#so many questions left unanswered & not enough time to cram into one chapter
chaoticdazefire-new · 5 months
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Ok but are we gonna find out who the deceiver is before the book ends
Cause I'm pretty sure Watcher wasn't the deceiver given what happened...
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johnkrrasinski · 4 years
ℑ𝔫𝔱𝔬 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔚𝔬𝔬𝔡𝔰
Chapter 3: Fall from Grace 
full masterlist // series masterlist
Pairings: dark!Steve Rogers x female!reader
Word count: 3,639 
Warnings: smut, kidnapping, stalking, slight bondage. (MUST BE 18+)
Summary: after the death of your mother, you decided that you were going to do something new to honor her. You chose a perfect camping spot somewhere down South. You thought it was going to be the life-changing vacation that you never had in your life, until Steve Rogers, a man existed in roughness and control all his life, found you.
a/n: chapter three is here!! they are finally going to start their festive, but steve is gentle enough to at least take things slow. things will grow more extreme in future chapters and i hope you’re ready for that. for now, let’s just enjoy, (lowkey) altruistic steve, yeah? enjoy! please leave a like and comment. 
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The next morning, you were woken up by a gentle caress on your hair, with a pair of striking blue eyes greeting you. Not that you had any clue whether it was actually morning. It could've been 3 PM in the afternoon for all you know, but the man before you; Steve Rogers, as he declared his name last night, confirmed it by rolling the words on his lips; "good morning."
You tried to sit up, but you remember that you were still bound in place since last night. He sat by the side of the bed, and he asked; "did you sleep well last night?" You didn't know how to answer that, so you nodded aversely. He smiled, not the menacing smirk that he displayed several times last night, but a suave one, like he was gratified by your sated rejoinder.
"I brought breakfast. You must be starving."  You turned your head to your right side and a saw a small table standing next to you, containing a plate filled with scrambled eggs and bacon, the smell was so mouthwatering that your stomach grumbled at the absence.
You whined and pulled your hands scantily, hoping that it was enough to send him the message. "Oh shit, sorry." He made light of the situation and he moved slightly forward to uncuff you. You sat up and tried to take off the gag but he abruptly blocked your hands from proceeding any further.  
"Let me do it." It was supposed to sound thoughtful as if he was lending a helping hand, but the glare in his eyes expunged the sentiment away for what he acutely implied was; "you don't get to make that decision of your own, little girl."
So you let loose your hands and yield into him to perform the task instead. You never cherished your freedom more than at that moment. You instantly contorted your body and grabbed the plate. You ate like you were a famished vagrant. You moaned at how succulent the meal is.
You ate in silence and he just sat there as he watched you gobbled up your food. The sound of the room was only generated from the clinking sounds of the metal fork hitting the silver platter.
When you were repleted, you put down down the dish and you drank the glass of warm vanilla milk on the tray. You gulped half of the glass and put it back on the tray. You didn't realize the remaining splotch of the milk had stained your upper lip milky white.  
Steve cleaned it with the stroke of his thumb tenderly and he wiped it on his jeans. He didn't waste any second longer as he spoke up; "today, we are going to start our training. We'll go over the rules and learn the basics. We will see how much we can wrap today, and then we'll carry on tomorrow."  
He got on his feet and picked up the tray from the small table, and he continued, "while I prep, you can take a shower."
Take a shower? Does this mean he was going to take you upstairs and let you use his bathroom? That's a good start, maybe, you might find a way to escape through the window or scream for help.
But your vision was cut short by his next instructions. He pointed at the direction of the staircase, but not specifically at it, but rather towards something underneath it; "you see that door over there? It's the bathroom. You can shower there."
You hadn't noticed that door before until it was pointed out.  You had only been here for, you assumed, less than 24 hours, there were a lot of things you had yet to discover. After all, your first night here was restricted; you were bound on all fours and the dimmed bulb on the ceiling could only provide so much.
"I'll give you an hour to be ready for me. I expect you to be all cleaned and fragrant when I come back." He leaned down to your level and spoke composedly. "When I'm back, I want you on your knees, with your hands placed neatly on your thighs and your chin down to the ground, understood?"
You nodded. Ever since you got here, it seems like you had lost your ability to form a sentence, you could mumble a few primary words, but you still felt so caged inside despite not being restrained any longer.
"Words, sweet girl. I want you to use your words."
He raised his eyebrows and made a questioning look, you didn't seem to get to hint, so he proceeded; "yes what?"
Your brain quickly recalls last night's events, where he told you that you may call him sir at "certain times" and you immediately knew that this was the moment he implied.
"Yes... Sir." With that, you earned a murderous smirk on his face as if he was amused by the way the sound of the epithet rolled off your lips.
"Good girl. I'll see you later." He left a kiss on your forehead and fled; passing the staircase, off he go.
You folded your knees and tucked them under your chin. What kind of rules was he planning to go over with you? Is he ever going to let you go? And most importantly, are you truly safe with him?  
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Steve took off from the basement and locked the door behind him. He was amused by how obedient y/n had been so far, he quickly learnt how naive and innocent you were. He was going to have it easy when it comes to molding you into his favorite possession. The girl he had fantasized about for months; you were nearly there. You just needed a little more disciplinaries.
He calculated in head that in a few weeks, you were going to be innately capable of performing his orders. If he wanted you on all fours, with your head pressed down on the mattress and your hands tied tidily on your back, as he pounds vigorously into you, then you were going to do so, with only a single cue.
Yeah, he'll get you there. He just needed patience and perseverance.
He stripped himself off his navy blue plaid shirt and his worn-out jeans. He also pulled down his boxer and put them into the dirty laundry basket as his lengthy cock sprung free. It wobbled as he stepped into the bathroom and turned on the lights; the rustic interior came into view. There was a single, broad rectangular mirror on his right side, over the Pecan brown ceramic sink. The tile that topped the cabinet sink resembled the colour of its owner's hair; deep brunette brown.
On the left side, there was a single wooden framed window that was shut due to the windy weather that caused the fallen leaves of the trees to enter his cabin uninvited.
He diverted the shower curtains and climbed into the giant bathtub. He swiveled the shower faucet and let the warm water wash over him. His thoughts migrated to his discoveries last night. He had stolen her phone and her other personal things and stash them in the top racks of his closet.
While she was unconscious, she pressed her button onto the fingerprint passlock, and the screen lit up, displaying all of the menu icons. He looked through all of her social media one by one; her text messages, her Instagram, Facebook, emails, Youtube history, Google history, Google Play Books, and even her Amazon search list. He thoroughly scrolled through every app on her phone he could find, to dig deeper into her personal background.
From what he discovered, he hadn't learned much except; she was a nerd, the number of books she had yet to finish explained that much. Her history search revealed nothing much more than juvenile information, and the most recent ones were camping related info. She was on social media, but she didn't seem to have that many interactions cramming up her notifications. Her emails and text messages mostly consisted of professional matters with her, what he assumed, were her co-workers.
He also read several unanswered texts, saying sentimental things, such as; "I'm truly sorry for your loss." "I'll be here if you need me, call me soon!" "Do you need a friend? I can come over anytime! :)" "She was such a wonderful human being, she's in a better place now." "Stay strong, okay? Thinking about you here."
That made him curious. Why didn't she answer these well-intend messages? Who was this "wonderful human being" her acquaintance talked about? He didn't dwell on those futile questions for too long, he could ask her about it later, but now, he just wanted to learn more about his girl.
He clicked on the gallery icon and there was only a single file. He unfolded it, and the file revealed pictures that she took from the woods; the river, the trees, the scenery, etc. Then as he scrolled down further, pictures of an older woman surfaced. The older woman slightly resembled her. They both have the same eyes and that warm demeanor. Some pictures showed she was in a hospital bed, clad in a hospital gown. She looked pale and frail. He put the math together and concluded that this might be her mother, and that she was ill.
But her peer or whoever the hell that was, texted that she was in a better place now? Does that mean she was deceased? Is that why she came here all alone? To get away from her thoughts?
He'll learn the answers tomorrow, when she's awake, and when she's willing to talk.
After about an hour browsing through her phone, he decided that he had found enough. He decided to delete all her social media accounts and discarded her SIM card and the battery. Then he turned off the device and stash it back to where all her personal belongings were stored.
After he showered under the warm water and cleaned himself enough, he turned off the faucet and stepped out of the bathtub. He dried off his damp hair as he stared into the mirror, acknowledging his God-like, well-defined figure. His chiseled abs and bulky chest that could bring anyone in his way to their knees. He trimmed his unkempt beard just enough to keep it presentable. He brushed his hair until he was satisfied with how dashing he looks.
He stepped out into his room and searched through his wardrobe. He pulled out a pair of sweatpants and put it on. He didn't even bother putting on a boxer or briefs, for he knew it would go futile anyway. Nor did he bother putting on a shirt. So he walked into his basement, where his girl was kept; shirtless, and eager.
Let the games begin...
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The warm water washing over you felt pleasant on your skin. You took your time in cleaning yourself up, as your minds keep drifting to the last 24 hours. Still, the remaining questions in your head were; where the hell were you? who the hell was this man? what the hell did he want from you?
You squeezed the bottle of the shampoo onto your hand and you messaged your scalp smoothly despite your restless thoughts. You had walked into the bathroom fifteen minutes earlier, and saw how complete the bathroom was.
It wasn't much, there was a single toilet and a roll of tissue glued around a wall-mounted tissue holder beside it. You also found many feminine toiletries such as; coconut shampoo, lavender body wash, vanilla-scented lotion, deodorant, toothbrush & toothpaste, razor, blades, shaving lubricant, soap bar, and nail clippers.
In the tiny cabinet sink, there were a few white towels and washcloths. Inside the drawer, there were a few tampons and pads. You truly felt like you were a special guest at a fancy hotel. The cramped bathroom was even a lot neater compared to your own in your apartment.
It makes you wonder... Did he plan all of this? If he did, how long had he been planning for this? Your own questions rose the shivers down your spine. You decided to shake it all away and stepped into the tight space behind the curtains.
You turned on the faucet and let the warm water stream over your skin.
After you were finished, you wrapped one of the towels in the cabinet, around your body. You used it to dry off your face and your hair, then you walked out to the room. You were glad that he hadn't come back yet, so it gave you enough time to get ready.
How... exactly were you going to get ready? You just realized he didn't provide you any clothes or undergarments. So you sat in your bed, still clothed in the towel until you were ready to follow his instructions.
You weren't ready to find out what he meant by "there will be punishments" as he casually stated last night, so you dropped the towel off your body and hung it on the hook behind the bathroom door.
You heard the faint sound of approaching footsteps and you sprinted to the center of the room and knelt. You placed your hands neatly on your thighs as he instructed with your head down, not wanting to stare at his face. Despite it was part of his orders, you were also fearful of gazing into this man's eyes.
The sound of the door opening reverberated through the room, and your hands shook despite being perfectly still on your thighs. Your lips trembled at the mighty presence making a grand entrance. The sound of the approaching footsteps grew harsher and in seconds, a pair of black mudded boots covered feet came into view.
"You listened to my orders well... Good. We are off to a good start. Alright, let's begin our lesson today. You can look up now."
You lifted your head to look at his face, and you trembled. Seeing this man from down here hit you differently. He was majestic in every possible way. You didn't know whether that made you feel safer or even more terrified. He was leaning on a small table pressed to the wall behind him, his hands holding his bodybuilder figure.
"First, I want you to address me as sir when we are engaged in sexual intercourse. You have learned my name but it doesn't mean you can call me by my first name whenever you like."
"Second, I don't wanna hear you talk unless I address you first. If you absolutely need to, you may raise your hand to let me know. The only thing that I wanna hear from that mouth is your compliance, understood?"
"Yes, sir."
"Third," his eyes darkened. There wasn't a hint of emotions on his face, nothing but stone-cold, hard-rock sobriety. Like a supreme commander, commanding his subordinates. "I expect you to submit to me, fully. Your body and your mind belong to me now. I am in control of the way it works and I am free to choose whatever I want to do to you. No refusal, no recalcitrance, no inquiry. Trust me, the less you resist, the easier this will be."
You were stiffened in place, cemented on spot. He demanded complete submission; a person you had never come across before, the pieces of equipment that were foreign to you, a territory you never had the slightest bit of idea existed... You were forced to yield and accommodate yourself into it. You bit the insides of your cheek to forestall the tears. He already had you impotent, like a wounded animal succumbing to its injuries. Resistance would be vain now. So you let him take the wheel. Even if it means, your temple would be driven by him.
Maybe... Just maybe, after you've pleased him enough by letting him get a grip of you, he might let his guard down and you might even find a way to escape.
But not now, you must work to earn his trust first. You just needed to brace yourself and have self-control. This man promised you that he wasn't going to hurt you, after all, maybe in exchange for a few sexual favors, you might obtain your freedom.
So you entertained him, by saying his two favorite words. "Yes, sir."
"Alright. Now, get on the bed and lay on all fours, like you did last night."
You got on your feet and walked slowly to the mattress. It wasn't a comfortable one. It only had one pillow and not a duvet. It made you miss your own bed dearly.
You laid on the bed, seeking the most comfortable position, despite nothing that would actually make that much difference. You were still placed in the center of the bed, with your head on the pillow.
Steve followed you behind, and he restrained you again to the corners of the bed. He got on top of you, caging your hips with his knees.
"Today, I'm going to teach you how it feels to cum. Fall apart as you give into pleasure... You're never going to be the same once I'm done with you."
He started with nipping the sensitive spot of your neck, followed by the soft caress of his fingers, slowly moving down to your lip, circling around the bud, as he began to collect the wetness there. He moved his head down to your breasts, as he sucked your left nipple with his lips. The feeling overwhelmed you, you had never done this with any man before.
To say you were inexperienced would be an understatement. You had never dated anyone, let alone sleep with one. Your thoughts were jumbled with the sensation, you wanted to push him away, but you were bound in spot, your brain is telling you to tell him to stop, but you couldn't.
His mouth is taking its sweet time, moistening your nipple, as the finger on your bud didn't stop, but rather going faster, rubbing you up and down, that elicited a faint moan from you. What is he doing? What is this feeling? You didn't know. But you let yourself get lost in the moment. Thrilled to let him enlighten you.
He released your nipple with a loud pop and he continued his wrongdoing, by moving down to your most sensitive area. He stared at your sweet cunt and unhesitantly dipped his tongue into it.  The lewd noises he was making with his mouth was making your head spin; you tried to block him out by sealing your thighs but he hindered you by wrapping his large hands around your thighs so tightly, you thought it might leave a red mark of fingers afterward.
His right-hand retreated to your breasts, to pinch the right nipple that was left ignored earlier. He groped you so fiercely that you shrieked from the pain. You shifted your head to the side to hide your pleasure, not noticing that his fingers had released your nipple to shove them inside you.
You threw your head back from the sudden intrusion. Your body felt electrified. The sensation was extraordinary. Him pleasuring you with his tongue was one thing, but his fingers stroking the sensitive spot inside you made you forget the dreary situation you were currently trapped in.
You lifted your head to look down at him, trying to figure out what was happening; you could see him engorging you with his eyes shut, as two of his fingers were scissoring inside of you. Your head was misty, and before you know it, your climax had washed over you. The sudden eruption of euphoria shocked you, as you give in to the bliss. You trembled from the unprecedented explosion your body made, as you panted harshly, ceasing you from moving.
Steve was exultant by his work, how he knew he had successfully taken the first step of breaking down your wall. How he managed to inoculate your brain with pleasure. His mouth and fingers had triumphantly turned you into an incoherent, cum-drunk mess, that you didn't even try to fight or resist him. It would be so much easier to mold you to a more advanced doll now.
He reached to your eye level and caged your head once more with his hands, as he alerted you from your post-cum bliss; "when was the last time you ever came that hard?"
You opened your mouth, with still uneven breathing, and answered; "I- I never..."
He squinted his eyes at you with a puzzled look. "You never what?"
You shuddered, cautious to not provoke him; “I never... Never done that before.” 
You were comfortable with being inexperienced, until now. Until this dangerous man, who had just violated you began to interrogate your personal life; what if your celibacy incensed him because you weren't exactly what he was looking for? What he instead of releasing you, he decided to murder you and bury your body in his backyard?
He sat back, between your spread, cum-drenched thighs, and incredulously asked; "you are a virgin?"
You nodded dubiously. You broke off the gaze on his eyes, to look at the rustic wall shielding you from the world. Then his hand grabbed your chin to your move head back so that you were looking at him again; "hey, it's okay. There's nothing to be ashamed of. You are here so I could train you. We've got all the time in the world."
You didn't know how you should react to that; should you smile because of the fact that he wasn't going to murder you? Or should that frighten you instead because that means, one way or another, he was going to corrupt your innocence, and there's nothing you can do about it...
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warlock-enthusiast · 4 years
Waking up slow
The Wayhaven Chronicles
Adam du Mortain x female Detective (in the future)
Detective Kat Kingston faces a murder, Unit Bravo and her mother. (Not always sticking with the canon)
Chapter 3: First they have a moment, then they have a fight.
AO3 link
Chapter 1 / 2 
His scent lingered on her skin.
Almost undetectable, Kat noticed a hint of citrus and something else, a bit like frost on a clear day.
Kat bit her lip, rubbed her hands together and evaded Adam’s glance. Always so intense, always so unreadable. A blush spread on her face, thankfully less noticeable due to cover of darkness. Being alone with him, tied her stomach in knots nonetheless. With her wobbly legs, Kat longed for a nice, extended night of rest, and to forget about her life for a while.
She pulled her own jacket a bit tighter around her.
No one had ever given her a coat or any item of clothing, not even a scarf. Considering her stature, it never occurred to her someone might do.
Kat inhaled some of the cold air. It helped her calm down and lifted the fog on her thoughts. “Thank you.”
“Hm?” He blinked, seemingly suddenly aware that they still faced each other.
“For your coat. It is pretty cold.”
Kat didn’t doubt her own intelligence, but she noticed a certain lack of decency and cleverness while standing close to Adam. Not to mention stumbling over her own words. Neither Felix nor Nate awoke such insecurities. Even Mason offered the comfort of silence and an uncaring attitude, with Adam things turned complicated.
He turned away, but Kat was sure that she’d noticed a bit of red sitting on Adam’s cheeks. Maybe a trick of the light, maybe wishful thinking.
She tucked her hair beneath her ear and fumbled with her bag.
“Do you want the radio back? For Government reasons?”
Adam shook his head. “No, keep it.”
Kat put it back and nodded. “Well, time to head home then.”
The rest of Unit Bravo had already left a bit ago, burdening Adam with the deed of getting her home safely. As usual, they kept things from her. It’d been more obvious tonight, but every question went unanswered. Why the sudden and frantic behaviour? Why did they look so surprised after walking around for two hours? Something had been in the air, lurking in the shadows and they didn’t dare to involve her.
“I’ll take you.”
“You don’t need …” “Yes, I need to.”
“Do I have a choice.” Adam shook his head, but smiled faintly. “Right now? No.”
They got to her car, which she’d parked a few streets away. Adam appeared tense, every muscle strained, always ready to jump at an unseen enemy. His eyes darted around, as if he waited for an attack. Kat decided to not bother herself with any more questions tonight.
He raised his brows, forming creases on his forehead. “You need a better ride.” “Well, Wayhaven’s budget is limited and I still have student loans to pay back and monthly rent.”
Adam tilted his head. “Of course. I didn’t mean to offend you.”
“You didn’t.”
He did. Not everyone lived on some huge government payment and drove through town in a SUV.
Adam crammed himself behind the wheel, not caring about a discussion about who’d drive. Kat was too tired to argue and just went with it. Adam’s head met the roof and he’d to bent his back in an uncomfortable position. He managed to start the car though. Huge success on his part.
Thankfully he didn’t mention her small plush-toy, dangling from the driving mirror. A dragon that she’d won on some Renaissance faire a few years ago, while rescuing a princess from a tower.
The drive seemed silent. Kat’s hand hovered in front of her radio for a bit, but she assumed that Adam wasn’t too keen on music, Especially with her taste preferring female-lead bands and solo artists. Instead she looked out of her side window, watching her peaceful hometown passing by. Kat felt dreadful. Such a serene scene, so many happy, innocent people all depending on her.
No pressure.
Kat rested her head against the window, wallowing in self-pity and ignored sitting so close to Adam. His scent still surrounded her and would be left in here and she wondered how she’d also deal with that. Maybe she needed to buy a magic tree in the morning.
An exemplar of the newspaper, which had led to this night of patrolling, waited on the backseat. Kat had read it a few times, experiencing a mixture of frustration and anger and hurt. Somehow Bobby managed to find every soft spot of her professional life and exploited them. Kat didn’t know better back in college and denied any signs of warnings, but he’d used the same tactics back then.
Manipulations, putting her down, making her feel small, useless. Years later, she still couldn’t escape her doubts.
Kat pointed at the apartment complex, rather different from all those small houses on the outskirts. “This is mine.”
Both got out of her car and his clothing appeared a bit ruffled.
Kat looked at her feet. “Goodnight, Agent du Mortain.” “Goodnight, Detective Kingston.” His eyes lingered on her mouth for a few moments and Kat turned around to open her door.
Adam still looked at her, as she entered her flat.
Kat slumped down on her chair. She’d always thought of adopting a cat or two. It’d be nice to come home to someone, a warm, fuzzy presence at her side. Maybe later this year, after everything here was finished. A quick, hot shower and a huge towel improved her mood and Kat managed to read a few pages of her novel, before finding her eyes too tired and her mind wandering to Adam again.
Checking her phone, she saw two missed calls from Tina and one message from Bobby.
She ignored the latter and wrote her friend.
Long night. Going to bed. See you in the morning <3
“UGH.” Kat stormed down the stairs.
Verda gently closed a file that he’d been reading. “Bad day?” “Bad teammate…” Kat took a seat right next to him, remembering Kate’s tears and Tina’s reaction to seeing Garret’s mother again. “Bad month.”
“You’re welcome here, Kat.” He patted at the empty chair beside him.
Solomon Verda appeared rather polished and neat and far too elegant for a cellar lab like this. He’d be more at home in some stylish FBI headquarters or a tv-show. Verda had been a role-model for her wardrobe since becoming a Detective and his warm smile soothed her hurt feelings.
She’d also spend some nice family dinners with him, his husband and their two adorable children, so their bond went deeper than just a work friendship.
“I’m starting to believe that working for the Government somehow steals your humanity.”
“Don’t be too hard on them.” Verda touched her hand. “Or your mother. We can’t imagine what they have to deal with on a daily basis.”
“You’re right.” Sighing, Kat let her head sink against Verda’s desk. “But … just … ugh.”
“Glad we can talk without real words.” “Ugh is a real word.” “You sure?”
“Pretty sure.”
“The little ones use it a lot and they’re not even in school yet.”
“See.” Kat smirked and sat up straighter.
Adam du Mortain grated on her nerves and evoked raw emotions beneath her ribs. With his lack of empathy and feelings, how did he manage to go through the day? Kat was sure that they’d been moments between them. Minutes of him acting like a human, of him being shy, awkward. Just last night, he’d offered her his coat and drove her home and made sure that she got back in one piece.
Why did he have to stumble into her life? There was enough on her plate already and too many burdens. With all of Kat’s conflicting emotions, old friend depression knocked on her door. She already felt a numbness waiting behind her eyes, ready to suck all the joy out of her life again.
Sensing that something was off, her friend tapped a finger against his chin. “Hm, do you remember our budget cuts last year? Getting rid of the really nice coffee station and our lab security cams?” “Yes, I do.” She furrowed her brow. “Why?”
“Because without a security cam.” He spun around, quickly rummaged through some drawers and emerged with a flask. “We can do that.”
“Oh, Solomon, we’re still on a job.”
“It’ll be alright. Husband got it for my birthday. It’s filled with a tasty non alcoholic cider and won’t dull our senses, but sometimes you just have to take a sip, you know.. for the taste.”
“For the flavour!” Laughing, Kat put an arm around him and they shared a non -alcoholic drink in private. The cider tasted sweet and sour and absolutely perfect.
“Your husband has good taste.” “I know.” Verda’s soft expression spoke of love and loyalty and Kat couldn’t help but feel a tiny sting of envy. Not that she granted such an abhorrent too much room in her thoughts, because there was also genuine happiness for him in her mind.
“Detective Kingston?” Nate appeared through the doors with Adam trailing behind him, cutting a sweet moment short. The later held his arms in front of his chest and wore a stony mask. His green eyes focussed on where Kat’s and Verda’s shoulders touched and his expression turned even sourer.
“We’ve come to apologize for our behaviour. We’ve acted out of line and we understand your frustration with our behaviour.”
Kat doubted that Adam had agreed to this plan or felt remorse, but she stood up and walked towards them. “I don’t think that this is necessary.” Adam nodded. “I agree with Detective Kingston.”
Kat narrowed her eyes and meet his gaze. “Well, we agree then.”
Nate’s smile didn’t waver. “Great. So … we can talk about some lab results then?”
Verda broke the awkwardness. “We can.”
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encyclopika · 4 years
Missing Out Chapter 5 - No Conditions Sneak Peak
It’s 2am but I was on a roll, so please have a sneak peak cuz I’m so excited with how this is turning out. 
Read Missing Out on AO3 ...
On the last day of the semester before summer break, Ai ran up to me, her grades in hand with the cutest fucking smile I've ever seen in my life. Again, another thing I didn't deserve.   
“Guess who aced her English exam!” Ai said, almost in song.
It was the end of the day and I was already on my way out. I'd have normally flown away but I'd gotten into the habit of waiting for Ai at the gate on days when she skipped after school cramming. I figured she would that day, the last day of classes for a while. Summer was in full swing and the heat made it apparent. Even with short sleeves and skirt, the heat made Ai reconsider the long socks she normally wore; they were rolled down all the way to her shoes to expose her legs. She fanned herself with some papers but none of these things really worked.   
“Was it the chick who sits in front of you?” I asked, a grin just waiting for her to get annoyed.
She deflated, her smile turning into a knowing pout. “No, stupid, it's me. I aced the exam.”
“Really? You're sure you didn't get your test mixed up with her's?”  
“Yes, I'm sure,” her smile returned, but now it was more playful. She knew better than to get upset with me. By now, she welcomed me under her skin and I couldn't resist. “And I have you to thank!” She passed through the school gates, turning left, no doubt on her way to my tree. I did say she returned often and in fact, she was there everyday she wasn't at cram school. That also meant she stopped seeing me at lunch and spent that time studying or with other friends. Yes, Ai did in fact have lots of friends; she was very popular. I wonder what she told them when they undoubtedly asked what in the hell she was doing hanging around me. I wondered if she was the same person as I knew her with them, too, or if that was the farce. Or maybe who she was with me was the farce? I couldn't lie to myself that I trusted her, no doubt an effect of being enamored.     “I couldn't have done it without you,” she went on, and I hazarded a glance down at her, the evil grin slicing her face open. The payback was swift. “Don't say it,” I warned. “Don't you fuckin' say it.” “You're my hero,” she let it slip. “Ugh, fuck, I can't believe you've done this,”  I whined, rolling my eyes hard.
She didn't laugh, but the smirk remained at her triumph. “That's what you get for being a jackass.” She stopped at the crosswalk and pushed the button for the signal at the other side. It was weird for me to walk – walking was a seldom-used mode of travel for me unless I was inside a building or my destination was only a few paces. Ever since Tadashi decided to show his true, cruel colors, I walked with Ai almost everywhere. I didn't want to be possessive but I sure as shit didn't want what happened that day to happen again. We'd gotten lucky the first time; I wasn't placing bets on another go. Tadashi wasn't coming to school again and that made it even harder to figure out when he'd strike, if it ever happened. Ai wasn't any wiser – if we were going to hang out in the park after school, it only made sense we went together. It'd be stupid for me to fly and wait when we could rag on each other the whole way there instead.   The light at the opposite corner switched from red hand to white guy walking, and we crossed.   I groaned. “Ya really gotta stop saying that. I helped you cuz you make five star lunches, not because I gave a shit.” “And now?” Ai asked. Her question struck me hard. The truth? Now I gave a shit. I gave the biggest shit. “Still don't,” I argued. She knew I was full of it. The extent to which I was full of it? That she didn't know and at the time, I was glad for it. “But you know heroics is an occupation, right? Heroes get paid,” she started again, letting her previous question go largely unanswered.   “Sure they do, and then you get the real shitty ones that are in it for the cash and not, ya know, to save people. How do you put a price on an action that should be altruistic?” I was being facetious. I didn't mean to get into a brainiac debate. At the time, I didn't really believe in heroes. Yeah, yeah, I was a villain myself, so you probably think that natural, but even before I turned to join in the darkness, there wasn't much respect. Some people fall through the cracks; it's hard to believe someone will come save the day when no one does. The kinds of crimes committed against me weren't big enough or important enough for a hero to notice, swoop in, and save the day. I had to save myself, but by the time I could come save the day, the damage was already done. Paying people to be heroes seemed to void the whole concept of it for me. Then again, back then, I saw the world in black and white. I saw it more like Pyromancer – if I learned that a hero had ever saved my mother, I think I would have taken the shit into my own hands, too. Not everyone is worth saving – some people are monsters. As a hero, I get now how that can't fall into the equation. A victim is a victim only. Villains though...I sure did like the idea of 'accidents'. “That's true,” Ai said thoughtfully. “But it's really a job like any other. Heroes have agencies, bosses, and the Hero Commission to answer to, and there are protocols to follow. It's not like they can just go out and do that job like you see in old movies. There are rules...” She had walked ahead of me a bit, absentmindedly, her hands having found each other behind her back, her face angled to the sky. I'd already learned she did this when she was thinking about something intently, or if it was something she truly cared about. It wasn't always with the same expression: when she spoke about some of her favorite things, like animals, flowers, and stationary, she wore the biggest smile, her cheeks rosy, like she was embarrassed to gush, but couldn't stop herself. God, I remember this one conversation – if I could call it that – where she didn't shut up about gel pens for a straight fifteen minutes. I stayed quiet and listened, because at the back of my mind, I couldn't help but feel like she didn't get to do it very often. It was like I was the only person who wasn't going to tell her to shut up about it or groan. And after that fifteen minutes, she noticed herself and covered her mouth, like it shouldn't have been open that long and how dare she love anything. Before she could apologize, I would ask her a follow-up question about the topic, and she'd light up and continue again. It was like putting quarters into the sweetest jukebox.     On that day, her face had been thoughtful as we delved into the ethics of what society had deemed necessary in terms of heroes and villains years before either of us were born. Her blue eyes were stern, as if it were important to convince a villain of the validity of paying heroes and paying them out the ass, in my opinion. “Besides, heroes are expected to spend just as many hours out there patrolling and risking their lives as police officers do everyday. They need to be compensated,” she continued on.   “And it sounds like you've done research on this, why?” I prompted her. “Oh!” she stopped short, her stern demeanor traded for a bashful one. “Well, I...want to be a hero!” I scoffed. Of course she did. Most kids did, but unlike most kids, Ai seemed to be much more aware of what the job entailed and thought about it more practically, beyond the capes and punching baddies.   “And why would you want to do that?” I wasn't challenging her, although maybe it sounded that way. Heroes were pointless to me, but they were everything to her. That meant, one day, no matter how we felt about each other, we'd find ourselves at odds. A hero and a villain...it's fucking blasphemy.   She went serious, her pride and dream unscathed. “I want to be a hero because...even with the best intentions, people still get really hurt and die in villain attacks and disasters. I'm sick of all the death and not being able to do anything about it.” Spoken like a true hero, one that saw her quirk as a gift she could give others. Did it sound familiar?    
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 5 years
Dumbass Tests and a Study Date (Denki Kaminari x Reader)
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Summary: It’s not fun being one of the last ones to finish a lame test, thankfully you're not the only one stuck in class during this stupid test.
Featuring: Our favorite Pikachu boy!! 
You can find this story here too on ao3!: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17545592/chapters/41345219#workskin
God you hated tests…
You were a terrible test-taker and you were pretty sure that you had test anxiety too because you never felt prepared even after you studied or did last minute cramming. And the tests at UA with Aizawa were currently some of the worst tests you’ve had to take, unless they were physical tests that you could hold your own in.
Tests always made you feel stupid, and Aizawa’s written tests especially made you feel stupid, but your classmates made you feel even stupider, especially smart ones like Yaoyorozu or Iida. Even explosion-happy Bakugou was a genius, and that really surprised you because he was such a brute. 
You should have studied with Yaoyorozu, but your pride wouldn’t allow you and instead you asked for help from Midoriya because he was your friend, and much more approachable.
You weren’t a bad student per se… but definitely not above the 10’s… really you barely made the cut as the 10th highest ranking student during the written midterms. And really you just struggled on some questions more than the others did, and you had a habit of taking your time, triple-checking all your answers and then doubting yourself at the last second before you decided ‘Fuck it’ and just turned in all you had. It worked for the most part since your grades were actually decent enough for you to be happy-ish with yourself.
However, it’s been a personal belief of yours that written tests only score how well you do on tests, not so much in life. A test can’t determine how well you’ll do out in the real world.
 “This dumbass test isn’t going to determine how good I do outside of school! Heroes don’t need to be good at fucking algebra or know how to pass a freakin' written test cuz they're only supposed to beat the crap out of villains! My magnekinesis is a badass power that could easily destroy this fucking piece of paper! So, Mr. Aizawa, Yaoyorozu, Iida, Bakugou, you can all suck my dick! One at a time, line up bitches! Because it is great!” You internally told yourself as you started to sweat at the last question unanswered on your test.
You would do just fine in the real world!
Once you finish this goddamn test. Thankfully today Aizawa was feeling kind (lazy) enough to just tell all those who finished their tests that they could just leave since it was the last class of the day. However, it was all down to just you, Aoyama, Ashido and Kaminari. Your fellow idiots.
“Thank GOD for my fellow idiots!” You smiled to yourself, glad that you weren’t the only one who struggled, but that hope was shot down when Aoyama finished before you… now it was just you, Ashido and Kaminari. Those poor dorks.
“Ugh I knew I should have studied more… oh who am I kidding? I can barely remember what color underwear I put on this morning…” You thought, because as much as you studied, sometimes you just couldn’t remember everything. Cramming worked a little better for you, it wasn’t the most productive or healthy way of doing it, but you just weren’t a good studier.
Sighing heavily, you focused on the last question, even though you wanted to just tear up this damn paper and throw it in Aizawa’s face for making this so fucking hard. You had 10 minutes left, and you cringed when you saw a fearful Ashido standing up with a deep sigh as she slowly made her way over to Aizawa and turned in her paper.
‘Sorry…’ She mouthed the word to you once she was finished and exited the classroom, leaving only you and Kaminari in the classroom with a waiting Aizawa. Suddenly, you got even more nervous. It was all down to the two of you, with not very many minutes left to spare and a question you were STILL stuck on.
“You have 10 minutes left.” Your teacher added as a reminder, and it just served to make you all the more nervous as you started sweating a little bit. Why couldn’t you just write down the stupid answer?! You were sure it was the right one!
However, it just occurred to you that it was only you and Kaminari left. Curiously, you looked over to where he was at, poor thing looked just as stressed as you did as he stared nervously at his paper. His pencil shaking in his hand as he appeared to be contemplating on what to write down, at least until he felt your eyes on him. He turned slightly to look over at you, making you perk up from your seat and look back at your paper with a nervous flush pinking your cheeks. Just then you missed the look of surprise from him, but you glanced over at him again as you realized that he was still staring at you. The blush not leaving your cheeks as you gave him a sympathetic smile, and he couldn’t help but nervously grin at you as your eyes locked in with his.
At the moment, you couldn’t help but feel a bit of a camaraderie with the electric user. Obviously, he was just as stressed about this as you were, struggling with that last question. You had observed that poor Kaminari wasn’t the best test taker, and apparently, he was the one who scored the lowest in the mid-term exams, right behind Ashido. You felt bad for him, but you didn’t want that to come off as pity. Because you knew what it was like to feel like the dumb one whenever you didn’t score too well. And right now, it literally felt like it was just the two of you staring at each other and making eye contact as you both smiled and tried not to giggle or snicker.
Your cheeks flushed cerise pink when Kaminari winked at you, as if he was trying to flirt with you without talking, it was working because you flashed him a rather coy smile. Neither of you could talk right now, but you were both thankful for each other since this was the only moment you both didn’t feel stressed out during this dumbass test. It’s like you both got lost in the moment, because you both forgot Aizawa existed until he spoke up.
“(L/N). Kaminari. Eyes on your own papers.” He gruffly said, pretty much noticing that you two were flirting, making you both perk up and look back at your papers, blushing.
However, the warmth on your cheeks didn’t leave you even as the last question was toying with you as you reluctantly and finally wrote your answer. Sighing heavily, it was time for you to quickly double-check everything as you went back to your first pages and looked at all your answers, stealing a glance at Kaminari every now and then.
It wasn’t that you had never noticed Kaminari before, of course you have, but today fate just made it so that the two of you would be the last ones together in class trying to finish your tests. You just wished you had more time though. It was the 5 minute mark now, and you had already double-checked all of your answers, mostly sure that most of them were right, down to the last one. Now it was time for your triple-check, but you looked over at Kaminari once more, who was reluctantly writing down his last answer with a very anxious look on his face.
But, you had more pride than that and you weren’t going to finish last so you were thankful when he did the same as you by double-checking his answers just as soon as you finished your triple-check. Even when the doubt came in, that’s when your ‘Fuck it’ moment came as you reluctantly stood up from your seat. With only 3 minutes to spare, as you walked you didn’t see how abandoned Kaminari looked as he watched you walk to Aizawa with your test in shaking hands.
Once he gave you the nod, you were able to walk out of the classroom and then you finally saw Kaminari’s look of defeat. Feeling bad, you waited outside for the poor guy. At least you didn’t finish the test last.
As soon as the last 3 minutes were up, you perked up once the door opened and you saw a dispirited Kaminari kind of slowly walking out, however his eyes widened and he smiled once he saw that you were still there.
“Oh hey it’s you!” His depression didn’t last long as he seemed to be back to his normal self with you there, however some of your shyness and anxiety came back to you. It was different now that you were both officially alone, though you were thankful that Aizawa couldn't see you both semi-flirtng. But you shyly smiled at the blonde, happy to see him as his casual Pikachu-self.
“Hey Kaminari…”
“So… that test huh?” He asked quickly, since that was pretty much the only thing on his mind right now after he just finished that stupid thing.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, “I know right? It was horrible… I barely knew what the last one was, but I just decided ‘Fuck It’ I need to get out of here…” You sighed heavily, much to his amusement.
“That’s how I felt! I already kinda tanked it during midterms and the final exam so… I tried my hardest on this one…” Kaminari admitted with a sheepish looking shrug, “Heh... in fact, to be honest, I've never really been good at taking tests. Like at all." He added and grinned nervously, which made you blush and yet you felt strangely comfortable because he was being so honest.
“Dude, me neither. I normally score well enough to get by, but I still hate it… call it test anxiety I guess…” You rather candidly admitted, not feeling too bad about that since it was true. There was no way to deny it, and you were surprised that Kaminari appeared to relate to you with that.
“Ha. I hear that! I just uh… ya know, I just act like my dopey self and let people think little tests don’t get to me, but…” He kind of blushed even as he tried to smile it off. “Tests still make me a little uneasy…”
You paid attention to him as he talked, this wasn’t something you were used to since you weren’t exactly the most talkative person, but you could get used to talking to Kaminari. Especially if it meant being this close to him and getting to look at him, admire his soft looking blonde hair, his lovely sharp eyes and his fairly conventionally attractive physique. If finishing near-last meant getting to talk to Kaminari every single time, you would keep up with your habits gladly.
"I get that dude. You just want to do your best, and then there's the pressure to do well. You can study as much as you want, but then sometimes you just forget. I know what that's like. Basically the story of my school-life." You smiled sympathetically, which Kaminari did appreciate even if it made him blush since that more or less summed up how he felt during tests. He didn't want to call it an anxiety thing, but he did have those moments during tests or anything academic that required studying and paying attention. "But hey, look on the bright side! These lame-ass tests can't properly test a person's intelligence, all they do is test if you read a section in a book not many people even read. What's that gonna do for us in the future?" You asked with a shrug of your shoulder, which made Kaminari's casual grin return and brightening up his face like it always looked.
"Huh... hey you know you're right! I mean sure I still gotta score well enough but you're right! Not like I'm gonna need something like math to beat up a villain." He snickered, and it made you giggle and blush at how cute you realized he was.
"Yeah man! So you're not an idiot just because you don't pass a dumb-ass test like this. Sure people get rewarded for this shit, but fuck that, I just wanna go home and save the world later if someone's in trouble. Won't need a damn calculator or a pencil for that shit." You chuckled, and that got a laugh from Kaminari. Adorable, you thought.
"You said it!" He laughed rather happily, giving you the biggest smile you had ever seen from him, however that smile turned more sheepish as a faint pink blush adorned his lightly tanned cheeks. "Hey uh... maybe next time we have another test... you and I can uh... maybe... have a study date?" Kaminari tried to act cool, like he knew how to properly flirt and ask you out, but it came off more coy and even bashful than anything. He always pictured that he could ask someone out with total confidence, but now that he was actually doing it, a bit of anxiety creeped up on him, and now he knew how much of an idiot he really was since he thought he totally botched this. He was already expecting you to say 'no'.
"Hell YES! I'm totally down for a study date!" You suddenly exclaimed with vigor as your cheeks burned brightly once it just occurred to you that someone asked you out on a date. And Kaminari Denki, whom was pretty much one of the most attractive guys in your class, ahead of Todoroki and Bakugou. Kaminari's eyes widened, the blush not leaving his face as he looked at you with such surprise that you swore he nearly went catatonic for a minute there. "Hello?"
"O-Oh perfect! That's awesome! It's a date then! Yes!" Kaminari's cheerfulness returned, pumping a fist in the air that he actually scored a date! And you couldn't help but smile, blushing when his eyes met yours again in a stare just like they were a couple of moments ago. It felt quick, but you didn't mind Kaminari walking closely next to you as you made your way back to the dorms. But both of you were equally shocked when you found your hands locked with each other, eyes widening you both looked up at each other with flushed cheeks and surprised gazes.
"Our... hands are holding?" Kaminari asked, confusion and surprise evident in his tone and expression as he started to sweat a little bit. This was definitely the furthest he had gotten with a girl.
"Y-Yeah, I wonder how uh... that happened...you know it might just be my quirk... magnetism and all...” You were just as nervous, having never held anyone else's hands before that weren't your parents or your female friends. And this definitely wasn’t your quirk at work. 
“Oh! Haha makes sense... I’ve always got electricity flowing though me.” Kaminari wanted to say that there electricity flowing through you and HIM but his  brain wouldn’t allow it, for fear it might come off stupid. You believed him though, even though you knew your quirk wasn’t making you do this. It was funny though how you and Kaminari  were oddly drawn to each other like electricity to a magnet. This had to have been fate.
And despite the awkwardness, neither you or Kaminari found it in each other to pull away, at least until your classmates were in your visage since neither of you felt like hearing any teasing at the moment. But he did discreetly whisper to you. 
"Maybe you and I should go a date-date...? Tomorrow after school perhaps?" He sounded more confident, and flirtatious as you snickered a little bit with a nod. "Totally. It's a date-date." You happily agreed, earning another big smile on Kaminari's face as he gladly held your hand again now that nobody, especially Mina, was around to see.
Never in your life had you been happier to have almost finished last on a test.
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sunsetinmyvein · 6 years
Just Off the Key of Reason - Chapter Twelve - Me and My Plus One
Saturday, 28th of April, 2007 – Chicago, Illinois
This time around, Patrick at least knew why he was being ignored. He couldn’t say he was overly comfortable with the situation but this time he knew what the cause behind it was. At least he was pretty sure he knew what it was; his memory was kind of hazy up until when Joe had interrupted them.  As his head hung over his toilet bowl the following morning, he tried to recall everything to the best of his ability through his pounding headache. It felt like a freight train had pushed its way through his ear canal and left a train of destruction as it pushed from one side of his head to the other, but he could make out some details through the debris. He had sent her a few half-drunken texts shortly after Pete had interrogated him about his opinion on their party planning, and unsurprisingly, they went unanswered. The night had ended not long after that, partially due to Patrick kicking people out one by one in his attempts to find her, and partially due to people actually having to go home. Once everyone had left Patrick found himself moping in his bedroom until the sun started creeping through his curtains the following morning. In the cold light of day, being forced to throw up the contents of his stomach, he was beginning to feel like maybe last night wasn’t his best decision. He should’ve known better. He should have known that it would only leave him feeling worse and wanting even more answers than he had been given. She had told him to forget it, so maybe that’s exactly what he should, would do.
 Thursday, 14th of June, 2007 – Chicago, Illinois
The time gradually ticked by in their time off. Andy had a low key family get-together for his 27th birthday in late May; meanwhile Pete had another raging party in a privately hired club for his 28th in early June to celebrate getting through his 27th year on this Earth that he never felt he’d make it to. Eventually they had to start getting ready to go back on tour. The bus was hired for the month that they would need it and was scheduled to meet them in Washington after their flight. Guitars were packed, drums were neatly slipped into their boxes, and merch was chosen. Mostly that had all been sent earlier so that it could take the longer, and cheaper, way around. Interviews were had, signings were attended, promos were released – anything to make sure that people knew Fall Out Boy were coming. If the first of their two months off had been a break, the second had been intentionally made as busy as possible just to make touring seem easy in comparison. In the process of all this commotion, Patrick had found himself meeting many new people. One of whom took a shine to him, and he took a shine to her. All of a sudden he found himself with a girlfriend. A girlfriend who wanted to come on tour with him. This was unfamiliar territory for him; he’d never properly dated anyone since they started touring regularly. She was one of the people who worked in the studio, so she wouldn’t be coming on the road normally, but he had assured her that she could come along to the first two shows with him. From there she was going to meet a friend in Oregon and they’d drive home together. He was more than happy to let the excitement of the new experience keep his mind occupied.
 The band and immediate crew members had crammed themselves into a row of seats at the airport, waiting patiently – or impatiently in Andy’s case – for their red eye flight to Washington. He sat there bouncing his knee as he watched the clock in the corner of the electronic poster in front of them. The time gradually counted up and up as he anxiously glanced around the waiting area for their missing bassist.
“Where the fuck is he?” He grumbled under his breath.
“He’ll be here, man. He was in that group chat with the flight times, just like the rest of us.” Joe reasoned from under his eye mask. He had decided as soon as they sat down that it was far too late to still be functioning and had opted to take a nap in the waiting room seat. But their drummer’s constant worrying had mostly prevented that from happening.
“It’s five minutes until we board. You’ve not heard anything from him?” His question fell upon deaf ears. Joe was either ignoring him or half asleep already and Patrick was too engrossed in his conversation with his girlfriend to care. He kicked Patrick’s shin across the aisle, earning an ‘ow’ in response as he attempted to rub the pain out of his leg. “Pete? Have you heard from him?” He asked again.
“No, I haven’t spoken to him since the day after my party.” Patrick glared back.
“Well, I’m going to call-” Before he could even punch the numbers into his phone, a familiar, overly loud, laugh filled the mostly empty gates.
“I told you he’d be here.” Joe mumbled.
 “Are you not meant to be my babysitter?” Pete laughed as he dropped his backpack from his shoulder. Patrick felt himself tense at those words, trying to remain interested in his conversation but suddenly finding it very hard to remain focused. “I’m pretty sure you shouldn’t be giving me tips about how to get as drunk as I can on the plane.”
“You said you don’t like flying. If you’re totally wasted, you won’t even remember you did it.” She shrugged as the two of them walked up to join the group. Patrick felt the hairs prickle on the back of his neck. They hadn’t spoken in over two weeks. He had assumed that she wasn’t coming back for the second leg of the tour. The label had never mentioned her staying on for another month.
“I might also try and join the mile high club though.” He chuckled as he nudged her in the ribs.
Joe snorted loudly with a laugh, “Don’t pretend like you haven’t already.”
 Eventually Patrick caved to the nagging feeling in the back of his mind and looked up at her from the waiting room chair. She was rifling through her bag, he assumed for her boarding pass. The conversation he had been having was still droning on in the background of his thoughts. He felt like maybe he should say something about where they left off, but if she hadn’t wanted to talk then, why would she now? He stared at her in a stupefied silence until eventually she looked up from her bag and met his gaze. Her eyes flicked from his to above his head.
“New hat?” She asked with an eyebrow raised.
“Uh, yeah.” He absentmindedly touched the fedora atop his head. “The other one…” He swallowed hard as he tried to force the words out, “it kept getting in the way.” He could’ve sworn he saw a blush creep onto her cheeks, but he didn’t have time to dwell on it because soon enough his girlfriend was grabbing his arm and dragging him to the gate to board their flight.
 Friday, 15th of June, 2007 – Seattle, Washington
The flight was mostly uneventful. To avoid his crippling anxiety of impending doom on a metal death trap, Pete doped himself up on some sleeping pills and in-flight vodka. When he came to he was draped across a couch somewhere. He felt vaguely like he was moving, but he himself wasn’t. Was he in a car? His eyes slowly came into focus and he realised he was facing a small living area. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and sat up, figuring he must have been relocated to the tour bus. A little part of him wondered who had the pleasure of hauling his unconscious ass here, but given the fact that a blanket was draped around his waist and a water bottle sat at his feet, he assumed it was probably Andy. Also he wasn’t entirely sure if anyone else would be able to carry him without assistance. He glanced around the small area at the back of the bus, spying the kitchen through the aisle of bunks and feeling his stomach growl. How long had he been out? Apparently long enough that he felt that familiar sleep induced unsteady feeling settling in his legs.  The bus seemed dark; it must still be early morning. All of the bunks had their curtains pulled shut so he assumed they had left him here while they all went to bed. He ambled through to the kitchen, examining what was in the well-stocked cupboards. This was a hell of a lot fancier than what they had in the past. The appliances were all chrome and shiny, there was a proper benchtop and even an oven cooktop combo. They must have either hired or purchased this bus from new. He absentmindedly wondered how fancy a tour bus kitchen would have to be before he decided they had made it as he refiled through the food supplies. He couldn’t help but snicker with the knowledge that the label had intended for this to last the whole tour. It would last a week at best.
 After much consideration he settled on a packet of pancake mix, it seemed the most practical option and he was excited to use appliances that he’d never had the thrill of using on a moving vehicle before. Would it be easier to flip pancakes with the momentum of the bus? But before his hand could even come into contact with the gas dial, it was rudely slapped away.
“Fucking hell,” He squeaked in surprise as he pulled his hand up to his chest, “don’t sneak up on people like that.”
“You are banned from the gas appliances.” She ordered as she moved in between him and the stove.
“What? Why?” He tried to reach around her to at least retrieve the pancake mix but she wouldn’t budge.
“Because you have a tendency to explode things.” She explained, narrowing her eyes at him. He vaguely remembered fireworks in hotels.
“No, I don’t.” He lied. “But even if I did, how am I going to cook pancakes without a stove?”
“I guess you’ll have fun working that out.” She grinned up at him. They stood there in silence for a few moments, waiting for the other to stand down, until he admitted defeat. He groaned loudly, instead grabbing a bag of chips from the counter and moving to sink back into the couch.
 The two of them decided to watch whatever terrible show was on at five in the morning in the middle of nowhere, killing time until everyone else woke up. She had gotten up early to make sure everything on the bus was working before everyone attempted to use it, at least that way they would be able to accurately tell if Pete did break anything, or if it just came like that. They’d grown a lot closer in the month or so since Patrick’s party. Anyone who was willing to assist with Pete’s antics was someone he considered a friend. He was also beginning to find her company considerably more tolerable than what it had been at the start of their tour. Even despite that every second conversation was her reprimanding him for something. After a few minutes of static silence Pete threw a chip in her vague direction. She looked over at him in confusion.
“How’s things with you and lover boy?” He asked with an eyebrow raised. She rolled her eyes.
“How’s things with you and your girlfriend?” She shot back, voice laced with sarcasm.
“Good, actually.” He nodded. The confused stare he got in response urged him to continue. “We, uh… we didn’t break up this time, we’re going to try the long distance thing.” It was still a concept that didn’t sit well with him, but he figured if Patrick could work it out, then so could he.
“Oh. Well, good for you guys. I hope it goes well.” She smiled back at him, reaching across the table to grab a handful of chips. He pulled the bag away from her as he clicked his tongue.
“Nuh-uh. Answer my question.”
 She let out a heavy sigh. “That should be pretty self-explanatory, Pete. He’s on tour with his girlfriend.” Since coming back onto the tour she was trying her best to ignore the changes that had occurred in their month off. Patrick’s hair had grown out quite a bit, nearly coming down to his shoulders. He also seemed very attached to his new hat, she was yet to see him without it. In addition, and probably the most hard-hitting change, they hadn’t spoken except for their brief exchange in the airport. It was odd going from being attached at the hip to suddenly having a minimum ten metre gap between you at all times.
“That doesn’t mean shit. She goes home after two shows and you’re still here.” He finally offered the bag over to her and allowed her to take a handful.
“They won’t break up just because she goes home. Patrick’s not like you.” She laughed dryly, trying to avoid the slightest amount of hope sitting in the back of her mind that maybe Patrick was like Pete.
“I take offense to that.” He gasped. “But you never know. Crazier things have happened.” He shrugged, stuffing a wad of chips into his mouth.
“Yeah, like you being a bass player in a band when you’re terrible at it.” She grinned.
“You’re sho mean ooday.”  He garbled, spraying chips over the living room table.
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