#sparrow’s asks
I didn’t know giggley sex with Josh was what I needed until now. Breaking out into laughter when his facial tickles the inside of your leg. Or maybe after one to many drinks, and prolonged eye contact before you both burst out into giggles ‘why are you laughing?’ ‘I don’t know, why are you laughing?’ ‘Your hair is crazy’ ‘stop laughing you’re putting me off’ ‘shut up Josh’ 
ENOUGH! His facial hair tickling you 😭😭 I can't do this. I can't. Once he figures out what's making you giggle softly, he would make sure to kiss around in places that he knew you're ticklish 😭😭 l'm gonna go throw myself down in an intersection ahaha-
He's laying between your legs, on arm draped over your hips, the other resting against your thigh - hand massaging at your hip. He looks up at you with a sweet little smirk, thumb making gentle swirls over your clit.
"Can I take my time with you, sweet girl?" Josh coos, his smirk widening into toothy smile.
You nod, flashing a similar smile down to him with your bottom lip tucked in your teeth.
He refocuses his attention between your legs, thumb continuing to play with your bundle of nerves. His lips found your inner thigh, kissing around and biting every so often as he listened to your whimpers and whines grow louder.
Every few seconds, your soft sounds were interrupted by short, breathy, giggles. This made Josh glance up at you with both an amused and confused expression on his face.
"What's so funny?" he finally asks. A low giggle flutters out of him, too.
"N-nothing." you lie.
He continues on, not pressing the matter any further in light of wanting to make you cum.
Josh goes back to kissing at your thighs, pressing his thumb harder against your clit. His breath catches in his throat as he feels it throb against his thumb.
Your giggles break through again as Josh's facial hair tickles the insides of your thighs.
Unbeknownst to you, a light had switched on in Josh’s brain - suddenly figuring out just what was causing sweet giggles to erupt from you.
“S’cute,” he mumbles against your skin, trailing kisses up to your hips and moving towards your stomach.
You move to shove his head away from your sensitive belly, “Josh, your-“
“I know it does.” Josh smiles up at you knowingly, adoring the way your giggles mixed in with your moans.
“Josh- fuck- quit!” You couldn’t figure out what you wanted and didn’t want, between the two different feelings being sent through your body.
“You quit,” he fires back playful, using his hand not occupied at your core already to push your hands away. “Just cum for me. You can do it, can’t you, mama?”
“I hate you,” you huff through some moan morphed in with yet another giggle.
“You don’t,” Josh giggles, kissing directly over your belly button before pulling himself up to place his lips on your neck. “You love me… and this.”
You didn’t even bother to scrunch your neck up against his little attack, in light of your orgasm slowly creep through your body.
Your giggles become mostly moans, but a small grin remains on your lips - still red from all the kissing you and Josh had done not long ago.
“Cum for me, pretty…” Josh encourages into your neck. “My precious little thing.”
The mix of sensations running through your body shoved you so gently over the edge and into your high. It’s a short and sweet orgasm, but still powerful nonetheless.
You come down to the feeling of Josh placing soft kisses to your cheek and his thumb retreating from your sensitive clit.
You glare playfully up at him, “You’re horrible for that.”
“Oh, shut up!” Josh laughs sweetly, a genuine adoration in his eyes. “That was the prettiest orgasm I think I’ve ever witnessed from you.”
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macksartblock · 8 days
Your art’s yummy, Tysm for the meals <33
no thank you lol anyway shout out to the loser parents of all time
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xbomboi · 2 months
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rosabella “i can fix him” beauty.
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queenlua · 4 months
it's kind of disappointing that vagrant birds never come in pairs. like, if i were a little five-striped sparrow & i wanted to go party in completely the wrong habitat for a season, i think it'd be very romantic to bring a cutie along with me. we'd have matching outfits and everything for when the paparazzi show up. instead it's always just one lone chripy boi who's absofuckinglutely awful at reading a map
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slasherscream · 5 months
A/N: shout-out to @abominableghostface, who was my beta reader and co-conspirator as usual.
❥ we ride at dawn. try and survive ❥
Billy Loomis - The man with the plan. When he says morning he means we are going to be in the car and on the road by the time the sun rays begin to hit the earth. Granted, it's not a hectic morning by any means. He'll have made sure the two of you started packing days in advance. There’s no last minute rushing around. No wondering if you packed a toothbrush, or your favorite jacket. You double checked everything the night before, and then checked behind one another to make sure. But no matter how peaceful the waking, being dragged to your car at 4:30am will make you want to kill him. He passes you your favorite blanket that he threw in the dryer last minute, a cozy protection against the dewy chill of the night turning to morning. When he tells you to sleep until he finds somewhere decent to eat you hate him a little less.
Jordan Li - By nature Jordan is more of a night owl. Through pure necessity they’ve molded themself into something resembling a morning person. Sure, the way they don’t start smiling before 10am shows you it’s not at all a natural state of being, but they do it anyways. 
So used to starting the monotonous, average days bright and early they’re definitely not going to want to start a vacation late. They wake up to the sound of their alarm. They wake you up to soft kisses pressed into your skin. When you open your eyes, scowling at them anyways, they can’t help but laugh, “Yeah I know, I know, fuck off. But we gotta head out before traffic hits.” 
Knowing how you are in the mornings Jordan packed the car last night. When you roll over, intent on ignoring them they roll their eyes and shift, so that he can drag you from bed no matter how hard you try and make yourself dead weight. 
You’re still half asleep, leaned up against him beneath the spray of the shower, but wake up when he flicks water at your face.
“Fuck off.” You grumble. 
“Once we’re on the road I’ll fuck off for at least an hour. Then we’ll grab breakfast, yeah?” He pushes a loofah in your hand and grins once you take it. They shift again, nudging you out the way with her hip so you’re sharing the water instead of hogging it, “Wash my back so we can head out.” 
When they wake you up outside a diner two hours later instead of one you’re feeling much more agreeable, pulling them in for a kiss when they open your car door.
Sebastian Valmont - A chronic riser with the sun. It doesn’t matter what time he goes to sleep, he is going to wake up right as the sun rises. He has black out curtains and takes morning yoga classes. The bastard. His body simply enjoys being awake at six am. Thus, he sees absolutely no reason why leaving for your trip should come hours after that. He’s going to be the one driving anyways. The maids packed all your things, and the butler brought everything out to the car. All that’s left is to get you out of the house. Sebastian helps you put on your clothes, laughs at the way he has to push your arms into your shirt, and drag you to brush your teeth. When he tucks you into the passenger seat he knows you’ll be asleep again by the time he slides into the driver’s seat. He sneaks glances at you for the first few hours of the drive, quietly listening to music and the soft sound of your snoring, enjoying every second.
Stu Macher - Ball of energy that he is, Stu is awake bright and early, and does not need time to “wake up.” He unfortunately acts like this is a universal experience. The fact that he’s excited about the trip makes his typical lack of empathy towards night owls even more brutal than usual. You’re unceremoniously dragged from bed. He tickles you as you brush your teeth. If you seem a little extra groggy that morning he hops in the shower with you and turns it on cold to get your motor running. He acts completely baffled about why you’re still scowling by the time he’s back from his banishment of loading up the car while you try to dress yourself in peace. To make matters worse he wants to talk about anything and everything with you despite the fact that the sky is still that sleepy shade of blue that’s half night, half dawn. You stare at him hatefully from the corner of your eye, grunting answers at him until you pass a diner that’s open and you can get caffeine into your system. His excitement for the trip is cute once you’re awake.
Kevin Khatchadourian - Rises with the sun and is deeply irritated that you don’t. On a regular day he rarely let’s you sleep in. You’ll be lucky if he chooses to start his daily routine without you. On the mornings when he decides to practice archery, which is most, you’ll get an extra hour and a half. By the time he’s coming back inside he wants you both moving around one another, starting the rest of the routine. Brushing teeth, making food, the idle chatter of your voice. Considering he’s not fond of changing your routine, which is exactly what a vacation is, he doesn’t want to hear a single complaint about the hour he wakes you up to start the drive. He also doesn’t let you fall asleep when you get into the car, even though he’s the only one driving. You’re keeping him company no matter how tired you are.
Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves - While he maintains a strict schedule of waking up early unless hungover he is by no means a morning person. He’ll wake you up as gently as he’s capable of if the shrillness of the alarm didn’t do the trick, rocking you by the shoulder until your eyes blink open. The two of you packed the car last night so there wouldn’t be anything to do or communicate with one another upon first waking up. Two non-morning people trying to talk to each other upon first waking up was a recipe for disaster. Especially if it was the pair of you. Quietly you go about your morning. Brushing your teeth side by side, bumping against each other every now and then instead of speaking. Ben grabs the green smoothies that he made for the two of you the night before, something to tide you over until you found a place he was willing to eat at (which was always an unnecessarily complicated task.) It’s thirty minutes of driving and radio playing softly before you’re caught in a bit of traffic and you’re awake enough to be sweet. You lean across the cupholder to kiss his cheek and he gives you a small smile,  “Morning, L/N.” The two of you are experts at sharing your mornings by now.
❥ we leave sometime before noon ❥
Jason Dean/JD - Will never wake you up before he thinks you’ve gotten all the rest you need. His favorite hobby is turning off your morning alarms if he thinks you set them unreasonably early in comparison to when you fell asleep. He’s certainly not going to break that pattern for the start of a vacation, when you should be resting. You’ll wake whenever you naturally wake up, JD still wrapped around you. You’ll shower, drink some coffee, do one last check of the luggage and then he’ll haul everything out to the car for you, no matter how much you both packed. He likes you to not lift a finger during your trips and it starts before you ever leave the house. It certainly puts you into a vacation mindset.
David Mccall - David himself is an early riser but likes to let you sleep in whenever he can. The start of a vacation is certainly one of those times. He spends the hours before you wake taking care of last minute things. He checks all the bags again, makes sure everything you could possibly need is packed, then loads up the car. He makes sure the house is clean so there’s no mess to come back to that you’ll stress yourself out over. Closer to the time he knows you’ll get up he starts making breakfast for you. He’s so focused on the task he jumps when your arms loop around his waist and you start to press grateful sleepy kisses to his back. You’ll be on the road in an hour or two, he’s in no rush. He wants you relaxed and enjoying yourself every step of the way.
Josh Washington - Due to his insomnia he is not falling asleep any earlier than one am most nights. To ask him to get up at dawn would be like killing a puppy. You both sleep in, wake up sometime just before noon. You like to be realistic about your expectations for yourselves, so there’s no rush. A late start was factored into the plans from the beginning. You packed everything into the car the night before, so all there’s left to do is hop in. You wake yourselves up with some music to start. Barely twenty minutes on the road you see a cute diner and stop for late breakfast. You smile at each other as the afternoon sun shines on both your faces, sleepily discussing what you’re most excited about doing when you arrive at your destination.
❥ secret third worse thing ❥
Nathan Prescott - Nathan likes your journeys to begin in the dead of night. Whether it’s heading to the airport or hopping in the car to start a long drive, a 9pm start time is the sweet spot for him. He doesn’t like waking up early to start trips in the morning. Nor does he like being stuck in the claustrophobic traffic of other human bodies or cars during the afternoon. You’ll be dead tired by the time you get wherever you’re going but having a good beginning to vacations is important. Especially for Nathan. When you start at night his anxiety tends to be lower for the whole trip. The things we do for love.
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marsbotz · 1 year
can you even call urself a real ninjago fan if you dont have at least one side character ur weirdly obsessed abt…
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queenburd · 5 months
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“No, look, I’ve looked through this entire meager excuse for a story script, and it offers no explanation as to why we need to kill the princess other than this nonsense about ‘the end of the world’. Oh, I don’t know, this isn’t my area of expertise. I’m more of a—well, I prefer much cleaner stories about mind control and office buildings. None of this murder business. Well. Let’s just see what happens, I suppose. I’m not particularly picky one way or another with how this story goes. You decide, and I’ll do my best to narrate, yes? Alright. Let’s take it from the top.”
TSP narrator DLC route when
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weirdgirlsparrow · 4 months
i like to imagine lark & sparrow in private still speak to each other in that strange shakespearian cadence they did as children, and the second another person enters the room they start speaking casually again
when terry's class was doing macbeth, he tried mimicking that cadence with them as a joke and it took the twins a full minute to respond cause they didn't know whether to brush it off or play into it
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ithinkdogshouldvote2 · 7 months
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Like paradox father like paradox son
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parsleythewitchask · 3 months
Yooo I love love loveee your style…. I would so like to see your design ideas for some of the guys like daring or sparrow!!
Thanks ! And here they are!
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codydodie · 1 month
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Some doodles cuz he’s taken over my head.
Also some harbor town angst and a happy Jack to make up for it (AU by @cupcakeshakesnake)
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Hear me out… making Jake get himself off while you watch but the catch is he has limited options. Maybe he can use his hands but can’t move them so he just bucks up into his hand. Or maybe no hands at all and he has to find something to grind against
oh my GOD????? Anon, I would like to give you my hand in marriage for this because i-
The look of shock on his face when you tell him he can use his hands but can’t move them… Maybe he even gets a little whiny 😵‍💫
“But… Baby, how am I supposed to do that…??”
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macksartblock · 4 months
Uhmmm goth terry jr maybe????
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quick goth terry jr bc i love him <3
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unluckyprime · 1 year
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before & after
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mossfeathers · 16 days
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may I please have and Etho and Bigb hanging out?
hi. yeah this was from january third. sorry about that. theres this cute thing called decision paralysis and also anxiety over not doing them justice so i froze and didn't know what to do. anyways if you wanna use this as a pfp or lockscreen or anything feel free just credit me somewhere somehow ok peace and love (closeups under cut)
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great-and-small · 3 months
Can you think of a better bird for Rhode Island?
My pick for Rhode Island might not be super popular since it’s a visually unexciting bird to some, but I would have the Saltmarsh Sparrow as my selection. With RI being the ocean state, I think this tidal bird would be appropriate. A little bird for a little state! The Saltmarsh sparrow is in a lot of trouble conservation-wise (similar to grasshopper sparrow in Florida) and many people in Rhode Island are moving heaven and earth to try and save them. I love RIR as a chicken breed but the Saltmarsh Sparrow is a native bird that could really use some good press.
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