theghostwithin5591 · 3 years
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Suptober21 - Day 3: Rainbows Cas painting Dean’s freckles for Pride.
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Whats next?
I dont know. The end. Just kidding, well really I'm not, things feel and are different, and we still haven't stopped working together. So honestly, I dont know whats next and what the transition will look like but I can and do have hopes so here is what they are: 1. Nancy and I remain constant in each others lives. We continue to be present for each other in ways that we both know how to be. We will do our personal bests to stay connected. We wont forget about each other or the past three years of our lives. We wont make it weird when we do see each other. 2. We continue to challenge each other, we wont let each other get away with shit, we wont stop blogging, we wont stop creating, we wont stop thinking. And we will love each other enough to call each other out on our shit when we do. We wont let each other "get away with it". We will remind each other what we are capable of and will hope we achieve it but not force it, if it doesn't happen. 3. We will continue to do all things creative; we will do things differently both separate and together. We will be uniquely ourselves. We will make colleagues on a random Sunday afternoon, we will sleep in hammocks, and we will road trip to the middle of nowhere. We wont compromise our creative because its easy. We will remind each other about the creative spirit that lives in us both. These hopes may seem lofty or they may seem unspecific. Honestly, I'm not sure what they look like nor do I care. They are my hopes and they are what I think we are both capable of and what will help both of us moving forward. Heres to transitions.
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