helloiamkiki-blog · 7 years
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7 skills your #child need to survive the changing #world #Critical thinking and #problem-solving #Collaboration across networks and leading by #influence #agility and adaptability Initiative and #entrepreneurialism Effective oral and written #communication Accessing and analysing information #curriosity and imagination Do not lock the door of oppotunity -open it #softskuillsdevelopment #learningbydoing #softskillstraining (at Самоводската чаршия)
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helloiamkiki-blog · 6 years
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Second day #learning Our #italian students just start #intership at#jabulgaria #entrepreneurialism #entrepreneur #entreprenurs #entrepreneurship #softskuillsdevelopment #jastartuphambar #juniorachivement #juniorachievmentbulgaria @startinbulgaria18 (at Sofia Tech Park)
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helloiamkiki-blog · 6 years
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Any of the "#dreamers who do". Those who take #hands -on responsibility for creating #innovation if any kind within an #organization. The #intrapreneur may be the #creator or #inventor but is always the dreamer who figures out how to turn an #idea into a #profitable reality. #intrapreneurship #leadership #knowhow #couching #entrepreneurialism #trainerslife #organizationalleadership #development #eventteam_bg #knowledgeiskey #empreendedorismofeminino #businesstraining #entrepreneurlifestyle #education #learningbydoing #everydaylearning #entreprenurshipmindset #softskillsmatter #softskuillsdevelopment #femaeentrepreneur #mumpreneur
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helloiamkiki-blog · 6 years
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“People follow different paths, straight or crooked, according to their temperament, depending on which they consider best, or most appropriate- and all reach you, just as rivers enter the ocean.” #kidsinsport #mountainbeauty #nature #grancharchalet #rilamountain #mountainlife #mountainpeople #Martina #everydaywisdom #beautifulnature #hikingday #likemotherlikedaughter #motherland #outdoor #mountaintop #lifeskills #softskillsmatter #eventteam_bg #softskuillsdevelopment #learningbydoing #learningeveryday #
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helloiamkiki-blog · 6 years
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The shoes should fit! You can't build business thst is not yours... #entrepreneurialism #evrydaylearning #leadership #selfimprovement #selfdevelopment #softskuillsdevelopment #motivation #mondaymood #chicago #learning #businesseducation (at Chicago Loop)
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helloiamkiki-blog · 6 years
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“People follow different paths, straight or crooked, according to their temperament, depending on which they consider best, or most appropriate- and all reach you, just as rivers enter the ocean.” #kidsinsport #mountainbeauty #nature #grancharchalet #rilamountain #mountainlife #mountainpeople #Martina #everydaywisdom #beautifulnature #hikingday #likemotherlikedaughter #motherland #outdoor #mountaintop #lifeskills #softskillsmatter #eventteam_bg #softskuillsdevelopment #learningbydoing #learningeveryday #
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helloiamkiki-blog · 6 years
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#AIDA :) Attention = Внимание Interest = Интерес Desire = Желание Action = Действие Понятието е въведено от известния специалист в областта на маркетинга Елмо Люис (1872 - 1948) още през далечната 1898г. Защо AIDA като презентационна техника? Една презентация най-напред трябва да прикове вниманието на аудиторията, да е атрактивна, да събуди интереса с "Виж ти!"; после да предизвика желанието /интерес и най-накрая презентацията трябва да ни стимулира да действаме, за да задоволим желанието си. Обучавайте се с нас, К. #eventteam #softskillstraining #learning #eventteam_bg #evrydaylearning #learningbydoing #softskuillsdevelopment #softskillsmatter #softskilsclass #softskillscoaching #trainingfortrainers #trainerslife #presentationalskills #groupdynamic #prague🇨🇿 #entrepreneursofinstagram #lifeskills #development
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helloiamkiki-blog · 7 years
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The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. #learning #everydaylearning #motivational #wordsofwisdom #trainerslife #softskuillsdevelopment #lifeskills #dailymotivation #edu #education
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helloiamkiki-blog · 7 years
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#teamworkmakesdreamwork #experimentallearning #corporatedevelopment #communication #learningbydoing #leadershipcamp #teamworkactivity #learningthroughplay #result #goal #motivation #teammotivation #eventteam_bg #softskuillsdevelopment #leadership #everydaylearning
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helloiamkiki-blog · 7 years
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#Sunday ...#timeforfamily ... #jenga #tournament #learningbydoing #everydaylearning #softskuillsdevelopment #kidsplaying #boardgame #learningbyplaying #strategygame #funny #trainerslife
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helloiamkiki-blog · 7 years
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Most #learning problems are not due to lack of #competence or lack of #skill, but to discouragement. Enthusiastic, encouraged learners have high #self-esteem, feel good about their relationships with others, and see the #world as a positive place. Difficult, discouraged learners have low self-esteem and see little hope for the #future. Every learner has the innate capacity to be encouraged, to be self-reliant and ready to take on whatever lies ahead. Learners simply need encouragement that is targeted to their needs. #Encouragement is the single most important factor in motivating people to learn #softskuillsdevelopment #softskillsmatter #coaching #experimentallearning #groupdynamic #softskillscoaching #softskillstrainers #eventteam_bg #lifeskills #mounday #motivation #learningbydoing #erasmus #lifelonglearner #leadership #leadershipcoach #motivationmonday #teacching
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helloiamkiki-blog · 7 years
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Any of the "#dreamers who do". Those who take #hands -on responsibility for creating #innovation if any kind within an #organization. The #intrapreneur may be the #creator or #inventor but is always the dreamer who figures out how to turn an #idea into a #profitable reality. #intrapreneurship #leadership #knowhow #couching #entrepreneurialism #trainerslife #organizationalleadership #development #eventteam_bg #knowledgeiskey #empreendedorismofeminino #businesstraining #entrepreneurlifestyle #education #learningbydoing #everydaylearning #entreprenurshipmindset #softskillsmatter #softskuillsdevelopment
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helloiamkiki-blog · 6 years
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Day 3 with #italian students And that's the best #feedback So how do u feel? +7 Grazie mille @startinbulgaria18 #jabulgaria #jab #jastartuphambar #juniorachievmentbulgaria #everydaytraining #softskillsmatter #softskuillsdevelopment #entreprenurs #entrepreneur #entreprenurship #entreprenualmindset #trainingday #trainerslife
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helloiamkiki-blog · 6 years
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Second day #learning Our #italian students just start #intership at#jabulgaria #entrepreneurialism #entrepreneur #entreprenurs #entrepreneurship #softskuillsdevelopment #jastartuphambar #juniorachivement #juniorachievmentbulgaria @startinbulgaria18 (at Sofia Tech Park)
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helloiamkiki-blog · 6 years
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The shoes should fit! You can't build #business that is not yours... #entrepreneurialism #evrydaylearning #leadership #selfimprovement #selfdevelopment #softskuillsdevelopment #motivation #mondaymood #chicago #learning #businesseducation #businessquotes (at Chicago Loop)
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