#sparda fam
incorrectnerov-quotes · 9 months
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It’s just one of those days
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visikonn · 5 months
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Family :)
(I'm SO normal about Vergil)
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The more I read about the familial bond between higher tier devils in Deadly Fortune the more I realize that Vergil knew that he was related to Nero when he came and ripped of his arm, but he was so desperate it didn't matter. And I fully believe that- at least for a short time- he thought that Nero was Dante's son. And I think V knew, but he might have hoped Nero was Dante's son- and not his- after what Vergil did.
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ladyespera · 2 years
hmmm idk i just think it would be extremely funny of nero to get that one sparda guy who can play paganini's 24 caprices to play the violin at nero's wedding. and everyone waits like oh what is he going to play. and then it's just canon in d fifty times over.
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rodeoxqueen · 7 months
Buckle up, because we're about to make (well, I guess more in this case have) some good domestic tunes! So, Dante and his S/O doing some house chores like doing dishes together or washing clothes together and chatting about the daily shenanigans in the Sparda fam? I just need some good slice-of-life-y with my man and delivered by you is truly a delight, dear Rodeo! It's also my first time requesting on non-anon here, btw hehe, cherry kisses for ya! ❤
HOWDY HOW YOU DOIN'?? Here's some headcanons for domestic Dante. I'm a bit burnt out from school but this is what I was able to write in my spare time.
Being Domestic With Dante!
Expect that if you don't do chores with Dante, he won't do them himself. He loves your attention and begrudgingly does chores with you to spend more time with his beloved.
Especially dishes. God he hates dishes.
And LAUNDRY. He'd rather just buy more clothes.
So when you first start dating, you get your work cut out for you.
Eventually, you and him form a symbiotic relationship with keeping house. If you both do it together, you're positively unstoppable.
Dante loves to talk and you often find yourselves gossiping like middle school girls over a rack of dishes to clean and dry.
He'll always squeeze in a little hip bump as he is an audaciously flirty man no matter how long into the relationship you guys are in.
If you bend over to grab the laundry from the machine, just expect a swat to your ass as this man cannot help himself.
Dante is a bit of a bum when it comes to doing laundry regardless, so it's a good thing you're here to help him with it.
He also knows what you can do in your spare time while you wait for the machines to do their thing ;).
Dante puts the dishes up higher and cleaning supplies where you cannot reach so you have to ask for his help. He also likes to see you on your tippy toes anyways.
Dante starts looking forward to Sundays when you two keep house.
You can find him sliding along the hallways in his white socks while singing a song, dusting as he goes along.
"Hey babe?" you ask, looking for the detergent.
"Yeah-*CRASH*" Dante is cut off, his smooth path deterred as he trips over the carpet from sliding around.
What a mess.
It's nice to have you there to keep your shared home nice. When Dante was younger, he was alone so it didn't matter what the place looked like.
However now, he's got a sweet doll like you in his life to make sure that everything is in tip top shape.
He's so grateful for the fact that there is work to be done around the house.
It means more time with you <3.
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mothdustts · 1 month
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Some hc dmc heights for the sparda fam!!
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Ok fine, the writing quality is actually past the point of "ok yeah, yeah, just let me fight the boss" to legitimately something interesting. Only took until chapter 3. The decision to have the player piece together a mystery while a villain(?) offers hints feels like actually interacting with the story! Versus the intro's info-dumps where your only interaction imo was choosing "auto" vs manually advancing the text!
But the blatant introduction of the possibility of unreliable narrators actually got my attention, even though I normally don't show up for the storytelling in character action games (although I'm always happy to get updates on the Sparda fam beefs lol)
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Anyways! This chapter also retroactively explains the over-the-top niceness to the protagonist that annoyed me! Like, yeah, I suppose you would try to get into the good graces of a potential walking god (to get access to their powers for your needs). Considering that the game is in the same sector as all those wish fulfilment narratives, it initially just felt like a straightforward case of it.
In hindsight, I wish this thread was set up earlier. Because that prologue had me really considering dropping off. I just really don't care for unwarranted adoration of the player's avatar, especially when coupled with all the exposition you're just listening through.
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Ehh... Hello again! Last time my request was kinda incomplete, I think... I re-read what I needed to write... so, can I please get a warm Vergil x fem! Reader about baking sweets? I suck at writing when it's not a fic, I'm so sorry 😭
I gotchu fam👍
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"Dearest, are you sure the recipe said egg whites only?"
Vergil was standing in the middle of the kitchen with a lost expression, dressed in an apron that said 'do NOT kiss the cook' and a wooden spoon in hand. Not soon after he got back into the human world, Vergil realized that he no longer had to sustain himself on demon guts and instead he had a wide variety of human foods to choose from. Thanks to you, he learned that he can just make any food he wants to with the right ingredients. So, with every holiday his valiant efforts at cooking came with vengeance. You had to admit that Vergil made a lot of progress from putting a can of butane right on the stove (good god) to making simple palatable dishes. You still haven't left him in the kitchen alone though.
"Yup." You put a piece of caramel crisp in your mouth and walked around him to point at the paragraph in the book.
"You make a snow out of egg whites and then slowly *carefully*" you give him a poignant look he chooses to ignore, "you mix it in the batch."
"Very well then," Vergil grabbed eggs from the refrigerator, "and how do we make this snow exactly"
You whipped out a hand mixer from one of the cabinets and Vergil scrunched his nose at it.
"It looks like a torture device."
He made quick work of the eggs and there were almost no eggshells in the bowl (this pie will be really crunchy). Soon, there was a fluffy cloud resting in the mixing bowl.
"Remember to mix it in slowly."
"I have trekked the ground of hell with nothing but my sword, I think I know how to follow a simple instruction." Vergil sniffed haughtily.
You raised your hands amused and decided to plop on the kitchen sink to watch him fuss with the mixing bowl. At that moment, you were struck by the domesticity of the moment. You would never imagine that you would ever feel relaxed in the presence of Vergil Sparda. Then again, it was thanks to the genuine effort he put into building connections with everyone around him. Whatever happened with Dante in the Underworld, he changed. And now he was making pumpkin pie in your kitchen with a concentrated pout on his face.
"This is nice." You heard yourself say.
"Hm?" Vergil hummed in question as he put the baking tray in the oven.
You vaguely gestured over the room. "This, y'know? Baking, talking, spending time with you..." Then, to busy your hands, you grabbed a can of whipped cream a sprayed some in your mouth.
Vergil finally turned his eyes from the oven to you and with a small smile at your stuffed face, sat on the kitchen sink next to you.
"Half the reason why I decided to learn how to cook is because you are the one showing me how. And I suspect the reason you're helping me is so you can eat everything in sight."
Instead of an answer, Vergil got a splurt of whipped cream on his face. With deep laughter, he fought with you over the can until he finally managed to get it from your hands.
"No more cream for you."
Taking it as a challenge, you took his face in your hands and licked the cream from his cheek.
"You're impossible," Vergil grumbled as he felt his face reddening.
"I know." You whispered back and kissed the tip of his nose.
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shinfuransan · 2 years
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SINtober -21-
So...I'm moving the original art that was for today to tomorrow as I'm trying to finish it (and figure it out cause its a lot and tbh, I didn’t plan for it).
Have some wholesome DT Sparda fam that went shopping for groceries. 
10 days left! Thank you for sticking around this long and not going nuts. 💙
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missthundergirl · 2 years
What If?
Raiden and Fujin from Mortal Kombat meet Dante and Vergil Sparda from Devil May Cry. It maybe can be chaotic especially Dante and Fujin they already start gossip about their brother.
Sorry for not posting for a week i'm quite busy for helping my fam renovate my late grandpa house. It have been 2 years we not came. Dont worry yall, i'm fine and in good health. Stay safe and healthy everyone.
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Nero: It says something here but whoever wrote it is a worse speller than I am.
V: You can’t read it because whoever wrote it was Russian.
Nero: I don’t care how fast they were writing. It makes no sense!
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cerezzzita · 10 months
what dmc characters do you consider part of the main gang?
Well, aside the Sparda fam, Lady, Trish & Nico. I'm not quite sure if I'll make any Nero x Reader content since I'm a avid NeroKiri shipper but overall that's it <3
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comics-in-midgar · 2 years
vergil trying to give dante a way out at the end of DMC5 & dante refusing to let his brother be alone again… all i know is love & pain
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ladyespera · 2 years
vergil: *rips off nero's arm* nero: ok that was mean but ://// family,,,, ://// dante: *calls nero deadweight once* nero, his wings unfurled: you call nero DEADWEIGHT? you call nero deadweight like a useless uncle? oh! oh! jail for dante! jail for dante for One Thousand Years!!!!
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trickstersmagic · 3 years
Nero: Kyrie and I are going to have a child!
V: That’s great. I wasn’t expecting-
Nero, slams adoption papers down: It’s you! sign here. 
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firebirdsdaughter · 3 years
… Stuff that depicts Trish as extremely vicious towards Vergil makes me side eye bc… Yeah, she could have heard about his behaviour from Dante, but Dante’s the one most clearly aware of Vergil’s trauma and how he ended up that way, and in dmc1 is still fucked up from mourning his brother a second time, Mundus has Trish take advantage of that. I just don’t see him painting his brother as some horrible monster to her. Also, Trish is a demon, so her moral compass is generally whack until she gets more experience too (also why I side eye depicting Sparda as some perfect presence to come back and judge bc how’d he get to be Mundus’ right hand to start w/, hmmm?). Sure, Lady wouldn’t give a good impression, and then there’s the Urizen incident, but here’s the thing about that: before talking to Lady, Trish would have gotten the info from Dante, who knew about the issues that caused Vergil to act that way—I don’t think she’d discount Lady’s feelings, but I also don’t see her buying them either. W/ the Urizen incident, I really liked how she was semi-gentle w/ V (although very pointed and firm, which was more than justified) bc I don’t think it should be ignored that as much as she was also a tool, she was an accomplice in what Mundus did (this also gives her yet another more personal view into the twin’s trauma). Obviously she wasn’t responsible for it, not really, and I don’t think she should be wallowing in guilt or anything… But she knows at least part of what Mundus did to Vergil, and she knows she was at least partially complicit in the process that caused Urizen to happen.
Lady having a very hostile response makes sense, and although I don’t think Vergil is actually a ‘bad’ person (I think I mentioned before, his primary issue is indifference to everything else due the fact that he’s had to be self reliant most of his life), her experiences regarding their meeting make that impression totally understandable. Trish, on the other hand, has more information about things than Lady does, more… Not exactly personal interaction experience w/ Vergil, but has spent more time w/ him, is a demon herself so struggling w/ the concept of ‘good’ on her own already, and knows more of the twins’ story. I can see her calling his crap but I just don’t see her writing him off to die or calling him a monster or treating him like his only value is that Dante cares about him. Ultimately, she may not personally end up liking Vergil, but she knows more than Lady does that he’s not some heartless monster, he’s just a really damaged, traumatised, fucked up person. It just doesn’t feel right to see her depicted as treating him like he’s as bad as Mundus when she very well knows stuff like that fact that it was Mundus who broke his mind (both times!).
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