#sorry about the quality his camera was awful
ascendingtostardust · 11 months
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Sam for Virgin Radio Italy (x)
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soapyghostie · 2 months
I felt kinda weird sending a request cause we talk outside of here but oh well
Do you think you could write Nubbins and Danny with a reader who does photography, horror is one of the reasons I got into photography so idk, sorry if I worded this weird
I had the motivation to do one more for now since I haven’t been very productive in my classes so far today. Hope you enjoy!
The Ghost Face/Danny Johnson
OMG! Can he help?! Danny is drawn to your passion for photography because he loves photography too! He admires your ability to capture the beauty of the world around you, and he often finds him lost in the amazingly well shot photos you took. Almost as good as his photography skills. 
Danny, being a journalist under his alter ego Jed Olsen, understands your creative drive behind pursuing your passion for photography. When you express your desire to open a photography studio, he’s not only super supportive but also is excited about the prospect. He sees this as an opportunity for you to showcase your amazing talent and creativity to the world. He, also, wants to help you start and run your photography business too! 
As someone who appreciates the power of storytelling through images and his articles, Danny will bring up the idea of collaborating with you on various photography projects. He’ll even ask you to photograph events that he’s having to write about so he can publish your beautiful photographs for the whole town to see in his well written top tier articles. 
Danny understands the challenges of starting a new venture, especially in a competitive field like photography (He might be the top journalist at the Roseville Gazette, but that doesn’t mean he became that great overnight. He’s had a lot of practice). He offers his support not only emotionally but also practically, helping you with business planning, networking, and promotion. 
As a journalist, Danny's schedule is pretty busy during the day and also he spends a lot of time with his ‘hobby’ (if you know what I mean), yet, he still finds time to make an effort to prioritize quality time with you (I don’t know how he does it so don’t ask me). He understands the importance of nurturing y’all’s relationship amidst y’all’s respective careers and often suggests going on photoshoot outings together as a way to bond and unwind. Danny enjoys brainstorming creative concepts and themes for your photoshoots.
When you finally open your photography studio, Danny couldn’t be more prouder. He attends the grand opening with a camera in hand, capturing the excitement and anticipation of the moment. He smiles and y’all’s shared passion for storytelling will continue to strengthen y’all’s bond and drive each other to success.
Nubbins Sawyer
When Nubbins finds out that you photograph for fun just like him, he’s excited. Obviously, your photography technique is very different from his and he doesn’t fully understand the artist form of your photography at first; however, he quickly becomes fascinated by the way you capture the world through your lens. He wants to know why your photographs aren’t dark and blurry like his. 
Nubbins often finds himself admiring your work in awe, marveling at the way you can turn the most mundane scenes into something beautiful and captivating. You’ll look over your shoulder and find him just staring at one of the many photos you’ve taken in his hand, unmoving. Who knows how long he’s been standing there admiring your work. Actually, the better assumption is how long has he gone staring at that photo without blinking.
Nubbins spends the majority of his time hitchhiking and looking for ‘food’ heading towards the Sawyer property. He’d enjoy it if you tagged along with him and brought your camera to document your adventures together. Your hobby is a great way to immortalize y’all’s experiences and memories, creating a photo album of y’all’s life.  
Nubbins encourages and supports you. He would point out interesting objects and compositions for you to take pictures of during y’all’s unorganized photoshoots. He’ll also scout for locations or offer input too. 
Nubbins is protective of your camera equipment, ensuring it’s always safely stowed away when not using it. He understands how much your gear means to you and goes to great lengths to make sure it goes undamaged, knowing how much their photography means to you. 
Nubbins often proudly displays your work around the Sawyer house for his brothers to see. He takes pride in showcasing your talent to them and often boasts about your skills to his brothers. When he shares your photographs with his brothers, Nubbins finds himself cherishing the photographs, reminding him of all the moments y’all shared together. Each image holds a special place in his heart, serving as a visual representation of y’all’s love and adventures.
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look-at-the-soul · 3 months
The Photoshoot - Part 48
Cillian Murphy x OC
Series Master list: 2014, 2015
A/N: nothing but some fluff and smut 🔥 it’s been a while, but these two continue their path to adopt.
Summary: Yael finds her husband rehearsing for his role as Tommy Shelby. What would you like to see?
Word count: 3,390
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Phone, camera, lights, mirror, emergency kit, rain jacket. Yael made a mental note to leave by the door everything she might need for the day, she’d be having an entire team for the project and as much as she preferred to work on her own, meeting people who moved in her same area was always a blessing because sometimes there’s one person who knows someone who might call her in the future.
Walking into the kitchen to grab a tumbler, she found the coffee was ready and some strawberries in a bowl and a granola bar next to a small note from her husband:
Have a beautiful day just like you.
C xo
A smile formed in her lips while happiness spread all over her, Cillian went for a run just as she was taking a shower and they wouldn’t see each other all day due to her photoshoot commitments and he’d be locked in the basement to focus on the Peaky Blinders script.
It was a subtle way to let her know she was in his mind, a small but thoughtful detail, and that’s what she loved the most about him.
There are two types of clients; those who follow suggestions and those who do whatever they want, the problem with photographs taken professionally is that the photographer knows what looks and works best for the camera and what doesn’t.
And then when she worked with other people as brands and stylists she had to deal with different mindset and ideas, plus the hairstylist stepping in to fix something or whatever. So for todays photoshoot, she’d be photographing flowers but would use a model to make the most out of each bouquet, that’s why she chose an ancient building in the heart of Dublin.
Holding her camera case as her most precious belonging, she started to carry her tripod and lights. As usual, she got there early, so she would have some time to set everything without a rush.
“Alright, can we please get into position?” Yael called, she wanted to make out the most out of the natural light to capture the flowers perfectly. They were already over an hour late because it took longer than they expected to install the flower background.
She took care of even the finest detail to ensure she’d get the shoots she envisioned.
Adjusting the tripod, she made sure to get the entire frame.
“My earrings,” the model called with a worried expression. “I forgot them.”
“It’s okay, you can go to the camper, I’ll start taking the other shoots.” Yael waved.
“No, I mean I forgot them at the hotel.”
Yael looked around, most of the crew were men and she didn’t want to waste anymore time to send someone looking for a jewelry shop.
“Would you mind wearing mine?” Yael proposed looking at her watch.
“Not at all.” The blonde replied.
As she let the camera hanging from her neck to get rid of her earrings, the flower shop owner approached them.
“What happened?” The ginger man asked.
“She forgot her earrings, so she’s borrowing mine.”
“Thank you.” The model smiled at her and moved back to take her place and hold the bouquet.
“I’ve only heard compliments from your work. I’m Miles.”
“Nice to meet you.” She focused on the first images and adjusted the flash. “Lina can you look down at the bouquet?” She walked to the side, and bumped into something. “Sorry, would you mind?”
Miles gave her a long look. She needed space to work freely and he was literally in the middle.
“Of course, I’m just admiring your work.” He admitted but moved back just a couple of steps, his gaze still fixed on her, she could feel it.
“Jacky one step forward please, chin up.” She instructed the other model.
“I’m in awe of the quality of your work.” He praised asking to see the last shoot.
Yael took a deep breath as she titled the camera screen towards him. She was used to work on her own, no interruptions, but he had been making suggestions, asking so many personal questions, invading her personal space.
She tried several times to move away from him, but when she least expected he was again close. Placing her left hand in front of him, so he could see her rings but he didn’t seem to get the hint.
“Thank you ladies, we’re done here.” She called.
“You’re joking right?” Miles asked opening his arms in confusion.
“No, I’ve enough material to work with.”
“I’d like you to get some more, if you need to charge me extra for the time it’s fine.”
“I got all the possible angles already, I need you to trust me.”
Yael didn’t like the smirk that he gave her. “I can totally do that.”
“Look I’ve to go, but you can be sure you’ll get an amazing catalog to choose from.”
“So when can I can see you to choose the photos?” Miles asked.
He filled all the check list as a womanizer, she tried to show off her rings once again.
“Oh I don’t do that, I’ll edit the photos and print the best shoots, you’ll get a copy of the entire session.”
Miles then decided it was time to flirt openly with Yael. “It’s actually just an excuse to see you again.”
“That’s not how I work though, and I really need to go my husband is waiting for me.” She made sure to pronounce that last part slowly and clear.
“Thank you again for letting me use your earrings.” Lina approached them with a smile.
“Glad you could use them, it might be a small detail but it’s important in the end. I’ll start carrying an extra pair for future shootings.” She didn’t want to deal with Miles on her own, so when Lina started a small conversation she answered happily.
“Can I give you a call later? I’d like to add some photos to my book.”
Nodding, Yael wrote her number in a piece of paper and gave it to the model. “Message me and I’ll save your contact.”
Picking up her equipment, she was glad Miles had turned his attention to the other model and they were already exchanging numbers. Rolling her eyes, she silently thanked for not having to deal with him anymore.
As she finished with her lights and camera, the florist asked if she wanted to take a few bouquets home. She couldn’t deny the flowers were beautiful, so she thought of making a couple for her friends and family in law.
The house was quiet when she arrived, only Scout came to give Yael a lick as a welcome and then pressed both front paws against her upper body.
“Where’s daddy?” She scratched his head. “I brought you flowers. You can’t eat those though.”
“Come on, let’s put these in some water.” She carried the bouquet to the kitchen, after adding some water to the vase and it instantly added a lovely pop of color. “Let’s see if daddy is downstairs.”
Before she could even knock on the basement door, Cillian’s voice caught her attention. Who was he talking to? And why was he shouting?
As she was about to ask what was the matter, she heard him clearly.
“Today it’s my fucking wedding day…”
She blocked Scout just in time as she realized her husband was rehearsing his lines. With his back at her and the script in his hand, arms stretched.
“No fucking fighting…” he then moved to the corner and pointed at the lamp. “No fighting…” then to a family portrait from their own wedding that was in one of the shelves. “No fighting.” Moving back to the center of the basement he took a pause and leaning forward, he stated; “No-fucking-fighting.”
Turning around, he stopped abruptly. Not expecting to see his wife standing by the door.
“I swear I’m not trying to start a fight, but did you get lunch?” Yael asked raising her eyebrows.
“Ah… nope.” Cillian gave her a guilty look.
“Since this morning? Why? It’s almost five.”
He shuddered. “Been busy with the script.”
“Okay that’s enough Mr. Shelby, Mr. Murphy needs to eat.” She opened the door and motioned for him to follow her upstairs.
“I wasn’t hungry.” He tried to excuse himself.
“I’m having none of that, you’re working out like a madman, need to eat properly or a snack at least…” She sighed opening the fridge. “I always have something you can just heat.”
“Honestly I got carried away…” He took seat at the other side of the table realizing how time passed and he didn’t seem to notice.
“Hmm.” Yael mumbled to herself as she waited the sandwich to toast.
Walking towards the pantry, she picked a basket and started to fill it with chips, bars, spicy sweets anything Cillian could easily grab as a snack.
“I thought I’d be late, there was a car accident but like in the opposite direction.” Yael chatted making sure the sandwich was ready.
“These flowers are gorgeous.”
She smiled. “Right? Thought of doing small bouquets.”
“So how was it?”
Yael paused for a second closing her eyes, with her back at him. Unsure of how to approach what had happened.
“Good,” she chuckled, “one of the models forgot her earrings, so I gave her mine.”
Cillian smiled. “Really?”
“I’ve been taking photographs for so long and this has never happened to me before.”
He stood and walked slowly towards the stove. Wrapping his arms around her waist, his lips fanning over her neck sending small shocks of electricity down her body.
Cillian turned his wife around, pressing her between his body and the stove. In a surprise movement, Cillian lifted her body to place Yael over the counter in a swift movement. Intensifying the kiss he settled between her legs.
Yael ran her hands from his soft curls to his shoulders, taking in the way his body felt, so strong. Pressing her heels to his bum, she tried to make Cillian stand impossibly closer as he deepened the kiss, making her let out a soft moan when his hand sneaked under her blouse.
The sound of cheese on the grill made her open her eyes abruptly. “Shit. The sandwich.”
“Fuck the sandwich.” He murmured following her as she leaned down to turn off the stove.
“You don’t want a burnt sandwich.” Yael giggled while her body melted in his arms. Her laugh increased when Scout got in the middle of them.
“He wants a sandwich too.” Cillian pointed stealing one more kiss from her.
Yael took a slice of ham and gave it to Scout, who immediately barked demanding more. A text interrupted Cillian’s lunch.
“It’s Mum, she’s already at the airport.” She smiled and texted her mother back, wishing her a good flight.
“Do you think she’ll overpack? Like the last time.” He chuckled.
“It’s more probable than not.” She answered just as she started tidying up.
“Last time Bryan asked me to not let you guys go shopping, the thing is this time around I won’t be here.” He laughed at his statement.
“Oh stop, I’m already missing you.” Yael went to him, passing an arm behind his neck as Cillian moved the chair back to make room for her to sit on his lap.
“I’m going to miss you too.” He whispered tightening the arm around her while his other hand caressed her thigh. “Come here.”
Turning to face him, Yael held his face between her hands, and kissed him tenderly. It would only be for a few days while Cillian went to do some fitting for his Tommy Shelby wardrobe, but it still felt like a long time.
Titling his head, Cillian passed a hand to the back of her neck to keep Yael in place. Soon the kiss became demanding, resuming to where they previously left. Holding her against his middle section, Cillian got up and encouraged her to wrap her legs around him.
“Oh my God.” She gasped in surprise.
Cillian rolled his eyes jokingly. “You’re just looking for any excuse.”
“Well I can’t let these go to waiste.” She gave him a smirk right before he gently placed her on the back of the couch.
His hands moving up and down her figure, he wanted his fingers to memorize every curve of her body. His lips traced her jaw and moved south, to stay focused at her neck. Yael closed her eyes, unable to focus on anything else as Cillian pressed her down against one of his legs adding some friction.
“Ah.” She moaned.
Cillian fumbled with his jeans, a frustrated groan escaped his lips. That made Yael pull back from her bliss to help him undress. As Cillian stood before her in just his Calvin Klein underwear, Yael took a moment that seemed like an eternity to admire his toned abs and chest. But it was his arms what took her breath away.
Cillian raised an eyebrow as she saw his wife bitting her lower lip, and that hungry stare full of desire.
Before he could ask what was crossing her mind, Yael pulled him in for a heated kiss. “I can’t believe this is all mine.” Her hand moved down from his chest to his abdomen and then to his broad back, enjoying how his muscles felt under her touch.
“You’re still wearing too much clothes if you ask me.” He let out a small grunt as he took her in his arms one more time, her legs instinctively around him as he walked around the couch to settle his wife. She rushed to get rid of her blouse as soon as she got the chance. And Cillian kneeled in front of her to help her with the rest. He then settled between her legs, his lips started moving south, finding one of her breasts midway as his hand found its way to her most intimate part, earning a loud moan as she welcomed his fingers in. “Hmm so wet.”
She was past anything coherent. Eyelids struggling to stay open as the pleasure increased.
Hooking one of his fingers up and Cillian brushed the magical button inside of her and it was enough to make her back arch from the couch.
“I need you.” She bit her lip, trying to resist the urge to explode.
“As you wish.” His fingers were soon replaced by his cock. “Better?” He asked bumping his nose against hers.
“Yes!” She nodded automatically feeling as if she was floating on a cloud already, her delicate hand sneaked between their bodies, feeling him withdrawing, she was ready and waiting for the hard thrust. Cillian adjusted her hips and the new angle was enough to send her over the edge.
“I’m gonna.. oh god!” With another thrust he felt her hand on his bum, her fingers tracing the contour of his cheeks, exploring… taunting him. Before he realized it, her hand had sneaked to an unknown territory and the next thing he knew it was his vision blacked out and his seed rushed out of his body like never before. He stayed still for an instant as she was still dealing with the aftershocks of his orgasm.
She held him in his arms while Cillian took a moment to recover.
“Fuck, I think you milked me completely.” He admitted breathlessly.
His arms struggled to hold him. Yael looked up at him admiring him like this, in her arms. Pulling him down, she kissed the corner of his mouth tentatively.
“For the days we’ll be apart.”
“I’ll start planning more trips if this is the farewell I’m going to get.”
After taking a quick shower, they embarked on a trip the airport to pick up Isla, Scout sitting in the back of the car.
“Oh that sounds nice.” Yael turned up the volume of the radio.
Cillian paid attention to the lyrics. “Yeah.”
I don't wanna go
But baby, we both know
This is not our time
It's time to say goodbye
“Want me to add it to your Tommy playlist?” She asked with a grin.
He nodded.
“Something happened at the photoshoot.” Yael confessed out after a moment in silence.
Cillian turned his head for a split second, noticing something in his wife’s voice. “Tell me.”
“I don’t want you to worry though.”
“Well, spill and let me decide if I need to worry or not.” He tried to encourage her again.
“The person who hired me to do the Photoshoot was at the location and tried several times to engage in conversation and such, making comments and I was like can’t you see my wedding rings?” She shook her head. “When that didn’t work, I started repeating, oh my husband this, my husband that you know?”
As he slowed the speed due to traffic, he turned to look at her.
“But he wouldn’t understand, it was so awkward and uncomfortable. Then by the end of the day, he started chatting to one of the models finally.”
She just couldn’t keep that to herself, she didn’t feel like hiding something like that from Cillian.
“People like that it’s so annoying.”
“Look, you’ll find people like that all the time,” Cillian moved one of his hands to her thigh, and Yael covered it with her own as the car started moving again. “Just make your boundaries clear and do your job. I know it’s uncomfortable but some people are just eejits. Plain and simple, there’s nothing you can do about it.”
Yael nodded, her eyes following an airplane that was just taking off.
“I mean, of course I’d go crazy to see anyone looking at my wife the wrong way.”
Yael chuckled. “This is crazy, why would you say that as if it’s Thomas Shelby speaking?”
Cillian scoffed. “That’s not- I’m serious.”
“That’s something he’d say.” She pressed, the smirk was now impossible to hide. “You’re acting more and more like him.”
He opened and closed his mouth, thinking of something coherent to say. “I can’t help it now, it comes involuntarily sometimes, but my point is…” he lost track as they entered the parking lot, “this is a crazy world, full of crazy people. Specially in this business, the line is so thin and easy to cross nowadays. But as long as we’re on the same side, nothing else matters, right?”
She seemed to think about it before nodding.
“I won’t be delivering those photos personally anyways, don’t want him to get a wrong impression.”
She shuddered on their walk to the airport. Lots of people coming in and out.
They’ve talked about it before, while Cillian filmed season two for Peaky Blinders, he came home oddly quiet and when she asked what had happened, Cillian confessed that they had scheduled an intimate scene between Tommy and Grace that day and it was just the two of them on set, the director, camera crew and intimate assistant. The instructions were clear but as they got on with filming the scene, the actress decided to go deeper with the kiss and included her tongue, something he made very clear he was against since the beginning. It wasn’t necessary but happened. He didn’t want to repeat the scene so decided to continue as if nothing happened. But it didn’t mean he had agreed.
They weren’t married back then but it surely sparkled a deeper conversation between them of boundaries on set.
Arriving at the gate walking hand in hand, they headed to one of the cafés to wait for Isla’s arrival. Luckily the flight was on time and Yael’s mother would arrive shortly.
“Look at this.” While they waited, Yael started working on some of her favorite photos from the shooting.
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“I like that.” Cillian stated resting his head on his hand and staring at the photograph she was showing him.
“Now watch how everything changes.”
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Cillian was in awe of her skills to see the magic in every still she got. His wife had a gift for this, she saw things no one else would notice.
“There’s people coming out.” Cillian pointed at the doors.
“I hope she’s in that group.” Yael revealed and her wish became true, as she saw her mother strolling through the crowd.
Melting into a tight embrace, Cillian witnessed the love between them. It was indescribable feeling, he knew first hand how much Yael loved her mother and sometimes how hard it was to live so far away. He’d cherish that for a long time.
“Thank you for picking me up. You’re the sweetest.” She then opened her arms to welcome him. Then her attention turned to Scout. “Hello you, have you been a good boy?”
Taking the suitcase from her hand, Cillian smiled at his mother in law.
“I’ve been looking for this the whole week.”
“We’re so glad to have you around Isla. How about we go to have dinner at that restaurant you like, with the view to the bay?”
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this part, as usual your words is highly appreciated and what keeps me going xxx
Credits photos: same team.photo on Instagram
Song: Tattoos by Loreen
Tag list: @lyarr24 @garrison-girl-08 @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @winchestergirl22 @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @strayrockette @forbidden-forest-witch @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @blondie-22 @thenattitude @moral-terpitude @babaohhhriley @queenshelby @ange-thoughts @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @cilliansangel (cant tag) @rangerelik @already-broken144 @alessioayla @paprikabadger @dolllol2405 @conversationpits @itsilvermorny @lafell @imichelle-l-rigby @yrli8 @cutecurly-hair @mrkdvidal1989 @cillspropertea @hyperfixationsonshuffle @sydneyyyya (can’t tag) @abbymcguire @shelundeadxxxx @elk96 @pono-pura-vida @lovemissyhoneybee @slimeantha (can’t tag) @kmc1989 @ironpen
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kookies2000 · 8 months
Giant Trolls 3 spoiler talk and Shrek 2 talk
So Trolls 3 has a rescue scene that is nearly equal to Shrek 2 rescue scene. Adrenaline rush, over the top silliness, a fantastic cover of a 1980s classic (maybe better), amazing camera work, and fantastic animation and choreography.
I feel like the stakes were higher in Trolls 3 than Shrek 2. Think about it. Shrek was in danger of losing Fionas love because they were gonna force her to fall in love with Prince Charming. And that's awful. Manipulating people's emotions is pure evil. But Fiona wasn't in danger by the end of the rescue. Her father made sure she didn't drink the love potion, which is beautiful. She was saved by her father because he loves her. Her father was the safety net if Shrek didn't manage to rescue her.
In Trolls 3, there is no safety net. The villains are dangerous. They don't care that Branches brothers are slowly dying for their selfishness. Floyd is the one closest to death, the way he looks at himself scared and confused when he realizes he's turning into crystal. He's gonna die soon, and his brothers are helpless to save him and get tortured. And the way Branch is so upset when he gets pulled away from Floyd.
Best quality I can get, sorry.
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All while the villains are happily singing in the spotlight about how their "sweet dreams are made of this." Their dreams built on the suffering of others. All this, with NO safety net. Either Branch is successful, or they all die. No in between.
It's so dam sinister for a film aimed at 6 year olds. But I love it! Again, Shrek 2 is still #1. No one will ever trample the best rescue scene in animated history with the best cover of a classic 1980s song. But Trolls 3 really shot up there, high five Shrek 2, and came back down gracefully. Do you know ow how hard it is to match the same energy as the legendary Shrek 2 rescue scene?
The animation, too, the camera movements! OH!!! I still feel the rush!!! I can't wait until I FINALLY get the opportunity to see this in theaters. Can't wait!!! I'm gonna blow!!!
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hueningshaped · 2 years
★ turbulence | c.sb
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▰ genre: silly fluff
▰ word count: 1.4k
▰ synopsis: you try and catch up with boyfriend! soobin via facetime call as you’re on opposite sides of the world (metaphorically)—but it looks like soobin’s the one that can’t seem to catch up
warnings: brief joke about death as a coping mechanism, lots of use of baby and babe (ewww)
a/n: i wrote this under 30 minutes and it’s pretty obvious 🫥 sorry that im clearly insane
“Hi, baby!” Soobin’s big toothy smile is frozen on your screen, audio choppy, before it pixelates back into real time where your boyfriend now is fixing his glasses and trying to push his chair in. You bite back a laugh.
The quality of this facetime is God awful, but you’re seeing the love of your life, and he’s seeing you. That’s all you could ask for.
“Soobin!” You scream a little too high in pitch and a little too long, immediately covering up your mouth to look around if anyone in this Starbucks noticed you practically squealing. The coast is clear.
He giggles and brings his face closer to his own laptop, crouching down and craning his neck.
“Can you see me even?” He grumbles more to himself, eyeing down at his keyboard and across the screen.
“Yes, baby, I can. The quality sucks, but it’s okay. Enough of that! God, you look so good,” you sigh as if it hurts to look, and he brings a hand by his neck.
“Give me a second, Y/N. Jeez. You make me so flustered,” he says, and you adjust your headphones better on your head. It seems like you and he can never get used to these video calls, but that’s what it has come to — you do your best to get any communication and any time to talk at all during this time apart.
Here is your incredibly successful leader of a group boyfriend overseas for extra scheduling after his world tour, and here you are at a local Starbucks to prepare for your finals. What a pair you are.
“Did you just arrive? Or did you barely board your flight? Sorry, I’m asking,” you apologize in spite of your confusion. “Last night when we spoke, it didn’t make sense to me. I just didn’t want you to —“ you stop and sigh, “— repeat yourself again and again just because I was tired and couldn’t understand the situation.”
He just smiles at you, leaning his face on his hand. His lighting is quite dim, but you know he’s on a plane. About eight hours prior, he was at an airport, quickly venting to you about technical difficulties at a rehearsal that had ticked him off, but you were half asleep, still willing to listen even if you couldn’t quite fathom entirely what the deal was.
“Baby, it’s okay. You’re okay,” he leans in and pushes the screen back a little, widening the lens of the backdrop. He was in his first class seat. You figured it was a layover. His schedule has been all over the place; it was a mystery how he and the boys could do it all. “So, we stopped in a different city for a little layover, and we’ve got a few more hours once we take off again.”
His pupils skim around like they always do; his eyes are an active flame, catching everything within reach. Soobin pushes some of his hair back. It’s getting so long. It’s grown so much—so luscious and bright. He pauses to look above the camera, perking up for a second before returning momentarily.
“Yeonjun said hi and Merry Christmas.” Soobin rolls his eyes, and you cover your mouth to laugh at the bad joke.
“Has the flight been okay? You haven’t encountered any issues, have you? Soobin, have you even stretched or gotten out of your seat at least —“ his face is frozen on screen, stuck in the same expression: half blinking, Cupid lips in half a frown.
“What? Huh? Babe, can you hear me?” His voice reaches out, background echoes overpowering his suddenly muffled voice.
Well. It was either Starbucks or McDonald’s WiFi.
“I can hear you, but I can’t see you.”
A pause.
“Can’t you see me?” You both sing out simultaneously, a little weak in tone, but regardless, the coincidence makes you both laugh as the opaque screen buffers.
“I just want to see your pretty face. Is that so much to ask?” You murmur, and funnily enough, the connection resumes to Soobin’s eyes and nose up in the camera.
“Apparently not,” you chuckle, and again you notice your boyfriend serenely watching you through the camera.
“Y/N, how was your day, hm?” He asks so gently, as if he’d been tactfully waiting to ask such a question. Even if his expression is calm and unmoving, the rest of his body visibly shakes with how much he shakes his leg. You wished you were there to put a gentle hand on it. It’s a little habit that you find adorable, but you’ve been instructed to help curb.
You blink for a bit, pondering visibly at his remark.
“It’s been good, I think,” you do your best to recount the day so far, stumbling over the detail, and Soobin nods along, listening intently to every word even if it all drags along. You couldn’t be more grateful to him. How does he carry all this? Especially so successfully? “But, besides that, I’ve just got a few more extra study sessions and I think I’ll get the hang of this one confusing subject at least. What about you? Was the flight okay, Soobie?”
He grins and nods, stretching his arms out above him to settle back down.
“Yes, baby, everything has been okay. I promise. I just want to hear you talk some more. I know you always ask me and ask for me, but all I want right now is to just hear your voice.”
Your eyes bug out at that, heart faltering at how sweet his small but giant confession is. God, you’re the luckiest soul.
“Oh, okay,” you’re blushing and cheeks are heating up faster than it takes for your perspiration to hit, almost like it can’t keep up. He giggles again with a little squeak, nodding because he understands how much either of you basically explode at romantic gestures from the other.
“Sorry, babe…” he shrugs, now doubting himself, but you’re quick to fix that.
“No, don’t say sorry. I’m just overwhelmed… by how cute my boyfriend is.” You emphasize with a pout.
“Well, I’m overwhelmed by how cute of my scholar is.” He lifts his chin with pride, and you fumble with a response.
“Geez, Soobin, you’re getting too confident,” you joke, and it’s his turn to blush.
“Oh, really?” He asks seriously, and you shake your head quickly.
“No, no, I’m just—“
“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for your patience as we continue to board on Flight 4B7 from service to —“ Soobin tenses hard and fights immediately to hit the mute button, lifting his device up in the air, and as much as he physically panics, it still isn’t enough for the audio to stop. There’s pixels, solid square hues of his palm, then next, there’s a frozen frame of him staring wide eyed into the camera like he’s in a horror movie.
More buffering.
All in all, the intercom notifies you that the plane is heading to your home. On a flight back to you.
Once the flight attendant has finished their announcement, the shaking of the camera stops, and you both just blink at each other.
His chest heaves. If he were a cat, his fur would be standing on edge.
“Soobin…” you begin, tone drawling out with a whine, and he winces, eye twitching. It seems he hadn’t a Plan B in the case you were to find out about this.
“They’re lying,” he tries.
“Soobin!” You scold with a laugh, unbelieving the situation, especially the way he’s trying to play this off.
“Um, it looks like they said the plane’s going down—“
“What?!” You shout, glancing around briefly to meet the concerned eyes of people around you. You reassure them with a little, sheepish grin.
“What?!” This time, you repeat with a scream-whisper.
He shakes his head, waving his big hand around.
“I mean, haha, we’re going up. We’re leaving. We’re taking off, and if I don’t turn my phone off, we’re all gonna die.” He’s rambling at this point, and as funny as it is, you can’t help but feel bad.
“Soobin, it’s okay—“
“Anyway, baby, Y/N, um, I’ll let you know when I land in Chile. Okay, bye, I love you. Adios. Te amo.” He laughs nervously once more before the call is disconnected, and you’re stating back at yourself on your screen.
So much for surprises.
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bloodydeanwinchester · 2 months
hi jenna gif questions for u 💜 what's your favorite part of making gifs? what's the most valuable thing/tip/trick you've learned? what's some of your favorite gif sets you've made?
hi ida!!!! sorry i took a couple days to answer this i wanted to wait until i had some time to think about it before i answer! i loooove these questions tho so thank you so much for sending them 💜💜
my favorite part about making gifs is probably coloring and like...that moment when i get the gif to look exactly how i want it to. i like to play around with coloring and try a lot of different things with it and that can be so fun! i think over the last like 6-8 months my coloring has really improved a lot and i've been having a lot of fun learning new ways to do things! but i actually had a really hard time coming up with an answer for this question because i mostly enjoy the entire process! the only part that i don't really enjoy is picking out the frames for each gif. i always start with way too many and then i have to cut stuff out and i hate that part. also it's reaaally hard sometimes to not end up with like 20 gifs cause there's so much i want to include!!!
okay im gonna cheat on this one and give a few things i've learned since i started that have been sooooo valuable to me. first is the importance of having a good quality download to start with. i think my gifs got significantly better when i finally downloaded all of the episodes in 1080p instead of using the screen recording on netflix like i had been before. second sharpening is so important! i did not do any sharpening on my first gifs i made! sharpening makes the gifs loook sooo sharp and crisp and pretty. third and kind of similar to sharpening was learning/figuring out how to use the camera raw filter. there's sooooo much you can do with camera raw filter (coloring sharpening lightening). and finally one thing i learned that i think made my coloring look significantly better was to try not to lighten the gif too much and/or to figure out ways to lighten darker gifs without it messing up the background too much (sometimes when they're lightened too much it will like pixelate the background and it looks awful)
and finally (in order of when they were made from oldest to newest) here are links to some of my favorite gifsets:
Bloody Dean Throughout the Seasons Set - this one actually came out really good considering the fact that it was made only a month after i first started making gifs! if i remember correctly it's the first set that i ever used sharpening on.
6x20 F+TM King Set - this one is a favorite mostly just because i love the song so much and tmwwbk is one of my favorite episodes. i think some of my favorite sets to make are the ones that i add lyrics to.
2022 Nov 5th Set - i was really happy with how this one came out! it's so hard to get gifs from episodes over different seasons to look the same! and this one had gifs from 12 different seasons! also i think this was the first set i ever made that got over 1000 notes which i remember being really excited about!
Laughing Dean Set - this one is a favorite purely based on the content of the set. it feels like injecting serotonin every time i look at it<3
1x12 Faith Set - another one based on the content of the set. i just love this episode so much.
Season 9 Dean Set - i LOVE the coloring in this set! and season 9 dean is so beloved to me. he is just so beautiful and bloody and sad.
2023 Cas Day Set - another f+tm lyric set! i love the space overlay that i added and the blue-pink of the coloring so much!
4x18 Destiel Every Episode Set - i loooove this scene so much! this gif series has by far been more popular than any of the other gifs that i post and this set is definitely the most popular in the series. no other set has ever even come close to getting 4k notes like this one did. also i really like the purple coloring a lot<3
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dreamingsung · 1 year
Ik this is my third one I'm sorry😔but I can't stop thinking of more scenarios 😭WHAT WOULD BAKING WITH THE DREAMIES BE LIKE?LIKE WHA-
Ok ok ok ok I think I’ve got this..
A little chaotic tbh. If you’ve seen the JCC where he’s baking with Johnny and Ten then you know what I mean. He’s doing his best and that’s what matters, even if you somehow end up with bread instead of cookies, plus it’s quality time with each other and it’ll definitely be filled with a lot of laughs. He'd probably crack the corniest jokes or make awful puns about whatever step you're on with the recipe. Lots of touch whether it's a hand holding your shoulder while he laughs or he'll stand directly next to you and give you a little hip bump to get your attention. He'd just randomly smile at you because his heart is so full of love for you. The most gentle and lighthearted atmosphere on the planet and when the finished product comes out of the oven looking a little suspicious, the two of you would laugh together and be surprised that the outcome actually tastes pretty good.
I feel like baking wise he’d know his way around the kitchen. It’d be a more calm environment and you guys would play more laid back songs and maybe end up dancing in the kitchen together. Swaying together and laughing lightheartedly after you place the baking sheet into the oven. While you wait and prepare the icing, he'd backhug you and place a little kiss on your neck before resting his head on your shoulder, watching your efforts and would maybe even softly hum whatever song you two are listening to in that moment. When the cookies are done and decorated you guys just stare at them with pride before one of the members snatches one and runs away.
For Jeno I feel like it could sway either way with being fun or being soft, it just depends on the mood of the situation. If it’s fun I feel like it’d be more playful and like maybe you guys have like a mini flour fight or like smear the dough or batter of the cookies or cake you’re baking on each other’s faces. If the mood is more soft it’d probably be similar to Renjun but I feel like Jeno would take even more of a lead and the two of you could work next to each other in a comfortable silence. He’d probably wrap an arm around your waist or kiss your cheek occasionally while guiding you through the instructions and by the end, whatever you were baking is gonna turn out great.
His smug ass. He’d be so cocky and brag about how good his baking is because he made amazing cookies before (probably once tbh). When you challenge him to a competition and call his bluff his ego gets in the way and agrees. He’d tease you to distract you the whole time so he can win, like if he needed to get something from you he’d basically press his whole body against you, maybe even place his hand on the small of your back, and grab whatever he needed before walking back to his little situation while he leaves you all flustered. He also might randomly back hug you randomly and kiss your neck while you just whine out his name annoyance, shooing him back to what is now a disastrous mess. Once the cookies are done, you have the members try them and when everyone agrees that yours are better he becomes the whiniest person you’ve ever met. He mopes around for the rest of the day until you cuddle together at the end of the night and he forgets the whole ordeal.
He’s so goofy when he’s with you but when he’s baking he’s pretty serious. He’d still crack jokes with you and mess around a little, maybe doing that little baby talk thing he does sometimes with the members (but obviously to you). Similar to jeno, he’d guide you through the steps. If you’re super focused on something, he might pull out his camera and secretly snap a few pics for a new Lock Screen before telling you how glad he is that you two met. He’d wrap his arms around your waist and rest his head on your shoulder while he continues to watch your efforts before he goes to set up the baking sheets and preheat the oven. He for sure just adores you.
He’d know his way around a kitchen and he’d take every opportunity to sass you about it. Little Gordon Ramsey tbh, just baking up a storm next you. He'd still be joking around with you and I can see him dumping compliments on you so you're all flustered and then poking fun at how flustered you are. It would be more of a high energy experience when he's not focused on something and he'd just tease you and be dramatic about whatever you're doing. Whatever the two of you are baking ends up being and he'll shower you with compliments and call you little pet names.
For Jisung I definitely feel like you'd end up having to take the lead on organizing everything for the recipe. He's not clueless, he's just a little clumsy. Meaning, you kind of monitor him when he's measuring things out. He'll most-likely have to just sit back and watch and I don't think he'd mind it since he's a more observant person anyways. He'd watch you with curiosity and love sparkling in his eyes as he watches your every move. Lots of questions from him, he'd also probably stand behind you and peek over your shoulder from time to time and pace elsewhere. Once the treat or treats that you're baking are in the oven, he gravitates towards you and backlogs you, caging your figure in his arms. A little kiss or two on the top of your head while he talks to you about how excited he is for the treat because he wants to taste your baking so bad. He'd be ecstatic when the treats are done and plated. He'd tell you how cool he thinks it is and mention the little things he noticed about you.
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Burn1ng Lov3 Trailer
(Inspired by @plasticfantasticl0ver @septembersghost and @prompted-wordsmith)
[Standard trailer approval disclaimers]
J: Okay, remember that robotics project I told you I was working on for the Vegas hotel that I’ve been promising to show you?
M: Yeah, of course. You’ve never been home for the last five weeks because of it. The kids miss you.
J: (smiles and kisses her forehead; it’s clear they’re in a relationship) Well...it’s finally finished. Come take a look.
J: Marie...meet The King.
E: (blinks, moves its limbs and smiles flirtatiously at Marie as she stares in shock) Well, hello there.
J: We designed him to emulate Elvis in every possible way, minus the addiction to pills and all that. So essentially, it’s all of the King’s best qualities, with none of his flaws. And he’s designed to protect those in need; he won’t let anything harm others.
M: Wow, Elvis, that was incredible...it’s almost like you’re actually alive.
E: (cocks his head) Yes...almost. (Laughs and smirks a bit creepily).
P: We think there’s a problem with your Elvis robot.
J: Why? What’s the issue?
P: Well, he’s been getting...aggressive with some of the male guests.
J: (looking confused) Aggressive? How?
E: (cocks his head) ...You should probably run.
E: I’m sorry. I won’t let anything harm you, ever again.
M: Look, I know what I did was wrong, but you have to believe me. He’s getting too dangerous. We have to shut him down!
J: (Yelling) And what the hell do you know? You don’t get to make that choice FOR me, Marie!
M (crying in fear): Why are you doing this?!
E: (blinks and smiles creepily as he cocks his head and starts to raise the knife) Because I love you too much, baby.
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zaeliaeve · 1 year
ꜰʟᴏʀᴇꜱ [ꜱᴇʀɢɪᴏ ʀᴀᴍᴏꜱ] Chapter Four
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DISCLAIMER: This is all fiction and inaccurate to real life. I don't speak Spanish so I am sorry for any mistranslations! :( 
Real Madrid's first away match had been a success. Although, RCD Espanyol wasn't a big threat to them in the first place. They hadn't won any major titles in over a decade and had no superstar players. Espanyol was simply overpowered by the immense talent of Real Madrid and lost 0-3.
Catalina was once again in awe of Real Madrid. The team was somewhat in its infancy yet managed to bring raw electricity everywhere they went. It seemed from the outside that everything they touched would turn into pure gold.
Day by day Catalina was falling in love with not only her job but football as a sport as well. It was nearly impossible not to when it was what she was surrounded by most of the time now.
The journey to get to the stadium had been a frightful one at first for Catalina. The team had all gathered on a private jet to get to Barcelona for the game, and it was her first experience in a plane, let alone a private jet. To everyone else on the plane, this was just a regular day; they played cards with each other and slept like it was no big deal. Luckily, she was somewhat distracted on the flight.
"Is this your first time on a plane?"
Catalina's ghostly pale face lifted up from her camera as she glanced up at the superstar, her hand slightly trembling as she tried not to look out the small oval window beside her. "How could you tell?"
Karim let out a hardy laugh and pointed his thumb over to the girl, his eyes still on Cristiano. "She told me earlier she stayed up last night watching a plane crash documentary" Karim wheezed.
The Portuguese man cocked his head to the side in surprise, a confused smile creeping onto his face. "Why would you do that to yourself?"
"I was trying to make myself feel better about today so I went on Youtube and typed in planes like an idiot. It sent me down a rabbit hole that I couldn't look away from" Catalina let out an exhausted sigh as she questions her past decision, trying not to replay the images of tragedies in her head.
Cristiano pouted his bottom lip out to the girl sympathetically.
Catalina clutched the metal in her hand and switched the settings off of video mode and into photo mode. "But do you know what would make me feel a lot better, Mr. Cover of Men's Health?" She asked, seeing the perfect opportunity to ask what she was scared she would lose the confidence for later.
Karim leaned forward in his seat beside her with interest, and Cristiano nodded his head forward insinuating for the girl to keep talking. "Can I take a picture of you for the official Real Madrid website?" Catalina asked, causing Karim to lean back in his seat when he realized it wasn't as interesting as he had hoped.
"Yeah, sure."
Cristiano then ran a hand through his black hair, smoothening the stray hairs back down into place. A half-open book rested in his lap, full lips upturned as he looked directly into the dark lens.
Click click click
"Perfecto! Te lo agradezco" Catalina grinned at him before glancing down at her camera to look at the picture.
Internally, she was screeching with excitement because her boss was always harping on her to get as many pictures as she can of Cristiano and Kaká because they didn't want to use any pictures of them in another team's kit.
Good lighting, and good quality. All she could have asked for.
As Catalina was looking down, she saw a pair of tan hands softly steal the camera from her loose grip. "Your turn," Cristiano told her as he switched back into photo mode.
Catalina looked confused but it clicked together once Cristiano held the metal up to his eye, one eye squinting from behind the camera. "It's your first time on a plane and you survived takeoff, this is something to remember. We can put this up on the facility fridge when we get back."
Karim waited for a second before chiming in, face straight as can be. "Assuming we don't die on landing, though."
The girl shrieked and rubbed her hands on her temples.
Cristiano waved his free hand in the air as if to clear all the bad energy, "Don't listen to him, we can use his big head as a lifeboat if we crash. Now, look here and say cheeeese" he joked,  only using his accented English for the last half.
Ironically Catalina felt awkward and uncoordinated in front of the camera, not knowing what to do with her hands or face. She decided to just clasp her hands together and flash the camera a wide smile before mimicking the phrase back to him.
"Estas guapa con la ropa de Madrid!" Cristiano gushed loudly. He handed her back the camera with a grin still on his face. (in English:  you look pretty in the Madrid clothing)
The team headed back to the nice hotel on a large bus, cheering and yelling with pride the whole ride there. They sang songs in Spanish chants that the newer players still hadn't learned all the lyrics to, so they just made noses that somewhat resembled the language. Catalina shot every stand-out moment she could, thankful it was photos and not videos due to the harsh critiquing of the opposing team from the staff.
Sergio moved throughout the bus so he was directly in front of the camera lens, lifting up the crest on his kit until it met his lips and pumping his fist into the humid air joyously. Catalina snapped pictures of the defender, smiling so much her cheeks were starting to ache.
Within a few moments, Sergio leaned over the seats and tangled one hand in Catalina's wavy hair softly to bring her closer. Catalina complied and leaned into his body, shivering as he pressed his lips against her ear. "You're wearing our clothes" Sergio noted slightly loud so she could hear over the noise, tone surprised yet still happy.
"Do I look too cheesy? Am I eligible for the Real Madrid fan club now?" Catalina half-joked, reversing the roles and speaking into his ear so he could hear without the chanting drowning it out.
The corner of Sergio's eyes crinkled as he laughed before shaking his head, backing away to get another full look at her. "It's good. You look like a librarian that got the night off."
Catalina laughed confusedly unsure what he meant but not pushing it further. "Are you going out for drinks with us later? I highly doubt you drink though" Sergio asked, hands now clutching the back of the seat.
Unsurprisingly, he was right. Catalina was not much of a drinker. Maybe the occasional drink here or there on holidays but nothing close enough to get her drunk. A few sips at most. She found herself wanting to challenge this notion, even if it meant chugging a whole bottle of champagne if she had to. In her mind maybe being able to break out of her prudish ways could prove herself a little bit cool.
"What do you mean? I drink all the time. Of course, I'll go." She put on a relaxed tone but it came off more forced than she had hoped and she hoped he hadn't noticed.
Sergio grabbed his phone out of his pocket and handed it to her. "I'll let you know when we're gonna leave. Put your number in"
Catalina let her camera hang off of the thick strap on her chest as she tapped on his screen. She reread it over one more time before handing it back to him. Sergio smiled at her before typing something and pressing send.
The back of her jeans vibrated with the notification, she reached into it quickly to read the message. "See you tonight then," Sergio told her before moving back to his original seat, now joining back into the celebrations.
You're a bad liar, conejita :P
Getting ready proved to be a challenge. She didn't pack much at all because she didn't anticipate going anywhere besides the stadium, and maybe a casual breakfast the next morning. Fortunately, she had a casual sun dress. It was her hair and makeup she struggled the most with given her resources, but she made due.
Catalina waited hours anxiously waiting for a message from Sergio. She tried to distract herself by watching the shopping channel on TV, plucking her eyebrows, or going through every picture she had taken recently on her camera. As she began to give up hope, her screen lit up as his unsaved number popped up.
Everyone else fell asleep or doesn't wanna leave their rooms :/ You still down to go with just us? It wasn't even a question in her mind. Within 30 seconds she had typed out
How else am I supposed to show you that I'm the better drinker?
Sergio responded not too long after that. 
In ur dreams. Meet me in the lobby in 45 mins. The bar is a quick walk. 
Sergio's lips upturned as Catalina pressed her lips to the glass hesitantly, the reality of the situation settling in now that the pungent smell of alcohol filled her nostrils. "Are you sure you can swallow it all?" He watched her carefully as she tried to put on a brave front.
Why didn't I just keep my mouth shut?
The anticipation of Sergio's waiting eyes was killing her, so she tilted her head back and relaxed her throat; letting the cool liquid flow down as Sergio cheered beside her. "¡Vamos!"
An empty glass hit the table as she raised her arms in victory, her throat and chest hotly burning as a reminder of the liquid poison. Sergio let out a hardy laugh as she screwed her eyes shut and stuck out her tongue at the taste, groaning with disgust.
His tanned hand rubbed her upper back soothingly. "You took it well, I have to say I'm surprised."
Catalina shook her head as she wiped her shiny mouth, knowing her reaction wasn't smooth by any means."Maybe you just like watching me struggle."
"Maybe" he repeated back with a shrug.
The waitress placed Sergio's tequila on the wood surface in front of him. Catalina secretly hoped that he would at least make a grossed-out face when he took it, but he didn't. In stark contrast, Sergio swallowed his drink easily, with only a slight shiver when the drink was fully finished. "I hate you so much" Catalina whined when he looked back to her as if nothing had happened.
His face remained completely unphased. "No, you don't."
Catalina nodded eagerly, the burning in her body causing a small confidence boost she didn't have moments ago. "Yes, I do. I promise I do."
Sergio didn't say anything else as he took the alcohol-soaked lime out of his empty glass and placed it on her full lips. Catalina froze momentarily, unsure of what to do. "Open" he instructed, eyes heavy as it met hers.
Catalina listened without question, lapping the center of the bitter fruit with her saliva; trying to ignore the consistent heat in her chest in an attempt to please him. Sergio watched her contently as he brought one hand to her head, patting it with praise. "See? You don't hate me at all."
The now lifeless lime sunk back into the glass.
Suddenly meeting his gaze felt more difficult, so Catalina shifted her pupils over to the glass bottles on the shelves. She could feel her cheeks heating up, and this time not from the liquor. "I want a shot" Catalina murmured, hoping the liquid could calm her.
Sergio laughed to himself before raising his arm to get the waitress's attention again, this time ordering a few drinking for the both of them. Catalina took his arm into her hands when she noticed purplish markings scattered all over the limb. "Are these from football?" She asked, scanning his bruised flesh with her fingertips softly.
"No, some of them are from when I fell off of horses and landed awkwardly" Sergio explained, his skin rising a bit underneath her fingers.
Catalina's eyebrows knitted together, lips frowning a bit. "I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not."
Now it was his turn to frown, cocking his head slightly. "Why would I be sarcastic about that?"
"I just couldn't picture you in nature. I love horses though, so that's a nice surprise. I thought you'd be the type to be like grrrrr nature is for wimps. I only like football and fast cars. Oh and getting red cards. " She impersonated him, putting her voice as deep as it could go which wasn't deep at all.
Sergio's laughed and looked at her knowingly "Ah so you must have been googling me."
Catalina pinched her fingers together. "Un poco."
His knuckles moved to her face and gripped onto her cheek, pulling at it playfully. "So you really are a fan, huh?" he asked as she squealed from the pressure of his hand.
"I'm more of a Cristiano fan, actually" she gasped out in-between giggles.
The grip of his knuckles got fairly tighter at her words, causing her to laugh harder and grasp at his hands. Sergio let go quickly, his eyes brightening as he watched her wipe away tears from the corner of her eyes due to her laughing fit.
"It is really cool you get to ride horses, seriously. I've only been a few times when I was younger and I absolutely loved it. It's hard to come by in the city, though" Catalina told him earnestly as she calmed down.
The waitress sat down a few glasses down in front of them and they thanked her with a smile. Sergio held his drink out to cheers, and Catalina followed clinking the glass together. Before he could say anything, Catalina swooped in with a wide smile. "To Cristiano Ronaldo!"
Although they drank about equally, the alcohol affected Catalina much more as she was new to drinking and also weighed less than him. It was quickly revealed throughout the night that Catalina is a happy drunk. Suddenly everything was good in the world to Catalina, no such thing as embarrassment or worries.
Sergio felt a lot more grounded; acting as the guide to make sure nothing bad happened to the newly intoxicated girl. Catalina had danced a bit on the dance floor with some random girl, drunkenly swaying off-beat to an Aventura song.
Lost in the moment, Catalina's dress started to lift up as she danced. Sergio's blood rushed as a thin man tried to slip in between the two dancing drunk girls. "Si la tocas te rajo la garganta, coño" Sergio stepped in quickly, pushing the man with his palms.
"¿Estás jodidamente loco?" He huffed to the frightened man.
The man instantly backed away, promising he didn't want any problems. Sergio scowled at him as the man practically sprinted to the other side of the room, far away from the girls. Catalina hadn't even noticed the man, still laughing with the random girl about absolutely nothing.
Sergio bent down and pulled Catalina's dress back down. "Por favor, ten más cuidado" he whispered into her ear, causing her head to lean back into his touch.
She spin around and wrapped her hands around his neck, leaving the random girl alone. "Dance with me, Sergio" Catalina slurred as she batted her eyelashes.
Sergio's stone demeanor melted a bit as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "You know you aren't even dancing Bachata right?" 
Catalina nuzzled her face in his shoulder, clearly not engaging in anything he was saying. His hand tangled in her hair, holding her close. They swayed back and forth as they clutched onto each other tightly, only pulling away after the last cord of the song was finished. "You smell good" she mumbled into his shirt.
"Do you want to go back now? We have an early flight tomorrow" Sergio asked, arms still loosely wrapped around her.
Catalina's sheepishly nodded, eyes half closed from exhaustion after the long day they had both had.  "You can barely keep your eyes open, poor thing" Sergio sighed, gazing down at her bloodshot eyes.
Sergio lifted her up with ease and Catalina sighed with relief as they left the establishment. All he could hope was no one on the staff catching them in the lobby, as he didn't feel like having to explain himself to anyone.
In the short walk back to the hotel, Catalina had fallen asleep in his arms as he expected. Not wanting to wake her up nor wanting to dig through her clothes, he used one arm to get his room key and set her down on his bed gently, throwing the big comforter over her.
Sergio's own exhaustion had begun to hit from the long day. He stole one of the blankets from the bed and nuzzled up onto the small couch, falling asleep almost as soon as he hit the cushions.
A/N: AHHHH this took me so long to write I had writer's block but I'm pretty happy with how this turned out! I've rewritten it many times and now I've been writing for like 4 hours straight so I'm good with this version! Initially, this was going to be VERY different haha. I really hope you enjoyed it! Any comments are welcomed and truly appreciated! Thank you for reading!
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infraaa · 1 year
So sorry I forgot to read over the rules twice!
Can you do a male!reader x red velvet cookie fic then? Anything is fine
『grooves, finding perfect inspiration from a somewhat pleasant nights sleep. Sorry if it’s a little weird, this was mostly based off a dream I had.』
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red velvet cookie x platonic! male reader
bakers notes // here I gave the cookies in this fic more human names as headcanon material, just to oomph them up a bit realistically.
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Saint Biscoff Secondary School was established some time not as a school, but originally as an infirmary for wounded soldiers during the Dark Flour War, then as a magic academy for witches, and to increase awareness of the teachings of paganism as it began to rise in the Creme Republic. However, once the witch like cookies were wiped completely, Saint Biscoff became a school for exceptional students with extreme talent, intelligence, and background.
Within this school is a hierarchy system, built by the students that study here. There are three class presidents, and then there’s a single student body President known as “The Senior,” or, “The Senior President.” Each president has their own set of responsibilities for governing and maintaining the school atmosphere, acting as walking camera out on patrol. There was one young man in particular that took his job… a bit too seriously. Albeit very loyal to the principal of Saint Biscoff, the way he roamed the halls from period to period… is was almost as though he was looking for a fight. Amongst his grouplet was Anaiyah Williams, known by others as Pomegranate Cookie, third year class President, and Angelo Martin, known as Dark Choco Cookie, a fourth year in his rebellious stage… he was meant to be their bodyguard of sorts, despite our senior president’s full ability to maintain his own. Speaking of, our senior president was none other than Russel Hayes, known by the main student populous as Red Velvet Cookie, eldest son of Serenity and Aryn Hayes, or Dark Enchantress Cookie and Pure Vanilla Cookie. Many students looked to him in awe, surprised even still that he even got to the top of the food chain. He wasn’t known to be good of heart like his father, as he mad most qualities emanating from his mother, who primarily raised him. Outside of these traits, he did however attract the attention of several young female students, not only in his class, but other lower grade levels, not only because of his… supposed unique beauty, but because of his status as an aristocrat of sorts… meaning that the girls were attracted to not just him… but the money in his pocket.
He had his own office within the school library, where during lunch he would often retreat to to work on paperwork and eat. He was usually never alone during these times however, as he had his secretary. You, a library aid, had fifth period as a library student attendant, helping the librarians with general tasks and assisting in lessons. Thin glasses sat at his crimson nose as he calmly read through student proposals, taking a sip of his drink every couple minutes to refresh. He saw you enter the library and put your bags down at your usual table, which caused him to get up to greet you. His sudden appearance made you jump slightly in shock. “Hey, I was meaning to speak to you about something, wait— excuse me?” He called out to the lead librarian in the room, which directed her attention towards him. “Yes?” “May I steal him for a few minutes before he gets started?” With a confirming nod, Russel took that as his cue to take you by the wrist into his office. “Shut the door.” You quickly did as you were told, and you took your seat almost immediately in front of Russel’s dark oak desk. You eyed his name tag sitting neatly at the left hand corner, silvery and polished.
“‘Ey, read this.” He handed you a sheet of paper that looked to be a well constructed essay. You skimmed over it but looked back up at him. “What is this for?” “Reruns, just read it and tell me what you think.” Then it clicked, he wanted you to help him make adjustments to his rerun statement for the spring! You took this in stride, as this could boost your morale. “This seems… a bit too formal,” you started, clearing the croak in your throat. “This almost seems like you’re giving a presidential speech to the nation rather than to the senior class.”
“Hold up, give me back my thing—” “ah!” You jumped again as he suddenly took the small packet of papers from your hands as he flipped through, murmuring the words of the paper to himself quickly. “Mm…” He hummed in thought. He then looked you in the eye and blinked, thinking. “If you say it’s so formal and what not… why don’t you show me what your literature smart brain can think of?” This made you look at him in confusion. “W-What? You want me to-“ “yeah, sure. Why not? You write, don’t you? I mean I coulda swore that I saw your name somewhere in the school newspaper. You’re into journalism and shit, so rewrite my damn cover and give it back.” You took back his packet in your hands and clutched it to your chest. Looking at him with uncertainty. “Dude, what if it’s crappy and you don’t like it?” He rolled his eyes at you, taking a sip of his Jamba Juice. “I will pay you, how’s that?”
Money, from someone that’s wealthy, now we’re talking!
“How much?”
“…fifty.” Was that good enough? This had to be high quality, surely you would spend all night on this. “Sixty.” You countered. “The fuck is this, an auction?” Russel questioned, looking at you with slight annoyance. He saw the hair on your head stand with slight confidence, and even though he thought this was stupid, he gave it another go. “Seventy.”
“Fuck off man I will give you one hundred dollars. I will give you one hundred dollars to write this for me.”
“…one hundred ten?”
“ONE. HUNDRED.” “Fuck okay okay Russel. Jeebus, I’ll rewrite the thing.”
During your ride home, google docs was your good friend as you began to copy and fix things, tweaking Red Velvet’s essay. The next day you would print it out after an intensive proofreading session and give him your copy. Simple as that right? No, nothing is simple.
Because when you got home from school, your mother had left to go out. In the kitchen however you heard a door reopen and close sometime after your mother left. Thinking she came back, you came downstairs to see none other than Russel Hayes in your kitchen, putting his Jamba Juice in your fridge. You were surprised and stepped back in shock, the reverberation of your footsteps echoing across the marble kitchen floor caused Red Velvet, your senior president, to turn and look at you as he simultaneously set something down on your griddle that situated itself in the middle of your gas stove. “How did you get in here?” You asked him, a bit of stress in your voice. “Oh you have sliding doors,” “they were locked when I left this morning.” “I unlocked them with a bobby pin and a paper clip.”
After that… weird ass confrontation, you both headed upstairs together, with him having something in his hand. After you all got to your bedroom, he sat in your big Sherpa chair. “Why are you here?” You asked him, “if my mother comes back and sees you I’m toast and so are you.” Red Velvet just gave you a look and didn’t say a word before pointing to your laptop. “I said I would give it to you tomorrow morning.” “Doesn’t mean I can’t help you.”
You both attempted to work on his revised speech together, and he left sometime after it’s completion. The next day came, and you saw him again in the library during your aid period. He grabbed you when you came in and gave you an arm hug with his huge monster arm. You could tell, he was definitely excited. Turned out, he handed his revised essay over to the senior force and they loved it! They wanted the journalism club to put a snippet of it in the school newspaper. You laughed with him and returned his thanks, but one thing still remained… where was your money?
“You said you would give me a hundred for that.”
“You sincerely thought I meant that?”
As Red Velvet packed his lunch up and proceeded to walk out of the library, he laughed again heartily, and eyed you from his shoulder. You looked at him in shock, that sneaky son of a bitch! He came over to your house to help you edit out his essay so that he could evade giving you money for your services. That good for nothing dog. You poured slightly and crossed your arms.
“See ya next time, boy.”
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
Happy Weekend!
This is a bit off topic of my actual ask but, do you find January to be a depressing month? A lot of people seem bummed out lately, and I’m right there with them. I’m hoping you are doing well, though. Sort of related to this, I’m wondering if you can give me something positive to think about? (I like your generally positive energy, not that it’s remotely your job to cheer me up.)
To be more specific, could you pick one or two moments, scenes, episodes, or versions of characters in Supernatural for Jensen and for Jared where you think each of their acting was especially strong or on point (together or separate), and what stands out for you? I know Jensen is your big actor love on here, but you seem to appreciate Jared too, so I hope you wouldn’t mind? I saw you mention the other day that you aren’t really watching the show right now, so if you can’t be too specific I totally understand. I just love that when you comment on a character or scene, you don’t only comment on looks but the quality that the actor brings, and I find it really interesting.
Anyway, have a lovely weekend.
That's easy, it would have to be these guys:
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Hipsters Sam and Dean are my life. Hahahaha Just kidding.
Jensen Ackles' Michael - Unpopular opinion, I know. Hear me out, yes Jensen was mostly histrionic and didn't do much prep work, however, the moments when he did connect were very powerful and this is because this character type matches his essence flipped to the dark side. The arrogance and power Michael displayed, when Jensen genuinely connects, is a perfect match for his brand. He has a ton of rich, dark layers and I wish we could see him in an intense role where he could explore that. On the biased side: Michael loved to dress elegantly and I loved that, it matches Jensen's overall vibe and look so much more than dressing like a forest man. Jensen has a great presence to play characters that engage in power plays but he also has a lot of ticks and histrionic expressions that he needs to lose. He is set on recreating different versions of Dean but oh how sublime his characters would be if he would only choose to be natural instead and play each character as it is meant to be played. He has so many layers, so much charm, depth as well as intensity. Despite his misses, I am in awe each time I see him on screen because the camera does capture even the layers he so desperately tried to hide, the very layers that could make him into an extraordinary actor. I don't think there's anyone more passionate than me about seeing Jensen in his full, connected magnificence while he is acting. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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Sorry, but I can't make this post without mentioning my actual favorite character Jensen has ever played on SPN: Djin Dreamverse Dean, who was living happily. Why? Because Dean deserved to be happy so I loved getting a glimpse of that and also because, when it comes to playing romantic characters, it's very in line with Jensen's essence and so it's a castable type for him. I loved Jensen's performance in this episode and there was a lot going on behind his eyes which made us live it too. Also, on the biased side, this will forever be etched in my mind:
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Jared Padalecki's Lucifer - Sublime, multilayered, a mix of contradictions that sparked genuine fear. This is what happens when an actor focuses on playing a villain without resorting to cliches (yes, Jensen I am looking at you lol), Jared clearly did a lot of inner work for this scene and it showed.
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Instead of doing what Jensen mostly does which is resort to screaming, aggressive demeanor along with other weird impulses due to disconnection (used Jensen to create a clear contrast, he's not the only one who plays villains in a cliche way though) which makes him lose power as a villain as well as credibility, Jared chose to create a sublime character that plays on the limit between gentleness, danger, mystery as well as seductiveness. Why? Because he was playing the ultimate villain, the devil, the king of seduction. Jared knew that were he to play the role aggressively he would lose the essence of what Lucifer is and what real villains are. People who hold ultimate power are always the quietest and most elegant in a room, the villain's psychology within the acting realm is much more powerful when contrast is created. The villains who truly hold power are collected, calm, and controlled up until destruction ensues, only then do they get trigged into an unfathomable rage. Master manipulators like to toy with their victims, create intense attraction and keep people on edge and gaslighted until it is time for the big reveal. For example, Al Pacino in Devil's Advocate, throughout the entire movie, he is seductive, powerful, he never loses his cool until destruction ensues. Because that's the most powerful way to play a villain, those who hold true power play on elegance, seduction, influence and, most of all, intelligence. (Sidenote: A young Jensen would have been perfect for the role Kevin Lomax) Jared did his homework and his emotional preparation. Therefore, it is a joy to watch him play this, especially since it is so different from Sam and he taps into dark layers that I hadn't noticed before. You can tell by watching this scene that Jared is incredibly intelligent and though he may put on the goof persona at cons, there is much depth to him. Also, what I love the most is that, like a truly independent actor, Jared didn't copy or consider Mark's version of Lucifer but instead created one of his own and, to be frank, one that was more effective. He created the character as opposed to copying what others were doing, which is what a fully trained, effective actor does. Last but not least, Jared used the rose in a similar way to how Al Pacino used the seduction in the Devil's advocate. To create tension and contrast that amplified Lucifer's dangerous nature. I loved that moment, it is sublime. Jensen would also be perfect to play this version of Lucifer, it matches his brand perfectly and it's one of the character types he could play. My doubt, however, is that due to poor research and inner work on his part, he would just play the surface, the idea of it and, in so doing, lose much power and credibility in the process. This post got a little long, sorry about that. As for January, it can be depressing because people are suddenly switching from holidays to getting back into the grind and also taking score of what they have yet to achieve, then there's the collective consciousness trauma we've all experienced due to covid as well as personal situations one may be living or remembering. It's been challenging for me as well, I mean I appreciate everything last year bought into my life, I have a lot to be thankful for but I can't help but feel sadness too and this month is when it all comes into sharper focus for some reason. I hope you take it easy and focus on self-care. Sending you lots of love. If you ever need to talk, please feel free to DM me, or even send me anon messages and mention you'd like to have them kept private instead of posted. One thing that helps me is tuning in to whatever makes me flow appreciation, could be rewatching SPN, journaling about everything I appreciate, music, doing something for another, etc., depends on the moment, but the point is milking the moment to feel joy and appreciation. This is not easy when you are depressed so do keep note of the things, people and experiences that naturally uplift you.
Thank you for your kindness, uplifting energy and for allowing to answer this such a beautiful ask. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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jennibeultimate · 2 years
Personal recap MK John Wilson Trophy 2022 - Men FS
First of all whoever is in charge of the camera work is doing an awful job - coloring shading horrible, cutting of heads in spins and change of angle midspin or like in ice dance not showing the faces at all for some - like c'mon we are used to not great camera work but I never thought it could get even worse.
Applause to the crowd, they were truly supportive!
Congrats to Daniel Grassl for winning the event! 🎉
Not a fan of Daniel Grassl but he delivered under pressure and I think he presented the program better than at Skate America. I don't know how he manages to jump with this heavy leg wrap, but he does it. His chances to qualify for the GPF are quite good (assuming Shoma and Ilia win the last GPs he should likely get in)
Thrilled for Deniss Vasiljews. Completely different demeanor than at Skate Canada. It's a beautiful program, he has beautiful skating. I really love this program for him. Congrats on your first GP medal!🥈
Shun Sato is back after all the injuries he went through this was a very good skate for him. I think his skating is not very emotive but I think he can evolve in that department. He still has his 2nd GP assignments to do, but qualifying for the GPF will be hard bc he would have to win against Ilia in Espoo and looking at how Ilia did and was scored so far that is hard. (Shun was so cute in the medal ceremony not knowing what to do 🥰)
Koshiro Shimada just has a wonderful free skate to The Artist. What Shun lacks a bit Koshiro has in overflowing quality. He can easily get the crowd behind him and he is so charming in his program. My favorite skate today tbh.
Tatsuya Tsuboi - I kind of have the same problems with Tatsuya as I have with Sota Yamamoto. He is for sure a good skater, but he is skates rather bland. He doesn't leave much impression on me. Shun may not emote that much, but still has tremendous jumps to impress and still goes through all his movements. Tatsuya's movement often seem unfinished. Ofc he has still just started in seniors, but it just irked me.
Roman Sadovsky - just heartbroken for Roman 💔💔💔😭😭😭😭 Sadly it's not surprising, he did the same in Nebelhorn - impress with a tremendous SP, but falling apart in the FS - but still I had hopes 😢 If Roman would find a bit more consistency he would be a frontrunner with his extraordinary skating skills and musicality, but this way it's just sad to see someone so talented landing off podium again and again and again.
Jimmy Ma is just fun to watch. He always brings such positive energy to the ice no matter if he makes mistakes or not. Really enjoyable skater.
Though I don't like Morisi Kvitelashvili much I am kind of relieved he didn't completely implode again but I feared in the first group that he would move up even more as how bad the rest of the group except Tatsuya skated. Not gonna lie that I am kind of relieved I don't have to worry about getting Morisi at the GPF...sorry not sorry 6th best free skate with 138 points also shows the level of this men event...
I think we kind of can forget about the rest of the competition tbh...
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 2 years
❣️ 🧑‍🦰 🍷🌙 🤔 for Jonas
🎮 🎁 🐒 🤔 🎨☂️ 💝 🍽️ 🌙 for Malik
(Sorry if they are too many. Feel free to skip any you don't like. Also, absolutely in love with ur characters <33)
- 🐢 anon
Thank you turtle anon!! :3c
❣️ - What are their love languages?
Jonas grew up with his parents' love being expressed through expensive gifts, but really he prefers spending quality time together or acts of service. It means a lot more to him when someone willingly goes out of their way to sit with him for a couple hours than to just give him something with a big price tag that he never wanted in the first place
🧑‍🦰 - Have they ever dyed their hair? Ever cut it themself?
Yep! Ever since he was a teenager his mother made him maintain blonde highlights in his brown hair because she thought it was a much more appealing look. He doesn't mind it too much, even if it can be a pain to have the roots touched up.
He tried to cut his hair once as a kid and he wasn't allowed out in public for like four months until his curls grew back a decent enough length
🍷- How do they feel about alcohol?
He's used to the occasional glass of wine or champagne or whiskey, but his favorite are grapefruit mimosas
🌙 - What’s their sleep schedule like?
Before being kidnapped Jonas had a pretty regimented sleep schedule. After being kidnapped it's hardly a schedule at all, only really "falling asleep" when he passes out from pain or exhaustion and never for very long.
Malik on the other hand is one of those freaks that can perfectly function with like 4 hours of sleep no problem, so he's both a night owl and an early riser. There's been a couple times he might doze off in the basement if he's not doing anything but tormenting hanging out with one of his 'lover's, but most noises wake him up before they can do anything
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand?
Jonas can't understand how people can be so cruel to each other like it's nothing. Not even just towards Malik and his associates, but his parents and their friends, or just those awful news stories of people committing violent crimes and being an asshole caught on camera. Sometimes he thinks he's the weird one for being too empathetic
Malik genuinely can't understand emotions. It's been said plenty of times that he's a sociopath, but he honestly can't wrap his head around caring about things like grief and remorse and sympathy, especially in regards to another person going through any of those things. He knows the concepts of them and can portray them well enough for the sake of appearances, but it's never authentic.
🎮 - What’s their favorite game?
Malik likes simple strategy games like checkers or chess. He also likes making two victims play these games with the loser being forced to sacrifice a body part
🎁 - How do they feel about their birthday/birthdays in general?
Indifferent. Just another year closer to death
🐒 - What’s their favorite animal?
He's not much a fan of animals, but if he had to choose probably something like a wolf or coyote
🎨 - What’s their favorite color?
To the absolute surprise of no one: black
☂️ - How do they feel about rain?
Not a fan, actually. It makes burials a pain in the ass with mud, reduced visibility when he's driving the backroads of his small town, and in general is just cold and wet. He likes it when it's cloudy/overcast more than the actual storm itself
💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side?
Already answered!
🍽️ - What’s their favorite food?
He likes just about any type of red meat no matter how it's prepared like a good little southern boy
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Sorry for suddenly dipping after 2 posts, I got distracted by doing nothing.
Continuing, the first sketchbook I filled with AW stuff I started on I believe August 12th, and finished on October 7th. Both 2021. (I at least think. I tend to mix up day/month/year and month/day/year formats, so I might have fudged it.)
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(Sorry that some of the pictures aren't the best quality. My phone camera and house lighting aren't very good)
First page, we've got Grit. (Again, I was basic) something you're gonna notice about how I drew him at the time, and even now sometimes, is that he doesn't really give off the vibes he actually in game. This is both because I mainly used the remake art as a reference rather then his original art, and that I, before this, had a quite limited way that I drew characters. Because I had only drawn a select few Splatoon characters for the past 2 years, I didn't develop much variation.
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we've also got some Eagle drawings. I didn't really care for him, but I ended up starting this sketchbook while on vacation and saw some cool planes while on it, so I think that's why he shows up.
Also the text on the left reads "how do I draw this man???" Though my ability to draw him would get better eventually, my handwriting wouldn't. Sorry.
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natsumigirl100 · 1 month
Chp 4: That’s Entertainment (Part 4)
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The royal family limousine can be seen driving back to the hotel. Charlie can be seen hugging her knees and looking out the window when her jacket is ruined after Katie Killjoy attacked her, while Vaggie sits next to her, glaring furiously at Angel Dust.
Charlie suddenly sighs as Vaggie's eye twitches at Angel Dust, who can be seen amusing himself by playing with the car window roller repeatedly.
Vaggie scrunches up her face.
Angel Dust takes notice. "...What?"
"'What?' 'WHAT?!' What were you DOING?!" Vaggie angrily asks, as she rips off bits of her hair.
Angel Dust sighs and says, "I owed my girl buddy a solid! Isn't that a' "redeeming quality"?" He than does air quotes. "Helping friends with stuff?" While rolling his eyes.
"Not with turf wars that result in territorial genocide!" Vaggie exclaims.
"Eh, you win some, you lose a few hundred. Ehahahahahah!" Angel Dust laughs as he inhales. "It wasn't that bad, anyway." He proceeds to play with the button of the car window roller. Vaggie throws an unfolded pocket knife at the window roller.
"Aw, come on! I had to!" Angel Dust says as he brushes back his hair. "My credibility was on the line! I mean, what kind of reputation would I have if people found out I was tryna go clean? It just throws out my entire persona!" He says. He than suggestively pushes up his chest floof.
"Your credibility? What about the hotel's?!" Vaggie questions Angel Dust with gestures at a defeated Charlie. "Your little stunt made us look like a fucking joke!"  Vaggie than combusts.
Angel Dust scoffs. "No, no, no, babe. Jokes are funny! I made you look... uh, sad!"
The camera pans to Charlie. "And pathetic! Like an orphan... with no arms... or legs... Oh! With progeria!" Angel Dust says, just making it worse.
The camera focuses back on him. "Great! Now I'm bummed thinkin' about it!" Angel Dust starts looking around the limousine. "This thing have any liquor?" Angel Dust ask.
"Can you please just try to take this seriously?!" Vaggie asks in frustration.
Angel Dust flicks off a dust bunny. "Fine, I'll try. Just don't get your taco in a twist, baby!" He snaps his finger at her, while smiling.
"Was that you trying to be sexist or racist?!" Vaggie asks him.
Angel Dust groans. "Whatever pisses you off more. Is there seriously no liquor in here?!" Angel Dust asks once more but this time with a tint of disbelief in his voice.
Vaggie returns to sit next to Charlie as she crosses her arms. "I'm gonna kill 'im." Vaggie states to Charlie.
"Too late, toots. Wait! Would that make me double dead? Hah, and where exactly do I go? To Double Hell Hahahahahahahahal Sorry, you're stuck with me, bitch - get used to" Angel Dust folds his arms confidently.
Vaggie is now more angry than ever. She grits her teeth and says, "¡Con una mierda, malparido hijo de-!"Which translates, (For fuck's sake, you bastard son of-!)
"Listen, who cares if some jack-offs got hurt? Most of 'em are ugly freaks. Look around! Angel Dust states as he looks out the limousine window, smirking'. "You got a bunch a fuckin' Harlequin babies down here!" Angel Dust says while laughing.
"You're one to talk." Vaggie stated while smiling smugly.
"Hey!" Angel Dust motions to his body. "This body is flawless! Everyone wants summa me," He than pushes up chest fluff and takes out a letter. "and I've got the creepy fan letters to prove it!"
He takes the letters from in between his chest floof and reveals it to Vaggie that features a small picture of a dirty naked old man, who ironically has a "No Angel Dust" tattoo, smothering his mouth on an Angel Dust body pillow and a message at the bottom saying, "Show me your feet!! -Bryrin, #1 Fan/Critic".
"Grrr..." Vaggie growled with anger.
"That was really uncool, 'know, Angel." Charlie states with a small frown.
"'Uncool'?! After that train-wreck, there is no way anyone is gonna wanna stay at the hotel!" Vaggie says out of irritation. She looks toward Angel Dust. "All thanks to" She points at him. "you and your selfish bullshit!" Vaggie finished off.
"Does that mean I don't have a free room anymore?" Angel Dust asked with a bummed expression.
Vaggie motions a, "What do you think?" At Angel Dust.
Angel Dust snaps his fingers, "Ah...well, shucks."
"Hey, come on." Charlie says, she takes off the ruined jacket. "We don't know if things are over yet! Try to relax, Vaggie." Charlie said to Vaggie, putting a hand on Vaggie's left shoulder. "-it'll be okay!" Charlie reassures.
Vaggie smiles at Charlie softly.
Suddenly, the driver hit something and caused the trio to fall forward onto each other.
"What the fuck?!!" Angel Dusts says, while tangled in with Charlie and Vaggie.
"Have to stop for now to see what I hit." The driver tells them, getting out of the limousine and checks it out.
The trio got untangled and decided to go out to see what's up. When they got out, they saw the driver bending down with a look of concern on his face.
"You alright miss?" Asked the driver.
"Ah, I should be."  The person states, with a grunt of pain with it.
The trio approaches where the driver and the person is at and than they see a woman.
She has spiky long brown hair with golden highlights, green forest eyes, tan white skin, with three yellow dots underneath her eyes. She wore a coat, with long sleeved gloves that had sparkly white dots on the sunset color patterns. She also wore a white jumpsuit kinda clothing, with white long leggings with it, matching the pattern.
“Wow, she seems so..."
Angel Dust says before he could finish, Charlie beat him to it.
The trio seemed mesmerized by the woman, suddenly they see the woman try to get up, but instead, she falls right back down to the ground.
They quickly go over to her.
"Woah ma'am, take it easy." Vaggie states, holding onto the woman's shoulders.
"Yeah, don't push yourself!" Charlie says next, putting her arm onto one of her shoulders.
"It's okay, I think I just lost my balance." The woman tells them, but soon grunts in pain.
The trio looks down to see one of her legs is fully bruised with some cuts with it.
"I think it's just more than balance sweetheart." Angel Dust claims, looking a bit concerned.
"Sigh great." The woman mutters out, frustrated with the whole situation.
Charlie thinks for a moment until an idea pops into her head.
"How about we take you back to my hotel! There we can heal you and maybe you can even live there." Charlie says to the woman.
Who looks at her surprised.
"Really?" The woman asked.
"Yeah! You don't even have to pay any fee or anything while you stay at my hotel. You could think of it as, 'I'm sorry I fucked up your leg'" Charlie says sheepishly as the woman thought about the offer.
Soon she nods and smiles. "I wouldn't mind staying at your hotel, just as long as I don't get noisy neighbors." The woman states.
"Deal!" Charlie states. "Now let's go back to the hotel than!" Charlie states, as Vaggie and her carry the woman into the limousine. While they place the woman into the vehicle, Charlie than says, "I didn't catch your name..."
"Bella, that's my name" The woman tells her with a smile.
"I'm Charlie! Please to meet you."
"Same to you as well."
Once they all were in the limousine, they all go straight back to the hotel, with a new possible member tagging along with them.
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dove-does-tarot · 1 year
Ooh thanks! (Had to resend since I was gonna help with a wiki link but tumblr said nah not allowed)
A romantic reading like what you did is fine :) His name is Wanderer aka man of Many Names ™️ he was one of my favorites since the launch of the game. Very good and deep character, must protecc ⚔️
Looking forward to that Floyd fic 👀👀👀 he was my first favorite twin then that shifted, then back to Floyd, now I’m stuck between the two of them lol (“both, both is good” ™️)
I definitely don’t have a thing for intelligent or tragic gremlins pssss no of course not…..
Oof, I feel ya; I just love all of the fish mafia dearly, even though they are shady bastards. Currently, though Floyd is my fav since he was the only SSR that I have from them; awful Gacha luck. And for the Floyd fic it'll be on my writing blog; da-birb-writes-sometimes.
I am familiar with Wanderer *proceeds to sing Bohemian Rhapsody while shuffling /hj* Lemme see what I can do for ya, 🪼. And don't worry about links, I'm used to hunting down info.
Content Warning; spiders... again, touching on past trauma (Wanderer 100%, but also possibly you? You don't have to disclose that info btw)
Their Energy
Spider; this is more so a vibe than the actual card's meaning. I know of the lore, so the spider with its web and the strings attached feels correct given his past. He may also feel like he's trapped between what he knows and what remains to come to the surface. A creator.
What They Are In Need Of
Starfish; they need to realize what they want and put aside what others expect from them. They need positive friends and realize their inner beauty. They may feel empty when out of balance
The Vibe of the Relationship
Ten of Cups Reversed (Julnar the Sea Born); Letting go of dysfunctional family, leaving behind a broken home, of instability, conflict and neglect. I know this fits Wanderer TOO well, but this could also apply to you; again, take that with a grain of salt.
Strengths in the Relationship
Six of Swords Reversed (Danae and Perseus); Letting go of feeling trapped, of instability, abuse, and of unresolved issues. By leaving the past behind, a calm and promising future lies ahead. This could relate to Ten of Cups (R).
Needs Working On
Three of Cups Reversed (Apsara); Letting go of overindulgence, disintegrating bonds, gossip and isolation. Once those are overcome, the "good time" as the card puts it, will come.
Again, I see a lot of healing for both of you. It may be rocky at times, but once you realize what the past traumas are, the future would be bright. Please take him to therapy, please.
Unrelated, but I'm curious if you're a water sign or have any major water sign placements? Since the Suit of Cups and water-fixed cards have shown up a lot in your readings. It could just be me overthinking it though... Pisces? [bad at guessing people's signs]
Cards Under Cut cuz apparently spiders like you (sorry for the camera quality)
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