#sorry for any mistakes t.t hope you guys enjoyed this!!!
oshiawaseni · 1 year
Trails of Love Hori's been paving down in the build up for the series' ending
Part II: Decoding the love story being told through other characters
Part One | II. Gentle/La Brava | Part Two -> KamiJirou
.•° ✿ 3. KiriMina ೋღ
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Kirishima and Mina have been acquainted since middle school and are tied together with themes of admiration. They also have a lot of other parallels with BkDk and Horikoshi's purpose behind these similarities became even more intriguing with the addition of chapter 383. This chapter came while I was still writing the Hori trails meta so it's inclusion is a bit of happy accident, but it helps reinforce our understanding of what Hori is up to.
I've always been interested in KiriMina because they're the only other pair besides BkDk that have history together which pre-dates U.A. So I was curious about where Hori was going to take them.
In this meta I will be exploring many similarities and parallels between KiriMina and BkDk, as well as share my thoughts on Horikoshi's intention in writing them this way.
These are some of their similarities:
They knew each other before U.A just like BkDk
Kirishima lacked bravery/confidence like Izuku
Kirishima admired Ashido's confidence and bravery like Izuku did for Kacchan
When Kirishima entered U.A he aimed to be more confident and personable, just like Ashido, in the same way Izuku wanted to be like Kacchan and copied his confidence and movement style.
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Chapter 383 reveals Ashido also struggles with feelings of weakness and blames herself for the death of Midnight and others in the war, in much the same vein as Kacchan's guilt he felt about being an end to All Might's hero career because of his "weakness".
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Kirishima admired Ashido's ability to connect and bring people closer together and he wanted to have that same influence on their classmates at U.A. Aizawa once described BkDk as the heart of his class who instilled their passion into everyone. But in contrast to BkDk, KiriMina have always gotten along well and have actively strived to help their classmates do the same.
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When asked about Kirishima's role in helping Katsuki after the LoV abduction arc, Horikoshi spoke about the bittersweetness of Izuku not being able to do it himself. Kirishima was written as an important bridge that connected Izuku to Katsuki again, and in doing so, he became someone who brings their classmates together like Ashido. With encouragement from their classmates and teachers, Izuku and Katsuki's bond began to heal and they became pillars of hope whose passions inspired those around them to go beyond their limits.
There are also parallels between Kirishima and Izuku in their ideals of heroism.
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Izuku's idea of heroism and sticking his nose in where it doesn't belong also lines up with Kirishima's ideals of heroism. The story of Izuku running into danger to save Katsuki had also inspired Kirishima to do his best to become a hero.
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In the fight against Gigantomachia, there's a parallel of Kirishima running through the flames to save Ashido, just as Izuku ran through the flames for Katsuki's sake in chapter one.
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And a narrative seed was planted when Kirishima pushes Ashido out of the way and tanks a heavy hit in place of her. This scene is mirrored shortly after, when Katsuki does the exact same thing for Izuku, saving his life.
The amount of similarities these two couples have with each other is so striking, isn't it? We never really knew why Hori has been building these two up as mirrors of BkDk, until the recent chapter 383, where they went up against the same villain BkDk did at the start of the manga and the most important similarity was revealed of all.
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Mina's facial expression and explosion of acid coming from her hand is very similar to Katsuki's. Although she often emulates Katsuki, Ashido primarily took on Izuku's role during this chapter's story, and Kirishima is the one being saved from the sludge villain by her in this call back to chapter one.
In a moment of weakness, Ashido is overcome by exhaustion and almost faints, and Kirishima catches her - which may call to mind the time Izuku fainted of exhaustion at the end of his Vigilante arc, and Katsuki leaping forward, just in time to catch him.
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Ashido apologises to Kirishima, just as Katsuki did with Izuku, and that's where their similarities with Katsuki and Izuku stop, because Kirishima gives Ashido his answer... while Izuku, has always kept his own to himself...
However, anyone who has been paying attention to the story, knows Kirishima's next words to be absolutely true for Izuku, too:
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There's nothing to forgive, because Katsuki is Izuku's hero.
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Kirishima's answer to Ashido, are Izuku's missing words to Katsuki’s apology in chapter 322. Katsuki is Izuku's light and hero, but Izuku never got the chance to tell him this. Katsuki had poured his heart out to Izuku, and never received Izuku's reply.
There has clearly been some things left unsaid between Katsuki and Izuku, and this indirect reference to BkDk via KiriMina only serves as a tool to highlight this even further and generate more intrigue and anticipation for what BkDk will be saying to each other some day.
It's also very possible that these words are something Katsuki needs to tell Izuku, as well. Kirishima calling Ashido “baka” is very akin to Katsuki’s tsundere behaviour towards Izuku, so these apologies and affirmations of Ashido being Kirishima’s hero may yet be more seeds Kohei has planted for Izuku and Katsuki to mirror some day.
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Katsuki has never told Izuku what he means to him, and it seems that Edgeshot, having become a part of Katsuki's heart, is the only one who really knows the true shape of his love and how Katsuki was waiting for Izuku to come save him.
Because Izuku has always been Katsuki’s hero, and this goes back as far as the river scene.
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And aside from referencing Katsuki's apology, these words of: "I'm seriously sorry I've been such a let down" could also be describing Izuku's current feelings towards ‘failing to protect what he cares about’ and his most important person dying on his own because they got separated when Izuku got caught and dragged away by Toga. Izuku must feel incredibly guilty for what has happened, and like he has let Katsuki down completely. These may serve as important call back lines for BkDk, for an intimate scene they will share together.
So KiriMina is another couple Hori has SPEAKING for BkDk, for events that are both in the past and, very likely, in the future as well.
Hori has already brought back the #2 baka couple (#1 is BkDk, soon™) a second time and inserted their dialogues to help remind us that Katsuki's very last moments alive were filled with thoughts of Izuku by his side, which brought him happiness to mask over his fears and pain. And now KiriMina’s situation paralleling BkDk's own dynamic and scenes together, seems to have been written in almost as if to get people wondering what the true nature of BkDk's relationship might be, even though they aren’t featured in the chapter.
I think Hori wants people to come to the conclusion that the words and thoughts Kirishima and Mina are expressing, are yet another layer that serves to fill in the blanks of how Izuku and Katsuki feel about each other. Whether or not these affirmations are to be taken romantically, or are words that will be said between them is up to Kohei's discretion. However, by bringing BkDk's relationship to the forefront of a lot of reader's minds, Hori is taking a well-planned step towards his goal of making their deep bond and connection of love a central focus of the story later this year.
Next up - Kamijirou! Back to Gentle/La Brava Back to Part One
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||Demon check-up part 8||
Hi everyone, Peahen mom here with another drabble to the Demon check-up mini series. If you wish to read the following chapters, they are below this:
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
Part seven
((Your reading part eight right now))
||Drabble Summary||
The game was over after all that, seeing all fractions have been caught and treated by Dr. Akiko. They were healed up and fully well or mentally scared. So, all was well..or was it? If you wanna know why, read to find out.
~This is half funny/scary type of drabble
~crying/freaking out is present in drabble
~scared demons are present in this with a crazy happy doctor
~quick death and revival will happen during this drabble
((Guests in this drabble))
Yuuka Nakano, Ashley Butterfly, Rex oxford mills, Willow, and Jinx along with their fractions belong to me.
Van ink, Kali, Joshua, Fin, Ethan, Guam along with their fractions are in this. They belong to @demon-blood-youths
((Just a heads up: Grammar is not good and their will be heavy mistakes but this was written for fun so please enjoy. ))
After a few more hours, the check up for this year is finally done. Akiko was happily smiling at everyone who was sitting down looking too scared to speak. Even the remaining members of the DBT who got treated for it. They didn't say anything now scared once more.
"See? That wasn't so bad right? You guys are doing well and is treated from any wounds." she smiled sweetly to them but they only mutters not sure on how to answer that.
"Thank you Ophelia for helping me, same for the healers and the young ones." she smiled seeing Ophelia get head pets while giggling.
"Of course. I'm glad to hear that everyone is well. See guys? It was all over before you know it."
"Y..Yeah..t..that's n..nice.." Maggie grumbles while everyone was quiet. However, that's when Ophelia already unlocked the windows and doors so everyone can leave.
"Though, I hope we see you guys in the next check up." Akiko giggled sweetly to them but they only got more scared hoping to never see her in the next one.
"Yeah, thank you for everything Doctor!" Ink said happily.
"Yeah, thanks!" Jinx smiled.
"Y..Yeah, thank you.." Willow said.
"...R..right.." Ethan mutters.
"T..true. T..thank you." Fin said.
"Thanks.." Joshua said.
"T.t..t..thank....y..y..you.." Ashley whispered.
"Thanks doctor.." Rex said in a silent tone.
"Yeah..thanks.." Kali said.
"......thanks.." Yuu mutters looking down.
"Yeah, thank you....v..very much." Guam said.
"Your welcome sweeties! I Hope you enjoy your afternoons today!" she said as the fractions leave the building. In their minds though.
~~~~Outside of the Hospital~~~~~~
"Thank god we are out!" Fin said as everyone was sitting down but was trying to mentally relax from it. However, they only see some looking disturbed.
"Yeah, now we get why you guys were scared of her." Fin said rubbing his arms. "I hope we don't see her again for her treatment.."
"You and me both.." Guam said as everyone was trying to relax.
"Well, a...at least we are out and done.." Ashley said.
"True..but that reminds me.." Kali glares but grabs Navarro's jacket as he yelps to see some angry few. "As for you.."
"I know, I know! I'm sorry! I did say I would find a way to make it up to you guys for ditching you! I'm really sorry!" he said in a panic but he sees how angry some were due to it.
"You are so dead you know that right!? How could you!" she said as Navarro looks to the side.
"You can't blame me for that! I just panicked and...I don't know!" he said but Kali drops him as he slowly sits up to brush the dirt off his clothes.
"Whatever. You don't have to owe us back but that was a dick move of you." Rex said with arms crossed, seeing Navarro lower his head.
"I know..and I'll find a way to make it up to you guys.."
"Oh no, we know someone else will. You did ditch her and she's not happy.." Willow said but Navarro blinks before he remembers. "Oh shit.." He looks over seeing Jinx seeing her team alright but he sighed to stand up but goes to them as the cursed vixens saw him but Echo was looking ahead.
".....Umm...Echo?" she heard his voice but didn't face him. The fractions wonder what she'll say or do. "Look, I'm so sorry that I ditched you. I just...panicked and freaked out! I really didn't want to ditch you..I..." he saw her not saying anything.
"B..but I'm glad you got out and your fine! But I got the treatment too so we are-"
Suddenly, the fractions wince from a sound as the girls gasped and Shdwkyz had his eyes wincing from the punch seeing this. Navarro was holding his nose as Echo punched him in the face! She looks down but was silent.
"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!" she shouted glaring at him but she goes to grab his shirt to look at him. His green eyes met with angry red eyes from her normal green. Yeah, the elemental bomber was pissed.
"You got the treatment yeah but what the fuck?!?"
"If you just listen to me-"
"NO! YOU FUCKING DITCHED ME! YOU SERIOUSLY WERE FUCKING SCARED THAT YOU WOULD DITCH EVERYONE THAT ARE YOUR FRIENDS!? EVEN ME!!" she shouted shaking him while he winces feeling blood running down his nose.
"W..wait wait wait! I'm sorry I just-"
"OH sure you are! Your fucking sorry but you think getting treated by that..that witch helps!? Do you have any idea how painful it was when you ditched us!? and Me!! Me, of all people!!" she shouted but looks at him. "I should fucking bomb your ass to the moon and down into the ground you traitor!" She really was angry but Navarro grips her wrists to see her angry.
"THE FUCK WITH THAT!!" she shouted back.
"Guys, I think you both should calm down-"
"STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THIS, SHDKWYZ!" They shouted as he was shut down to be silent.
"You seriously need to work on that if your planning on ditching your friends and people you care about, Navarro! I can't believe you!" she said mad.
"Again, WHY!? Haven't you seen how things work in horror movies! Most that stay and help end up being killed! I was thinking smart and trying to make a plan-"
"Which still failed you dumb ass!" she growls but looks at him. "You still ditched everyone. You still left us to that witch! And now you expecting the ones you ditched to forgive you? Oh sure, I'm sure they did after calming down! Well not me! I can't forgive you for that!!!!" she said each word jabbing his chest but he looks quiet.
"I'm still angry with you!! You seriously don't care and yet you were ditching everyone like you were saving your own ass! I didn't know you would be that low to ditch everyone and ME! I wouldn't ditch you even if I was scared and you did with everyone and me!!!" she said as Navarro looks down but he closed his hand into a fist.
"You let fear get to you and you ended up doing this just like back then!? What the hell is wrong with you and thinking it's fine to ditch them. Do you not care!?"
"........." The girls were shocked hearing that but said nothing as Echo looks down to slowly calm down. However, he looks at her confused before her upper part of her face was hidden by her wild blond hair.
Navarro was panting from his anger but he looks confused seeing Echo say nothing. However, his own eyes widen thinking of what he said to cover his mouth. Shit. Shit shit shit!!
"...W..Wait, Echo, I didn't mean-"
"............Save it. I think you did." she said looking angry but Echo was...crying? Wait, she was crying!? Navarro was about to say something but Echo turns to walk off to be alone.
"Echo! Wait!" he said about to stop her but stops seeing something thrown at his feet to fall back. He sees her holding a energy bomb as she was looking ahead.
"JUST FUCK OFF ALREADY NAVARRO!" she said before rushing off.
"ECHO!! WAIT, COME BACK!" Jinx said as she and the cursed vixens goes to follow her worried. However, the other fractions were shocked at what Navarro just did. He didn't say anything but watches her leave. Though, he did see where she threw the bomb at that it almost hit him to look silent and down.
'Fucking damn it..what have I done?' he thought. The fractions said nothing but Ink had her arms crossed. Seems like the afternoon took a wrong turn here.
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thenamesseven · 4 years
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Warnings: Mentions of blood, murdering, death, swearing.
Word count: 5.4k
A/N: FINALLY! I’M SO SORRY FOR MAKING YOU GUYS WAIT SO LONG! As always homework held me back but I managed to finish the last chapter today, it probably has some mistakes, I’ll edit it tomorrow because I am too exhausted at the moment, sorry T.T Anyways! I just wanted to thank all the amazing people that followed the story since the beginning and those who had join along the way. I’m really grateful for all the support! Truly, thanks for everybody and I hope you enjoy the last chapter!
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You woke up abruptly when the sound of gun shots dragged you out of your sleep. 
Your eyes didn’t even open when your primal instincts pulled your body up so you could sit up on the bed, ears ringing and head pounding. The stress of the situation was triggering that sickening feeling where everything around you spun but you forced your eyes to close even tighter, taking some deep breaths to slow down your heart rate. Unfortunately, when your method to calm yourself down started working, another gunshot echoed through the halls, pulling you out of your bed.
You stumbled when your feet got tangled up in the bed sheets, almost falling down to the floor if it hadn’t been for the nearby table that allowed you to hold onto it in order to not facepalm the floor. Heart pounding against your chest, you groaned when the ringing in your ears got louder, throwing you down onto your knees in the middle of the bedroom.
What was going on? 
Your hands flew up to your head, pressing your ears as hard as you could to avoid hearing whatever was driving you nuts. You felt your temperature rising up, blood starting to boil. “No, no, no, no, not now…(Y/N)....Fuck” You told yourself, barely managing to stand up as you rushed into the bathroom, hands still over your ears.
Standing in front of the sink, you reached down with one of your hands and turned on the water, leaning down to splash some of it on your face and neck to get rid of the burning sensation you were feeling. After a few seconds, when it was slowly decreasing you raised your eyes to the mirror positioned in front of you, expecting to see your skin turning slightly sweaty and your cheeks rosy from the high temperature, exactly what you found when you were with Soonyoung in the bathroom.
Everything was the same except this time, one of your eyes had turned red.
Stumbling back you fell down onto your butt, managing to hit your head on the bathtub in the process, stealing a painful hiss from your lips. However, you were too scared, too freaked out about the image you saw of yourself to even be concerned about the pain you felt on the back of your head. You were so distracted that you didn’t even noticed how a small trail of blood was starting to make its way down your neck.
The only thing that took you out of your shocked trance was the sound of the door being opened with so much strength that, when it met the wall it was an absolute miracle that it didn’t make a hole there. Jun panting figure stood there, in the bathroom, his muscles visibly relaxing when he found you safe and sound on the floor. The scent of your blood reached his nostrils though and his dead heart did a somersault he didn’t even know it was capable to do anymore.
“(Y/N), what’s wrong? Did they hurt you?” He closed the door behind himself as he walked inside, kneeling besides you. 
There was blood on his clothes, apparently not his since he didn’t seem to be hurt anywhere but the amount of red on his white shirt was truly concerning. Who did he mean by they though? Were some of the brothers out of control? Maybe Seungcheol commented your wish to exit the mansion whenever you had recovered and some of them hadn’t taken it as well as he did. You hadn’t expected it to be that easy but you weren’t expecting them to react this way either.
“My eye” You told him, staring into his eyes waiting to see some kind of shocked or surprised reaction in his, why wasn’t he surprised? “J-Jun my eye is red” 
With both of his hands on your cheeks, he looked into your eyes and a small frown appear on his forehead “This is not a moment to joke (Y/N)” He said, looking at you all serious and cold as if he seriously thought you would start pulling his leg in this kind of situation “Your eyes are like always”                                                                                                           
“But I-” 
“(Y/N) listen to me” He cut you off, not even giving you a couple of seconds so you could just explain to him what had happened. You opened your mouth to cut him off but he shook his head and started talking again, words hurried and breathless, it felt as if the two of you were running out of time “There are hunters in the house and they are well prepared to hunt us down” He explained, voice somber and tone wavery. He was obviously scared, who wouldn’t be in this kind of situation? No matter how inmortal they were, these people were here to kill them once and for all or for turning them into living experiments once again “I don’t know if we’ll win this time but you need to hide okay? Find a place in the mansion and hide”
“What? Jun what-”
“Here” He took one of your hands and placed a pocket knife in it, he knew it wasn’t the most ideal weapon in the moment, that it would be more useful to have some kind of gun with you but it was better to have that small knife than only your small, weak human hands to defend yourself “Use it if you have to, they are mean people and they won’t hesitate to put a bullet through your skull if they find you” He pulled you into his arms before you could react, resting his head against yours “Be careful out there, do not get out of wherever you’re going to hide until one of us tells you to or until you’re totally sure these guys are not around anymore, okay?” He pulled you back to look into his eyes and when you saw the concern and sadness reflected on them you could only nod quietly “Promise me (Y/N)”
“I promise I’ll be careful Jun, don’t worry” You replied, feeling anxious about how worried he seemed to be.
“I know this is not the best moment but I am so sorry for what I did to you, I hope one of these day you can forgive me” He told you, so serious that you couldn’t help but believe him “God knows I’ll try my hardest to make it up to you if we get out of this-” Jun suddenly stopped talking, the grip he hand on your shoulders got much tighter, making you wince in pain.
“Jun you’re hurting me” You told him, attempting to move away from him
“Hide under the bed” He instructed you, pulling you up and pushing you out of the bathroom “Don’t you dare make a noise, get out of there and this room as soon as they enter the bathroom, okay?” Jun was already pushing you down besides the bed, not leaving you with any other option.
“What about you?” You asked worried, concerned for him if the situation was as bad as he had described it.
“Don’t worry about me, you run out of here when you see your chance” Jun barely had time to place the bed sheets back down, cover your hidden body and walk a few steps away from the bed when someone shot at Sooyoung's bedroom door. You reached up, covering your mouth to not let any yelps out as you felt your heartbeat speeding up. “It’s okay (Y/N), I’m fine” Jun whispered, hearing how your heart was pounding against your chest “They’re coming, stay quiet no matter what, okay?”
Afraid to make a noise and already screw everything up, you only nodded, hearing his steps getting away from the bed and probably walking into the bathroom where he said he would lock himself in with whoever was coming his way. The same door that had been slightly broken by the bullets, was kicked down seconds later, making you close your eyes scared. 
From your place you couldn’t see much, just a couple of boots that judging by their size belonged to a man, he walked into the room slowly, taking in his surroundings as he searched for clues of possible vampires hidden by the furniture. You heard him turn around multiple times, he even poked one of his foot under the bed to see if he got some kind of reaction out of that. Luckily for you, no sounds were made and his foot didn’t touch you, it would have been pretty unfortunate if he had found out you were there.
Out of nowhere, a gun shot was heard again, making your ears ring thanks to it being much closer than the few other times you’ve heard the sound.
“You missed” Jun’s voice broke the silence, you could hear the fake cockiness and confidence in his tone before the man’s slow steps started speeding up as he was guided into the bathroom.
When the door closed loud enough for you to hear, you forced yourself to move, ignoring the screams of pain and the sounds of a physical fight getting out of the small bathroom, you were out of the bed in seconds and without looking behind, you sprinted out of the room.
Your body was acting on pure survival instincts, adrenaline running through your veins. You could feel your blood flowing through your veins rapidly, your heart beating as fast as it could and your body ready to move as soon as your brain started sending orders. On the left end of the hall, you could see Wonwoo and Hansol were busy fighting with somebody, the corpse of possibly one of the hunters made Wonwoo stumble back, losing his balance and falling down onto the floor. Your eyes met in that instant and he shook his head at you, silently telling you to not even think about helping them and run away. Right about when the hunter was aiming his gun at Wonwoo, Hansol broke his neck from behind, freeing his brother from his possible demise.
The image should have been terrifying, the view of that man’s body falling down onto the floor as if it was a rag doll should have had you crying in horror but you only sighed with relief when Wonwoo was safe and sound.
“Run, hide somewhere” Hansol told you from his place, waving his hand at you, indicating you should get out of there because there were probably more hunters coming their way. If the people invading the house knew who the really were, the Originals, they probably came more prepared than when they were after ordinary vampires.
Nodding at his words, you took off, running on their opposite direction and heading down the righ hall. You’ve never explored this part of the house, you could barely remember in which room’s you’ve been and in which you haven’t so you could only trust on your luck to not run in the wrong direction and end up getting as many bullets as those men were carrying in their guns. 
This part of the house was silent, which you didn’t know if it was a good sign or a really bad one. Silence could mean the enemies hadn’t reached this part of the house yet but it could also mean they had and ended the lives of whoever were supposed to defend this area. Keeping the pocket knife Jun gave you hidden in your sleeve, you slowed down your steps, hearing as attentive as you could and making as less noise as possible. Somebody could be hidden in this rooms and you weren’t going to take the risk of alarming them of your presence.
Scanning your surroundings, you decided the second room on the left for any possible hiding spots when the ringing sound that bothered you so much returned. Your hands instantly flew up to your ears, covering them as you kneeled down on the floor, again, whatever it was, started making your body burn and the place spin. 
“Ngh…” You groaned, vision blurred, barely noticing the pocket knife had fallen out of your sleeve and was now a few meters away from you “Make it stop” You muttered on the edge of crying, hands pressing harder and harder against your ears but not helping too much.
“(Y/N), WATCH OUT!” Jihoon’s voice roared, louder than the sound that made you so weak, making you look up from the floor.
You barely had time to move to the side before one of the hunters could cut your head off with the axe when was carrying in his hand, it had been so close that when the weapon went down on the floor it took some of your sleeve with you, barely scratching your arm. Your eyes opened wide with fear and you started to stand up, only to lose your balance once again thanks to the sound that was coming from him, from some kind of device he was carrying on his belt. It looked like a speaker, a small one that had a lot of volume.
“Oh, so you have little friends hiding in here too?” The man asked mockingly, looking at Jihoon as he glanced down at you “Such a shame, you would definitely be my type if you weren’t a monster”
A monster?
You didn’t know what to reply, just barely managing to move while that dreadful sound kept playing. You saw how he raised his foot, probably to stomp down on you so he would be able to kill you with his axe without failing once again but Jihoon tackled him down from behind, crashing the device on the process and freeing you from the pain that numbed your head.
“Run! Hide!” He shouted without even looking at you “Get out of here”
You weren’t going to disobey him. Getting up on your feet once again, you glanced back one more time just to see Jihoon reaching out to steal the axe from the hunter’s hands successfully, the stranger would soon be dead and you didn’t want to specific the graphic scene that was about to happen. 
Hearing some more footsteps coming from the direction you were running to, you started panicking and entered the first room that you saw besides you without even thinking about the possibility of somebody hiding in there, waiting to attack. Luckily, when you closed the door behind you, only silence and loneliness met you.
The sound of more gunshots, something you were already used to didn’t even surprised you, however, the noise of some stuff falling on the ground that came from the bathroom made you flinch in surprised. Your breath stuttered as you listened carefully, no voice or breathing being detectable, there was only a small shadow moving as some of the stuff that had probably been in a cabinet rolled around on the floor and out of the bathroom.
With slow and quiet steps, you approached the sound, patting your sleeve only to realize you had left the pocket knife behind. Walking all the way back wasn’t even an option anymore since you didn’t know who had chosen the same room as you to hide. You looked around, there wasn’t anything that could harm somebody, nothing you could use to defend yourself so you silently prayed your fists would be enough. 
Ready to fight, you walked into the bathroom, eyes dropping to the floor to find a bloody Soonyoung. You gasped surprised as you rushed to his side, kneeling down on the pool of dark blood that had started to form around him. 
He was barely conscious, wasting some strength to force up a smile when his tired eyes landed on you. There was a wound on his side, tainting his shirt in a wine color as he laid there on the ground. His forehead was sweaty and his skin even more pale than usual, almost turning into this sick color that people had when their bodies were almost out of blood. 
“S-Soonyoung, what happened? I-I...What do I do?” You carefully placed his head on your knees so he could be more confident, the quiet groan that came out of him when you moved his sore body didn't go unnoticed.
“I was in the garden with Chan and Minghao when those fuckers came out of nowhere, we tried to fight but one of them got me pretty bad” He whispered, voice hoarse as you brushed some strands of his hair away from his sweaty forehead “Joshua guided me in here and took the bullet out but we heard some commotion outside and he went to help Jun with those hunters, he didn’t came back” His voice was full of worried for his brothers but there was nothing in could do in this state.
“Should I sew the wound closed?” You asked looking down at him, he just smiled shaking his head “Then what? What can I do?”
“The bullet was poisoned so the wound will take longer to close by itself” Soonyoung’s muttered, groaning again as he closed his eyes in pain “It should have been closed by now but the fact that I’m exhausted is probably not helping” 
Looking down at him you pulled your sleeve up, quickly placing your wrist above his lips “Drink some, you need it, this will give you some energy for sure” You said, not even caring about the poison his fangs would give you or your own health. Seeing Soonyoung so weak made you feel anxiety, his well-being was your first priority at the moment.
“No, it will make you feel worse” He rejected it, turning his face away even though his eyes were already turning red now that he had opened them.
“Soonyoung I swear to God if you don’t bite me, I’ll cut myself so I can force you to drink it” You said frustrated, panicked and he must have heard that because he finally looked up at you with his hungry eyes.
“Are you sure?” He asked hesitant, his tongue coming out to lick his lips hungrily.
“Bite already” You urged him.
Nodding, Soonyoung grabbed your wrist gently with his weak and cold hand, guiding it to his opened mouth. You looked away in respect, not knowing if you watching how he fed from you would make him feel uncomfortable or something. This time Soonyoung wasn’t as gentle as he was when he had bit you for the first time but you understood since he was kind of dying at the moment, you winced at the feeling of his fangs piercing your skin but you managed to relaxed as soon as the pain was replaced by the small pull of his lips sucking out blood from you.
You leaned back against the cold wall, still running your fingers through his hair as he kept feeding in order to recover. Seconds turned into minutes, you almost lost track of time when the door of the room opened once again. Soonyoung quickly stood up, taking his fangs out of your wrist too fast and hurting you a little, you hissed in pain but he ignored it, standing up with his hand clutching his still bloody side in order to protect you from whoever had walked inside.
“It’s me” 
Seungcheol entered the bathroom with his hands up in surrender, making Soonyoung sigh frustrated as he sat back down besides you “Damn it Seungcheol, I almost had a heart attack, I thought they were here to end us both” He whispered, glancing down at your wrist as you still gripped it in pain “Did I hurt you too much?” Soonyoung asked
“It’s okay” You replied, shaking your head “Do you feel better?” 
“Fucking awesome” He said smirking, acting as if it was all good again but you could still see the tiredness in his body language. He didn’t look close to dead anymore but he still seemed to be hurt. “Thanks”
“You gave him blood?” Seungcheol asked looking down at you surprised, worried even “But-”
“He needed it more than I did, it’s fine” You told him with a small smile on your lips, you know Seungcheol was truly worried about your health and the fact that you had been bitten after he promised you, you wouldn’t be anymore was probably bothering him a bit more than usual “He was dying”
The door was kicked opened once again and the atmosphere became tense in the room, heavy footsteps approached the bathroom as Soonyoung gently pushed you behind him and Seungcheol surprising you. The fact that he was putting his life in danger to keep yours safe, showed you that, despite their past behaviour, the guys might have not been lying when they said they cared about you. Soonyoung didn’t know you too much after all and he was willing to die in order to protect yours.
Mingyu’s quiet whisper made everyone relax in the room, the three of you had been prepared to fight with all your might if the person entering your little hiding spot resulted to be a hunter but as soon as the familiar voice echoed in the silence of the room, all of the tension went away.
When he walked into the bathroom his eyes first found Soonyoung’s bloody clothes which truly stood out in the white room but when he saw he was standing and that pain was slowly leaving his features he allowed his eyes drift in the direction of his other brother. Seungcheol was totally fine, he wasn’t here when you found Soonyoung and he hadn’t seemed to be wounded or harmed when he hid with you, Mingyu’s eyes found you and a small gasp escaped him when he saw the blood in your clothes.
“I’m alright….This is Soonyoung’s” You said when he started walking closer to you, his hands found their way to your hips as his eyes inspected you quietly, almost as if he wanted to make sure you weren’t hiding any wounds from their eyes. “You sure? They didn’t hurt you, right?” He asked breathless, cupping your cheeks so you could look up into his eyes.
Mingyu wasn’t shy when giving love and affection, you had witness that in your little sexcapade in the kitchen when Wonwoo decided it would be fan to watch, but you still were far from used to it and the fact that he was looking at you so passionately in front of two of his brothers got your cheeks turning red in seconds.
“You’re so pretty, God I’m so glad you’re fine” He whispered pulling you into his arms. You thought you were crazy for admitting it but you felt safe in Mingyu’s big and strong arms, the same arms that had once betrayed you but were now protecting you from whoever attempted to steal your life. “The Hunters were coming this way you need to get out of here” 
“But what about you guys?” You asked, Seungcheol and him were probably just tired but Soonyoung was not in shape to fight, not when he had just recovered for such a near death experience “What about Soonyoung?” 
The door was pushed opened once again, hitting so hard the wall that you thought a hole would have been made on it. You didn’t even had time to react when Mingyu pushed you into the bathtub with his brother Soonyoung, covering you with the white curtains to hide your bodies from their murderous eyes. 
Soonyoung pulled you down onto the floor when the shotgun was shot, covering your mouth fast so your yelp wouldn’t be heard. He wrapped his arms around your body as soon as he felt you were shaking in fear, placing his fingers under your chin, Soonyoung forced you to look at him, mouthing you the words ‘It’s fine, you’re safe with me’. You attempted to nod, to somehow tell him you believed those words but your quivering lower lip and the tears pooling in your eyes was giving away the amount of fear troubling your mind. 
He reached up, using his hands to cover your ears, Soonyoung knew the sounds of his brothers stealing some humans lives would haunt you forever, he didn’t want you to go through that torment, through the memory of witnessing such a traumatic experience. He closed his eyes too, resting his forehead against yours, praying to whoever God was up there, the one that had guided you back to them, that he wouldn’t let these hunters steal you away from his family one more time.
They wouldn’t be able to take it, pain would consume them.
The curtains were pulled opened and instead of finding Seungcheol or Mingyu there somebody was aiming at the both of you with a knife. Soonyoung immediately put himself between you and the weapon, managing to stand up to cover your body from the hunter’s view.
“Get back down, you disgusting piece of shit” Soonyoung wasn’t strong enough and the hunter easily pushed him back down on the bathtub where he landed right besides you. “Come here beautiful, get out of there before he kills you”
Looking into his eyes you nodded quietly, standing out, ignoring the way Soonyoung’s hand gripped your sleeve to stop you from moving. You gently moved his hand away though, focusing your entire attention on the man still holding a knife, aiming it where your heart was.
“Good girl” Knowing it would set the vampire in the bathtub off, the man pushed you flushed against his body, burying his face in your neck “Now I know why you keep such a pretty little thing in here for enterta-UGH!”
Without thinking too much about it, you kicked his crotch making him drop the knife almost immediately. You heard it clinck against the tiles on the floor and rushed to grabbed it but the hunter had reluctantly moved one of his hands away from his crotch you wrap it around your leg, pulling it and making you fall face first onto the floor.
“Fucking bitch” 
He growled pulling you closer to him but you kicked his face so hard that you swore you had felt the way his nose broke against your shoe. You couldn’t help but wince a little, truly disliking the things you were doing but knowing that if you didn’t fight, Soonyoung and you wouldn’t make it out of this room alive. You crawled as fast as you could, reaching out to grab the knife when a loud thud filled your ears.
You knew the hunter was dead even before turning around since it had been the same sound that you heard when Hansol had broken the neck of another person. But again, you didn’t found fear or disgust in your chest, the only thing you could feel was relief now that Soonyoung and you were totally out of danger.
When you turned around, making sure to keep your eyes away from the corpse on the floor Joshua was standing there, eyes scanning you worriedly as Seungkwan was helping Soonyoung to get out of the bathtub. You opened your lips to say something but Joshua was quick to reach down and gently pull you up from the floor, guiding you out of the bathroom and away from the corpse.
“Get out of here, more of them are coming this way” He whispered, hands pushing you out of the room.
“What about Soonyoung?” You asked, still worried about him.
“We’ll take care of him, get out of here and hide, we’ll deal with the hunters, now go”
Running once again, you found yourself getting into unknown territory, you didn’t recognize where you were at this point and there was no objects around you could use as weapons if you were attacked again so you ended up doing the only thing you could do at this point.
Keep moving until you got somewhere familiar.
At some point you heard people struggling, fighting for the lifes, you recognized the voices that belonged to Minghao and Seokmin undoubtedly but the sound of bones breaking and corpses falling to the ground told you they weren’t in need of help.
Your steps stuttered when you reached what seemed to be the main doors. They were opened wide, probably from when the hunters had barged into the mansion surprising everybody. Your heart was racing, pounding against your ribcage as you looked at the street.
The exit was there, it had been there all this time.
You just had to run out of that door and go back to your normal life, you would escape from those hunters and from the vampires that wanted you to stay with them forever. You could go back to your apartment, to the stressing city you lived in and enjoy boring job hunting, you could even consider buying a pet so you wouldn’t feel so lonely.
The solution to your problem was right in front of you.
Yet when you heard Jeonghan scream, you turned away from it.
All you saw was his body covering Chan’s injured one, they’ve been completely beaten up and were even struggling to keep their eyes opened. Jeonghan was taking all the punches but he stood still in front of his younger brother so they wouldn’t harm him anymore. 
“Disgusting, fucking monsters, die already” He kicked Jeonghan in the stomach, making him fall down onto the floor and leave Chan absolutely uncovered.
When the hunter took his gun out, your feet had started moving on their own and when your eyes met Chan’s pleading ones, you started running towards them. He didn’t want you to get closer, in fact, if he could have talked in that moment, Chan would have told you to run away from the mansion, to go back to your life in the city where you wouldn’t be in danger but the poison of the dagger that was in his side was keeping him quiet, too weak to even move his mouth.
Your fate was sealed, you weren’t letting him take Chan down.
Not him.
Not Jeonghan.
Not any of the brothers.
The next few seconds played in slow motion making them last an eternity.
“(Y/N) NO!” 
Too late. 
You jumped in front of him right after the man, the stranger that was threatening to steal the life of somebody you appreciated, pulled the trigger. His aiming was perfect and the piece of metal, mixed with whatever poison they had used in them to damage the guys more, pierced through your chest, straight to your heart.
Everything turned black. 
You were back in the darkness that had sheltered you most of these days.
As soon as you were harmed their pain was forgotten. Jeonghan stood up and broke the hunter’s neck in seconds while Chan, with the little strength he had left pulled you closer to his body.
“No, no, no, no” The young male started crying, hands cradling your pale face as he saw your blood flowing out through the hole on your shirt, tainting your shirt. He didn’t even felt hungry nor the curse appeared as he mourned your lost “Please, no, don’t take her away from me again...No….¡NO!”
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Hours later, everyone was gathered in the dining room, the thirteen brothers surrounding the table you had been laying on for too much time. You should have turned already but your body was not giving any signs of the changes it should be going through.
Chan kept himself sitting besides you,your hand clutched in his as he kept whispering sweet things to you, cheering you to wake up, encouraging you to open your eyes but none of that was happening and his patient words soon turned to sad begs, sobs escaping his chest as he refused to let you go. Not again, he was not losing the love of his life again.
“Chan maybe we should-”
“SHUT UP” He roared standing up, not letting nobody touch you “She will make it, she will make it”
Just then, your eyes fluttered opened.
Right when everybody thought you wouldn’t make it, you arose from the death like a fallen angel.
Their fallen angel.
Their creation since everybody’s poison had contributed on the change.
The curse was no longer there since the old you had died to resurface in a beautiful immortal being, someone closed to perfection.
Your red eyes scanned the room confused, not understanding the tears that fell down from their eyes until Seungcheol spoke.
“Welcome (Y/N)” He said with a sweet smile, tears of happiness rolling down his cheeks “Welcome to our family baby”
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fyregrayfong · 4 years
Hesitate 2|15
Chapter 2
Your first day at the force, but before you're allowed to go out onto the field you have to give an assessment and you have to perform with the Chief.
Hey guys, so here is the next chapter. If you guys have any ideas on how I can better improve. Feel free to let me know! I am glad by the comments and hope to keep it up! Like I've said before I am no means a writer. I even failed a creative writing course (T.T). anyways, hope you enjoy this second chapter!
You looked at yourself in the mirror wearing the official Republic City Metal bending uniform and couldn’t believe it. The feeling of the cool metal against your skin and how tight and secure it feels. You couldn’t help but slightly take in a bit of the pants to make it tighter and not as baggy looking, give it a slight skinny jean look without making it drastic. The uniform isn’t all that bad, the only thing you would change would be the little skirt thing that comes from the bottom of the uniform, but other than that it seemed pretty nice. You grabbed your helmet and backpack and head out of your apartment and mount on your motorcycle and drive to the station. You find a parking spot for your cycle and take your helmet off walking into the station and quickly put your helmet, gloves, and backpack into your issued locker. You jog up the stairs fixing your hair running a hand thru it as you get to the upper floor and knock on the Chief’s door. “Yes?”
You walk in and give your best morning face and smile warmly “Morning Chief, reporting for assessment.”
Chief looks up at you with her glasses and gives a low scoff “well seems like someone had their coffee this morning.”
“oh sorry chief, did you want a coffee?” you look back at the desks of officers before looking back at the Chief.
“I believe I hired you as officer not as a secretary or assistant, rookie” Chief took her glasses off and stood up walking around her desk motioning with her index finger to follow her “Let’s go” she commanded as she made way out her office. You were quick to not say anything and followed her down the stairs as you two made way to one of the training grounds. You couldn’t help but glance at the Chief while she walked, tall and straight and with purpose. Not giving anyone a chance to look at her other than high regard. Not like anyone would dare to unless they were ready to get their ass handed by the Chief Lin Beifong. Both of you walk in into the training room and you stand in the middle of the training ground and take in the room before Lin stands in front of you. “So it’s safe to assume that your time in Zaofu has you experienced in hand to hand combat and working in a metal suit before, yes?” she said with her arms behind her back in an attention position.
“That would be right, Chief” you responded back
“well good, no need to see how you handle yourself in the suit, let’s assess your close range fight” Lin turned on her heels and walked to the other side of the field and metal bended her armor off revealing her white tank top and slightly whips her hair side to side to fix it back in its perfect place before looking at you. “well, take your armor off (y/n), we don’t have time to waste” she muttered, and you quickly walk to the sideline and metal bended your armor off and reveal your black tank and a large burn scar across your left bicep. You notice how the Chief’s eyes glance over to your scar before she looks away and coughs to start the lesson. You both walk on either side of the field and start your initial fighting stance, putting your arms up close to your hands and look at the Chief’s eyes.
“Give me all you got, kid” she said as she stood relaxed
Is she not going to get into stance? I begin to think, maybe this is her way to analyze how I fight? Well no need to stand around. You bend three pieces of earth up from the ground and do a flying kick at the outer two rocks before punching the center towards the chief and going into a full on sprint at her and jump up right before the rocks hit her to give her a surprise attack from above and ended up punching the ground. You look up at notice that she has figured your movements and dodged the attack. You quickly get up and start throwing punching at her while she throws back every punch back with just as much force. She sends you a surprise attack by sending a large piece of rock from your blind spot, and you’re sent to the side of the grounds hitting the wall then fall down to the ground rolling onto your side then lay face down. You push yourself up and take a couple of deep breaths and can’t help but give Lin a smirk. It’s not every day you get to spar with a Beifong especially, the esteemed Chief of Police. You bend a mixture of earth and metal discs and start sending them at every possible direction towards the Chief. Right when she seems to divert each disc you sneak her with some earth that knocks her down. You walk over and stood over her offering your hand as you’re both breathing deeply. She looks up at you and does a round kick from the ground and kicks you off your feet while she spins and pushes herself off and stands. You hit the ground falling on your back and looks surprisingly up at her.
“never underestimate your opponent. I may be old but I’m not frail” She breathed out and offered her hand at you and you take her hand as she pulls you up.
“believe me, I never underestimate you chief, and you’re definitely not old.” You breathed out as you both walked to a water station and take a drink.
The chief can’t help but roll her eyes at your comment, but you can’t mistake the slight smile creeping on her lips before she corrects herself and started her feedback “you move as if you were in a pro-bending match. Your fighting style has adapted to a suited fast-paced. The way you have learned to keep mobile and only keep yourself root long enough to actually launch and direct the earth discs.” She remarked as she analyzed the whole assessment. You feel sort of satisfied with your performance but knew you could have done better.
“…but….you fight on the offense. Earthbending maintains a distinct balance between offensive and defensive capabilities. Earthbending uses a balance of strength and defense to overwhelm your opponents.” Lin remained cool and collected while you took the assessment in.
“I’ll improve Chief. I hope I can impress you during my time in the force. I’ll train non-stop” you look at her and can’t help but take in the image of you and Lin in close proximities and her in a white tank top admiring her physique.
“Don’t improve for me. Better yourself, kid” she took a swig of water and started walking grabbing her armor.
You followed her pace and grabbed your piece of armor as you turn to face her.
“uhh…you did good kid. Hit the showers” she muttered
You clicked your heels and gave her a salute before you turn and walk out heading to the showers. You hit yourself in the forehead ‘wtf was that, a click of the heels and a dumb salute, what are you an idiot?!’ you screamed in your head as you walked down the hall
You grab your bag from the locker and put the armor inside and head to a stall. You start to strip off your clothes and have them folded over on the bench. You step in the shower wall and turn on the water and feel the cool water hit your skin and slowly feel the water warm against your skin. You can’t help but let a sigh escape your lips as you plant your hands on the wall and relax under the warm water. You start to wash your hair and body when you hear another stall’s shower head turns on. Your ears perk up at the sudden movement and wonder who else is with you. You quickly rinse your hair off and peak thru the curtain to find the chief herself across the shower hall. You figured she would have her own shower being chief and all but didn’t want to question it anymore. From the space in the curtain you can’t help but see the curves on Lin’s body, seeing the water fall on her skin. Yet, again the body that this woman has is incredible no way this woman is 50! You can’t help but bite your lower lip, you slightly slip on some soap but try not to get caught that you try to keep quiet and finish showering, you dry yourself and wrap a towel around your body and head to the bench to put on your undergarments and wrap up your breasts. You pull up your pants and get a clean black tank from your bag when you hear the shower head turn off from Lin’s direction and you try your best not to look at her direction. You forget the fact that your back is exposed, and the other burn mark is showing, and you quickly pull your tank on, you stand up and tuck it into your pants turning over and look up at see Lin. The white towel hugging onto her bare body, seeing her hip to waist ratio and your eyes just glance down at that natural curve. Look away before you start looking like a creep, idiot. You tell yourself as you look away and sit backdown and metal bend your shoes back on.
“Chief” you spoke cutting the silence
‘y/n” she spoke back as she dressed from her side of the room.
You turn around and give her the privacy to change while you absentmindedly put your arms behind your back in an attention stance. “Sorry, Chief. I was just wondering what my assignment would be.” You spoke out
“You’ll be shadowing officer Song, get a feel out in the field. You’re only shadowing you hear me. If I hear that you’re performing arrests or acting out of line. Consider your career over before it starts.”
You gulp and give her a short nod “understood, Chief”
“well get on to it”
You grab your stuff and quickly head back to the lockers and put up your stuff and metal bend your amor back on before reporting yourself to officer Song as they pack up a squad car. Getting in the back of the car looking at him in the passenger seat as you start driving through Republic City.
“So you’re the new cadet. Well let’s get going we got a report of some girl and large polar bear dog wreaking havoc in the city”
Always something new in Republic City.
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zpetra · 6 years
GP Helsinki Journal - Day 4 & 5
So, I am finally getting to this as well, it has been a while now but sorting through my pictures took me longer than I wanted and life didn’t exactly stop after Helsinki XD Please excuse.
After an incredible and tiring Saturday, I woke up after a few hours of sleep. While I had a generous window between arrival at stay and leaving the next day the excitement didn’t let me sleep. I woke up at 7 a.m, got ready, grabbed some left over sandwiches for breakfast and left to the arena shortly after 8 a.m. Since the first men’s group took the ice at 9 a.m and Keiji was in the group I had to make sure I was there on time. Luckily the line (at least when I joined) in front of the Ice Hall was fairly okay. Grabbed some water once inside and took my seat, greeting all the Japanese ladies once they arrived.
DAY 4 - Sunday
Group 1 practice - Keiji Tanaka
While I am sad he was not in the top to be in Group 2, I was also happy because now I could concentrate on him, without any further distractions (Mr. Hanyu).
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I really like this costume on Keiji, he looked like a fairy-tale prince and while his practice did look wobbly here and there, especially his 3A, I was worried for him but I was rooting for him because he is a good skater and deserves good scores. I filmed his run-through and took more photos of him, he is really handsome, I have to say, also the ladies next to me said the same. So there is that. XD
Group 2 - when the TCC family walks in
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Nothing can describe the sound of shutters of cameras going off when Yuzuru walks in but today he did walk in with Jun and boy.... I had an existential crisis who to film or take pictures from. I DIDN’T SIGN UP FOR THIS AMOUNT OF STRESS OKAY? I was so happy when I had both of them in frame XD
It was also incredible to watch how they navigate with the coaches, rarely did you see them standing by the boards or simply replaced each other once the other left and Brian and Ghislain had their attention on the current skater, not loosing a beat. Also I saw so much respect from Jun and Yuzu towards each other, making sure both get time to consult with their coaches, give them room on the ice. It reminded me of how Javi and Yuzu used to navigate around in the past. I had feels!!
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At one point during the practice Jun choked on his water or spilled it and it ran down his chin, resulting in a giggle fest in our block, while my picture is blurry I can’t forget how embarrassed he looked and quickly made a run for it, I caught a glimpse of Brian holding back his own laughter. Jun is adorable, officially obsessed with him. Not like I wasn’t slightly biased towards him before but now, I am sold. SUPPORT THE BABE HE IS GOOD AND ADORABLE TOO!
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I have to admit me filming Jun run-through was a disaster... I tried to film but also watch Yuzu and I may have lost Jun a few times, I don’t dare to re-watch the footage because WOW, I failed XD but I got a few nice shots of his jumps and I was overall happy with it, he looked good with a few mistakes and some butt-slides. I have pictures of some ice flakes on his booty, which he is trying to brush off. I APOLOGIZE. 
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And than there is Yuzuru Hanyu. Just like the other days I was impressed, amazed and kept swooning. My view still couldn’t be quite beaten and god... I could write an essay of everything, it was overwhelming.
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THE WAIST - that’s the comment, that is all I will say. It is ridiculous and every guy who sees it has to admit he looked good.
Filmed his free run-through again and it is scary how nearly identical it is to his actual program.
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Watching Yuzu do his cool-down exercise is mesmerizing. Wow. I swear there is so much to see when he is on ice, he is so expressive both when he is disappointed with a jump, the ice conditions, really everything.
Men’s Free Skate Competition
Group 1
Oh boy, it was kind of heart-breaking as the guys were falling apart. Keiji fought hard but unfortunately... it didn’t look all too good for him to podium and my worry for Jun and Yuzu grew even more. Watching Keiji in the Kiss & Cry was so sad, I tried to be loud for him as much as possible because he FOUGHT. He did well!
Group 2
I never thought I would say this but it is INCREDIBLE AWKWARD TO WATCH HIS DEMONIC LIP SYNCING... Wow. I had second hand embarrassment but I am also a person who mouths along to music on public transportation so I could also relate. It was a weird feeling. Also Jun was so chill about it, he is probably over it, used to it. I was laughing so hard.
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Mr. Hanyu came for murder while Jun looked like an adorable puppy and I was dying on the inside and outside.
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BABY JUN DID SO WELL, HE DID SO WELL. I WAS SO PROUD OF HIM AND GIVEN HIS HIGHS SCORE I KNEW HE WOULD PODIUM; WHICH IN SO INCREDIBLE FOR SOMEONE WHO HAS BACK-TO-BACK GP ASSIGNMENTS ON DIFFERENT CONTINENTS!!! And it turned out he was having a cold and my respect and admiration flew out of the window! I regret not having had a plush for him, next time I will do better!
And soon it was going to be this guys turn... Origin hair *drools* I am sorry but living for it.
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ORIGIN COSTUME IS LIFE! I swear to God, the pictures do not do it justice, they don’t but I am happy I got a fairly good costume reveal camera roll for myself - I posted it here  - BLING CITY
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AND THAN MR. FUCKING HANYU SLAYED US ALL. I swear I was deaf for a moment, nor did I have voice afterwards. My fitness tracker yet again thought I was running, nope I was just that excited. I broke out in a sweat and was ready to take off my jacket because that Free was....
You do witness such incredible performances any day let alone in person. I was so damn happy I was close to tears. Followed by laughter because Yuzuru shook Pooh-san so hard in the K&C I thought he would lose his head. XD
I threw my pooh and managed to fling it into the general direction of the K&C and I hope I didn’t clonk the waiting coaches, have not seen footage so I guess I did alright? XD
I was ecstatic and so was everyone around me, the arena was shaking or at least it felt like so. Yuzuru Hanyu is incredible.
I felt a bid bad for Michal for skating after him because I felt the attention was not utterly on him but hey I was so happy I screamed for him like a madman, also he was AMAZING TOO. Group 2 slayed... aside from Boyang and Kolyada, those two had a bad day :(
THE VICTORY CEREMONY WAS SO CUTE! There is so much footage out there but it was adorable. Jun and Yuzu full on hug? Axel-ing onto the podium? Podium selfie? Michal switching to Japan because he had no flag but than got one from a fan and the crowd was so happy for him! GHISLAIN DROP THE SELFIE. The fact Jun kept his SCI flag? The way Yuzu happily shook his shoulders before his name was called. 
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My cheeks were hurting and just... I have to repeat but it was incredible. Truly.
I was high on adrenaline and the Gala was meant to follow. 
WTF WAS THAT GALA? I WAS DYING. IT WAS SO GOOD. The performances, naked Italians, Gaming performance feat the Russian male skaters? KEIJI!
FUCKING KEIJI TURNING UP THE CHARM AND MAKING EVERYONE SWOON. I am happy he did his smirk on the other side of the Kiss & Cry because I felt it from the distance and looking at the footage, HIS SMIRK AFTER!. He knew what he was doing that little shit. If I hear that song now all I see his Keiji charming everyone. Wow.
Helsinki gala was the best I have seen this season and I am not saying it because I was there! 
It all came down to Haru Yo Koi....
I am usually not an emotional person who cries but 3 tunes in and I couldn’t see shit. Even now as I am recalling, it is such an incredible program, the softness, the elegance the meaning behind it all, his soft smiles. I didn’t intend to film but ended up taking my phone out and while miss like 20 seconds from the beginning I think I did a pretty good recording of it, for myself to enjoy. I was fighting the tears and some did fall, me not being the only one. HYK is just...beauty. It’s pure beauty. 
And than during the Finale...>.> He does a LGC slide in the a fairy costume, runs his hand through his hair turning up the charm like Keiji did... wow, I felt attacked. XD I guess we also can’t have now a finale where this sunshine doesn’t get lifted. BUT HE WASN’T JUST LIFTED BY ONE BUT TWO IN A FREAKING MERMAID POSITION! OMG. HE WAS LIVING THE BEST TIME OF HIS LIFE AND I WAS LIVING FOR THAT! 
After the Gala I was hurrying away, somehow catching the first tram because it was late and I had to wake a few hours later to catch my plane back home. I ended up being so high on the excitement, I barely managed to catch like 2,5 hours of sleep. T.T It was worth it and I would do it again.
DAY 5 - Monday
Queue me dragging my ass out of bed after like 2,5 hours of sleep to finish packing, double checking I didn’t leave anything behind and leave to the train station. First train to the Airport leaving at 4:18am. I was so happy I ended up taking the day free because fuck I was done. Bought myself water and coffee , ignoring the horrendous price I had to pay for it... and off I went.
Security check-in was chill which I appreciated a lot, got a few souvenirs, had expensive breakfast and more coffee. Boarding started 10min before scheduled departure... guess which plane didn’t leave on time? ON ANOTHER NOTE: Nobuaki Tanaka the sport photographer who shoots at FAOI (is responsible for a gorgeous Yuzu x Javi picture) was on my plane! I tried not to stare too much LOL. Full plane, landing late somewhere in the middle of no-where. Rolling around for ages, followed by a long bus ride... train waiting time taking ages... It was like 11am I was home and I was dead. I wouldn’t have been able to go to work afterwards. 
Conclusion - Final thoughts:
I knew I will have an amazing time because I will see Yuzuru in person but I didn’t expect it all go down the way it did. Meeting so many lovely fans, the Japanese ladies giving International fans so many things, me too. Practicing my Japanese and happy it is actually any good. Watching Yuzu win his first GP assignment in a season, let alone 2 WR winning programs. Finding so many new amazing skaters I like now and want to support. It was truly amazing. Wort every single penny, lack of sleep, overflow of emotions. Best time.
Thank you to those who made it special, the members of our fangroup and people I have met in general. They all added to the experience. I know for sure that I will try to go to more events next season.
I guess all there is left to say... Until Europeans 2019 in Minsk. If anyone is going let me know! I am going to support Javi for his very last competition.
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silkhyung · 7 years
→ Pairing: Jungkook x Reader / Namjoon x Reader → Genre: fluff, smut, angst, humor → Words: 2,517 → Rated: NC-17 → Warnings: alcohol, language
→ Summary: A text message sent to the wrong number turns into a long lasting affair between two people completely opposite one another. 
→ Note: This is an old thing and actually the first thing I wrote after the accident, and I decided to post it again because I kind of hold it close to my heart ? It’s not all going to be texts between the characters, but quite a lot of backstory and stuff the more we get into it. It’ll be told from both Y/N’s POV and Jungkook’s. Please enjoy! :)
Parts: 01 : interim : 02 : 03 : coming soon
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The first time you receive one it’s in the middle of the night.
At first you simply stir in your sleep, turning around as if that will somehow stop the annoying buzzing resounding from under your pillow. When it doesn’t, you grab the cursed device and flip it over in your hands, wondering whom of your stupid friends decided to be an excruciating pain in the ass this late.
━ unknown 1:32am Heeeeeey what was the name of the beatle who walked first on the Abbey road cover? I’m trying to get into joys pants and she’s a huge beatles and pop quiz fan Help me out pls Hyung?
You squint at the screen.
The Beatles? Joy? Pop quiz? You are pretty sure you don’t know any people named Joy, and all your friends listen to crappy pop and crappy pop only, and the answer is John. Another thing you are most certain of is that you are not a hyung. But… wait…
… who?
Your text of the standard question “who’s this?” is interrupted by three familiar dots blinking, indicating this stranger on the other side of the screen is writing again. Sighing, you wait for their next text. Perhaps they had realized their mistake and would apologize and leave you alone now?
━ unknown 1:33am she’s abt to bail soon help me
Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes to see better, you quickly text them back.
━ 1:34am Hey I think you’ve got the wrong number But the answer is John Hope it all works out lol
It is silent for a few seconds, your messages staring back at you blankly while the other side seems completely dead. You wonder briefly if the stranger and the even more strange Joy had gotten frisky because of your help as you lock your phone with a relieved puff of breath, burying it under your pillow again.
The buzzing returns just as you settle back into a comfortable position, and even though you don’t want to - you need to sleep - curiosity makes you dig it out again to check what’s going on.
━ unknown 1:37am So not Taehyung?
A tired, lazy smile breaks free and you snort amusedly.
━ 1:38am Nope this is Y/N
━ unknown 1:38am Shit sorry But thanks for the answer
━ 1:39am Np
━ unknown 1:39am Lucky i accidentally texted another beatles fan lol I would’ve known 2 if i wasnt so drunk
You let out another snort.
━ 1:40am Sure dude
━ unknown 1:40am Yeah anyways thanks again
With that, you lock your screen and place it on your nightstand, smiling tiredly to yourself while shifting in bed, trying to get comfy again. Hopefully you won’t wake up with circles as black as your soul in a couple of hours.
The second time the unknown number pops up on your screen you’re in the library trying to work on your latest exam paper due this week. Not exactly something you want to do on a Tuesday night, but what does one not go through to keep the grades up?
Several heads belonging to those study nerds your friends sometimes make fun of but you actually identify with turn to stare at you accusingly and you sheepishly smile back at them, hiding your phone under the table to not disturb anyone else.
It’s been three days since the first text on Saturday and you curiously smile at the screen.
━ unknown 7:11pm Hey last cover song beatles did?
A breathy laugh escape you for some reason, and you quickly sink back in your seat, hiding your smile under the cover of your hand to not irritate any more study nerds than you already have.
You quickly shoot back a question of your own.
━ 7:12pm Is your hyung not available?
━ unknown 7:12pm I think he’s ignoring m
━ 7:13pm Lol poor u. I think it’s Maggie Mae but i’m not sure
The dots showing he was writing start moving, then still and begin moving again several times before your phone finally buzzes again.
━ unknown 7:15pm Wow i might actually score thanks to you Thanks beatles genius
Muffling your laugh with the sleeve of your shirt, you bite into your lip amusedly as you type a quick answer back.
━ 7:16pm Np beatles amateur
━ unknown 7:17pm lol
Even though some small part of you want to, you decide against responding to that. The beatles amateur whose name you still haven’t gotten is probably on a date with that Joy who enjoyed the Beatles pop quizzes so much, and you don’t want to intrude. Especially not since you’re just a stranger in his phone.
Despite this, your mind is very much focused on everything besides the computer screen before you, often lingering on a strange guy - guy since he has a hyung - who sucks at Beatles quizzes and apparently can’t get laid on his own.
Third time, it’s Friday and you’re on the bus on your way to meet up with a friend for a few drinks when your phone buzzes, interrupting the soothing tune of Coldplay’s greatest hit with an annoying pling.
You forcefully fish out your phone from the deep pocket of your coat and despite yourself, you smile at the screen when you see the unknown yet familiar number of your Beatles stranger shining on your screen.
━ unknown 5:45pm Hey another question. Do you by chance own an iPhone?
━ 5:46pm Why are you asking me out of all people? But yeah I do
The three dots start moving, then they stop just as quickly. You bite into your lip watching him start typing and stopping several times. You’re just about to lock your phone when he finally sends you the message he spent almost a minute working on.
━ unknown 5:47pm Idk
━ 5:48pm Really?
While he seemingly writes the longest reply in history, you’re at the street Jeongyeon told you to meet her at, so you hop off the bus. Scanning the crowd for your friend who’s nowhere to be seen, you decide to hang back outside the flower shop she mentioned, waiting for her while simultaneously waiting for a reply about the iPhone from the stranger in your phone.
━ unknown 5:51pm How do I download music?
You let out a loud laugh, your cheeks red from both embarrassment because of your obnoxious laughing as well as the biting cold. It reminds you of why you hate winter so much.
━ 5:52pm How can you NOT know that? What are you, 80 yrs old?
━ unknown 5:53pm Apparently lol pls help me out it’s embarrassing asking my friends
━ 5:53pm Buy from iTunes Or ask someone to help you download illegally i guess? Or u know,,, Spotify, Soundcloud, Naver?
━ unknown 5:54pm Spotify it is! Thanks!
Your thumbs linger over the keyboard, wondering if you would offend him somehow writing what you have in mind, but decide to just fuck it. It’s still just a stranger.
━ 5:55pm Np grandpa
His reply comes so quick it actually takes you off guard.
━ unknown 5:55pm HA HA I’m not that old
━ 5:56pm Whatever you say Grandpa
━ unknown 5:56pm T.T
You smile unnecessarily big, your thumbs hovering over your screen as you’re about to type out an answer when you hear your name being called by Jeongyeon. Looking up, you find her jogging towards you with her phone high in the air, waving the lit screen at you.
“Hey”, she breathes out, hunching over to catch her breath before straightening up. “Didn’t you get my texts?”
You flush, not because of the guilt over missing them but because of the fact you let this stranger take up so much of your attention you didn’t even realize you’d gotten text messages from your friend.
“Oh, sorry”, you say as the two of you begin walking side by side to the apparently amazing bar she’d wanted to go to since she first heard about it a month ago. The only reason you were here with her was because it could be something nice to add to your column. “Mind was preoccupied.”
“Don’t worry about it.” She waves her hand dismissively while checking the directions on her phone. “Oh, great news! I talked to that guy from my history class who recommended the bar and he told me this rising hot band was playing, so I hope you’ve got your notebook in there somewhere”, she says and nudges your purse with an arch of an eyebrow.
A part of you is disappointed by the news, because for once in your life you’d like to be able to go to a bar or club and enjoy yourself instead of having to critique the band playing - because there is always a band playing. Rising hot bands are like mosquitoes in this town, constantly popping up everywhere.
Running a popular music column for an even more popular magazine while still in college may have been your ultimate dream come true, but it was still a lot of work that you sometimes felt like you could most definitely live without. But, to not hurt Jeongyeon’s feelings who probably arranged for the two of you to go the same day as this new band - and judging by her proud grin she definitely did - you give her a genuine smile.
“Really? What’re they called?”
She tells you to turn right while thinking for a few seconds. “BTS, but I have no clue what it stands for. Behind The Scenes seems a little off for a band, don’t you think?”
Snorting, you nod in agreement. “Maybe it’s a name in progress?”
“Bath Time Sucks?”
“Your humor sucks.”
“I know- Oh! It’s here!” Jeongyeon exclaims, interrupting her own sentence with her undying excitement. “This is going to be great! We’re meeting up with the dude from my history class, too, by the way.”
Sighing, you glare at the back of her head as the two of you enter the bar. You’re about to say something to her about what an awful person she tends to be sometimes, but get too overwhelmed by the atmosphere to honestly care.
It is one of the tiniest spaces you’ve ever seen being used as a popular bar, but it fits. It’s warm and oaky, the air carrying scents of musky beers and strong spirits to your nose and you enjoy your stay already. The lighting is dim, yet bright enough to make out everyone in the room and the decor is very exclusively homey, with old leather clad chairs and couches, a lot of wooden furniture and Persian rugs covering almost every inch and corner of the floor.
You fit in perfectly, and despite your initial grim expression as you entered the place, you’re smiling now.
“There he is”, Jeongyeon says, nudging your shoulder while waving at her friend.
With nothing but exasperation, you notice it is none other than Kim Namjoon sitting there, smiling cheekily at the two of you with a large beer in front of him.
He greets Jeongyeon, who easily slides in beside him in the booth, with a high five and a huge, dimply smile. You, on the other hand, gets a cool nod in acknowledgement as he asks the two of you what drinks you’d like. You both opt for the same beer he’s having.
When he’s gotten up to go buy you your drinks, you nudge your supposed friend with your elbow as hard as you can without seriously hurting her.
“Why didn’t you tell me your ‘friend from history class’ was fucking Kim Namjoon?” you hiss, careful not to be heard by the man himself as he’s not too far away yet.
“Ow!” She gives you the softest glare you’ve ever seen before. “Seriously, what’s your issue with him? He’s really nice. And pretty cool, too. He writes for the band that’s playing tonight.”
You scoff. “I don’t care. I still think he’s pretentious for pretending to be a philosopher just because he’s majoring in philosophy or whatever.”
Jeongyeon snickers, shoving a handful of peanuts in her mouth and decides to talk through chewing them. “He’s nice. That’s what matters.” A piece of peanut gets stuck between her teeth.
Just as you’re about to throw a retort at her, Namjoon joins the two of you again, handing over a beer each with a smile and you want to punch him in the face. Your dislike towards him origins in his pretentious personality, but you suspect it might also have something to do with those damn dimples.
While Jeongyeon and Namjoon dives into a full discussion about music and what underground bands actually deserves more recognition, you pull out your notepad, getting ready to jot down some notes about the place. Mentioning good bars has become your Saturday morning thing for the blog, and since you only have two evaluations for this week, it wouldn’t hurt to add this one since you’ve actually been here now.
You manage to get the first word down when you’re interrupted by your phone buzzing. You’re about to put it to silent when you see your Beatles stranger’s number lit up on your screen.
━ unknown 7:03pm I’m actually jk
Smiling, you scoot away from your friends a little to get some privacy, angling your screen away from them discreetly.
━ unknown 7:03pm Like u can call me jk
━ 7:04pm You mean ur name is jk? Jk Rowling?
He doesn’t respond immediately, so you wait for a few seconds before you decide to just call him “JK” from now on, even taking the liberty of changing his caller ID from his number to his new name.
Oddly enough, you find great satisfaction in seeing his ID on all of his messages change to “JK” instead of a long row of numbers. While waiting, you put your phone down next to your notepad and begin scribbling down some words to describe the space that you can use later. You’re on the fourth word when your screen lights up again and you giddily grab it, checking to see what he replied.
━ JK 7:08pm Original But yeah I figure i should tell you my name Since I know yours and have been using you as a pop quiz key this week lol
You try so many replies that all sound downright awful that you at last settle for the easiest one, hoping it won’t make you sound like a total fool.
━ 7:09pm Okay hi
━ JK 7:09pm Hi :)
It’s the first time any emoticons or emoji’s have been used, and it for some reason makes something deep down in your stomach flip softly.
━ 7:10pm Anything else? More pop quiz questions?
━ JK 7:10pm Nah i’m good for now Thanks though
━ 7:11pm :)
You nearly drop your phone when your mutual friend Hoseok appears out of thin air behind you, swatting at your phone playfully before embracing you from behind over the booth, his lean arms wrapped around your neck tightly. He’s too happy to notice he’s nearly choking you, and Namjoon only laughs.
“Who’re you texting, Y/N?” Hoseok laughs joyfully while sliding in the booth beside you, followed by Namjoon’s friend Jackson.
It’s suddenly so crammed you feel claustrophobic, but you know no one would let you escape even if you begged them so you stay put, leaning into Jeongyeon for comfort. She rests her head on the top of yours and you stay like that because it’s quite nice. It’s actually so nice you decide to not bother remove Hoseok’s yellow cap he for some reason felt to put on top of your head.
You only adjust it so it won’t fall off when the band starts playing, and even though you kind of enjoy their music and the lead singer’s pretty impressive vocals, you can’t help but ponder over Hoseok’s question throughout most of the show.
Because, yeah, who are you texting?
next part
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