#sorry i love character design sm
freshvanillapng · 2 years
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the king and his consort
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icy-gendango · 8 months
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Fool Ophelia Homage for venomous-qwille <3333
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stere0typical · 5 months
One thing I love about the Sherlock & Co fan base is every single design for the Sherlock, John and Mariana is different. Like there isn't any agreed upon appearance for them and I love that.
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saeiken · 8 months
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more clownposting!!! honk honk
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iholli · 3 months
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not to be gay on main but oh my god. oh my god.
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haliaiii · 3 months
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Val’s Hover bike! (oc)
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hightaled · 4 months
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wait hello?
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artheresy · 4 months
Part One (Astral Express
Random post ideas I got, but I'm just listing my opinions on aspects of the HSR designs, including things I may dislike or would at least change about certain playable HSR design, because I am currently planning some of my own designs/redesigns to use for future art
Disclaimer!! I am not a professional character designer, I am not saying any of my ideas for them are objectively better, and I am not bashing any of these designs. I actually like most if not literally all of the playable designs so far! This is just my lil opinions of how I would change them
The List part 1:
Stelle: I actually like the turquoise band around her thigh, I just don't like how they didn't take the opportunity to sprinkle in some more of that color into her design. She had a lot of little details in her outfit, especially the back of her coat, so there's a lot of places where a few splashes of turquoise could be added whether in those little details or in some of her other adornments just so that the band stands out less . I think I would change more than just that ofc, but that's one of the things about her that stood out the most to me. Also honestly? Maybe I would scale down the sheer amount of detail she has on her back (which as someone who has tried to draw her from the back view o h my g o d), and add some more detail on her sides like her arms and her legs maybe? I dunno, I think her design is really really nice, but there are places the amount of details could be more evenly spread to.
March 7th: While I don't mind her design that is especially center around her top half, March definitely has a clutter design particularly around her waist when you look at her full body in detail. Clutter that manages to mix in some odd color choices too/ I'd probably clean it up, or better place the little bits of clutter to feel like it matches more and change up the colors in order to at least go with the rest of her outfit. Like the gold makes sense, not only with her details of golden buttons throughout her design but also the golden ticket she holds showing she is passenger of the Astral Express, but why the black fabric? How is it supposed to work in terms of construction with the rest of her outfit, I'd keep her black to only the little accented bands on her thigh and neck rather than anything big on her waist. Why is the thing holding her camera orange, why does she have this random bright green button, why does she have seemingly two different belts?? I think March would have a better sense of what goes together than that. Overall, still an adorable design.
Dan Heng: He is very nicely designed, and I think a lot of his personality comes through in it, way better than any alternative for him. I feel like I can get a better sense of his nature and overall how he feels and who he is in it. The one unfortunate aspect of his design for me though is that it feels a bit... bland? for a lack of better word. Not that he's devoid of details or anything, very nice to see him not having a particularly busy design, but a lot of those meaningful details tend to be pushed to his back or his arms. I would probably bring a few more of the details that can be to the front or maybe add more? It just feels as though there is something lacking in the design, maybe more on a coloration front than construction. Speaking of coloration, I'd likely change the way the details around his waist are colored, all the same hue and yet different shades also getting an ombre? It's a little messy, but not a big issue to be honest. That's just my view of it though, still love his design for how much it really lets his character shine through unlike Another One which I will eventually get into and explain my thoughts on in the Luofu post.
Himeko: Listen, she's beautiful, she's gorgeous. I absolutely adore her and her color palette especially, it's such a nice blend of elements with the gold all mixed in. However, her silhouette is awful like it's so messy, and I really dislike how weighed down she feels. I wish she looked just a bit different, wish her clothes looked a bit lighter. She's a Nameless, she's their navigator, she's the one who repaired the Astral Express herself!! I wish she had more details to reflect all of that, and I already have ideas for how it could be done that would end up alleviating some of the weight placed on her with all of those heavy, layered fabrics. Additionally, I think there's a better way to highlight those elements while still making her look elegant, gorgeous, and ornate. Yeah, I love Himeko, I do like her currently design a lot, but I think more could be done to show off more sides of her. She's the one I probably have the clearest image for so far. Like I can imagine her in a nice set of slacks, a deep brown tone that goes well with her coat, and either on the sides or the front of the bottom, they have slits revealing these ruffles showing through similar to the ruffles of her coat sleeves. They have golden adornments along them, very sleek and fitting her figure well to keep with a very elegant appearance. Perhaps she has suspenders as well, maybe only one side to fit with their habit of asymmetrical designs. All with a nice white blouse or even some kind of button up, buttons popped open and collar folded in a more fashionable style. Even more hammering on the asymmetry, maybe for side where she actually wears her coat, the sleeve is much shorter to not interfere with the jacket's ruffles. I don't know, that's just a little idea of changing up the construction of her outfit that I had, but I'll see how it looks on paper when I draw it.
Welt: Okay listen, I need to look up more about his lore before I can truly say anything about him. Looking at his design, and with what I do know about him, I do adore it. His color palette here with the grey tones making up the majority of it for his upper body with the accents of an almost like cool toned brown and the darker shades of grey and black coming in. It's so nicely balanced, I don't feel like he had too many elements or too many overlapping fabrics that complicate the shape. It's a competent design, and while I think someone with more knowledge on him could find more places to add details, with what I know about him, I do really like the way he looks. If I were to change one thing... I would give him more wrinkles. I know why his physical appearance doesn't match what his true age is, but I still think he deserves a few more wrinkles PLEASE that's the only way I can think to truly elevate him at the moment, give him a few more wrinkles he'd look so good with them. Whenever I see art of people giving him more wrinkles I ascend... Okay well, I can think of something I would do color wise, but I'm still on the fence about it.
I think I'll leave things there for now. I don't have as much to say on these designs in particular. I think generally they're pretty solid, and even with the ones I can think of more changes for like Himeko's, I still greatly adore a lot of elements from it. The Astral Express' base designs definitely aren't the ones I have a lot of gripes with or things to say aside from suggestions for Himeko, we'll get to those eventually (those ones in particular are Serval and DH IL, both for primarily character reasons rather than aesthetic reasons like some other opinions I have.) But yeah, the next post will be for the Stellaron Hunters since I couldn't fit them into this so look out for that!
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larkmousedesigns · 1 year
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chromgioh · 1 year
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She’s mansplain manipulate malewife but like a girlboss too
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quirkle2 · 2 years
this post will be completely pointless but guys i fucki gng . i fuckin loveart ok
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snivel1 · 2 years
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Teeheehee thank you for the oc ask!!!^^
Meet my boy Basil Killian(he/him; queer in every way)!!! Basically, he has the ability to blow up and rearrange himself again like no biggie, and travel around in a cloud of ashes and smoke! He can blow up whenever he wants, but can also accidentally do that under great stress/anger/overexcitement, and it affects the way he does that and regenerates! 0.0
More under the cut!!!!!
When he's overexcited his explosions don't hurt, maybe tickle a little, but overall he's harmless in that state, like a playful spirit! <3
But his other states of explosion are quite dangerous!! You see, he and other ocs that I work on right now live in a world where people have various superpowers of sorts, and they go to an academy where their powers are honed and where they're trained to protect people from evil! As I said before, he has the ability to blow himself up with no harm to himself and the ability to rebuild his body back together, but he can also take other forms as well, like a cat form, but his human form is the most established and polished!
When he's angry, his explosions are very... well.. explosive!!, big, fiery and destructive, but he's the most chillest person to ever chill, so unless you pose a threat to his friends, you won't ever experience his wrath!
When he's in deep despair though, there's barely any bang! or kaboom!, he just more or less disintegrates into the air like ash and smoke, and keeps low to the ground. His smoke is toxic to inhale in this state, so if you want to console him, you should be cautious about your own well-being first.
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Now onto his lore and personality!!
He's always been a problem child, always trying to get people's attention by being a mischievous rascal and playing around. He's very well known in the city, but not in a good way, yet. Nobody has ever believed he'd be able to do any good in his life, he was just an annoyance for them, and a dangerous one at that: nobody knows when this explosive fiend will become a dangerous weapon against them, they don't believe he has any love for anyone other than himself! Which is completely untrue!! And he will prove it to them!!
He loves weird and colorful fashion, and sometimes outright refuses to make things work in his outfits! He's an eyesore in many ways! ^^
He's a free, fun-loving, chill, happy-go-lucky, 'who-cares' person, loves slapstick and looneytoons humor, tries to be helpful in any way he can! In other words, a very sweet guy who is just very silly!
He loves his friends very much(I'm working on the ref for them, which is where the first pic is from), and has a crush on this person below!!(please ignore that the wheelchair is a photo, this is a very old drawing😭)👇
I don't remember their name, so I'll call her Camellia Florence(she/they; nonbinary; demisexual, biromantic)! She has hibiscuses growing from inside out, but don't worry about it. ^^
They're very good friends and Basil likes to make them laugh with his antics!🥰
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lavenderr-starrs · 10 months
Thinking about corpse bride spectre Thinking about corpse bride spectre Thinking about corpse bride spectre Thinking about corpse bride spectre Thinking about corpse bride spectre Thinking about corpse bride spectre Thinking about— *bonk*
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Ref sheets for new object ocs I’ve had for like half a week
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Also some extra art
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seaside-lovers · 11 months
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i hope he knows he is one of the most beautiful things i have ever seen
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astrxealis · 1 year
hi guys you all literally have no idea how happy i am with apollo finally being in hades (2) !!! i almost shed happy tears immediately upon seeing him (sorry i'm extra lol). i got super sad upon realizing the dude wasn't in the first game so yeah i'm reaaally happy that he's now here and he has a lovely design and looks super cool because if it wasn't obvious apollo is my favorite greek god (i literally took his name for myself. and for my ffxiv azem. + artemis is a favorite of my twin, who is genuinely my irl twin btw, and we often unintentionally match favorites so yeah)
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