#sprouts & lore speculation
nyxnephilim · 9 months
Time for a bit of FFXIV speculation :
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I realize that a bulk of FFXIV players have already completed the whole of the story arc ( probably more than one time ) so please don't hold it against this 🌱 while I think-out-loud about my feelings towards the story so far even if I'm still experiencing ARR.
( also pls no spoilers, but I appreciate encouragement and assurance my questions will get answered. Lol )
Somethings have been picking at my brain since I encountered them. One of which is when the Amal'Jaa are surprised we do not fall to tempering stating our "soul must belong to another" and then Ifrit himself says that while he can see we do not already serve a primal that the paragons warned the Primals about the godless-blessed one's aborrent existence. Does that mean that while we may or may not be tempered by a primal we are controlled/ guided by some 'other' thing outside the paragons or the 12. If we are being Guided/controlled by what we don't quite understand but is big enough or strong enough for the paragons & primals to worry about —- should we be worried about its overall motive & can it truly be benevolent and omniscient with that much power? Does it seek to follow through with its own agenda regardless of the plight of others.
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The reason I say this is because of another encounter that seems to stick in my mind. A point in which Y'stola chastises Merlwyb for breaking the treaty with the Kolbolds. She basically says and has a solid point (that I had already thought of before this scene) when she tells Merlwyb that this constant war with the Kobolds was of her own doing in letting Lominsans break the treaty. The kolbolds are just defending themselves. Or course there is an a back and forth that ensues but the point being both Merlwyb and the Kobolds are doing what they believe to be right for justice sake and for the sake & safety of their people.
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I extrapolated this further. What makes us, the scions, so sure that what WE are doing is right? Because a giant crystal says so? We kill gods/primals and move against another society that perhaps (outside of their military) could possibly be wanting freedom and peace like those of Eorzea do. What of the Garlemald society? They can't be all military. Its not hard to believe that there are some suffering at our hands because of what their military decided to do, not them. I guess essentially what I'm saying is, how are we so certain we are not falsely lead to believe what we do is just and right when what we do is kill gods/primals, murder tribes on sight because of who they are and pushing our agenda on them. There is point where there is a kobold says that those of their community at war with us do not represent the whole of their society. … and I hear that the crafting questline with the different tribes show us that not all of the their race want to fight. So is it hard to reason that perhaps not all Ishgardians hate dragons? That not all dragons hate the elezen. That not all Garleans follow their military and that perhaps what we perceive as right may only be a perspective of one cosmologic being with enough power to have us believe in what they want?
on top of the fact that the Ascians say ' if we knew more, that we wouldn't be fighting with them.... that we would basically understand’ ... leaves me feeling 🤯
What the hell is going on? I know mother crystal is our main guide... but tbh I'm feeling pretty sus about things and honestly the motives of Hydaelyn. I realize they are presenting her as a mothering ‘goddess’ but I’ve always been the type of kid to ask “why”
The answer of ‘just because’ … ‘because I said so’….. ‘because this is how it’s always been done’ ….. ‘because I’m the boss’…..
Has NEVER sat well with me. As a kid or now. With my parents, with teachers, with management or upper level bosses. I need to know the why, the motives, the implications or consequences, the benefits. I need this information because the end does not always justify the means. Especially if on a core level I disagree with it and feel there is an alternate route.
That probably says more about me then I intended but yeah… lol
... anyhow.... thank you for letting me just babble on about the beginning of this ( I'm sure to be ) wild ride we all know and love called FFXIV.
:::: Newbie rant over ::::
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117 notes · View notes
yinses · 2 years
carpe diem
when it came to your friend, you had little regard for anything, even yourself. what happened to abattouy should never have occurred, and you were determined to prove why.
cyno x gn!reader
rating: t
wc: 30k+
a/n: so cyno … amirght?  this fic would literally not be here without nessa. you have no idea what i put her through in the background. someone come save her. spoilers for tighnari story quest for sure. bunch of lore tidbits from 3.0.     
[also available to read on ao3] [or read it in parts]
         sumeru, nation rooted in the growth of knowledge,  nurtured its most promising seeds under the observance of the akademiya. in pursuit of their own goals and by the faith of greater lord rukkhadevata, scholars pledged their souls to the never ending race in pursuit of the next revelation of knowledge.
and frankly, it was a tiring venture.
 most scholars sought out lost tombs of history, the understanding of ley lines or simply the wisdom of the gods. as a child, you'd grown up on foreign stories and toy machines from the lands of snezhnaya after a traveling merchant had given into your curious palms. you recall threading your small and nimble fingers into the grooves of the ancient renditions, memorizing the gear placements. your personal thirst for knowledge was deeply seated in the desire to learn how every individual part came together. it was just when your seed began to sprout, that you learned why your beloved toys were only obtained through a small gesture of friendliness from far lands. the akademiya frowned on the very existence of mechanical beings, feeling that life had advanced beyond the need for sentience bound to whirling gears. the age of technology and innovation was the gift from the gods, present in the akasha device. what need was there for the past? adaptiveness and the will of your mentor was what carried you through the final years of your scholarship; that and an obstinate botany student whom you befriended against the odds. you became a respectable scholar of the kshahrewar (technology) where your workshop found home in the port of ormos. most of your days were dedicated to your own side projects and tinkering with customer complaints. your employment through the akademiya was purely out of collaboration between the institution and the forest rangers as a joint effort to assist in the containment of the withering zones. the institution was eager to work with their twice-self removed star pupil and tighnari was always in need of additional resources. and well, it was you. the sidekick to his backstory though considered in a more favorable light by the fox himself. but there was no doubting that it was through his merits that you remained relevant under speculation of the akademiya. more importantly, it was through tighnari that you met him. the great general mahamantra who once regarded your friend with distrust, for scholars who retained knowledge outside of akademiya supervision were those considered most dangerous. in the same way tighnari shattered your walls of doubt, he tore down the barrier corralling cyno in solitude. proving that not all who sought out knowledge were limited by their threat levels. but you. you just laughed at his jokes. and for him, that was the explanation enough.
     “hm, and you're sure it can maintain the temperatures i input?”
dragging your wrist across your damp forehead, you lean back away from your work if only for the sake of catching a stray breeze. unfortunately, any opportunity was blocked by tighnari's incessant hovering.
the ranger had managed to leave you on your own for fifteen to twenty minute intervals at best while you configured the terrarium device. what started off as a heartfelt idea to gift a friend on his birthday was becoming a thorn in your side.
“yes, tighnari. i even grew one of those sweet flowers in it to test for you.”
the man above scoffed, ears twitching as an afterthought, “you grew a weed? that's hardly comforting. you can grow those in the trash.''
your brow pinched as the wrench flexed in your palm; a short pause away from launching it at his head. he was really beginning to strike your nerves, birthday boy or not. “why don't i just throw this thing in there along with it?”
“no, no, it does look promising.”
his gaze darts down briefly and he catches your exasperated expression. his ears drop slightly at the implications of his spectacle. “sorry, i am grateful, truly. you just know how i am about plants.”
sighing, you rolled to your feet, eager to get off your knees after an hour of labour.
“yes, they're your babies. i know. which is why i spent a lot of my free time developing this for you.” his ears flickered at the not so quiet jackass that left your lips.
“and i appreciate it very, very much.” the fox grinned sheepishly, guilty eyes seeking forgiveness. it was a losing battle attempting to hold out. the moment a hint of a returning smile curved at your lips he knew he'd won.
he was at least graceful enough not to laugh in the face of victory, though the mirth on his face was not lost. “sorry for eating up your shop time, especially when you have other projects to focus on.” to that you wave off as you gathered your stray tools. it had been quite awhile since you'd had anything to call a proper 'project'. most of your days had been busy work with customer orders repairing coffee machines or personal side quests like this. tighnari helped keep the akademiya at bay by feeding you fresh knowledge on the withering zones allowing you to satisfy their interests while you attempted to refunction your purpose. it … had been hard when your workshop that once housed two downsized. abbatouy had been more than a fellow scholar after sharing your childhood love for ancient machines. in a society where just the mention of them was a plausible crime, it was nice to know someone still favored the legend beyond your favorite toy. but abbatouy had done more than simply believed in the history, he made it his goal to revive the slumbering giants and employ their aid to further advance sumeru. determined but mindful of your proximity to his research, abattouy had done his best to keep you free of the consequences. but in a city where knowledge was power, the misuse of it rarely went unnoticed. if only it had been your silence and not the opposite.   upon being stripped of his scholarship, your friend had disappeared beyond the city limits undetectable by anyone. it had been nearly two years since that day, though you never stopped seeking out information. biting your lip, you tentatively ask,”you still haven't heard anyone of abattouy?” the sound that leaves the ranger's lips is aged yet still kind as he regards you with sympathy,” the forest has not been suitable for extended living for years. we haven't seen anything more permanent than a few student research tents.” his brow furrows at the thought,” even then we urge them on if they linger more than a few days.” you suspected as much, but beyond tighnari, there were few people you could ask. news of him settling in aaru village would have reached you by now. “he just disappeared. not even a letter telling me where he was going.” the last you'd seen of him was at a distance during his trial hearing. you'd been brought in to testify at the beginning but regardless of your words the sentence had already been passed the moment the matra were involved.   he was worrying, thinking of him on his own like that. at some point he needed to find civilization for the sole purpose of obtaining his medications. hearing nothing of his visits from the bimarstan had only increased your concerns. due to his heart condition, it was tantamount that he stayed on top of it. tighnari's hand finds your shoulder with a reassuring squeeze,” it's probably for the best. he didn't want to bring you down with him.” “yeah, that's what cyno implied,” you muttered, unable to avoid the stale bitter taste of resentment. few people envied your close relation to the general mahamantra, even less scholars who feared even the mention of his name. but to you, it had always been just cyno. a first then a lover as you grew to know the man behind the mask. he was someone you always felt that you could confide in, which was a small pool given your proximity to the very man who could end the careers of any scholar at the akademiya. not that it bothered you, between him and tighnari, your hands were full as it was. it had been a stretch of faith than had left more than one soul stranded. the aftermath of abbatouy's expulsion … had not been easy on the relationship. there was plenty of blame and fear permitting the household you shared with cyno. to escape, he spent more than the scheduled hours working and you escaped to the forest.
tighnari hated every day of it, torn between two stubborn individuals set in their morals. “he knew what he was getting into with that research,” tighanri's words were a rolling record of advice you'd never shake off. “Which was why he kept you out of it. it was inevitable. cyno just wants to keep you safe as well.” the fox's voice eases into something lighter, hopeful even, “besides we can't afford for you to get kicked out. then you'd end up with me.” recognizing the jest, you feed into the request for a transition out of whatever had come to hang over the pair. it was his birthday after all. finding a grin wasn't as hard as it felt,” that doesn't sound too bad. we could be roommates.” the scowl perched on his lips was expected, even as you laugh, thankful for the distraction. regardless of the akademiya's reign, you would always find comfort in tighnari's kingdom. “anyway, don't forget, you promised to join us for dinner this weekend.” tighnari pretended not to notice the various amount of notes pinned against his wall that he most certainly did not leave. there was no denying that his frequent check ins were well intended. he shuddered to think what he'd find under his bed. “i'll be there.”

     the following days blended together like any other. you found little comfort in the hustle and bustle of the port side as you rummaged around in your workshop listlessly. to the best of your ability, you repurposed the free space to use it rather than be forced to acknowledge the emptiness. in truth, it was a disorganized mess, an accumulation of abandoned projects and scattered tools. cyno liked to bring it up in passing whenever he stopped by. but you held on that it was a project in itself, something you'd focus on when the time was right. which wasn't exactly a form of avoidance. occasionally you'd dig into the mess just to shake it up a bit. at least when someone else observed it, they could note some kind of change. lost in the idleness of your boredom, you decide to do just that as you near the clutter. if enough time was spent, there were a few designs that come back to the light and show some promise. the akademiya was all about exploration of new knowledge, but few things were obtained by one mind alone. despite your innocence, few scholars willing chose to partner with you. though, that was a fact you faced well before abattouy. he'd been one of the few undeterred by your close relations with the matra. it said something for one to be so confident in their studies that not even the fear of being caught would sway them. in another time, abatouuy's story might have been different. crouching near the apex of the rubble, you work free, a familiar construct. it had been a frivolous project, a mixology machine that had come to fruition after hearing tales from mondstat. abattouy loved to berate the lack of drinks present at the tavern, hailing that he could come up with his own creations to rival it. safe to say neither of you had the slightest clue about the trade. in the end abbattouy had been too proud to bargain it off at the tavern. the memory brought a smile to your face. tucking a stray hair behind your ear, you reach out to tug the device free—only to be given a brief warning before the the weight of its neighbors tumbled around it. it was a good thing that none of these had any owners, given the rubble of the aftermath was sure to leave a few dents and dings. “well abattouy,” you tugged free a bent stick of metal. “there goes the sumpter scratcher. those poor beast…'' that idea had definitely come after a night of too many drinks. you recalled stumbling back into the workshop after being patiently escorted from the tavern to find yourselves back here with too many tools and imagination for miles. it was how most of the best projects came about, with plenty of laughter to spare. it was a shame how the same sound resounded so hollow now. the bottom of the bunch hadn't been spared the brunt of the fall. with more consideration, you carefully extracted one of the crooked pieces of metal. whatever it had been, was now warped beyond its expectations. curious you turned it over, interest peaked at the sound of something rattling inside. you didn't recognize the design. it appeared to still be in the first stages of welding, nothing more than an unsuspecting tin box. upon abattouy's expulsion, you'd been barred from the workshop for the amount of days it took for them to clear out anything pertaining to forbidden knowledge. it had been a through dive that resulted in most of his inventions being confiscated. but it appeared not all was lost. before its demise, it was likely too unsuspecting to discern its purpose. “I wonder what he planned for you?” the trapped contents teased your peakes interest more as you wedged a tool between the split edge to force it open. after some effort in conjunction with the forces of physics, the box cracked revealing a single notebook. one you definitely recognised. it was abattouy's. a single comment of his collection of scattered thoughts and sketches. neither of you had been given any warning before his seizure, the matra rarely giving anyone time to prepare. the fact that this one had been tucked away in preparation was surprising. a quick flip through the material gave an inkling of why. you hadn't spent much time pursuing his research, partly by his insistence. but you knew enough to know this was filled with enough knowledge to prosecute you just for holding it. 'if he knew it was here, why did he never come for it?'
perhaps he considered that nothing was spared? but even then— a sharp knock against the door was all the warning you got before it began to creep open. in a flurry of movement, you snapped the book close and snuck it back under the rubble. by the time you stumbled to your feet, you were greeted by haldr. “hi!”, you winced at the squeak of your voice before recovering with a cough,”right, how can i help?”
“sorry, i know you're busy.” you waved off the speech. it was what most people liked to start with ever since abbatouy had left. the workshop had primarily functioned as a place of residence for the two of you to gain 'community hours', backing your research through countless days of tinkering with differing projects brought to your doorstep. after graduating to the next stage, the two of you decided to keep it, both of you still holding on to the desire to give back to the area in a way.
you still had a lab space at the akademiya for your more sensitive projects that needed supervision, but for the most part you were allowed to remain. “it's fine, really. what do you have for me?” the man stumbled over the threshold, balancing a coffee machine to his chest. haldr had a penchant for over explaining the cause of the issue before rounding to the actual problem. he was the owner of the respectable cafe stall here in port ortmos. prior, he had begun as an intern under enteka, the acting manager of pupsa cafe in sumeru city before branching out on his own. you were patient throughout the entire ordeal, more so happy for the distraction as your mind wandered in the background. when you took the device from him, his gaze wandered to the darker corners of the shop. haldr was a frequent customer, so like most, he knew what it had been. “a lot of us were surprised that you stuck around. we're grateful for all you do—both of you did. we didn't want to overwhelm you.” a soft smile pulls at your lips at the sentiment. “trust me, any distraction is a good one.” with a well executed twist of your wrench, you sealed the compartment back and handed it off. “just don't tell my mentor.”
your disposition seemed to put him at ease as he clutched the device gratefully. you'd given up fighting off the insistence as he forced a small pocket of coins into your palm. “i promise to be more careful. as always, coffee is on the house. thank you!” it was here that abattouy would wait for the door to close before giving you that look. the one that indicated that we would be seeing him sooner than later. haldr was a kind soul with an erratic forgetful mind. the two of you liked to joke about how different he had to have been before he was introduced to caffeine. abattouy had been right to avoid introducing the man to anything more advanced. unable to resist, your gaze darted back over to the pile you'd hastily tossed the book under. while you'd never stopped thinking of the man, there wasn't much past speculation you could summarise on his whereabouts. upon concluding the trial, he'd just vanished. without a trace or final word. you knew cyno had as much knowledge as you did. it was his resistance against tracking the man that led to the heart of much of your banter then. eventually you just had to settle that if abattouy wanted to be found, he knew where you were and that was that. except now it wasn't. before you could think better of it, you tugged book free and returned to your desk. abattouy had his moments, but he rarely did anything without reason. he must have had intentions of returning to get it but never had the opportunity. with every step scrutinized, you couldn't blame him. you cock your head to the side, distractedly twisting a wrench in one hand while your other flips idly through the notebook. the deeper you got into the text the more disbelief you felt about the entire situation. you'd initially supported abattouy because he was your friend. in the heat of the moment, it didn't matter if he was wrong or right. he was a single individual against an institution with your lover holding the banner. it had been almost instinctual to be in his courtyard. but now you were realizing you weren't cheering for a losing team at all, it was just an unfair playing field. this … these notes, the ideas and speculations. abattouy was something well above the fears that got the topic banned. sure, the notations of ley line activity was sketchy but he was actively exploring all routes around it. the man just wanted to help. if these mechanical beings could make a single job more efficient he felt complete. but he wasn't just about the tasks, he wanted the machines to feel accomplished too. he wanted to breathe new life. and there wasn't a hint of cruelty anywhere in his methods. the sages had to have seen this and they still denied him the opportunity to try. throwing your head back, you tested the balance of your chair as you stared up at the ceiling. for nearly two years you just sat around toying with the what ifs. and now- what if you'd found this sooner. what if you'd discovered this before he'd left. what if you'd asked the right questions and gotten him to open up to you before it all went sideways. well you had an answer to the last query. you'd both likely have been expelled. but would that have been so bad? tighnari surely managed just fine. sure he still had the respect but that meant as much to him as the dirt he walked on. and cyno- you shook your head at the thought. things were settled between the two of you now. there was no need to shake up past deductions for the sake of assumptions. past you supported your friend. but the same individual wouldn't have been able to give up the love of your life. yes, cyno's dedication to the job had been frustrating at the time. but you'd never forget seeing the fear staining those vermilion eyes when you'd first stepped between him and abattouy. because of course, he'd been the one to retrieve the man for trial. in that moment, cyno dreaded the worst; uncertain if he'd be shackling more than one body that evening. then abattouy had stepped around you, not sparing you a single glance as he offered his compliance. he may have lost his tenure but he gained the gratitude of the mahamantra. though it did little in his favor. biting into your bottom lip, your gaze flickered back down to the notebook. you hadn't always been skeptical of the akademiya. the institute had trained you, equipped you with knowledge, skills and relationships that would span a lifetime.
but it wasn't perfect. setting the wrench aside, you focused your full attention on the text. there wasn't a chance that you could prove it, not with the worship surrounding the institution. but maybe there was still a chance for you to find your friend. the clues to abattouy's disappearance had to be in his research. if you could just trace his path you'd eventually end up in the same spot right? you weren't intending to actually attempt to develop sentient machines, you just needed to look into it a bit. maybe locate resources, old workshop sites, anything that would have garnered his attention. 
     you decide to close up shop early that day after your last scheduled customer. you were well ahead of the time limit on your other projects and opted to take a trip to the library instead. for the last three hours you hadn't managed to do anything other than pour over the tattooed notebook anyway. it was best to at least decipher some of the information before attempting while there was enough daylight remaining for the trip.
the building wasn't as busy as it could be. a few students lingered, faces you couldn't place if you tried. and you were no tighnari, something he'd proudly second, so not many recognized you either. an auspicious advantage that kept you from under the lens of a camera.
“hey yusef.”
there was one that you could identify without the assistance of your akasha device. the man turned at the sound of his name and offered a quiet smile. yusef had been a junior of yours by year or two but managed to climb in academic standing since you began distancing yourself from the akademiya.
upon graduation, you gravitated toward independent research rather than working towards a mentor route. you were fortunate enough to still be in contact with your advisor, though since the incident there was less to say. there were very few machine researches, both parts in lack of information and the inability to seek more. the few that did exist functioned as civil engineers at best, working to keep the city running.
yusef, you remembered, was seeking out an internship as a scribe. apparently facilitating the library services was a step towards it. snorting, you shook away the echoing snide comment that sounded a lot like tighnari bouncing around your head. it was for the best that he didn't visit the institute often. it was rare that he had anything nice to say about it.
yusef returned your greeting but neither of you had enough history to hold a conversation. it was fine with you. the library wasn't foreign to you so navigating wasn't a struggle.
until it was.
you knew machine research was limited but not so severely. back in your student years, you recalled finding a small pocket of books on ancient anatomy of machines but now you could not even locate the index. surely that hasn't removed all signs of mechanical life forms. the biggest enemy of restriction was curiosity. how else did history manage to repeat itself.
eventually, you rounded back to the beginning of the shelf. initially you'd moved on autopilot, waking the same aisles you had in the past. but apparently that wasn't good enough.
reluctantly you tapped against the device at your ear.
'show me literature of ancient machines.'
you waited patiently for the response, gaze flickering around the remainder of the building. had it really been that long since the two of you sat huddled in the recesses? surely life couldn't be moving that quickly.
though the answer to that was as glaring as the reason you were here remaining in the first place. the sudden shift in vision color disrupted your reflection as your gaze narrowed at the red words.
'restricted access. approval required'
“really,” you muttered dryly. as if that wouldn't give someone ideas. they could have just said 'no information available'. but you supposed that would have been a lie. in sumeru, just about any amount of knowledge was accessible with the right resources.
and for this apparently you were just missing the key. that should be easily obtainable enough. you were no exemplary star by their standards but you pulled enough weight to have a say in the engineering department; the few times you bothered to show up at the meetings. but being invited was enough of a gesture of credentials for you.
you found yourself back at the desk staring down at a perplexed library attendant.
“restricted access?”
tighnari was truly a terrible influence if the first thing that came to the tip of your tongue was a comical mimicry of the same question thrown back at you. it was fortuitous that you were the most mannered of the two. an indisputable title when you were the only one here to defend it.
you bared a grin as you refrain from expressing your emotions by the drum of your fingertips against the countertop. “i'd like to look into some literature that i don't recall having an issue having access to in the past. but now it's unavailable. how do i remedy that?”
this was surely a question he must have gone through in his orientation. but you had a feeling he was more trained to explain to students why they couldn't have access, not responding to seniors trying to gain it.
the poor boy seemed flustered by his lack of polished response,” you would need to request it. um- through the administrative office. they review it from there. i should have a form in the back for you to fill out. you would just need to list the books.”
nope too long. and likely would raise more questions that you were prepared to answer. at least until you got some explanations of your own.
looks like you were doing this … under the table.
you flashed him a smile with a courtesy tap of your palm against the desk. “you know what, no need. must not be for me.” visibly sagged in relief. apparently there was more to it than just presenting a form.
that was okay. you were blessed with advantages not many could boast. so why not utilise them.      being in a relationship with the mahamantra wasn't as luxurious as some made it appear— well that was a subjective opinion depending on the perspective.
students were reasonably intimidated by the very idea of ​​uttering your lover's title. it hovered like the low hanging shadow of an old wives tale; as if mentioning it was enough to bring him to their doorsteps.
but others not restricted by the harsh rules of the akademiya, at least where their livelihood was intertwined, found it to be a respectable position. the matra was a symbol of integrity. where the corps of thirty protected the streets, the matra overlooks the blessing of the god herself, knowledge.
to you, the general was just a simple man who favored rice and meats. perhaps simple was unfair. cyno had traveled to mondstat in the span of three days in his youth to save a young girl. for some that would be enough to root the seeds of worship.
it helped that he was a little more than moderately attractive.
your ears perked at the sound of the door unlocking. a warmth of contentment overshadowed the relief of guessing his schedule right. years of being in a relationship could never dwindle of the glee of having him home. even when you had additional plans for him.
it was interesting adjusting to the life of a living with the general. he didn't have a traditional schedule like most positions. he overlooked the entirety of academic integrity and appeared to have eyes everywhere. you remembered when he accepted the position, a title passed down but no less valuable.
idiots in love was an odd heading to hover over cyno's head but in that moment it have been all too fitting. the way you'd aged into maturity has been respectable, without the loss of affection despite the bumps.
“smells good.”
you looked up as cyno tugged off the infamous jackal headpiece and shook out the slightly humid triggered frizz of silver locs underneath. you repressed a snort when he frowned as one got snagged. apparently the sound wasn't as quiet as you imagined.
cyno's gaze narrowed as you took him in appreciatively, but the soft concerns of his lips offset any concerns. he lay the uniform neatly over the back of the chair before sliding behind you. you were ready for the pressure of his hands against your sides but still managed to jump at the different temperature of his sun kissed heat and the cool chill of the house.
“hi,” you muttered softly as you leaned into the hold. your head titled enough to meet him in a kiss.
“hi,” he echoed, lips now traversing the curve of your jaw. well, safe to say it was a decent workday.
with the free hand not smoothing over the back of the hand holding your waist, you moved the food off the heat. “want to get changed? it's about ready.”
cyno's thumb circled your stomach through your shirt thrice before he nodded in agreement, no doubt ready to hang up the mahamatra for the night. it was truly an earlier night than usual for him. you'd taken a gamble with your expectations. some nights his greetings would rouse you from a light slumber hours after you'd settled in. it would follow with an apology before he relaxed against you only to be gone before you roused the next morning.
cyno took his job seriously and you respected that. but it was nice to see him take it easy every now and again.
he returned to a table set as you poured a glass of his favorite wine. a silver brow rose as he watched you fill the glass, no doubt reading into the implication. you only offered a grin as you settled in the chair next to him. for now you would enjoy a shared meal as few as they came of late.
it didn't take much for you both to avoid tales of work. each of you experienced enough in the city to detail the less mundane parts of your days. cyno was retelling a brief discussion he'd had with tighnari's father while crossing the desert into aaru village while you stored away the leftovers for him to take tomorrow.
“but i want to know what i did to deserve this?”
rolling your eyes playfully, you placed the packaged food in reach beyond the cabinet doors but safely out of range of ali. the said feline thief was happily scarfing down the leftovers you'd spared. no doubt adding to the plushness he'd picked up over the years, something you were both a culprit and a teaser of when stroking his furry belly.
passing by cyno, you dropped a kiss to the top of his head, narrowly avoiding his attempt to capture you as you stored away the corked bottle. “you always deserve it, you're a wonderful partner.”
it was true. in your haste and vulnerable state the two of you had hashed out the worst of what his job could do to you. it has been the first time it had come between you and neither had been prepared for the downfall. with time, it has been a tumble you'd managed to recover from.
vermillion eyes followed you with a glint of amusement tinged with faint disbelief. so you were a bit of a favor counter. so what. it was a healthy system for couples when the time called for it.
found out, there was no longer a need to prolong it.
“cyno, what do you know about gaining clearances in the library?” surely he'd managed some cases by now of daring students attempting to seek forbidden research.
he frowned hesitantly, not expecting the inquiry. folding his arms against his chest, he relaxed in his seat.. “it goes through the administrative office. from there on the head scribes process the requests.”
upon the mention of the scribes, one name in particular came to mind. when yusef had mention the process, you had only thought of interns scurrying around filing away requests. you hadn’t considered it might end up on his desk in particular.
your nose curled at the thought of willingly seeking out the man. it wasn't worth reliving the road of mementoes reflecting on your years knowing alhaitham. you knew him best through your fellow kshahrewar classmate, kaveh. since the two of them becoming housemates, you'd began seeing the man on more than one occasion. your acquaintanceship was an interesting set up.
part of it stemmed out of challenging one another, the other half genuine respect and interest. but as you grew into your respective roles, alhaitham began to draw away from the group. a sequence of events leading to his rejection of the position of general mahara in favor of grand scribe..
now you all just sort of breezed by. it wasn't to say that you outright ignored him, there just wasn't the same chemistry anymore. tighnari simply had nothing more to do with the akademiya. cyno preferred to keep in on a professional basis.
and you … you just didn't see the point of trying to be amicable with the ass.
cyno gave you a considering look but obliged. “he oversees a few administrative duties surrounding knowledge. he would only make sense that he would also be responsible for the security of more sensitive information.”
okay, that made sense. you hated to hear it, but you knew there was a reason why the man had turned down prosecution over administration. why enforce the rules when you can make them? it was certainly easier to bend them that way.
thumbing your chin, you regrettably came to the conclusion. “i suppose i should make an appointment with the grand scribe then.”
cyno stopped tinkering with his akasha to look at you with more scrutiny. you could tell he wanted to ask, the question was brewing at the tip of his tongue. yet he held it at bay with a nod. sometimes it was better if he didn't know until he needed to. he trusted you to make smart choices.
raking together the rest of the courage you'd reserved for the night, you sided closure and leaned back against the matra's thigh while your arm looped behind his neck.
“sure the infamous general mahatra can't sway a bit of judgement?”
it wasn't that you couldn't follow the progression of things. as a member of the akademiya you had every right to request material. just like it had every opportunity to be denied. to be frank, neither of you were on highly cordial terms with the grand scribe. but you were mannerable in public.
but what cyno had that you didn't was an elevated status that surely came with some perks. you were dating the general mahamantra after all.
“ i would much rather you go through the official process rather than seeking him out.” a flicker of something lights up his gaze like a flash of lightning before it's gone. cyno taps your nose when you pout. he presses a kiss in turn, holding the gesture until you smile. “this … thing isn't sensitive is it?”
your frown at the hesitant probing. there weren't many things that you withheld from cyno, partly due to the reason that he was the one person who made that feat practically impossible. coming to live with him meant that boundaries were considered, however, he promised to not get over involved unless it was necessary.
“no, no. i can just put it in.”
it wouldn't be enough to put you at the top of the priority list, but certainly they would review it eventually, right? you winced at the idea of ​​the kind of questions that would come from that. while you weren't named in the trial, abu was known as a colleague of yours. there would be … some hesitation. maybe seeking out the great scribe wouldn't be a bad idea?
you flinched surprised at the soft nip you received on your ear. “ow! what?”
“I'm glad you're getting back into research again,” he shrugs nonchalantly. but it was kind of a big deal. you'd once been determined to challenge the akademiya's smartest to develop fresh ideas in the technology industry. innovations to rival snezhnaya. but after the incident with abattouy, you began feeling as though institution only liked knowledge they could control.
“and that earns me a bite?”
cyno gives you an inquisitive look, eyes brimming with retrained mirth. it reminded you of the man beyond the title of general that most didn't see. his position bore the weight of responsibility and had chiselled away at the curiosity that once burrowed his nose and books; encouraged him to spend time learning old languages, urged him to cross the lands to save a girl.
you didn't understand at first, when tighnari gave up the life of a scholar for reclusiveness of the forest. in enough years, the man could have been one of the sages at his rate.
but now, the more you visit him in his forestry escape you realize how much he didn't change. still he had had rather … concerning the level of snarky, sarcastic views on the akademiya with no fear … he was still tighnari.
cyno was—
cyno was still kind. he loved you and that was enough. it was. you just hated that sometimes it felt like a fact.
it was a true statement. a guideline he followed. students were to be monitored. you were to be loved. there was nothing in between. no allowances. sure the occasional jokes softened the edges but there was no denying what he was to the akademiya.
not even when you had pleaded, flushed and damp with tears for him to just listen to what abattouy had to say. to not follow instruction so blindly and consider that life wasn't such a straight line.
but what weight did you have to throw around demanding that when you'd been so content to accept his love. abattouy had been wrong and yet.
with a shudder, you curl deeper into his arms. today's revelation wasn't about picking old wounds.
cyno buries his face in your neck with a hum and that was enough to warm your body.
“just be careful, okay?”
     it didn't take much consideration as the night progressed for you to decide to go against the grain anyway. cyno's advice was well intended but it posed more immediate risks than you were ready to face right now. at this stage, you just needed more information to ask questions. and you were too early into the development process of this research to provide a strong enough thesis for your intentions.
you couldn't well enough just say you intended to prove that the akademiya was wrong in prosecuting your friend without allowing him a fair defence.
and as cyno helpfully mentioned, it was going to go through alhaitham regardless. so why not beat to the chase and avoid the fanfare?
you vaguely recall responding to cyno moving from bed at an earlier hour. it wasn't often that him rousing woke you, but the occurrences weren't unwelcomed as you accepted the brief affection before he departed for the day.
it wasn't until it was nearing lunchtime that your body finally gave up on clinging to sleep. you decided to open the shop late today, confident that the flow of customers wouldn't suffer from the decision.
there was no reason for you to know the grand scribe's schedule so you didn't bother trying to scout him out at the crack of dawn. from what you understood, unless he wanted to found he was rarely sought out. much like your own lover.
still the man had a penchant for appearing sporadically whenever you roamed the port. there was something about the water-side market that tended to attract his attention but that was a curiosity that was not your own. he would serve you better than seeking him out at his office.
but what you had that most didnt, or simply they just had no need for the knowledge, was the man's favorite spot to brood. and it just happened to be nearing the end of the lunch period where everyone was returning to their respective assignments—also known as peak 'brooding' time in alhaitham's language.
you climbed the final row of steps to find eymen clearing away a few dishes.
“hey, has alhaithamn been by?”
the bartender seems more started by the actual question than the sharp interruption in his task. ever practised, however, he holds the plates and cups steady as he regards you. “just missed him actually.”
biting back a curse, you take the knowledge gratefully as you depart from which you came. there was only a short amount of time before he returned to his office and you did not want to have this conversation around inquisitive ears.
it was becoming apparent though, that something came with an appointment for a reason as you scoured the market to no end. either the man was on a mission or he truly did not wish to be found, either way he was unknowingly earning your ire with every wasted minute.
it was by chance that you caught sight of the silver head of hair right before it crossed the intersection. hastening your steps, you sidetracked into one of the adjacent alleys in preparation to cut him off.
you just managed to beat him, unable to resist expressing your exasperation by thrusting your foot into his path.
the grand scribe, either lost in thought or simply not expecting to be assaulted in public, barely manages to maintain his ground from sword training alone. his head whips back in pursuit of his assailant, anger flattening at the sight of you.
“and what honor have i been given to receive the lover of the general mahamantra?”
your lip curled at the title alhaitham loved to coin you as. no one else dared to try the same out of principle and something else called human decency. you were regretting your poor foot placement, perhaps a knuckle to the jaw would have been more effective.
somewhere across the plains, cyno was no doubt regretting sharing the tidbit of information that got you here.
nodding your head to the alley you emerged from, you silently requested that he followed. the man regarded you for a moment before his footsteps echoed as you led him away from the city traffic. however, as you began to slow, alhaimtahn urged you to continue before leading you to stop near the edges of the pier. with the port at your back, there was no concern of wandering ears beyond your gaze. with an incline of his head, you spoke.
“i need permission to access additional texts at the library.” you don't bother sugarcoating your reason for being here, you would both appreciate your time more.
any of his annoyance sobers at the request. his brow flexes with interest,” what text?”
“old machines.”
there was a part in his lips, the sound smothered before it could become the laugh he so desperately wanted to get out. he seemed equally aware of how quickly you'd try to stomp it out in turn. “getting bold in his absence aren't you?” he doesn't use the title this time, and the implication is very clear.
your foot taps impatiently against the wooden planks as you look at anything but him. “nothing gets past him.” it was the truth, in a sense. he was aware that you were requesting access, just not the avenue you took.
alhaitham is unable to resist cracking a grin. your lips wobble in response. “something tells me he doesn't know of the topic.”
any evidence of a grin washes from your face as your gaze narrows. “i didn't realize it would be that much of a problem.”
“if it wasn't it wouldn't be restricted.”
the silence is filled with a coat of tension weaved from years of thread spanning your unconventional relations. it took effort to describe what alhaitham was to you. years ago, he was a colleague, a spirited mind among the incoming class of students. sometime after, he became a frequent acquaintance while you would seek out kaveh for studies. it was sometime before your graduation that his goals came in between what could have been a friendship as he veered away from something more stable.
now it was by chance if you were seen together at akademiya sponsored events.
alhaitham was the first to relent, a rare cop out as he raised his hands in complacene, “look, that's between you and him, don't put me between it. as for the access, i can get that granted.”
you blink in surprise, not expecting it to be given so easily without additional favors. alhaitham reads your surprise with a raised brow. “I just grant access, you know who deals with disciplinary.”
alhaitam crowds closer as you peer up at him suspiciously,”i didn't realize the two of you were so keen on mixing business and pleasure.”
realization hits you and alhaimtan rolls back on his heels, narrowly missing the jab of your elbow.
“you're such a dick.”
he laughs, an easy sound that could give the wrong impression of being something more.”yeah, whatever, give me a few hours and you'll have your access.” he's unable to resist knocking his shoulder into yours as he passes. “oh and next time, make an appointment,''
you swallow around the lump of the words but manage to get them out, “thank you.”
he shrugs, back already turned, “don't thank me yet.”

     sure enough, alhaitham comes through as you're finishing up at the shop for the day. you decide to save the trip to the library for tomorrow, however. that distance could easily eat up the rest of your day. a few more projects had been added to your work schedule and you'd spent most of the day after returning from the port tying off the ends of some of your older ones.
through infrequent breaks, your attention drifted towards the notebook stored away in the wall panels of the shop. whatever in the texts coulndt have been enough for abu if he still hadnt been able to complete his research. still the sages feared what the material could implant in the minds of ambitious individuals. for now you just needed a starting point, and recreating his steps was the best way.
upon closing the shop for the day, you were greeted with a quiet home. it was unlikely that you would get two early nights in a row with cyno. he didn't mention anything permanent before he left this morning but you were well practiced enough to know.
you fell asleep that night curled against ali, thinking about tinkering cogs until it faded to black.
     you ended up returning to the library two days later than planned. while you would never turn away new projects, the unexpected swarm had cluttered your small workspace before you knew it. you were certainly far from the only engineer available in the port, but the name you made for yourself was something to be proud of. not ever accomplishment was measured by the akademiya.
you had a penchant for tinkering with everyday technology that could help ease the tasks of others. it's how you fell into such an easy colleagueship with abattouy. you both chased similar goals, just across different avenues.
finally satisfied with your progress, packed away everything for a trip to the house of daena. upon you arrival, you found that yusef wasn't manning the desk and you dont bother stopping for an unfamiliar face. the clearance alhaitham gave came with additional instructions leading you towards the center of the library.
your akasha triggered in response to the elevator, the mechanisms behind whirling to rise to the higher levels. the akasha alone could supply you with details. but you would need to know what to ask to even begin to leaf through the material. it was why hardcopies were still prevalent. by reading you would immerse yourself in knowledge you weren't initially seeking and help fill in the inevitable blanks.
this part of the building had lower ceilings and fortunately lower shelf access. the terminal led you where you needed to go, putting you in front of a small but lucrative selection. the titles ranged from history to expedition research notes. you spent over an hour reading through the texts before you bagan running into a similar theme.
you were right to assume your sole knowledge through the akasha would be limited. the sharp black lines redacting sections of the material would not translate well through the terminal. the summary would have glossed over anything near the restriction zone in order to produce comprehensive data.
even then from what you could tell, these expeditions focused more on the area around the ruin machines rather than their direct purpose. anything more detailed wouldn't be accessible to you regardless of what you knew.
you slide the last book back into its place. it was safe to assume anything that abattouy had managed to conjure had been destroyed. the same went for any resources he'd been able to glean from his own studies. the akademiya didn't leave behind trails.
but abattouy had been so determined then. surely there was something more than his own will fueling his research.
you reasoned that he could have used a knowledge capsule but that would imply that kind of information had been passed round. typically those devices were destroyed after the information had been transferred. the sages were well aware of the illegal distribution of knowledge. something like this wouldn't have been so carelessly stored. no, it had to be gone.
regardless, you couldn't really risk gambling away money on a knowledge search. that kind of expense would draw attention at home that you didn't have answers for yet.
your back hit the shelf behind as you slunk to the ground.
you'd hit a stone wall, one with no weak points that you could exploit. it had already been a risk telling allhaitham what you were looking into. by granting access you were already likely being monitored. it would be smart to just leave it here.
and yet.
abattouy wouldn't have just stopped here—didn't baulk under the pressure. you recall him going on research trips into the forests. once or twice you'd mentioned some tips from tighnari.
what he couldn't find in the library he would have gone out to find for himself.
but where abattouy had been an aimless wanderer.
you had a guide.
     if the akademiya taught you one thing, it was that if information was not readily available to you, then it was your duty to go out and discover it. this creed was the heart of all expeditions towards the furtherment of acquiring knowledge.
there was a time that you'd hoped to use this guidance to eventually make your way to the foreign lands of snezhnaya but fate had another way of taking hold of your future.
for now, you would accept the resources that you had available at hand as you stood comfortable at the root of gandharva village.
through your inventions alone, you were a rather comfortable occurrence at the forest ranger headquarters. due to lacking a vision, both tighnari and cyno were reluctant when it came to acquiring your own research. most of your data and analysis came through the fox and any of the rangers he roped into the experiment.
your other reason for returning to the village, came in the form of the timid but gradually blossoming trainee.
it had been years, but sometimes it still felt like yesterday when cyno returned leading the frail girl back home. the two of you were nowhere near where you were now, but as a trio with tighnari, you each played a part in helping her reacclimate back into sumeru.
a smile curled at your lips at the memory of collei clinging to cyno even weeks after returning. the man had come to you on multiple occasions lost and harboring a shadow additional to his own. you suppose in a way, collei played a part in the progression of your relationship.
the two of you were close by academic aquantainship, strengthened by tighnari's sole tolerance in the two of you, but outings and dinners shared to cement the girl's comfort in her securer future had been the finalizing thread.
cyno had stolen you from your studies just as a secondary excuse to travel to gandarvale village, hand gripped tight with yours whenever tighnari wizened to his presence.
everything else just came together, natural and right.
a flash of green was all the warning you got before your body tensed in preparation, the additional weight briefly set you off kilter before your arms came around the girl. the smile staring up at you was infectious as those bright purple eyes danced with excitement.
“i was wondering when you would come to visit again! my sumeru rose bloomed, you have to come see it.”
despite her aversion to touch, collei was more than comfortable leading you confidently through the village bustle up to the bungalow she called home. you managed to interact with a few familiar faces along the way, limited to short greetings with as quickly as you reached your destination.
collei was nothing but proud as she presented the purple flower which stood tall under the tutelage and care she provided. as not only her pseudo guardian but mentor, collei did not stand idly under tighnari's supervision. her interest in flora and its medicinal properties bled from the fox's teaching into her own drive and motivation.
everyone was rather transparent about not teasing her too much when it came to her dedication. tighnari bore most of the weight as you had no qualifications of hanging his protege's progression over his head. rather than bending to the jest, the fox only took it seriously confidant that he could best anything the akademiya could teach. though you doubted the girl had any aspirations of enrolling after growing up in tighnari's view of the institution.
the girl preened under the press of your palm as it smoothed the crown of her head,” that's amazing, collei. you didn't miss a step. i hope tighnari was just as impressed.” your congratulatory tone edged towards the tune of a threat as you recalled his stern form of instruction.
it was fortunate the girl had such hardened resolve but it still took some physical encouragement to remind the fox that even the smallest achievements warranted praise. a smile curled at your lips at the thought. you took pleasure in being one of the few things the fox feared.
the headquarters was a tight knit collaboration, so it was no surprise to hear the man in question responding to his name.
“yes, i made sure that the accomplishment did not go unnoticed.”
tighnari's smile was easy but the flicker of his ears told another story. collei, poor girl always ready to defend, seconded it.
“yes! he even gave me some padisarah seeds to grow next. the terrarium helps keep them fresh out of season.”
you frowned at the challenge. padaisarahs had a difficult time alone surviving in the wild. nevertheless, the girl seemed undeterred.
collei had been very impressed with the terrarium you'd built for tighnari, never missing the chance to compliment the invention. despite knowing the answer, she'd timidly asked if you'd be willing to build her one in the future. while you had no qualms with doing it within the next few weeks if your schedule allowed, tighnari had been more strict explaining that she needed more studies before being trusted with such an invention.
despite the urge to oversee him just to spoil the girl, you could see where he came from. the terrarium was meant to cultivate the plants independently so that tighnari could focus his attention more in the forest. it took care of the crucial elements needed to nurture plants that collei still needed to learn.
but that didn't mean she couldn't have it and still be educated.
“speaking of the terrarium, since you're here. do you mind tweaking it a bit? i need to increase the temperature threshold to mimic the desert better.”
well, there goes a cashable favor without putting yourself in debt.
giving collei one last pat, you turned down the familiar path to tighnari's abode.
"of course. if you're free, i actually need a favor as well.”
tighnari hummed, already curious,” and what can i do for you?”
you waited until the privacy of tighnari's entrance leaves closed behind the two of you. using the opportunity of a distraction, you crouched in front of the device already knowing what controls to manipulate to get what was needed.
“i need an escort into the avidiya.”
tighnari's suspicion is palpable behind your back, “what for?”
“i want to see one of the dormant machines.” sticking your head into the base of the device, your voice echoed out. “i was recently given additional access to records on them and wanted to compile some field notes as well.”
tighanari was quiet for a moment, though you don't dare to look back. the task was complete yet your hands still move idly, checking over other features.
the fox was no doubt outweighing the pros and cons of just acquiring the data himself like most of what he shared with you. as of late, there the influx of reports about the forest never seemed to cease.
“a few have been reacting to the spilling fissures from the ley lines. at times it can be like walking along land mines … it's not very safe.”
you had suspected as much. abattouy had managed to make it that far in his research. he had made note of how inventors in the past had used the ley lines as a sort of spiritual medium to power the machines. it made sense that the power of celestial could bring life to inanimate creatures.
history lessons filled in the gaps from there. from the archons wars to the fall of khaenri'ah, any outlet of power was used towards domination and the creation of visions. no one had bothered to remember the forgotten guardians that remained impassive still protecting the lands that gave them home.
it was obvious that sumeru had enough issue with corrupted ley lines wreaking havoc. the last thing they wanted was to encourage curious minds to discover new ways to taint that power. but surely if they just allowed more time an alternative answer could have been found … with the proper resources abattouy could have made a difference. of that much you were certain.
unable to deliberate much longer, you eventually turned to observe tighnari's pensive gaze. fortunately, he was trained elsewhere as his hand curled against his chin.
“i happen to know of one stationed not too far from the village. we roam the area enough where it runs the lowest risk of coming into contact with the withering zones. if we
are quick, i can take you before i need to return for my own patrol.”
a relieved breath warmed your cheeks, “that would be great, thank you tighnari.”
“of course, let us start then.”
tighari spared a brief moment to rearrange a few items in the terrarium before closing the display. he expressed his gratitude with a quiet thanks before he was off.
the fox led the way, but you remained in close step. tighnari didn't have much to say and you were comfortable enough in the recesses of your mind to not be bothered by the lack of conversation. your thoughts kept returning to the notebook and the array of blueprints you'd sketched throughout the week.
abattouy hadn't let the fear of the withering zones keep him from researching the ruin guards. you wondered how often he came in contact with those awakened and more importantly how he escaped. you never recalled tighnari specifically calling him out when he recalled the tales of stupidity he dealt with throughout the days.
in wake of the expulsion and disappearance, he hardly spoke of him at all.
“how's cyno?”
you gaze slowly refocused as your mind caught up with the distance you'd already traveled in your stupor. the village was lost in the trees now.
“you know … working, as usual.”
you'd long lost any ire over the lull in his presence. it was just the consequence of his job and you wouldn't fault him for it given it was something he took pride in. the two of you managed to make it work where it mattered.
“hm, well at least you can say you got out of the shop.”
and there was that … without him here, you were prone to spending more hours working than you should. it was a fault you both could work on, though circumstances hardly favored the practice.
“yeah, there's that.”
the pair remained silent again as they followed the lush vegetation down the sloped path. the noon sun hung high but the trees were dense enough to shade their walk, cooling the air around them. it made sense how tighnari was able to stay comfortably down here, soaking in the cool moisture that hung in the air.
tighnari cleared his throat, breaking the stillness. “it's right over there.”
you followed the line of his arm, easily locating the dormant machine nestled against the cliff side. it appeared to be imprisoned by the overgrowth of vines, tangling its limbs and growing between the joints. tighnari was right, it didn't look like it had moved for ages.
“I'll take you closer but please be mindful.”
he continued to lead you down off the stout edge, hands carefully guiding as you slide the rest of the way down. tighnari didn't stop you as you approached the ancient structure, so you snapped up the loose leash while you could.
in classes, instructors would briefly brush over their existence. offered old photos similar to the reality you were standing in now. but they never delved further than that, withholding any information that gave any life to the idea of ​​them.
but this was the first time you'd seen one up close. the time-worn metal under your fingertips felt like it still held every bit of its integrity despite resting listlessly for so long. you doubted tighnari would let you linger.
you carefully flitted around the slumbering machine, not quite sure what you were looking for but hoping for a revelation all the same. there was no indication that the thing had been disturbed, by internal or external forces. not even the path to it seemed worn.
it would have been too much to ask for evidence of a camp or even forgotten notes. tighnari had already told you that it was patrolled often, so anything of value would have already been reported. what you needed was to find the ones not disclosed, hidden alcoves where a ruin and possibly a human could hide out. but that wasn't a place you would be able to wander across easily.
when tighnari made an exaggerated shuffling sound behind, you knew your time was up.
“tighnari … how do you feel about mechanical life?”
he breathed out a nasally sigh as he shook his head. the soft considering smile that graced his lips let you know that you weren't challenging anything.
“I was wondering when you would ask.” he nodded his head back towards the path, eager to start the return trip. as you filed in next to him, he spoke. “I believe all things deserve a chance at life. it's those who wished to study it that i have my qualms with. simply existing is a sacred thing that shouldn't be manipulated.”
his steps bring him closer, and you look up to find his offered hand.
he pulls you up with little effort. “it left a bitter taste in my mouth thinking of how mechanical life would be controlled and hindered by such simplistic lives. they're inherently restricted to their creators are they not.”
that was true. from what you'd read thus far, while they were about to 'adapt' it was impossible to do so without influence and instruction. mechanical life would never be able to reproduce on their own or properly source themselves without intervention. it meant that they would never get to decide their purpose, left to just fulfill it or be destroyed.
“doesn't it make you a little sad?”
tighnari looks back towards the machine.
“humans and animals alike live and die once their purpose has extinguished. yet these things, they lay waste for centuries just waiting for their next order. it's hard to want to support giving life to such things, you know?”
you did. but you also understood that like most tools, in the right hands both sides could benefit. but this wasn't a topic you were willing to have allowed just yet.
“thank you tighnari for bringing me here.”
the fox hums as he considers you. he was an intellectual being, no doubt being about to remain resourceful and well knowledged even after leaving the akademiya, you were sure he had his suspicions and concerns, but he also respected your boundaries and trusted your decision making.
shaking his head with a sight that spanned long years of friendship.
“anything for you.”
the pat on your back is dual purpose, as it urges you forward.
“now, let's hurry i may have some time before i depart. i don't know about you but im starving. i grew some new mushrooms in the terrarium that i want to try.”
you made a face as you recalled the headache tighnari put you through as you tweaked the machine to his liking. all to protect the future of forestry medicine. “i thought you planned to use that for actual research?”
tighari's nose twitched at your accusation, “i'll take that response as you're not hungry.”
     it becomes a little too easy for you to slip back into old habits of long nights in the shop over the next few days. cyno had sent word that he was on another investigation, meaning that the hunt could span well into the week depending on how obstinate his target was.
for a man who was determined to prove himself amicable, he never failed to live up to the fearsome legends surrounding his character. part of you almost felt sorry for the poor soul who suffers the dichotomy of addressing their crimes and your lover's attempt of a joke.
laughing at the memory of one, your shoulders sag at the place in your prior train of thought. since your last walk-in customer just after lunchtime, you'd been pouring over the mess of notes.
you hadn't let yourself linger too long on the lack of clues surrounding the slumbering machine. while thumbing further through the notebook, you began noticing certain text that reminded you of another's observations. after some light digging, you uncovered some of the log books from tighnari's investigations of withering zones.
both texts highlighted the effects of the ley lines zones, but whereas tighnari focused on its destruction, abbattouy had discovered a hidden attribute; a power source. though, perhaps 'forbidden' was a better term. this was likely the first strike used as evidence against him.
sumeru didn't need the jurisdiction of the akademiya to keep people from tamping too closely with ley lines. too much exposure would take a life before the research could be completed if one wasn't careful enough.
but abbatouy was smart, surely he'd figured out how to withstand the element long enough to conduct his experiments. it was a little worrying how little he seemed to account for his own ailments in his notes.
both scholars likened the absence of wildlife to exposed ley line fissures as a key indicators but where tighnari further delved into decay and miasma, abattouy spoke about the thrum of power and waking essence.
'the heartbeat of a god.' he called it.
while you weren't too confident about your knowledge on irminsul.
it was a starting point.
gaze flickering out the window, you noted how the sun was still hanging comfortably in the sky. it wouldn't hurt to make a few observations of your own. there was no chance of a discovery but becoming more familiar with the forest would help you narrow down your search.
tighnari assured you that the man had not made a home in the forest. but that didn't mean he didn't frequent it.
all you needed was a sign.
you didn't venture out unarmed, the echoing voice of a tighnari beating you lingering with every questionable action. as it was, the world was filled with less vision-holders than those who were blessed by the gods. as a child, you'd felt slighted from being overlooked but as you got over you came to learn that everyone had a designation.
those who had the gift did their part, and the rest of you moved along just well.
being acquainted with tighnari's experimentation with his vision in your early days of education were more fruitful than just a regular headache. while exploring the scholarly uses, he had also made it a point to bolster your defences. being with cyno only doubled down on the lessons of importance.
if not for the purpose of taking on the world, to at least give you a fighting chance against stray mercenaries.
capsules of knowledge also went a long way with strengthening your approach. you weren't a master of the art, but in the event of a sticky situation your odds were higher than without.
equipped with that resolve, you headed down the narrow path of the main merchant roads. from your frequent trips to gandharva village, you had a jist of what roads were meant to be avoided. it had taken some time, but eventually you felt confident navigating towards your destination. at least when you were on the correct path. you'd always known the dangers of veering. tighnari's guidance a few days prior had also played a part in highlighting the features most rangers instruct visiting parties to avoid.
unfortunately, you'd be using sad information against its desired use.
so where they advised those to go left, you angled right, making careful progress through the trampled brambles and strewn vines. while you descended further into the forest, you watched the sky while noting the sun's position between the treetops. starting later in the afternoon helped you avoid the worst of the high noon temperature, but it also ate up your flexibility with time.
this trip was meant to help you get a starting point, practice the evasion of vigilant rangers while preparing yourself for the brunt of the wild. taking a deep breath, you steadied your nerves and tried to enjoy the cooler evening air. while you preferred the port, you could see how tighnari found himself at home here. it was similar to the way cyno made his mark in the desert.
eventually, your pace slowed as the path blurred in terms of familiarity. the only given you knew was up meant out. there was hardly a path at this point, well off course from any guidance post. the only favorable thing was the lack of withering activity.
but still your body felt free of any bearing weight representative of ley line presence, so you carried on.
your fingers danced along the width of your blade as the occasional oburt of wildlife crackled around. rishboldand tigers preferred the trees, but rarely attacked outright without prompting. avoiding lingering under any trees helped ease that. the spinoroks favored the rivers and banks, but fortunately it had been some time since you'd last heard running water. and well dusk birds, it might have been a bit of comfort running across them.
to be frank, it had been quiet awhile since you've noticed any form of fauna. the last time you'd clutched the hilt of your weapon was when you'd spotted some fungi in the distance. had you wandered too far? or were you closer than you expected?
it became apparent, that despite your reading about visual cues, you had not learned much about what exactly coming in contact with ley lines felt like. the wrong amount of exposure could lead to sickness, but most victims hardly recalled being affected until it was too late.
while you enjoyed the accessibility of the akasha, its limitations became glaringly apparent outside of the city. what could have been a quick query would have to wait.
maybe it was just time for you to head back. the sun was hardly visible now but the darkening orange tone was warning enough.
you had been frivolous with your turns, but backtracking shouldn't be impossible. up, you reminded yourself. as long as you reached the top, the flat meadows above would spell out the rest. confident in your assumption, you turned around and headed back.
the feeling held on for a while as you ventured through the forest. some things were familiar, though trees were suspicious contenders. the only comforting thing was the soft click of crickets and lizards slithering at your feet, but even those weren't enough to deter you from the fading light.
you hasten your pace, uncaring of the noise it made as you stepped loudly through the brush.
up, as long as the direction was up you were good.
just up—
it was a chance glance, a brief scope of your surroundings, but it was enough to spot the familiar ridges and dark hues of the ruin slumped against the rock wall. you hadn't seen it on your way down, meaning you were advancing up an alternative path.
for the first time, you cursed your impulsive turns knowing it would take considerable more effort to return to the same spot again. biting your lip, you chanced a look at the treetops knowing what you saw wasn't promising and yet, this was a fleeting chance.
it appeared to be one of the cyclops models, paired with wings for flight. the mechanical ingenious behind designing something of the mass with the capability of flight was an impressive feat in itself.
just a look.
it was a different guard than the one you saw with tighnari, but intimidating all the same. you just need to make a quick check around the area, scour for any signs of disturbance since the machine began its slumber.
unlike the last one, this ruin was free from the tangle of vines and foliage. almost as if it had just been lain to rest yesterday. you wondered if that meant it had in fact been distrubed, by curious hands and minds. there was no evidence of encampment but surely someone had distrubed its resting place.  
frowning as you crouched, you fingertips brushed against the grass folded under its weight. what should have been dead and weathered felt plush and smothered. but that couldn't be right.
hidden in the depths came the sound of power whirling to life.
your blood turned to ice water as looked up to see the once dull optic blinking into existence. with a shout of surprise you fell back onto your rear before wrapping around to scramble to your feet.
an active ruin.
any floating notes were flung to the recesses of your mind as you favored survival. the machine was slow as it woke up, gears clicking under its weight. you only had a few moments before it gained its wings. you bolded, heading back towards the trees for coverage.
but its safety was no longer a promise as a bolt of power cut through the bark, narrowly missing you. the rumble of cracking wood forced your body into a roll as you darted to the next, barely clearing the distance before another beam shattered it.
your arms came up to protect yourself from the destruction, flesh exposed to the explosion of wood as it cut into your body. you sucked in a harsh breath as the searing heat spanned the width of your arm, but did not spare a moment to check.
the weapon against your thigh felt like a comical reminder as you slide into the next wall of coverage. a mercenary you could cut, but what was the possibility against a ruin?
for one, you wouldn't settle for death.
you threw your leg to the side, rolling out of the way over another blast. your nails dug into earth scrambling for purchase as you hastily found your feet. you could sob at the slight but noticeable incline as you discovered the path up.
there wasn't enough research on ruin's optic strength, but you doubted yours was any better. the darkening sky would be more favorable to it. the sound of it powering up came again, and you forced yourself to sprint up the incline to the next temporary safety.
it was still a journey up, but distance would have to be your defence. it could fly, but there had to be limitations. even as it hovered, it didn't appear to be able to get but a few feet off the ground. height would have to be your advantage.
arms coming around your head, you braced for another blast. the skin around your wound protested against the movement, but you held your breath through the pang of pain. the moment the light from its attack ended, you took off again, clawing your way up the path.
it seemed that your theory was favorable, though you are still forced to roll away from the edge as another blast shot up towards you. the dense foliage covering the treetops obscured whatever vision it had, the stray beam of power that came next well off course.
still you didn't pause your pace until the treelines thinned and the forest bled away. the adrenaline gave out just as sun dipping into the hilled plains of ardavi valley came into view, your body finally giving out under the pressure as you fell to your hands and knees. you pressed your scraped palms against your face, the salt from your exasperated yet relieved tears burning the cuts.
you'd survived.

      it was well into the night when you'd managed to stumble home. you were sure you were quite the sight to any of your straggling neighbors. you tried to be polite, but kept conversation to a minimum, wanting to keep much of this excursion from getting back to cyno.
during the walk home, you tugged the leaves and foliage free from your clothing and hair before fussing over the weeping wound. it wasn't deep enough to warrant stitches but it would hurt for a bit. after you patched it up you could come up with a plausible story for cyno.
for now, you just wanted to clean up and settle your nerves with a cup of tea.
name had yowled at your feet as you stumbled through the door, no doubt protesting his late dinner. you tried to place him as you steered towards the bathroom, stripping the dirt ridden clothes as you went.
the spray of water felt good as it washed away the grim, puddling murky suds at your feet. before the water cut off, you made sure to run your arm under the water to prep it for treatment.
clothed in the towel, you lowered yourself to the ground unable to ignore the burning against your arm. rummaging through the cabinets, you dragged the aid kit to your feet. it had been awhile since it made an appearance. as you got older, your shop mishaps began less frequently aside from the occasional hammered finger or contact burn.
you'd shut the door to the bathroom in order to work inhibited, so the angry meows from name were expectant. out of consideration, you had not lingered in the shower and attempted to patch yourself up just as quickly.
“give me a second, ali. i promise to give you an extra helping.”
what you weren't expecting was a reply.
“so it is you who is sneaking him treats?”
your body jolted at the sound, the action jarring your wound as you hoisted with a sharp cry. the sound was the least reassuring thing you could offer as you scrabbled against the edge of the tub to come to a stand.
cyno was quiet on the other as he tested the knob,”i'd like to come in, if that's okay?”
his voice was patient but the curl of concern wasn't something you could ignore. with a sigh you look around at the mess of supplies you'd accumulated, at this point there was no point in hiding out.
the door eased open carefully, consider your proximity. for what it was worth, cyno managed to remain relatively calm as he crouched before you.  
his touch is attempted as he prods the area around the wound, no doubt thinking the worst. “how did this happen?”
the lie slips all too easily through your lips. “got careless leaning against the table. too many nearby tools.”  
cyno's brow furrows as he inspects the wound but seems to accept the reasoning. there wasn't a trail of deception in your past for him to rummage through leaving him with only face value to determine.
still it doesn't help to remove the frown marrowing his lips as he works the bandage around the wound. he's more practiced in the art, keeping it firm but comfortable enough for flexion. though from the sharp pain you hiss through upon trying the flexibility, you doubt you'll be utilizing full range of motion much.
when you decide to go for a kiss of gratitude, he presses one light against his work instead.
“it's been a long time since i've seen you hurt.”
you go to shrug, buy find yourself regretting it just as quickly. “just got a little careless. i'll be more mindful.””
“hm. thank you for trying.”
he holds out a hand and you reach for it … or so you think. the vision of the offer is suddenly split in two and you can tell you've chosen wrong when you stumble forward. cyno quickly gathers you in his arms before you can fall further, the level of concern spiking in his voice.
“I'll handle dinner tonight. you've been on your feet for too long.”
the urge to protest dies on your lip as your world momentarily spins with a lurch from your stomach.
perhaps a nap wouldn't be too bad. 
     cyno made it a point to be at home more after the incident it was a welcome addition peppered with gratuitous opportunities to spoil you. he'd personally posted a note against your workshop door to alert any customers of your absence during your rest. he spent his time between reporting to the akademiya cooking meals and showering you with attention.
ali took the most advantage, always present to curl into his lap.
for a few days, you were able to forget what even had you bed ridden. the short bout of imbalance had not occurred since the time in the bathroom, though you did experience brief nausea at dinner. you accounted it all to the lingering effects of adrenaline from that night.
“i told you i would cook today.”
the matra were surely fearing a prophesied end with the amount of sick days cyno was taking to remain home with you. he tended to linger in the shadows when he wasn't needed, but the pressure of his presence wasn't an easy thing to ignore.
that was quite alright with you, it was quite a pleasant feeling him against you.
“you and ali looked so comfortable in your nap, i couldn't do it to him,” you explained, glancing over your shoulder before quickly turning your attention back to the pot to suppress a grin. clothed in a loose shirt, stretched from sleep, he was an adorable sight with his mused hair and lazy limbs.
cyno sighed and pulled out a chair from the table. the sound he made as he audibly sagged into the seat meant he hadn't woke up on his own accord. you wonder if it had been the clatter of pans or the aroma wafting from them.
either way, you couldn't suppress the tinge of guilt. despite being more at home, he hadn't stopped moving. finding him slouched with ali had been a welcomed shock.
you prepared a kettle for tea, knowing he wouldn't enjoy the dredges of sleep clinging to him. though he would write it off as laziness, the way his body fought for just a few minutes of rest spoke louder. you nudged a warm brew into his palm.
“it's been awhile since you've been to the forest. or anywhere not work related really.” encouraging the general to take a vacation was a dull blade, but you knew he lingered in the desert whenever a case pulled him that far. it was a small victory to cling to.
“I've been investigating something. it's taking up more of my time.”
typically the discussion of expelling students wasn't a cheerful conversation to have, but there were few things else to glean from his workday beside the few jokes he tested on you. it wasn't as if you didn't want to talk about it, sometimes you just wished the two of you had other things to discuss besides students and projects.
“have you considered…maybe taking a break after this assignment?”
cyno set aside his cup of tea, eyes shinning with low simmering mirth, “kettle … pot?”
you rolled your eyes. perhaps you both had an issue with overworking yourselves, but at least you had gandharva village in your arsenal. cyno just relied on his patrols and reports in lieu of ongoing cases.
but there was no denying neither of you had broken routine in quite sometime. maybe after all of this was over, you could change that. cyno had told you he'd like to take you to the desert one day.
reaching out, you curled your fingers into the tuff of hair that always hung over his ears. cyno leaned into the touch, crown pressed against your palm as you smoothed back the braids. “maybe save some of those vacation days…?” you probed hesitantly.
cyno pursed his lips and then reached beside you for his cup and lifted it to his lips for a sip. ''I'll consider it.”
though you didn't say anything, your face unintentionally twisted into something he couldn't ignore. his cup clinked against the table before he extended his arms and tugged you into his lap.
the action brought your faces closer and you couldn't help but shiver at the head between you. at this proximity, you could count every single one of his pale lashes. it was only natural for your eyes to flicker down to his mouth, always so inviting and nicely shaped in a way that you knew if you pressed yours against them, they'd be soft, warm and skillful.
it was cyno's turn for his hands to card through your hair, drifting back to your skull once before returning to hold your cheeks. '' there are still things i want to show you, i haven't forgotten. but i also don't want to be interrupted when that time comes,” he explained sincerely.
it was so honest it made your heart ache. to most it might sound like a stale promise, but you knew it meant he was trying.
unable to resist, you closed the distance for a brief peck,” alright, until then,” you concluded.
by then, things would be different. it would be a moment to celebrate.
in the end, cyno won out and took over the remainder of dinner preparation. unable to do anything but shake your head, you took his seat and polished off the rest of his tea.
with abattouy back in the shop, you at least knew you could decrease your workload. it would take considerable more effort to help cyno shave his down, but you trusted his management of the situation.
in the meantime, you would have to be satisfied with a home full of friends again.
the two of you had just finished dinner when cyno suddenly tensed in his seat. practiced in the relationship, you knew what was coming before he could start apologizing. before he could protest, you pressed a short kiss to his lips and began clearing the table.
duty called.
cyno returned from the bedroom toting his headpiece as you put aside the final dish to dry. his presence warms your back and his hand caresses the top of your head, smoothing down your hair. you nuzzle against his hand in return.
“I'll be home late, don't wait up.”
and thus you returned to a life of normalcy.
ali was an insist ball of fur until you cuddled him with a night time treat. it gave you the space needed to escape to the plush couch seated under the window. with cyno so close, you hadn't been able to properly review your notes, too concerned with the prospect of getting caught.
you still hadn't prepared your explanation in the event of that happening, too determined to address it with the shadow of abattouy at your side.
finally alone, you did put your akasha device to use. you'd promised cyno to take a few days off from the shop, leaving you with little else to occupy yourself as you probed the knowledge library.
it had been a good deal to make and your body certainly healed from the lack of stress. but it was time for you to get back to work.
you spent the remainder of the night before bed off curled by the window while browsing the reports from the bimarstan on recent ley line exposure cases.
these were all symptoms most frequented by the spantamad class in their pursuit to better understand irminsul.
you had no intentions of trying to communicate with the gods, but you weren't invincible if you remained set on this path. it would be imperative that you stayed on top of your health, prior injury aside. bandaging a wound was one thing. the last thing you wanted was to put cyno in the position of escorting you to the distant village in the desert.
you don't personally know anyone who had lost their mind to their studies but the impact swept through the akademiya regardless of how close you were to the subject.
some of the other classes feared that the spantamad's interference was only antagonizing the spirits and thus they suffered the consequences. you couldn't find it in yourself to fault anyone who would trade their own sanity for their beliefs.
the same could be said of the research of mechanical beings.
the akademiya believed they would lead to the destruction of life.
but that was only because they refused to accept any alternatives.
you groan aloud and a hand makes a familiar trip down your face. that would just be a road to look down once abattouy was safe and home.
for now, sleep was the only thing left to consider.
with a tired tsk you urged ali to follow you into the bedroom. it may be back to normal, but that didn't mean you didn't miss the additional warmth in bed.
tomorrow you would resume your research but tonight you would enjoy your last night of rest.
     your body lurches forward with a surge of breath, chest heaving from the effort. lungs expand, stretching and reaching for oxygen but never seems to get enough. it doesn't help that it feels as though your bearing the weight of a building.
or a city … as the remnants of one crumble around you.
the light registers as flames as the flicker across your vision. but it's the smoke, its thick and cloying billows blanketing everything in its smog.
a cry sounds in the distance. multiple sounds of despair, calling for help, mercy and salvation. none, however, sound familiar, no one you can run to with certainty.
“... tighnari? collei?”
trepidation curls around as you take in the scene. the crackling of wood and tumble of rubble. it's difficult to make out, though it appears the branches feed into something larger, winding together towards the sky. it's the whirling of gears that draws your attention. you recognize the sound as the bean of power charges.
you stumble to your feet, frantically grabbing at the first thing in reach. the tasks in conjunction seem too much for you as you stumble and fall back on your rear. nails dig into the withering vines as you drag yourself up a second time. in your right hand, a cut of stone sharp from its breakage cuts into your palm. solidifying it as a weapon, you ignore the cut of blood bleeding around it.
the ruin unleashes its attack in the distance, the beam of light lost in the chaos but the screams roar on. you're helpless to cries, barely able to withstand your own weight as you keep a firm grip on the woven roots.
it must have followed you, rounded up its fallen soldiers and set siege on the city.
it was your fault.
all your doing.
behind you another tree shudders, branches quaking as it falls to its death. in its wake, rises another ruin, broad and glowing as it marches forward.
you have to run. you need to will your frozen limbs. find cyno and run—
      you're woken by the sound of a staggered chair and the taste of fear from the recesses of your mind. the strain from your healing wound pulls as you slide out of bed, dragger held tight against your palm.
it's cyno who stumbles into the bedroom moments later is the first to make a sound as his more honed instincts circle your wrist before you can strike.
the weapon tumbles from your palms without protest as realization drains away the fear, replacing it with shame. a shaky hand covers your mouth,” i thought you—”
what did you think?
the crackle of fire
a haunted laugh
your body stiffens as cyno's arms encircle you before you sag into his hold. above your head, he takes in your frazzled state, brow pinched in concern. he takes in your shaky hands, the erratic drum of fingers against your stiff thighs, and the low muttering under your breath of words he doubted you even recognized.
cyno had witnessed you distraught. he'd coaxed you down from frustration.
but this…
“it's alright, i didn't mean to spook you,” he hushes gently as his heart thumps, an uncertain staccato against his chest. ''you're okay.”
he feels your shuddered breath against the scratch of his neck, your arms squeezing tightly around his middle. “I don't know what happened, “ you whispered.
there was never a moment that you ever felt unsafe at home. even without his status as the mahamantra, cyno held a sense of prowess that never failed to fight off the worst of monsters. he was your protector. so what had grown so big that not even he seemed strong enough to keep you safe?
with the fingers at the flesh of your waist, cyno guides you towards the edge of the bed. he disgrauded his head piece prior to entering the bedroom, likely the source of the disturbance, but was still clothed from the day. though neither of you protested as he gathered you close in bed.
sumeru did not sleep.
but some monsters still prowled. 
      the occurrence of the night before go unsaid but not unnoticed. cyno's troubled gaze follows silently as you flow from one side of the kitchen to the next. he accepts the cup of tea and returns the gesture with the slide of his lips against your cheek.
work is what eventually ushers him out the door despite his desire to linger. he doesn't say it but he wants you to take an additional day off.
still a bit tattered from the restless sleep, you cant help but agree. the better part of the week had been spent cooped up as it was, without brief visits to the shop. fresh air would do you good, to see the city and its inhabitants.
a strange desire to witness the life of the city drives your body into action as you dress and head out the door. the sun was a hesitant welcome as it warmed your skin but the same light irritated your eyes. still you pushed on, hoping the familiar streets would shake off the foreign feelings clinging to your body.
people in the streets greeted you in passing, those more familiar coaxing you closer for a chat. for awhile it proved to be a comfortable distraction as you relaxed under the shade of a canopy conversing about the upcoming festival. the divide between gods very made sense to you given that all the inhabitants of the city had truly only served under one. greater ruk had indeed blessed the gift of wisdom but lesser lord kusanli kept it alive.
given the tragedy in liyue, people should be fortunate that you still had a god.
“its not properly sanctioned, but i believe you would enjoy it.” your fingers flexed under the comforting palms that held your hand. zoya was an old soul, refusing to be swayed by anyone's judgement. she was respectful towards both gods, but swore to use her days of life worshiping the remaining one.
she squeezed your hand with her weathered grip once more before pulling away, “maybe even bring the general.”
that brought a rush of laughter as you shook your head. as if that would happen. zoya grinned, expecting the same with a shrug.
you parted ways with a wave. there would be more of a chance of getting tighnari to humor the akademiya than to convince cyno to visit the festival. just the mention of 'unsanctioned' was warning enough.
“I'm terribly sorry, sir. it was an unexpected loss but i promise to have better inventory next week.”
you paused a stall over, inspecting the fresh harvest of fruits. shopping for perishables was always difficult when cyno was on long investigations, especially when selecting his favourites. it was always a gamble if they would end up being eaten in time.
“that's quite alright, it must be difficult traveling with the eremites lately.”
“no, it wasn't the mercenaries this time … it was this.. this machine. it just came out of no where.”
you stopped short, hand hovering over the selection of zaytun peaches.
“a machine?”
a flashback of the ruin hovering above you menacingly came to mind. had it continued to patrol after you'd made your escape?
“im pretty sure it was. looked like a crab of sorts.”
“sounds odd … sure you didn't get too close to those withering zone?”
you maintained the face of closely inspecting the collection while keeping a keen ear on the conversation. the pair wasn't all to concerned with their carrying voices.
“no, the caravan is pretty good about avoiding those.”
“huh well sorry for your losses. i'll check back next week.”
the merchant's shoulders slumped in defeat of another lost sale.
a crab-like ruin? it didn't sound like anything you'd encountered.
setting down the fruit, you thanked the farmer and crossed the street quickly. there were still valuable details to the story that you could glean. “hi, sorry to —”
the man didnt have the typical exuberant of an expectant merchant,“hello, i'm afraid i'll be closing early today. not much to sell.”
“i actually just have a question. i couldn't help but overhear about the crab ruin attacking the caravan.”
he waved off the inquiry, “it's probably nothing. it was late and we were too at ease with security.”
biting your lip, you switch angles hoping to ease past his guard, “possibly, but i have friends in the forest watch that like to patrol. i can give them a heads up.”
it was enough to give him pause as he considered the offer. the idea of ​​having someone to clear the path for future travels was too good to pass up. “that would actually put our minds a bit at ease. here.”
merchant searches through his belongings and produces a map. its a weathered parchment, but heavily detailed with trade routes and known bandit locations. his points to the newest addition, a hastily drawn figure that must represent the mechanical being.
“it was odd. it only wanted mechanical parts but we lost some good merch in the scuffle.”
he surprises you by handing it over. grateful, you store it away in your satchel. “I'll look into this. sorry for your loss.”
looks like you wouldn't be completely free from business.
you cut your market trip short and cut through the port to your workshop. on the door, cyno's note still remains posted. technically, it was still your day off, so you left it in place.
upon reaching your desk, you unroll the map and use the nearby tools to hold down the corners. the merchants outlined their entire trip with a bold red line, noting the location of the incident with a solid 'x'.
it was no surprise that it had occurred in the forests, ruins were rarely found along the trails in the plains. it was too open and frequently travelled. without looking, you reached out for the notebook tucked away at the back of the drawer.
in one of the pages, abattouy had sketched his own map. a smaller more detailed scope of the forest. you thumbed front to back in search of the page, coming up short with each run through. the book was worn, but you were sure you would have noticed if a page had fallen out.
your forearm caught the back end of the book before it could flip shut, prepared to run through one last time when you felt your arm roll over a small but noticeable indent. perplexed, you twisted your limb too and from, confirming that it wasn't a fluke. however, when you lifted your arm, you were just met with the smooth surface.
or so it seemed.
curious, you finger toyed at the slit at the bottom, working back the frail lining until a fold of paper fell through. moving the book aside, you unfolded the document to find a few sheets of worn reports sealed together with age and pressure.
abattouy was a never ending mystery of hidden wonders. he was becoming less of a surprise how he managed to evade the akademiya for so long.
'... found a large group of mechanisms, similar to the huge walking machinery we previously found at the ruins of gurabad…'
the location sounded familiar from brief memory of the map of sumeru, it was closer to the deserts.
'... found an organization called schwanenritter, and its existence may be confirmed by the legend of ruins of dahri… recorder, trainee dastur, zandik.'
'.. the terrifying killing machine has stopped. zandik insisted on bringing it back to the akademiya to be disassembled and reverse-engineered…'
they appeared to all be remnants of research notes with a common theme: zandik. the name didn't ring any bells, though you had a feeling whatever you found wouldn't be favoured. what plagued you more was how abattouy managed to get a hold of these. not only were the contents alarming but they appeared to be the originals, not recreations.
where had he even collected them from?
you tried not to think too hard about the dark splotches splattered against the corner of one.
for a moment you sat seated just staring into space while fidgeting with the thumb on a wrench. first discovering active ruins, then the reports of ones attacking caravans and now these redacted reports?
before you thought better of it, you directed your attention to the device at your ear.
'who is zandik?'
the silence you received in response was both expected and concerning.
what had abattouy gotten himself into? and more importantly what were you following behind.
“i figured i'd find you here. you're starting to work more than me. cat tolerated one of us but i don't think he'll be forgiving with you.”
starting with a painful thud in your chest, you quickly rearranged the papers on your desk to shroud the letter. cyno never failed to sneak into your abode before, nor did rarely offer an expected arrival time but tonight was the one occasion you truly weren't ready.
“cyno! i—” turning in your seat, you tried to produce a face of carelessly flustered as you rested your elbows on the surface behind you. for once, you were grateful for your erratic and clumsy nature as the mahamantra stared down at you with thinly veiled suspicion.
your heart thumped recklessly against your sternum as the silver haired general approached, not stopping until his long tresses tickled the sensitive skin of your collarbone. you steadily kept his gaze, worried that the slightest distraction would peak his interest to investigate.
you couldn't let him find out … not yet.
cyno, always sensitive to your moods, narrowed his eyes as his palm came to hold your cheek. just when you thought you would face the interrogation of the mahamantra, you felt the soft exhale against your lips before he dropped a brief kiss to the quivering brim.
“come on, we're already out. may as well treat ourselves to dinner.”
you followed mutely as he led you down the intimate winding roads of the port. people shouted and laughed, going on about their day free of the akademiya weighted judgment. once you might have smiled at the thought, but now the sounds felt near unbearable to your ears as you shook away the beginnings of a headache.
it was a strange foreign feeling in a place called home.
you picked up the pace, hoping whatever destination cyno picked would be less boisterous. company aside, the students at the very least would give you a wide berth.
smoke from food stalls filled the air with the smell of meats, spices and breads that made your stomach roll in a way that wasn't pleasant. which was rather unfortunate because it only reminded you of the pings from missing lunch. nothing a single thing smelled like it would quell either ailment, but the thought of sitting in a restaurant felt worse so you pulled at cyno's hand until he stopped.
wordlessly you point towards the line up of food, feeling worse about ruining his plans but more confident it would at least keep your food off his lap if it became too much,
“stalls and the sky?”
cyno blinked and nodded slowly, a small smile crawling at his lips at the code. “stalls and the sky.”
stalls and the sky, had been the coined term for your first date. the saving grace that had swept up the remains of a sure disaster. cyno's popularity with the scholars had not necessarily improved with his tenure, but back then he'd practically been a walking pariah while getting comfortable in the shoes of the general mahatra.
civilians had not blinked an eye, only finding praise for the [hired] individual who would protect the wisdom of the god. but it didn't make for a very comfortable gathering with the constant stars. it was part of the reason you moved from the city and into the port. cyno too had come to enjoy the proximity to the desert.
letting cyno lead rather than you appetite, you remained tucked against him as he ordered a variety of items. every so often his gaze would flicker to you in search of approval but the best you could manage was a shrug. you hated the soft frown it promoted, but your options were limited.
food paid for, you took the lead towards the back of the port near the great trunk in the center. the roads brought you close to the top, but there was an alternative albeit less safe path that awarded a view if daring enough. once under the familiar branch, you hooked your elbows over the curve of wood with a good jump. cyno offered his shoulder for the final launch as you shifted into a seating position.
cyno followed shortly after, more agile as he hopped up with ease. you took the food as to give him room to get comfortable without smothering it.
the wind was less kind up here, whipping at your clothing and around your legs but the view it promised was worth it. the entire port opened up below, leaving the stars and moon free from the glow of the city. if you stared long enough, you could even make out the stretch of the desert wall beyond the dark forest in the distance.
it wasn't private, anyone with curious enough eyes could look up and find the two of you, but it was still yours.
the bag crinkled between you as cyno dug through and handed you a skewer. the fresh air helped a bit, but you still couldn't stomach more than a few nibbles here and there.
“i had to interview a scholar today..”
you frown at the sudden statement. in terms of his work, it wasn't the most unusual task.
“but he was a geo user so i didn't get much of a reaction.”
your lips part to speak, tongue stuck before reluctant laugher falls out. it was soft, slightly incredulous with surprised by how well the intended joke met its mark this time.
“it's because geo visions don't react well with other elements.”
shaking your head, you nod,” yeah, cyno, i know.”
the man smiles, more pleased with the ease of your shoulders than the successful joke.
you bite your lip and try to hang on to the flicker of joy it brought, not ready to fall head first back into your thoughts. but as soon as the joke floated away, the smile faded, no longer reaching your eyes.
this should be a moment to enjoy, not
cyno reaches up and runs his thumb over your lower lip, easing it out from the teeth.
“you can … talk to me about these things.” by things he means the studies, the research and everything. there was a time that you did. occasions where you shared everything, unable to escape the glee with each new discovery. and moments where you shared too much and it all came crashing down.
you had been such an idiot then. it had just been an innocent question. abattouy never gave you too much, unlike you keeping his sensitive information close. but you'd gleaned enough and ran to cyno at the first opportunity sprouting nativity:
'what can we do to change the sage's view on mechanical life forms? you're the mahamantra they have to listen to you.'
and they did, but not for the reasons you'd hoped.
cyno has cupped your face instead of responding, eyes desperately riveting over your face in search of more questions than he was ready to ask.
'i'll take care of it.'
now people like to say that it was inevitable. abatyouy had been careful but he wasn't perfect. there had been rumors floating around his research. wandering eyes accounting for tools he purchased. it was inevitable that the general mahamantra would be knocking on his door if he didn't cease looking into such things.
but you didn't need to be the one to open it.
when you swung open the door, surprised at the gesture but not turning down the opportunity to see your lover during the day. the jest fell off your lips as the general mahamantra stared pointedly away from you as the decree fell from his lips.
but all you could hear was the clutter of tools falling behind you.
anu said he never blamed you.
it was all inevitable  
but you wish you hadn't been part of the plan.
“i've just been too deep in my work, but you were right, i needed this. i should be able to sleep better now thank you.” you express your gratitude by leaning over and pressing your lips to his cheek once, then the corner of his lips were the taste of spices lingered.
cyno didn't reply at first, but seemed to be mulling over it until at last he nodded and offered his arm to help you stand.
“anytime you need me,” he reiterated.
not every time, a voice silked in your ear.
     you're close.
its a fact that you can't escape, the truth of it seared into your brain. an inescapable thread of knowledge that puppets you through the remainder of the night and into the early stages of morning.
you're so close.
but you can't take that next step. at least not without killing yourself. tighnari mentioned how vision users were touched with a kind of ley line energy that helped smooth over encounters. it was why the forest rangers were so adamant about withering zone containment and steering away civilians.
the fox had come to you with the problem before, leading to the energy isolation device that helps dray in the excess energy. though you hadn't been able to be apart of the official experiment, based on the data he provided, you were assured that it worked well. better than his own expectations.
it not only absorbed the power, but converted it to use as a neutralizing agent to restore the area to its natural environment. but something like that drew attention, not only from the forest rangers but from animals alike that would flock to less contaminated regions.
you would need something smaller, more attuned to just yourself as a vector to allow you to traverse the region without disturbing the flow. something that would stay on your person, secure like jewelry.
the lull tapping of your pen against the desk paused as the idea came into fruition like the slow unravel of a flower in bloom. a bracelet, you could craft a ring that would send out small pulses similar to the purification device. strong enough to ward off the ley line's aura but contained to just you.
if it worked it would be something you could present to tighnari later. for now it would be a crude trial but with abbatouy's help it could be something that could be reproduced for mainstream use. a promise of safety for anyone, vision bearers and or not.
more evidence to the akademiya that abattouy iscapable of providing for the better good.
the world around your workshop moved on, time eating away the light as you pressed on. you persevered, fighting off the knaws of hunger with stale nuts and the low lull of music to distract from the exhaustion. it was well past dinner time when you finally clipped the device to your wrist.
the fit was tight but not intolerable. comfort was something you could tweak after it proved its worth. your body felt too aged from the day to even encourages your limbs to pull into a much needed stretch.
carefully, you packed up your tools and other assorted needs for your next trip. you were determined but not ignorant. rest would be necessary before you could venture into the wilds again. the last visit had not been kind to your unpracticed stumbling.

     the sun is searing, a familiar sensation and at the same time one you can't ignore. it's uncomfortable in a way that won't let you relax. a determining when all you want to do is sleep.
there wasn’t a point where you could recall you last full night’s rest, but yesterday had taken its greatest toll on your body. you were well aware of the risks, even with the pseudo assurance of the device you’d built.  this … project was consuming every waking hour and some with little progress to show for it. what you needed was to rest. maybe after your mind could recuperate.
“Is that what you think?”
you startle, whirling around as you take in your surroundings. for a moment the world blurs, gold and tan shifting to warm greens and browns. the scent of wet and pine fills your nostrils, yet the weight of the sun never leaves your skin.
your eyes widen as you take in the figure resting against the tree bark as if he’d never left. like he’d been waiting from the beginning, stands abattouy.
he's just as you remember, robed in akademiya fabrics with googles skewed but set firmly on his face. there was even the smudge of oil smeared against his cheek, a direct link to the inky stain coating his fingertips. it was him.
and then he smiles. archons, you missed that.
‘heard you were looking for me. why the long face?”
“aba—you..? how?”
he laughs then, sounding so at ease as he pushes off the tree. in a few strides he's in front of you, hands hot, stronger than the sun as they settle on your shoulders. yet you hardly notice, to swept in the reality that he was here.
“you're so close. i can't wait to show you everything i've accomplished so far. together we can finally do it. show the akademiya that they were wrong.”
your eyes sting as tears bubble to the surface. you want to reach up and wipe them away but find that you can't. abattouy's grin widens as the trails wet your cheeks.
“come find me, okay? we can do this.”
the tears come faster as you blink through them, eyes closing for a moment as you try to center yourself. “abba, i'm so sorry about cyno. i—i shouldn't have said anything. i didn't think he'd—”
abattouy frowns at that.
“don't worry about him. you've done good leaving him out this time. just come to me and i'll take care of it.” his thumbs come to your cheeks, smearing instead of wiping away the evidence. his touch is firm, pressing a thread above comfort as his nails dig in just a little bit. “you've got this. i believe in you.”
despite the instinct bleeding under your skin, urging you to wrestle away, you smile back. "see you soon."
a twisted smile curls on his lips.
     when you wake, the moon is still high in the sky yet the age of the night leaves a glow against your body. hardly wears on your conscience. for now you feel more awake than you ever had.
you don't know why … but you're invigorated. more determined than ever before. just a little more and you'd be there.
“where are you going?” you startled at the sleepy voice. turning, you found a slightly bloodshot but sleepily curious gaze. the sun was still a few hours away but it was obvious that the mahamantra had not been in bed for long. he must have drifted in somewhere between one fitful slumber to the next.
you began dressing under his speculative gaze, shrugging on a light robe to fight off the night chill. eventually you rounded the bed to his side, a response prepared on your lips,” just to the workshop. i've been laminating over some ideas and finally figured something out.”
no one would ever consider you an early riser but there were past occurrences like this where you'd wake up just to work through a puzzle or idea before it was lost. you expected cyno to let you go with that, accept the brief kiss and roll over. it came as a surprise when a firm arm looped around your waist instead.
the silver haired male dragged you to him, rather than bringing himself to full height. his exhaustion breathed against the sensitive skin under your jaw as he nuzzled into your neck.
“you've been spending a lot of time there.”
hidden from his probing gaze, your brow furrowed at the comment. the past few weeks, cyno himself had hardly been around to note your lack of presence. but that was something you were used to, the same couldn't be said for him.
you fought the urge to fidget, unsure of where the direction of this conversation was going.
“yeah, i just really want to crack this.”
cyno leaned back. you swallowed against the lump in your throat as his hand came to cup your cheek, thumb drawing small circles. “stay. tell me about it. let me help.”
it was obvious that he needed every bit of sleep he could get by looking at him, yet there was a sense of determination and a hint of something else you couldn't shake.
for the first time in a long time, you felt uncomfortable under his adj gaze. you stepped back and cyno released you with little resistance.
“you should get some sleep. we can talk about it later.”
before he could reply you dropped a final kiss to his lips and fled.
     the sun kisses the horizon on the early path of ascension as you step into the crisp morning air. the early hour meant few distractions as you quickly tore through your shop, collecting the maps and the newest device before heading out. the merchant's map had added a few additional helpful details that had been previously overlooked
the avidya forest was once the ideal path to avoid the ermeties, who'd overtake the upper routes, but with the withering zones extending either direction was ideal. but corruption meant that ley line presence was near, it was just about calculating the right exposure.
the bracelet that hummed lowly on your wrist worked doubly as a protectant and detection. the low thrum would pick up a rhythm of pulses whenever activity spiked. you used it like a compass to lead you off the main utilitarian roads into the worn lines of the forest floor.
as the overhanging vegetation eats up the direct sunlight, you slowed your pace, taking into account the additional wildlife that might make a home out of it.
this route had once been used by the merchants hauling mechanical parts but had been abandoned when it was suspected to be new grounds for a withering zone. on the last trip, the merchant had reported odd symptoms while lagging through the forest. somewhere towards the heart of the undergrowth they'd been attacked, divesting them of most of their goods. most of the crew was nearing delirium at that point, so the culprit was still at large.
it had to be more machines.
you took a chance and angled left, carefully avoiding fallen branches and brambles. the sound of running water called to you and you navigated the rest of the way to the water's edge. it was a small ravine splitting sparse trees and flora growth. no indication of wildlife to be seen.
you stopped to listen, further ensuring your hypothesis when no answering caws or rumbles echoed through the ravine. a quick check of the bracelet showed that the pulses had slowed to a steady but strong rhythm. you were on the right trail.
every step was properly tracked this time, marking every slope and wildlife sighting. for the majority of the morning that was all you saw as you rounded towards the apex of the map. earlier you stumbled near a prowling patrol, managing to hide among the underbrush until they passed through.
you excursions would only last however long they remained outside of tighnari's knowledge.
the creeping heat had forced you to stop by the stream for a moment, letting the cool water pool in your palms before patting your cheeks to bring down the temperature. your gaze darts down to your wrist, noting the consistent rhythm it had stuck to for the last hour. it was both comforting and damning, narrowly avoiding the dangers so intricately woven with the clues you needed.
eventually you would need to begin tracing your steps. lately cyno had been more attentive and the brief interruption this morning was only more evidence of it. when and if he came looking, you needed to be found in a less compromising position.
with a huff, you rose to your feet and brushed off the bits of gravel. you were shaking the crack from your knee when a rustle of reeds draw your attention. there hadn't been much more than scattering hogs lately, though this close to the water's edge the possibility of spinocrocs wasn't impossible.
with careful muted steps you edge back, eyes trained on the location of the disturbance. you just manage to clear the marshes when you hear it.
the whirring sound power winding as the machine turned on its axis. you bolted, darting towards the trees for protection in preparation for the beam of light. you grunted under the heavy impact of bark as you slammed against the cover, safe but still detected.
what is it doing?
you had expected to feel the heat from the blast but no attack came. perhaps it was recalibrating? as it was, you refused to linger and find out. the weight of the dagger against your thigh felt like fickle reassurance as the clanking of metal parts near.
you rolled through the underbrush, gasping through the sharp knicks of stones biting at your skin. a low whimper escapes you as you thumb at the bone under the bracelet. the device had taken the brunt of the force but the echo of pain still throbbed. the dull thrum of its alerting system was hardly comforting as it aggravated the injury more.
you whirled to face the machine, as it crawled near. it teetered restlessly on its limbs, it's red gaze peering ominously at you.
then it turned, skating forward a few paces before looking back.
what in archon's name was going on?
despite instinct urging you to flee, you found yourself using the moment to catalog the creation. it was nothing like any ruin you'd seen or read about before. its gold and white colored plates flared out in a more defensive arrangement. but most importantly, it looked almost like … a crab.
had his been the mechanical being that had harassed the caravan?
the machine almost looked humbled on its teetering legs, red center glowing brightly. its body jerked in the direction in front of it, as if wanting to urge you along.
it made an odd garble of sounds as if confirming your thoughts.
the direction it panned ahead, was the path you had already come from, a stark difference from the land you still wanted to explore. biting your lip, you look back at the winding ravine down stream. the merchant had said the ruin had only been after mechanical parts, something you'd lacked. yet it had an interest in you, or at least your being.
whatever was down there, it did not want you finding out. peculiarity aside, the memories from your last encounter with its more offensive counterparts had not been kind.
“... alright, lead on then.”
the machine set has determined path along the slopes, guiding you through the forestry without pause.
as the adrenaline wore off, your body felt its toll. you groaned as your vision blurred at the edges and your body swayed in step. the stumble must have alerted the machine who turned on its axis.
even without words, the concern was conveyed. with a strained smile, you waved it off, practiced at deflecting. “I'll make it.”
because you would, the hanging sun was already visible at the top of the path. you had just taken on more than you could account for and these were the consequences. but they did not come without gifts??
this machine was … sentient. able to discern friend from foe and devised a plan to reach it's goals.
“thank you”
it made a whirl of noises more exuberant and insistent than before.
a spike of nausea hit you and you nearly doubled over from the wave. there was no telling exactly what …
you'd be back. there had to be something there.
maybe even abattouy.
the machine made another series of sounds, that felt conclusive. while a shallow theory, you got the jist that it knew.
     not to unlike your current predicament as you drug your worn body home. a faded pain of reminder gnawed at your stomach but you doubted you could sit long enough to think, let alone eat.
you breathed a sigh of relief as you managed to key the lock open on the first try, ready to fall face first into the bed, when you felt the weight of another gaze. the attention prickled against your skin but not with fear. at least not for your life as you humbled under cyno's gaze.
you push off from the closed door and walk further into the room, getting space between the two of you. your positioning is defensive, there is no denying the reclusiveness.
cyno appears… calm as he watches but you can tell he's thinking beyond whatever he prepared for your arrival.
“haldr asked when you would be open again. apparently you took on a bigger project. you never mentioned it before.”
you bite back a hiss as you shoulder off your belonging on to the table, “its nothing.”
cyno, surprising doesn't scoff despite the disbelief oozing from his voice. “its … nothing? but its enough to occupy a lot of your time.”
you avoid his gaze.
“will you at least talk to me?”
a dull thud begins knocking at your forehead. you cant do this. not now. “talk about what?”
the inhale he takes is audible, barely retaining his patience. “with whatever has you … tense. this isn't like your normal frustration.”
“and what does normal frustration look like exactly? i'm sure you're plenty familiar with it, right. surely the great mahatra is trained in noticing signs of stress to weedle out all the bad little scholars.”
cyno took a deliberate step forward and you echoed with another back. for a pregnant pause, you both stood silent at an impasse. you could see the road before you and where it led. this wasn't foreign ground between the two of you, just a road dusted over. “is this about your new research? what are you—”
you snap. “is this what this is … an investigation? is that how you cornered abattouy?”
you both froze at the name. the astronomical weight it carried telling so much yet not at all. the breath leaving your lips is more exaggerated now, pushing your chest out with each breath. it might just be the lightning but for a moment you swear there are beginning something darker than anger gathering in his eyes.
cyno eventually forced himself to speak. when he did, his voice was quiet but stoic. the headdress was missing but you were edging closer to the mahatra with every word. “abattouy was researching banned material. you know this.”
it had been a children's joke to think that where they'd left the argument last was the end. with all its abrupt and jagged edges, it was a wonder it made it this long without getting caught between them.
“but you knew he wasn't doing any harm. he just wanted to help people cyno.”
it hadn't just been a chase for academic achievement. abattouy wanted to prove that the forgotten warriors were more than just gears and parts. that their purpose reached more than time limited them to. the akademiya was not always right. it was not perfect and you were tired of shadowing the flaws.
“he was my friend,” you crack, moisture prickling at your eyes with emotions you couldn't begin to name. it was all overwhelming. the research, the secrets all boiling over to … this.  
through blurred eyes you watch as cyno approaches carefully. not another word is said as he draws you in, arms tight around your quivering figure as he mutters soothing noises. for a moment you settle into the gentle rocking as he coaxes you down from your high.
it might take some convincing but maybe you could finally sway him. prove that not everything from the sages should be accepted without question. if tighnari could see the walls crumbling, then surely—
“there are rules you can't ignore.”
his words make your mind go blank—makes you want to scream, wait and give up within seconds of each other. ultimately, your body decides for you,  shoulder rolling, you knock yourself free of his hold. you furiously wiped at your nose with the back of your hand.
“I wish the same could be said about the truth.”
you step around him, grabbing your shoulder bag and ripping the front door open. daylight was fading quickly but you would make it to your destination before nightfall.
the tears tracks on your face had managed to dry over the course of the trip. your lips still felt a little puffy from the moisture, but for the most part you were dried up and presentable. stars were just beginning to sprinkle against the sky as you hoisted yourself up the steps of gandarvale village. you hoped the lamps didn't bring too much attention to your face.
fortunately those you ran into were sparse as you near the top, almost concerningly so until you found the majority of the rangers gathered at the apex. you appeared to have stumbled upon the closing statement of a meeting, a rather informative sort as tighnari drew attention to a few diagrams at the center of the group.
the content of his words didn't stick, but the informative drawl that was so intricately tighnari eased the tension wholed up in your shoulders. you couldn't see collei from here but you hoped to avoid the girl for a bit until you were ready. she was a bit too perceptive for your nerves right now.
there were waves of applause, rather muted out of respect for the speaker as the group cleared. the crowd broke up neatly, not a single head of green in sight as the path to the front became free.
ashpazi was one of the few who lingered, drawing tighnari into a shallow discussion as the chief officer gathered his supplies. they both looked up at your arrival, the chef nodded politely and taking his leave.
lightly tsking, you waggled your fingers at the departing figure before you turned your full attention to the bemused fox.
“dissemination of information for public consumption, nari? you should have told me you were such a bad boy.”
tighnari appeared to lose more interest with each jest that left your lips, completely turning his back as he organized the pamphlets and materials. “what are you going to do, tell cyno?” he seems to find a private laugh at the thought, rarely finding reason to imagine his former institution bringing him to 'justice'. “please, i'd like to see them try to prosecute me.”
when he turned back around, he found your features frozen in a state of … shock? what had he said that'd been so surprising? surely you didn't think that he actually feared being investigated. the akademiya couldn't afford to lose his medical research. besides the bimarestan wouldn't be able to function at that kind of capacity without his intervention.
part of him worried he might have hit a deeper nerve. why were you here again?
your wide eyed awe, left little to ground his suspicions on. that was more cyno's gift.
and yet.
“wow, tighari. i can see why you're so inspirational here.”
tighnari rolled his eyes, frankly exhausted with the day as it was. while he never turned down a visit from you, you'd picked a hell of a time to show up. in fact, it was odd enough to see you come unprompted at this hour. his gaze narrowed as it picked you over with more scrutiny, not missing how your mask crackled further revealing the stress lines you'd tried to shadow with humour.
the fox laid back down his materials, uncaring for the ones that rolled off the table. “hey … are you sleeping okay?” it was fading, but there was a hint of redness in your gaze. he hadn't followed up on your odd curiosity in the ruins since he'd taken you nearly a fortnight ago. it had seemed like such a passing whim then, but perhaps there was more. “cyno not been home?”
you don't really want to answer the question but you know he'll pry. "we...actually had a fight."
tighnari made a soft sound, brow pinched at the thought. that would have been his third guess but he had hoped not to get that far. “about … abattouy or your research on the ancient machines?”
you weren't shocked by assumptions. tighnari was smart enough to piece together your intentions even if he wasn't completely sure of how far you'd taken it. in truth, both guesses existed within each other.
“mostly slaughtered. but he's starting to notice other things.”
“well i think i'd be mad at him if he acknowledged anything less.” tighnari never forgot his initial irritation with cyno's attentiveness the first time they'd crossed paths. he had recently branched off from the akademiya, in good faith. however those still seemed to insist on dragging his name through the forest, figuratively speaking. cyno had crept around on mere rumours, still fresh in his role as part of the matra.
tighnari, of course, had nothing to hide, only showing his true colors until the man was satisfied with what he found, you included.
their friendship had managed to stick despite their differing associations with the akademiya. tighnari was comfortable playing outside the rules while still understanding the game, whereas cyno was still carrying the manual. you, unfortunately staggered between them.
tighari pressed his palm against his forehead, a precursor to the throbbing that was sure to come as this situation reared its true head. “i forget how easy it is for me to pretend the akademia isn't such a big deal.”
“yeah we're not all geniuses like you who can just leave.”
tighnari shrugs casually, eyes glittering. “you could.”
the offer was always there. a hanging thread for you to think about whenever you passed under it. it was hard not to consider the freedom. but ultimately, it had never been worth giving up the access to knowledge. at least not yet. you weren't tighnari. able, yes, but not worth enough for scholars to come knocking at your door or asking for pictures.
tighnari draws your attention with a click of his tongue,”i hope you packed for the night. there is no chance of me sending you back.” it was glaringly obvious that was not the case, but you hadn't really thought past escaping in that moment. but a forest ranger was always equipped for any situation.
“thank you. kind of figured you'd try to get rid of me after a while. i know i push your buttons too.”
tighnari smiles, softened with a bitter taste of pity. fortunately the warmth of his embrace makes up for it.,” i could never get rid of you.”
by the time collei stumbles upon you, she's weighed down with extra blankets and a change of clothes. the mood is pleasantly lifted by her excitement towards the impromptu sleepover. though tighnari manages to overshadow it with his insistence for you both to not stay up too late.
in his wake, he leaves a pot of tea.
if you could dream, it would be of forests and fungi. 
     eventually you left the village after caving to tighnari's threat of breakfast. collei had been more fond than distributed by the abrupt sleepover, and you found yourself feeling the same. falling asleep in the forest had done more wonders for you than expected. your mind felt clearer and better able to process the thoughts rooting around.
enough so that you followed the urge leading you to the library at the heart of the akademiya. it had been awhile since you set foot into the archives, not needing it much since discovering abattouy's notes.
but the meeting with the crab ruin had made you realize there was one correlation you had yet to resolve.
the name had to have some meaning to abattouy for him to hide away those research notes like that. in place of what the akasha couldn't provide, you would have to inquire around it. your access to the upper regions should still be intact, or at least alhaitman hasn't made any notice of otherwise.
perhaps a clue of something would be noted.
it really had been awhile since you'd stepped into sumeru city. you'd rarely needed to venture here past the need to report to your superiors. you'd forgotten how stiff it felt.
a familiar weight of eyes fell on your shoulders, such as the attention you garnered as the significant other of the mahamantra. there was a reason why your friends were either found in the forest or the ports.
“but … this feels different,” you couldn't help but mutter to yourself.
you were used to the occasional averted eyes and hesitant greetings. but today they seemed to have added hushed whispers to the mix. frankly, you would have harbored a complex had you not noticed an errant hand pointing you out. the gesture was quickly reeled back as the student realized you had noticed, face flush with embarrassment as they skittered away.
it was odd.
it had been less than twenty four hours since you last saw cyno, but you doubted even he could garner this kind of reaction.
given that no one outright approached, you pressed on. the conversations floated around you like static, pinching more than just your nerves as you fought to ignore it. you knew scholars could be rude at times but this was just ridiculous.
the sight of the grand doors at the entrance of the library came as a relief. at the very least out of respect the whispering wouldn't be heard.
readjusting the pack over your shoulder, you quickened your pace down the short staircase into the house of daena. you are relieved to at least see the familiar face of yusef seated behind the information desk.
“yusef, how are you today? is there something in the air or is it just me?”
the man in question jolted at the sound of your voice. you watched perplexed as he struggled to meet your gaze. a sound of .. something made it past his lips, but he avoided interacting past that.
now you were concerned.
though sparse, the eyes inside the open room still managed to find you. head ducked down, you skirted towards the center elevator, ready to find peace in the seclusion. you were not looking forward to this discussion with cyno, above all else the two of you still needed to address.
stepping onto the platform, your foot tapped restlessly as you awaited for the mechanism to recognize your access.
except this time, nothing happened.
frowning, you tapped against the device at your ear, even though the dread eating at your stomach alluded to what would not occur.
if anything, you felt even more on display as you stood uselessly, outright denied the access you had expected.
more than anything, you were ready to escape back to the comforts of the port. just as you began to step off the platform, a new set of eyes fell on your back.
it was the voice that spoke your name that had you turning before your brain could pick up on the warning present in the tone and surrounding situation.
you realize a step late that this is not your lover but the general of the mahamantra.

     a mix of feelings put your insides in turmoil as you were led from the library by the head of the matra. the only falling grace was that no one spoke in the presence of cyno, not daring to draw his attention. in fact, they scattered like beetles the moment he came into view.
cyno also refrained from speaking as he led the way to the administrative branch of the akademiya. towards a set of rooms you hadn't seen in years. and most certainly under different circumstances.
“i didn't even know you used this office anymore, “ you joked. naturally, it should have been a given that he was expected to conduct investigations which would surely lead to a multitude of files to keep track of. the man was always on the move, but everyone had a place to store their thoughts.
he'd just never invited you before. though now you were realizing that it was a good thing.
cyno didn't seem to find any interest in your idle chatter, purposely stepping around your figure. the empty air between your bodies as he passed felt stifling in comparison to the affectionate taps he would often humor you with for the sake of contact.
it was a clear cut indicator that you were no longer dealing with just cyno but the general mahamantra.
the man himself considers you with a steely gaze as he flips through a collection of notes on his desk. the fact that he chose to lean against the integrity rather than settling in the seat behind it gave you mixed feelings. almost as if he was punishing himself in order to share your discomfort.
it was everything you regretted when you would sit in your workshop lamenting over your decisions to seek out zandik's research. no amount of personal discovery could amount to the utter blanket of disappointment hanging over the room.
since the mahamantra set the stage, you angled to meet him halfway. you wouldn't be generous with information like you would cyno. emotions were not welcome here, nor would any past affiliations. all that matters was the information at his fingertips and how much of it would be held accountable to you.
when it became apparent that the dynamic had changed and you wouldn't be speaking first, the man stepped headfirst into his role.
“sources have implied that you have been digging into classified archives of information.”
the mahamtra didn't ask it as a question so you didn't answer. he didn't look at you either as he selected one of the sheets, his gaze dragging slowly over the information you were sure he'd already committed to memory before summoning you here.
“you were originally permitted to access, however, concerns began to rise when you were found attempting to further acquire restricted files on zandik.”
the mahamantra casually dropped the paper back on his desk, leaving it to flutter precariously to the edge. “any information on zandik is inherently flagged due to its nature leading to the expulsion of the said student. the prominent addition of redacted tags scattered through the documents should have been reason enough to advise caution.”
still no questions, replayed in your mind like a mantra. no questions meant there was nothing for you to answer to. these were all facts, yes, but no accusations were made. while a thin and very translucent shield, you were protected by the very truth that you had not acted on any of that information. read as you may, while restricted, there were no experimentations to flag you on.
the fact alone that you only had the mahamantra to face and not the slew of corps?? dragging you from your home was testament enough to that. they had suspicions and while that was enough to trigger concern, it wasn't tangible to the point of retribution.
you knew this and so did the mahamantra. this wasn't his typical game of cat and mouse—prey versus predator—because despite the academics of your standings, you would never see each other on anything but equal footing.
it was evident in the way his gaze was pointedly staring at you now, jaw tense. the choreographed calm was hardly semantic: cyno was pissed.
unfortunately it was a sore victory to see him crack first.
“what were you thinking?” he hoisted, barely managing to keep his temper and volume separate.
you internally winced at the question, hating the vagueness it offered. there would never be a right answer, no magic response to whisk you out of this situation. you were wrong, even more so when you considered exactly what you planned to do with that research if given the time.
the fact that they were advancing on involvement alone meant that the sages knew what you were capable of, given your inclination towards machines. at best they hoped you were just overly curious, but they wouldn't be able to ignore the ability you had to bring a sense of nightmare to the city that you didn't dream.
“i was curious …” you started, carefully constructing your words with each thought. ``he just disappeared cyno and no one seems to care. there have been no sightings of him anywhere. not even aaru village. i thought that maybe if i just followed his trail.”
it was instantaneous but inevitable that your emotions would bleed through the speech. this wasn't just a project anymore, it was your goal. and if you had even the smallest opportunity to guarantee cyno's understanding then you would seize it.
carefully, you chance the first step in his direction. while the sages was left to gamble on evidence, cyno knew for a fact what you would do if given the mile. which made your relationship all the more precarious because in his position he shouldn't be looking at this situation from more than one perspective. it had always just been students and researchers alike against the strict rulings. no leeway or forgiveness.
it was never about a person. it wasn't supposed to be you.
“cyno,” you said calmly,” he was my friend. i wont just forget about him”
“tell me its just about abattouy.”
you started at the request,” what?”
“tell me you just found your friend. make me believe that you're not attempting something well over your head. because if it's what they suspect .. if they find anything even the slightest that aligns with their judgment then—” his voice was so low you could feel it reverberating under your skin. but worse was his eyes. gone was the stoic and stout unforgiveness of the mahatra and bestowed upon you was the pleading gaze of a man who wanted the promise that you'd be able to wake up beside him again.
“cyno, i—”
the man took the additional steps needed to place him at your feet. his hands came up to cup your cheeks as his forehead tapped against your own, holding you there.
“tell me, so i can convince them that you're not at fault.”
he was pleading with you. voice desperate for a truth that would fit a better narrative.
or a lie that would make it all go away.
cyno tensed as your hands closed over his.
“my purpose for researching zandik was under the assumption that i could unlock more of abattouy's research in an attempt to discover his location.”
you briefly staggered under the unexpected weight as cyno sagged into your body. there wasn't anything else to be said, because he didn't want to hear more.
this was a truth that you could both lean on.
at least until the other side of the coin flipped
     your first instinct is to return to the workshop, which is a dangerous gamble but not every project should face the consequences of your actions. cyno had given you a warning, something not many scholars can hope for.
the streets are bare as you race through them, no doubt filing into their homes as the matra came through. they knew what to expect. it hadn't been the first time.
and this was no different. you could see the similarities the moment you approached the door that swung ominously on loose hinges. without cyno to give them access, the matra had likely just kicked it in.
it wasn't a promising omen for what awaited you inside.
it was as if a tornado had blasted through the already limited space. every cupboard was open, various projects were upturned and each and every book and collection of notes were strewn on the floor in a mountain of paperback and tattooed pages.
nothing had changed.
not a damn thing.
scoping the area, your eyes fell on the familiar design of the coffee machine you had been promising to finish for haldr for ages. you'd become so obsessed with your progress, you haven't even touched it since making the promise. it was now a shell of what it should be.
you carefully picked it up, titling it side to side. once was a coincidence, but you doubted anyone would trust a workshop that had been raided twice.
with a heavy exhale that never seemed to end, you straightened out the overturned table and set the device on top. no part of you was ready to return home, regardless if cyno would be back or not.
instead, you tied up your hair and fell into the seat with an exhale that never seemed to end. you managed to find your tools somewhere in the mess. and so you went to work, ignoring the aftermath of your consequences as it lay in shambles around you.
“you know, this place might hold the record for most raid's in a single location.”
you looked up to find alhaitham standing in the doorway. not even the effort to be annoyed with him was found.
you don't know how long you'd sat there. you'd long given up on the original design and begun reconstructing the coffee marker from scratch. there was no humor in your voice as you went along with the jest, “not the scholar's den?”
the establishment was a unique mix of a tavern and library, housed in the lower parts of the port. it was a popular meeting spot for scholars and traders alike in the pursuit of knowledge. it was conveniently also a fruitful breeding ground for scandals and violations.
alhaitman seemed to consider it. “Yeah, okay. that's a tough spot to beat.”
the hum you let out of noncommittal, joke dead between your lips. picking up the screwdriver again, you refocused on the task at hand. it was evident to both parties how your hands trembled but neither commented.
in truth, it could have been worse. so much worse. the fact that you'd even been allowed to walk freely was a testament to it all.
“i realize you probably don't want to talk but .. i do have some questions.”
he was right and you tried to ignore him. putting your head down, you attempted to reseal one of the parts but your shaky hand dropped the tool. exasperated but determined, you picked it up again and attempted to seal the piece but the limb was stable enough to tighten the screw in place. the small metal piece dropped, rolling away and you cursed under your breath.
“i need to know what else you've uncovered about zandik.”
the name registered with suspicion, unable to ignore you turned around slowly on your tool. his eyes searched your face for a moment, before his arms unraveled from in front of his chest, revealing a familiar tattooed book.
you couldn't hide the recognition from your face as your hand darted out to snatch it back.
alhaitman dodged the attempt, lip turning in disapproval at your scowl. “be lucky i was the one to find it and not them. had it been the other way around, you would not have been nearly as lucky. not even cyno could have gotten you out of it.”
he was right.
with a sigh, you turned back around though your hands couldn't bring themselves to resume the task. while you doubted alhaithtam had done it with your consideration in mind, it certainly had done you a favor that wouldn't be easy to repay.
you could hear him walk around behind. he tapped his knuckles on the table, then pulled up a turned over crate to sit on. he sat a good foot lower, giving you ample view as he flipped comfortably through the pages.
“not to belittle your plight, but this is a bit important,” he said after a moment. “an expelled scholar has been reported within the city. though the chances of correlation are slim … i'd like to cover all my bases in regard to banned research.”
with a sigh, you reached out for the book. alhaitham's eyes narrowed as your fingers wiggled in his face before he relented. with practiced ease, you flipped towards the back of the book where your nail slipped under the seam and rid the letter from its hiding place. you handed it over without a fight.
“this was all i have on it. abattouy has some scattered notes about ley lines throughout but this was the only conclusive material i had going. it's not much.”
alhaitham kept your gaze for a minute before he took the letter. waiting, you crossed your arm on the table and rested your chin as he read it over.
“its impressive how close you both came to such sensitive material, right under the akedemiya’s noses,” he said, getting up and smoothing over his clothes. “granted, you both got caught in the end.” when you didn't reply, he sighed. maybe it was just your exhaustion playing tricks on you, but he almost sounded guilty. “as far as i'm aware, what cyno knows is the summation of what was reported to the sages. aside from the mentions of mechanical life, the ley line research is more aligned with the spantamad. it was your saving grace, but also your last chance.”
alhaitam tapped the notebook against the crown of your head, “you should get home and get some rest. you look like shit.”

     finding normalcy did not come easy. cyno did not bring up anything more about the investigation and you left out your impromptu meeting with alhaitham. more annoyingly, the gossip mill churned heavily around you.
the lover of the general mahamantra under investigation, brought up more concern about his character than yours. though the details of the inspection were not up for public release, speculation still ran rampant.
for due to your relationship alone, it was assumed that whatever punishment served was reduced in half. it was one reason why you avoided the workshop for the last few days. you'd done your best to ignore the sneers and backhanded comments while finally finishing the repairs on haldr's new coffee machine.
the man hadn't even blinked at your excuses, gratefully pushing the coin pouch into your hands as he held up the device. at least there was one spot you were welcome without judgement.
the silence your home awarded you, was the winning decision. though you did your best to hide the jitters, you were beginning to drop one too many cups and plates to be normal. cyno had first watched from a distance, respecting your boundaries. but after the fourth plate shattered before dinner, he was nearing his wits end.
without asking, he took on the menial task of serving both tea and food and cleaning up behind. you couldn't bring yourself to be vocal with your complaints, too relieved.
your silence is two parts, spiteful and reserved. to be honest, you still weren't sure how to approach the conversation. the other part of you wasn't ready to suffer through it. when it was quiet, it was easier to stomach the dull thud still present.
working through it at the workshop had been hell, with frequent bouts of nausea. without the distraction of your research, it was difficult to stomach how you'd lasted this long.
eventually, you gave up, secluding yourself in the bedroom.
you spent the remaining hours of daylight holed up in bed with just your thoughts and the muted sounds of cyno moving around the house. he was typically a quiet man on his own, but you could tell he kept a one-sided conversation for your benefit as he humored ali.
they were nonsensical words about everything and nothing. just an open invitation that when you were ready he was willing to talk. but the offer went unanswered.
when cyno finally cracked open the bedroom door, your stance hadn't changed. he'd come in carrying a light snack and a slip of something, likely medication, to help it go down. rather than leave it at that, he thing to sink into the bed by your hip. you refused to meet his eyes, keeping your gaze level with his knee.
“i invited tighnari and collie over,” he explained in a gentle tone after the silence stretched too far for two people.
when you didn't offer anything, he continued on.
“collei said she'd bring dinner. Figured you might want me out of the kitchen for a bit, give you something fresh. but don't tell her i spilled the beans.”
he wasn't expecting your laughter, but he'd hoped for a twist of your nose or even you turning his back to him. he'd accept any kind of response over this alternative.
you hated the way he said your name, the shadow of his hand spilling over your cheek. there was a note of something different. helplessness was the only way you could describe it. you didn't know what else it could be, but it didn't follow the man who was in control of a small militia.
it made you feel even more ill. your forced eyes more tears out and you didn't bother to contain them. they dribbled down your face, sideways, onto the pillow.
it was definitely helplessness, you decided. almost feeling cruel in your theory as the man above you struggled to formulate a any kind of affection and understanding that you would accept.
when it became clear that seclusion was the best gift he could offer, he reluctantly slide off the bed with a wearied exhale. something else escapes his lips at the same time, but you've already closed yourself off, willing your body to sleep.
at least in the darkness of your slumbers, you could finally be alone.
you blink awake to the smell of food in the air. you only have a brief thought to the acceptance that cyno is home before additional voices filtered through.
tighnari and collei.
bettedly, you fall back against the sheets wishing you hadn't woken up at all. tighnari was one thing to face. though you weren't sure if you could had not the dichotomy between his disappointment and collei's concern.
a weak groan leaves you as you sit up, head swimming in a way that is markedly worse than what you went to bed with. the urge suddenly hits you and you stumble out of bed, barely making it to the bathroom before throwing up the remnants of your stomach contents.
you don't notice the lull in conversation at first, but the knock on the bathroom door is warning enough. your throat burns as you cough, attempting to rid your mouth of spit before you speak.
“don't worry, its me. cyno said you had not been feeling yourself so i brought tea.”
“I already have some on the kettle. why don't you get washed up and get back in bed. unless you need some help?”
a few convulsions wrack your body, but you managed to convince him weakly that you'll make it. his shadow hesitates at the door before he rescinds, likely to ease collei's concern.
disgust claws up your throat as you force yourself to stand, avoiding the mirror as you fold over the sink. you force mouthfuls of water past your lips until the bitter taste is gone.
you ignore the way the house quiets again as you exit the bathroom, comforted solely by the way they can't see you stumbling back into the room without effort. the sheets are thankfully cool from your absence and you can't bring yourself to pull them around you just let.
just as your eyes are beginning to droop, tighnari enters after a brief knock.
the tea claps gently as he sets his against the nightside table.
“cyno told me you were under a bit of stress so this should help.”
you thoughts stray to the possibilities of what else they might have discussed though they don't reach far before the thundering returns. with a wince you force your face into the sheets, wondering how long it would take to smother it all away.
tighnari sighs, a weighted sound that sinks into your bones,”i feel partially to blame for taking you to the ruin sight. i thought it might help whatever you were fixed on but if i'd known..”
your heart aches at the blame that settled over him but you can't brink your lips to move.
tears wet the pillow as a soft hand smooths through your hair.
“I'm leaving some medicine as well. but at least try to down the tea. it should help.”
there is a pause, indicating that he wants to say more—so much more, but he relents.
“we’ll talk more when you're feeling better.” 
      "it's a shame it all had to end like this. so close to the truth.”
you twist in the darkness, illness forgotten as you struggle to locate the source. its not one you recognize, yet it feels so familiar. so intimately aware of you.
the voice returns as a tsk behind. “your body was just too weak for the truth. it's a wonder that you survived this long. it was no wonder that he had withheld so much from you.”
abattouy. you knew it—whatever it was, meant abattouy.
cold hands curl around your shoulders, drawing you back into the abyss. when you inhale, you smell brimstone and ashes. the chest at your back rumbes as it laughs. “he was better off without you.”
that was the last straw. you whirl around, seeing red despite visbal scene around you. “I would have found him. i would have searched the ends of tevyat for him.”
suddenly a figure fills the space, looming over you with a cruel curl to his lips. for some reason you couldn't meet his eyes, not to say there weren't there but masked yet there were no defining features. it didn't matter. the smirk on his lips spoke volumes of the wrongness surrounding his identity. it steps forward and places a finger under your chin until your eyes meet the space where it should be.
“then find him. you're the only one who can after all.”
“i can't,” you whisper as you try to pull yourself away but your body refuses to comply. the darkness clings to your skin as you struggle, chaining you to the spot. it was already over, there was nothing left for you to chase.
the laughter that bellows from its lips is loud. everywhere and overwhelming.
“but if you don't, who will?” 
      when you come to the next morning, the space beside you is cold but not entirely absent. a folded sheet of paper was left for you to find. the content's of cyno's familiar scrawl lay forgotten as you push yourself to your feet and stumble into yesterday's clothes.
your legs feel weak and unsteady but you manage to exit the room without falling into anything. by the time you reached the main living area, the first prickles of exhaustion sunk back into your bones. your breaths cam out short and forced. as it was, it was difficult to keep the nausea at bay while moving or standing still so you pressed on.
the feeling of ali brushing against your calves hardly registers as your focus narrowed in on the doors that led outside.
you were surely a sight to the few early morning faces that fluttered about starting their day. their words were muddy, articulatory lost to the sound of crashing waves against your skull. it hardly mattered, they couldn't help. no one could help. it had to be you.
'you're the only one who can find him after all.'
the sounds of the waking port soaked into the earth of the broad plains until the path became encroached by the thick vegetation of the forests. the vines slithered around your feet, sinking you further into the earth with each step deeper until it had risen to your ankles.
everything still hurts.
however, the suffering was far outweighed by that of abattouy.
'if you don't, who will?'
how long had it been now since anyone had gone looking for him. had he given up as well?
you hated it. all of it. not just abattouy's disappearance, or cyno's intervention or tighnari's disappointment, but the way none of it seemed to end. day by day you pressed through the doubts, pushed your body through the trials and still came out prize free. it only hurt more and it was becoming a miserable push through the dark waters just to keep your head high.
'it's a shame it all had to end like this. so close to the truth.'
your knees buckle from the unnatural pressure, world hazy as you try to blink through the oncoming headache. you should have never returned, you weren't built to withstand this. and if you could barely last a few hours, the chances of abu—
“the price of knowledge is an unimaginable gamble, though when the cards are played right the fruit can be beyond your wildest dreams.
the world tilts as a figure comes into view, defenseless as it nears.
“yet for strong minds, it's not enough to just hold the fruit. you must consume it to feed the hunger for more.”
your gaze darts around, unable to focus on anything; too many unfamiliar features to grasp. from the fur lined coat of season in the humid, hot heat to the strange beak-like mask shrouding part of the face from view.
a surge of fear triggers your heartbeat, the harsh thud knocking against your chest as the stranger leers closer. whatever they had in store for you wasn't something you could counter as floating spots appearing in your dimming vision. your limbs feel beyond reach as you blink through the salty sting of tears.
as the hand reaches towards, your eyes shut and you hope that there is nothing left of you to find. perhaps it would be easier for cyno to move on without the memory after your final breath.
"traveller, look! paimon sees someone!”
another strange voice, one from above.
the touch you expect never comes as a hum of consideration rumbles,”a good scientist knows when to accept a failed experiment.”
“I know them. hold on, we're on the way!”
that's … tighnari!
you try to warn him, but blackness claims you instead.

     calloused, gentle hands carry you steadily but quickly.
another voice—familiar yet audibly concerned with a touch of hysteria.
“what happened?”
“oh good you’re here, take them.”
tighnari doesn’t wait for a response, and your body shifts from one set of hands to the next.
“i should … i need to investigate this.”
“you need to be here. the general mahamantra can wait.”
above you cyno sighs.
“... there is something else. but i can address that later.”
—darkness returns, but this time you welcome it.

      the process of regaining consciousness comes in stages.
it starts with a splitting headache and the taste of something bitter. you want to drag yourself to the horizon of awareness, but the task feels foggy and slow. every fiber of your body feels too heavy to respond to the simplest command.
the easiest thing to do is to sleep. so you fall back under.
from there on you fade in and out, conversations drifting above your lack of wakefulness.
“it was lucky we found them, the level of exposure was at a dangerous level. they … had this device on their wrist but i think they were too affected for it to have effect” the clink of something clutters against the table. “i should have recognized the symptoms earlier but i would have never guessed they were in a contaminated region.”
“what were they doing there?”
“i … imagine it's something to do with abattouy.”
cyno hoists.
“we fought a small group of mechanical machines before finding them. but what's important was the vasanti grass we recently acquired. its still fresh and will do the job.'”
you couldn't make out cyno's reply, voice too low.
“we have a camp set up, i'll return to the traveler to scope out the cause. “
there was a shuffle of belongings, likely tighnari gathering a few extra supplies before his departure. somewhere beside you cyno lets out a grunt.
“no, you should stay here. their case … is a little more severe than yara's. collei can manage the medication, but i would feel better if they're watched over. “
then there is stillness.
followed by coolenes—a gentle cold that settles against your cheek.
“it will be alright, they're resilient.”
when you wake up again, the haze is going and it takes considerably less effort to open your eyes. you rouse to the press of palm to your forehead that's more comforting than inquisitive. you recall feeling hot at one point but couldn't recall if anyone had mentioned a fever.
the touch responds to the soft noise you make as your head twists to take in your surroundings. despite your distorted awareness, it had been safe to assume that you'd been brought to the first rangers headquarters. within tighnari's custody, there was no chance of you nearing the bimarstan.
the same hand smooths over the crown of your head and you open your eyes to see the blurry shape of cyno settled bedside. there is a mixture of relief and frustration in his eyes as you blink to clear your sight, an expected look that will soon be accompanied by an overdue talk.
his lips part but no sound comes out at first. he considers his word before letting them go. “they figured you'd wake soon. last night was your first fitful-free sleep.”
you make one attempt to sit upright before giving up altogether when your elbows can't support the weight.
a firm hand comes behind your back, urging you up a smidge to righten the pillow under you. it's not much but it gives you illusion sitting up for the first time in days.
“you'll need food to help get your strength back. all you've been able to handle until today was your medicine.”
a cough escapes you and you wince as you realize how dry your throat feels. “i— where is tighnari?”
cyno's brow furrows, as he offers you a cup of water. "he'll be handling this investigation." there is no doubt that he's not pleased by that fact. quite a few of your actions are sure to have earned his ire.
you take a slow sip of water, both out of consideration for your stomach and the direction of this conversation. it was time the two of you stopped patching up the issue with bandages only to rip it back open the moment it started to heal.
it was maddening because no part of you enjoyed arguing with the man, you just wanted to be heard.
but in doing so, perhaps it was time for you to listen as well.
the cup was nearly empty but you held onto it, needing a plausible distraction as you fumbled with your words.
where do you even begin? an apology seemed like the easy way out, but what did that leave to address?
“am i going to be expelled?”
that was a valid concern.
cyno sighed heavily and took the cup anyway. his clothing was wrinkled and there was noticeable bags under his eyes. “the prior probation still stands, this last incident was not reported due to the inconclusive nature.”
you were certain the inconclusiveness had a name and rather large ears. it was a shallow victory, you were still in for a second talk whenever tighnari returned. part of you hoped it would just be a colding. your memories were still a hazy muddled mess with little recollection value.
cyno always looked so much younger without his headdress, though his voice remained aged as he spoke.
“we both could have handled this situation better. i did…look for him.”
cyno's chin dropped to his chest. “there are few people who could evade me, but i figured he was just … gone. there was no word of him in aaru village. there had been a few reports of a scholar seeking supplies but by the time i reached the trail it was cold.”
the admission comes as a surprise to you. for the longest, cyno had been so reserved about abattouy, refraining from going into too much detail about his reports or sentencing. but it had never been out of spite.
“there was nothing to be found, and i didnt want you chasing a ghost.” his voice cracked and he looked at you, stark misery on his face. it wasn't just that, he looked exhausted and it pricked your own guilt. ''i thought time would work it out or at least bring some conclusion but that was my fault.”
you reached out for his hands, rubbing the backs as your emotions melted into acceptance.
“the last time i came to you … it resulted in aba's expulsion.”
“abattouy was well under investigation before you came to me. it was only then that i realized we held off too long.”
held off too long? cyno never prolonged an investigation... which mean that he— you choke back a sob.
“his studies allied with the spantamad for a while. through observation of the ley lines, inquiring about the machines wasn't completely restricted. it was enough to keep him on the watch list. but when you…”cyno finds comfort in intertwining your hands. “when you came to me with so much hope. it wasn't just about studying, he had intentions we couldn't ignore. i couldn't let him take you—.”
he was protecting you. in order to keep you safe, he had to agree on aba. had it been inevitable? likely, but if he'd held out any longer, how involved would you have gotten?
cyno pressed his lips to your joined hands, “i couldn't protect you both.”
no, it wasn't his fault. he shouldn't harbor the blame for the actions of others.
“I shouldn't have made your job harder. i was so convinced that he was out there and he needed help.''
for the first time since it all happened, you found it easier to devest information. ''i found his notebook. he must have hidden it as a spare. i thought if i could just find him, he'd come back?” cyno was right, you'd been so hopeful and naive and look where it got you. “I don't know. i didn't work out the finer details.”
“we both need to work on communication.” he tries to smile, a broken thing but with time maybe you could heal that too.
“i realize my job isn't ideal when it comes to confessing but as long as you're safe, you can talk to me about anything.” he opened his mouth to speak but stopped. “even … not just …” he looks at you again but his face is different now—softer. “I trust you. i think we can work towards an agreeable medium between our jobs.”
you extract one of your hands from his grip and place it against his check, letting the thumb run over the skin.”at the very least the sages were right to facilitate information on the ley lines. it's pretty dangerous. i'm starting to feel like a rebellious child, maybe they aren't so bad.”
cynos arms come around you as he pulls you close, hiding his face in your shoulder. his hand caresses the top of your head and you shuffle against him until your face is buried against his throat. it gives you the facade that you can hide away from the world, if only for a little bit.
“no, you were right,”
you lips mouth against the ornament of his uniform taken back by the sudden change in his stance. “cyno?”
he squeezes you once, before guiding you back down to rest. his mouth brushes against your forehead,” it's nothing for you to worry about. rest.”

      it takes a few days for you to feel confident enough to sit upright in bed without assistance. your insides feel properly rooted in their respective crevices for the first time since you woke up in the avidiya forest.
they still have you on broths and clear soups. by now your stomach has settled enough to handle something richer but you believe the menu is part of tighnari's punishment.
cyno comes in and out, more lately. outside of the city, your akasha is as useless as a piece of jewellery. though you're still not convinced you have full privileges yet. cyno instead sustains you with light reading from your own personal library, satisfying your boredom with fantasy novels.
you're just flipping to the next chapter, voiced aged after reading the last few aloud when tighnari appears.
he gives you a brief once over, before his gaze darts to cyno who has relaxed against the bedside chair listening quietly. you can't miss the slight frown tipping at the ranger's lips as he gestures for the matra to follow.
cyno presses a kiss to your furrowed brow before filing out behind him. you weren't sure if tighnari had been gone the entire time or not. the instructions towards your care never ceased, though collei was practiced enough at the point to work confidently in your stead. in the end, you doubted you would have gone this long without a scolding had he been in range.
their conversation was muted behind the leaf covering, though their silhouettes were still visible. tighnari held the reigns of the conversation for the longest before cyno intervened. the pair appeared to argue before tighnari's ears drop. there was a pause before the entrance splits and he comes in alone.
Glad to see you've made a full recovery.
“I haven't thanked you for that properly yet. so—”
tighnari interrupts you,” you're an idiot. but i take responsibility for you. what you did was substainably stupid and could have gotten you killed. on multiple occasions but i'm sure you've learned that lesson.”
you open your mouth to speak but he gives you that look.
“it seems, in part your efforts were not in vain. “
he takes cyno's vacant chair with a haggard sigh, you realize how much everyone has been through.
“we were already investigating the area we found you in. some merchants had reported losing mechanical parts to machines.” he laughs without humour. “maybe i should have consulted you. but i—” shakes his head.
“after we brought you here we returned and came across a lab that was feeding on ley line energy. we … we found slaughter there. he couldn't withstand the effects and his body gave out.”
the pressure is back behind your eyes and the urge to just let loose and cry is near overwhelming. tighnari aware of it all, moves closer until your chin rests on his shoulder. he wraps his arms around you in a firm hug.
“when it's safe, i'll take you to the lab. i think it will be good closure for you to finally put it all to rest,” he whispers as his hold tightens, grounding you.
you want answers. want to scour it all to finish it all now, but you know your body can't take it.
“no one other than cyno knows what we stumbled across. to be honest, it's too dangerous for anyone to be trying to excavate it. i shut down the ley lines but we agreed to leave it be until it's safe to access again. i'll personally monitor the area to see that no one wanders where they shouldn't.”
you feel the heat of tighnari's breath as he exhales and squeezes you once again.
“there was something else.”
you bite your lip to keep it from wobbling too obviously.
“abattouy was partially successful it seems. the one reason we found him was in part with the assistance of a machine named karkata. it seemed … close to him. there is a chance it might know more. it's actually very intelligent though its communication less to be desired. honestly, the fact that abattouy got that was is remmarbke. if it had not been for the ley line usage..”
he realizes he's rambling and pauses.
“there are some things i'm certain on but i'm not all knowing.”
you scoff, he cracks a grin.
“it appears that my faults are your strengths. karata needs some repairs and i happen to need an assistant.” he scowls as he feels your lips curl. “not you, archons. though i do need your help getting it back in good shape.”
you seem loss for words. so many questions. the akademiya. abattouy’s body. cyno?
tighari reads every question as if its written on your face. “i have the distant pleasure in not having to report to the akademiya with all of my comings and goings. i can store it as pardis for the time being. if i can convince it to play its part of a very convincing recording device, the perhaps it can be spared. ill work with cyno on those details.”
for the first time you consider your tenure with the akademiya. for all its promises, its taken more than you could give.
tighnari can tell that it's a lot.
“it's ultimately your choice. you still need to recover and i have some moving about to do. think it over.”
you nod, clumsily wiping away your tears with your wrist. you're sure you look a right mess. your eyes feel puffy, the skin beneath them sore and irritated from all the rubbing and crying.
tighnari's hand still rests against you, heavy and warm and so comforting. you feel it follow your body's movement as your lungs expand and then collapse. “you scared me, you idiot. don’t ever do that again.”
he gives your back a final pat before rising.
“now rest, i have a deal to make with a matra.”

     you have to prove you can keep a pita pocket down before tighnari will let you leave the village. which feels like more of a challenge than it should be given in the punch of spices he'd managed to pack into there. even normal stomachs would quivey at the savory taste.
but you were determined. and tighnari had suspected as much as he stood over you in contemplation. it had not taken long for him to crack, unable to resist tugging you into a swaying embrace.
“alright, get changed and we can head out.”
if the fox heard you stumble and fall trying to force your limbs into the clothing, he pretended to know none the wiser. you could barely stand still as you fidgeted behind him while he delegated on the path out of the village.
this would be the first time you'd set foot past the entrance since being bed ridden. in between patrols, collei had taken it upon herself to guide you around the village to help work out the aches from being in bed for so long.
you were even more grateful for it during the long journey to pardis dhyai. tighnari had accounted for the frequent stops, always having a pouch of water or a handful of dried nuts and fruits available.
regardless of how you felt, you humored him with whatever was offered. the smart choice as the two of you managed to make it to the botany institute in relatively good time.
tighnari had spent the majority of the trip detailing anything and everything about karkata. apparently he'd become rather fond of it.
“i've been trying to come up with another reward system,” he mused as he held open the door to the gardens. “he doesn't need mechanical parts.”
it was hard to miss it. your eyes flickered over the familiar splashes of gold already knowing what would be unveiled even before the mechanical roused. with practiced ease, the cube split and pushed itself into a stand.
the red light at its center whirled to life, blinking once humming strong with life.
you already knew what to expect, but seeing it again and knowing its roots. tighnari was prepared, hand already smoothing against your back as your fingers chased the wet trails.
this was abattouy's life work standing safe and intact before you. uncorrupted by the word around it and a testament to its capabilities despite what the sages thought.
“from aba's records, i know it has the capability to replay messages. it may be something you have to fix.''
right. tighnari mentioned that it needed some work. from what you'd gathered it had been on its own for awhile and no doubt needed a few things replaced to keep it running. you would get on that immediately.
but before you could begin taking inventory. something happens.
its triggered by the sound of your name leaving tighari's lips. karkata makes a series of rumbles as its joints bounce on access. the light at its center flickers again and then a familiar voice enters the room.
'we're so close, karkata. i can't wait to show you to them. archon's i can just see their excitement. you're a wonder to be proud of, friend. and i know they will be too.'
abattouy spoke with such certainty as he mentioned you to the mechanical being. your name came with no introduction indicating that it wasn't the first time you'd been brought into conversation.
for so long, you'd been distressed about the thought of abattouy out on his own. and the whole time he—
“apparently abattouy worried about you as much as you him. you were both idiots like that.”
any thought about keeping the tears at bay evaporates in that moment. you barely manage to muffle the sob as you turn against tighnari's shoulder before it forces it way out of you. tighnari tightens his grip on you, keeping you grounded as the rolling mess of your emotions keeps on crashing into you.
behind you, karkata makes a sound of inquiry that tighnari hushes.
“it's okay. don't worry, they're not broken. with time, everything will heal.”
tagged: @hutaoscoffinn​
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tobi-smp · 5 months
Can't remember when the post was, but it was something about how both cc!Sapnap AND cc!Dream flaked out on lore events and ghosted people, which was cause for so many storylines suddenly halting. Knowing this, do you think this might be part of the reason we never got a conclusion for C!Karlnapity (I personally prefer HonQ because I don't find C!Sapnap interesting and because of how often the fandom would cut Quackity out of the relationship but it's a shame to see such an interesting plotline die) or TFTSMP? cc!Quackity clearly was invested in his lore and cc!Karl seemed to be really excited for making more TFTSMP, and we still don't know why TFTSMP suddenly stopped during production. If both cc!Dream (who played DreamXD, who was important to TFTSMP) and cc!Sapnap (who was important to the Karlnapity plotline and also regularly made appearances in TFTSMP) suddenly started ignoring everyone, could that be part of the reason TFTSMP just... stopped? IDK I was just reading one of your posts and this crack theory sprouted in my brain.
I mean to be honest
in my opinion it either died because of the exact scheduling issues you're speculating on, because the server Itself was dying right as tales was making the move to connect itself to it, or because of the controversy
so either way it's dream's (and possibly sapnap's) fault
this will probably be speculation forever (at least unless karl or quackity decide to speak up on it), but it feels Very likely
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katyspersonal · 2 months
What are your opinions on our Lord and Savior Gywn?
He didn't save SHIT!! He took the perfectly (?) functioning humanity and ruined it! Look at it, it got Hollowing!!
Okay, I am making the 'Marika is a MILF Gwyn' jokes here and there, but 1) Marika is a bit more of a straight up cold and mean person, all things considered 2) Yet she still has enough nuance, and a lot of her actions might be written on reasonable fears and 3) Gwyn is even MORE nuanced than Marika, from what I have concluded so far! Laurence is a similar kind of sinner too. Comparison of the characters that share a trope is helpful for my thought process, so bear with me a little! With Marika I see a more direct disdain and fear before the very nature of life, cyclic and treacherous, uncontrollable, being meant to perish one day but with new life sprouting from it, and thus doing lovely things like shunning Crucible-related lifeforms. With Laurence, we have enough evidence so far that beasthood was not created by Healing Church but something already lingering in the human code after Pthumerians and Loran, so ambition to seize and control it it was risky but understandable!
But with Gwyn, we are confirmed that human nature itself is dark, undesirable an terrifying, as well as how he sorta had the chance to see it 'in action' during uniting with humans to take war on dragons. And also in Dark Souls the cyclic nature of Ages is just a fact, and it would make sense that should Age of Dark come, he and his family would be the first to go as beings of Light. It is a combination of things: his kind being in true danger and not just "risking to lose power", the treacherourness of how political allyship simply works (your today's ally country against the common enemy could tomorrow ally with someone else to start the war on YOU) and simply the not-so-metaphorical horrors of the Dark itself! is not a speculation, the dangers are RIGHT here!
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Gwyn messed the natural order of humanity in a way that I personally dislike and express it on multiple occasions: trying to get rid of what's barbaric and dangerous yet natural and not accepting that there is no light without shadow, or life without death. But I also feel sympathetic because he had a legit reason to fear the darkness within men. In is not as much philosophical but a literal concept in Dark Souls lore. He acted out of fear, backed up with a precedent, and it brought the ruin to himself and everyone else. Writing this I'd say he sorta falls for the type of a person I can only like in fiction but resent in reality. I guess I don't need to explain what kind of people this is, paranoid "but for a valid reason", being "preventive" with their drastic measures.. Good intentions path to hell self-fulfilling prophesy blablabla. His specieism doesn't help his case in the slighest. Ironically, all extremely human behavior of him!
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(LOL thank you based Goldmask as usual xddd) At the same time, he is not entirely corrupt with the power he seized and used to strip humanity of what was natural for them; he, in the end, committed to what he believed was better for everyone and sacrificed HIMSELF too. I can respect the cunning and machiavellian person who, in the end, is above the vanity of a 'savior' and can give themselves too, not only others. He also did share his power with some humans, showing that he can take kinda benevolent choices even with those he fears. Yeah, part of calculated risk could be there; dude gave the city and his daughter to the Pygmy to, again, preemptively avoid some animosity. But in the case with the four kings, did he HAVE to? Or Seath for that matter, who is a dragon, another species he doesn't like?
I find it hard to detect 'truly' corrupt people in Soulsborne setting in general, and yeah we can fiddle with 'nuanced character' and 'everyone is morally grey' forever and never discover THE big bad we'd love to hate. But, out of those big bads, I think he deserves the benefit of being seen as a way more nuanced character than the corrupt leader the most! It is the case where he should not have done anything, but also should not have NOT done anything.. Soulsborne is eager with placing characters in a position and knowledge where every choice is wrong and they just pick a poison for themselves (and everyone else xd). Jokes about "haha people in power moment" are still mostly jokes for me. He is sympathetic in a way not like I think I'd have done the same (let's be real, I revel in darkness gfjjghk) but in a way where I understand too much to feel negative 🤔
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boundinparchment · 1 year
Dream a Little Dream of Me - XXI
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Celestia has a cruel sense of humor. He’s always known this, ever since his days as a student. But a soulmate? Really? Dottore/Female Reader Soulmate AU. Lore speculation, interpretations, etc. AO3 Chapter is Here.
“I was hoping we wouldn’t meet this way.”
The stranger was a small child and her legs dangled from the piano bench.  She looked out of place, lost, too full of life for this space.  And yet, despite her appearance, she had the gaze you only saw from those with long lives who had stories upon stories to tell.  She shook her head as she continued.
“In fact, I was hoping we wouldn’t have to meet at all.  But to say more beyond that would put you in grave danger, both from myself and your own circumstances.  Please forgive me for being obtuse.”
“Then why are you here?” You asked, looking out into the hallway, towards the direction you just came from.
Empty.  Zandik would likely be a while longer and sound didn’t carry down several flights of stairs.  But sometimes he had such a keen sense when something was amiss…as though he could always see you…or at least sense you.
Better to get what answers you could.  You knew this game well enough.  You turned your attention back to the young girl.  The rooms in your private quarters were decorated long before you arrived, dark wood and dark colors with gold accents that made the stranger stand out like a fresh sprout in a dull field.
“No, better question: who are you?” you rephrased.
“You can call me Nahida.  I cannot stay long, not without consequence.  And I believe I would be correct in surmising that you also know that something about this,” the little radish, for you couldn’t help but see her as one, raised her arms and gestured to the room, “is not as it seems.”
Such was the life of a Harbinger’s partner, you wanted to counter.  But the argument never made it to your lips.  You didn’t quite believe it would matter.
“Subtle hints are all I can offer; anything else will cause destabilization.  And my own presence is already spread too thin.  But the Outcast’s soulmate…was someone I had to meet for myself when I realized who you were.”
There it was again, that word.  You’d heard it whispered in the hall of the Akademiya when you first truly laid eyes on your soulmate, on the one who called himself The Doctor.  He must have done something truly horrific to warrant such a name from both the student body and the Sages themselves.  But the child in front of you was neither, that much you could guess.  Your expression shifted and the hairs on the back of your neck rose.
“Don’t call him that,” you spat.
“The two of you are…two sides of the same coin…passionate, dedicated to your work, but you are grounded in your humanity, your emotion, whereas his pursuit of knowledge has no limitations…someone like him would be innately fascinated by such a connection…especially his unique, if understandable, perspective on the Divine…”
Nahida hopped down from the piano bench and crossed her arms.  
This had never happened before.  No one ever managed to get past the security in place in this particular section of the Palace.  There were a few exceptions, of course, but Zandik wouldn’t make one for a tiny child who looked like a newborn tree.  
“Your analysis is poignant but I do not understand, exactly, what it is you’re doing here,” you said.  “I don’t think a child would have managed to slip past the guards, let alone figure out the security system that—”
“What do you call him?” Nahida asked suddenly.  “The Outcast goes by a different name according to you, otherwise the title would not make you so uncomfortable.”
The answer was immediate, your heart providing it for you.
“Zandik.  To me, he is Zandik.”
The name was enough to make the child pause and look at you again, her gaze seeing through you.  No way was she only a mere child.  Children were observant, far smarter than they were ever given credit for, but there was weight to her line of sight, a levity that…
“I see.  And does he remind you of the Zandik of your dreams?  The one you first met?”
You were taken aback, your heart skipping for a moment.  What kind of question was that?  If the mention of his moniker wasn’t bad enough, this child was now questioning you and your perception.
You knew who, precisely, your soulmate was.  The man down in the workshop could be no one else except for Zandik.  You’d spent more than half of your life dreaming of him, dreaming with him, through all of the good and the bad that you’d experienced over the course of your lives.
He’d never told you how he became the Outcast; conversely, you never told him the extent of your suffering at the hands of your patron.  Barriers neither of you touched.
You glared at her, no longer caring whether she was a curious child or something, someone, else.  So many years were spent questioning others’ actions and words, second-guessing yourself at every turn.  Not again.
“Consider it,” Nahida said.  “That is all I ask.  Look again.  When we remember events, we’re really remembering the last time we thought of them.  Distortions happen over time, our minds filling in gaps to make sense of what, at the time, did not.”
You heard your name from down the hall, a joyous song full of teasing promise.  He was finished for the night.  He was all yours.  
Your head jolted towards the direction of the sound but when you turned your head back towards the piano, the bright sprout was gone, no trace of its presence.  You could have dreamt the entire interaction but your chest tightened at that notion as you doubted yourself.  No.  She wasn’t a hallucination.  You were exhausted but you never…
A hand pressed against the small of your back and you jolted, torn from your thoughts.  Familiar colors and details came into view, gray pants, pinstripe waistcoat, exposed collarbone, aquamarine hair and crimson eyes as deep as the wine you would serve with dinner.  Zandik’s mouth was dipped into a pout, concern etched into his brow.  Worry looked too much like he was trying to solve a problem as of late.
“Noor ‘eini, you shouldn’t hide things from me,” his other hand brushed hair away from your forehead.  “I know when you aren’t feeling alright.  Overworking yourself isn’t the solution.”
“Says the man who spends days in his lab without sleep.”
“Touche,” he pressed a kiss to your temple, his touch lingering.  “But I’m here now, aren’t I?”
You felt yourself melt into the touch, too exhausted to provide a sharp comeback.  So much to do.  At least ten pages still needed to be inked and finalized.  The very notion made your mind protest and you felt yourself being directed away from your music room and towards the bedroom, urging you to take a break.
“You can go back to it after you’ve given your eyes and hands a break,” Zandik compromised.  “But for now…”
You felt soft covers and cool sheets, warmth that was more than just your own, your body craving everything.
All of this…
All of this felt right.
He was Zandik.  Your Zandik.
Nothing was out of place.
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enochaiii · 2 months
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ive never really been able to put my fingers on what angel blood akira reminded me of, and I finally did today. (i derailed twice, and couldn't pinpoint wtf what my point was)
i connected it the other day that uriel metzger mightve been their biological father, hence the angel blood. what or who does uriel serve for, I have zero idea on; other than him being in a flock of 5 other angels. (apparently theyre all shit people, but that's not rlly the point)
I have no idea whether or not akira's wings actually work, never saw any drawings with them being implied to flutter or tuck in or whatever that could intell that it is serviceable for flying.
couldve totally been a separate one-off au kind of thing, like this one. (I think he looks mischievious in this one lil cutie patootie)
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more speculation insue, and I'm going to assume that alot if not all of EP's ocs with angel related theme doesn't sprout their wings out violently like shown in the first picture. (unless its totally an artistic thing with no lore connection, then Ill look even more schizophrenic for reading in too much)
ANYWAYS, angel blood, unserviceable wings, and kpop(???); fuckass(me) connected it to Awake. specifically to the—
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or this couldve totally been damien and his heavy ass metal wings lmao, all of EP's oc are akira or as everybody knows; ep.
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ancicntforged · 2 months
Kal'tsit lore dump on new Babel event in CN
The gist of it is that Doctor gave Kal'tsit her name and freedom and they been sleeping for 4 million days.
Kal'tsit: He's the one who understands Originium the most.
Kal'tsit: If there's a need to solve the suffering caused by Originium.....
Kal'tsit: He's the most suitable candidate.
Theresa: I have to say, you always bring things that even Sarkaz wouldn't easily believe.....
Theresa: Can those devices still operate... Are you still confident in his awakening?
Theresa: The vast majority of Terra's life forms are unlikely to resist erosion over such a long period of time.
Kal'tsit: Terra now is undoubtedly a miracle. So are you, Theresa.
Kal'tsit: But in the past, in their eyes, the entire solar system revolving around the sun was insignificant.
Theresa: ......You seem a bit nervous now. There's also some anxiety and unease.
Theresa: Do you have anything else to worry about?
Kal'tsit: ......I do.
Kal'tsit: But I... can't say.
Theresa: That's okay! Sorry, I shouldn't distract you, focus. I can feel it.
Theresa: ......
Theresa: "Kal'tsit"... You love this name, don't you?
Kal'tsit: I... have almost forgotten everything else from that time.
Kal'tsit: But I distinctly remember, in that distant past, there was a person who gave me this name——
Kal'tsit: "Kal'tsit".
Kal'tsit: That was our last meeting.
"Kal'tsit... I don't have much time left.
"Go seek traces of life, go find hope and the future.
"Kal'tsit... Find the answers yourself.
"Go find yourself."
Theresa: Then why hesitate again, Kal'tsit?
Kal'tsit: I know, it's just...
Kal'tsit: ...I've always had a premonition... worry, or speculation.
Kal'tsit: At the beginning of the land, at some point when life was just beginning to sprout, something happened here that can never be reversed.
Kal'tsit: But I don't know what.
Theresa: If it's someone even Dr. Kal'tsit can trust, then I'm not worried at all.
Theresa: Moreover, given Dr. Kal'tsit's cautious nature, I never have to worry about prearranged contingency plans.
Kal'tsit: Unfortunately, Theresa.
Kal'tsit: Only in this matter, no matter how many contingency plans I've made, I don't have any concrete assurance.
Kal'tsit: ...Theresa, I can't guarantee that I'll always make the most rational choice.
Kal'tsit: But this time... I want to believe.
Theresa: Then do what you want to do, I'll be here, accompanying you.
Kal'tsit's hand has already touched the door that has been silent for countless years.
Rhodes Island ushered in a new round of turmoil.
The door, loosened.
"Originium will become the beacon formed by our civilization...
"If one day, other life forms in the universe return to their dead homes, seeking a breakthrough,
"They will witness...
"Our glory,
"Our resistance,
"Our slumber here.
"We once bestowed gifts upon the successors before extinction—
???: Here...
???: Time... has it... come?
(Note: Here the "???" or actually the Doctor and Kal'tsit speaking in Unknown language)
Warning: Unknown power source activated.
Warning: PRTS system permissions read-write in progress...
Warning: PRTS system permissions read—
PRTS system permissions reset. Administrator permissions confirmed.
Communication module full-band open, communication receiving module overclocking complete.
Search: Preserver... no signal.
Search: Caerula Arbor... no signal.
Search: Paradise Pivot... no signal.
Search: (Unknown noise)... no signal.
Search completed, full-band no signal.
???: No... response...
???: Only... me...
???: How long... has it been?
Search process log file...
Latest update: 4,755,954 days ago.
???: ...
Detecting severe abnormalities in life sign data. Automatic loading of repair module.
???: ...
???: Did... I wake up too early... or... too late?
???: ...
???: At what stage... is Originium... in?
Retrieving Originium detection historical data... No response.
Originium detection module offline.
???: ...
???: "Terra"...
???: Why store... so much... redundant information...
???: ...
???: This... not recorded in the database... New language?
???: Civilization... has... emerged...?
???: Only... remains... me... What about her, Priestess, my...
Kal'tsit: I can answer your questions. Those data were previously stored in PRTS by me.
???: ...You?
In the eyes of one trapped in the past flickered a hint of unfamiliarity, a hint of suspicion, and... a hint of vigilance.
Kal'tsit keenly caught the gaze of the person in the sarcophagus.
And Theresa caught Kal'tsit's tension.
???: Wait...
???: ...
???: ...
???: ...
???: Even though you have changed a lot...
Kal'tsit: ...
The newly awakened person seemed to have had a short dream in the sarcophagus.
The life that bid farewell before entering the dream still lingered by their side when they woke up.
???: ...You didn't leave.
Kal'tsit: ...No. Since leaving here until now, standing in front of you again—
Kal'tsit: ...I have wandered for tens of thousands of years.
Kal'tsit: ...But, I still haven't forgotten the questions you left me—
Kal'tsit waited, anxious, she needed assurance...
Assurance that her hopes hadn't undergone some terrible change.
???: ...
???: That's not... a question, it's... my hope...
???: ...Then, have you... found the meaning of your life?
Kal'tsit: Seeking the meaning of life's continuity—this is still the path I need to continue on in the future.
Kal'tsit: Do you remember...
???: I remember... For me, saying goodbye to you feels like it was just yesterday, yet also as distant as unreal...
???: But for you...
Kal'tsit: Ihave never forgotten the efforts you made for me.
Kal'tsit: Besides life itself, you gave me another precious thing—freedom, Doctor.
???: Or... call me Doctor, Kal'tsit.
Doctor: Let me... leave first...
Kal'tsit: You're still weak, I can help—
Doctor: No need...
Doctor: Kal'tsit, I have... too many doubts.
Doctor: What about Originium... I haven't found any records.
Kal'tsit: ...
Kal'tsit: Originium still grows on the land outside.
Doctor: So I woke up too early.
Kal'tsit: ...
Doctor: You've been through a lot, Kal'tsit.
Doctor: I can tell from your eyes. Do you need my help? Is that why you woke me up?
Kal'tsit: It's not just me who needs your help.
Doctor: Ah. What about the "devil"?
Doctor: On your friend behind you, I not only see Originium existing in unexpected forms...
Doctor: She also possesses... um, the "Civilight Eterna".
Kal'tsit: Nowadays, the trajectory of civilization development is very... complex.
Doctor: What's her name? Do their civilization also have a similar term to refer to their existence?
Kal'tsit: Theresa.
Doctor: The...re...sa...
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messinwitheddie · 4 months
How many modern tallest has there been?Can you name a lift of them?
Skampi (smeet) "Ooh! Ooh! I can list them all for you, curious he-oo-minz! Me! Me! Let MEEE!"
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Codle Drone Maraschino "Spritely young Skampi here fancies himself a future tallest. He would like to recite the tallest lineage poem I taught him and the rest of my designated smeets to you.
Just recently found out they don't teach the newest batches in the smeetery the poem anymore. I found that odd and a little sad so I took it upon myself to teach them. "
Skampi "I recite now, my coddle drone?"
Maraschino "Go ahead."
Skampi "YAY! Spanx ruled first! The universe trembled when he launched the Armada.
Skweezee ruled second. His drones drew new star maps to pinpoint new targets.
Klammi ruled third. He commissioned better weapons for a mightier military..."
After Klammi ruled Krud. His forces conquered the solar system where Producia now thrives."
(5 through 14 will be skipped. I have no head canons for the full list, so feel free to make a new list or add to this one.)
--My coddle drone, the poem isn't rhyming. It sounds dumb!"
Maraschino "Because you're reciting it in human tongue. It might not rhyme every verse.. Just continue."
Skampi "Ok, my coddle drone. *nervous cough* Ummm....? Then ruled Woopz. Their forces took planet Devastis where the emergency smeeyery was built.
"After Woopz ruled Greezee who conquered 8 planets to build Foodcourtia.
Then after him ruled Wiiz who tripled the empire's service force and the value of a monies.
Next to rule stood *Morgg, who waltzed with the dead. He commissioned the construction of the empire's 3rd, 4th and 5th death factory moons.
After Morgg, Spittle was measured. With the flex of his biceps he could intimidate enemies into surrender.
When Spittle fell Blinx stood. He guided the empire trough the plague war to a cure then to retaliation.
Pep--perpep---pepper-on-cini then ruled for 6 centuries. He secured six powerful alien allies.
Lich stood tallest after. He launched the empire's first successful wave of stealth covert invasions and secured Irk's victory in the Irken/Planet Jacker war.
Miyuki ruled next. She launched the Massive, the Armada’s greatest flagship.
Spork ruled after but for less than a day.
Then for the first time two drones stood of equal stature. Red and Purple ruled as one. They launched a new wave of invasions.
Red fell too soon. Now only rules Purple. His drones anticipate a prosperous reign.
Then after Purple I'll be the bestest most tallest tallest of them all!"
Maraschino "Skampi--"
Skampi "I made that last verse up."
Maraschino "They know, sprouting sprite, they know."
[Something cute. I don't even know of the 26 and 1/2 tallest fact is even 100% canon. That's just what I go by and I only have so many modern tallest head canons or ocs.
The beauty of Irken lore is there is so much room for speculation. *Tallest Morgg is actually the oc of @tendervulture but his backstory is so engraved his memory, I still include him in my modern list.
My old Irk/ pre control brain take over tallest list is longer and that list includes several ocs by @a-wanderin-whirlybird and @monsoonceroom .
Wish I had the skill to write up a fully developed poem listing all supposed 26 and 1/2 modern tallests but I don't think it's in me. Lol."
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yournextflame · 2 years
What is Crucible?
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Crucible is one of the most important part of the Elden Ring lore, but the game never explains the exact nature or the form of it. Or does it?
From description of Siluria’s Tree (the primordial form of the Erdtree is close in nature to life itself, and this spear, modeled on its crucible, is imbued with ancient holy essence) we can learn that it is supposed to portray Crucible. I’ve been bothered why the spear is called a tree and turns out translators missed “spear”  槍  in シルリアの樹槍, so it’s Siluria’s tree spear or Siluria’s wooden spear if I go with 樹 archaic form. Interesting that 樹 originated from Old Chinese 尌 which means “a hand planting a tree”. 
Knowing that Siluria’s spear isn’t exactly a tree, I decided to rotate it and you can see the result on the picture above.
Here comes my theory - Crucible isn’t a tree, a literal crucible or something else, the last known form of the Crucible is a root system, currently known as Great Roots.
Why do I call it the last known form?
Description of Siluria's tree spear says that Crucible is a part of the Erdtree, but usually game refers Crucible as the primordial form of the Erdtree:
Holds the power of the crucible of life, the primordial form of the Erdtree (Crucible Axe Set)
Description of the Guilded Shield also provides some interesting info:
The red tinge in the gold coat mirrors the primordial matter that became the Erdtree.
As I speculate in my Color Theory post, the life on the Lands Between most likely originated from the golden star, which was sent by the Greater Will (it's also supported by Hyetta's dialogue about births and souls).
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My interpretation is that the golden star is basically is a seed of life is this Evangelion reference? Notably, there is a theme of organic and inorganic matter being not so different (for example: Marika/Radagon's stone flesh), which can be interpreted in a way that golden star primordial matter contained golden ore and fantasy DNA.
In general, my main idea about golden star-the Erdtree evolution looks like this: Golden star (golden seed) - primordial matter/rudiments of the root system - fully formed Crucible root system/Erdtree's sprout (primordial form) - the Erdtree and remnants of the Crucible (Great Roots)
A quite common motif in architecture from pre-Erdtree period is an imagery of various animals coming from a plant. Divine Tower murals are showing birds, ancient beasts and reptiles intertwined with something floral, similar scenes are depicted in Farum Azula too.
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More over, the lead motif is also present in Farum Azula and Nox architecture. I believe Nox and ancient dragons coexisted together for some time, as we know from description of dragonkins items Nox tried to imitate the immortality of the ancient dragons, but failed.
I'd like to thing that this leaf represents Erdtree's sprout.
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The roots imagery is a popular theme in Elden Ring too. The tail of the Elden Beast resembles roots, Elden Ring itself used to have root-like rune before Marika's age, roots are shown on the ancient Erdtree's sigil and the giant mural on the Erdtree's entrance.
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Roots being assotiated both with life, the Crucible - a place where all life blended together and originated from, but also a death, a place where a souls of dead are supposed to return, follows the theme of duality of life and death. It mirrors the same theme of the red color, a symbol of primordial life and Rune of Death.
Ashes to ashes, what was born from the Great Roots must return to them.
However, both root imagery and red color aren't favored in the modern times, the Erdtree lost its root both on th sigil, but also disconnected from the Great Roots system for the reason unknown (I speculate that it was result of aging of Godwyn's infection). And the red color is commonly viewed as something undesirable and shameful.
[there is a theory of mine that Golden Order not only lacked death, but a life, fertility too, but it's a theme for another post]
And the last, but not the least, cut content:
花の坩堝の乙女、ミランダが この花の最初の一輪であったという
Miranda, the maiden of floral Crucible, is said to be the first of those flowers. Description of Miranda's Prayer outright says that the Crucible was something floral or plant/flower-alike. For the better or worse, I can't use cut content as a real avidence for my theories, but I wonder if Miranda's flowers used to have a more important role in the story.
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The Fade - DAO
[Remade post, originally from here] 
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Details I want to keep fresh, related to the architecture and statues we see in The Fade in Dragon Age Origins.
[This is part of the series “Playing DA like an archaeologist”]
[Index page of Dragon Age Lore]
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The place had a lot of veins of lyrium and, probably, a reminiscence of what will be in DA2 red lyirium. The Fade reflects reality, so it's not strange.
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Here what now has a bit more of meaning: Red veins or blood. In any case, both are related since we saw in DAI sections of it soaked in blood, from where red lyrium sprouted around. [Here] 
The normal lyrium can be found not only in the DAO Raw Fade [curious name for this part of the Fade where we were thrown by the Sloth demon, not exactly the same way we accessed to it in DAI], but also in the several sections that we are teleported to [ for example, Mage asunder, Templar's nightmare, etc]. Now, the red veins can only be seen in the Raw Fade. 
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This could have been the first time we saw this troublesome element.
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In the Raw Fade we also see statues of Avaars with tentacles. This is another detail that I overlooked years ago but now they may have some meaning. So far, we know, the original intention of the Old Gods were to be Cthulhu-like creatures, with tentacles, like the statue in the Dalish origin linked to Falon’Din. 
The statue is named “disturbing statue” in-game and clicking on it gives us the codex: Beyond the Veil: Spirits and Demons [unreliable source since it’s from a Circle mage]. 
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This type of statue (four of them in fact) surround a mini boss in the Templar's Nightmare, where we fight a desire demon.
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Now It’s curious that those tentacles seem to come out from Avaar statues or from twisted structures, like this apparent white bowl. 
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Or from this strange tent that gives me feeling of an Aravel. This one is called “twisted structure” and after clicking on it you have the codex: The Black City. 
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The concept of tentacles in the whole series of Dragon Age seems strange, except when you think in the Old Gods. Their original design was not meant to be Dragons, but creatures with long arms and tentacle-legs, which design was mainly present in those strange statues of Dragon Age Origin we find in the Brecilian Ruins in the dalish origin, in the basement of Wilheam [when we retrieve Shale] and in the Fade no less, in the Templar's Nightmare and among treasures in the Mage Asunder.
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In Templar's Nightmare we also find an Eluvian, which is curious. It looked like it is placed in a storage room or in a laboratory. Like in DAI, the eluvians we find in DAO are simple in structure, nothing alike Merril’s.
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It’s curious that the top of the Tower of Magi has three eluvians that seemed to be broken. If we think that the tower was built by Avvar [related to elves thanks to Tyrdda’s lover who was an elf, check Tyrdda Bright-Axe Path], the presence of these artefacts here is more than suspicious. Unless the current Circle mages were the ones bringing these artefacts to the tower, the presence of these mirrors would speak of Elves being related to the Avvar. 
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Returning to the Fade, there are also statues that are used to represent Elven Gods or Andraste [hard to guess since DAO has overused these statues, and their “environmental telling” value is quite poor]
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There are also statues that resemble Andraste [with Ferelden iconography] all over the place, but there are some creepy ones:
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 in the section Mage Asunder, where Andraste's head is replaced by a skull
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Here you see Andraste with a skull in each of the three statues. The only time I remember similar iconography was in Din'an Hanin. I already talked a lot about the design symbols that Mythal and Andraste have in common: for example, the single spike in their helm. So, in some ways, both characters are related in a way hard to speculate. 
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If we are allowed to link them vaguely, I can relate these statues of skull-Andraste with the Myhtal’s whose head was replaced by a skull in Din'an Hanin [image above].
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In Mage Asunder I also found Three vessels with strange icons. Mostly dragon head-like that resemble a lot the heads of the slender-tentacle figures that seem to represent the Old Gods.
Later, in the Temple of Andraste, we will see these vessels in the puzzle of the transparent-bridge during The Gauntlet, and it's in one of these vessel where Andraste's ashes are kept. The strong components of dragon nature and old gods in this vessel is more than curious for being the Urn of Andraste's ashes. I hardly believe it was a lack of resources in the old engine of DAO. We also find later, in DAI, links of Andraste with Wyverns [check in Crestwood: surface], 
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and in the DAI Fade, we find fragments of a big statue of Andraste exactly in front of a Wyvern, showing to us that both of them share the single spike symbol in common [I feel it’s a dev’s choice to place them this together, check this in The Fade-Flemeth: Part 1 ]
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There is also a strange iconography on the floor of the Fade where the pedestal for teleportation tends to be in some sections [not always]. It could mean just a powerful enchantment structure for teleportation. It's a spiral, each of the circles has its own detail, showing more swirls in its relief. One would be tempted to guess this is elven design in the Fade, but we also found this spiral in the Circle of Magi [originally made by Avvar and Dwarves but since the Avvar seem to be related to Elvhen we can’t say for sure]. 
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It was in this place where Uldread was performing his ritual in order to change the mages into abominations. Again, we know the tower was made by Avvar, so this structure should be Avvar. However, we can softly link the Avvar with the Elvhen through Tyrdda’s lover. We don’t know how deeply related both cultures were. 
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As a minor detail, there is a symbol in most doors in the Fade which is usually present on all the doors of the Tower of Magi. I never saw it again in any other game.
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It’s also worth noting that the tower has these circular platforms, which were present in most chambers of the Temple of Andraste, or in the [Brecilian Ruins].
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Finally, it's interesting to see that most of the Fade is made of "melt down" buildings. I think this design prevailed from DAO to DAI, which developed walls with the same material as the creepy statues of screaming creatures [Keepers of Fear]. These statues are also linked to Avvar, so it seems that the Avvar presence in the Fade is stronger than one could imagine, at least from an iconography point of view in DAI as well as in DAO. 
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However, the concept of sprouting tentacles did not survive into DAI so far: 
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Similar melted-down architecture can be found when you access to the Fade for a second time trying to save Connor.  
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In this particular case [I played with Jowan] there are strange columns spiralling up,
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and the red veins are now present in the portals we use. One could guess this is where the Demon dwells, and her presence corrupted the portal/lyrium in it. 
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There is also a landscape that reinforces the concept of tentacles
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And a last detail, maybe not important... did the Archdemon dream happen in the Fade? That green colour and the landscape with tentacles we see in just some seconds of the cutscene may suggest so. Then again, this would not be super strange since Dragons seem to be deeply related to Magic and the control of the Fade, according to the three oldest comics of DA: The Silent Grove, Those Who Speak, and Until We Sleep.
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localmacguffin · 11 months
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You meet her gaze and face nothingness.
A fan design for Nabu Malikata aka the Goddess of Flowers! This takes heavy inspiration from @4dango-the2nd 's design (twitter link here: https://twitter.com/4dango_the2nd/status/1570822211040317448).
A fan design of Nabu Malikata from Genshin Impact. It consists of a beautiful woman from the bust up. She wears a golden crown that glimmers in the firelight. Her hair is woven with galaxy patterns in it, and from her head sprout two horns tipped with gold. She wears a top similar to Nilou's, but in bright magenta. Half her face is shrouded in darkness, but her eyes remained fixated at the viewer, glimmering with a fathomless galaxy.
/end ID]
Some design notes!
I decided to have her wear the crown from her artifact set (Flower of Paradise Lost) because I thought it looked cool. Likewise, I gave her the flower from said set to not only match the crown, but also for lore reasons. We get artifacts from revitalized petrified Irminsul trees with resin. Irminsul contains all records of Teyvat, and as one of Sumeru's "gods of wisdom" Nabu Malikata should be associated with this kind of knowledge. For similar reasons I plan to give Deshret and Rukkhadevata flowers from their artifact sets as well.
Her hair actually has a galaxy pattern because of Guizhong. She is a seelie, Guizhong is speculated to be a seelie, and she contains stardust in her sleeves. Also, she is very similar to Guizhong (goddess associated with flowers, billowing sleeves, died under suspicious circumstances) so I would also give her billowing sleeves with stardust on the inside. Also, she'd be associated with the stars/heavens anyway as all divine figures in Genshin are. For her eyes, which also contain a galaxy, I took inspiration from the description we get from the Dirge of Bilqis - eyes are the windows to the soul, and she is of the divine true sky. Most of her outfit resembles Nilou's because Nilou is based on her.
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nyxnephilim · 9 months
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milkandraspberry · 2 years
misc bugsnax thoughts
Floofty’s ending photo shows them with a prosthetic leg, meaning that missing body parts regrown with bugsnax go away when the snakification wears off. So even if things initially worked out with the plan to cut off their head, they’d need to stay snakified to stay alive.
I keep going back and forth on what could cause Filbo’s immunity in the finale from a narrative standpoint. It could be that Filbo simply has the determination to overpower the bugsnax’s temptation due to his personality (Honestly he seems pretty hands-off to bugsnax, iirc the only time he asks the player for snaks is the Strabby in the tutorial, which I don’t think is comparable to a vice like other snak gathering missions since he was just hungry.) or maybe either the required story beats of bringing the grumpuses back to town/the final confrontation with liz could have acted like the side-quests do for the other characters.
I’m fairly certain that, if given more time, Gramble could have fully trained even the larger Bugsnax, I feel like alot of people noticed Sprout being loyal through the finale but also the trip-shot section uses a device powered by a Kweeble treadmill. Assuming these are the ones Gramble was training in Simmering Springs and aren’t part of the hoarde then that would mean that the factor that stopped Sprout from turning wasn’t being in a hamster ball or being too young, it was love (maybe)
In his interview Cromdo explained he was intending to hijack the team’s boat to escape himself before finding out that it’s missing and blaming Liz. Iirc the boat’s dissapearance is never explained? 
Speaking of boats, Floofty’s makeshift lab in Boiling Bay is like, literally inches away from the Triplicate Space entrance. Two of that place’s biggest lore reveals involve Triffany’s Grandma and Snorpy’s conspiracy theories. Floofty just barely missed bringing huge revelations for their best friend and sibling (...or did they? the 100% post-credits dialouge brings up the idea of some of the grumpuses knowing the secrets of snaktooth but keeping quiet to be smart. It’s definitely speculation bait, but this is speculation anyway so)
Where does the skeleton hand that Triffany waves around come from? Like iirc she always has it on her, even when she’s away from archeology stuff. Is it from one of the Snaktooth Grumpus skeletons or did she bring it from home?
Triffany mentions Pinkle being an important crop for the stone grumpuses in her Flavour Falls sidequest, implying that the design of a pickle jar existed since what i assume is the equivilant of the stone age and that bugsnax can just look like future stuff. But in her Frosted Peak sidequest she mentions that the Pinkle reskin Aggroll was only reported recently (or maybe that was other flavour text?) which implies that bugsnax can’t look like future stuff. (if it turns out cavement *did* know how to pickle cucumbers and i’m just reaching, fair.).
In the finale, Eggabelle was able to fuse with monster Liz. Unless the rules are differant for joining and becoming a queen, that makes her the fourth known character to be a suitable bugsnax queen
Monster Liz being able to control bugsnax might be the reason why bugsnax avoid capture while they canonically want to be eaten. (I don’t buy into the theory that the snax are avoiding the player character due to their allergy because A: If they were only avoiding the player then Filbo wouldn’t have needed help to catch a Strabbu and B: I think the snax are too stupid to be that coordinated)
Chandlo and Snorpy both live in Sugarpine Woods at the start of the game. Chandlo doesn’t have his own house like Snorpy, but is shown to be skilled at building houses, so I assume he built Snorpy his log cabin along with other things like the watch tower and hot tub. I’d say this is Chaldo prioritising Snorpy over himself but he also probably built the basketball court just for him, so he probably just shares a bed with Snorpy
How did Wambus grow the special sauce he gives the player in the finale? Is it just an exotic sauce not found on snaktooth, or does it imply sauce plants can be cross-bred?
In Liz’s video letter to the player at the start of the game she mentions one of the player character’s articles on soylent grump, which based on it’s namesake is food made out of grumpuses. Beffica is an open fan of the Player Character’s journalism and would likely know about soylent grump, it’s possible this put the thought of cannibal conspiracy in her head and could explin why she so quickly jumped to assuming Floofty was a cannibal besides “Beffica mean”.
It’s also possible that Beffica’s admiration of the Player Character is what lead Liz to invite them specifically as the expedition’s journalist. Since the video message Liz sends takes place after the arrival to Snaktooth which seems to take place with most other Grumpuses aside from the player character and also gives a timeframe for the eixisting team to mingle, when Beffica could put the Player Character on Liz’s radar.
Might be me being dumb here but how did Shelda join the expedition? Like she says it was a raffle in the main game, then the dlc has her sidemouthing that it wasn’t actually a raffle. I honestly have no leads on how she joined, and even less on why she would want to hide how she joined. Is this just a retcon? and if it is what about the older explination made the writers want to retcon it?
I made at least one for each of the other 12 chars so i gotta complete the circle and do one for wiggle but i don’t care for wiggle so i’ll just ask if she ever got Grapeskeeto bites from sleeping out in the open on the Simmering Springs beach. and if so then good.
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sweaterplant · 2 years
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The vanilla orchid (Vanilla planifolia). Specifically, my vanilla BEAST.
Note, I do say beast intentionally. Orchids as a whole remind me of animals more than other plants. I’m not the only one it appears... Luigi Berliocchi gives some grating laudatory passages about orchid hunters of the colonial 19th century in his book The Orchid in Lore and Legend. But he also talks about people like Hieronymus Tragus (1498-1554). Despite the awesome name, Tragus is NOT the Hieronymus Bosch Garden of Earthly Delights fame. While the latter was painting people humping giant strawberries, Tragus was only just germinating. Tragus went on to make a scientifically fanciful yet aesthetically appealing observation: orchid flowers look incredibly similar to animals. People have gone on to speculate an evolutionary mechanism for this (e.g., flowers that resemble pollinators are more likely to attract them and successfully reproduce the plant). (pp. 35-36) But long before Darwin set sail on the Beagle, Athanasius Kircher (1610-1680) speculated that orchids sprouted from animal sperm that dripped out onto the ground because --- get this --- animals liked to copulate in fields where orchids grew plentiful (pp. 36-37). We can’t blame Kircher for overlooking the fact that making love in a field of flowers is particularly romantic and inspirational; he was a Jesuit. Clerical celibacy has been enforced in the Catholic Church since the 11th or 12th century. Berliocchi expounds upon the uses and applications of vanilla elsewhere in his book. Guess what? One of the reported uses was as an aphrodisiac (pp. 110-111). The Aztec emperor Montezuma II (c.1466-1520) was reported to have used this liberally (p. 111). It must have worked because the emperor had 19 children according to Fernando Alvarado Tezozomoc, possibly a descendant of Montezuma himself and a renowned chronicler of mestizo history and language.
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nerdy-sessions · 2 years
Pokémon of the Week! #640: Virizion!
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Welcome, nerds, to Pokémon of the Week!
Where I, Sesh, generate a random Pokémon to highlight each week!
Last week, we covered Doug Dimmadome...er, I mean, Galarian Weezing and his non-stinkiness. You can find that post here:
This week is special, my friends. For the first time here at Pokémon of the Week, we have a legendary Pokémon as our featured guest! Virizion, on of the 3 (or 4) Swords of Justice from the Unova Region!
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I am really excited to cover this amazing Pokémon! It's got come pretty metal lore behind it that I can't wait to get into!
Virizion, a Grass and Fighting-type, debuted in 2010's Pokémon: Black & White versions for the Nintendo DS. She (I assume...she has a female voice in the anime movie she's in) appeared along with 3 other legendary Pokémon referred to as "The Swords of Justice"; Terrakion, Cobalion, and Keldeo. They all share the Fighting-type and the "Justified" ability. They also all share swordplay-based moves, such as Sacred Sword, thus justifying the name of their group.
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Pokemon fans have collectively decided to compare Virizion and the others Swords to the Legendary Musketeers.
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For those unfamiliar, the famous French novel The 3 Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas feature swashbuckling swordsman characters, fighting for justice in the cruel world of the French monarchy. Virizion and the other swords have major comparisons to the 4 main characters in this novel (a couple movie adaptations have been made, which I will use screenshots from).
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Of the legendary Musketeers, Virizion herself shares a resemblance to Aramis. According to Bulbapedia, Virizion is "the best at swordplay" like Aramis, is feminine, and very romantic as opposed to the others in the group.
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The shape of Virizion's head also shares a stark resemblance to tricorn hats worn by Musketeers of the colonial era.
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As far as the animal Virizion appears to be based on, fans speculate it shares qualities of an antelope or a stag of some kind.
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Some really cool lore, amiright???
But what do the Dex entries say about our green Sword of Justice?
Generation 5 entries about Virizion say that you might wanna look out of this thing, saying that "[t]his Pokémon fought humans in order to protect its friends."
I'm getting Legends: Arceus flashbacks here...and now I'm getting afraid of what a potential Legends: Kyurem game might be like.
Other entries say that it "sprouts blades" from it's head and swiftly cuts it's opponents down, and that it moves so fast it's opponents can't land a hit.
This tracks with Virizion's comparison to Aramis, supposedly the quickest and most skilled of the Musketeers.
Other Dex entries from later games are mostly the same, with the exception of Sword versions Dex entry, which states that it teamed up Cobalion and Terrakion to protect their friends from humans.
So all the Swords of Justice attacked humans that were mean to Pokemon...got it.
Jeez, evil team beware...you might get skewered by angry sword goats.
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Here's Virizion's official artwork:
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Quoted from Virizion's biology section on Bulbapedia:
"Virizion is a stag or antelope-like, quadrupedal Pokémon that is primarily green. On the sides of its head are long horns that end in dull, curled points. It has a pointed snout with a black blaze running from its nose to the back of its head. Its face, hind legs, and underside are white. There is a pinked-tipped leaf on each side of its neck, and leafy tufts on its shoulders. On its back, there are pointed tufts of fur forming a medium-long tail. Its lower legs resemble knee-high boots with pink highlights at the knees, and it has black hooves.
Like the other Swords of Justice, Virizion battled against humans in order to protect Pokémon. Virizion attacks its opponents by first darting around them with whirlwind-like speed, before using its horns to swiftly cut them down. The horns are as sharp as blades. In Generation V, Sacred Sword was its signature move.
It's a LEGENDARY POKEMON. I'm always going to start with that when we get a legendary featured here on Pokémon of the Week. Not only is there only one of Virizion in each game you find it in, but all it's base states are ridiculously high.
It's best base stat is Special Defense. In fact, it has the highest special defense out of all of the Swords of Justice. Field Virizion against Pokémon that know heavy hitting special moves.
It's Grass/Fighting-typing is very rare; there aren't many Pokémon that have that type combo. Use Virizion against Water, Rock, Ground, and Dark-types. It is also highly resistant to Electric and other Grass-type.
It's base Speed, true to the lore, it also very high. If you are needing to outspeed your opponent to win a match, use Virizion. Odds are you'll win that race.
It's signature ability that is shares with the other Swords, "Justified", makes it so that if it is hit by a Dark-type attack, it's attack shoots up by 1 stage each time. That's a huge advantage over Dark-types; a deadly combo with any Fighting-types moves, like Sacred Sword, against Dark-types.
Legendary Pokémon are hard to capture and even more difficult to train once obtain...but you all know that by now (hopefully). They level up slower than normal Pokémon and are harder to befriend.
It may be fast and able to take special attacks well, but it's base Defense is it's lowest stat. If it gets hit by a hard-hitting physical move, it will go down just as fast as it can move.
DO NOT use against the deadly BIRB. Do NOT field against Flying-types. It's Grass and Fighting-type combo makes it QUADRUPLY WEAK to Flying moves.
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Also avoid fielding Virizion against Fire, Poison, Psychic, Ice, and and Fairy-types.
As our first legendary Pokémon here on PotW, I would advise you to go mass-buy some Ultra Ball and Quick Balls...
Where can Virizion be found in each of the games it appears in? Well...as cool as Virizion is...it takes some tracking down.
Make sure to hit SAVE before battling this thing...as there is only one per game, as stated above!
Let's dive in.
In it's debut games Black & White, it can be found in the very depths of the Pinwheel Forest; a place called Rumination Field. You must battle and catch it.
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In Black 2 & White 2, it appears later in the game on Route 11, where (in a small cutscene) it jumps off of a cliff to battle you.
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In X & Y, it can only be obtained by trade from another game.
In the Gen 3 remakes Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire, Virizion (as well as Cobalion and Terrakion) can be found post-game while soaring on the Pathless Plain. If you want Virizion, it needs to be on a Monday or a Thursday...which is...oddly specific...
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In Sun & Moon, it can only be obtained by trade from another game.
In Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon, Virizion can potentially be found post-game in the Ultra Space Wilds on a Rocky World.
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Virizion is unobtainable in Let's Go! Pikachu & Let's Go! Eevee.
Originally, Virizion was yet another #dexitvictim when Sword & Shield were initially released. However, upon the release of the Crown Tundra expansion, you can find a Virizion (and the other Swords) via an event where you must track down 50 of it's footprints around the Tundra. Once you have done that, it will appear in the Giant's bed area.
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Virizion is unobtainable in the Gen 4 remakes Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl.
Virizion is unobtainable in Legends: Arceus.
Does a legendary Pokemon have cool fanart?
Not even a question.
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Takin' a well- deserved human-slaying break, I guess.
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Well, ain't that a snarky grin. Channeling her inner Aramis, I suppose!
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stabby stabby
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A cool marker-esque piece; she gettin' ready to Razor Leaf ya!
I've always thought the Swords of Justice were cool! Though, Virizion has been my favorite...
Mostly because the others become ROAMING annoyances to capture...
Nah, her design is neat, and Aramis has always been my favorite 3 Musketeers character.
What are your thoughts on Virizion? Let me know!
Join me next week for...ANOTHER LEGENDARY! The goodest boy with the shield, Zamazenta!
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boundinparchment · 2 years
Dream a Little Dream of Me - VI
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Celestia has a cruel sense of humor. He’s always known this, ever since his days as a student. But a soulmate? Really? Dottore/Female Reader Soulmate AU. Expect lore speculation, interpretations, etc. Available on AO3 as well.
You idly rubbed your hands at breakfast in an attempt to soothe the joints.  Whenever someone asked if you were alright, you feigned a yawn and claimed to have had a late night.  It wasn’t a lie; you had been one of the last to get in the night before.
Schedules were shared and discussed over steaming cups of coffee, sweetened with condensed milk, and a spread of breakfast options that made your stomach rumble.  Your manager and your conductor worked everyone hard when you traveled but they always picked the best places to stay with a top-tier spread of local foods.  Tahchin, butter chicken with an option for rice or flatbread, bánh bao (steamed buns stuffed with ground pork, mushrooms, hard-boiled eggs) along with babor (rice porridge made from animal-based broth, with bean sprouts, eggs, dried fish, and fresh green onion), and other dishes were consumed with gusto.
Unease still sat in your bones, jolting you when the volume of conversation grew too loud or someone tried to catch your attention.
It shouldn’t have bothered you, being observed by a stranger.  That’s what performance was, after all.
But no one had ever been so sharp with their praise.  Not even your tutors and educators in Fontaine, who knew skill and talent when they heard it.
None of it was helped by the fact that it simply hurt to eat and drink and your manager shot you a look when they caught you wincing as you took a sip of coffee.
You weren’t the only one, you noticed; injury and strain was common among your section, despite the resources and training all of you had about relaxing your thumbs, elbows, and shoulders.  You spotted another cellist further down the table, nursing an ice pack across their shoulder, and another with limited arm movements, as though raising their arms too high was impossible.  
Not a good start.
But at least your section’s workshop wasn’t until tomorrow.  Today was, you supposed, a proper free day.  Perhaps you would head back to your room, stretch, try to relax rather than simply take medication and continue on if it wasn’t necessary.
Your plan was thrown out the window when you caught eyes pleading for you to join your usual group to explore the Akademiya.  After all, you’d skipped dinner with them in favor of solitude already.  And you couldn’t even play or hold a pen.  What else would you do with your time?  
Not to mention, when would you ever get the second chance to see the Akademiya properly?  What was it your soulmate said?  Limiting in research parameters, with some students wasting their whole lives to chase their credentials, whole topics and categories banned from consideration with a risk of expulsion if the policy was broken?
And yet, the rest of the world seemed to yearn to even study there.
He was here, or at least he had been, in some capacity.  There was no hiding that crop of hair you saw last night, an absolute match for the color you knew from years and years of lucid dreaming.  Could he still be in Sumeru, you wondered.  If nothing else, a trip through the halls open to the public would yield a glimpse into a world he once knew…
Reluctantly, you agreed.  A few hours of exploring couldn’t hurt.  
The sun only began to crest over the treetops as you all made your way up, up, up the spiral walkways that encased Sumeru City’s Divine Tree.  You were grateful for the walk, the air crisp with a hint of familiar humidity.
You paused before the bridge, taking in the sweeping roof, with its gables shaped like flower petals and the ivory and gold pillars supporting them.  The stained glass was so vibrant it seemed to have its own light source; you only ever saw such craftsmanship in the noble quarters of Fontaine’s main city.  Despite its prominent entryway, the building itself looked as if it just fit into the tree, as if it belonged there all along.
The Corp of Thirty guards stationed outside cast a wary glance towards your group.  Upon recognizing most of your attire was foreign, they gave a curt reminder about respect and noise volume, and to speak softly as to not disturb the students in the House of Daena.
As you all filed into the foyer, your breath was stolen from your lungs at the sight.  High above, a chandelier in the shape of a lotus painted the dark wood ceiling in a golden glow.  Beneath it, a large fountain in a similar shape took center stage, water trickling down stone petals in gentle, quiet streams.  All variations of blue and green mingled in the stained glass windows in the pendentives beneath the dome and above the doorways, reminding you of the lush waterscapes of your homeland.  Smooth, polished stone reflected every smattering of light, only enhancing the ethereal feel of the space.  Despite the wood elements, the space felt…cold, reclusive, too refined.
“Kinda like Court back home,” someone mumbled.
It wasn’t an inaccurate parallel.  What you saw of the Hydro Archon’s domain (and only the administrative offices, for your visa and work papers), the space was full of undulating architecture carved of the purest marble, white, pristine, and unsettling.
The drastic difference between the Akademiya and the city itself made sense; this was an environment that needed to be conducive to research, learning, and progress.  It was a pinnacle of achievement to even be accepted, let alone graduate, and a worldwide reputation.  If it wasn’t grandiose and spectacular, it undermined all of the work the students and staff put into their efforts.  
Nevermind that the Sages were the governing body in the city and this was their seat of power.
You passed through the next threshold and into another hall, this one with staircases spilling to either side of a low bridge with another entryway at its end.  Three large curved gables on either side sheltered a set of double-doors with an emblem above.  Each school of study, perhaps, with its own wing branching deeper into the Divine Tree.  You couldn’t name them all but you could make out the distinctive shapes of a peacock, a horse and hourglass, a bull, and a lion.
The next and last interior public space made you long for a kamera, for it was impossible to crane your neck and take all of it in.
It made Fontaine’s archives of public records look like a dusty, dingy, back closet.  And that was saying something, considering how much was tied up in triplicate forms and red tape.
The House of Daena continued the soaring architecture and made use of every free space for bookshelves.  Even as the walls began to curve into an arch, the shelves’ lengths matched, a tiny collection of books nestled into the peak.  As you all walked across another low bridge and into the main library, you couldn’t help but utter an astonished whisper of curses at the space.
Every bookshelf, packed, with taller shelves framing the narrow and frighteningly tall windows of blue glass that rose above, and higher still, more shelves.  High above, the glass dome let in natural light, the frames of the windows set to mimic the structures of a common leaf.  Balconies dotted the second floor, home to more books and likely their own passageways, if the students milling about were anything to go by.
No matter where your head turned, there was space being utilized that never once lacked for detailed touches, as though the library itself was a work of art.
A central pillar held up most of the space, flying buttresses providing additional support to the structure.  An occasional administrative assistant (they were dressed a bit too finely to be students) entered the bottom of the pillar and a strange hum could be heard.  Elevators weren’t all that uncommon outside of Fontaine but you never expected to find one here.  Especially given the way the city was structured, with its pathways woven in and out of the branches of the Divine Tree.
You all broke apart in favor of exploring quietly, each of you having your own point of interest, and you began to head towards the right.  Just as you’d begun to eye some of the titles nearby, there was a change in the atmosphere of the library, in the students going about their tasks and research.  Whispers circulated, secrets privy only to those who spent their lives in the Akademiya.
It didn’t take long to understand what, precisely, everyone was talking about.
A tall figure strode through the entry of the House of Daena, dressed in a fashion you’d yet to see in Sumeru.  Ornate boots with metal fastenings, black trousers, and a white coat that was so clean it surpassed the pristine stonework of the library.  Around their shoulders, a mantle of feathers, a paldron resting right where a bird’s head might be, a fabric wing flowing elegantly behind its wearer, along with a long strand of glowing light.
Your mind filled in the gaps, matching the patterns from last night against the adornments of the stranger, the shape on their chest and shoulder and ear strangely familiar…
Their visage was hidden by a mask that formed a sharp point, a visor that shielded against the gazes of others.
Hair the color of uncut aquamarine.
You would know that jawline anywhere by now.
Blood thrummed in your ears as your heart raced.  But that would mean that last night…they’d actually…and he’d been so…
The figure entered the central pillar, clearly intent on heading elsewhere.  With the doors open, you could still see him, the platform not having been given its command yet.  His head tilted slightly, a gesture you knew to mean something piqued his interest, before his head turned and his gaze fell in your direction.
On you.
As quickly as your pulse sped up, it seemed to stop altogether.
He smirked before his lips moved.  You’d managed to snag your Akasha from your room before leaving and the device transmitted the words, filling in the blanks.
Found you.
The doors shut abruptly as he raised a hand, palm up, as if commanding a dog to sit.  In a hum of machinery, he was gone.
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