happening. It's like watching Donald Trump win the election and wondering how so many people can suddenly be racist, close-minded bigots all over again. How has America (and maybe the world?) been convinced that Israel is nothing at all but an aggressor and Palestine and Hamas are nothing at all but innocent babies in need of defense?
To all the people who claim this IS a black and white issue - honestly fuck you. No war has ever been black and white, and you fucking know it. Your brain's just gone stupid over this war for some reason.
To the civilians in Palestine, you didn't deserve the war brought to your doorstep by the terrorists among you. I wish this war would end yesterday and aid can rush to you and help you heal. You didn't (and don't) deserve to have your friends and family caught in this crossfire.
To the civilians in Israel, you have never deserved the vitriol thrown at you. And you certainly don't deserve to hear the world calling for the eradication of your country and livelihoods, all while erasing the terrible deeds done against you in this war. I wish I could erase antisemitism from the minds of everyone in the world so that you could heal from generations of degradation and mistreatment. You didn't (and don't) deserve to have your friends and family caught in this crossfire.
To anyone calling for the eradication of either nation - fuck you and your bigoted hearts. We're supposed to be spreading love, not hatred. We're supposed to care about each other, not hope missiles wipe imaginary enemies off a map.
What the actual fuck.
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boyfridged · 1 year
i wish that 1. it was more of common knowledge that jason’s death marks a huge shift in tone of gotham-centric stories 2. dc also capitalised on this meta in their storytelling.
i want to see flashbacks that imitate the cheesy and sweet style of silver age nostalgia (one that we know from barr’s detective comics run for example). jay should have the iconic original robin costume (i don’t care that it’s silly, it’s supposed to be silly), and he should be cracking up jokes that made sense only in the 80s. and there should be scenes of him and batman (batman who used to smile at him openly) investigating in daylight.
cut to panels of dark, gritty gotham that have dominated contemporary stories. military boots in place of the pixie ones. blood on jason’s hands.
the contrast.
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alwaysisrael · 19 days
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redbuddi · 5 months
the James Somerton thing really shows how hard people are willing to go to bat for a white cis guy who seems to say all the right things and makes content they like no matter how much everyone else has proof of them being a bad person. That is, until a more popular white cis guy who says all the right things calls them out.
This isn't a criticism of Hbomberguy at all, but of everyone else for refusing to listen to the voices of the people James hurt until Hbomb made it cool. This happens all the time and is still happening and it drives me insane. Y'all need to do better.
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furiousgoldfish · 4 months
I just realized that I'm defining 'healing' by 'feeling and functioning a little better than I did before' when from any other point of view I literally just escaped, shut myself in, never talk about what happened, get scared of everything, don't make human connections and re-live past situations as if they're still here. But I am feeling a little better than I did. So I'm having good progress I guess.
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dealwithadeer · 3 months
Okay, but imagine Alastor indirectly 'apologizing' to Husk by indirectly 'correcting his threat:
It's during one of Charlies 'exercises' (between episode 5 and 6) and she asks everyone to share something about their life before they got down here. And much to the surprise of everyone, it's Alastor who starts.
He talks about how he used to have a stray cat that came by every now and again to his place. Alastor gave him food and shelter in exchange for the cat getting of all the pesky bugs and sometimes the cat would even leave him a half-dead rodents or birds on his porch. Alastor laughs at the memory. Then, the cat stayed longer and loner because he got sick. Alastor at first thought that he would find some form of entertainment in the struggle and the pain of his stray as the sickness and their age started to mix and made everything worse.
But he did not find anything amusing about it.
So he put his cat out of his misery quickly.
Angel looks worried at Husk thinking that Alastor is subtly threatening Husk. But Husk can't help but feel relived.
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sangled · 4 months
i think the only digital circus pairing i genuinely don't get is gangle & jax. gangle is not the shy moe girl with a crush. she gets bullied and has no spine so she does this to jax at night
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cyberreligion · 7 months
I'm dropping this right here because one too many of yall can't seem to grasp the idea that not everyone wants to hold hands and play pattycake with their fucking oppressors.
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11x13kyle · 6 months
i don’t hold kyle to as high of a standard morally as the other characters because if i were in his situation and being treated by other people the way he gets treated every day i would get biblical levels of violent
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Had an antisemite reblog my fear post and say "this is me laughing at you whiny bitch".
I guess I'm not human and don't deserve human rights and dignity.
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passports-pls · 9 months
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“What’s the difference between killing one man or two?”
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