#so if you know your friend is selling something online with the incorrect information
hejihra · 7 months
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numerous issues with “The Aftermath of Seaworld”
When I get time to do so (aka when I’m done with the documentary), I’m likely going to make a video version of this going into the details. 
But for right now, I’ve made this. Both as a guideline for me and so everyone can begin to get an idea of the severity of issues involved.
Researching things is time-consuming and can be very difficult - believe me, I know. But I’m of the mind that if you’re making content with the intent of educating people, you have a responsibility to perform a certain level of due diligence. It IS okay to express uncertainty or doubt if you have it. It is NOT okay to confidently assert things that you do not know with certainty.
The video has an anticap slant, and I’m obviously not disagreeing on that front. But again: if you’re gonna go through the trouble of teaching people something. Bare minimum... please make sure it’s actually correct. *** 1) x ‘founded in 1964 and based out of Florida’ -  ???? Seaworld definitively began on the west coast, in San Diego, CA. And given that the first park opened in early 1964… things came together before that. Uh? 2) x ‘four people founded Seaworld [...]’ For one… it wasn’t originally conceived as a restaurant, it was originally conceived as an underwater bar/lounge. Two… calling the four guys involved in founding the place “frat brothers” is fucking ridiculous and completely overlooks a) how each was actually involved and b) the overall significance of their contributions to the field as individuals. Hint: like it or not, they were important and did a lot! 
3) x If one is going to bring up SWBGCF/rescues while talking about the literal founding of SW, it gives the impression that it’s been around for that duration. It hasn’t.  It’s actually a bit unclear when SW started an organized rescue program, but the Fund itself and all that it did came about much later. The rescue information and how it’s presented is actually INCREDIBLY complex, nuanced, and has a fascinating history (from a “bad company behaving badly” perspective). Oversimplifying this, to this degree and in this misinformative way, does the facts of the situation an INCREDIBLE disservice.  
4) x [assertive statement about what the name Shamu means]  ….Uh actually there’s several explanations for the name Shamu, and the most likely one IMO seems to be the “she-namu” one, not the “friend of Namu” one(? What is this even based on.) 4b) It’s not quite clear if she’s saying “Namu was the first ever orca to be displayed and perform shows” or or Namu was the first to be displayed and, like Shamu, performed shows. Either way, Moby Doll was the first to truly be displayed to the public, not Namu.
5) x ‘Namu died after one year in captivity and you’d think that this might deter Seaworld from doing the same thing again…’ Seaworld truly had nothing to do with Namu. And they leased/took possession of Shamu before Namu died. ‘Again’? What?
6) x “Now, PETA paints a pretty disturbing picture…” [while showing Okura’s artwork] This video segment is, and this is putting it nicely, a pile of poorly-researched BULLSHIT.  -Yes, PETA talks about Shamu’s capture, re: the harpooning of her mother. This Youtuber cannot apparently be arsed to look more than 1 Google search into this, as she proceeds to dismiss the information as potentially fabricated. There are two detailed accounts of Shamu’s capture that I’m aware of - in books - and though they have some slight conflicts, it’s absolutely NOT in doubt that the female who was very likely Shamu’s mother was 1) harpooned, 2) died from her injuries and 3) this had been done to make her easier to catch/locate because there was a fucking buoy attached to the harpoon. Which she dragged around for at least 24 hours prior dying.  So maybe don’t dismiss that as PETA hysteria, maybe TRY to determine the truth of the matter, which would inform one that it is both true and completely horrifying.  -In addition, Okura is an awesome individual who has worked very hard to create a variety of informative artwork for our cause. Okura is NOT associated with PETA and it’s borderline libel in my eyes to use their artwork in this dismissive manner when the primary sources of it can be easily identified online, with full explanations and everything. Do I take special offense to this because of the misuse of artwork? Absolutely. Artists get disrespected enough online. I’m tired of it. This kind of laziness IS NOT acceptable.
7) x ‘timeline is fuzzy about when Shamu died’ …………… it’s…. It’s really not … newspapers are pretty clear about it…..
8) x [complete and utter oversimplification of the lifespan issue, which is not acceptable for anything published in 2020. It just isn’t. If you’re going to bring it up like this, either do the legwork and get into the weeds or stay out.] 8b) [same for reproductive ages. sigh]
9) x if we’re going to talk about when Cornell was involved with Seaworld it’s very important to specify when Cornell was involved with Seaworld and not make it seem like it’s present tense.
10) x “both were rescued by Seaworld” - uh? no. Zero orcas have been rescued by Seaworld. Literally none. The infected-jaw orca was Sandy, whose story is complex and certainly does not involve Seaworld until much later. And many of the orcas in that time period had bullet wounds, often only identified post-mortem because they didn’t seem to hurt the animals much. Also, unflinchingly blending 70s captivity ethics with modern ones is also complete nonsense? 
11) x [tilikum coming from sealand] inhales I am going to make an entire video centered on this fucking subject because it’s one of the single most profound arguments for Seaworld being garbage as assessed by US government agencies in the 90s yet everyone utterly fails to mention this. Why?!
12) x what on earth is this nonsense re: quoting a quote from Zimmerman’s article - which has already been removed from its original context, so the original context is not available - and then penalizing the quote for existing as if Zimmerman’s article were the context? That is offensively disingenuous. I honestly don’t know what the original context is, either - but it’s wildly inappropriate to act as if the Zimmerman article is.
13) x this is relatively minor but ‘Paul Sprong’? You literally have his name on the screen. And then mis-reading his age too? While asserting it from a static article published years ago? Effort? Where is it?
14) x ‘another trainer, Peter’ ….. Ken Peters…. 
15) [weirdly glossing over the widely-available list of orca-trainer injuries/aggressions, despite it being central to the point.] 16) x This pilot whale outrage certainly happened but it was pretty clearly Blackfish that started the cascade of woes for Seaworld. Who has ever asserted this?
17) if you’re gonna just rehash blackfish, tell people to go watch blackfish.
18) x I’ve already gone over the context issue with Seaworld calling out Howard’s statement in Blackfish here (point 23). Which is to say, IN CONTEXT in Blackfish it’s clear what Mr. Garrett is talking about but, divorced from that, it sounds incorrect. But this Youtuber AMPLIFIES the issue by doubling down on the assertion with “no record of a killer whale doing any harm to anyone in the wild.” The surfer event should always be mentioned. Yes, there’s absolutely room for doubt. But there’s also a clear demarcation between an accidental attack (eg mistaken identity, as was likely for the surfer) and intentional one (eg the incidents at marine parks.) Why do people kneecap themselves on this point 18b) please stop acting like Luna represents orcas in general.
19) x “Howard, for all of his research…” … while referring to David Duffus’ b-roll and statements. Uh. 20) x Apparently this Youtuber has single-handedly resolved the dorsal fin issue. You know, the thing that hasn’t been properly researched ever, that has been subject to a ton of debate, that isn’t 100% settled for a variety of reasons, and almost everyone talks about in terms of theories and likely possibilities.  21) x Alexis Martinez wasn’t “torn to shreds.” In a space where even moderate exaggerations are often penalized harshly by the opposition, this kind of blatant nonsense is not welcome. Plus, the reality’s bad enough… you don’t have to make anything up!
22) x *sighs. points at own webpage*
23) Talking about the shows stopping without acknowledging how that’s a bit of a farce is something else. In addition to apparently just flipping to buying what Seaworld’s selling re: its ‘improved image.’ 
*** Tl;dr video is so unrelentingly full of errors ranging from small to egregious it makes me seriously concerned for the veracity of the rest of this person’s content. The maker of the video provided a list of their sources in their video description, which I will have time to look through in detail later. The above is solely a response to the information they present IN THE VIDEO - which, is very important because let’s be real: a lot of people are not going to look at the list of sources. People don’t even do it when citing papers (no really, you’d be surprised, fml.) For anyone who wants to whinge that I haven’t linked or asserted any sources of my own for my claims… well, remember what I said about time-consuming and ‘I’m busy’? Yhea. Getting all of that together will be part of making a video. So if you want to shrug loudly at my list here… you can, that’s your prerogative, I’m happy to say I DGAF if that’s your takeaway. 
What I hope, is that if there’s anything I’ve made clear over the While of running this blog, it’s that I don’t fuck around when it comes to sources and information and do my best to provide what information exists, all of it, not just cherrypicked bits and bobs. Anyways. Here’s step 0 at least. Please don’t share that video. Pretty please.
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agathasangel · 3 years
leave everything behind but me- part 4 (diane sherman x reader) (NSFW moment)
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warnings: same as before, stalking (like full on irl stalking as well as online), drugging, some talk of emotional/physical abuse in this one, death mention. this whole fic is just kinda dark... sorry. Also brief nsfw moment.
summary: this part is from Diane’s perspective. as she looks for her neurotoxin ingredients in a panic, she reflects on how she came into contact with you in the first place, and all the highs and lows of your relationship up to this point.
where the hell are they? thought Diane, looking for the last, most important ingredient in her neurotoxin.
She couldn’t believe it had come to this again. Just like with Chloe.
Diane wondered where Chloe was, what she was doing. About five years ago, with an excellent defense lawyer, she managed to get out of jail for what she had done. She looked far and wide for her stolen daughter, who seemed to be nowhere to be found. She still worried about what became of Chloe, but knew she was probably doing alright. And one day, Diane found a new obsession by the name of (y/n).
It was nearly two years ago now. Diane was beginning to give up on finding Chloe, after three full years of searching anywhere and everywhere with no luck. But she did find something else. 
She was staying at a hotel in California, near the hospital where she gave birth to Chloe, in the vain hope that maybe, just maybe, Chloe would be around.
Diane didn’t find Chloe, but she found something else from her past. Her college reunion was being held in the exact hotel she was staying at. She didn’t plan on attending, but then she came face-to-face with her college rival. This woman was the only person who did better in her classes than Diane. Not only that, but she had multitudes of friends, boyfriends, you name it, while Diane had no one. The woman never let Diane forget how much better she was either. It wasn’t the worst thing Diane had ever been through, not by a long shot, but it was a disappointment for sure. College was supposed to be the place where Diane could finally feel like she belonged, and she always resented this rival of hers. 
“Diane! We didn’t think you were coming! Oh here, have a seat!” said the woman.
“I’m so sorry about Roger. It was such a shock to hear about.”, she continued, reminding Diane of her dead husband
“Yeah, I still can’t say I’m over it, all these years later.”
“Yeah when the love of your life just drops dead like that, you never get over it, do you?”, she said, far louder than Diane would have liked.
“Can we please talk about something else?”
“Of course, I’m so sorry, Diane, I know it must be so hard for you!”
“Yeah. Um... what’s your family like?”
“Well we have one daughter. Her name is (y/n), and she’s a senior in High School,” said the woman. She then leaned into Diane and said, “But can I be honest? I never exactly wanted kids. Never liked them. I thought it would change when I had her but it didn’t. She’s so... difficult.”
Diane’s blood absolutely boiled hearing this, but she managed to keep a polite face, “But that’s your child. Don’t you love her?”
“There are some good things about her, I guess. I do love her in my own way, but I can’t help but feel disappointed. She’s just not what I thought she’d be. I’m sorry, I thought you may understand. I never get to vent my frustrations about her.”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t understand. But, do you, um, by any chance have a picture of her?”
“On my phone, somewhere. Let me look.”
After a while, she found a picture of (y/n). It was fairly recent photo of you at a restaurant, at what looked like a dinner with the whole family. You looked sad and lost, but Diane thought you looked sweet.
“She’s beautiful.”
“Thanks,” said the woman, almost stifling a laugh, as if there was no way Diane could have meant that.
“I’m sorry, I need to go to the bathroom.” said Diane, as she was starting to turn red in anger and the woman.
“I’ll join you, I need to freshen up a bit.”
So Diane walked straight into a stall while the other woman followed. Diane started to cry, so angry at this awful woman. She had a child, a beautiful, sweet, girl who was alive, for God’s sake. Diane would kill for what she has, in fact she had killed for it before. But this woman didn’t care about her child, she didn’t appreciate you one bit.
She didn’t deserve you. 
Then she heard the woman get into the stall next to her and she decided to leave. But the woman left her purse on the sink. Diane looked into her purse and found everything. All her information was in her wallet, and she took pictures of her address, phone number, and credit card numbers, as well as a couple of photos of you and your father. Diane quickly threw the last photo back into her purse as she heard her enemy get up, and she ran away, all the way back up to her room. 
Diane looked at the photos, and started to look for your social media. You didn’t seem to post very often, or have many friends. Most of your photos were of you by yourself, or pretty things you took pictures of, and even a couple of sad poems you wrote. Poetry written by teenagers was usually laughably bad, but hers made Diane cry. She saw herself in you.
Poor little thing, Diane thought. She needs some love. But I can do that for her.
Diane spent about a month following you and your parents around, without any of you even noticing her presence. One day she snuck into their house and bugged it, so that there were feeds of different rooms streaming to her computer at all times.
Diane noticed you spent most of your time alone. You wrote in a journal a lot, and cried fairly often, hugging a teddy bear you had. You just seemed so burnt out from stress from school, stress from your job, pressure from your parents. You fought with both of her parents often. Well... fight wasn’t the right word. Usually, one parent would yell at you and insult you, and you would choose to either take it or not take it.
There was one particular instance where you snapped at your father, telling him how he abandoned you so many times. He didn’t take this well, screaming all kinds of insults. How Diane wished she could hold you, rock you, comfort you and tell you that aren’t any of the terrible things your father told you, and that she’s sorry that you never felt good enough.
Diane snuck into (y/n)’s graduation, too. She knew she couldn’t contact you yet, but she got so much happiness out of just seeing this milestone of your life. All you did was walk across the stage and take your diploma, but Diane beamed with pride for you as you did it.
After graduation, your parents were constantly threatening to kick you out, and the fights got worse, they crying got worse. Diane wished she was there, comforting you, holding you and giving you all the love that your parents didn’t. Diane looked for a window of opportunity into this girl’s life until she found the perfect one. You had put out an ad on facebook for anyone on the east coast looking for a roommate, and Diane put her plan into action. She made a fake account on facebook pretending to be a college girl named “Anna Johnson” and responded to the ad, starting to talk to and getting friendly with you. “Anna” suggested that you take a bus trip and offered to pay the fare, but you refused because you wanted to earn the money yourself. Diane’s heart warmed at your sweet messages, even though they were to “Anna” and not her. “I’ve never had as good a friend as you before”, “Who needs a mom when I have you giving me such great advice?”, “You’re the best!”, every little message that you sent to Diane made her fall more and more in love. Diane bought a little house on the East Coast with the money she got from selling her old house, and hoped everything will fall into place in her new life with (y/n). 
Now during the bus trip, Diane needed to follow you closely in her silver minivan, and make sure not to lose track of you during layovers either. Her detour into the coffee shop scared her at first, but once Diane found you, it was the perfect opportunity to finally, after all these months of dreaming, meet you face-to-face. Her new little baby girl, finally. Diane slipped a powdered sleeping pill into her already tired girl’s coffee to make you even more sleepy and suggestible, getting you to come with her to her hotel room.
Back in the present, Diane found the rest of the powdered sleeping pills as she was searching through her medicine cabinet and closet. She got so distracted thinking about you, and all the horribly wrong things she had done to you. 
It’s for her own good, all of it. She needs to be protected, she’s too pure for this world, to good, too sweet...
Diane searched through the drugs she had given you, thinking of all the best times the two of you have had.
The first day Diane had been with you in the little house was heaven on earth. Finally Diane had everything she’s been working for for almost a year now right there, in her arms. Diane wanted to give you everything you didn’t believe you deserved. The only catch was that you belonged to Diane, and Diane alone.
She got a job teaching Chemistry at the local High School fairly easily, as she had extensive knowledge (even more extensive than she may have let on in her interview), of the subject, and the school district was completely desperate for competent science teachers. Diane found faking the background check easy, she used her maiden name and an incorrect date of birth and they didn’t ask her about her arrest at all. And now she had her new life set up. A house that she owned, a job to put food on the table, and you.
The next best day for Diane was the day you finally kissed her. Diane was starting to fall in love with you in a more romantic, even a more sexual way, but didn’t know if you felt the same way about her. Then, during one of your movie nights, you kissed Diane, and she felt overjoyed. She kissed you back and finally led you to the bed and fucked you, like she had been thinking about doing every night at this point but was too scared to actually initiate until now. She was in love with the feeling she got from kissing you, from pleasing you. It had been so long since Diane had been this intimate with anyone, and she was your first. And it was a real awakening for the both of you.
It felt so good, you felt so good. This relationship you had was so incredibly wrong in so many ways, but it just felt so right.
Why did it have to change?
Of course, there were still some hard moments. Even Diane admitted that there were times when she could be irrationally possessive of you, getting angry when someone even looks at you the wrong way. She knew that her possessive, obsessive attitude could scare you, and you would even blame yourself for it, but she didn’t know how to stop. She knew that you were getting scared she would become more difficult to please, like all the other people that have been in your life.
Or the times that you would cry, and it happened so often. You would get sad and Diane would hold you and tell you:
“It’s ok baby, you’re here now, you’re with me. I love you more than life itself. You’re gonna be okay, my little angel.”
One night Diane woke up to you crying into your pillow, and immediately grabbed you.
“What’s wrong, baby? What happened?”
“I- I was afraid that you might- that- one day- you might not want me anymore... what would happen if you d-don’t want me....”
“Listen, I will never not want you. You are all I have, remember? And you’re all I need. Come here, that’s right. You’re my baby, all mine.. shhh....”
Or, there was the time you asked about the scars on Diane’s back. She was mortified, but finally told you about her terrible childhood. The horrible abuse from her mother until her death, the foster home, everything. Her desperation to become the mother she never had. You hugged her tight.
“I’m so sorry, Diane, I had no idea... and to think I complained about-”
“Baby, don’t compare your life to mine. All that matters now is that it’s you and me, and I need to take care of you.”
“Sometimes I think I should be the one taking care of you, Diane.”
“Trust me baby, you do so much more for me than you think.”
Then Diane found it. The rest of the paint thinner. And she was ready to take away all your sadness once and for all, and make you hers forever.
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bushfired63 · 3 years
PPC Company Chicago
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Exactly what Sucks About Online Online dating
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backpage websites Previously in a property far, far, I realized a guy. This man had been interesting because this individual resided his life through every thing bad, not great. That may audio the little strange but think about your living and the actual conversations you may possess upon any given time. How often are you currently overwhelmed with advertising, or even real reviews from friends or perhaps communications preaching the advantages associated with something? For example, "This restaurant is great simply because it has got the best greens bar around. " Or even how about, "You ought to shop at Nordstrom's this particular weekend because they tend to be possessing a great sale! inch The most recent information, "You must stay in this hotel simply because they have got the largest rooms! inches
backpage websites
Everybody in the globe from business to individuals always puts their finest feet forward. They emphasize the particular good, and hide unhealthy. We sell based in our own assets, we succeed depending on being the greatest. This failed to work about the guy Knew. This individual lived his existence simply by everything bad. He or she desired to know that typically the lettuce in the greens was three days aged instead of refreshing. In case that was not poor sufficient for him in order to avoid, he'd eat often the salad. When the sale from Nordstrom's was actually going on, he might want to know the actual mark-up Nordstrom's is creating to each of your on sale product. If it had not been as well much, he would store someone buy. If this person was resort shopping, he or she would want to understand that this maid service is actually terrible, and that the particular room smelled such as smoke cigarettes. If he could endure the bad, he would certainly move forward.
A few get his notion as well as speak about something so really near and dear to any or all of our wandering minds. The idea here: If a person knew everything bad regarding dating online, are you able to reside with them? Does typically the advantage outweigh the disadvantages?
1) There are any lot of fake information with dating websites. Bogus users are spammers appearing because real people. Whenever choosing a website to satisfy people, you have some sort of lot of choices. Numerous dating sites have superior spam filters and moderators that block spam action and thus, keeping often the nuisance down. On the actual flip side the huge majority of websites you don't have any spam filters, which means 9 out of each and every 10 people are bogus! Pick your site of option carefully, and realize that absolutely no matter what, you get to be weary regarding spammers.
2) The high quality of on the internet candidates will be low. Could perception involving online dating can not be regarded as false, it most definitely are not able to be considered true! Individuals believe that those who else online day cannot discover a date within actual life because they are usually not good searching or maybe are socially inept. Reality: Not all people upon internet dating websites look just like Brad Pitt as well as Megan Foxx. Fact: Many people sign up for dating websites as they are not really graced with the ability or confidence to fulfill other people in a interpersonal environment. Truth: Just due to the fact the first two are generally facts, it does certainly not mean they are poor top quality members! Bottom line, a new dating website is the reflection of real life and also there is something with regard to everyone. That is anybody to be able to judge what is very good or bad? Realize which whenever you date online, include to meet up with people if you're not going to similar to until you find your own perfect diamond necklace. That's life. The actual next time experts any crowded room, browse around an individual. It'll resemble all of the users on an inernet online dating site.
3) There not necessarily enough people in the region. For many internet dating websites, particularly the more youthful ones, this is most likely true, especially if anyone live in some sort of countryside area. If this is usually the situation, you have 2 things you may possess to understand to deal along with. - You could satisfy somebody online through a new relationship website that life in the closest major town or city to you actually, and commute. The particular travel may be a pull, however would you generate an hour to get the guy of your dreams? Your own other option is for you to become a member of the website, along with keep checking your current user profile on a weekly foundation to keep track connected with all the new folks joining who live inside your neighborhood, and have very first pick from the litter! When you feel like becoming philanthropic, you can actually share the particular dating account with some of the buddies, who will then discuss it with their close friends through Facebook, Twitter or even what ever. Before you realize it, a huge quantity of people is going to be becoming a member of that internet dating web site in your area, in addition to you're not likely to recognize any of them!
4) Internet dating is frowned on. It may be surprising, but even in this planet there are men and women who do not regard the service internet courting offers the lonely. In their own defense, these folks have lower confidence, reduced self confidence and will probably become solitary forever. They usually are not date worthwhile. All those who online date require courage to try some thing new, knowledge to perform the online introduction video game, and the confidence to help write off the fools who also determine. At the finish of the day, a person will marry as well as stay a happy life, and they'll not.
In conclusion, On the internet Dating Pulls! So perform hotel rooms, so really does Nordstrom's, and so carry out almost all restaurants. No issue what the service, topic, or product, there is definitely something incorrect with all of them. Online dating is not necessarily for everyone, because for a few, the bad exceeds typically the good. On the switch side, you should right now know the negative points about online dating sites. Are an individual able to deal together with the bad once the ending result could be often the love of your lifestyle? A person be the assess...
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blackberrywidow · 6 years
Don’t Tumblr and Tell
Summary: The Avengers discover an “Incorrect Avengers Quotes” Tumblr account that is full of things that they have actually said. They immediately set out to find the mole, unaware that Peter Parker is the culprit. 
Word Count: 1,927
Warnings: This is just a crack fic with a panicking Peter and an angry Natasha. Read at your own risk. 
A/N: Inspired by this post. 
Peter snickered, swiping through his notifications. The post he uploaded only an hour ago—a particularly funny Thor quote involving snakes—already had hundreds of notes, and a lot of the commentary was pretty good too.
He was still formulating a reply when he walked into the avenger’s compound, immediately triggering his spidey sense.
This wasn’t a rare occurrence, per se. His built-in warning system was often more of a joke, warning him about incoming spitballs and trip hazards more than large-scale threats. But Peter didn’t need his enhanced senses to tell him something was wrong this time.
The normally bustling entryway to the compound was completely empty of its usual staff and agents, and the normal tranquility that permeated the building was lost in the argument that was taking place a few doors down.
Peter cautiously edged his way to the room where he could hear the hushed voices fighting to be heard over one another—immediately negating any attempts at subtlety. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting to find when slowly peaked his head into the room, but it wasn’t… that.
All of the Avengers were gathered in the small conference room, apparently in a heated debate. Steve was at the head of the table, face a calm mask as he silently observed the others. Natasha stood next to him, her hands planted on the table as she leaned across it to sneer something at Clint, who seemed to be having the time of his life from where he sat with his chair leaned back, feet up on the table, laughter spilling out of his mouth. Sam seemed to be trying to engage Bucky in an argument, but Bucky was completely blank-faced and silent as he sat in the corner just staring at Sam in the way everyone knew he hated—that was a good one. Bucky-messing-with-Sam posts always got a lot of notes. He’d have to remember this for later.
“Hey, kid.”
Peter’s attention snapped across the room, focusing on where his mentor stood next to his best friend, though Rhodey seemed more invested in his conversation with Vision and Wanda. But Mr. Stark was just… staring at him like—
Not good.
Peter gulped, taking in Tony’s crossed arms, stiff posture, and calculating look. He knew that look. It was the same look that Aunt May gives him when she catches him sneaking in at three in the morning. It was the look that foretold certain doom, unless one was able to talk themselves out of it.
“Hey, Mr. Stark,” Peter replied, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. “What’s going on? Is something wrong?”
In order to get out of trouble, it would be nice to know what it was he did. Was this about the prank call that he and Clint made to Scott? Was it about him temporarily losing his suit along with another backpack last week? Was it—
“There’s seems to be some sort of security breach,” Tony replied, eyes still narrowed and searching.
“Oh,” Peter said, briefly forgetting to hide his relief. It had nothing to do with him then. “I mean, that’s awful. What happened?”
“It would seem,” Thor answered, interrupting his conversation with a nervous-looking Bruce, “that one of your Midgardian “social media” has been listening in to our conversations.”
“Uh,” Peter said, looking between the god and his mentor as though that would make things clearer. “What?”
“Some punk on tumblr has been recording and posting some of our conversations,” Clint answered with a laugh, earning him several sharp looks from his fellow Avengers. “What? It’s honestly kind of funny.”
Peter felt his stomach drop. Oh no.
“Funny, Clint, really?” Natasha said, shaking her head at her partner in exasperation. “This is serious!”
“You’re just mad because they heard you signing ‘Black Widow Baby’ when you were fighting that slumlord last week.”
Oh no no no.
Natasha sniffed, stepping back from the table to cross her arms, giving her glare as much venom as possible. “This coming from the guy they saw slip on an actual banana peel.”
Clint, of course, was unaffected. “It was for science.”
That’s pretty good. I’ll have to use that in something la—Not now Peter! Focus on getting out of this alive and unembarrassed.
“I think that we’re all missing the point here,” Steve spoke up, standing and giving everyone in the room a measuring look. “Someone has been listening in on our conversations. Just because the leaked information so far has been… harmless—okay, not harmless,” he amended with a small smile when Natasha gave him a sharp look. “The conversations that they’ve posted have all been for comedic affect, not intelligence leaking.”
“That we know of,” Rhodey interjected. “This could be information selling we’re dealing with, meaning we don’t know what kind of information has been leaked where.”
“He’s right,” Sam said. “This is a serious threat and we need to deal with it as soon as possible.”
“Could be,” Bucky spoke up, surprising Peter. Usually he didn’t say much in meetings like these, but when he did… “Or, you might just be a little pissed that they posted about you feeding birds. Speaking of which, do you really name them all?”
“Okay, that’s low,” Sam started, rounding on Bucky just as the room delved back into chaos.
Nobody seemed to be worried about secrecy or privacy anymore as they all clamored to be heard over one another, arguing about classified information and ridiculous overreactionswhile Peter tried to slowly edge himself back out of the room. If he could just get away long enough to go home and regroup, he could figure a way to fix this without his friends finding out that he was the one leaking these “trade secrets.”
“Not so fast, Pete.”
Peter froze, one foot out of the door, and cursed his luck. This was so not good.
He pivoted on his foot ever so slowly, turning back around to find everyone facing him with varying looks of interest as Tony approached him. “Uh, yeah, Mr. Stark?”
“You wouldn’t happen to know anything about this, would you Peter?” he asked, still appraising him as though he were a suspected criminal. Which, Peter guessed he actually was.
“Um, no,” Peter replied, trying not to answer too fast or too slow. “I don’t even know what Tumblr is.” Tony’s eyebrow shot up and he heard Clint laugh somewhere in the background. Too obvious, time to backtrack. “I mean, I’ve heard of it. I just don’t have one.”
“Uh huh,” Tony said, pulling out his phone. Peter had thought that his luck might be turning around, that Tony had just received a very important text that would pull him away long enough for him to escape. That hope, however, was ruined when Mr. Stark held the phone up for Peter to look at the screen.
Oh. No.
“Can you tell me what this says, Peter?”
“I—I think that there’s been some misunderstanding,” Peter hurried to backpedal, raising his hands and attempting to back through the door. He heard it close behind him and whipped his head around to see Thor standing there with his arms crossed and that intimidating stare directed at him.
“Okay,” Mr. Stark said, turning the phone back around to face him. “Then I’ll read it. ‘Tony Stark: *entering his bedroom* FRIDAY, what time is my meeting with Fury tomorrow morning? Spider-man, slowly descending from the ceiling upside down: It’s at 8 a.m. Wanna carpool? Tony Stark: *shrieks like a small child*’… Sound familiar, Pete?”
“Uh,” Peter said, eyes dancing across the room in search of an escape. All he saw was the Avengers looking at him in either disappointment, anger, or amusement. “No.”
“Really?” Tony raised a brow. “It doesn’t? Because that’s the exact exchange that we had when you broke into my house last month. My completely untappable house, where you and I were the only two present for the conversation. Do you know what that means?”
“FRIDAY has an insanely popular tumblr account dedicated to you?” Peter hedged, voice raising an octave.
Tony sighed. “Come on, Pete. You’ve been caught, just come out with it already.”
“Okay,” Peter burst out, unable to take the pressure of lying (terribly) anymore. “I made a ‘incorrect avengers’ account so that I could post all of the stuff that you guys say. But a lot of it’s hilarious! I mean, did you read the one with Clint and the banana peel?!”
Clint nodded sagely. “He’s right. It’s hilarious.”
Peter gestured at the archer with wide, hopeful eyes, as though his approval was all the proof he needed.
“So let me get this straight,” Natasha said, eyes narrowed dangerously. “You made this account to share private conversations with complete strangers, jeopardizing our security?”
“I don’t think that our security has been jeopardized, Nat,” Steve tried to placate her while Peter could only gape, guilt washing over him in waves.
“Oh really, Steve? He essentially told everyone that sing I Shania Twain songs when I’m drunk.”
“Well,” Sam butted in, his face losing its hard edges as he smiled. “You do.”
“Yes, Sam, that’s the point!”
“Actually,” Bruce cut in, standing up from his position in the corner to place a placating hand on Natasha’s shoulder. “I think the point is that nobody believes that what Peter’s posting is true.”
“Right,” Tony said, returning his attention back to Peter, clapping a hand on his shoulder as though that would help protect him from their scrutiny. “The kid wasn’t trying to embarrass anyone or ‘leak any top-secret information.’ No harm done.”
Natasha didn’t reply but continued to fume as Thor cleared his throat and also stepped forward. “Stark is right. He was just sharing his humorous experiences with his online friends, which I am told is something that you Midgardians do regularly.” Thor smiled his giant, impossible-to-stay-mad-after-you-see-it smile at Peter and said, “I see no reason to be angry with the boy.”
“It was kind of funny,” Sam allowed, much more relaxed now that imminent threat was off the table. “Did you see that one today about the snake biting Thor? What the hell were you doing man?”
The tension in the room seemed to bleed out as Thor defensively explained that he thought he knew that particular snake. Peter was still feeling a little bad about the whole situation, so he quietly slipped out the door, hoping to go home to figure out how to make it up to everyone.
Mr. Stark stopped him in the hallway though, stepping out of the room with his trademarked half-smile. “Where you off to kid? I thought we had training scheduled for tonight.”
“Oh,” Peter said, rubbing the back of his nick. “Yeah. I just thought that maybe it would be best if I gave everyone some space for a bit.”
Tony rolled his eyes. “Oh, come on. You think that that was bad? Two years ago we were beating the shit out of each other in an airport parking lot. No one’s mad at you kid.”
“Really?” Peter asked, trying not to sound too hopeful as he edged his way back to the room.
“Really,” Tony confirmed, opening the door back open to let Peter in. “Though I would maybe consider leaving Nat out of any future posts.”
“Yeah,” Peter said, laughing as Thor demonstrated how to best pick up a snake that you believe to be your brother. “That’s probably good advice.”
Advice that he wouldn’t follow, of course, but good advice all the same.
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oyeshakti · 5 years
What is Digital Marketing? and Why it’s trending in 2019?
What is Digital Marketing? 
In simple words, it’s use to promote or advertise the service, brand or product in a digital way
By using the internet and can target the specific audience from anywhere in the world.
In traditional marketing, if we want to promote our business or brand than there is T.V, Newspaper,
Hoarding or Radio those things where internet is not being used.
And the users of internet increasing rapidly day by day, the internet is the quickest way to deliver the information, so now the platform of advertising is changing from offline to online and the internet has all the information about the user, so we can categorised the people on the basis of what they do, what they like and who they are.
Here are the Modules of Digital Marketing
1. SEO (Search  Engine Optimization)
2. SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
3. SMO (Social Media Optimization)
4. SMM ( Social Media Marketing)
5. Email Marketing
6. Content Marketing
7. Youtube Media Optimization
 Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page
In web search engine’s unpaid search results-often referred to as natural, organic or earned 
In the Search Engine, if someone is searching for something than the result of the keyword will be in hundred of pages or hundreds of website will be shown and that’s why ranking of website is necessary, if someone searching for best guitar under 250$ and you’re website is on 3rd page
Than there is very less chances of people going for 3rd page and come to your website.
Than there is comes SEO, how to properly optimize your website so that your website ranks on the 1st page of search engine and you get organic traffic.
Search Engine Marketing
If you started a new website for cabs in your town or country, than there is so much competition 
To rank your website in Google's first page, than you can promote or advertise your website on
Search engine’s first page and if the user searching for service and open your website than you
Have to pay the search engine a small amount, and there is specific amount which we have to pay the search engine for promoting our website.
Social Media Optimization
Social Media Optimization used for branding and awareness of your product,  Service, event and brand. Around 3.5 billion people use social media everydayAnd Social Media
 is one of the best platforms to promote the business. With the help of social media you can increase the traffic or sales for you website or product. We use social media to connect with the people whom’s we are searching, Popular Social Media platforms are Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and many more. Social Media Optimization is a 
Process use for branding the website by publishing the content.
Social Media Marketing  
Social Media Marketing is a process in which we promote our product by paying the instagram to promote our content or product or we can also promote our product by
Paying to those influencer who have large number of followers, to reach our product or service to millions of people. 
Social media marketing is any marketing that takes place on social media platforms. Unsurprisingly, this includes a huge range of activities that simply have social media in common. So whether it’s promoting a blog post or running a recruitment drive, if it involves something like Facebook or Twitter, it’s social media marketing.
Email Marketing
Simply put, email marketing refers to the act of reaching out to consumers through email.
Now, the beauty of email marketing lies in its versatility.
You can use email marketing to…
Drive traffic to a new post you’ve published
Survey your customers
Nurture customers who aren’t ready to make a purchase yet
Sell to customers who are ready to make a purchase
Promote other people’s products (e.g. affiliate marketing)
Most people think of email marketing as “old-school”, but email still has the best ROI of any marketing channel.
Content Marketing
No one cares about advertising anymore. Content marketing is king.
We skip ads using our DVR. We buy Netflix on demand. We scroll past the ever-increasing number of ads in our Facebook feed. We don’t like ads, and that’s discouraging for those who are trying to market their product. But, there is hope.
Advertising is built on  interruptions–taking up 30 seconds of your time during the Super Bowl, or sneaking its way into your social media feeds. No matter when it happens, you probably didn’t ask for it. This is what makes it annoying. Content marketing is different. Content marketing is permission-based.  It’s “marketing” that we freely invite into our lives, and sometimes even share with our friends.
Youtube Media Optimization
Before you do anything, open a Brand Account on Google.
When you create your YouTube channel using a regular Google account, only one person—the Google Account holder—can log into that channel. By creating your YouTube channel using a Brand Account, multiple authorized Google Accounts can log in simultaneously.
YouTube channels have a lot of moving parts, so you’ll want at least one or two other people helping run the show.
Check out our step-by-step guide to creating a YouTube for business account for detailed instructions on how to do this.
Your YouTube channel for business gives you access to the Analytics tab, which contains a ton of stats related to your channel. Look here for quantitative insights on your channel and your audience’s behavior, including your view counts, average watch time, revenues generated, and interaction rate across videos.
The Analytics tab also contains valuable data on your subscriber demographics.
Even if you think you know who your subscribers are, pay close attention to what you find under the Demographics tab. This data will help you move beyond assumptions and feel confident that you’re reaching the right audience.
Monitor the Watch Time and Demographics analytics to answer questions like:
Where are your videos being viewed, and when?
What age are your viewers?
What gender do your viewers most commonly identify as?
Tracking audience analytics is a win-win. If your assumptions about your subscribers are confirmed, that’s great: you’re now certain you’re reaching the right audience.
If your assumptions were incorrect, you know to adjust your content strategy to reach the audience you want. On the other hand, you may learn that your product is resonating with an unexpected demographic—valuable info for your entire marketing team.
Beyond quantitative metrics, you can also gain qualitative information—the whys and the hows—about your audience by reading and managing the comments on your videos. Reading the comments isn’t always fun, but the information you find here will be invaluable for informing different aspects of your marketing strategy, both on and off YouTube.
Why is Digital Marketing?
Marketing has evolved fast since the invention of the internet. Digital Marketing is a term that covers a vast arena. Right from search engine optimization to social media advertising. Effective marketing is one which trades emotions before trading services. 
Do you know how Google increased its database? Just by adding one simple feature of predicting the search query. Same goes with Flipkart. It simply made the Cash on Delivery (COD) available on the products which other e-commerce companies were not providing. 
These simple features made a huge difference in delivering significant business results. A random viewer must like you and trust you before converting into a customer. And marketing teams are expected to accomplish such results within a short span of time. 
Digital marketing experts are thus known to be innovating their campaigns, taking into consideration human psychology. These days, people have a lot many options to choose from. Hence, digital marketers are trying to be more personalized and are constantly customizing their strategies. 
By conducting market research and gauging the intelligence of the market, few improvisations are already taking place. Such tweaking of the approach is indeed a necessity for any business to sustain in the market.
Companies which are doing well in the market, are quick to leverage technologies that are absolute game-changers.       
Here are eight proven digital marketing trends that will enhance your business in 2019:
Marketing Automation
The success of any business today is largely determined by how it engages with its customers. When there is only a handful of them, you can manage easily. But certainly, you don’t wish to restrict the number of your clients to only a handful.
Marketing Automation tools reduce the manual effort and also maintain the history of all marketing campaigns in an organized way. 
Few Artificial Intelligence (AI) based digital marketing automation tools make businesses rely on them for extracting relevant data. This data helps marketers understand and analyze metrics about genuine reach. 
Today, digital marketing automation is a big business and it helps marketers not only to scale up the reach but also to optimize their marketing efforts using relevant tools.
AI and ML
Most of the work that is too repetitive for human brains to process is now passed on to Artificial Intelligence. Those who have not yet started leveraging AI and Machine learning (ML) in their digital marketing strategies are already facing a great business threat. 
Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning are mostly used to gather customer behavior & preferences. Moreover, AI is taking over a lot of tasks from digital marketing experts. Today, AI-based tools are used to schedule social media posts, and also to figure out what content should be posted on which platform and when. 
Other potential applications of AI in digital marketing include identifying trends, retargeting, and performing competitor research.
AI has not only turned out to be a boon for social media platforms, but it is also playing a vital role in tracking and classifying your audience’s preferences. 
Moreover, AI and ML also determine the right prospects for you, depending on user search sequence and history. Thus the right audience gets exposed to you based on the content they are looking for.
Talking about AI-generated content, back in 2016, Gartner had predicted that by 2018 – 20% of the content would be created by machines.
If you are missing out on AI and ML based toolkits while marketing your brand digitally, you are definitely missing on huge business opportunities.
Have you ever been to an unfamiliar mall in a new city?
How will you feel if you are all alone over there?
Well, that’s precisely how a few of your customers may feel while visiting your website.
So, chatbots will certainly make them feel like they have someone to turn to. They will guide the visitors through and will assist them if they are stuck somewhere. Chatbots are instrumental in making the visitors trust your brand and also help them save the efforts they would need to put to reach you via call or email.
Several third-party conversational AI platforms can greet your visitors and lead them further to make a purchase after answering their queries.
A chatbot can answer a visitor’s query instantly and is a low cost option compared to a customer support resource. It is estimated that 85% of consumer interactions will be handled through chatbots by 2020.
One such popular AI-based Messenger marketing tool is MobileMonkey which entrepreneurs and small businesses are leveraging to connect with customers on Facebook.
Big Data
Big Data analysis such as predictive analytics usually requires larger budgets, so it is used mainly by bigger organizations.
However, the use of market and customer insights extracted from big data by the Martech tools wheel is open to all businesses. 
Almost 50% of businesses claim that big data and analytics have transformed their business practices positively in their sales and marketing functions.
Considering big data reports before implementing digital marketing techniques, will certainly provide concrete direction to any firm’s marketing efforts. 
Video Marketing
Do you know what made Gary Vaynerchuk and his company this big? 
Video Content.
There were other trending digital marketing techniques too. But most of Gary’s content is Video Content. Same goes for Grant Cardone, Dan Lok, and many other successful entrepreneurs. 
They built their visibility on all major social media platforms and forums and grabbed the attention everywhere. Because visual content gets more engagement, all successful entrepreneurs today started their video channels at least three to five years back. They were quick to recognize and leverage the potential of video content early on. 
If you are new in the market, it is advisable to start your video tutorials in the domain in which you operate. Providing immense value, at the initial stage, will help your business grow and sustain longer.
Make your video content informational and educational, and let your visitors engage with you. As a first step, your objective should be to make the audience like you for your content and the value you add.  Only then will they trust you and are more likely to convert into your customers. 
Any other content besides video, or visual content, cannot hold the visitors’ attention for long. Video marketing is proven to bring 66% more qualified leads per year.
All the generic statements are overlooked. And same is the case with generic marketing. 
These days, personalization has made a huge difference in lead generation.
One to one approach, personalized messages, and emails, personalized products, and services, are all trending since late 2017.  A survey by Epsilon indicates that 80% of consumers are more likely to do business with a brand offering personalized experiences.
Personalization is no new trend in marketing. But as marketing trends are evolving, so are personalization strategies. There are so many products launching with Do It Yourself (DIY) enabled feature in them. They all are an example of personalization in Digital Marketing. 
Have you noticed, even in between your favorite series some ads don’t disturb you? They are simply what you are looking for. And at times, you also go and visit the ad page. This is the power of personalized advertisement. They don’t spam or irritate you. They appear like guiding you to the right product.
This strategy is used by digital marketers in Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns, and they are in agreement that web personalization plays a vital role. PPC marketers claim that 64.6% of clicks are organic when keywords using in ad campaigns are of using high intent.
Futuristic SEO
Future of SEO lies in media search and media creation. People are always looking for something innovative. Hence, the search queries are getting modified. 
The scope of Google lens has increased beyond text search. The AI-based tools such as, Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, MI assistant, and Cortana helps in predicting future search queries. People will no longer type their queries. They will search with audio or images. And thus, digital marketing trends are inclined towards ranking the site on audio search as well.
Influencer Marketing
Professionals and businesses are leveraging influencers on Instagram and tik-tok to promote their products and services.
Influencers are people who have a huge number of followers and command their trust. An endorsement of a product or service by such influencers results in their followers converting into paid customers. This strategy is working amazingly well these days.
Final Take Away
Digital Marketing trends will keep on undergoing innovation as new technologies emerge. In digital marketing, the market loses interest and engagement if the same approach is used a long duration.
The trends and tools mentioned in the blog will certainly be of great help to any business if adopted at the earliest. 
Algorithms change, people’s interests change, and so the trend has got to change before them. Being adaptive to new changes and challenges is an evergreen digital marketing trend.
If you are looking for advice and guidance on how to leverage these top digital marketing trends in your marketing strategy, our experts can help you. Do leave us a message on the contact page and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
For more, visit our website : WsCube Tech
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iraqtemple43-blog · 5 years
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This is not the end of the world if you produce a mistake, and blog post something is incorrect. You are unique, and virtually no one can duplicate you. Keep your readers' focus by reducing the text message blocks. Should your readers find a large, continuing span of text, they are likely to move on. This specific intimidates the visitors good sense associated with comfort and efficiency of reading. They will foresee a more interesting read through if they see little bits of text, that will are nice looking. Whenever probable, utilize header tickets throughout order to separate certain parts of your blog content. All the different labels that you should use are H1, H2, plus H3 tag words. In improvement, you should ensure of which you are employing excellent seek motor keyword phrases whenever you can in all all these several headers. An tembak ikan online important part of any website is to function the latest posts at often the top of your home page. 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The Kitchen Renovation Doesn't Have to Be As Painful As You Might Think
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You've reached your own personal tipping point: the toaster won't work when the coffeemaker's on, you're down to one working burner on your stove, only one person can be in the kitchen at a time so your family eats in shifts, and finally the microwave blew on the morning of your big presentation at work, and you decided, "Enough is enough. We need a new, functional kitchen!"
You're not alone. Usually everyone has a particular tipping point; that one last thing that sends them into the renovation pool. You try to hold on for as long as you can because you're dreading the noise, the dust, the inconvenience and the disruption to your daily life. When your space becomes unusable, it's time to do something. But you can't just jump into a renovation, particularly one as costly, time consuming and inconvenient as a kitchen renovation, you need a well thought out plan of attack if you're going to pull it off in the quickest amount of time with the least amount of inconvenience and expense.
Start by developing a Design Plan: A renovation will only be as successful as the research and planning that's put into it. Like any business proposal you develop for work, you need to have a clear goal of what you want to achieve with the renovation. Do you yearn for updated electrical wiring, maximizing storage space, adding an eating area, appliances that work?
You can start by popping into kitchen renovation stores to look at the latest available features in kitchen design. Speak to the staff, tell them you're at the beginning of your journey and see if they have any ideas for you.
Cut out photos of kitchens you love from magazines and put them in a folder. Identify why you like the kitchens you've chosen - is it the space? The lighting? The colour? The style of cabinetry or countertops? It is even helpful to give your designer images of things you definitely do not like. That way they won't propose those very things in your dream kitchen. When you determine what you really want, it will help your kitchen designer draw up the plans that suit you.
If you have a friend who's recently renovated her kitchen, take pictures and identify what you like about it as well and stick it in the folder with your other pictures.
Toronto architect Jacqueline Rhee says that when she sits down with potential clients and they say to her, "Design us something gorgeous," she has to explain that they aren't giving her enough information. She says, "What their idea of 'gorgeous' is and what I might have in mind could very well be two different things. Maybe they want French Country, but I have an idea that they might prefer a sleek contemporary kitchen." The more direction clients can give their designer about their likes, dislikes and what their goals for the space are, the better the design can live up to their expectations.
Budget: The good news regarding a kitchen renovation is that it tends to be a good investment. The Appraisal Institute of Canada estimates that a kitchen renovation will return 75-100% of your investment if you were to turn around and sell your home. However, the sky is never the limit, even for Donald Trump. Just as you would plan your company's annual marketing budget, you need to develop a budget for your kitchen renovation. A general rule of thumb for how much to spend on a kitchen renovation is up to 10-15% of the value of your home. But don't feel like you have to spend that much; if you can do more with less, do it. For example, if your cabinets are in the right location and sturdy but just tired and outdated, consider refacing them. Refacing comes in at about 50-75% of the cost of new custom cabinetry.
Hiring a Kitchen Company and/or Contractor: Most people hire a contractor or kitchen designer through word of mouth. If you've been to a friend's recently renovated house and you like what you see, start asking questions: Who did the work? Did you work well together? Was he on time and on budget? Is the end result what you expected? Was he well-organized or did you scramble to get finishes at the last minute? Were there any major problems during construction, and if so, how did he handle them? If you liked the answers your friend gave you - assuming your friend isn't shell-shocked from the direct grilling she's just received - get his card. Now, find at least two other contractors and/or kitchen companies so you can compare quotes.
Meeting with the Designer and Contractor: If, while you're meeting with a designer or contractor, your gut tells you that no matter how great the work is you couldn't stand being in the same room with him for more than a minute, cross him off your list of candidates. You may have to meet with this person every day. If your personalities don't mix, you'll never be able to solve problems together. Likely, however, if you're getting that vibe, the contractor or designer is too; it's best to part ways before a relationship has begun.
If, on the other hand, your first meeting is fantastic and you're bowled over with his enthusiasm and ideas and you get along as if you'd known each other your entire lives, you still need to do your research. Ask him how many jobs he can handle at once and how many he has going currently and make sure he is bonded and insured.
Further necessary research - the internet is your new best friend: Researching kitchen companies and contractors has become a whole lot easier with the age of the internet. Now there are websites which are specifically focused on capturing word-of-mouth reviews from consumers online. If the companies you're interested in using don't have any reviews, you may want to look at other companies that do and compare their services. Also check out the company's website. If they don't have one, you have to wonder how professional they are.
Another tip you can try is entering the company's name in search engines like Google and Yahoo!. You may find some feedback people have posted on them on various forums. You can also post a question asking if anyone has ever used this company. Finally, check the references he or she gives you as well, talk to a few of his past clients and go see the work he or she did for them.
Once you've chosen your designer, contractor and/or kitchen company, get ready: Ask yourself if you can live through the renovation by setting up a second kitchen in the garage or basement. Do you have toddlers who would be better off away from the construction site? Make arrangements to be out of the house for a specific amount of time and make sure that you and your project team have discussed the most reasonable move-out and move-in dates.
Did you have to factor furniture storage into your budget or can it be wrapped and stored on site? Again, your contractor will tell you which is the best option depending on the size of the job and your storage space availability on site.
During the renovation: Assumptions: One of the breakdowns in communication between homeowner and contractor is in assumptions made by one party or the other. For instance, one woman had purchased bathroom sinks and fixtures for a brand new home. The contractor saw that the powder room fixture would be outfitted with separate taps and a faucet and so drilled three holes in all the sinks because he assumed that all the fixtures were the same. Unfortunately, they weren't and the homeowner had to replace the other fixtures to match the holes.
But incorrect assumptions can just as easily be made by the homeowner. A homeowner handed a water filter kit to the contractor and asked him to install it. The homeowner had read on the box that the water filter was good for the whole house and could be fitted on the main water supply. When she returned at the end of the day, the contractor had installed it under the kitchen sink. She'd never told him where it was to go, she had just assumed that he knew it was meant for the entire house.
Problem solving: In any renovation, no matter how minor, there always seem to be unforeseen problems. It's not as surprising as you might think. What happens behind the walls stays behind them until they're ripped apart. Up until then, you might not know that the insulation used was actually newspaper, or that the plumbing went through the wall that needs to be demolished. How your contractor and you handle these problems depends on how proactive your contractor is.
During Sue and Leon's main floor renovation, the designer had called for the laundry room backsplash to consist of stainless steel tiles; beautiful, but at a cost of approximately $5,000. Sue balked. The contractor suggested instead a row of the tiles, two feet high, just behind the washer and dryer at a cost of $500. Sue was grateful that contractor made her aware of the costs and had an alternative suggestion for her.
The end result -- your dream space: Living through the dust, noise and strangers in your house for weeks to months on end can be tiring. Even though you get along well with the crew and your contractor, you can find your temper becoming short, particularly if there are delays during the project leading to prolonged construction. Recognize that delays are often unavoidable and that one day, you will be back in your home, the workers will be gone and your new beautiful kitchen will be all yours.
On-line Resources: This Old House: This website is a DIYer's dream. There are videos and tips on probably every aspect of renovating a kitchen. Kitchens.com: A wealth of information on everything you ever wanted to know about kitchens, including information on "greening your kitchen." Better Homes and Gardens has an extensive section on renovating your kitchen including an "inspiration gallery" to give you some ideas. The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation: CMHC has an excellent website for any renovation or home purchase. The kitchen renovation area has downloadable charts you can use for reference guides as you go about your renovation planning. Appraisal Institute www.homerenovationvancouver.ca  of Canada: The Renova section of this website allows you to input the cost of your renovation and it will calculate how much of a return you would receive if you sold your home.
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psychologystud · 2 years
Social media can have a variety of impacts, both positive and negative. Firstly, the positives, being able to easily communicate with people nearby and around the world with no geographical boundaries. This could be family or new people you have met online, sharing common interests and problems. This could have a positive impact as it can be hard to find like minded people going through the same thing as you are or friends with the same interests, giving opportunity to the introverted, who are less likely to communicate face to face. You can learn, educate, and share with literally anyone. Social media can be brilliant for businesses, they can show off their service or product for free and share it with the whole world. You can also see your competition and see what you will be competing with. Keeping in touch with existing customers and finding new ones.
It can be used to source information, see offers from local businesses, buy, and sell and advertise. From a personal perspective I find social media to a certain extent can have a great impact on society if used vigilantly. I have a community village group where I am located. This was extremely helpful when I moved into the village, not knowing anyone, on my own alone with 2 young children at the start of lockdown, a global crisis. I managed to keep up to date with village news, contacts and so when lockdown ended, I could find groups for my children to attend more easily and things going on in the community. It is also a great benefit we have online access to our medical data, prescriptions and booking appointments, with reminders.
Social media can unfortunately have a negative impact on society. Including reducing the amount of time spent face to face with people, people may tend to stick to social media as a main form of communication. This decreases their relational abilities. The use of auto correct and slang words can decrease a person’s ability to spell and their knowledge of more sophisticated words. It can make users lazier and more unmotivated as everything is within a click of a button. Social media can have negative effects on health issues, for example with the internet being so easily accessible, you may start having symptoms, go looking online and thinking you have all kinds wrong with you giving you an incorrect self-diagnosis. This can then cause more health problems.
There is then the more serious negatives of social media. Such as being a victim of bullying online, being able to send inappropriate messages, you can be hacked or even be a victim of fraud. There are many dangers to the internet just like the real world. Children on social media is a big no due to the harm it could have on them with explicit content being easily accessible and not always avoidable if clicked on something accidental. This shows a completely different insight to how social media can be a bad thing. However, in summary, I would say social media is a remarkable tool if used correctly and safely without children accessing until they are old enough to do so.
Akram, W., & Kumar, R. (2017). A study on positive and negative effects of social media on society. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 5(10), 351-354.
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itswomanswork · 6 years
How to Use Facebook to Promote Your Quizzes
Imagine yourself as an artist, social media as your canvas, and your quizzes your paintbrush.
Your job is to create an impactful work of art on that blank canvas known as social media.
Let’s face it, social media has become the most effective way of advertising digitally.
With Facebook at the forefront, businesses today allocate at least 28% of their spending towards social media advertising. It’s an investment, no doubt, but it’s an investment worth making.
This kind of investment will help boost the activity of your quizzes which in turn will generate traffic to your website.
With over 25,000 quizzes under our belt at Interact, we’ve come up with a comprehensive three-step plan for promoting your quiz and using it to bring in targeted leads using Facebook advertising.
1. Select your target audience
The initial step you have to take in effectively promoting your quiz through Facebook would be to select the kind of audience that you want to target based on your company’s marketing goals and values.
Ask yourself these questions:
What kind of audience do I want to attract?
What is my audience interested in?
Who are my lookalike audiences? (more about this later)
What are my audience’s thoughts on similar companies?
These are the important questions that you have to keep in mind. This will give you a better understanding on the kind of audience you want to attract.
Here are some ways to select your audience:
Targeting your audience based on location allows you to reach customers in key locations by country, state/province, city and zip code. Pretty convenient isn’t it?
This information is based on the location of an individual’s Facebook Timeline. You can even exclude certain cities or zip codes you’ve already reached.
  Targeting an audience based on demographics allows you to refine ad’s based on the information your audience has shared about themselves. This includes their Facebook profile, their age, their gender, their relationship status, their level of education and their type of employment.
Using things like hobbies and the pages they’ve liked on Facebook allows you to target an audience based on their interests. All of this content is collected from an individual’s timeline.
The same information is also taken from keywords associated with the pages they’ve liked and the apps they’ve used. It also takes ads and similar sources that they’ve clicked on into consideration.
  Maybe you want to target your audience based on their Facebook activity. If that’s the case, targeting your audience based on behavior might be up your alley.
Behavior also takes into account purchase history or intentions (like wishlists) along with travel preferences. This information is retrieved from someone’s activity, both online and offline.
If you’re interested in targeting your audience based on connections, you’re looking to attract the people based on who they are already friends with. This information is based on mutual family or friends and the similar interests they share.
Advanced targeting
  Advanced targeting refers to custom audiences, lookalike audiences, and custom audiences from your website.
Custom audiences target existing customers based on information you already have.
Lookalike audiences are people that are similar to the customers you already have, so they share the same interests and ideas.
Custom audiences from your website are simply people on Facebook that have visited your page already.
Let’s take a closer look at how to create a lookalike audience.
Creating a lookalike audience
Go to your “Audiences” tab in your Ads Manager.
Select “Create Audience,” then choose “Lookalike Audience.”
From there, you can select a Facebook page, Custom Audience or conversion pixel.
Once you’ve chosen your customer group, select your audience size. You can start off by optimizing your Lookalike Audience for Similarity, which will show your ads to a smaller, more precise audience. You can then experiment with optimizing your audience size for Reach, which will show your ads to a larger audience.
After selecting your audience size, your Lookalike Audience will be ready for use in ad targeting within 6-24 hours.
Once it’s been processed, go back to the Ads Manager and click the Audiences tab.
From there, you’ll find your Lookalike Audience. Click “Create Ad.” Select your ad objective in the ads create tool and set up your ad. It’ll now be targeted to your Lookalike Audience.
  It’s a good rule of thumb to look up what your Lookalike Audience “Likes” on Facebook. This will give you an idea of whether they’ve selected the right audience or not.
Through trial and error, you’ll be able to find out what works and what doesn’t.
2. Setting up your quiz ad for Facebook
Presentation is everything in an advertisement-fueled social media platform. Facebook is all about visuals; from people’s profile images to their cover photos.
How well you want your quiz to perform on Facebook will depend heavily on how you promote it visually.
  Make sure the images you use are the correct proportions; that includes desktop and mobile device viewing. Incorrect image proportions can compromise the look and feel of your page.
If one of your images on your page is displayed improperly, just imagine what a potential customer would think. We don’t want to drive people away, so avoid this at all costs.
Make sure to play around with the dimensions of your images so that they all display correctly on desktops and mobile devices.
Make your ads as effective as possible
There are a few distinct tips for promoting quizzes based on how interactive they are.
Let’s take a look.
Be informal;  approach your audience as if you would anyone else on social media. Make your company’s personality stand out. You want to make the ad feel as genuine as possible while also being concise. You only have a couple of seconds to grab the attention of your customers. Make sure you include a call-to-action and make it clear what you want your customers to do.
Imagery is also important; make a visual impact to boost your visibility. Include an image pertaining to your quiz and ask questions that will potentially urge your customers to take the quiz. Don’t be afraid to ride on the popularity of a well-talked about topic, but make sure you use credible sources. The last thing we want is to divert attention away from the original subject matter.
Be controversial. Be bold. Don’t shy away from controversy, encourage it, but be smart about it. Pick subjects everyone can relate to, specifically targeting behavior, belonging and beliefs. This will draw people to either confirm or disapprove. Controversy spurs quiz popularity and splits its takers down the middle.
Go for the emotional angle. Approach your audience from different emotional angles. Playing on emotional states will deliver a myriad of results, and these results will enable us to provide for the customer based on their emotional needs. Happiness makes people want to share. Sadness enables others to connect and empathize with one another. Fear and surprise makes people desperate, urging them to find something to cling onto. Anger and disgust makes people stubborn. These emotions are what drive customers. Take these emotions into consideration and apply them to your quiz. The emotional state of a customer will play a significant role on the kind of quiz you’re giving them. The easier it is for your audience to relate to your quiz, the more engaging it will be.
  Writing a good headline
The image to your quiz won’t be the only factor in grabbing your audience’s attention. You want a headline that will encourage people to take your quiz. Give your audience an idea of what they’re about to get themselves into.
Formulate titles that will target your audience, for example “Which (blank) are you?” Where (blank) is character from a movie. Another good example would be “How much do you know about (blank)?” Where (blank) could be a subject of your choosing. Sell yourself through your quiz, but keep it simple. The purpose of your quiz is to attract prospective customers, while the content you provide is meant to keep then.
3. Tracking conversions and ROI
One important aspect of promoting your quiz on Facebook is adding a snippet of code from your company’s website in the section that will measure your conversions. After setting up your pixel conversion, Facebook allows you to optimize it for checkouts, registrations, leads, key page views, adds to cart, and other website conversions.
Wrapping things up
Facebook is the quintessential source for social media. As a marketer, it is an essential tool for promoting your quiz to generate more leads.
Advertising on social media lets your company touch base with an audience and the social circle they are a part of. Not only are you engaging your customers through this platform, you’re converting them into prospective leads. It’s a win-win situation, and Facebook is there to help you do it.
Guest Author: JP Misenas is the content marketing director and audio/visual technician/engineer of Interact, a place for creating entertaining and engaging quizzes that generate email leads. He writes about innovative ways to connect with customers and to build professional long-lasting relationships with them.
The post How to Use Facebook to Promote Your Quizzes appeared first on Jeffbullas’s Blog.
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11 Best Ecommerce SEO Tools Marketers Need to Start Using
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Getting to the first page of the SERPs for the products you sell isn’t easy, especially when you are competing with major eCommerce brands like Amazon and Walmart.
However, with the right tools at your disposal, you can significantly increase your chances of outdoing your competitors.
Here are the 11 best tools for eCommerce SEO marketers.
1. Google Search Console
When it comes to measuring your online store’s performance, no tool can match the level of Google Search Console (GSC). The data comes directly from Google so you can easily trust it.
Advantages of Using Google Search Console for Ecommerce SEO:
As an eCommerce store owner, you add several new pages to your site every day. Hence, you want these pages to get crawled immediately. GSC helps you to submit a sitemap which informs Google to crawl all the new pages on your site.
With the URL inspection tool, you can quickly retrieve the data from Google index. You can see if the page is crawled or if the Google crawlers are facing issues while crawling your website.
Plus the number of mobile shoppers are increasing. GSC helps to identify any mobile usability error in your site. By fixing all the mobile usability errors, you can provide the best shopping experience to your users.
It is essential to understand how your ecommerce store is performing in search results as it helps plan future strategies. GSC shows you the total number of clicks, impressions, average CTR, and average position in Google search results. You can change the date range to check if your SEO strategies are working or not.
When selling products online, eCommerce store owners often display product reviews on the Google search results page using rich snippets. With GSC, you can also check if Google could or could not read rich results from your website. This ensures rich snippets are displayed correctly and generates the maximum clicks to the site.
Many eCommerce store owners create AMP pages for their website to improve the loading speed on mobile devices and their ranking. GSC displays errors that are preventing your AMP pages from appearing in Google search results, helping you improve your SEO performance.
This tool is also essential for eCommerce store owners to determine the keywords searchers are using to find their website. GSC displays all the keywords on which the site is ranking. It also shows the number of impressions and clicks your results received so that you can optimize your site for better search performance.
Example: How You Can Use GSC to Optimize Your Ecommerce Website
For example, you are looking to improve the amount of traffic to your website. You can use GSC to identify all the underperforming keywords.
Click on Performance and compare the difference between clicks and impressions. If there is a big difference between impressions and clicks then it means that your site is ranking for that keyword but is on the second page or third page so fewer people are clicking on it.
You can drastically improve the traffic on your website if you are able to improve the rankings of such underperforming keywords.
Pricing: Google Search Console is completely free to use.
2. Wishpond
Every eCommerce store needs powerful email marketing software to assist customers during every stage of the buyer journey. Wishpond allows you to run tests, create powerful popups, and nurture leads based on their real-time activity.
Advantages of Using Wishpond for Ecommerce SEO:
You can test various SEO strategies help you determine what resonates the best with your target audience. This, in turn, enables you to create campaigns that drive better results. Wishpond allows you to run various tests.
At times, it gets difficult to convince shoppers to buy. But with popups, you can encourage them to stay on your site for longer. The more time they spend browsing products, the more likely they are to purchase. Wishpond’s popup features help you trigger pop-ups based on the visitors’ actions. Another benefit of this is that it increases the dwell time.
Not to mention your website’s design plays a crucial role in influencing customers to purchase. However, it is essential to determine what design works best for your business. Wishpond allows you to create and test professional-looking landing pages in minutes without any designing or coding knowledge.
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The problem with consumer behavior is that it changes continuously. What works for your business now, might go out of trend in a few months. To cope with that problem, Wishpond allows you to test unlimited variations of your pages with a one-click A/B split testing feature and analyze their performance with real-time analytics.
Every eCommerce store owner wants to convert as many visitors as possible. Wishpond’s built-in popup tool helps you make visitors stick to your website for longer, thereby increasing the chances of conversion. You can trigger the popups on entry, exit, scroll, click, or with a timed delay.
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It delivers personalized weekly statistics to your email. Just choose the metrics that matter the most to you, and you will get the email every week.
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Example: How You Can Use Wishpond to Optimize Your Ecommerce Website
Wishpond offers a powerful collection of tools that are crucial for eCommerce conversions.
Every eCommerce store faces the problem of abandoned carts. With Wishpond’s automated email marketing feature, you can create rules based on customer behavior. For example, when the customer adds something to their cart but doesn’t buy it for three days, you can automatically send an email reminding them to complete the order.
What’s more is that Wishpond's free pop up tool lets you create different popup tools such as welcome mats, entry, exit, and slide-in pop ups. Popups are extremely useful and they assist the customers at every stage of the buyer journey.
For example, you can present a discount popup when the prospects are at the top of the customer acquisition funnel or you can run a refer-a-friend contest on your site. Similarly, you can run daily deal popups or new product announcement popups. All these pop-ups are crucial for customer engagement.
Pricing: Wishpond has three pricing plans.
If you have just begun selling online, choose the “Starting Out” package: $49/month.
If you are a small business, select the “Everything You Need” package: $99/month.
If you are a fast-growing business, choose the “Rapid Growth” package: $199/month.
3. Screaming Frog
Screaming Frog is a website crawler that analyzes your ecommerce store for on-page and technical SEO errors.
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Advantages of Using Screaming Frog for Ecommerce SEO:
Technical SEO issues can hurt your website’s ranking. Screaming frog helps ensure your site’s technical SEO is in place.
Ecommerce websites have thousands of pages and you would want Google to crawl each one. Screaming Frog allows you to generate sitemaps for your website. This, in turn, helps search engines read all the pages on your site.
Ecommerce SEO marketers face difficulty in improving their internal linking structure. This is primarily due to the fact that all the products are different and have little to no relation with each other. Screaming Frog provides suggestions into how you can enhance your internal linking structure.
Scanning thousands of pages on your online store to find technical issues can take days. Screaming Frog helps find broken links and server errors within minutes. You can then bulk export the links to send it to developers.
Manually checking all the titles and meta descriptions is not feasible. Screaming Frog helps analyze page titles and meta descriptions of all the URLs on your website instantly. It even shows which of them are long, short, missing, or duplicated across your online store, thereby saving time.
At times, ecommerce store owners update their inventory and eliminate certain products. They then redirect the page to a different URL. Screaming Frog helps find temporary and permanent redirects that might hurt the user experience, allowing you to fix them.
Analyze the number of words on each page. Check which of them have missing or duplicated H1, H2 tags. This is essential as many eCommerce websites have the same H1 tags for similar products or variants, which hurt your SEO.
Example: How You Can Use Screaming Frog to Optimize Your Ecommerce Website
As an online store owner, you would not want Google to trim essential information about any product. Screaming Frog helps you ensure it doesn’t happen.
For example, to check how a page appears in organic search results, click on SERP Snippet at the bottom of the page and you will see how your pages look in the search engine results page.
This also allows you to experiment with different titles and meta descriptions to see how well they fit.
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Besides, with a quick scan, you can easily identify the pages on your site having duplicate titles, missing titles, missing H1s, incorrect 301 redirects, and every other technical SEO issue which might be hard to find the manual way.
Pricing: You can index up to 500 URLs for free. Or you can purchase the license at £149.00 to crawl unlimited pages. I would suggest using the free version of Screaming Frog to get acquainted with the tool before buying it.
4. SEMrush
SEMrush is yet another great tool that helps marketers optimize their website and boost rankings. From site audit to keyword research and competitor analysis, you get everything you need to do SEO.
Advantages of Using SEMrush for Ecommerce SEO:
Unless you know how your SEO campaigns are performing, you can’t improve it. SEMrush allows you to track your SEO performance and enhance your strategy.
Ecommerce marketers face stiff competition. To outrank your rivals, you first need to know what they are doing. SEMrush helps find your competitor’s top-performing pages and keywords. It also shows the type of content they are publishing.
SEMrush displays which keywords you are currently ranking for and at which position. The organic research report also shows the average monthly search volume, keyword difficulty, and CPC.
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SEMrush shows changes in organic positions for your website. This is vital as it helps you determine if your competitors are outranking you. You can also check the impact of the change in ranking in terms of traffic.
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What I liked the most about SEMrush is its competitor analysis tool. You don’t need to enter your competitors URL to spy on them.
Just type your domain, and SEMrush will find your top organic competitors based on the keywords you are targeting.
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* SEMrush’s Backlink Analytics tool helps you audit your link profile and compare it with your competitors. This is important as it empowers you to find backlink opportunities.
* It also has an On-Page SEO checker that offers a list of suggestions to help you improve your website ranking. It includes readability analysis, backlink opportunities, semantically related words to use on your pages, and target content length. It also shows the potential traffic you will receive after you follow all the recommendations.
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Example: How You Can Use SEMrush to Optimize Your Ecommerce Website
Thrive Market, a membership-based e-commerce retailer, was struggling to align content with searcher’s intent. This required going beyond blogging to include product and brand pages in their content marketing strategy.
They used SEMrush to find the most relevant keywords for their company. This helped them create content that reflects users’ actual interests. As a result, Thrive Market now ranks for more than 124,000 keywords.
Pricing: SEMrush is a freemium tool. However, it offers very limited features for free.
SEMrush has three plans:
For freelancers, startups, and in-house marketers (Pro): $99.95 *For SMBs and growing companies: $199.95
For large eCommerce companies with an extensive web presence: $399.95
5. NordVPN
NordVPN is a virtual private network that helps you change your geo-location to any area you want. If you are serious about eCommerce SEO then you certainly need a VPN in your SEO tools arsenal.
Advantages of Using NordVPN for Ecommerce SEO:
Since Google displays different search results for the same search query depending on the user’s location, you must analyze what resonates the best with your target audience. NordVPN lets you do that.
Protects your identity online, thereby preventing your site from hackers.
Allows you to bypass geo-restrictions. This is essential as it helps analyze who your competitors are at each location and their SEO strategies.
The tool encrypts your data while you browse the internet. It has servers in 5000+ locations so you can target any area for SEO research in the world.
One account lets you connect up to six devices, enabling your team to conduct research simultaneously. Plus get 24/7 support to help you get the most of the tool all the time.
Example: How You Can Use NordVPN to Optimize Your Ecommerce Website
To use NordVPN for eCommerce SEO, all you need to do is choose a server of a location you want to target. Then, enter your seed keywords to find who your competitor is in those areas.
Check the type of content they are publishing as those are the ones that resonate the best with your target audience in that very location.
For example, here’s how the search results look like for the keyword “buy shoes” in the Atlanta location.
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I changed my location to the UK using NordVPN and searched the same thing. Here’s what Google returned.
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As you can see, both the results (for the same keyword) returned two different results. For eCommerce businesses offering their services to multiple locations, this can be the best way to find competitors in real-time.
Repeat the steps for all the locations you serve to, and you will be better positioned to outrank your competitors in all the places you serve.
Pricing: NordVPN has four plans:
One-month: $11.95
One-year: 83.88 ($6.99/month)
Two-year: $119.76
Three-year: $125.64
6. Omniconvert
Omniconvert is a testing tool that allows you to run experiments to determine what works the best for your business. The tool makes it easier to understand your customers’ needs and assists you in improving your overall website experience.
Advantages of Using Omniconvert for Ecommerce SEO:
With Omniconvert, you can learn how your visitors interact with your site (design, CTAs, checkout, etc.).
This will help you provide the very same thing your site visitors are looking for and improve the overall user experience.
You can A/B test different ideas and it also helps you to create campaigns that your ideal customers are more likely to respond to, optimize user experience, and reduce the bounce rate.
The tool allows you to check various dynamic variables while running experiments in Omniconvert. It includes current logged-in users, products customers are viewing, total cart value, and revenue per visitor.
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You can quickly automate experiments with the help of machine learning. It even reveals what makes customers stick to your website. You can then use the insights feature to fuel your SEO campaign and attract more visitors.
What I liked the most about Omniconvert is that it allows you to run experiments for specific locations, giving you a better understanding of your customers in each area.
Example: How You Can Use Omniconvert to Optimize Your Ecommerce Website
Omncionvert is a conversion optimization tool. The best use of Omniconvert is running A/B tests to optimize your website for better UX and higher conversions.
Ideall.ro, a Romanian eCommerce store, struggled to compete against retailers with a higher market share. They used Omniconvert for data analysis, A/B testing, interactions, and surveys. As a result, they saw a 22% boost in conversion rate and a 14% increase in revenue within the first six months.
Pricing: Omniconvert has two plans:
For growing companies: $167/month or $1,990/year
For enterprises: You will need to contact the company for pricing
7. Trustpilot
Trustpilot is a review platform that allows you to collect and analyze reviews. It supports your overall SEO efforts by improving your trustworthiness and credibility in front of search engines.
Advantages of Using Trustpilot for Ecommerce SEO:
You get additional content when customers leave reviews on your site, thereby increasing your chances of appearing for various search queries. *Empowers you to build trust with your target audience.
This tool helps encourage customers to leave reviews for your products and allows you to respond to customer feedback from Trustpilot’s platform itself.
You can integrate Trustpilot reviews on your site to help customers make informed decisions and enhance your online reputation.
Example: How You Can Use Trustpilot to Optimize Your Ecommerce Website
For instance, a user searching for the Dot bank black card might see this result (sourced from a customer review) because it contains relevant keywords.
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Now, imagine how many other relevant keywords your online store can start ranking for when you start using Trustpilot to enable customers to leave reviews on your site.
Moreover, Trustpilot also helps to improve the level of trust customers have on your site because genuine reviews from existing customers is the best way to optimize the user experience.
Pricing: Trustpilot premium plans start from $199 per month (standard). It also has an enterprise solution, prices for which haven’t been disclosed. You will have to reach out to the company to know the costs. Or you can create your own plan depending on your requirements. Prices differ based on the add-ons you choose.
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8. GTmetrix
GTmetrix is yet another great SEO tool that helps you optimize your website’s performance. Site speed plays a crucial factor in the Google ranking algorithm. The upcoming page experience update is all about UX and page speed. Hence, you need this tool to fix all your web core vital issues and mobile-usability issues.
Advantages of Using GTmetrix for Ecommerce SEO:
Helps ensure your site loads quickly in all the locations and devices. It shows how fast your website loads on different locations and devices. You can use these data to ensure your eCommerce store loads quickly irrespective of the visitor’s device or location.
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It also shows performance indicators, such as Timings, Waterfall, PageSpeed, and Yslow. These metrics help you find how you can optimize your website to perform better on search engines.
GTmetrix offers pre-scheduled monitoring, allowing you to stay on top of your site performance. Notifies you every time your page underperforms.
Example: How You Can Use GTMetrix to Optimize Your Ecommerce Website
RankPay, a digital marketing agency, struggled with a higher bounce rate and load time ever since they built their website. Their website was quite heavier compared to Javascript and CSS sites.
By leveraging GTmetrix, RankPay was able to find bottlenecks in their website code. Here are some issues they found with the help of GTmetrix:
Too many separate Javascript and CSS resources.
Imperfect caching
A few unoptimized images
Redundant analytics resources
Using the recommendations of GTmetrix, RankPay was able to reduce their loading time by 3.5 seconds, increase overall organic presence by 10%, and decrease the bounce rate by 20%.
Pricing: When you opt for the GTmetrix free (Basic) plan, you can only monitor 3 URLs, get three custom filters, and enjoy archive options for up to 20 URLs.
GTmetrix offers three premium plans:
Bronze: $14.95 monthly
Silver: $49.95
Gold: $149.95 per month.
9. Ahrefs
Ahrefs is one of the advanced ecommerce SEO tools in the market. From site performance report to keyword research and rank tracker, Aherfs provide you with almost everything you need to optimize your online store.
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Advantages of Using Ahrefs for Ecommerce SEO:
This tool shows what keywords your website ranks for, identifies the top pages and displays the content gaps. This is helpful as it allows you to gauge your SEO performance and discover new opportunities. It helps to keep an eye on your competitor’s SEO.
This enables you to find SEO issues in your sites and provides recommendations to fix them. Allowing you to conduct a complete backlink analysis. You can find who is linking to your competitors and backlink opportunities.
It lets you track your organic rankings and how it affects your website traffic. You can also check if you appear in the featured snippet for your target keywords.
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It has a keyword comparison and content gap tool, which allows you to compare your unique keywords and those of your competitors.
It provides a list of the top ten searched keywords. This helps you focus on the search phrases that can improve your site ranking.
It has a content explorer feature that you can use to discover the most trending topics and develop the best content for your site.
Example: How You Can Use Ahrefs to Optimize Your Ecommerce Website
Links play an important role in the ranking of every ecommerce site. Higher the number of links pointing to your site, the higher will be the chances of ranking. Ahrefs makes it easy for you to optimize your link profile.
For example, if you want to analyze your or your competitor’s backlink profile, visit the Ahrefs Backlink Checker tool. Enter your target domain, let’s say, “underarmour.com” and click on “check backlinks.” You will see a page like this. It shows the domain rating, total backlinks, and referring domains.
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Moreover, to track your ranking progress, use the Rank Tracker tool. Just set up a project and enter the keywords you want to monitor.
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The tool will then show which keywords you are already ranking for and help you keep an eye on them.
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Pricing: Ahrefs offers you four different price plans.
Lite: $99/month
Standard: $179/month
Agency: $999/month
10. SpyFu
SpyFu is a competitor analysis tool that enables you to find and download your rivals’ top keywords.
Advantages of Using SpyFu for Ecommerce SEO:
*Reviewing your competitor’s SEO helps determine where they are focusing their efforts on, which keywords they are targeting, and the domains that are linking to them.
You can then compare it with your SEO strategy to ensure you are not missing out on anything. That way, you will be able to outdo your competitors quickly.
It helps you to check the keywords you are ranking for and its value (in terms of revenue).
With SpyFu, you can check metrics like estimated monthly SEO clicks, newly gained and lost rankings, and percentage of organic traffic.
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It offers an SEO competitor analysis tool that you can use to study your top competitors and create a better store strategy. It has a PPC research tool for Ad History, PPC keyword suggestions, PPC keyword grouper, and recommendations.
You can use this to discover the most profitable paid keywords of your competitors to be used on your website.
This tool allows you to track the ranking history of any page or website on a keyword. This helps you discover if your site optimization strategies caused it to fall or rise. Or keep track of every website in your eCommerce niche. This enables you to catch changes in rankings over time.
Example: How You Can Use SpyFu to Optimize Your Ecommerce Website
For example, to identify your top organic competitors, just enter your website URL in SpyFu, and the tool will return with a list of domains you compete with.
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To find your competitor’s most profitable keywords, enter their domain in the tool, and click on “SEO keywords.” You will see a list of keywords along with other details like rank, cost/click, ranking difficulty, searches per month, estimated clicks, and the value of those clicks.
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You can use this data to create relevant pages for the products, add new keywords to your existing SEO strategy, find keywords that have a high estimated click per month, and find keywords that have high estimated clicks value. With such data in hand, you can easily optimize your eCommerce site for more conversions.
Pricing: SpyFu has three plans:
Basic: $39/month
Professional: $78/month
Team: $299/month
11. Moz Pro On-Grader and Link Explorer
Moz is one of the most popular SEO tools. It allows you to audit all your product pages, discover the best keywords, and lets you analyze your website backlink profile to improve the rankings.
Advantages of Using Moz for Ecommerce SEO:
Moz allows you to explore relevant keywords that you can target and helps you enhance your link building research.
Moz enables you to measure site rankings, link Explorer lets you discover broken links on your site, and find the top-performing content in your niche.
It helps you research your competitor backlinks, compare their link profiles, and learn how they are earning their links. So you can you to monitor your site rankings by scraping data. It lets you monitor up to 50 Google results.
The Page Optimization report analyses up to 27 on-page SEO factors and scores your website on a scale of 0-100. It also shows if there are any factors that are hurting your SEO.
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Moz allows you to check key SEO metrics, such as Page Authority (PA) and Domain Authority (DA).
Example: How You Can Use Moz to Optimize Your Ecommerce Website
An eCommerce company in the health industry wanted to build its online reputation and emerge as an international brand. To move from a small, local retailer to a globally recognized brand, they needed data-driven insights to plan their SEO strategy.
Their team used Moz Pro to fuel their keyword research. They identified a few low-hanging opportunities that were easy to rank for along with highly competitive keywords. They also used the link explorer tool to identify link opportunities.
With the insights in hand, they were able to create an SEO campaign that resulted in a 146% increase in organic traffic, a 56% increase in search visibility, and a 37% increase in keywords ranking on the first page. All of this in just four months.
Pricing: Moz offers four plans:
Standard: $99/month
Medium: $149/month
Large: $249/month
Premium: $599/month
What’s Next?
Doing SEO for an eCommerce website is a tedious task, especially because of the vast amount of products it has. However, with the right SEO tools, you can save a lot of time and increase your probabilities of getting to the top of the search results.
The 11 software mentioned in the article is the best eCommerce SEO tools in the market right now. Which of them have you used? Which of these are you thinking of trying? Let me know in the comments!
About the Author
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Joydeep Bhattacharya is a digital marketing evangelist and author of the SEO blog, SEOSandwitch.com. He has over 9 years of experience in helping businesses make the most of online marketing. Content writing is his passion and he is a regular contributor on sites like SEMrush, Ahrefs, Search Engine Watch, Smartinsights, and others. You can reach him via LinkedIn.
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Where are all the spaceship parts in gta 5?
However, there is a limitation to the amount of free video games that you can download, so you can't be a leader and download more than you can use. However you may want to do that through the official Google Play Store. Individuals might discover it hard to believe that they will still enjoy playing the Grand Theft Vehicle video games even after numerous years have passed by. You can experience it in a range of ways, and get access to the various activities that you want to do.
Some players have actually taken it up in an aggressive way because of this brand-new concerns that have actually impacted the GTA games. These areas can give the gamers a variety of fun that can boost the satisfaction of the game. I remember a story that a news website wrote about the new game that was coming out, and it included false information about it.
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The error was when they said that there were no real career options that a individual could take. So, what are the terrific chances that are provided in the GTA 5 game? There are likewise a lot of new exciting surprises that you can anticipate if you go to the online shop of the game.
Apart from that, there are brand-new methods which you can generate income and you can see yourself entering a circumstance where you can afford a brand-new cars and truck and if you are lucky, you can even upgrade your old one to an a lot more elegant design. However, the legal representatives' workplace appears to believe that this game has actually not caused any damage or any danger to the neighborhood.
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Your reaction when you learn that your web connection has been utilized for prohibited downloading websites? That doesn't indicate that all sites are going to be full of misinformation, but you do require to do some examination when you're handling something like a video game. You require to learn if the site is written by a professional who knows what he's speaking about.
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While there are times when these updates are questionable, there are also times when they are applauded by its critics. all you need to do is to head over to the site that you can find at the end of this article. It is a mobile version of the popular game and it enables you to play the game even when you are away from your home computer.
Sometimes a news site will be written by a rookie and even someone who isn't truly a expert. Geocaching is the latest trend of the unique world of Los Santos. It is genuinely a good way to enjoy this remarkable game that is such a popular one.
It holds true that the downloadable versions of these video games is available on the internet and can be downloaded with a PC or laptop, but they are of lesser quality and cost more than the initial variations. So, they can likewise share the pleasure with their friend or families who can take part in the fun.
It holds true that there are great deals of other computer game out there, but it is still Grand Theft Vehicle that individuals always seem to look for. However as there is still a lot of work to be done prior to the last release, anticipate that the final game will still have some bugs and missing out on features. At the start, your phone operate on a non-functional version of the game.
It is easy to understand how quick the game modifications when you go to the online store and it is exciting to know that you can still discover a great deal of things to do even after all these years. Not just they can play GTA 5 mobile phone version but they can likewise play it on other mobile phones and tablet PCs. Rockstar has also exposed new functions that are expected to be introduced in the game that you will be able to use. You can download a unique "Knock Knock" app that can be downloaded into your device.
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Aside from being a virtual area where you use your own, computer games are also ending up being a medium for human interaction and interaction. You will likewise be able to see a lot of improvements from the new Grand Theft Automobile V game in comparison to the last version. There will likewise be a cam that will enable you to see how far ahead or behind you are with your car and also when a lorry is originating from your direction.
Whether it's paying just in a single payment or paying through a membership cost, the very http://gtacheat0q7m7v.wpsuo.com/how-to-download-gta-5-apk-mobile best websites will always offer you the option of accessing the downloadable version free of charge. If you see a news site that tells you that there are no profession choices in GTA 5, then that news website is probably going to be incorrect. GTA has always been a terrific game that has actually managed to capture the attention of countless people. There, you must see a link that states GTA Five Mobile.
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But then again, there is a limitation to the amount of free games that you can download, so you can't be a leader and download more than you can utilize. However you may want to do that through the main Google Play Store. Individuals might find it hard to believe that they will still enjoy playing the Grand Theft Vehicle video games even after numerous years have actually passed by. You can experience it in a variety of ways, and get access to the different activities that you want to do.
Some players have taken it up in an aggressive way because of this new problems that have affected the GTA games. These areas can provide the gamers a range of fun that can improve the pleasure of the game. I keep in mind a story that a news site wrote about the brand-new game that was coming out, and it consisted of misinformation about it.
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The error was when they said that there were no real profession options that a person might take. So, what are the fantastic opportunities that are supplied in the GTA 5 game? There are likewise a lot of brand-new interesting surprises that you can look forward to if you go to the online store of the game.
Apart from that, there are brand-new methods which you can make money and you can see yourself entering a situation where you can pay for a new automobile and if you are lucky, you can even update your old one to an much more glamorous model. Nevertheless, the attorneys' office seems to think that this game has actually not caused any damage or any threat to the community.
Your reaction when you learn that your internet connection has been used for unlawful downloading websites? That does not mean that all sites are going to have lots of misinformation, however you do require to do some examination when you're handling something like a computer game. You require to find out if the site is composed by a specialist who knows what he's speaking about.
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While there are times when these updates are questionable, there are also times when they are praised by its critics. all you need to do is to head over to the website that you can discover at the end of this post. It is a mobile version of the popular game and it enables you to play the game even when you are far from your personal computer.
In some cases a news site will be composed by a novice or even someone who isn't truly a professional. Geocaching is the most recent trend of the special world of Los Santos. It is genuinely a excellent way to enjoy this incredible game that is such a popular one.
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It holds true that the downloadable variations of these games is offered on the internet and can be downloaded with a PC or laptop, but they are of lower quality and cost more than the initial versions. So, they can also share the happiness with their families or friends who can participate in the enjoyable.
It holds true that there are lots of other video games out there, however it is still Grand Theft Car that people constantly seem to try to find. But as there is still a great deal of work to be done prior to the last release, anticipate that the final game will still have some bugs and missing functions. At the start, your phone runs on a non-functional variation of the game.
It is easy to understand how fast the game modifications when you go to the online store and it is exciting to understand that you can still discover a great deal of things to do even after all these years. Not just they can play GTA 5 mobile phone variation but they can likewise play it on other mobile phones and tablet PCs. Rockstar has also revealed new functions that are supposed to be introduced in the game that you will have the ability to use. You can download a special "Knock Knock" app that can be downloaded into your device.
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Aside GTA franklin from being a virtual space where you play on your own, computer games are likewise ending up being a medium for human interaction and interaction. You will also have the ability to see a lot of enhancements from the brand-new Grand Theft Auto V game in contrast to the last version. There will also be a video camera that will permit you to see how far ahead or behind you are with your automobile and also when a lorry is originating from your direction.
Whether it's paying simply in a single payment or paying through a membership fee, the best sites will always offer you the option of accessing the downloadable variation for free. If you see a news website that informs you that there are no career alternatives in GTA 5, then that news site is most likely going to be incorrect. GTA has always been a terrific game that has managed to record the attention of millions of people. There, you must see a link that says GTA Five Mobile.
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garymacoy33-blog · 4 years
Making Your Home Business Goals Come True
Home businesses possess been all around, possibly simply because long as humans own, however for a short period, they seemed to fade into the dusk associated with significant corporations. Thanks to the internet, home organizations make a strong give back. Many people are wondering whether or not is actually truly achievable to produce money with the internet business opportunities that are around every corner on the internet. It is, yet generally there are a few items that you absolutely must realize, ahead of you'll achieve achievement. Arrange to enjoy a toll free of charge 800 number connected with your current home business. Taking that step allows you to keep your own personal information private. If your store is successful, possessing an 500 number in addition leaves your property number free to have telephone calls from your buddies and family, who probably have difficulty getting through normally. While you are ready to publish a organization insurance policy for your own new business, get a few aid from experts. This specific does not suggest that anyone have to spend lots of dollars to employ a business consultant. You could find many books in the collection, that contain sample business enterprise programs for every style of company you can possibly imagine. You can in addition find samples from online resources. Look at all of the methods your home business appears in the marketplace plus be sure you have got a constant message and appearance. Whether it is your own personal organization greeting cards, web site or perhaps social media company page, keeping your messaging professional and synchronized helps you promote your business appropriately together with clearly across many programmes. Do anything an individual can to build exposure. One unconventional way connected with sticking your foot around the doorway is in order to barter your items to be able to other businesses. It exposes your products to other people, while exposing you to be able to the ways others do organization as well. You are able to understand from other people, so keep mind open! A great non-traditional way of making exposure to the business products is giving them at a distance as prizes around raffles. Organizations are generally seeking donations for their fund-raising raffles. This builds contact with your merchandise and gives your enterprise a charitable label. That is a situation that can not shed! Every expenses you have should come with a receipt. This makes it simple preserve track of how far you spend with house business supplies. It can help you keep track associated with the cost of working your business enterprise every calendar month. Preserving correct records connected with your expenses is furthermore useful in the affair that you simply ever get audited. A good good home business manager can be creative in addition to inspiring in relation to generating company ideas and sales opportunities, but nothing can profitably replace selling. At first, this may be demanding, and even you might not be comfortable with hostile marketing. You will become more effective above time, guaranteeing the accomplishment of your home company in both the particular inventive and revenue facets. If you are "knee-deep" inside work, advise your buddies and loved ones in order that you are not bothered from that time. Funds worried to tell uninvited visitors that you are throughout the middle of being employed, whether it is a friend which always can stop unexpectedly or perhaps a family member that consistently shows up as well earlier. If they carry on in this vogue, ask them to wait for you in a separate room until you are concluded working and can also take a good break. To maintain some sort of professional picture for your current business, be genuinely careful what facts about who you are can be seen on cultural networks. Do not forget that these days and nights social networks are a popular way for potential customers to check up in you! If you are going to let buyers see your Facebook balances, then make sure the fact that exactly what you post rapid out of your profile picture to everyday updates - echos absolutely on your expert persona. Carry out not really let your day job allow you to be from working on some sort of home business. While the idea is critical to maintain of which earnings from your position coming in, remember anyone only function there forty hours per week. The rest of the time is usually if you need to work on your own dreams. Although you may only spend thirty minutes per day in order to your home business, accomplish the idea!
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Take a company trip so that you can. You are unable to do everything from property, you will have for you to go meet with customers or investors. Keep keep tabs on of the amount you invest although on a organization trip. You will get able for you to deduct all these expenses from a taxes. Even if data entry typing test refuse and forth in typically the same day, you can still deduct what gasoline cost you. Proceed to the lender and open a merchant account for your business. Do not really use your personal loan provider account. This will help you preserve track of your expenses and earnings. Your clients should be able to write checks as well as cable money to some sort of business bill, which assists them have faith in you and even your business. Understand that being audited is usually possible for home organization owners, and that it really is undoubtedly not the conclusion of the world. Instead, keep your own company's enterprise and monetary information organized and quickly accessible throughout the calendar year. This can make it greatly easier and less stressful have to your business turn out to be audited. Do not spend extra with a home business opportunity than you could securely afford to lose. Your programs that are absolutely respectable do not function for every person. You could find that the plan just does not really net effectively with your means of thinking, and after that you will end up out the cost of the program. You will make mistakes during often the development of your home business. You need to be confident to learn from individuals mistakes to avoid something like that happening again. Number out the things you did incorrect and likewise figure outside what that is that a person would right in this problem. We have the internet to thank, in a new major way, for the particular return of the residence business, but the world wide web has also been typically the source of new pitfalls. As long as anyone know how to acknowledge the scams and understand the unique requirements of the home business nowadays, your fortune awaits.
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