#so yea it does surprise me how people just kinda jumped the gun after a few months >_> not a bad thing I get it there’s other things
litteredcorpses · 1 year
talked about this with a friend a bit last night but like. lowkey sad about how quick the iswm fandom dipped entirely. for all that it encompasses and the content it has in it, im surprised how quick people were to just drop it. like im very much still into it and I think about it often still despite being into other things but a bit hard when most people have drifted off
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whoknowsbud · 3 years
Stand Mutation AU DiU
Again, this is FILLED with body horror and somewhat loose connections to the recent epidemic but they are there. There’s also a massive amount of angst around the Nijimuras.
See the first post & explanation here
Morioh is under a sort of quarantine. Due to not being contagious, it may be more of a research center, to keep research subjects in one place. When people start getting infected again (from the arrow, of course) there’s a pretty massive panic, from people assuming the virus must be evolving. So, aside from finding Josuke, the Speedwagon Foundation has Jotaro there to find who’s using the arrow.
Josuke is pretty much Crazy Diamond; his pompadour is basically a massive diamond helmet, with a heart-shaped front, a few thorny details from dad. Skin might be a little shiny, or sparkly.
Okuyasu begins as extremely feral and rather monstrous, but over time becomes more human. His form becomes smoother, until the infection becomes localized on his right arm. He has the common headlight eyes and his normal hair, but with the black mark covering above his eyes & reaching the tip of his nose, in addition to his scar.
Keicho is also fried, and is basically something of a human-transformer mix. Green camouflage body, bandages around his head, gun arm, helicopter blades in his back… Looks a little like something you’d expect to see if the Terminator had real flesh, with additional machine parts..
Koichi gains the common headlight eyes and starts turning green first. Following, not overnight but still fast, comes the beak, tail, and his lower legs become wheels. He does not lose any of his ability or evolve in the same way, but does change. As ‘act 2’, he regrows his legs (the wheels now his feet), his beak becomes more of a reptile snout, and he’s more armored. As ‘act 3’, he’s back to looking more human. The wheels are now just his heels (yes, heelys), and his tail is shorter.
Yukako… maybe fully made of hair? Or just the same as canon...
Tonio can just imbue his food with the sort of healing power. That or he grows the Pearl Jams on his body, which is very disturbing, so we'll probably go with the first. His power is extremely limited with this infection, which upsets him quite a bit. He can strengthen your body and all, but what can it do with stand shit? This isn't the flu.
Rohan’s arms are like heaven's door's hat; just the yellow lines outlining them. Depending on mood, desperation, & writers block, his sketchy-ness spreads more through his body.
Shigekiyo is a bunch of Harvests in a trench coat! Original Shigechi is essentially the ‘queen bee’ so to speak.
Mikitaka is an actual alien (cause fuck you, we do what we want). Planet was probably overrun by the virus, and he left to… either help other planets with it or prevent it or something… That or just. To find somewhere he can live a better life.
Tamami… probably just about the same, but creates locks on himself as well, for each victim currently affected - not because of guilt or anything, just to make sure they’re still in his control should they separate.
Hazamada is pretty much just Surface.
Akira is, basically, a toxtricity (amped, of course.) But yea, basically take RHCP, give it rocking hair and music ability, and there ya go.
Yuya basically sends his own feet, which gains a vague body to go with them.
Kanedaichi is SuperFly. A few bug decals on the tower maybe… He uses radio waves to communicate, and an unsettling doll to make himself known… Tickle me Elmo.
Terunosuke appears to be origami, with his face drawn on. Despite this, he can’t actually change his overall form.
Yoshihiro is probably the same as canon...
Kira’s mutation is much more subtle than most. His skin is pink, he has Killer Queen’s eyes, and very sharp and stiff ears. He hides most of this with makeup, contacts, and clips his own ears, to live under the illusion that he's 'just a normal guy'. When he feels stress, his face starts turning translucent, so you can see his skull - which reveals that his ears are more part of his skeleton. His hands frequently explode, and his sweat is explosive.
Stray Cat is just the same as in canon.
As mentioned earlier, the Nijimura’s story here is (I believe) even more upsetting than it is in canon. Though Angelo doesn’t happen, Josuke’s grandfather is dead.
Keicho finds the arrow, as he did in canon, but nicks himself in the process. He (somehow) hears the Speedwagon Foundation is looking for it and, realizing the arrow played a big part in the infection, panics. This makes his infection, which was already starting to mutate him, go wild. He turns feral in a different way than most; he guards the arrow, obsessing over it - like their dad over that ripped picture. Okuyasu, of course, tries to get through to his brother.
His body isn’t completely developed; the helicopter blades are half-stuck in his body and his gun doesn’t work. So, when Okuyasu tried to reach him, Bad Company only understands that someone is approaching the arrow, and attacks him… With the arrow. Fully aware of what the arrow did to his brother, Okuyasu is at peace with what’s going to happen to him. His only family is like this, and they don’t even remember him… How much worse could losing his own mind be?
The house is said to be haunted, so when Josuke and Koichi pass it, they stop to look. Koichi mentions, now that he understands a little of the infection, that he wonders if the ‘ghosts’ ‘haunting’ it are just more victims. Josuke realizes it's likely, and tells him to call Jotaro and wait outside.
Koichi calls Jotaro and does not wait outside; he goes in after Josuke, gets lost, and ends up finding the room Bad Company is in.
Meanwhile, Josuke’s struggling against Okuyasu, who may or may not be crying. Josuke realizes this guy really is a victim, and thinks he must be able to help. So, when he does take him down, he tries to fix this, only to feel terrible because this is another thing he can’t fix. But he can’t stay, because Koichi screams, so he has to run.
He finds the room, but it’s obvious that whatever attacked Koichi hasn’t left, and he’s worried this’ll go horribly wrong if he runs in, but if he doesn’t, Koichi’s probably going to die. This is when he hears the bass boost ‘bbbvvvrrrrrrrrr’ and he spins, ready to fight, but Okuyasu’s already erasing the space between them and Koichi, and now he’s in range for Josuke to heal him. Josuke’s not sure what’s happening, but it’s obvious Okuyasu isn’t going to attack. So, Josuke’s healing Koichi, and trying to figure this all out, “so do you… have a sibling here?”
He nods, looking at him with pleading eyes, begging for something. Josuke starts thinking aloud, “they must be infected, too… uh, you... want me to fix them?”
He's nodding so vigorously it looks almost painful, and this is when Koichi wakes up, and he shrieks because what the fuck is that. Josuke makes sure he's okay (Koichi's irises are turning bright yellow, but he can't worry about that right now), and has Okuyasu watch Koichi.
Okuyasu is surprised that he's being trusted like this; but Josuke's already ripping the door off the frame, holding it in front of him like both a shield and battering ram, and he's charging in.
Koichi is far, far too tired to move himself, so Okuyasu carries him away from the fight. But Okuyasu starts fidgeting, worried. He's hearing shots, explosions, and yelling, and there's a lot of smoke. Obviously Koichi's worried too, so they kinda sneak back over to get a look, and what koichi sees is... alarming, to say the least.
Uninfected, you don't see the full quality of his skin, and his helmet just looks like a weirdly solid block of hair. But now koichi's getting the whole picture, and… He's gorgeous.
His body is suddenly shining and sparkling from the armor, his skin almost glittery, and the massive diamond form encasing his head reflects light like a goddamn disco ball - it's all almost blinding
Sexuality crisis ahem so anyways
Josuke eventually gets Bad Company down, and he's trying to heal him, but the light suddenly comes on. They all know someone else is here, so Okuyasu - not wanting anything to keep his bro from getting fixed like he was - runs in to intercept the form coming fast, but Keicho's a little faster
But instead of going for the arrow, it's Okuyasu he targets.
Okuyasu and Josuke are alarmed at this; he'd shown that he only cared about the arrow, why do this? Why go after Okuyasu, before he even got the arrow back?
But Keicho's looking at him - even as this electric being's arm goes through his stomach, his eyes are focused on his brother.
"I act on my orders," he says, whereas before the only thing he ever said was "the arrow", "follow orders"... things like that.
Because Bad Company had been ordered to protect the arrow at all costs
But Keicho Nijimura did that to protect his brother
Which clearly worked against him but moving on
Okuyasu makes this cry, this wail, and Koichi can feel the hurt echoing in him and wishes he could've done something as the being takes the arrow into the light
But Josuke realizes there's a fuse box in here, and its being overloaded, and they need to get out right now, so he grabs the two survivors and jumps out the window.
He ends up being hurt pretty bad splinters of wood dig in his calves and his back, but he's gotta make sure these two are ok.
Josukes not sure if that actually helped, because he's crying so so hard now, and the three just sit there for a while
Okuyasu looks at josuke, crying, pleading... Josuke knows what he wants
"I saw it," he chokes out, "you should know.. Ididn't bring him back, I barely reached him… You did."
Jotaro spots the building when the room explodes and comes running, of course relieved to see these kids are sitting outside, safely... Well. Not dead. Josuke asks about Okuyasu.
"Yea that happened to me, he'll be fine. It's pretty common."
Then he sees Koichi's eyes are a little different and just fuckn grabs the kid and stares super close for a few minutes
Irises are yellow, but more important, the whole ball is getting kinda... segmented? Like... there are creases forming. W/e - they're slowly becoming headlights.
It's an uncomfortable minute for these children, until Jotaro lets him go and says (usual deadpan), "you've been infected."
Then jotaro sets him down and says, usual deadpan, "you've been infected." And Josuke freaks out, assuming he was the cause.
So, Jotaro has to explain that - no, the only way to become infected is if you or a (close enough) relative is injured by the stand arrow. Okuyasu jumps on the phrase, practically barking with desperation. Jotaro, having gone through a rather similar stage, figures it out pretty quickly, "you know about it… where is it?"
“Is that what that weird arrow was back there," Josuke wonders around, jumping when Jotaro focused on him, "well, uh… some electric thing took it… after killing this guy's brother."
Jotaro can't really do much with that, so he moves on, "alright, you three get to the Speedwagon building, I'm gonna do a walkthrough."
They agree, but Okuyasu's looking at the house & not moving Josuke & Koichi try to reassure him about keicho, while Jotaro just walks right in to investigate.
After a minute he comes out carrying Weird Frog Dad who's holding the ripped picture, "what is this." Okuyasu makes this "aa!" sound while the other 2 are Shook.
Okuyasu's looking at Josuke, though he's already moving, but Jotaro stops him, "this can't be fixed." Josuke's like "but i gotta try" and does, and newsflash it doesn't work, but he sees the picture and fixes that and at least that's sweet
So, nearly on the opposite side of the emotional spectrum, the next day we see Koichi skating to school. At first he's very weirded out, tries to hide it, but then he realizes "wait. The town's full of infected people, this isn't that bad." His mother and sister, of course, freak out, but Koichi knows enough to explain it all and put them a little at ease.
Also he does not end up with Yukako, they both deserve better. Like, yea she probably still has her obsession, but it gets handled after the first time. It takes a little while for her to adjust to... not.. doing any of that. But they're both way healthier for it. Not cool or healthy to date your fixation or stalker
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lmao-of-the-east · 4 years
Old souls,new life
words:1550 words
Possible triggers:Body horror,mention of drugs,mention of death,mention of drowning,bugs(flies),winces in pain.let me know if there’s anything else I should add!
Summery:The gang goes to detention and escape to go at a lake,some funky things happen to them after going for a dip.
Chapter 1: The Lake of what the fuck
Patton groaned as he walked through the hall, passing by other students who weren’t in trouble. He wouldn’t lie, he was a little jealous of them, considering where he was going and what he had heard about it. Just a few hours ago, his small babies had been found by the math teacher, who in turn gave Patton detention. Patton tried not to think about it, mostly because the thought made him upset.
Patton reached a door with a sign that had the words “detention room” on it. He pushed the door and went in silently, looking around to see what the room was like. He was a bit underwhelmed when he saw the room was a normal classroom with anti-bullying posters on the walls. A couple of people were already in the room, talking among themselves. On the board was written the following words: Sit in silence. An adult will come shortly.
“You know no one’s gonna come, right? No one ever does.” One of the people present before Patton had come in spoke, turning towards the new guy.
He looked like a boy who had tried to cut his hair all by himself. He had a bit of a mustache that was probably collared in with an eyebrow pencil. The clothes the stranger wore were either old, or just really dirty.
“Name’s Remus by the way, have a seat. What did you do to get here?”
Patton sat down; a bit confused as to how Remus seemed so sure no one would come in for them. He shrugged a bit when Remus asked his question. “It’s kinda dumb.”
“Can’t be worse than mine,” A new voice perked up. “I got dress coded for being too emo.” This new stranger looked like what you’d get if you googled “emo boys”. He had pale skin, dark eye shadow and messy hair along with an oversized hoodie. He looked almost dead.
“Well…it's a bit worse…I guess?....I snuck in some snails and some frogs… and got caught..”
“ohhhhhhh, sounds cool!  Why did you need them? For a prank or something?” Remus asked, suddenly excited at the thought there was another prankster in here with him.
“No!” Patton objected” I wanted to keep them as pets! They’re my babies!”
Remus huffed and slumped a bit. “Whatever.” “What did you do to get here? you never told us” The emo boy pointed out.
Remus chuckled, rolling his eyes. “Well Virgil, if you must know, I got in trouble for my Coke coke again.”
“Coke coke?” Patton pondered, confused.
“Didn’t you learn the first time? You can’t sell Coka cola when you add cocaine t it”
“Cocaine!?” Patton exclaimed, in udder shock a high school student could get cocaine.
“It was in the original recipe!”
“And removed.” Another student entered alongside a second student .The former had a dress shirt with a blue bowtie on. His blond hair was poofed and stubborn when it came to not getting in his face. The student accompanying the blondie looked a lot like Remus, but cleaner, and more disappointed in himself.
Speaking of Remus, He jumped up to his feet, giggling. “My my my! What a surprise! The golden twin, Roman!”
“Oh shut up remus, and likewise, don’t you usually escape?”
“Yea, but I’m waiting for Janus to come break me out. I can’t open the window.”
The nerd looking person rolled his eyes a bit, turning to Virgil and Patton. “Greetings, I am Logan Croft, pleasure meeting the both of you.”
Patton nodded and smiled at Logan while Virgil did awkward finger guns.
They all stayed in the room for at least half an hour before there was a knock on the glass from the outside. Someone was by the window looking in. That stranger had dark hair that was mostly hidden in a cowboy hat with a lil star pin that had ACAB engraved on it as well as a scare on the left time of his face.
“He’s here! Guys, you ready for a prisons break?” Remus exclaimed, watching Janus unlock the window from the outside.
“I don’t know…won’t we get in trouble?” Patton asked nervously.
“Only if you get caught, a thief’s only a thief if they get caught stealing” Janus said as he opened the window“ Plus, there’s a cool lake in the woods you can swim in all year long, come on, it’ll be fun.”
As he spoke, all but the worried Patton and the skeptical Logan had left through the window.
“What would we use to dry ourselves? We don’t have any spare clothes” Logan questioned.
Remus answered him by taking towels out of a bag Janus had brought with him.
Logan seemed content with the answer and left through the opening. Patton sighed and followed the rest of the group.
After about twenty minutes at least, they reached the lake.
“Last one in is a rotten egg!” Remus ran and cannon balled in the water.
Roman joined his brother, laughing with him. Janus went in in a much calmer manner alongside Patton. Logan got in after removing his clothes, as to keep the dry.
Virgil however stayed on land, eyes glued on the water. He had always been told about the danger of water,  the fact that 788 people drowned in a year. Of the many creatures that would joyfully gobble him up. He didn’t come to swim, just to leave the room.
“Get in Virgil! The water’s great!” Yelled Roman as he swam
“N-no…I’m good” Virgil responded, shaking a bit.
Roman kept trying to convince Virgil to get in the water, even promising to hold him in case he didn’t know how to swim. Remus was getting bored from Virgil’s stubbornness so he got up and ran up to Virgil, causing him to run.
While running, Virgil trips on a stick. Thanks to that, Remus was able to catch up to Virgil and quickly picked him up, despite Virgil’s struggling.
He made his way to the lake, cackling with a large grin over his face.
“This is what happens to cowards like you!”
And with that, Remus threw Virgil in the water, running to the bag Janus had brought, but that Remus had added some things in. One of those was a jar full of flies.
Virgil sank deeper in the water, he was confused. Every time he was told about water, it was described as cold and unwelcoming. But at this moment, he felt warm, held and free, as if the water was holding him. Welcoming him back into a home he had forgotten. He wasn’t scared, and he didn’t know why.
Back on land, Remus had opened his jar of flies over the lake, swarming the four other swimmers still in the water. Logan tried to ignore them as he held onto a rock attached to land, having felt much heavier when he got in the water. Roman was trying to kill in the flies. Janus tried to swap them away with his hat .Patton was swimming around, generally unbothered by the flies until his stomach growled slightly. Patton looked at the flies and opened his mouth, a longer and stickier version of his tongue flings out and caught a handful of flies, making Patton eat them happily until he realized what had happened.
Remus sees that and starts to laugh heavily, having never seen anyone able to do that, and not seeming bothered by the tongue.
Suddenly, Janus, Logan and Roman quickly get out the water, screaming their heads off. Leaving Patton to think that he had scared the others, he did scare himself with what he had done. It also left Remus confused, since it wasn’t THAT creepy, right? Just a small mutation or something? They got less confused when Virgil popped his head out of the water.
Virgil’s skin was much paler, and a bit purpler. Two large fins were where his ears should be and gills at the side of his neck and his teeth replaced by large fangs.
Patton screamed and gets out the water quickly, tripping and galling to the ground quickly. It was quickly discovered that his fingers had gotten thinner and bigger and rounder around his fingertips. the same thing had happened to his feet.
Remus, Logan, Roman and Janus all took steps back from Patton, checking themselves in horror and fear.
“Um…Logan?” Janus started ”Did…you always have…bumps on your back?”
“No?...I have two birthmarks…why?”
“there…there are two bumps…on you back…”
Logan quickly checked his back, and sure enough, Janus was right. He carefully touched them but quickly pulled his hand away, wincing in pain. When he had winced, the bumps moved and flattened, looking now just like Logan’s normal birthmarks.
Virgil, who had caught on to what had happened to him, managed to crawl out the water, his legs turned into a fishtail with more fins and  some gills on his sides. When he had gotten on land, his tail stretched and split in half, becoming legs again. The scales now simply sliding off him and falling to the ground. Similar things happened to Patton’s hands and toes, turning back to normal.
“well” Remus began ”I think it’s safe to say that we are never coming back here ever again.”
“Agreed” The other said in unison before quickly running home.
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hannahindie · 6 years
Brother, I’m Right Here
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester Word Count: 2,399 (with lyrics) Warnings: Angst, hallucinations, alcohol use, some language A/N: This was written for my “Han’s Sing It With Me! 800 Follower Challenge”, and was requested by the ever wonderful @deanssweetheart23. The song she chose was “Brother” by Jensen Ackles, which you can find HERE. I have to say, this one had me thinking. I wrote it, then rewrote it. I loved getting to this point, despite wrestling with how I wanted it to go, and I am in love with the end result. I hope you enjoy it, sweets. :) And, she also won an aesthetic, so that is made by me as well.
Beta’d by my beautiful @trexrambling, thanks for catching...things ;) : “ I love this. Once again, saying so much with so little. Yes.”
Also, a special shout out to @escabell for watching me ramble with pictures, if that makes any sense. Thanks, doll. :)
As always, tags are at the bottom. If you’d like to be added, please let me know. :)
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Brother, let me be your shelter Never leave you all alone I can be the one you call When you’re low Brother, let me be your fortress When the night winds are driving on Be the one to light the way Bring you home
Ringing...an insistent ringing, right next to Dean’s ear. He groans and slips his arm out from under the pillow, his hand smacking the nightstand until he finally finds the culprit. He squints against the brightness of his phone screen as he lifts it close to his face, his brain taking a moment to process what his eyes are seeing.
Incoming Call - Sammy.
He glares at the phone, his mind foggy as he tries to figure out what time it is. The clock says two a.m., but that can’t be right because Sam should be in bed, settled in way earlier than Dean had been. He slides his thumb across the screen, “Hello?” His voice is rough, like too much whiskey and loud conversations over bar noise.
“Dean, it’s me-” Static cuts the voice off, and Dean yawns, still mostly asleep and half convinced that Sam is trying to pull a fast one. He vaguely recalls veiled threats of retaliation when Sam discovered Dean had been using his laptop for...reasons.
“I know it’s you, your name popped up on the screen. Technology is a wonderful thing. Where the hell are you?”
“I don't...dark...no clue…” His voice is cutting in and out, and it almost sounds like he's in a cave. Dean rolls over to his back and closes his eyes.
“Are you in the bathroom? Oh! Are you in a girl’s bathroom? Lookit you, sneaking out and getting some after I fall asleep. Good on you, Sammy, it's about time you got laid.”
“No, I'm not...something...wrong. Dean, please…”
Dean sits up, the cobwebs disappearing as he realizes how distressed Sam sounds. “Sam, seriously, where are you?” Dean looks around the room, sees Sam’s untouched bed, and his stomach flips. How did he not notice that before? Hell, how did he not notice Sam not even being in the room?
“I don’t know...I just...he’s here.” Sam’s voice is tiny, childlike, but also….is he drunk?
“Have you been drinking? Did you go to a bar? Who’s there?” Dean swings his legs over the edge of the bed and looks for his pants, which are currently thrown halfway across the room. He groans as he stands up, grabbing his shirt as he goes.
“Yea, I have...but I left, and he followed me. Dean, he’s here.” The line isn’t cutting out as much, but Sam’s voice seems to be getting quieter, smaller, as if he’s trying to hide from someone.
“Who's there, Sam?” He jumps on one foot as he tries to catch his balance and put pants on at the same time. This isn’t like Sam, it’s like him. Dean feels a sudden clench in his gut as he begins to put the little clues he should have noticed earlier together. The late nights weren’t uncommon, neither were the early mornings, but Sam’s demeanor had changed. The unfinished takeout, how jumpy he’d become...hell, he’d even begun to drink Dean under the table. And instead of Dean thinking that they were signs, he was excited that Sam wanted to drink with him. Now Dean realizes that it isn’t that Sam wanted to drink with him; he was doing it to cover something up. Dean yanks his jacket on, angry at himself for missing something so obvious.
“Lucifer...it’s Lucifer, Dean.” Sam falls silent, but Dean can hear him breathing, heavy gasps like he’d been running.
“Listen, Sammy, I’m coming, okay? Stay where you are, and I’ll find you. I’ll find you, little brother.” Dean grabs his keys and races out of the room, worry eating at him as he realizes just how deep Sam has fallen.
“Have you seen this guy? Dean holds his phone up to the bartender, who gives it a halfhearted glimpse, then goes back to wiping down the bar.
“Sorry, man. Can’t say that I have.”
“Look at it again.” Dean shoves his phone practically into the man’s nose, and he looks up and glares.
“Get it out of my face. I told you, I haven’t seen him.”
Dean rolls his eyes, then pulls out his wallet and digs through it, eventually pulling a twenty out and slamming it on the counter. “Now have you seen him?”
The bartender lays down the rag he was using to clean and picks up the twenty, staring at it before folding it and slipping it into his pocket. “He was here earlier. Big dude, sat at the bar for awhile. He kept ordering whiskey, never seen someone down so much at one time and still be able to stand. He was quiet for awhile, but then...I dunno, man. He just kind of lost it, starting talking to himself. I mean, he was drunk as shit, but he was saying some weird stuff. Kinda freaked out the people sitting around him, you know?”
“What kind of weird stuff? Did you throw him out?” The bartender looks down at the wallet still in Dean’s hand, and Dean groans. “Seriously?” He digs out another twenty and tosses it to the bartender.
“He mostly was talking about how he wanted to be left alone, that whoever he was talking to wasn’t real,” he says as he shoves the second twenty into his pocket. “He kept rubbing his palm, like….to the point where he was bleeding. Thing was, he wasn’t talking to anyone around him. I was going to ask him to leave, but he took off before I needed to. Didn’t even pay his tab.” He raises his eyebrows at Dean, who rolls his eyes again but throws another twenty on the bar.
“That should cover it.” Dean pockets his wallet before the bartender decides to extort more money out of him. “Did you see what direction he went?”
The bartender shakes his head, then picks up his towel and resumes wiping down the bar, “Nah, not sure. I think he went out the back though, if that helps.”
“Thanks, yeah.” Dean says as he slaps the bar, then takes off towards the back door. He stops as he reaches the exit, his eyes on a bloody palm print smeared across the doorframe and down to the handle. “Dammit, Sammy,” he mumbles, his heart in a vice. The door swings open with an agonizing creak, and Dean steps outside, his eyes darting around the alley. It’s empty, aside from a trash can that has been knocked over and an overflowing dumpster. As Dean walks past it, he sees another bloody streak along the edge of the filthy, rusty metal. He slows and carefully peeks around the edge, suddenly regretting not grabbing his gun before he left the motel. He silently thanks whoever is out there that the moon is full enough for him to see. There’s nothing there, and he sighs, although whether it was relief or frustration, he’s not sure.
As he walks, he thinks back to how Sam sounded on the phone, his breath coming in heavy gasps. “He was running,” Dean says to no one as he pauses at the end of the alley. He looks to his right, but that’s back towards the bar, and he’s fairly certain Sam wouldn’t have gone that direction. “Left it is…”
He starts walking, his eyes on the buildings to his left, the vice around his heart growing tighter each time he sees a fresh streak of red on the bricks. As he hits the end of the street, the stop light glares against the damp asphalt as it changes….red….yellow...green...red….and Dean has no idea which direction to go. It feels like he’s stuck in place forever before he finally reaches into his pocket and grabs his phone. He couldn’t be too far, the blood trail is still wet to the touch, so Dean does the only thing he can think to do and is annoyed that he didn’t think of it earlier; he calls him back.
He looks up in surprise when he hears a phone ringing. It’s distant, too far for him to be absolutely sure that it’s Sam’s, but something in him confirms his suspicions. The call goes to voicemail so he hangs up and begins walking in the direction he thinks it’s coming from, occasionally calling again. Dean pauses in front of each alley and calls Sam’s phone, squinting into the darkness as he tries to pinpoint where the ringing is coming from. “C’mon, Sammy, you couldn’t have gotten that far, even with your stupid sasquatch legs.” He calls one last time, his eyes widening at how close the phone seems to be. He turns to go down the alley when his eyes land on an abandoned cell phone, the screen lit up; Incoming Call - Dean.
“Dammit!” Dean growls as he bends to retrieve it. The screen is cracked and more blood is smeared across the glass, an almost perfect thumbprint near the bottom. Dean looks around the alley, “Sam!” His shout echoes into the darkness, but the only answer he gets is the sound of something falling over in the distance, then metal against asphalt. He starts walking towards the sound, “Sammy! Where are you?” A strangled groan emerges from the dark dead end of the alley, and Dean races towards it. “Sam!” He slides to a halt when he sees him, curled tightly in a ball behind some trash cans. Dean kneels down next to him, his nose scrunching at the strong wave of alcohol that is wafting off of him. The younger Winchester’s eyes are squeezed shut, and his hands are over his ears, his face contorted in what Dean can only describe as pure terror. He puts a hand on Sam’s shoulder and he jerks away, scrambling to push himself further into the wall behind him.
“Hey...hey, Sammy, it’s me. It’s okay, it’s just me.” Dean leans back on his haunches, trying to stay close enough to keep him from hurting himself anymore but far enough that he doesn't feel trapped.
Sam’s eyes open slowly, and though he’s looking at Dean, it’s more like he’s looking through him. “You aren’t real...Dean’s not here, and you’re not him...just leave me alone.”
Dean reaches out slowly, carefully laying his hand on Sam’s shoulder, “It’s me, feel that? Feel how warm my hand is, Sammy?”
Sam, though still tense, looks down at the hand on his shoulder, his gaze shifting back into focus. One hand moves from his ear to Dean’s hand, and he lets out a sob of relief when he realizes he can touch it. His hand travels up to his jacket sleeve and he grips it, digging in as hard as he can before he looks up at Dean, tears trapped in his lashes, “...Dean?”
Dean nods, his throat tight as he tries to hold back his own tears, “Yea, it’s me.” He moves around to where he’s sitting next to Sam, and Sam shifts with him, his hand never leaving Dean’s sleeve. “C’mere.” Dean is surprised when Sam actually does it, his giant brother small and vulnerable as he curls up under Dean’s free arm. “How long has this been going on, man?” He feels Sam shrug and looks down at the top of Sam’s head. He can’t see his face, but he can see the edge of the bloody mess that was his palm. “Sam...how long?”
“A few weeks…” He says it quietly, and Dean feels the vice tighten again.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He reaches down and flips Sam’s free hand over, looks at the popped stitches and how red and angry it looks and bites his lip to keep from saying anything just yet. Sam is quiet, and he can feel his arm tense like he wants to hide the evidence, but he doesn’t move, just sits quietly, his long legs pulled up to his chest. Dean hasn’t seen Sam like this in years, not since he’d gotten bigger than Dean. “Why?” he repeats himself, gentler than the first time.
“There’s just been...there’s more important things, y’know? S’not like we can stop for somethin’ like this…” His speech is slurred, and Dean wonders just how much he had to drink.
“How could you think that? Of course we stop for something like this, there’s not a question. Our job is important, but we can’t do that job if you…” Dean trails off, unsure of how to describe the current situation.
“If I’m crazy? ‘Cuz….’cuz tha’s what you meant, right? Only crazy people see things that aren’t there. Only crazy people hurt themselves to make it go away.” Dean feels a tear drop onto his hand. He’s not sure if it’s his or Sam’s.
“Sam, look at me.”
Sam shakes his head, hangs it lower, and Dean nudges him gently.
“C’mon...look at me.”
He finally raises his head, his hair hiding most of his face as he stares at Dean. Dean’s heart breaks at how tired and sad he looks, and he’s angry that he somehow missed all of it. For weeks, he has missed the torment Sam has been dealing with. Not anymore.
“Don’t you ever think for one second that I will put anything in front of you. Our job...it’s important, but it is not worth your life, okay? To hell with the angels, and Crowley, and every other damn thing that’s out there trying to kill us and everyone else. You are and have always been my priority, Sam. That hasn’t changed.”
“I’m sorry…”
“You don’t have anything to be sorry about. I’m sorry...I’m sorry I wasn’t there. But you gotta tell me, okay? And if Lucifer comes back, or you feel like you’re losing touch, you tell me. Because I’ve got your back, and I’ll bring you home.” He puts his hand over the one Sam’s still got buried in his jacket and squeezes. “You feel that? I’ll bring you home.” Sam’s head drops, and his shoulders begin to shake as he finally lets it go. Dean pulls him close into his side. “I’m right here, brother...I’m right here.”
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