#so that the people who put those restrictions in place can see the value in giving us respectful representation.
astercontrol · 2 months
If KOSA passes
Or if any other form of censorship (there are many in the works!) ever succeeds at stepping in to impede our ability to communicate online:
We have to make plans.
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Now, I dunno who'll even see this post. The few followers I have are TRON fans (who despite the fantasy we live in, tend to have realistically dismal views IRL about Disney and the various corporate uses of software).
And this fandom, on average, is pretty tech-savvy. It's where I've encountered the most people under 20 years old who actually know how to use a desktop or laptop computer.
So, if there's any hope for what I'm thinking about, this is prolly a good place to start with it.
(As with all my posts, I encourage reblogging and containment-breaching.)
(Gifs are clips from TRON 1982, mainly the "deleted love scene," from the DVD extras.)
Current society has moved online communication much too far onto major social media sites for my comfort. Whoever you communicate with over the internet, chances are you do it through a service owned by a big company: Tumblr, Twitter, Discord, Telegram, Facebook, whatever. Even TikTok (shudder).
These sites, despite their many flaws, can provide experiences that are valuable and hard to get otherwise. And once all your friends are on one site, you can't just leave and stay in touch with them all, not unless they all go the same place. It's easy to see why it's hard to abandon any social media platform.
But a backup plan is important. Because, as we've seen over and over, social media sites can't be relied on. They change their policies suddenly, without good reason-- and are inconsistent, even discriminatory, about enforcing those policies.
If they're funded by ads, the advertisers are their main customers, and your posts are the product. Their goal is that the posts most valuable to the advertisers get seen by people the advertisers consider desirable customers.
Helping you communicate-- making your posts get seen by the people you want to communicate with-- is optional to them.
Not to mention that the whole business model of an ad-funded website is generally unsustainable. Many of these sites are operating at a loss, relying on shareholders in a fragile bubble, doomed to fail soon just from lack of real profit.
And the more restrictions --like KOSA-- that the law puts on freedom of online speech, the likelier they are to go down or just become unusable. Every rule a site is required to follow is another strain on its resources, and most of them are already failing badly at even enforcing their own self-imposed rules.
If we want any control over our continued ability to stay in touch with our online friends-- we need to have a backup plan. Maybe it'll be simple at first, a bare-bones system we cobble together-- but it's gotta be something that will work. For a while at least.
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There are lots of really good posts about ways to build your own website, using a service like Neocities. I VERY MUCH recommend learning this skill-- learning to make websites of the very simplest, most stable, glitch-resistant type, made of html pages-- which you can upload to a host while you store backups on your home computer. If you value the writing and art that you put online, this is probably the safest you can keep it.
But that's for making your own creative work public.
As for communicating with others-- for example, receiving and answering other people's comments on your work-- that gets more complex. I personally haven't found it worthwhile to troubleshoot the problems that come with having a system that allows visitors to comment publicly on my website.
But what we do still have-- and likely will for a long time-- is email.
Those of us who came of age before social media's current hold... well, we might take this for granted. Email was the first form of online contact we ever encountered… and thus it can seem to us like the most ordinary, the most boring.
But in the current world, it is a rare and precious thing to find a method of communicating that doesn't require everyone in the chat to be signed on with the same corporation.
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Email is, as of now, still perfectly legal-- as much as social media companies have been trying to herd the populace away from it. I'm sure there are other ways to share thoughts online that are not bound by laws. But I am not going to go into that here.
Email service is provided by law-abiding companies, which will comply with subpoenas if law enforcement thinks you are emailing about doing illegal things. So, email is not a surefire way to be safe, if laws become dystopian enough to threaten your freedom to talk about your own life and identity.
But it's safer than posting on a public social media page.
For now.
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Email is beautifully decentralized. You can get an email address many different ways-- some reliant on a company like Gmail, others hosted on your own domain. And different people, with all different types of email addresses, hosted in all different ways-- can all communicate together by the same method.
Of course any of these people, individually, can lose their email address for some reason or other, and have to get a new one. But as long as they still know the email addresses of their contacts, they can reconnect and recover from that loss. The structure of a group linked by email is reliant not on a single company-- but on the group itself, the friends you can actually count on.
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This is why I am trying to promote the idea of forming email lists, as a backup plan to give people a way to stay in touch as mainstream social media sites prove to be unsustainable.
I'm envisioning a simple system of sending emails to several addresses at once, and making each reply visible to everyone in the chat by using "reply all" (or, if desired, editing the To field to reply to only some).
If enough people get used to using email in this way, it could fill most of the needs met by any other group chat or forum …without depending on a centralized social media company that's taking dystopian measures to try and make the business profitable.
So here are some thoughts about how I personally imagine it could work.
(Feel free to comment and bring up any thoughts I haven't addressed, or suggestions to customize how specific groups could set it up. This is meant as more of a starting point for brainstorming than a catch-all solution.)
As I see it, here are the basics of what you and your friends would each need to start out:
An email address. Any kind, hosted anywhere. You should use a dedicated email account just for this group, one that you do NOT use for other communication. Being in this group will result in things you don't want happening to your main email address-- like getting a TON of email, one for every post and reply. Or someone could get your email address that you really don't want any contact with. Use a burner email account (one that you can easily replace) and change it if needed.
The knowledge of how to "REPLY ALL" in your email. This will be necessary in order to add a comment that everyone in the group can see.
The knowledge of how to EDIT THE "TO" FIELD in your email, and remove addresses from the list of all recipients. This will be necessary if you want to CHANGE WHICH PEOPLE in the group can see your comment.
The knowledge of how to FILTER WORDS in your email. This will be necessary if a topic comes up that you don't want to see any mentions of.
The knowledge of how to BLOCK PEOPLE in your email. This will be very important. If someone joins this email group who you do not want to interact with, it will be up to you to BLOCK them so that you do NOT see their messages. (If they are bad enough to evade the block with multiple burner accounts, that's what you have a burner account for. Change it, and share the new one only with those you trust not to give it to them.)
Every person in the group will be effectively a "moderator" of the group, able to remove people from it by cutting their email addresses out of the "To" field. Members will all have equal "moderator" privileges, each able to tailor the group to their own needs.
This means the group may naturally split, over time, into other groups, each one removing some people and adding others. Some will overlap, some won't. This is good! This is, in my opinion, what online interaction SHOULD be like! There should be MANY groups like this!
In this way, we can keep online discussion alive, no matter WHAT happens to any of the social media websites.
If the dystopia got bad enough to shut down email, we could even continue with postal mail and photocopies, like they did in the days of print-zine fanfiction.
If it looks like the dystopia is gonna come for postal mail too, we'll use the connection we have to preserve whatever contacts we can with people who live near us.
Not saying it's GONNA get that bad. But these steps of preparation are good no matter exactly what kind of bad stuff happens.
As long as some organized form of communication still exists, we'll have a place where it's at least a little safer to be your true self…
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to plan events and meetups…
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and maybe even activities a little too risque to make the final cut of a 1982 Disney movie.
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They're trying to censor us. We want a Free System. So we're gonna fight back.
For the Users. Not the corporations.
Peace out, programs. <3
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fairuzfan · 1 month
you didn't actually answer my question , Temple Mount is the most ancient and holiest site for Jewish people -- the Dome of the Rock & Al-Aqsa Mosque were built hundreds of years later on behalf of the Umayyad dynasty's conquest. you mentioned in your response a massacre that happened centuries later, which does not relate to the fact that Jews cannot pray at this site (their utmost holiest site before even the existence of Christians or Muslims). how is "temple denial" something that I made up when you can research it right now and see what it is and that it exists? I ask because this seems to be actually a blind spot for many non-Jewish people simply because it doesn't affect them. I'm not intending to be argumentative and I am sorry if my English is bad in getting across
I'm sorry for being argumentative but a lot of the time, whenever Palestinians are asked about temple mount, there's an implication that Palestinians are colonizers and don't deserve to be on the land. Israelis, if they could, would completely ban Muslims from AlAqsa despite it being the third holiest site in Islam.
AlAqsa is probably the most important national symbol of Palestinians, often thought to be the last straw for Palestinian heritage. So much of our culture has been robbed from us, and (primarily muslims) believe that the demolition of AlAqsa, which is, as Mohammed ElKurd puts it, is one of the last places in all of Palestine where being Palestinian is not criminalized would be a fundamental loss we would never recover from, equivalent to losing our Balad.
I bring up the Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre because there are no restrictions for extremist settlers legally — they operate as an arm of the state and in some cases are encouraged to committ these acts. The "Apartheid Law" basically enshrined that settlements are a national value for Israel. This means that there is no safe haven for Palestinians legally. They're in constant danger of getting kicked out of their home or getting arrested for existing. I cannot emphasize enough how Palestinian freedom is so restricted with the explicit intent of pushing them out of the land.
Temple denial as a concept (after looking it up) seeks to paint Palestinians in a fundamentally bigoted and violent light. Palestinians are not allowing Jews in AlAqsa not because they hate Jews, but because that opens the way for settlers to become violent around AlAqsa, which a lot of the time is already happening. I suggest reading "Why Do Palestinians Burn Jewish Holy Sites? The Fraught History of Joseph's Tomb" (sorry the link is not linking, but you can look it up on the palestine institute webpage). It discusses the use of history as a colonial tool. Here's an excerpt:
It is one of many shrines across historic Palestine – now split into Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza – that has been re-invented as exclusively Jewish, despite a long history of shared worship among Jews, Christians, Muslims, and Samaritans that goes back centuries. And the reason it has been attacked has almost nothing to do with religion, and much to do with how the Israeli military and settlement movements have used religion as a way to expand their control over Palestinian land and holy places.
And a second excerpt describing the political use of religion:
But the claims of biblical archaeologists had a strong role in how the Zionist movement would come to understand and conceive of the landscape.6 As European Jews migrated to Palestine in the first half of the twentieth century, they drew upon biblical archeology's claims. They adopted archeologists' claims that Palestinian holy sites were directly linked to ancient biblical figures. In many cases, they focused on occupying those sites in order to legitimize the colonial endeavor by giving it a sense of deeper history. In many cases, this would mean evicting the Palestinians who actually frequented these holy sites.
And what Palestinians are afraid of:
In 1975, the Israeli military banned Palestinians – that is, the Samaritans, Muslims, and Christians living around the site – from visiting, a ban that has remained in place until this day. [...] Unsurprisingly, the ban has ignited intense anger over the years. This is true particularly given that frequent visits by Jewish settlers to the shrine are accompanied by hundreds of Israeli soldiers, who enter the area and run atop the rooftops of local Palestinians to “secure” the tomb. As a result, Joseph's Tomb has increasingly become associated with the Israeli military and settlement movement in the eyes of Palestinians. Its presence has become an excuse for frequent military incursions that provoke clashes and lead to arrests and many injuries in the neighborhood. Some fear that Israelis will attempt to take over the shrine to build an Israeli settlement around it. This fear is not unfounded, given the fact that Israeli settlers have done exactly that all across the West Bank in places they believe are connected in some way to Jewish biblical history. The notoriously violent Jewish settlements in Hebron, for example, were built there due to the location of the Tomb of the Patriarchs in that southern West Bank town. Following the initial years of settlement, settlers even managed to convince Israeli authorities to physically divide the shrine – which is holy to local Palestinians – and turn the whole area into a heavily-militarized complex. Other shrines have become excuses for the Israeli military to build army bases inside Palestinian towns, like Rachel's Tomb in Bethlehem – which is surrounded by twenty-foot high concrete walls on three sides to block Palestinian access. The village of Nabi Samwel near Jerusalem, meanwhile, was demolished in its entirety to provide Jewish settlers access to the tomb at its heart.
I'm not denying the temple mount is there. I'm just saying that history has been manipulated to erase centuries worth of cultural heritage through scholarship and Palestinians are protective of their most important symbol of resistance and life. Even you saying "Islam and Christianity came after Judiasm" is a dogwhistle for me, because a lot of the time extremists say that to completely erase AlAqsa as an important site to Muslims and intending to deny the site as a shared worshipping site that is quite important to Muslims. Just because Islam came after Judiasm, does that mean it's not legitimate as a religion itself? Islamically, Islam is a continuation of Judiasm, so we don't deny judiasm is important to AlQuds. We just are so concerned with losing our national symbol that we're so protective over it.
Now I bring up the massacre at ibrahimi mosque because, like mentioned in the excerpt above, Palestinians are afraid something like that will happen again. There's no protections for Palestinians, and most of the time they're denied from praying in AlAqsa themselves by Israeli authorities. Israeli settlers themselves come in and disrespect AlAqsa, and as I mentioned, extremists plan on demolishing AlAqsa to build a Third Temple. The Massacre at the Mosque paved way to the "Jews Only" streets I mentioned, including the militarization and basically a complete upheaval of normal life for Palestinians. I suggest looking into how terrible the situation in AlKhalil is, and that arised directly from the massacre.
You cannot separate this issue from the colonial implications of the last safe haven in all of Palestine being open to Israelis. Now when Palestine is free, I doubt there would be restrictions. But right now, there are and to pretend Israelis don't pose a threat to Palestinians fundamentally, would be erasure of the colonization of Palestine.
I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, but even if AlAqsa was built hundreds of years after, it doesn't change the fact that RIGHT NOW Israelis have privilege that Palestinians do not. As soon as that privilege is no longer there, then we can talk about allowing Jews there. But until then, Palestinians are constantly in danger of settler violence and to take away a space (which, Ibrahimi Mosque was one of those sites before Palestinians were massacred) is frankly, an insult and a denial that Palestinians themselves are colonized.
I suggest looking at the links I provided earlier for more in depth analysis. I'm going to reiterate: the only reason it's illegal is because Palestine is colonized and this is our last safe haven that we even aren't completely allowed from entering ourselves.
Most Palestinians are quite heated about this topic. It genuinely is considered one of our last national symbols (so not just religious but also political and cultural), which means that having that taken away (which extremist settlers plan on demolishing it completely, and if they're allowed in, then there are no restrictions on their behavior) would be tantamount to losing our balad, or nation. I've heard Israelis call AlAqsa terrible names over the years and some fully intend on demolishing the site. Even within Israeli politics, it is a genuine goal for some people, including Ben Gvir, so most believe that opening the door for settlers (who are the ones who want the destruction of AlAqsa) would be equivalent to giving it up. You can't ignore that when talking about AlAqsa and the laws surrounding it. The primary reason for this protectiveness is political and cultural.
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nico-esoterica · 2 months
Why Does Megan Thee Stallion LOVE Japan? An Astrological Analysis ❤️
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I've seen two or three posts like this or more and it makes perfect sense because through Astrocartography, we can see that she's got her Jupiter line (while its at home in Sag btw) going STRAIGHT through the country itself sitting on top of her Ascendant. So, not only does she feel SUPER lucky but her energy feels EXPANSIVE and UNTHREATENED. Like, she actually feels SEEN AND APPRECIATED and she has 0 need to prove herself, fight for her life, or be anything she's not. She can focus on feeling the vibes and being happy and abundant. Jupiter can also be associated with 'foreign' things so it being in her first in her relocated chart for Japan (I used Tokyo bc JPN has one time zone) makes sense. It's taking a special interest in what's outside of your comfort zone.
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Because she has a natal Jupiter-Saturn square between her 8H speaking to her 11H, it means that she's used to compromising her boundaries for other people's sake who want to benefit her. Like, her abundance seems to always come at the expense of others being in their feelings or that she has to sacrifice (Pisces) parts of herself around others. Like, she's always felt restricted in some way by her environment. Surrounded by people who never wanted to see her win because they felt threatened or intimidated by it. There's usually someone around her playing a victim. Her history's echoed this.
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In Hollywood, her relocated chart elevates her in the public eye at a cost. With an Aries Rising, it puts her chart ruler under duress in her 5H across from her 11H--Meaning that she's popular but her artistry (5H) is weirdly hated and seen as polarizing. That Sun-Mars Opposition also feels rather violent tbh and we've ALSO seen her history with that. A Sun-Moon and Sun-Mars opposition between Leo and Aquarius with her 10th and 11th in Saturn ruled signs answering to a 12H Saturn reads to me like male figures/patriarchs or industry 'old heads' having an issue with her sexuality being so vibrant and liberating (5H) that they actively suppress and punish her (Saturn joys in the 12th in trad astro and equals isolation and Saturn can equal male figures in power). But even with Chiron in Virgo in her 6H trining her elevated 10H planets, including her Venus, it creates a story of constantly feeling burdened to prove herself to the point where she's taught that numbers and figures determine her self worth, making her ultimately doubt herself. That's exhausting!
But in Tokyo and Japan overall, that Chiron is placed ON her MC at 29 degrees (a fame degree in degree astro) and safely trines those Cap planets that have shifted to her 2H. This means that she literally not only makes money there for simply EXISTING exponentially but she feels more natural in her resourcefulness and sense of self value and worth here with the emphasis placed on the 2H opposed to feeling 'over exposed' by it being in the 10H in the other chart because it means that SHE determines how she's moving opposed to feeling the pressures of it being the other way around. Ultimately, the 2nd, 6th, and 10th are all houses we look to as money potential centers but an emphasis with planets in any of those houses is going to paint a different picture. 2H emphasis will feel more independent and the pressure will come from within, 6H will feel more like a cog in a wheel in trying to find its place but will be very successful at it but potentially overworked/overlooked, and 10H emphasis puts someone on the fast track to success but can become overburdened with always needing to prove or outdo its previous successes.
As someone who has so much Saturn in her (Aqua and Cap), she's used to working everything out on her own so the best thing for her, imo, is for her to be in an environment where people just leave her THE FUCK ALONE and let her do what she wants to do and how she wants to do it. The Sun and the Moon here are in the opposite houses of the houses they find joy in in trad astro (sun likes being in the 9th and moon likes being in the 3rd). From being someone (me) who has their moon in the 9th in whole sign, I can say from experience that it creates a pure joy and love in the unknown and in foreign places. It means you have an insatiable desire to educate yourself about your surroundings and you feel the safest around people who are very different from you bc you feel/experience that they judge you significantly less. Bc she has a natal 4H Moon opposing her Sun in the 10th, that sense of safety is vital and it means she's actually always struggled with that. With having a burning need TO put herself in the public eye and be very visible but weirdly feel attacked and unsafe the longer she's in view. It exacerbates deeper issues, imo, around fearing being vulnerable and may make a person create an outward persona as an armor they can wear to protect themselves.
So when her Moon is in a place that's opposite where it normally feels comfortable but she's USED to feeling uncomfortable, it kind of creates a sense of balance where she finds peace and freedom in what's foreign to her bc she's used to what's familiar hurting her. Then with the Sun being opposite of its joy, she's able to explore her inner child (Leo's ruled by the Sun and = children/joy), and find places that connect her to her early childhood interests (3H = early childhood education/experiences). And for her, that was always anime, among other things. So in this country, honestly, she feels the safest, on every fathomable level, esp on an inner child level, that she's ever been.
She might deadass get an apartment or property in Japan. And she SHOULD. They'll love her and she'll return it 10x over ❤️
For those curious, I offer Astrocartography readings here in my Expanded Services section.
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tavyliasin · 18 days
Making the Most of Discord - Fandom Server Layout
As I've had more than a few positive reviews of my delightful House of Hopeful Sinners (aside from the fun fake reviews we put together for the post in my pinned advertising the space) I figured I might use the setup to help demonstrate the potential ways to use the features when making your own server.
This is by no means saying "this is the only right and correct way to set up a server" it's more of a "this is how I manage it and it has worked really well for our purposes, feel free to use what we learned from it in your own spaces!"
I'll put different headings below the cut as we go so you can skip to what you need, and a little shameless self promotion right here for our creative focused 18+ NSFW Baldur's Gate 3 Fandom space~ CWs - Screenshots show mention of NSFW topics and titles. There are no details but some of the topics are words that would be on CW lists.
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Rules, Ownership, and Mods
Starting out your own server is exciting, and we don't like to sit here and think "we're going to have problems", but it really is best to try and anticipate issues and put rules in place to prevent them. This is really going to vary based on the kind of place you are running, but as long as everything is clear your users can feel confident in the space. Nothing can damage a community more than a disagreement that is blown way out of proportion or an incident that gets out of hand. None of us are immune to mistakes, either, so being prepared is the best first step!
Make Your Rules Clear
Ambiguity in the rules is a very easy stumbling block. Keep your rules nice and clear, as specific as they need to be, and make sure that your moderation team are happy with the rules and how you would like them to be enforced when needed. I strongly recommend using a reaction role bot with your rules post so members agree they have read and understood the rules before entering the main server (more on roles and bots later!)
Choose Your Mods Wisely
Temptation might be to choose mods from friends, and that can be a good way to go! However, even with the best intentions, not everyone is going to mod in the way you would like them to. It can often be better to be a little more selective, and either offer the position to people who have mod experience already or use an application form with some questions that will help see if the mods will uphold your server values the way you prefer.
It can also be helpful to cover different time zones if your server is international, and having enough people will mean that nobody feels pressured or guilty if they need a break for any reason. Remember too that mods are volunteers, if you're the owner then final decisions and responsibility will come down to you in the end.
Age Restriction and User Safety
If you want to host NSFW content you need to be aware of user safety. Your most basic tool here is to set channels as age restricted. This is technically enough to cover you legally as the user has to manually confirm via a popup that they are old enough to view the content.
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Personally? I prefer spaces that are explicitly 18+. I ensure this in HOHS by having people specify to a mod what year they were born. People are less likely to lie to someone directly than they are to click away a popup. This said, I do not recommend taking IDs or personal details due to Data Protection laws in various countries (as well as your members' rights to privacy, should they wish it). Verbal confirmation of the year of birth is fine. If you find someone is underage later, you can kick/ban them.
If your space is open to all ages with only some 18+ channels, you may want to verify birth year with users before they get a role to access those channels.
The reason for this is twofold. First, obviously, is safeguarding minors in online spaces. Although we are all well aware that minors access unsuitable content on their own, it shouldn't be encouraged or openly allowed, particularly with socialising with adults. The second reason is that any adult discussing NSFW topics with a known minor - even from an informal educational point of view without any unpleasant behaviour or intention - is very much at risk of ending up on a watch list. I'm very serious on that one. I have friends who have seen entire Discord servers and all their members in real legal trouble and on offender registers because the server knowingly allowed minors to participate in NSFW content channels.
So. Keep all of your members safe, check when you need to, and set up your channels and rules in the way that suits your space.
Categories and Basic Layout
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Layout and Category Names
Your top category should be your welcome area if you have one, with your rules and whatever channel you want people to arrive in first at the very top. It can be tempting to put your admin section at the top, but this can make it more awkward to make your server invitations. Each category should also be nice and clear as to what is found there, so members can find the channels they want even when all the categories are collapsed.
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This is how I arrange my welcome area, which is several channels which all technically contain rules (Contract Signing is the main rule list which users are directed to manually when we verify their age and give them access - more on that later!) but I personally prefer to make it easier for people to find things separately rather then being overwhelmed in one long channel. Use the layout that works for you!
A lot of servers also prefer to have separate categories for NSFW content, which is a very good way to run things if you want to have specifically separated content for peoples' comfort. You won't see that in the HOHS channels though as we are set up to be NSFW by default, and there is essentially only one pure SFW chat channel.
Naming Channels and Server Maps
I also personally prefer easy channel names. Whilst fun nods to fandom things might be an aesthetic/flavour choice, it may not be as helpful for your members to know where a piece of content or conversation belongs~ Having a map with a brief description of each channel's purpose will also help members to navigate, especially in a larger space.
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Whilst it can be nice to use symbols or emojis in your channel names to denote the content (particularly using the 18 symbol for NSFW areas) this might make it a lot harder to link the channels in your server map or for users to link the channel to say "let's move our chat to this channel" when the topic changes, or "there's more on that topic over here". Emojis can work at the end of channel names with less interference, and honestly is something I am considering for aesthetics, though it's a lower priority.
Text Channels, Forum Channels, Voice Channels, and Threads
This is a big one for organisation so I'm going to go over them in sub headings one by one!
Text Channels
These are your bread and butter basic chat channels. They're wonderful for discussions and general chat, but in my opinion their weakness is in content sharing. Things like fan creations can get lost quickly when people respond to them, so you risk either discouraging the chat about a piece of work or losing work in the sea of conversation.
You can, of course, use slow mode in text channels so that users can only post once in each period of time. For extra busy servers, or open public servers, this can be a useful tool in spam prevention too!
Messages can be pinned in text channels which is handy for instructions, references, or other important information, but you are limited to a maximum of 20 pins and they might not be obvious to all users.
There are other ways to refine your text channels. For example, you can select whether people can post images, voice notes, files, and links into a channel. This is very useful if you need to prevent spam in a more important channel, or if you do not want to moderate the use of voice notes (more on those later).
For things like WIPs, some people like to have a slow mode so one new post every 6 hours and contain the discussion on that post to Threads. This can be helpful for some setups and work well, but it may still make older works harder to find so it's better just for more regular progress rather than a library of works.
Threads are essentially a side conversation within a text channel. They're fantastic for certain purposes like discussing an item that was shared, or containing a long conversation on one topic, and particularly things like discussions on lore and research that people might want to come back to at a later date without having to search through a text channel.
Text channels have a setting for how long threads will remain visible in a channel list.
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After this time, threads are still available within the channel from the threads tab, but won't show up in the channel list until there is new activity inside the thread. Below is what threads might look like when active in the channel list - we use them in HOHS for Kink Specific Chat which means that only the people who have joined the threads will see them when they're active, and allows for people to choose which of those in depth conversations they want to be a part of. Informed Consent, really, and I keep a list of links to the threads in the CW list channel so people have an easy reference to find the content they do want to engage with more.
But these could be used for anything you like, from character specific chats to off-topic discussions, and you have the choice in your role setup to allow any members to create/use threads or have them only created by your mod/admin team so you have more control if you don't want a lot of threads popping up that are harder to moderate. This is how our kink specific topics appear in the channel list, but they are only visible here to those who have joined them. Like text channels, users can mute threads at any time and they won't get the white dot of new activity, or users can also leave threads if they want to leave that conversation entirely. Threads can be locked by moderators or put into slow mode too, so you do have options for control where needed.
(I also just want to note that the Feminization topic thread is not in the slightest bit transphobic or problematic, though it is here because not everyone is comfortable with that content and we respect that in this house~ HOHS is a very LGBTQIA+ positive and inclusive space)
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Forum Channels
These are my absolute bread and butter for sharing fanfiction, art, and resources. Forums are newer to Discord, so it might take a bit of learning and convincing for more experienced users to get used to them, but trust me on this one; when you have Forums set up they are a much better way to display and discuss creative works.
The reasoning really is that works are searchable, taggable, and people can confidently discuss a work without worrying about clogging a chat channel.
Forum posts can look a lot like threads in the channel list, and have a similar timeout method for how long they stay in the channel list with no new comments/activity in them.
This is an example if how I've arranged the HOHS FanFic "Library" - I have covered the names of most of the fic post titles for other users' privacy and left my own visible as the examples for you. Similarly to Threads, only the posts that a user has interacted with will show up in their channel list, so you don't need to worry about everyone's channel lists being swamped with forum posts that aren't relevant to them.
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So here, each of the speech bubble headers is the Forum Channel title. When you're actually in a forum channel you (or any member) can refine how the posts are viewed. Here's some of the art share channels. I have covered the images to protect the works, as I do keep strict rules that art must have a link to the original artwork on a public share by the artist unless the artist is the one posting (ie, no sharing paid patreon only works or things the artist has not made public) so that proper appreciation can be shown to the original.
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So this is in "Gallery View" where each post appears as a square with an image preview if there are images. You'll also see tags on the posts - these are a great way to find works and sort through them! You can have up to 20 tags available, and members can apply up to 5 tags to a single post. The tags can then be selected in the gallery menu to show works with that tag on them. This is what I have under "Main Character Art"
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You can choose the emojis, and you are able to use your server emojis for these tags too if you like! Unfortunately though this is going to be a tedious part of setting up forum channels, you can't copy them over.
As an example of tag filtering and List View of a Forum, here's the Villain Fic Forum. So again we have those friendly grey boxes to protect the privacy of other members, but I've left my content uncovered for you~
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Here you can see I've selected the Haarlep filter, so it is showing works with the Haarlep tag starting with the most recent. List view shows a shorter preview of each piece, and I hovered over the +1 part of the tags on the third post to show you how the extra tags can be seen. The most recent comment is displayed in the preview as well.
So essentially this way people can share their art and fics without worrying they'll get lost. People can also discuss each work in its own post without a long list of threads, and browse older additions based on the tagging system or searching by title in the top bar.
I think that mostly covers forums other than the setup of them which is relatively straightforward - similar to text channels you can use slow mode for both new forum posts and/or comments on forum posts, and the tags can be whatever you want them to be. Just remember you have a maximum of 20 tags for each forum channel and a maximum of 5 per post.
The only other thing is when you are adding tags there might be errors if you have made any other changes to the channel - save those changes with this button before trying to add tags!
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Voice Channels
The last area to look at is Voice Channels. These are going to be harder to moderate, so you may want to consider what your community is like and what you want and need from voice channels.
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Voice channels come with their own chat channel attached which can be useful for those who don't use a mic, those just dropping by who haven't joined the voice (so you can see here I'm not actively in the VC but I can open the chat window), for sharing images/links that you're discussing in voice, and similar.
Some people prefer to have a separate text channel to chat in alongside voice, which can be better for when you're streaming or running activities, because the attached text chat takes up a part of even the popout window for the voice/streaming/activity.
There are more options like stage channels where you can have a limited number of presenters and the audience are muted. This is great if you want to host talks or specific events and watch parties!
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Lots of options so you can age restrict the channels as needed, as well as setting user limits. When a voice channel is active you can also set a status to it. You can choose if members are allowed to do this or only certain roles, but it's a good way to let members know what's going on without joining.
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You might need to be cautious with the quality and settings on these if people have difficulty participating with connection quality.
Again, moderation is going to be a concern in a larger or open server, so make sure you have rules established and that members know who to contact in case of issues. But when used well, voice channels can be a lot of fun and even comforting or inspiring for members to get together and play games or work on creative pieces alongside one another. You can even host watch parties with some services.
Roles and Permissions
Roles are going to be the backbone of your member organisation. Beyond the usual Mods and Member roles, you can use them for a number of different organisational and interactive features within your server.
The Order Of Roles
The function of roles will go in the order you have them in your server. This determines where they show up on the member list (it is optional to have roles separate like this), the image that will show up with a member's name who has the role (this is for level 2 and 3 boosted servers), and the colour of a user's name who has the role.
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So here even if a Haarlep's Helper Mod had the Swinger of Swords role, their name would be that red tone. Similarly if a user chose both Healer of Souls and Friend of Nature, their name would be Yellow because Healer is the higher ordered colour.
Role Colours
The main thing to remember with Role Colours is to ensure that they are easy to read for people using the default light or dark mode of Discord. Those who pay for Nitro may have more options for background colours, but most members will use the defaults. You will see examples when setting the roles that can help you determine if the colour you have picked will work. The default list are balanced relatively well to have contrast to show up in a readable manner for you, so it's more the custom colours that you might have trouble with.
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So that standard dark red is pretty clear on both, but this custom blue is somewhat painful on the dark mode version:
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Similarly this pale yellow is perfect on the dark mode, but against the light mode background it's almost invisible.
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Commonly Used Roles
Some of the most commonly used roles are for pronouns, so users have an easy way to know how to refer to their friends in chat. Some servers like to assign a colour to these for a quick visible reference. I've used images with them in HOHS
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So this is also in the order so that the highest role is the one that appears next to the name (you can only have one image icon unfortunately), and hovering over the image will also show the role name.
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This is just one way you can make use of the roles for your members~ I'll go over making it easy for members to choose them a bit lower down but I would like to mention one of my favourite uses of roles:
Optional Pingable Roles
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These are some of the more basic alert roles I use - members can opt in, and some of them are able to be pinged (notification tag) by any members. So people can use "@ Beta Reader" to ask for those with the role if they're available to help read and edit a WIP, and the admin/mod roles can alert members to server changes with the Server News Alert role.
One way I really like to make use of these for member engagement is character based pings which are perfect for fandom servers like ours~
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These are just a few, I've got them set up for a lot of characters, and allowed anyone to mention the roles. I encourage members to use them for both fics and art, so people with the role know there is new content for their favourite and where to find it. With the bot setup, people can remove their role at any time if they find the notifications overwhelming.
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So this is an example where I used them for a fic, tagging the character roles. We do the same when sharing found works and art, which means those looking for the content don't miss their favourites.
Role Permissions
Your roles can all be customised to have global permissions, and each channel can have its own permission overrides where needed too. So for example you might want a role to be able to post images and files in most of the server, but you might not want that role to post them in a specific channel that you want to keep as text only.
It takes a while but properly setting up each channel will give you better control over the content to reduce the moderation work in the long run (ie, you won't need to ask people not to put things in the wrong places).
A Note On Voice Notes
Voice notes are going to be a very personal preference thing. I generally prefer not to use them, because users may not be able to listen to them at the time which makes moderation more difficult too. I have also seen issues arise from the use of voice notes, especially when people post them with no context note of what to expect.
So, personally, I disable voice notes in my server. I have seen them well used in other places, and they can arguably be an accessibility feature, however if you leave voice to text and text to voice enabled then those who need to hear or use voice instead of typing should still be able to interact as they need to.
I would generally advise asking members to leave at least a few words with their voice note, for example "replying to [username]" or "impression of [character]" or "discussion of [topic]" so that people know what to expect when they hit play. It's entirely up to each of us how we run our own spaces, however, so choose the best option for you and your server~
Helpful Bots and Setup
Bots can help you get the most out of your server without too much hard work once they're all set. These are the ones I personally use and recommend for different features, but there are a number of options out there to choose from!
Reaction Roles
If you have roles, this is the easiest way to allow people to choose and assign them for themselves and change them when they wish!
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So this is using Carlbot https://carl.gg , which I have renamed "The Archivist" for a theme in our server. There are a lot of functions to Carlbot, but the most commonly used are these reaction roles.
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It's relatively easy to set up, but you will need to manually type or copy the emoji code for the reacts you're using for the roles. There are a few other settings you can play with there too, like only allowing those with certain roles to pick up a new role.
It's also a great one to have people confirm they have read your rules to access the main server if you role lock your main channels to the member role.
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One fun feature that Carl (and some other bots) have is Starboard. This is a way for members to highlight their favourite messages on the server and look back at those moments! You can choose how many star reactions are needed for a post to go there, then they will automatically be sent to your starboard channel. You can also choose whether or not to include NSFW marked channels, so if you want Starboard to be SFW only that is an option. One that I didn't take for HOHS given that we are NSFW by default~
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Ticket Bots
This is one of your easiest moderation tools - you can use a bot like https://ticketsbot.net/ which will allow users to raise an issue privately with ease. The command is often /open to bring up a new ticket which mods can then join - it'll show up as a thread for you. It doesn't take too much setup on the dashboard and there are other options, but this can be a lot easier than asking people to DM a mod directly.
Automated Messages
Carl and other bots can send automated messages on a schedule for you. This can also include notifying certain roles, so if you want to have a weekly progress check-in set up for creative communities, or even self care reminders a couple of times per day, that's all very easy to get running and can help you to keep the community ticking over with engagement on a semi-regular basis.
Post Embed Fixing
Meet one of my favourite content bots - Keto (Click here to add it to your server). This one takes site links to Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and others and puts a proper visible or playable version in the server.
This is so useful particularly for TikTok where the standard Discord setup will show you a still image with a play button on it.
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You can see here that the bot automatically takes the link and converts it to a playable video (which is a still image here, but you can see the buffering bar on there). As with other bots, I gave it a nickname in the server for flavour and fun~
Good Gods That's A Lot Of Work
I know, right? Setting up a server isn't something you can do overnight, not if you want to have a larger space. Often servers will reorganise as they go, making more space as they find what their needs are, but if you can set up how you want it from the start, that can make things a lot easier so people don't have to adapt and adjust as much to a change.
Any Questions?
I think I covered pretty much everything other than the very basics of server setup, but I am more than happy to help any of you with questions about the setup, use of forums, channel layout, and anything else you need with your Discord organising~
And as always, those who share our values are welcome in my House of Hopeful Sinners~
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Could you answer #1, 11, and 23 for beloved Fue?
*dusts clothes and clears throat* Yes
Why do you like or dislike this character?
Okay! So! We've talked about this a lot on this blog lately, and perhaps I'll add them to my Vermillion Master post. But, let's give a ... somewhat brief summary of it.
I very much like him. I really do. Because I think that him as a character is someone that is easy to admire. He has high morals and lives by the virtues and values he has found for himself, granted that they lie greatly in the scheme of what is good and law abiding. However, he's also capable of letting mercy serve as justice at time. What I mean by it, is that sometimes the law isn't to be followed to the letter, but evaluated on a case by case basis. If he didn't believe in that, then he wouldn't have stopped Asta's trial along with Nozel.
He's someone who tries to do good, and sometimes, at his own expense. If he didn't, then he wouldn't be putting such a huge toll on himself to be the very best leader to the CLK that he could be, but also, why he didn't pursue (not that we can see anyhow) any further consequences to William for his betrayal. Of course Julius' orders would have weighed a lot, but I'm sure that, if Fue had wanted to, he could have emphasized his standing in the socioeconomical system, and perhaps even try to put pressure on Julius for William's dismissal if nothing else through the King/Law department.
But instead, Fue decided that the kingdom has already suffered greatly, and the loss of a Captain might be too heavy of a toll, both in man power, and the unrest it might cause, along with people losing even more faith in the MKs as a whole. I mean, some of them being possessed was bad enough, but one of them being, kinda, the leader of the cult that made it all happen? That would be too big of a blow.
Yes. It's a great tragedy on Fue. But it's a personal tragedy. One life, his own, in the place of many.
I really think that he is someone who believes in... how those at positions of authority are servants of the people. They make decisions for the good of the people, and he tries to abide by that.
Can Fue ever trust William? Fully at least? I think not. But... I think that in his mind, the scales tip towards him not pursuing justice for himself. Because he wants the good of the people.
I'm not sure if I can, still, fully formulate the gravity of this decision, and what an incredible decision it is, because I'm not sure, if I could, in a similar situation, make the same call. I'm not sure how many could.
Fue is a character who's very essence is in the growth, safety, and well being of others. Yes, sometimes it comes in the form of telling them to grow stronger on their own accord, because there'll come a time when they need to stand on their own two feet. But if everyone is as strong as they can be, then the system is much more solid and safe to everyone. Everyone needs to do their part. But he wants to help people achieve that.
However, I also think that, since he has been known to dismiss people from his squad (due to good reasons), he's not naive, and he won't forgive or look to the other way with just anything. So, the person's wish to be better, needs to be genuine. They really need to try and be good, be better, from the bottom of their hearts. Abide to at least similar ideals as he does.
And as my "somewhat brief description" isn't brief anymore, I think I'll end here.
(But as a bonus, he's also fine to look at, so... a little icing on the cake)
11. Would you date this character?
I think that he only reason why I wouldn't date him, is his royal status. I imagine that it'd be quite restrictive, and it'd be a lot to get accustomed to. But... it'd, probably, be doable. So... yes, yes I would date him.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
(Do I really have to choose?) You get top 3 (last ft. Mereo)
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megarax-ponyo · 4 months
¡Hello everyone!🐺✨... A call out (?
You will find something surprising - that I make this type of publications, since I have never done it here
But I do this for a good cause and to avoid problems with other users, look. I don't know where to start with this topic but hey... I'll try to explain it the best way I can Lately, I have received some messages that are somewhat... hard for me since well I understand your anger and displeasure about it with my Au I understand that the subject that I touch on in my drawings or in general in this story that I am doing, is not entirely pleasant to the eye and even less so because of the very graphic parts that I get to illustrate.
Not everyone can see this type of content and it is understandable, but believe me when I tell you that nothing I draw, write or present in this story is done in a mocking way or that I am really romanticizing the topic From the beginning when I started drawing my Au. I made it clear that I would try to handle it as maturely as I could. So that no user would call me a bad or edgy person for making an extremely dark story and I would be making fun of all this in the background
Clarifying this point for the thousandth time, I want to apologize to those people who have felt identified with my Au, have made them uncomfortable or have disturbed them, but my true purpose is not that
But rather to talk about a topic that people are afraid to even mention in an era where everything is censored because it "harms" or "offends" others. I also wanted to get to this point.... This is why whenever I am going to publish something extremely harsh, I put warnings so that they are careful about what they see next and I always leave a link to the place where they can see it without any restriction or censorship
Maybe I made a mistake in putting the wrong hastags, but I can remedy it and put the appropriate ones so that my content does not clash with people who are sensitive to such topics. I also made some special ones for my Au (in case you are interested) those would be #hypnoticaddictionau and #hypnotic addiction au, in order to classify my Au a little better
I'm not done yet! What I'm going to say will already be very hackneyed by almost the entire internet... but really, if you don't like seeing my content, that's fine! Can you get past me, you know? They don't need to be rude or classify me in the worst ways, just for doing things they don't like, for my part I have always tried to be as understandable and friendly as I can, I have never wanted to fall into rudeness. something that many users do with me... I don't understand why, being a good person... the rest see me as trash... I know that at a certain point I thought that many people would despise me for what I do but I really didn't want to be like the rest... in the sense that they can't talk about serious or strong topics for fear of the public rejecting them I always stayed on the sidelines and I was firm in the face of everything that has happened to me in recent times and I will continue to be firm in my work, decisions and everything that my art entails
First of all, I also want to thank those wonderful people who support my work and art, who always give me very comforting words, who make great things like Bots or Fics of all this Au and know that all this is to reflect and entertain. Thank you for all your support🥰
¡HEY! I don't want you to be scared by this either... huge message... anyway, it's just a small statement for those people whose best way to refute things to me is to be rude and call me things that I'm not even close to being. I'm not going to stop making my Au, not at all! It is a job that both you and I enjoy. I just want it to be very clear that I am a person like you and just like you I have feelings, I have problems, I have occupations... I have principles and values
I'm tired of some people talking to me as if I were... I don't know! a damn lunatic or a criminal, I just wanted to tell my story and that's it! I'm not looking to harm anyone, okay? I would be very grateful if you could please understand that
I think... that for my part this would be all, I'm sorry to bother you with this enormous writing but I wanted to be honest with all of you and speak to you out of character Thank you for coming this far, soon I will bring more things that will make your head explode! see ya! 🐺❤✨
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niqhtlord01 · 1 year
Please stop using ai generated images, it's just scraped bits and pieces smushed together of art made by actual people who don't deserve that disrespect
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Hello there :3 I know AI generated art is a hot topic these days so I thought I should answer your question directly. As I said when I first started using AI generated art to match my stories I have never claimed ownership of them and have clearly labeled each piece as AI generated. If an artist stepped forward and provided me with proof that one of the AI generated pieces was theirs I would of course tag them in it and provide them with the credit owed. The reason I started using AI generated art is two fold. 1st: The artists I normally place commissions with are overworked and often take long breaks to recoup. The art pieces I have linked were all commissioned from actual artists to reflect aspects of my stories or be a kick ass profile pic :3 Those I do claim ownership for alongside the original artists who I commissions them from. That being said these artists often were under heavy strain and had multiple commissions at the same time. This meant I would not always have a timetable when my picture would be delivered. Additionally, with the ongoing war in Ukraine one of my favorite artists to commission was blocked from taking payment for future commissions as Paypal put restrictions on Russia where they live. This resulted in me having to go through several new artists which resulted in the previously mentioned overworked delays. 2nd: Commissions are expensive. I am not saying these artists are not worth their value, as you can clearly see the depth of detail and artistic skill above; but the reality is I do not have the funds to be placing commissions back to back for every story. Even with the generous donations from my beloved Patreon supporters for my stories I could barely place a commission for a colored piece after three months with artist prices. All of the above pieces were paid out of pocket by myself because I wanted to expand my characters off the page of written words and take form in drawing. AI generated art allows me to provide that extra visual element for a fraction of the cost. Now, if I had the funds I would give up AI generated art in a heart beat and go back to placing commissions with artists. I will not deny that AI generated art does have some difficulties when creating images. Hands and faces for some reason are beyond its capabilities haha Yet there have been a few gems amongst the rough that I have felt good enough to be attached to my stories. To summarize, No malicious intent was intended when I started using AI generated artworks alongside my stories. They were more so a practical means to get around certain hurdles and provide additional entertainment to my readers. From, Niqht Lord
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queerfables · 1 year
There's this idea that adults who reject purity culture and talk about fandom history as part of their reason for why are just appealing to "the good old days" to justify harmful behaviour. I've successively cultivated my online experience so that I don't really see this kind of sentiment any more, but it's been turning over in my head for months. Advocates of purity culture can get really scathing about this. I've seen posts that call people disgusting perverts who care more about their own sexual gratification than the safety of children. And when you put it like that it becomes really hard to dispute, because "I disagree with you" sounds like the argument of a predator.
This is a big part of the problem with purity culture, actually: it sabotages people's ability to question the beliefs associated with it, by claiming that anyone who doesn't instantly and automatically agree is dangerous. When I was caught up in that ideology I often found myself afraid of my own thoughts, afraid that if I thought through what I'd been told to believe, I might realise I disagreed and that would make me evil. It discouraged me from trusting myself and forming my own opinions, which made me extremely vulnerable to manipulation and mental health problems.
Advocates of purity culture argue that safety is more important than sex, but safety is complicated, and sex is not the only way people can be violated. Are we safer when we destigmatise taboo art the way fandom has historically done, or are we safer in a culture that enforces social boundaries through harassment?
This is why it's so important that we be able to talk about fandom history, especially those of us who've watched these cultural changes first hand. When I talk about the sex-positive atmosphere of the past, I'm not just saying that I miss being able to be a weird, kinky pervert without judgement (although, I mean, I do!) I'm also saying that I've been a teenager in a sexually permissive fandom culture, and an adult in a sexually restrictive fandom culture, and far and away, no contest, I was harmed more by purity culture as an adult than I ever was by sex positivity as a teenager. Framing it that way doesn't even do it justice: I was never harmed by fandom as a teenager, I was helped and supported by it.
As a teenager in fandom, I learned a lot about autonomy and boundaries. I learned about sex at a pace I was personally in control of. I learned to respect and appreciate people with different needs and desires to me. I learned to value myself and I learned tools for interacting with the world that emphasised my own agency.
My experience is not universal but it's also not uncommon. It's an experience that needs to be considered if your priority is increasing kids' safety. You don't have to agree with me. Maybe you look at all the available evidence and conclude that on balance, a more restrictive culture makes fandom a better place than a more permissive culture. But you absolutely cannot dismiss opponents of purity culture as predators seeking to harm kids. Most of us are speaking from our own experience about how to make our communities safer.
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transmonstera · 1 year
In regards to your posts about ao3 and how vile it is in actuality, I wanna say thank you. I've not put much thought into the website I've been using but this has put things into perspective. I no longer want my work (work that I am proud of) on a website like that. Ao3 doesn't align with my values and I'm assuming many other people's who use the site.
Do you have any suggestions on a better site everyone can use?
(Side note: I absolutely adore your work!)
sure thing!
while there are no websites quite like ao3 in terms of filtering, curation, bookmarks, likes/comments etc there are a few alternatives out there!
Wattpad - I know people make fun of this one because it's where all the rpf for bands went back in the day but it is still operating and many people use it so you'll likely just switch viewers from ao3 to wattpad pretty seamlessly
Tumblr - you can always post directly on here! there is a character limit i believe of 4k so it's great for showing previews or even cutting up a small fic into parts 1, 2, 3, etc. a little clunky but it's an option if you only write short stuff! (Twitter threads can even be an option for this though again, a lil restrictive and works better for super short works!)
Google Docs + Linktree - if you have a linktree account you can always just link a view only (make sure people can't edit!) google doc of the fic! having the fics on a linktree still give people the ability to see all of your work in one place, and you can even see on linktree the click statistics for each fic! while it doesn't give the reader the ability to like/comment, you can always encourage those who do like it to leave a message on your tumblr!
Discord (or any groupchat tbh!) - similar to above you can always set up a discord server and post your fics view docs links there! it gives a curated experience and you can see the comments of people directly in the server
AO3 has seemingly made people believe that each and everyone one of their fan creations must be thrown out into the void where you hope everyone sees it and loves it. I think this has really stifled people's abilities to truly be creative in terms of making content of their favourite medias (and even with transitioning to making original work!) because you may subconsciously be adhering the current trends and whatnot of everyone else, even if you don't really like it yourself! I mean look at how common modern/high school aus still are today when I have yet to meet anyone who actually likes them. Look at how many books that have been published lately that painfully follow AO3 tag systems, where they don't even havea blurb anymore and instead just have "friends to lovers meet blah blah blah! read it now!". (Not to mention the quality of the books being published is fucking atrocious)
AO3 has ruined publishing and I am being entirely serious about that.
But back to where you wanna go with your fics now. Don't be afraid to restructure how you interact with your hobbies! It doesn't have to be so exposed and vulnerable to anyone and everyone having their say on it. I used to participate massively in fandom and I'll be honest, it made me miserable. I constantly felt like I couldn't keep up, that my ideas were wrong because another idea was more popular, and I really struggled. So I took about a hundred steps back and only interact with the media I like through my friends who also like it! And it's a lot better! You may not get hundreds and thousands of likes on fics from here on out if that's what you're used to, but I guarantee you'll have more meaningful interactions that you actually hold dear to you far more than any "a guest has left a kudos on your work" notification.
(Also just a pre-emptive thing of anyone who wants to defend AO3 on this post because "it's an integral part of fandom!" or "they need that much money because they run a site with no ads!", or you want to try and tell me that the fics on there are fine because it's fiction regardless of what the fics is (including literal fucking CSAM), just know you are completely unserious and I don't value a single thing you say. So don't even try it. How about you donate to a marginalised person's mutual aid for the first time in your life and you'll calm down.)
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realhankmccoy · 4 months
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I wouldn't blame anyone for preferring the heteronormativity of the guy on the left to the gay guy in the baby blue shirt on the right as far as what's attractive goes --
Though do keep in mind that perhaps if you looked at it differently and he took his shirt off like he does on Grinder and Scruff, the au naturale gay boy is more of a beauty and a beast, and certainly far more suitable for the throne in Schloss Neuschwanstein, if you're of the royalist mindset that's so tragically popular these days -- it's in the eye of the beholder, you know, and you don't have to let conservative redneckia and the cross tell you what's programmatically superior and comfortable for the red-pilled all the time like some cuck would do.
I mean, who am I to deny anyone their heteronormative sense of attraction even if I'm exclusively almost attracted to gay guys (and stock photos of straight guys I can queer up in my head)
so I mean, I wouldn't blame people for just unnaturally (capitalism-and conservativism inducedly) thinking I should aspire to be the guy on the left --
nor would I blame America's deep conservatism for thinking I am 'jealous' of the guy on the left, as if I'm somehow incapable of realising that there's a cost to be paid for wanting to be a billionaire or dying early tof too much muscle and hard living --
for I do fantasise about being in all sorts of other bodies, in ways I won't even list here because you kids wouldn't be able to handle the truth of all those fantasies. If you think I've typed em all out in stories, you're quite wrong about that, as my mind's a lot more imaginatively twisted than I'd ever put on the cancel culture wreck-ya-for-life corporate internet these days.
In fact, I've thought of typing those stories out for my own ends, and for what? To sit in a secret archive forever? The bourgeois notions of what's appropriate and what's not these days are restricting and stupid, for many abhorrent things are permissible and many harmless things stoke bourgeois anxieties to the levels of a screech.
Just consider how many of you are totally fine with Tarantino films or almost every casual American violent video game or film... but how
deeply, deeply uncomfortable and upset and YOU'RE A THREAT you folks are about 10,000 things that might happen in fiction.
Stupidity is the reason we have Queen Taylor Swift and King Elon Musk. If you think I'm jealous of those two, you don't get it at all -- for I am in no way jealous of selling my soul and converting to plastic to hog billions -- but I wouldn't blame anyone for having an imagination so spectacularly conservative and inept that jealousy is thought to be my driving force -- just like my conservative dad falsely believes me to be jealous of my brother.
What's really going on is I'm merely devalued and people place no value on homosexuals, preferring a $20 t-shirt to guys like me. Being simple and selfish as they are, they think I need to be whipped with a cattle prod to become Swift, Elon, Bro and various others because they're the ones who devalue queers and think we're all just in need of 'learning' and in need of 'sucking it up and aspiring to be x y and z peoples'.
In other words, they're basically just programmatic cucks with conservative minds completely lacking in understanding, spirit, progressivism, compassion and imaginative capacity. Having any one of those 5 qualities -- along with many other qualities -- would prevent them from making such stupid and predictable (stock, mass-produced, industrial) miscalculations in regard to my nature.
When people are this childlike and limited, there's no need to defend yourself from them. An opinion that's not only wrong but wrong for the most cucked of reasons is...
well, almost pitiable.
And I hate to talk about pity in those terms, because that's almost weaponising it, even as a shield.
It's like seeing the undead, I guess -- human zombies -- when you watch a zombie movie, you kinda pity the zombies, right? I mean they could have been human if things hadn't gone horribly wrong.
I can't watch a zombie movie without some pity.
America's a zombie movie, and perhaps you are too -- or will be if you're not careful -- so please don't ever forget that.
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heartlilith · 5 months
Guidance and Advice Readings (example reading)
Natal Chart - General Advice Reading for HeartLilith
(Using Placidus System)
Sun in Leo in the 7th house: 
Leo Sun natives are known for their friendly, confident, and dramatic disposition. Ruled by the Sun, you are known to light up a room effortlessly. Being placed in the 7th house, your focus in this life tends to be on creating harmonious and meaningful relationships with people. So much so that sometimes you sweep problems, especially in romantic relationships, under the rug to keep the peace. You would rather get along with people than have petty arguments, unless you feel some real injustice is taking place. Having the Sun, which represents the self, the ego, and one's pride residing in the 7th house can mean you prefer to experience life with a partner. Without a partner, either platonic but more so romantic, you can feel like you have a piece missing. With the Sun being in the 7th house of others,  you tend to over identify and seek identity in relationships.
Moon in Virgo in the 8th house:
Virgo Moon people are well known for being overthinkers, they tend to struggle with nervousness or even anxiety. They're self sacrificing individuals that would give you the shirt off their back and are very analytical in their emotions. Emotionally, Virgo Moons try to figure out and make sense of the way they feel instead of just feeling. With Moon placed in the 8th house of death and rebirth, transformations, inheritances, obsession, and all things taboo, the Moon here can take on some intense traits. Even Virgo, who values logic over reason, isn't exempt from the deep emotions the 8th house holds. Since Virgo Moons are known for their overthinking and nervousness, being in the 8th house could make them obsessive over certain things. Rumination, paranoia, and overthinking are all themes here. Since Virgo is ruled by Mercury, you could even struggle with OCD and phobias as well. The beneficial side to this aspect is that you are a great listener and advice giver, you’re extremely caring and can put yourself in other people’s shoes. Your psychic abilities could manifest as gut feelings, deja vu, or just knowing things aka information downloads. 
Rising Capricorn / Chart Ruler in the 5th house:
Having your rising sign in Capricorn can make you responsible at a very young age. A lot of Capricorn risings don't remember having a childhood like everyone else does, I mean they do, but usually they were worrying and taking care of others the whole time. Having a Capricorn Ascendent can indicate having rough experience after rough experience growing up, emotionally and financially. Whatever hardships, it makes a person ambitious, hardworking, and serious in their dealings. Coined as "the mom friend", they have one of the strongest backbones of the zodiac and have a deep sense of responsibility; they know that their decisions affect everyone. BUT, Saturn, the chart ruler, doesn't do so well in the house of fun, romance, creativity, and the inner child. Here, Saturn poses restrictions; you can never let loose completely. You’re the definition of "all work, no play", you won't do much if it's not productive. Hopefully, if you can learn to move past those traits, you could focus more on being silly and connecting with your inner child. It could be the missing elements in your life that make you feel whole. 
ASC trine Moon:
People are attracted to your warm and compassionate nature. You may find that people open up to you very easily. You wear your emotions all over your face and people don't have to guess if you're happy or sad, they can see it! You have very feminine-like qualities which can make you a magnet to little kids, they love you. People probably think you’re much younger than you are, a “baby face” look. But with your Capricorn rising, it may override that quality. You could become drained easily from being in large crowds since you soak up the emotions around you. You take on others' energies easily which is why it's important for you to be around the right people. You may appear moody to others; sometimes you’re happy and friendly and other times you don’t want people to talk to you at all - you change like the phases of the moon. Even though people may see you that way, they know you have a heart of gold. Your eyes and look scream innocence even if that’s not the case. Your pureness can also attract the wrong people who want you to “fill their cup” and give nothing in return. Be aware of energy vampires.
Moon square Pluto:
This could indicate being a victim of abuse, especially from your mother. Your mother could have struggled with mental illness and unfortunately you could've ended up being the scapegoat and received the backend. Your mother could've been careless one second and the next they could become obsessive and care too much; the obsessiveness usually shows when the native leaves home and creates space between them, then they cling. This leads to you having trust issues since the care you received was there one minute and gone the next, and usually it was not the care you needed anyway. You could dislike and distrust women especially and fail to give them the benefit of the doubt. Moon square Pluto can mean you cling onto any sense of control because you grew up in utter chaos. Unfortunately, you may deem self destructiveness as "normal" since it was what you knew throughout your whole childhood.
Learn to take life a little less seriously. Work, responsibility, emotions, and hard lessons are all a very real part of life, but so is fun, letting loose, creativity, traveling, and self care. They’re both equally important. You need to find a balance between intensity and light heartedness. Don't let life turn you hard and mean, smile in the face of misfortune. What goes up must come down and vice versa. No one is exempt from the hardships life brings. These are cliches for a reason!!! You are appreciated because people know they can count on you. You're the person they go to for advice or emotional support because you're comforting but at the same time you are honest. Learn to be there for yourself too. Listen to your body, let it relax, treat it like a temple because it is! Tune into your psychic gifts and intuition to ease the anxiety and overthinking. Lean into trust and if someone betrays you, get back up and punch em in the face! Then start again. Life isn’t as serious as you're making it seem. By worrying about the “what ifs” you’re mentally putting yourself through situations that most likely will never happen. Find hobbies that you like, just because their hobbies doesn’t mean they can’t be productive. Knitting, yoga, exercise, reading, and collecting things are all compatible with you. Meet yourself half way. Most importantly, HAVE FUN! I challenge you to not worry for one night, go out, be spontaneous, and do something you’re scared to do. Live!
This is the same length/outline for all guidance readings (general, love, and career). All three options focus on 3 placements of the chosen chart, some aspects, and overall advice. The readings are 2-3 pages long, single spaced, and size 12 font.
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republicsecurity · 7 months
A More Perfect Republic
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Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed paramedics of the Rescue Corps,
It is an honor to stand before you today - Cadets, Conscripts, Indentured Serviceman, Reservists - a gathering of the finest individuals who embody the very essence of service and sacrifice.
Remember that the emblem on your uniform doesn't just signify your commitment to others; it signifies the pact you've made with yourselves; you bear the emblem of compassion, selflessness, and unwavering dedication.
You are the ones who rush towards danger, who offer solace in times of distress, and who hold the hand of hope in the darkest hours.
As I look out at each of you, I see a tapestry of cardinal virtues woven into the fabric of your conditioning.
The intense conditioning you undergo, the invasive neural-psychological training that molds your mind, and the constant surveillance that ensures you're always in sync with your mission – all these elements, while essential to your role, can sometimes feel like they intrude on the individual liberties we hold dear.
Altruism, the selfless concern for the well-being of others, defines your every action. In every ambulance siren that pierces the silence, in every moment you arrive to help, you embody the spirit of compassion that defines our humanity.
I look at you Conscripts: As we gather today to celebrate your extraordinary journey, let us not forget that even within the framework of service, your individuality matters. But think of it you have been freed of the constraints of consumerism to pursue your true inner self. The very essence of respect and trust that you extend to those you serve should also extend to yourselves – recognizing that within this noble mission, your well-being, your aspirations, and your dreams are valued.
And yes, even the symbolism of chastity finds its place in this narrative. Just as your chastity ensures a singular focus on your mission, so too does your dedication to the cardinal virtues ensure an unwavering commitment to the values that guide you. It's a symbol of your devotion, a marker of your selflessness, and a testament to your willingness to put the needs of others above your own.
Honesty and truth are the cornerstones of your mission.
And yes, it's true that your every move is under the watchful eye of your comrades and the AI systems that support you. Some might question the constant surveillance, seeing it as a restriction on personal freedom. But let me remind you, this vigilance is not meant to intrude upon your autonomy; it's a testament to the trust and responsibility we place in you.
The transparency that comes with this surveillance reinforces your dedication to your mission. It ensures that your intentions are pure, your actions are aligned with our shared values, and your service is marked by the authenticity that defines your role.
Embrace this level of accountability, for it's what sets you apart as true pillars of integrity. Your commitment to transparency serves as a powerful example for those around you, reminding us all that honesty is not just a virtue, but a guiding principle.
Honor and integrity resonate in your actions. You uphold the trust placed in you, not just by the Republic, but by the very people you serve.
And let's not forget love – the love you hold for your fellow paramedics and that many of you have discovered here through the virtues of conditioning.
Some may find it paradoxical that such rigorous training, which comes with a temporary relinquishment of certain freedoms, could give rise to love. But let me tell you, the very essence of this environment fosters an environment where camaraderie thrives.
It's a love that transcends barriers and unites us all. Your genuine care for those you rescue, your willingness to be a light in someone's darkest hour, is the embodiment of love's transformative power.
Respect and trust are the foundation of your interactions. You respect the dignity of every life you touch, and in return, you earn the trust of those you serve. It's this trust that allows you to navigate even the most challenging situations with grace and confidence.
My friends, you are not just paramedics. You are guardians of our cardinal virtues. You exemplify the very essence of what it means to be a community united by purpose, bound by compassion, and driven by the shared responsibility to care for one another and our planet.
In this era of uncertainty, you stand as a source of hope. Your service is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there is always room for compassion, for integrity, for love. You inspire us all to be better, to do better, and to strive for a world where these virtues shine as brightly as your red uniforms.
Thank you, paramedics of the Rescue Corps. Your actions embody the very best of us, and for that, you have our deepest gratitude and admiration.
And now we go on to give Awards to the best of you.
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monocytogenes · 8 months
Ammyyyyy from the SWTOR Character Ask Meme, can you tell me about Isra and Pravin's answers for the following questions: 1. What is [character]’s favourite event, & what do they like about it? 9. What do they regard as their culture, & do they distinguish between their culture and heritage? and 13. If there were a Commemorative Statue released of them, what pose would they be in?
I presume this refers to the recurring ingame events, sooo--
I played Pravin on the Bounty Contract event and man, that is his SHIT. Post class-story I imagine him getting by outside the Empire through doing a lot of private security and investigator work, and bounty hunting is really just that plus the "capturing fugitives" bit. He'd always use the drink option and bring them back in carbonite in lieu of killing them, lol.
Realistically I think he'd be wary about doing too much of that sort of work because it's super confrontational and he doesn't want to make enemies, but if the money's right...hey, some of those troublemakers must have long histories of pissing off multiple legal and illegal enterprises, right? And he likes the investigatory part. It's what he enjoyed about working for Intelligence--the relationship-building and social engineering; figuring out how to get people to disclose information or allow him entry to restricted spaces. His talent at it is kind of his superpower, and it really gives him a thrill.
Isra would be into the Rakghoul event. She's a badass sword lady patriot who sees her role as that of a protector and defender, so heading out to put down a bunch of monsters to keep civilians safe is her idea of a good day's work. She'd also definitely be game for helping the scientists get samples and such, and feel pride in the praise she'd receive for that.
9. THIS IS A GREAT QUESTION you know I love this shit and will worldbuild about it forever
I'll start off by saying that I do think there's such as a thing as "Imperial culture", in large part because the Empire is a society with its own distinct values, norms, shared history and myths, as well as mass media. Much of this goes back to the outcome of the Great Hyperspace War--Imperials view their nation as a great power that was subjected to a retaliatory genocidal purge, and this desire to reclaim their place in the galaxy and not be victimized again brought about the militaristic, high-control government they accept as necessary today.
Dromund Kaas and Ziost are the main centers of culture, and that culture evolves in an environment where the only real "outside" influences are those from assimilated member worlds. Travel for ordinary citizens is restricted. There's a China-style Great Firewall which blocks most foreign media. Everyone watches the same holodramas, partakes of the same cuisine, observes the same fashion trends (albeit with some variation depending on what social stratum one's in)--if you reference, say, a joke from a popular novel in front of a large group of Imperials, ninety percent of them will know it. (Coupled with their tendency to couch humor in desert-dry sarcasm, this shared media landscape tends to make Imperial jokes incomprehensible to outsiders. It's like five-levels-deep memes all the time.)
Pravin and Isra both have complicated relationships with Imperial culture.
In Pravin's case, he doesn't like to think of himself as culturally Imperial on account of having left the Empire, but he is. He absolutely is. It's a fundamental piece of his personality, no matter how much time he's spent in Hutt Space, no matter how well he's come to speak other languages, enjoy other foods, incorporate other fashion influences into his daily wardrobe. He still has that kneejerk annoyance response to breaches of etiquette, such as when people aren't punctual or address him informally at a first meeting. He still feels uncomfortable wearing shorts or sleeveless tops in public, even as he's donning loud patterns and leaving his shirts halfway undone. He still cracks up at the humor. But yeah--there's always an unease there when he's made aware of his own attachments, since it forces him to contend with grief he's not altogether ready to process.
Isra defines herself largely by two identities: as a Sith Lord, and as a zabrak. The former gives her a role and a place in Imperial society--that of a powerful defender of her country and its people, ordained through superior genetics and years of training--and the latter defines her as both the inheritor of Iridonian warrior traditions and an oppressed person. She's simultaneously privileged and discriminated against, lauded and looked down upon, an insider and outsider to the culture she was brought up in. Much of her teenage desire to connect with Iridonian diaspora culture--despite not having been raised in that community--was a means of contending with how much of Imperial culture is not for her, both in a practical sense (e.g. not being able to eat some of the foods since she's a carnivore) and through all manner of subtle exclusion (e.g. lack of representation of people who look like her in most major media roles.) She claims Imperial culture as hers, she has to, but always in a way that incorporates her racial heritage. She needs feet in both in order to feel whole.
13. Pravin would be doing a James Bond pose because I'm a basic bitch. Like, probably this one but instead of a gun he's holding a vibroknife.
Isra would have her knees bent, ignited lightsaber in her right hand at a low guard position and her left hand raised up near her head, fingers splayed to use the Force. Basically the longsword plow stance but one-handed.
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
Ohh oh oh if you're still in the mood to do astrology sortings?? I would love one omg. My sun is Aquarius, my moon Taurus, my rising Sagittarius. Venus is Pisces, mars is Scorpio, mercury (and tho idk what they mean, also uranus and neptune) Aquarius. (No pressure obviously, but thank you so much if you do)
Ooh hello there! Yes, I'm still taking these! (Though fair warning to anyone who sends them, I might be slow answering, but I will still do them if you can be patient!)
Sun - Aquarius - air - Ravenclaw
Moon - Taurus - earth - Hufflepuff
Rising - Sagittarius - fire - Gryffindor
Mercury - Aquarius - air - Ravenclaw
Venus - Pisces - water - Slytherin
Mars - Scorpio - water - Slytherin
So 2 for Ravenclaw and 2 for Slytherin, 1 for the other houses. But since the sun is generally of higher "importance" than the others, I'd give the point to Ravenclaw, but let's explore this a little deeper.
The sun is often so prominent in what most people know of the zodiac for a reason. The sun is our core and our ego. It's our life source. For you, that's big Aquarian energy.
Aquarian aims are humanitarianism, and ideals for society and the world. Aquarius is very about the big picture. Aquarius is quirky and a bit analytical. They value individuality and independence. They value uniqueness, newness, strangeness, etc. Luna rocking her radish earrings? Big Aquarian energy. There's also a focus on progressiveness and innovation. Always learning and improving. But Aquarius is also quite stubborn, and there's this very "I know best" mentality, backed by a whole lot of facts but not as much heart. They are very dedicated to a cause. Very openminded. But they care so much about making the world a better place, it can become a bit restrictive.
Big Ravenclaw energy, for sure, with all of that creativity and thirst for knowledge and improvement. We also get some Hufflepuff vibes from the humanitarianism and the willingness to work for a better world. Also bits of Gryffindor for being so bold and and open and embracing their oddities, and those of others. To me, it feels like a lot of passion (fire) in the mental/social realm so I'll call Ravenclaw the major House and give the minor point to Gryffindor.
Moon is emotion and subconscious, here in Taurus. If we look at Taurus being an earth sign, but also ruled by Venus, you can see a clearer picture of what Taurus is. Earth rules the material and the physical world, Venus rules love and pleasure. So we think: sensuality, pleasure, luxury, relaxation, harmony, enjoyment. Taurus is quite sentimental, so I'd look at this as keepsakes and souvenirs. The value of objects not necessarily for monetary value, but for memories attached and the feelings they inspire.
Taurus values structure and reliability. They're willing to work hard, especially when they care. They get down in the dirt and put their own effort into building the life they want. They are loyal and reliable; they will do for others, out of love. They will work to live, and live to love. As in, doing what it takes to be able to enjoy life and have those moments of peace and enjoyment. It's all big Hufflepuff energy, for sure, but I can see the argument for Slytherin, too. That stubborn determination, that drive, and all to have a good life. That can look like ambition, right? And if we think about Horace Slughorn as a Taurus (he really is, though) you can see more of that flavor of...he does work pretty hard in his own way, building connections and working situations into his favor. But that man is working smarter, not harder, and I respect it.
Major: Hufflepuff, Minor: Slytherin.
Rising in Sagittarius. This is reacting to the world with very bright, warm energy; and that's how others perceive you. Passionate, values freedom, openminded and openhearted. Sagittarius is the traveler and the philosopher. It's about experience and adventure and friendship and all one can learn from just living life and seeing what life has to offer. Sagittarius is very fun-loving and wise. Very stories by the fire energy. Sharing folklore and old songs and telling of great journeys. Very easygoing on the surface, but you really see that fierce fire energy when push comes to shove and when you trample on their principles. Big Gryffindor energy. I'll give the second placement as Ravenclaw, for that value of wisdom and learning and connection to others.
Sag Rising places the chart ruler as Jupiter, which I don't know. But we can touch on the inner planets.
Mercury is information, i.e. how one learns and how one communicates. For you, colored by that same Aquarius energy as your sun. Mercury's intellectual aims work well powered by Aquarius. There's this sense of experimentation and exploration in how one learns. Maybe a bit of quirky humor, interest in strange/niche subjects, etc. Very Ravenclaw for sure, still.
Venus and Mars both in water signs!! I don't often see Mars so far from the sun, either, so this is cool! More so with Venus being the planet of love and pleasure, and Mars being the planet of aggression and sexuality. Venus and Mars were lovers in mythology, you know. And to see both in the same element, but different signs???? This is fun to explore, okay.
First I want to share how I see these signs. I have very specific images and vibes each sign gives me that I might type up fully one day for fun, but for now I'll give this...
Pisces, to me, is a mermaid. Swimming free. Chillin'. People might draw very wrong conclusions about mermaids. They're pretty and airheaded and dreamy. Very Ariel. But Pisces is actually the village elder who everyone thinks is senile, but actually has all the answers to the universe. Pisces is the oldest sign in the zodiac, and has a focus on transcendence. It's all higher power, heaven, karma, reincarnation, what comes next, etc. So you can look at this one of two ways.
Pisces is so close to the next life, they've embraced it; they've lived a long life and have seen so much. They're ready for the next step. They're calm and radiant and compassionate and at peace. They are sure of themselves and their readiness for what's coming.
Or, you look at it as Pisces has seen too much. The line where dreams become nightmares. Fear of death, fear of what's coming. Human minds too fragile to really handle such a vast knowledge. So it's numbing the pain; it's addiction and fantasies and obsessions. It's feeling too much and having to handle it somehow. It can be quite creative. Processing those big thoughts and big feelings into music, art, etc. They're compassionate at best, or empathetic at worst. It's a lot.
So in Venus it's this very dreamy, romantic quality to relationships (be they romantic or platonic.) It's taking pleasure in art (in the creation of or enjoyment of it.) It's a love of stories and mythology. Sort of wrapping oneself up in the good feelings and good thoughts.
(I have many feelings about the water signs, oops.)
So as a water sign, Pisces would sort into Slytherin, but I think there's a strong case for Hufflepuff, too. All that care and kindness! That openness and acceptance.
But water signs being so tied to heart and emotion gives them all an edge of fear; that feeling of being too vulnerable and having to protect it. For Cancer, it's defensive; for Scorpio, it's offensive; for Pisces, it's escape. Self-preservation, yeah? Ambition, even...ambition for the next life, for greatness in death. Ambition for what feels good.
Then we have Scorpio, which is domicile in Mars (according to traditional rulership.) Scorpio is the kraken, baby. Dark, scary monster lurking in the deeps. Mysterious, intriguing, frightening. Intense, passionate, obsessive. Laser-focus. Possessive, and vengeful. Scorpio has big scary feelings and it scares them.
Scorpio Mars is driven by having the upper-hand. By learning others, and one's surroundings, and having a plan. Scorpio is the tactician. The magician. Scorpio aims to have control; control of the self, control of the situation. Big Slytherin vibes. But also Gryffindor vibes, in a way. Charging ahead (what Mars gives it), the stubborn resolve, making big fearless moves to guard what does scare them.
There's a good bit of Hufflepuff both from the Taurus, but also the vibes of Pisces. Gryffindorish for the Sag rising and the fiery touch of Scorpio. But the biggest baddest boys in town are Ravenclaw and Slytherin.
So...Ravenclaw in 2 planets, Slytherin in 2. Ravenclaw gets a boost because of the sun. I'll give Slytherin a slightly lesser boost for Mars being domicile. Sag rising gave us some extra Ravenclaw-ish vibes. Taurus moon gave us some extra Slytherin-ish vibes.
I think this would come to a hatstall, but I think in the end the win goes to...
I hope this was fun for you! Thanks for sharing! :)
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indycinders · 8 months
Yes, it's gone.
Read on if you want to know my reasons for deleting Duplicity and Loser. TL;DR: I felt alienated, lost motivation, and I just don't want part of the community anymore.
I'm not really sure this deserves much of a TL;DR because that was simplistic enough. What it comes down to is I went into this with a lot of motivation and excitement because of members of a yandere community, and since I'm no longer a part of that community, I don't want to be a part of the fandom at all. Interests change.
I'm not going to name names or point fingers, because I just want to wipe my hands clean and start making things that I enjoy, that I like, and that aren't bound by certain rules or restrictions regarding the type of character someone is, if that makes sense. I struggled a lot coming up with Griffin's design and personality, and I started seeing that he was basically a blanket version of other yanderes in the community. He had no substance. And every time I tried to give him some, I'd step out of the boundaries of what I thought a yandere should be. It was frustrating and uncomfortable and hard to work with.
On top of that, the community I was apart of quickly unraveled when I took a break because of my health issues. When I came back, it was different, weird, and foreign almost. I tried my best to re-engage and get back into the swing of things, but I was met with resistance, indifference, and I was severely invalidated in my opinions. It was hurtful, because this community felt like a one-of-a-kind find for me. I could be who I am in it, without judgment. But then I realized, I didn't have any value in it, either. No one really cared as much as I (and some other people) did about trying to make things better for it.
And that's the problem. I cared too much.
I cared too much whether or not I fit in, whether or not my games and characters and art fit in with the community itself, whether I was liked enough. I put too much of myself into it and got nearly nothing back in return. I made some great friends that I will cherish forever outside of that community, but I no longer want any part of it. I don't like the indifferent vibes. I don't like that no one will speak up for themselves. I don't like that when I spoke up for myself, I was basically told to "take a break". Okay, but that doesn't solve the problem.
So I'm leaving, basically. I deleted Duplicity's tumblr, and Lian's tumblr, and any posts having to do with it. I will keep a few of my favorites around to see their progress, but I won't be an active part anymore. I restricted access to Duplicity and Loser on itch.io. Will I make games again? Probably, but they'll be my games, made completely from my imagination, and for myself mostly.
I just want to focus on practicing my writing, practicing my character development, and developing my art into something I can love again. I don't want to fit into any boxes anymore. I just want to make the things I like, when I want to make them, if that makes sense.
I'm sorry to anyone who truly enjoyed my games and characters. I'm sorry that I'm just another one of "those" developers with empty promises. I could pretend and say something like "it will be back again, when I'm feeling it" but I won't feel it. I love Griffin and Tris and Tai, and maybe I'll tell their stories in a different format. Maybe I'll rework them into something else. But for right now, they're packed away in their own little boxes in the back of my mind.
In all seriousness, take care of yourselves. Don't bend and twist yourself into something you're not. Don't break your back trying to fit in places for the sake of missing out or wanting connections. Just love yourself and the things you create without any apologies.
I'll be posting art and writing and whatever I damn well feel like, whenever I feel like it.
See you later, bunnies.
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cyrenesavage · 2 months
"Those who adopt lesser-known or newer sexual identity terms because they view “standard” orientation terms as “boxes” actually just choose to sit inside boxes that more closely resemble their body. Arguably, applying more specific descriptions to oneself decreases their mobility within their identity. If someone (mis)understands bisexuality as “attraction with gender preferences,” a pansexual who bases their sexuality on the lack thereof may face internal conflict if they ever develop preferences down the line, as they may now feel like they must re-evaluate their entire identity even though who they’re attracted to has not changed.
It’s often unhealthy to hyper-analyze your sexuality to the point where how you experience your attraction pattern(s) changes where you belong. It often distresses the person trying to examine themselves and can leave them worried over if they’re in the “right” category, which is enough of a problem with labels with significant wiggle room.
This is why the idea that broader terms are somehow more restrictive is baffling. Continuously breaking labels down and creating terminology for each facet of one’s identity shrinks communities until it’s just one person convinced that they’re the only one who relates to their experiences. It isolates people and ignores the importance of individuality within a collective identity. Both of these elements are what make a community a community.
Many people think LGBTQ liberation is achieved when people have a plethora of options to choose from to perfectly fit their being, but this is nothing more than capitalist market logic: “more options for the consumer = happier consumer” (which isn’t actually true). Such microlabeling (with sexuality specifically; neogender labels are a different story that I don’t see much issue with) is very reminiscent of arguments that having fewer brands for a product rather than a bunch for the same thing — even if all those brands are owned by just one company — is a threat to freedom.
In reality, this sense of freedom is illusory. Sexualities shouldn’t be commodities, and buying into the branding distracts us from change. Liberation involves dismantling our society’s sexual and gender hierarchies; then, the categorization of people’s behaviors to this extent is no longer considered relevant on any larger-than-local scale."
“At first glance the main thing would seem to be the choice of the ‘consumable image’. The housewife-who-uses-Fairy-Snow is different (and the difference is measured in profits) to the housewife-who-uses-Tide. The Labour voter differs from the Conservative voter, and the Communist from the Christian Democrat, in much the same way. But such differences are increasingly hard to discern. The spectacle of incoherence ends up putting a value on the zero point of values. Eventually identification with anything at all, like the need to consume anything at all, becomes more important than brand loyalty to a particular type of car, idol, or politician. The essential thing, surely, is to alienate people from their desires and pen them in the spectacle, in the policed zone. Good or bad, honest or criminal, left-wing or right-wing—what does the mould matter, so long as we are engulfed by it? Let those who cannot identify with Khrushchev identify with Yevtushenko—and the hooligans will be kept well under control. And indeed it is only the third force that has nothing to identify with—no opposition leader, no pseudo-revolutionary leader. The third force is the force of identity—in the sense of the identity in which each individual can recognize and discover him-or herself. A sphere where nobody decides for me, or in my name; where my freedom is the freedom of all."
“The fact is that identification, like all manifestations of inhumanity, has its roots in the human. Inauthentic life feeds on authentically felt desires. And identification through roles is doubly successful in this respect. In the first place, it co-opts the play of metamorphoses, the pleasure of putting on masks and being everywhere in every guise. Secondly, it appropriates mankind’s ancient love of mazes, of getting lost solely in order to find one’s way again: the pleasure in simply wandering and changing. Roles also lay under contribution the reflexive search for identity—the desire to find the richest and truest part of ourselves in others. Play then ceases to be a game, and is reified because the players can no longer make up the rules. The quest for identity degenerates into identification.
Let us reverse the perspective for a moment. A psychiatrist tells us that ‘Recognition by society leads the individual to discharge his sexual impulses in pursuit of cultural goals, and this is the best way for him to defend himself against those impulses’. Read: the aim of roles is to absorb vital forces, to exhaust erotic energy by means of permanent sublimation. The less erotic reality there is, the more abundant sexualized forms in the spectacle become. Roles—Reich would say ‘armouring’—ensure orgastic impotence. Conversely, true pleasure, joie de vivre and orgastic potency shatter body armour and roles. If individuals could only stop seeing the world through the eyes of the powers-that-be, and look at it from their own point of view, they would have no trouble discerning which actions are really liberating, which moments are lived the most authentically—lightning flashes in the dark night of roles. Real experience can illuminate roles—can x-ray them, so to speak—in such a way as to redirect the energy invested in them, to extricate the truth from the lies. This task is at once individual and collective. Though all roles alienate equally, some are more vulnerable than others. It is easier to escape the role of a libertine than the role of a cop, executive, or priest. A fact to which everyone should give a little thought.”
Excerpts from:
On Hyperpersonalized Sexual Identity | Kravitz Marshall https://aninjusticemag.com/on-hyperpersonalized-sexual-identity-f3736d15928d
The Revolution of Everyday Life - XV - Roles | Raoul Vaneigem
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