#south america news
workersolidarity · 6 months
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Colombian President Gustavo Petro, today on the social media platform X, compared Zionist violence on Palestinians in Gaza to the Nazis, and said the murder of more than 5'300 Palestinian children since October 7th is no different from the Nazis.
"Dicen que esto no es de Nazis. Asi no le guste a la conciencia occidental estos hechos, el exterminio de 5.300 niños y niñas pañestinos es de Nazis, repito de NAZIS."
"They say this is not Nazis. Even if the Western conscience does not like these facts, the extermination of 5,300 Palestinian boys and girls is Nazis, I repeat NAZIS."
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starplatinumnun · 9 months
don't ask:
a woman, her age
a man, his salary
the american government what happened in chile on september 11th, 1973
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
“Effective Jan. 2, Brazil’s President Lula issued six decrees revoking or altering anti-environment-and-Indigenous measures from his predecessor Jair Bolsonaro, acts highly celebrated by environmentalists and activists.
One of the decrees annuls mining in Indigenous lands and protected areas, another resumes plans to combat deforestation in the Amazon and Cerrado biomes, and a third reinstates the Amazon Fund, a pool of funding provided to Brazil by developed nations to finance a variety of programs aimed at halting deforestation. [The fund] was stalled under Bolsonaro.
Right afterward, Norway announced the immediate release of already available funding for new projects as “President Lula confirmed his ambitions to reduce deforestation and reinstated the governance structure of the Amazon Fund.”
In an unprecedented act in Brazil’s history, Lula also created the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples, complying with his promise to native people who supported his candidacy “to combat 500 years of inequality.”’
[Legal advisor Mauricio] Guetta noted that the newly resumed plans to fight deforestation will revive efforts that slashed deforestation rates by 83% between 2004 and 2012 and “social participation will again serve as a guide for the application of public policies.” According to him, changes during Bolsonaro’s administration regarding environmental sanctioning led the number of trials in the environmental agency to drop from an average of 5,300 per year between 2014 and 2018 to only 113 in 2019 and a mere 17 in 2020. “With the improvements made by the new rules of the current administration, these threats have been solved and the regular processing of proceedings on notices of infraction, an important mechanism to discourage the undertaking of environmental crimes, has been reestablished.”
He said he expected new “revocations” and normative revisions to occur in the coming days “considering the depth of abyss” of the last four years under Bolsonaro...
Unprecedented Ministry of Indigenous Peoples
In an unprecedented act in Brazil’s history, Lula also created the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples, complying with his promise to Native people who supported his candidacy.
“No one knows our forests better or is better able to defend them than those who have been here since immemorial time. Each demarcated land is a new area of environmental protection,” Lula said in the National Congress. “We will repeal all injustices committed against the Indigenous peoples.”” -via Mongabay, 1/4/23
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mysharona1987 · 5 months
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gwydpolls · 14 days
Time Travel Question 50: Early Modernish and Earlier 4
These Questions are the result of suggestions a the previous iteration.This category may include suggestions made too late to fall into the correct earlier time grouping. In some cases a culture lasted a really long time and I grouped them by whether it was likely the later or earlier grouping made the most sense with the information I had. (Invention ofs tend to fall in an earlier grouping if it's still open. Ones that imply height of or just before something tend to get grouped later, but not always. Sometimes I'll split two different things from the same culture into different polls because they involve separate research goals or the like).
Please add new suggestions below if you have them for future consideration. All cultures and time periods welcome.
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wachinyeya · 2 months
Mexican Wolf Numbers Growing for 8th Consecutive Year, Soon to Be Howling at a Reserve Near You https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/mexican-wolf-numbers-growing-for-8th-consecutive-year/
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herpsandbirds · 7 months
trick or treat ? :3
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As a very species treat, a day late, just for you...
Blackburnian Warbler (Setophaga fusca), male, family Parulidae, breeding in the NE U.S. and eastern Canada, and overwintering in Central and South America
photograph by @alexlebird
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ya-world-challenge · 2 years
25 YA Books for Indigenous Peoples Day
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NOTES: For brevity and diversity, I did not include all the North American Native books I found, but there are plenty more - feel free to post your favorites in the comments! Most books are from indigenous authors, but not all - do your own research if you like. Not all books may be “technically” YA. I’d love to hear more suggestions of Latin American indigenous stories or Hawai’ian native stories which were difficult to find.
EDIT: This is just a random list by a random tumblr blog from 2022 - get out there and find your own books or list some in the comments if you find this list lacking.
The Things She's Seen by Amebelin & Ezekiel Kwaymullina
The Boy from the Mish by Gary Lonesborough
Becoming Kirrali Lewis by Jane Harrison
Swallow the Air by Tara June Winch
The Missing by Melanie Florence
Sorrow's Knot by Erin Bow
Son of a Trickster by Eden Robinson
The Marrow Thieves by Cherie Dimaline
A Girl Called Echo by Katherena Vermette
Surviving the City by Tasha Spillett
Japan - Ainu
Golden Kamuy by Satoru Noda
Latin America
Saints of the Household by Ari Tison
Tree Girl by Ben Mikaelsen
The Huaca by Marcia Argueta Mickelson
Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
The Lost Dreamer by Lizz Huerta
New Zealand - Maori
The Whale Rider, Witi Ihimaera
Falling into Rarohenga by Steph Matuku
United States
Firekeeper's Daughter by Angeline Boulley
Trail of Lighting by Rebecca Roanhorse
Elatsoe by Darcie Little Badger
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie
If I Ever Get Out of Here by Eric Gansworth
Hearts Unbroken by Cynthia Leitich Smith
Rain is Not My Indian Name by Cynthia Leitich Smith
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shinningraes · 2 months
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workersolidarity · 6 months
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The Venezuelan Government held a national referendum Sunday to reassert its claim to the lands of Guyana Essequibo, reigniting geopolitical tensions in the region decades in the making.
The Guyana Essequibo region is part of the legacy of the British Empire, and is a region the Monroe Doctrinaires placed firmly in the US sphere of influence that today is dominated by the corporate interests of US oil giant Exxon Mobile.
The government of Guyana issues licenses to Exxon Mobile to drill and process petroleum products off Guyana's shores in an arrangement that the native inhabitants are none-too-happy with.
In Guyana, only 25% of oil profits remain in-country, and a poor system of redistribution has left the country's inhabitants with the lowest Human Development Index in South America, while extreme poverty affects 35.1% of the population.
In this way, Exxon Mobile has become the chief player in this century-old territorial dispute between Guyana and Venezuela.
Even internally, Guyana has major complaints with Exxon Mobile as an imperial extension of the US ruling class, with huge court battles coming to head in recent months against the giant domineering US corporation.
According to a recent article about just such a court battle, The Intercept's Amy Westervelt wrote:
"In Guyana, it’s become hard to distinguish where the oil company ends and the government begins. Exxon executives join the Guyanese president in his suite at cricket matches, and the vice president regularly hosts press conferences to defend the oil company."
The territorial dispute goes back to an 1890's International decision on the location of the borders of what was then British Guyana, a cruel colonial outpost of the British Empire.
At the time, the burgeoning US empire backed Venezuela's claims, a country which the US ruling class was trying to turn into a colony of its own, and were saying the lands in question should be a part of Venezuela, while the British wanted it to be part of its Guyana colony.
A Russian arbitrator, whom many Venezuelan historians believe to have been bribed by the British, ruled in favor of the British Empire's claim.
The territory made up 2/3rds of the territory of Guyana, and as long as the British held their colony, the Venezuelans could do little to change the situation.
In 1966, an agreement was reached to begin negotiations between Guyana and Venezuela to revisit the Essequibo territorial claims, however those negotiations never made any progress and the situation is coming to head now, many decades later.
The UN Secretary General, Antonio Guitierrez, recently referred the matter to the International Court of Justice in the Hague, however the Venezuelan government has no faith in the institution, believing (correctly) that it is merely an extension of Western geopolitical power.
And so, today the Venezuelan government is holding a referendum to reassert its claim to the Guyana Essequibo territory and that they reject any decisions by International institutions to reward Guyana's claims.
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sweetconnoisseurthing · 3 months
510 years ago, Lord Kabir had organized "Divine Dharma Yagya" for three days. In which more than 18 lakh sadhus, saints and people performed Mohan Bhandara. The same history is being recreated under the guidance of Bandichod Satguru Rampal Ji Maharaj. 'Divya Dharma Yagya Diwas' is being organized in 10 Satlok Ashrams from 26 to 28 November 2023 in the presence of Jagatguru Tatvadarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj in which all of you are cordially invited.
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my-ancient-home · 8 months
Appalachia in its entirety
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Map of Appalachian subranges (I consider Appalachia to be anything in the Appalachian Mountains so; Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama)
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"When President Lula da Silva took office this year in Brazil, many environmental and indigenous rights groups hoped he would fulfill campaign promises of better protection for the Amazon rainforest and the people who live there.
Nearly four months into his tenure and early signs are that Lula was telling the truth, as Brazilian police have evicted dozens of illegal gold miners from the Yanomami Reserve, an area the size of Portugal inhabited by around 35,000 [Indigenous people].
Illegally-mined gold accounts for around half of all the country’s exports, and a new Environment of the Amazon division of the federal police is seeking international assistance in building a first-rate structure for targeting the outside funding toward and sales from illegal gold mining.
Reuters says that so far, the new division has ousted nearly all miners from the area, including overseeing the destruction of 250 mining camps and 70 low-tech boats used for dredging. 48 planes and helicopters for smuggling the gold out of the reserve have been seized as well.
The police hope to use radioisotope technology and methods to be able to pinpoint the exact mineralogical makeup of illegally mined gold as a way of targeting it in the market even after it’s melted into ingots.
They also plan to remove miners from 6 other Amazon reserves this year, while setting up a permanent, floating police station on a river in the Yanomami Reserve.
At the moment, the Lula Administration is considering the best set of laws for tackling the problem. While 804 miners have been arrested in the raids, all were let go, and many others fled in the police advance.
Humberto Freire, from the new Amazon division, told Reuters he and his department hope to create a sophisticated electronic tax receipt for any transactions of precious metals to help pinpoint sales and distribution of suspected illegal bullion."
-via Good News Network, 3/23/23
-video via Reuters, 3/22/23
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May 10, 2024
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"Admittedly, there's a risk in any course we follow other than this, but every lesson of history tells us that the greater risk lies in appeasement, and this is the specter our well-meaning liberal friends refuse to face.
And it gives no choice between peace and war, only between fight or surrender. If we continue to accommodate, continue to back and retreat, eventually we have to face the final demand, the ultimatum. And what then ?"
(c) Ronald Reagan, 1964.
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batboyblog · 6 months
Venezuela is about to invade and annex most of Guyana (a country that is 40% Indian, 30% black, 10% native and 20% mixed race) and like most people on here are gonna be blindsided by it and then are gonna try to support Venezuela because "Socialism" or whatever
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cavalierzee · 2 months
Gaza "Genocide Made By The West, Enacted By Israel"
"There is no international community at the moment.
The U.N. is not allowed to act because of the United States and the West.
This is a breakdown of International Law that we are going to pay for in decades to come.
It's basically a Genocide made by the West and enacted by Israel.
They are safe in the knowledge that they are immune, there is no danger of Sanctions or anything at the moment.
There is a great decline of the International Community, there is a great decline of the west, there is a great decline of the U.N., as an organization that should guarantee Peace and Security across the World.
My understanding of what happens now is that:
The West against the rest.
It's the West against the South and everybody else."
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