#some eloping
lovebirdceremonies · 1 year
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softhairedhotch · 4 months
imagine being on a case with aaron, who you've been dating for years at this point, and the unsub manages to kidnap you both. he keeps you trapped somewhere for a few days and aaron genuinely thinks he's about to die, thinks he's gonna have to watch you die first (you're barely holding on), and...
he proposes.
it's definitely not what he had planned, he has it all written down in a secret notepad and has the ring waiting for him in his office. but right now he doesn't think he's ever gonna see that ring again, or have the chance for you to see it, to hear you say yes as you slip it on, to see everyone's reactions as you tell them, to get to marry you in front of everyone he loves most in the world. and he panics. it breaks him.
so he proposes.
it's less of a proposal and more of a rushed out i-love-you-please-marry-me-if-we-get-outta-here in one hushed painful breath but it lights you up inside and gives you the hope you need to keep holding on. to keep fighting. and when you say yes, yes of course, you see the same feeling rush over him, and the both of you finally, for the first time since getting kidnapped, feel like things might be okay.
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weathertheraine · 1 year
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I have put them in a situation (gay ppl come get ur little knight/prince au pspsps)
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chadepitanga · 2 months
I like romulans because the idea of a hypertech alien roman empire full of scheming and conspiracy and senators arguing is so insane. Do you think it gets really gay in the trenches for the tal shiar too. like those roman guys used to be all over eachother
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xiaq · 10 months
BTS of a 100% thrifted wedding reception: 3 months out.
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katierosefun · 3 months
modern family is all fun and games until you get to the scenes where you burst into tears because the once-vaguely homophobic dad now refers to his son's husband as family, and also the academically gifted daughter realizes that her dorky, clumsy dad was always really proud of her and just never surprised because he just assumed she could do anything, and also the eldest daughter who eloped comes crawling back to her parents' room and whispers that she still wants her parents to be present for her wedding, and also the anxious queer lawyer character admits that he was terrified that his husband would just leave him alone with their baby daughter, and also that the once-vaguely grouchy dad looks at his stepson and tells him that what makes a family is who sticks around, not who you're blood-related to and anyways what was i saying
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yuelaos-codex · 3 months
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Wedding Ship Meme
link to template by @heyneon
tagging @bbrocklesnar @alexxmason @captmactavish @onehornedbeast @finding-comfort-in-rain @carlosoliveiraa @tao-tgsh @ghastlyrider @captastra and anyone who wants to ✨ no pressure ofc!
Decided to do both ending 2 (my canon) and ending 3 to show how different yet similar the routes are!
++ some rambles/explanations under the cut:
this is sending me bc i have this long ass timeline that leads to them signing a prenup:
- astarion ascends, then breaks up with selene bc she didn’t want to become his spawn
- selene comes with karlach and wyll to avernus, but she doesn’t last long (she’s a lover not a fighter 💀) karlach convinces her to go back to faerun. she tells her that she has been on autopilot ever since, and she has not had the time to process the breakup. the constant fighting in the hells was not helping
- hesitantly she goes back to waterdeep, where she learns that she is being summoned back to evereska. she journeys there and gets celebrated as the savior of baldur’s gate. she starts creating songs abt her adventures. somehow, she still felt as an outsider in her family despite getting acknowledgment. she goes back to waterdeep where she feels more at home
- she slowly builds her reputation. the reunion party also happens during this time.
- 3 years pass by. she goes back to baldur’s gate ever since the brain. not as a hero, but as a performer this time 🥳
- they see each other again ever since the party
- zariel arc begins(!) selene recruits astarion (and the gang!) to help defeat zariel. this is where they rebuild their relationship, whatever it was. they make house of hope their homebase
- before the final fight, astarion, desperate and pissed off that selene was not jumping on his advances, propositions (again 😩) to turn her. they get into this massive fight. selene tells him that the only way that they can make this work is to enter a (magical, hell-powered) contract, where he can’t compel her and in return she can’t leave or betray him. astarion, who was planning all along to turn selene into a vampire bride (where he actually can’t compel her) instead of a spawn, agrees to it since the contract was heavily in his favor. BOOM PRENUP. they both sign it. astarion turns her the very same night 💀 they’re basically married at this point
- they defeat zariel yay, slowly take over baldur’s gate while also getting a vacation home in waterdeep while also traveling the world yadda yadda. then they have a wedding despite already being married for years bc why not ✨
at this point selene is a very famous singer, and astarion close to becoming the shadow ruler of baldur’s gate. their wedding gets called the wedding of the century— think the royal wedding, imagine the masses crowding on the gates trying to see what’s going on inside 💀 they hold it during the daytime to squash all the rumors of them being vampires. their motif is white and gold, and is heavily influenced by elven culture. selene’s gown’s train is around 20 ft long. their cake is 3 minscs and 8 boos tall. the festivities lasted for DAYS. lots of hedonistic debauchery occurred ehehe
so i chose songs that had wedding vibes but also toxic when you listen to the lyrics. chemtrails over the county club is about choosing to live in your own safe and comfortable bubble despite the ongoing horrors outside (cue in my snow globe symbolism for them). there’s also this line where it says “it’s never too late, baby, so don’t give up” which makes me feel that there’s still hope in the relationship becoming healthy… eventually 🤡 (i mean, they actually have forever between them). you belong to me is very fitting bc astarion can let her roam the world freely, but ultimately she can’t leave him. (this also aligns with one of the voicelines a!astarion has if tav leaves with karlach to avernus as a spawn— he tells them that he allowed them to go with karlach bc he’s not some “controlling monster”. he could summon tav back beside him if he wanted to.)
as for the spawn ending, at first they want to hold it with just the two of them but then word gets around, and now everyone was excited for the wedding! they didn’t expect so many people would want to congratulate and celebrate with them. imagine 7k+ people wanting to attend 💀💀💀
they hold the wedding reception in the underdark, but made their vows privately under the night sky 🥹😭 MOON AND STAR MOTIF LFG 😭😭😭
just a quick one: there’s this line in your universe that says “you can thank your stars all you want but, i’ll always be the lucky one” which i think perfectly sums up how he views tav/selene. bc who in their right mind would help a vampire— a monster, let alone give them their blood? only tav/selene. (which also aligns with his voiceline saying “other people don’t have a heart like that. you’re… you. no one is like that.”) ANYWAY ENOUGH RAMBLING THANKS FOR READING 😘
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nyckie · 2 months
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a plushie won't:
spontaneously die if you look at it wrong
pee and poop on everything
eat expensive and sometimes irreplaceable objects
leave your arms scarred
give you purple nurples. with incisors like fingernail clippers.
shed its entire coat multiple times a year
an much, much more!
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agios-rio · 1 year
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Triangle by Sondra Marshak & Myrna Culbreath
(context under the cut)
A woman they were both in love with (and who was also in love with them both) just left them after basically saying: "if I didn't have to leave I'm pretty sure we could've worked out a polyamorous thing," and now Kirk and Spock have to work through the gay feelings that whole operation brought to the surface.
I wish I would be making this up. This book made me go insane.
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tag-if · 6 months
would any of the ro's be interested in marriage or children later on? thankyou!!!
a very good question :)!
T. Bellefleur; wouldn't be so picky about the wedding, so long as it was with you, so planning would be easy (will offer an opinion if asked though)
K. Valiev; they honestly couldn't tell you why, they just love the idea of a wedding (a big wedding, preferably, but if you'd rather something small then they'd be fine with that too)
A. Bellefleur; if you Really wanted to get married then they could be convinced, but it isn't something they particularly want for themself
M. Serrel; first rule of a sketchy job? minimise your paper trail, Marin would rather not have a marriage certificate floating round
A. Caras; they don't need a wedding to be in love with you , if you want it they'll do it, but it would be a very small affair and they would likely have minimal input
A. Bellefleur; one or two
K. Valiev; a big family person, three or so kids (not an unreasonable amount, but quite a few)
M. Serrel; hard no, will not be convinced otherwise
A. Caras; soft no, could be convinced but will need a significant amount of discussion
T. Bellefleur; would prefer not, but wouldn't mind one if it happened (wouldn't actively try for kids though)
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kithj · 4 months
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Ella Wesner, male impersonator, active in the vaudeville circuit between 1870-1908. Wesner came from a family of ballet dancers, and it was during one of her ballet performances in New York City that Wesner met the male impersonator Annie Hindle. Within the next year, in 1870, Wesner began her own act as a male impersonator. She modeled her performance after Hindle's, and the two frequently played to the same crowds and in the same houses; though, interestingly, they never toured or performed together. A few of Wesner's characters included Captain Cuff, Tom Vapid, and a drunken dandy who would always fall asleep in the barber's chair. Both Hindle and Wesner were also reportedly attracted to women, with Hindle marrying one of her dressers. Wesner had only one known romance, with a woman named Helen "Josie" Mansfield, who she reportedly eloped with while Mansfield's male lover, the murderer James Fisk, was in prison. When Wesner passed in 1917, she requested to be buried in her men's clothes.
sources [1][2][3]
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lovebirdceremonies · 1 year
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nikolajrostovs · 2 months
posting opera clips until i run out pt 16
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cedarboots · 1 year
save fanny price 2k23
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arklay · 1 year
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i was able to commission the lovely @rcehb-art on twitter for this piece of diana and wesker during their strange after-the-fact reception for their very private wedding. i am just so in love with this and how it turned out, and i can't thank rc enough !! she is so kind and amazing to work with and i can't recommend her enough if you're looking to commission artwork ♡
#commissions.#oc: diana#pair: ewskers#or should i say drs. albert & diana wesker 🖤#i literally haven't stopped staring at this since receiving the final product !! & just the whole process was so much fun & i loved seeing#it all come together 🥺 i'm just aaaaaa i adore this sm !!! also okay i think i have talked about this on here before but these two didn't#actually have like a ''wedding'' but they eloped then a bit after that alex & the birkins found out they had gotten married without telling#anyone (they knew they were engaged but yeah there were no wedding talks so to speak) so then they sort of pushed them to have some sort of#reception at least & celebrate things kinda...like they thought he would've made a big deal out of things but these two aren't all that#fussed with the idea of weddings or marriage in general (there's a lot of lore here i swear. especially on diana's part like some of you#know) so they were very private about it all !! but yes here you can see them gossiping & talking shit about umbrella employees 🤭#also this goes without saying but pls don't use or touch this at all as it's a commission & diana is my oc !! i didn't think i would need to#say that but precautions now after things that have happened on here & unfortunately made me less active...diana is very very special to me#so yeah :] and ofc never repost art that isn't yours !! that being said please go & support rc !!! she's amazing & all of her art is so so#gorgeous & she's just the absolute sweetest & a beloved mutual of mine 🤍🤍
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creepyscritches · 3 months
It's very funny the more LOTR type shit I have in my immediate circle bc like. Truly. I don't care for the series. I'm slated for an extended edition, strap-me-to-the-couch, GRONDGRONDGRONDGROND-type re-watch w my friends and I honestly hope I like it this time lmao....i haven't seen LOTR in like? 14 years?? Idk I like gimli I think? Man that'd be a good name for a guinea pig. We almost named Pippin Smeagol/Gollum but you gotta earn that name. Her full title is Pippin the Peepin Peepee Baby. Her signature move is filling your palm with a small puddle of pee. Did it within 3 seconds of the vet googoogagaing at her. Maybe she should be smeagol. Anyway my LOTR knowledge is peripheral and purely for comedy - - look at my little girlies hairy hobbit feet. Look at Frodo's bright pink toes.
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