#social inadequacy
I live inside my head and I live in some weird fucking fantasy world that doesn’t line up with reality but I keep thinking it _is_ the reality and then I end up super hurt and confused and wondering why I’ve been lied to and misled when it’s literally just my brain making shit up, or I’ll think I’ve been super clear and said things properly but in reality I’ve said like the most cryptic fucking thing ever and there’s no way anyone would understand what I mean and then I’ll be upset because “I told you this! Why didn’t you listen?” And this shit keeps happening and I don’t know why or how to fix it, and I get so overwhelmed and frustrated with myself and everyone else that I just want to end every single relationship in my life and never talk to or interact with anyone again.
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mattodore · 5 months
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...okay so the b&a of this edit looks a lot less impressive than i thought it would
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#i sunk like five hours into this edit all together i think... how......... like where did all that time go.........#well. skdfjnhdkjfhksdgghdfjknghkjndfkhdfkjhdknjfgh#river dipping#ts4#theodore doe#matthias evanoff#a burning house to live in#echthroi#ykw is so funny..................... i already have three other screenshots i want to edit 🧍#i just really love the way their sims look when they're in their thirties and the lighting in this room is so gorgeous#BUT! i'm gonna save that for later. rn i'm just gonna scroll and post some drafted reblogs and then read#i seriously used like all of my free time yesterday messing around in photoshop......... today i'm just gonna do next to nothing#<- person who knows they're incapable of not looking at their ocs every few hours <- i am definitely going to end up in photoshop again#anyway............................ good morning!!!!!!!! <333 i'm so happy i finally answered that ask last night like!! i'm really trying#to be more timely with my responses to people!! that said... i'm definitely behind on my activity again#and i still have mentions i wanted to reply to from last month. eek.#listen........................... Avoidant personality disorder (AVPD) is a mental health condition that involves chronic feelings of#inadequacy and extreme sensitivity to criticism. People with AVPD would like to interact with others#but they tend to avoid social interactions due to their intense fear of rejection.#thank you cleveland clinic definition of avpd <3
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vse-kar-vem · 4 months
weekly breakdown post 😁 none of you hate me right !
#feeling a bit down ☹️ idk i just feel like#am i not social enough am i just annoying ☹️ i dont post a lot so idk what people follow me for but if i post too much am i being annoying ?#oueagh#vee rambles#like i know everyone has their own niches whatever but i don't know how you just establish connections with people so easily 💔💔#am i brushjng people off without knowing ???? am i just prickly??????#also as a conversationalist i know i dont have much to offer ☹️☹️ im not very funny or capable of very clever adult insights#so really im just kinda there 😞 and like i HAVE real life friends i HAVE a social circle theres no need to base my fulfilment socially on#online interactions 😭#idk maybe its because its harder or its something i feel i cant get that makes it such like a thing that bothers me#like 7 times out of 10 if im sadposting because of that#and its really embarrassing to say that the reason all these like moments of insecurity happen is because my mutuals. have friends#NOTHING AGAINST ANYONE OBVS THIS IS 100% A ME PROBLEM AND NOT EVERY INTERACTION SENDS ME INTO A TAILSPIN ITS JUST SOMETHING THAT HAPPENS#i thjnk it says something about me idk i dont like to think of myself as very jealous but i am i just dont like dwelling on it#trying to figure out if what makes me upset is other people not liking me or my own personal inadequacies#anyways if anyones reading this pretend they didnt i will be over this tomorrow i just#ugh 🥹🥹🥹#i wish i could wake up funnier#or smarter#maybe better at art#🙏 god bless#IVE FIGURED IT OUT#being in such a tight knit fandom reminds me of being in 8th grade again 🥹 not to tragic backstory everyone but like i had no friends#i think it kind of dredges up that kinda loneliness and insecurity in me#wow i should be a psychologist#anyways i still love fandom im not gonna stop it just. sigh. gets to me sometimes
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autoboros · 4 months
How did Auto and Hiro meet? :>
Honestly, you'd think I'd have a concrete story for this by now, what with them being such a huge thing in my brain since Winter of '22 but I still. Do not have a solid idea for it (fun fact , how characters meet is like my biggest weakness when it comes to writing them)
But I've got ideas, and the one I've rolled with the longest was that it was just that they met randomly on one of Auto's first nights in Splatsville after coming to the surface. Not a huge deal of a meeting, felt like it wouldn't be that significant to them
A little hard to put my thoughts into words exactly, but Auto just kinda stuck to Hiro because he was encouraged to make friends in the city but he didn't know how to really do that and I suppose Hiro just willingly stuck around with him too
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ruthlesslistener · 11 months
man i really love my mom but she always tends to turn things into that thing women do where they talk about their feelings and social interactions (usually how she's outcasted all the time) and I am just so goddamn horrible at replying bc i just. cant relate or see how its a problem. like its not traumadumping and i get that she doesnt want me to try to fix the problem but also mom you know i used to throw sand at people and hiss at them to get me to leave me alone im like the worst person to talk to about being a social outcast or social insecurity
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guardsbian · 1 year
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For the residents of Serpentis Solacia, it's not all that unusual for a stranger to carry an odd story behind them. To have a bunch of those eccentric strangers congregating in one place, however, somehow manages to be even less unusual.
Such is the case with the Coven of Malady's Rejoice. While it is, accurate to its name, made up of a collection of witches, the building claimed by the coven's founders houses a few other non-witches, with the insistence they are, in fact, somehow serving an integrally useful role as associates. Somehow.
For instance, Chthonia. With no magic and, at this point, no discernable Charge, it's hard for her to feel as if she's doing anything but killing time amongst the coven, even if she must admit to enjoying the company. Her living there is mostly paid for through her willingness to carry out favors for the others, especially considering how wide her practical skillset is. She's built up quite the well of experience with many manners of repairs and research, even prior to her arrival in the Wasteland, and can usually be relied upon to at least have a general knowledge on any task she's entrusted with.
That being said, the less magical and more draconic side of the coven's members does occasionally leave Chthonia with the brunt of the group's domestic matters. Considering that a walk through Serpentis Solacia's merchant's district is never too far out of the way, getting stuck with the occasional stretch of grocery shopping or material-fetching isn't the worst thing in the world; and it's hard not to enjoy it when her familiar, Kerbie, always seems eager to join her for the walk.
Besides, at the end of the day, it's just nice to feel appreciated.
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starsonmarsy · 1 month
Hey hey, don't be so down on yourself just yet. Like you said, it's just a bad brain night. I'm sure when you're feeling better, you won't worry about it anymore. Or maybe anything at all, if you're up for that-
i know 😣 confidence is just at an all time low rn
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unopenablebox · 10 months
for some reason i keep thinking of tomorrow as being miserably packed with stuff even though what i have scheduled is actually "morning union meeting, scheduled for two hours and will run to three as always"—which is, admittedly, wretched— followed by a break of two hours and then
"two hour sewing class i signed up for myself, want to take, is only a ten minute walk from my home, and requires no prep whatsoever"
however this is the first time in many months that any post-union-meeting scheduled saturday afternoon activity has been anything other than work and i think i'm unable to actually believe that having literally anything planned on a saturday is not foreshadowing a long slog to work interspersed with guilt
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devilsskettle · 2 years
the term “femcel” is so frustrating to me because it’s nearly impossible to explain to men that that is an entirely online phenomenon of young women (often teenagers) who are expressing frustration towards men because of their experiences of sexism that also blends into venting about mental health issues, which has turned onto an aestheticized online identity (coquette/femcel/etc). and they’re not literally the female equivalent of incels in terms of real life social identity/threat to women’s safety. it’s like trying to explain why misandry is not at the same level as misogyny except they get stuck on the word “femcel” because it literally stands for “female incel” so of course it’s the exact same thing. stupid women!! double standards!! etc etc etc. but it’s not like women complaining about men on the internet is the same as men feeling entitled to women’s bodies and attention and hurting and killing women for not being attracted to them
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ratgirlcopia · 8 months
[bones creaking with every step i take] i think a lot of copia's self-image issues would start resolving themselves pretty quick with a transition arc. but that's just me.
#copiaposting#i see a lot of copia's gender stuff being a bit more social dysphoria than physical dysphoria.#which may sound. interesting. given my plastic surgery takes. but i think that's like. rooted in social dysphoria too.#to me a key thing about copia's Everything in the chapters is that underlying vibe of...not getting perceived correctly.#like... not getting titled correctly by imperator/not being taken seriously by nihil.#and then like. hypercorrecting toward masculinity in a way that both doesn't work and makes him seem kind of miserable.#and tbh i read the like. disappointment at imperator not calling him papa as less “this is the title i want” and more like...#“what the hell i did all that and suppressed so much of myself and i don't even get the title”#which is SOOOOO ripe for some ghovie plot point that's like. alright copia! you did it and they still never titled you correctly!#at which point copia “snapping” and just doing whatever the hell it is he actually wants to do would be the natural Thing.#[waves hand] hence the transition/drag show arc that makes perfect sense in my head. you see.#where was i going with this. oh yeah.#i feel like copia going “oh. i'm a woman” would make a lot of the uhhh self-image issues start falling off.#no longer striving for the impossible (parental approval) and instead just going “oh THIS is what i needed/wanted all along.”#i feel like that would result in less of the...[gestures to the vague yet constant sense of misery and inadequacy wafting off him]#bad at being a papa worse at being a man great at being a middle aged gamer woman. is my personal interpretation.
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sadfaxmachine · 2 years
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And don't blame me for anything! I didn't do anything wrong. Mom.
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yay-depression · 1 year
thinking unhappy thoughts at 1 am except these can’t even be categorized into the “no feelings past 4pm in winter are real” bc it wasn’t inherently a negative thought it was a positive thought which upon saying aloud sounded really fucking sad
#i was thinking about how nice it was to meet someone i met this past week#and how great it felt and how i felt like we clicked so instantly#and then i was like#‘huh wonder why most social interactions feel this good to me?’#and then i realized the difference was that this person actively introduced themselves to me and started conversation#as opposed to just about 90% of the social interactions i partake in which involve me sitting alone and being ignored#until i stand up and try and butt into some of my friends conversations in some way#anyways just thinking about how very few people seem to want to interact with me#nothing like real world experiences feeding into the deep-seeded belief i have that i’m inherently unloveable#and also that i’m inherently annoying but everyone is just too nice to tell me#i am not joking when i say i genuinely have trauma from being a neurodivergent person in the midwest#going from a life of ‘if people don’t like me they will tell me’ to ‘everyone seems to not like me but won’t say anything’#as a child was a traumatic experience and created intense feelings of inadequacy and trust issues#which i was already really vulnerable to bc i was emotionally abused as a kid#so combine having a dad who says everything you do is wrong no matter how hard you try#with friends who refuse to say what you’re doing wrong but will hold grudges against it and will be mad at you for it#but every time you ask them they say ‘no we’re not mad!’#plus literally like a decade of me trying to make friends in this fucking hellhole of a town and getting basically nothing but laughed at#and you can see why having a good social interaction for once is actually really fucking upsetting#because HOLY SHIT is that what life is SUPPOSED TO BE??#you’re telling me most interactions i have with people make me feel bad not bc i have social anxiety but because i’m giving it 110%#and i’m getting back maybe 10%???#anyways it’s wishing i didn’t live in this shithole place with these shitty people hours#and wishing the world was fucking nicer to me when i was a kid bc it was so rough for 13 year old me for no goddamn reason#every day is another day of realizing i literally didn’t have a time in my life when things weren’t falling apart#until i was literally 17#kristen
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panvani · 2 years
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crystal-dee · 2 years
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doumekiss · 2 years
Me : *takes a two hours nap after lunch so I'm well rested and in a good mood for my class later on*
My brain : I know what she needs
My brain : *gives me a weird dream about how girls I'm attracted to think I'm creepy and about how librarians think I'm rude*
My brain : You're welcome :)
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Something I’ve learnt as an autistic person is that a good, hearty laugh at the the right moment can shatter someone’s ego more than any words ever could.
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