#sometimes i realize how primitive this thing is -_-
1004tyun-archive · 1 year
my girlfriend 🫶🥺💎🩷 i just got done with the groceries and omg we got soooo many kinds of ice cream 😭😭 i didn’t find any ben and jerry’s of milk and cookies, there were only cookie dough flavors…
instead i got cookies and cream ice cream simply cause it made me think of you 🥹 it was new too!! i can’t wait to try it mommy!! 🥺🩷 i’ll tell you what i think of it~ we got raspberry, caramel, choco fudge brownie, cookie dough ice cream~ and sorbets >:3 i think the cashier looked at us like o_o and we were like “yes that’s a lot… they’re very good so…~” FHSJFJDJF 😭👉👈🩷
now i’m gonna make myself some chicken crispies hehe >3< 🩷🩷 i know nuggets are some of your favorite kinds of junk food so it makes me happy to eat it hehe 🥺 i wish i could share it with you~
mommy 🥺🥺 i don’t have much else to talk about that we aren’t doing in the dms hehe so for now i’ll be just confessing how much i love you ;3; 🩷🩷 my beautiful girlfriend is the best~ even as we were shopping i kept thinking about in a way or another… i would love to do groceries with you just to know what you generally eat and you know what i eat as well hehe >3< 🩷🩷 we could even learn some things to cook together~ my precious love, my crystal gem 🥺🥺💎🩷 i can’t wait for you to wake up, i’m sorry i took so long ;//; i love you mommy 🥺🩷🩷
my cherry beary girlfriend 🥺🩵🫶🏾
i haven’t been able to find the milk and cookies flavor either recently if it’s not where you are and not in my area, i wonder where it’s all gone 🤔🤔
you got so many other good flavors though!! so many options i hope you enjoy all of them especially cookies and cream my beloved 🤭🤭🩵 i really hope you like ir bc cookies and cream will always be THAT ice cream flavor for me not everyone can do it perfectly but when you have it made right it’s so mind blowingly amazing 🥹🥹🥹 if i was the cashier seeing all that ice cream i would’ve been so jelly like can i have some?? 😔😔
chicken crispies!!! :3 i hope you enjoyed them my love 🥺🥺 i want to have some with you and try your fave bbq sauce 🥺
my baby 🥺🥺🥺🩵🩵 i’d love to go grocery shopping together someday it’d be so much fun 🥺 i wanna see the kinds of things you like to eat~ it’s funny you say that bc i was just added recipes to our pin board there are so many things i want to make with you (mainly desserts but still djhshs) it would be so fun!! my soft sweet cherry marshmallow, my one and only 🥺🥺 you didn’t take too long!! i’d always wait for you no matter what 🥺🩵 i love you so much~ 🩵🩵
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cursedvida · 8 months
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WARNINGS: NSFW minors DNI, little smut, Buggy being nasty, swearing.
A/N: Part 4 of this and finally some smut. hope you enjoy!
You still can't believe you kissed Buggy. It was not in your plans to be so direct. You have never been so emotionally exposed, but is also true that you have no experience in romantic matters. You haven't been attracted to anyone before, or at least not in that way. Buggy brings out your most primitive instincts and clouds your reason, it's something you can't avoid.
But actions have consequences and so does kissing your captain. Buggy still hasn't recovered from the shock. The last thing he expected from you was a confession followed by a kiss. Ever since you joined his crew he noticed how you didn't quite fit in. You didn't seem very excited about show business, nor did you seem to be up for the shows. He didn't quite understand why you were so eager to be part of his crew, but it didn't seem strange to him either: he is Buggy the Clown, he is famous not only in the East Blue but also in the Gran Line. Pirates fear him, Marines hate him. He is a genius of deception and persuasion, his fame precedes him enough to attract new challengers. You might not quite fit in but it made sense that you didn't want to leave.
He still wasn't sure whether to trust you or not. Your confession had left him totally baffled and that kiss directly disarmed him. He would never have imagined such a reaction from you, do you really like him the way you say you do or is it just a strategy? Buggy is a really suspicious person, especially when good things happen to him. He doesn't want to believe that you like him because he knows that, if he does, he'll probably end up being disappointed. There's no way a girl like you, who could have anyone, really has feelings for him. Although she'll never admit it, of course, because he's a renowned pirate and people should consider it an honor to have him around.
Nevertheless, he is unable to take his eyes off you. He watches you as you clean the deck of the ship, he follows your movements at mealtimes with his eyes. He is able to count how many times a day you yawn or make that bored face that characterizes you so much. The more he looks at you, the prettier you look to him and the harder it is for him to control himself.
You notice his gaze fixed on you, although you don't know why he watches you with such intensity. Sometimes you have the feeling that at any moment he will leave you stranded on the first island you see, that your days in that crew are numbered. You think he might be very angry, Buggy's character is fickle and unpredictable at times, if he has taken the kiss badly he won't hesitate to make you pay for it. He shouldn't see it as an offense either, you may not be the most exceptional woman in the world but he might see it as a compliment just the same.
You try to avoid it or pretend nothing happened. Yes, the best thing will be to pretend, as you have been doing so far. But he keeps looking at you, all the time, and you start to get nervous.
"Y/N, I have to talk to you" you hear him call after lunchtime.
You tense up at that moment, you feel all your muscles stiffen, as if you were preparing for a fight. You have a strange feeling in your stomach, as if you were nauseous. The walk to his cabin is the longest you've ever walked, and it's only a few meters. When you finally find yourselves alone, you realize that you are unable to look at him. You, who are used to always looking the enemy in the eye, suddenly shy away from Buggy almost instinctively. You realize that deep down you are dead embarrassed.
"Did you call me, Captain?" you ask rather sheepishly. This whole thing is starting to get on your nerves. You're not like that, you're not a softie, not a shy, insecure little girl, you're a ruthless killer with several dozen deaths behind you. You don't understand why he makes you feel so weak, but when he's near you your head stops obeying you.
"Why did you do that?"
No beating around the bush, straight to the point. Buggy didn't want to waste any time. When you finally manage to look at him, his eyes look distrustful and at the same time somewhat hurt.
"It was a strategy, wasn't it?" he insists "You think I didn't notice?"
"A strategy?"
"Yes, to see if I forgot about what happened a couple of days ago. You were trying to divert attention."
You raise your eyebrows in disbelief. Come on, don't fuck around, did the asshole really think you kissed him on the mouth as a confusion strategy? But is he really an asshole or did he fall out of the cradle at birth?
"But are you stupid or what's wrong with you?"
That response on your part, so aggressive, so angry, makes Buggy totally bewildered. In his mind, the only plausible explanation for a girl like you confessing and kissing him is that you are, in effect, trying to gain his trust so that he will forget the suspicious things about you. He doesn't understand why you seem so infuriated.
"I find it amazing that you brag so much about how wonderful you are when then you're not even capable of believing that a girl can like you" You blurt out to him, crossing your arms.
"I've liked hundreds of women, I'm Buggy the…"
"Yeah, I know, we all know that" you cut him off coldly "You pretend you're so full of yourself, but deep down you have very little confidence in yourself."
"Be careful what you say, sweetie, the consequences can be very bad."
"Is it that hard for you to accept that I like you?"
That question catches Buggy totally off guard. It pains him to admit it, but it really does. Of course he's aware that many women are attracted to him, but they're always passing flings, people he's barely seen for a couple of days. People who, in the end, don't know him. You've spent months with him, you've seen him fail on several occasions, it's clear that you're talented and may one day become a really strong pirate. Besides, you're gorgeous and you're hot, he really does find it hard to believe that this whole thing isn't a hoax.
"If you're not attracted to me that's fine" you tell him "we're both adults, I can handle rejection. But stop underestimating my feelings, that's cruel."
Buggy is silent for a few moments, something quite unbecoming of him. Then he looks at you, still in disbelief.
"So you were serious about yesterday?"
"Of course it was serious!" you exclaim, exasperated "I've been doing a lot of-"
But Buggy's mouth won't let you finish. When you want to realize, his lips are on yours and his tongue, agile and curious, tries to enter your mouth with desperation. It's the first time someone kisses you in such a passionate way, as if somehow trying to eat you whole, so it's a little hard for you to react to his momentum. You move your lips to match his and your tongues begin a contest of strength. Buggy's kiss is deep, tastes like salt and face paint. It has a metallic aftertaste that hooks you and its smell of gunpowder and sea manages to numb your senses. Just when you think you're about to lose your balance, a hand detached from his body grabs you around the waist, pulling you closer to him, so close that you are only a few millimeters apart.
You'd been fantasizing about something like this for a while, but your wettest dreams were nowhere near as exciting as the real thing. Having Buggy kissing you as if the world was going to end at that very moment makes your stomach shrink and your legs shake as if they were made of jelly. You've never felt so vulnerable around anyone before, but you don't hate the feeling, it makes you feel good for the first time.
You wrap your arms around his neck. You want more of him, you want to hold him closer. You need to cling to him with such desperation that the slightest almost imperceptible draft that can fit between the two of you hurts. He senses that need of yours and automatically pulls you tighter against his torso. His kisses are deep, wet and with a slight hint of anger that makes them intoxicating.
"Fuck" he exclaims, pulling away slightly for air.
You let out a small moan, something that makes Buggy smile.
"What's up, little girl, do you want more?"
Now it is you who kiss him. Buggy responds with momentum, placing his leg between yours. His hands begin to explore your body over your clothes. You've never let anyone go this far, but with him you just want more and more. When you notice one of his hands stop at your crotch you freeze.
"I'm actually really looking forward to you" he comments, whispering huskily in your ear as he begins to rub between his hand and the fabric of your pants "I've been wondering for some time what it must be like to have you in my bed"
"What a liar you are" You manage to say, almost in a whisper. You notice how the fabric of your underwear is getting wetter and wetter "When I came you didn't even know my name".
"You're right" he nods, giving you a couple of kisses on your neck while his fingers press your most sensitive parts "I just knew you were a pretty face. Little girl, you're like a chocolate candy."
He then attacks your neck, making you moan. He slowly pulls down your pants, now the only barrier he has are your panties.
"Fuck, little girl, your panties are so wet" his voice sounds husky and very excited "I've barely touched you and you're already like this? Fuck, what a delight."
"Buggy…" You sigh. It's the first time a man has managed to get his hand on you and the feelings you are now experiencing are totally new. The pleasure, the swelling, the wetness… You feel like you're going to explode, that you need more contact, more intensity. You move me a little to make friction between his hand and your most intimate part "Buggy, I love it."
"I'm going to eat you whole, princess."
Buggy then removes his glove with his mouth and it is at that moment that he slips his long fingers under your panties. You open your eyes as you feel the direct contact between his skin and your most intimate area.
"So wet just for me, this is a treasure" he murmurs, quite pleased.
At first he just slides one of his fingers all over your intimate area, making your skin crawl with goose bumps. You swore you wouldn't let anyone have you at their mercy, but you've totally surrendered to him and when he finally locates your clitoris, gently caressing it with your own natural lubrication, you can't help but let out a moan.
"That's it, little girl. Yeah, moan for me" He smiles, quite pleased.
"It's… God, please Buggy don't stop doing it" you ask him, almost beg, because the pleasure is enormous.
Buggy starts stroking you faster, now you feel like your whole body is on fire, with a kind of heat right in the center of your belly that intensifies every time his fingertips brush against your skin. You start moaning helplessly as he slides his tongue down your neck until it reaches your cleavage.
"Buggy…" You can barely say anything, just moan his name, but that seems to delight you.
"I'm going to make you mine completely, Y/N. I hope you know what you've done."
But just as Buggy is about to slip one of his fingers inside you, someone knocks loudly on his cabin door, completely breaking the mood. You both tense up, giving a little gasp. Buggy lets out a huge growl, looking really pissed off.
"But who the fuck is it now!" he shrieks, hands still shoved between your legs.
"Captain" Cabaji's voice is heard "We have a problem, there's a Navy ship nearby".
"Fuck" Buggy roars, he'd probably love to beat the shit out of Cabaji for interrupting him at a time like this, but the reasons have been more than justified.
He looks at you with an annoyed look on his face.
"We're not done yet" It's not an apology, it's a warning.
You smile at him.
"I hope so, Captain."
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luverz-exe · 18 days
Hey, I was wondering if maybe you could do yandere headcanons for The Riddler from arkahm city? I rarley see anything about the arkahm games. However, If not it's fine, have a nice day or night!
Yandere Arkham City! Riddler Headcanons
Slightly suggestive near the end, oopsie doopsie guys. Oh yeah, and he says some really mean words, guys- an absolute shocker 🤯
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...Uh, hi. I'm back. sorry for the prolonged hiatus, I've just been...dealing with a lot at the moment. I'm glad to be back. I'm not gonna be making a full blown post for it, so imma just say my piece here. Don't worry Anon, I'm gonna get to your request soon- just wanna talk a little bit. Requests will be off for awhile, how long, I'm not sure. Going to finish the requests I can, I won't force myself to do them all- because if I can't write it, then I realize I'm not obligated to. A reason that I quit was because I was so overwhelmed with stuff. But that was any of your faults! I am absolutely astounded that I have so much support! Just that sometimes I need to realize that I can't do everything there is out there, because I'm still an amateur writer, there's a lot I can't do and even more that I have yet to get good at. Sorry for rambling, here's your request Anon!!
Here's the thing when it comes to Edward. He's an asshole- a smug, insensitive asshole. Of course, we all know this by now. But this snarky self-absorbed piece of shit is slowly starting to decay, inside out. His mental state fluctuates, and it really is straining on your "relationship". He believes in more practicality, you're here to be his assistant, and he's here to protect your primitive brain (though, less than your peers, just enough for him to take you under his wing and truly try and help you flourish) from combusting. He can make you smarter, you know. You have so much potential, enough to be second best...Just watch, and learn. It's not like you'll have a choice.
Yeah...The first few weeks-months will be tenuous- it's likely you didn't join this relationship of your own volition. And even if you somehow did, it's not going to be any better. He's making you go no contact with the outside world. While you call it a fucked up form of house arrest, he prefers to call it a more civilized form of rehabilitation. Sorry, not sorry- those idiotic, moronic, brain-dead louts would taint you again. No wonder you're so much dumber than him, all your life you've been surrounded by bad influences (so was he, but he's a prodigy, and you're just smarter than average- it's different). You have to stay away from them because any smarts he's been giving you might be sucked up by those braindead leeches!
Good news though- free range of his living space (if you can even call it that)! While he's still keeping his appearance semi-clean, his space hasn't, as he's slowly beginning his descent into the Arkham Knight version. But hey, how about you be a good helper and pick some stuff up- keep you occupied short-term. Because, you try and talk to him, it's going to be a lot longer- and you might want to take notes because he is going to test your knowledge on it later.
"Why are you bothering me? ..Cleaning? No, no, you stop that. If you're going to keep your mind occupied, then I recommend you grab the 11mm crowfoot wrench and get over here." When you didn't move, be it you didn't know where he stored those or a genuine lack of knowledge about wrenches, he peered up from his work. "..What, can't even do that?" He signed, furrowing his brow, but prevented himself from badmouthing further. It wasn't their fault for having an idiot society teach them about these things. "..Just- grab the flashlight, over there on the counter, I'll get it myself- and you better pay attention. This mistake will not be made more than once, I assure you of it."
Pity is a common occurrence, but his sympathy isn't. Oh, your poor pitiful shrunken brain, rotting away from all the bad people in your life. But you should've taken one quick look at him, realized he was your intellectual superior and asked for him to bring your brain to a normal size and to ditch everyone else in your life. That's your fault.
Now, it isn't all bad! Look on the bright side, learning is now your full time job- with him as your teacher (in a non-sexual way, because god-damnit if you think you can get out of learning about the proper ways to build one of his puzzles by giving him a handjob (you can, and probably should to avoid what would be considered a 5 hour lecture over the course of the day)). He enjoys teaching you all that he knows, and he expects you to share that enthusiasm, especially when he talks about batman. When he starts talking about the flying rat that plagues his life, you better listen. You're going to be his assistant someday with all of this 'killing Batman' thing, so you better hop on that train early.
While he does call you an idiot, he's just self-projecting his hatred of Batman (and himself) onto you. No, it's not your fault- it's 100% his own and he won't apologize or acknowledge it in a meaningful way. It slowly dissipates the more your 'nasty' attitude does, but even then it never fully disappears. Depends on the day. He'll never get better, though, not fully. And once you see how bad he becomes in Arkham Knight, you'll realize this isn't as low as he can go.
"You idiot! Can't you do something right? When I talk, you listen! Why do I even keep you around?! You're an absolute buffoon, you know that?...Of course you don't, you see? If you were with me sooner, you wouldn't be like this. We'll getp you to the intelligence level you should be, don't you worry, but clearly we're going to need to change tactics if I'm going to get it through that thick skull of yours."
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adeptus-nonsense · 6 months
Year 4560. Contact war.
current year 4578. Interview of klokian heavy mechanized frontline support unit 681th divison.
specie: kloakian. Name: Rak’zaer crasl.
I remember the first war we had with the humans clear as day. I think the whole galaxy does. While war isn’t something new to us since the galactic council are well, what they say peace keepers but they work more to keep the status quo between all the species which is a constant struggle of making sure the more malevolant empires dont do anything rash. It’s a constant struggle between border frictions, rebellions and sometimes civil war. safe to say galactic scale politics are a complete mess and sometimes well…let’s just say things can get disturbing.
the first contact war is a great example and one we all learnt from dearly. When the graktukian empire discovered that one of their holy worlds as they call it had been colonized they were not happy at all. Standard procedure would be to contact this new specie and inform them that they had to leave the planet. What we were not aware off was that the empire had taken matter into their own hands and eradicated the settlement using a specialised deconstruction lance, breaking the humans and their buildings down into their molecular structure.
We later heard that they had captured some what they call heretics and after vigorious interrogation they found out that they were a specie called ”homo sapien” or ”human”. With the Grantukian empire being very influential both politically and militairily they somehow managed to get the council to overlook this breach of galactic law due to the humans ”defiling their holy world”. Still think it’s valorkian Dungbeetle behavior.
Especially when they decided to declare a fullblown war with the new ’human’ specie. A war that cost them a bit over sixty planets before a truce were declared. The humans only lost ten, six of which were captured planets they took from the Graktuka.
I was on about three planets the humans invaded, but the planets they were defending? There’s a reason why i have prosthetic leg arm, and three prosthetic organs.
Human space technology is rather primitive by our standards, they’re slow dont have shields and instead rely on thick hull instead off energy based kinetic impact shields. So how did they defeat Top of the line Graktukian destroyer fleets? You see Graktukian ships are not in anyway weak. But most of the ships fleets they they have are categorized as a striker fleet, fast manouverable, small and very dangerous if they got up close because they would drop EMP class K bombs. Their tactic was to get up close shields up and get into middle of the fleet, drop the bombs and move away to get into position to fire their lance weaponry from afar.
what they didn’t expect were that a human railguns completely ignored shields. While their hull wasn’t thin it did not hold up when what was essentially a volley of needle shaped projectiles going close to light speed pierced their hull nearly cutting their ships in half.
I’ve read their reports of that first engagement and the amount of energy generated by the human ships were that of a red giant sun. How they managed to get the literal power of the sun into their primitive ships without causing a black hole is still baffling to me. Their space technology is rather primitive but their energy generation is on a whole other level compared to ours. We guess that those ships have to be simple so that the Miniature star they have onboard dont implode on itself due to overuse. Given their reputation i would assume they learnt that the hard way. And the radiation their miniature star generators acted as a natural form of isolation for energy meaning they were EMP immune unless you managed to get directly in said ship.
When we found out that they essentially destroyed an entire Graktukian striker fleet, the Graktukian high nobolity realized that they needed help. I know there was some very foul play involved to get the council onboard with this but noone has any evidence. Mostly because they were declared heretics and died under a number of incidents. This went on and on. with some big victories for us destroying their main dreadnought fleets utilizing classified weapons managed to siege high value planets.
At this point we were not aware that humans were a predator specie, when we made it onto the planet via translocation beacons because planetfall by conventional means were deemed impossible due to the quite honestly unhealthy amount of surface to air weaponry, which put most fortress worlds seem like a agricultural world.
Even via translocation the initial forces were ambushed and only by sheer coincidence did they manage to set up a very rudimentary ground only when the kinetic shield generators were set up. Even then we lost over 20 000 militairy personell in just 3 weeks. We managed to overwhelm their defences by saturated orbital bombardment. Even then, they managed to ambush and raid numerous of our operation bases.
I deployed on the 4th week on the planet. In all my cycles of service i have never witnessed such chaos, supply lines cut off, ammunitions sabotagued. Once the shield generator broke down and the Shield gen mechanic tried to fix it but we had to request another one because the damn thing was sabotaged, never seen a mechanic that angry and baffled before.
about 8 years of us going back and forwards between occupying system and taking it back both sides were exhausted from war, in total about 300 billion casulties were documented.
It was a bloody war, and i am glad we managed to negotiate a cease fire. fragile as it was. I dont know how i feel about fighting for what effectively was a mistake that the humans had no way of knowing of. I’m just saying alot of things were off about that war and i’m not sure if we were on the rightside in that war. Maybe i’m just growing to be more critical of it all.
interview concluded
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starlostastronaut · 6 months
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PAIRING: seo changbin x reader
GENRE: crack, fluff
WC: 0.76k
CW: attempt at humour, playful banter/insults (they're besties so its fine haha)
PROMPT: "your hand looks heavy, can i hold it for you?"
i picked out the prompt and my first thought was "from how many things can i make fun of?" lol. so this is where it ended. i honestly have no explanations for this, so just enjoy haha <3
title from troublemaker - olly murs
general masterlist here
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"Your hand looks heavy, can I hold it for you?”
You almost choked on your drink when you heard that. When your cough had eased enough for you to be able to speak, you managed to get out a strained “What?” before you launched into another fit, though this time it was a laugh.
“Have you calmed down now?” Changbin grumbled after having to listen to your laugh for another few minutes. If you were to ask him, he would swear the last two minutes were only pretended, because no human could possibly laugh for that long.
“I’m sorryyy Binnie,” you said, wiping imaginary tears from your face. However, upon seeing his unpleasant expression, you straightened your back and stopped the charade. "Yeah, I’m done. Sorry,” you muttered, this time truly meaning it. You didn’t think he took it that seriously, but apparently he did after all, which made you feel genuinely sorry. Sometimes you would simply take your jokes too far without realizing it. “It’s just… since when do you use pick-up lines?”
In the years of knowing Seo Changbin, you had never heard him say a single pick-up line. Sure, Changbin never passed up an opportunity to shamelessly flirt with just about anyone, but he never resorted to something so “primitive” (as he himself once said) like pick-up lines. That was more up Bang Chan’s alley.
“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “Chan-hyung swears it works. He said the fans go crazy whenever he uses one.” He gave you a curious look. “You’re our fan too. Why didn’t it work?” he pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. Despite the situation you found yourself in, the sight of him sitting like that opposite you was just so adorable. Of course, you would never admit it to him, but the thought was still there, making you smirk before you caught yourself.
You opted for standing up from the couch and going to refill your glass, not wanting your face to betray you, given the fact that Changbin was taking this situation seriously, at least to a certain degree.
“My dear Changbin, you’re forgetting one very small but also very important detail,” you called from the kitchen. While waiting for a response, you opened the fridge to take out a bottle of juice.
“What, that I’m not Chan-hyung?”
“No! Well… I mean yes, but that’s not my point,” you yelled back and put the juice back. Walking out of the kitchen, you stopped at the door and leaned your side on the doorframe, with a clear view of Changbin still pouting in the other room. He didn’t exactly look like he had figured it out yet, so it was up to you to give him the hint. “Do you know what the difference is between me and a regular STAY?”
He shook his head and looked up at you, waiting for an answer.
“I’ve met your dumb asses.”
With a smile on your lips, you watched Changbin’s reaction. As if it were slow motion, he furrowed his brows in confusion, but then it got replaced by annoyance. “Yah! What do you mean by that?” he shouted, but there was only pretend anger present in the tone of his voice. You got pretty good at guessing when he was joking, and right now you were sure you were both on the same page.
“That any fan who would spend just a day in the presence of any of you would think twice before falling for you,” you answered with an innocent grin and drank from the glass, making it seem like a neutral conversation. Which it was, theoretically. There was no real malice behind your words, you just enjoyed teasing your best friend.
“Or you just have poor taste, because Stray Kids are totally boyfriend goals,” Changbin retorted, raising an eyebrow as if saying “what’s your response to that, huh?”
But you were ready for him. You two bickered so often that your replies were basically autopilot. Without missing a beat, you scoffed. “Sure, keep telling yourself that.” With a victory smirk, you watched Changbin freeze. He was trying to think of some witty reply, but it seemed like you got him there.
“Wait a minute, doesn’t Jeongin have that friend from school who is also a STAY?” Changbin asked after a moment of silence. You just looked at him, head tilted to the side and confusion written all over your face. “Let’s call them and settle this once and for all,” he explained, already standing up and going to his room for his phone.
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taglist: @stayconnecteed @saintriots @vivioluh @ivaneedssleep @jazziwritesthings @darkypooo
©starlostastronaut 2023 | do not repost/translate my work without permission
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marabarl-and-marlbara · 4 months
hello mara! i love how you draw people; the anatomy is so realistic, but your unique style always shines through as well. i was wondering how you got so good at drawing anatomy, and if you have any tips for how to improve? I'm an artist too, and i feel like I'm kind of stuck in a rut about that aspect of my art right now, so i wanted to see if you had any thoughts on the matter. have a nice day ^_^
hi anonymous;
i:m not so good at anatomy! thank you for the kind words, all the same -- i:ll take them! but there:s a few things that i think (accidentally) caused me to grow slightly as an artist, accidentally because i didn:t intend it to be practice.
i used to do a lot of drawings of "qlifot" and "torture chamber," which incidentally ended up being great shape drawing practice because the former is just sphere-practice, and the latter is just square practice; being able to draw basic primitive shapes from any direction goes a long way, + being able to render them convincingly (i:m not so great, here, because i don:t really ever bother rendering);
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the other thing is i just figured i:d start drawing nudes of myself while i was setting up a studio-space for myself, because at some point last year i decided to make an art studio out of a storage room while thrifting for supplies + cleaning out some of our (my mom and me!) old unused things; then i:d usually force myself to do some morning drawings for awhile, trying to draw my body from imagination inside a torture chamber structure;
outside of that (and why i think me being good at anatomy is a little silly) is i just realized it were really easy for me to draw bodies if i just decided to structure the entire form out of a series of vertebrae -- which came to me while drawing fingers; "fingers look like spines -> what if i just make the ribs shaped like a spine -> and the waist -> and the hips -> i can get away with making the arms vertebrae, too," but i still struggle immensely being able to visualize how shoulders work, and how necks work, and usually need to look at a picture to remember how shoulders look.
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if i:m in a rut i usually just stop drawing, personally, cause i don:t enjoy it very much! but sometimes it:s exactly what i want to do, so i:ll do it -- and then it:ll be enjoyable; but usually at minimum there are a few "well, minds as well draw" moments in my week: notably: church; i try at minimum to always do some drawings of my hands and some of the congregation before the hymnals start. otherwise, though, forcing myself to draw just makes me upset and frustrated. it:s a good habit to force yourself to do, though, if you can get over the frustration.
so build good habits, anonymous! take care
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isagrimorie · 3 months
One of the missed moments in Picard season 2, is after Seven gets re-assimilated they try to stop Soong's drones and it always felt like such a cop-out that once again the writers forget that Seven of Nine has engineering skills and can actually hack into things.
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The bad thing about knowing a lot about a character in a crossover show is that -- you know the skills of the character.
It's like when Sam Carter moved to Stargate Atlantis and most of the problems that arose during her time in Command -- I can't help but think... but Carter can solve this, we've seen her do this a hundred times in SG-1.
It's the same thing during Seven's time in Picard season 2.
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This part -- I appreciate what Raffi's doing but it's just out of character that Seven wouldn't suggest this too. I get that this could be a primitive system Seven's used to-- maybe but its still wires and computers.
But the director didn't even direct Seven to do anything to help Seven's just standing there
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And just... Ordering Raffi to go faster and not helping with the electronics or the hacking???
In her younger days, Seven would be mixing it up and helping Raffi. Even Rios was useful in piloting a rogue drone to destroy another.
And Seven is just standing there as moral support and telling them to move faster.
It's so out of character. Every time I get to this part in the rewatch of season 2 of Picard... I just can't reconcile it. More than the part where Seven becomes a badass who kills in cold blood-- it is the part where Picard seasons 1 and 2 disregard that Seven is a scientist and an engineer. At least in season 3 Picard gestures towards that direction with how she helps with the nacelle dismantling, and how Titan is said to be a well-oiled and maintained ship, something a ship's XO has a direct hand in.
Seven of Nine is not just a badass action hero, she is canonically one of the smartest beings in the Trekverse. It's not an opinion, it's a statement of fact. Seven helped create the Astrometrics lab.
And helped develop the Quantum slipstream drive together with B'Elanna Torres that's now being used in Star Trek Prodigy's USS Dauntless.
But sure, Seven is just standing there.
This Seven:
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Who was working in engineering despite being critically ill, and who would rather do something than nothing.
Is just standing there. Not helping.
Especially at this point in Picard season 2 when she's been re-assimilated. I wish Jurati!Borg Queen had placed Seven's implants in this version differently. It's not like the body Seven's has pathways for the implants. This isn't her body, this is President Annika Hansen's body.
We've seen that Seven can interface with computers with her assimilation tubules.
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I make it work by rationalizing that despite looking similar to her old implants, the newly installed implants don't work the same as the ones she's had all her life.
And another way I try to work around it is that the computer systems are too primitive for her to hack even though the thing about Borg is how Borg can adapt to any system.
One other thing -- I wish again Seven had the space to really articulate how different it is for her to have a purely organic body. How, much she loves it-- the appreciation of color because her eyes and brain process visuals through a green filter. The sensation of everything.
It would also have been great, as I've mentioned in different posts if Seven also realized there were things about her Borg physiology she missed too: Eidetic memory, enhanced senses, enhanced strength. As well as the downsides of having Borg physiology: Susceptibility to the vagaries of technology, and how her joints sometimes misalign. Her different center of gravity without all the weight of the Borg implants and enhanced skeletal system.
Also, I wonder if Seven had any thoughts that they're trying to disable robot drones to stop an attack on Renee Picard when Seven used to be a drone herself.
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trainsinanime · 2 months
Dear friends:
If you write code, document it! At least give it an honest try. If I see a new class, somewhat complex, fundamental framework logic, and there’s not a single comment on it, that’s not acceptable. I need, at the very least, an explanation of what the class is for, an idea of how to use it.
E.g. if you have a class named Event, tell me: Is it a synchronization primitive (like a Win32 Event), or a cross-process message (like an Apple NS/UIEvent), or a thing you subscribe to (I think .Net has those and calls them event)? And if I subscribe to it and get a Subscription object back, what does that mean? What am I supposed to do with it? It automatically unsubscribes me when it’s destructed, okay, great, please say so somewhere!
I want to know what this class is that I’m seeing here. What is the logic behind it? If I were to call you on Teams and asked you what this class does, what would you tell me? Put that in a comment above the class, so I don’t have to call you.
Unit Tests are great but they are not a replacement for documentation. For one, they typically have poor readability. Also, they only tell me that you wrote that code on purpose, but still not why. For something that’s supposed to be a glue between different modules, for example, I want to know which methods are supposed to get called by which side, and in a unit test the test code typically does not make that fully clear. Write documentation and unit tests. If you’re surprised that I had to write this paragraph, so am I.
What invariants does the class enforce? Is it thread safe? Does it implement some weird logic to interface with a third-party framework? That’s prime stuff to write into the class, somewhere, so I won’t be confused when I see it.
You don’t have to go overboard if you don’t want to. I can figure out what the parameter to setEnabled(bool enabled) means on my own. And yes, sometimes you’re in a hurry, and sometimes the purpose changes while you’re writing the code as you realize your original idea didn’t work, and sometimes you say “I’ll do it later” and then just forget. I’ve been there. But the basic idea of a piece of code is better expressed in a comment than by making someone read all that code.
You should get into that habit for your one person hobby projects, but you definitely have to do this if you’re part of a big team of professionals in a software development company. If I see a new class here with no comments whatsoever, one that’s supposed to be an interface between different modules and used in lots of places, that’s just not acceptable. I’ll get so angry, I’ll write aggressive Tumblr posts about you and your code. And neither of us want that.
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fintan-pyren · 10 months
i am a former kotlc fan. i was on the wiki before and during peak pandemic. i was on the discord server where i transformed into the little anarchist chaos gremlin i had been trying to hide on the wiki. i’ve moved on from kotlc, mostly. a few of my mutuals are from that era of my life, but i don’t think of kotlc when they’re in my notifs. i need you to understand i have moved on. i don’t think about kotlc usually and i’m not posting this on my blog because barely any of my followers know what kotlc is.
but recently, my brain went, unprompted, “hey remember keeper of the lost cities? remember in that series, elves don’t count their age by their actual date of birth, but by their conception date? isn’t that weird? doesn’t that make you ask questions that 10 year old you didn’t know needed to be asked? do you want to think about those questions more?”
eventually, i came upon a very natural question to ask about elven biology in this middle grade book series:
do elves have birth control and/or abortion?
like…they would, right? they must have some sort of birth control. like they have to at least have condoms. how do they get them though? and if there is abortion in the lost cities… how? there has to be a clinic right? is there even the equivalent of a gynecologist in the lost cities? i’m so sorry for this ask but i just need to hear other people’s thoughts and opinions on this.
Birth control, yes. Abortion, no.
Their birth control would vary a fair bit from that of the humans. IUDs and the implant would certainly not be used, as elves would find it horrifying and invasive to have something embedded in their body. I also think they'd find condoms a little primitive. They would probably rely on elixirs. Due to how advanced elven medicine is, these would probably be far more effective than human oral contraceptives, to the point where elves wouldn't bother to use multiple forms of contraception like many humans do, so this would likely be the only form of birth control widely available in the lost cities.
The elves REALLY care about the right genes mixing, so they'd definitely hate the idea of sex before marriage, but I think they'd also realize that they can't necessarily prevent it, so they'd make sure the contraceptive elixirs were easily accessible even to young elves. Elwin would probably have a stock on hand in the Foxfire physician's office, as would most apothecaries and physicians. They would, however, be accompanied by Council-mandated booklets about the importance of the Matchmaking system for any young elves that bought them. (Older married elves would still sometimes use them, but since they believe in the importance of passing on their genetics, and the elven birth rate is naturally pretty low anyways, most wouldn't bother)
They would not, however, have abortion. Since elves count age from the inception date instead of the day of birth, they would view the fetus as an actual person, and would consider abortion to be murder. Since elves don't have miscarriages, and it's basically impossible for an elf to be mistaken about being pregnant, they also wouldn't be able to perform them under the radar. Once that bellybutton pops out, there's no going back.
There wouldn't be many cases of that happening with unwed couples, since elves often marry pretty young. In the cases where it did happen, I think they'd be expected to marry. Partially because elves would rather act as though that kind of thing doesn't happen, partially because half siblings or unknown parents or other uncommon things like that make tracing family trees a little more complicated for the matchmakers.
As for elven gynecologists: Elves can cure diseases/infections and keep the body in good condition pretty well with bottles of youth and elixirs (which is why they only have to worry about birth control, and wouldn't have to use condoms to prevent STDs), and physicians can detect issues quite easily with their colored lights without doing a more hands-on examination, so most issues would probably be dealt with by regular physicians. Even Forkle, who isn't a proper physician (as far as we know), says that he could've fixed most of the patients in a fertility clinic with a couple elixirs. I do think they'd have a couple physicians in the lost cities who specialize in the reproductive system, but even then, I think they'd mostly stick to colored lights for diagnosing things. No poking around in places where nobody really wants people poking around.
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ifanimaltrapped · 2 years
What Was Lost in Translation in MMBN3: The Tally
Hello, friends. Despite having an active fanbase, I’ve noticed there’s not a lot of information on the MMBN series when it comes to issues of translation and localization. During my recent replay of BN3, I noticed something that had always bugged me when I played it as a kid: the “Tally” Key Item, which a guard asks for before you’re allowed to enter the Undernet, an area infamous in MMBN’s world for being lawless and highly dangerous. But just what is this tally? What does it count? Why does the guard want it? Let’s needlessly fixate on a small detail in a children’s game from 20 years ago see if we can finally unravel this decades-old mystery with the help of the JP text.
Debuting in 2001 and concluding in 2009 with a Japan-only remake of BN1, the MMBN series falls into an awkward “growing pains” phase of Japanese-to-English localization: just after the PS1 gold rush of JRPGs kicked off by Final Fantasy VII where localization was a lawless frontier, but before developers started grasping that localization was its own discipline that needed to work alongside game creators directly for crucial context and technical input. MMBN’s localizations are indicative of the era’s shortcomings as a whole: largely serviceable translations marred by obvious errors caused by localizers working in the dark without context.
The Tally confusion is emblematic of this problem. In BN3, you acquire an item called a “Tally” which you need to get by a guard in front of the entrance to the Undernet. Everyone who’s played BN3 has thought something along these lines: “What is this a tally of, exactly? Why does the guard let me pass when I show it?” Luckily for us, a quick glance at the original JP text yields the answer.
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The JP text calls this item ura no warifu. Some of you may already know that ura, meaning reverse side or hidden side, is what the Undernet is called in the original Japanese script of MMBN. Look up warifu in most common online dictionaries, though, and you’ll get back a definition that says something like “tally” or “check”... but that still doesn’t answer what this thing is supposed to be or why the guard wants it.
Historically, a warifu is very similar to the Western concept of indentured documents: splitting a piece of paper or wood in half, both parties keep one half, and they fit the halves back together like puzzle pieces when the deal is concluded to prove their identity. Before international banking or ID cards, this was the only real way to do that. Hence the somewhat misleading definitions of “tally” and “check”: these were indeed once used as proof in transactions, like as a tally of goods, but what’s important in this context is how they were once a proof of identity too.
Take another look at the item’s icon in the screenshot above: it should hopefully be clear now that it’s supposed to be a piece of wood split in half in such a way as to make each piece too unique to duplicate, hence the odd “U”-shaped hole at the bottom. That’s why the guard won’t let you pass without it: denizens of the Undernet, being outlaws, don’t have any official way to prove they’re supposed to be there, so they have to resort to primitive methods like this. When he says you need a “Tally” to go through, what he’s trying to say is that you need the wood piece that matches his to prove your identity.
The reason this was all lost in translation is almost certainly because the localizers lacked the context to understand which aspect of a warifu was important. Back in 2003, it would have been common for localizers to just be faxed enormous spreadsheets with the raw JP text of the game’s script. Sometimes scene notes would be provided, but more often they wouldn’t. I’d bet money that some beleaguered localizer saw ウラ のわりふ in a lonesome cell on a gargantuan spreadsheet and wondered about it, but then realized he had an 8-character limit on Key Item names and still had 6,000 pages to go, so he just typed in “Tally” and moved on. With the benefit of hindsight, the best solution would’ve probably been to go with something like “UndrPass” (recall the 8-character max for Key Item names) and try to fit something in the item description about how it had been split in half as proof of identity.
Funnily enough, warifu actually cropped up in another recent game, but you probably didn’t notice it:
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The above screenshot is from Elden Ring, and 割符 is how warifu is written in kanji. Literally, the kanji for warifu mean “split token” or “divided token”. As I understand it, this detail was omitted for concision and the item is simply referred to as a medallion (I have not actually played Elden Ring myself, so I’m just going off of wiki pages). Still, it just goes to show you never know when the lessons you learned from one game can appear in another!
If there’s interest, there’s a number of other topics I can cover in regards to MMBN and its troubled localization. Off the top of my head, there’s:
- Why is the End Area in BN5 called that? It’s a feudal Japanese town and not even the last area in the game; there’s nothing particularly final about it. The answer is probably the biggest mistranslation in the series, and it all comes back to - you guessed it - the localizers once again not having enough context!
- Did you know the fake names of countries were invented in localization, and in JP, MMBN expressly takes place in Japan instead of Electopia (although it’s spelled differently than how one would usually spell it, which raises questions of its own)? Further, numerous references are made to Akihabara, and the final level of BN2 is all but stated to take place in Yokohama, among other examples.
- The meaning of Mamoru’s name in BN3 has already been well documented, but did you know there’s still more to be uncovered? The TV in Lan’s house foreshadows the importance of the Ura Inn, and a pun lost in translation highlights the connection between Tamako and MetalMan.
- What’s up with everyone’s English names? What kind of name is “Chaud”, anyway? The answer is a classic case of a solution for one stand-alone game working perfectly... until you get a sequel and suddenly a detail added in localization starts to spiral out of control, like what happened with the first Phoenix Wright game taking place in America for the English localization. In fact, there’s a very special connection between Ace Attorney and MMBN... maybe I can go into it some more!
I know this is a marked departure from my usual fare, so do let me know if you’ve enjoyed this, and if you’re interested in any of the above. Have a great week!
Yours in gratitude, If Animal Trapped
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simonalkenmayer · 9 months
What I meant regarding Parsons being a strange spectre in my orbit, is that his name kept coming up in various ways. I just think that's odd. Especially since a picture of him holding a device quite like one created to try to annihilate people in my family seemed a strange coincidence. Perhaps most devices such as that are similar in appearance? It was a homemade apparatus attached to a garbage disposal.
If you'd care to share your theory as to why consciousness can not be maintained after death I'd be interested. And the truth of how things work especially regarding supernatural or what is beyond or usual comprehension. Some people have more perception than others. That's usually do to genetics and I high level of severe abuse. Increases awareness and more primitive animal instincts the general population lacks.
Thank you
I am aware “paranormal” things exist. What they are, is actually a complex interplay between your inherent abilities you do not know you possess and the environment, which is far more complex than we’ve mapped. These supposedly “above normal” incidents are actually normal, but science hasn’t described them in any corrective way, because of stigma. For example, you mix table salt and chlorine, two normal every day chemicals, and you get an explosive. You mix a human enduring emotional trauma, and specific environmental factors and bam, you’ve got a poltergeist, a momentary “powering up” of place memory, etc. ghosts aren’t dead people saying things to you. They’re you influencing the environment to echo your expectations. You miss grandma. You influence the environment to sculpt what you want to see. Some environmental situations are very susceptible to flux and others aren’t. So some places stay haunted while others don’t. It isn’t terribly difficult, but humans complicate it by looking at it the wrong way around.
You can perceive and manipulate more than you realize, and so I see no reason to explain it to you lest you use it in a way that impacts me. I’d prefer ignorance.
And my “theory” isntt a theory. We know for a fact that mind depends on structure and chemicals. It depends on the road and the cars on it, so to speak. If the brain is damaged, identity changes. Sometimes it doesn’t, despite vast change. These two extremes teach us about the norm. There are too many things happening to physically fascillitate thought, like transmitter production, largely dependent on food and gut microbiome, nerve death/growth, types of neuronal connections, brain structure and growth due to trauma in early childhood etc. when the brain is not maintained, the identity fails. No hardware, no software.
If a person can physically go mad, then there is no life after death. Consciousness is temporary. Let me give you another metaphor.
Have you ever seen slow motion video of a full water balloon popping? If not
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When you pop it, the water temporarily holds the shape, but with no external structure, the water falls out and resumes its normal level configuration, depending upon the external space and its shape. That’s the same physics that governs all things.
While the brain is dying, the energy is still moving in some recognizable pattern. Once the brain isn’t there to be the grooves, and the body isn’t turning food into electrochemical signaling, there is not energy production. No new consciousness. No life after death.
It’s simply not possible to have a consciousness as we have them, off of a biological substrate. All beings on this plant depend on this kind of structure. Other worlds perhaps not, though they are governed by the same physics.
I’ve tried before to explain how and why I understand this, but I cannot make any human understand. Have you ever gone along with an idea for the sake of a child’s whimsy? Santa brought you a sock! Gasp! But you know it wasn’t Santa because you saw your uncle put the gift under the tree, etc. that’s how I feel. Except that instead of letting you have your fun, I’m deemed an insensitive bastard for explaining that people do not actually want to solve this mystery, and they don’t want you to question whatever it is they e decided upon.
I have no interest.
As for Parsons, I’ve noticed a recent resurgence of Nicola Tesla nonsense too. New new wave spiritualism awakens. Ugh
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handgiven · 7 months
repost and list 5 songs that inspire you to write your muse  :
i. il cantico delle creature -- angelo branduardi ii. yellow (coldplay cover) -- scala & kolacny brothers iii. i won't hurt you -- the west coast pop art experimental band iv. absolute lithops effect (mountain goats cover) -- carrie elkin v. FUNGUS -- the narcissist cookbook
list 5 quotes that inspire you to write your muse   :
i. "here's your sorrow, and here's my shoulder." (try as i might, i can't find the source for this one, but the original is arabic -- "هذا حزنك وهذه كتفي") ii. "the little things? the little moments? — they aren’t little." -- john zabat-zinn iii. "touching people’s lives in a positive way is as close as I can get to an idea of religion." -- keith haring iv. “sometimes i stand for hours at a single place, without hardly moving. (i’ve had the wind stop in my hand.)" -- richard brautigan
v. "The first language humans had was gestures. There was nothing primitive about this language that flowed from people’s hands, nothing we say now that could not be said in the endless array of movements possible with the fine bones of the fingers and wrists. The gestures were complex and subtle, involving a delicacy of motion that has since been lost completely. During the Age of Silence, people communicated more, not less. Basic survival demanded that the hands were almost never still, and so it was only during sleep (and sometimes not even then) that people were not saying something or other. No distinction was made between the gestures of language and the gestures of life. The labor of building a house, say, or preparing a meal was no less an expression than making the sign for I love you or I feel serious. When a hand was used to shield one’s face when frightened by a loud noise something was being said, and when fingers were used to pick up what someone else had dropped something was being said; and even when the hands were at rest, that, too, was saying something. Naturally, there were misunderstandings. There were times when a finger might have been lifted to scratch a nose, and if casual eye contact was made with one’s lover just then, the lover might accidentally take it to be the gesture, not at all dissimilar, for Now I realize I was wrong to love you. These mistakes were heartbreaking. And yet, because people knew how easily they could happen, because they didn’t go round with the illusion that they understood perfectly the things other people said, they were used to interrupting each other to ask if they’d understood correctly. Sometimes these misunderstandings were even desirable, since they gave people a reason to say, Forgive me, I was only scratching my nose. Of course I know I’ve always been right to love you. Because of the frequency of these mistakes, over time the gesture for asking forgiveness evolved into the simplest form. Just to open your palm was to say: Forgive me. If at large gatherings or parties, or around people with whom you feel distant, your hands sometimes hang awkwardly at the ends of your arms – if you find yourself at a loss for what to do with them, overcome with sadness that comes when you recognize the foreignness of your own body – it’s because your hands remember a time when the division between mind and body, brain and heart, what’s inside and what’s outside, was so much less. It’s not that we’ve forgotten the language of gestures entirely. The habit of moving our hands while we speak is left over from it. Clapping, pointing, giving the thumbs-up, for example, is a way to remember how it feels to say nothing together. And at night, when it’s too dark to see, we find it necessary to gesture on each other’s bodies to make ourselves understood." -- nicole krauss
tagging :
whoever wishes to do this, but namely @void-foxy, @spookyagentfmulder, @beyondthescully, @shilohgreen, @talentforlying, @thcmcnstcr, @primordialchoice, @crowiley who are all ofc not forced to do this but !! i'd love to read it from them if they do :')
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iviarellereads · 2 months
A Wrinkle In Time, Chapter 8 - The Transparent Column
(THIS PROJECT IS SPOILER FREE! No spoilers past the chapter you click on. Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index for the Time Quintet, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
In which we achieve half the plot's stated goal!
Meg demands the man tell her what he did with Charles Wallace. He pretends he's done nothing. Meg gets shouty, but Calvin says they should focus on tethering Charles Wallace's true self to themselves, hold on to him so he's not lost somewhere. They try to physically restrain Charles's body, but he's stronger than he should be, and the red-eyed man's attendants cut in when they get too rowdy.
Charles, who until further notice is really just the entity speaking through Charles, says they had it all wrong, they've been fighting a friend, even their father's friend. Meg says if her father says the man is a friend, she might accept that, unless he's under a spell like Charles. Charles scoffs at the idea of spells.(1) He uses a term that sets Meg off further, because he's never called her "dear sister".
Calvin asks that the entity stop speaking through Charles, as they already know it has him hypnotized. The man calls that word primitive, but allows it, and has his attendants release Meg and Calvin. Calvin asks what he is, but the man says that's not important. Calvin asks if he'll escort them to Mr. Murry, but the man can't leave this place, it will be Charles who guides them. When Calvin asks when, the man replies, "it might as well be now."
Charles indicates for them to follow, and starts walking, clearly not his own gait. Meg hesitates, but Calvin follows, so she must as well. She half wants to grab Calvin's hand, but she's done nothing but look for hands to hold since this journey started, so she balls up her fists and puts them in her pockets.(2)
On the way, Calvin tries to focus and telepathically draw Charles back, but the entity speaking through Charles suggests he not try that again if they want to see Mr. Murry. He doesn't even call him that or father, simply "Murry". Meg asks if that's what he'd call his father now, and Charles says if Meg needs a father, better to look to IT. Meg finally asks what IT is.
"All in good time," Charles Wallace said. "You're not ready for IT yet. First of all I will tell you something about this beautiful, enlightened planet of Camazotz." His voice took on the dry, pedantic tones of Mr. Jenkins. "Perhaps you do not realize that on Camazotz we have conquered all illness, all deformity--"(3) "We?" Calvin interrupted. Charles continued as though he had not heard. And of course he hadn't, Meg thought.
Essentially, if anyone gets so much as a cold, they're murdered. Before the story can deal with that, Charles makes a wall flicker and grow transparent, for them to move into a small room. Calvin asks how he did that, and Charles says, he just rearranged the atoms. Matter is mostly space, so if you convince it to move in closer, you create spaces.
Meg realizes the small room is an elevator, and it's just starting to move.
Charles says they've conquered difference, and Meg should be able to relate to that: her differences are what make her so unhappy at home. Calvin protests, he's different and happy, but Charles points out that Calvin pretends he isn't different. Meg says she might not like standing out, but she doesn't want to be like everyone else either.
The elevator stops, letting them out, though Calvin barely makes it out before the wall rematerializes. Meg accuses the thing in Charles of wanting to leave Calvin behind. Charles just says he's teaching them to stay on their toes and discouraging them from causing more trouble, so he won't have to bring them to IT.
This time, when Meg asks what IT is, Charles answers.
"You might call IT the Boss." Then Charles Wallace giggled, a giggle that was the most sinister sound Meg had ever heard. "IT sometimes calls ITself the Happiest Sadist." Meg spoke coldly, to cover her fear. "I don't know what you're talking about." "That's s-a-d-i-s-t, not s-a-d-d-e-s-t, you know," Charles Wallace said, and giggled again. "Lots of people don't pronounce it correctly."(4)
Charles goes on to say that Camazotz is perfect because it's a hive mind, one mind to rule them all, IT controls everyone and they can all be happy and not cause each other pain or hardship. Meg says Earth isn't perfect, but forced conformity can't be the only other solution. She wants to go home, but Calvin says they can't leave yet, but she's right, this place is Evil.
They continue onward, and Charles shows them the boy who bounced his ball wrong earlier, bouncing it perfectly in time now, but screaming in pain with every bounce.(5) A little further down, he makes another wall transparent, showing a room with a glass column in the middle, in which stands Mr. Murry.
(1) Much as I abhor Joss Whedon, the "dear, we live on a spaceship" scene is one of many from Firefly that lives rent-free in my head. (2) There's nothing wrong with wanting reassurance that you're not alone, Meg. (3) Again, kinda nice to see this in the text of a children's book, considering how frequently ableism can creep in from the sides. This one's not getting everything as right or as consistent as you might like (see: Calvin's mum) but, I think L'Engle tried as best she could for her own framework. (4) While technically derived from the Marquis de Sade (which is pronounced "Sad"), "say-dist" is quite the more common and acceptable pronunciation in modern English. I don't know if or when there was a transition from one to the other, it's possible that "sad-ist" was more common or considered more acceptable when this was written. But, it amuses me that the prescriptionist in the room is incorrect. I wonder how many kids took this entity at its word, though. (5) Processing, one assumes. Reconditioning. Whatever you might want to call it besides evil.
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the-phantom-otaku · 2 years
Hiya! First off, I gotta say, I really enjoy reading your snippets of writing and headcannons.
Second, for the actual ask, what are some of your thoughts or headcannons about social media in the Ben 10 universe? We know that there are some media outlets, like some news stations, who don't like Ben and aliens in general. But what do you think the internet would have to say about Ben, aliens, and the sudden craziness of the world? What about the externet?
Aww, thank you so much! I’m really flattered and glad that you’re enjoying them! I want to get something out soon so you can enjoy the full thing.
And this is a good one! I imagine there’s equivalents to all our main social networks just probably named differently. They function the same tho and people use them for the same type of stuff. Ben probably has social media where he interacts with fans occasionally and talks about Sumo Slammers. More importantly, Kevin has a Tik Tok acc, and every video is him terrorizing Ben in some form or fashion. He can't upload that as much anymore due to him moving, but they get plenty of Zed content now.
As for Ben and his aliens, I think it would be divided. Like, there’d be those who are open minded about it all, maybe even those who travel to Bellwood to meet aliens for the experience. And then there’d be people like the Forever Knights and Will Harangue, the people who want aliens off the planet, regardless of their intent. People in Bellwood are the most open to aliens after the invasion forced them to work together, so they also fight the hardest for the rest of the world to accept aliens. They know first hand that aliens are just like them.
I think a lot of people see Ben as a superhero, but he has critics like anyone. There are plenty of people willing to defend him, particularly from Will. I like to think they see Harangue like we see Alex Jones lmao. Tho there is one thing that everyone criticizes him for: That one video of him as Big Chill eating metal. No matter how many people ask him what he was doing, he refuses to tell anyone what was going on in the video. This has made the clip a favorite of Harangue's, but many online still throw around ideas as to what was going on that doesn't involve Ben being malicious. He's never spoken on it and when approached by reporters about it, he turns into XLR8 and leaves.
There’s also the less serious side of the internet where people rate his aliens, make memes of them, so on so forth. Somewhere out there, someone has made a Stinkfly version of the Cockroach meme. I think he enjoys this side a lot more tbh bc it’s less serious and sometimes, people are actually funny.
There's also definitely fanfiction of him since he's a celebrity. Ben acts like this doesn't exist, tho, bc what's written is usually something that makes him really uncomfortable.
Aliens aren't just incredibly wide spread. The biggest concentration in the US is Undertown. I think most people think it's wild that aliens actually were living among us, but with Ben being around as an alien-based superhero, I think the blow was softened. People didn't have to deal with the shock of realizing aliens were real AND that there was a whole town of them in Belwood.
And, finally, the extranet! It seems like the extranet knew about Ben's identity long before Earth did. The extranet probably doesn't care much about Earth or humans since it's made clear that Earth is a pretty primitive planet compared to others, so I like to think Ben acted as many aliens' introduction to Earth and humans. We know the extranet took his identity and adventures for a TV show, so I think that's what most imagine him to be like. The extranet practically broke when someone finally revealed what Ben actually looked like.
Alright, I think that's about all I got. Sorry this took me so long and if it seems like a mess, I had a lot of thoughts. Thanks for the ask! I enjoyed answering!
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your-pal-nebula · 8 months
Marleen Everwood randoms
Warning: One of these is basically an essay
She hates vegetables in a kid way, but it's because she can't get any proper nutrition out of them. Like, she can ingest them, they won't hurt her, but like... it's not very helpful, like she's an obligate carnivore.
Speaking of Marleen and her, you know... carnivorous tendencies... What if on the full moon, she sometimes tries to kill livestock animals with her teeth and claws, and actually succeeds more often then not, but she blames it on coyotes or foxes, because nobody could suspect a little girl... she couldn't do that, right...?
(The two above facts were originally headcanons of my friend @pennyroks77 that I decided to make canon)
Speaking of @pennyroks77 , I feel like Marleen has a plan on how to hypothetically kill Penelope if the need ever arises. Honestly, she probably has it written down somewhere. Hopefully Mari never decides to actually follow through with it, but... the plan is there.
On a related note to the vegetable thing, Marleen hates chocolate. Not just because he can't get any nutrition out of it, but because... uh... dude, she's a wolf. That shit is literally toxic to her.
I'm pretty sure I mentioned this previously at some point, but (1) Marleen is omnisexual (her preference is males), and (2) he's bigender and uses she/he
Her favorite song is Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace. You... don't need to think about this one too hard. Yeah, when she sings that at villain karaoke... she means a lot of those lyrics very literally. Other than that, his second favorite song is Primitive State by Creature Feature. Like... that song is just blatantly about werewolves, of course Marleen likes it.
And yes, Marleen uses her ability to howl like a real wolf to amplify her singing at villain karaoke. Just putting that out there.
I'm sorry but the fact that Andrew, AKA, Marleen's adult cousin she lives with, is cannonically completely aware of the fact that Mari is a villain and he's just... okay with it is actually very funny. Obviously, he knows about Marleen's whole wolf-DNA situation, but the fact that he even knows about his cousin's villainhood and is chill with it is so funny. Andrew doesn't actually know why she does it because he's unaware of Marleen's unhealthy obsession with Tobey, but he is happily dropping her off at the weekly VMs (Villain Meetings) and more than happy to drop her off at Twobrains' place.
Actually, he's probably kind of glad to drop off Marleen there, because since he's also a lawyer, he's obviously super busy most of the time and essentially thinks of Twobrains and the VMs as free babysitting. Like, okay, this dude's oblivious enough that he doesn't realize his cousin is a stalker, but he's not stupid enough to pass up on babysitting he doesn't have to pay for.
This is so weird, but I'm making it canon that as an adult, Marleen, after having gotten therapy for her... myriad of issues in her teenage years and getting over the whole Tobey thing, would start a band. It'd be called Howling At The Moon or something like that. And he absolutely would wolf-out on stage for a publicity stunt at some point.
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Chapter 2: Surprise Guest
Narrated by Vivian.
Vivian: Chief, I think Lolory will make a good guest.
Narrator: There was a long moment of silence. For a second, I thought the screen really froze this time.
Narrator: Silence ensues. Then, the editor-in-chief finally pushes his glasses up and starts speaking.
Chief Editor: You do realize that we're called Miraland Geographic, right?
Vivian: Of course I do.
Chief Editor: And do you also realize what they call Lolory, right?
Vivian: Ambassador of Elegance.
Chief Editor: So...
Chief Editor: Are you trying to change the show into another "Beauty and the Beast"?
Vivian: Hmm... That doesn't sound too bad!
Chief Editor: Beixi, what do you think?
Narrator: I thought Jiang Beixi would dismiss the idea as ill-conceived, but instead she says...
Jiang Beixi: Your candidates would make excellent academic advisors or remote guests, but due to their advanced ages, getting them on the show is risky.
Narrator: She says in a calm and unhurried voice as she types away at the keyboard. It takes her no time at all to get a file sent.
Jiang Beixi: I just sent you the info and rating data of Lolory's previous shows. She can handle everything from celebrity interviews to hit variety shows.
Narrator: She was fast! Even the most difficult of chiefs would not say no to a proposal as compelling as that.
Chief Editor: Okay. We'll do a pilot first to see how it goes.
Narrator: When I contact Lolory, she is on set. After pitching the idea to her manager, I get turned down.
Vivian: Is it that she's not comfortable with doing reality shows?
Agent: Lolory has done a reality show before. As you can see, her performance was impeccable.
Vivian: Is it Wasteland that she doesn't like?
Agent: Lolory is a fan of cultural diversity, but Wasteland is too far away, and her schedule doesn't permit long-distance travel.
Agent: Sorry, I have to go. Got work to do. Thank you for reaching out anyway. Hopefully we'll have opportunities to work together in the future.
Narrator: The agent was just being polite and didn't spill the real reason... perhaps they had misgivings. I have to be more well-prepared before trying again.
You: How did they manage to get Lolory on her last reality show?
Vivian: About that, the director said it was because Bebity agreed to do the show first.
Vivian: I don't do reverse psychology. It gets cheap attention that doesn't last. It's a far cry from innovation.
Jiang Beixi: Why does it have to be Lolory?
Vivian: Sports stars, travel bloggers, or scholars recommended by the editor-in-chief... they're the audience's ideas of a guest. But not Lolory... she'll be a surprise.
Vivian: Given her intelligence and sophistication, she'll handle the show well. Plus, she's popular. Having her on the show will help with the ratings.
Vivian: If you ask me why it has to be her, I guess it's instincts.
Vivian: My admiration for her goes back to high school when she left a deep impression on me during a magazine shoot.
Vivian: She was wearing an uncharacteristic gothic dress and holding a skull-topped cane. Her dangerous charm perfectly matched the cover title... Alternate Elegance.
Vivian: Just imagine what happens when her unique charm meets the primitive and unbridled beauty of Wasteland.
Jiang Beixi: A perfect contrast?
Vivian: Exactly!
Vivian: I was wondering, though, why you agreed to my decision that day without asking any questions?
Jiang Beixi: Admittedly, sometimes you don't do things by the book, and you always think out of the box. And...
Jiang Beixi: To be honest, I just had this subconscious urge to support you. It could be our bond as long-time partners, or it could just be my instincts.
Vivian: When I first met you, you looked like the most unlikely person to go with instincts.
Jiang Beixi: Well, change happens in unexpected ways. For example, you once came close to quitting the Wasteland shoot, but now you're persuading others to do it.
Narrator: That's true. The charm of Wasteland won me over and gave me new ideas. From that perspective...
Vivian: I know a way to pique Lolory's interest, and it's going to work this time!
Jiang Beixi: Okay then, I'll go get prepared for the shoot.
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
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