#so now we’re using… *checks notes* Freeform
thegameartist03 · 1 month
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Trust me~
figuring designs out for the rest of the cast, turns out Swan is also really fun to draw. sketchbook doodles and a Beef i drew from memory under the cut!
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mific · 2 years
A secret hoard of SGA & SG1 fics
As part of the project to restore the Audiofic Archive, I've gone through all the SGA and SG1 podfics and restored or updated as many as possible of the text links - just about all of them. We're still missing some SG1 ones and a handful of sparky podfics, and there are a small number of fics now available only as podfics, but the vast majority of the Stargate entries in the Archive have been fully restored. They don't all have streaming mp3 links but they do all have download links. What I want to remind people about is that there are loads of older fics in the Audiofic Archive that were never on AO3, so you may not know them. Browsing the Audiofic Archive is one way to (re)discover many stories, either as podfics or in their text versions, that you might not have read, or that you haven't read for years. You can use the Advanced Search tab on the Archive to specify not only the fandom, but also pairings, or gen (there's a tag called "info|gen" that can be searched on), not to mention searching based on length, author, and reader. One tip about filling in the Advanced Search fields - as with filling in AO3 fields, for most of them you need to type the relevant word or part of it then hit the drop-down option that you want. That will insert the full, correct tag in the field, which you need as trying to search on a partial tag doesn't work. The exception is the Full Text Search field at the top which is freeform. By the way, if you enter "stream" in that, you'll just get podfics that have streaming mp3 options. Have fun!  But note that fics don’t have ratings in the Archive so if you’re underage see the text link to check they’re not M/R or E/NC-17.
- and now I'm doing the same with due South  :)
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chasingmidnightrp · 2 years
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Hello lovelies! We’re delighted with everything you’ve shared with us so far, from character aesthetics to group and plot requests that are already enriching our community and adding to the future dynamics we hope to see unfold on our site :3
To further help you start brainstorming your soon-to-be characters a little bit, since the soft open is just around the corner, we’ll be sharing our app process tonight!
At Chasing Midnight, our character application will be an evolving tool that will reflect your character's development as they're impacted by the plot, site-wide events, and individual threads with other players. We’ll want to provide a dynamic environment to build each of your character's arcs as they (re)discover themselves and reclaim their agency - for better or worse! 
Check out some of our fields described in more detail below.
Contains the basic information about your character, including what your character does for a living in Nashville (or elsewhere), their role (canon when applicable, past life occupation or N/A for our lovely civilians without the emotional SilMil baggage), & allegiance (in the past or the present).
These will reflect your character's progress as they interact with the plot, are affected by it, and evolve in different ways that can have an impact on other sections of the application. There will be at least three sliding scales - awareness, corruption, and cursed - which will be clearer once site lore is available.
Because we encourage development in-character, this section will only be your initial canvas. Show us what matters to you about this character with whatever format you like, in anywhere from 250-800 words.
This section will function as an alternative to a "shipper." It should be organized in whatever way makes plotting easier for you, noting any plots, dynamics, tropes, etc. that you're looking to explore, so that other members have a baseline for interacting with this character.
If your character is unawakened, this section will be OPTIONAL; to be filled out if you want to claim a specific power prior to your character's semi- or full awakening. For semi-awakened, awakened, & corrupted characters, this section will be REQUIRED.
If your character is unawakened, this section will be OPTIONAL; to be filled out if you want to claim a specific past life position prior to your character's semi- or full awakening. For semi-awakened and awakened characters, this section will be REQUIRED.
And that’s all for now, wonderful folx! Feel free to DM us with any questions you might have, but note that this is a mere preview that comprises site mechanics which will be clearer on soft open. <3
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triffysells · 2 years
KH1 Riku Plush Crochet Pattern
The third entry in my KH character plushie series, Riku KingdomHearts!! (again again) (can you tell I like him)
This pattern and the resulting doll was my entry to March Caprice 2022!!
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The main parts of this pattern are inspired by SirPurlGrey’s free bunny pattern, found here! This pattern would have been SO impossible without the solid base his work provides, so check him out if you like the style!
- crochet hook (I use a F5 3.75mm)
- tapestry needle
- worsted/size 4 yarn (blue, black, skintone, silver, white, yellow, teal recommended) though larger yarn means larger Riku (I use mostly Caron Simply Soft yarn because it’s very soft, but it tends toward a light 4 weight)
- stuffing/polyfill
SKILL LEVEL: intermediate, but I doubt skill level has ever stopped a Riku stan
ch = chain
slst = slip stitch
sc = single crochet
hdc = half double crochet
dc = double crochet
htc = half treble crochet
tc = treble crochet
inc = increase (two of the most recent crochet into a single stitch)
dec = decrease (one of the most recent crochet in two stitches, only pulling through after both)
“front of chain” = the V-shaped loops
“back of chain” = the single loop not a part of the V-shape
isc = in the second chain from the hook
HEAD in hair (A) and skin (B) color
  note: your hairline may vary based on the gauge of your stitches - feel free to freeform where you change colors, it doesn’t make THAT big a difference
1. A 6sc on magic ring  (6)
2. A 6inc  (12)
3. A (sc, inc) x 6  (18)
4. A (2sc, inc) x 6  (24)
5. A (3sc, inc) x 6  (30)
6-7. A 10sc, B 9sc, A 11sc  (30)
8. A 8sc, 2inc, B 9sc, A sc, 2inc, 8sc  (34)
9. A 12sc, B 10sc, A 12sc  (34)
10. A 12sc, B 3sc, inc, 2sc, inc, 3sc, A 12sc  (36)
11. A 12sc, B 12sc, A 12sc  (36)
12. A (4sc, dec) x 2, B 4sc, 2dec, 4sc, A (dec, 4sc) x 2  (30)
13. A (3sc, dec) x 2, B 3sc, 2dec, 3sc, dec, A 3sc, dec, 3sc  (24)
14. A (2sc, dec) x 2, B (2sc, dec) x 2, sc, A sc, dec, 2sc, dec  (18)
15. B (sc, dec) x 6  (12)
  slst to finish off, leave a long tail for sewing
BODY in blue (A), black (B), and yellow (C)
1. A 6sc on magic ring  (6)
2. A 6inc  (12)
3. A (sc, inc) x 6  (18)
4. A (2sc, inc) x 6  (24)
5-6. A sc around  (24)
7. A (4sc, dec) x 4  (20)
8. C 7sc, B sc, dec, 8sc, dec  (18)
9. C 7sc, B 11sc  (18)
10. C 7sc, B dec, 7sc, dec  (16)
11. C (2sc, dec) x 4  (12)
  slst to finish off, and weave in your end
ARMS (make two) in glove (A) and skin (B) color
1. A 6sc on magic ring  (6)
2. A (sc, inc) x 3  (9)
3. A sc around  (9)
  finish off color and weave in end
4. B dec, 7sc  (8)
5. B sc around  (8)
6. B (2sc, dec) x 2  (6)
  finish off with long tail
LEGS (make two) in white (A) and blue (B)
  for colors marked A/B for example, switch from color A to color B mid-stitch
1. B 6sc on magic ring  (6)
2. (B inc, A 2inc) x 2  (12)
3. B inc, B/A inc, A 4slst, B 2 slst, A 4slst  (14)
4. A/B inc, B inc, A 6slst, B 2slst, A 4 slst  (16)
5. A dec, B dec, A dec, 5sc, B dec, A 2sc  (12)
   this round is left intentionally incomplete, to shape the shoe
6. A dec, B dec, A dec, 3sc, B dec, A sc  (8)
  finish off and weave in ends to work the rest only in blue
7. B (sc, inc) x 4  (12)
8. B sc, inc, (2sc, inc) x 3, sc  (16)
9. B sc around  (16)
10. B (sc, dec, sc) x 4  (12)
  finish off with long tail
HAIR in hair color
  hair is worked in numbered rounds, then numbered Spikes, then numbered Spike Rows
1. ch4. Into the back of the chain, 2sc and inc. Turn, into the front, 2sc and inc.  (9)    You should now have an oval. The inc from the back of the chain and first sc into the front are effectively into the same stitch, with the yarn tail pulled under in between them to keep it neat and out of the way.
2. Skip one stitch, (inc, 2sc, inc) x 2  (12)
3. (inc, 3sc, inc, sc) x 2  (16)
4. (sc, inc, 4sc, inc, sc) x 2  (20)
5. (2sc, inc, 5sc, inc, sc) x 2  (24)
6. (3sc, inc, 6sc, inc, sc) x 2  (28) 
  Now We’re Into The Spikes Oh No
S1. 3sc, ch9, into the front of the chain isc 2sc, 3hdc, 3dc, then slst onto main hair
S2. sc, ch4, into the back of the chain isc sc, hdc, dc, on main hair skip one then slst
S3. turn hair over, then onto S2 sc, ch2, turn the hair back rightside, isc sc, then into the already made portion of S3 hdc, then slst onto main hair
S4. ch4, into the back of the chain isc slst, 2sc, hdc, on main hair skip one then slst
S5. ch3, into the front of the chain isc sc, hdc, then slst onto main hair
S6. turn hair over, then onto S5 sc, ch3, then turn hair back rightside, isc sc, then sc again, then into the already made portion of S6 hdc, then slst onto main hair
S7.  sc, ch9, into the back of the chain isc 2sc, 3hdc, 3dc, slst onto main hair
  turn at the end of each row
Sr1. ch1, 16sc  (16)
Sr2. ch2, 16hdc  (16)
Sr3. ch2, 3hdc, inc, 8hdc, inc, 3hdc  (18)
Sr4. ch2, inc, 16hdc, inc  (20)
Sr5. ch2, 3hdc, inc, 12hdc, inc, 3hdc  (22)
Sr6. ch5, into the front of the chain isc sc, hdc, 2dc, on main hair do not count first stitch as occupied, slst into third stitch, ch1 and hdc into same stitch, 3hdc, inc, 8hdc, inc, 4hdc, ch1 and slst into same stitch. ch5, into the back of the chain isc sc, hdc, 2dc, on main hair skip one then slst
  slst across underside to main hair hdcs, or finish off and start a new slip knot
Sr7. slst in first hdc, then ch2, then hdc into the same stitch. ch4, then into the back of the chain isc dc, dc, tc. Into the side of the hdc, tc. On main hair, skip three stitches then slst. ch2, then into the same stitch hdc. Then hdc, dec, 3hdc, dec, 2hdc, ch2 and slst into the same stitch. ch4, then into the back of the chain isc dc, dc, tc. Into the side of the hdc, tc. On main hair, skip three then slst.
  slst across underside to main hair hdcs, or finish off and start a new slip knot
Sr8. slst in chain/chain space by first hdc, then ch6. Into the back of the chain isc sc, hdc, 2dc, tc, on main hair skip three then slst. Turn hair over and 2slst into the previous spike. ch4, into the front of the chain isc sc, dc, tc, 2dc, on main hair skip one then slst. Turn hair over, and 2slst into the previous spike. ch4, into the front of the chain isc sc, hdc, 2dc, tc, on main hair skip two then slst.
  finish off and weave in ends
I don’t imagine there’s a wrong way to sew parts on, so beginners can relax - as long as it’s attached it’s probably fine??? Just don’t tie any knots until you’re sure you’ve placed the part correctly!! (I know this from experience…) Note that you can add the face details before stuffing so that you can reach the other side to tie any knots better, but I prefer to add the face after so I can use the hair as a guide.
Body: Stuff and attach the head and body! They should have the same number of stitches at their openings, so they can be attached evenly. You can sew partially then finish stuffing if you find you’re having trouble keeping the stuffing in. Make sure the face side of the head matches the yellow side of the body!
Limbs: Stuff and sew the arms and legs onto the torso; make sure the legs are positioned well to keep Riku sitting up rather than tilting to the front or back!
Hair: Godspeed. The hair is tough to assemble - I recommend first ensuring his bangs are placed correctly, then pinning it in place while you move the back spikes into position. Sew down the main piece and whatever spikes you feel are pointing outward too much! You can use more hair colored yarn, or a same-color thread. Just a few knots here or there will secure it well enough.
Face: For the eyes, you can use yarn, thread, or sew on felt or buttons! I embroider with some teal yarn, but you could creatively swap for yellow to make Norted-Riku! For the mouth, you can use a little bit of black thread or fray apart some black yarn. You can also add some eyebrows with hair color yarn if you want an expression like angry or sad.
Shirt X: As we all know, Riku’s (shirt? tank top? wetsuit?) is marked with the Recusant Sigil - he has a big X on him! You can make this by cutting a piece of black yarn about 6 inches, and embroidering front-left to back-right (and vice versa) over his shoulders.
Leg Belts: Riku’s fish pants have little black belts tied around his lower legs. You can use two 8 inch pieces of black yarn, wrapping around twice for thickness before knotting and hiding the ends inside his legs.
Sword/Paopu: You can use some brown yarn to make him a little sword and yellow and green to make a paopu fruit! You wanted one, didn’t you?
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That’s it!! You’ve finished your very own plush Riku doll! He is small and squeezable and frankly very sassy.
If you have any questions about any part of this pattern, you can contact me on my twitter!
If you want to link/share this post, please do! But if you want a version of this pattern on some other site, please do not repost it. Contact me, and I’ll see if I can work out posting it on wherever else. Thank you!
I make this and all future such character doll patterns free because everyone deserves a little plushie of their fave, but if you wanna support my work you can buy plushies from my Etsy or buy me a coffee! <3
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dreadfutures · 3 years
aight let‘s talk ao3 tags again
the very nice tag wrangler I’ll be quoting from has given me permission to share their kind and thorough responses (all bolding/emphasis is mine) without identifying information. and we very nicely go through some of my own tags from my long fic Dead Pasts, Dread Futures. Many, many thanks to this wrangler for explaining so much to me.
Anyway. I present these discussions as a peacable offer of: these are many writers’ concerns, and they are valuable, and worth considering. don’t dismiss concerns about the tag limit off hand, and don’t insist that edge cases don’t matter.
tldr; at the moment, after all this discussion and back and forths and bullying, I still believe that having 75 tags, period, as the limit across ALLCharacters/Relationships/Fandoms/Additional Tags penalizes longfics. Period. If it were even a limit of 100 tags, or broken down by Tag Type, it would be a little more forgiving. For advertising and for content filtering purposes, it only helps writers and fic visibilty to be specific and thorough in tags. A limit like this just so clearly has the potential to negatively affect large fandom/large ensemble/long fics.
It feels like this decision is being very broadly based on a "for the majority" mindset, which has never been what AO3 is about, without actually physically looking at the kinds of fics it will affect. The tag system on AO3 has been able to give fic filtering and reader-judgement a nuance that no other platform has accomplished, and longfics and large ensemble fics still, I think, depend on that as both a courtesy and necessity. I saw the rough math someone did and know that almost all fics currently on AO3 are <25k or something like that, and sure, for the average oneshot, or for even a fic <100k, a tag limit that's very strict across all tag categories probably won't be felt at all. But it's clearly something that people who write certain types of fics, and take them very seriously, will feel. Like I genuinely don't want to have a million tags. I want to tag relevant content that allows potential readers to filter & include & exclude my fic as they so choose, but also, if it does show up in their search, I want to give them the information they want to be able to decide if they want to read my fic or not. I don't want to have to put all my content warnings into a giant summary, or into a giant author's note that grows and grows. The tags have been a very helpful way of accomplishing those. Being able to cut down on parallel/synned tags is great, but it still seems like longfics that deal with multiple fandom entries, large casts, and require content warnings will butt up against that limit very quickly.
tag limit discussions:
- long fic writers adding tags as they go
- writers of franchises with many installments and ensemble casts
- writers with extensive content warnings
- use of tags to clarify a filtered tag
- use of tags to demonstrate how content is handled
off the bat - stop being jerks
look, I know objectively fics don’t need to be tagged at all. I lived in the wild west, too, when “lemon” meant anything from the merest mention of arousal to an explicit vanilla sex scene to all out dead dove craziness. a large part of me still is of the opinion that readers should just read shit, and if they decide they don’t like it, just dip. but that’s not what we’re about here. tagging is a kindness that we voluntarily undertake, and it’s also a form of advertising.
tags are useful for their specificity, for filtering and exclusion purposes
(that’s one of the cruxes of the arguments both pro-shippers and antis make: you can filter things! But you can only filter things if they’re tagged.)
I also understand that a few asshole writers have ruined this for all of us by purposefully adding so many tags it slows down the site and makes pages fail to load and hides other fics because the tags take up 10 pages. i also am frustrated with kinkmemers who just have prompt fill fic dumping grounds that span multiple unrelated fandoms and are impossible to navigate.
...the answer is not to suggest to writers that we put all our content warnings and pairings and etc. in our summaries, or our A/Ns, or to insert a first chapter that is a placeholder summary/tags page/world state. tags are useful for their specificity, for filtering and exclusion purposes.
I also have been dealing with people being murderously angry, and super self-righteous and targeting and mean about my own tags, and tags in general. people who are anti-tag are being giant fucking dicks about it. like get over yourselves and let’s just talk about a website function lol. tags are useful for their specificity, for filtering and exclusion purposes.
Alright, so now that we’ve gotten that flippin’ straw argument aside.
The next thing anyone has been doing is going to my page and critiquing my tags. Let’s address redundant tags.
(the wrangler has done this nicely! no ridicule necessary!)
using my fic as an example:
If you tag your fic Female Lavellan/Solas (only), it will show up in the following searches: Inqusitor/Solas, Female Inquisitor/Solas, Lavellan/Solas, Female Lavellan/Solas.  If you tag your fic Inquisitor/Solas (only), it will show up only in the Inquisitor/Solas search and in none of the others.  If you tag with the most specific version, it will show up in the more general versions, but not the other way around. So there's no real reason to tag with the more general tags.
Though I will point out that if you don't use the canonical tag      and tag your character or relationship with a custom name it will      be synned to the nongendered version, because at some point the DA      wranglers decided that they didn't want to make gender      assumptions.  So "Annabelle Lavellan" will be synned to "Lavellan      (Dragon Age)" rather than "Female Lavellan (Dragon Age)", and      someone searching for works with specifically "Female Lavellan"      won't see it.
Response: In the fanfic writers server I'm in, we've talked about how tags work and are supposed to work extensively in the past.  There's just always been a lot of confusion, which I think has been added to when people go and try to double-check for themselves and find instances where this treeing/synning is broken. Someone put out this guide (also here) for AO3 meta text this year, which has been referred to by multiple people in the server, and it says:
What if you wrote a fic for something where there's a movie based on a book, but the movie's really different, and you've used both things that are only in the movie and things that are only in the book? In that case you either tag your fic as both the movie and the book, or see if the fandom has an “all media types” tag and use that instead of the separate tags. If the fandom doesn't have an “all media types” tag yet, you can make one! Just type it in.
“All media types” fandom tags are also useful for cases where there are lots of inter-related series, like Star Wars; there are several tellings of the story in different media but they're interchangeable or overlap significantly, like The Witcher; or the fandom has about a zillion different versions so it's very hard, even impossible, to say which ones your fic does and doesn't fit, like Batman. Use your best judgement as to whether you need to include a more specific fandom tag such as “Batman (Movies 1989-1997)” alongside the “all media types” fandom tag, but try to avoid including very many. The point of the “all media types” tag is to let you leave off the specific tags for every version.
Which I believe is in direct contradiction to guidance to use the most specific tags, so that's definitely one source of confusion. The most recent ao3 meta text guide (https://archiveofourown.org/wrangling_guidelines/2 I think this one) doesn't present itself in a way that makes this clear for writers tagging their own works. The way authors usually go about tagging things (and what's in the FAQ) is to start typing into one of the boxes and look for what populates the drop down, which doesn't lend itself to knowing that there are trees, or knowing what tags are interrelated (it seems like a whole grab bag of tags get suggested, some in-fandom and some outside of fandom, some canon/parent/meta and some children/random freeform, in just about any field you start typing in).
I'm not sure what can really be done about this. Many of us have turned to ao3-comment-of-the-day and their posts about using Tags, and various sources on google, and have clearly come up with a whole load of conflicting advice.
Fundamentally, finding parent/meta tags for a tag as you’re tagging a fic is NOT clear to writers. The fact that a nested and a meta tag can both be suggested one after the other when filling in tags largely contributes to redundant tags.
Writing for Multiple Fandom Entries
Here’s what a tag wrangler had to say about my fandoms:
As with the relationship tree, you can look at the fandom tree  here:      https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Dragon%20Age%20-%20All%20Media%20Types  and see how the fandom tags are related. Going back to your story Rogasha'ghi'lan as an example, it's tagged with Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age (Video Games), Dragon Age - All Media Types, Dragon Age: The Last Court.  But as I said, you only need to tag with the lowest relevant level(s) on the tree in order for your fic to show up under the higher levels.  So if you tag with      Dragon Age: Inquisition and Dragon Age: The Last Court, it will show up not just under those categories, but also under Dragon Age (Video Games) and Dragon Age - All Media Types.  And of course because you've tagged with the specific, if someone searches under, say, Dragon Age (Video Games), but doesn't want Inquisition or Last Court fic, they can use the exclude filter to show only the earlier games.
(So that's two more tags you can remove with no effect on searchability!)
In my (but not only my) own case, I am indeed writing for Origins, DA2, Inquisition, and Last Court extensively within the same fic, so I should be tagging for all of those, specifically, still. In order to make sure my fic is seen by the correct fans, I need multiple specific tags.
Longfic Tag Bloat (adding tags as you write a fic)
And like many other longfic writers, even if I narrow down my character tags only to those with dedicated character arcs longer than 5 chapters, I still have Loads & Loads of Characters (including Dalish from the Chargers!).
A lot of longfic writers I know add characters, relationships, and content warnings as they go along.
At 170 chapters/580k words, Dead Pasts had a ton of important relationships (for example, like Vivienne & Lavellan), and as a story it's nowhere near done. I found myself planning an arc from 171 onward that would introduce a very important relationship (Felassan & Lavellan). This is how longfics end up with so many, many, many character tags and relationship tags, which is another major criticism people seem to have about "people who abuse tags."
A solution that people propose online is "split your fic." Which is actually what I ended up doing...but the old relationships and fandoms from DPDF still apply to Rogasha'ghi'lan, so Rogasha'ghi'lan will have the same number and more tags than DPDF.
If I hadn't split the fic, I would have just kept adding tags to Dead Pasts...and still had the same problem of continually adding tags. They're not superfluous tags: someone who wants to see a plot that is deeply influenced by Vivienne & Lavellan will find that in my fic; someone who is looking to see a major Felassan & Lavellan friendship grow and drive plot will also find that in my fic.
My fic is long; there are other fics that are longer, or are going to be longer, with casts that are just as large or larger, with many relationships, and that's not even talking about content warnings.
Polycule / Relationship Tags
"Tagging a polycule like Iron Bull/Dorian/Lavellan requires four      tags: Bull/Dorian/Lavellan, Bull/Dorian, Bull/Lavellan,      Lavellan/Dorian"
This assumes that people who like Lavellan/Dorian will want to read Iron Bull/Dorian/Lavellan, which is often not the case.  If your story Is Iron Bull/Dorian/Lavellan, tag it that way!  It doesn't make any sense to me to tag with the pairs as well unless the story would be of interest to people who read for that pair, or unless that pair relationship is a big step in the story (like, if you have established Lavellan/Dorian, and then they bring in Bull, you might tag for both that pair and the trio). I mean, you can tag how you like, there's no requirement that tags correspond to content. But for me, personally, if I search on Dagna/Lace Harding (I am weak for dwarf women!) I do not want to get a Dagna/Lace Harding/Sera fic.
My personal tastes don't include poly fics, but several writers I know who write poly fics are adamant that: tons of readers will not know of the possibility of the poly fic until it shows up in a search result, and the individual relationships often are significant to the fics, especially in fics that are not oneshots. For example, a great number of "fav fics" are stumbled-across! We aren't interested in the Sera/Dagna/Lace polycule ourselves, but someone might not have considered it, found it, and said, "Hey! That's my new favorite." But if polycules are segregated and only searchable by the polycule itself, alas, what's the option for visibility at all if not tagging it as Lace/Dagna in addition?
Additional Tags
Knowing when something is a "character" and when something is "additional"
Knowing that "Warrior Lavellan" (or the [Name] Mahariel) would be more useful in an Additional Tag vs. a Character Tag is also something I'm not sure how we're supposed to know? Like, I'm glad to know it now, but it's definitely not at all obvious without you telling me why it would be more useful in Additional vs in Character. Especially when to me: Warrior Lavellan is a character, and the fact that it populated the Character tag for me says that it's a Character. Because like I said, the guidance has been: start typing, and if it appears in the drop down, use it. Or, for example, my friend has the Well of Sorrows personified as a Character. Like an actual character. Does that have to go under Additional Tags, or as a Character? How do I know?
Additional tags as tone/content indicators
A lot of writers / readers have approached the Additional Tags as a surface-level overview of understanding how an author is approaching many topics concerned in the fic. Like, Vivienne is a character in my fic, but specifically I am Vivienne-positive, which I feel is important to denote because she's important to my fic, and she's a divisive character. Mood/tone/theme indicators like "Pro-Vivienne" or "we are Vivienne-positive in this house" (or like Male-Female Friendship, or "Expansive Lore" vs "Lore - Freeform" which denote different things to me) in tags (which in the comments section on the ao3 blog post get derided as "chatty tags") are still important to me, though they're useless or far less likely to be used for filtering. (I had the thesis of the conflict of my fic: “empathy is the enemy of free will” “but hope is a choice” as “chatty tags,” among some that were more mundane but important: “sera shows up late in fic”)
More seriously, there are fics that have content warning tags for filtering purposes but also clarify those content warnings to give context to readers and allow them to make a decision whether or not the content actually fits their preferences, ie, one that specifies domestic abuse as a tag (which would be in the Additional Tags) for filtering purposes but also specifies "domestic abuse not present in x relationship" (which would also be in the Additional Tags, but is useless for filtering purposes, but is immensely helpful and demonstrably used by readers to decide if they're going to even bother reading the author's note of that fic).
People are also nervous that not being able to thoroughly tag content warnings is going to end up with unhappy readers amid all the purity culture flaming that's going on lately.
Like, personally I err on the side of "suck it up, reader, and just read and find out," for a lot of things (not talking about content warnings, but talking about mood/tone additional tags), but also, given that there is already a venue here to let readers know what they're in for...taking that away sucks.
I hate a giant fic summary as much as people hate 10 pages of tags, but at least one can hide tags in their preferences, and likewise the thought of starting a fic up front with a giant author's note that gets continually updated with content warnings also isn't super appealing. Leading with a giant author's note that lays out: this is my world state and this is my character's spec and this is my character's background so you know how I'm going to approach this and these are all of the content warnings for the fic as a whole, just feels like getting into "My Immortal" territory. There's definitely a balance to be had between the art of writing a summary, what to include in an author's note, and what to include in tags, but this still seems like it's going to be fairly limiting for writers in these large franchises, especially for longfics that span a lot of topics.
It feels like this decision is being very broadly based on a "for the majority" mindset, which has never been what AO3 is about, without actually physically looking at the kinds of fics it will affect. The tag system on AO3 has been able to give fic filtering and reader-judgement a nuance that no other platform has accomplished, and longfics and large ensemble fics still, I think, depend on that as both a courtesy and necessity. I saw the rough math someone did and know that almost all fics currently on AO3 are <25k or something like that, and sure, for the average oneshot, or for even a fic <100k, a tag limit that's very strict across all tag categories probably won't be felt at all. But it's clearly something that people who write certain types of fics, and take them very seriously, will feel.
Like I genuinely don't want to have a million tags. I want to tag relevant content that allows potential readers to filter & include & exclude my fic as they so choose, but also, if it does show up in their search, I want to give them the information they want to be able to decide if they want to read my fic or not. I don't want to have to put all my content warnings into a giant summary, or into a giant author's note that grows and grows. The tags have been a very helpful way of accomplishing those. Being able to cut down on parallel/synned tags is great, but it still seems like longfics that deal with multiple fandom entries, large casts, and require content warnings will butt up against that limit very quickly.
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shadedrose01 · 4 years
Tony the Teddy
Ship: None. Platonic (parental/paternal) relationship between Peter Parker and Tony Stark
Summary: Peter loses his teddy bear, and gains something more.
Tags: Febufluff, Day 10, Teddy Bears, Peter Has a Teddy Bear, His name is Tony, But Tony and Tony Stark are not the same thing/person, Post-Spider-Man: Homecoming, Aunt May is a good aunt whos just trying her best, Mentions of uncle ben - Freeform, Light Angst, Peter is a sad boy for a bit in this, But Tony Stark makes it better, Fluff, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Peter Parker Gets a Hug, Tony Stark is a Good Dad, Tony Stark Has A Heart
Day ten of Febufluff: "Teddy Bear"! (From the platonic list)
There was one constant in Peter's life growing up. When everything around him was swirled into chaos at the age of 7, when his parents got onto a plane and never came home, his uncle ben knelt down in front of him, told him the heartbreaking news, and gave him something.
A stuffie. A plush teddy bear with soft fabric in the shape of Iron Man's armour, apparently a gift his mother had planned to give him for his birthday but never got the chance to. Ben had given it to him, and had reassured him that he was so strong, as strong as a real life superhero, as strong as Iron Man, and that they'd get through this, the pain, the grief, the loss, together.
And Peter had held onto it tight, tears in his eyes and running down his cheeks, and had promised to his parents, to his uncle Ben and his Aunt May, and to himself that he would never let it go, no matter what. Later that month, Peter would be sat in front of the tv, eyes glued to the screen and holding the teddy close as Tony Stark announced that he was Iron Man. From that point on, the bear was named Tony.
Tony stayed by his side throughout his roller coaster of a life. Dragged behind him during the few childhood years he had left, as a shoulder to cry on whenever the bullies got too much and a buddy to talk to while he had no friends. Then, when he found Ned and grew out of the age where bringing around a Teddy bear was acceptable, Tony stayed home, but he was always on Peter's bed, always there, a constant presence and reminder of warmth, comfort and love, of security and safety, and home.
Then Ben died, right in front of his eyes, in his arms, and Peter's life was flipped upside down again, but still, Tony was there. He remembers coming home from the hospital, still coated in dried up blood, his uncles blood, blood that was split because of him, it was all because of him, all his fault-, and grabbing the bear as soon as he hits his bed, burying his face into it and sobbing loudly, his river of tears soaking into the matted fur. But he had remembered his uncle's words, "With great power comes great responsibility", had remembered that he was strong, that he had to be strong for his aunt and had pulled himself together, and had pushed forward, even as he longed to give up.
Everything after that was a blur, becoming Spider-Man on a whim, meeting the real Tony Stark, fighting in Germany, the 'internship', the vulture, homecoming, the real internship. It all happened so fast, and yet, there Tony was, still sat on his bed like all those years ago, looking worn and torn from good use, but still there, still kicking, still around.
But now, Peter couldnt find him. He couldnt find him, and he was freaking out.
Peter was searching his room, practically tearing it apart trying to find the precious stuffie. Where could he be? He was on the bed this morning, Peter knows, he remembers him being in his normal spot before he left for school, but now hes not there, hes not anywhere, and he knows Happy is going to be there soon, and he cant find Tony-
"Peter? Are you ready?" His aunt calls out from the living room, and Peter shakes his head violently, anxiously, still checking under his bed and around his drawers for any sign of the Iron Man plushie.
"I can't find Tony." He calls back, his actions getting more frantic as he searches places hes already checked again and again, his chest tighten and stomach dropping more and more as time goes on. He needs to find him, he has to-
"Tony?" Aunt May sounds amused but her show show her concern as he rounds the corner to his room, not even flinching at the scattered mess of it. "Isn't he who you're going to see?"
Peter groans, stopping momentarily to run his hands through his hair. "No! I mean, yes, but not the same one!" At his aunt's puzzled look, Peter expands on his explanation. "You know, the teddy bear? Iron man costume, kinda- kinda frizzy looking?"
His aunt's eyes brighten with recognition, but also with confusion, and a hint of guilt. "Ohhh, that guy? I thought you weren't into stuffies anymore, so I gave him away."
Peter chokes on his spit, his heart breaking, eyes widening. "You- you did?! May! Uncle Ben gave him to me, and he was from my parents!" His voice is high pitched, shaky and loud as tears burning his eyes, feeling ripples of loss rushing through his body. It feels like losing his parents, losing Ben all over again.
Aunt May makes a noise of sympathy and her face scrunches up with guilt, a downward tilt to her lips. She reaches forward and places a hand onto his cheek, rubbing her thumb back and forth soothingly. "Oh, baby, I'm so sorry, I thought it would be fine, I didn't think it would hurt you-"
"It-its okay." He sniffles, blinking back his tears and forcing a smile on to his face as he stands, swallowing back the lump in his through. "You're right, I should be over it by now."
His aunt's face scrunches even more, her face turning even more gut wrenchingly guilty. "No, baby, that's not-"
Peter feels his phone vibrate in his pocket, and, knowing it was from Happy, takes his escape as soon as physically possible. "I think Happy's here, I gotta go." He hears Aunt May call after him as he pushes past her and out the door, getting into the awaiting convertible quickly.
He isn't mad at his aunt, or blame her for getting rid of the teddy, she didnt know any better. She didnt know how important he was to Peter, but it still hurts, even though Peter knows it shouldn't. Its just a teddy bear, but he still finds himself wiping away stubborn tears the entire drive to the compound, feeling one small inconvenience away from sobbing his heart out.
He says a small thank you to Happy once they finally arrive, not noticing the man's worries stare as he takes a deep breath and makes his way to his mentor's lab, the doors opening immediately for him.
As soon as he walks into the room, Mr. Stark is already on his case, looking up from his project with a concerned frown, eyebrows furrowed. "Hey kid, everything alright? Happy said you were quiet on the way over."
Peter shakes his head and reinforces the fake smile on his face, hating the way his cheeks twitch with the effort. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay." His voice is quiet, subdued even to his own ears as he walks to his station, picking up a pair of tweezers even if he has no plan to use them.
Mr. Stark snorts at him, giving him a look. "Yeeeeah, you see, Happy also told me that you were crying the entire way up here too, and that little act you're trying to pull isn't sitting so well with me right now, bud." Peter just stares down at his table and shrugs, watching as the tools get blurrier and blurrier as wetness fills his eyes again. Mr. Starks tone softens significantly as he places a hand on to Peter's shoulder. "Come on, Pete, what's going on in the head of yours, hm?"
Peter sniffs and wipes his eyes with his sleeve, mumbling. "It's stupid."
Mr. Stark rubs a thumb against his shoulder reassuringly. "If its upsetting you, it isn't stupid, kid."
"It is. It's just a teddy bear." Even as hard as he tries to keep his composure, his voice cracks at the end of his sentence, his eyes fill up again and he breaks as soon as the words are out of his mouth, placing a hand up to his lips as the first loud sobs echoes in the room.
Mr. Stark makes a small noise, before pulling him into his chest, holding him tightly as Peter sobs, soaking his old, ratty tshirt with his tears, hand curled into the fabric as he spills everything, how his uncle gave him the bear when it was little, how it came from his parents, all they've been through together, and mostly how much it meant to him. It takes a few minutes for Peter to calm back down again, and as much as he hates to admit it, he feels quite a bit better now that the tightness in his chest has ceased, the grip on his lungs loosening slightly as he got everything off his chest.
"See?" Peter chuckles wetly, sniffling. "Stupid."
"Look at me, bud." Mr. Stark pulls away, and thumbs away the wetness still littering his cheeks, tilting his head up to make sure he's looking him in the eye. "Just because it's a stuffed teddy bear doesnt mean it didnt mean a lot to you," Peter goes to rebuttal, but Mr. Stark blows over him. "And just because you know your aunt didn't mean to, its allowed to hurt. You're allowed to feel this way, Pete, it shows that you care." He smiles gently at the boy, who smiles back shakily.
"Yeah, I-I guess so."
"I know so." Mr. Stark states like it's a fact, patting Peter's cheeks and causing him to giggle, the sound making Mr. Starks entire face soften. "Feel better now?"
Peter nods firmly, smiling easily now. "Yeah, think so... thank you, Tony."
"Of course." The older man gives his shoulders one last squeeze before letting go completely and stepping back, walking back towards his project, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Now that we're done with all that emotional shit, wanna help me on this?"
Peter just grins back at him. "Hell yeah."
A few days later, when Peter comes back for his internship again, a stuffed Iron Man teddy bear is sat at his station. Theres no note or anything attached to it, and Mr. Stark never brings it up, but Peter knows it's from him. And, as he watches the man working in the corner of his eye, he smiles softly down at the teddy bear, his heart warm. He may have lost Tony the teddy, and one of his last connections to his parents and his uncle, but maybe, just maybe, he can make some new memories with this little guy by his side. New memories with his friends, with his new father figure, and his new family as a whole.
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fandomtrumpshate · 4 years
"Other”-type fanwork offerings (so far)
Earlier we posted a roundup of all of the many awesome kinds of fan labor people have signed up to offer so far. In that vein, we thought it might also be helpful to post a summary of the “other digital fanworks” that are being offered so far, since this category is even more varied and mysterious than fan labor. We’re going to do this again shortly before the auction opens, when we have a complete list of signups – but we’re doing this now in the hopes that the complete list grows a lot between now and next Friday.
Please note that this “other” category is just for digital fanworks, not tangible objects. We don’t include fan crafts in the official auction (you can read more about the reasons here.) We do, however, have a fan crafts bazaar, which will help those interested in fan crafts connect to crafters who want to exchange their crafts for donations toward the auction’s supported causes.
We have nine “other” offerings so far. 
Four of these offers are for fic remixes. (What’s a remix? You can read about it here.) Three of these offers (from the same creator) say “Remix will likely be a freeform poem, but may be a structured poem or a short fic.” The fourth offer promises a remix in traditional narrative format.
Between these four remix offers, the following fandoms are included: Sherlock, James Bond, Doctor Who, Good Omens, Rivers of London, She-Ra, Check Please!, Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, and the Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica.
We have one other writing offer (so far), for fan poetry. This creator is offering to write for Yuri!! On Ice, Star Wars, or Percy Jackson and the Olympians.
Our last fic-related offer is super-cool if you’ve ever dreamed of having your own fic in book form: this creator will type-set the bidder’s fic, creating a print-ready PDF of a fic that they can get printed to produce a physical book. This creator is willing to work in any fandom.
We also have some amazing non-print-text-oriented offerings, too!
One creator will adapt an existing piece of fanart and convert it into digital cross-stitch. This creator is willing to create for any fandom, so long as the art is SFW.
Another creator is offering to adapt any teen-or-under rated fanwork in Doctor Who, Tolkien or A Song Of Ice And Fire by translating it into a conlang (Quenya, Gallifreyan, Dothraki, or High Valyrian) and setting that translation to a motion graphic/design video. This creator is a professional designer, and is willing to consult with the bidder on the aesthetic elements of the video.
And finally, we have a creator who will compose music! The bidder will receive an MP3 of the finished piece, as well as sheet music and lyrics (if there are any.) This creator is willing to create for The Adventure Zone, Good Omens and The Magnus Archives.
N.B. Many (though not all) of the creators who are creating on the basis of an existing fanwork are also willing to use someone else’s fanwork as a foundation, so long as the bidder has permission from that fanwork’s creator.
So that’s our “other”-type fanworks, so far. We’re hoping the list grows between now and Friday!
Are you interested in offering an “other” type of digital fanwork  (or fic, or fan art, or a podfic, or a vid, or fan labor) in this year’s auction? Sign up here. Signups close January 31st.
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sylverra · 5 years
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Hey look, it’s a new shop update! 👀
Before we dig in, a reminder! We’re still waiting for Hurricane Dorian to cruise on up to central Florida, and while it looks like we’ll only be getting the outer edges of the storm, please still be prepared for some delays in shipping if you place an order this week 🙌
Moving on! New today:
Rose quartz freeform statue
Triquetra mini cabinet
Amazonite hearts
Calligraphy stone worry stone
Labradorite cabochons
Purple aura amethyst clusters
Tumbled blue tiger eye
Peridot chip bracelet
Pentacle & runes pendant necklace
✨ Sylverra just turned one!!🎉🎂 We’re having a birthday celebration all month long with some fantastic coupons to save you up to 40% on your next order. Check out our home page for details!
✨ Summer of Love sale on now! Thru 9/13, buy any 2 crystals get 1 crystal heart 25% of with code LOVE19. Click here to shop crystal hearts! 💜💚💜💚
✨ While supplies last, buy 2 wands get 1 50% off! This deal is applies automatically to your cart, no code needed. Note: you will not be able to use other coupons on top of this deal.
✨ While supplies last, buy any clearance item, get 25% off any other item with code CLEARITOUT. This code stacks, so you can also buy 2 clearance items and get 25% off 2 other items, buy 3 get 3, etc.
✨ Take a brief short answer survey and get a coupon just for telling us what you think!
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sleepykittypaws · 5 years
Animated Special Advent Calendar
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Updated: December 23, 2019
Every year since my oldest first became interested in TV watching, we’ve watched classic Christmas specials annually. What started as a happy accident with an enamored three-year-old wanting a nightly dose of cartoon Christmas goodness, became a family tradition, and we now try and watch a different special every night between Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve, with family members rotating picks, youngest to oldest. 
After mentioning this several times online, a few folks expressed interest in what we watch, so I’ll try to keep this page updated with daily entries, though I admit we’re not tyrants about doing this (it’s supposed to be fun!), so if we miss a night, we just try to watch two (or more) another time to catch up. The daily picks mean our line-up changes every season (variety is good!), though there are definitely a handful of annual must-watch specials on every family member’s mental lists, and we always finish on Christmas Eve with the 1966 classic, Dr. Suess’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
We’ve got a huge collection of DVDs and digital specials we own, but I’ll try and note where our picks are available to watch, if possible. And, if you’re looking for ideas to fill up your own Christmas Special advent calendar, you can check out my Top 25 Animated Holiday Special list, or the results of our Holiday Special Showdown, where 64 animated classics went head-to-head for viewer’s votes in 2017.
Nov. 28: We kicked things off on Thanksgiving with Phineas and Ferb’s Christmas Vacation, a music-filled Disney Channel original now available on Disney+ (Season 2, episode 21). It’s an annual must-see for us.  
Nov. 29: Night two was British imports Robbie the Reindeer: Hooves of Fire and Robbie the Reindeer in Legend of the Lost Tribe. The first of these Aardman Animation originals is better than the sequel, but both still air annually on CBS. There’s also a third, UK-only entry, Close Encounters of the Herd Kind, that never made it to the US. Fun Fact: 100% of all 3 specials’ profits go to charity, as they were produced by Comic Relief.
Nov. 30: A Chipmunk Christmas. Though it had several DVD releases, they’re all of out print currently and this 1981 classic, a staple of my childhood, has become distressingly hard to find, even though we, personally, have multiple DVD copies.
Dec. 1: Our first special of December was The Happy Elf. This 2005 Harry Connick-voiced special got little love on its release, but is a family favorite. Rare to find on TV, it’s still widely available via digital or DVD, and worth checking out.
Dec. 2: With Frozen fever rampant, we revisited a lesser known entry in the franchise, 2016′s LEGO Frozen Northern Lights. This clever send-up isn’t specifically Christmas, but it’s snowy and so much fun. And it’s now available, though oddly broken into segments, on Disney+. (The Disney Channel is also showing it in one 30 min package all this month.)
Dec. 3: On this busy school night we needed something short, so I picked Pluto’s Christmas Tree, now on Disney+. Kids had never seen this 1952 animated short, and we all really enjoyed it.
Dec. 4: One of those days we wandered off the beaten path and tried the Opus-led A Wish for Wings that Work from 1991, based on the book and comic strip by Berkeley Breathed. A bit long for littles, but the ending landed, and it was a nice change of pace. Not streaming, but available very cheaply on DVD.
Dec. 5: Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire was my son’s pick. This pilot episode for the 30-year-old series works as the stand alone holiday special it was first conceived as, and can be found on Disney+.
Dec. 6: Ducktales: Last Christmas! This fun, 2018 special can be found on Disney+ (season 2, episode 6 of the rebooted series). We watched it several times last year, and it’s just good as I remember. Timey-wimey fun.
Dec. 7: This 2006 direct-to-DVD release isn’t the classic Looney Tunes of the 1930s-40s, but Looney Tunes: Bah, Humduck (available digitally or DVD) is still a fun Christmas Carol take with Daffy as Scrooge and a fairly faithful adaptation of Dickens’ tale.
Dec. 8: Time for a classic: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, playing this year on Freeform, as well as CBS, and also available in an infinite variety of DVD collections and via iTunes.
Dec. 9: Did you know that Hallmark Channel used to make original animated specials? They did, and they were good, too! 2011′s Hoops and Yoyo Ruin Christmas was our pick last night and it’s smart, and cute, and fun. I miss that Hallmark Channel. Released on DVD, it’s out of print, but copies can still be found, and Amazon offers it for digital purchase.
Dec. 10: As a kid the anticipation of this special’s debut was almost too much to bear for my then, 7-year-old self. 1982′s The Smurf’s Christmas Special was my pick last night, and I vividly recalled how it was a such huge event for me at the time that I danced around the basement during the commercials, too full of excitement to sit. It isn’t streaming, but can be found on the still-available 2011 DVD The Smurf’s Holiday Celebration.
Dec. 11 and 12: Busy evenings the past few, so missed the 11th, but still managed to watch Merry Madagascar and Kung Fu Panda Holiday last night—and I almost managed to stay awake, too. (Both are on Netflix.)
Dec. 13: Duck the Halls: A Mickey Mouse Christmas Special, this charming, under-rated 2016 Disney Channel original is, oddly, NOT available on Disney+, though it can be purchased digitally or watched this month via Disney Channel On Demand. A family favorite since its debut.
Dec. 14: Last night, instead of a traditional animated offering, we had our annual viewing of (mostly) animated British Christmas adverts, which are a very big deal in the UK and, frankly, often more awesome than any 30 minute special. I’ve tweeted a lot about my love for these often tear-jerking mini-movies, but here are what I think are my top 5…5) From Sainsbury’s, 2018′s The Big Night builds to an awesome ending. 4) Sainsbury’s The Greatest Gift (2016) has an original song that’s become a Christmas favorite in our house. 3) John Lewis is the master purveyor of this emotionally manipulative—in the best way—three-minute extravaganzas. Lots to choose from, but 2014′s Monty the Penguin is probably my fave. 2) In 2015, Sainsbury’s delivered the perfect mix of comedy and heart with Mog’s Christmas Calamity. 1) And my fave—a bit of cheat since it’s Canadian—is Cineplex’s Lily and the Snowman. Seen it probably 100 times now, and cried every one. There’s plenty more to explore, from the UK and beyond, and falling down a rabbit hole of these ads on YouTube is an utterly delightful way to spend an evening. To get you started, here’s a compilation of what one YouTube reviewer calls the top 10 Christmas ads of 2019.
Dec. 15: Returned to a classic with 1969′s Frosty the Snowman, which still airs annually on CBS. Happy Birthday! 
Dec. 16: Finally watched NBC’s new How to Train Your Dragon: Homecoming, available on Hulu.
Dec. 17: My pick, and I chose a Rankin-Bass we hadn’t seen in a while, 1970′s Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town. Unfortunately, forgot how long and slow this one was. My kids were kind of bored.
Dec. 18: Shrek the Halls, which really is laugh-out-loud family fun. For some reason, this is the only Dreamworks special not on Netflix, but does still air annually on ABC.
Dec. 19: I have no clue how Olive the Other Reindeer, this super-charming, Drew Barrymore-voiced special about a dog who mishears a radio bulletin and thinks Santa needs her, didn’t become a classic. It’s not streaming, but is available very inexpensively on DVD and well worth a watch.
Dec. 20: How Murray Saved Christmas, another overlooked gem, this 2014 rhyming special first appeared on NBC, and is airing this season as part of AMC’s Best Christmas Ever. (It’s also available on DVD and digital.)
Dec. 21: As we realize we’re quickly running out of days till Christmas, time to make sure we pack in some classics, like, A Charlie Brown Christmas.
Dec. 22: Santa, Baby! This 2001special featuring Eartha Kitt is the last of the Rankin-Bass originals and it’s…fine. Lots of music and a magical partridge. Not something you see everyday. (Was available on DVD, now out of print, and can sometimes be found on YouTube.)
Dec. 23: Saving the best for (almost) last, the whole family got up this morning and watched Prep & Landing, and its sequel, Prep & Landing: Naughty vs Nice, in our jammies, to kick off Christmas vacation.
Dec. 24: Christmas Eve is always the 1966 version of Dr. Suess’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas to remind us all that Christmas doesn't come from a store. Christmas...perhaps...means a little bit more.
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comicteaparty · 4 years
March 23rd-March 29th, 2020 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from March 23rd, 2020 to March 29th, 2020.  The chat focused on Puppeteer by Eightfish.
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Featured Comment:
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Comic Tea Party
Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Puppeteer by Eightfish~! (https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/puppeteer/list?title_no=290620)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace until March 29th, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Discussions are freeform, but we do offer discussion prompts in the pins for those who’d like to have them. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic! Whether you finish the comic or can only read a few pages, everyone is welcome to join and chat with us!
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic?
2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)?
3. Who is your favorite character?
4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most?
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it!
6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores?
7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content?
8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
eli [a winged tale]
Ooh exciting! I’ll try and get to this soon!
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Yes yes, I had started reading this last week, want to continue and get in on this convo!!
Joichi / Sarah
Oh I'll take a look at reading Puppeteer!
Ditto. Time for another art binge
eli [a winged tale]
1) I love the colours and lighting! As for the story, the banter really drew me in and when J offered freedom, that was my hook 2) My favourite moment was when J tore Eli out of his body! That was a very striking moment. 3) I really like J and Sam They’re both characters with a strong voice and motivation. 4) I enjoy the friendship chat between Sam and Eli. They really ground the whole college experience and the comic world for me. 5) Let me find it! 6) I think the themes of feeling lost in life or directionless after regimented high school are very relatable. It’s one thing to know where you wanna go and want to be but often we feel we’re just floating in reality. 7) I love the aesthetics! Very unique style yet also clear in storytelling! 8) I would say the strengths tie into the fast pace and great characters. I’m not sure where we’re headed in the comic but I’m sure we will get to know why beings like J and the Ocean lady exist and what roles Eli/Sam would play in the story great work Eightfish!
Love this shot! Great paneling!
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
The artwork is so beautiful!
Yeah, the flow of motion is amazing here that's really good gesture drawing
Feather J. Fern
I have to say I love the way you do the limited palette for the first few pages, it's really cool!
Oh! From setup to where some f/f romance is implied. I shall read more. (Nice when the ships are verging on canon, if not there...)
Wonder if J is going to set things up such that Eli has to possess one of them.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Aaa, thank you all for the compliments about my art, eli, sssfrs, shadow, feather. I'm really trying to make this thing look good and I'm glad you guys like it.
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
It looks really good!!
eli [a winged tale]
Love it Eightfish! Can’t wait for more!
What I liked about the beginning is just kind of how jarring it is (in a good way). You get thrown right into a semi-tense/suspicious interaction, and it really kind of sets that tone for the rest of the comic. Which is actually what I like about the story all together. There's always this kind of laid back atmosphere to it where you're never really sure if you should be concerned or not. So it's got this right beat where you aren't always screaming but also aren't ever able to fully relax cause it feels like danger is around the corner. Coincidentally, the beginning is also probably my favorite moment in the comic as well, just cause again, I really love the tone here. My favorite character at the moment is probably J cause I can't figure J out and would like to know more about J. Cause J is just like this chaotic entity who I can't decide is good or evil and it's a complicated mess that I love. As for favorite interactions, definitely Eli and J. I like they're kind of friends, kind or enemies, kind of maybe sort of abusive relationship, maybe kind of sort of cut from the same fabric. There's a lot of levels to their relationship, so I do like seeing where it's going to go.
What I like about the art is just the overall style combined with the color experimentation. I think this in of itself really helps with the tone I keep mentioning, because it'll go from normal colors to suddenly very jarring, dark contrasts. So again, there's always this hint that something just isn't ever right in the world. I also think these features are the comic's strength, since it's a very interesting style that draws the eye.
Lastly for today, themes. I really like that the comic kind of explores ambition vs. lack of ambition. As someone who is more similar to Eli and would be kind of happy to just be people watching mush sometimes, I really relate. However, there are deep questions about whether this is good, whether ambition is better or whether ambition can go too far. So it's kind of good to see this explored and just kind of show that inevitably, people are different and not everyone has the same sorts of drives (or drives at all).
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Oh my god, you have no idea how happy I am to read that. Everything you said was exactly what I was going for and this is very validating
(also, can we just appreciate Rebel for a moment. They take the time to write these in depth analyses of every comic here and I always enjoy reading them. Even if I knew rebel was going to be the only one in this book club I would still be jumping to sign up.) (Not that I don't appreciate everyone else, those comments were lovely as well haha. So interesting to to read eli's thoughts on the characters and what will happen next)(edited)
Also!! Eightfish!! Your comic is so freaking gorgeous! I absolutely love the color scheme and the surrealist feel the art gives off. It really feels like it's otherworldly, but also familiar. Kind of how old Noir movies felt! I've only read the beginning so far and I am loving the tone.
Comic Tea Party
9. Will Eli actually be satisfied with his decision to just float around away from responsibility in the long term, or do you think that will change? Additionally, what do you think caused Eli to run away from life so much?
10. Do you think Sam will ever come to accept Eli’s decisions, and how will the situation change the two’s relationship? What will Eli teach Sam about trying to fix everything, and how will the two change each other through their interactions?
11. What do you think J ultimately wants in life, and what does that have to do with giving Eli powers? Why is Sam so convinced that J is a demon? In general, do you think Eli, Sam, and Lily can put a stop to J’s mayhem?
12. How do you interpret the story’s title in terms of its significance to the events of the comic? Also, what significance do you think it has towards the theme of beliefs and how beliefs go stronger the more people believe in them?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
(This week is kinda kicking my ass but I have finished the read and will find time for some comments in the next day or two. Just putting that out there.)
Okay, just a couple quick thoughts in case anyone else wants to react to them... I think Eli felt like there wasn't much of anything left to him. Didn't seem like he had family checking up on him, and major events like breaking your arm are the sorts of times you learn who's rallying around you. Sam distancing herself was probably the last straw.
I wonder a bit whether Vanessa (the one massively possessed by J, only name dropped in the author notes if memory serves) had a similar path. Or whether she's just off the deep end (maybe she pushed J into the arm breaking on some level).
Also think that Lily's pleased to have someone who can finally do something about the visions she's presumably been having all her life (unless it's a puberty awakening thing), though it does seem like her romance with Sam goes deeper than that. I wonder about her romantic history (but then I wonder about that with all f/f ships). And could Sam be bi? Or is she not straight, and part of that is what pulled her from Eli?
As I say, couple quick thoughts.
@mathtans Those are some good points about Eli's family. I have to say I did kind of where they were at, cause at the very least I do get the impression Eli doesn't feel like they can be relied on. But I do think isolation is playing a big role in Eli's decision making right now.
Do I think Eli will actually be satisfied with his decision? Yes and no. I kind of feel like Eli would be fine with it overall but that inevitably extenuating circumstances will ruin the whole thing. Otherwise I honestly think Eli might be content if people around would accept it. As for why Eli is causing to run away from life, probably social pressure and isolation. It's hard to deal with life if you have no one around you, and also hard to deal with society when you really just don't have ambitions, cause society is very much about ambition. As for Sam, I think this is also a yes and a no. I think Sam will blame herself for Eli's choices as she comes to understand them more, but at the same time learn to let Eli live as Eli sees fit. I do think Sam will learn a valuable lesson though that not everything she thinks is broken is, and even if it is, sometimes people have to learn for themselves. So I think it'll bring Eli and Sam closer.
As for what J wants, I think it's probably friends. I think J fell in with Eli because they're both just kind of lonely souls. And while Eli expresses this in further isolation, J acts out and does everything possible to get attention. I do think the group will put a stop to J's shenanigans though, but I'm also feeling that it won't be a defeating of the villain (but this may be wishful thinking cause I do sympathize with J). I kind of get the feeling the title is meant to reflect both literally that J is turning people into puppets but also the complicated relationship people have with the concept of control. Like Sam for example. Sam clearly wants to fix and "control" things to suit them to how she wants. Also, in the Eli/J relationship, there's a question of who controls who to a degree. As for its connection to belief, I think I'd argue the strong our beliefs are in something, the more those beliefs have control of our lives. And I think that's something we once again see with J a lot in that J is literally controlling people while people seem convinced they control themselves.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Oh Rebel, mathtans, your comments make me just want to just spoil the entire story and blurt out everything right here. It's been so good seeing that so much of my intent was coming through.
@mathtans Sam is indeed not straight. I wonder what made you see her as bisexual specifically?(edited)
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
I don’t think Sam had any malicious intent in keeping her distance from Eli, nor was it a case of “I’ve got a girlfriend now so I don’t need to talk to my other friends”. To me, Sam very much sees herself as the only one with the power to protect people, and because of that she feels it’s her duty to control what people get involved, where everyone goes, etc. Sam can keep this city under control, and thus she must. And, yeah, I agree with @RebelVampire that control is one of the main themes of the comic in general. Like J is constantly egging Eli on to control others, and one of their main points is that ordinary people often are looking to delegate control to someone else. And this current segment is the perfect lesson on how it doesn’t have to be one person in control - Eli and Sam can both be in control at once.(edited)
One thing I feel like should be mentioned though - the factor of Eli potentially being nb factoring into his decision? Like, when he first becomes a puppetmaster, one of the first things Eli says is “how come I still look like me” (i.e., rather than androgynous like J?), and one of the things Eli does to practice out shape shifting is try on dresses.
@Eightfish (Puppeteer) Oh, nothing specifically made me see Sam as bisexual, but nothing made me see her as exclusively lesbian either. I've learned not to take that stuff for granted and wait for it be be spelled out (I'm also not the most observant though). In fact I have a f/f relationship in my writing where one of them is stated bisexual.
Also, good point snuffy on the androgynous aspect, never occurred to me there.
Comic Tea Party
13. What are you most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic?
14. Any final words of encouragement for the comic?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Okay, let's address some questions to the best of my abilities. ^.^ Regarding the start, as was mentioned, the muted colours and dark character seemed to fit the tone. I thought the cutaway was a time skip but it made sense when we came back later.
My favourite moment was actually when Sam and Lily spent the night in Eli's apartment. Aside from helping to confirm the f/f relation (a personal taste), it was subtle (like, just a friend wouldn't necessarily go along with things for that time) versus making out or something (which wouldn't fit the tone). And at the same time, it showed that Eli was separating himself from his past life, not even going back to check in... Sam honestly seems to be his only tie. (And I kinda wonder where his original body is, if it even exists?)
Favourite character is tough. Honestly, maybe Lily because she seems so innocent, having been drawn into things... and I wonder if J ever approached her to get to Sam? Or has the focus always been on Eli? It's not that I dislike the other characters, it's more that one of their flaws seems to be a lack of communication. The sort of thing that makes me sigh, even though it fits with what we've seen and is helping motivate the plot.
That said, yeah the Sam and Eli interactions are really good, right from the moment of "don't touch me" and Sam totally respected that as they got caught up. They obviously do care for each other in the friend way. (I wonder if Eli wanted more? Could that be why he shifted female, to be closer to Sam?)
I'm not good with art or themes. -.- The way the being in the harbour was drawn was good though from what I recall, helped to show the scope of the supernatural too. I guess a theme of belonging? Or friendship?
I haven't said much about J yet, but I think that is a something I like and a strength, the plotting... trying to guess the next move. And maybe they want to become as popular as the larger demon? Definitely drives the other characters forwards. And reminds me of Rebel's comment about ambition being a theme... makes sense in retrospect. (And yes, much appreciation to Rebel. ^.- )
9. I think Eli will eventually be satisfied, though I think he's realizing that he's becoming a bit of a pawn in a larger game, not having considered the scope of his transformation. And I already mentioned about his family. And Rebel made good points there too.
I think Sam's starting to accept the change, though not necessarily the reason for it (and I'm not sure she or we truly know what that is). What with her trusting him to possess. In fact, another reason why Eli might have done this was to be of more use to Sam, though that may not have been a conscious decision. The dynamic will be interesting.
Here I'm diverging from Rebel in that I think J wants to be recognized as a more important demon (though that's similar to having friends, it doesn't need to be). Maybe others have tried to take over beings like Sam without success? Or like Ocean Lady are so far above that they don't care? Maybe there's a clue somewhere in why Vanessa isn't enough for J lately.
That's a really interesting point in terms of the title... at first I figured it was the idea of Eli jumping into bodies. But of course, he's not really into that, and it's more J... who is perhaps puppeteering even beyond that, pulling the strings of people that aren't possessed. (There was mention of squid too, I wonder if the tentacles of a squid could be like the strings on a puppet?) Anyhue.
Will be interesting to see Lily's reaction to what's going on, as I have a suspicion that she'll show up... and perhaps blame herself for not being there when Eli was (even though Eli was brought in later). Or she could misinterpret the situation and think Eli's gone evil! Who knows. (How long has she been going out with Lily again?)
I think that's all for now. Best with it!
Yoooo sorry for the late response. Alright I'll try to answer the prompts as succinctly as I can. 1. The art style is very aesthetically pleasing! I love how you use mainly black against a lot of other bright colours like tan/light blue/gold; it gives it almost a Grecian vase vibe!
2. I have two actually!
The first one because it hit a really close hit to home. I loved seeing a real, down to earth conversation between friends and it felt...real. Seeing concerned friends talking about an abusive relationship and not....exploding is very refreshing.
The second one because I absolutely love that last panel, where J plays around with her words and follows through with a similar action. It felt like she was toying with Sam and it reminded me of the scene in Aladdin, where Jafar was toying with Aladdin with his words. Probably my favourite villain scene of J.
3. Funnily enough, I really like Sam. She's that one friend who's shown to be concerned for Eli, but she knows that she can't force him out of the abusive relationship. She respects his boundaries and is overall a good friend. That's rare and usually underappreciated in real life.
4. The interactions between Sam and Eli were the best for me, because they were very heartwarming and the care they show for each other resonates with me
5. The two moments I mentioned were my top favourites, actually!
6. The idea that you can't save everyone is one I really like. Sometimes you have to let the person you love make difficult and maybe even foolhardy decisions in life, but that's to let them grow up and mature.
7. Like I said earlier, it reminded me of Grecian vase paintings, which I love! Another thing I love about it is how free the gesture drawings are; drawings such as the hand drawings are testament to that
8. I think the strongest part of Puppeteer is its use of motion; my eye is always drawn to the line of action and it almost felt like a film at some parts. The story is heavily action oriented, which I like
9. Honestly, I don't know. Like @mathtans said, he doesn't seem to have family who check up on him, but he DOES have friends who do! Maybe someday he'll want to change, he'll see that he stayed stagnant while his friends keep on progressing in life. Either he'll go deeper into his isolation or he ultimately decides that this isn't for him. 10. I think it's a sad case where she's going to have to learn to let Eli make his mistakes and grow up. If she's constantly there to fix or solve everything for him, both characters suffer in that no one will learn everything. But hopefully, like other people have said, it brings them closer. 11. From what she's said, I think she wants control and power. But if you want a more indepth answer, I think she wants absolute control and worship from individuals. She wants to be put on a pedestal (wanting to be higher than other people?) and she wants that rush of feeling, that feeling of being dedicated to. But seeing @RebelVampire 's answer, maybe it's a twisted form of trying to keep people from leaving her, similar to how abusers try to keep their victims close. Heck, she could even develop a form of Lima syndrome and sympathize with the victim. I think Sam's and co. can put a stop to it, but ultimately, it's up to ELI himself to do so. 12. I agree with @RebelVampire on this one; Puppeteer can be a reference to how much we let others and their beliefs control us, and how the characters each covet control in some shape or form. Maybe Eli feels like he's lost control of his life and is trying to escape responsibility in a desperate effort to regain it?
13. I'm really looking forward to how this whole Eli/J relationship will affect Eli and his relationship with his friends. I'm also wondering what J's character development would be, if any; would she start sympathizing more with Eli? Learn something new from Eli? Or even become increasingly antagonistic towards Eli? 14. @Eightfish (Puppeteer) I really look forward to reading more from your webcomic, your art and conversation exchanges between your characters are top notch! Keep up the good work
What I'm most looking forward to in regards to the comic is finding out more about J I think. I'm interested to learn more about the driving force behind J's actions and how those might cause the characters to rethink what J is. As for final words, I really just still enjoyed the atmosphere. So few comics can nail it, but this one really managed to capture that feeling of dread that really keeps you reading. So I can wait to see that be used more throughout the comic.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Thanks @mathtans , @shadowhood , @snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights) for the recent long comments you've posted! It was wonderful reading what you thought about character motivations and themes. And I'm glad so many people said they were looking forward to learning more about J, because that's what I'm most looking forward to writing as well.
Comic Tea Party
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Puppeteer this week! Please also give a special thank you to Eightfish for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Puppeteer, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/puppeteer/list?title_no=290620
Eightfish’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/eightfish
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jcinknetwork · 5 years
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I’ve gotten quite a few asks lately asking to make a tutorial on how to roleplay on jcink, so I’m going to break it down as easily as I can! If you have any other tutorials that you would like me to do, just send me an ask! If you need me to clarify something, just let me know!
Okay, so the first thing that you’ll probably do is find a site in order to join it. There are a lot of other great directories out there and I know that a lot of people search through resource sites. A lot of these directories have separate categories or tags which you can use to find just the site that you’re looking for. Here are a few examples:
@jcinknetwork​ - navigation page
@jcinkadverts​ - navigation page
wecode - advertising section
That’s about easy enough! If you’re looking to make a site and want to know if other people might be interested (ex: a real life site based in Washington, D.C, a post potter era adult era site, a fantasy site completely made up), you can usually find an “interest check” tag or section in order to ask. 
The majority of sites have a similar layout, so I’m just going to be describing what the general layout is. 
Each forum has different categories, which is the main section. Keep in mind that all skins will usually look different in colors, minor structures, and so on, but the overall design for most skins is generally quite similar. 
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In the image above, it’s the part that says “wecode”. Beneath each category is a forum. In the image above, they are important reads, site announcements, and moderation. 
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If you click on the forum (we’re going to click on announcements), you’ll see what’s in the picture above (though without all the cool colorful boxes). 
PiNK - That’s a subforum. 
BLUE - This is just going to tell you what forum it’s in, but technically it’s called a maintitle (though that isn’t crucial knowledge).
GREEN - This is a topic. You can usually see who posted it, the description of the topic, the last person who posted in it and when, and how many views and replies it has. 
Now, most sites are set up in a similar way. Here’s a basic rundown of how the forums are structured:
[ Site Name Here ] - Important Reads (member groups, rules, lore, etc) - Announcements (activity checks, announcements) - Moderation / Codes (site codes, topic moderation)
[ Registering ] - Registry (application code, where you post your application) - Claims (canon lists, face claims, other site claims)
[ Development ] - Shippers (where shippers are sorted, usually don’t post here yourself. plot with other characters here!) - Classifieds (requests) - Development (personal character development, post moodboards, aesthetics, etc here) - Communication (quick threads that usually take the form of notes, texts, calls, etc)
[ Location (Hogwarts / Washington, D.C. / DOWNTOWN) ] - The number of location boards varies per site. HP-wise, it might be set between Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, and London. If you’re in DC based site, it might be split between DC, Maryland, and Virginia. The locations listed under the location boards are usually located within the location title.
[ Out of Character ] - Usually just advertising and archives
There are a few terms that you should know before you get started roleplaying on jcink because there are times when it might be a bit confusing for newbies, but it’s generally quite user friendly. 
SHIPPER - (Dossier, Plotter, Plot Page) These are used to plot between characters on the site (though the majority of sites now also allow plotting on Discord channels). There’s often a code you can use on the site to post your shipper as most sites generally like it to be uniform or at least to be using their codes. You fill in the shipper which usually includes a platonic, antagonistic, and romantic section for a short general description. Images are also included in these! If you want to plot with someone, you first post in their shipper. They will usually reply in your shipper, so keep an eye on that!
WANTED AD - (Classifieds, Requests) If you want to request people or a certain plot, this is the place to do it. If you aren’t sure what kind of character you want to make, check this section to see if anyone is looking for anyone. 
PROFILE - You can usually click on your name on a site and it will take you to your profile. To access an editing panel, you can usually find the cog in the topbar or someone where on the page and click on edit profile info on the sidebar in order to edit your profile. A lot of sites include multiple images and player or character information on the profile page, so be sure to fill those out. 
APPLICATION - Although getting more rare nowadays, applications are where you apply to join a site. Follow the rules outlined in the application code topic for what your title and description should look like and post a new topic in usually one of two different forums: complete, unfinished. Usually there’s a third forum entitled “pending” for character applications that just need a bit more work. 
SHIPPER APP - Sometimes sites use shipper apps. Instead of just being an application, it’s a shipper as well! Two birds with one stone, eh?
PROFILE APP - When it comes to profile apps, you have to go to your profile and edit it. There’s usually a large textbox for the actual freeform part of the application, though there’s also a lot of just general information to fill out. Completely a profile app usually also requires people to post their shipper before they join. 
MEMBER GROUP - These are groups that your characters are sorted into. These vary depending on the site. A classic example is this: a Harry Potter site is usually separated into Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw. You just pick which group your character goes into. By default, you’ll probably be a “member” or something similar. 
The first thing that you want to do once you find a site that you like is read the rules. This usually tells you how you’re supposed to register your account. What you register your account as is what everyone else sees, so if you register as Harry J. Potter (with the capitalization), that’s what everyone will see. Most of the time, you just register with your character’s first and last name in proper caps, but this is where reading the rules comes in. Some sites prefer all uppercase, all lowercase, middle initials, and some sites even require you to first register an alias account instead of a character account. Just be sure to read the rules!!! 
The next step is to reserve your faces or characters. Most sites only allow one or two reserves at a time, though be sure to read just to make sure. Usually on a site, there’s a code listed as the “reserve code” that you can use. If the face or character is already taken, you can’t use them.
The next step is creating your shipper or application or editing your profile. It depends on the kind of application (see PART iii). 
Then, you wait. I know, it totally sucks to wait, but it’s what you gotta do. If you’re pended, you’ll get a PM on the site from the staff letting them know what you missed. If you’re accepted, well get on plotting! 
Visit the shipper forum and plot with other characters. This is totally informal so you can fangirl and sob all you want to. There is usually a code to do this, so be sure to look around before you do so (sometimes it’s just a button). Once you find one that you mesh with or come up with a plot that you absolutely have to do, let the other person know that you want to do a thread with them. If they agree, either start the thread (and let them know that you’ll do it) or ask if they would be willing to start it. Determine the location (ex: Draco and Pansy in Hogsmeade at the Three Broomsticks - I (Draco) would post in the Hogsmeade category in the Three Broomsticks forum.) You would title it anything you want and the description usually tags the person. Example:
Title: ; start a fight Description: pansy parkinson / alias of other person
Then, of course, send the other person a link to the thread you guys are doing. When you guys think that your thread is done, just request to have it archived in the moderation forum. 
Now, if you want to keep track of all of the threads you’re doing or have all of your character’s shipper pages in one thread, you can go to development and create something called a tracker. You can edit this page however you want to include all of the threads that you’re character or characters are involved in so you can access them quickly.
Don’t forget to join your site’s Discord as well to interact with other players!
If I missed something (which, tbh, I probably have) or if you need me to clarify something, don’t hesitate to send me an ask. If you want it answered privately, please let me know. 
93 notes · View notes
triffysells · 3 years
KHDDD Riku Plush Crochet Pattern
The second entry in my KH character plushie series, Riku KingdomHearts!! (again) (but this time he’s sleepy)
This pattern and the resulting doll was my entry to March Caprice 2021!!
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The main parts of this pattern are inspired by SirPurlGrey’s free bunny pattern, found here! This pattern would have been SO impossible without the solid base his work provides, so check him out if you like the style!
- crochet hook (I use a F5 3.75mm)
- tapestry needle
- worsted/size 4 yarn (blue, black, skintone, silver, white, yellow, teal recommended) though larger yarn means larger Riku (I use mostly Caron Simply Soft yarn because it’s very soft, but it tends toward a light 4 weight)
- stuffing/polyfill
SKILL LEVEL: intermediate, but I doubt skill level has ever stopped a Riku stan
ch = chain
slst = slip stitch
sc = single crochet
hdc = half double crochet
dc = double crochet
tc = treble crochet
inc = increase (two of the most recent crochet into a single stitch)
dec = decrease (one of the most recent crochet in two stitches, only pulling through after both)
d3c = threecrease (one of the most recent crochet in three stitches, only pulling through after both)
“front of chain” = the V-shaped loops
“back of chain” = the single loop not a part of the V-shape
isc = in the second chain from the hook
HEAD in hair (A) and skin (B) color
 note: your hairline may vary based on the gauge of your stitches - feel free to freeform where you change colors, it doesn’t make THAT big a difference
1. A 6sc on magic ring  (6)
2. A 6inc  (12)
3. A (sc, inc) x 6  (18)
4. A (2sc, inc) x 6  (24)
5. A (3sc, inc) x 6  (30)
6-7. A 10sc, B 9sc, A 11sc  (30)
8. A 8sc, 2inc, B 9sc, A sc, 2inc, 8sc  (34)
9. A 12sc, B 10sc, A 12sc  (34)
10. A 12sc, B 3sc, inc, 2sc, inc, 3sc, A 12sc  (36)
11. A 12sc, B 12sc, A 12sc  (36)
12. A (4sc, dec) x 2, B 4sc, 2dec, 4sc, A (dec, 4sc) x 2  (30)
13. A (3sc, dec) x 2, B 3sc, 2dec, 3sc, dec, A 3sc, dec, 3sc  (24)
14. A (2sc, dec) x 2, B (2sc, dec) x 2, sc, A sc, dec, 2sc, dec  (18)
15. B (sc, dec) x 6  (12)
 slst to finish off, leave a long tail for sewing
BODY in light blue (A), black (B), white (C), and yellow (D)
  For neat color transitions, slst and finish off at the end of Round 7 and every round after
1. A 6sc on magic ring  (6)
2. A 6inc  (12)
3. A (sc, inc) x 6  (18)
4. A (2sc, inc) x 6  (24)
5-6. A sc around  (24)
7. A (4sc, dec) x 4  (20)
8. B (8sc, dec) x 2  (18)
9. (C 7sc, D 2sc) x 2  (18)
10. (C 7sc, D dec) x 2  (16)
11. (C sc, dec, 2sc, dec, D sc) x 2  (12)
 slst and finish off
ARMS (make two) in skin (A) and wristband (B) color
1. A 6sc on magic ring  (6)
2. A (sc, inc) x 3  (9)
3. A sc around, slst and finish off  (9)
4. B dec, 7sc  (8)
5. B slst around, slst and finish off  (8)
6. A sc around  (8)
7. A (2sc, dec) x 2  (6)
 slst to finish off, leave a long tail for sewing
LEGS (make two) in black (A), yellow (B), white (C), and light blue (D)
1. A 6sc on magic ring  (6)
2. A 6inc  (12)
3. A sc, (sc, 2hdc) in next st, (2hdc, sc) in next st, sc 
  this round is left intentionally incomplete, to shape the shoe
 slst and finish off
4. In back loops only, B 2sc, 2dec, 5sc, dec, 3sc, slst and finish off  (13)
5. C 7sc, (d3c) x 2  (9)
6. C 7slst, dec  (8)
7. C sc around, slst and finish off  (8)
8. D sc around  (8)
 slst to finish off, leave a long tail for sewing
HAIR (top) in hair color
1. ch4. Into the back of the chain, 2sc and inc. Turn, into the front, 2sc and inc.  (9)    You should now have an oval. The inc from the back of the chain and first sc into the front are effectively into the same stitch, with the yarn tail pulled under in between them to keep it neat and out of the way.
2. Skip one stitch, (inc, 2sc, inc) x 2  (12)
3. (inc, 3sc, inc, sc) x 2  (16)
4. (sc, inc, 4sc, inc, sc) x 2  (20)
5. (2sc, inc, 5sc, inc, sc) x 2  (24)
6. (3sc, inc, 6sc, inc, sc) x 2  (28)
 Now We’re Into The Spikes Oh No
S1. 3sc, ch9, into the front of the chain isc 2sc, 3hdc, 3dc, then slst onto main hair
S2. sc, ch5, into the back of the chain isc hdc, dc, 2inc, on main hair skip one then slst
S3. Turn the hair over, then onto S2 sc, sc into the closer loop, ch2, turn the hair back rightside, isc sc, then into the already made portion of S3 hdc, dc, slst onto main hair
S4. Turn the hair over, then onto S3 sc, sc into the closer loop, ch3, turn the hair back rightside, isc sc, hdc, dc, inc, on main hair skip one then slst
S5. ch4, into the front of the chain isc sc, hdc, dc, slst onto main hair
S6. ch6, into the front of the chain isc 2sc, 2hdc, dc, slst onto main hair
S7. sc, ch9, into the back of the chain isc 2sc, 3hdc, 3dc, slst onto main hair
S8. sc, ch6, into the front of the chain isc sc, 2hdc, 2dc, slst onto main hair
S9. sc, ch7, into the back of the chain isc sc, 2hdc, 3dc, on main hair skip one then slst
S10. Turn the hair over, then onto S9 4sc, sc into the closer loop, ch1, 2sc into the already made portion of S10, 3hdc, slst onto main hair
S11. sc, ch7, into the front of the chain isc sc, hdc, 4dc, slst onto main hair
S12. sc, ch7, into the back of the chain isc sc, hdc, 4dc, slst onto main hair
S13. sc, ch6, into the front of the chain isc sc, 4hdc, slst onto main hair
S14. Turn the hair over, then onto S13 3sc, sc into the closer loop, ch2, isc sc, 2hdc, dc, inc, on main hair skip one then slst
S15. sc, ch6, into the back of the chain isc sc, 2hdc, 2dc, slst onto main hair and finish off
 Sew together S11 and S12 to make one U shaped spike!
HAIR (bottom) in hair color
1. ch13, isc sc12
2-4. ch1, sc11
S1. ch4, into the front of the chain isc sc, hdc, dc, on main hair skip one then slst
S2. slst, ch5, into the back of the chain isc 2sc, 2hdc, slst onto main hair
S3. ch6, into the back of the chain isc hdc, 2dc, 2tc, on main hair skip two then slst
S4. ch5, into the front of the chain isc 2sc, 2hdc, slst onto main hair
S5. slst, ch4, into the back of the chain isc sc, hdc, dc, on main hair skip one then slst
 ch1, cut, and pull to finish off
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I don’t imagine there’s a wrong way to sew parts on, so beginners can relax - as long as it’s attached it’s probably fine??? Just don’t tie any knots until you’re sure you’ve placed the part correctly!! (I know this from experience…) Note that you can add the face details before stuffing so that you can reach the other side to tie any knots better, but I prefer to add the face after so I can use the hair as a guide.
Body: Stuff and attach the head and body! They should have the same number of stitches at their openings, so they can be attached evenly. You can sew partially then finish stuffing if you find you’re having trouble keeping the stuffing in. Make sure the face side of the head matches one of the white sides of the body, not the yellow!
Limbs: Stuff and sew the arms and legs onto the torso; make sure the legs are positioned well to keep Riku sitting up rather than tilting to the front or back!
Hair: Godspeed. The hair is tough to assemble - first sew on the bottom hair (flat piece) on the back of Riku’s head, ensuring the little bottom spikes are positioned to your liking near the back of the head. Then use his bangs and the spikes that frame his face to position the top hair. Sew down whatever spikes you feel are pointing outward too much! You can use the hair colored yarn, or a same-color thread. Just a few knots here or there will secure it well enough.
Face: For the eyes, you can use yarn, thread, or sew on felt or buttons! I embroider with some teal thread, but you could creatively swap for yellow or Dream Eater pink! For the mouth, you can use a little bit of black thread or fray apart some black yarn. You can also add some eyebrows with hair color yarn if you want an expression like angry or sad.
Shoelaces: Riku has his shoelaces wrapped around his shoes! You can mimic this by taking a 12in piece of black yarn and wrapping it around his ankle a few times before tying a bow on top. A longer piece of yarn will allow for more wraps around.
Collar: His big dumb popped collar! You can use black yarn to ch16, isc inc, 13sc, inc, leave a long tail to sew it around his neck
Sigil: Riku is literally a Dream Eater! He turned into one! Wild! Love that for him. You can cut a little Dream Eater sigil out of felt or another fabric and sew it on! With my Rikus, it needs to be about 1/2 inch tall - very small and hard to cut! You could also try to embroider one on with yarn or thread.
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Wings: I LOVE designs for Dream Eater Riku that take Rising Wing and his association to Komory Bats to a whole new level. If you also are a being of taste, consider adding some wings to your Riku!
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That’s it!! You’ve finished your very own plush Riku doll! He is small and squeezable and snzzzzzz...
If you have any questions about any part of this pattern, you can contact me on my twitter!
If you want to link/share this post, please do! But if you want a version of this pattern on some other site, please do not repost it. Contact me, and I’ll see if I can work out posting it on wherever else. Thank you!
I make this and all future such character doll patterns free because everyone deserves a little plushie of their fave, but if you wanna support my work you can buy plushies from my Etsy or buy me a coffee! <3
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thefosterspoilers · 6 years
How ‘The Fosters’ Will Say Goodbye and Set Up Its Spinoff
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Freeform is sending “The Fosters” off in style — the series is wrapping its run with a three-night “special event,” centered on Brandon’s (David Lambert) destination wedding. But those three hours, which start airing on June 4, will also serve to launch the upcoming spinoff.
“These three had to kind of have a standalone feel to them,” executive producer and showrunner Joanna Johnson tells Variety. “That’s why the event of a wedding really helped — to give us a real beginning, middle, and an end — rather than just three meandering or serialized episodes. We felt strongly that these three had to have something that structured them as a piece.”
The season 5 finale, which aired back in March, jumped forward in time to show all of the Adams-Fosters kids graduating from high school. But Johnson says she came up with the idea before she learned that the series wasn’t coming back for a sixth season.
“We would do them either in college or post-college because I think parenting adult children, I’ve heard, is sometimes even more challenging than younger children because bigger people, bigger problems,” she says. “And that would give us freedom to tell adult stories,” she says.
Johnson says the network initially wasn’t supportive of that idea, but when they decided the show would not continue on, they changed their minds — with one additional request for “The Fosters” team: “[They] wanted the audience to know, ‘Hey, there’s more story coming, we’re not done,'” Johnson says. So Brandon announced his engagement — kicking off the upcoming series wrapper.
While Johnson says “there were financial reasons” behind “The Fosters” ending this year (the network declined to comment), she notes that it was Freeform who pushed to “have the show go out with something special” before launching the spinoff.
“After watching this family grow and evolve over the last five seasons, we ultimately decided it was time to see the kids grow up and send them out into adulthood to face new challenges,” Karey Burke, Freeform executive vice president of programming and development, tells Variety. “We knew that by following Mariana and Callie to Los Angeles we could continue to build on ‘The Fosters’s’ legacy, all while focusing on that pivotal moment in a young adult’s life when they’re trying to find their place in the world.”
The final three episodes of “The Fosters” start as the family prepares to travel to Turks & Caicos for Brandon’s wedding. And while Johnson admits her writers’ room was a little nervous because they “didn’t want to do ‘The Brady Bunch’ goes to Hawaii,” they found a way to make it feel like the show they had been doing for five years. “The show starts at home and comes back home at the end of the three-night event,” Johnson reveals.
And just because the characters are older does not mean they have things all figured out. Callie (Maia Mitchell) has mixed feelings about seeing her foster brother and ex-boyfriend ready to settle down, for example.
“When your first love is getting married, it brings a lot of feelings back,” Johnson says. “And the question is, ‘Is there any reason they’re not living together? Is there any reason they were meant to be but they couldn’t find their way back together?’ I don’t know that they should, but I think it’s a question that a lot of our fans are curious about.”
But the Callie-Brandon relationship won’t drive the final three hours. “Every character has a conundrum or is at a crossroads,” Johnson says. For some it is the question of old relationships, but for others it is a wider ranging question of “What am I going to do with my life?”
And although only Mitchell and Cierra Ramirez, who plays Mariana, are signed on to the spinoff, the other characters may not get their answers by the end of the three-night event.
“The vibe we wanted to cultivate onscreen as well as offscreen was that we’re not saying goodbye to this family — they’re still out there and they’re still thriving. We’re going to check in with them and so it’s not over,” Johnson says.
While not serving to directly set up the spinoff, the three-night event will set up the new dynamics now that the kids are grown, out of the house, and starting lives of their own.
“We think the consequences of their actions at this age are more grave than when you’re younger, so we do feel it opens [our storytelling] up,” Johnson says. “Even with basic stuff — you can go to a bar and do the things that grownups do and it’s not an issue of ‘Oh we don’t want to promote drinking at that age.'”
What is of the utmost importance to Johnson and her team, though, is bringing the sensibility of the show the audience has known for so many years into its final episodes and beyond.
“The main thing we want to bring…is that sense of heart and the sense of what is your community, what is your family [especially] when you build your own in your work community or outside of your own living family?” Johnson says. “And I think the other thing is, we are of course interested in social awareness and social activism. And we think that is a very millennial thing. This Gen Z generation is more socially conscious and out there more, being provocative and wanting to change things. And I think that’s so amazing, and that’s part of what the show has always been about.”
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purplesurveys · 3 years
(made by: tickle-my-pickle)
1. Do you typically say “Happy Holidays” or “Merry Christmas”? It was Merry Christmas for the longest time simply because everyone around me greeted that way, but in my workplace I’ve taken to using Happy Holidays in consideration of people who may have different beliefs or don’t even celebrate Christmas.
2. Do you make or serve anything with cranberries around this holiday season? No, not an Asian thing. Cranberries aren’t a Filipino/Asian thing in general. Our usual Christmas fare includes ham, queso de bola, lechon, usually some kind of noodles or pasta like baked macaroni, pancit, or Filipino-style spaghetti, leche flan, and bibingka.
3. Do you collect pine cones, or have you in the past as a child? What have you made out of them/what did you do with them? I don’t think we have those here, so no.
4. Have you/your family ever roasted chestnuts as a holiday treat before? No, not a tradition here as well. I’ve never seen nuts served in any Christmas parties or dinners I’ve been to.
5. Are red and green the colors that you typically associate with Christmas the most, or is there another color that you have in mind? What is it? Yeah, generally it’s those two. I also see gold and white as Christmas colors and they’re usually able to make Christmas decorations look a tad bit sophisticated, but obviously red and green are the ones that stand out the most.
6. What’s the worst Christmas gift that you’ve ever gotten before, and what made it the worst? I’ve never gotten a present that I honestly disliked, and I don’t know if I have that in me. I’m always appreciative of gifts since being given one automatically means I was thought of, and to me that’s enough.
7. Do you give your spare change to the mall Santas? We don’t have mall Santas here; but I’m not so sure that’s a responsible thing to do overall now that we’re living in Covid-infested times. But yeah, I’ve definitely been more generous with tips when it comes to restaurant workers, delivery drivers, baristas, etc. that I’ve come across during the holidays this year.
8. Do you get to open up any presents on Christmas Eve? Yes, that’s usually the tradition in most families. I heard people in the US usually open their gifts on Christmas morning, but that’s pretty rare here. What we do is have a big Christmas Eve dinner that we call noche buena, and most families will go to an evening mass then wait until midnight to start opening gifts. I didn’t have a lot of pricey stuff on my wishlist this year, so my parents got me lots of inexpensive things instead.
9. Do you believe in the saying that “good things come in small packages”? It holds some truth to it, I suppose. I didn’t need a new laptop or a new car; and I was especially grateful to just have been alive and genuinely happy with myself last Christmas. 
10. Do your family members wrap your gifts, or were they just sitting there under the tree? How about when your parents were kids? I’ve never heard of a family that leaves gifts under the tree for everyone to see hahahaha, but that’s an interesting situation. My family has always wrapped our presents for each other.
11. Do you know anyone who has a birthday on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Have you ever gotten a gift that was meant for both your birthday as well as Christmas, either because it was expensive or because the two holidays are close together? One of my aunts celebrates her birthday on December 23rd. This year I only got her a Christmas gift, but I believe my mom gave her two gifts for each occasion.
12. Are you someone who needs to work on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, or are you able to have those days off to spend time with your loved ones? We have had an office shutdown from December 19th and we go back to work on January 4th, so on that front I’m pretty fortunate when it comes to my employer. We do keep our lines open just in case any client needs anything urgent, but all of them have been gracious enough to keep their distance save for one pain in the asshole of a client. To be fair, they’ve been a pain in the asshole the day they recuited us to be their PR handlers, so we already knew to expect still busting our ass for them despite our constant heads-ups about our shutdown.
13. Have you ever gone on any sort of Christmas-themed scavenger hunt before? How about played Christmas-themed bingo? No, I don’t believe we ever did that. I’d love to throw a scavenger hunt for my future kids, though.
14. Is Christmas your favorite holiday? If so, why? If not - then which holiday is your favorite instead? I’m neutral about Christmas. My favorite is Halloween, though it’s not really strictly a holiday per se. I simply enjoy all the horror movie references that come up, the Halloween-themed treats at places like Krispy Kreme, the Halloween costumes people come up with, etc.
15. When was the last time you sat down and made an actual Christmas gift? How often do people ask you what you want for Christmas and you’re unable to think of anything concrete until after the holidays have passed? One of my gifts for Gab is an embroidery piece I made, but I have yet to give it. I don’t plan on seeing her soon though because I’ve been happier these days, and I don’t want to risk that happiness by being reminded of her. 
As for my wishlist, I typically don’t have difficulty thinking of things. When I’m asked, I just say simple stuff like socks or sticky notes or certain candies I’ve been craving so that it would never be too much of a blow on people’s wallets.
16. Do you watch “Kickoff to Christmas” or “Countdown to Christmas” movie specials on the FreeForm channel? When do you start counting down the days until Christmas? I have no clue what any of these are.
17. Does it ever deeply concern you to know that Santa knows when you’re sleeping, and he knows when you’re awake? When I think hard about it it does begin to sound unsettling. But eh, it’s a fun Christmas song anyway.
18. What would you do if your grandma got run over by a reindeer? Check up on my grandma and make sure she didn’t get any injuries? Idk. I suppose the reindeer just got spooked so I wouldn’t put the blame entirely on them.
19. What’s the most unusual thing that you’ve ever wanted for Christmas? (like two front teeth or a hippopotamus, perhaps) I don’t think I ever requested for anything bizarre. I’ve bled practicality the moment I was born, loooool
20. Do you donate toys to your local toy drive, or offer food for Christmas meals during this time? We don’t have any toys at home anymore so we’re not in the place to do that. I’ve always wanted to share food with people who continue to be on duty on Christmas Eve and Christmas like security guards and sweepers, and I plan on doing so when I can finally afford to.
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shadedrose01 · 4 years
La Vie en Rose
Ship: Parkner (Harley Keener/Peter Parker)
Summary: Parkner, but with The Batchelor, because I said so
Tags: Febufluff, Day 13, bouquet of roses, Roses, the bachelor - Freeform, Harley is the The Bachelor, And Peter is a contestant, Bisexual Harley Keener, I love how thats not even a real tag LMAO, Bisexual Peter Parker, Love at First Sight, First Impressions, Good first impressions, First Impressions Rose, Fluff, Why Did I Write This?, The Author Regrets Everything, Boys In Love, Happily Ever After
Day 13 of Febufluff: "Bouquet of Roses"
Author Note: I'm considering writing a Flower Shop AU as an extra fic for this day if I have time. If that's something you guys want to see, let me know! :)))
Harley doesnt know why he decided to do this stupid show. He huffs in annoyance as his appointed hair stylist starts playing with his hair again, like the first twenty times she had done it wasn't good enough, trying not to duck away from her hands. Because that would be considered rude, seeing as he chose to be here.
On set. Surrounded by cameras. On the Batchelor, of all shows. Really, why couldn't he have signed up for Survivor, or Big Brother, or something? Why did he have to choose the one where he had to dress up, and put on an act? Why did he have to choose the show about love?
Because he's a hopeless romantic who's been alone for way too long and is started to become extremely desperate? Because he just wants to find the one for him without going through another thousand assholes and heartbreaks? Because he's just trying so hard for people who don't even want him?
His face scrunches up as he glares at the bouquet of roses placed beside him, something he's supposed to give to someone who makes the best first impression or something, ignoring the team around him as they pick at his clothing just it's just right, perfect for the cameras, perfect for his suitors, who are going to be walking through those doors right in front of him in about 2 minutes and give him plastic smile, fake personalities just as he is going to give to them. Because they dont want the real Harley, the nerdy, clumsy guy who stumbles over his words and rambles about the things that he likes, who's normally an introvert and adores his days staying indoors with a good book and a movie, oh no no no. These people, they want the image of Harley Keener, the rich, strong, tall, perfect man who could do no wrong, and who is always romantic, always outgoing, always on.
God, why is he doing this? Why did he decide to do this? He's never going to find anyone real on here, and he's just going to get his heartbroken again, and make a fool of himself, this time it'll just be on live television for everyone in the world to see-
The producers start to count down, and the red light starts to flicker on the cameras, so Harley's plasters on a big, handsome smile, even if he has a sinking feeling in his stomach.
The first person out is a nice woman named Macy. She's pretty, kind and soft spoken, but her smile doesnt reach her eyes, and those very same eyes flicker over Harleys body way too many times as they talk, that when she finally walks away, Barley feels a little frazzled. A little objectified. He feels like he should get used to that.
After that, there's a man named Bryan and another woman named Suzie. They were  both nice people, and both easy on the eyes, but still, there wasn't a connection to either of them, they weren't what Harley was looking for. He didnt know what he was looking for, really, but it wasn't them. At least, Harley didnt know, until another man steps out after Suzie steps away.
Harley looks up, planning to plant another painful grin on to his face until he freezes, his heart stopping in his chest. Woah. His chestnut hair is slicked back, with one stray curl falling into his chocolate brown bambi looking eyes, wide and full of glee and a trace of hope, a wide smile on his face pushing up his thinner lips and lightly freckled cheeks, shining with the faintest hint of makeup. His jaw is so chiseled, and his shoulders are broad, and holy moley Harley cant breathe. He feels weak in the knees, staring at what has to be a Greek God, ethereal in his beauty, and completely missing whatever he just said.
Harley blinks down at him (he's shorter than Harley by a few inches, just his Harley likes it, god is he perfect?), knowing hes gaping at the man who's now staring back at him with a flicker of amusement in his eye, like he knew Harley didnt hear a word he just said. "Uh, I'm sorry, can you repeat that?"
Peter's grin widens, like he confirms his suspicions, and holds out his hand again. "I said," he emphases teasingly, his gorgeous, twinkling eyes full of mirth. "my name is Peter Parker. Nice to meet you."
Harley shakes himself out of his stupor, and shakes the man's hand firmly, confidently. "Harley Keener."
The twinkle in Peter's eye grows. "I know."
'Of course he would know, you're the batchelor, dipshit.' Harley berates himself, wincing a little externally, taking a deep breath and smiling sheepishly, trying to pull himself back together. "Sorry. I'm not normally like this, uh." 'Dont start rambling, dont start rambling,' "What are some things I should know about you?" Harley flinches again at the terrible wording of the phrase he was told to say, but Peter just laughs lightly, apparently taking it all in stride.
"Well," his voice is so soft and silky, and Harley is gone for him, oh no, this is so bad- "I'm 23," 'so we're the same age, that's good, cross that off the list,' "I have a bachelor of Biochemistry at MIT, and going for my Masters soon." 'smart, intelligence is sexy, another checkmark there,', "I'm a dog person, but I love all kinds of animals," 'I've always wanted a dog, check', "and I love going out, but I also enjoy indoor time, just relaxing and doing nothing." 'Check, check, and check, perfect, he's actually perfect, I don't understand, what the heck-'
"What about you?" Peter breaks through his box, still grinning that stunning, toothy grin of his, and normally, Harley would lie, say hes an outgoing guy that loves to go out on the town, say that he loves to go out on dates and go out to parties, anything to sweep them off their feet. But he doesnt want to do that with Peter, doesnt feel like he has to with Peter, so he blurts out the truth before he can think.
"Pretty much everything you said." He chuckles awkwardly, partially dropping his act as he rubs at the back of his neck. "I'm also 23, got a bachelor's in Engineering, work full time, I love animals too, and always wanted to have a dog." Peter's grin softens, turning into a warm smile as he listens that has Harley's heart warbling, making him relax even more. "I love movie days, and am pretty much a really big nerd."
Peter brights at that. "Me too! What's your favorite movie?"
Harley ponders on that for a second, while simultaneously wondering how he's gotten this lucky, 'this stupid show is actually working?' "Probably Indiana Jones, though Star Wars comes in a close second."
"Dude, I love Star Wars! Oh," Peter looks cheeky, his eyes wide and shining with excitement. "Harrison Ford fan?"
Harley can't help but to smile back, Peter's radiating positive energy infectious. "You bet. One of the best actors of our time. Who's your favorite character??"
They keep talking for a while, longer than he normally gets with the contestants, before the crew is ushering Peter away, needing to make time for the others in their busy schedule, and Harley looks over his shoulder, staring after him with warmth unfurling in his chest.
Later that night, everyone gathers together in a large room, cameras still surrounding them, for the Rose Ceremony. Instead of being nervous, uncomfortable and bitter like he was earlier, Harley is stood with his back straight and his head held up high, holding onto the bouquet of roses tightly, knowing exactly who he's going to give them to. Even as Harley meet more and more people, there was only one person that stuck into his mind like glue, filling his almost every thought.
Chris Harrison explains what will happen in the rose ceremony, how it works to the audience, before the cameras pan on to him, expectant and waiting.
Harley takes a deep breath, knowing hes probably going to get some shit for this, but deciding he doesnt really care all that much. "You are all amazing, wonderful people who made good impressions on me. But there was only one person that made me feel relaxed, like I could be myself, and that stuck in my mind for the rest of the night. So, Peter Parker, I give you the First Impressions Rose."
Peter's face lights up as he makes his way to the front, ignore the grumbled or disgusted looks coming from the other contestants, his eyes full of shock, like he didnt expect to get it, and so much gratitude it practically knocks Harley off his feet. Peter gently takes the flowers with a small, quiet "Thank you," his gaze giving away every emotion that his words can't.
"Of course," Harley murmurs back, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before he turns away again, grinning as he sees the crew start to panic from behind the cameras. Peter flushes so prettily, giving him one last, soft, beautiful smile before turning and walking back to his spot, joy radiating off of him in waves.
Harley just watches him gently, his entire face soft, before he wipes the expression away and goes back to the regularly scheduled program, getting ready to pass out the other roses. But even as he does, he feels Peter's gaze on him, following his every movement, and feels giddy, hopeful, finally feeling like something good is going  to come out of this.
Harley doesn't know it yet, but he ends up proposing to Peter in the finale. They get married a few months later, and go on to become the longest lasting couples in the show's history.
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futuregoalsessay791 · 4 years
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