#so do the height differences
respectthepetty · 22 days
hey! Sorry for the incoherent thoughts here but I finally watched the your dear daddy trailers and the way u keep talking about the colors and likening sila to being the Angel that lifts tharn up makes me think about how at some parts of the pilot it shows like, a huge difference in platform between them? Like the part where Sila and Tharn first meet in the club, Tharn is waaaay at the bottom of the floor looking up at Sila and Sila is looking down at him…I’ll need to rewatch the pilot to see how much they kinda emulate that
(the other one I can think of rn is near the end where sila is kneeling 🧎‍♀️ by tharn’s feet)
Idk I just wouldn’t have noticed these at all if u didn’t point out the symbolism haha
This is the energy I love to see, Anon!
Because there is clearly a height difference between the two leads.
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But the way the trailer escalates that difference is brilliant.
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I'm trying not to analyze the pilot too much, but as you so beautifully mentioned, it's very interesting that Saitharn, a man who doesn't believe in a higher power, immediately gravitates to Sila who 1) is initially shown to be physically higher than him and 2) has power.
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I already stated that I liked that even though Sila enters the club in the red and off-centered,
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He instantly walks into Saitharn's blue and centers himself.
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But the blue also envelopes him as a he looks down on Saitharn.
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And we get that visual again - Sila in the center, higher, and looking down at his farm. His home. His tiny universe where he is the master.
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However, Sila doesn't mingle with his people.
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He watches them from a distance.
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He doesn't even speak directly to them. His right-hand man gives Siatharn his gear while Sila just observes the exchange.
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He is an omnipresent god.
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And I'm going to go out on a limb and state he probably didn't want that responsibility.
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However, Saitharn seems to have changed this.
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Sila saves Saitharn.
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Sila helps Saitharn.
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Sila protects Saitharn.
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And even though Sila is still a god and higher than Siatharn, each time he interacts with Siatharn, the space between them shortens.
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Until Sila is on his knees, worshiping his god.
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So I think we are getting a story about two men who lost their way and gave each other something to believe in. I think Sila saves Siatharn from himself physically and emotionally, while Saitharn will give Sila a reason to care and embrace humanity.
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And even though I doubt Your Dear Daddy will give me this level of happiness, I do love when a god (who is white-color coded because he is heavenly yet actually devoid of color and love) wants to be seen as a man.
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And the way that god's love helps a blue boy rise.
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But, yeah, I'm not thinking that deeply about the pilot trailer.
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*I have not been normal about this since it dropped and I will NEVER be normal about it*
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gotchibam · 1 month
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ponchcronch · 5 months
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If I had a nickel for every time I had an alien with a portable pocket dimension who's likely the last of their kind as a comfort character, i'd have two nickels. /ref
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clumsycapitolunicorn · 10 months
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✨ height difference ✨
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rui-drawsbox · 21 days
Day 4: AU🌈 @minthe-drawings
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comeee come get your 3 and half aus for the price of one📢
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beaft · 3 months
after some experimentation, i've found that "clean-shaven and hair hidden under a beanie" gets me gendered as male way more reliably than "hair loose, full moustache". no idea why long hair provokes such a strong "that's a girl" reaction, but there we go.
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bird-inacage · 3 months
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Only Friends | Sand & His Beautiful "Gangly" Self
I don't know about you but First's stature fit really well into the typical indie musician look. Legs for days. And I know fans were salivating over Neo and Force's very impressive guns, but there is something about First in all his glorious 6 foot slender height that has me swooning.
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respectthepetty · 1 year
thoughts on the eighth sense finale?
Lots. But I was being quiet about them, Anon, because everyone else already has so many great posts, so I'll keep this as brief as I can.
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Seeing Ji Hyun positioned slightly higher than Jae Won because he wouldn't look up, when Jae Won is the taller of the two, showed that the balance leaned in favor of Ji Hyun, so he needed to give to Jae Won to restore the balance just like the previous drink metaphor predicted.
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Ji Hyun was especially bright in his yellow and white, with Jae Won being extra dark in his black and gray, but the love and gift giving allowed both boys to finally meet in their colors
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and exchange colors (and love)
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And in the end, them both being balanced while simultaneously wearing light and dark
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was a miracle I've only seen Destiny Seeker pull off so well
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Also seeing that the foundation of Ji Hyun and Jae Won's relationship was always there from the beginning with Ji Hyun being capable of offering emotional support, while Jae Won gives physical support to Ji Hyun was a beautiful ending.
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Seeing that Jae Won was always wrapping Ji Hyun in his color, warmth, and love
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And seeing that balance finally emerge in the end with both boys being equal and solid, together, was visually pleasing.
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Color-coded boys in love get happy endings.
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It's science art.
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maretriarch · 2 months
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Just in time for 4/13 here's the second line of my r63 dolls, this time CREEPover themed with bonus accessories! in an ideal world they would come in adorable recuperacoon shaped packaging. and probably a sopor slime making kit because kids love slime. which one are YOU picking up from your local Goreget today?
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andiwriteordie · 10 months
byler forehead kisses
breathe if you agree
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nattikay · 3 months
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'ìyongokx prrnen...'efu mefo nitram nìtxan
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kairennart · 4 months
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For @blacksails-rarepairs
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gloomyloomy · 5 months
me, minding my own business:
my brain: hey did you ever notice how zoro and sanji were designed to be connected by the number three? sanji’s name (san) meaning three, and zoro’s three swords and three earrings, being distinctive character traits?
me: i- where did this come from, i don’t even think about them that often..?? what the hell am i supposed to do with this?! hey- hey! come back here!!!
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