#sorta messy writing
youroomwasquare · 6 months
imagine anne boonchuy. imagine anne being revered by everyone around her. not in an angel, “holier than thou” god anne way. more in a.. you’re so much better than we could ever be. so much more patient, and kind, and forgiving. marcy & sasha are forever flawed, forever have the marks of their sins etched onto their skin by blades. blades held by those they loved so much, hands that cared and understood and once comforted them with boisterous laughs and cheeky grins and tender touches brushing away baby hairs made sticky by wet tears. the amphibians are flawed in their own ways. none come close to the benevolent anne. always understanding. always throwing herself into the fray for those she loves.
and even though she’s still anne.. still messy and has a horribly funny laugh and sticks straws up her nose because she still has the humor of a prepubescent boy. still has little bits of dirt and dust under her nails where she paints them bright colors, pinks and blues and purples. still has her hair tangle endlessly, the kinks and knots needing to be worked out by both sasha and marcy’s fingers, each with their own individual calluses and nicks and marks, burns and patches and lines carved onto them. like a stamp, one that speaks of experiences inconceivable, spoken only under the soft cover of white moonlight. sasha’s touches are feather light, worried that anything rough will teeter off the edge of what is okay and what is not. fear of ripping apart the still fresh boundaries loosen her fingers and soften her touch. she must be soft. she doesn’t know how to. marcy’s touches are less light.. more sure, knowing. she’s done this forever, and even though they’re still relearning the way they are around each other, this is something they’ve always done. something they’ve always had. each curl smoothed out is a testament to their love, and a promise that the previously worn strings of their friendship has been woven into something new.
it still feels sacred. after what they’ve all went through, a part of marcy and sasha will always see their friendship— and anne, the fact that she’s still with them, still moving where they go despite all the pain and grief they caused her-- as sacred. anne may be the saint, but she’s also human, and humans are born with sin on their backs. in moments of deep, raw, all consuming guilt and hatred, marcy and sasha convince themselves that maybe, just maybe, they are the biggest sin on anne’s back.
anne thinks they’re wrong. no, she knows they’re wrong. she doesn’t know how to tell them that she is not a diety worshipped in hushed temples, chants of forgiveness spilling out of blood red lips, creating tears that burn down cheeks, leaving behind rivers of ash and decay. offerings of baby pink lotus flowers and vivid orange marigolds left on the foot of a cracked and weeping stone statue.
anne and sasha wear matching pink hair ribbons from time to time. sasha threads hers through a low pony, clean and pristine as ever. anne closes hers around a higher ponytail, ties it carefully through her hair to make sure it doesn’t get caught between the curls. it has pink spots on parts of it, residue from the time marcy accidentally dropped a bottle of berry blitz and it exploded everywhere.
one time, while talking in anne’s room, marcy’s absentmindedly thumbing through the different drawers of anne’s dresser. she finds a few old bottles of nail polish, and three specific colors stick out to her— green, blue, and pink. they’re not the most accurate shades— the blue’s more of a cerulean, and the green’s more of a sage green than a lime green— but marcy brings it out and shows it to them anyways. sasha’s the one to open the first bottle, and they all inhale the familiar scent of chemicals and girlhood. marcy quips that taking a deep whiff of the stuff isn’t very good for their respiratory system, and anne giggles and places marcy’s hand on her thigh. they each take a hand, and get to work. by the time they all finish, their hands are colorful and fun and they haven’t felt this pretty in a while. anne spins around her room in a fit of delight, and marcy blows on her nails to help them dry faster. anne cracks a joke they’ve heard her make a thousand times before, and sasha laughs and laughs until tears are streaming down her face. it wasn’t very funny, but anne and marcy laugh with her, and soon they’re all in a heap on the floor, clutching their stomach and getting bits of nail polish on their shirts. they stay like that for a while, admiring their nails. each girl painted their middle finger with their respective color, and painted the other nails alternating between the colors of the other two. sunlight streams through anne’s window, catching the light on their hands and sending streams of pinks and blues and greens dancing across their fingers.
anne wearing a baby blue silk dress with sheer organza sleeves and light blue eye makeup with tiny flowers drawn onto her lids to prom— anne watching sasha get ready by doing her makeup and hair perfectly (eyeliner with a spare dagger because she still can’t break the habit of keeping daggers on her)— sasha doing anne’s makeup and anne lightly tracing the marks on her thighs as she tries not to let the blush creeping up on her cheeks show— sasha and marcy tenderly rubbing and kissing away anne’s tears whenever she wakes at night, dreaming of charred, burning flesh and red stained cheeks and the vast emptiness of space as you’re left behind and your body crumbling apart like a rock being chipped away at slowly by the natural elements— anne borrowing sasha’s pink bubblegum lipgloss and wearing it whenever she wants to channel sasha’s natural charm and strength— anne and marcy sharing the same hoodies because they both have the same comfort level and anne likes the marcy smell left behind by the hoodies she wears— fabric softener and a light dusting of earth from all the times she eats shit whenever she falls, and pencils and pens kept inside the pockets of her hoodies with little notes that say “thinking of you :)”— anne and sasha and marcy anne and sasha and marcy sashannarcy sashannarcy sashannarcy
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yandere-daydreams · 3 months
How are you so fluffing funny and eloquent? Are you like that in person??
I'm not into half the characters you write about or answer asks about but I still read because I just love the way you write. You have such a smart mouth.
I hope writing is something you are pursuing because sincerely you got talent
thank you!!! and i very much do not speak like i write no T-T i have a kinda prominent speech impediment and a lot of social anxiety, so the words,,, they do not come easily. i'm simply so smart and funny and hot that the powers that be know i would be unstoppable if i could communicate a coherent sentence in any less than three tries. or say the word 'publicity'. it's a surprisingly common word okay.
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gus-dix · 1 year
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tried playing wizard101. not for me, but i at least had fun creating my wizard and his moms! went for a scarecrow theme with jacob’s color palette
they all have different last names cause i imagine in this universe your first name is chosen by your parents at birth but the second is given (by who? dunno) when you start learning magic
do not erase the caption, use or rePOST my art (reblog ok)
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tennessoui · 11 days
i really like your take on padme in mermay au, she is straight up vicious, it somehow suits her better than her canonical persona? i don't know i never saw her as particularly, overly kind in canon, more like someone who definitely cares but is downright manipulative? idk if i'm making sense, long story short, this version of padme scratched an itch in my brain i didn't know i had
i think padme is always fun to write because versions of her can be very complex and when i write her i like to focus on her capacity for anger (in fics where she and anakin are still together when the fic starts) i'm sure that gets a bit tiring to read for people but i just can't see her character just being calm and placid and ok with losing anakin immediately. she seems too fiery in canon, and she seems to love anakin too much to just let him go
and when im writing padmé in canon fics, i want to balance that part of her with her other parts, like her kindness and a sense of justice and empathy ('a more perfect union' padmé for example is all of those things), but i think all those parts are important.
so i've really liked how easy it's been to lean into padmé's viciousness in the mer au!! it's been super fun for me, because one of my favorite parts of writing different aus is playing with how much a character is of a particular trait (ie., how much of a bitch obi-wan is, how much of a brat anakin is, how much of a good jedi is anakin, how much infinite sadness does obi-wan have etc etc) so i've liked dragging padmé's viciousness all the way up to the top of the scale here
she's a mermaid queen who is queen of a vicious and vain society and being queen means different things in this au than it does in star wars canon, a lot of which boils down to never really hearing the word no and maybe being a bit callous and naive because of it. she's also the most mer in the au because anakin was human for 21 years and obi-wan was human for likeee ~15 years (?) but padmé has been mer all her life and would never want to be human - she's fascinated by anakin, but not in the same way obi-wan was by the humans when he first discovered them and i love trying to distinguish that
#asks#mer au#also i feel like padmé's not especially vicious but like#vicious because of being a mer and being the queen and having all this power and access to pretty things#also i just like writing her sorta crazy cause natalie portman sorta crazy is hot#jk (not really) but women characters can be flawed and still good characters#i feel like there are ebbs and flows in padmé fanon i see where shes a saint or where she's a bitch but a bitch so obikin can be togehter#which basically means a bitch so her actions are all unfounded and mean#but when i write her im always like can i see myself in this situation loving someone the way she loves anakin reacting like this#because she's losing him#and that makes me want to write her as a bitch but like. understandably so. like yeah go for the throat sometimes!!#breakups are messy and shes hurt#(the opposite of bitchy and way off base padme is omniscient angel padme who always knew this day would come and is alright with it)#(which i dislike just as much because she would not take that on the chin and keep walking lmao)#so a more perfect union padme saying that she hates anakin for making her be the one who has to tell him he loves obi-wan#but having to tell him and then asking him to choose her anyway#and then throwing a glass against a wall when he doesn't (amidst a breakdown not pictured in the story)#feels right for me#and mer au padmé spitting mad that obi-wan is interfering with her claim on anakin#so mad that she's like FINE you can marry him but you can ONLY marry him tomorrow#because i know youre both not ready for that#ALSO feels in character for me
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teecupangel · 1 year
pardon me if I am insensible with cold medicine but consider
in the thing I suggested where Desmond replaces Altaïr and ends up in Malik's arms as he grieves growing in place of (what he considers to be) a better man
imagine that
ends up reborn as Robert de Sablé
as in, Altaïr fully remembers his life, how it went without Desmond's interference
and then found himself being reborn as an enemy to the assassins
of course, when he gets to the Levant and learns there's still an eagle of masyaf, he has to assume that it's Robert, switched with him at birth
he can't say why this has happened, but he does know that he made mistakes in his first life, mistakes he is trying to rectify as a member of the Templar order
but of course he has to be wary of "Altaïr" aka Robert and whatever he's planning
could this all be an incredibly long game to get the Apple of Eden?
cue a LOT of Altaïr being sneaky and suspicious ans trying to strategize as Robert (and of course promoting Maria in the organization as soon as he could without tarnishing her reputation)
And Deamond just like wow i don't remember Robert being such a shifty fuck before, weird
Guess Altaïr just glossed over a lot of that in favor of fights
The Desmond replaced Altaïr comment from @twitcherpated (that’s in this post):
in the same vein as the other sad ideas I've been pitching, consider: Desmond gets reborn, Yew Branches style, not as someone in Altaïr's orbit but as Altaïr himself. He's guilty and depressed about replacing a man he can't live up to, but at least he takes comfort in Malik being around. He always liked him in Altaïr's memories, and now he has a chance to get close to him, spend time with him, think about him when he should be training--oh no.
One of the problems I think Altaïr would face with being reborn as Robert is his relationship with Maria. Maria doesn’t strike me as the type of person who would have a romantic relationship with her boss, she’s too much of an honorable person to do something like that. Their relationship would be strictly professional and Altaïr would forever miss his dear wife, of course, but he would know that the Maria who is working for him isn’t his wife.
Thinking she is would sully the memories of his wife and will be a great disservice to the Maria he has with him right now.
Whether they do get past that wall between them though is another question altogether.
The reason why I focused on this is because you wished for Maria to rise up the ranks and Altaïr would want that for her. He needs an ally he can trust completely in this den of snakes and he believes that Maria deserves recognition for her strength and chivalry.
BUT this is the 12th century and the Crusaders weren’t exactly known for being… ‘open-minded’ on this kind of thing.
The Crusaders would probably whisper behind their back how she slept her way to the top and other unflattering things about her. They’d ignore it, of course, but that meant that there will be many who would oppose Altaïr’s plans for reformation just because of his ‘treatment’ of Maria.
But the Templar Order though… now that’s another story. Altaïr taking on the mantle of the Grand Master of the Templar Order (shudder) would mean he has the chance of making the Templars more in line with de la Serre’s Templar faction in Unity and Maria will be his second in command. Those who are part of the Templar Order would definitely respect her.
As for Desmond…
Sure, Desmond is confused by Robert!Altaïr being a shifty fuck but just imagine Altaïr’s own confusion when he thinks Altaïr!Robert who is really Altaïr!Desmond being mostly a chill dude who obviously has a crush on Malik.
The horrific expression on Altaïr’s face when he sees that Malik feels the same way and the two idiots are being all lovey-dovey without even realizing it.
Altaïr wondering if all they needed to do to get Robert to be a chill more amicable dude was for him to fall in love. XD
Okay, crazier idea:
Man, you know what would be even funnier? If Altaïr was reborn as Robert de Sablé in the idea where Desmond was reborn as one of King Richard’s illegitimate brothers.
Like, just imagine Desmond’s confusion to why this Robert de Sablé is… more cooperative and seemed to support his push for reforms in the Templar Order that goes against everything that the Templar Order actually stands for. He’s even willing to kill the really bad ones like Garnier for Desmond and Desmond’s just “What the fuck is happening? Why is he so reasonable and nice. Is Robert de Sablé actually a good guy???”
Altaïr, on the other hand, actually thinks that Desmond is a real historical figure that got lost in time or never made a mark in history because he has assassins (no, not Assassins, just those pathetic killers for hire kind) hounding him almost every day and one of them killed Desmond too early. Altaïr had to get Maria to coordinate with him so someone is always with Desmond because the nobility definitely wants King Richard’s “fuck y’all, I’m gonna change this country for the people, not for the powerful” illegitimate brother (and Desmond doesn’t even know what he’s doing is affecting the country) dead before he poisons King Richard’s mind with all these talks of equality and whatever. Altaïr honestly believes that Desmond died in the original timeline (which is true BUT not in the year Altaïr assumes) and that keeping Desmond alive would be key to keeping everyone he cared for safe and ushering in a better future for everyone.
And then we can fuck this even more by making the current Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad be any of the following:
The real Robert de Sablé - this would be the most fucked up timeline because you know that Robert will have his own plans already in place and might even have taken Al Mualim’s place already by the time 1191 rolls around.
Lucy - It would be funny and Lucy would be trying so hard to keep the timeline in check and then she sees Desmond who is just happy to see Altaïr (not thinking he’s had Altaïr with him for years even before this) and she’s like “who the hell is this guy???”. Also, just Lucy suffering the entire time trying to be Altaïr XD
Elijah - “How can we make Desmond’s life more complicated with this idea?” Bring in the son he never knew who is also a Sage and who may or may not have an agenda of his own in this entire mess. They never interacted with one another in canon, sure, but Elijah knew his father was Desmond Miles so the potential drama and angst are there.
Ezio - … just imagine Desmond and Altaïr’s confusion when they meet the supposed Altaïr who turns out to be so charismatic and well-liked that the Assassins honestly believed him when he said ‘yeah, Al Mualim’s a bad dude’ and has been the mentor by the year 1190…
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nu-carniviva · 2 years
It was brought to my attention that foxes are red-green colorblind. This means that blue and purple both look blue, while other colors are different shades of yellow
Kuya's signature color, as we all know, is purple. His gem is purple, his hair is purple, his clothes are purple, and even the flowers around his house are purple. This inspired a headcanon
For the longest time, Kuya had no idea everything about him was purple. To him, his signature color was blue, and he had no reason to think otherwise. He only discovered his true color when someone (most likely Quincy) pointed it out. While he'd never show it, Kuya was hurt to make this discovery. All this time he was certain he was all blue, and now he's being informed that he's actually wearing a color he can't see? Impossible. Surely this has to be some kind of joke. Though he knew deep down Quincy never joked like that
Despite a long period of frustration, Kuya had actually grown fond of the color. He had asked Quincy at one point to describe the color purple, and while he still couldn't quite picture the appearance, it certainly sounded pretty. With some assistance, he started eating purple foods, drinking purple drinks, smelling purple objects, anything that could help him recognize the color. If he can't see it, surely he can experience it in other ways
Kuya being colorblind also explains why he's had a few outfits for Eiden that are coincidentally blue. They were once clothes that he picked out along with his purple clothes, but he couldn't see the difference between the two. Now that he's better at differentiating between the two colors (it's extremely difficult, but decades if not centuries of practice help strengthen this skill,) he knows which color he wants to wear, and leaves the blue clothes behind. They just happened to prove themselves useful after meeting Eiden
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coal-inks · 8 months
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Day 1 - Frost
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mythvoiced · 8 months
-. BONJOUR, I wanted to express my most formal AND informal apologies (as in, I'm wearing a suit but also full clown make-up because I am a clown) for the radio silence, I am slowly (very slowly) trying to pick things up again on this here hellsite because I've got so many SEXY WONDERFUL THINGS in m'drafts and you know, I'm gonna fight my brain hand-to-hand if that's what it's gonna take-- SO YEAH, SOON HOPEFULLY? I shall return...
I also wanted to say thank you for those who reached out on my birthday that I didn't get back to ON the day of my birthday because I slumped again mentally and I want to give APPROPRIATE LOVEY DOVEY ENERGY BACK or nothing if possible because it wouldn't be fair to your kindness, so, thank you truly SO SO SO MUCH to you for even still thinking of me and for the kindness in my inbox still that I will HOLD ONTO TIGHTLY. Thank you SOOOOOOOO much for your patience~
Lil note for when I start dropping writing again: I'm giving up on formatting lmao, so, I MEAN, I wasn't doing much anyway, bolding the " and regular font size for italics and bold words rather than 'small', BUT YEAH, JUST-- I don't know why I'm giving a head's up, but I think... I'd rather save those few seconds and not worry about that anymore, and just... yeet some writing your way~ with the occasional resource~ THANK YOU
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tanaleth · 1 year
WIP game
Thanks for the tag, @persephotea! I'm not sure who else is writing at the moment, so I'll tag @bluekaddis, @bagelbun333, and anyone else who sees this and feels inclined.
Yet again, all I have is Miego crying. But this time it's literal!
"I really wanted to be there when you woke up. I'm so sorry, Diego."
At that, he broke.
"Don't. Don't you dare apologize to me for—"
The words twisted in his mouth. He let them go and buried his face in her hair instead. If he held her close enough, he could almost believe she was really here.
"Please, sweetheart. You can't do this to yourself."
He knew he couldn't. He also couldn't stop. He ran his fingers frantically over her scalp, finding only smooth, unbroken skin over solid bone. Safe. Perfect. "I saw the pictures. I saw your goddamn autopsy report."
"Diego, no."
He was suffocating. His eyes, his useless eyes, were burning. He reached for the magnetic fasteners of his visor but he was shaking too hard to—
Mia's hands, cool and gentle, closed over his.
"How does it work? No, here, I see."
He blinked in the open air, but of course he couldn't see her. He couldn't see anything.
But she didn't stop touching him. Her hand cupped his cheek; she didn't break contact even as he heard the familiar metallic clink of the visor meeting a flat surface.
Mia always knew what he needed. It was just that the thing he needed most wasn't in her power to give.
She held his hand while he pulled himself together, lacing her fingers through his. And eventually he regained his tongue, if not his eloquence.
"I thought you'd never forgive me."
"You saved Maya," she whispered. "How could I hold that against you? You know what she means to me. I will be grateful for the rest of my—"
There was an awkward silence.
"I'll always be grateful," she amended, a little sheepishly.
Diego was surprised to hear himself laugh.
"Mia," he said, "this is really fucking weird."
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Honestly the writing surrounding April wasn’t great in 2012 (okay it was at times a goddamn mess and they had too much going on there, streamline things people) but I don’t trust people who really (obsessively even), seem to hate her and yet apparently love and adore that shows versions of Donatello and Casey.
#TMNT 2012#I’m sorry but Donatello and Casey were often annoying and it wasn’t as if April was exuding ‘make boys act shitty’ toxins from her pores#it was mostly messy writing tbh#like it’s not actually that big of a problem the boys were pretty shitty at the beginning … it just didn’t have great character arcs for it#Like only time I can sorta get mega April hate is really when she calls the turtles “mutant freaks” after her dad gets mutated#but like I’m more irritated by the fact donatello when he learns a lesson gets constantly hit with a reset button next time he sees her#and Casey learns not a goddamn thing#Like teaching boys not to be weird to girls in romance isn’t a half bad character arc or lesson to teach#Esp when the show’s primary demographic aim is probably young boys#but the trouble is even the show was weird about April at points#‘The fuck: why did the show tie april up like that?’#is not something I should be asking myself#Like in retrospect people freaked about april kissing Donnie in that big foot episode as ruining donnies potential to move on#but donatello has ‘learned a lesson’ before only to have it seem like it never happened next time#so did she really? Let’s think about that in context a bit harder folks#like I hear it gets better like in season four but godddaaaammmnn#Like how is splinter not putting his head through a wall from bashing it into it in frustration given his back story#this splinter has the patience of a saint when it comes to his second youngest frankly#2012 TMNT criticism
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Chapters: 10/? Fandom: Future Card Buddyfight Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kisaragi Zanya & Kisaragi Akatsuki Characters: Kisaragi Zanya, Kisaragi Akatsuki, Commissioner Kisaragi, Nanomachine Ninja Tsukikage, Nanomachine Ninja Byakuya, Original Female Character(s) (Mentioned), other characters from triple d are mentioned too! Additional Tags: EVERYONE SAY HAPPY BDAY BELLU, Diary/Journal, Introspection, Character Study, Relationship Study, Comfort/Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Family Feels, Coming of Age, Not Canon Compliant, this is headcannon galore, commissioner kisaragi (and even zanya) might feel kinda ooc, but it's also called creative liberty tehe, so far it's rated general; but it is subject to change, first time trying this writing style/format; hope the story makes sense TT, spoiler tags (!!), Grief/Mourning, Implied Past Character Death Summary:
Zanya Kisaragi receives a diary on his birthday.
note : this fic is vaguely set during that one month after the wbc cup ended and before x begins. idk how plausible that is, but we're gonna assume. and regarding zanya's age... it's up to interpretation! (RUNS)
note x2 : who would've thought i'd write a multi-chaptered, zanya-centric fic exploring his relationships with others while navigating life's up and downs?? as this is an ongoing fic, expect updates every one to two days (if i'm productive) ^^
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86%, whoever you want to talk about!
86%. What is your characters educational background if they have one? Did they choose to go to college/university after graduation? What is their major?
Oh, I like this one and have a few things to say. Since Sydari is from the Elder Scrolls universe there's less of a uni thing going on but here we go. Education is a bit ambiguous in this universe.
Sydari grew up in the Gray Quater (though she was born on Solstheim) for the first part of her childhood (up until age 7 or 8) she was educated by the New Temple priests. Or she was meant to have been, her father had a fundamental disagreement with the religious rhetoric (there was little, he's just an Almalexia simp) so he used to pull the kids out of classes every time they murmured anything about the Good Deadra and the Reclamations. He didn't exactly offer anything in return, except long-winded monologues.
This resulted in Sydari having a very spotty education. She had some basic literacy skills in Tamrielic but never learned to read or write Dunmeris properly, though she can speak it (or the version that developed in Windhelm over the last 200 years). So she speaks a slightly different dialect to what is spoken in Morrowind.
She spent most of her adolescence and young adulthood scraping by in both the Gray Quater and the Windhelm docks, earning money mostly through pawning stolen goods and sex work, so she never had the chance to finish anything resembling a standard education. Especially after she and her older brother got kicked out of their hovel after Eno bounced during a riot one night.
She actually buckled down and started improving her literacy skills by the time she starts leading the Thieves Guild. Since it required a lot of reading, Brynjolf handled a lot of the correspondence as she improved.
She wasn't too upset over her low literacy skills until she actually started having to use them, she's much more upset over her lack of knowledge of Dunmeris, mainly because a certain mercenary keeps leaving books in Dunmeris lying around the house as "hints". Most people in Raven Rock kinda just assumed she could read it so... There are a lot of misunderstandings because of it.
She has street smarts, and halls of learning make her feel nervous and inadequate. By the time of the Dragon Crisis, she has passable reading and writing skills in Tamrielic.
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its-captain-sir · 2 years
[Follow up to this post]
Luoma didn't want to take on another padawan.
She's never agreed with the council's decision to let their younger members take part in the war. Diplomatic disputes are one thing, but full scale battles? That's a grueling challenge for even the most accomplished of masters, let alone a padawan. She remains endlessly grateful her last apprentice is well into their adult years by the time the war rolls around, with the skills and experience to back them up and hopefully keep them alive.
She swears off taking another padawan until the war is over, and for the first year of the fighting, she has no trouble keeping to that promise.
Then she meets Uwu.
He's loud and funny and absolutely bursting with personality, much more than she ever would have guessed fit in his tiny little frame. She knows instantly they would make a great pair, despite how it may not seem so just by looking at them. She can feel how it's a Force-made match. (and oh, how she hates the Force for that, for sending her a student now of all times when she has spent so many years alone since the knighting of her last padawan, when he is young and small and not at all ready for what this war will throw at him and she is terrified at the thought of not being able to protect him) She would step away from the war effort to train him, but she refuses to abandon her men like that. She can't leave, and he can't go with her. The only other option is to let someone else become his master, someone stationed at a safer posting away from the main bulk of the war.
The safest place she can think of for him is right by her side.
It's not distrust in her fellow Jedi per se, just greater faith in herself. Riley was right in that they're one in the same; she knows the limits of her own ability, and that makes her more likely to trust herself with Uwu's safety over anyone else.
Beside, something has been tugging at her gut since the moment she laid eyes on Uwu, glimpses of futures, warnings in her ear. She knows that if Uwu is not with her, he will die.
(And she is right. After all, in the end it's Luoma's sacrifice that allows Uwu to escape order 66. She is the one to make it so he can live.)
It's not even a choice. She takes on Uwu as her padawan, teaches and loves him as best she can, and desperately hopes above all else that it will be enough to keep him alive. When he smiles at her during training or jokes with the commander and his friends at the end of a battle, it's easy to ignore the way the decision still eats her up inside.
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acaciapines · 1 year
editing so im waiting for the teeth like damn for a loveless aro i sure do have a lot of thoughts about unconditional love
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nervouswaltz · 1 year
I love how your write our boys hairy and full on body positivity, it's my favourite thing in fics when they are messy and so real, thank you
\o/ anogie i love u YES i am the twink death i hate it when people make men into these smooth skinny dolls to play with especially when it’s dnf who are grown ass men with plenty of hair on their bodies :) i am glad it makes u happy as well
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myvillainfam · 1 year
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A story based on my life and the story told in Xdinary Heroes' Good Enough.
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We became best friends at a time that we both felt so lonely and lost. I can't imagine my life without you. Who would have gotten me out of that dark black pit of blueness? Where would I be now? Would I still be the same person? Would I still be here?
We've grown apart now, but the time we spent talking into the late night and the deep talks, only the stars know. I miss the days we spent together.
Did it hurt you that I dated someone other than you? I'm not surprised if you didn't. but it did hurt me when you started to date someone else. and it was so unfair.
I didn't know what to do with myself at that point.
I tried to ignore you for a bit, but that hurt more than when I sat next to you, while you lovingly stared at her.
You are unfortunately very perceptive. I excused my pulling away as trying to give you privacy but really the privacy was for my own feelings. I really didn't want you to notice my feelings. So I stood by as your best friend. (Am I still your best friend at this point?)
I slipped up once. And I know you noticed. As we pulled out of our hug, you held on to me waiting for our platonic I love you. And I said, "Te amo" instead of "Te quiero". I really really really didn't mean to say it. I guess my heart knew before my brain did. 
I still remember your shocked face as I pulled my hand away from yours. I can still feel the blush on my face. I giggled because I didn't know what else to do. Despite dating someone, I wasn't used to this affection. I was so embarrassed. 
Weeks went by. It wasn't until one of our final conversations where you asked me if I ever liked you. My heart pounded as I scrambled for an answer. 
And the conversation continued as normal.
I think about that conversation a lot.
What if I had said yes? What if I confessed the truth? But at that point, I didn't know if I liked you. I think I was still hiding from my feelings.
And the more I think about it as time passes, I should have said maybe. Because I knew there was a possibility but I was too scared.
Next thing I know we've graduated from high school. We don't see each other or talk as often as we used to because we start to get busy with university and our jobs. You start dating again. It felt weird. And once again I hid it.
You break up with her, and I'm sort of relieved. Time passes once again.
it's been 3 years at this point, and roughly 6 months since we last saw each other, you've been steady with another girl. You've been happy with her. How can I be jealous of her when she's such a beauty? She's so sweet. I guess that's what hurts the most: I know her and I'm on good terms with her.
The fake smiles return. I fully pull away. Once again with the excuse that we're busy with our lives. 
When we meet again, you're laughing at a joke I made when we're with friends. That's when I realized how much I love you. But you weren’t the person I knew when we were depressed teens. Now I see your smile that I would wish for so often, but I think my love for you is fading.
There are days where I cry because I miss you. I miss our talks. I miss when we were so close. Hell, I even miss the teasing we got for being so close. And sometimes I think maybe that these feelings are because I'm just lonely.
But when I talk to other friends, I don't feel the same way. 
Now, I'm here typing this out and I wrap my blanket around myself, pretending it's your warm hug. You won't ever know these emotions. You won't ever know that I have this letter for you. Or all the other letters I wrote for all our friends when we were lost, yours is the longest. You won't ever know the playlist I've made with songs you've showed me, songs I've showed you, songs that remind me of you. 
You'll never find this story of mine. 
And I hope you never do.
Because of what we decided years ago, staying by each other’s side as friends is good enough for both of us.
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