#sorry if these aren't the most exciting updates as a result!
victorluvsalice · 8 months
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We have hit Winter Sunday in the Chill Valicer Save! And with this update, we enter the period of time in this save that I like to call "Time To FINISH FILLING THOSE DAMN SHELVES PLEASE." AKA, the next few updates are all about trying to get their grocery store into an openable state! Hope you like farm chores and food processing! *big smile, thumbs up* And speaking of the former, let's get right to it --
-->We start in the wee, wee hours of the morning, as we usually do around here as Smiler doesn't need sleep and Victor and Alice's bed is so good, they have developed a bit of a wonky sleep schedule as a result. XD (Victor having chugged a Potion of Plentiful Needs at the end of last "episode" also didn't help!) Specifically, we start in the old crafting barn, where Victor, after using his powerful magical talents to Scruberoo a slightly dirty Smiler, returned to making candles for his "bee products" shelf at the store! As he'd leveled up in Fabrication skill, I decided that he could make a black-dyed molded candle to show off his new talents...a process that I quickly discovered really just consisted of a lot of the Sim just standing in front of the candle bench, waiting for the wax to cool in the mold. Which, okay, probably accurate, but not exactly the most exciting thing to watch, huh? I prefer dipped candles, at least then they're DOING something.
-->As for Smiler and Alice -- well, the gardening bots Elmer and Bugs needed another tune-up, so that kept Smiler busy for a good chunk of the morning. Alice, for her part, snoozed until her energy bar was full, then came downstairs to fix some broken wind turbines because the phase of the moon meant that she would get extra Handiness skill from it. :p She was feeling rather hungry after that, so I had her transform and go out for a hunt -- hey, nothing like fresh meat for a werewolf tummy! And it's always a good source of XP.
-->Once Victor was done with his candle, I decided to check what he needed to brew up a potion of Emotional Stability, as he was all set with the ingredients needed for Plentiful Needs and Nimble Mind. Turns out he needed some Obtainium if he wanted to brew up emotionally-calming drinks, so I quickly checked Alice's metal collection upstairs to see if she had any. To my delight, she did indeed have a sample! So Victor got sent up there to use his overpowered Copypasto spell on it a couple of times. XD Seriously, I would be SOO lost in this save without that spell now...
-->While Victor was doing that, Smiler finished up their bot repairs and decided it was the perfect time to make some drinks! And I decided "actually, yes, it IS the perfect time to make some drinks -- so you can give them to the damn specters floating around the greenhouse and the back yard, distracting everyone." So Smiler poured out a few glasses and went searching out specters to give them to. Happily, both the specter floating by the tree annoying Shadow and the specter bopping around in the greenhouse appreciated the gifts, and both rewarded Smiler with the same thing -- soul scraps! I put those in their inventory for later -- I don't think I've used one of these yet? Probably should at some point...but they do look VERY cool with that little flame glowing above the disc, don't they? There's a reason I have a few on display in the seance room. :)
-->Anyway -- with that sorted, Smiler set Elmer and Bugs on the greenhouse and started cleaning up all the spoiled plates of chicken saltimbocca left everywhere from the family reunion. Victor fed Toothy the cowplant (I do not blame him for looking so nervous -- cowplants are very ENTHUSIASTIC about being fed), then went to check on Shadow, who was angry about something or other -- possibly all those specters hanging around. Victor calmed Shadow down as Alice returned from her hunt and gobbled down her fresh meat...
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choochooboss · 10 months
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Magma event details!
Please check the rules below if you plan on joining our events!
A few words about Magma for newcomers:
Magma is a free browser based art program where participants can collaborate and draw on the same canvas at the same time! Magma works on both PC and mobile devices! Magma has most useful art program tools! But some are a little difficult to find, like layer opacity lock. You can export the images as PNGs and PSDs so you can save and keep all your layers etc.!
Hosting a session is easy! Set up a new canvas and share the link and that's it, you can start drawing. You can do public sessions like mine, or private sessions just with your close group. Update!! Previously you were able to use Magma anonymously without making an account, but this option does not exist anymore.
Our Magma event rules
Have fun! These events are meant to get you inspired, get to know other artists and create awesome art and ideas together!
Everyone is welcome to join my sessions! Doesn't matter where or when you join. You don't need to draw anything there, you can also just come and chat with us and watch others do their magic! Lurking is totally fine too!
Avoid drawing too big! Make sure to leave enough space for other people's drawings! Mind that there are 40-80 people partaking in these weekend events! (Max. 1/6th of the canvas per drawing is ideal!) We recommend to zoom in at 100-150% before you start drawing to avoid this. However! If you have an idea that others can contribute to, I'd be excited to hear it!! Those are highly appreciated!
Avoid drawing over the canvas frames!This is for possible future use in i.e. collages & personal aesthetics. They are there for a reason.
Keep it PG!
You are allowed to paste reference images in the session to use as a base etc.! Please remove them when you don't need them anymore and make sure not to cover areas where others are currently drawing!
When you are finished with your piece, please flatten your layers! The Magma total layer limit is 60 layers per canvas and it gets full rather fast. We have set a 8 layer limit per user/canvas. (If you have used layer effects in your piece, start flattening from bottom to top so they get preserved correctly!)
If you want to post/share Magma art that features other artists' works, you must ask for their permission first! This is very important!! Simple blur/solid color to hide them is ok, otherwise editing other people's art is not!
If you need more time to finish your piece, please let me know as soon as possible! If you know you aren't going to finish yours, please release the space for others to use!
Don't hesitate to ask anything! We are very happy to help out make the most of your session! Our regulars are all friendly and helpful, and my co-admin and mods are able to assist with i.e. getting your layers back!
Other tips!
Some users have experienced disasters losing layers for good by pressing CTRL + X, we recommend avoiding that for now!
Save regularly! Magma is a server based program so it's not as stable as your usual art programs, and also when the program refreshes you might lose some of your progress. Better saved than sorry! You can export the whole canvas as PNG, JPG & PSD!
You can have up to two Magma sessions open in your browser at once!
If you log out of the session you might lose rights to your layers. Please ask either the admin or approved users to give your layers back to you!
If Magma is going slow for you, it may be fixed by turning off the graphics accelerator. Go to Edit > Settings > Turn off Graphics Accelerator.
Merge layers with layer effects starting from bottom to top! For some reason Magma messes them up easily otherwise and the results will not look like you want.
Magma has a text chat we love to hang out in, it's of course optional but we would be happy to have you there!
You can send private messages to others by being on the same canvas with the receiver and clicking their icon!
Magma also has a voice call option. We prefer not to use it, but it's easy to misclick the button! Don't be alarmed!
We're continually figuring out new features and bugs in each session, I want to note down all of them to make the sessions as smooth and fun for you as possible! Let us know if you have any issues!
Also something notable: it's always well appreciated if you draw official Pokémon characters! Most of my followers are into submas or Pokémon in general so as the host I'd like to offer content most would enjoy! Some events welcome OCs but the free doodle session will always stay open for your characters!
After everyone is done I start post-processing the images. It may take a while until they are ready to be posted, please be patient! I will post the art on both my Twitter and Tumblr. You can use #jun's magma events for tagging your posts!
See you in our next event!! All aboard! <3
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konigscrusade · 5 months
(This is like 5% ask and 95% compliments) I have to extend all my love and thanks over Midnight Ocean! I’m on my third re-read of the story (and I’m severly dyslexic, so reading the entire thing multiple times is the most I’ve read probably in my entire life!). You are so beyond dedicated to your writing and I can’t thank you enough for it <3 Your story keeps me on my toes, all of the characters are SO rich and nuanced, all of their relationships, conflicts and imperfections truly shine in your work. I’m affraid your work has spoiled me for fanfiction, i keep thinking ”but damn… this isn’t Midnight Ocean levels” and then go and continue my re-reads. Once it’s complited, by the gods, I’m going bind it by hand in leather.
I’m beyond excited for the upcoming events when ever they happen: Hades finding out about Zagreus, whatever Persephone has got cooking up, their first true ”I love you” and of course the removing of the pall. (And events yet unexpected by me!!)
What is something you’ve been waiting to write and see readers react to? (As much as you can tell obviously)
Can’t begin to describe how much of a joy MO has been and continues to be. I look forwards to updates like the rising of the moon. Genuinely from the bottom of my heart, thank you <3
Thank you so much! It always means a lot to hear someone enjoys MO enough to reread it, let alone want to bind it. It's brought me a lot of joy to write, and getting to share that and know others appreciate it is really amazing.
I'll go ahead and answer the rest under the cut to avoid spoiling things.
And of course, as I was typing the spoilers turned... sort of major so lol beware?
I've gotten to a few parts I've been waiting and waiting to write recently, but they won't be posted to Ao3 yet (Moros Silly Boy Behavior, Alcmene's Return, Nemesis' Box Reveal, the joys of using Eros' book). But the really, really big ones I haven't gotten to yet are of course things that readers are most excited for, too, like the Hades meeting, Olympus' reaction, things like that.
A few I don't think people mention a lot, though: Theseus™, (maybe big spoilers for people who aren't familiar with mythology, though I think this has been mentioned in the notes) Theseus' whole deal with both Medea and Heracles (and how that then is meant to foil Thanatos' dynamics), Heracles for that matter, also...... Ares' return to the story... the DILF energy we need in these trying times.
Hades and Thanatos' relationship is one I've thought about so much over the years, and I'm so excited to finally get to put that on the page and see people respond. Demeter is also such an important figure in all of this that often gets ignored both by me and others, and she'll be very, very fun to finally include. The continuation of Hermes' background arc stuff...
Something only me and like two random people are invested in: the continuation of Moros bullshit. My poor little meow meow, my perfect uwu foil to my other perfect uwu baby (Thanatos). My silly rabbit, here to cause problems and help Zagreus establish more independence if entirely unintentionally etc. And Moros' goofy little romance arc, that will be fun.
Also, the actual proper Cupid & Psyche Moment, y'know, the big part of the narrative. Sometimes people ask if it will happen, really expressing that they can't see it as even a possibility in the MO narrative, or others express total unfamiliarity with the plot of the myth so they don't know about The Moment at all (part of why I'm reluctant to clarify What Moment lmao)... I'm eager for that, though I know it will result in people being very, very angry at me.
I don't think this is tooooo spoilery because I think it's been made clear it will happen, but Eros showing up will be so fun, not to mention Psyche! Actual Psyche lol! We can't have a whole narrative about soul porn without the OG soulfuckers.
Oh, Hypnos too. And Pasithea who has unwittingly had her marriage present (the Eros book) lowkey highjacked.
Sorry this mostly turned into incoherent babbling. I hope it's both not too spoilery, but also answers the question lol? Either way, thank you again!
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wolfsbane-if · 2 years
I chose to make my MC childhood friends with Garamond (my first option for a playthrough every update before I try the others because that route is my favorite - second being weredad - but I absolutely love the little bits of text we get with the other options), then had him turn MC, and that line you get referencing back to how MC wondered when they would become a werewolf really added to the scene.
I am curious though how MC's mom would react. My MC suggested visiting home when everything was over and just the thought of trying to explain to mom how her child suddenly grew somewhere from a couple inches to a couple feet and is significantly harrier than the last time they visited is both hilarious and terrifying 🤣
(...Though I feel it might be harder to explain if her child's skin had grown pale and cold, their heart had stopped beating...I don't even know if vampires can eat, so they probably wouldn't even be able to enjoy her roast anymore 😢...I'm suddenly a lot more sure of choosing to make the childhood friend MC a werewolf...)
I can't wait to see Pamina, Cal, and Katja again! And I especially can't wait to see their reactions! I do hope Pamina won't blame herself though, I would feel terrible if she did.
Not even going to bring up Maverick's uncle because I'm sure I'd be going on a full on rant if I did 😤 but, yeah, definitely looking forward to the next update!
(I've finally managed to work up the courage to post something. It's super early in the morning, like 4 AM, (yes, I did play this all night and I regret nothing) but I had to comment about this before I went to bed. Sorry if it's a bit disorganized or a little all over the place, and I probably didn't really get my point across, but I guess what I'm trying to say is great work as always and I'm excited to see what's next!)
Oh gosh, thank you so much! I'm so happy that you enjoyed the update and I really appreciate you taking the time and working up the courage to share your thoughts! I absolutely love getting to see people's excited reactions the events of the game like this, structured or not, and it means a lot to know that the game resonated with you to a point where you felt compelled to reach out :D
I'm very glad that the tiny changes in text depending on the chosen backstory aren't going unnoticed; I love trying to make little callbacks where I can and I felt it made sense that the MC's mind would reflect on that moment given the circumstances. I'd also like to go back and add some more bits of unique text for the other backgrounds sometime, too
And it's a good thing to be curious about, I think! You're definitely correct that the MC turning and the resulting changes to their appearance have the potential to interfere with visiting family again, and it's even something that can be mentioned in-game in the vampire route given the physical changes are, like you said, much more obvious and drastic
(You're also correct that vampires can't eat regular food, so sadly that means no more home-cooked meals for them; but on the plus side, at least the traveling rations will last longer? If you feel like being an optimist haha)
Werewolves on the other hand at least have the advantage of still being able to pass for humans in most cases, and clothing can be used to hide the additional bulk and hair; but anyone who's familiar with the MC's appearance already will probably still be able to notice a difference. The change to height is only a couple of inches, though, so you don't have to worry about suddenly towering over everyone. I've commented before about werewolves generally being quite tall but that only applies to born lycanthropes, and they grow into it naturally overtime much like a tall human would
While the MC can only speculate on what their family's reaction to their change would be, I can say that: 1) none of the living family members have done anything to this point to indicate they would readily embrace the MC's status as a supernatural, and 2) the mother from the childhood friends backstory has the strongest relationship with the MC, so if anyone would accept the change, it would be her; while the family business backstory Wolfsbane parents are the least likely to be accepting (and indeed the MC can say as much)
As for Pamina and company's reactions... we'll have to wait and see haha. The MC can at least be confident that Pamina is far more accustomed to the supernatural than most, but it's still no small thing
And the dislike towards Isidore Rosenway is certainly understandable lol, even if he does genuinely believe himself to be doing the right thing (depending on your choices to that point, at least)
It was fun to get to discuss some of these things! I think you were perfectly coherent and your enthusiasm brought a big smile to my face and really brightened my day! Thank you again for the message, and I hope you get some good sleep 🧡
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Current Progress of the BioSurvey
Looking at the amount of votes coming in so far and only a couple of days in, I'm actually surprised there's so many! Thank you all so much, I appreciate the participation!
I've also made a few notes on how to improve The BioSurvey going forward. I don't want to fill up the BioShock tag with several polls, as the next round has QUITE a few polls based on the next theme/category. So, for future rounds of polls, I'll be making a single announcement post for the BioShock tag that links to the polls of that round, and the polls themselves will now only be tagged under "the biosurvey", so please check out the tag for any updates in future!
Another thing that has come to my attention and has me concerned for future polls are reblogs. I know people might just be joking around or having fun, but some tags in reblogs have made me worry about any influencing of the results. These are anonymous polls about personal opinions, as I stated before, and aren't about one game beating another in polls where multiple titles are listed.
To reiterate, there are no wrong answers; I am not asking for which is the best, I am asking about your experiences and what you most enjoyed in the franchise for this survey. It's only been a couple of days but after some thinking on it, I'm afraid that if there are more reblogs trying to push for one option over another or influence a sweep, I might have to disable reblogs on polls in the future.
It's not a road I really want to take, and I'm worried it makes me sound too serious and trying to tell people "no fun allowed", however I am concerned that such reblogs will affect the results of the survey. I admit, this is something I've been putting maybe too much thought into, but I have been excited about doing this little project nonetheless.
I'd appreciate any feedback on this potential change to polls going forward, or any suggestions for polls and other improvements that could be considered.
As I mentioned in the original post for The BioSurvey, there may be some more fun or joke polls at the end of the survey, but for now the questions of this survey are about honest opinions and most enjoyed experiences. Thank you for your time reading this if you have made it to the end, this was a lot longer than I thought it would be and I'm sorry for that!
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taeyamayang · 3 years
prologue, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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PAIRING: Akaashi Keiji x fem!reader
GENRE: romance | a bit of angst (≖ ͜ʖ≖) | mutual pining
TROPE: strangers to lovers ?
GIST: a serendipitous occurence resulted you to become penpals with your neighbor, however, conflict rises when circumstances push you to choose between your budding fondness for the latter and your long-time infatuation on the setter, Akaashi Keiji.
a/n: im so sorry if the update took ages ( ╥ω╥ ) i had multiple endings in mind and i couldn't decide which ending to go with so everytime i write i always end up deleting the whole thing and it's all because i wanted to cater the readers the best output i can possibly create so sorry again ( ╥ω╥ ). anyway, i hope you enjoy this one! this is going to be exciting heh :)
finale pt.1, 6.5/7
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kaori and yukie perch on a bench at the side of the court as the sound of rubbers scraping against the waxed floor fill the silence between them. their day has been unexpectedly tedious because you have been spending most of your time sewing in the creatives' club room. the loud whistle from the coach signals the players the end of the three-on-three game.
"akaaaashiiii." bokuto whines, dragging the letters of the younger's last name. his flashy silver hair drawn downwards, and his lips pouted. "you told us you'd let us in your new home when the semester starts."
the raven-haired boy turns his head to him. subsequently, he pulls the bore of the jug away from his mouth.
"yeah, i did." he casually nods.
"but we haven't been to your place, and it's almost the end of the semester!" his voice increases, albeit unintentionally catching unwanted attention from the others who are oblivious of the plan.
"then come." akaashi calmly states, making the older boy shoot his head up in delight.
"really? with konoha, komi, and sarukui?" he confirms, and the other nods. "cool! but that means I get to meet your parents too, right?"
akaashi hides his smile behind the mouth of the jar, knowing what bokuto is referring to.
"your mom will gush about my hair again!" he runs his fingers through the strands of hair. "'ah, koutarou-kun your hair. are you sure it isn't dyed? aren't you a delinquent one, eh?'" he notches his voice up as a way of imitating akaashi's mom.
"that's not how my mom sounds." the younger argues making the other tilt his head to the side.
"oh yeah?" bokuto clears his throat before continuing. "'kei! come down here and bring your friends along. i made chiffon cake!'"
"stop!" akaashi bursts out laughing at the accurate impression bokuto made. the latter placed his hands on his hips proud of what he did. he made the setter chuckle out loud, a definite once-in-a-blue-moon occurrence.
"kei?" kaori repeats as she whispers the name to herself. yukie, who is sitting next to her, swiftly turns her head to her. alert fires up in her eyes.
"could he be?" yukie's eyes widened.
"and they're neighbors," kaori added.
they pull their vision to the side when the subject of the conversation appears next to them. he clutches a water bottle in one hand and a towel on the other. the boy squats down to where his duffle bag is.
kaori never misses a beat when it comes to coming up with a naughty plan. she clears her throat as she side eyes the target next to her.
"oh, wow, im missing ___ lately." her voice came out flat and fake although, fortunately, akaashi did not notice it.
"she has been busy with the creatives club lately; mostly with sewing the jacket." kaori's voice is louder than it's supposed to be, considering that she's talking to a person barely a meter away from her. "but i think she's up to something else, right?"
kaori rounds her eyes knowingly at yukie, who remains unaware of what her friend is trying to do.
"right, yukie?" kaori nudges the short hair using her elbow, and when she finally got what she's trying to do, she pulls her senses together.
"oh, i think so too! but what could it be?" yukie chokes out, playing her part smoothly. It seems to work when kaori catches a glimpse of akaashi looking at the two of them at corner of his eyes as he discreetly eavesdrops. his actions fuels kaori to push the conversation.
"you know, watanabe-san, the third year who has been pining for her recently," a smirk plays on kaori's lips when akaashi gives in, turning his head to the side in the direction of the two managers.
"___ told us watanabe-san asked her to meet with him after class. it looks like she's getting a confession today." yukie adds the cherry topper while kaori fights a mischievous smile.
akaashi shoots up, unfolding his knees as he stands upright. his eyebrows pulled down and his orbs glued to the duffle bag. his fists are balled tightly around the material in each of his hands. he swallows in the air before kaori interrupts his train of thoughts.
"fifteen minutes," she says as she pulls her gaze up to the setter. akaashi meets with her eyes.
"i'll cover you for fifteen minutes, so do whatever you have to do within that time."
the two exchanged looks, and without saying a word, they both seemed to understand the thoughts that lingered in their minds. kaori gives him a gentle smile. a cue telling the boy 'go'. he, then sprinted towards the exit of the gym.
"how do we know he's kei? ___'s neighbor penpal? what if we got it wrong?" yukie is worried that they might have created conflict than solve the issue at hand.
"we have to depend on luck." the long-haired shrugged as she kept her eyes stuck to the back of the setter running towards the exit of the gym. her right eyebrow twitches up when the boy stops his tracks. he turns his body around.
"where is the creatives club's room located?" he shouts from across the room.
"second floor. the duplex room A and B." she answers back, and right before the boy resumes on his tracks, the manager speaks again. "don't forget to bring a snack. perhaps, a steamed bun?" a knowing smile coupled with an arched eyebrow are enough for the boy to understand her motive. and in return, akaashi smiles, nodding at her.
with that, the setter heads to the location.
"well." kaori stretches her arms above her head. "i guess luck owes me a favor since i did the job myself." kaori winks at her friend.
"okay, but imagine akaashi giving ___ an actual steamed bun. you thought he understood what you meant by it but what if he turns out to be one of those coincidental 'kei's' i listed for ___." kaori freezes at her rational thinking. she slowly turns her body to the side, tackling her friend with a bear hug.
"overthinking, begone!" kaori squeezes yukie's body tightly, making the other grunt in pain.
meanwhile, akaashi skips his way through the staircase with only one thing in mindㅡto tell you the truth. his priority is to stop watanabe from deceiving into believing he's the kei you have been exchanging letters with. however, for now, he has no idea how to break it to you.
his long limbs and quick movements hinder him from thinking of what words to tell you as he immediately finds himself standing at the doorway of the duplex room. all eyes from the members inside the room turn to him. linen and sewing materials are sprawled on the floor as they individually busy themselves with the task. his vision scans the room, but your familiar figure is nowhere to be found.
"____?" he manages to utter a word. "where is ___? the president?"
"she's with watanabe-san. they went out to get materials." a girl sitting with crossed legs on the floor replies. akaashi's eyes widen. he thinks he could be too late. watanabe might be confessing to you right now, feeding you with lies just so he could get a hold of your heart.
it's unfair and he knows you don't deserve it.
"where?" akaashi presses.
"you can wait here if you want. they might be here soon." she nicely suggests but akaashi is running out of time.
"no." he says sternly. "i need to speak to her right now." the girl was taken aback with his sense of urgency. even so, she answers him.
"at the stock room near the tennis court. the small shed."
"thanks." akaashi briefly flashes her a smile before swiftly making his way to the location.
the corridor never felt so long until today. although, his long quick limbs fueled by the adrenaline that rushed through the setter's veins kept the pace constant. his the walls cave in, narrowing his vision as he focuses on the point ahead. akaashi has always been like this. he never loses focus on one thing once he has set his mind on it.
he easily dodges the idle students strolling in the hallway, making his rigorous footwork training in volleyball come in handy. he passes by a boy from his batch. the latter turns his body around when he sees the usual calm boy urgently running with the wind.
he moves past a pair of students. the boy is gripping onto a box of colorful linen and the girl securing a clipboard around her right arm. the girl chuckles loudly at the inaudible statement uttered by the boy.
"no way!" the familiarity of the voice coming from the girl hastens akaashi's feet. his heart is beating against his chest, and the micro muscles in his entire body froze at the sudden stillness of his body.
"you better not be lying to me!" the girl pronounces. he can't be wrong. he remembers people who made an impact on him. his hunch has to be correct.
he knows it's you.
akaashi managed to break free from the stillness of his body. he turns around and sees your silky hair swaying as you prance down the hallway. the boy next to you turns his head to the side, showing akaashi the side view of his face. he could see every movement the senior makes from how his lips slowly part to dipping his face next to you so close that a weak bump would earn you a kiss from him. his mouth moves as he utters a phrase next to you, followed by contented smirk knowing he has you wrapped around his fingers. watanabe's sly gestures tinder the fire from akaashi's within.
right then, everything is a blur, and the next thing he knows is his hand on your wrist as he pulls you towards him. your eyes round as you take in the person standing in front of you.
"akaashi?" your words are hushed. your orbs rally between a pair of brown eyes. "what are you doing here?"
"i need to tell you something. it's important." his tone sends shivers down your shine. sure, akaashi is the unbothered and collected type, but the persona he's showing you right now exudes your expectations. you are left baffled and lost with what is happening.
"are you okay?" your tongue does the talking after seeing the beads of sweat trailing down the side of his face. he's catching his breath as he peers at you.
"yes, i am okay but i don't have much time. you need to come with me."
"now?" you ask him, but his eyes shift to the other boy at your side. akaashi follows your eyes and immediately clenches his jaw before speaking.
"uh, okay sure." the setter frees your wrist around his fingers as soon as you agree. you turn to your side and place the clipboard on top of the pile of linen inside the box watanabe is grasping. "can you take the box and my clipboard to the club room? i'll be there in a minute."
"anything for you." watanabe winks, and somehow the breathing of the man behind you gets louder.
"let's go." akaashi leads the way before hastly pulling you by the wrist.
continue reading
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a/n: thanks for reading! as per usual, rbs and likes are very much welcome ♡
taglist: @on-crows-wings @kenmakai @moonlit-island @yimmybread @paintedstarres @ti-mame
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quillsanddaydreams · 3 years
cliché sleepovers and some popcorn
ginny weasley x reader
—author's note: I simply adored writing this so here's some Ginny fluff to brighten your days. What will a sleepover with the youngest and the most fierce Weasley include? I hope you like it ;)
—warning(s): mentions of food, gender neutral!reader (pronouns aren't used).
—word count: 908
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Ginny Weasley had grown up in the wizarding world. Ever since she was small, she had been surrounded by magic. She did not know much about the muggle world. So when you told her about “sleepovers” she just compared it to staying over with a close friend. Which was technically right, but not wholly. A typical sleepover included watching movies, having popcorn, taking pictures and daring each other to do silly things.
“Well, it does sound fun,” Ginny grinned, nodding. She always wanted to see those ‘movies’ you talked about. Maybe this was her chance and she would never turn down an offer to spend time with you.
To say you were excited, would be an understatement. You had planned everything. From movies, to getting all kind of muggle candy— you wanted to make sure she had the best experience possible. Your parents shook their head, smiling at your enthusiasm. Finally the day came.
Ginny wore a pale yellow sweater and jeans as Mr. Weasley dropped her off. You rushed in to hug her tightly, her laugh loud in your ear. Your face was warm when you pulled back, mentally banging your head for what you’d just done. Ginny didn’t seem to notice it though. Taking her hand, you showed her around your house. She took in everything slowly, her mouth forming an ‘o' at some muggle objects. After greeting and meeting your parents, you took her to your room ready to tell her all you’d planned.
Ginny loved popcorn. You couldn’t believe it when she told you she had only had popcorn from the stall in the quidditch grounds at Hogwarts.
“This tastes amazing” she said, putting her hand in your bowl as you swatted it away. “Hey—”
“Just because you’re a guest, doesn’t mean you could get away with stealing my popcorn!” you said as she pouted. She was adorable.
“Okay fine, just a little,” you said as she smiled widely and kissed your cheek.
“Thank you,” she said, turning her attention back to the movie but you couldn’t think about anything other than the fact that she just kissed you. Your heart was beating loudly as you looked over to Ginny. Did she have any idea of the effect she had on you?
It seemed too soon that the end credits rolled up. Ginny stretched before turning towards you.
“What now?” she asked, her eyes sparkling. You let out a laugh. Ginny felt something in her chest flutter. Your laugh was always the most beautiful thing about you.
“Typically, people play truth and dare but I think we share everything with each other,” you started, your brain providing not everything. Well, everything except the fact that you liked her. “Plus, it might not be as fun with just two people. So that leaves pillow fights, putting makeup on each other and talking ourselves to sleep. Or— we could just attempt to summon the devil.”
Ginny snorted.
“Yeah, let’s do the one thing that will make sure we will never be allowed on a sleepover ever again.”
After laughing for a while you two just sat and looked at each other. This was the best you had felt in a long time.
“Put makeup on me,” Ginny said out of the blue. You furrowed your eyebrows. “You said it was one of the things you do on a cliché sleepover.”
You pondered over it.
“I don’t have a lot of products though, mum keeps most of them,” you said, a mischievous smile overcoming face. “Let’s sneak in there and get it.”
You tiptoed downstairs, Ginny hot at your heels. It was half past twelve. Your parents were heavy sleepers so you didn’t have to worry a lot. Telling Ginny to stay outside, you went inside your parents’ bedroom as quietly as possible and reached your mother’s drawer. You took out the makeup bag and got out. Ginny stood there eagerly. She looked through the contents as you two walked back to your room.
She plopped down on the bed outstretching her hands with the makeup bag.
“Do me, do me!” she said, as you laughed.
You took out some primer and foundation, starting to work on the base. She watched you intensely and you couldn’t help but squirm a little under her gaze. Ginny crinkled her nose when you brushed on some powder making you chuckle. You opened the cap of the eyeliner and told her to not move. When she couldn’t sit still enough, you held her by her shoulder and then cradled her face.
Ginny bit her lip as you concentrated on getting the eyeliner straight and not smudge it. You were so close to her, she could smell your perfume. It seemed to make her high. When you seemed content, you pulled back, watching whether your efforts yielded results.
Ginny however seemed to have other plans. She crashed her lips against yours before realising what she was doing and pulled away.
“I’m sorry,” she started, seeing your shocked expression. You couldn’t hear her rambling though. You were too busy realising what she just did. When you did, you held her face and kissed her again. She let out a squeak and then melted against you, pulling you closer to her.
You rested your head against her, breathing deeply. Ginny was the first to recover.
“So do all muggle sleepovers include this?” she said making you giggle.
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