#spunky raccoon
xhedgehoundx · 1 year
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Spooky Spunky
Animated gif art for https://www.twitch.tv/spunkyracoon
Posted using PostyBirb
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nickbutnodick · 6 days
maybe i should get that checked out? nah, it's probably fine.
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plutolovesyou · 2 months
10:15 Saturday Night
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☆: this one-shot is based on this little imagine/idea thing y'all really liked! ellie coming into your bedroom after throwing rocks at your window, that famed rom-com trope. i love making titles from songs so here’s this one. linking it because i despise the way the audio embed thing looks, that shit’s so ugly- have nothing else to say except this was meant to be only fluffy, but i got a little carried away at the end (and sub!ellie turns me into a rabid raccoon so) 😇 smut is embarrassing af to write i better get over that lmao but anyway, hope you enjoy!
♧: 5k word count
◇: SMUT!! porn w/ plot, but it's sweet. lotsa fluff too, modern au, established relationship, reader feels gloomy in the beginning, mentions of unspecified argument, dorky ellie saves the day, mentions of being irritated at family, mututal teasing back n forth, ellie’s lowk annoying LMAO. kinda mean reader (but in a hot way), lazy/rushed intro bc i’m impatient. cuddling → starts out as top!ellie but oops! a dash of nipple play, a little fighting for dominance ending in sub!ellie & dom!reader, fingering (e! and r! receiving), oral (e! receiving), risky sex. she's a whimperer folks- lawd i needa ruin her….this is very self indulgent, in case you couldn’t tell. lmk if i forgot anything!)
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Waiting for the telephone to ring, and I’m wondering where she's been. And I'm crying for yesterday, and the tap drips. Drip, drip, drip, drip….
Robert Smith’s vocals rang through the room as you spun around in your chair, round and round and round until you got dizzy, your brain being jostled around in your skull as if you were on a rollercoaster. Gaming chairs, powerful things they were. You were lost in thought, pondering the state of the world and your life, because you had nothing better to do other than wallow in your miseries. 
Everything was going downhill, or that’s certainly what it felt like currently. You hated every single one of your responsibilities and life was generally not being kind to you. But most of all, you hated disagreeing with your girlfriend. Ellie could get a little feisty when things didn't go exactly her way, and you loved that fighter quality about her, but maybe not when it was used in your disagreements with her. This particular day her spunky attitude was getting on your nerves, and both of you had gotten a little irritated with each other.
You knew that neither one of you meant anything you said in the heat of the moment, you just had occasional squabbles like everyone else. However this time, today’s words hit you a little harder. Not to mention it was spring break and so for the time being you’d gone back home to spend time with your family. Ellie had done the same. You were very grateful the two of you grew up close to each other, only started your relationship years after initially meeting. You enjoyed reminiscing about the budding moments, adored looking back on the good ole days. 
The source of today’s irritation could have been a myriad of things. Maybe you’d had another little fight with your family members, had a lot of assignments due after the break was over, and the weather was generally horribly ugly. Gray, cloudy skies, pouring rain, wind and chilly temperatures, everything was just going swimmingly. When all of that added up it was only natural for people to be a little on edge, and briefly forget the good moments life had to offer, wasn't it?
Picking up your phone, you stared at the sent message to Ellie, just a plain text asking what she’s up to. Even in moments of disagreements where you needed space to get yourself back on track, you would send her little messages as a way to show her, and reassure yourself, that it was only temporary and the two of you would talk it out amazingly and come out even stronger on the other side.
But now you’ve been left on delivered for hours, was she really that busy? Knowing her, it was likely. Her and Joel were probably out fishing or hiking or doing some other fun outdoorsy activity, while you were just left to rot within the confines of your childhood bedroom. Had she not ticked you off earlier you would have asked to come with. Waiting on an answer from her of any kind would only serve to frustrate you even more, so you put your phone away and collapsed into your warm, inviting bed, despite it being way too early to go to sleep. But you didn’t feel like doing much of anything else, so a little shut-eye wouldn’t hurt. 
Within moments you were out like a light. Blissfully relaxing in dreamland, where you were frolicking amongst colorful flower fields and riding on the back of a unicorn into the sunset, dancing with fairies and twirling to your heart's content. Your family dog’s deafening barking was drowned out by you playing the harp with elves and floating endlessly into an abyss of turquoise waters. You were so deep in this wonderful dream, it was healing you in all the right ways you needed right now. Restoring every ounce of energy you lost, fighting against your inner saboteurs so efficiently. You’d simply stay there forever if you could. Until-
Plink, plink, plink. A small, repetitive sound persisted through your slumber, eventually waking you up. Startling awake and switching on your lamp, you stepped out of bed with a groan, stumbling over your steps and rubbing your eyes to get to the window to see what in the world could possibly be happening.
It was raining heavily, and seemed to be hours after you had initially fallen asleep. You squinted through the raindrops coating the pane of glass and down into your yard as an attempt to scout out the noise. Looking down through the blur, you were met with your loving, apologetic girlfriend, her form scurrying around your yard in the dark of night, scavenging your yard for something. Were those pebbles she was throwing at your window? How cliche.
It appeared as if she had found some, standing upright and rearing her arm back in preparation to fling it at the glass, until she saw you and waved. You didn't open the window just yet, and signaled to tell her to scram. What was she doing here at this hour, in this weather? You flapped your arms frantically in every direction, out towards every axis, resulting only in her pouting and shaking her head. You weren't going to get rid of her that easily.
Twisting and turning the knob to open the window with a creak, you lean outside in the drizzle and stage whisper down at her. “Ellie? It's like, I don't even know the time, but it's late. What the fuck are you doing?” The phrases thrown at each other during your earlier squabble flickered through your mind again, but you pushed them aside because the sight of your love always made your heart melt. And she was clearly up to something, so you were going to see it through to the end.
She shouts up at you, “Hey, I wanna say I'm sorry for earlier. I wanna make it up to you so-” She cuts herself off by bending into a kneel, setting down her bag on the wet grass and rummaging through it, pulling out her navy blue ukulele and clearing her throat. You feel yourself blush from the actions, might be from second hand embarrassment, might be because you're touched by the gesture. She begins.
“So, uh, I tried getting my guitar but it was too big to carry all the way here and I don't want it to get wet so, this'll do.” She strums it, gently swaying from side to side, and sings a scuffed rendition of A-ha's Take on Me, her voice shaking slightly and the cheap instrument being significantly out of tune. The rain and distant thunder was drowning her out, but watching patiently was more than fine. You stay at your window, listening to her serenade until the last few lyrics.
Not even realizing it, but once she finishes the performance, your heart is warmed and you're beaming at her. You truly loved her so much, and as much as you wished to, couldn't stay mad at her for any longer. And regardless, standing out in the rain getting soaked to the bone like that was her punishment, in a sense. The moonlight is dancing on her face in a way that makes her eyes twinkle as if they were plucked straight from the cosmos, and she's grinning widely at you. Enchanting as ever.
“Did it work? I love you!” She blows you a kiss, wipes her slicked down hair from her face and shudders violently. “It's really cold down here, can I come up? Please lemme in.” The slight nasally tone in her voice could make you do anything for her, damn, this girl didnt even know how much of a hold she had on you sometimes.
“Fine. Just one sec.” You closed the window on her to take a quick, silent stroll through the halls of your house to make sure every one of your family members was situated in their respective rooms, and unlikely to be disturbed by any ruckus. By the time you made your way back to your own room, Ellie had already perched herself in the big oak tree next to your house. She was crouched at the top of it, gripping onto a branch and peering inside your room, calmly waiting for you to return and so you could give her the “okay” to come in.
She startled you momentarily, looking like a bit of a creep staring into your house like that, but you laughed it off and opened the window fully for her. “Okay, here goes.” Ellie mumbles under her breath and inches forward closer to the edge of your roof. It wasn't a big gap, but there was a sure possibility of injury and it was a risk you didn't want her to take, but Ellie being Ellie, she was going to be reckless and do it anyway.
What if her foot slipped on the wet shingles and she went splat on the ground? Or broke every bone in her body with a crunch…? That wouldn't be pretty. Your stomach flipped with nerves and you grimaced, turning away. “Please don't die.” She didn't respond and instead only focused on completing the jump to your roof with a “hmf”. One step was done, you breathed a sigh of relief and opened one eye.
She was slowly making her way there with both arms outstretched, and as she had almost completed the journey, she tripped. You screeched quietly and turned away again, that was definitely helpful, but bracing yourself for the worst inevitably proved unnecessary when you heard her familiar raspy giggle. She caught herself just in time and was at the windowsill now, appearing winded from the effort and adrenaline.
“Heh, told you I'd be fine.” “Ellie don't scare me like that, just hurry up.” You helped her crawl inside your candle lit room by the arm, and once she was inside only then did you notice how drenched she was from the rain. Just sopping wet, dripping water all over your, thankfully, hardwood floors. The severity of the conditions outside only became even more apparent to you now, poor girl was about to turn into an icicle. It would be mean of you to leave her like this and let her catch a cold, she hasn’t wronged you quite that much. But a part of you was feeling a little playful, a little mischievous perhaps.
“Don't move, I'll find you something warm.” Before you can disappear inside your closet to find her some dry clothes she attacks you in a clumsy embrace, resulting in you being soaked now too. You try to pry her away and feel goosebumps come on as her cold lips connect with your neck, moist smacks as she smooches you all over.
“Let go, Els, c'mon you're gonna get me all wet too.” You lament to her, then regret your choice of words instantly as she pulls away to look at you, wiggle her eyebrows and smirk, to which she comments. “Damn right I am, that's m'goal.”
Whenever she pulls dirty jokes on you your immediate instinct is to burst into laughter, but you clap your hand over your mouth and hiss back at her. “Shhhh we gotta be really quiet, everyone's asleep. I don't feel like getting a talking-to at breakfast in the morning, y'know because ‘their house, their rules’.” You whisper the explanation to her as you roll your eyes and mock your family's words, adding air quotes as well. 
Ellie gives you double thumbs up in response, solemnly swearing to not produce a peep. After rummaging through your drawers, you find a warm pajama set which matches yours and make her put it on while you sneak around to grab her a towel to dry off with too. 
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Moments later the two of you are cuddled up in your bed together, entangled in each other's arms, enjoying the quiet company. Just listening to the other’s steady intakes and exhales of oxygen, warm hands caressing over clothes stroking each other's hair, wanting to absorb into the other and assimilate into one being. What a shame that wasn't possible, you thought. 
There wasn't too much of a need to discuss the disagreement in depth, because of the mutual understanding it wasn't anything serious, and ultimately the product of annoying circumstances, which was definitely a huge relief. Shit happens, and you were as glad ever to be entangled in her arms again, although it was worth mentioning in short anyway. You break the silence by whispering into her ear.
“You didn't have to come here Els.” You hear her let out a throaty chuckle, then squeeze your waist tighter. “I felt bad, I know you've been kinda under the weather recently. And wanna say sorry for being annoying earlier.” She murmured into the side of your neck, sending tingles on a path spreading throughout your whole body.
While the the two of you were cuddling in your room keeping conversation faint as can be, she had absent-mindedly began to roam her hands around your body, from the sides of your ribcage, to clutching your waist, to settling on your hips to play with the waistband of your fleece pajama pants. She was placing feather-light kisses on your neck simultaneously, and you found it hard to believe she didn't know what she was doing, but it was definitely working on you, and you frankly found it funny. She really did have a habit of being handsy. Your logical side was screaming how bad of an idea this was, but your horny side…
It was like the angel and devil sitting atop your shoulders, debating the pros and cons. You wondered who was going to win.
Teasingly whispering back to her, “Els, what do you think you’re doing?” Even through her hushed tone, you could hear the smirk dancing upon her pretty pink lips. “Nothin’ much, just feelin’ up my girl.” She finishes the statement with a firm squeeze to your boobs. Subtle. And just like that, the little devil was winning, you could hear their maniacal cackles metaphorically in your mind. 
“Ellie, my fuckin’ parents are asleep in the next room over, do you know how thin these stupid walls are?” “So?” “So??? Do you want me to die knowing they were woken up by their adult, straight-A, accomplished, child sneaking in her girlfriend in the middle of the night, like we’re teenage hooligans in a movie or something?”
You'd put Pinocchio to shame by lying like this, knowing full well having her cuddled up close to you, feeling her strong hands sensually explore every curve and valley on your body, and her wearing some of your favorite pajamas was slowly but surely getting you all worked up. All that in tandem with the risk factor was turning you on much more than you'd care to admit. Unpack that another day. Your face was burning and your heart rate was increasing whether you liked it or not, and your girlfriend was right there…a little messing around wasn't going to hurt anyone, was it? 
Hesitantly giving in, you turn around in bed to face her and wordlessly press a kiss to her lips, shoving down the lingering embarrassment. It surprises her and she doesn't kiss you back right away, instead laughs in your face and cracks more stupid dad jokes, only making you roll your eyes and punch her in the arm. She snickers, “Ha, not so good after all, are ya?”
When you don't throw a snarky remark back at her she takes your face in her bracelet-clad hand, thumb gliding across your bottom lip smoothly. The dim light in your room casts shadows on her face that make her look mystical, and hot as hell. “Wanna make you feel good.” She murmurs, mostly to herself, while scanning your features shamelessly.
You abruptly sit up and she follows, watching you quizzically. You look her up and down a few more times, just for the sake of it, before roughly yanking her towards you by the shirt and slamming your lips onto hers. She responds properly this time, slipping her tongue into your mouth with ease just how you like it, her grabby hands running all over your body, not knowing where to settle.
The kiss is hot and greedy, pure need coursing through your veins. You'd only been apart for a week at most, and it was definitely a week too long. Your own hands find their way up to her auburnette locks as you grab a fistful and pull, coaxing a scarcely audible groan rumble from her throat. You nip and bite down on her neck, stopping when you get to her pulse point where you could feel just how hard her heart was racing, reveling in the tiny pants leaving her lips as she tried so hard to stay as quiet as possible per your request, screwing her eyes shut and gritting her teeth.
She pulls you back up to meet her in a sloppy kiss, maneuvering the two of you so she was on top of you and you were on your back, gripping the soft flesh of your thighs as she places herself between your legs. Her fingers playing with your nipple while the front of her pelvis rammed against your heat was making you desperate for more of her, and quickly.
Her hands slid under your shirt and caressed your skin all over your entire torso, then you stopped her to take your shirt off and throw it to a corner of your room. Ellie wasted no time to place her mouth on your chest, peppering sweet kisses wherever her lips could reach, licking and sucking on your nipples until they hardened, pausing to stare up at you when the sensation made you squirm into her and sigh. “So much for being quiet, huh?” She taunts oh so smugly, thinking she's got to you. 
But her voice fluctuates in pitch as her mind becomes more clouded with arousal, resulting in you getting wetter and wetter. She was going to kill you. Bucking your hips into her in pursuit of some friction, she takes the hint and briskly undoes the bow on your pj pants, and slides her hand in. Her fingers land on the wet spot soaking through your underwear and she prods at it, just to annoy you further.
She really was being purposely insufferable today. You jeer at her, “can you just-” She shuts you up by kissing you again, messily and open-mouthed, swallowing every little sound you made. You pull her closer against you by the waist, and she whimpers. That turned you on even more, if that was even possible, your whole being thrumming with lust, new ideas materializing in your mind. What if you got back at her for being annoying, and in the best way?
The risk factor of having to stay impossibly quiet only added more fuel to the fire, and now you wanted to challenge it as much as you could. You snake your hand down her body and palm her pussy over her clothes and you swore you could feel her clench as soon as you made contact.
She lowers her head to your shoulder and her hand in your pants stops moving, you've officially broken this girl with one lazy touch. “Hmm?” You hum, feigning foolishness as if nothing was deliberate. “Seems you're the needy one here, Els.” Cooing at her in a low voice, her uneven breathing fills your ear. The way she'd planted herself on top of you made the task difficult but not impossible, and you shimmied your hand to her boxers, feeling up the wet spot that was surely triple the size of yours. Not cracking jokes now, is she?
And voila, you knew what your next moves were going to be. Your only goal was to have some fun with her now, just because you could. You began to rub your fingers up and down her slit, the thin fabric catching her clit perfectly making her breath hitch as she tries to suppress whines. “Hey, that's not…fair.” Ellie attempts to regain composure over herself and talks back through gasps, but you don't cease what you're doing. Breaking her was too good.
She fights back by copying your motions, her shaky hand rubbing your pussy at a messy rhythm, up and down, side to side, really not accomplishing much because eventually you win, and she removes her hand from you and presses her body against yours, clutching your waist for dear life and shoving her head in the crook of your neck to stabilize herself. 
Her whimpers and tiny moans were music to your ears, egging you on to do more. Moving the fabric aside, you slide a finger inside her needy, drenched hole, slick dripping down your knuckles as you find her spongy spot and curl your fingers against it. She hisses on top of you, clearly you were doing something right. 
Inserting another one, you could feel her walls clench and gush around your digits, as you ruthlessly pressed against her g-spot, the heel of your palm bumping against her sensitive clit, eliciting harsher whines from her, muffled by your shoulder. 
After a short few moments, you could tell she was about to cum by the way her pussy walls fluttered, and whimpers increased in desperation, sugary, dulcet “ah- haah"s escaping from her lips. 
“Gettin close, Els?” Your voice was supple as honey, you were enjoying this too much. She gulps and nods her head, “yeah..hn..please.”
Not so fast. “Hm, okay.” Replying in a cheery tone, as cheery as you can be while whispering that is, you stop all you're doing and tap her on the back. She puffs and sniffles, her voice small and trembling. “What'd you do that for?” 
She was too cute like this, you chuckled at her pathetic attempts to rut against you to get that release, and grunt in annoyance. 
“Patience.” “Whatever.” She grumbled. “Lay down.” You order her gently, and stroke her hair. Of course she obeys, she needed this too much. 
With shaky arms Ellie lifts herself off of you, pouting down at you then plopping herself down beside you in the bed. 
Switching places, you stare down at her fondly, wanting to make her feel good properly now. She deserved it after all that. You bend to kiss her forehead, which makes her blush go from rosy to crimson to maroon, her freckles blending in with her cheeks, and she bites her bottom lip while avoiding your gaze. Her expression was simply adorable, all flushed and fucked out already, all for you.
You grope at her chest, making her whine and scrunch her face up. “Need you, please.” She asks, so nicely, her normally confident voice breaking. Of course you'll give her what she wants.
You decide she's waited plenty enough, and tug her boxers and pajama bottoms off in one swift motion, discard them in the same corner of your room your shirt is currently residing, and get to work. 
Wasting not a second more, you rapidly shove your face in her pussy, latching onto her clit and sucking with fervor. Taking her in your mouth, grazing with the tips of your teeth ever so gently. She squirms beneath you, her knuckles turning white from how hard she's gripping the sheets on either side of her. 
Losing yourself in her, nipping and sucking and licking to your heart's content, humming at her taste and purring praises into her, “pretty, pretty pussy” the vibrations from your low voice reverberating through her only making everything more intense. One particularly forceful knock of the tip of your nose to her clit makes her squeal and close her thighs around your head, unfortunately that was much louder than preferable.
Both of you freeze, chests heaving up and down, staring dazed and wide-eyed at the other, and listen through the walls to see if it caused any disturbance, and you shoot a glare at her once confirming it was unnoticed by anyone in your otherwise silent house. Not a rustle was heard, thank goodness. You exhale through a whistle, then warn through your teeth, “One more sound and I'm pushing you right out that window, got it?” 
It came out meaner than you'd meant it to, but she accepts and nods meekly, responding in a wobbly voice, “M'sorry, can't help it.” You relax and press kisses on the soft flesh of her inner thighs, before resuming just as before.
You continue devouring her, her toned abs flexing and caving in beautifully, the light slurping and squelching sounds filling the room, all while holding her hips in place, fingers pressing into the shape of her muscles while she arches her back above you and her fist flies to grab onto your hair, with deathly strength. A symphony of choked “guh- uh” left her throat while you lapped up her slippery fluids, sensing her body twitch as her orgasm began to build. She didn't even have to tell you, you knew her body like you knew your own at this point.
Curling your fingers in her once more, tongue never halting its circles around her pulsing bud and a final thrust to her g-spot was enough to push her off the edge, finally.
The rush ripples through her as her whole body seizes and tenses up, she's creaming around your hard-at-work fingers, and you help her ride out the high by licking gently and weakening the pressure until she pushes your head away because it was getting too much. All that with no sound louder than a mere squeak and string of whispers resembling your name and a colorful array of profanities, she had bitten down on her hand so hard her canines had left dents, but otherwise looked so content and at peace. Gasps lessening and breathing steadying to the pace before, a faint smile on her pretty face, and her eyes lazily closed. 
Seeing her all satisfied and happy in turn made you happy, and you cuddled on top of her, laying your head on her chest. Her heartbeat was going at such a fast and frantic pace, you loved hearing it slow back to normal. 
Adjusting yourself made her wince, still so sensitive from all you did. “Sorry Els. Did so good.” You mumble and lean up to peck the side of her neck as she drapes her arms around your back and rubs in circles, calming the both of you.
She hums contentedly. “Love you.” “Love you too Els.” 
You didn't even care about cleaning up or moving or anything of the sort, because being close to her was all that mattered. The last thing she said before falling asleep and kissing you on the top of the head was, “To the moon and back.” And you fell asleep immediately after her, feeling loved and comforted just like whenever you spent time with her, your girlfriend's ideas always turned out well after all.
Now as for the morning, that was a problem for future you to deal with. Were your parents going to barge in your room and throw her out, or was it going to be an awkward conversation? Who cares? Now it was only time to drift off to dreamland together, hand in hand.
And that you did. You disappeared from this reality and into an ethereal dream world just like earlier, only she was there with you. It was eternally euphoric, the two lovers delightfully singing duets with the fairies, skipping into the horizon and climbing up the arcs of glittery rainbows, it was more than you ever hoped for. As if there never was any disagreement to begin with, all issues were solved when you were together with her, your other half.
Now this dream you really wanted to stay in forever, but since that wasn't possible, you vowed to savor and appreciate it, and her, to the fullest.
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lol someone sedate meeeeeee. idk how to end these. pikmin :3 IKKK THE ENDING IS RUSHED TOO AAAA whateva.
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porcelainseashore · 2 months
Into the Ether (1)
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Vampire! Toreador! Leon Kennedy x Fem! Reader
Summary: At the all-night events cafe you run, you’ve become acquainted with an elusive patron, Leon, though you can never remember the last moments of your interactions together. After a harrowing encounter, a love-hate relationship develops between the two of you as you grapple with your newfound status in a world of darkness and investigate the reasons behind the untimely attacks.
Content & Warnings: 18+ Resident Evil x Vampire: The Masquerade crossover, horror, mystery, romance, slow burn, strangers to enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, eventual smut, swearing, smoking, non consensual blood drinking, blood bond, vampire turning, violence, injury, mild gore, torture, religious themes, minor character death, RE ensemble, VtM concepts.
Authors' Note: Super excited for this crossover series! I’ll try to keep a regular update schedule on Wednesdays. I might take some liberties with VtM lore and mechanics to fit the story, but hope to stay as true as I can to the source material. Finally, I imagined RE2R Leon (my favorite!) in this role 🫶
AO3 Link
Chapter 1: RC By Night
You first saw him in summer, when the days were long and the nights were short, and the streets came to life again. There was the heady smell of pollen in the air and the humidity was sweltering. Just a couple of months after you and a bunch of idealistic friends from your theater school days had taken the plunge, and opened an all-night cafe in one of the cheaper, grittier areas of town, east of the river of Raccoon City.
It had been a scrappy little project, one you didn’t expect to receive a cult following and gain in popularity amongst the intellectuals and counterculture crowd. But then again, there was also the City College nearby and the events program you’d lined up each week drew them in. From comedy nights and disco fevers to site-specific and performance art, you knew what people liked and how they wanted to be entertained. A bit of kitsch, a sprinkle of avant-garde and a generous dose of unpretentious social drinking. It pulled him in too.
Him. You didn’t even know his name. The first thing you had noticed were his striking blue eyes that seemed to glow from the shadows of the dimly lit space, peering out at you. Always observing, always watching, never speaking. Sometimes he’d glance over across the opposite end of the room at another pair of companions — a rugged, broad-shouldered man with a dark crew cut bumping shoulders with a younger, spunky redhead in a matching biker jacket. They’d exchange subtle looks of recognition and mild suspicion before returning to whatever they were doing. Though they never uttered a single word to each other.
He came back week after week, ordering the same drink each time, but never touching it. One Manhattan, please. You obliged. A waitress you had sent over to pry on your behalf told you he enjoyed the cocktail, but couldn’t tolerate much alcohol. You saw him lift the drink to his nose, sniffing it as the corners of his mouth turned upwards, silently smiling to himself before he placed it back down on the table again. Strange. You shook your head and prepared a cup of black coffee, taking it over to him as his eyes lit up in surprise with your approach.
“On the house,” you explained, plonking it down on the table. He raised an eyebrow but remained tight-lipped.
Maybe he didn’t like coffee? Or how did he usually take it? “Uh—” you turned back towards the service area, as if to check that the condiments were still in place. “Would you like some creamer or sugar to go with it?”
He raised his hand to indicate it wasn’t necessary and his jaw clenched, before fixing it into an awkward smile. “Thank you.”
Those were the first words he had spoken to you. It rolled off his tongue like a swirl of mist, a sliver of a dream you couldn’t quite remember when waking up. You took another step forward to get a better look at him. He had a baby face, angelic almost, with that typical, boy next door charm your mom would have gushed at, and you imagined he couldn’t be older than his early twenties. Upon closer inspection, he seemed slightly pale, faint dark circles around his eyes that had seen more than his fair share for his age. There was a sense of weariness and jadedness behind them that made him appear older than he was.
Bringing the cup to his lips, he sipped a small mouthful, letting it sit for a moment, before swallowing it down languidly. You admired the curve of his Adam’s apple, bobbing as the liquid poured down his throat, littered with freckles and specks of moles. Something about his very presence mesmerized you, even more so than earlier. It was hard to place a finger on what it was exactly, and why this feeling seemed to grow with every second you were lingering near him.
He pulled out a pack of cigarettes, tapping it on the table before offering one to you. Why not? You were a social smoker and took it as a sign to join him. In fact, there was no other place you’d rather be at the moment. You were confused, but did not question it as you took a seat beside him, noticing that he flinched each time he flicked open his lighter to ignite a flame.
His fingertips brushed across your wrist as he lit your cigarette, causing you to shiver in response, while his jaw tensed again, as if trying to rein something in. Licking his lips, he took a puff from his own, exhaling the smoke as it billowed around him and for a second you thought you’d lost him to a wall of fog. Both of you continued smoking in silence, checking in with each other through furtive glances, even though there was nothing to be ashamed about.
At some point, you followed the direction of his gaze and saw that same pair of companions he often regarded from the corner of his eye. They were frowning, giving him dirty looks as he shrugged nonchalantly in return.
“Not much of a talker, are you?” you broke through the thick stillness of the air that surrounded the both of you like a bubble, separated from the rest of the evening revelers.
“You’re observant,” he teased, his eyes crinkling as he stubbed out the leftovers of his cigarette in the ashtray. You followed suit.
“So, what brings you here?” you asked, gesturing to the suit attire sans tie that he was wearing. “Don’t get me wrong, but this place doesn’t exactly seem like the kind you types hang out at.”
“Hm,” he huffed, though your question didn’t phase him. “And what exactly is my type?”
“I’d say you were a yuppie,” you blurted out, your mouth rarely had a filter on these days. “But I can’t be sure, something about you seems…”
“Off?” he offered, smirking, yet his expression carried a hint of somberness.
“Different,” you corrected, but mumbled out a quick apology nonetheless soon after.
“Don’t be,” he grazed your hand again as he adjusted himself in his chair, and you felt like he was doing this on purpose. “At least you’re honest. It’s a rare quality to find these days.” Though the way he said the last sentence sounded loaded with a double meaning.
“These days?” you guffawed. “You’re speaking like an old man.”
He joined in your laughter though that was the end of your conversation for that night. The rest of the evening went by in a blind haze, and you found yourself in a dazed state later on in the wee hours of the morning, still sitting at the same table, but your newfound friend gone without a trace. None of your colleagues had noticed a thing. You didn’t even get his name, but you shook yourself, commanding your limbs to get back to business and clean up after the customers that had left.
The next time you saw him was when you were hosting the karaoke night of the month. Decked out in a shimmery mermaid glitter jumpsuit, hair tied up in pigtails and face caked with extravagant make up, you hopped onto the stage, only to nearly stumble on your flimsy heels when those piercing blue eyes landed on you from the all the way back. Of all the nights he could have dropped in, he chose this one.
You suppressed your embarrassment and warmed up the audience with a couple of well-placed jokes before kicking the event off with those who had registered to participate. It appeared to be a tough crowd as you only had a handful of sign ups, and would need to potentially seek out volunteers when they were done. You hoped the rackety sound system would hold up till then too.
Fortunately, when it came to the crunch — which it did — you always had an ace up your sleeve. “You there,” you called out, pointing towards the back of the room. “Yeah, blue eyes, you.” Crooking your finger, you beckoned him over, waiting in anticipation to see what he would do.
To your surprise, he bowed his head, accepting the challenge, before slowly weaving his way through the crowd, who were cheering him on with your prompting, towards the stage. He flashed you his pearly whites as he climbed up the short stairs, his floppy bangs bouncing with each step. For a moment, you thought you caught something feral in his gaze, but it dissipated when he reached out for the mic from you, his hands sweeping over yours with an electric touch.
You were in awe of him, like almost everyone else in the cafe, when he broke out in a rich tenor voice, effortlessly floating through the notes of the gentle melody, that you felt as though you were being wrapped in a serene, velvet cocoon. Enthusiastic claps and hoots filled the space when he finished. The only two people in the room who were scowling were the same pair of companions he knew from before.
“Will you join me after the show?” he whispered in your ear as he handed you back the mic. Nodding was the only appropriate response.
You were rushed off your feet for the next couple of hours and it was late by the time you called the event to a close, but he was still there, by his usual table, waiting patiently for you.
“So you decided to push me into the spotlight,” he accused with a wry smile.
“Don’t pretend you didn’t enjoy it,” you shot back. “Here.” You set a cup of black coffee down in front of him. “My treat.”
“You’re too kind.” It sounded flat, like a game that had become routine between the two of you. He took a sip from it, nothing more, nothing less.
That was all you could recall from your conversation. You didn’t get his name until a few nights after.
“Hey, blue eyes,” you acknowledged as he strolled in.
“Leon,” he disclosed sharply. “It’s Leon.”
That was the night of exchanging introductions. You named all the nights you’d spent with him under various labels, so you wouldn’t forget.
Another night, he had whipped out a flip phone and you nearly choked on your drink. “They still make those?” You stared in disbelief.
He turned to face you in amusement.
“Bet you don’t have a—”
You didn’t even need to finish your sentence for him to fish out his pager, dangling it in front of you like a toy.
“Fuck off,” you laughed. “No fucking way.”
He grinned at your outburst and it was one of those times, few and far between, where you experienced a glimpse of that youthful energy he often hid behind a calm, matured facade.
“You’re still living in the 90s dude?” you jested, grabbing the pager as you flipped it over, trying to determine if it was real. It was.
His lips curled up into a playful smirk. “Something like that.”
“Healthcare,” you guessed, squinting at him. “I heard people there still have them. You’re a doctor?”
“I wish.” He coughed out a self-deprecating laugh, before rummaging through his wallet for a sleek white card, sliding over to you. “PI, actually.”
“Private Investigator Leon S. Kennedy,” you read the title out loud, deliberately emphasizing each word.
“Go ahead, shout it from the rooftops,” he joked.
“Don’t tempt me.” You gave what you hoped was a cheeky wink, not flirty, definitely not flirty.
A lopsided smile spread across his face, and you wondered if you were finally beginning to unravel the mystery of this man, one that he seemed to carry around like a burden.
“Well, now you know where to find me.” He winked back, taking a tiny sip of his free coffee.
That was the night of P.I. Kennedy. Soon, these nights blurred into each other. You felt like you were getting a step closer, but yet you weren’t. He always had you at an arm’s length for some reason, even though he seemed to want more. Why did he keep coming back?
He also appeared to care about what you thought of him. At some point forth, he started dressing down, exchanging his usual formal attire for a shirt with no blazer, and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. A fine gold chain necklace peeked out from underneath his top collar, which was left unbuttoned. “Better like this?” he asked with no context. You had to pause and consider what he meant for a while before you understood.
“If you’d like to fit in.” You shrugged indifferently. “But I don’t think you want to.”
“You know me well,” he murmured fondly. The back of his fingers caressed the side of your neck, just under your jawline, along a pulse point. You closed your eyes and sighed. It felt sensitive and tender.
“And how well do you know me?” you asked. 
There was no reply, but somehow you already knew the answer.
Another thing you were vaguely aware of was that you kept missing the tail end of your interactions with him. It was as though after a certain point in the night, you would come to, like waking up from a daydream, and he would have disappeared by then.
Your colleagues asked if you were seeing each other. Were you? You were only chatting, you surmised. Nothing had gone that far yet, at least from what you had gathered. But you liked him more than you would’ve liked to admit.
He walked you home one night, and when you reached your doorstep, you were about to invite him in, but he interrupted you. “There’s something I need to tell you…”
Guilt clouded his eyes, unmistakable and heavy. But as he was about to say more, he held back, as if pulled by an invisible thread. Then, you felt yourself overcome with tiredness, but it was pleasant and comforting. “Can you help me to bed?” Your voice sounded far away.
All at once, you felt yourself being propped up under his arm and your weight shifting under your feet, until your head touched a feather-soft pillow. He draped a blanket over your unmoving body. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I never should have—” Even in your state, you could tell it pained him.
“I won’t do it again, unless you let me.” 
That was the last you heard from him for a while.
Leon couldn’t get enough of you. Believe him, he tried countless times, but it didn’t work. From the moment he had set foot into that establishment, he had damned himself. He knew it when he spotted you and smelled your sanguine resonance from afar. It was the humor of your blood, and it was stronger and more consistent than he was used to. You were just so full of life, and enjoying it to the point where he was envious. You signified all the hopes and dreams that had been dashed spectacularly to the ground, ever since becoming… what he was now.
He had to have a taste of you. A little drop wouldn’t hurt, would it? He’d been taught ages ago, by Ada, his sire, that he needed people like you to survive. If one ignored their hunger for too long, things would get worse, so much worse, and not just for himself, but for everyone else around him. It was simply the lesser of two evils to feed, and he’d never actually killed anyone by doing so. Then, why did it feel so wrong? He had gotten good at pushing down these thoughts, until they were reduced to an inaudible hum at the back of his mind. Just like many other things, he learnt to compromise. But compromising meant that sometimes, he’d lose a piece of himself. If there was an equivalent of a soul within the monster he had become, then it was fragmented, and he’d never get back the ones that had dissolved into the ether, due to the bad decisions he had made. Like the ones he would soon make with you.
Taste. Taste was something he had acquired since young. In his human life, he always had an eye for detail, an eye for what fit, what worked, and what didn’t. It certainly helped when he became a cold case detective with the police force, filled with unbridled potential, only to have that overturned, when he decided to chase after love instead of missing people and puzzle pieces. For years, he would’ve done anything for her, only for it to amount to wasted time and regret when the inevitable boredom that came with time struck, and he was tossed aside over something exciting and new. Still, he knew a delicious vessel when he saw one. You were just meant to be a special curiosity that he could pass on to the older vampire for a favor or two. At least, that was what he told himself, when you took the initial bait and he beckoned you to stay through unnatural means. That was the first lie.
When he bit into you, he was met with a burst of color, vibrant shades of all kinds of red. The flavor saturated his mouth: sweet roses, his favorite kind, their scent carried on a gentle zephyr; warm light that enveloped him but didn’t hurt; traces of nicotine coursing through your veins; and the familiar iron tang that gave it its kick. Your face, your voice, your very essence haunted him in that taste. He could see you like a will-o'-the-wisp performing on stage in one of your many plays across a lifetime, laughing with your friends in the back of a car speeding down the highway, crying into a pillow when you had your heart broken by your first love… How was this possible? Your memories came flooding through him and you were blissfully unaware of it all. He felt like a spy, listening in to all your secrets and desires, and his blatant invasion of your privacy disgusted him.
This was wrong. He shouldn’t have gotten so close. He should’ve heeded the warning glances the Redfield siblings were throwing his way. So, he tried his best to stay away, but like an addict, he kept crawling back, seeking you out like a dog with its tail between its legs. How could a mere mortal have such an effect on him? Did he taste this way to Ada when she turned him? He laughed sardonically. If only she could see him now, being so torn up over a woman he had just met.
He tried to erase you from his mind, but you were always meant to be something more. You reminded him of all the things he missed when he was living. You were the best he had ever tasted, but he didn’t want to turn you over to her, not yet. After all, he could afford to enjoy you for just one more time. The second lie had spun its thick, dark webs throughout his head. Truth be told, he would never share you with anyone else.
The third lie came when he resolved to tell you what he really was. He couldn’t keep going on like this and deceiving you, but his sire’s words bore down on him. “You don’t get attached to a vessel,” she scoffed. Wait, wasn’t he one too at some point? Her contradictory words replayed in his ears like a broken record. In any case, he wasn’t attached. He was being brave and honest, which was how he liked to think of himself. But when it came to the crunch outside your doorstep, he was a coward, finding himself unable to breach the rules of the Masquerade and gave in to his urges instead. It was then that he realized deep down, he was truly a despicable and hateful low-life.
Thump! He felt his body slam against a solid wall, as he entered a secluded alleyway round the corner from your apartment. A dull ache bloomed across his skin. After the events that had happened that night, he didn’t even bother putting up a fight. He slumped down until the brawny, older male sibling, Chris, lifted him by his collar and pinned him in place. At the same time, the slender redhead, Claire, Chris’ female counterpart, spoke, “Where the hell are you going with this, Leon?”
“Why do you care?” he spat, blood coating his teeth. “The cafe’s in neutral ground, no one’s claimed domain over it yet. I can feed on whoever I like.”
“Listen, you’re Cam scum, but you saved my brother back then, and you used to hang with us,” she hissed, jabbing her finger into his shoulder to emphasize each point. “So, I’m gonna give you a tip, but just this once.”
She brought her mouth to his ear. “There’s interest in the domain… and you’re not the only suitor vying for her attention.”
His eyes widened at the threat.
“Whatever you do, do it fast.”
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suitmana · 2 months
what animals do u see the lgts cast as
elise - chihuahua, easy. a cute little guy you can carry around in your tote bag who scrounges the garbage can at ungodly hours? a spunky gremlin that yaps when they don't get their way and knows their worth? elise-coded 100%
freya - she's as fluffy as a brown bear both in terms of personality and appearance!!! i want to hug them!!! her entire vibe is just a carefree brown bear frolicking in the meadows and honestly good on her. though you know how they both look cuddly but can easily crush your bones? yeah freya your hugs are great but please watch the ribs...
lebkuchen - foxes are often associated with intelligence and mischief, which is pretty much leb! if it weren't for her strong sense of duty she'd be such a menace. and the way they hunt reminds me of her: very patient, knows exactly what you're up to, and just waiting to pounce
rozenmarine - ok hear me out tarsiers!! they're small (really small) nocturnal fluffballs that like to chill on treetops during the day. they're pretty hard to spot because of that. they have these really big round eyes and it just feels like they're always so curious about the world, like rozen!! also they can be slightly unnerving when they stare straight at you and well. rozen certainly has had her unsettling moments
muffy - raccoon. need i say more.
gustav - grizzly bear; basically a bigger, fluffier freya. they both have the protective parent vibes, pretty scary when you piss them off. otherwise pretty chill. also gustav's just a really hairy guy so
father hans - probably a lion just to subvert their association. a self-righteous clergyman who acts as kieferberg's moral compass in the most ironic way possible, but make him a "noble" lion
welma - the laziest turkish angora cat ever. don't let that laziness fool you though, she and leb are a terrifyingly effective gossip mill when you combine leb's perceptiveness and welma's charms
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Heya Friends! Meet Arthur Fletcher the grandad of V (and the one who raised her and inspired her to become a portraitist/artist). This raccoon loving, pecan pie making, spunky old man lives on the outskirts of Cape May, New Jersey but is originally from somewhere in Georgia (which mean he does have a accent :D). He enjoys hanging out with his best friend Cecil (who lives right across from him an mostly trys to contain his choatic and engertic energy), hanging out with his family, petting an watching over his albino raccoons (Ably and Minty), and drinking excessive amounts of Coca-Cola.
If y'all want to know more about him or any other characters don't be afraid to ask!
(Character design and character sheet by ollenotter27 :>)
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rottenraccoons · 2 years
Oh Tumblr, my beloved hellsite <3
One of you lovely nonnies asked us here at Rotten Raccoons if we would be willing to introduce ourselves and we drafted up a lovely little introduction post, queued it, and then the queue ate the post. So here's attempt #2 to introduce ourselves with who we are, what we do, and which Obscura boi is our fave ❤️
Hello hello, I'm Tobi, the one behind Cirrus and Francesco's routes! I do the writing and scripting for them with occasional assistance from Violet. Is hard to choose a favorite but [redacted] does make me swoon. And admittedly I have a soft spot for my own sadistic creation, heheh
Hi, I'm Yamiochi🦝 mostly handling business, accounting side of Rotten Raccoons. My favourite is Cirrus. I can't hide the Gap Moe(ギャップ萌え)between the perfect clergyman's appearance and that personality. Besides that, silver/white hair + long hair characters are my personal favourites.
Hello! I'm Ræ! (pronounced R-eye), I'm the project planner and junior BG artist at Rotten Raccoons. All of our boys are great, aren't they? I especially adore the spunky types, so Kier makes my heart pitter patter. Also his freckles… so cute!
Howdy! I'm Mugi, the lead artist 👩‍🎨✨ I think most people already know, but my fave boi is Cirrus. He's beautiful, he's charming, he's... Spicy 🔥 Of course I love all of our bois in their own unique ways 💖
I'm Cajsa and I'm the music/audio person 🪗 I'm a sucker for Cirrus. I'm not sure how I feel about the hanky spanky but when he gives me that vicious smile I might just agree to anything......
And I'm Violet! I write Keir and [redacted]'s routes and finagle with the code to make the game go brrrr. I'm also the social media raccoon, so I'm technically the one writing most of the stuff you see on Twitter and Tumblr. I try not to play favourites with the boys, but also the first time I saw Francesco's design I died and went to heaven, and I love me a polite young man, and he blushes so good... Yeah.
And a little bonus: one time I asked DALL-E to draw me a vintage movie poster with six raccoons in a trenchcoat. It didn't really understand what I was asking, but honestly
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this kicks ass. This is how I imagine us all the time now.
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ask-team-jf42 · 3 months
Hi! I'm Seastar! Who are all of you?
...Star, I don't think we should introduce ourselves to... Them.
(I'm going to pretend I don't know anything as they don't know them at all lol)
❝Golly! Look, guys! New friends!” — Gummy excitedly waves, the flying squirrel’s bright pink eyes glimmering with joy.
❝They’re not new friends. And what are they doing here? Don’t tell me you brought them in…” — Muun. Her voice’s low and raspy, seemingly tired already despite the lack of interaction at this point.
❝What?! No! But, you gotta admit, Muunie, they seem like a lively bunch!” — Gummy turned her attention back and pointed at herself with her thumb. — “I’m Gabriella Rosenberg! But you can call me Gummy. I’m the aerial ace of this ol’ team and I LOOOOOVEE sweets! Heh, if it’s wasn’t obvious.”
❝… I’m Muun. I’m capable to manipulating water and ice, changing their states at will. Anything else is classified.” — The kit fox promptly shook her head and crossed her arms.
At that, a red fox placed his paws on each of the girls’ shoulders, patting the way for his own dramatic entrance.
❝You can call me Keahi! Fiery extraordinaire, and master of the fabulous art of flames! Here at your service.” — Keahi took a bow, a cocky grin on his face.
❝And you…” — A spunky, punky raccoon suddenly bursted in, her dark fur spiked and messy. — “..will refer to me as Elise! Hiya doin’ sweetcakes?! Looks like we got some wanderin’ guests here…”
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practically-an-x-man · 6 months
All of your OCs suddenly have Animal Shapeshifting forms. What animal do they get?
ooh, interesting question! Thank you!!
Okay, first things first: Kestrel is a changeling, and they can already shapeshift. As their name suggests, they prefer the form of an American kestrel when they're not human. They can become other animals too, but usually a kestrel.
Quinn would be a raccoon. She's clever, a little brazen, and a pickpocket. It's perfect!
Rae would be a honey badger. She's well-versed in running to fights much bigger than her, and she usually comes out on top. She won't back down, she's tough, and she's close to fearless.
Robin, despite her name, would be a canary. I got an ask a while ago about assigning birds to my OCs, and I just can't think of anything more fitting than this.
Madison's mutation is modeled after a lionfish, but I think her shapeshifting form would actually be a river otter. For one thing, it's a much more useful form to have than a fish, but still comfortable in the water. Plus, she's quick and clever and deceptively fierce, so I think it fits.
Is it cheap if I say Katherine would be a housecat? As ironic as it is, I think it suits her.
Another cheap one, but Ophelia would be an octopus. And not just because that's her hero persona: she's genuinely very smart and mischievous, and I get some strong Giant Pacific Octopus vibes from her.
Jasper would be a platypus: a little funky, a little spunky, something that definitely stands out. And their electromagnetic sense kinda links to Jasper's empathic sense, so I think that fits too.
Indigo would be a ferret or weasel. Small but mighty, quick-witted, I think it suits her. There's a reason I gave her a ferret (-like creature) for a pet.
I'd definitely make Prometheus a phoenix, if I'm allowed to include mythical creatures. If not, maybe a grey wolf: pack-oriented, protective of its young, historically domesticated to dogs.
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ddjsocxcanonrambles · 5 months
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A list of Platonic F/Os me and my OC share:
(Heads up this will feature the main cast only because it will make things easier for you guys. Enjoy 😊)
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Hazbin Hotel (For Spunky) ( Main Cast Only):
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Angel Dust: Platonic Big Brother like Big brother little sister relationship while having same sense of dark humor. Sometimes will bicker and fight like siblings do, but will make up after.
Charlie: Indifferent but mutual due to her being overly nice to her. Charlie isn’t afraid to call Spunky out for being a jerk to her.
Vaggie: Salty Frienemies that would bicker and roast eachother. But sometimes Vaggie will be the voice of reason to help redirect Spunky (since she’s cognitively disabled/Autistic) even if she can be very stubborn but then will admit her faults.
Niffty: Fast BFFs, think of Spongebob and Patrick
Sir Pentious: Mesmerized by his steampunk technology even though she can be a tsundere/grump around him since he is a lovable dummy.
Husk: Bugs and Daffy Frienemies, will steal some booze from his bar and sometimes ruthlessly roast each other (But Spunky and Husk will eventually like eachother since “Big Bro” has a crush on him)
Cherry Bomb: Huge Fan to friends later on. Spunky sees her as an inspiration of being not giving two sh*ts and a badass girl (also why she [Spunky] uses fireworks as her weapons of choice).
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One Piece (Mostly focusing on the StrawHat crew):
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Luffy: Funny Buddy and respected captain, is also the kindest person ever
Zoro: At first intimidating but is actually a pretty cool dude, even if sometimes he gets lost. Also great gym buddy.
Nami: Platonic kinning sisters (Since were both temperamental orange blondes), will tag team each other if Brook asks for a certain garment to get a rise out of us. But sometimes will sibling fight about who’s the more stingiest LOL
Ussop: Art and comedic buddy. As in showing doodles and art trades as well as making jokes.
Sanji: Only likes him for making me food, not when he’s ogling and nose bleeds while he enables Brook’s naughty behavior as well as Brook enables his. (This is where Nami helps to keep things under control)
Chopper: Respects him as a doctor and knows he’s a reindeer (not a Tanuki/raccoon dog). Candy pals and emotional support buddy.
Robin: Thinks she’s the coolest person ever, more like big sister figure (even if we’re around the same age). Also shares the same dark sarcasm humor.
Franky: Big Brother figure, and loves to share Dr. Pepper with the guy. Thinks he’s, well, SUPER
Jinbe: Best Father figure ever, gives great advice. Also, great meditation buddy.
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Hello Auggs here!!
Anyways!! My name is August, I use He/They pronouns (non-binary) and currently identify as a raccoon therian, I am a minor so please don't send me things such as: heavy gore, nsfw, ect.
I'm in the furry fandom, welcome home fandom, omori fandom, dhmis fandom, and way more (feel free to ask!!)
I'd like to perceive myself on here as a spunky silly little guy, but vents may or may not be posted on here
Anyways feel free to ask anything you wish to know!!
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Eclipse, Satellite and Yellow Dwarf for the ask game :}
Thanks for asking!
Eclipse: if you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?
Holy shit - get out, fucking DO NOT listen to your family, they are a bunch of narcissists and bullies and one day you will be much healthier and happier when you cut all ties with them. It will get so, so much better.
Satellite: what do you surround yourself with that brings you joy?
Good people, knicknacks, artwork, stuff that draws wildlife to my yard. I'm particularly fond of picking up random kooky antiques, especially bizarre animal statues/prints. Like the spunky little fat raccoon statue that sits on my mantle. Or the numerous cicadas in my kitchen. And of course, every Grand Inquisitor figure ever made except one Disney Park Exclusive that I'm still working on.
Yellow Dwarf: bright white or soft white lighting?
Soft white, I'm prone to migraines. But occassionally I need the bright white lamps for my artwork. My husband is very much the opposite, he always wants the bright whites. So our house has lots of extra lamps to turn on for added light and they'll all be off when I'm in the room or all on when he's in the room.
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peysk · 6 months
That candies song Toshishita no otokonoko is great if you imagine the girl in the song is actually talking about a feral rat or raccoon she has become convinced is a spunky young teenager for some reason
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ornerycrab · 1 year
Call my van the Mystery Machine because it's funky, it's spunky and don't know if I'll find raccoon or possum sleeping in the radiator
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Just wanted to pop in and share a wee bit about myself
-my name is spunky skunky
-my best friend in the world is Raccoon-a-roonie and we plan on starting a podcast and musical duo together
- I'm gay and taken 😝
- faceless
Music such as;
MCR, TOP, FOB, P!ATD, yundblud, avril Lavigne, corpse husband, Gayle, nessa Barrett, Emeline, Conan grey and girl in red
Movies, tv, and books such as;
The fault in our stars, twilight, umbrella academy, Harry Potter, friends, 2 broke girls, keeping up with the Kardashians, Rent, Hamilton, and just about anything Addams family
That's all for now if I think of anymore all add but thanks for reading, baiiii
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000h-la-la · 1 year
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brian called me in a panic this morning. his favorite chicken (romain - our alpha) wasn't moving. he inspected her and noticed pink skin and protruding chest bones, which you don't normally see because the feathers usually cover these parts when a chicken is happy and healthy. he said she looks like she had been crushed by something. ☹️ i had him check for holes in the perimeter of the yard but he didn't find any. did the other girls accidentally sit on her and crush her? did a raccoon try to pull her through the fence and she got away, but not unscathed? i need to scour the chicken cam footage.
looks like the girls went into a frenzy last time brian and cadence dropped by and one of the heavy birds landed on romain when they were scrambling to get at the treats (scratch). cadence even noticed that romain looked hurt after getting squished but appeared to try to walk it off. the our heaviest bird is a good 5-8lbs while the bantams run about 1-2lbs. poor thing! ☹️
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💔 i hope we were able to give you a good life little one! your spunkiness will be missed. ❤️
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